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What do you think of fetish models?


TMF Poster
May 17, 2014
Just a question that popped in my head yesterday that can only really be answered by one of us.

Most of us love a good tickle video featuring a lovely model and we freely express our affections here in the forum. My question is, despite this, does anyone still view these models as immoral, sluts, etc. and hold them in low regard for their choice of profession or income as many do for strippers and other porn stars?

Just curious. I don't mean to start a war over this, I just want to see people's opinions on this. That's all.
I think many people in society do, on both party sides and religious/non-religious as well.

It's kind of the whole "White Knight" sex thing - "when I have sex, it's a beautiful wonderful show of love/expression of my beautiful sexuality."
"When those other people have it....YUCK, blegh, disgusting sinful perverts/creepy perverts"

Since I try to live in reality, and I try to be consistent - I look at fetish models like I look at anyone else, a fully developed human being who chooses
to entertain me with their laughter and/or tickling.

If I ever met any, I'd tell them what great work they did, then proceed to ask them what they
thought of Guardians of The Galaxy, because I have the very rare ability to hold two or more thoughts in my head at the same time - yes, that girl
was hot in that video, and yes, I'd like to know what she thinks of things and how she is as a person.
A woman is making a choice with how she uses her body. In this case she uses it to make a tickling video.

How is this different then choosing it to carry food to me, dig a ditch, dance in a ballet, or sculpt something from marble?

I think that she should be allowed to use her body however she sees fit and is comfortable doing. If she's cool with her choices, then why shouldn't I be?

The way I see it I'd be a hypocrite if I thought less of them for making tickling videos when I'm buying the videos that they make. And I've met a few of them. There was only one that I didn't care for that much. Overall they're pretty cool.
(In addition to what I've written, the overall idea of a model is vague in this post: is the model a ler or a lee? That has a hugely different interpretation).

This post spawned a few thoughts in my head:

Do we have different opinions of men/women as models within the tickling community?

Is this question more about the model's personal take on their profession than the viewer's?

For the former, can't say I had really thought about it in terms of another person's sex until now so much.

As for the latter question, I think it is more about their view than mine. If, for example, they thought using their body in such a way is despicable but saw no alternative then I at least consider that far more relevant than a random person's thoughts on the subject.

Overall, though, I think the topic is about humiliation and being paid to humiliate yourself. Compare it to kids on a playground: one is bribed in some way to do something disgusting or strange, like eat a worm. Do you think less of that person, even though he is free to do what he chooses with his/her body? I would, because he's giving in to someone's desires for some sort of gain. When I think of a model in this manner, then yes, I do think less of the model, but I think that misses the point as I just think less of those that serve others for personal gain. And then you get into a lot of long, complicated thoughts about what serving another means, why that makes me (or others) think less of the server and what qualifies as a person that serves another (hint: it's super broad, I think most people serve big corporations and I hate huge companies).

All of the models I've interacted with have been super cool and I dont think less of them for their job profession, but when I take the serving/humiliation thing into account, I guess I do. But then, I guess I think a little less of a lot more people than I originally thought. Just how the world is though, and you do what you gotta, I guess? I dont know. I think I'm making myself out to sound like I'm more impacted by my over assessments than I really am.

Models are cool dudes, I guess.
I look at tickling as a fun activity, so things are different for me as opposed to the people who like the hardcore "humiliation" aspects.
I don't think of it as humiliation, more like the tickler and ticklee having fun.

Also take into account: DO you bring tickling into your relationships?

How do you view your significant other/spouse?

How could you look with disdain on a tickling model being tickled, but then love you wife...who is ALSO being tickled?

Makes no sense.

I judge people on what's on the inside, which is where my conservative/Libertarian beliefs come from.

I've found that most people don't, but oh well.

If a pretty girl is evil, hateful, a fucking bitch, I don't care at that point if she's pretty, ....because she's really not. That attitude will affect my view
on a person's looks.

If someone's okay looking, but wonderfully kind and generous, I will look more favorably on them, thus they become more attractive.

(Of course, this goes for tickling also, if someone is crazy ticklish and has a laugh you are attracted to, they would probably be more attractive than the
"prettier" girl who isn't ticklish or has a laugh you find unpleasant...)
I think it's great that they're comfortable enough to step outside the box and try different things. Open mindedness is such a great trait, and one that's not that prevalent in society, so good for them!!
A woman is making a choice with how she uses her body. In this case she uses it to make a tickling video.

How is this different then choosing it to carry food to me, dig a ditch, dance in a ballet, or sculpt something from marble?

I think that she should be allowed to use her body however she sees fit and is comfortable doing. If she's cool with her choices, then why shouldn't I be?


This 100% this.
Myriads is right. I have no problem with any people aged 18 or older deciding that they will make a tickling video and be paid for it. :D
I think a good way to really explore how you feel about it is to ask yourself these questions:

Would you have any trepidation at all if your wife or significant other decided to do fetish modeling, knowing that guys are spanking their meat and falling in love with them?

Would you have any trepidation at all if the mother of your children became a fetish model? Would it bother you if other kids in school approached your kid and said something like, "Hey, I saw your mom in a fetish video! Dude, she's hot! Come on, man, hook a brother up!"

If you answered yes to any of those questions, then perhaps you are not as judgement-free as you'd like to believe.

For me personally, I hold no criticism or offense toward fetish models. They're making honest money and providing a service that I've indulged in myself. God bless them.
A woman is making a choice with how she uses her body.

And the males?

I think that she should be allowed to use her body however she sees fit and is comfortable doing.


If she's cool with her choices, then why shouldn't I be?

Not this - heh. Just because a person is comfortable with their own choices doesn't mean everyone else should be.

The fact that you say "however she sees fit" makes me think that you are making a point about fetish modelling in general, not just tickling, am I right? Difficult to find an objection to someone participating in a straightforward tickling video, of course. Let's not forget, however, that some fetish models are willing to do some pretty fucked up stuff. Do they have a right to do this (provided they're not breaking the law and everyone involved is consenting)? Of course. Does this mean I have to be comfortable with it? Shouldn't have thought so.

I think a good way to really explore how you feel about it is to ask yourself these questions:

Would you have any trepidation at all if your wife or significant other decided to do fetish modeling, knowing that guys are spanking their meat and falling in love with them?

Would you have any trepidation at all if the mother of your children became a fetish model? Would it bother you if other kids in school approached your kid and said something like, "Hey, I saw your mom in a fetish video! Dude, she's hot! Come on, man, hook a brother up!"

If you answered yes to any of those questions, then perhaps you are not as judgement-free as you'd like to believe.

For me personally, I hold no criticism or offense toward fetish models. They're making honest money and providing a service that I've indulged in myself. God bless them.

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Female or male, tickling models, much like prostitutes and strippers, provide a very good, therapeutic, and positive service, much like anyone else employed to provide us something we can't or won't do ourselves.

Sexuality/sensuality is much more sensitive a topic than other more "normal" subjects, and I don't think such services need to be on every street corner or provided recklessly - these are pursuits for adults, after all - but I really think the larger society needs to get over the idea of sex workers choosing to go that direction as being lesser people.

Yeah, so....... good luck against the world, Oddjob...
And the males?

The OP's language seemed to indicate that he was speaking/asking about female models in specific, so I wrote my response with that in mind, but you could place "person" in place of "woman" and "they" for "she" in my post and it would still reflect my opinion 100%. My philosophy here is gender blind.

Not this - heh. Just because a person is comfortable with their own choices doesn't mean everyone else should be.

No, it's not a statement that one can make universally. However in the context of this discussion I stand behind it.

The context that I was operating within is how an individual chooses to use their body. Most specifically in the realm of 'work'. They have made a choice. I respect that choice. It's their choice.

To make a more basic example, I might not like the look of most tattoos, I don't find facial piercings to be all that attractive, and in fact most time I find them to be detractive. It's my personal taste. But if someone wants to pierce themselves, and tattoo themselves up from head to toe I'm perfectly fine with it. Because it's their body to do with as they choose. Am I troubled by women that have ribs removed to look thinner? Massive breast and ass implants to gain a look? And other forms of surgeries that alter a body cosmetically? Yup. but the only person that I feel my opinion should have any impact on is ME. Others are free to pursue their desired modifications as they will. Who am I to say they cannot? I see how you use your body the same way.

The fact that you say "however she sees fit" makes me think that you are making a point about fetish modelling in general, not just tickling, am I right?

You are correct. My statement is general beyond tickling videos and even fetish modeling. It's your body. You get to do with it what you choose so long as you are not displacing a cost of that action onto your fellow members of society.

Difficult to find an objection to someone participating in a straightforward tickling video, of course. Let's not forget, however, that some fetish models are willing to do some pretty fucked up stuff. Do they have a right to do this (provided they're not breaking the law and everyone involved is consenting)? Of course. Does this mean I have to be comfortable with it? Shouldn't have thought so.

If it's legal and they choose to do it on their own free will, then fine by me. I have no issues with them doing it. Their body, their choice.

And as I said above, my liking it, believing its a good choice, or even being comfortable with said choice has zero impact on the fact that I think they should be able to do it. I wouldn't want someone telling me what I can and cannot do with my body within the legal framework of our society, so I won't be telling anyone else what they can.

Would you have any trepidation at all if your wife or significant other decided to do fetish modeling, knowing that guys are spanking their meat and falling in love with them?

Always an odd question to me. That I should be troubled that others might be having sexual thoughts about my partner. Should I be disturbed that as we walk around the market, someone might see them and decide they are attractive, and store their face for later wank-time?

I'm not threatened by other people finding my partners attractive, erotic, or even objects of direct sexual lust. That is in their heads. Not mine, not my partners. It's all outside the relationship, and can only come in if we choose to let it have the weight and impact to do so. And why would we?

If one of my partners chose to make fetish material, then fine by me. I'd hope that they enjoyed the process, and got something positive from it that they shared back into our relationship.

Would you have any trepidation at all if the mother of your children became a fetish model? Would it bother you if other kids in school approached your kid and said something like, "Hey, I saw your mom in a fetish video! Dude, she's hot! Come on, man, hook a brother up!"

Here we open the question of a personal choice effecting others. In this case, a parents choices reflecting on their children.

In an ideal world no child would face question like the ones above. But we don't live in a perfect world. It can and will happen.

So my approach is this. If my children's mother wanted to make fetish material, then I'd make sure that we had a discussion that provided insight to me on if she had considered the external costs of her choice, and if she was willing to act knowing those costs might need to be paid by others at some point.

If she has, and is mindful of how her actions could have negative impacts on our children, and is willing to own her choice, then I'm 100% fine with her making the decision. If the time comes to discuss it with the children, they will be prepared for the real world results they might face. It is in fact a good lesson to impart. People will judge you for things you don't control, and never could. Learning to handle that is an important life skill. Regardless of if its because your parent did something society frowns at, your skin color, or the fact that you are a foot taller then your peers.

My children would be able to handle it if I as a parent did my job correctly.

If you answered yes to any of those questions, then perhaps you are not as judgement-free as you'd like to believe.

We all make judgements all the time. Every time we look at a person we judge. It's part of the human condition. It's what we DO with our judgements that really counts. Do we dismiss them as personal concepts that we are applying to others? And then approach said person with awareness that we hold personal prejudice toward them about some aspect of how they look or act? And work to overcome that INTERNAL judgement so we can forge on and have a meaningful and possibly valuable exchange with them.

We always will judge other. But we can also rise above those judgements to see things from a better perspective.

The OP's language seemed to indicate that he was speaking/asking about female models in specific, so I wrote my response with that in mind, but you could place "person" in place of "woman" and "they" for "she" in my post and it would still reflect my opinion 100%. My philosophy here is gender blind.

To clarify, I posted my question knowing that it was most likely that people would have an inventory of mostly female models from which to make an assessment. However, it was left open for anyone to weigh in on models of any gender of course, and as such I appreciate your response Myrads, thanks.

Beyond that, thank you very much to all of you who responded. I didn't expect all these posts so fast and, more importantly, I appreciate them for shedding light on this and for satisfying my curiosity. Thank you all.
The OP's language seemed to indicate that he was speaking/asking about female models in specific, so I wrote my response with that in mind, but you could place "person" in place of "woman" and "they" for "she" in my post and it would still reflect my opinion 100%. My philosophy here is gender blind.

No, it's not a statement that one can make universally. However in the context of this discussion I stand behind it.

The context that I was operating within is how an individual chooses to use their body. Most specifically in the realm of 'work'. They have made a choice. I respect that choice. It's their choice.

To make a more basic example, I might not like the look of most tattoos, I don't find facial piercings to be all that attractive, and in fact most time I find them to be detractive. It's my personal taste. But if someone wants to pierce themselves, and tattoo themselves up from head to toe I'm perfectly fine with it. Because it's their body to do with as they choose. Am I troubled by women that have ribs removed to look thinner? Massive breast and ass implants to gain a look? And other forms of surgeries that alter a body cosmetically? Yup. but the only person that I feel my opinion should have any impact on is ME. Others are free to pursue their desired modifications as they will. Who am I to say they cannot? I see how you use your body the same way.

You are correct. My statement is general beyond tickling videos and even fetish modeling. It's your body. You get to do with it what you choose so long as you are not displacing a cost of that action onto your fellow members of society.

If it's legal and they choose to do it on their own free will, then fine by me. I have no issues with them doing it. Their body, their choice.

And as I said above, my liking it, believing its a good choice, or even being comfortable with said choice has zero impact on the fact that I think they should be able to do it. I wouldn't want someone telling me what I can and cannot do with my body within the legal framework of our society, so I won't be telling anyone else what they can.


Crikey. I'm gonna have to put my thinking hat on for this, I think!

Well, the model's prerogative (if that's the right word) is the key thing here. I think we agree on this much.

It's just that when you said that you were "cool" with WHATEVER a person does to their body, it sounded, to my ears anyway, a little callous. I mean the examples you give pertain to cosmetic procedures, which are, on the whole, relatively harmless. But one could do pretty serious harm to oneself, to one's body (either in a 'work' context or no), without necessarily being a burden to society. In that scenario, one ENDEAVOURS to respect the person's free will, but to respect it automatically and absolutely could potentially be a mistake, could it not? I suppose once a person intervenes, then some sort of - er - societal cost (if that's the right term - probably not!) may be incurred, but only once somebody has said: "Never mind free will, this person is a danger to themselves."

I realize that's an extreme (not to mention non-specific) example, though!

I suppose one could say that I have an issue with certain types of - extreme - fetish modelling, and as you rightly say, this does not give me, or any such person, the right to prohibit people from participating in it; but at the same time I could never be cool, fine, whatever the word is, with it. That may just turn out to be a shortcoming of mine, though, I dunno. Nevertheless, one TOLERATES it because, to get back to my initial point, one respects the prerogative of the model.

I shall now look forward to seeing what kind of intellectual hole I've dug myself into. lol

P.S. We do, at any rate, agree on one thing: tattoos. (Sorry tattoo-wearers! :D)
Yes, I believe your initial post should eliminate the Immoral Slut usage, as most of us don't have a problem with it. The models I've met have been great fun, and I appreciated their contributions, why turn around and call them sluts for? It just don't make no sense.
I feel if you were to post this question on more of a vanilla site you'd get completely different answers. I personally feel most people on fetish sites will say they adore them or they don't really care. It would be interesting to see this topic posted on Reddit.
I feel if you were to post this question on more of a vanilla site you'd get completely different answers. I personally feel most people on fetish sites will say they adore them or they don't really care. It would be interesting to see this topic posted on Reddit.

Generally speaking people are terrified of anything different. And to vanillas we're definitely different. If someone posted a question like this on Reddit I wouldn't be surprised if they had to close that thread based on the responses. There was a woman on YouTube that was very open about her foot fetish. She had tons of followers but the number of negative comments and PM's far outweighed the number of supporters. Eventually she couldn't take anymore and had to close her account.
@Mabus -- No doubt, tickling is pretty far removed from more hardcore humiliation fetish stuff. I wouldn't consider tickling in that genre either -- I think it's more about connections and bonding -- but one could easily argue that humiliation is a core part of tickling as well. Far more so, I think tickling is about power and dominance, but that's a digression.

It's my fault for being vague, but when I began talking about the ideas of humiliation I wasn't thinking in a strictly tickling sense, but rather a broader sense, where one gives up power over themselves for personal (monetary?) gain. It's just that, fetish modeling would fall under that category and I had to seriously question the duality of my beliefs. I'm still not sure how I feel, because on the one hand I respect the models for what they do, but on the other, if I don't respect the generalized situation, maybe I really don't? I haven't figured it out yet, myself.

On the other hand, when my ex used to loan me her feet -- giving up dominance over herself to me -- it made me feel, I don't know, pretty happy? that she either trusted me so much or had so much faith in me, I guess. Bit tough for me to describe; I guess that she was submitting to me? Anyway, I'm just trying to get at that things are more complex than I'm giving them credit for.

@Myriads -- Have I ever mentioned that I greatly enjoy your post? They're almost always very good reads.

@Porcelain -- Yeah, the idea of posting this question elsewhere intrigues me. At least within this community, I think that people are more accepting of models because of the community's proximity to them. That's a good thing: distance from a subject has the chance to make a person more apprehensive of it, due to a lack of understanding and knowledge.

Of course, only a small fraction of the user-base has responded to this thread. Can't really gauge the entire community based on that, yea?
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