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The Wife & The Young Shoe Salesman


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Jul 12, 2020
The Wife & The Young Shoe Salesman
by Tamira K.

Mrs Wilkins dropped the keys into Jaiden’s hand.

‘Just remember to put any cash into the safe, set the alarm and lock up so I can deal with it in the morning. There’s a good chance I’ll be back before closing time.’

You won’t be back before closing time, thought Jaiden. You say that every year when you go to this convention but then you get there and want to drink all night with the other people from the National Shoe Retailers Association.

He felt guilty about having these snippy thoughts. Mrs Wilkins was a decent manager and he appreciated that, out of Erick, Norene and himself, he had been chosen to supervise the store for the day. He supposed he felt edgy because he couldn’t wait to get on with it, and by “it” he meant finding the opportunity to tickle a customer.

This was his third summer in a row working at Wilkins’s Good for the Sole. Getting a job between his freshman and sophomore years hadn’t been his favoured idea, but his father informed him that he wouldn’t get away with “couch-slouching” all summer; if he didn’t find a job he’d be doing chores for his great grandma. That was more than enough of an incentive to go job-seeking and it didn’t take much idle thinking for him to fall upon the idea of working in a shoe store. After all, where else could a lad earn money while being so close to what turned him on the most: women’s feet?

He pictured casual chats with ladies from all walks of life who would ask him to assist them by slipping the new shoes on their stockinged or bare feet, at which point he would sneak in a cheeky tickle. He even pictured drawing up a chart in his diary with a tally of how many sexy women he’d tickled each day. Nothing could have motivated him more and he couldn’t believe his luck when he was offered work in a women’s shoe store.

A tall, slim blonde lady walked past them and into the store. Erick immediately stepped into her path and told her to “holler” if she needed any assistance.

The shop floor is little bigger than a boxing ring, thought Jaiden, so why would she “holler”, you clichéd twit?

‘It will all be fine,’ said Jaiden.

‘Great! Then I’m off to see what fashions the autumn season has in-store!’ said Mrs Wilkins. She beamed at her own semi-pun, and set off.

Another customer entered the store. Jaiden hadn’t even opened his mouth when Erick stepped forward again. ‘Welcome, ma’am. Is there anything I can help you with today?’

Norene was a year younger than Jaiden and a proud emo. Mrs Wilkins didn’t permit her to advertise her preferred style with clothes and make-up whilst at work, so she instead concentrated a her attitude to display it. He joined her behind the counter where she was appreciating her latest gothic manicure. ‘Erick’s on a mission today,’ she said.

‘Same as every other day then,’ said Jaiden, appreciating her ability to notice such things when her attention always appeared to be 99% focussed on herself. ‘I don’t know why – it’s not as if Lady Wilkins is here to be impressed.’

‘Maybe he’s just naturally irritating.’

‘You may be onto something,’ said Jaiden. He watched Erick fawn over the customer; drawing her attention to shoes that were nothing like the style she had asked for.

Erick wasn’t an unpleasant guy but he had the ability to effortlessly ooze smarm. Plus, if there were ever an official Geek Ratings Board, Jaiden was sure that Erick, with his wispy blonde hair and ever-changing constellation of zits would be higher up the scale than himself. They probably drew evens when it came to university majors – Jaiden was studying Applied Mathematics while Erick had chosen Computer Science and the debate over which franchise was superior—Star Wars or the Marvel universe—was a topic that could rage endlessly, with Erick on the side of the Jedi.

However, Jaiden knew he had his own major deficit, which was confidence. For some reason Erick had the guts to go up to anyone and start a conversation, whereas Jaiden only felt comfortable when women were so unappealing to him that they stirred as much erotic feeling as a quadratic equation. That said, those types of women were few-and-far-between because he had the ability to see the sexy side of almost any female between the ages of 18 and 55 and he had an unsurpassed predilection for older women.

He buried himself in work at university because every in-built panic instinct flared up at the thought of approaching a pretty girl. But at work and under the supervision of Mrs Wilkins, it was Good for the Sole policy for customers to be offered assistance by the clerks within 25 seconds of their arrival. The things that made this possible for Jaiden were the memorised script that largely prevented any need for improvisation, plus the tangible goal of selling some shoes. However, the continual sabotage of his sweat glands remained.

His fetish-driven and optimistic mindset of two summers ago assumed that daily interaction with beautiful women and their feet would transform him into an expert salesman and nonchalant Casanova. Instead, Jaiden recognised that the self-imposed pressure of achieving even a single stroke of some beautiful woman’s sensitive sole before the end of his third and final summer at the shoe store just made his nerves more agitated. As he saw it, today was the day because it was the only day he could do something without the boss watching over him.

Erick led his customer to the checkout and processed her purchase. ‘Please do come again!’ he said with a grin that should have been accompanied by a well-slicked combover. He leaned casually onto the counter. ‘See that? One pair of Edelman’s sold before 9:15am! Who could have foreseen that?’

‘They were on sale,’ said Norene.


‘If she didn’t buy them, I would have.’

‘You mean you do wear items of clothing that don’t come in Vantablack?’

Norene raised her dispassionate gaze and looked at Erick for some moments, finally breaking the silence with an abrupt, ‘What?’

’Remember I need to go half an hour early today,’ Erick said to Jaiden while keeping his eye on the entrance.

‘Right,’ said Jaiden.

‘And remember I need to go an hour early,’ said Norene.

‘What? You both need to go early? On the one day of the year Mrs Wilkins takes off?’

‘You’ll cope,’ said Norene. Her introspection had moved as far as her leather wristband, which she decided was in need of a replacement.

– – – – –

Erick straightened as he detected another customer approach the store – a wealthy-looking woman in a fur coat who seemed to appreciate his immediate offer of assistance.

She was followed by a mother with two young children.

‘Norene…’ said Jaiden.

‘Yeah?’ she replied, as though he was expecting her to do something well outside her purview. He indicated the mother and she begrudgingly made her way out from behind the counter.

A few moments later a third customer entered and Jaiden’s palms instantly began to leak. She was tall, around 35 and wore a plaid suit. She could have been anything from a school teacher to a business executive to a talent scout; but whatever her profession, she looked supremely confident. The gap between her pant leg and slingback heels displayed wonderfully shapely ankles and Jaiden felt a rush of excitement at the thought of seeing them close up. He took a deep breath and joined her at the high heel display.

‘Welcome to Wilkins’s Good for the Sole. Can I help you find what you’re looking for?’

‘Are these the latest Louboutins? They look like last season to me.’

‘Unfortunately no. They should be in stock later today or tomorrow.’

She tutted but her attention remained on one particular pair.

‘These seem to have caught your interest. There aren’t many of them left as there were a limited number to begin with. You’re a size eight?’

‘Yes,’ she said, turning to him with an air of suspicion. She was obviously unimpressed with his sales patois. Still, she took a seat and pulled a clerk’s stool in front of her with her foot – she obviously wanted the full, subservient treatment. Jaiden’s polite smiled quivered as he retreated to the dimly lit store room.

He didn’t blink on the search for the right size and thanked God when he found the last pair of size eights. He took a deep breath to calm himself, flapped his arms to dry the sweat from his pits and turned to discover Norene watching him. He slowed the movement to a stop and strolled past her without saying a word.

Back on the shop floor the woman had her feet up, crossed at the ankles, on the seat of the shoe fitting stool, exposing a hint of arch. She waited until he was right next to her before taking her feet down and giving him the space to sit.

He thanked her as he sat and carefully unpacked the new shoes. Out the corner of his eye he noticed the young boy who had come in with his mother sitting on an adjacent chair and watching him in that way that bratty kids do when they know full-well they are making someone feel self-conscious but have plausible deniability and the wilfully oblivious support of their mother. This was nerve-wracking enough without an audience.

He placed one shoe on the slope, ready for her. She slipped her right foot out of her shoe. To his slight disappointment, she obviously didn’t care for pedicures, but as she lifted her foot forward, he saw a glimpse of her sole and that light powder that sometimes decorates the creases of a mature woman’s foot. Even though it was because her skin was a little dry, he couldn’t help but find it sexy.

She pushed her toes into the shoe and he placed a shoehorn at the heel to help her slide inside. It was a perfect fit. He rapidly concluded that his best opportunity would be to forgo the shoehorn and use his finger to help her other foot into the second shoe.

Erick’s customer left the shop without making a purchase. Soon he would be behind the counter, spectating. Jaiden rushed to get out the second shoe and place it down for the woman.

The mother had decided upon a pair of mules and Norene took them to the counter to complete the sale.

Jaiden was flustered. As the woman lifted her left foot he said, ‘Oh, you have something on the bottom of your foot, there…’ and without any pretence he performed a four-finger tickle of her arch. The woman jumped and retracted her foot. He smiled and their eyes met, but instead of the knowing and appreciative smirk he hoped for, she was regarding him with a deep frown. He felt himself redden and held the shoe in place.

She began to slide her foot in with no problem but a flustered brain-fart recalled his original plan and he clumsily wedged his finger straight into the gap between her arch and the inside of the shoe. Her foot completed its journey into the stiletto and trapped him.

‘How’s that?’ he said.

‘It would be better without your finger in it!’ she replied, loudly plugging a gap in any other conversation that was taking place.

Jaiden felt his cheeks flush with heat and he pulled his finger out. The woman stood and got the feel for the shoes. The mother and both children cast an unwavering look of suspicion at Jaiden as they left the store.

‘I’ll take them,’ said the woman. She stood over Jaiden as she slipped them off.

He packed them and, avoiding the risk of meeting any judgement in Erick and Norene’s eyes, fixed his gaze on the cash register as he rang them up. The woman handed over her platinum credit card without saying a word.

A family of four entered the store. Erick made his approach, ready to introduce himself when the woman proclaimed to Jaiden with the projection and clarity of a motivational speaker: ‘You know, it’s like you were trying to touch my feet on purpose just now – like you were trying to tickle me or something? Very odd.’

Jaiden’s intestines somersaulted and a prickly heat made the hairs stand up all over his body.

Having made her crushing announcement, the woman turned and left the store. Erick and the family looked at Jaiden for a moment then began their conversation.

Jaiden didn’t want to know if Norene was watching him. With his mind blank, he simply parroted, ‘Very odd!’ and made for his hiding place for the next 22 minutes: the toilet.

For the first time fantasy clashed with reality in Jaiden’s mind like two drag-racers meeting head-on. It was so glaringly obvious that he didn’t know why it had never occurred to him before. Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! he furiously mouthed at himself in the mirror. What an extremely bright idea!: Commit inappropriate and blatant sexual misconduct upon a customer in front of a roomful of witnesses within half an hour of being placed in charge of a shoe store! ‘What were you thinking!?’ he inadvertently blurted out loud before rapidly covering his mouth with his hands.

He washed his face with cold water then took some minutes to control his breath and gather his thoughts.

Fantasies stay in Fantasyland for a reason: there, they can’t get you into trouble. In Fantasyland, I control the environment, how cool I am and how the other person reacts. In real life, none of that is within my control!

He took a deep breath and blew it out.

Okay, no more touching strangers without their permission, no matter how much they turn me on; no matter how nice their feet are; and no matter how ticklish they might be! He recognised his own pang of regret in the mirror at this last category but placed this oath in a gold gilt frame on the most prominent wall of his mind and gave himself no longer to dwell on it by unlocking the restroom door.

I only hope Erick and Norene don’t make a big thing out of it, he thought. As he approached the shop floor he heard them bickering behind the counter and was grateful when his appearance didn’t prompt a pause in their conversation.

– – – – –

The rest of the day was busy but uneventful. Mrs Wilkins called once with a gin-tinged slur to her voice and laid the groundwork for not being able to return to the store until the following day. Jaiden didn’t mind; being in charge of the shop kept him busy, which was what he needed right now.

He was going to stand by his new oath, but that didn’t stop the raging desire. He thought that karma must be taking its revenge on him because he had never seen so many sexy women with sexy feet of all shapes and sizes frequent the shop in a single day. His youthful libido was on overdrive and he took to standing behind the counter to process all payments in order to keep himself hidden below the waist. He couldn’t wait for bedtime to arrive so that he could at least relieve himself to the memory of his brief touch of the tall woman’s sole earlier that day.

At one hour and one minute before closing time Norene ducked behind the counter to collect her coat and purse. ‘See you tomorrow, boss,’ she said with optimum deadpan sarcasm.

‘Yep. See you,’ said Jaiden. He was pleased that the rush had slowed down and he could stay behind the counter, willing his penis to give him at least five minutes’ respite from feeling so horny that he would have humped the cash register if the shop shutters were down.

For once, he and Erick operated in deft partnership—the salesman and the money-man—and there was zero sense of competition between them. Four customers in a row were greeted by Erick and shown some styles that suited them; Erick then brought them to the counter and insisted that Jaiden displayed his party-trick of guessing their shoe size; they tried the shoes and then bought the shoes from Jaiden as the next customer was greeted by Erick…

In some way, there was an area in the back of Jaiden’s mind that said things were too good to last.

That just made it all the more unexpected when she entered the store…

– – – – –

One moment it was just Jaiden, Erick and the silver-haired woman who sought the world’s greatest oxymoron: “a pair of stylish galoshes”. Then the shoe horn fell from Jaiden’s back pocket. He bent to retrieve it and when he stood up straight there she was, perusing the stiletto shelf.

He felt his lower jaw fall slack. Even though she was standing at an angle where he couldn’t quite see her face, he already knew that she was the sexiest woman to have entered the shop all day – Latina, around 5’3” with highlighted long, dark hair. She wore a loose white blouse and short skirt. Remembering his vow, Jaiden lifted his chin in noble attempt to avoid the temptation of looking below her knees but, while seemingly in control of his head, his eyes continued their journey down her shapely tanned legs. An anklet glinted in the ceiling lights and he momentarily whimpered at the fact that she had such beautifully sculpted ankles; now he had to see if her feet were just as delicious… but all of a sudden he felt observed. He looked up. She was watching him.

He blushed and closed his mouth so quickly that his teeth clacked. He cursed the fact that he had already filled time that day by tidying the counter because he had nothing with which to occupy himself and so he looked at the clock. It read 5:00pm. He then realised that she had been unattended for well over 25 seconds and slowly met her eye again. She was as attractive as he feared she might be and there was a slight smirk curling one corner of her mouth. If he had to guess, he would have said it was a knowing smirk.

Since her arrival, it was noticeable to anyone who had been in the store beforehand that Erick’s volume had raised a tad and, while he was still talking to Lady Galosh, his attention was glued to the newcomer. Unlike the rest of the day, he discarded his attempts to make a sale using all the tricks in the book. ‘I’m afraid we don’t sell the kind of thing you are looking for. May I suggest the outdoor store a few doors down?’

Lady Galosh left. The newcomer was still looking at Jaiden and he felt himself in her tractor-beam. He emerged from behind the safe space of the counter and forced himself to meet her eye with a shaky polite smile. His eyes then took advantage of a momentary lapse in his willpower and flicked down towards her feet but they were concealed behind a cluster of customer seating. When he met her eye again, the other corner of her mouth had joined the knowing smirk.

‘Can I be of assistance, ma’am?’ Erick announced in his most confident pronouncement of the day, and this time he actually clasped his hands together in front of himself. ‘We have a wonderful array of new deliveries that I think would suit you down to the ground!’

She held Erick’s gaze. He was unwavering in his smile. The pause went on so uncomfortably long that Jaiden and Erick wondered whether she understood English, but her expression was more analytical than puzzled. She ended the silence with a considered, ‘No, thank you. I believe I can get what I need from this young man.’ She indicated Jaiden.

Erick tried to hide his palpable disappointment. ‘As you wish,’ he replied and looked at his watch. ‘Oh, I should be going anyway!’ He collected his coat from behind the counter. ‘See you tomorrow,’ he said to Jaiden, then nodded politely to the woman and left.

She watched him go then turned to Jaiden and gave a quick, satisfied sigh. The silence began to grow again.

‘How can you help— I mean: How I can you… Erm, can I help you?’ said Jaiden, his script evaporating out of his ears.

‘I certainly hope you can,’ she said and made her way to the same chair that the tall woman had sat in that morning. She was wearing a pair of tortoise shell kitten heels with just one strap over the top of her foot and one that crossed the cleavages of her toes. Otherwise, her feet were on full display. Jaiden subconsciously narrowed his stance and squeezed his thighs together in an attempt to ward off his physical arousal.

‘My husband was supposed to come shopping with me but he is a little under-the-weather today and so he is at home in bed. But, he has given me his credit card and told me to buy whatever I like!’

‘Very nice,’ he said, somewhat disappointed to learn she was married. Not that he thought she would ever look at him twice in that way – he was a 21-year-old shy nerd and she was a mature, beautiful and confident woman. He was never very good at guessing ages, but supposed she might be in her early- to mid-forties.

‘Yes. It’s a shame. He does enjoy coming shopping with me and watching me try things on.’

‘Is there something specific you are looking for today?’ he asked.

She pouted a little as she mused. ‘No. I just came out to see what takes my fancy…’

Jaiden smiled nervously. She seemed to subtly emphasise the word takes and she was very intent on looking him straight in the eye.

He looked at her feet again. ‘You’re a size five and a half?’ he asked.

She blinked with pleasant surprise. ‘How on earth did you know that?’

‘It’s… just this thing I can do.’

‘You’re very clever. But it’s a shame – I tend to like getting my feet measured. In fact, maybe you should do that anyway because most often I am a five-and-a-half, but sometimes I’m a six.’

‘I see… If you’d like to follow me – we have an automated measuring device—‘

‘Oh, nooo…’ she said with the low tone of a mentor who was preventing her apprentice from committing a schoolboy error. ‘I came in here because it looked like a traditional shoe store!’

‘It is, ma’am…’

‘In that case, I don’t want a machine measuring my feet. Don’t you have a Brannock device?’

‘Uh… Oh, sure, yeah,’ he said and went behind the counter to retrieve the device. ‘You don’t get many people who don’t work in shoe stores knowing what these are called,’ he said. He sat and placed the device between his legs, on the non-slip slant of the stool.

She had now extracted her left foot and was flexing her toes. There was a glint in her eye as she raised her view and, seemingly in slow motion, lifted her foot toward him. He was mesmerised. Her feet were those of a goddess – her heels looked round and smooth; her arches were wonderfully high; they were uniquely wide at the ball of the foot; with incredibly even toes that were all-the-more appealing to him because the metatarsals on the tops of her feet were prominent, leading him to conclude that the angels who sculpted her majestic ankles also crafted the tops of her feet.

He suspected she was aware of how blessed she was because her feet were so well-presented. As well as her choice of shoe, she had decorative silver toe rings on the second toe of both feet and, from what he could tell, the anklet was an impeccable reflection of her personality. The icing on the cake was a deep red shellac nail polish that had been flawlessly applied. It smelt fresh, which meant that she either went for a pedicure especially before attending a shoe store, or she did such things regularly, or—

Jaiden’s train of thought was distracted because her foot drew a lot closer to him than it needed to be. He almost went cross-eyed as it neared his face and, just as he was about to fall backwards off the stool, she lowered her foot into the top end of the Brannock device, very near his groin.

He gulped and sat upright. ‘Erm, you need to put your heel at the bottom,’ he said.

‘Do I? Oh, silly me…’

She knows the name of the Brannock device but doesn’t know where to put her foot in it? he thought. Her foot didn’t move.

‘Why don’t you show me exactly where you want it?’ she said.

‘Just down here,’ he gently tapped the heel rest.

She still didn’t move. Instead, she seemed to be deliberately behaving as though she was unable to see where he was indicating, but not far below the surface of her pretence was that hidden smirk.

Jaiden’s entire time in the education system was spent with others making fun of him. Her behaviour struck the same chord and he became a little irritated. ’Here,’ he said and took hold of the top of her foot.

She jumped in her seat and he let go in a panic. Not again! he thought.

‘Careful,’ she said, softly, ‘My bare feet are very ticklish.’

Jaiden almost passed out. His jaw fell slack once more.

Her mischievous smile returned. ‘But carry on – I don’t want that to stop you doing your job.’

Her foot remained in the same place and, with a cute, almost imperceptible lilt of her head, she indicated for him to continue. She wanted him to move her foot. To touch her foot.

– – – – –

He reached forward with one shaking hand and gently clasped the top of her foot. She straightened in the chair and gripped the armrests as he slowly slid her foot down into position. Aside from some fleeting strokes and brushes over the past few summers that, until today, had never before been acknowledged by a customer, Jaiden had never touched a woman anywhere. The texture of the cool skin of her ankle was unlike anything he had ever felt before and, to him, it was pure sensuality.

‘You have a very tender touch,’ she said.

It took him a concerted effort to swallow. He slid down the marker to measure the length of her foot. His eyes were unblinking as he looked intently at her toes – it was like they were in high definition. She subtly twitched as the cold metal made contact with the tip of her toe. He then closed the measure along the side of her foot to confirm what he already knew: ‘You’re a five-and-a-half wide, ma’am. With a high arch.’

‘You’d better measure the other,’ she said.

‘Yes, ma’am.’ He relaxed the measure and allowed her to extricate her foot. Then, even slower than before, she lifted her right foot towards his face. His breathing was shallow and his mouth felt as dry as a used air filter. He tore his gaze away from her approaching toes to see the devious smirk on her face; she was deliberately teasing him.

She rested her foot into the top of the Brannock device and rummaged in her handbag, ‘Would you mind if I videoed you measuring my foot?’

‘Why?’ asked Jaiden.

‘I won’t get your face in it, don’t worry. It’s just that my husband would be interested to see how you do it.’

She pulled out her phone and swiped it into record mode.

‘Okay…’ he said tentatively and proceeded to repeat what he had done with her left foot.

‘And so here I am in the shoe store,’ she narrated with a noticeably provocative tone, ‘getting my feet measured by… Sorry, what’s your name?’

‘Erm, Jaiden, ma’am,’ he replied as he encouraged her foot lower into the heel rest.

‘Getting my feet measured by Jaiden, who is the young man who works here at the shoe store. He has already discovered how ticklish I am…’

Jaiden’s insides leapt into his chest he was simultaneously turned on and terrified. Is she filming me so her husband can come down and beat me up for touching her?!

‘He says that my left foot is a five-and-a-half, wide. What about my right foot, Jaiden?’

‘It’s the same, ma’am,’ he replied and licked his lips, which seemed to miraculously made them feel even drier.

‘And you say I have a high arch, is that right?’

‘Yes, ma’am.’

‘And what do you mean by that?’ As she said this she lifted her foot off the Brannock device and perched her heel on his left knee.

She recognised that the inexperienced young man didn’t know what to say.

‘Show me where you mean,’ she said.

Unable to speak, he pointed.


‘Here,’ he said moving his shaking finger up and down in the air to indicate the length of her arch.

‘And what happens if you touch me there?’

The moisture that had gone AWOL from Jaiden’s mouth suddenly leaked from his palms and his reply was stilted. ‘I… don’t… know.’

‘You do,’ she said. ‘I already told you.’

Any attempt to control his facial muscles would have been futile. He just looked at her.

‘You know, don’t you?’ she smirked.

He nodded. He knew he was displaying the expression of a cartoon character trapped in real-world headlights as a multitude of thoughts piled up: Does she want me to touch her? Does she want me to tickle her?! Why is she filming it? What if someone comes in and sees me? Is this a trap? What about my oath?

Her eyes narrowed at his hesitance and her smirk shrunk. She took her foot down and stopped filming, averting her eyes for the first time.

‘Of course, I’m just joking… I’ll take a look at those,’ she said and pointed to a pair of strappy, electric blue high heels. Her demeanour had made a U-turn and she was blushing, like she felt guilty or something.

‘Er, sure,’ said Jaiden and he got up. ‘I’ll see if we have a pair in your size. I won’t be a moment.’

She checked her watch as he went to the stockroom and found the shoes. This whole time nervousness and confusion had reigned and it was only now that he became conscious of the raging furnace in the front of his underwear. ’What is going on!?’ he whispered to himself. ‘It’s like she wants me to tickle her… She wants me to tickle her… And I didn’t!? What is wrong with you, you idiot?!’

Then a realisation struck him – She looked from her watch to the front door. If she thought she’d misjudged the situation, maybe she would want to make a quick escape— he interrupted his own thoughts and stumbled over a stack of boxes as he ran for the shop floor…

– – – – –

He skidded through the rear entrance doorway – her shoes were back on her feet and her handbag was packed. She was about to stand when he appeared. ‘Found them!’ he called.

Surprised, she dropped back into her seat. ‘Oh, good,’ she said flatly.

She held up her hands to receive the box but he pretended not to notice, sat on the clerk’s stool and, with shaking hands, pulled out the right shoe.

The framed oath glimmered over the fireplace of his mind. His choices were: the oath vs a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to do the thing he most wanted to do with this stunning and curious stranger. He imagined himself respectfully lifting the oath down from the wall, holding it high and smashing it over his knee. It shattered into a billion fragments, which lifted into the air and evaporated like burning embers.

A confident excitement coursed through him and he tapped his left thigh. ‘If you would, please, ma’am…’

This brought a curiosity to her eyes. She again slipped off her kitten heel and cautiously lifted her foot to rest on Jaiden’s leg as requested. His arousal began to throb in time to his thumping heartbeat. The reality of her sublime and curvaceous bare sole on his leg, with its smooth heel and sexy wrinkles along the arch, induced a surreal fuzziness to his senses akin to a light-headed feeling he once experienced just before passing out, except this time it was accompanied by an enthusiasm that kept everything in sharp contrast.

‘My, you do have a high arch,’ he said, trying to sound calm.

‘Is that a good thing?’

‘Yes it is,’ he swallowed as he prepared to step over the line: ‘It’s very beautiful.’

‘Oh, you think so?’

‘I do… And you are sensitive there, you say?’

‘Very sensitive,’ she replied. Her smirk had returned.

‘I see… And so what would happen if I did this…?’ he said and swiftly stroked a finger up her arch.

Her entire body spasmed and she gasped.

‘What’s wrong, ma’am?’

‘It. Tickles.’

Now they both shared the knowing smirk.

‘Is that something your husband likes to do to you, ma’am?’

‘Yes. He does.’

‘And how does he feel about someone else doing it to you?’

‘He likes it. A lot.’

‘And is that why you want to show him videos of it?’

‘As I said before: you’re a very clever young man.’

‘Then maybe you should get out your phone again.’

She lifted her phone from her bag and began to film her exposed foot. ‘Now, honey, I’ve chosen a pair of shoes and young Jaiden, here, went to get them. I’m only sorry I didn’t keep shooting because he just deliberately tickled my bare foot!’

‘Should I do it again so he can see?’ asked Jaiden. Before she could answer he swept his fingers all the way up her sole. She jumped and yelped.

‘Oh, gosh!’ she said, ‘I just can’t sit still when you do that!’

‘If you can’t sit still when I do that, I wonder how you’ll cope when I do this…?’ He began to ever-so-lightly tease his fingertips up and down her sole.

‘Ooooh!’ she said, her response given a delightful vibrato atop a bed of titters and she squirmed in the chair. He raised his eyebrows expectantly, awaiting her answer. ‘It tickles…but I like it! I can’t take it, but I want to…’

His arousal burned at her answer, making him inadvertently increase his pressure and melting her titter into a giggle. She pulled her foot away.

‘Ma’am, if you take your foot away from me, I can’t put these lovely shoes on you.’

‘Well I can’t sit still while you’re tickling my bare foot, Jaiden! You know how ticklish I am!’

‘I’m beginning to,’ he said and patted his thigh with warm encouragement.

‘You seem to me like the kind of person who enjoys tickling feet!’ she said as she slowly rested her heel back into place.

There was a learned instinct inside Jaiden that responded to this statement with all the alarm of a criminal caught in the act by the cops. But the initial rush of embarrassment and compulsion to deny the accusation turned into a thrill when he knew he was with someone—indeed, a couple of people—who saw it the same way as he did. For the first time in his life, he didn’t feel like an alien.

‘You’re a very clever lady,’ he replied. It was the smoothest thing he’d ever said.

– – – – –

He lifted her ankle and she pointed her toes as, with his other hand, he encompassed her naked foot with the coils of the shoe. He niftily slid his thumb down the outer edge of her foot as her sole slid into place on the support. She wriggled and giggled in her seat as she continued to film the action. ‘You’re tickling me again!’

‘I am?’


‘But I thought it was just your arch!’

‘No. I’m afraid I’m ticklish all over my bare feet.’

‘That must be very problematic for you.’

‘It is. Especially when I’m shoe shopping; you’re not the first shop assistant to tickle my feet on purpose!’

Jaiden felt a stab of jealousy; he didn’t like the thought of simply being the latest in a long line of playthings. He finished adjusting the straps around her ankle and buckled it into place. He picked up the second shoe and awaited her other foot.

She noticed his sudden silence. ‘Are you okay, Jaiden?’

‘I’m fine. You must have a lot of shoes then.’

‘I do.’

‘And a lot of other men who regularly touch you.’

‘No,’ she said, recognising that his feelings had been hurt. ‘In fact, I’m sure that nobody else who has tickled me has been as tempted to do so as you have. I’ve almost had to talk them into it. That makes you very special.’

This made him feel a little better but he still felt the need to stand out from the crowd, he just wasn’t sure how yet.

When the second shoe was on and he had encircled the straps around her ankle and a short way up her calf he sat for a moment, drinking in the sight of her perfect toes protruding evenly through the final strap. The electric blue was ravishing against her tanned skin. She took a stroll around the store, admiring how the shoes suited her.

Meanwhile, Jaiden went to the front of the shop and inserted a key into a slot in the wall. Shutters rolled down. ‘You don’t mind, do you?’ asked Jaiden. ‘We are past closing time so I don’t want anyone else coming in.’

‘I don’t mind at all,’ she replied and struck a few more poses for the camera. ‘What do you think, honey?’ she said and stopped the video. Jaiden saw her attach it to a message and send it to her husband.

‘When you are ready…’ he gestured and they returned to their seats.

She started filming her feet again. ‘What do you think, Jaiden?’ she said as she elegantly twirled on the spot and sat down.

‘I think they look perfect…’

‘Is there a “but” coming…?’

‘Place your feet up here again for me,’ he said, and this time turned sideways so that his thighs formed a bridge on which she could rest both legs.

‘I do see an issue. Just here…’ he pointed at something between the shoes.

‘What is it?’

‘You said yourself that you do have very high arches.’

‘And that’s an “issue”?’

‘Oh, not for me, ma’am,’ he delivered this line with uncharacteristic suaveness and was pleased to see her respond with a coy expression. ‘But these shoes aren’t supporting your arches very well.’

‘But I like them!’ she said with a pout.

‘I think I should illustrate what I’m saying and maybe that will help get rid of that frown. You see, if your arch was supported there wouldn’t be a gap. Unfortunately, there’s a gap big enough to put my finger in – like this…!’

Realisation brightened her face and she instinctively tried to pull her feet away, but he held her ankles fast with one hand while he wriggled his index finger under her arch with the other. She shrieked in surprise and began to squirm in the chair.

‘Wait! That tickles! That tickles! Ohhhh…you’re tickling my feet!’

She protested and struggled in the chair. Jaiden was fascinated by her reactions; the words she used felt almost scripted, and the only reason that might be the case was that she knew these words would turn her husband on. At the same time she was genuinely struggling – it seemed that she truly wanted to escape the sensations but made herself stay in place to provide a stimulating video for her husband. He sensed she had a happy medium when it came to being tickled and when the level of intensity passed a certain point she would lose the ability to retain her sultry composure.

He swapped, placing his finger under her other arch and wriggled faster. She began to make noises that signified a greater struggle. This time the words she spoke wavered between her script and her true feelings: ‘Aagh! Not there! It’s tickling me! My bare feet are too— Wait! Yeek!’ and she dropped into a deep laughter that suggested this was edging toward a losing battle.

Jaiden was now in a constant state of being rock-hard but also felt a frustration of being restricted. It was unbelievably sexy to be touching this gorgeous woman’s sole while she was wearing high heels, but although the gap allowed him to wriggle a single finger with decent effect, he wanted to do more.

Amid his scrabbling he must have hit a particularly sensitive spot or gone past the point she could endure because she suddenly let out a cry of uninhibited laughter. Fearful that they would be heard by anyone passing the store Jaiden released her ankles.

‘Do you see my point?’ he said.

‘Yagh!’ she hooted, yanking her legs back and almost toppling her chair as soon as his grip loosened. She looked at him with dishevelment and amused irritation at having lost the upper hand.

‘I hope you enjoyed that!’ she said for the benefit of the phone and again texted the video to her husband. ‘I shall take these shoes anyway!’ she said with defiance and slipped on her kitten heels.

It appeared as though she thought the fun was over.

Jaiden thought fast: ’We have some brand new stock! It just arrived today. It’s so new we haven’t had a chance to put it out.’

‘What kind of new stock?’ she asked, her curiosity piqued.

‘All sorts. All brands. Erm…Gucci, Valentino, Gianvito Rossi—‘

‘I’m sold!’ she said, her eyes gleaming with the imagined treasure trove of luxury footwear. ‘Will you bring them out here?’

‘There are so many, it may be easier for you to come to the stockroom—’

‘Let’s go!’ she said.

– – – – –

Jaiden switched on the one meagre light of the stock room and made way for her to lay her eyes on the piles of new shoes for which Norene had overseen the delivery around lunchtime. He cleared up the boxes that he had kicked over earlier but became distracted by the woman’s toned calves.

‘Oh, I’m in heaven!’ she said.

‘So am I,’ Jaiden murmured to himself.

Each of the boxes had a photo of its contents on the outer packaging. It took her just seconds to lock on to a pair. ‘Those!’ she said and touched a box of a pair of high heeled Bottega Veneta Chain Stretch Sandals.

‘Oh, those are very you…’ said Jaiden.

‘You have somewhere to sit in here?’ she asked.

In response, Jaiden hurried to the shop floor and returned with a chair and a stool. He placed the chair down for her.

‘Thank you,’ she said, taking her seat.

He placed the stool directly in front of her and jostled the chosen box free whilst successfully avoiding a Jenga-style collapse of every box on top of it.

He opened the box. The shoes were spectacular: black 3.5 inch heels with a delicate, polished chain that connected the thin leather strapping—from the ankle, to the top of the toes and back to the other side of the ankle—and a slightly rounded square toe.

‘Such a good choice,’ said Jaiden, lost in the vision of what they would look like on her. ‘The square end is perfect for your gorgeous toes—‘ He blushed and cursed himself for thinking out loud again.

She breathed a discreet laugh. ‘So you think my toes are gorgeous, do you?’

He nodded causing her to lift her chin proudly; she had gained the whip hand again. ‘Well, then maybe you should be the one to put the shoes on me again, so you can get a closer look.’

He couldn’t think of anything he would rather do.

‘Why did you bring a regular stool rather than a fitting seat?’ she asked but he appeared too eager to answer and knelt with the stool between them. He ceremoniously lifted her legs one after the other onto the cushioned stool. She smiled to herself and got out her phone. ‘Oh, shoot!’ she said.

‘What’s wrong?’ asked Jaiden.

‘My cell phone is almost out of battery. Do you have a charger?’

‘I’m afraid not, ma’am. Perhaps this time you could just record the sound? It uses less memory than video and so will last longer.’

She considered this to be the best solution, so opened her voice memos app, pressed Record and placed it on the fire extinguisher unit beside them so she could relax and watch the young man give her some attention.

‘I think you should take my shoes off for me, Jaiden,’ she said, by way of narrating for her husband’s sake. ‘But no more tickling! Otherwise I’ll have to take my gorgeous bare feet away from you and do it myself. You wouldn’t want that, would you?’

‘No, ma’am,’ replied Jaiden, cringing as his embarrassing slip of the tongue was quoted back to him.

He unbuckled the straps around each ankle with precision, careful not to accidentally touch her legs or feet as he did so. He cupped the heel of each shoe in turn and slipped them from her feet. Being on his knees before her propped-up legs meant that her feet were almost level with his face. He gave a deep sigh as he cherished these moments while her glorious and mature soles were so close to him, but would be gone all too soon.

‘Come, now, Jaiden – I need to get home to my husband. He will be impatient to see me after this little adventure!’

Another jab of envy struck his heart and he hid his feelings by unpacking the first shoe. He didn’t want to think of other men doing things to her; she was his fantasy woman. Yes, she may be married, but for now she had quite literally put herself in his hands and, as brief as it was, he wanted himself to be the only thing on her mind.

‘Remember what I said though: no tickling! Now that you know how ticklish I am…’ she taunted. He was confused. He so wanted to tickle her again, but didn’t want her to follow through on her promise to take her feet away from him.

He placed the shoes on her as carefully as he had removed the others but as he completed the second buckle he accidentally brushed her ankle and she twitched. ‘Erm…!’ she exclaimed.

‘Sorry! That was an accident, ma’am. Honest!’

She gave him a dubious glance and took her feet down. She then strutted the narrow corridor between stacks of boxes to a broken shoe mirror at the far end of the room and declared, ‘These are wonderful!’ He nodded in agreement. She walked up to him and, with a provocative girlish tone, added. ’These support my high arches. Do you see, Jaiden?’

She was definitely teasing him in order to reclaim her power. He nodded again, more slowly this time. His arousal had stopped throbbing and was now in a permanent state of the hardest it had ever felt in his life.

– – – – –

She retook her seat. ‘Um, before I put my feet up, you can keep looking at them the way you were before, Jaiden, but can I trust you not to tickle my feet?’

‘Of course,’ he replied in a pleading tone and she propped her legs up again with all the poise of a queen addressing her minion.

He unbuckled her first shoe and relished the sound it made as it peeled from her sole. He then began fiddling with the second buckle and frowned.

‘Something wrong?’ she asked.

‘It’s stuck,’ he said, ‘and I can’t see properly in this light.’

He stood and shuffled to the side so that he wasn’t casting a shadow over her feet. He continued to work at the buckle.

‘Shall I take a look?’

‘No, ma’am, I’ll get it. It’s all part of the service,’ he smiled and stepped over the stool so that he had his back to her.

She reacted with incredulity to the ungainly position they were now in, until Jaiden gently but firmly brought his weight down onto her shins, pinning her feet to the cushioned stool.

The shoe popped off. ‘There! I told you I could do it!’

‘Very good Jaiden—‘

‘You know what I think, ma’am? Now that I have your bare soles helpless in front of me…?’

‘No…’ she said with a disconcerted protest of what she could tell was about to come rather than an answer to his question.

‘I think you deserve this!’

‘No, Jaiden!’ she shrieked with laughter, even before his scrabbling fingers met the bare soles of her feet. And then it happened: instead of the slightly self-enhanced titters and giggles of before, this beautiful woman erupted into authentic, unreserved hysterics.

‘No! No! No! Please! No!’ she cried as she rocked and thrashed in the chair. Her feet flexed and tugged between his legs but she wasn’t able to escape him.

She began drumming lightly on his back trying not to hurt him but at the same time desperate to escape. Uncaring about the look of maniacal glee on his own face, Jaiden responded by diving his fingertips into the creases of her toes, causing her to screech and buck in the chair.

‘Not my toes! Oh, God, that tickles!’ she yelled through her laughter. And this time it didn’t sound scripted. ‘Please stop! It tickles too much! Oh, God, please stop, Jaiden!’

‘Why’s that ma’am?’

For a moment she couldn’t answer as she was laughing hard and didn’t know how to expand on her assertion.

Why is that ma’am?’ he repeated, tickling faster.

‘B-Because you’re too good at th-this!!! I can’t t-take it!’ she squealed a helpless laughter that filled the room.

This compliment and confession, plus her heavenly cachinnation and the fact that the tops of her feet were pressing and twisting against Jaiden’s hardness, was too much to take. He had to grab himself to prevent from having a messy accident.

After some deep breaths he managed to suppress the urge. He looked over his shoulder – she was fanning herself with her hand and cooing away residual giggles. Her hair was in a noticeable state.

He slowly lifted his weight and stepped over the stool.

‘Oh, my God, Jaiden. Nobody’s ever tickled me like that! You’re such a bad boy!’

His smile couldn’t have been wider. ‘Would you like to take both pairs of shoes?’

‘If I don’t say yes, I bet you’d tickle me into it!’

His eyes lit up and the idea and she rapidly took her feet off the stool. ‘No! No more today!’ she said. She leant forward and ran her fingers through her hair. ‘You’re so bad!’

– – – – –

Jaiden felt on top of the world as he entered the shop front and processed the sale. She padded out behind him in her bare feet to collect her things while shaking her head in disbelief at how shell-shocked she felt.

She handed him a credit card.

‘Did you pick up your phone?’ he asked.

‘Oh! No I forgot!’

‘No problem,’ he said and disappeared into the back room. He returned with the phone and handed it to her. ‘You still have enough battery to send it on.’

She stopped it recording and looked at it for some moments. ‘I’m just thinking of the things I said after you tickled me,’ she explained. ‘I don’t know how my husband will take it.’

‘There’s only one way to find out. Send it. He’ll know there was a reason if you don’t. And—you never know—it might make him more “happy to see you”.’ He smiled.

She looked at him blankly and sent the message. ‘I guess I’ll soon find out.'

– – – – –

Jaiden opened the shutters to reveal the outside world.

‘Can I help you to your car?’ he asked.

‘I don’t think so,’ she smirked. ‘Maybe I’ll just have to come back and try on some more shoes sometime. And next time bring my husband with me.’

‘I’m only here for the summer, but if you would both like to, you would be most welcome.’

It was the second smoothest thing he had ever said.

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I love stories like this, outstanding!
One of my new favs hopefully you will be able to do the futher adventure of young Jaiden and I for one of the future and past exploits og Lady Golash.
Thank you all so much for the lovely feedback! :blowkiss:

After spending so much time alone on a story, it's really heartwarming to read your positivity!

Tamira :)

Great story! One the best I have read here! Thank you for sharing.

I love stories like this, outstanding!

One of my new favs hopefully you will be able to do the futher adventure of young Jaiden and I for one of the future and past exploits og Lady Golash.

Wonderfully well written! ��

Absolutely brilliant, one of my favourite stories ever!
Really great story - and to add to it for me, a woman at work, 44, looks just like her and wears those kinds of open high heel shoes in the summer to gain some height
I enjoyed this story and look forward to reading the others. Great attention to detail.

Keep up the good work, Tamira.

Really great story - and to add to it for me, a woman at work, 44, looks just like her and wears those kinds of open high heel shoes in the summer to gain some height

Hmmm... Maybe it was her. Who knows!? ;)

I enjoyed this story and look forward to reading the others. Great attention to detail.

Keep up the good work, Tamira.


Thank you! And I hope you enjoy the others! :)

Great story very nicely done!

Thank you! :)
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