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Slice of Life #003 F/f


4th Level Red Feather
May 5, 2001
Hysteria Lane: Slice of Life #003


By TickleMantis

“Lilly?” Juliet Beckmann called softly as she opened the front door of her good friend’s two story suburban home. “Are you ready?”

Stepping into the tidy foyer, a natural oak staircase on the right, the forty three year old housewife closed the door behind her. Sporting her usual frizzy shoulder length perm, Juliet had come well prepared for her and Lilith’s bi-weekly power walk. Clad in tight fitting light grey yoga pants, white running shoes and a sleek navy blue sports bra, which showed off her tanned midriff, the well-toned woman was ready to sweat.

“Lilly?” The busty brunette repeated, calling up the stairs. “I’ve been waiting outside for ten minutes!”

“Just a minute!” Lilith’s gentle voice replied from somewhere on the second floor. “I’ll be right down!”

Rolling her jade green eyes, Julie gave a mock look to a watch that she wasn’t wearing, and kicked her heel impatiently against her fellow housewife’s entranceway rug. Typical, the agitated woman thought as she wandered aimlessly into the family room. The room looking like the set of an IKEA catalogue, Lilith Trindle had kept an extremely tidy house for as long as the pair had known each other, going on close to twenty years. Those high standards didn’t stop at the furniture, the shorter of the two woman took great pride in the appearance of everything, including herself. Growing increasingly restless, the less tolerant of the two women knew her friend was busy prettying herself. Huffing loudly, Juliet marched back through the foyer and began striding quickly upstairs.

“Julie!” Standing stark naked in her bedroom, the mousy natured forty two year old immediately covered her lightly bronzed bosom with one forearm, while the other hand spread swiftly over her curly black bush. “I said I’d be down in a minute!”

“What are you doing up here anyway?” Juliet said, her palms open for answers and she stepped nonchalantly into her nude friend’s room. “You were supposed to be outside ten minutes ago!”

“I’m getting dressed, get out!” Lilith said, her straight dark brown hair draping softly over her bare shoulders, her blue eyes wide.

“Oh please.” The older of the two women quipped, continuing to stroll further into the large bedroom. “I’ve seen it all before...”

As with the family room, the Trindle’s master bedroom was impeccably well kept. Both bedside tables held nothing atop but a lamp each, the open closet Lilith stood in front of had everything in it’s place, the mirrored closet doors were spotless, the fluffy white carpet was the colour of a summer cloud and the bedspread was without the smallest of wrinkles. In fact, Juliet thought as she examined the room for any minor imperfection, the only thing other than her own presence that was unintentional, were her petit friend’s reddening cheeks.

“I will seriously be thirty seconds, please wait outside!” The blushing mother said, her cheeks hot as she felt Julie’s eyes look her up and down.

“I don’t know what you’re so embarrassed about.” The far bolder woman said, stepping closer toward her unclothed companion. “You’ve got nothing to be ashamed of!”

“I’m naked, get out!” Lilith stressed, taking a tender step backward to create some distance between them.

“I’m not going anywhere!” Matching the cowering woman’s step backward, the taller of the two housewives advanced forward. “Not until you show me what you’ve got!”

“What?! Get out, leave me alone!” Fueled by her swelling humiliation, the normally timid woman gave her best effort to sound demanding.

“Nuh uh!” Juliet teased as she suddenly reached out with a single index finger and poked Lilith in her exposed side. “Not until you show me!”

“Eee!” Squealing with a short hop sideways, the naked woman’s eyes shot wide.

“Show me them goodies!” The boisterous and fully clothed woman ordered with a poke from her other index finger.

“Eeeha!” Lilith hopped in the opposite direction with a squeak before frowning. “Stop it!”

“Come on!” With both index fingers poised toward her friend, the green eyed bully continued to taunt. “Be proud of what you’ve got Lily!”

“You get away from me!” Her shapely curved butt pressing against the bedroom wall, the smaller woman tensed, leaning forward slightly while continuing to cover herself.

“Uh ohhh!” Juliet cooed as she began to wiggle both index fingers in the open air. “Here I coooome!”

“Noho!” Darting her eyes side to side the trembling brunette looked for any means of escape, surrounded by the closet, the bedside table and her power walking partner’s threatening fingers.

“If you don’t do it, I’ll make you show me!” With her cruelly intentioned digits mere inches from the nude woman’s tanned tummy, the older woman loomed over her cornered friend.

“Nohoho!” Lilith couldn’t help but giggle, despite her horrified expression as her focus stayed firmly on the approaching fingers. “Dohohon’t!”

“You’re already laughing!” The taller woman grinned as she watched her cowering friend twitch erratically, reacting to touch that had yet to occur. “Silly Lily! Cootchie Cootchie coo!”

“Naheeheehee! Julie! Yeeheee!” Buckling forward, the frowning woman couldn’t stop an open mouthed grin as high-pitched laughter exploded from within. “Stop iiiiit! Eeehee! Stop!”

Digging the tips of her slender index fingers into Lilith’s sides, the older woman delighted in watching her naked pal squirm awkwardly in the corner. Keeping her ballooning boobs and inner thighs protected as best she could, the poor giggling housewife knew it would only be a few more seconds before she would have to defend herself. In her idea of a perfect world the vulnerable mousy woman would have no reaction at all to her unruly friend’s teasing, but as bad luck would have it, Lilith Trindle happened to be excruciatingly ticklish. Making matters worse, Juliet happened to be well aware of her friend’s debilitating weakness, a fact she often loved to exploit.

“There we go!” Juliet said excitedly as her timid friend slapped a hand down, letting her large pink nipples bounce freely. “Now the other one!”

“Get ohohoff!” Trying her darndest to push the laughter back, the normally meek brunette weakly grabbed at her taller friend’s sporadically moving fingers. “Steheee! Julieeheehee!”

“Nuh uh-uh!” The overly playful homemaker easily avoided Lilith’s defenses, continuing to jab both fingers repeatedly into her soft ribs. “Not until you show me that pussy!”

“Okayhay! Eeeha! Okahayhay stop!” Lilith surrendered, as deep down she always knew she would.

Even if it hadn’t of been for her nightmarish fear of tickling, the petit housewife could usually be coaxed into almost anything her cruel friend desired. Tickling, the helpless woman often reflected to her disdain, gave the taller of the two friends a wildly unfair advantage in a relationship that was already massively unbalanced. Bold and daring, the sporty Juliet always took charge, pushing the boundaries and breaking the rules. Lilith on the other hand loved rules and order, being quiet and polite, and happy for it. Perhaps in another life she’d have been able to stand up to her domineering friend, in that perfect world where her nerves didn’t tingle at the very thought of someone’s fingers stroking her skin –but not in this world, not when Julie could simply wiggle her devilish digits and make the mousy woman do things she would never otherwise imagine.

“There!” Flapping both hands frantically at her prodding friend, the nude housewife exposed herself fully. “Eeehaha! Stop!”

“Was that so hard?” Juliet titled her head sideways as she took a step back. “Now get ready, let’s go!”

“Okay, okay.” The naked forty two year old sulked, her cheeks still quite red. “Give me two minutes, I’ll be right down…”

“Uh-uh, no way.” The clothed woman shook her head and she stepped back, allowing access to the closet. “If I go back down there you’ll spend another two hours deciding what to wear.”

“Alright, fine.” Lilith sighed, turning toward her large selection of carefully folded clothing. “But can you at least turn around?”

With a single raised eyebrow, Juliet turned and faced away, though she could quite clearly see her nude friend in the reflection of the open closet door. Watching the short slender woman painstakingly examine the contents of her closet, the older of the two mothers wondered why the decision process took so long. It wasn’t like they were heading for a night out, or to a fancy ball, it was a sweaty power walk around the neighborhood. Rolling her eyes, the green-eyed brunette tapped her foot, put her hands on her hips and let out a purposefully audible sigh. Over a minute had passed when Lilith finally leaned into the closet, stretching up to a high shelf, her small feet standing on the tips of her toes as her bare frame reached upward.

“That’s it!” Juliet said, spinning a full 180 degrees and snapping her hands around the unprotected woman’s tender rib cage.

“Juliiiieee!” Snapping her arms down, the wide eyed woman screamed and curled forward. “Neeeeiiii! Get off!”

“Not on your life missy!” The buxom woman replied and began viciously squeezing the soft ribs between her fingers.

“Eeehahaha! Noho!” Lilith bucked, clawing at her attacker’s strong grip as she danced without rhythm atop the fluffy white carpet.

Instantly flustered, the poor struggling woman didn’t know which way to turn. Running forward would trap her in the closet, pushing back would land her further into Julie’s arms. Sadly for Lilith, her control over the situation was extremely limited and waning fast. As both women knew, a few more seconds of rib assault and the timid housewife’s knees would give out anyway. Squealing, the nude woman fought helplessly as her large breasts bounced, her expression twisting between wide eyed laughter and furious defeat.

“Not everything has to be perfect you know!” Juliet said, coiling her long arms around her wriggling friend’s midsection.

“Let me go!” Reaching out toward the closet, the blue-eyed brunette tried to grab a hold of anything as the taller woman dragged her backwards in a reverse bear hug.

“No!” Spinning forcefully, the stronger woman threw her smaller friend into the bedside, causing the nude woman to fall unceremoniously onto the bed. “I’m going to make a mess!”

“What?! Stop it!” Lilith hollered, her legs kicking as she scrambled backward across the bed. “Get out! You’re crazy!”

“You’re crazy!” Snatching the naked housewife’s ankles in her hands, the fully clothed woman pinned her friend’s heels to the sheets as she climbed onto the bed herself. “You take hours to do anything!”

“What are you doing?! Let me go!” Wrestling valiantly, the petit woman fought for freedom as her wild eyed friend clamored over her bare body. “Get your shoes off my bed!”

“Hnnh!” Juliet heaved, straddling her thick thighs around Lilith’s squirming hips and grabbing a slapping wrist in each hand, pinning them either side of the struggling woman’s head. “That’s it right there! You’re bare ass naked and about to have the beejeezus tickled out of you and all you care about is shoes on the bed!”

“Don’t you dare!” Lilith bucked beneath her cruel friend as shoes on her sheets suddenly became much less of a priority at the mention of further tickling. “I hate being tickled! Let me go!”

“No! Power walking’s cancelled!” The boisterous woman declared as she released her friend’s wrists and immediately dug all ten fingers into the trapped woman’s sides. “Now it’s power tickling!”

“Nahaha!” Arching her back, laughter spilled from the pinned housewife’s full lips as her small hands flailed against her well toned tummy. “Eeeheehee! Stahahap!”

Fighting the laughter that bubbled in her belly and burst from her throat, Lilith rolled from side to side as her frustration skyrocketed. She hated the loss of control and the unstoppable giggling, the difficulty of conveying her terror and anger as her mouth formed a maddening grin against her will. Slamming her legs up and down, the nude woman’s uncoordinated escape attempts went nowhere as Juliet’s fingers strummed up and down her slender sides, pinched her lower ribs and danced whimsically across her convulsing tummy.

“Ohh look at all these ticklish spots!” Juliet smirked, easily avoiding her quaking friend’s clumsy hands as she raced long nails all over Lilith’s midriff. “I can tickle you everywhere!”

“Eeeyahaha! No!” Her bare breasts wobbling like jello, the poor red faced woman dreaded every teasing word. “Yeeheehee!”

“Tickle your tummy!” The fully clothed woman announced and clawed wildly at her good friend’s soft skin.

“Aahahaha!” Girlish giggles ripped into loud belly laughter as Lilith hunched forward and slammed back into the now very wrinkled sheets.

“Tickle your ribbies!” Juliet sang, doing her best impression of lobster claws as she squeezed rapidly around the sensitive woman’s ribs once again.

“Hhhhh! Noheeeehahaha!” A deep breath forced its way into the bewildered housewife’s lungs before she screamed with unwanted laughter.

“Tickle your titties!” The cruel woman’s taunts were almost as horrible as the tickling itself, her skillful fingers poking playfully into the sides of Lilith’s large fleshy bosom.

“EEEheehee!” Squealing, the bare breasted woman flapped her hands against Julie’s, her weak grip easily avoided by her attacker. “Stehee! Stop! Eeeyeiiihee!”

Every time Juliet declared a new sensitive spot, Lilith’s stomach sank as she was inevitably tickled there a half second later. Tummy, ribs, bouncing boobs, neck, the sadistic housewife even had the audacity to pin one arm above the nude woman’s head and rake five long nails up and down her underarm. Before long, tears had begun to well in the tickled woman’s eyes, streaming down her rosy red cheeks as those ten fingers continued to torment her. As the fully clothed woman announced spot after agonizingly ticklish spot, pink trails formed across the helpless mother’s tanned skin.

“Tummy!” Juliet stated for the umpteenth time, but in an evil twist instead dug all ten fingertips deep into the soft spots between Lilith’s ribs.

“Aaaahahaha!” As surprised as she was terrified, the teary eyed woman screamed with wordless laughter.

As her ribs grew a dark pink hue, a light sheen of sweat had begun to form across the tickle victim’s naked body. Lilith’s once straight hair had become frazzled, small strands matting to her sweat slicked face. Jaw aching from near constant uproarious laughter, the poor woman had not stopped fruitlessly slapping, trying to pry Juliet’s hands away despite ever increasing weakness. Now and then, between bouts of helpless giggling and wailing laughter, when her lungs weren’t gasping for much needed air, the terribly ticklish woman would utter a plea for mercy, begging for the anguish to cease, though her attacker only ever seemed to respond with more wiggling fingers.

“Look at you!” The green eyed brunette said as she kneeled over her heavily panting friend when, at long last, she withdrew her hands. “You’re a mess!”

“N-no more!” Lilith cried, sobbing openly as she bit her bottom lip, her pinkened breasts heaving and beaded with sweat.

“No more?!” The smirking woman repeated with mock surprise. “I did say this was Power Tickling, didn’t I?”

“Nohoho!” Planting her palms against the sheets the tortured woman pushed herself up, only to slip as Juliet’s hands squeezed a firm grip around the nude housewife’s knees. “Eeeeyahaaaa!”

Eyes bugging out, Lilith kicked furiously, her buxom friend’s hands repeatedly pinching the hopelessly ticklish woman’s tender knees. Slamming her fists into Juliet’s own knees the squealing woman didn’t make a dent, even a couple of lucky slaps to the cruel housewife’s squashed cleavage barely registered. Nothing the bawling bare woman did seemed to deter her assailant. Taking what little sanity she could muster in her wild state, the desperate mother dug her nails hard into her fiendish friend’s thighs, and still the terrible knee squeezing wouldn’t falter.

“Ohh the noises you make!” Juliet said gleefully as she suddenly swung her leg off the nude woman and began clawing at her bright pink tummy.

“Yeeeheehee!” Free of the mad tickler’s straddle, the suffering housewife rolled uncontrollably beneath the ten demonic digits. “Leeheeave meeheehee!”

“Eeeho! Eeeha! She says!” Impersonating her tickle addle friend’s laughter, the cruel woman easily lorded control over where her victim rolled.

“Heeheenohaha! Eeehee!” Lilith squeaked and squealed, rolling left into wiggling fingers, rolling right into more, her arms and legs flailing helplessly.

“Oh my, what’s this?!” The unrelenting tormentor said, accompanied by a sudden flurry of soft pinching across the panicked woman’s shapely bare butt.

“YEEHEE! HEE! NEEHEE!” Shaking violently, the beet red woman shrieked with each quick pinch, her hands racing to protect her sensitive cheeks.

“Ohh, someone’s got a ticklish fanny!” Juliet laughed as her frightened friend rolled onto her back, with both hands planted firmly under herself.

“NO! PLEASE!” The breathless woman screamed, scrambling backward across the rumpled sheets.

“Ha! The secret’s out!” Snapping her vice like grip around the escaping woman’s slender ankle, the fully clothed fiend began dragging her tickle toy back toward her.

“NO! Let me go!” Lilith screeched, her eyes trembling as she rolled onto her belly and clawed at the beds edge.

In her desperation the naked, powerless woman had done the worst thing she could have possibly done. Capitalizing fully on the opportunity, Juliet leapt forward, landing squarely on the back of Lilith’s thighs as she half fell from the mattress. Her hands hitting the floor, the petit housewife had hoped to continue falling to the carpet, only for her dear friend’s weight to come crashing down atop the back’s of her legs. With her plumb shaped cheeks protruding from between her knees, the fully clothed woman straddled her plaything’s upper legs, the tanned glistening bottom curving up before her.

“Don’t wriggle too hard!” The kneeling older woman teased as she readied her long nails by scratching at the air. “We don’t want you to fall on the floor!”

“No! Please! Julie! JULIE!” Twisting and tearing at the sheets behind her, the dangling woman tugged and pulled, straining to throw herself toward the carpet.

“Tickle bum!” Juliet teased and after her trademark half-second pause ran all ten talons rampantly across her neighbor’s severely sensitive cheeks.

“AAHH! YEEIGGHAHA! AHEEEHEE!” A piercing scream exploded instantly from the smaller woman’s lips as her back arched, followed by howling laughter which descended into loud, riotous giggling.

Her sweat slicked hair flew in every direction as the ten fingers frolicked around and around both quivering buns. Clawing her own long nails deep into the thick white carpet below her, Lilith shrieked wordless laughter. From the knees down the hysterical woman’s legs kicked, pounding rapidly into the mattress. Thick teardrops flew from the hanging housewife’s taut cheeks, her full lips wide with insanity. Squashing against the bedside the petit woman’s large bobbing breasts bounced, as erratic and disorderly as the rest of her.

A large toothy grin plastered across her face, Juliet squeezed her legs tight as she let her nails do their devil’s dance. Spidering across the trembling cheeks, the delighted mistress of mayhem chuckled as her friend spasmed turbulently below. All it took was five long nails carelessly rampaging across the devastated woman’s derriere to keep her completely overwhelmed. A few quick pinches along the small crease where Lilith’s thighs met her ticklish tush caused her back to arch, falling down again as the furious fingers flew back toward her tailbone. Swirling into the deep dimples, ten fingers rushed each time the poor cackling pushover flexed, her hopeless nude body completely beyond her own control.

“Oh silly Lily! I could tickle your tuchus all day!” The amused attacker said, gleefully unashamed.

Unable to speak and barely able to breath, the crazed brunette could no longer begin to form coherent thoughts. When half an idea began to boil in her tickle-mad mind, it was just as quickly engulfed by unbridled chaos. All that existed in Lilith’s world was the soft feathery touch of ten long nails stroking swiftly around her bare backside, and the single ever present desire for it to stop. When Juliet raked her talons slowly down the entire length of both cheeks, the suffering housewife wailed a banshee’s cry, her muscles tensing before erupting into peels of loud girlish giggling once again.

“Eha…heeha…aha…” Lilith continued to bubble with laughter when, after a preposterously long time, her overly sensitive rear end could no longer feel nails playing atop it.

Hanging limp over the bedside, the conquered homemaker wheezed, small giggles still escaping her lips as a delicate tingling still haunted her hindquarters. Slick and shining with a thick layer of sweat, Lilith’s tanned behind was covered in pink traces where her older friend’s fingers had run riot. Hair that didn’t stick to her face, neck or shoulders hung, sweeping the carpet as her bare naked body trembled. As several minutes passed by, the panting woman’s giggles replaced by heavy breathing, her mind began to slowly put back its pieces. Sanity returned, all be it a tortured shadow of it’s former self.

“It…it’s not fairarar!” Crying through her whispered words, the trapped tickle target shook softly with each weeping word.

“Fair? You know what’s not fair…” Juliet said, keeping her legs firmly clamped around her friend’s thighs. “…having to wait forever while you make everything perfect!”

“I’m sorreeee!” The helpless woman bawled, hitting the side of her bed with weakly clenched fists.

“Well…” Releasing the death grip of her thighs, the fully clothed woman let her nude friend begin to slide toward the floor. “…alright, I guess.”

“Hnnhhh…” Lilith sighed as she crawled her top half onto the thick white carpet, her legs beginning to follow down the bedside.

“Just kidding!” The cruel housewife laughed and with lightening speed crossed both of her long legs around the almost-free woman’s ankles.

“NOHOOO!” Thrashing instantly in response, the panicked woman tugged with every ounce of what little strength she had.

With most of her bare body laying face down on the soft carpet, Lilith’s legs curled at the knees, up toward her bare feet which protruded from Juliet’s python strength crossed legs. Twisting behind herself as best she could, the manic woman clawed desperately at the mattress, pounding her fist into her sadistic friend’s knee. Unfazed by the blubbering tantrum, the older housewife simply sat, her legs clenched and a small smirk in the corner of her plump red lips. Letting the hypersensitive hysterics continue for several more seconds, the content tormentor watched her friend’s blue eyes widen as the comparatively well-groomed woman began to slowly wiggle her ten fingers in full view.

“I said I was sorry! I said I was sorry!” Lilith howled, watching with unwavering focus and terrified anticipation as the long nails lowered toward her upturned bare feet.

“I heard you.” The callous bully replied, her devious digits barely an inch from her distressed friend’s squirming smooth soles. “I don’t care.”

“NOHO DON’T! DON’T DO IT!” Screeching her words, the helpless victim’s tiny toes clenched into small feet fists.

“Tickle feet!” Juliet announced and skipped her custom half-second pause, feathering her well-manicured nails speedily up and down both stuck soles.

“YEEIGGHAHAHAAAA!” Wrenching her throat, the petit woman came instantly unhinged as both feet were viciously toyed with.

Almost more screaming than laughter, there was no giggling or girlish tone to be found in the frenzied sounds that tore from the gentle woman’s small frame. Bouncing in waves against the floor, Lilith’s last signs of sanity had flown, replaced by a lunatic’s laughter and berserk, violent struggling. Her large breasts squashed when she rolled, and jiggled when her back arched, the poor housewife’s expression a constant wide-eyed display of demented madness.

Ravaging the raving woman’s buttery soft soles, Juliet raced her fingers from tender heels to cushiony balls, scratching the silky wrinkled arches in between. Maniacal laughter caused the smaller woman’s tanned body to convulse, such was its raw volume from deep down inside. Taking no prisoners the merciless woman scribbled and scraped, burrowing her wiggling fingertips under trembling toes and nipping her nails along the meaty outer sides. After several devastating minutes it seemed like Lilith’s body had produced every primal sound of suffering it could, until her toes were pushed back, stretching her left sole taut and five razor sharp claws raked slowly down the length of her foot.

The prolonged scream that followed cracked the small woman’s voice at its peak, followed by a hoarse series of shallow gasps. Continuing to drag her nails with a painstakingly plodding pace, Juliet listened intently as her broken toy squeaked softly. Eyes closed, her lips an open mouthed pout, Lilith’s body shuddered, quaking with each slow journey across her bare sole. Releasing the poor woman’s toes, the older woman sent her fingers in a hurried flurry across both tender feet in the hopes of restoring some semblance of life. Alas, all the shattered nude woman could do was shake, weeping small mousy sounds.

“Well then, that was fun…” Juliet said, her words unheard as she climbed from the bed while letting Lilith’s legs drop softly to the floor. “…we should do this every week!”

The End.​
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One of my fav's even three years later. I'd love to see Lilith and Juliet get their hands on Tina some day.
One of my fav's even three years later. I'd love to see Lilith and Juliet get their hands on Tina some day.

Thanks tkmstr!

I definitely have a few more ideas for these two, I'm sure they could have a lot of fun with poor Tina! :D
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