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Sorority Sisters (F/m)


Jan 12, 2002
This is the longest work of tickling fiction that I have ever written. It started out to be just a story, but it grew and grew until it was the length of a book. (Actually, it's over 52,000 words.)

Chapter One, below, will be post number 100,000 for me here on the TMF.

WARNING: This story contains extreme F/m tickle torture, extreme domination, and extreme corporal punishment. If any of that might offend you, then don't read it.
Last edited:
Sorority Sisters
a novel by Milagros317

All characters in this novel are over 18 years old. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people or events is a coincidence.

Chapter 1

Tuesday, September 2, 2003

Robert immediately noticed the tall woman who sat down in the row next to him, just to his left. It wasn't her long blonde hair that he noticed, nor her athletic figure. It was her fine long legs, and, in particular, the lovely feet at the end of them.

He knew who she was, of course. Kristine Hansen was the star of the woman's basketball team at Sherman College. Not that any real NCAA basketball fans ever noticed a small private school like Sherman, but on campus everybody knew Kris, the 6'2" center of the women's team.

A computer science major, Robert was finally taking the required social science course to fulfill his core curriculum, a sociology course about crime and deviant behavior. It seemed the least boring of the choices to fill that requirement. He had never had a course with the beautiful basketball star before, which was not surprising. The athletic page of the school newspaper had run a profile of her the year before. It said she was a sociology major, and the Vice President of the Tau Kappa Lambda sorority. This would be about the only class he ever took in which he might see a sociology major. Most of his courses were in computer science or math.

He had never seen her feet before, she always wore white socks and sneakers, or boots in the winter. They were really lovely, although she didn't paint her toenails.

About size 12, Robert thought. He had been noticing women's feet all his life, as long as he could remember, since the age of 4. He had lost more than one girlfriend over the years, with a final remark of "All you want to do is play with my feet!" ringing in his ears.

About size 12, Robert thought again, long toes, but not too long, no blemishes, corns, or calluses that he could see. Toes perfectly aligned, even the pinky toe, which was twisted out of line on most women's feet. High arches, lovely creamy skin on her arches, pinker skin on what he could see of her soles.

Kristine noticed the short man who was sitting on her right as she sat down. He was staring at her feet from the moment she came into his view. Ah, she thought, another foot guy. A classic nerd, maybe 5'6" and skinny. Maybe he could help with the statistical analysis that would be required for her senior thesis. She couldn't make head or tail of the instructions from the Sociology Department on how to use the statistics software package that they gave her.

Kristine wanted to graduate with Departmental Honors from the Sociology Department. That meant writing a senior thesis. She knew she would have no time to do it once basketball practice started, and the season would extend into early March. So she had written most of it over the summer, before her senior year. Now there remained the statistical analysis of the data she had collected.

As the professor started class, the nerd stopped staring at her feet and paid attention to the lecture. Kristine waited until about 10 minutes before the end of class to drop one sandal off her foot, making sure the the heavy wooden sole hit the floor hard. It had the desired effect, the nerd was staring at her bare foot. She flexed her toes and noticed that he was trembling in his seat. Very good, she thought, he'll do all the statistical work for me, no problem.


Robert had to snap his attention back to the professor to get the homework assignment at the end of class. After he wrote it down, he looked to his left and saw that Kristine had slipped off her other sandal and was now barefoot. He stayed in his seat, pretending to read his notes, staring at her feet again.

"Excuse me, do you know anything about statistics software packages?"

Robert could hardly believe that she was talking to him. "Yes, I'm a comp sci major," he managed to say.

"Would you have time to show me how to use the statistical analysis package for the the social sciences? It's for my thesis in sociology. It's all written except for that. I have the software they gave me, and I don't know how to use it."

"Sure, any time you want, Kristine, I'll be happy to help."

He was blushing now, and still staring at her bare feet. Kristine smiled and him. "Is tomorrow good for you? Come by the Tau Kappa Lambda house after dinner, come at 8pm tomorrow. I'm an officer of that sorority, and I live there. You have the advantage of me, what's your name?"

"Robert Lamb, glad to meet you. I've seen stories about you on the sports page during basketball season, of course."

"Glad to meet you, Robert," she said, slipping her sandals back on. "I'll leave instructions at the front desk to let you in to our sorority house. My room is 317, on the the third floor. Once you're admitted, come right upstairs."

She got up and saw that he remained seated, so that his erection would not be too obvious, she thought. She patted him on he cheek as she left the classroom.

Wednesday, September 3, 2003

Although he had little interest in sports, Robert went online and read all could about the women's basketball team from Sherman College's own website. He thought that he might as well appear to be a fan, if the subject came up. He already knew that Kristine was 6'2", but he learned from the website that she weighed 170 pounds, came from Dallas, Texas, and wanted to play in the WNBA after she graduated.

Security was tight at the Tau Kappa Lambda house, Robert found. The tall girl at the front desk looked at his student photo ID, looked back up at his face, and phoned upstairs to verify that he was to be allowed in. He recognized her as Barbara Russo, a sophomore on the women's basketball team, described as 6'0" and 165 pounds there.

"You're expected, go on upstairs," she told him finally.

When he knocked on the door of room 317, Kristine called out, "It's not locked, come on in."

She smiled in amusement as he entered, because his first glance was down at her feet, and he looked so disappointed that she was wearing white athletic socks and running shoes. Well, he was here to do work for her, not admire her feet.

"Sit down, and let's get to work," she said, gesturing to the empty chair beside her desk chair.

It took Robert about five minutes to figure out how to use the software package, and about a half hour to explain its use to Kristine, and to explain what the answers meant. He had to look at some theses from previous years that she had thoughtfully provided for him to figure out what kind of analysis the sociology department expected to be done.


"All those statistical terms are so abstract," said Kristine, "and now that the analysis chapter is pretty much done, could you put it into the proper language for me?"

It wasn't nearly done, but Robert knew that she meant he should write it for her. He agreed readily, saying "Sure, I can bring it to you next week."

Kristine knew better than to ask him to email it, he would clearly write it for her if he could see her again. She did want to find something out before he left. "That will be fine, bring it the same time next week, Wednesday night at 8."

As she said this, she reached around him with both arms, and gave his lower rib cage a brief tickle on both sides. She was amused that he shrieked loudly, and jumped up out of his chair. She withdrew her arms. He had been tickled for maybe two seconds.

He didn't sit back down, but remained standing with his arms protecting his sides, which amused her. He made no move to leave her room yet, though.

"My little brother was ticklish," she said, "but he's all grown up at 19 now, taller than I am. You seem to be just as ticklish as he was."

"I am, but I hate it," he said, "I just can't bear it for long."

"Aww, don't worry," she said, patting his cheek, "I was just being playful. I have other homework to do, so you better be going now."

"See you in class," he said, "and I'll be back next Wednesday with the chapter."

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Robert arrived promptly at 8pm, was subjected to the same security procedures, and told to go upstairs. He recognized the woman at the security desk at the front door as yet another basketball player, Maria Gomez, a sophomore, he remembered from the team's website, 5'9" tall and 135 pounds.

Knocking at Kristine's door, Robert was told to come in, and was sadly disappointed to see that she was again wearing white athletic socks and sneakers. She was also wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt, but obviously no bra. Her long hair was drawn back in a pony tail. She was not sitting at her desk, but in a reclining chair near the window. She had not reclined it, it was still upright.

"Here's the statistical analysis chapter, both in hard copy and on a disk for you," he said, handing her both from his briefcase.

"Thank you, Bobby," she said, "it was very sweet of you to do it for me." She tossed both onto her bed without getting up from the chair.

"I actually prefer Robert or Bob, but you're very welcome." He made no move to sit down uninvited, but also made no move to leave.

Robert froze as he saw Kristine lift her left foot up and untie that sneaker.

"My feet are so tired, I walked so much today," she remarked, as she pulled off that sneaker, pulled off her left sock, and dropped both of them on the floor beside her chair. She rubbed her now bare left foot on the carpet and noticed Robert blushing.

Robert gathered his courage and decided to exaggerate. "I'm quite good at foot massage," he said. "I took a course in reflexology the summer after Freshman year here because my girlfriend wanted me to give her better foot massages. She swore I was really great after the course."

The only part of that which was true was that he had taken the course. He had had no girlfriend at the time, and took the course in the hopes of getting to touch women's feet. Unfortunately, the class of 20 had had 16 men and 4 women. He had only once managed to be paired with a woman for the day's lesson, a middle-aged woman with bunions and hammer toes.

Kristine smiled, unlaced her right sneaker, took it off, and peeled off her right sock. Now she rubbed both bare feet on the floor.

"I'm going to take a shower later. I'm afraid you wouldn't want to massage my sweaty feet now, you better go," she said.

"I don't mind, not at all, please, I'd be glad to soothe your tired feet," he said.

Kristine reclined the chair, so that her feet were in the air, soles towards Robert. He came forward and sat on the rug at her feet.

"I'm not sure I want to let you do this, Bobby. Let's get some things straight before you begin, it has to be done by my rules." she said. She waggled her feet at him, noting the bulge in his pants as he sat there.

"Of course, your rules, no problem," he said.

"You are to touch me only below the ankles. Only your hands are to touch me, no other part of your body. You are to switch feet or stop only when I tell you to. You are to massage only, if you sneak in a tickle I will break your arm. Agreed, Bobby?"

"Absolutely, agreed," said Robert.

"Hand me the remote, Bobby, and then you may begin."

Robert saw the remote on her desk, got up and got it, handed it to her, and then sat back down at her feet. She put the TV on and began watching a movie as he began to massage her left foot.

Robert massaged as he had been taught, using both thumbs for pressure, working on all of the areas on her sole, one by one, and then gently but firmly rolling her toes. He worked methodically, concentrating on her lovely bare foot. He couldn't believe he was actually touching it, he couldn't believe he was so lucky. Her foot was a bit grimy, with dried sweat on it, he would have greatly preferred to wash it for her first, but he kept his mouth shut about that.

He finished the standard 15 minute routine, but she had not told him to switch feet, so he started it over again. Intent on watching the movie, she made no comment as he continued to massage. After the third cycle, after 45 minutes, his fingers were quite tired and he spoke, making sure to keep massaging as he did so.

"Please, may I get a glass of water, Kristine? Maybe you want one also?"

"You're giving me an adequate massage, but you seem to have little stamina, Bobby," she said. "There's not much point in getting a massage if it only lasts a few minutes. Alright, take a break if you must. Get me a Coke from the fridge, two ice cubes, and get yourself the water you asked for. Drink it before you begin to massage again, I don't want you pausing to take sips. Oh, Bobby, one more thing. On campus, or in class, you can call me Kristine. But when you're here in the sorority house, you are to refer to me as Ms. Hansen and call me Ms. Hansen."

Robert drank some water and made the Coke as she requested.

"Here is your Coke, Ms. Hansen," he said, handing it to her.

"Thank you, Booby. Now massage my right foot. You truly don't mind that my feet are sweaty, straight out of my shoes and socks after a long day? "

"Not at all, Ms. Hansen. You're feet are very lovely and a pleasure to work on."

He sat back down on the rug and massage her right foot, going through cycles of massage over and over again, until he thought his fingers would fall off. When the movie ended, she changed the channel and watched music videos.

"Back to my left foot, it was shortchanged," said Kristine.

Robert began to massage her left foot again, without a word. His fingers were beginning to feel numb, but he made no protest and no move to stop. As she switched channels to watch the 11pm local news, Kristine spoke to him.

"You may stop now, Bobby. That was an adequate massage. I do thank you for taking the time to do it."

"You're most welcome, Ms. Hansen, it was my pleasure."

"Stand up, Bobby, facing me, and put your hands behind your head. Go ahead, do it now!"

Robert did so, and blushed as his erection was quite obvious.

"It is a great pleasure for you, you were telling the truth," she said, and laughed. "Don't be embarrassed, plenty of guys stare at my feet when I'm at the pool or in sandals. Plenty of women do, too, for that matter. Just realize that is your problem, to be dealt with when you get back to your dorm." She had pointed to his groin when she said the word that.

Robert blushed more deeply and said nothing.

"I have a proposition for you, Bobby, take it or leave it. You can come here every Wednesday and Sunday at 8pm to massage my feet. Will you?"

"Yes, Ms. Hansen, I will be very glad to," he answered, still standing with his hands behind his head.

"Very well, you may have a reward, then. You may kiss me good-bye."

Robert moved forward towards her head, and she corrected him.

"Not on the lips,Bobby, you're not my date. Not on the cheek, either. Get down on your hands and knees and kiss me good-bye on my feet. One chaste kiss on each foot, that is your reward. Chaste means you keep your lips together, Bobby, no slobbering and no tongue."

Robert got down on his hands and knees, and crawled forward until he was close to her feet. He kissed her left sole, on her arch, chastely as ordered. He did the same to her right sole.

"You may go now," said Christine. "I'll see you on Sunday night. Be at my door at 8pm, not downstairs. From now on, you are never to stand up in my room. You crawl on your hands and knees. You are dismissed."

Robert crawled to her door and out into the hall, glad that nobody was there. He stood up, and walked down the stairs and out of the sorority house. When he got back to his dorm, he did take care of that with his hand. It was the greatest orgasm of his life. He couldn't wait for Sunday to arrive. He was so happy.

Sunday, October 19, 2003

Sunday and Wednesday evenings had become routine for Robert. He showed up at the front door of the Tau Kappa Lambda sorority house at 7:55pm promptly. He always said, "Ms. Hansen is expecting me," and handed over his student photo ID card. He inwardly grimaced at the knowing smile of whatever woman was at the desk, but kept a poker face as he waited for her to call upstairs and verify that he was wanted. When given permission, he walked up to the third floor and knocked on Kristine's door. She always told him to come in, that it wasn't locked.

Kristine was always waiting for him in the reclining chair, in the reclined position, already watching something on television. She was always wearing sneakers and white socks. Usually she wore blue jeans and a T-shirt or a sweatshirt, and she never wore a bra.

This Sunday, he dropped to hands and knees, as usual, as soon as he opened the door to her room. Today, as had happened twice before, a tall African American woman was in the hall watching. He recognized her from the basketball team's website as Tamika Lincoln, from Albany, 6'1" tall and 180 pounds. She had never spoken to him, and so he never addressed her either.

What Tamika did, as she had done twice before, was come up behind him as he opened Kristine's door, smack him on his rump, hard, as soon as he got down on his hands and knees, and laugh. She spoke for the first time today, but not to him, to Kristine.

"Enjoy his services, Kris."

"I always do," said Kris.

Tamika closed the door after him, so he didn't have to reach back and do it. He crawled to near Kristine's feet.

"Unlace my sneakers and remove them, Bobby."

"Yes, Mis. Hansen," said Robert, and he did so.

"Sniff each one, with your nose way inside, strong sniffs."

"Yes, Ms. Hansen," said Robert, and he did so, ten strong sniffs in each sneaker. The sneakers were really quite rank, but Robert made no comment or complaint.

"Remove my socks."

"Yes, Ms. Hansen," he said, and removed each of her socks, slowly and reverently. He noticed that they were an old pair of socks, definitely showing wear at the heels, perhaps almost ready to be thrown away.

"Turn one of them inside out."

Oh, God, thought Robert, it's going to be a gag day. "Yes, Ms. Hansen," was all he said, though.

Without the need for instruction, Robert handed her the inside out sock, crawled over to the side of the chair, and stuck his tongue out.

"Good boy," said Kristine, patting his cheek.

She wrapped the grimy, sweaty sole of the sock around his extended tongue, and shoved it back into his mouth. The part of the sock that had covered her ankle was sticking out, and his mouth was full of the lower portion, the sweaty fabric that had been against her sole pressed into his tongue. She took a ball gag from her lap, pressed the rubber ball (which was slightly larger than a golf ball) into his mouth, against the sock. She buckled the strap tightly in back of his head, so that it dug into his cheeks just a little bit. She patted his cheek again.

Without the need for instruction, Robert crawled back to her bare feet and waited. She made him wait for about five minutes, surfing through various movie channels, before she found a movie that she liked.

"Begin massaging my left foot."

Robert did so, without trying to answer through his gag. He knew that he would get no water and no breaks on a day when he was gagged, and that she didn't want to hear his muffled speech. Her foot, fresh out of the shoe and sock in the evening, was quite sweaty. The odor matched the taste in his mouth.


Robert lost all track of time as he worked, switching feet when he was ordered. Kristine went to the bathroom only once, and didn't invite him to use it after her. His need was urgent, suppressed only by his firm erection. He wasn't sure how much time has passed, but his fingers were numb and she was well into a second movie. He kept massaging without a pause. Pausing made her angry, and he didn't want to lose his reward.


When the second movie ended, Kristine pushed the foot he wasn't massaging, her right foot at that moment, into his face. This was a signal for him to stop, crawl back a step, and wait for orders. He did so. He knew to remain motionless as she got up, used the bathroom again, get herself a Coke, and sat back down.

"You're going to get two special rewards today, Bobby, but they both come at a price. First you'll take or refuse each reward, then I'll tell you what the price is. Go to the bathroom first, you must need to. Urinate only, Bobby, you are never to take care of that in my bathroom. And sit on the pot, Bobby, you are not allowed to urinate standing in my bathroom."

Bobby crawled to the bathroom and closed the door behind him. He sat while urinating as instructed. He washed his hands. Then he crawled back to the spot in front of her bare feet and waited.

"You may remove the ball gag and take my sock out of your mouth now, Bobby."

With some difficulty, Robert reached behind his head and managed to unbuckle the leather strap. It was a relief to get the ball and then the sock out of his mouth.

"Your first reward, if you choose to take it, is this: You may keep the used, dirty pair of socks that I wore today. You may take them home. Do you accept this reward?"

"Yes, Ms. Hansen, thank you, I will treasure them," said Robert, quite sincerely.

"I'm sure you will, I can imagine what uses you'll find for them. The price is this: Bring me a dozen pairs of new socks on Wednesday. Reebok has large athletic socks that fit women's shoe sizes 10 to 12. Get me 12 pairs of their crew socks, white. You'll be able to find them at the Reebok store in the mall."

"Yes, Ms. Hansen, I'll bring them Wednesday."

"Excellent. Your second reward, if you choose to take it, is this: For the first time ever, I will allow you to lick my feet. You must lick my entire sole, from the back of my heel to the tips of my toes, with your tongue fully extended. Only your tongue is to touch me, keep your hands away. You must bestow the same number of licks on each of my soles. As many as you want, but there will be a price per lick. Do you accept this reward?"

She wriggled her toes at him, and laughed at the huge bulge in his pants.

"Yes, Ms. Hansen, thank you ever so much," Robert said sincerely.

"You many begin, first the left foot."

Robert crawled forward and began to make long, slow licks, the entire length of her left sole. He paused after each five licks and announced the total. It was wonderful, a dream come true.

"Five. ..... Ten. ..... Fifteen."

He stopped and waited.

"Alright, you must do the same fifteen on my right sole."

He did so, counting them off as before. He felt as if he were in heaven, licking her creamy, lovely sole.

"Oh, that was wonderful, thank you so much," he said.

"Now for the price," said Kristine. "Strip to the waist and lie on the rug on your belly."

"Yes, Ms. Hansen," said Robert. He did as ordered, removing his shirt and undershirt, and lying face down on the rug.

"Now keep still while I do as I wish," she said.

She sat beside him on the rug and dug her fingers into both sides of his rib cage. It was the first time she had tickled him since that one incident in September.

Far from keeping still, Robert screamed and thrashed, accidentally slapping her on the thigh as he scrambled away.

"Well, if you can't keep still to keep your part of the bargain, I'll have to find a way to make you. Lie still now."

Robert kept very still as she got up and got several pairs of old stockings from her dresser drawer. He remained still as she tied his right wrist to his left elbow with one stocking, and his left wrist to his right elbow with another, all behind his back. She then tied his legs together at the knees, outside his pants. She tied his ankles together, but pulled down his socks to do it on his bare flesh. She took off his shoes and socks. She tied another stocking around the one binding his ankles, bent his knees so that his ankles were up off the rug, and tied the end of that stocking to his arms. She added one more stocking also connecting his bound ankles to his bound arms.

"Well, Bobby, now that you are quite sure to keep still, I can tell you that the price of licking my soles is one minute of tickling for each lick. You took 30 licks, so I'm going to tickle you for half an hour."

"No, I can't bear it, I hate to be tickled!" said Robert.

"I know that, you told me that last month, but you're not supposed to like it. You loved licking my soles, and this is the price. I love to tickle. I can't tickle my little brother any more, he's 19 years old and 6'4" now. But I'm going to love tickling you."

She began with his rib cage again, digging all ten fingers into his ribs. He shrieked and howled, and wriggled in his bonds. But he was quite securely tied, and she had no trouble playing his ribs on both sides like a piano keyboard. He laughed and laughed, and his face began to turn red. Kristine decided to taunt him a bit as she kept on tickling his rib cage.

"Such a ticklish baby! Poor little Bobby, so very ticklish. Tickle, tickle, tickle. I do believe that you're more ticklish than my little brother ever was. Tickle, tickle, tickle. This is so much fun, I can't tell you how much fun it is to watch you wriggle and squirm, so futilely. Tickle, tickle, tickle. You have no hope of escape, and you're very, very lucky that I'm a fair woman, I keep my promises. I said 30 minutes, and that's all you'll get, even though I would love to tickle you all night long. Tickle, tickle, tickle, little baby Bobby. It's only been 3 minutes so far, 27 to go, little Bobby. Tickle, tickle, tickle. I wonder if I can get into your armpits?"

The bondage made it difficult, but Kristine did manage to insinuate her fingers into his armpits on both sides. As she began to poke and prod, Bobby's laughter gained new energy.

"Oh my, that really does tickle even more, doesn't it? Tickle, tickle, tickle, under your arms. Poor baby, you're laughing so hard that you're crying now. Tickle, tickle, tickle. Such a baby, tears streaming down your cheeks as you laugh and laugh. This is so wonderful, for me at least. Such a cute little tickle toy you are, baby. Tickle, tickle, tickle."

It was a bit of a break for him when she tickled his neck, he just giggled and was able to breathe more easily. She noted this, and soon went back under his arms, her strong fingers wriggling ceaselessly. She tickled and tickled him under his arms, never pausing, as he laughed uncontrollably and tears streamed down his red face.

In the midst of his hysterical laughter, Robert managed to get out one word, "Mercy."

"Mercy? Of course not, baby, you don't get any mercy. You enjoyed licking the soles of my very lovely feet, you enjoyed your 30 licks. Now you have to let me have my fun. When I'm done, you'd better thank me for keeping my promise and stopping after 30 minutes, If you know what's good for you, that is. Tickle, tickle, tickle, baby. No mercy at all, not for another 19 minutes. Tickle, tickle, tickle."

A few minutes later, she heard a knock at the door of her room. Not stopping tickling for even a moment, she called out, "Who's there?"

"It's Maria. Can I come in?"

"Sure," said Kristine.

She did so, and closed the door behind her. "My goodness, I could hear him laughing form the second floor. He must be the most ticklish guy in the world. But you've got to do something about the noise, people are trying to study for tomorrow's classes."

Kristine glanced at her watch, noting the time. She stopped tickling Robert. She found the sock that had not been used to gag him before, and turned it inside out.

"Stick your tongue out, do it now," she said to Robert.

He did so, and she gagged him as before, using that sock and the ball gag with the leather strap. Even as Kristine was gagging him, he couldn't help but notice that Maria was barefoot, and she had exquisitely beautiful feet. Size 9, he was sure.

"Can I join the fun? I'd like to have a turn tickling him insane," said Maria.

Robert gasped in horror at the thought of both of them tickling him, the sound not escaping his gag.

"Sorry, he's my personal foot slave and tickle toy," said Kristine, "I don't share him around. You should recruit one of your own, it's very relaxing and a lot of fun. Let's see, he's got 16 minutes of tickle torture left, I'm not counting the time this interruption took, he's lucky that he got the break."

"O.K., have fun with him," said Maria. She couldn't resist poking him in the ribs with her bare toes before leaving, and was gratified to see him squirm and to hear a muffled squawk. She left and closed the door behind her.

"Now for your feet," said Kristine, sitting down near him.

She held back the toes of his right foot with one hand, and scrabbled the fingers of her other hand all over his sole. Even the extreme ticklishness of his ribs and underarms didn't prepare her for the violent reaction this produced. He howled so loudly that she could easily hear him, clearly, through his gag. He bucked so violently in his bonds that she was knocked away from him.

"Oh my, your soles are so soft and so ticklish, Bobby, I guess you never go barefoot. I can see that I'll have to change your position. I have a wonderful idea."

Kristine left the room, leaving Robert hogtied. She returned five minutes later carrying a beanbag chair, which she put down just inside the door. He wondered what that was for. She was right, he thought. I never wear sandals, always shoes and socks outdoors. Indoors, I always wear slippers, even to go down the hall to the bathroom. Even in the shower, I wear flip-flops so I don't get athlete's foot from the other guys who use the dorm's bathrooms.

She removed the two stockings connecting his ankles to his arms, and he once again was prone, arms bound behind his back, and legs bound together at the knees and ankles. She picked up the beanbag chair and placed it carefully on his legs. It covered him from the buttocks to he calves, and was heavy, but not painful. Now he could see the point, his legs were immobile, and and his ankles still tied together. His soles were face up and vulnerable on the rug. He partially covered one sole with the other foot.

"None of that," said Kristine, and Robert quickly put his feet side by side again.

That wasn't good enough for Kristine, she took the laces out of one of her sneakers and tied his big toes together. She sat down next to his soles and smiled.

"16 minutes, Bobby, and your tender soles are exposed and helpless to my touch."

She began with only one finger on each sole, relishing how hard he laughed and how much he struggled. Then two fingers, then three. He was laughing harder than ever, thrashing uselessly. She began to taunt him again.

"Such tender feet, baby, you really are the most ticklish man in the world. Tickle, tickle, tickle. You can't get away, Bobby, you can't move your legs at all. Tickle, tickle, tickle. Such ticklish feet, all mine to play with. Now I'll use all five fingers on each hand. Tickle, tickle, tickle. I can't believe how ticklish you are! This is wonderful. Tickle, tickle, tickle. Damn, only 12 minutes to go, but I am a woman of my word. Tickle, tickle, tickle, baby Bobby."

Bobby was laughing hysterically now, out of breath, crying uncontrollably, and weakly struggling to pull his legs away. It was no use, he couldn't budge them under the weight of the beanbag chair. He was in tickle hell, unable to do anything about it but suffer, as Kristine tickled and tickled his tender soles. The final 12 minutes seemed like a week to him, like forever.

Finally, Kristine stopped, announcing that the time was up. She removed the beanbag chair from his legs. Even lying there in a tickle induced stupor he was amazed as how easily she picked up the heavy chair and tossed it aside. She untied his big toes and his ankles, then untied his knees, wrists, and elbows.

"That was so much fun, at least for me it was," she said.

"Thank you for keeping your promise and stopping," said Robert, "I thought I was going to die, I couldn't bear it."

"You're welcome, Bobby, I've always been an honest woman, and I always keep my word. You had no choice but to bear it, the way I had you tied up. You really are very cute when you're helpless, so cute. I love you that way, utterly helpless and so very ticklish."

Robert blushed, and then put on his socks, shoes, undershirt, and shirt.

Kristine gathered up the two sodden socks that had each been used to gag him and put them in a plastic baggy for him.

"Don't forget the 12 new pairs when you come on Wednesday night," she said.

"I won't. See you on Wednesday," said Robert. He crawled to the door, and was glad to see nobody in the hall when he closed the door behind him and then got to his feet.

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Robert entered Kristine's room at 8pm promptly, having been told to come in as usual. He was not at all happy to see that the beanbag chair was already there, and the furniture had been slightly rearranged to accommodate it. He crawled to where Kristine was in the reclining chair, and presented her with the package of a dozen Reebok socks in the size, style, and color that she had requested.

"Thank you, Bobby," she said, after inspecting the socks, "you got just what I asked for. You may now untie my sneakers."


When the long foot massage was over, Robert came back from his bathroom break and waited for her orders on his hands and knees in front of Kristine's lovely bare feet.

"You may now lick my soles are your reward, Bobby, that will be our regular practice. How many licks are you going to perform?"

"Five on each sole, Ms. Hansen," Robert said with a tremor in his voice.

"What? Only five? I don't understand, I thought you loved licking my soles."

"I do, Ms. Hansen, I can't imagine any greater reward than being allowed to lick the soles of your lovely feet. I just can't bear another tickling session like on Sunday night. I was sore all day Monday, my diaphragm ached until Monday night."

"I see, you're even more of a hopeless wuss than I thought. Alright, go ahead and take your reward."

Glad that her reaction wasn't even more negative, Robert gratefully licked each of her soles five times, in just the manner that he had been told to on Sunday. He began to remove his shirt.

"No, Bobby, no need to take off your shirt. Today, I'm going to spend all my time on your delicate soles. Just take your shoes and socks off, and lie down on your belly."

Robert obeyed, and she soon had him tied as he had been on Sunday, each wrist tied to the opposite elbow behind his back, his legs tied together at the knees and ankles, the beanbag chair on top of his legs,and his big toes tied together.

Thank God this will only be ten minutes, thought Robert, as Kristine got up and got a bag out of her desk.

"I've got two surprises for your, Bobby. One is my collection of implements."

She dumped out the contents of the bag in front of his eyes. Those eyes widened as he saw a feather, a plastic comb, a plastic hairbrush, an ordinary toothbrush, an electric toothbrush, a guitar pick, a plastic fork, a ballpoint pen, an artist's brush, and a make-up brush. Kristine picked up all the implements and sat down near his feet.

"Obviously, I'm going to test them and see what tickles best on various parts of your very sensitive feet. The pen is out of ink, so don't worry about it writing on you. Oh, the second surprise. You're probably expecting to be tickled for only ten minutes. If so, that's an unwarranted assumption on your part, Bobby, that today's price is the same as Sunday's. It's not. I decided before you even got here that I was going to tickle you for a full hour, and --"

"Oh, God, no, not an hour, I'll die, I can't -"

"Shut up, Bobby, you know better than to interrupt me. Stick your tongue out."

Robert wisely shut up, and stuck tongue out. Kristine got up, retrieved one of her soiled socks, and gagged him with the sock and the ball gag. She then sat back down at his feet.

"As I was saying when I was so rudely interrupted, before you even arrived I had already decided to tickle you for a solid hour. I decided that both for today, and at the end of each future foot massage session that you give me, Bobby. I let you choose your own reward just to see how much you were willing to take. You're such a wuss, you took only five licks on each sole. That's what it will be from now on, five licks on each sole for your reward, and sixty minutes of tickling for me to enjoy."

Kristine heard Robert groan from behind his gag, and she laughed at him.

"Too bad for you, Bobby, but there's one more thing. You rudely interrupted me, and contradicted me. You need to be punished for that. Perhaps I should call Maria and tell her she can join the fun and tickle you senseless when I'm done with you. She was so eager to do that on Sunday. Maybe I should call her. No, I want to keep you as my personal foot slave and my personal tickle toy. I won't call her. Instead, I'll double your tickling for today only. Two full hours."

Robert screamed something from behind his gag, but Kristine paid him no attention. She picked up the feather, and began to stroke his left sole with it.


Kristine spent the first half hour experimenting. The three softest implements, the feather, the artist's brush, and the make-up brush, were almost useless, they didn't tickle him at all on his soles, and only slightly between his toes. The toothbrushes, ordinary and electric, produced quite a good reaction, just about the same as her fingers had on Sunday, on his soles. No point in using them if they weren't better than her bare hands, she thought. Then she tried them between his toes, and that was a revelation. He shrieked and howled like a banshee, even through his gag. She found that she had more control with the ordinary toothbrush.

When applied to his soles, the plastic comb and the plastic hairbrush drove him crazy, much to her delight. He thrashed like a bronco and laughed like a madman, she was quite glad that he was gagged. The plastic fork was even better. Dragging its four tines the length of his sole, from his heel to his toes, made him shriek and thrash so much that she worried the chair would come off his legs. It wobbled, but stayed put. The ballpoint pen was not as good as any of the plastic pronged implements.

"I'm done experimenting, Bobby," Kristine said, rising to her feet, "so you can catch your breath now. The clock stops while I'm gone, you have 88 minutes of tickling left. All of it will be on your sensitive soles, just like I promised."

She went down to the first floor, to the cabinet where party supplies were kept, and get a half dozen plastic forks, identical to the one she had used. She also made a mental note to buy two new toothbrushes to add to the old one she had used.

"I'm back, baby, did you miss me?" she asked, upon returning to her room. She playfully put one bare foot on his head as she went on, "I missed you, my dear little baby tickle toy, my personal foot slave. You are so cute when you're tied up and helpless, did I mention that? So helpless, so ticklish, and all mine to play with."

Going back to his feet, she took one fork in each and went to work with a vengeance. She raked both forks on one sole, then on the other, then one fork on each. She mixed it, varying the pattern so he couldn't predict it. She never stopped, she just tickled and tickled.

Inside of five minutes, his face was red and tears began to flow. In another five minutes, his struggles became less, he was barely able to quiver, but the tears were streaming down his cheeks as much as ever.

"Just look at you baby," Kristine said, "a blob of ticklish jelly now, not even able to struggle the way you were before, laughing so hard that you're crying, just quivering and trembling at my touch, a helpless tickle-toy. Tickle, tickle, tickle, Bobby. Does this tickle you? Does it? Just a little bit? Too bad, baby. Tickle, tickle, tickle. Do you wish that I would stop? Do you? Too bad, baby. Tickle, tickle, tickle. I'm not going to stop, no, not until the whole two hours is up. Tickle, tickle, tickle. This is just the way it should be, Bobby, you helpless and utterly at my mercy, me powerful and in control of you. Tickle, tickle, tickle. I love that you want me to stop, and that you know that I won't. I love that we both know that I could tickle you all night, I could tickle you to death, there's no way you could stop me, you' re utterly defenseless, utterly at my mercy. Tickle, tickle, tickle. You're very, very lucky that I always keep my promises, Bobby, that I'm 100% honest. I will stop when the two hours up, but that's due to my character. Tickle, tickle, tickle. It's out of your control, you're my helpless little tickle toy, which is just what you were meant to be. Tickle, tickle, tickle. There's 67 minutes of tickling left, and I intend to enjoy them all."

And she did.


When it was finally over, Robert kept sobbing and gasping for quite a while. Kristine removed the beanbag chair from his legs. She took the ball gag and the sock out of his mouth, but she left him tied on the floor. She waited until he finally was able to stop crying and breathe normally. She pulled over her desk chair to a position where she could sit in it and use his head as a foot stool.

"Tell me, Bobby, why are your soles so sensitive? Don't you ever go barefoot?"

"No, Mis. Hansen, I never even wear sandals. They hurt my feet. I wear shoes and socks outdoors, and slippers when I undress. I even wear flip-flops in the shower, I don't want to catch athlete's foot there from the other guys in the dorm."

"You're to keep doing that, and from now on you're to rub moisturizer on your feet every night before you go to sleep. I'll give you a half full bottle of mine, and you buy the same brand when it's empty."

"Yes, Ms. Hansen."

"One more thing, Bobby. You're to have a pedicure once a week."

"What? Guys don't do that. I can't have my nails painted."

"Don't question my authority, Bobby, and don't be stupid. I don't want your nails painted, that's not necessarily part of a pedicure. I don't have my own nails painted, I'm sure you've noticed that, I see no point in it. I do want your feet exfoliated and all the rough skin scraped off, every week. You will meet Maria, you know her, she came in here once, Maria Gomez, every Friday afternoon at 1pm right in front of this sorority house. She goes to get her pedicure then, and she'll make an appointment for you also. I'll instruct her on what to tell them at the nail shop, exactly what I want done to your feet. And you'll obey me, or else you'll never see me again, and never touch these divine feet again. Understand?"

She first rubbed his hair with one bare foot, then poked his chin with the toes of her other foot.

"Yes, Ms. Hansen, I understand."

"All right, then. I'll untie you now, and I'll see you on Sunday. Maria will see you on Friday, promptly at 1pm, or else."

After untying him, she gave him a half empty bottle of moisturizer.

"It's available in The Body Shop. Buy me a replacement bottle and bring in when you come on Sunday night."

"Yes, Ms. Hansen."

Friday, October 24, 2003

Robert was waiting outside the Tau Kappa Lambda sorority house at 12:55pm. When Maria emerged from the door a few minutes later, he handed her a bag from The Body Shop and ran away without saying a word.

Maria frowned and looked in the bag. It contained two things, a new bottle of moisturizer and a sealed envelope addressed "Ms. Hansen." She decided to keep her appointment at the nail shop and deliver these to Kristine latter.


Kristine seemed unsurprised when Maria gave her the bag later that afternoon. She put the moisturizer in her bathroom and calmly opened the envelope. There was one page inside. She motioned to Maria that she could come next to her and read it, too.

"Dear Ms. Hansen,

I adore you and worship you totally, and serving at your feet has been the greatest experience of my life. But I just can't bear to be tickled so much. I truly can't stand it. I'm sorry, but it's best if you never see me again.

Your devoted admirer, who will now admire you from a distance,
Robert Lamb"

Kristine grimaced. "I will get my revenge on that wuss, and he won't like it one bit. You will have to help me, Maria."

"Of course. We Tau Kappa Lambda sisters always stick together. We'll all help you. What are we going to do to him?"

"Nothing for quite a while, until his suspicions die down. We'll be busy during basketball season anyway, In the spring I'll tell you my plan."
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Chapter 2

Monday, April 12, 2004

Robert was surprised to get the invitation. It came via campus mail, in a plain envelope. The card inside said:

"You are invited to Kristine's birthday party!
Date: Her birthday, DUH!!! Thursday, April 22
Time: 7pm
Place: The attic of the Tau Kappa Lambda sorority house
Dress: Whatever you feel like wearing
RSVP: 555-0317
Bring no presents, I just want to get together with my friends"

His times massaging Kristine's feet seemed like a dream to him, like a time in heaven. Even more so were the times he was allowed to lick her soles. But the tickling had been a nightmare, and it still was, literally. Sometimes he woke up at 4 or 5am from a nightmare that she was tickling him again, endlessly. He better not go to the party. He decided to call and leave a message of regrets before he changed his mind out of weakness.

It was wonderful to hear her voice, even the outgoing message on her phone machine. He left a very short message, though, just "This is Robert Lamb. I'm sorry that I won't be able to attend your party. Have a happy birthday."

He was shocked when she called back two hours later.

"Bobby, is that you?"

"Yes, Ms. Hansen, I'm really sorry I won't be going to your party."

"Oh, Bobby, I"m so disappointed. You don't have to call me that over the phone, you know, only when you're in the sorority house. Listen, I think I know what you're afraid of. First, let me ask you a question, and give me an honest answer. Did I ever break a promise that I made to you? Ever?"

"No, Kristine, you never broke a promise."

"I'm glad you remember that. I'm going to make two promises to you, and see if that will change your mind. First promise is that I won't tickle you on my birthday, not at all, not even one little poke in the ribs. Second promise, you can arrive early, at 5pm, and come to my room. I'll let you massage my feet for two hours, no reward, but no tickling either. Then we can go up to the attic together. OK, will you come to the party?"

"Umm, I think that just means that you'll tickle me at midnight when it's not your birthday any more."

"Oh, Bobby, don't be so paranoid. I won't. I'll expand my first promise, OK? I promise not to tickle you on my birthday, not on April 23, not any day whatsoever until after we both graduate in May. Is that good enough?"

"Do you solemnly promise that, Kristine?"

"Yes, Bobby, I solemnly promise not to tickle you at my party, nor the day after, nor any day until after we both graduate from here."

"Thank you, Kristine, being tickled insane again was what I feared. I'll be so glad to massage your lovely feet again. I missed doing that so much. I'll be knocking at your door at 5pm sharp."

"I look forward to it, Bobby."

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Robert entered the Tau Kappa Lambda sorority house at 4:55pm and presented his student photo ID to Barbara Russo, who was staffing the front desk.

"Ms. Hansen is expecting me," he said.

Barbara smiled at him, and phoned Kristine's room. "Robert Lamb here to see you, is he welcome? ... OK, fine."

She handed him back his ID and told him to go upstairs. He knocked on Kristine's door, and and was told to come in. She was already barefoot, waiting for him in the reclining chair in the reclined position. He got down on his hands and knees and crawled to her feet, then waited for instructions.

"Hi, Bobby, I've missed you, I haven't had a decent foot massage since October. Just get to work, start with my left foot."

Robert was so happy to be massaging her feet again, it was like being readmitted into heaven. He had almost forgotten how pink and creamy her soles were, the arches being just a bit paler. He had almost forgotten how perfect her toes were. He massaged with a clear head, knowing that she always kept her promises, knowing that he wouldn't be tickle tortured afterwards. He loved was he was doing, and he did it with genuine enthusiasm.


Kristine glanced at her watch, and said, "Oh, it's 5 after 7 already, I'm slightly late to my own party."

She shoved her left foot, the one he was not massaging, into his face, the signal for him to stop.

"Use my bathroom first if you want to, then we'll go upstairs."

Robert crawled to her bathroom, urinated sitting down there, washed up, and crawled back to her. He saw that she had put on flip-flops while he was gone. He was glad that she hadn't put on sneakers and socks, that he would see her feet during the party.

"Follow me," she said, "and you may stand when we get out into the hallway."

Robert crawled after her and stood when they got to the hallway. He walked behind her down the hall to a door at the far end.

"This leads to our party room, on the fourth floor," she said, opening the door.

Tamika entered the third floor hallway from her own room, and greeted them. "Hi, Kris, hi, Bobby, wait for me, I'll go up with you."

Kristine paused, blocking the stairway which was behind the door she had just opened. Robert paused behind her, not touching her, but close enough so that her long hair tickled his nose. Tamika came up behind him and patted him gently on the rump.

As the other two went up the steps, Tamika closed the door behind her. Robert noticed that it had a layer of cork on the back, and that all the walls were covered with cork.

"What's the cork for?" he asked.

"Soundproofing, silly," said Tamika, "we have some pretty wild parties up here sometimes, and we don't want noise to disturb the neighbors and get the cops called. The whole attic is finished, ventilated, and soundproofed."

When they got to the top of the stairs, there was another door, which Kristine opened and went through, the other two following. Tamika closed that behind her also, and it was also clearly soundproofed.

Robert could see that the attic was quite large, almost as large as the whole third floor below it. There were about six or seven more women there, including two he recognized, Barbara and Maria, but no men. Also there was no sign of a party, no food or music. Several pieces of furniture against the wall were covered in sheets, so that it wasn't clear what they were.

"Hey, I don't like this, where's the party?" said Robert.

As he turned to head back to the door they had just come through, Tamika grabbed his arms, twisted one behind his back, and soon had him on the floor, sitting on his rump.

Kristine took a few steps back and just watched as he struggled, but couldn't dislodge Tamika.

"Stop! Help! Help!!!" screamed Robert.

"Save your breath, you'll need it, Bobby," said Kristine, "and nobody outside the attic can hear you anyway."

Several other women came forward and began to remove his clothes. Within minutes, he was as naked as the day he was born, and hoisted to his feet with Barbara holding one of his arms and Tamika holding the other.

Kristine took the sheet off of one of the pieces of furniture that had been covered up. It looked like a gymnastics horse, used for vaulting, but there were iron rings set into its base. Kristine pulled it towards the center of the attic, into a clear space. She placed a clean towel on top of the leather horse.

Barbara and Tamika locked padded leather cuffs around Robert's wrists and ankles. They lifted him up, placed him with his groin on the towel, and locked all four cuffs to rings in the base of the vaulting horse. His bare bottom was prominently exposed, sticking up.

A tall redhead that Robert didn't know came over to stand by his head, hanging down in front of the horse. She seemed to be at least as tall as Barbara, who was next to her, but he didn't recognize the redhead from the basketball team's website.

"I don't believe we've been introduced, Bobby," she said. "I'm Mary Murphy, president of the Tau Kappa Lambda sorority, which means that I act as judge when necessary in our sorority house. You are here because you have been charged with an offense. Our vice president and sister in good standing, Kristine Hansen, charges you with the offense of dumping her in October of last year. How do you plead, guilty or not guilty?"

"Umm, well, I did break up with her, but that's not a crime."

"You are in no position to tell us what is an offense and what isn't, Bobby. Here in our sorority house, you will learn to behave yourself. You will not question us or contradict us. In fact, you will never speak, unless your are answering a direct question from one of us, or if one of us specifically gives you permission. Now, let's get back to your case. Do you admit that you wrote to Kristine, telling her that you two wouldn't be seeing each other any more?"

As she was waving Robert's note to Kristine from October under his nose, he answered simply, "Yes, I wrote that note."

"Guilty as charged," said Mary.

She got a wooden sorority paddle from where it had been hanging on the wall. It was dark wood with leather padding on one side. The other side said "Tau Kappa Lambda, Sisterhood Forever!" in large painted letters. It was about 4" wide, 15" long, and 1/2" thick. She handed the paddle to Kristine.

"You are sentenced to paddling by the injured party, our sister Kristine. The details are left to her judgment, the number of strokes and how hard to hit you."

Kristine grinned at him, the way a hungry cat grins at an already cornered mouse. "I'll begin with just 100 strokes, not too hard. You can be sure that you'll have no bruises when we let you go, Bobby, not a mark on you, just in case you were thinking of going to the Dean of Students."

Robert had been thinking that they had to let him go sometime, and that the infirmary would be his first stop, to have his bruises treated, and then the Dean of Students would be notified. But with no marks, he would sound like a crybaby, and be the laughing stock of the campus, a guy who couldn't take a little spanking from some sorority girls.

"If it comes to that," said Mary, "half a dozen of us will testify that you and Kris spent the whole weekend in her room, screwing your brains out. And that you had a big screaming fight on Sunday night, so you're just a man scorned. We Tau Kappa Lambda sisters stick together."

Kristine approached Robert, with the paddle in position to strike him. He braced himself.

"Ow! Ow! OW!"

The strokes hurt more than he thought, although it was clear she was using much less than her full strength. She was smacking each buttock five times, and then changing to the other one. It really stung, and he cried out with each stoke.

By the 30th stroke he began to cry, but she kept right on smacking him, in an even tempo, counting out loud after each set of five.

His crying did not go unnoticed.

"What a baby!" said Maria, "My little brother can take more punishment than that without crying."

"100% wuss," said another woman, "a total sissy."

His cries of pain increased as Kristine began to aim some of the spanks at his upper thighs instead of his rump.


"Ninety," said Kristine.

The last five on his right cheek were harder than before, and he screamed in pain.


The last five on his left cheek were equally hard, and he was sobbing uncontrollably when she stopped.

"There," said Kristine, inspecting his rump and his upper thighs. "Nice and red, brick red all over, but not bruised. Just what I wanted."

She waited until he stopped sobbing, and spoke to him again. "Now you must thank me, Bobby, and do it right, with an apology, or you will get another hundred right now."

Robert gulped and said, "Thank you, Ms. Hansen, for spanking me. I deserved it for breaking up with you in October. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me."

"You're welcome, Bobby. I'm happy to tell you that you won't be spanked again until tomorrow morning. I haven't decided yet whether your total punishment from me will be 300, 500, or perhaps more."

Robert gasped at that, but didn't say anything, remembering that he wasn't to speak unless one of the women ordered him to, or asked him a direct question.

"Put him in the chair and stocks now," said Kristine.

Three women came forward and unlocked him from the horse. They unlocked and removed his ankle cuffs, but left his wrist cuffs on.

Two other women removed the sheets covering a bondage chair and a set of foot stocks. Robert was soon carried over to the chair and seated in it. His sore bottom hurt a bit on the leather seat.

A thick leather strap went over his chest, and was buckled tight, holding his chest to the sturdy back of the chair. His arms were raised over his head, and his wrist cuffs were locked to rings set in the wall. Looking up, Robert saw that there was a series of rings in the wall at different heights, starting at the top of the chair's back and going up high enough to accommodate Shaq in this chair. He looked shocked.

"Don't be so surprised," said Mary, "we use this room for our initiations. That's the real reason it's so well soundproofed. Over the years, we've built and bought quite a lot of bondage equipment. We're a well-endowed sorority with quite a few wealthy alumnae. But I don't want you looking up like that, and there's still too much movement you can make with your arms."

Getting some soft rope out of a supply cabinet, she tied his elbows towards one another. With his wrists drawn up, he truly couldn't move his arms now at all, only wriggle his fingers.

Barbara buckled a thick leather strap around his head at the forehead. The strap had D-rings embedded in it, two of which she then locked to rings in the wall at his head level. He now could not move his head.

Maria buckled two leather straps, which were a part of the chair,around each of his thighs. She then grabbed his ankles and pulled them up, so his legs extended horizontally from the chair.

Tamika brought over the heavy stocks, open and ready to receive his ankles. She placed the stocks at the appropriate distance from the chair, and adjusted the legs so they were at the perfect height for him. She locked his ankles in securely. Robert couldn't move his legs at all now, nor his ankles, he could only wriggle his toes.

Not for long, though, did he have that freedom. Tamika and Barbara now tied all ten of his toes back to the top of the stocks, where there were little metal rings screwed in for that purpose.

Kristine, who had merely been watching all this, now smiled at him, once again just like a cat. She inspected his bondage carefully, from his wrists in their cuffs locked to the wall to his toes, all tied back.

"I would say that you're in quite a ticklish situation, Bobby. Your underarms, ribcage, belly, and thighs are all open and vulnerable. You have no hope of moving away from tickling fingers or brushes."

She laughed, and grinned at his helpless predicament, but didn't come nearer.

"And your soles, Bobby, your very ticklish and very sensitive soles, they are presented to the sorority, sticking right out there, bare and vulnerable, utterly helpless, utterly motionless. Oh, poor Bobby, I almost feel sorry for you."

She went over to her purse and picked it up.

"I promised that you I wouldn't tickle you, and I keep my promises, you know that. I'm not going to tickle you, Bobby, not today, not tomorrow, not Saturday, not Sunday, not Monday before your first class. That's when we'll let you go, Bobby, in case you haven't figured it out yet, just ten minutes before your first class on Monday, which is at 11am, I looked up your schedule."

She opened her purse and walked around the room, giving two plastic forks to each of the women there. She put a pile of a dozen more on the floor near the stocks.

"I'll just watch, Bobby, just watch, I promised not to tickle you, but my sorority sisters here, I don't believe any of them made any promises to you."

"I never promised him a thing," said Mary, sitting down near his left foot.

"Me neither," said Tamika, sitting near his right foot.

"I certainly didn't promise him a thing," said Maria, taking up a position near his left side.

"Nor did I," said Barbara, standing by his right side.

"I sure didn't, I never met him before," said a cute blonde woman. "Hi, Bobby, I'm Jane." She sat down beside Mary.

"I'm Judy, nice to meet you, Bobby," said a strikingly beautiful Chinese American woman, who then sat beside Tamika.

"And I'm Juliet," said another redhead, not as tall as Mary. "I'll have the duty of being your special friend here tonight." She laughed, took a soft make-up brush out of her purse, and sat down right beside him, almost sitting on Barbara's sneakers. Robert has no idea what that meant, but he didn't think she would really be friendly.

"All right, it's just about a quarter after eight," said Kristine, "why don't you all start on my signal. Three, two, ...., one, ..., one-half, ...., GO!"

Maria began tickling his left armpit with one hand, digging all five fingers in there. With her other hand, she went up and down his ribcage, over and over again, tickling with all five fingers.

Barbara used a toothbrush in one hand to poke at his right armpit. She used her other hand, bare, to knead his ribs, slowly and vigorously.

All of the four women at his feet had a fork in each hand. Eight plastic forks were simultaneously traveling all over his soles, at different rates of speed with different pressures.

It drove him insane. He shrieked, he strained against his bonds, his eyes bugged out, his face turned red, he laughed like a madman, he broke out in a cold sweat, and, within minutes, his tears began to flow down his cheeks.

Juliet didn't do a thing for the first few minutes, just watched him go berserk. Then she began to stroke his penis and testicles with the soft make-up brush. She kept it up until he was rigidly erect. Then she stopped. She kept a watch on his turgid member, and began stroking again any time it began to droop. Any time he seemed close to a climax, she stopped.

Robert wished that he could faint, or even just die, but he didn't, he stayed conscious, in ticklish agony, in tickle hell, laughing and laughing, unable to move any part of his body except his fingers, erect and frustrated. Then Kristine walked over to him, stood near Maria, and began to taunt him.

"It's been only twenty minutes so far, Bobby, only twenty minutes. Poor baby, poor little ticklish baby, does it seem longer to you? Does it? Are you ticklish? Are you? Just a little bit? Poor baby, poor little ticklish baby boy. This will go on for hours Bobby, for hours, past midnight. Isn't Juliet a tease? Such a tease, that's her reputation on campus, the worst cock tease at Sherman College, and it's true, there's nothing she likes better than to send a date home with blue balls. This is a dream come true for her, to tease your cock like that, to watch your balls get swollen. Poor baby, poor ticklish little baby boy. I love watching this, Bobby. I'd be happier joining in, but I'm an honest woman, and I always keep my promises. So this will be my birthday present to myself, to watch you suffer, to watch you tickled into madness, to watch my sorority sisters tickle you insane. I almost do feel sorry for your Bobby, but you deserve this. Yes, yes, you do, you deserve it. You fully deserve every minute of what's going to happen to you this weekend. How dare you dump me. How dare you! I promised that you were going to be my private foot slave and my personal tickle toy. I never would have let other women tickle you, only me. But no, that wasn't good enough for you, you ran away from me like the gutless coward that you are. Too bad, Bobby, too bad. Now you're the tickle toy of the whole sorority, of all of Tau Kappa Lambda. How do like thirteen hands tickling you? Do you like it? I bet you don't, I bet you wish they'd stop. They would if I told them to, Bobby. But I'm not going to, I'm going to tell them to keep at, to never give you a moment's rest, to never let you stop laughing. Yes, Bobby, that's what you deserve, exactly what you deserve."

She paused at this point, and went to the attic bathroom. She returned and resumed taunting him.

"We've got fifteen more women downstairs, Bobby, all ready to take their turns tickling you over the weekend. If anybody here get tired fingers, or a phone call with an emergency, some are ready to take their places tonight. I can guarantee that at least five or six women will be tickling you during your tickling sessions, Bobby, and the sessions will go on whenever I say so, for as long as I say so. We Tau Kappa Lambda sisters stick together, and your punishment is our project for this weekend."

"I sure enjoy my part of it," said Juliet, stroking his penis lightly with the soft brush.

"Thank you, dear sister Juliet," said Kristine, "do keep him aroused but frustrated, that's just the way I want him. And thank you to my six other dear sisters for keeping him in the jelly state, laughing silently, barely able to breathe, quivering in his bonds like a bowl of Jell-O, helpless and in ticklish agony. Oh, Bobby, this is even better than I imagined it would be! You are so helpless, so ticklish, and it's such fun to see you tickled endlessly, ceaselessly, totally without mercy. I love you in the jelly state, quivering and unable to even beg me for mercy, which you wouldn't get anyway."

Kristine paused to kiss him on the forehead, just above the leather strap which held his head to the rings in the wall.

"Do you know what I love best about this, Bobby? That you want the tickling to stop, that you desperately want it to stop, that you know that it's in my power to stop it, and that you know that I won't stop it, that you know that I will have it go on and on, because it amuses me, because it pleases me enormously to see you suffer in this way. Oh, Bobby, I'm in heaven, this is the best birthday that I've ever had."


It was a bit past midnight when Kristine finally told the other seven women to stop. Except for Juliet, they had changed positions several times, so that everybody got a chance at his upper body and at his feet. They had had to revive him four times with cold water in his face when he fainted.

When they released him from all of his bondage, he just sat in the chair, exhausted, oblivious to the world around him, tickled senseless. Barbara and Tamika carried him to the attic's bathroom, sitting him down on the toilet. After he urinated, still apparently not aware of his surroundings, they carefully placed him in the bath tub.

While the tub filled, they took the opportunity to tickle his ribs and underarms, and he howled with laughter again. As they washed his whole body, they tickled him all over, paying special attention to the soles of his feet. He shrieked with laughter, and seemed to return to reality, saying, "Please, no more."

"That's an offense, Bobby," said Tamika. "You spoke without permission. I'll overlook it this one time, just because you're so cute and I had such fun tickling you all evening. But don't ever do it again, or you'll get an extra hundred spanks, hard ones."

Robert nodded, and was able to step out of the tub when they told him to. They took a large towel and dried him off, getting in a few tickles here and there as they did so. He laughed, but remembered to say nothing.

When Barbara handed him an adult diaper and told him to put it on, he did so.

"Follow us, hands and knees," said Tamika.

Robert crawled after the two of them. He saw that all the other women except Kristine were gone from the attic, and that a bed, previously over by the wall and covered by sheets, was now set up for him. It had a sturdy brass headboard and matching footboard and side rails. Rings were embedded all over to make bondage in the bed easier.

"Stand up," said Barbara.

Kristine handed her a canvas straightjacket, an authentic one, the same as used in mental hospitals. Barbara put it on him, buckling all the straps securely, including one that went over his diaper. He laid down on the bed when instructed.

Tamika put the padded leather cuffs back on his ankles. She locked the two cuffs together by their D-rings. She then tied them, with rope, to rings in the footboard of the bed. She tied buckles on the straightjacket on either side of his waist to rings in the side railings of the bed. She tied buckles in the shoulders of the straightjacket to rings in the headboard of the bed. She stood back and smiled at him.

"I don't think that you're in danger of rolling out of bed, Bobby," she said.

Barbara laughed, and said, "I don't think so either, but let's test if he's secure."

She and Tamika each picked up a plastic fork, and sat by his feet. They each held back his toes with one hand, and raked his sole with the fork in the other hand.

Robert was soon laughing hard, and struggling as much as he could in the straightjacket, which was not much at all.

"To help you sleep," said Kristine, as she buckled a large leather blindfold over his eyes, while the other two kept tickling his soles.

She smiled at the sight of him laughing and laughing, but then glanced at her watch.

"I'm sorry, dear sisters, but it's past 1am, and we have to let him get some sleep. He has a very long, hard day ahead of him tomorrow."

Barbara and Tamika reluctantly stopped, and left the attic to go to their rooms. Kristine pulled an ordinary bed over from the wall to be next to Robert's bed.

"I'll be sleeping right next to you, Bobby, my luscious nude body inches from your scrawny body."

He jerked his head at that statement, but kept silent. Kristine smiled at the bulge in his diaper.

"Oh, you didn't know that I slept in the nude? Yes, I always do. You're hearing me take off my clothes now, aren't you? Good night, little tickle toy of the Tau Kappa Lambdas."

She kissed him tenderly on the forehead, just above his blindfold. She turned out the lights and got into her bed beside him.

"I trust that you're sorry now that you dumped me, Bobby. There will be no need for an alarm clock, you'll be tickled awake on your very sensitive soles when the time comes."

Friday, April 23, 2004

At 8am promptly, Robert was awakened by the feeling of hands holding his toes back on each foot, and several plastic forks scraping up and down each of his soles. He screamed, thrashed in his bondage, and laughed louder.

"It's a a new day, Bobby," said Kristine, removing his blindfold and kissing him very tenderly on the forehead. "Do you know what time it is? It's tickle time. For you, at least, it's definitely tickle time."

She removed his blindfold as the others kept tickling his feet.

Robert could see six women in the room at his feet. Two of them were each just using both hands to hold back the toes of one foot. The other four had two plastic forks, one in each hand, and were tickling his soles ruthlessly. Even in his ticklish agony, as he laughed, he could see that five of them were newcomers, he didn't recognize them from yesterday. One of the women tickling his right foot was Judy, the really gorgeous Asian woman from yesterday.

They kept tickling him, his face getting red, his struggles less vigorous, his breath shorter. Finally, they reduced him to silent laughter, his mouth making laughing motions, but not enough breath to make a sound. He was only quivering, in the jelly state again.

"Listen, he's wetting his diaper," said a short blonde woman, who was holding back his left toes.

They all laughed, and Bobby blushed even redder than he already was. It was true, he had really needed to urinate when he woke up, and they kept him bound to the bed and tickled him, what did they expect? But it was so embarrassing to have them all notice the sound of him emptying his bladder into the diaper.

"You can all stop now," said Kristine, glancing at her watch, "and get him showered. Put him on the spanking horse while I go eat my breakfast."

She left the attic, and the other women began to untie the ropes holding the straightjacket and the cuffs to the bed.


When Kristine returned she was pleased to see that Robert was clean, naked, and bound to the gymnastics horse with his rump upward. One of the women handed her the sorority paddle.

"You're getting 200 spanks now, Bobby, and I know that you will cry out, and cry tears as well. But not one word out of you, or it will be 400 instead. Understand?"

Robert nodded. He wondered if they ever intended to feed him. He'd been expecting dinner at the party last night, and hadn't eaten since noon yesterday. He was starving.

"Ow! Ow! OW!"

All thoughts of food left him as Kristine began to smack his bottom, a bit harder than yesterday. She went down his left buttock from the waistline, all the way past the bottom of the cheek to his upper thigh, then across to the right upper thigh, then upward to the top of his right buttock. Then she started over again, and again, again.

"Wow, his ass is bright red," said one of the women, Robert couldn't see which.

"Bright red, but not bruised, that's what I'm aiming for, I want him in lots of pain, but with no marks to show," said Kristine.

From the way Robert was now sobbing uncontrollably, it was clear that he was in a lot of pain. And Kristine had only reached 95 in her count, 105 more smacks to come. She continued with genuine gusto.

When the 200th spank was given, she inspected his bottom as he sobbed. Brick red all over, from the waist to the point on his thighs half-way to his knees. I did a fine job, she thought.

She waited until his crying died down to whimpering, and said, "You may speak now. If your statement isn't abject enough, if you don't grovel enough, then you'll get 200 more, right now, even harder."

Robert managed to stop whimpering, and said, "Thank you ever so much, Ms. Hansen, for taking the time to teach me proper behavior. I richly deserved this spanking, and I will deserve as many more as you wish to give me. I am ever so sorry for breaking up with you, and I most humbly beg you to forgive me."

"That's a good start, Bobby, but I want to hear more, about your service in the fall, massaging my feet."

The other women all laughed, and Robert gulped and continued.

"It was like being in heaven, being allowed to massage your lovely feet. It was a great privilege. I truly admire you, worship you, and I recognize that I'm not worthy to serve at your feet, you were very kind to ever allow it. Please, please, I beg of you, please forgive me."

"Alright, Bobby, that was minimally acceptable. I won't give you 200 extra spanks now. But keep in mind that you've only gotten 300 total from me so far, and now I have decided on your appropriate punishment. What did I say it would be? Remind me. You may speak, Bobby."

"Yesterday, you said '300, 500, or perhaps more,' Ms. Hansen."

"So I did. Well, it's 'perhaps more.' In fact, I've decided that it's an even thousand. So you'll get 700 more over the course of the weekend."

Robert couldn't control himself, and started to whimper again. The women all laughed at him, quite amused at the look on his face.

"Now it's time for your breakfast, Bobby. Barbara will bring it up for you, as per my instructions," said Kristine. Turning to the women, she said, "get him into a diaper and the straightjacket, on his back on the floor, with ankle cuffs, too."

She stood back and watched as the other six women released him from the spanking horse and followed her directions.

She locked his ankle cuffs together herself, and then tied his legs together at the knees with rope. She got a comfortable armchair, and placed it over him, straddling his body, so that his head stuck out where it would be a convenient footrest for a woman sitting in the chair.

As if on cue, Barbara entered the attic as soon as the chair was in place. She had a paper bag in one hand, and sat down in the chair. She rested her bare feet on Robert's face.

"I do hope you don't mind me using your face as my footstool, Bobby," she said. "They're just one size smaller than Kristine's feet, which you love so much, they're size 11, but they're nowhere near as pretty. I never get pedicures, so they're quite callused. I go outside barefoot all the time. That's what I did this morning, did my morning jog on the grass barefoot. My soles are filthy. But I don't care, and you better not make any objection, either."

Robert wisely said nothing. He saw Barbara take a jar of creamy peanut butter out of the bag, and a plastic knife.

"Kristine tells me that you hate peanut butter, you told her that back in September, that you were given it as a kid all the time, you never liked it, and you got to hate it. Well, that's what you're going to be fed here, the only solid food you'll get, peanut butter."

Robert wisely said nothing. Barbara opened the jar, broke the seal, took a large gob of peanut out with the knife, and spread it carefully all over her left sole. She dipped her toes into the jar, and got them covered with it.

"Lick!" she said to Robert. "Lick off every speck, or I'll spank you extra."

She place her sole right over Robert's mouth, and moved it around as he licked, so that he could get to every spot. He licked and licked. He did hate the peanut butter, and the grit and dirt on her sole made it taste even worse.

The other women laughed at him, at the look on his face as he licked hard to be sure to get every speck of it off of her sole.

"Now suck!" she said, sticking her big toe into his mouth.

When it was sucked clean, she shoved her next two toes in his mouth, and then the last two. When he was done, she inspected her foot.

"Good job, Bobby, you got all the peanut butter and most of the dirt, too."

They all laughed at him. Barbara reached into the bag, and took out a bottle of cranberry juice.

"Kristine told me that she offered you orange juice in September, and you drank it, but said that apple juice was your favorite. You also told her you drank all fruit juices except cranberry. Too bad for you that you told her. This is going to be how we keep you hydrated from now on, no more water, only cranberry juice."

She opened the bottle and gave it to a woman Robert didn't know. She held it to his lips, and he drank some.

"Drink it all, or I'll spank you. My name is Susan. I may look small, but I'm strong, I'm on the gymnastics team. Drink it all, or I'll really wallop you."

Robert drank it all, and they laughed again at the expression on his face.

"Now it's time to introduce you to our prize piece of equipment here, Bobby," said Kristine. "I don't think you will like it much, but you will be laughing a lot, I can guarantee that."

Barbara got up and moved the chair away from him. Two of the women got him out of the cuffs and straightjacket, so that the was only wearing his diaper. The other women were taking some sheets off a big piece of furniture at the far end of the attic. They moved it away from the wall.

"Follow me," said Judy to him, and he crawled on his hands and knees after her towards the new piece of equipment.

Barbara and Judy lifted him up onto it, and he could see that it was a combination rack and stocks. He was lying on a leather surface about the width of a single bed, but much longer. A pillow was placed under the small of his back, so that his ribs were extended upwards. No pillow was provided for his head.

Judy grabbed his ankles and put them into the stocks that were at one end of the device. The holes were padded, as had been the holes in the stock they used yesterday when he was seated in the chair. But this stock was a permanent part of the device, attached to one end. Once his ankles were locked in, two of the women tied his toes back, all ten of them, to little metal rings screwed into the top of the stock.

Barbara put his wrists into padded leather cuffs and locked them on. The cuffs were permanently attached ot steel cables that went around a big wheel. Barbara unlocked the wheel and began turning a crank.

Robert gasped, but remembered not to speak, as the cables began to pull the wrist cuffs up over his head. Barbara kept turning the crank until he was stretched taut. She turned it twice more, and he screamed in pain, and then she retreated from those two extra turns, turning it backwards twice, and locked the wheel.

"I just wanted to show you what we could do to you, what we will do to you if you misbehave, show us any disrespect, disobey us, or try to run away. I could turn that crank until both your shoulders were dislocated, if I wanted to. I could turn it until you're ripped apart, if I wanted to. But we're quite kind, we sisters of Tau Kappa Lambda, and we only want you stretched out so that we can tickle you. Yes, just to tickle you, and tickle you, and then tickle you even more. That sounds like a good plan to me."

Without further discussion, seven of the women, everybody except Kristine, began to tickle him. They tickled his neck, ears, and nose with soft brushes. They tickled his collarbones, armpits, and ribs with their fingers. They tickled his belly with stiff brushes. They tickled his thighs, knees, and calves with both brushes and their fingers. Most of all, there were always at least two women, sometimes as many as four women, tickling his soles with plastic forks. They never gave his sensitive soles a moment's rest, never.

Kristine watched quietly, licking her lips, for the first fifteen minutes. Then she came over to his head, and leaned over, and looked into his eyes. Her big blue eyes were just two inches above Robert's eyes.

"Look right into my eyes, Bobby, yes, that's right, keep on looking into my eyes, don't you dare look away or close your eyes, not until I'm done talking to you."

She paused and smiled at him, once again the grin of a cat looking at an already captured mouse.

"Consider your situation, Bobby, here you are, utterly helpless, in the jelly state, barely able to quiver, laughing so hard that tears are running down your cheeks, laughing and laughing, unable to stop, desperate for some relief, knowing that you will get no mercy from me, none at all. You know that I have the power, all the power for now, and there's nothing you can do about it. Nobody expects to see you until Monday morning at 11am, and it's not even that time yet today, Friday."

She paused to kiss his forehead, and stared right into his eyes again.

"You're all mine, mine to torture, for three more whole days. I'll keep my promise and not tickle you myself, out of pride, because I never break a promise. It won't do you much good, though, will it? So many sisters ready to tickle you, every member of the sorority is eager to get in on it, to tickle you insane. I've always wondered whether that is just an expression, or if it could really be done. Three more days may not be long enough to find out, more's the pity. But you'll be tickled senseless, over and over, and between those times you won't like much what we do to you either."

She paused again to kiss him on her forehead, very tenderly.

"Such a fool you were, coming here, delivering yourself to my wrath. Didn't you know that 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned'? Didn't you realize that I am not used to being dumped? Especially not by the likes of you, a scrawny little geek. You were lucky that I let you serve at my feet in the first place. Do you think there's a shortage of foot guys? Men are always staring at my feet when I go outside in flip-flops. You could have been my pet, my pampered foot slave and tickle toy. But you threw that away, Bobby. So now you'll be the object of my vengeance, at least until Monday."

She kissed him one more time on the forehead.

"I do admit that you're really cute when you're tied up and totally helpless. That is your saving grace. And you're the most ticklish grown man I've ever seen. Poor ticklish little baby Bobby."

She withdrew from leaning over him, sat back down in a comfortable chair, and watched with relish as her sorority sisters tickled him senseless.


At 1:30pm, six more women came upstairs, expecting that Robert's lunch would be done and that he would be set up in the bondage chair and stocks for them to tickle him. That's what Kristine had told them to expect. They were surprised to see that he was still stretched out on the rack, in his diaper, being tickled ruthlessly by seven of their sorority sisters.

"Hi," said Kristine to the newcomers. "We were having so much fun here that we never gave him lunch, just cranberry juice from time to time to keep him hydrated. No restroom breaks for him either, he can stay in his soiled diaper. It's so amusing to keep him on the edge, in the jelly state, not unconscious, but wishing that he were. We never bothered to change his position. You all do deserve your turn, though, so maybe only two or three of the women here now can stay."

Some of the women left, and the newcomers joined those who couldn't bear to stop torturing Robert. There were ten women tickling him now, two at each of his feet, one at each of thighs, one on each side of his rib cage, and one at each of his armpits. He was drooling, his eyes were unfocused, tears were streaming down his cheeks, and he was quivering and trembling. His mouth made laughing motions, but no sound came from it, he was in the silent laughter state.

Kristine came over to his head again, leaned over, and looked into his eyes.

"Can you even hear me now, Bobby, are you aware that I'm here? If you are, blink your eyes twice. I'll give you a little break if you can do that for me."

He did blink twice.

"Oh, good, I thought we really had tickled you insane. You've just lost all control of your muscles, you're drooling. Alright, you will now get a two minute break, a full 120 seconds without tickling. Enjoy it while you can. Stop, sisters!"

The ten women stopped, and Robert breathed deeply. Kristine was looking at her watch.

"This will be the last break you get until dinner time, Bobby, I just want you to know that. Your dinner will be early, at 6pm. I'll extend this little break so that you can drink a pint of cranberry juice. No complaints from you, drink every last drop."

Barbara held the bottle of cranberry juice to his lips, and didn't tolerate any stalling. She made him drink it quickly, and wiped his lips for him when he was done.

"It's been almost five minutes, a much longer break than he deserved. Start again, sisters!"

The women had changed places, to get at different parts of his body, and they all attacked him with renewed gusto. Robert laughed out loud for a while, but was soon again reduced to silent laughter, and to the jelly state.

Barbara was tickling under his left arm with one hand, and tickling his neck with a soft brush with the other hand. She spoke to him.

"Four hours until dinner, little baby Bobby. You know what your dinner will be? Of course you do, more peanut butter, licked off my filthy right sole. It was just as dirty as my left one this morning, and I've been barefoot all day besides. But dinner will be a relief for you, a break from the tickling. I forgot to have you thank me for breakfast, but I'm telling you, if you know what's good for you, you better thank me profusely when I order you to speak after your dinner."


Robert wished that he could just die, that he could will himself to death. The tickling by ten women was unbearable, he thought, just unbearable. But not really, he then thought, because he was bearing it, he had no choice. His diaphragm ached and his wrists ached, and still the tickling sensations were not blocked out by his aches. They just tickled and tickled without a rest. Not really, he thought, sometimes one or two of them left to go to the bathroom or to get a Coke from the fridge. I get no rest, he thought, and there's so many of them I hardly notice that it's eight tickling me instead of ten.

He had passed out several times, and each time Barbara or Judy had poured ice water right in his face, waking him up. The women kept tickling him even while he was unconscious. so that he woke up to more tickling. They only stopped briefly, to make him drink more cranberry juice. At the rate he was crying, sweating, and pissing, he thought, he must have gone through a gallon of the horrible tasting stuff already. He wished they would change his diaper, it was soaked. He might get diaper rash. How humiliating that would be, if he had to go to the infirmary with it. Oh, Lord, he thought, please just let me die now, I can't bear the endless tickling.

There was no outside world to Robert, no state of Pennsylvania, no campus, no sorority house, even, just this one attic. The universe consisted of one huge attic room, and endless tickling from which there was no escape, no escape at all. He laughed and he cried and he ached, and he laughed some more.


When Kristine told the women to stop, at about 6:15pm actually, Robert didn't hear her. It took a good thirty seconds until he realized that he wasn't being tickled any more, and that most of the women had left the attic.

He continued laughing and sobbing for several minutes, while Kristine waited patiently. Barbara used that time to unlock the wheel and turn the crank backwards to loosen him. Both of them removed his wrist cuffs, and Judy untied his toes and removed his ankles from the stocks.

"You two can get him cleaned up and feed him dinner, I'll be back after I've eaten my own to spank him again," said Kristine as she departed.

They had to carry him to the bathroom, he was too weak to crawl after them. They discarded his soiled diaper and gave him a bath. Of course, they took the opportunity to tickle him in the washing process. Judy took great delight in pretending that his soles were dirty, and scrubbing them endlessly with a stiff brush. Barbara had to hold him still so that he wouldn't splash them both too much.


Secured beneath the chair, as he had been for breakfast, Robert was careful to lick every speck of peanut butter from Barbara's right sole, and to suck every speck off of her toes. When she inspected her foot, he shivered, worrying that she might find fault with his efforts.

"Very good, Bobby, you got of it off, and most of the dirt, too. Now Judy will give you your bottle."

Robert was shocked to see that a new humiliation was in store for him. Judy was holding a baby bottle, complete with plastic nipple, full of cranberry juice. She placed it in his mouth, and held it for him as he sucked it down.

"That's a good baby," said Judy, patting his cheek, "but you need to drink two more bottles." She proceeded to refill the baby bottle twice more and make him drink it all down.

Barbara said, "Now you may speak, and keep in mind what I told you before."

"Thank you ever so much, Ms. Russo, for feeding me dinner. I was very hungry and I am extremely grateful to you. It was a privilege to be allowed to lick your lovely foot as I ate."

"Are my feet lovely, Bobby? I never get a pedicure, use moisturizer, or do anything to take of them, really. And I walk and jog barefoot outside all the time."

"Very lovely, Ms. Russo, they are naturally extremely beautiful and so don't need care. I'm grateful to be allowed to lick them, very grateful."

Looking at Barbara's big callused feet, with dry heels and quite bit of dirt still on them, Judy had to laugh at this obviously false flattery.

"Well, I'll accept your thanks as adequate, Bobby, and not spank you, but you haven't thanked Judy yet."

Robert paused and looked worried.

"I'm so sorry that I don't know your last name, and I wouldn't presume to use your first name, that wouldn't be respectful, but thank you ever so much for feeding me the liquid portion of my dinner. I was quite thirsty, and I'm ever so grateful to you."

"That is adequate, Bobby," said Judy. "I'm Judy Chen, from Fort Worth, Texas. In the future, you may address me as Ms. Chen."

They got Robert out of the straight jacket then, and allowed him to use the bathroom. Then they bound him to the spanking horse, stark naked. They left him there, alone, and went downstairs to have their own dinner.


Alone in the attic for the first time, Robert was in no position to try to escape. His wrists and ankles were locked in cuffs, which were in turn locked to the rings in the base of the leather padded gymnastics horse. His bare bottom was an inviting target, he realized, even though nobody was there to see it.

Another realization struck him. He hadn't seen the clothes that the women had taken off of him yesterday, or his wallet. None of that stuff was around here, they must have taken it out of the attic. He would have to depend on Kristine's promise to get him to class on Monday, presumably dressed again. But she hadn't promised that, had she? No, she had just said that they would let him go Monday. He hoped that didn't mean that he would be dumped naked outside the sorority house, with no clothes and no wallet. His gloomy thoughts were interrupted by the sound of somebody coming up into the attic.

"Hello, Bobby, I didn't forget you," said Kristine as she gave his bottom one swat with her bare hand by way of greeting.

She went to the wall and took down the sorority paddle. Without another word, she began to spank him, just as hard as in the morning.

"Ow! Ow!"

Ignoring his cries of pain, ignoring his crying, she methodically beat him, from the waist to the midpoint of the backs of his thighs, over and over again, not bothering to count out loud.

"I won't pretend that I don't enjoy this, Bobby, I love to spank you. I love doing it, and I love the way your bottom looks when I'm done, such a fine shade of red. That was 200 more, I kept count to myself, and you know how honest I am. That makes 500 total, you're halfway done with your spanks, presuming you don't misbehave."

As she finished speaking, eight women came upstairs, half familiar to Robert from previous torture sessions, and half newcomers.

"Get him in the chair and stocks," said Kristine, "and I have a new idea, I have to get some stuff from downstairs."


The women secured him in the chair and stocks as he had been yesterday, with his cuffed wrists again attached to rings in the wall above his head. Kristine returned, and she was holding a can of shaving cream in one hand and a safety razor in the other.

"I think his armpits would be more ticklish if we shaved them," she said.

Robert gasped, but said nothing.

"I promised not to tickle him, and the shaving process itself might tickle, so I need a volunteer to carefully shave his armpits clean."

A tall brunette, one of the newcomers, stepped over to her and took the shaving cream and razor.

"Thank you, Trish, make sure to shave him closely, I want his underarms as smooth as a baby's."

Robert giggled as Trish shaved him, slowly and carefully, proving that Kristine was correct. Wiping his armpits clean when she was done tickled him even more.

"Excellent," said Kristine, "and it's not even 9 o'clock yet. I think we have time for about a three hour tickling session."

All eight women wasted no time in digging in to his tender flesh, four at his sensitive soles and four at his upper body. It took just fifteen minutes for them to get him into the jelly state, quivering helplessly and laughing silently, as tears flowed from his eyes.

Juliet came upstairs and joined them, stroking his penis with the soft make-up brush. Soon he was both aroused and very, very frustrated.

"This is one of life's finer moments," said Kristine, "my dear sisters helping me punish this scrawny pig, this geek who dared to insult me. How does it feel Bobby? Does it tickle you? Does it tickle you just a tiny bit? Do you wish you could jerk off? Do you? No way, Bobby, no Way. You going to be kept aroused, frustrated, and tickled, tickled senseless, all evening long."


After they thad tickled him for three solid hours, after they had bathed him again, after they had secured him to the bed in the straightjacket again, they all left, and Kristine was alone with him. She purposely did not blindfold him, but stripped off her clothing slowly, one garment at a time, watching him stare at her.

"You never saw me naked before, Bobby. Never even topless. Lean and gorgeous, aren't I? Don't speak, it's a rhetorical question."

Robert managed to stifle his voice just in time.

"I want you to see, for a moment, what you will never get, never touch. Now, I'll blindfold you."

She did so. she then patted his diaper, feeling his erection with satisfaction. She turned out the light, and came over and kissed his forehead tenderly. She got into her bed, next to his.

"Good night, Bobby. Tonight you can picture exactly how lovely my nude body is, inches from yours. Sleep well. Oh, and Bobby? You think today was bad for you? Tomorrow will be worse."
Chapter 3

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Robert was once again awakened by the feeling of hands holing back his toes, and plastic forks scraping and scraping on his soles. He howled and shrieked with laughter, and struggled in the bed in his straightjacket. He was surprised to see that Kristine was gone, not in the bed next to his, nor anywhere in the attic. It was Barbara, while tickling his left sole, who told them to stop after just a few minutes.

"Stop, we don't have much time this morning, we have to leave time for the contest. Help get him into position for breakfast."

They all stopped, and helped Barbara unfasten him from the bed, leaving the straightjacket on. Barbara herself lifted him gently and placed him on the floor. She put the chair over him, and sat down. She noticed a certain look on his face.

"Ah, you need to piss. Too bad, just do it your diaper. I'm going to feed you now, and there isn't time to waste. Go ahead, do it now, not while you're licking my foot."

She waited while Robert, indeed desperate to empty his bladder, urinated in his diaper. The women all laughed at the sound of it.

"Such a baby," said Susan, the gymnast that Robert remembered from the day before.

Barbara generously smeared peanut butter all over her left soles, and put more of it on and between her toes. She placed her sole near Robert's mouth, and ordered him to begin.


After his breakfast and a shower, Robert was secured in the bondage chair and stocks. As before, a broad leather strap around his forehead was attached to rings in the wall at this head level, immobilizing his head. His cuffed wrists were secured to more rings in the wall above his head, as they had been yesterday.

He was still naked, so he presumed that Juliet would be coming to tease him again. He was not surprised to see Juliet enter the attic with Kristine.

Kristine came over to Robert and held up a pill.

"Open wide. Judy will give you another sip of cranberry juice to swallow it."

Robert took the pill into his mouth, and knew not to speak, but his facial expression told Kristine what he was thinking.

"No, it won't do you any harm at all," she said. "Some men would pay a lot for it, actually. It's Viagra. I took some from my grandfather's prescription when I visited my grandparents over Easter. I knew that even if he noticed some missing, he would be much too embarrassed to ask me about. My grandparents are quite old-fashioned, they never talk about sex."

"He's not so old fashioned that he never heard of Viagra," said Maria.

"I was surprised, he's 80 and grandma's 79, I never would have guessed they'd done it in years and years," admitted Kristine.

"Maybe it's not for doing it with your grandma," said Susan.

"Oh God, no, he'd never commit adultery. He hasn't spoken to my father, his own son, for over ten years because it come out in the divorce that my father cheated on my mother, with prostitutes. Called him a degenerate hippie, a hopeless sinner, disinherited him again, and hasn't spoken to him since. It will be eleven years in June since my parents' divorce."

"What does adultery have to do with being a hippie? Was your father really a hippie?"

"Nothing to do with it, I guess, my grandfather has called him that since he got busted and expelled from college for selling marijuana. That was the first time he disinherited him, back in the 1970's. Then they made up when my father got married, and I was born. Their first and favorite grandchild."

Kristine sighed, and motioned to Maria, who gave Robert a sip of cranberry juice.

"Open wide, so I can see that you really swallowed it," said Kristine.

He did so, and she satisfied herself that the pill was not hidden under his tongue or in his cheek.

"You'll be getting Viagra all day long, Bobby," she informed him, "and Juliet here will be seeing to it that you're rock hard, completely aroused, and utterly frustrated, all day."

Juliet grinned at him, and his heart sank. It had been bad enough, being teased by her under ordinary circumstances.

"And now for our contest," said Kristine. "I'll be the judge, since I'm keeping my promise not to tickle you, Bobby. It's a tickling contest, in case you haven't guessed. It will be done in four parts. Ribs, underarms, feet, and elsewhere. We have three contestants. Two of them will leave the room while the other one works on you, otherwise the contestant who went last would have the advantage of watching what worked best."

Surely, Robert thought, by now they all had ample opportunity to see that. As if reading his mind, Kristine answered that thought.

"So far, you've mostly been gang-tickled. It's hard for any one tickler to know how much of your reaction is from her tickling, and how much from the other 7 or 8 women. The contest will be in solo tickling. Each contestant is free to use the implements we have on hand, or to bring something of her own to use. Did you three choose the order in which you'll go?"

"Yes, I'm first," said Maria, "then Barbara, then Susan."

Susan and Barbara left the attic, and Maria stood beside Robert with her fingers poised at his rib cage.

Kristine looked at her watch, and said "Start! You have ten minutes."

Maria dug into his ribs on both sides, using all ten fingers. She worked methodically, up and down his ribs. Robert laughed loudly, struggling in the chair, straining against the straps. His laughter became softer, and his face got red. He was not quite in the jelly state, still laughing audibly, when the time ran out.

"Stop!" said Kristine. "Quite good, Maria, I'm awarding you an 8, on a scale of 0 to 10. Send Barbara in now."

Even after Maria stopped tickling, Juliet, sitting on the floor near the legs of the chair, kept right on stoking his penis, stroking it until it was fully engorged, and then stopped. She kept an eye on it, ready to stroke again if necessary.

Maria left the attic, and soon Barbara came up. Robert used the interval to catch his breath.

"Don't tell her what score Maria got," Kristine said to the women, "the contestants aren't to find out until the end. Ready, Barbara? OK, start!"

Barbara had placed her large hands, easily able to palm the basketball, so that her thumbs were behind Robert's back, between the back of the chair and his back, and her other fingers were in front of his ribs. She simultaneously squeezed his rib cage and wriggled all of the fingers, on both sides.

This technique proved to be devastating. Robert shrieked like a madman, and his eyes bugged out at the sensation. He laughed so hard that he was crying after just two minutes.

Barbara never let up, and he was clearly in the jelly state, quivering and in ticklish agony, unable to do anything but quiver and make silent laughing motions with his mouth.

"Stop!" said Kristine. "That's clearly 10 out of 10, fantastic job, Barbara."

"I can do that, my hands are big enough to get my thumbs way behind his back like that," said Mary.

"That's the whole idea of the contest, to find better techniques, to be able to tickle him more effectively, to drive him mad with tickling with all of you using the best techniques. You can send Susan up now, Barbara."

Robert's strict bondage in the chair had kept him still enough for Juliet, patiently watching his genitals, to stroke him into maximum erection again. She continued to tease his organ in the interval between ticklings.

Barbara went down to the third floor, where Susan and Maria were waiting, and told Susan to go up to the attic. The little gymnast, at 5'4" even shorter than Bobby, thought Barbara, wouldn't have been helped by watching me, her hands are too small.

When Kristine bade her to start, Susan began to play Robert's ribs like a piano. She had in fact had years of piano lessons as a child, which she had hated. She played his ribs with vigor, just like she had been forced to play her scales.

Robert laughed and laughed, but was grateful that this wasn't like what Barbara had been doing to him. His tears began to flow after eight minutes, but he never approached the jelly state.

"Stop!" said Kristine. "Very good, Susan, I'm awarding you 7 on a scale of 0 to 10. You can tell Maria to come back up now."

After Maria had arrived, Kristine noted with displeasure that there was hair stubble growing already in Robert's armpits.

"Trish, could you please shave him clean again? I want his armpits as smooth and ticklish as possible for the next round."

Trish got some fresh disposable razors and the can of shaving cream, and soon had his underarms as smooth as could be. She patted him on the cheek, and tickled him under his chin for just a few seconds.

Even during the shaving, Juliet never ceased teasing his penis, driving him mad with desire and frustration.

"OK, Maria, you can start. Now!" said Kristine.

Maria tickled under his arms with her fingers, with ordinary toothbrushes, and with electric toothbrushes. She found the ordinary toothbrushes to be most effective, and stuck with them for the remainder of the ten minutes. Robert was reduced to silent laughter and mere quivering just as her time ended.

"Stop!" said Kristine. "Excellent, Maria, I'm awarding you a 9 for that. You really had him going there. Go get Barbara now."

When Barbara was told to begin, she started with just one finger in each armpit, then two, then three, then four, then all five. Not satisfied with the result, she switched to plastic forks, then toothbrushes. Those being quite effective, she stayed with them, but never quite achieved the jelly state.

"Stop!" said Kristine. "Very good, Barbara, I'm giving you an 8 for that. You can tell Susan it's her turn again."

Susan began tickling Roberts armpits with toothbrushes, then tried her fingernails, then plastic forks. She quickly went back to toothbrushes, and tickled vigorously. Robert lapsed into silent laughter just as her time was ending.

"Stop!" said Kristine. "Excellent, Susan, I'm awarding you a 9, you did really well. You can tell Maria to come start on his feet now."

When she had left, Kristine consulted her scorecard. "Barbara leads, but only by 18 to 17 to 16. I'll take a restroom break, tell Maria to wait for me."

Maria come up to the attic and waited patiently, one plastic fork in each hand, until Kristine came back and told her to begin. She decided to just stick with the forks, and found that both on one sole was not as effective as one on each sole. She tickled methodically, with an even tempo, driving Robert crazy, and succeeding in reducing him to the jelly state with about a minute left. She kept him that way, quivering in ticklish agony, until that last minute expired.

"Stop!" said Kristine. "Excellent work, Maria, a clear 9. Well done. Tell Barbara to come on up now."

Barbara had used duct tape to put forks together in groups of three, making a triple-wide implement that was just as wide as Robert's foot. She had one of these in each hand, and also two toothbrushes with her. When told to start, she began raking the triple-wide implements on each sole. Robert howled in surprise, as he hadn't seen what she was holding at his feet. She had him reduced to silent laughter and mere quivering in five minutes flat. She tried using only one of the implements on the sole of his right foot while stroking the pads of his right toes with a toothbrush. That made his eyes bug out and the tears flow down his cheeks faster. The women all broke into spontaneous applause, as Kristine noted that the time was up.

"A clear 10, and we've learned something new, it's best to get his soles and the bottoms of his toes at the same time. Thank you, Barbara, that was wonderful."

Barbara left smiling broadly, and sent Susan upstairs to the attic.

Juliet was smiling broadly also, her work pleased her enormously. Teasing a helpless man, teasing him into blue balls, and then teasing him some more, was what she enjoyed doing most.

Susan worked on Robert's feet much as Maria had, with one fork in each hand, and with a similar result, a score of 9.

After she had left, Kristine noted that Barbara's lead had increased, now at 28 to 26 to 25. She expressed the hope that somebody would find a new ticklish spot during the last round.

At first, Maria didn't have much luck in doing that. She tickled his kneecaps and behind his knees, but he only giggled. She tickled his belly with her fingers, and inside his navel with a soft brush, and he laughed, but nowhere near as hard as when his feet were tickled. She got close to Juliet's territory and tickled his testicles, but he only giggled again. She finally struck pay dirt on his collarbones. He had very, very ticklish collarbones, and stuck with that, tickling them with all ten fingers until her time ran out.

"Stop!" said Kristine. "Very good, Maria, I'm awarding you a 7 for finding a good new spot, his collarbones, even though most of your time wasn't used to good effect. You can tell Barbara to come up here now."

Maria left, and Barbara entered the attic holding a very strange looking device. Even Juliet stopped stroking Robert's penis for a few seconds as Barbara held it up and explained what it was and why she had brought it.

"This is called a Whitehead gag," said Barbara, holding up a metal contraption with a leather strap attached so that it could be buckled around somebody's head. The metal part had two pieces attached by hinges to each other, designed to fit over the upper and lower front teeth. There was a ratchet mechanism to lock the two metal pieces a fixed distance from each other.

"I got it from an online adult medical toy store. It's like the device that oral surgeons use to keep a patient's mouth open during surgery, so they don't get bitten. But it has a strap, so it can be attached to an unwilling prisoner. There's a story behind why I brought it to the tickling contest. About a year ago, when I was having my cleaning from my dental hygienist, she accidentally applied that rotating brush to the roof of my mouth when shifting from one side of my mouth to the other. It tickled, it really tickled a lot! I never knew I was ticklish on the roof of my mouth. So I tried it on my girlfriend."

Robert looked up at her, surprised at this.

"Yes, I'm a lesbian, you didn't know that?" she asked him. "None of your business anyway, I don't advertise it in the newspapers, but it's no secret, either. I've never any use for men, sexually, but it is fun to tickle them, I've discovered, thanks to Kristine."

"Glad you enjoy what we're doing to Bobby," said Kristine.

"Oh, I do," said Barbara, "enormously, I wouldn't have thought men could be any fun in a physical way at all. But tickling a helpless man is quite enjoyable, even better if he hates it, like little Bobby. Anyway, I hate to be tickled, but that incident at the dentist's office gave me an idea. I had my girlfriend, Sally, open her mouth for me, and I tried tickling her on the roof of her mouth, with an electric toothbrush. Wow, it worked too well, she bit the toothbrush so hard that the removable head broke. Claimed she couldn't help it, it ticked her so much. So I went online, and found a medical equipment fetish site. The Whitehead gag is just what I needed. Poor Sally dreads it, but I love it. I do it to her once a week only, that's all she'll stand for. I've tried tickling the roof of her mouth with all kinds of things, and what works best on her is a Q-tip. I've brought all the implements that might work to try on Bobby here."

She stepped forward, put the metal gag into his mouth, and adjusted it until he was forced to open wide, but not painfully so. She locked the ratchet, and then wanted to strap it around his head. This was difficult with the thick leather strap around his forehead, so she had to unlock that from the wall, strap the Whitehead gag on, and then lock the thick strap back to the wall. With his head again immobilized and and the Whitehead gag secure, the roof of his mouth would be helpless to her touch. She just hoped it would prove as ticklish as Sally's.

"Well, that looks like a very interesting experiment," said Kristine. "He is drooling, though."

"Yeah, I have a picture of Sally drooling wearing that gag, she hates that it makes her drool. Almost as much as she hates being tickled on the roof of her mouth."

"Too bad Sally isn't here to see this. You told me, but I forgot, why is she away from the sorority house this weekend?"

"Her sister's wedding was last night, back in Chicago," said Barbara. "Her family was probably asking her why her boyfriend isn't with her. She hasn't come out to them yet, they think I'm a guy named Bart. She ought to be back here late tonight. Can I get started on Bobby now?"

"Sure, ready, three, two, one, start!" said Kristine.

Barbara first tickled the roof of Bobby's mouth with an electric toothbrush. A horrible keening sound came from his mouth, and he thrashed as hard as he could in his bondage. But his head was immobile, and his struggles did him no good at all. A regular toothbrush proved not quite so effective, and an artist's brush didn't really tickle him at all. But Barbara was delighted when she tried a Q-tip. It was like applying an electric shock to him, he thrashed harder than ever, and moaned in horror.

Two Q-tips, one in each hand, were even better. Smiling as she worked, Barbara slowly stroked both Q-tips around and around in little circles, all over the roof of Bobby's mouth. He was reduced to the jelly state after only three minutes of this, tears streaming down his cheeks, drool pouring out of his mouth over his lower lip, quivering helplessly, soundless laughing motions making his throat quiver as well.

The women all gave Barbara an ovation, including Kristine, and even Juliet, pausing in the stroking of Robert's penis to applaud as well.

"This is obviously a 10, a 10 plus if there is such a thing, and the time is up, but don't stop, don't stop, I love the way he's in agony from the tickling, please don't stop."

"It will be my pleasure to continue," said Barbara, "he's even more sensitive there than Sally is, and she only let's me do it for a few minutes. I'll be happy to keep going."

Trish went downstairs to tell Susan and Maria to both come back up.

"I'm sorry, Susan," said Kristine, "but there's no need for you to do your fourth round. Barbara has 38 points, and you could only reach 35 if you got a perfect 10 in the last round. Maria, you finished at 33."

"That's OK," said Susan, now looking intently at what Barbara was doing to Robert.

Kristine quickly summarized Barbara's explanation, which Maria and Susan had missed. All the women just watched with glee as Barbara relentlessly, cruelly, endlessly tickled and tickled the roof of Robert's mouth with the two Q-tips.

Robert thought that he had died and gone to hell. This was ghastly, worse tickling than on his soles, he had never known that he was ticklish there, it was unbearable. But again came the thought that it wasn't, because he was bearing it, it just made him wish that he were dead. It went on and on, and Barbara showed no sign of wanting to stop.

Then it got worse. Six more women came upstairs to the attic, and Kristine told those already there that they could stay if they wished, too.

As Barbara continued with her two Q-tips, Mary stepped forward and put her large hands around his rib cage, thumbs behind his back, and began to tickle his ribs. Two women he didn't know began to tickle his collarbones, and four women, including Trish, began to tickle his soles with plastic forks. Two more women tickled him under the arms. Juliet continued stroking his penis whenever it was less than fully erect.

Kristine just watched, grinning at his torture, knowing that he was in tickle hell, knowing that every minute seemed like an hour to him. She watched for half an hour more, and then came over to taunt him.

"Poor little ticklish baby! I almost feel sorry for you, Bobby, almost. Two new things, to go along with the tickling that already drove you crazy! The collarbones, a very promising new area. And the roof of your mouth, how amusing! I love the way it drives you insane. I love it so much, that you're going to skip lunch today. I was expecting to give you a spanking just about an hour ago, and then have you lick your lunch from Barbara's soles. But we skipped both, just on my whim, just because I'm having fun watching you suffer now. I do have plans for you this afternoon, plans that don't involve tickling or spanking, but you definitely won't like them. I need to leave time for those plans before dinner. So I'll only indulge myself in watching your present torture for another two hours."

A look of horror came into Robert's face as the phrase 'another two hours' penetrated his consciousness. Kristine laughed, and sat back down to enjoy the sight of his tickle torture.

The two hours seemed like two years in hell for Robert. The tickling sensations came in from everywhere, overwhelming him, driving him crazy, and there was nothing he could do about it, no escape whatsoever. Mostly he kept his eyes closed and tried to pretend he was in another universe, but every time he opened them he could see Kristine, sitting serenely in a chair, watching him, grinning at him, relishing that he was being tickle tortured at her orders. His testicles felt as if they were going to burst, he had never realized that he could keep an erection for so long, Juliet was a monster, she kept him on the edge, utterly frustrated. He truly wished he could die, just the end the frustration and the tickling.


When Kristine finally told them to stop tickling him, he was in a stupor, eyes unfocused, drooling copiously through the Whitehead gag. He was still laughing silently and hardly aware of what was happening as the women released him from the stocks and chair. Mary had to hold him to keep him from falling off the chair when his wrist cuffs were removed from the wall rings.

"Get him washed up, put a diaper on him, and get him hydrated. Then put him to bed, just as if he were going to sleep," said Kristine.

Some of the women left the attic, and others carried Robert to the bathroom and gave him a quick shower. As they were drying him off, they noticed that he had regained his senses and his eyes were focused again. He seemed alert, but passive, and he didn't resist them in any way. He drank several glasses of water when they told him to drink until he wasn't thirsty.

In a new diaper, he was put into the straightjacket and secured to the bed, just as if he were going to sleep, including a blindfold over his eyes. The rest of the women left, except for Barbara.

"Just Barbara and I are here now, Bobby," said Kristine. "I wanted her to hear what she has won, for winning the contest. She doesn't know yet, either. I have your schedule planned for the rest of today. Tomorrow morning, Sunday, I will give you your final spanking after breakfast. That will leave about 24 hours until we let you go. Barbara has won the right to plan your last 24 hours with us, to decide exactly how you'll be tortured and who will participate. She has until tomorrow morning to decide what to do with you."

"That's a fine prize," said Barbara. "Bobby, I'm going to have to think about what to do with you, but I can assure you of this, when I'm done with you, you will think of Kristine here as a softy, who went easy on you."

Both women laughed at this thought, and then Barbara left the attic.

"We're alone now, Bobby, and it's time for you to have some more Viagra."

She put a pill in his mouth, and gave him a sip of cranberry juice to swallow it.

"I want to remind you of a conversation we h
"Don't be so clinical, Bobby, I said he wouldn't eat my pussy. Go on, Bobby. What did you say to that?"

"Well, I said that most men didn't like to do that, and that I had never really done it, You asked what I meant by 'really.' I said I started to do it once, my freshman year here, but I hated the taste, and I stopped after just about half a minute, and I wouldn't finish it."

"You have a good memory, Bobby. And you have a long tongue for a little man, too."

She stroked his already erect penis, through the diaper, to show him that 'little' referred to that also, and not only to his height.

"And now you're going to make up for the insult that you gave to that poor woman freshman year. Several times over. I'm about to sit on your face, Bobby, and you're in no position to get away. I'm going to sit on your face, and you're going to eat my pussy. I know how long your tongue is, from feeling it on my soles, and I expect you to lick enthusiastically, with full tongue extension, until I have at least three orgasms. You'd better do a good job, and satisfy me thoroughly, or there will be hell to pay, do you understand? No more speaking, Bobby."

Robert nodded his head yes.

Robert could hear her undressing, taking off all of her clothes. He felt her climb onto the bed. Soon she was straddling his head, and then lowering herself down to sit right on top his mouth.

"Begin!" said Kristine. "And God help you if you stop before I tell you to."

Robert could barely breathe, she was covering his nose and mouth. He began to explore with his tongue. Blindfolded, he stabbed around quite a bit with his tongue until he finally found her clitoris. He began to lick.

He did remember once reading in a men's magazine that he could please a woman by drawing all the characters on the keyboard with his tongue there. It said he should draw the 26 lowercase letters, then the ten digits, then the 26 capital letters. This was a way to varying his tongue motions, so that she wouldn't become bored by the same motion.

He started off, a, b, c, d, and so on up to z, then 0, 1, 2, and so on on up to 9, then A, B, C, and so on up to Z. He concentrated on licking the shapes of each character. He could hear that she was moaning now, and he could feel that she was getting wet. He still hated the taste, but he kept right on licking, starting over at 'a' whenever he got to 'Z.'

He's not doing badly, thought Kristine, for a guy who never really did this before. She glanced at her watch. He'd been at it for ten minutes, he'd started at 3:30, and she was definitely excited. Knowing that he was her captive, her prisoner, hers to torture in other ways, added to the thrill. She ground herself into his face, and smiled in triumph. This was really much nicer than she had imagined.

Robert had lost count of the number of times he had gone through the entire character set. He kept licking, grimly. 8, 9, A, B, C, ... Finally he heard her moan, and then cry out.

"Oh! Yes! Nice ... very nice. I was never a screamer, Bobby, don't expect to hear fireworks. That was one, Bobby, one. Don't you dare stop. I'm expecting you to get better with practice."

Robert hadn't stopped, not even when the gush of her vaginal fluid soaked his face. He kept right on licking, terrified of what she might to him later if he disobeyed her. Y, Z, a, b, c, d, ...

Kristine had just thought of a wonderful way to add to Robert's torment in the evening, when she was going to have him tickled on the rack. Just the idea of it excited her greatly. Combined with the stimulation from his tongue, she felt herself on the verge of her second orgasm.

"Almost, almost, yes, oh! Good one! That was number two, Bobby, and it was better than the first. Don't you dare stop, not even for a moment."

Robert's jaw ached, and his tongue was sore, but he never stopped, not for a moment. He continued, praying that she would climax a third time and be pleased with him. He had wet his diaper, twice, but he ignored it.


Kristine actually kept trying to calm herself down now, thinking about classes on Monday, thinking about doing her laundry. She wanted to make Robert really work, really exhaust himself. She didn't want it to be easy for him, not at all. She thought of cleaning up dog vomit, of the ghastly loss last year to Woodrow College's basketball team. She thought of the most anti-erotic things she could think of, as Robert licked and licked, diligently, desperately.

Finally the physical stimulation overcame her efforts, and she cried out, "Yes! That's so nice! Very good, Bobby, but don't stop yet, I need a cool down period, keep licking until I tell you I'm ready to dismount."

His face completely soaked in vaginal fluid by now, Robert kept licking, wondering how long she meant by 'a cool down period.' He jaw hurt so much, he hoped it wasn't long.

Kristine kept him at it for 15 more minutes, smiling to herself. He does have his uses, she thought, too bad we have to let him go on Monday morning.

"You may stop now, Bobby," she said finally.

He stopped licking her, and lay there, exhausted. She got off of him, and climbed down from the bed.

"I'm going to take a shower. Barbara will be up here at 6pm to feed you dinner, that's in less than half an hour, actually. Before I go, I want to hear what you have to say about what you just did for me. And you had better not insult me, Bobby. You may speak."

"I am very grateful to you, Ms. Hansen, for allowing me to give you pleasure. It was a great honor to be permitted to lick you in a very personal area."

"Oh, for goodness sake, Bobby," said Kristine, interrupting him. "Must you speak like a maiden aunt? Start over, and say it plainly. I can get pleasure from eating ice cream. I have many parts of my body that I consider quite personal."

"I am very grateful to you, Ms. Hansen, for allowing me to give you orgasms. It was a great honor to be permitted to lick your pussy. It was sweet smelling and it tasted wonderful. I thank you for allowing me this privilege."

"I'm glad that you now like the taste, Bobby. I'll see you after your dinner. Enjoy the few minutes that you have to rest now."

She picked up her clothes, put on just her underwear, and left the attic, carrying the rest.


Barbara came upstairs at 6pm promptly, finding Robert bound to the bed in his straightjacket and blindfolded, with his face covered in dried vaginal fluid. She couldn't help but laugh at the sight of it.

"Ha ha. Well, you seem to have given my dear sorority sister a good time, from the looks of it. I'll wipe you up a bit first before I feed you."

She took off his blindfold, cleaned up his face, untied him from the bed, and put him on the floor, still in his straight jacket. She cuffed his ankles together and put the chair straddling him, in preparation to feed him.

Placing one filthy and callused bare sole on his nose, she asked him, "How lovely are my feet, Bobby?"

"Extremely lovely, Ms. Russo, very beautiful indeed. I am deeply honored that I will be allowed to lick my dinner off of them."

"That's what you'd better say, every time I ask you," said Barbara. "But don't think I'm going to go easy on your tomorrow, not at all. Kristine will love watching what will happen to you. You may begin licking as soon as my foot is back in your face, Bobby."

Without further conversation, she lathered her left sole with peanut butter and placed it over his lips. He began to lick, enthusiastically. He really was hungry. When her left sole was clean, and he had also sucked all five toes, she spread more on her right sole and gave him a second helping.

It amused Barbara to feed him the liquid portion of his dinner, an entire quart of cranberry juice, from the baby bottle. She refilled it four times, teasing him with baby talk as he drank it all down. She made sure to give him Viagra pill that Kristine had provided.

Trish entered the attic just as Robert was finishing the cranberry juice.

"Great timing," said Barbara, "as soon as he thanks me for dinner, we need to give him a bath."


After his bath, they bound him to the spanking horse, stark naked. Trish tickled his rib cage as they chatted, waiting for Kristine to come back from her dinner. Barbara began to tickle his thighs and behind his knees.

Although this wasn't intense, not at all compared to what he had been through earlier, Robert found this quite humiliating. They were pretending he wasn't there at all, talking to each other as if he didn't exist, while casually tickling him, their fingers moving on his ribs and thighs, as if he were an inanimate object.

"His laughter is annoying," said Barbara, "and I don't think Kristine would mind if we gag him. I'm in bare feet, so .."

"You're always barefooted," interrupted Trish, "that's why you have the ugliest feet in the sorority. You've got calluses on your calluses."

"That's why it's my feet he licks his meals off," said Barbara. "Kristine is denying him the pleasure of licking her truly lovely feet. But back to gagging him. I need you to take your socks off, I can't, I'm in bare feet."

Trish sat down and removed her sneakers and socks. She put the sneakers back on, and went over to Robert's head, hanging down on one side of the leather portion of the horse. She turned one sock inside out.

"Stick your tongue out so she can gag you," said Barbara.

Robert did so, and Trish wrapped the grimy sole of her sock around his tongue, then pushed the sock and tongue back into his mouth.

"Keep it closed while I get something to tie it with," said Trish.

Robert obeyed, and Trish soon returned from the bathroom with an Ace bandage. She wound it around his head, securing the sock in his mouth. She resumed tickling his ribs and chatting with Barbara, who had never stopped tickling his thighs.


They talked until 7:30, when Kristine came up to the attic. Upon her entrance, they stepped back from Robert.

"Ah, he's gagged, good, I won't be annoyed by his screams of pain," said Kristine.

She took the paddle down from its hook on the wall, and got into position to spank Robert.

"It will be 250 this time, Bobby, and the pace will be very rapid. Brace yourself."

She began to spank him, as hard as the last time but more rapidly, with no rest for herself between spanks. No rest for him, either, she thought.

She went methodically up from the midpoint of his left thigh to the top of his left buttock, then over to the right, then down that side, over and over again, with no pauses, until she reached the count of 250 strokes.

By the time she was done, he was sobbing uncontrollably, tears freely flowing.

"Wow, I didn't know that skin cold get that red," said Trish, inspecting Robert's bottom when Kristine had finished.

"Yes, it amuses me to beat him, I just wish that I didn't have to stop short of marking him. Oh well, it can't be helped," said Kristine.

She walked up to Bobby and gave him one very hard smack with her bare hand on his quite sore bottom. He grunted in pain from behind his gag.

"That was one more for good luck. It didn't count. You've had 750 spanks now, only 250 more to come, if you behave."

She turned to Barbara and Trish, saying "Please get him onto the rack, in a diaper. Leave the gag on, that's fine. I'll bring up a fresh and eager batch of ticklers."

She left the attic, and Robert groaned again at hearing her last statement.


Kristine returned with ten new women, sorority sisters that hadn't yet had their chance to participate in Robert's tickle torture. They all were quite amused at the sight of Robert stretched out tight on the rack, feet in the stocks, toes tied back, and gagged.

"I'll be going now," said Barbara, "I have a few things I want to buy for tomorrow's events, and I have to check with Judy about some plans."

"Fine," said Kristine, "I'll be interested to see what new torments you have in mind for him."

Barbara left, but Trish stayed to join the ten newcomers. Kristine explained to them that four were be at his feet at all times, ticking his soles with the plastic forks, endlessly. Everybody would get a chance at that, and the rest would work on his thighs, belly, ribs, underarms, and collarbones. The women distributed themselves around his body. Kristine explained that he had been given Viagra, and that women near his groin were to stroke him through his diaper and make sure that he stayed erect but frustrated at all times. They laughed at that thought.

Kristine got a chair, and pulled it up next to the rack, near Robert's head. She sat back in the chair and put one bare foot on top of his eyes, and the other one right on his gag.

"I just want you to know, Bobby, that my lovely feet, these divine feet that you crave, will be right over your lips and in your view all evening. Too bad your lips are covered with the Ace bandage. Too bad you can't kiss my feet or lick them. Right on your face, and you can't have them. Start tickling him, sisters, now!"

All eleven of them began to tickle him, relentlessly, intensely, with enthusiasm. They tickled and tickled, and marveled at how ticklish he was.

"He's more ticklish than the average little boy!" said a sophomore named Kate.

"Yes," said Kristine, "and what's more, he hates being tickled, he just hates it. Isn't that perfect? Isn't tickling him the perfect form of torture? Such a short recovery time, you can tickle him insane, you can tickle him into madness, you can keep him for hours, and it's horrible torture for him, but just a few hours later, he's recovered, and you can tickle torture him all over again. Oh, I just love watching this. Don't let up, sisters, don't let up for a moment. Don't give him a minute's rest. Tickle him forever! Look at how he can barely quiver now, he's become just a lump of ticklish jelly, so helpless, so utterly at your mercy, and so very, very, ticklish. Don't stop, tickle him forever!"

It seemed like forever to Robert. The tickling sensations in his feet along were agonizing, enough to drive him crazy. The women at his left armpit had found the perfect spot to poke, and the women on his ribs were quite skilled as well, going back to his most sensitive spots over and over again. He was quivering, laughing silently, his gag was unnecessary now, but still there, still tasting sour from the sweat of Trish's foot. Once again he wished he could die, just to escape the maddening tickling.

Kristine's lovely bare sole, held just over his eyes, was not quite touching him now, tantalizing him, he couldn't bear to look at it, he closed his eyes.

"Open your eyes, Bobby!" yelled Kristine, and he did.

"How dare you, Bobby. I'm watching you. If you dare to close your eyes again, I'll tape your eyelids open. I swear I'll do it, so your keep your eyes open, and you stare at my sole, that's what it's there for, to tease you, to drive you mad with desire."

Robert stared at her sole, and she alternately pointed and scrunched her toes, making the sole taut and then wrinkled. He kept staring at it, as ordered. That and the Viagra made him rock hard. His testicles ached, and he prayed to pass out, to faint, for any escape.

No escape came, as they tickled him on and on, without any mercy, enjoying his torment.


Kristine went to the bathroom at about 10pm, and saw that Robert barely noticed when she got up. His eyes were open, as ordered, but unfocused now. His muscles were slack, and he had been tickled senseless, into a stupor.

She got back from the bathroom and poured ice cold water into his face. The women all laughed at this, and Robert looked aware again, his eyes were normal. Kristine sat down again and once more one bare sole on his gag, and one right over his eyes. She wriggled her toes and smiled at him.

"I'll let you sleep in about two hours, Bobby, but I want you alert and suffering until then. Blink twice if you can understand me."

Robert, somewhat revived, blinked twice.

"You deserve this, Bobby, you deserve every last minute of it. I'm just sorry that we'll have to let you go on Monday. I sent one of my sorority sisters over to your dorm today, with your keys. Don't look upset, Bobby, she did it to help you. I don't want to steal any of the crap in your room. She got your books for you, that you'll need on Monday, for your classes. And your laptop. It's all here for you, in my room, with your clothes and your wallet. You'll go straight to class from my room, after you beg for forgiveness. Meanwhile, it's still tickle time!"

Kristine had brought a pitcher of ice water back with her, and she kept a watch on Robert's eyes. Every time he seemed to be drifting into a stupor, she got up and poured some ice water right into his face and onto his neck. That kept him conscious and laughing, laughing uproariously, diaphragm aching, until she finally told the women to stop, at midnight.

She went downstairs to talk to Barbara while three of the women got him cleaned up and ready for bed.


After he had been cleaned up, put back into the straightjacket, and fastened to the bed, after she blindfolded him, stripped herself naked, and fed him one more Viagra pill, after she turned out the light, got into the bed next to his bed, and stroked him through his diaper, Kristine said one thing to Robert.

"Barbara told me her plans. Tomorrow will be worse for you, Bobby."

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Robert was surprised to be awakened by a gentle stroke on his cheek, not prolonged tickling of his soles. He felt his blindfold being removed. He saw two women looking down at him, Barbara and one he didn't recognize. He saw that the bed next to him was vacant, apparently Kristine had arisen early and left the attic already.

"Good morning, Bobby," said Barbara. "This is my girlfriend, Sally."

"Nice to meet you, Bobby," said Sally, as she tickled him under the chin. "Barbara tells me that the roof of your mouth is even more ticklish than mine, and that she tickled it for hours with two Q-tips. Hours! I would just die."

Robert saw that Sally was a couple of inches shorter than Barbara, maybe 5'10", and had the thin build and the strong legs of a dancer. She had the somewhat misshapen feet of a dancer, too, he could see, since she was wearing flip-flops.

The two women untied him from the bed and placed him gently on the floor, in his soiled diaper. Barbara placed a chair straddling him so as to be in position to feed him. Sally sat at her feet and spread the peanut butter on her left sole with a plastic knife.

"Put some on and between my toes, too," said Barbara.

Sally did so without a comment.

"Now lick," said Barbara to Robert, and he licked it off her sole earnestly.

"I can't believe he's really licking it off your filthy soles," said Sally.

"You'll see a lot more unbelievable things before this day is done, dear," said Barbara, as she leaned down to kiss Sally, still sitting at her feet.


When Robert had licked and sucked enough peanut butter to satisfy Barbara, she let Sally give him the cranberry juice, once again from a baby bottle.

"You may speak, Bobby," said Barbara, and she gave a look to Sally, a look that Sally understood as, 'You won't believe this, either.'

"Thank you ever so much for feeding me breakfast, Ms. Russo. It was very kind of you, and it was an honor to be allowed to lick it off the soles of your very beautiful feet."

Sally gasped and then coughed down her laughter upon hearing this nonsense.

"And?" asked Barbara.

"And I would like to thank your girlfriend also, but I don't know how to address her respectfully, as I must."

"She is Sally Chambers, from Chicago, a dance major here at Sherman College, and, of course, a member of the Tau Kappa Lambda sorority."

"Thank you ever so much, Ms. Chambers, for giving me the cranberry juice to drink," said Robert. "It was very kind of you, and I'm deeply grateful."

Sally removed one of her flip-flops, and extended her bare foot to right in front of his face.

"Are my feet very beautiful, too?"

Robert could see dancer's calluses on her toes and on her sole. In fact, her arch was about the only part of her foot that had smooth skin.

"Very beautiful, Ms. Chambers, extremely lovely."

Sally and Barbara both laughed at that. Then Barbara got up, removed the chair, and began to take the straightjacket off of him.


When Kristine came upstairs, they already had him tied to the spanking horse. Sally was fascinated by the sight of his bare bottom.

"I have no interest in men, but I would love to spank him, just a little, his bottom just cries out to be spanked." she said.

"Well," said Kristine, "he's due 250 spanks today. Watch me give him the first hundred, then you can do a hundred, and I'll do the last fifty."

Kristine got the wooden paddle and gave the hundred stokes rapidly, alternating five each on his left and right sides. She gradually covered his buttocks and upper thighs. He was crying by the 50th stroke, and sobbing loudly by the time she was done.

"No harder than I did, no bruises, just redness," she said, handing the paddle to Sally.

Sally had a grand time, smacking Robert just as Kristine had.

"My, this is fun. Men do have a purpose, to be spanked for my amusement. I never realized what fun it could be," she said. "And I just love to hear him sob."

She was really reluctant to give up the paddle when Kristine told her that she'd gone past her quota, to 105 spanks.

"I always keep my word, Bobby," she said, "and I said you'd get a thousand spanks total, so I'll give you only 45 more."

Like a machine gun, she rattled off twenty on his left cheek and 25 more on his right cheek, as he howled in pain and continued sobbing.

After Robert had quieted down and been ordered to speak, he gave them both his thanks for taking the time to correct his bad behavior. Kristine looked at her watch, and smiled.

"It's just 10am, Barbara, and now you get to decided what to do with him for the next 24 hours. I must say that I love your plans. You'll be happy to know that Helen arrived while you were giving him breakfast. Should I have her and today's volunteers come on up?"

"Sure," said Barbara, "let's get started."

Kristine went downstairs, and a few minutes later came back up with ten other women.

Barbara and Trish removed him from the spanking horse, put a clean diaper on him, and carried him over to the chair and stocks. Very soon he was strapped into the chair with his ankles in the stocks. They attached his cuffed wrists to the rings in the wall and tied his toes back. Worse, they put the Whitehead gag into his mouth, and put a supply of Q-tips down on the arm of the chair.

Two more women now came upstairs, Judy Chen and an older woman, a woman perhaps 30 years old, who looked very much like Judy. The older woman carried a black bag and whispered something to Trish, who ran down the stairs with three of the women.

"This is my older sister, Helen," said Judy to Robert, "but you can call her Dr. Chen. She went to medical school at Penn State after graduating from Sherman, and she was, of course, a Tau Kappa Lambda sister. She'll see to it that you survive what Barbara has in store for you."

"We're a big family," said Helen, as she took a stethoscope out of her bag. She checked Robert's heart and took his pulse. "Five children, I'm the oldest, 29. Judy is the youngest at 20. All girls. That's why so many children, our father was born in Taiwan, still has the old-fashioned attitude that a man must have a son. Kept trying until he killed our mother, she died in childbirth, when Judy was born. Idiot. She'd had two problem pregnancies before Judy. The idiot had to have a son. So we grew up without our mother."

Trish and the other three came back upstairs with intravenous bottles and tubes.

"You're going to stay hydrated and fed today with these," said Helen, pointing to the four bottles of sugar water. She took alcohol and a sterile cotton swab out of her bag, and cleaned the crock of his elbow.

"Nice veins," she said, as she tied a rubber tourniquet around his arm, got out a sterile needle, and probed inserted it in his vein. Soon she had the first bottle hanging from the wall and feeding into his arm.

Barbara wiped the drool from Robert's chin, under the Whitehead gag. She smiled at him, and kissed him on the forehead, very tenderly.

"Dear little Bobby-toy, it's time to explain to you what I'm going to do to you today, with the help of my sisters here."

"Once a Tau Kappa Lambda sister, always one. Sisterhood forever!" said Helen, satisfied that the intravenous flow was functioning properly, and that the tube was very securely taped to his arm.

"With no need to feed you, Bobby," said Barbara, pointing to the bottle, "and no need to take you to the rest room," she continued, pointing to his diaper, "we can tickle you, for 24 hours straight. You'll get a two minute break, every three or four hours, so Dr. Chen can check your vital signs. We don't want you dying on us. But other than that, it's permanent tickle time for you!"

The look on Robert's face was priceless, just priceless. Kristine knew that she would treasure the memory of it forever. All the women laughed at him.

"Sally and I intend to pull an all-nighter, and participate in your torment for the whole 24 hours. The others will likely change off, but there are plenty of volunteers to replace them. Sally is just dying to pick up the Q-tips and get at the roof of your mouth, Bobby."

Sally did pick up the two Q-tips and got in position, hold them in his mouth but not yet tickling with them. Four women picked up plastic forks and got by his taut soles. Barbara got next to his rib cage. Judy and Helen got near his underarms, one on each side. Helen smiled at him.

"I'll bet you thought I was just here as a physician," she said. "Nope. I want the fun of tickling you insane, too."

Two women got near his thighs, one on each side. The rest waited for their turn to take somebody's place.

Barbara looked at Kristine. "Any time you say, Kris."

Kristine pulled a chair over to a good viewing spot, and smiled her cat-like smile.

"Now, Bobby, we will find out if 24 hours is enough time to really tickle somebody insane. Get ready, get set, ..., GO!!"

Sally really knew how to torment the roof of his mouth, she had experienced it from the other side. That, combined with the tickling from all the other spots on his body, was driving Robert mad. He howled and thrashed. He drooled over his gag. He laughed and laughed.

His struggles became weaker, his laughter less loud. Tears began to flow down his cheeks. Within fifteen minutes, he was clearly in the jelly state, just quivering and laughing silently, a blob of helpless ticklish jelly, in tickle hell, wishing he were dead, quaking with the sensations he was unable to stop.


Kristine enjoyed herself just watching, proud of keeping promise while getting her vengeance on him. It was such fun to watch him quiver and drool and and squirm, helpless and ticklish, ever so ticklish. Finally, she got up to verbally tease him, hoping that would add to his torment.

Judy, still tickling under Robert's arm, shifted her position so that Kristine could get close enough to look into his eyes.

"Dear little Bobby, you don't know how it warms my heart to see you like this. Quaking and squirming, unable to do anything else, so ticklish and so helpless, so vulnerable and so tormented. It's just what you deserve, Bobby, and I love seeing you get it. It's been barely an hour, Bobby, just one lonely little hour. You have so much longer to go, so much longer. I wonder if you'll be sane when we take you out of this chair, Bobby? It's a wonderful experiment. Such a ticklish baby, so helpless, in such a hopeless situation. Poor ticklish little baby boy! I'm just going to sit back down and enjoy the show."

"Why don't we all change positions now?" said Barbara, "Let's give everybody a chance to get at each part of his ticklish anatomy."

The women shifted around, and some yielded their spots to the women who were waiting. The tickling never stopped, it went on and on.


"He's remarkably healthy," said Helen in the late afternoon. "Pulse elevated, but not dangerously so."

"Take break now," said Barbara, "I'm going to apply sensory deprivation now."

The women who hadn't had lunch took a break to grab a sandwich or a slice or pizza. Kristine had had ten pizzas delivered to the sorority house.

Barbara released Robert's head from the wall, and put a blindfold on him. She then reattached the leather strap around his head to the rings in the wall.

She had been undecided whether to buy ear plugs or wax for his ears, so she had bought both at the pharmacy.

"This is fabulous, Bobby," said Barbara. "Keeping you in ticklish agony, hour after hour. Driving you mad. Making you quake and tremble and squirm. Knowing that you want us to stop, and never stopping. Such a ticklish baby, so helpless, so much fun to torture. Dear little tickle toy, it will so sad when we have to let you go. I just wanted you to know that now, because you won't be able to hear anything at all soon."

She inserted plugs in his ears, and then put the wax in his ears over the plugs. Finally, she took a pair of headphones and put them over his ears as well.

"He's deprived of sight and hearing now, so his sense of touch should be more acute," said Barbara. "More agony for him, more fun for us."

They all began tickling him again, with renewed enthusiasm.

Monday, April 26, 2004

It was five minutes after midnight, technically Monday, and Dr. Chen had just pronounced Robert fit to be tickled into the morning hours. He didn't look so, eyes unfocused, in a stupor, still in the jelly state, quivering and suffering. But his vital signs were fine, his heart holding up well. She broke smelling salts under his nose to get him out of the stupor, and patted him tenderly on the cheek.

Coffee had been brought upstairs, gallons of coffee for the women who had been tickling him all day long. Some of the replacements drank coffee also.

Robert was sure that he would die, it couldn't be possible to endure this, this agonizing tickling, this endless tickling. Every time he drifted away from his surroundings, every time he escaped in his mind to someplace else, that doctor shoved the smelling salts under his nose, and he was back, back in tickle hell. They never stopped, they never gave him a break.

Deprived of sight and hearing, all that existed was his skin, and the tickling sensations in it. He was so sorry that he had ever broken up with Kristine. Her tickling of him back in October, which he thought was ghastly then, was nothing, nothing at all, nothing like this. Oh, if he could only go back to October and agree to her terms. It was too late, he was in tickle hell, and he had no idea how many hours were left, no idea at all.


When the blindfold came off at 10am, Robert was senseless, not aware of his surroundings. As they took removed the earplugs and untied his wrists, he remained oblivious. Finally in just his diaper, he seemed vaguely aware and moaned.

Helen examined him one more time, and pronounced him fit. Barbara and Sally carried him to the bathroom, removed his diaper, and gave him a quick bath. He seemed to be fully conscious and aware when they dried him off.

"Crawl to the door of the attic, Bobby," said Barbara.

He crawled behind Barbara and Sally, noting that the nobody else was in the attic. They reached the attic door, and Barbara asked if he could stand and walk down the steps.

Bobby nodded and stood. He was still a little unsteady, but managed to walk down the staircase. He got back on his hands and knees as soon as he got to the third floor. He followed, crawling, behind Barbara until he got to room 317. She knocked on the door.

"Come on in, it's open," said Kristine.

Barbara opened the door, and Robert crawled in. She and Sally walked in behind him. Kristine was sitting in the recliner, but it was not in the reclined position. She was fully dressed, and wearing white socks and sneakers. Robert crawled until he was close to her feet, which were flat on the rug in her sneakers. He waited for orders.

"You may speak now, Bobby."

"I am ever so sorry that I broke up with you last October, Ms. Hansen. It was so wrong of me to do that, in so many ways. I most humbly beg you to forgive me."

"It was unforgivable, Bobby, I will never really forgive you, in my heart. I do appreciate that you now realize it was wrong, and I did enjoy hearing you beg me for forgiveness. Your clothes and books are on the rug there, by my desk. Also your laptop. You may get dressed and go on with your life now. First kiss each of my sneakers, just once each, on their soles, chastely, to show your respect for me."

She extended her legs, causing him to have to crawl backwards, out of her way. Her sneakers now rested on their heels on the rug, soles exposed.

Robert reverently kissed the sole of one sneaker, and then the other.

"Now get dressed and get out of my sight. If you see me again on campus, or at graduation, pretend that I'm not there, ignore me."

Kristine left the room with Barbara and Sally, leaving Robert to get dressed and get out. He didn't see her on his way out of the sorority house.
Chapter 4

Saturday, June 10, 2006

"How long has it been, Robert?"

"Two years plus two weeks, Dad, I know that, you don't have to tell me that all over again."

"What did you say when you moved back here after you graduated? What did you say?"

"Alright, Dad, I know what I said. Do we have to have this conversation again? We went through all this two days ago, and twice last week. I will move out as soon as I can. Tomorrow, if you insist."

"You don't have to move out tomorrow, you already paid me rent for this month, but it can't go on forever, Robert. And I want you to realize that you've become a liar as well as a failure."

With that, Robert stormed out of the kitchen and went downstairs to the basement that he rented.


Why can't I ever get a break? That's what Robert thought as he sat at his desk in the basement. Nothing had gone well since his graduation from Sherman College in May of 2004. The last month there, right up to graduation, he had skulked around campus like a fugitive, still thinking of his captivity and torture in the Tau Kappa Lambda sorority house. He was half afraid that the sisters of that sorority would kidnap him again, and half afraid that they would tell everybody what they had done to him. He was totally afraid to speak to any woman, and kept to himself, going to classes, the cafeteria, and his dorm. He told nobody where he had been that weekend, not that anybody had missed him or asked.

He had not been able to get a job in his field, software engineering. There were too many programmers still unemployed or underemployed since the bursting of the NASDAQ bubble in 2000. Programmers with more experience than he had, programmers with M.S. degrees, compared to his B.S. in computer science. Programmers who could show huge projects that they had done in Perl, the procedural programming language that was emphasized on his resume.

Sherman College, of course, was in the middle of nowhere in rural Pennsylvania. The computer science faculty there could write letters of recommendation for Robert, and they did, but they didn't know anybody useful in big cities like Philadelphia or New York where Robert hoped to work as a software engineer.

His father, when he heard Robert's plan, had first been happy about it. The cheap S.O.B. was happy about the rent that I pay, he thought. Unable to get a professional job in New York City or Philadelphia, Robert had thought that he would live at home for a year with his father, a widower, while working at some lousy job, while taking more computer courses at the Newark campus of Rutgers University. With more courses and perhaps some contacts there, he could get the job he wanted. His father's house, the house Robert had grown up in, was in a suburb of Newark, a short drive from the Newark campus.

The job he got, back in June 2004, was as a sales clerk at a local computer store. He had started at $9 an hour, just enough to pay his father $200 a month rent and pay the tuition as a part-time evening student at Rutgers. His father had demanded to know how long he would be living there, and Robert had been foolish enough to say, one year, two at the absolute most.

Two years and one day after he moved in, his father had begun nagging him, calling him a liar, calling him a failure, reminding him of how much it cost to send him to Sherman College, and how little it seemed to have done for him. He just had to move out.

He had been promoted to Assistant Manager at the computer store two months ago, a silly title change since he did mostly the same work, talking to the customers and selling them computer equipment. His pay was up to $12.50 an hour now, not really enough to have his own place in a decent neighborhood. Real estate in central New Jersey was absurdly high.

Robert went online again, and updated his resume on Monster.com. If I'm a liar, he thought, I may as well lie a little where it may get me a real job.

Monday, June 19, 2006

After work, Robert went online and was overjoyed to see an inquiry via Monster.com had arrived. It asked if would be willing to relocate to the Fort Worth, Texas area.

I would be willing to relocate, he thought, anywhere short of Siberia to get out of this house and away from my father. I have got to get out of here, as soon as I can.

He responded to them enthusiastically, saying that he would be delighted to move to the Fort Worth area and put his skills to work for BirPaFo Systems. He had never heard of that company, but putting their name into Google produced a website which showed a smiling CEO, Ted K. Lariat. He looked like a dynamic man of about 35, and the blurb said that he was a brilliant businessman, born locally, educated at Texas A&M. The modern office building behind him could have been anywhere.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Robert left work at 2pm, claiming a dentist's appointment made it necessary for him to take the afternoon off. As an hourly employee, he wouldn't be paid for the missed time, so his supervisor didn't even ask what dental work he needed.

He was at his cell phone in the basement at 2:30, waiting for the promised call from BirPaFo Systems. The phone rang at 2:32, and Robert waited for the end of the second ring to answer it.

"Hello, this is Robert Lamb."

"Hello, Mr. Lamb, I'm Arlene Ferris, chief of programming at BirPaFo. Whomever we hire will be reporting to me. We're a small firm, only 6 people in the programming division, including the new hire. It's my choice and my headache if I hire somebody who can't do the job. Tell me about Perl programs that you've written."

They spent the next few minutes discussing the Perl project that Robert had done two years ago, his senior project at Sherman College. Robert then had to repeat the lie in his resume, that he was in a masters program in computer science at Rutgers. The truth was that he had been taking courses as a non-matriculated part-time student.

"So you would really be willing to drop out of Rutgers and take a job right away?"

"Well, I'm 24, and I think I could learn more by doing some real programming, something really challenging, than I could at school. Yes, I'm ready."

"I do have one more person to interview by phone this afternoon, Robert, if I may call you Robert, but I think I may be calling tomorrow with good news for you. Would noon eastern time be a good time to call?"

"Absolutely, I'll be waiting for your call, Ms. Ferris."

Shortly after that, Robert hung up in triumph. He was sure he could do the job, and they didn't much care about the masters program, she hadn't asked for a transcript from Rutgers. She hadn't even asked what job he was working at now, so he didn't have to exaggerate his duties at the computer store.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

The phone rang at noon promptly.

"Hello, this is Robert Lamb, and I hope I'm talking to Ms. Ferris with good news for me."

Robert heard laughter at the other end of the phone.

"Yes, good news, Robert. I hope you will consider it good news. There were two qualified people among those I interviewed. You, and an older fellow, with an M.S. degree and a bit more experience than you have."

Robert began to feel queasy.

"But his salary demands are unrealistic, and he wanted a small fortune in moving expenses, to relocate from San Francisco. Also, he can't start until September, and we want somebody ready to start on Monday, July 10."

Robert felt wonderful again.

"I presume that I'll be getting a professional salary, but a realistic one," said Robert.

"Ah, you're too polite to ask. We want to pay $60,000 for the first year. If you're doing the job we need, there will be a big raise at the end of the year. If not, you'll be fired long before a year passes."

"That sounds like a fair deal to me. I'll take it," said Robert. "All I need for moving expenses are an airplane ticket and guidance on where to look for housing in the Fort Worth area."

"Oh, don't worry about the housing, Mr. Lariat's sister is a real estate agent. She'll have a furnished room rented for you for July, and you can discuss what you want her to look for longer term when you meet her. The furnished room will be at the company's expense, from your arrival through July 31. Can you start July 10? We'd like to fly you out here on July 6, so you can get settled in before your first day at the office."

"July 6 is no problem."

"Fine, there will be an electronic ticket waiting for you at Newark airport on July 6. I'll email you the details. Don't go buying any business suits for your new job, Robert. We're informal in Texas, and informal at BirPaFo. Nobody wears a suit at the office. Casual clothes are the rule, jeans and boots are common. Oh, do you have any questions for me? If there's anything you need to know, just ask me now."

"Will I need a car out there?"

"Yes, it's the best way to get around here. Do you own one now?"

"No, I use New Jersey Transit, but I do have a driver's license."

"Fine," she said, "then I can arrange for a rental car for you for July, and then you can buy or rent one for yourself beginning in August. The car will be waiting for you at your residence. Anything else?"

"There was one other thing I was wondering. What does the name of the company mean? Most people name a new company after themselves, why not Lariat Systems?"

"Ah, you have to understand, Mr. Lariat founded this company four years ago, in 2002. It was after the NASDAQ bubble had burst, after the start-up money had dried up for computer firms. Three investors believed in his genius, believed enough to invest millions. They were George Birch, John Packer, and Thomas Folger. So it's named after them, BirPaFo."

"Very interesting, I see. Thank you so much, Ms. Ferris, I look forward to working for you. Good bye."

"You're welcome, I look forward to meeting you. I'll be at the airport myself when you arrive. I'll be the one in the baggage claim area with the sign that says 'BirPaFo.' Good bye."

Thursday, July 6, 2006

Robert arrived quite early at Newark's Liberty International Airport, and had time to just sit and relax in the gate area. He needed to relax, it had been a busy twelve days. Busy, but very happy.

He had experienced the joy, the rare joy, of telling his boss at the computer store what he really thought of him. The look on Harry's face when he told him exactly how stupid he was, and exactly how far up his rectum he could shove the job of assistant manager, was priceless. He wished he had a video of it. Harry's screams about never giving him a reference only caused him to laugh as he left the store for the last time.

He had also told his father off. Maybe he shouldn't have done that. But his father had brought it on himself. Robert had expected some congratulations when he told his father the good news, or at least the feeling that his father was happy for him.

No, his father had honed in on the money. He had demanded to know how much Robert was going to be paid in Texas, and how much it would cost to live there. Robert had answered honestly, $60,000 for the first year, and he didn't know what it would cost to live there.

His father had asked when he would be able to pay him back the cost of attending Sherman College! The nerve of that man, Robert thought. It doesn't work that way, Robert explained. You helped pay for my college, and I'll help pay for my children's college, your grandchildren's college.

His father had gone back to this topic several times, nagging him about repayment of what it had cost t send him to college. Just yesterday had been the last time, when Robert's father said that Robert should think about it, think about what he owed his father for putting him through college. Robert had said that he would think about whether to ever contact his father again at all, much less send him money.

That was a bad way to have ended his last conversation with the old man, thought Robert. I'll send him a letter, as if we never had that fight, about a week after I've started my new job. A letter, but no money.

Thinking of the new job made Robert happy again. He smiled as he read the newspaper while waiting for boarding to be called.


The flight was only ten minutes late pulling back from the gate, but then was eleventh in line for take-off. It arrived at the Dallas/Fort worth airport a full half hour late. Robert found the baggage area with no problem. He looked around as he waited for the luggage to come out, and saw a tall woman holding the company's name on a sign. She was about six feet tall, with dark brown hair, athletic looking, maybe 170 pounds, and relatively flat-chested. She was wearing boots and blue jeans, so she probably came straight from the office, Robert thought. He walked over to her.

"Hello, I'm Robert Lamb," he said, offering his hand.

"It's great to meet you, I'm Arlene Ferris," she said, shaking his hand firmly, but not crushing it. She had large hands and large feet, he noticed, probably size 12 feet.

Don't start thinking about the feet of the women in your workplace, Robert told himself, that is a sure route to disaster. He turned towards the luggage carousel.

"I have two bags," he remarked.

"Fine, I have a driver waiting for us right outside here, we'll get you right to your quarters. The refrigerator is stocked, and there's supposed to be a hot meal waiting on the table when we arrive. I'll call from the limo to be sure it'll be there."


Robert and Arlene each took a bag, and he followed her outside. She opened the trunk of the limo herself, and they loaded the two bags in. He didn't have to wonder about holding the door open for her, she left him to close the trunk and got in the back seat on the left, behind the driver. Robert got in the back seat on the right. The driver was not visible, there was an opaque glass partition between them and the driver's seat. They traveled in silence for about five minutes.

"It will be a long drive, I'm afraid," said Arlene, "and a long commute for you until August 1. Ted's sister will find a place closer for you by then, once she knows what you want."

"That's alright, it's only a few weeks," said Robert.

Arlene took out her cell phone and made a call.

"Yes, we're in the limo, on our way. ... We'll be there in about half an hour. Make sure dinner is ready, Mr. Lamb has had only airline food, which I'm sure was wretched, since he left New Jersey."

She held the phone away from her face and turned to Robert.

"The dinner will be chicken parmesan with string beans and pasta, is that alright?" she asked.


"That will be fine. .... Bye." she said into the phone, and hung up.

She now took out her laptop and began to work on a spreadsheet. Robert looked out the window as the scenery got more rural.


The limo turned off a rural two-lane road onto a dirt road. A few minutes later, it turned right through some gates, and onto a paved driveway. About a hundred yards down the driveway was a huge building.

"There's a furnished room for rent here?" asked Robert in surprise when they arrived. The place look like a mansion, the kind of mansion that a very rich family would live in.

"It used to be the mansion of a rich oil man, but he went bankrupt. The bank that held his mortgage couldn't sell such a huge property, so they divided it into apartments to get some rental income."

Robert got out of the car, and saw the driver emerge and go to the trunk. He, no make that she, she had breasts, took both bags easily. She was very tall, a couple of inches taller than Arlene, and stocky.

Arlene walked ahead, so Robert followed, with the driver behind them. There were many entrances to the building, he saw, and Arlene approached one in the side wall. She had the key to it, which she handed to Robert after opening the door. They were in a hallway with three staircases leading upwards, one in front of them, one to the left, and one to the right.

"That's your front door key, and it also opens the door to your room at the top of the stairs."

She walked up the center staircase, and Robert followed, the driver behind him with his luggage.

At the top of the steps, she moved aside, and Robert remembered that he had the key. He opened the door, and stepped inside.

The driver put his luggage down, and Arlene turned to her, taking a five dollar bill out of the pocket of her jeans.

"Thank you, Linda," she said, handing her the bill.

Linda took the money with only a nod of her head, and left, closing the door behind her.

Robert looked around his temporary home. It was a one room apartment, with just a bed, a dresser, a desk, a bookcase, and a small table with two chairs. There was a bathroom. In the wall of the main room that divided it from the bathroom were a sink, a stove, and a refrigerator. There was a microwave oven on the counter near the sink.

"Your dinner should be in the microwave, let's see if it needs to be warmed up again," said Arlene.

She opened the microwave, and took out a covered plate with chicken parmesan as promised.

"It could use a minute," she said, putting in back in and starting the microwave.

She took it out again and put it on the table for him.

"You must be hungry, I'll leave you to eat and get some rest. Tomorrow morning Linda will be back to show you where your rental car is parked, and answer any questions about the area, where the stores are and all. I'll phone you tomorrow to find out how you're doing."

"Thanks so much, Ms. Ferris, for taking the time to meet me and all. I'm really starving, I couldn't eat the stuff they served on the plane. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

Arlene left as he began to eat the pasta and the chicken. He found Pepsi and ice in the refrigerator. String beans were not his favorite, he left them alone.

He devoured the food quickly, it was quite good. He made a note to ask Linda where the Italian restaurant was, he wanted to eat their food again.

He began to yawn, and thought, wow, I'm really tired, that flight took a lot out of me. He took off his shoes and decided to lie down for a few minutes before unpacking.


An hour later, Linda and Arlene knocked loudly on Robert's door. Receiving no answer, Arlene opened it with another key, just like the one she had given him. They smiled at each other as they saw that the chicken was eaten, and that he was in a deep sleep, on the bed. They stripped him naked before carrying him down the center staircase. Then they carried him back up the right staircase, to his actual new home.


It was 9pm when Robert woke up. He felt groggy. He opened his eyes, and saw nothing. He was confused. He realized that his eyes were open, but that a padded blindfold was pressed against them. He realized that his mouth was stuffed with a very sour tasting cloth of some kind. He tried to lift his arms and couldn't move, and he realized that he was in a straightjacket, it felt just the same as the one he had worn at the Tau Kappa Lambda sorority house. He screamed and screamed, but the gag muffled the sound. He tried to get out of bed, but he realized that his ankles were immobile as well, encircled by padded wood. He screamed again, and finally lay back and waited. There was nothing else he could do but wait.


An hour later Robert heard somebody coming into the room. Then he felt the blindfold being removed from his eyes. He opened his eyes and gasped in horror.

"Hi, Bobby, I've missed you. Did you miss me, too?" asked Kristine.

She leaned down and kissed him tenderly on the forehead.

"We have so much to catch up on, you and I. So why don't I tell you what I've been up to, since we graduated. Yes, graduated."

She smiled at him serenely, as if 'graduated' were the most wonderful word in the dictionary. She went over to his feet, and held back the toes of his right foot with one hand.

"My promise was not to tickle you from the day of my party until graduation, Booby."

She drew just one fingernail of her other hand the length of his sole, from his heel to his toes, slowly. He laughed behind his gag. Satisfied with just the one tickle, she came back near his head and looked deeply into his eyes from only inches away.

"My promise has expired, dear Bobby. You are now my tickle toy, now and forever. Mine, forever."

The sincerity and fervor in her voice terrified Robert. She seemed to believe it. She withdrew from him and sat down in a chair near the bed that the was in.

"I need to catch you up on the tragedies and joys of my life these last two years, Bobby," she began. "Just a month after graduation, I was relaxing during the summer, ready to start the MSW program at dear old Sherman College in September, when I got the tragic news. My grandfather had had a heart attack. Worse, it came while he was driving his car. My grandmother was in the front seat, and their neighbor, Mrs. Halpern, was getting a ride from them to the mall. She was sitting in the back seat. She survived, she told me all about it. Grandpa clutched his chest and moaned, and the car ran off the road and hit a stone fence. Mrs. Halpern was in the hospital for a month, but she's alright now. Both my grandparents died."

She seemed to expect him to say something, so Robert made a grunt behind his gag.

"Yes, I'm sure that you're sorry for my loss, Bobby. You're back under orders not to speak though, so don't bother to try. Well, the lawyers called me in after the funeral, and I could see from the way they were looking at me that they were in awe of me. Rich, good old boy lawyers, who charge $400 an hour, in awe of me, a girl of 22 at the time. I just sat down and listened, putting on my best smile."

She paused and wiped her eyes with a tissue, remembering the deaths.

"They said that grandpa had left my dad two million dollars, with the stipulation that he wouldn't get it if he contested the rest of the will. He took it, and he's been whoring and drinking himself to death since then. Drinking himself to death with more expensive liquor, that is."

She grimaced at the thought of her father, and then continued.

"My little brother got five million, with the same condition, that he not contest the will. I wish him well, I hope he doesn't turn out like our dad. The rest all went to me. I always was my grandpa's favorite, his little princess. Now you have to realize that my grandpa had oil money from way back, and was savvy enough to invest in high tech stocks in the mid-1990's when the internet was just growing. Even better, he was smart enough to sell out in the fall of 1999, he had seen bubbles burst before. I inherited, after taxes, about 400 million dollars."

She let that number sink in before going on.

"There is no computer company named BirPaFo Systems, Bobby, in case you're too stupid to have figured that out yet. There is no Ted K. Lariat, I made that name up. Did you notice that his initials are the same as Tau Kappa Lambda? I cast out my lariat with his phony company, and roped you in, Bobby. The website was set up just for you to see, in case you checked, and the picture was a composite I made using Photoshop. There never was a Ted K. Lariat, he was a front for Tau Kappa Lambda. Sisterhood forever!"

She laughed and laughed at the look on his face.

"Do you think a real company wouldn't have seen through the lies on your resume? Hah. Janice, oh you know her as Arlene, really does have a degree in computer science. She saw through your resume immediately, but she pretended not to. Her real name is Janice Foster, and you will call her Ms. Foster when you're allowed to address her at all. As a kid, she used to like to ride the ferris wheel, hence the phony last name."

She got up and kissed him on the forehead again, then sat down.

"You really were easy to lure here. Janice had only one bad moment, when you asked her what BirPaFo meant. She stalled, and thought of three names, quickly. It does have a real meaning Bobby. Blink twice if you want me to tell you."

Robert blinked twice.

"Okay, here it is, and you're sure not to like it. Bir is for Birthday, Pa is for Party, and Fo is for Forever. Welcome to my Birthday Party Forever, Bobby."

Robert started to cry, he couldn't help it, tears were flowing down his face.

"Poor Bobby, yes, it will be bad, it will much worse than you remember, very much worse than what I did to you back in senior year."

She got up and wiped his tears. She waited until he stopped crying.

"I bought this place from a bank, they held the mortgage when a big oil man went broke. I had much of it fixed up, by sorority sisters, into a dungeon, just for you. Yes, just for you, Bobby, to live here as my pet. I am your Owner, from this day forward. You may not believe it yet, but you will, within a few months. This is your bedroom, where you'll sleep, in this hospital bed. It's the same bed they use in mental hospitals, to restrain their most violent patients. Quite strong, and one of my sisters customized it with the stocks for your feet. Your toes can be tied back in those stocks, even though they aren't now."

Satisfied that he wasn't going to start crying again, she sat down.

"There are other rooms up here for you, an entire dungeon suite. Eventually you will get to know each room, and its equipment. They are all soundproofed, the whole dungeon suite is, and each room is as well. That may be overkill, this mansion is so isolated, and so far from the road. But why stint, I've got lots of money. Each of these rooms is like a world of its own, soundproofed with no windows, and small ventilation ducts, too small for you to crawl through."

There was a knock on the door.

"Oh, it's time for you to see the staff, the actual employees of the BirPaFo Sisterhood, your Keepers. Yes, I am your Owner, and you have at present four Keepers. I better let them in."

Kristine got up and opened the door. Four women walked in, and Robert recognized all four of them. Barbara Russo, Sally Chambers, and Tamika Lincoln, all from Sherman College. Arlene Ferris, no, make that Janice Foster, of more recent acquaintance.

"Hi, Bobby," said Barbara, "I'm sure that you remember us all. We're going to have such fun with you! We get to play with you, and train you to be a good pet to Kris, to behave just the way she wants you to, and we get to punish you. It will be so much fun!"

"None of us had good jobs," said Sally, "I was working as a waitress while trying to get jobs dancing. Barbara and Tamika didn't get drafted by the WNBA, and were both working for crap wages, too. It's so great to have a job in the same place with my life partner."

She went over to Barbara and they hugged and kissed each other.

"But working for the Sisterhood of BirPaFo pays well," said Tamika. "More than you thought you were getting."

"I was a Tau Kappa Lambda member at Texas A&M," said Janice. "Yes, an underemployed computer science major, just like you. And I think that Tamika and I are lucky to be working together also."

She went over and kissed Tamika passionately.

"You will never be alone, Bobby," said Barbara. "With four Keepers, at least one of us will be with you at all times, 24/7. Usually two of us will be with you. You'll rarely be out of bondage, and each one of us is bigger and stronger than you are."

"Some other Tau Kappa Lambda members who get to visit you here, for one reason or another," said Kristine. "People like Dr. Chen, who will come by every six months to check on your health. Only trusted sorority sisters will ever know that you're here. Every employee on the premises, like Linda, is a sorority sister to us also. She was in the Cal State L.A. chapter of Tau Kappa Lambda."

Robert now realized that she really meant to keep him forever, that this was not a joke, not at all. He began to cry again.

Kristine wiped off his tears and put his blindfold back on. She kissed him once more on the forehead.

"Sleep well, dear Bobby, sleep well, my tickle toy, my pet. Your training starts tomorrow."
Chapter 5

Friday, July 7, 2006

Robert was awakened by Barbara and Sally. They tickled the soles of his feet with their fingernails, just for a minute.

"You're a very lucky boy," said Barbara, "because your real training won't begin today, not until tomorrow. Kristine has decided to indulge herself today, she'll be with you almost all of today, enjoying herself. Your rigorous training will start tomorrow. For today, only one new thing for you, and I can guarantee that you won't like it, Bobby, not at all."

She and Sally both laughed as they got him unbound and out of bed. They carried him to the bathroom adjacent to his bedroom, and gave him a quick shower. After drying him off, they gave him a strawberry flavored protein drink.

"It has all required vitamins and minerals as well as protein," said Barbara, "so the rest of what you eat today is all going to be to punish you. Drink it all up."

Robert, who never had liked strawberries, said nothing as he drank it.

"Kristine got this flavor exactly because she knows you don't like strawberries," said Barbara, "and it's exactly what you'll get, every morning."

After his breakfast, Sally told him that he was going to be taken to the first of many special room designed for him. This one, she told him, was the Kneeling Room.

The Kneeling Room turned out to be three doors down the hall from his bedroom. He crawled there, naked, on his hands and knees. Sally led the way and Barbara was playfully and lightly smacking his bottom as he crawled. The derivation of its name was obvious, there was a padded platform in the center of the room with indentations clearly meant to be where his knees were to go. The platform was about one foot higher than the floor. He knelt with his knees in the indentations, needing no verbal orders, when Sally pointed to them. His ankles, projecting over the back of the platform, fit into the lower semicircles of padded stocks.

"Good boy," said Sally, "and now keep still."

The buckled broad leather straps around his calves to fix them the platform. The attached the top half of the stocks, trapping his ankles. Little leather straps on the bottom of the stocks were used to bind his big toes and his pinkie toes, splaying his toes apart and making his soles taut.

"Arms overhead," said Sally, and Robert raised his arms.

They placed his wrists in padded cuffs attached to a horizontal bar which was in turn attached to a hoisting device. Barbara turned a crank until his body was also taut, his arms pulled overhead.

"Now for something new," said Sally, smirking.

It was Barbara who showed him the device, held it up in front of his eyes. It was clear plastic, in two pieces.

"The cage portion," said Barbara, "is 3 inches long and 1 and 3/8 inches in diameter. It goes over your dick, Bobby."

Robert gulped and looked embarrassed.

"The cuff ring is the smallest size they sell, 1 and 1/2 inches in diameter. Kristine got the next larger size, too, but we both think this smallest cuff ring will fit you."

Both women laughed as Robert blushed bright red.

"Finally, Kristine got the optional spikes to go inside the cage," said Barbara. "This is the most popular male chastity device, know as the CB 3000."

Barbara inserted the ring with spikes inside the cage portion as she spoke, smiling as Robert gasped. Meanwhile, Sally used a cotton swab to dab baby oil all over Robert's penis. When Sally was done, Barbara carefully put the cage over his penis, put the cuff ring around the base of his penis, inserted the locking pin, and used a small brass padlock to lock it all onto him.

"Kristine has both of the keys," said Barbara. "It's designed to be worn 24/7. It comes with a plastic padlock for men who travel to get through airport security. But you won't be doing any traveling, Bobby, so the more secure brass padlock is fine. Even when your hands are free you can't possibly get it off, you'd only hurt yourself badly if you tried."

"There's a hole at the end so you can pee," said Sally, "but there's no room for you to get a hard-on in there. If you start to get one, those spikes will soon change your mind. They're blunted so they won't cut you, but they sure will hurt."

Both women laughed and laughed at the look on Robert's face, as he realized what the device did, and that Kristine had both keys to the lock.

Sally now put a diaper on him, concealing the device. She glanced at her watch.

"I think we have time to shave his armpits before Kristine gets here," she said.

They were just done doing that, with a safety razor and shaving cream, when the door opened and Kristine entered. She surveyed Robert from behind, nodding in approval at his strict bondage.

"Hi, Bobby, I wanted you to have a look at me before they blindfold you," she said, walking over to in front of him.

Robert gasped. She was wearing a tiny bikini, two little triangles of fabric that barely covered her nipples, and one larger triangle that just barely covered her pubic mound. She twirled around so that he could see that it had only a narrow strip of cloth in the back, exposing 99% of her buttocks.

Robert started to get excited, and screamed in pain as the hard plastic spikes dug into him. He closed his eyes and moaned.

"Eyes open!" said Kristine, and Robert obeyed.

She placed a stool right in front of his face and sat in an arm chair behind the stool. Ordering him to watch, she took off her sneakers, and then pulled off her socks, very slowly. It amused her to hear Robert scream in pain again, but keep his eyes open. Just when he calmed down, she placed her bare feet on the stool, soles right in his face. He couldn't control himself, screamed again as she waggled her feet at him.

"Very amusing," she said. "You'll wear that 24/7 until I decide to let you out. Every three days it needs to be taken off so that you can be washed, but you'll get no satisfaction on those occasions. I'll come and unlock you, and Barbara or Tamika will wash you and lock you back in. To be allowed out of the CB 3000 to play with yourself you will have to earn sufficient reward points. At some point in your training you'll be told how that can happen. But expect to be as celibate as a monk for quite some time, Bobby. Poor little Bobby, no fun for you."

All three women laughed at him. Kristine got up and patted his cheek.

"Blindfold him while I change clothes," said Kristine, as she left the room.


Kristine retuned to the Kneeling Room wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt. She had also put on her socks and sneakers again. She put a CD of her favorite songs into the CD player and started the music.

She noted that Robert had been blindfolded. She stood in front of his blindfolded face and placed her hands near his exposed armpits. Without warning, she dug both hands in, wriggling five fingers in each armpit. Robert shrieked and howled, and then laughed and laughed.

"Hi, Bobby, I'm back," said Kristine. "You're really very lucky today, it will be a breeze for you. You experienced being tickled by 10 or 11 women back at my birthday party, two years ago, and you know how bad that is, for you, the person being tickled. Twenty hands, bare or with implements, all tickling you at the same time."

She paused in her monologue, and just luxuriated in listening to him laugh. He was beginning to get red in the face.

"But for the ten or eleven ticklers, it lacks the feedback of a solo tickling, of knowing that every laugh, every quiver, every spasm of the tickling victim is due to you, to your actions. Solo tickling is the most fun for the tickler, I think, because of the feedback, the one-to-one correspondence of my finger strokes and your reaction. You do have such a cute reaction, Bobby, the way laugh and squirm. I love to see you squirm, just a bit, in your bondage. That's why it's not as tight as it could be, just to see you wriggle futilely, a fraction of an inch."

She paused again, watching him squirm and wriggle, listening to him laugh. His laugh was weakening, and tears were welling up in his eyes.

"I'm indulging myself today, Bobby, I'm going to be your only tickler. Not as torturous for you as a gang tickling, but today is just for me, my indulgence, my celebration. I'm celebrating acquiring you Bobby, I now own you, body and soul, to play with, however I want to, as much as I want to, forever, Bobby."

Kristine smiled with pure joy, and kept digging into his armpits, relentlessly.

"You'll need to have these shaved every day, Bobby, to keep them as ticklish as possible."

She noted that tears were flowing down his cheeks now, and his laughter had been reduced to silence. His mouth still made laughing motions, but he couldn't make a sound. He had stopped struggling, and was only quivering in his bonds.

"How long have I been tickling him?" she asked.

"Only twenty minutes," said Barbara, glancing at her watch.

"I should be proud of myself," said Kristine, "reducing you to silent laughter and quivering in only twenty minutes, with my bare hands, too. I love it when you're in the jelly state, Bobby, just a blob of ticklish flesh, helpless to my touch, quivering just like a bowl of Jell-O. Barbara, let me know when I've been working on his armpits for a full hour."

With a serene smile on her face, she methodically tickled and tickled under his arms, never giving him a moment's pause, listening to the music and watching his tears roll down his cheeks from under his blindfold.


After what seemed like years to Robert, Barbara announced that an hour had passed.

"Wipe him off with baby wipes while I go to the bathroom," said Kristine, "and give him lots of cranberry juice to drink, he's been sweating like a pig."

She left the room. Barbara got the cranberry juice and poured it into a baby bottle to feed Robert while Sally wiped off his body with baby wipes.

He was breathing almost normally when Kristine got back attacked his rib cage without warning. She used the technique that Barbara had first shown them all, both her thumbs behind his back while her other eight fingers were in front of him. She squeezed and tickled up and down his rib cage, up and down, over and over again.

His armpits still sore from the first hour of ticking, Robert now laughed and laughed uproariously from the treatment his ribs were getting. It was less than fifteen minutes, this time, for him to be reduced to the jelly state again, quivering in ticklish agony from her touch.

"What I really love about tickle torture, Bobby, is this. The recovery time isn't very long. It's not like a savage beating or a whipping that would require medical treatment and weeks to recover from, no, tickling isn't like that at all. You can be tickle tortured for hours and hours, and you will be, today, and you'll be recovered enough to go through it all again tomorrow. Yes, and the day after, and the day after, forever. I just love that idea, that I have a large enough staff of Keepers for you, so that you never get a day off. Never. Agonizing tickle torture, every single day, and no rest for you, Bobby, none at all."

She once again smiled with joy and listened to the music as she tickled and tickled his ribs, content to watch his tears flow and his body quiver.


"It's been an hour that you're working on his ribs, Kris," said Barbara.

"Ah, thanks, I wanted to leave time for his feet before lunch," said Kristine.

She stopped tickling his ribs, put a cushion on the floor behind his trapped feet, and sat down to go to work immediately. Picking up three plastic forks in each hand, she began to stroke the length of his taut soles.

With no break, Robert stayed in the jelly state, quivering and sobbing noiselessly, in tickle hell. This is much worse than the birthday party, he thought. At least then I could look forward to Monday morning, to freedom. She means this to be forever. I have to find a way to escape, he thought, as the tickling sensations in his soles drove him crazy. They went on and on, tickling him to new levels of hysteria, endlessly.


"May I say something to him?" asked Barbara.

"Sure, go ahead," said Kristine.

"I just wanted you to know, Bobby, that Sally and I work four days a week, all 24 hours of those days, as your Keepers. We'll be working Thursday to Sunday, with the other three days off. Tamika and Janice do the same, but Monday to Thursday. That's one of the reasons you'll dread Thursdays, Bobby, all four keepers on duty. Even when there's only two of us, you'll never be left alone. Both will never leave you at once. There is no hope of escape, Bobby, none at all. You are Kristine's property, body and soul, and will remain so, forever. I just wanted to make sure that you knew that, as she tortures you, that you are hers to torture, any way she sees fit, any way her whims dictate, for the rest of your miserable life."

"That was a beautiful speech, Barbara," said Kristine, "and I'll bet that tears of despair are combining with the laughter induced tears now flowing from his eyes. I think he's just beginning to understand what his new life is going to be like. Guess what, Bobby? There are more surprises in store for you, and you won't like any of them, I'm sure of that."

"Oh, another hour has passed," said Sally.

Kristine now dropped the plastic forks and dug into his soles with her fingernails.

"I just want to feel your tender, tender soles with my bare fingertips," said Kristine, "just for a minute. Such soft feet, such a joy to tickle. I'm sorry to end this session, but I really have worked up an appetite. I'm going to have a big lunch."

She stopped tickling him, and got to her feet. She removed his blindfold. She came around to stand in front of his face. She waited until his laughing and crying subsided, until he was breathing almost normally and clearly alert again. She reached under her T-shirt and pulled out a gold chain that had been hidden under it. The chain had two tiny keys on it.

"See these keys, Bobby? They are the only keys to the cage on your dick. I am the keyholder, the only keyholder. Think about that, Bobby. Think about how it hurt you so much when you had an erection looking at my soles. Do contemplate the fact that only I can unlock your dick. Pretty soon, you will be eager to please me, to make me happy, to make me like you. Pretty soon, you will be pathetically eager to serve me, to make me feel kindly towards you. Never fear, Bobby, you will be given opportunity to serve me, to amuse me, to please me. In fact, it will be your life's work."

Kristine tucked the chain with its keys back under her T-shirt. Robert saw that the white T-shirt had two lines of text on it, in blue. The top line, in letters two inches high, said "BirPaFo Sisterhood" and the bottom line, in letters slightly smaller, said "Founder and Owner."

"Get him cleaned up, feed him lunch, and set him up in the Throne Room for me," said Kristine, as she left the room.

Robert then noticed, for the first time, that Sally and Barbara were wearing T-shirts that resembled Kristine's. They were also white with two lines of blue lettering. The top line, in letters two inches high, also said "BirPaFo Sisterhood" and the bottom line, in letters slightly smaller, said "Keeper."


Robert was taken back to his bedroom to be given a quick shower and a new diaper over his CB 3000. Lunch was peanut butter, licked off of Barbara's filthy left sole, and more cranberry juice from a baby bottle, fed to him by Sally. He was ordered to speak, and thanked them both profusely, of course.

They had him crawl between them to the Throne Room, which turned out to be next door to his bedroom, in the same direction down the hall as the Kneeling Room. The reason for the name was again obvious, there was a huge throne in the center of the room. It was built of mahogany, and was quite beautiful. It had a high back, comfortable arm rests, and the seat was high enough off the ground so that a tall woman, like Kristine, could sit in it comfortably. But the wide seat itself was V-shaped.

Robert soon realized what the indented seat was for. He was ordered to kneel in front of the throne. His ankles were cuffed and the cuffs locked to rings in the floor. His head would easily reach the indentation of the V. He was surprised when they left his hands free.

Kristine entered the Throne Room, still in the same T-shirt and jeans, but barefoot. She sat down on the throne, her groin inches in front of Robert's face, her legs spread in a V-shape.

"You two may go have your lunch now, and don't come back until I send you a text message."

Barbara and Sally left, and Kristine got up from the throne. She removed her jeans and then her panties. Robert closed his eyes tightly.

"No, no, Bobby, open your eyes," said Kristine, laughing. "If I didn't want you to see my pussy, then I would have had you blindfolded. You did reasonably well eating my pussy two years ago, and you were blindfolded and didn't have the use of your hands. I expect you to do better using your fingers and your mouth, being able to see what you're doing. In time, I expect you to learn to do it superbly. I'm going to have very high standards, and I'm going to be quite angry with you when you don't meet them. For today, just do the best that you can. I won't judge you today, I'll just enjoy myself."

She sat down on the throne, spread her legs, and said, "Begin, Bobby."

Robert used his fingers first, stroking her outer labia, then parting them, then stroking her inside. He leaned forward and applied his tongue. He used the same alphabet system that he had back at the sorority house, a to z, 0 to 9, A to Z. He used his fingers to stroke her outer labia and thighs as he licked. Soon she was getting quite wet inside, and he licked faster.

Kristine took off her T-shirt, and dropped it only the floor near her jeans. She was not wearing anything under it, she was now naked. She began to rub her own nipples, slowly, then faster.


"It's close, yes, don't stop, yes, now, Yes! ... Keep licking, I need after play, decent job, Bobby, that was a decent job."

All that work for just "a decent job"? Robert was disappointed, but kept on licking. He hoped she didn't want three climaxes today.

"Keep going, Bobby, that was only my first orgasm. I do hope that your dick isn't being spiked inside that plastic cage, Bobby."

Not likely, thought Robert, I still don't like doing this, I still don't like the taste, it will never excite me like your feet do. I'll just lick until my tongue falls out.

"Use your hands more, Bobby, that's why they're not tied behind your back. Stroke my thighs again, all over my thighs, stroke my mound outside as you lick inside, do it all the time, Bobby, no rest for your hands."


By the time she had had her third orgasm, Bobby's fingers were numb and his tongue was sore. He made no complaint as he kept licking and stroking in the after play of the third climax.

"Oh, how sweet, how lovely, my own little pussy eater, willing to eat me all day long, all night long, any time I want, always licking me. Alright, Bobby, you can stop now, I'm satiated."

Robert withdrew his hands and mouth from her private parts and waited. Kristine leaned over and picked up her jeans, taking a cell phone out of the back pocket. She tossed her jeans back on the floor. She sent a one word text message to Barbara, "Done."

A minute later, Barbara and Sally entered the room. Robert was shocked that Kristine hadn't gotten dressed. Indeed, she hadn't moved, and was still sitting on the throne with a pleased look on her face.

"Get his face cleaned off, and set him up in the Spanking Room for me. I want to give him a spanking before dinner," said Kristine.

As the other two women unlocked his ankle cuffs, Kristine noticed the look of utter amazement on Robert's face.

"What is so surprising, Bobby? Am I more beautiful than you thought? Do you think that I'm ugly now that you're seeing me naked? Tell me now," she ordered.

"You're incredibly beautiful, like the goddess Athena," said Bobby, "but that's not surprising, your body is just as lovely as your face and your feet. I guess I'm just amazed that you sit there naked and don't care that Ms. Russo and Ms. Chambers see you. I mean, they're interested in women in that way."

All three women laughed.

"You're so naive, Bobby, sometimes I wonder if you're really 24 years old. I'm straight, and they know that, and they're a couple, a devoted, loving couple to each other. What difference does it make if they see my body? Women aren't so visual as you men, with you everything is appearance. Barbara used to see me in the locker room, before and after basketball games. So what? I don't care."

To emphasize the point, Kristine got up and stretched to her full height, hands high above her head, exposing every bit of her lovely self to the gaze of all three of them. Bobby screamed in pain as the spikes inside his penis cage poked into him.

"Point proven," said Kristine, "now follow them."

Robert crawled on his hands and knees behind Barbara and Sally, out of the room, as Kristine sat back down on the throne, still stark naked.


The Spanking Room turned out to be right next door to the Throne Room, between it and the Kneeling Room. It was smaller than those two rooms, but it did have its own bathroom. They washed off his face for him in the bathroom, and removed his diaper. Then they brought him out to the Spanking Room.

There were only two things in it, a large supply cabinet, which was closed, and an apparatus that stood on four sturdy legs. The two front legs were padded and had rings and straps attached.

Robert was ordered to stand and to walk up to the front legs of the apparatus. His ankle cuffs were locked to rings in the base of those legs. Leather straps were buckled around his legs at knee level, binding them to the legs of the apparatus. The main section of the apparatus was a rectangle of wood, covered by leather, which rose at a 45 degree angle from the top of the front legs.

Robert was ordered to bend at the waist, and he noticed that the front legs were just the right height so that he could do standing flatfooted. A leather strap was buckled around his waist, binding it to the lower end of the rectangle.

Cuffs were placed on his wrists, and he was ordered to raise his arms above his head, but on the rectangle. He did so, and his wrists were locked to rings at the upper end of the rectangle. Robert, now locked in place at the ankles, knees, waist, and wrists overhead, realized that his buttocks and his back were exposed and vulnerable. He shivered, even though the room was warm.

Barbara tickled his ribs and Sally tickled his underarms while they waited for Kristine to show up. They tickled him relentlessly, without a break, enjoying their work. He was red in the face and laughing uproariously when Kristine entered, five minutes later.

"Excellent, I was sad that he was getting such a long break as I soaked in a hot tub after my afternoon delight," said Kristine. "Don't stop, tickle him more, you seem to be having fun. Tickle him into the jelly state, at least. I certainly enjoy watching."

Kristine stood and watched them for another 20 minutes, until it was clear that Robert was indeed in the jelly state, quivering, sobbing, and laughing silently. She motioned for them to stop, and they did so.

"Bobby, you are about to get the worst spanking of your life, so far. But I'm telling you now, the day will come when you beg me to give you a spanking twice as long as this one, and twice as hard. I'm going to begin with 250 spanks, quite hard, but only using my bare hand. I expect you to scream and cry, but remember, not a single word out of you."

She got into position, and began to smack his bottom with her open palm, quite hard. He did five spanks on each cheek, alternately for the first hundred.

His bottom got quite red, but he didn't cry out. For the next hundred, she hit him with all of her strength, keeping the pattern of alternating fives.

"Ow. Ow. Ow!"

That was clearly enough to break his silence, but he wasn't crying. She did the last fifty on his upper thighs, as hard as she could.

"Ow! OWW!!"

Tears welled up in his eyes, but didn't overflow. She went to the supply cabinet and came back with an oval leather paddle. The handle fit her large hand conveniently, and the oval part was about 15 inches long and 5 inches wide at the center.

"This paddle doesn't look too intimidating, Bobby," she said, holding in front of his eyes so he could see it. "It looks less threatening than the wooden sorority paddle you've experienced, but it has a metal strip inside the leather. I can guarantee that it will hurt more than that paddle. You'll get another 250 now, with this paddle."

She got into position for the paddling, and began at the top of his left buttock. With the first stoke, he howled in pain. She went down his left buttock, down his left thigh almost to the strap holding his knee, across to his right thigh, and up to the top of his right buttock.

By the end of this first circuit, which took twenty stokes, he was sobbing like a baby, and howling in pain. She did it again, and again, and again. She made one more circuit, the fifth one, and then paused.

She came around to Robert's head, and held the leather paddle to his lips.

"That was the first hundred strokes with the leather paddle. You have 150 yet to come. Kiss the paddle. Kiss it a lot, and I may have pity on you."

Robert kept sobbing, but kissed the paddle ten times.

Kristine went back behind him and said, "When I had the Dean of Students to worry about, I couldn't mark you. That was two years ago. There's no Dean of Students now for you to run to. You don't have any bruises yet, but maybe you will."

She began to beat him harder. His bright red bottom soon had a small bruise on the right cheek, and then two more on his thighs. His screams were pitiful, and he cried like a baby.

"That's only 180," said Kristine, "still 70 to go, but I guess I will take pity on you. I suppose those are your first bruises ever from being spanked."

It took Robert about five minutes to stop crying. Kristine waited patiently, standing again at his head with the paddle.

Without a word, she placed it near his lips. He kissed it over and over, at least twenty times, until she pulled it away from him.

"You may speak, Robert. Be aware that I can reinstate the 70 spanks, or I could even decide to start over again from zero, and give you the whole 500, all with the paddle."

"Thank you ever so much for taking the time to spank me and correct my bad behavior, Ms. Hansen." said Robert. "I fully deserved it, and I fully deserved the last 70 that you spared me. You are an angel for taking pity on me, and I am ever so grateful to you for that kindness."

"That's very touching, Bobby," said Kristine, as she tickled him under the chin. To Barbara and Sally she said, "Clean him up, put ointment on his bottom, and feed him dinner. Then set him up in the Rack Room after dinner for his evening tickling session. You two can tickle him senseless while you're waiting for me."


Robert expected peanut butter again for dinner, but it seemed that Kristine had remembered that he also didn't like oatmeal. So his dinner turned out to be cold oatmeal, licked of both of Sally's filthy soles.

"All of your keepers will go barefoot when on duty," Sally told him brightly, "both to make your meals less pleasant and to tease you."

The ointment that they put on his sore behind felt good, and the diaper that they put on him made him feel good, it meant he wasn't going to be spanked again soon. He followed them on all fours to the Rack Room, which was right next door to his bedroom, but in the opposite direction down the hallway as the Kneeling, Throne, and Spanking Rooms.

Inside the room there was a rack with foot stocks at one end, just like the one that he had been on in the Tau Kappa Lambda sorority house. He was ordered to stand up and lie down on it, and he did do. He was surprised to find that a soft pillow had been placed on the rack right under where his sore bottom would be resting.

In just a few minutes, he was secured in the rack and stretched taut, his ankles in the stocks and his toes tied back.

Barbara smiled down at him, and asked, "What were you surprised about, Bobby? Tell me now."

"This pillow," said Bobby, "I would have thought you'd laugh at my sore ass being pressed into the hard wood when you stretched me out."

"Oh, Bobby," said Barbara, "Kristine only wants you to be in pain for punishment, not when you're going to be tickled. It would distract from the tickling sensations and lessen her enjoyment of tickling you insane. Besides, it makes your ribs stick out more. Kristine's likely enjoying a long dinner, so we'll keep you amused while we wait."

She began to tickle his rib cage, squeezing and tickling with great gusto, while Sally sat in a chair by his feet and began to rake plastic forks over his taut, sensitive soles. Robert laughed and laughed, and his face turned bright red, as red as his bottom had been earlier.


They had had Robert in the jelly state, quivering and quaking in his bondage, crying, laughing silently, for about twenty minutes when Kristine came in at 8pm.

"Sorry to be so long, I was having lobster tails and filet mignon," said Kristine, "and there's plenty left for you downstairs."

"No problem at all," said Sally, "it's been fun tickling the crap out of him while we waited."

"Take a long dinner and a break," said Kristine, "come back here promptly at 11."

They both left for their dinner, and Kristine sat down at his feet. Using three plastic forks in each hand, she began to rake them over his soles. Since he had had almost no break, Robert was still in the jelly state, quaking with silent laughter as she worked his soles over. She smiled with contentment as she tickled him, plugged her iPod earphones in, and listened to some songs. After ten songs I'll move up to his ribs, she thought.


Kristine was having such a good time watching his toes twitch and his ankles quiver that she kept tickling his feet through fifteen songs. Finally, she got up and cracked her knuckles at his rib cage.

She began to tickle his ribs, methodically, going up very slowly from the short ribs to the collarbones, then back down, then up again, and so on. It amused her to touch his diaper every once in a while and feel the plastic penis cage inside it. Knowing that the only keys were around her neck made her feel warm and excited inside. She tickled his ribs with enthusiasm, for ten full songs.


Kristine decided to climb up on the rack to tickle his armpits. She first turned off her music. Then she did climb up onto the rack. She sat on his chest, letting her legs stick out over the sides of the rack. She dug both her fingers in under both arms, tickling him ruthlessly. It amused her to see the tears streaming down his cheeks from close up. There was desperation in his eyes as he laughed silently.

"Aw, poor little baby, does this tickle? Just a tiny bit? Am I tickling you? Poor little Bobby. I'm going to keep right on tickling you, for quite a while longer, until 11 o'clock, I think. I love this, Bobby, I just love it. I love tickling you insane. I think I'm going to find out if that's just an expression, or if it can really be done. You're going to be tickle tortured every day, by me or your Keepers, over and over again, at least two long sessions a day. We'll see if that actually drives you to madness in a year, in five years, we've got all the time in the world, all the time we need, Bobby. My tickle toy, my plaything, my pet, my own little ticklish blob of flesh, quaking and quivering in ticklish agony. Oh, you have no idea how much I love doing this, Bobby, how much I enjoy it, how much I've looked forward to this day. Blink twice if you're listening to me, Bobby."

Robert blinked twice. Kristine leaned forward so that her eyes were inches from his, and looked right into his eyes. She kept right on tickling his armpits as she spoke to him, never stopping, not even for a second.

"Listen carefully, Bobby, I'm going to tell you some very personal information about myself. I told you I was straight earlier today, and that was the truth, I've never had any desire for sex with women. But I don't have much use for men either. I hated fucking the first time I did it, age 19, at Sherman. A late start because I didn't like the idea of it much, a man penetrating into my body, and I found that I liked the reality even less. It was with a cute guy, a guy I liked, too. It was just that it seemed to be all about his orgasm, his pleasure, his penetration, not about me at all. I had boyfriends over the years since that first time, at college and since, but I always fucked them as an accommodation, not wanting to do it, and they ate my pussy in the same way, as an accommodation. You, on the other hand, are going to learn to love eating me, learn to crave doing it, learn to crave giving me pleasure, with no thoughts whatsoever about your own. For your own good, you had better learn that, Bobby."

Robert managed to nod his head yes, he hoped with enthusiasm, even as he was still laughing silently and sobbing uncontrollably.

"Good, Bobby, that's the right spirit. Show the right spirit at all times, serve me well, obey me instantly at all times, and I may occasionally take pity on you. If it amuses me to show you pity, that is."

She paused in speaking, while still tickling under both of his arms. She lifted her head up and was no longer staring directly into his eyes.

She stopped tickling his underarms and got off the rack. She sat down back at his feet and put her music back on. She resumed tickling his soles with plastic forks in one hand, and his toes with a stiff toothbrush in the other hand. She happily worked his feet over for a solid hour.

After that, Kristine tickled his knees, his thighs, his belly, his ribs again, his collarbones, his neck, under his arms again, and finally settled back at his bare, sensitive soles. She was humming to the song in her ears when the door opened and the two women came back.

"Hi, Kris, it's five minutes to 11," said Barbara.

"Oh, thanks, I had lost track of time, I was having so much fun. I think he's in a total stupor now, tickled senseless for maybe the last hour. Give him a shower, have him brush his teeth, and get him into bed. I'll come by his bedroom to say goodnight to him, stay there and don't blindfold him until I do."


Robert was soon enough back in his bedroom, secured in his straightjacket and the ankle stocks in his bed. Barbara and Sally were both tickling his soles, one at each foot, while they waited for Kristine.

"Well, Bobby," said Kristine upon entering the room, "I hope you enjoyed your first full day here. The tickling was a bit light, as I explained, because I wanted to indulge myself as a solo tickler. Starting tomorrow, we won't be that easy on you. There are a few rooms you haven't experienced yet, but you will. And I'll begin judging you tomorrow as well, as will your Keepers. You're going to be on the demerit system, and you'll find out that it's very bad for you to accumulate a dozen or more demerits, very bad indeed. It will go easier on you if you have the right spirit, Bobby, the right attitude. You showed a glimmer of that in the Rack Room today, of a good attitude. So I'm going to give you permission to speak in a moment, and I want to hear from you what your attitude here will be, Bobby, as my pet, as the tickle toy of the Birthday Party Forever Sisterhood."

She came over to him and leaned down, looking directly into his eyes again, from just inches away.

"Speak, Bobby."

"Ms. Hansen, my attitude is that I will earnestly seek to please you in every way that I can, in every way that I'm ordered. I will try to amuse you and make you happy and satisfied with my service. I swear, I really will."

"Very good, Bobby. I don't quite believe that you're sincere now, but in time I'm sure that you will be."

She blindfolded him herself, patted the plastic penis cage beneath his fresh diaper, and then tenderly kissed him on the forehead.

"Good night, my pet."

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Four Keepers instead of two woke Robert up, all four of them tickling his feet with plastic forks for five minutes.

Oh no, thought Robert, four of them. It was the first Thursday of his captivity, the seventh full day. He remembered that he had been told four Keepers was one reason he would dread Thursdays and he wondered what other reasons would turn up in the course of the day.

After being removed from the bed and straightjacket, he drank his strawberry protein shake for breakfast. Kristine come into his room, which hadn't happened since Monday. It was for the same reason as Monday, She took the gold neck chain with the keys off of her neck. She unlocked the brass padlock on his CB 3000 and removed it, handing the padlock to Barbara. She put the necklace with the keys back on.

"Wash his dick when you give him a bath this morning. Be sure to put baby oil on it before you lock it back in the cage. Set him up in the Magic Box Room after his bath."

Rats, thought, Robert as Kristine left, the Magic Box Room is ghastly. He had been taken there only once before, it was three doors from his bedroom, two doors past the Rack Room.

Barbara and Sally tickled him just a little during his bath, and they made sure to wash his penis. They also shaved the stubble from his armpits, which had first been shaved bare back on Sunday. His armpits were indeed shaved every morning.

After drying him off, Sally daubed baby oil onto his penis using a cotton swab. Barbara locked the device back on him, and checked that it was secure and that the lock was indeed locked.

"Excellent," she said after her inspection, "now I couldn't let you out even if I wanted to. Only Kristine has that power."

With a fresh diaper on him, he crawled with all four of them to the Magic Box Room. Its name came from the large box in the center of the room, which resembled the boxes that stage magicians used for the cut-a-woman-in-half trick. It had a hole for his head to stick out at one end, and two holes for his feet to stick out at he other end.

But it was different than the boxes that stage magicians used. For one thing, it was one solid box, not two halves that cold be pulled apart later for the illusion that somebody had been cut in half.

Second, there were five straps inside the box to be buckled around him, holding him motionless.

Third, there were ten little metal rings in the box above the holes for his feet, so that all his toes could be tied back. That would make his soles taut and vulnerable.

Finally, there was an extension of the box under the hole for his head. It was padded, and supported his neck and head from below. It also had a wide leather strap that could be locked over his forehead to immobilize his head.

The four women soon had him placed in the box, buckled, tied, and strapped. They closed the lid of the box.

"Open your mouth," said Tamika, and Robert did so. She inserted the Whitehead gag into his mouth.

"Bobby," she said, "I shouldn't have to tell you to open your mouth. I told you on Tuesday, your first time here, that we always use that mouth-spreading gag here. You should open your mouth for the gag without having to be told, as soon as your head is locked into that hole. I'm giving you one demerit."

She took a little notebook out of her pocket and made a notation. She showed the notebook to Barbara.

"Fifteen demerits already," said Barbara, shaking her head sadly. "Poor Bobby."

A cold chill went down Robert's spine, but he still didn't know what these demerits meant. He could only imagine that it would be very bad.

Kristine entered the Magic Box Room and got two Q-tips from the supply cabinet. She sat down in a chair next to Robert's head and began to stoke the Q-tips all over the roof of his mouth. He howled and shrieked before settling into steady hard laughter.

"Why don't all four of you do his feet," said Kristine.

The four Keepers all sat down in chairs near his soles, picked up plastic forks in both hands, and began to rake them all over his soles. They chatted with each other as they did so, Tamika and Janice talking about what they would do on the coming weekend, and Barbara and Sally talking about what they had done on their three days off.

Robert heard none of the conversation at his feet. The tickling sensations were agonizing, eight forks raking his soles, two Q-tips on the roof of his mouth. He was laughing silently after just ten minutes, quaking feebly inside the box. He was going mad with the tickling, and he knew it would go on and on, Kristine was telling him so.

"Oh, Bobby, this is so much fun, driving you insane by tickling your most sensitive spot, the roof of your mouth. I just love doing this, and there's all the time in the world, to just tickle you and tickle you. This particular session will go on until it's time for your lunch, Bobby, for three more hours. Isn't that nice? Aren't you just overjoyed for me, that I'll have fun for three more hours?"

She waited for him to nod, but he just laid there with tears running down his cheeks.

"Give him two demerits for not nodding 'yes' to my questions," she said.

Tamika had to stop tickling him for a moment to record that in the notebook.

"That makes 17 demerits," she remarked, and then resumed tickling his sole.

The five of them tickled him without a pause, without any mercy, until he was in a stupor, utterly senseless, a ticklish blob of jelly, quivering and sobbing.

When noon finally came, Kristine said, "That will be all for now. I'll be waiting in the Massage Room for him at 1:30, have him there ready to work."


While Kristine went off to have her own lunch, the four Keepers got Robert out of the box and back to his bedroom. They had to carry him, since he was still senseless, utterly limp in their arms. They have him a quick shower, and he was alert again by the time they dried him off.

Without needing to be told, Robert laid down on his back so that an armchair was straddling him. Janice got into the chair, and Tamika spread peanut butter on her right sole. She placed it near Robert's mouth.

Again without needing orders, Robert began to lick her filthy sole, licking with vigor to be sure to get every speck of peanut butter. At size 12, there was a lot of sole for him to lick.

"I never used to go barefooted," said Janice, "but it is more comfortable. I'm getting to like it, not just because it's part of the job."

"I always loved going barefoot," said Barbara, "I went barefoot at college until the first snow every fall, and from March onward, if there was no snow on the ground, every spring."

"Didn't the guys at your college make fun of your large feet? They're almost as big as mine," said Janice.

"Size 11," said Barbara, "and one guy did. Spring of freshman year, the middle of March, about 40 degrees outside, I was the only one walking barefoot in a group of us going to the library after our history class. He said, 'Yuck, what huge ugly feet.' I kicked him in the stomach, hard, and he went down on the ground, moaning. I planted one foot on his chest and pressed down, hard. I looked down at him and said,'I could have kicked you in the balls. I'll do that to the next guy who insults my feet. Now apologize.'"

"What did he do? Did you get in trouble?" asked Janice.

"No, I didn't get in trouble, he never reported it, probably too embarrassed to say that a woman had knocked him down. He didn't apologize, either, though, he just kept his mouth shut, and I did need to get to the library, so I walked away. Enough people saw it that nobody ever said a word about my big bare feet again."

Robert had finished licking off the peanut butter by the end of this conversation, and Janice inspected her foot to be sure it was all gone.

"He's done a good job, no demerits," she said.

Sally fed him two baby bottles filled with cranberry juice, and they let him use the bathroom before having him crawl behind them.

The massage room was between the Rack and Magic Box Rooms. It was the only room that could be described as normal, there being no bondage equipment in it. Kristine was waiting for him there, in a reclining chair, barefoot.

"Right on time," said Kristine. "You four can have your own lunches now, and take a break. I'll text message one of you from the Throne Room later."

The four women left, and Robert crawled near to Kristine's feet and waited for orders on his hands and knees.

"Begin on my left foot," she said.

Robert began the massage, concentrating on rubbing her feet just the way she liked it.


As always, Kristine pressed the sole of the foot he wasn't massaging into Robert's face as the sign for him to stop. He did so, and crawled back, waiting on his hands and knees again. The massage had lasted just over an hour.

"That was only a C, Bobby, you really have to try harder."

Robert's face fell. He had gotten B's the past two days. A grade of B meant no demerits, a C was one demerit. He had never gotten an A, and wondered if that would cancel a demerit.

"I'll report the demerit to Tamika later so she can record it," said Kristine. "You may now show your affection towards me, no more than ten kisses on each sole, and keep it chaste."

Robert crawled forward and kissed her left sole five times, with closed lips, from the heel to the base of the toes. He then kissed each toe pad, reverently. He did the same for her right sole. He crawled backward and waited.

"You will never be allowed to lick my soles again, Bobby, that is a privilege that you have lost forever. You'll do plenty of sole licking for your lunches and dinners, though." Kristine laughed at the thought of Barbara's heavily callused feet, always dirty from going barefoot. She got up and put a leather collar around Robert's neck.

She led him by a leash to the Throne Room. There she removed all of her clothing and sat down on the throne, spreading her legs.

"Good boy, Bobby, you're learning self control. You're not screaming form the spikes in your plastic cage at the sight of me. Do you not find me lovely any more? Speak."

"Very, very lovely indeed, Ms. Hansen," said Robert, "but I've learned to worship you instead of feeling lust. I've learned to channel my feelings into utter devotion and worship, so I don't get sexual thoughts."

"Such a devoted pet, very good, Bobby. Now get to work, I feel really lusty myself today, and I want lots of orgasms."

Robert went to work with his hands and tongue, the collar still around his neck.


It was nearly 6pm when Kristine finally told him to stop. His fingers felt numb and his tongue was very sore. He crawled back from the throne and waited on all fours.

"That was borderline, between a B and a C, Bobby. I did like your statement about worshipping me, so I'll be kind, and call it a B. No demerits."

Robert smiled. Kristine got her cell phone from her pants and sent a text message to Barbara. Within a minute, all four Keepers arrived in the Throne Room.

Kristine made a point of getting up and stretching, revealing her whole gorgeous body to the Keepers.

"I'll be taking a long hot bath," Kristine said. "Feed him dinner now, and set him up in the Pedicure Room. Liz is due at 8pm."

Robert was mystified, he didn't know who Liz was, and he had never been to the Pedicure Room.

"Oh, and he gets one more demerit, Tamika," added Kristine.

Tamika recorded the one more demerit in the notebook, and Barbara led Robert by the leash back to his bedroom to have his face cleaned and to have dinner.


The Pedicure Room turned out to be four doors away from his bedroom, just beyond the Magic Box Room. It had a chair such as might be found in a nail salon for giving pedicures, but the chair had been modified. Numerous leather straps were on it to bind the person sitting in it at the waist, chest, elbows, wrists, thighs, and calves. A set of ankle stocks was fixed in the floor in front of the chair, currently open.

"Whenever we enter this room, which will usually be on Thursdays," said Barbara, "you are to go sit in that chair and wait for us to strap you in. Put your ankles into the lower half of the ankle stocks and put your arms on the armrests to make it easy for us."

Robert hurried to do so. Soon Sally was swinging the top half of the ankle stocks into place and locking them, as the other three women buckled all the straps to secure him to the chair. There was a basin near his feet, Robert saw, and a sink in the room. There was a cabinet near his feet, too, which he presumed held all the supplies needed.

An Asian woman came into the Pedicure Room. Robert saw that she was wearing a T-shirt quite similar to the ones his Keepers always wore. It was white with two lines of blue lettering. The top line said "BirPaFo Sisterhood" and the bottom line, in letters slightly smaller, said "Staff." She wore jeans and sneakers. She seemed to show no surprise at seeing him dressed only in a diaper bound to the chair.

"Hi, Liz," said Barbara.

"Hi, you're looking great," said Sally.

"Good to see you again," said Tamika. "This is my girlfriend, Janice. Janice, this is Elizabeth Kim, also from Sherman College, our sorority sister, class of 2005."

Liz and Janice shook hands and exchanged greetings.

"I'm in law school now, near here in Dallas, but I'm also an experienced pedicurist. I worked summers in my mom's nail shop all through college," she explained to Janice.

Turning to Robert, she said, "I'll be here every Thursday night at 8pm to give you a pedicure. Not to paint your nails, Kris hasn't ordered that, but to make your soles as soft and smooth as a newborn baby's."

Liz then filled the basin with hot water and put it back near Robert's feet. She began by washing them,sneaking in little tickles as she worked.

"Oh my, he is ticklish," she remarked.

"Too bad you missed Kris' birthday party two years ago, or you'd have seen that before," said Barbara.

"Sorry that I missed it," said Liz, who had finished washing his feet and was now cutting his toenails. "I had a lot of studying to do that weekend." She went back to her work.

When it came time to do the exfoliating, Robert went crazy as Liz used the special brush on his soles.

"He's more ticklish than the schoolgirls I pedicured in the summers! This is a lot of fun," said Liz.

"Go ahead and keep using the brush," said Janice, "we've got lots of time before Kris wants him in the Spanking Room."

Liz needed no further urging. After the exfoliating was done, she continued to scrub his soles, one at a time, holding his toes back with her other hand. Robert was laughing so hard now that tears flowed down his cheeks. His face was red, and he struggled in his bonds.

"Maybe you would be interested in dropping by other evenings when we tickle him insane," said Barbara.

"I sure would," said Liz, "you can count on it. Now that I see now ticklish he is, I'd love to explore his whole body. I'll probably be by at least one other night a week."

"Just tell Kris a day in advance, and come by as often as you want. Tickling him into a senseless stupor is what we do often around here," said Barbara.

Liz kept tickling his feet for an hour after the pedicure was done, grinning like a kid on Christmas morning. Robert had been reduced to the jelly state, only quivering.

"Just tell Kris that I'll be here every Monday night to help tickle him, and some weekends when I can spare the time," said Liz. "I'll always give notice on Thursday when I can come for the weekend."

As Robert regained his breath, still bound in the chair, Liz said her good-byes to the four Keepers and departed.


After making the long crawl done the hallway all the way to the Spanking Room, Robert got up and into position without being ordered. He put his legs against the front legs of the apparatus, bent at the waist, and extended his arms up the slope of the rectangle.

"Good, you're learning," said Barbara. "Making yourself ready for bondage is part of your training. You are to seem eager to be bound in position in any of the rooms for the purpose intended. It's one of the ways that you will show your total obedience and total surrender."

The women soon had him bound to the apparatus. They stood back in silence, and Tamika took out her notebook. There attitude was eager, and Robert didn't like it, they weren't chatting casually as usual. He realized that something new was going to happen, and that they were all eager to see it. That couldn't possibly be good, he thought.

The anticipation in the room heightened as Kristine entered.

"His pedicure went well?" she asked.

"Yes, he cooperated like a lamb," said Barbara, laughing at the pun on his name. "Liz was overjoyed to see how ticklish he is, and spent an extra hour tickling him. She wants to come help us tickle him every Monday night, and some weekends when she can spare the time."

"Excellent," said Kristine. "I'm sure she'll have a lot of fun doing it, too. Now to more painful matters than tickling."

A heavy silence come over the Keepers, broken by Tamika.

"He has 18 demerits," she said, consulting her notebook.

"18 is more than 12," said Kristine. "Bobby, any Thursday that you have 12 or more demerits, I will chastise you and reduce the number by the largest multiple of 12 that I can. Today, you will get 12 strokes and have 6 demerits left on your record."

Only 12 strokes, not bad, thought Robert, remembering his 180 smacks with the leather paddle which had metal inside. He hadn't liked that, neither the first time it happened nor the next, but only 12 strokes should be easy.

"Get me the implement," said Kristine, "and show it to Bobby."

It was Sally who moved first, with glee in her eyes, to the supply cabinet. She got the cane that Kristine had told them would be used. It was one of a dozen identical canes in the cabinet. She brought it in front of Robert and showed it to him. He gasped in horror.

"I'll let that pass, Bobby, but never gasp like that again. It will be two demerits if you do," said Kristine.

"I'm rather a traditionalist when it comes to caning, and I believe in symmetry. You will always receive the same number of strokes on each side of your body, that's symmetry. It will always be a multiple of six, that's the British schools' tradition. What you're looking at is a traditional crook-handled British school cane, the second smallest of four sizes. It's called the Office Cane, because it was most often used in the Headmaster's office. It's 5/16 of an inch thick and 30 inches long. It has a snap to it when used properly, and I've been trained to use it properly, hours of lessons from the best dominatrix in Fort Worth. The only smaller size is the Nursery Cane. Consider yourself lucky that I didn't go for the biggest, the Disciplinary Cane. That's 3/8 of an inch thick and a yard long. It was only used for the most serious offenses, and only on the older boys. Mistress Xena recommended against it for a short guy like you."

Robert was shivering with fear and cold sweat was running down his back.

"Kiss the cane, Bobby, kiss it twelve times," said Kristine.

Sally held it close to his lips, and he kissed it a dozen times. At a motion from Kristine, she brought it around to her.

"Barbara, you count the strokes," said Kristine. "Bobby ought to do it, but he's such a wuss, I know he won't be able to. No point in asking a mouse to haul a horse carriage."

Kristine then calmed herself and got ready. Just as she'd practiced, both on a leather dummy and on one of Mistress Xena's submissives, she swung it with medium strength, hitting near the top of Robert's left buttock.

The pain was worse than anything Robert had ever experienced. He screamed at the top of his lungs. A horizontal weal was on his bottom, almost but not quite parallel to the ground.

"One," said Barbara.

"Ah, I can never get them perfectly horizontal," said Kristine.

She swung again, and there was second blood-curdling scream, and a second weal, almost parallel to the first, about two inches below it.

"Two," said Barbara, and Robert was now crying uncontrollably.

The third stroke fell, and Robert's scream was truly pitiful.

"Three," said Barbara.

The fourth stroke made a weal just at the top of his left thigh, and the fifth stroke about two inches under that.

Kristine altered her stance slightly, and swung harder than before.

Robert's scream set a new record for sound, and there was a vertical weal, crossing the first five neatly.

"Six," said Barbara.

"Wow, that's cool," said Sally.

"Mistress Xena would have made the first five perfectly parallel to the ground, and the sixth one extend just as far above the first as below the fifth. I did sloppy work," said Kristine.

She moved over to be in position to cane his right side.

"He's trying to talk," said Janice.

They all listened carefully, and Robert seemed to be trying to talk through his sobs.

"Shut up, Bobby, that's two demerits for trying to speak," said Kristine.

Robert went back to crying only. Tamika got out her notebook and recorded the two demerits.

Kristine swung, going back to moderate strength. She made a weal horizontally near the top of Robert's right buttock. His scream seemed to be lower in volume.

"Seven," said Barbara.

Strokes eight through eleven made more horizontal weals, and Robert was crying so hard that he hardly could scream much.

Kristine shifted position for a vertical swing, and swung with increased strength.

Robert managed to scream quite loudly, not quite as loud as after the sixth stroke.

"Twelve," said Barbara.

"Remove 12 demerits," said Kristine to Tamara, and she wrote in her notebook.

"Let's adjourn for a few minutes to let him stop crying," said Kristine, and led the way out of the Spanking Room to the lounge across the hall. She was still holding the cane.

Robert had never been on the north side of the hall, only in the eight rooms in a row on the south side of the hall. There was a huge luxurious lounge on the north side, with a jacuzzi, a sauna, a bathroom, and a kitchen, complete with a well-stocked refrigerator. The main area had comfortable chairs and couches, and a huge entertainment system, featuring a gigantic flat screen TV.

"That went well," said Kristine tapping the cane on the floor as she sat in a reclining chair. "I think he needs to stew in his own pain for about 20 minutes."

"That was so cool," said Sally, "the pattern of it, five across and one down."

"The cross stoke is harder, and it goes over already injured tissue. He won't forget those two cross strokes, not as long as he lives," said Kristine.

"How long until he heals?" asked Barbara.

"He'll be in pain on his bottom for days," said Kristine, "but the weals should be healed by next Thursday in a young guy like him."

They all laughed at the thought of her caning him again next Thursday.

"I wonder if there'll be an immediate change in his behavior?" asked Janice.

"I would think so, now that he knows what the demerits bring," said Barbara.

"Yes, now I expect him to give superb foot massages and give great head," said Kristine, "that's the whole point. At the very least, he'll try a lot harder."

They listened to music for a while, and then Kristine announced it was time to go back across the hall. She handed Barbara a tube of ointment.

Robert was only sobbing softly as they came back into the Spanking Room. Barbara rubbed the ointment in his badly bruised bottom, and he winced.

Kristine came around to his head, and presented the cane to his lips. He kissed it twelve times without a word being spoken.

"Very good, Bobby. Now speak to me, and you had better say what I want to hear, or you will get 5 demerits. Speak."

"Thank you so much for giving me the caning that I deserved, Ms. Hansen. I want to learn to serve you properly, and I needed to be disciplined because I fell short of your expectations. I thank you again for doing that."

"That's will do for thanking me for today's caning, Bobby, but I want you to make a statement about all future Thursdays. You're in danger of getting those five demerits. What do you ask me, make that beg me, to do to you every Thursday?"

"I most humbly beg you to cane me every Thursday that I have accumulated the demerits to deserve it, Ms. Hansen. Please discipline me this way every future Thursday."

"Very well, Bobby, it's a tough job, my shoulder is a bit sore, but since you beg me to do it, I will cane you most severely every week at this time, whenever you have 12 or more demerits."

She patted him on the cheek, and asked Tamika, "How many demerits does he have left?"

"He started with 18, he got two for trying to speak, that's 20, then 12 were subtracted for the caning he received, so he's got 8 demerits now."

"Give the notebook to Barbara, you and Janice have three days off starting at midnight," said Kristine.

The Keepers untied Robert from the spanking apparatus, and he collapsed to the floor in a heap.

Kristine sat in a chair, unimpressed.

"Don't be such a wuss. British schoolgirls used to get 12 strokes from that size cane and went back to class five minutes later. You may crawl over here and show your affection for me, no more than ten kisses on each sole."

She extended her legs so that her sneakers were on the backs of their heels, soles exposed. Robert kissed the sole of each of her sneakers ten times, chastely and reverently.

"Now show your affection for all of your Keepers, the same way."

She motioned for Janice and Barbara to sit down, as the others already were seated. They all extended their legs as Kristine had, feet on the backs of their heels, so that their bare soles were exposed. Robert crawled to each one in turn, and gave ten reverent, chaste kisses on each sole.

"Out of kindness to you, Bobby, because you're such a pitiful wuss, softer and weaker than a 13-year-old schoolgirl ought to be, you won't be spanked again until Sunday. Put the wuss to bed."

She left the Spanking Room, and the Keepers soon carried him away to his bedroom.


Robert's days settled into a routine, a regular routine, with some surprises. The surprises were almost always unpleasant.

Elizabeth Kim was true to her word, joining the tickling sessions every Monday night, tickling him herself every Thursday during and after his pedicure, and staying in the house to join his Keepers about one weekend per month.

Dr. Helen Chen came to examine him on Saturday, August 5. She pronounced him quite healthy, and said he could most certainly be caned every Thursday.

"So what if he gets some permanent marks on his rump eventually? Nobody will ever see him but members of the Sisterhood," she said.

She didn't quite look professional in her T-shirt, which said "BirPaFo Sisterhood" on the top line, and "Staff Physician" below.

"Some priests have stayed celibate their whole adult lives, don't worry about keeping him locked it the plastic cage," she said. "His skin is fine with the cleaning and baby oil every three days, it's perfectly healthy."

She stayed until Sunday evening, gleefully helping to tickle torture him. She promised to come back the first Saturday of every month.

"Not that he needs a check-up that often, but it's such fun to tickle him insane, I'll be back every month, sometimes with my sister Judy."

Judy's T-shirt, when she did visit for the first time on September 2, just said "Guest" on the second line.

On September 19, Robert got his first grade of A in cunnilingus. Kristine actually hugged him and cuddled him, she was so happy with the orgasm he had given her. She told him an A was worth one reward point, and an A+, if he ever got one, would be worth two. Reward points were a separate account that she kept herself, she told him, and did not cancel with demerits. When he got ten reward points, she promised, he would be given the chance to redeem them. She didn't say anything further, but Robert hoped and prayed it would mean unlocking him from the chastity cage.

Two unpleasant surprises came on Friday, October 13. It was enough to make him superstitious. First, Kristine was there when he woke up. She told him that it was no longer enough to have his armpits shaved every day, she wanted him clean of all body hair, all hair below the neck.

"I want you as hairless as a newborn baby, below the neck, that is," she said.

His Keepers used wax kits so they wouldn't have to shave him every day. It hurt like hell to have the wax pulled off, taking his hair with it, but they did it as often as they needed to, to make him hairless, which made Kristine happy. She loved his infantile appearance with no body hair all. They waxed his pubic area every three days, when the chastity cage was off for his washing and baby oil application.

The second unpleasant surprise was a dentist. They had been making him brush and floss every day, but now he had to be examined by real dentist. She was a Tau Sigma Lambda sister, of course, Dr. Martha Wells, from Michigan State University, class of 1998. She wore an appropriate T-shirt and examined him in the pedicure chair, bringing portable dental equipment with her. He needed no work, happily.

A routine visit from a dentist wasn't so bad in itself, but Martha turned out to be a very sadistic tickler, insatiable in tickling him. Her dental practice was in Dallas, so she was soon coming by two or three nights every week, and staying in the house some weekends as well. She delighted especially in tickling the roof of his mouth, she couldn't get enough of that, she cackled at him like a witch as she did it.


It was on Thursday, December 7, that Robert realized that, for the second consecutive week, he would not be caned. He had gone from 3 to 7 demerits last week, and from 7 to 10 demerits this week. It was the first time ever that he had two weeks in a row off from caning. He was surprised when they took him into the spanking room after his pedicure. The previous times he was due no caning, they had taken him to one of the tickling rooms.

Robert got into position to be bound, and said nothing as they bound him to the spanking apparatus. Kristine came in, and got behind him. Sally brought the cane out of the cabinet, and held it to his lips. He kissed it twelve times, not knowing what else to do. Sally went over and handed it to Kristine. Robert tensed, but said nothing.

"Very good, Bobby, you just passed a test," said Kristine.

She dropped the cane, came forward, and tickled his thighs and buttocks with her fingernails. He laughed as she continued for only about five minutes.

"If you had protested, said, 'Hey, wait, I don't have 12 demerits,' then I would have doubled your demerits, from 10 to 20, and proceeded. Also given you two more for speaking. But you wisely kept your mouth shut. Demerits are for us to keep track of, not you. I knew very well that you have only 10, but it's not your place to remind me of anything or correct me, ever. Well done, my pet."

She tickled his ribs, under his arms, his neck, and under his arms again, for about half an hour. It was not all-out tickle torture, just playful tickling, and he laughed out loud the whole time.

"Keep up your good service, and maybe your canings will get down to once a month, who knows. I'm very proud of you."

She gave him a five love taps on each buttock with her bare hand.

"You women can take him to any of the tickling rooms and tickle him until his bedtime," she said. "I have a treat for him first."

She removed a small dark chocolate bar from her pocket and unwrapped it. She fed it to Robert one square at a time. It was the first food that he had enjoyed since early July.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Kristine was sitting on the throne, just having had her fourth stupendous orgasm. She motioned Robert to move back, and he crawled back a step.

"That was truly excellent, Bobby, your first A+, four wonderful climaxes, well done."

Robert smiled at her, truly overjoyed.

"You had nine reward points, Bobby, and now you have eleven. We only discuss redemptions on Thursdays, after your caning, if you get one, but in the Spanking Room in any case. If I remember correctly, you have only 3 demerits as of this moment."

Robert knew that he had four, but kept quiet.

"Very good, Bobby, you know never to correct me. You have four, of course. So likely you won't get a caning tomorrow, and we'll discuss what a redemption is, and how you can gain permission to get one, with no caning beforehand."

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Robert was calm when the four Keepers led him to the Spanking Room. He still had only four demerits. When he got up and got into position to be bound to the spanking apparatus, Barbara told him to wait on his hands and knees instead. All four of them sat in chairs.

Kristine entered and sat in a chair also.

"This redemption meeting is called to order," she said. "Robert, you have eleven reward points. Ten of them can be redeemed for this reward: Ten minutes alone in your bedroom, free of all bondage. 'All bondage' includes the plastic cage that your dick is in. For those ten minutes, you would be free to jerk off. Would you like to do redeem ten points?"

"Yes, I would, Ms. Hansen," said Robert, quite sincerely.

Kristine took the chain off her neck and teased Robert by dangling the two keys in front of his face.

"Redemptions may take place only on a Saturday night, after your dinner. I'm a traditionalist, see, sex on Saturday night. But first we have to have a vote, and it has to be unanimous, 6-0. Otherwise you keep your points, unredeemed, until the next meeting. Meetings can only be with all of us present, on Thursdays. Is that clear, Bobby?"

"Very clear, Ms. Hansen."

"Remind us all how long you have been locked in the chastity cage, Bobby."

"Six months and four days, Ms. Hansen, since July 7."

"I promise to always vote 'yes,' Bobby, since I'm the one who decided that you deserved the reward points in the first place. I'm recording your own vote as 'yes' as well, obviously. So it's 2-0 so far. Now it's your Keepers that you have to convince to vote for you also. Go ahead, grovel and beg. You may speak freely until the vote is done."

Bobby got down from his hands and knees to being flat on the floor. He crawled on his belly to the first chair, the one closest to him.

"Ms. Russo," he said, "I most humbly beg you to vote 'yes' on my behalf. I have nothing to offer you, since I have nothing. Please have pity on me."

Barbara put one bare foot on his head, and pressed down, squashing his face into the rug. She smiled down at him.

"You really are so cute when you beg. Alright, Bobby, I'll vote 'yes.'"

She removed her foot from his head, and he crawled on his belly to the next chair.

"Ms. Chambers," he said, "I most humbly beg you to vote 'yes' on my behalf. I have nothing to offer you, since I have nothing. Please have pity on me."

"Lick my dirty soles, twenty licks on each foot, and I'll vote for you, Bobby," said Sally.

Robert gave twenty licks to each of her soles, their full length, from the back of her heels to the tips of her toes.

Sally nodded to Kristine that she was satisfied, and Robert crawled to the next chair.

"Ms. Lincoln," he said, "I most humbly beg you to vote 'yes' on my behalf. I have nothing to offer you, since I have nothing. Please have pity on me."

"Your really are quite a pitiful creature, Bobby," said Tamika. She got up and got the leather paddle with the strip of metal inside it. She sat back down.

"Raise your bottom in the air, and beg me for twenty hard spanks, Bobby," she said.

Robert raised his bare bottom to her, and said, "I most humbly beg you to spank me hard, twenty times."

That was enough to made his bottom medium red, and cried out several times by the end, but he didn't move, staying in position for her.

"Okay, I'll vote yes," said Tamika.

Robert crawled to the last chair.

"Ms. Foster," he said, "I most humbly beg you to vote 'yes' on my behalf. I have nothing to offer you, since I have nothing. Please have pity on me."

"Well, I'm not so sure," said Janice. "Probably I'll vote 'yes,' but first you have to prove to me that you deserve it. Hold still."

She left the room, and soon came back with a bottle of water, a small candle, the kind used on top of birthday cakes, and a book of matches. She wet the bottom of the candle in her mouth, and stuck it right into Robert's bottom, as if it were a rectal thermometer. She lit the candle.

"I'll say when it's burned down far enough," said Kristine, "I don't want my pet having a permanent scar from a burn."

"Of course," said Janice, "he is your pet."

The women laughed as hot wax dripped on Robert and he made little cries of pain. It was quite close to his hairless bottom when Kristine said, "Far enough!"

Janice poured water on the candle, dousing it. "You're a good sport, Bobby. I will vote 'yes.'"

"Six votes 'yes,' it's unanimous," said Kristine. "I'll come to your bedroom at dinner time on Saturday, Bobby. You four can set him up in the Kneeling Room now, I want to tickle him until his bed time, with all of you helping."

Robert was smiling as he crawled down the hallway following them.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Robert was still licking his dinner, cold oatmeal, off of Janice's soles when Kristine came to his bedroom at 6:30. She sat down and waited as he finished licking. She just watched as Barbara fed him two baby bottles full of cranberry juice. She only spoke after he had drained the last drop and been ordered to thank them.

"Crawl to your bathroom, Bobby, and take off your diaper and pee. Don't put on a new diaper. Crawl back to me when you're done."

He obeyed her, and waited patiently on his hands and knees in front of her, naked except for the CB 3000 locked onto his penis.

"Toss him on the bed, on his back," said Kristine to Barbara and Sally. They easily picked him up and did so.

Kristine came over to Robert and kissed him tenderly on the forehead. She took the chain off of her neck and used one of the keys to unlock the brass padlock. She removed it and gave it to Barbara. She removed the locking cuff herself, which she had never done before, and went on to remove the plastic cage. Robert had an immediate erection. Kristine handed the two plastic pieces to Barbara.

"You have ten minutes from the time we all leave the room and I close the door behind us. It's been so long for you that it likely won't take you nearly ten minutes, Bobby."

Kristine took off her sneakers, and then slowly removed her socks. The socks were quite grimy, soiled with her dried sweat. She tossed the socks on the bed. Robert's erection reached new lengths.

"You may use those if you wish, to smell or to rub yourself with. Don't worry about getting them dirtier, go right ahead and enjoy."

Barbara and Sally left his bedroom. Kristine, leaving her sneakers behind and walking barefoot, left last, closing the door behind her. She glanced at her watch.

Robert gratefully grabbed both socks, holding one against his nose and rubbing the other one up and down his shaft. He exploded in a huge orgasm in just two minutes. It was not very satisfying, more of just a relief from the tension and pressure. He relaxed and waited for their return.

The three of them entered the room, Kristine now wearing clean white socks. She sat down and put on her sneakers.

"Throw those socks in the trash," she told Barbara, "and lock him back up in the chastity cage. Then set him up in the Magic Box Room, both Martha and Liz are already waiting there, to help you tickle him insane."

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

"That was a clear A+, Bobby, the best you've ever done for me, in fact," said Kristine, sitting back on the throne.

Robert crawled back a step, and waited on his hands and knees.

"You're back up to 8 reward points already, and you haven't been caned in weeks. I think I want to hear what you have to say about things in general, Bobby. Speak freely."

"I'm doing a lot better, yes, and I think I know why," said Robert. "I truly want to please you. Whether it's massaging your feet or eating your pussy, I want to please you for its own sake, not just for the reward. My greatest desire is to make you happy, to give you pleasure. I want that more than anything in the world, I worship you, I truly worship you."

"I believe you, Bobby, your actions prove that you're sincere. But you still don't want to be tickled, do you?"

"Umm, honestly, no, I hate it, I really hate it."

"You'll never love the tickle torture, Bobby, that's why it's called tickle torture. But I hope to get you to the point some day that you want to be tickled without mercy, just because you know that it amuses me. Start thinking about that, Bobby."

"Yes, Ms. Hansen, I'll think about it."

"From now on, Bobby, we'll have these chats each time you earn an A+ here in the Throne Room. Oh, and I'll tell you a secret, Bobby, if you promise that you'll never tell your Keepers."

"I promise, Ms. Hansen."

"The secret is, don't worry about the reward meeting votes by your Keepers. They're under orders to humiliate you or torture you a little, but to vote 'yes' always. And it does you good, it's good for your character, to have to grovel at their feet, one by one."

"Thank you, Ms. Hansen, thank you ever so much."

"Is there anything you want to tell me, Bobby? I don't want a laundry list, just one thing."

"I am so grateful that you tossed me your soiled socks to use during my reward, Ms. Hansen, ever so grateful."

Kristine laughed and laughed at that. Then she bent down and got her cell phone to send a text message to Tamika, 'done.'

Friday, March 23, 2007

Robert had been given permission to speak freely after receiving another A+ in the Throne Room.

"I've come to want to be tickle tortured when you're one of the participants, Ms. Hansen. It's agony for me, but it's a gift to you, the only gift I have to give you, my voluntary consent to what I'm forced to endure anyway. But it's genuine, I'm really willing to suffer endless tickle torture, as long as you're there doing it, or even watching it, because it amuses you, because it pleases you."

"Excellent, Bobby, I'm very glad to hear that. And when your Keepers, possibly with help from the BirPaFo Staff or Guests, are tickling you insane, but I'm not there?"

"I have to tell the truth, then it's just torture, if you're not there."

"There's something you don't know, Bobby. Wait here for me."

Kristine got up, stark naked, and left the room. Robert was dumbfounded, what could she be getting to show me, he thought. He waited on his hands and knees for about fifteen minutes.

Kristine came back with a portable DVD player and a handful of DVD's.

"All of the eight special rooms on this floor have hidden cameras, Bobby. I can watch what goes on live, or look at the recordings and save them if I want to. Let me show you some prizes from the collection."

They looked first at his first caning, back on July 13 of the previous year. Robert cringed to watch it.

But the second DVD was a tickling session from a Sunday in November 2006. It took place in the Kneeling Room. Kristine was not present, but Barbara and Sally had help from Helen, Judy, Martha, and Liz. The six of them had tickled him for five solid hours, driving him into the jelly state and keeping him there, utterly relentless, utterly without mercy. Kristine and Robert watched about half an hour of the five hours, segments that she had bookmarked to see over and over again.

"I use these when I'm alone," said Kristine, "when I want to masturbate. It pleases me greatly to know that you're being tickled tortured constantly, even when I'm too busy to do it myself. It pleases me greatly to know that it's done at my orders. It pleases me greatly to watch the choice scenes while I use my vibrator."

"I understand," said Robert, "I truly do. You don't have to show me more scenes. I volunteer for it all, for all the tickle torture that you want to order, you present or not. It is my gift to you, to volunteer for it, to be tickle tortured every day, for your amusement, for your pleasure, in person or recorded. You are my goddess, I worship you totally and absolutely."

"Very good, Bobby, very good. If you're serious about that, truly serious, then I'm going to plan a ceremony, a ceremony of commitment. It wouldn't be for a while yet, not until December. It will involve a gift from you, a one time gift of pain, for you to be marked as mine, as my property. You don't have to decide now. Think about it, think hard, and let me know when you've decided."

"All of my Keepers have a tattoo, or more than one. You've got one yourself, the rose above your ankle. They sometimes talk about getting them, it hurts, but not that much, they say. I'll gladly be tattooed for you."

"Not just a tattoo, Bobby. If you decide that you really want to be mine, of your own free will marked as my property, then you'll be tattooed in some places, and in one other place, branded."

Kristine let that sink in. Robert was silent.

"If you want it, if you truly want it, then you will have to beg me for it, beg me to brand you as mine, mine body and soul, by your own free will. Let me know when you've decided."
Chapter 6

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Robert was overjoyed to receive a grade of A+ for the foot massage that he had just given to Kristine. Certainly he was glad to get the two reward points, which got him up to 5 reward points, but also because he was always allowed to speak freely whenever he got an A+.

"You look like you're anxious to say something, Bobby. Go ahead, speak freely."

"Ms. Hansen, of my own free will I truly want to be marked as your property, permanently marked as your property, forever. I most humbly beg you to have me tattooed and branded as yours, as belonging to you."

Kristine smiled and tickled him under the chin for a moment.

"I'm very glad to hear that, Bobby. You do realize it will be very painful, much more painful than your canings?"

"Yes, Ms. Hansen, I realize that. I will bear the pain as a gift to you, to show you that I genuinely want to serve you forever."

"Very well, Bobby. As of this moment, you can consider us to be the equivalent of engaged. I'll plan the commitment ceremony for December. It will take a lot of planning. I'll have to ask about the schedules of the guests that I want to attend. I will give you an engagement gift as of tomorrow morning. If this gift is taken away from you before the ceremony, then you'll know that I have deemed you unworthy to be marked as my property."

Then she put on his collar and leash and led him down the hall to his bedroom, where Tamika and Janice were waiting to give him lunch.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

After being awakened by having his bare soles tickled for half an hour, Robert was given a bath and put into a fresh diaper.

He was then astonished when he received his breakfast. It was a protein shake with vitamins and minerals added, exactly the same brand as he always got. But it was their chocolate flavor, which he loved, not their strawberry flavor, which he hated. Tears of joy welled up in his eyes, and he cried like a baby.

"Why are you crying, Bobby?" ask Janice.

"Because I'm so grateful to Ms. Hansen for the change in menu," he said.

"She told us that you're engaged now," said Tamika. "She explained it all to us. Just hope that you keep getting a chocolate shake every morning."


Kristine was astonished herself that afternoon in the Throne Room.

"Not only an A+, but the best ever, the best of my life from anybody by any means. Wow, Bobby, that was incredible. You may speak."

"I'm ever so grateful for the change in my breakfast menu, and I'll do everything in my power to remain worthy of it. I love you with all of my heart, and I worship you absolutely."

Kristine laughed and patted him on the head. "I'm sure that you do, I'm sure that you most sincerely do."

Friday, August 17, 2007

Robert had been tickled senseless in the Magic Box room from 7pm, just after his dinner, until 11:30. Kristine had mostly worked on the roof of his mouth while Barbara and Sally worked on his tender soles. When they finally stopped tickling him, Kristine motioned to the Keepers not to remove him from the box yet. She waited until he stopped laughing and crying, and until he got his senses back.

"Can you understand me now, Bobby? Blink twice if you can."

Robert blinked twice.

"Good boy," she said, giving the roof of his mouth one more tickle with both Q-tips, and smiling as he squealed. "I've been looking over my records. You've not been caned for over six weeks now. In fact, you've been holding at seven demerits for over four weeks, no infractions or slackness of any kind. Even better, for your sake, you've gotten five rewards in those six weeks. I'm impressed. By your nature, being both extremely ticklish and hating it, you've always been the perfect tickle toy. But you've become an excellent foot slave, giving wonderful massages. Even more important, you've become an expert at eating my pussy. I've become quite fond of you, really, I'm over the anger I had from three years ago. You're such a useful pet, and so devoted to me! Just make sure that you stay that way, no slacking off, my pet."

She tickled the roof of his mouth for another hour, going past his usual bed time, before finally telling the Keepers to put him to sleep.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

The big day had arrived. Robert cried for joy again when he got his chocolate shake. He had had this horrible feeling that Kristine was playing a cruel trick on him, had never planned to mark him as hers, and would call it off that very morning, the day the guests were to arrive. But no, this wasn't true, all was well. He drank down his chocolate shake gratefully.

After breakfast, he was taken to the Spanking Room and tied to the apparatus, just as if he were going to get a spanking or a caning. Barbara and Sally tickled his ribs and underarms as they waited. About 45 minutes went by before Kristine entered the room with a tall redhead carrying a large black bag.

"Good morning," said Kristine, "let me introduce Jennifer, Tau Kappa Lambda sister from Ohio State University, class of 2001. She's a licensed tattoo artist with her own tattoo parlor in Dallas. Jen, this is Barbara Russo and Sally Chambers,both sisters from Sherman College, class of 2006. They're two of the four Keepers that I told you about."

The women shook hands and exchanged greetings. Jennifer opened her bag and began to set up her equipment. Kristine left the room to see to her arriving guests.

The Keepers could see that Jennifer wore a white T-shirt that had two lines of text on it, in blue. The top line, in letters two inches high, said "BirPaFo Sisterhood" and the bottom line, in letters slightly smaller, said "Tattoo Artist." Robert, his head resting on the rectangle of the spanking apparatus, had no idea what she was wearing.

"I see that not only is his ass already shaved, but he has no body hair," said Jennifer.

"Yes, Kris wants him smooth like a baby. It's makes him more ticklish, too," explained Barbara.

"What design does he get?" asked Sally.

As she washed him off with rubbing alcohol, Jennifer explained.

"On his left cheek, in large capital letters, 'TICKLE TOY OF THE BIR-PA-FO SISTERHOOD' with two large crossed feathers below. That text and the feathers should just about cover his whole left cheek."

All three of them laughed at that thought.

"On his right cheek, just 'PROPERTY OF' in large capital letters at the top, just below his waist. The room below that is for the branding of Kristine's initials, KLH."

"Will you do that also?" asked Sally.

"No, Kristine will do it herself. I do branding and scarification as well as tattooing. I've always done my own work, but Kristine had me train her for this, how hard to press. I'll heat the branding iron to just the right temperature, and she'll do the actual branding. She's practiced a couple of dozen times on leather. She was a fast learner, I don't think she needed that much practice."

"I never heard Kristine use a middle name," said Barbara, "so I wonder what the 'L' stands for."

The other two women shook their heads, no, they didn't know either.

As Jennifer got to work, beginning on the letter 'T' on his left cheek, a two women came in to the Spanking Room. Kristine, behind them, stayed just in the doorway.

"Barbara, Sally," said Kristine, "the guests will be coming by briefly to watch Bobby getting stuck with the needles. Just make sure they don't touch him or disturb Jen."

The two newcomers wore white T-shirts that had two lines of text on them, in blue. The top line, in letters two inches high, said "BirPaFo Sisterhood" and the bottom line, in letters slightly smaller, said "Guest." They introduced themselves to Barbara and Sally, and watched in amusement as Robert flinched with each jab of the needle.


All through the day, with no lunch break for Robert, the tattooing proceeded. Lunch was delivered for the Keepers and Jennifer, although she left hers untouched, preferring to keep on working.

The Keepers fed him cranberry juice from a baby bottle every once in a while, and held a plastic cup under his chastity cage, telling him to urinate, every couple of hours.

The guests drifted in to watch the process. Many had to be told not to prod or tickle Robert, that he wasn't to move while Jennifer did her work. It hurt just a bit more than Robert had expected, but he didn't cry out. Jennifer declared herself satisfied with her work at six o'clock.


After feeding him dinner, his usual peanut butter licked off Sally's right sole this time, Barbara and Sally set Robert up in the Kneeling Room. They left him there to join the guests for dinner.

There were 33 there in the main dining room of the mansion, including Kristine, Keepers, other staff, usual guests like Judy Chen, and guests for the ceremony. The pre-ceremony banquet was sumptuous, and wine was served with every course. Barbara and Sally drank only the one Champagne toast, knowing that they would be on duty in the evening to keep the perhaps tipsy guests from harming Kristine's pet.


At nine o'clock the dessert course, chocolate mousse, had been consumed by all present. Kristine invited the guests to have an after dinner drink and continue their conversation, or to come up to the Kneeling Room to tickle Robert senseless.

24 came upstairs, including Barbara and Sally. They told told ten women to wait their turn in and just watch, as the first dozen up the stairs began to work on Robert with their fingernails and all the implements provided. The Keepers made sure that he was only tickled, not scratched or pinched. They tickled him into the early hours of the morning, changing shifts every hour to give everybody a chance.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

For the first time in his captivity, Robert was allowed to sleep late. He slept soundly, exhausted, from 3am to 11am. He was bathed with more than the usual care, and fed his chocolate shake.

"Are your nervous?" asked Barbara.

Robert nodded yes.

"Don't be," said Barbara. "It will hurt a lot, but then it will be over, and you'll be Kristine's pet forever. It's what you both want. And your part in the spoken portion of the ceremony is easy, all you have to say is 'Yes, I do,' every time that Mary Murphy asks you a question."

Robert looked surprised at that name, and Barbara went on.

"She's performing the ceremony, silly, she's a national officer in Tau Kappa Lambda alumnae association now. We don't need a justice of the peace, it's not a legal wedding, it's a Tau Kappa Lambda ceremony. To us sorority sisters, that's above the law."

The Keepers put wrist and ankle cuffs on Robert, and blindfolded him. They tied a cute pink ribbon around his chastity cage in a big bow. The ankle cuffs were connected by a chain only one foot long, as were the wrist cuffs. His collar was buckled around his neck, and two leashes were attached to it.

He was carried downstairs at one o'clock. He was placed on the floor on all fours. When Barbara took his blindfold off, he could see that he was in the vestibule of a large room that had been set up for the ceremony. There was a red carpet in font of him, stretching from the vestibule to a raised platform at the far end of the room. On that platform was a spanking apparatus, almost identical to the one in the Spanking Room, but the leather rectangle was dyed red, not black.

There were comfortable chairs on both side of the red carpet, and about forty people seated. Many had turned to look back at the sound of their approach. Robert could see that they all wore the same BirPaFo white T-shirts that he was used to seeing, but they wore different kinds and colors of pants. All were barefoot, he saw. He started to get an erection, and suppressed a cry of pain as the hard plastic spikes poked his penis.

Music began to play, not the traditional wedding march, but something classical that Robert didn't recognize. Sally and Barbara, each holding a leash, began to lead him forward. He could see Mary Murphy and Kristine up on the platform. Mary wore a white T-shirt had two lines of text on it, in blue. The top line, in letters two inches high, said "BirPaFo Sisterhood" and the bottom line, in letters slightly smaller, said "Honored Guest." She wore charcoal grey pants and was in her bare feet. Kristine wore her usual T-shirt, white pants, and was also barefooted.

With his wrists and ankles hobbled, Robert moved forward in tiny increments, and the guests had plenty of time to admire the pink bow on his chastity cage and to laugh at him as he crawled by. When he had crawled to the foot of the three steps up to the platform, Robert realized that he was too hobbled by the chains to climb up, so he stopped. Barbara and Sally removed the chains, the cuffs, and the collar, leaving him naked except for the chastity cage and the pink bow. He crawled up the steps and stopped, on his hands and knees, beside Kristine.

"Do you, Robert Lamb, acknowledge that you are already the property of our dear sister, Kristine Louise Hansen, and have been so since your arrival here at her home?"

"Yes, I do," said Robert.

"Do you, of your own free will, acknowledge that you wish to remain her property, body and soul, not only as long as you both shall live, but also in any afterlife that there may be?"

"Yes, I do."

"Do you pledge to be utterly and totally obedient to her, to serve her in every way that she wishes, to love her as you obey her, to worship her as a goddess, and to ask nothing, absolutely nothing, in return for your eternal service and devotion?"

"Yes, I do."

"Do you acknowledge that she will share you with with some of her sisters, with some of the women of the Tau Kappa Lambda sorority? That you must serve and obey all of us that Kristine has made members of the BirPaFo Sisterhood?"

"Yes, I do."

"Finally, do you beg her to brand you with her initials, KLH? Realizing how painful it will be, do you offer your pain freely as a gift to her, a gift to prove your sincere devotion? Do you humbly beg her to brand you as her own pet?"

"Yes, I do."

"Then the ceremony may proceed," said Mary.

"Stand," said Kristine.

Robert stood and went over to the apparatus. Barbara and Sally bound him to it.

Jennifer came over with the branding iron that she had constructed, still at room temperature, and held it to Robert's lips.

"Nine kisses," said Kristine, "to say that if you had nine lives like a cat, you would devote all of them to serving me."

Robert kissed the branding iron nine times, making loud kissing noises for the benefit of the guests.

Jennifer took the branding iron to an alcove off to the side where blow torches had been placed for her use.

"His four Keepers will provide entertainment while we wait for the branding iron to become red hot," said Mary.

Barbara and Sally were joined by Tamika and Janice up on the platform. All of them began to tickle Robert's ribs and underarms. He howled, shrieked with laughter, and struggled in his bonds. The guests all laughed and talked as they watched, much amused. This continued until Robert was well into the jelly state, mouth moving in silent laughter, face red, tears flowing down his cheeks. They kept tickling him until Jennifer made a signal that the time was near.

After they stopped, it took a few minutes for Robert to regain his breath. Mary came over to him, got right in front of his head, and leaned down and looked into his eyes. The guests became silent.

"Robert Lamb, do you reiterate all that you have promised here today, and, in particular, most humbly beg Kristine Louise Hansen to use her own hands to brand you as her own pet?"

"Yes, I do," said Robert in a firm voice.

With that statement heard, Jennifer came forward with the branding iron and carefully gave the handle to Kristine. The silence in room deepened, and most of the guests leaned forward and held their breath.

Kristine stepped slowly forward, planted her bare feet, and pressed the branding iron home, exactly below the letters "PROPERTY OF" on his right buttock.

Robert's scream shook the whole room,it seemed. Nobody had every heard anything like it, almost all of them agreed, Jennifer being an exception. He trembled and sobbed, but didn't faint.

Jennifer put ointment on the burns, and gently put an antibiotic bandage on them. Dr. Chen was impressed with her technique.

Barbara and Sally unbound Robert form the apparatus, making sure to support him as they did so. They placed him on his hands and knees on the platform, but he collapsed to lying on his belly.

"Approach me," said Kristine.

Robert managed to crawl on his belly to Kristine's feet.

"Kristine Louise Hansen, do you find the sacrifice of this pitiful creature to be worthy? Do you accept his offer of eternal devotion and service to you? Do you accept him as your marked property, as your own pet?" asked Mary.

"Yes, I do," said Kristine.

"Then I now pronounce you Owner and pet. You may lick your owner's toes."

Robert crawled another inch forward and licked Kristine's toes, first on her left foot, then on her right. The guests burst into applause.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Robert had been given a sedative by Dr. Chen right after the ceremony, and was gently put to bed, on his belly, in his room. Tamika and Janice had volunteered to forgo the party on Sunday afternoon and evening to keep watch on him. It was quite dull, he slept for more than twelve hours.

Monday morning Dr. Chen had changed Robert's bandage and deemed him well enough to take part in the honeymoon. Tamika and Janice set him up in the Kneeling Room, a diaper covering both his chastity cage and the bandage.

Ten more women came into the room, including Kristine, who stood in front of him.

"Blink twice if you can hear me and understand me, my pet."

Robert blinked twice.

"From now on, you will no longer address me as 'Ms. Hansen.' Instead, you will simply address me as 'my Goddess.' Do you understand? Speak."

"Yes, my Goddess."

"Very good, my pet. This will be used as our honeymoon room. Our honeymoon party will last a week, from today until Sunday, the ninth of December. I'll be here a lot, maybe 12 or 14 hours a day. You'll be here all the time, 24 hours a day, my pet."

Kristine bent down and kissed him tenderly on the forehead.

"You truly are ever so cute when you're helpless, and you're going to be kept helpless forever, my pet. Helen has taken a week's vacation, as have all my other dear sisters that are here now. Helen will put an intravenous feeding tube into a vein in your arm now, so we can keep your hydrated and feed you that way. Our honeymoon will be a seven day tickle session, 24 hours a day for the whole week. Won't that be fun? There are enough of my sisters here to sleep in shifts and never give you a break. Just like at my birthday party, but for a whole week, my pet."

They all stood back while Dr. Chen got needle into a vein in Robert's arm and got the intravenous bag set up.

"Some of my dear sorority sisters who couldn't get this week off will be able to come for a one week party at my birthday, in April. Some of these women here now will be back for that party."

Seven of the women in the room raised their hands, as able to be back in April, and smiled at him.

"You know how much I love symmetry, my pet, and from December to April is four months, but from April to next December, our first anniversary, is eight months. I realized there's only one way to restore symmetry, my pet. I have to have a party every August, too. That way the gaps are 4, 4, and 4."

"What will you call the August party?" asked Mary.

"My symmetry party. So every single year, my pet, we'll have my birthday party, my symmetry party, and our anniversary party. Each one a full week long, a full week of pure tickle torture, just so that you never forget what it says on your left ass cheek, my pet."

She moved around behind him as the women all approached him, some wriggling their fingers and some holding tickling implements.

"You can't read it easily, the wording above the crossed feathers. It says 'TICKLE TOY OF THE BIR-PA-FO SISTERHOOD', my pet."

-the end-
damn Mils..this was one great story...so excruiatingly described...so detailed..and with rather a happy ending all around...nice job my friend..i can't believe i missed this one...you sly devil hehe
Nice one! I was initially disappointed that Robert dumped Kristine before his 1st salon pedicure. It always amuses me how ticklish some women have been, when I've visited the salon.Some forgo the massage portion of the treatment for this reason. Some find having their hard skin removed with a blade tickles!What follows in the treatment is a scrub with something resembling a scouring soap pad.This feels really full-on,even on my non-ticklish feet! Some operators I've had have been very light-on in their "massage" too and had I been ticklish, holy Mother! So yeah, that would have been great, especially had the other customers been so amused at Bobby's extreme ticklishness, that they all took turns tickling him. You pretty much took care of it in the pedicure room, however, so well done all over!
Your Mistress has seriously beautiful feet,BTW! I won't describe what I'd like to do to them, as I wouldn't want to upset you, by disrespecting Her.;-)
My former Mistress, Zara, once took me to a salon and we got pedicures side by side, so I know exactly what it feels like. :D
I'm glad that you enjoyed the story. I'm sure Goddess Shelly (who is dominant only) would never consent to what you have in mind for doing to her sacred feet. :feets:
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