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The Rex Ryan Incident And Its Affect On Me


2nd Level Green Feather
Dec 19, 2002
I`ve been a member of this forum for several years. Not the most active poster, but I check in most every day. Attended a few gatherings in L.A. and met some wonderful people. I`ve also had a couple private TMF encounters with female members, and can`t say enough good things about them. And over the last year and a half, I`ve attended three Feet of Philly Parties and enjoyed them tremendously. Its been a pleasure meeting like minded people who don`t regard you as a freak. Thats the common theme during all of these events...... finally feeling comfortable about this strange, yet wonderful fetish.:)

I`ve yet to reveal my kinks to a soul in my personal life. Several women I`ve dated over the years probably suspected I have a foot/tickling fetish, but never made too big an issue over it. I, like many others in this forum who are in the closet have given much thought about confiding to a close friend or even coming out altogether, but never had the courage to pull the trigger. This whole episode involving Rex Ryan and his wife, and all the nasty media attention it has drawn has sent me right back into the closet. Outside of Elizabeth Hasselback`s comments on The View, its been a nightmare for foot lovers. Your thoughts........
Once you realize most people are hypocrites and assholes this won't effect you. Half the people that make fun out of Rex are probably child molesters or take it up the ass. People like to feel good about themselves, so that's why they criticize others. Even though I am an agnostic I like to read the Bible. The bible shows how fucked up people really are and some of scripture is related to hypocrisy, which is the case with reporters asking Ryan all kind of stupid fucking questions. Now I know why athletes who are gay (especially males) never come out, look at the shit they would have to put up with. I NEVER, anymore, out myself with tickling, other then within the community! ... Take care and fuck em where they breathe!!!
You know I feel like I'm tired of hiding. I'm tired of having to be in the shadows because of what I like to do. I have the tickling/foot fetish and I have grown to accept it as part of myself. I regard people who call people like me a "freak," as uneducated ignoramus's. I have grown to see that I am FAR from the only one with this kink. I am among people who share this kink with me.

I know who I am, and what I'm about. I refuse to allow someone who knows nothing about me to characterize me as something because they don't understand it.

I like who I am, and I like feet and tickling. To those who say I'm a freak, fine..I give you a whole-hearted fuck you in return.

People on this site and TT have helped me accept who I am and realize that what I like isn't so unique. I owe thanks to everyone here for that. I may not post a lot, but I do visit daily.

I'm one guy who will not hide what I like anymore. If someone can't accept that part of me then they can't accept me...period
I truly feel badly for the coach and his wife, having to endure this public backlash to such a private part of their relationship.
To put it simply, I'm sick of hearing the sports media talk about Rex Ryan like he's a freak. We shouldn't have to put up with this kind of shit from a group that counts Marv "OM NOM NOM" Albert as one of their greatest members.
To put it simply, I'm sick of hearing the sports media talk about Rex Ryan like he's a freak. We shouldn't have to put up with this kind of shit from a group that counts Marv "OM NOM NOM" Albert as one of their greatest members.

This. It's a foot fetish. A freaking foot fetish. At least the man's not a pedophile or anything. The vanillas need to step back and realize it's not any big deal. And like others have mentioned, most are hypocrites that are likely hiding their own kinky desires from the world. So they jump on the bandwagon just to make themselves feel better. All very unfortunate.
I don't know tooo much about Rex. From what i've seen of him in the media he's an awsome dude. He lives his life really well, loves his job, his wife and so on. Soo i don't really think its gonna bother him. He probibly was sittin there that same night givin her a massage while they bothed laughed at the various media personalitys that were raggin on them.
Im definatly interested to c his reaction to it if he comments. I'm sure he'll still be his same old joly self tryin to get another "W." Think the moral of the story is you gotta do what makes you happy.
This thread has two distinct topics: the Rex Ryan story and the question of being "in the closet." I continue to stand by the opinion that I expressed in the other thread: that the behavior of the media and the general public on the subject of Rex Ryan is reprehensible, and that it's important that we, as members of a fetish community, never be the ones who contribute information to such feeding frenzies (like posting notes that say "don't you think Miss X in the video 'Tickle for Tickle' looks an awful lot like Miss Y on that TV show..."). But, about being in the closet, I have some other thoughts to add.

A lot of my friends do know about my fetishes, but then, a lot of my friends are theatre people, and they're kind of a special case when it comes to such things. (When I commented to an actress, in a theatre group I'm associated with, that there was a play coming up that involved spanking, she matter-of-factly said, "Oh yeah, my boyfriend and I are into that.") But what I've also found is that not everybody who is friendly with me wants to know every intimate fact about me. I have a lot of interests and affiliations in my life, and different people share different interests with me. I've found that, if I don't feel comfortable mentioning fetishism to someone, there's probably a good reason, but that doesn't mean I can be myself with that person: we share other interests that are equally "myself" for me. So, while I don't mention fetishism, it's not in the spirit of keeping a deep dark secret.

When it comes to telling friends, I think it has more to do with the dynamics of each individual friendship than with the difference between being "out" and being "in the closet." I think, after all, that talking about a fetish is just another form of talking about what turns you on sexually, and not all of my friendships are really that kind of friendship. I would also say, from our teens to middle age, the older we get, the less we tend to feel that close friendship means telling each other everything.

But, I would also add, none of the people I'm close to would react to the Rex Ryan story the way we're seeing the media react to it, and it's an achievement to have friends with more brains than this--because what we're seeing out there is a really pathetic form of stupidity. And the fact that the New York Post had this on its front page ("The Agony of De-Feet," how hilarious, ha ha ha) shows that this rag of a tabloid is in business, not to inform, but to pander to this kind of stupidity.
Anything to sell a headline. Remember the most important value in the world is...money.

No law of physics that says it has to be that way. Speaking for myself, there are loads of things I could do that would make me more money than I'm earning now. (To name one example, speaking as a college instructor, the people who write term papers and theses for hire, to help students get unearned degrees, are making more money than the professors who get suckered by them.)
When I first head the news, I understood how Rex must have felt. He never intended to be "found out", even when he posted the videos on You tube. However, I like Rex Ryan even more now! It is good to know he enjoys doing stuff with his wife and entertains us at the same time. I really hope he is a member here. I think he should say to the media, "Yeah, it was me. Who cares? Why do you care what I do? I'm not robbing banks, I'm not molesting children, I am enjoying a body part of my supermodel wife! If you have a problem with it, then that's YOUR problem. And yes, we will beat the Patriots!"

We should invite Rex to NEST as a guest of honor, but I doubt he would actually attend. Can you imagine the media scrutiny then?

As far as being in the "closet", a lot of us feel scared about revealing ourselves for fear of ridicule (just look at what's happening to Rex), but really, the only people who should know are people you trust. To any woman I am involved with, eventually they will be told. But I am not going to put on a cape and say "Hey look at me! I like tickling! You should too!". Just be comfortable as to who you are, and share you desires with people you trust. Unless you want to wear a cape and do that. Then go ahead...
No law of physics that says it has to be that way. Speaking for myself, there are loads of things I could do that would make me more money than I'm earning now. (To name one example, speaking as a college instructor, the people who write term papers and theses for hire, to help students get unearned degrees, are making more money than the professors who get suckered by them.)

Yeah, but that's kinda how most of society is set up right now. Definitely how newspapers seem to be, especially in America. Headlines need to get their pay. (10 points to anyone who recognizes that song lyric)
We should invite Rex to NEST as a guest of honor, but I doubt he would actually attend. Can you imagine the media scrutiny then?

Of course he wouldn't attend (it doesn't even seem like he has a tickling fetish anyway) but if he did, I wouldn't go. We go to these gatherings with privacy ensured. The media scrutiny would doom NEST.
Is anybody really surprised that the news media in this country is completely useless?

Come on now. We all knew that. :p

I think the best tactic to take is just to say "why yes, that's her in those videos. Next question please." I understand that's not the instinctive response or the easy response, but you have to understand the media mind.

If you deny, or refuse to answer, then it's just a pile-on - how many ways can we ask this question until you admit it?

If you just say "oh, yes, that is my beautiful wife of 23 years there, isn't she lovely?" then what's their next question? Where do they go from there?

"Uh... are you... uh... sure?"

Remember, these people are American mainstream news journalists. They are not very smart.
Is anybody really surprised that the news media in this country is completely useless?

Come on now. We all knew that. :p

I think the best tactic to take is just to say "why yes, that's her in those videos. Next question please." I understand that's not the instinctive response or the easy response, but you have to understand the media mind.

If you deny, or refuse to answer, then it's just a pile-on - how many ways can we ask this question until you admit it?

If you just say "oh, yes, that is my beautiful wife of 23 years there, isn't she lovely?" then what's their next question? Where do they go from there?

"Uh... are you... uh... sure?"

Remember, these people are American mainstream news journalists. They are not very smart.

I think this method would WIN.
I'm going about it the opposite way. I like feet and football coaches are well liked and successful people, so I'd work it into conservation and see what'd happen.

Yeah, but that's kinda how most of society is set up right now. Definitely how newspapers seem to be, especially in America. Headlines need to get their pay. (10 points to anyone who recognizes that song lyric)

The Living End?
Well, personally, I think the Ryan situation just makes it clearer that a foot fetish is relatively common. Rex and Michelle aren't the only celebrities that have been outed regarding this particular fetish.

Even people like Enrique Iglesias and Quintin Tarantino have foot fetishes.

It doesn't really change things much for me, but it does make for some interesting conversations in real life among sports fans.

Speaking of which, it seems that most people who frequent espn.com are pretty open-minded about the whole thing. Most fans (Jets or otherwise) seem to feel that the whole story is irrelevant to the game and that what Rex and Michelle do in private is their business.

So people seem to generally be mature about this whole thing, even if the media likes to run with it.
My thoughts: I am comfortable with what I am and with what erotic interests I have. I don't let the opinions of narrow-minded jerks bother me. I have been happier since gaining such comfort.

Rex Ryan had the right idea, saying "It's a personal matter." He could have been more emphatic, saying "What my wife and I do is a personal matter and none of your concern. I won't discuss it again or take questions on it in any future press conference. If you have no erotic interests besides vanilla intercourse, in bed, in the dark, in the missionary position, then I feel sorry for you."
I'm going about it the opposite way. I like feet and football coaches are well liked and successful people, so I'd work it into conservation and see what'd happen.

The Living End?

Well, you didn't get the song, just the artist, but I fully didn't expect anyone to answer that, so 10 awesome points for you.
I totally agree with the OP. This whole incident makes me want to head in the closet and padlock it shut.

Then again I don't really think that fetishism is really that strange. When you hear for the first time "No golden showers and no poo play", I think even vanillas would consider foot and tickling fetishes tame in comparison.
Everybody, everyone...Get back out of that damn closet!

This is ridiculous!

It's the media!

The media sucks! I'm amazed how many conservatives AND liberals hate the media!
I hear complaints about the sports media from people like Rush Limbaugh all the time, now I know why he hates them....aside from all the times they attack him.

This is totally a non-story. It's another "Ohh, look, we can judge and make fun of someone!" media job. "Ohhh, that congressman had an affair...WE IN THE MEDIA WOULD NEVER DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT!!!"

And ANY media enclave. The entertainment media is overall crappy, especially crap shows like Entertainment Tonight. They'll interview a genius like Chris Nolan, Speilberg, and instead of asking....ANYTHING, they just, literaly shout, "What's it like having the biggest movie EVER!!!" Wow, that's fucking deep. Reporters will interview the Coen Brothers, and instead of asking things like "How the fuck do you guys get such excellent acting out of your actors," or "What are your thought processes when first tackling works like True Grit," etc. no, it's "When are you doing a Big Lebowski sequel?!!"

...already knowing the answer is "We're not."

This story effects no one, except to make the ignorant audience members feel better about themselves, and to enforce the smug reporter's superior view of themselves.

I've been listening to some Harlan Ellison. You who feel ashamed need to listen to a tough ass like him, or Rush Limbaugh, even if you don't agree with his politics, or whoever inspires you, people who don't take shit from anybody, straighten up, be bold, and don't let these assholes get to you.

As Eleanor Roosevelt said,
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

I mean, honestly, if any of you were reporters, and you knew he had a foot/tickle fetish, but it's still Rex Ryan, and all he's done in his career....would you even CARE about that, or would you have about 100 REAL, LEGITIMATE questions to ask the man about football, success, winning, etc.?!!
Hiding does nothing but keep you hidden from the things or people you want to get close to. Regardless of what negative consequence you can have from revealing yourself, it is minuscule to the open freedom you'll experience the instant you open yourself up to the world. You may have to deal with rough edges, depending on your company, but in the long run~ it'll be the greatest thing you've ever done. If others don't view it that way, then that's their problem. Don't hide if you're the only thing keeping you there. <3
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