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Past resentment towards feet.


TMF Master
Jan 19, 2017
It's not a common as it was back in the day but there use to be a heavy resentment towards feet and I always found it funny people could hold such a strong resentment towards a body part. Now the complaint was that feet were "overrepresented" or they hated how people(whether vanilla or not) would assume feet were usually the most ticklish part of the body. There was this need to somehow try and prove that feet ether weren't the most ticklish or even resort to slander by claiming feet weren't that ticklish or barely ticklish at all. Now other popular ticklish spots were never targeted to that type of scrutiny. The upper body is just as well known and popular as feet and were usually the first go to spot for tickling because of the conveniences. But there was never a push to dispel the ticklishness for the upper body. What was it about feet that used to cause so much envy?
For me, it was unfortunately how many people bring up the subject in private messages or in chat etc. They can come across overzealous, to put it politely.
Revy, I think part of the issue is..

Some of the forum's members, including myself, have the dual fetish of enjoying tickling, and feet.

As someone who has been into tickling for many years.

I'm very well aware that many people who are very or extremely ticklish, may only be slightly ticklish on their feet, but extremely ticklish in other parts of their body.

I'm also aware that many people dislike feet, because they find them unattractive, for whatever reason.

My view: Everyone has a right to their own opinion. If people dislike feet, I respect that viewpoint. Hopefully those who do dislike feet, will also understand that some people do like and have a foot fetish.

I say, the key is mutual respect, for whatever the viewpoint is.
I really can't speak for everyone, but I can relay a true tale. I know a woman who found this forum some time back. She became active and met with various people for sessions. Eventually, our paths crossed and she told me how it was more than a year before she realized not every tickler had a foot fetish. It was over a year before she realized she could ask to be tickled elsewhere. She literally thought that in order to be a part of the tickling world, she had to accommodate these foot desires. She thought they were one and the same because every person she met immediately asked her about her feet. Every person she had a session with focused on her feet. Even though her preferences were overwhelmingly upperbody related, her mindset was it was better to be tickled on her feet than not tickled at all.

Another thing I've seen which I can can understand might annoy others - when clip previews are posted, even if they are clearly marked "armpit" or "upperbody", the barrage of "What about her feet?" or "shame you didn't get her feet", etc. That said, I don't know that there was/is resentment towards "feet" themselves, so much as annoyance at the aggressiveness of the more foot obsessed members. I mean I'm sure they exist somewhere, but I've never seen "The lee has a gorgeous ribcage" comments.
I got nothing in terms of facts or science, just anecdotal stuff. My foot fetish began without tickling. I was very young, and at some point, with no provocation, no personal actions done to me or me to anyone else----one day, the sight of women barefoot just did something for me. I didn't know what until puberty. The tickling was added along the way, i.e., when I started seeing images on TV or saw women's feet tickled in real life, that simply added to the experience. I guess my point here is that for some of us, the foot thing was primal, and that tickling is simply part of the whole fetish. The tickling aspect of my fetish spread to other body parts over time, but the only one that carried a visceral, primal power, visually and otherwise, was women's bare feet.
Well, since you asked...

I will go ahead and be another voice echoing the sentiment that it's not so much a resentment for "feet" as a body part, but more an overwhelming exhaustion with the foot fetish community, or, more likely, a few particular members thereof. Many, many, many have been the times I have been PMed and had the entire conversation drop to a lull when it ceased to be about EXCLUSIVELY feet. Several times I have had the experience of RPing with somebody, and despite my telling them they were not the most effective spot, they only and EXCLUSIVELY focused on my feet, and would pay no attention to any other part of me. I cannot even begin to count the times somebody would message me, not even asking, sometimes not even saying hello first, but beginning to barrage me with questions about how ticklish my feet were (not IF, but how much), and when I answered honestly, instead of moving on, they would talk EXCLUSIVELY about feet even after that. (What size? Do you paint your nails? What color do you use? You don't? Not even clear? Are you sure they aren't that ticklish? Maybe you just haven't been tickled properly. I could make you scream... blah blah...)

I don't often use all caps, but the emphasis was my point. I was made to feel as if all I was to these people was a pair of feet. Not even my OWN feet, but feet they had made up in their head, that were the way they thought feet should be, that who I was and what I was interested in talking about was completely irrelevant so long as I possessed feet that they could objectify and question me endlessly about, and pretend to know more about than I did myself.

I know there are other people who focus on a different part of the body. I have met some. But honestly, I have NEVER been made to feel by these people quite the way some... not all... but A WHOLE LOT of the foot fetish community here has made me feel. That, honestly, and not feet themselves, is what I have a problem with. If you are concerned with the seeming animosity some people seem to have toward an interest in feet, I would gently suggest speaking to the other members of your community, and let them know that their behavior is giving the rest of you a reputation that you are finding it difficult to deal with.

Nobody should be made to feel bad about their fetish, even if it's unpopular. But when you are speaking to others, bear in mind that they may not share the same fetish, and respect that. Again, no malice toward the OP, and I appreciate the question being asked. Sorry for the rant, but I have been wanting to say these things for a while now, I think.
I used to think that the 100% of us had a foot fetish. Well, at least the male members, cause I have yet to meet a girl with a foot fetish. I was very surprised to find out that it wasn't the case. Still, there is a sufficient amount of us here who DO have a foot fetish to let me think that the two are somehow correlated.

As for the inexcusable behavior of the "community"... I really sympathize with you ladies (and the few men who get hit on too, as it happens once in a while), but I wonder if it is really something that comes up with the fetish, or if it is rather the deplorable side effect of being on the Internet. Lots of guys are creepy once they can hide behind a keyboard, not just guys with a foot fetish, surely?

As for the OP, I think you do not need to overthink this. As Mitchell said, to each their own! There are people who hate feet, find them gross or unpleasant to look at (FOOLS!!! :sowrong:), but for each one like them there will be a nice and open-minded person to share your passion with. My wife actually had no idea that there was such a thing as a "foot fetish" but as soon as we started dating, she learned to appreciate the beauty of her feet, and now even takes full advantage of it. She even preaches her female friends to take better care of their feet, explaining that they can be a handy weapon in the art of seduction.
I wanna believe that there's no relationship between foot fetishist and creepiness, but it really almost appears that way with the volume and frequency of the negative interactions with feet being the subject.
Key word is fixation. One can find feet attractive, but it's not everything enjoyable about the female anatomy. :)
I have been a huge cheerleader of “tickling is normal” camp. Or at least, if nothing else, we have it… lets learn to live with it, and enjoy it. :) And I still believe that whole heartedly. But, over the years, I understand more of the differences- in what is reasonable behaviour, and what is unreasonable behavior(s). Also taking into account I am on a Fetish Forum. And within that, I make allowances for others interactions with me, that other women and men do not. I have boundaries. But no boundary size fits all. Anyway...

Some people are obsessive to the point that they do not function well on this forum with others. There have definitely been more than a few I have gotten upset with. Some though has just been miscommunication errors. Or thinking errors. On my part or theirs. Some of those have been fixed with time.. As I’m sure others will be too. (Time does cure a lot of past upsets.) But… there are some that can’t. For whatever reasons we can think of.

But as time has gone on… I have learned, and am continuing to learn, how important it is to be understanding of people who really can’t function well with this, around others here, and in their daily lives offline.

Now being so open online with this… at this point (including my relationship…) I've had to wonder if I STILL have an unhealthy obsession with it. So reading this thread today, I decided to reup myself on reading about paraphilias. This term (which is new to me) stuck out: Fetishistic Disorder. Now… so far I can’t find a more legitimate site on this such as the Mayo Clinic. I mean fetishes are still being discussed if they should be in the DSM. But, I read this and for me, it provides more insight as to some of the behaviors we see here in our social interactions. I may have it to a certain degree... but not full throttle:


I obviously can’t sit here and say this gives everyone a pass as to what they do around here. BUT… I think everyone (as much as we can) -sit back and think about giving reflection time to understanding more about this disorder. If this IS indeed a disorder… (And I think it is for a great deal of us.) People here that act abnormally with this… can't control it. And if some are dealing with another mental illness already, the behavior is compounded 10 fold. I’m not saying let these people do what they want. I’m saying try to look at what it is they are doing, with a different perspective.

Everyone just needs to set clear boundaries. And not let them be crossed. When they are crossed, either go to Admin or ignore the person. Some of us are able to say our boundaries with enough of a Dominant approach, that the person in question understands what is being said to them. (At least for the remainder of the day lol.) If you are not able to be Dominant or state your boundaries. Think about asking me or others here for some go to answers to have at your ready. I had to learn them too. As in the beginning I never wanted to upset anyone. Or hurt anyone. I had forgotten how to be assertive. Now, I am. Rare is the occasion where a conversation has to degenerate into a sparring match. You just have to be clear, and to the point. And you can do it without name calling or beration.

Rather than say… make fun of people or berate them. (In most cases anyway… some people are just born to troll.) A lot of people here are already dealing with a mental illness. And this is in of itself another BIG issue to deal with. It will continue to be annoying at times and frustrating. Again to the point of sometimes having to go to Admin. But, if you can learn to understand that people here with Feet or Tickling fetish… could be for them an ACTUAL Disorder… then it will be easier for everyone to get along better. And when these situations arise, handle the person with this, with more decency.

This IS a fetish site so in that way a lot of behaviors should be expected. And I’ve grown more accustomed to them as time has gone on. And I’m still learning. I myself may have Fetish “Disorder” by at least 50%. BUT: It doesn't interfere with my daily interactions here or offline. Except for my relationship. I can’t get off without at least fantasizing about tickling. And other things. But, I realize how lucky I am now when I realize this could very well be a reality for a lot of people here. Yes it has caused major problems in my relationship. But, I’m not getting thrown in jail because I can’t control my urges. I’m not being berated here because I pm out of the blue and try to force my will on others and etc etc etc. And so.. I can’t help but feel bad for them. But boundaries still need to be set. And still, there really is no reason to berate anyone unless there's due cause. Which for me is rare. Still happens. And even then I try to handle these situations as best as I can navigate them in the moment. Without it turning into an argument, if possible.

The thing is… we could sit here with each person who exhibits these types of behaviors with everything we have, to make them aware of what they are doing. With beratement, kindness, the patience of Jobe. Even with all the patience in the world… some just will NOT understand… because they actually CAN’T understand it. And it will behoove anyone who is at their wits end here, with encountering people who may have this… to chalk it up to their disorder. And set your boundaries unwaveringly. With as much an even keeled attitude as possible. For your own sanity. And theirs. That way, you know you tried to handle the person with as much grace as you could. And left them with as much dignity as they should have.

I think about feet and tickling so much already (And I love All over body tickling btw-) that I can’t even imagine what it would be like to have zero impulse control. Or could not be aware of myself enough to understand social etiquette here. I’m fairly sure a lot people here feel overwhelming sense of guilt and shame as it is. Beyond just having this fetish(es).
Revy, I think part of the issue is..

Some of the forum's members, including myself, have the dual fetish of enjoying tickling, and feet.

As someone who has been into tickling for many years.

I'm very well aware that many people who are very or extremely ticklish, may only be slightly ticklish on their feet, but extremely ticklish in other parts of their body.

I'm also aware that many people dislike feet, because they find them unattractive, for whatever reason.

My view: Everyone has a right to their own opinion. If people dislike feet, I respect that viewpoint. Hopefully those who do dislike feet, will also understand that some people do like and have a foot fetish.

I say, the key is mutual respect, for whatever the viewpoint is.

Awesome reply. I too have a foot and tickling fetish that started very young. My first recollections are that I was attracted to bare feet. Soon after, a desire to tickle bare feet began.

I'm fine/good with all levels of "ticklishness" with regards to feet as long as I am attracted to the feet in question.
I have been a huge cheerleader of “tickling is normal” camp. Or at least, if nothing else, we have it… lets learn to live with it, and enjoy it. :) And I still believe that whole heartedly. But, over the years, I understand more of the differences- in what is reasonable behaviour, and what is unreasonable behavior(s). Also taking into account I am on a Fetish Forum. And within that, I make allowances for others interactions with me, that other women and men do not. I have boundaries. But no boundary size fits all. Anyway...

Some people are obsessive to the point that they do not function well on this forum with others. There have definitely been more than a few I have gotten upset with. Some though has just been miscommunication errors. Or thinking errors. On my part or theirs. Some of those have been fixed with time.. As I’m sure others will be too. (Time does cure a lot of past upsets.) But… there are some that can’t. For whatever reasons we can think of.

But as time has gone on… I have learned, and am continuing to learn, how important it is to be understanding of people who really can’t function well with this, around others here, and in their daily lives offline.

Now being so open online with this… at this point (including my relationship…) I've had to wonder if I STILL have an unhealthy obsession with it. So reading this thread today, I decided to reup myself on reading about paraphilias. This term (which is new to me) stuck out: Fetishistic Disorder. Now… so far I can’t find a more legitimate site on this such as the Mayo Clinic. I mean fetishes are still being discussed if they should be in the DSM. But, I read this and for me, it provides more insight as to some of the behaviors we see here in our social interactions. I may have it to a certain degree... but not full throttle:


I obviously can’t sit here and say this gives everyone a pass as to what they do around here. BUT… I think everyone (as much as we can) -sit back and think about giving reflection time to understanding more about this disorder. If this IS indeed a disorder… (And I think it is for a great deal of us.) People here that act abnormally with this… can't control it. And if some are dealing with another mental illness already, the behavior is compounded 10 fold. I’m not saying let these people do what they want. I’m saying try to look at what it is they are doing, with a different perspective.

Everyone just needs to set clear boundaries. And not let them be crossed. When they are crossed, either go to Admin or ignore the person. Some of us are able to say our boundaries with enough of a Dominant approach, that the person in question understands what is being said to them. (At least for the remainder of the day lol.) If you are not able to be Dominant or state your boundaries. Think about asking me or others here for some go to answers to have at your ready. I had to learn them too. As in the beginning I never wanted to upset anyone. Or hurt anyone. I had forgotten how to be assertive. Now, I am. Rare is the occasion where a conversation has to degenerate into a sparring match. You just have to be clear, and to the point. And you can do it without name calling or beration.

Rather than say… make fun of people or berate them. (In most cases anyway… some people are just born to troll.) A lot of people here are already dealing with a mental illness. And this is in of itself another BIG issue to deal with. It will continue to be annoying at times and frustrating. Again to the point of sometimes having to go to Admin. But, if you can learn to understand that people here with Feet or Tickling fetish… could be for them an ACTUAL Disorder… then it will be easier for everyone to get along better. And when these situations arise, handle the person with this, with more decency.

This IS a fetish site so in that way a lot of behaviors should be expected. And I’ve grown more accustomed to them as time has gone on. And I’m still learning. I myself may have Fetish “Disorder” by at least 50%. BUT: It doesn't interfere with my daily interactions here or offline. Except for my relationship. I can’t get off without at least fantasizing about tickling. And other things. But, I realize how lucky I am now when I realize this could very well be a reality for a lot of people here. Yes it has caused major problems in my relationship. But, I’m not getting thrown in jail because I can’t control my urges. I’m not being berated here because I pm out of the blue and try to force my will on others and etc etc etc. And so.. I can’t help but feel bad for them. But boundaries still need to be set. And still, there really is no reason to berate anyone unless there's due cause. Which for me is rare. Still happens. And even then I try to handle these situations as best as I can navigate them in the moment. Without it turning into an argument, if possible.

The thing is… we could sit here with each person who exhibits these types of behaviors with everything we have, to make them aware of what they are doing. With beratement, kindness, the patience of Jobe. Even with all the patience in the world… some just will NOT understand… because they actually CAN’T understand it. And it will behoove anyone who is at their wits end here, with encountering people who may have this… to chalk it up to their disorder. And set your boundaries unwaveringly. With as much an even keeled attitude as possible. For your own sanity. And theirs. That way, you know you tried to handle the person with as much grace as you could. And left them with as much dignity as they should have.

I think about feet and tickling so much already (And I love All over body tickling btw-) that I can’t even imagine what it would be like to have zero impulse control. Or could not be aware of myself enough to understand social etiquette here. I’m fairly sure a lot people here feel overwhelming sense of guilt and shame as it is. Beyond just having this fetish(es).

Extremely well thought out and expressed. Thank you for sharing this.
I have been a huge cheerleader of “tickling is normal” camp. Or at least, if nothing else, we have it… lets learn to live with it, and enjoy it. :) And I still believe that whole heartedly. But, over the years, I understand more of the differences- in what is reasonable behaviour, and what is unreasonable behavior(s). Also taking into account I am on a Fetish Forum. And within that, I make allowances for others interactions with me, that other women and men do not. I have boundaries. But no boundary size fits all. Anyway...

Some people are obsessive to the point that they do not function well on this forum with others. There have definitely been more than a few I have gotten upset with. Some though has just been miscommunication errors. Or thinking errors. On my part or theirs. Some of those have been fixed with time.. As I’m sure others will be too. (Time does cure a lot of past upsets.) But… there are some that can’t. For whatever reasons we can think of.

But as time has gone on… I have learned, and am continuing to learn, how important it is to be understanding of people who really can’t function well with this, around others here, and in their daily lives offline.

Now being so open online with this… at this point (including my relationship…) I've had to wonder if I STILL have an unhealthy obsession with it. So reading this thread today, I decided to reup myself on reading about paraphilias. This term (which is new to me) stuck out: Fetishistic Disorder. Now… so far I can’t find a more legitimate site on this such as the Mayo Clinic. I mean fetishes are still being discussed if they should be in the DSM. But, I read this and for me, it provides more insight as to some of the behaviors we see here in our social interactions. I may have it to a certain degree... but not full throttle:


I obviously can’t sit here and say this gives everyone a pass as to what they do around here. BUT… I think everyone (as much as we can) -sit back and think about giving reflection time to understanding more about this disorder. If this IS indeed a disorder… (And I think it is for a great deal of us.) People here that act abnormally with this… can't control it. And if some are dealing with another mental illness already, the behavior is compounded 10 fold. I’m not saying let these people do what they want. I’m saying try to look at what it is they are doing, with a different perspective.

Everyone just needs to set clear boundaries. And not let them be crossed. When they are crossed, either go to Admin or ignore the person. Some of us are able to say our boundaries with enough of a Dominant approach, that the person in question understands what is being said to them. (At least for the remainder of the day lol.) If you are not able to be Dominant or state your boundaries. Think about asking me or others here for some go to answers to have at your ready. I had to learn them too. As in the beginning I never wanted to upset anyone. Or hurt anyone. I had forgotten how to be assertive. Now, I am. Rare is the occasion where a conversation has to degenerate into a sparring match. You just have to be clear, and to the point. And you can do it without name calling or beration.

Rather than say… make fun of people or berate them. (In most cases anyway… some people are just born to troll.) A lot of people here are already dealing with a mental illness. And this is in of itself another BIG issue to deal with. It will continue to be annoying at times and frustrating. Again to the point of sometimes having to go to Admin. But, if you can learn to understand that people here with Feet or Tickling fetish… could be for them an ACTUAL Disorder… then it will be easier for everyone to get along better. And when these situations arise, handle the person with this, with more decency.

This IS a fetish site so in that way a lot of behaviors should be expected. And I’ve grown more accustomed to them as time has gone on. And I’m still learning. I myself may have Fetish “Disorder” by at least 50%. BUT: It doesn't interfere with my daily interactions here or offline. Except for my relationship. I can’t get off without at least fantasizing about tickling. And other things. But, I realize how lucky I am now when I realize this could very well be a reality for a lot of people here. Yes it has caused major problems in my relationship. But, I’m not getting thrown in jail because I can’t control my urges. I’m not being berated here because I pm out of the blue and try to force my will on others and etc etc etc. And so.. I can’t help but feel bad for them. But boundaries still need to be set. And still, there really is no reason to berate anyone unless there's due cause. Which for me is rare. Still happens. And even then I try to handle these situations as best as I can navigate them in the moment. Without it turning into an argument, if possible.

The thing is… we could sit here with each person who exhibits these types of behaviors with everything we have, to make them aware of what they are doing. With beratement, kindness, the patience of Jobe. Even with all the patience in the world… some just will NOT understand… because they actually CAN’T understand it. And it will behoove anyone who is at their wits end here, with encountering people who may have this… to chalk it up to their disorder. And set your boundaries unwaveringly. With as much an even keeled attitude as possible. For your own sanity. And theirs. That way, you know you tried to handle the person with as much grace as you could. And left them with as much dignity as they should have.

I think about feet and tickling so much already (And I love All over body tickling btw-) that I can’t even imagine what it would be like to have zero impulse control. Or could not be aware of myself enough to understand social etiquette here. I’m fairly sure a lot people here feel overwhelming sense of guilt and shame as it is. Beyond just having this fetish(es).

It is always difficult to go after CD, because her posts usually have said it all perfectly :D

I wholeheartedly agree with what you wrote here. About setting boundaries, and dealing with the issues. On the other hand, I do not like the idea that we are suffering from some kind of pathology, and I despise the term "paraphilia". We are not sick, we are not any less normal than our contemporaries with different inclinations. Otherwise, we might as well count a whole lot of people as "abnormal", like the BDSM crowd or the homosexuals. Maybe it's big pharma's wet dream to sell expensive pills and therapies to "help us deal with our tickling fixation", but it is certainly not mine. Henceforth, you can count me in on the cheerleading team! Beware though, I am a lot less sexy than you are :blush:

That being said, I'll read the article you linked and will try to look at it objectively.

Thank you for this awesome post! :ty:
Dang it Doll, another chapter start for your someday-to-be-written book.....

As for me, some convoluted ideas here. Partly because I'm much older than most here. In my younger days, wasn't much shown about tickling. There were two Popeye episodes, where Olive Oyl's feet were tickled, and I recall one Three Stooges episode where some guy got rolled up in a carpet, and Moe tickled his feet until he agreed to let them marry his daughters (or something to that effect). Back then, don't tickle a gal's upper boddy - you might get close to a few areas that the censors would ax. So, maybe foot-tickling came to be the "norm", and most embraced it, hoping for....whatever result. Now, even though I've always had an interest in tickling, I would never have walked up to a gal I was interested in and ask, " Are your feet (or whatever) ticklish?" Back then, I would have been slapped silly, and likely drawn in some guys a bit bigger than me. It was a few months before I tried it with my now-wife, and let's just say, it didn't work (and yet I still try, now and again). I'm guessing those that have to fixate on the feet, it's because the feet are farthest away from the "no-no" spots of women, but with the secret hope they will get access to those other areas. Not sure if that followed the OP's original post, but I'm just thinkin' aloud as an older guy.
I wanna believe that there's no relationship between foot fetishist and creepiness, but it really almost appears that way with the volume and frequency of the negative interactions with feet being the subject.

This. A lot of footfuckers seemingly just can't comprehend, to any degree, how what they're doing and saying strikes people. It's baffling.

Like holy shit.
I don't think you can compare the foot focus to other focuses on a 1 to 10 scale.
You have to use logarithmic scale.
Focus on parts of the body other than feet, the scale is 1 to 10.
Feet only the scale, X 10 or 10 to 100
Add nylons to the feet, the scale is X 100 or 100 to 1000.
When I first discovered tickling sites and communities in my early teens, I remember being somewhat weirded out by the excessive amount of foot centered stuff. I am quite purely a tickling fetishist and have most fondness towards upper body tickling. I used to just skip most things related to feet and focus on enjoying tickling material that didn't seem to have distractions from the core thing of just tickling, as foot-centered tickling stuff tends to have. As of myself, I've only grown to appreciate foot tickling over the years, and I believe it's largely due to being initially turned off by foot fetish so often associated with everything to do with foot tickling. I still could not really care less about things like foot size or other details of ticklish feet outside their ticklishness, but now I just kind of filter that stuff out in tickling material without really minding it too negatively, unless it's too excessive.
This. A lot of footfuckers seemingly just can't comprehend, to any degree, how what they're doing and saying strikes people. It's baffling.

Like holy shit.

As a "footfucker" myself, I've got to agree with you. Evidently having 99 percent of clips focus on feet isn't enough for some of them; they have to whine about the 1 percent of upper body clips not catering to them. (Yeah, I know it's not really 99 percent, but it's close enough to that ratio.) And that's not even going into the dehumanizing bit where they reduce women to a pair of feet. I might be one of them, but I've never gone that far with it.
As a "footfucker" myself, I've got to agree with you. Evidently having 99 percent of clips focus on feet isn't enough for some of them; they have to whine about the 1 percent of upper body clips not catering to them. (Yeah, I know it's not really 99 percent, but it's close enough to that ratio.) And that's not even going into the dehumanizing bit where they reduce women to a pair of feet. I might be one of them, but I've never gone that far with it.

Realizing your problems is the 1st step.
Sounds like your now putting your best foot forward.
Maybe you can get others to follow in your footsteps.
Sorry if any of us kicked when you were down.
We should walk a mile in your shoes before passing judgement.
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I've had the hardest time classifying what kind of tickler I am for years. Feet are my favorite but Im an equal opportunity tickler. If hips/inner thighs/ribs are your kill spot, then im goin there when the time is right. But feet would still not be neglected. With that being said I don't know if im a foot guy or not, but liking to tickle them as much as I do I'd say this issue comes down to a few key things:

All the surveys and stuff that I read online about fetishes always says that "foot fetish" is the most common. Even when you mention the word "fetish" in a conversation, someone ALWAYS mentions feet. "What, like feet or something?" I think the fact that there are more foot people in the world then other body parts, mixed with the fact that people in general are just assholes for the most part, is why we see this sometimes "disdain" for the whole foot thing. Honestly I see both sides of the coin. There have been posts on this forum about "candid" foot photos, and no matter what side of the fence you stand on in that fight, there's still a creepy vibe there. You've also got unhinged people with foot fetishes making the news, for either stealing shit from people, breaking into houses, or even molesting people. Of course that's a very very small sample size, but its in the news in the mainstream and people see it. Not to mention the countless stories we see here of the creepy PMs that women get, from insistent and persistent foot guys who wont shut up about it. That's bad manners and bad people skills above all, it just so happens they like feet and like I said...larger sample size of people. Foot people probably outnumber upperbody people here 2 to 1. Mix that with the ratio of men to women and BAM....its just math people. Of course we aren't all like these examples and the vast majority of us are regular, good people. But we are also a lot more quiet then the nuttos that are PMing the shit outta the women here about their feet.

I suppose in a perfect world nobody would be judgmental. Tickle is as tickle does, one for all and all for one kind of shit. But honestly some people have fair reasons to look down on it. Chicago was bombarded by shitty PMs and im sure she isn't the only one. This all goes back to just talking to people like regular fucking people instead of wank fodder. I met a girl on here and we dated for a year. It didn't work out for other reasons but literally all I had to do was talk to her as a person for 2 seconds before we discovered similar interests that were non tickling related. The tickling stuff will come in time, just don't focus on it.

Im high and forgot my second point, but I don't think theres an overwhelming resentment towards feet, I just think that a lot of people have had to wade through a lot of bullshit that was foot related and it soured their experience about it.
Realizing your problems is the 1st step.
Sounds like your now putting your best foot forward.
Maybe you can get others to follow in your footsteps.
Sorry if any of us kicked when you were down.
We should walk a mile in your shoes before passing judgement.

I'm starting to think I might have overstepped somehow.

But in all seriousness, maybe my saying "footfucker" was a bit much. While I do appreciate attractive feet, they're still just one body part and I've never focused on them to the exclusion of the whole person.
Unfortunately Due to a lot of past behaviours from the Foot Fetish community it has become a fetish people in the tickling community (or a lot of people in this community) would rather avoid. Our relentless behaviour, ability to not see the word "No" and to continue trying to push a fetish onto someone has created a border between us Foot Lovers and everyone else.
For me its the simple fact that many men, Especially when they're deprived, horny and needy, will refuse to listen when someone clearly wants them to stop has destroyed many many people from seeing just how wonderful our world can be. Don't get me wrong, I love feet and in the past I have also acted this way. It was only thanks to some close friends on here to help me open my eyes.

Whether or not we can change the way other people in our fetish behave, I do believe that this is the main cause of the scrutiny and resentment towards the foot fetish community. Hopefully though, those who can see this issue, can slowly change the way we are perceived in the future, myself included.
Feet happen to be the most common fetish. If something else besides feet were, I honestly believe we would be having this conversation about whatever "it" was.

Having said that, I think that there are some excellent posts here that cover this topic very well. Nothing or no one is perfect including fetishes and the people who engage in them.

Being willing to openly discuss like this is the best way to educate and improve across the board.

Bravo TMF Members!
I used to think that the 100% of us had a foot fetish. Well, at least the male members, cause I have yet to meet a girl with a foot fetish.

I've found they aren't that rare actually!

I wanna believe that there's no relationship between foot fetishist and creepiness, but it really almost appears that way with the volume and frequency of the negative interactions with feet being the subject.

LMAO. This reminds me of one of my friends in the community. She is quick to comment on the creepiness of foot guys, and I'll remind her some of her fav people in the community are foot guys. Then she'll admit... "Ok it's not ALL foot guys!" lol

When I first discovered tickling sites and communities in my early teens, I remember being somewhat weirded out by the excessive amount of foot centered stuff. I am quite purely a tickling fetishist and have most fondness towards upper body tickling..

I think this gets to the heart of what the OP was seeking. If you go on instagram and do a search on #ticklefetish etc, you'll find more pics of feet than actual tickling. And the pics that have tickling will mostly be foot tickling. The interesting thing is, in the world of foot fetishism, tickling occupies a very, very small space! Somehow though, tickling is equated to foot fetish. Having met in person dozens of ticklephiles, I really don't think foot lovers are the majority. If they are, it's a slight majority. It's possible they do constitute the majority of active posters online. There have always been tons of lurkers here.

So, again, in terms of the OP, as someone whose love of tickling has absolutely nothing to do with a love of feet (though I do love all of a woman's body! lol), I don't resent feet, foot tickling or foot fetishists, I DO find myself resenting when tickling is reduced being equal to foot fetishism, particularly when tickling is almost an afterthought in foot fetishism.
Reading the comments and remembering how some foot guys are it makes sense why people have a bit of a negative opinion on the foot fetish community. I have a foot fetish and even when I read how they talk about feet I find it bizarre. People with tickle fetishes seem to have a similar obsession like the foot fetishes so I guess when you combined the two fetishes it makes for a nasty duo.
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