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Female sports reporters having their harassing tweets read to their faces

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TMF Jeff

TMF owner and co-founder
Apr 2, 2001
Be warned, this is pretty strong stuff.

(These aren't the guys who wrote the tweets, but they are the real women who received them.)

Awful, and just plain sexually harassing comments.


If someone wanted to write "I think you suck as a sports reporter for (whatever valid reason because of their reporting of sports) that' is one thing, but those comments that were read, had nothing to do with how the reporter does their job. The people who wrote the comments, intended to insult the female reporters, by using sexual harassment to do so.
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Yeah, there are plenty of aggressive man-boys out there. Fuckin' eggs talkin' trash.
Wow, those tweets are one thing, but holy shit those edgelords in the comment section. :disgust:
Men do get harassed more often than women, it's true. But the harassment women face is of a different nature.
I think all of the people in posted video were pretty brave.
Men do get harassed more often than women, it's true. But the harassment women face is of a different nature.
I think all of the people in posted video were pretty brave.

It may be different, but that doesn't make it worse. The fact that media only seems to care about bad thing happening is when it happens to women is sexism. Be it online harassment or the Boko Haram burning boy to death in a school vs abducting a group of girls. It's a double standard and it's wrong.
The abducted girls story has been ongoing, hence the extended coverage. And good luck getting in-depth Boko Haram coverage stateside. Check out BBC and The Guardian for starters.
Ya, but in other words, is this really the right context to hammer in that point? Did you watch the video? You can really watch a woman cry after having her rape thrown in her face, and your response is that it's unfair to men? You can't see a human being suffering and just feel bad for her without making it about you?

I mean, by all means champion your cause. But you don't have to bring it into every conversation like a chip on your shoulder.

Nothing makes it okay, the fact that nobody cares unless it's happening to women pisses me off.
Since we are on the topic....

Which one of you on this said forum or thread wishes to address the real problem?

White knights only go so far.....

Let the games begin!
Ya, but in other words, is this really the right context to hammer in that point? Did you watch the video? You can really watch a woman cry after having her rape thrown in her face, and your response is that it's unfair to men? You can't see a human being suffering and just feel bad for her without making it about you?

I mean, by all means champion your cause. But you don't have to bring it into every conversation like a chip on your shoulder.

My point is it's wrong no matter what. Not just because it happens to women. It's only getting attention here because these particular victims happen to be women.

That's all I am saying.
My point is it's wrong no matter what. Not just because it happens to women. It's only getting attention here because these particular victims happen to be women.

That's all I am saying.

I understood what you were saying. But I don't think you understood my point about why this isn't the right context for your point to be made.

I think you're completely wrong, but I respect your right to feel the way you feel. But I wouldn't walk into a cancer ward and tell people "Stop complaining - other people than you have had cancer," nor would I say about a woman who's crying after having her rape thrown in her face "This happens to men too, so I'm mad that you're being talked about."

Personally, I would keep that feeling to myself, because it comes across as extremely selfish.
My point is it's wrong no matter what. Not just because it happens to women. It's only getting attention here because these particular victims happen to be women.
That's all I am saying.

The reason the harassment is sexual in nature is because the targets are women, and women are who are not anonymous. There's no protection of anonymity for the victims, so the harassers take pleasure in being able to attack a real person, with attacks that are sexual in nature. So, the threats are much different than your run-of-the-mill "you're a stupid basement dweller who lives with your mom" kind of thing between two anonymous screen names. Do you not see that, or do you just not care that nature of the harassment (and, at this level, it's really more of an attack) and the choice of victim are based solely on their gender?
The reason the harassment is sexual in nature is because the targets are women, and women are who are not anonymous. There's no protection of anonymity for the victims, so the harassers take pleasure in being able to attack a real person, with attacks that are sexual in nature. So, the threats are much different than your run-of-the-mill "you're a stupid basement dweller who lives with your mom" kind of thing between two anonymous screen names. Do you not see that, or do you just not care that nature of the harassment (and, at this level, it's really more of an attack) and the choice of victim are based solely on their gender?

The majority of online threats of violence are made against men not women. Go back and watch that video I linked to my original comments to see its true. I've said my piece on this topic.
The majority of online threats of violence are made against men not women. Go back and watch that video I linked to my original comments to see its true. I've said my piece on this topic.

So, you completely ignored the sexual aspect of the threats, which are overwhelmingly made towards women. Again...do you not think there's a difference, or do you just not care?
I figure, since you're ignoring that aspect of it, I can ignore your "I've said my piece" proclamation.
The problem with these kinds of discussions, especially when "that type" of person gets involved is that society caters regularly with male needs/demands first and Formost. It becomes the expected norm and there's a false sense of expectation that builds through the years. When something comes up that highlights the difficulties that those who don't fall into that majority rule have to deal with or unjustly experience, "that type" will resent the spotlight of importance being shifted off of them. Usually leads to doing whatever is necessary to get it back. You can never truly reason with them until they choose to open their mind to life outside the power bubble they grew up in.

Good on those here who make that effort all the same, it's nice to see a generally very respectful discourse on things like this here. (I'm new-ish).
The problem with these kinds of discussions, especially when "that type" of person gets involved is that society caters regularly with male needs/demands first and Formost. It becomes the expected norm and there's a false sense of expectation that builds through the years. When something comes up that highlights the difficulties that those who don't fall into that majority rule have to deal with or unjustly experience, "that type" will resent the spotlight of importance being shifted off of them. Usually leads to doing whatever is necessary to get it back. You can never truly reason with them until they choose to open their mind to life outside the power bubble they grew up in.

Good on those here who make that effort all the same, it's nice to see a generally very respectful discourse on things like this here. (I'm new-ish).

Male needs first and formost? Are you from an alternate reality because I've yet to see hear or experience that? All I see is men being sacrifised on a daily bases in an effort to capitulat to female needs. An entire contanent has been built around what women want (that being North America) with absolutly no consern for men who are simply expected to die for the benifit of women.

Are Men Obsolete (Karen Straughan Ryorson University in Toronto)

Should Men Check Their Privileges? (Christina H. Sommers)

So spare me the propagabda speach
I've seen a lot on the Internet, and even for me this is a whole new level of crazy paranoia. I feel like I'm having a conversation with an alien, like there's absolutely no common ground where I could begin to explain what I think is so wrong about this.

I mean, putting aside the spelling (dude, those red squiggly lines in your comment window are trying to tell you something) it's just all kinds of statements that I can't even understand. And no, I'm not clicking any crazy-links - youtube is a cesspool under the best of circumstances, I can't even imagine what kind of people view and comment on that kind of video.

Personally, I have never seen a man "sacrificed" to "capitulate" to anyone's needs, except for other (rich, white) men.

In what way has this "continent" been built around what women want? Until about a hundred years ago they couldn't vote, and until about 40 years ago they couldn't apply for credit without a husband's signature.

In 1963 it was common for businesses to run two ads for the same job, one with a pay scale for men, and one with a lower pay scale for the exact same job, for women. At the time of the Equal Pay Act, women earned less than 60% of what men earned for the same work.

Until 1975 there was no such thing as marital rape. The law didn't recognize that a women had the right to refuse sex with her husband.

Whoever dreamed up this world catering to women that you've managed to imagine, they did a pretty terrible job, would you agree?

Male needs first and formost? Are you from an alternate reality because I've yet to see hear or experience that? All I see is men being sacrifised on a daily bases in an effort to capitulat to female needs. An entire contanent has been built around what women want (that being North America) with absolutly no consern for men who are simply expected to die for the benifit of women.

Are Men Obsolete (Karen Straughan Ryorson University in Toronto)

Should Men Check Their Privileges? (Christina H. Sommers)

So spare me the propagabda speach
I've seen a lot on the Internet, and even for me this is a whole new level of crazy paranoia. I feel like I'm having a conversation with an alien, like there's absolutely no common ground where I could begin to explain what I think is so wrong about this.

I mean, putting aside the spelling (dude, those red squiggly lines in your comment window are trying to tell you something) it's just all kinds of statements that I can't even understand. And no, I'm not clicking any crazy-links - youtube is a cesspool under the best of circumstances, I can't even imagine what kind of people view and comment on that kind of video.

Personally, I have never seen a man "sacrificed" to "capitulate" to anyone's needs, except for other (rich, white) men.

In what way has this "continent" been built around what women want? Until about a hundred years ago they couldn't vote, and until about 40 years ago they couldn't apply for credit without a husband's signature.

In 1963 it was common for businesses to run two ads for the same job, one with a pay scale for men, and one with a lower pay scale for the exact same job, for women. At the time of the Equal Pay Act, women earned less than 60% of what men earned for the same work.

Until 1975 there was no such thing as marital rape. The law didn't recognize that a women had the right to refuse sex with her husband

Whoever dreamed up this world catering to women that you've managed to imagine, they did a pretty terrible job, would you agree?

No I wouldn't, and if you would open your eys and watch those two videos (the secound by author Christina H. Sommers "Who Stold Feminism") you wouldn't either, but I guess your fear of the truth makes that impossible. And since I'm not a rich white male I fale to see where that is relevent.

WW 1 had the white feather campaign where women shamed men in the British Commonwealth in to inlisting (some who died) to keep them safe. It was even in the propaganda posters. Pretty amazing how an oppressed group can shame their oppressors huh?

WW 2, The white feather campaign returned, as well as the draft/cconscription into service. In many places women could aready vote, yet none of them were forced in to service. Same with the Korean war as well as Vietnam. I believe it wasn't until after Vietnam that there was any push to get women into front line combat, and only 8% of women in the service have any interest in doing that.

As far as law goes their are comments about that in the videos. Including a refference to the fact that when communities discovered men were abusing thier wives or children they were often (iif not always) flogged. Men who were on the recieving end of abuse were given what was called a Skimmington ride threw town. Things haven't changed much on that front.

Ask yourself why Major League Baseball didn't bring in a Domestice Violence statute when Tawny Kitaen attacked Chuck Finlay while he was driving them somewhere? Probably because they were laughing at him.

Credit card is the easiest one. Back in those days a man would be responsible for covering his wifes debts if she could not. That being the case wouldn't you want to have final say on if she got a credit card?

Sorry for the spelling, I'm doing this from my phone and that red line doesn't show up, and my phone doesn't always give me the word I am looking for.


Almost forgot, you mentioned marital rape. Well obviously everbody didn't think that way because the mostly male Government brought in a law for it didn't they? And a mostley male goverment also reinstated the term rape, except not in the United States women canot be charged with rape even if they violate a man while he is sleeping.

Thank you Mary P. Koss you lying troll.
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Annnnd this is everything I was talking about. I actually wish one of those types would prove the formula wrong, at least once. It's always so depressing when the links and "proof" start rolling in.

You know what's funny.. Is your issue with my saying that the world caters to "male needs first," oblivious to what it means. I agree with you. You haven't experienced that yet because it feels just like any other day. No one questions why their is light when the sun rises. So it makes sense that the only thing you can take as real is the feeling that power is being taken from you. If you have it all, the only thing you can ever feel is the loss. But links won't change the truth, and people can find twisted meaning in any words if they want it bad enough. Politicians do it all the time. "Controlling the narrative" as is so often said these days. You know what controlling the information does though? Nothing more than pick and choose what facts people get to know. It does nothing for sharing the truth with the world.

Your so ready to insist that my view is propaganda, but when it really comes down to it, all I've done is express my opinion on the behaviours I see. You're the one gathering links in a desperate attempt to clear yourself of a pervcieved wrong, hoping to convince other men to think of themselves. I used to think that way, I used to be selfish and presume that I was somehow a victim of a world bent on taking from me what I am owed, but I am not owed, I never was, and no one is taking anything from me. And no one is taking anything from you either. I'm not attacking you, nor do I really intend to do so, it won't fix anything. No one thinks when they're focused on defending themselves. It's up to you to decide if your willing to think of others experiences. No one can force you to do that.

** oh, as for that whole credit card thing, no I wouldn't want to have that final say on someone else's property. By that logic I should also be allowed to dictate how you spend your finances. Haven't you ever wondered who was it really who decided that men had to be in charge of covering a woman's own debt? Women certainly weren't in any legal form of power at that time. That was a rule made by other men, because no one was willing to hold them accountable for themselves like real people.
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