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The live-stream fm/f non-con, bad language


TMF Novice
Jan 3, 2019
The live-stream fm/f non-con, bad language

there’s an onlyfans page where a very attractive couple named rosemary and mark ties up and tickles each other. They get contacted by a production company called Twitch-Studio about a very specific custom live-stream. The client is communicating through the company, so there will be no contact with the client at all. The company will pay $10,000 for the completion of the custom, but they won’t know what it is until they come in for the interview. Mark and rosemary are blown away with the amount of money this custom is worth. It immediately makes them suspicious of what it may entail. They discuss turning down the offer, but come to the conclusion that they need the money too bad. They agree to go to the studio to check it out, find out what it entails, and then make a final decision.

mark and rosemary show up at the studio. It’s a large unmarked building on a side-street in the city, kind of hard to find. They park and go into the building lobby and are greeted by a receptionist. She’s a skinny girl, silky black hair, with big wire-framed glasses that take up half her face. She chews the ends of her hair and obnoxiously rolls her eyes at her guests. She let out a heavy sigh as she remarked, “you must be the Dormers. Here for the photo-shoot? Go on up, second floor, Room 2. I’ll call ahead…”

“no, sorry. We’re mark and rosemary… knismo-two? From OnlyFans? We were contacted about a cust…” …the receptionist cut rosemary off mid-sentence.

“oh! Shit! I mean, hold on. Don’t move. I mean don’t go anywhere… and please hold… for like, just one second…” she seemed like something was suddenly wrong. As if her job might be on the line over this or something. This must be an important client asking for this custom if even the receptionist is shaky.

The couple held tight while the nervous girl picked up her desk phone and dialed out. They watched as she twirled her hair around her finger and chewed it with an extra sense of anxiety. Mark tried to lean in and listen, but rosemary shot him a look. He tried to recover by straightening his shirt-tails.

The receptionist hung up the phone and addressed the couple, “okay uh… sixth floor. Room 1. It’s the only room up there. You’ll see it... Good luck…” Her demeanor had changed from snobby, bored teenager to someone who was actually showing concern… for strangers she had never met. Mark and rosemary just looked at each other, mark with a worried expression. Rosemary narrowed her eyebrows and addressed her partner, “something’s not right, is it? You’re worried.”

“it’s nothing,” said mark as he quickly saved face by smiling at the receptionist, “thank you very much, ma’am. You have nice evening.” They walked past and got into the elevator. As the doors closed slowly, mark caught the receptionist still staring at them from the corner of his eye. What a strange girl.

the button for the sixth floor was the only button other than “open doors” that was red. The rest of the numbers were all gold, which seemed a bit odd as well. Mark pondered the significance of that specific floor being separated like that; probably because it was the master-suite. He imagined getting up there and finding a luxurious sauna or maybe a comfortable love-den. Either way, it was good to know they were on the top floor. Whoever this client was, they certainly had money.

rosemary was imagining something a bit darker. She had a bit of an imagination when it came to this sort of thing, and her brain had wandered into a horror movie scenario. ‘they’re totally going to kill us,’ she thought, ‘harvest our organs. Sell our bodies as cadavers. There’s a real market for that sorta thing. And this is just sketchy enough to be that… these people harvest organs, I know it… we need to leave…’

mark looked over at his girlfriend and smiled. She noticed, caught his gaze and smiled sheepishly back. If only he knew what she was thinking. Maybe he would have agreed…

“you oaky?” asked mark, now more eager to talk about this unsettling feeling.

“yea,” there was a long pause, “I duno. This place kind of creeps me out. I feel like they’re gonna sell our organs…”

“I hear ya. The receptionist was weird. you wanna leave?” he answered.

“10,000 dollars is a lot of money,” rosemary breathed, “maybe we should at least hear them out. See what they want. I mean, what if it’s just weird fetish stuff? Like 10,000 dollars to wear diapers for a few hours, ya know? Like, what if we walked out on that because… I’m a weirdo who thinks they want to harvest our organs?”

“what if they want me to tickle you until you cry?” suggested mark

“then tickle me until I cry! For 10,000? Make me piss myself, mark, I don’t care! Don’t give up this money because you’re afraid I can’t take it!”

“hah, okay then, let’s listen to what they have to offer. We’ll talk it over, me and you, like normal. If there’s even one thing sketchy, or if you get any kind of bad feelings at all, we leave. You sure you’re okay?” mark was actually starting to have his doubts. Something was worrying rosemary and mark didn’t like it.

“Yea, I’m… actually…” rosemary was cut off.

the elevator came to an abrupt stop as the car shifted and hung precariously for a second or two before the doors slowly began to part. They were greeted with an eerie low red glow that shown throughout the entire hallway.

“whaaaaat the actual fuck, man. I’m trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, here, but damn…” rosemary was not happy with the scary red hallway.

“they’re not winning any points with me either,” mark shot his girlfriend a glace, “turn around now? we can just close the doors and ride back down…” as he spoke, the elevator doors began to automatically close. they both watched in anticipation, but it was rosemary who stopped the doors just before they shut.

“no,” she said, “ten…thousand…dollars…” she mouthed the words slowly and deliberately, making mark chuckle and give in. “heh, okay rosey… let’s go get that money…”

they stepped out into the devil’s hallway and made their way towards the only room on the floor. The décor was not as either had imagined, but was definitely closer to something from one of rosemary’s nightmare scenarios- the dim red glow, the paint peeling off the walls, the mysterious stains on the carpet… this was definitely not the luxurious suite from mark’s imagination. It felt old and worn, like it had been here for decades upon decades with no maintenance.

the door handle was a long silver feather. Mark pressed down on the feather and the door came loose, but was heavier than expected when he went to push it forward. It’s weight startled him and rosemary laughed, “psh, pussy.” He smirked at her as he shoved the door, “whatever, let’s go.”

mark held the door for rosemary and then slowly let it close. the door was so heavy that when he let go, it fell into place with a loud thud that almost made it seem like it had locked. It was snug in place now, and wasn’t going anywhere without some serious force. Inside the room felt like a small office space. It was very simple, just a rectangle room with a couch along one wall. And there was someone sitting on the couch!

she was a girl, looked to be about mid to late 20 something, tall, skinny, blonde. Very beautiful, but in a more conventional sense; she looked like a live-action Barbie who got stuck in a horror movie. Although the rest of her outfit was fashionable, rosemary did notice that the girl had on tennis shoes. She was sitting, hunched over, typing relentlessly at her phone. She looked up, at first surprised, then after assessing the situation hinted at annoyance as she went back to typing on her phone.

“shit! it’s a couple. They want a threesome… I knew it…” she spoke as if she were talking to someone else. Mark couldn’t tell if maybe she had an ear-piece in so he turned to rosemary who looked just as puzzled. Neither one knew whether to answer the girl. Finally mark spoke up, “hello,” he said as if contacting an alien species for the first time. She looked up from the couch and giggled, “hehe, you guys are actors, right? Here for the mysterious custom?” she was very animated and loopey.

“we’re from onlyfans,” said rosemary, “knismo-two…”

“knismo?” the girl froze, her loopiness stuck in mid air. her eyes wandered away, seemingly at some distant repressed memory. She snapped back, “ooooh it’s a tickling custom!” she remarked. “did you see the door handle? It was a feather! And now you guys… the knismo-two?” her eyes were glowing like she had just solved the case and the movie was over. This girl was very excitable, and could go from zero to a hundred really really quick. But rosemary seemed to like her.

“it… heh, yes, it might be. But then why three of us?” asked rosemary, “you think it’s a threesome? Or are we auditioning?”

“hahaha, oh wouldn’t that be a mess?” the girl spat out, “what if I get the part and have to tickle the shit out of your boyfriend?” she seemed very amused by this thought. rosemary no longer seemed to like her.

meanwhile mark was studying a door in the back of the room. He still wasn’t quite sure what to make of all of this. It seemed interesting enough, but he wanted to plan an exit strategy in case things went sideways. He wondered what was in the next room and where it might lead. But just as he was fixated on that strange wooden door, it opened.

everyone in the room stopped and went quiet. Not out of fear. Out of curiosity. All three people just stood and stared as the receptionist from earlier walked in wearing a long white lab-coat. Mark had to double take to make sure it was her, but, there was no mistaking those giant glasses and that hair-twirl that ends with strands used as chew-toys. “Sooooooo,” she inflicted that careless, angst-y demeanor “can anybody tell me why they’re here?”

the three just stared at each other. Mark looked at rosemary, rosemary looked at mark. They both looked over at the girl.

the girl spoke, very lightly, “um… the… mysterious custom?”

“very fucking good, lilly! Jesus fucking Christ this is a tough crowd… so by now I’m sure you’ve all been introduced. You’ve got lilly, the god damn genius! She’s a real fuckin winner… And you’ve got mark and rosemary, the cutest fucking shitheads you’re ever going to meet. They literally tickle each other…”

at this point mark interrupts “is this some kind of humiliation thing? And how fucking old are you?” he starts to look at the corners of the ceiling, “are we being recorded? We didn’t consent to this!”

the receptionist seemed exceptionally hurt by the age comment. “Fuck off, ass hole, I’m twenty two! And no, we’re not recording yet. You’ll know because it’s a live-steam but I was getting there… idiot… anyway…” she began to trail off before picking back up, “you didn’t let me finish my thing!”

lilly seemed a bit intimidated by the receptionist but rosemary, who had been trying to contain her smirk, finally let out a snicker. The receptionist shot her a cold look, “soooooo,” she rolled her eyes as she continued her address to the three “actors.”

“…soooo you guys are here today on behalf of a client of Twitch-Studio. Twitch-Studio is acting on behalf of the client. The client, whose generous donations are why we are gathered here on this beautiful day, is requesting a custom video. They are willing to pay a substantial amount of money because they plan to make it all back during the live-stream. Just so we’re all on the same page; each one of you will receive a personal check for $10,000, whether the live-stream makes money or not. Now lets get our verbal consent forms done… does everyone here consent?”

the room stayed awkwardly still while everyone pondered ‘consent.’ Mark spoke up, “uh, I don’t know what I’m even consenting to… you haven’t told us what the custom is yet! I honestly still have no idea what I’m doing here, other than being promised money and not seeing any.”

rosemary backed him up, “yea, let’s see some money and let’s hear what the hell it is this ‘client’ wants us to do!”

the receptionist just smirked and said, “ok, then. Follow me…” she opened the door behind her and walked in, inviting the three to follow. They entered a room that was larger than the first. There was a bed in the center, and behind it draped the artificial background canopy and the studio lighting that would be expected. It must have been an Alaskan king, raised frame, with sturdy metal bed posts; very nice, very big bed. There were rolling cameras placed strategically around it with more lighting and audio booms hanging from the ceiling.

“This must be the studio!” said lilly, slightly awe-struck at the actual size. “wow! This is cool as shit!”

“glad that you think so, Barbie!” the receptionist said with a smirk. she pulled three company checks out of her lab-coat pocket and held them in the air. “I will be holding onto these until the custom is complete, at which point you will be issued your check and permitted to leave. Now… without further adu… the item we’ve all been waiting on! onto the custom and it’s conditions!”

the receptionist slowly sauntered over to the bed and nodded for the crew to follow. They followed her like they were on a tour at a museum. “we’re at my favorite part! Because we’re going to fuck one of you up! But first I have to explain the rules! we have ourselves two sets of rules, today! First set is the Studio’s rules. Boooo. Second set is the client’s rules. Yaaaay! So obviously, if you haven’t figured it out, I work for the client. Not the hotel, not the studio. The client. And the client has a vision for a live video… which may bend a few of the legal guidelines or whatever which makes the studio all upset. But just know that you are all safe from any legal repercussions. You are not employees, you are volunteer participants. You are legally protected and all that…”

mark interrupted, “so your client is going to risk being sued by the producers just to make this video?”

“yeap! Because this is innovation! This is where science and art intertwine! This is bigger than your pathetic little lives and it’s the least you could do to be paid to be here… now can you all just consent so we can move forward?”

rosemary spoke up, “you still haven’t told us what the custom is…”

the receptionist raised an eyebrow, “oh for the love of… okay… the concept is this; we get three characters (you guys) to participate in a tickle game. The catch is that we live-stream it, so that the game cannot be stopped or interrupted until it ends. No cut-scenes, no pauses, no breaks… you play the game in full. Our viewers will participate in a group chat that can influence the game as well. Play till the end, get paid, go home. Simple as that. So, anyone gonna pussy out and miss out on an easy ten grand? Anyone?” she looked at her potential participants.

“whats the game?” mark spoke up, “what tickle game do we have to play?”

the receptionist’s face could not have been grinning any harder. She was glowing as she temporarily took the hair out of her mouth to say, “it will be chosen at random as soon as consent has been given by all participants. So it’s up to you guys, you wanna move forward with this?”

mark turned to rosemary, “what do you think?”

“I think she’s a little twerp and a bitch… and I want that ten grand!”

“now, you might not be thinking clearly about this… I thought you were kinda freaked out earlier?” mark asked with concerned eyes. “this is probably all a scam anyway, let’s just go and forget this…”

rosemary cut him off, “no! I wont let you lose ten grand because I was scared!”

“honey, you know I don’t’…” he was cut off again…

“I wont let you lose this money because you think I cant take it! I can take whatever this stupid little tickle game dishes out. we’ll be fine, I promise.” Mark smiled at his beautiful girlfriend. he admired her strength and willingness to put up with his bullshit. She might have to get tickled tonight, and she was okay with that. She must be so strong and brave inside.

meanwhile rosemary’s anxiety was going thru the roof. She kept thinking over and over again, please don’t let them find out, please don’t let them find out… it was a secret that only mark knew. She trusted mark, but she didn’t trust anyone else for good reason. The secret was that her underarms were her “game-over” spot. She absolutely hated her underarms touched, it sent shivers down her spine just to think of it. A single touch could send her into space and make her see stars, much less if someone were to tickle her there. But she knew mark knew. And she knew mark would take care of her. He wouldn’t let anyone touch her armpits.

“I consent!” lilly spoke up. She looked over at the cute couple, “what? You guys were taking forever. I consent… lets get this tickle game on the road, bitches! Woooooo!!”

“I like your attitude, Lilith! Now if we can just convince the bradie bunch over here, we can all be one step closer to making some money,” the snoody receptionist glared over at the knismo-two as they finished up with their decision.

mark looked rosemary in the eyes, “you sure?” he asked. She looked past him and straight at the receptionist as she said, “we consent!”

“great! Ok our computer will generate the game and choose at random who gets tickled. Then we’ll get our ticklee all tied down to the bed and we’ll start the live-stream. Okay, once we are on air, everyone listen up, once… we… are… on… air… the viewers will begin to make pledges. These pledges sometimes come with friendly suggestions. These suggestions are allowed to alter the rules of the game. Because after all,” she gave a bit of a chuckle, “the customer is always right. They paid for it, they get it. So without further adu, are you ready to get started?“

the crew all nodded and made their “yea” grunts and the receptionist pointed to a computer over by the wall. They made their way over to the computer and the receptionist sat down. She typed a few lines, and pressed enter. From the other side of the room a printer began humming as it spit out a warm page. The receptionist twirled around in her chair and got up to saunter over to the printer where she looked over the paper. “ooh, hm.”

“what does it say?” asked rosemary nervously, praying over and over, please don’t let them find out.

secretly, lilly was saying her own prayers. She had a weak spot, too… a “game-over” spot that would literally spell her ultimate doom. Ever since she could remember, even from a very young age, lilly hated when people touched her feet. Her feet were like two little live-nerves that were so over-sensitive, every touch felt like spiky little electric shocks. She couldn’t even walk in the grass barefoot because it made her knees go weak. She wore layers and layers of socks and unfashionable tennis shoes, not because she was setting trends, but because she had to. Her feet were literally that sensitive. And here she was, gambling on whether or not they’ll find out about her feet. But ten thousand bucks is an awful lot of money…

the receptionist smirked, “hah, okay so the game is called safe-word. Its pretty simple. You give the ticklee a safeword. You tickle them until they say it. If they say it, they lose, game over.”

“that’s it?” asked lilly.

“ugh, you get a few saaaftey rules for the pussies… each one of you little shits gets a handicap. You get to choose one place that’s “off limits”

lilly and rosemary both breathed a sigh of relief. Meanwhile mark was absolutely loving this. Normally clients wanted female ticklees so he rarely had do his ‘tickle-time’ with customs like this. His onlyfans with rosemary was fine because he had a deal with his lovely girlfriend, that if he sustained from tickling or touching her armpits, that she would never tickle or touch his inner-thighs.

after everyone chose their handicap, the snoody twenty something year old read them allowed. “ok so off limits are- for mark, his inner-thighs. ooh, shit… yea that’s a sweet spot, isn’t it? Okay, next, for lillianna banana, off limits is her feet! Hehe, okay cutie! And finally, last but not least, rosemary’s underarms are off limits! Okay so we got that covered? Right? Everyone get undressed down to your underwear…”

“wait. who’s the ticklee?” asked lilly.

the receptionist smiled a slow evil smile of satisfaction as she said, “you.”

lilly looked legitimately surprised. She honestly didn’t think she was going to end up on the bed and she hadn’t mentally prepared for this. She kind of stopped for a moment as if the wind had been taken out of her sails, “oh, uh… alright, then…”

the receptionist, with her cold smile, added, “oh and one more thing. If lillypads here backs down, you all back down and nobody gets paid.” Mark looked at rosemary. Rosemary looked back at mark.

“guys…” was about all poor lilly was able to say before both mark and rosey had her on her back on the bed. They pulled her shirt off over her head which messed up her hair a bit and rosemary was able to get her skirt off quite easily. They positioned her spread eagle and began to harness in her hands. there were extra arm straps and knee straps and a waist strap as well, which were all utilized considering that at this point, lilly was mildly fighting back.

“guys! What if I wanna back out? guys! What the fuck!?” the knismo-two ignored their new friend as she thrashed around in confusion. Rosemary looked over at mark. “ten… thousand…dollars, mark!” he kept his face stoic as he fastened the last of the straps at lilly’s feet. He looked back up at rosemary, and repeated, “ten…thousand…dollars…” as he looked into lilly’s eyes. She looked legitimately frightened. “you’ll thank us for this later…”

“okay you sorry pack of idiots, lets pick this dumb bitch out a safeword so she doesn’t die. you have 5 minutes to decide. Discuss amongst yourselves and I’ll return for your answer.” The receptionist walked over to the door and left the room, leaving the two ticklers with their captive all tied down and ready for the live-stream to begin.

“you, uh, you okay, lilly?” rosemary asked. “I’m sorry we had to force you onto the bed like that..”

lilly, who was now tightly fastened to the bed and literally couldn’t move a muscle, was starting to freak out a little. “I can’t even move my head. Guys I literally can’t move. Like, I don’t like this.”

mark tried to comfort her, “relax lilly, just keep thinking about that ten grand. It’s just a little bit of tickling and then its over and you get to have all that money. We’ll be easy on you, too. You’ll be okay, just relax…”

at that moment the receptionist walked back in and said, “right then! Do we have a safeword figured out?”

lilly motioned her eyes at rosemary for help, “a safeword, do we have a safeword?”

rosemary blurted out “pineapple?”

“great! Pineapple it is! Okay you have 5 more minutes to prepare before the live-stream. Again, that’s 5 till we go on air. Everyone get ready…” she walked out of the room again, leaving the three even more tense than before.

“you nervous?” rosemary asked lilly. She knew that was a stupid thing to ask. She could have kicked herself for saying it but it slipped out and there was nothing she could do about it now. just roll with the punches.
“yes,” said lilly in a shaky voice as her hands began to tremble.

“aww, lilly, you’re fine! You’re okay…” rosemary suddenly felt herself trying to comfort the poor girl. “have you ever done a tickling custom before? Just relax and laugh…”

“but what if I need to say the safeword like, two minutes in?”

“then say the safeword! Even if the game lasts two minutes, we still get paid. Fuck these guys…”

“heh, I guess you’re right.” Lilly’s eyes started to lose that look of panic. That made mark and rosemary relax a bit, too. The tension began to ease back down as lilly even giggled lightly, “heh, thanks…”

but tensions rose back up with the appearance of the snotty receptionist, who came through the door like a tornado. Her whole demeanor had changed again, this time she seemed stressed.

“ok ok get ready, guys! We go on air in… ten… nine…” she started a count-down as she ran over to the computer and typed in commands. The cameras began to self-position while every light began to shut off. it was like a blackout. Everything went pitch black, and then, a sudden burst of light cast down and lit up the target of the camera. It was lilly’s long, slender, naked body all stretched out and tied, spread eagle, to the giant bed. The focus on the cameras could see the tiny little peach-fuzz on her smooth belly, as goosebumps popped up on her sides and arms. She felt a sudden shiver go through her. The warmth of the light, the cold from the slight breeze, she was suddenly more aware of every sensation. It was like being in the spotlight was making her skin sensitive…

“annnd… three… two… aaaand…. Action! We are now live!”

a little red light flicked on above the computer next to a sign that said, “on air.” Then the computer made a bling sound… then another bling… then another. Mark and rosemary looked at each other confused. “What… are we supposed to do?”

“Those bleep sounds are our viewers… right now they’re asking why you’re not trying to get the ticklee to say the safeword…” the snoody girl said in her matter-of-fact tone. “you gonna play the damn game?”

rosemary looked down at lilly who looked scared shitless. Her hands were shaking and she kept twitching and jumping like an injured rabbit. At first she felt bad. This girl’s probably never been tickled like this before. But then she looked over at mark. Mark looked sympathetic too, which actually made her a bit jealous. Just a few moments earlier, this total stranger made a comment about tickling the shit out of mark. And now she deserves sympathy? Why? Just because she’s scared? Well I’m scared, too! And I’m pushing through so we can each get our 10 grand. This bitch can take it, she’ll be fine!

rosemary smiled an evil smile as she dug into lilly’s sides, making her jump and twist silently as she tried to figure out how to make this horrible tickling stop. mark, after seeing rosemary become comfortable with it, loosened up and finally began poking at her ribs. “hehe, tickle, tickle, tickle! Is someone a ticklish girl?” he teased. “we’re - gonna - get you - to say the – safe-word!” he said in a kind of playful, singsong way. He looked over at rosemary who was now tickling her waist, and really tickling hard. As a matter of fact, they had only just begun, and lilly was already thrashing violently and whimpering little nonsense versions of “stop” and “please.” Rosemary was digging in, glaring into lilly’s eyes, “does that tickle? Is that fuckin’ bad? Huh? Does that tickle really fuckin bad?” she said as she pinched and poked and prodded. Mark just watched in disbelief. He had never seen his girlfriend get so cruel before. It was like a switch had flipped. She was suddenly like, this whole different person. And he was kind of enjoying it.

“rosey, you uh, you ok?” he chuckled as he playfully wiggled a finger into lilly exposed underarm. Lilly was flailing her midsection, squealing in disbelief at how much this all tickled.

“marky…” she looked a bit defeated until she realized she could just tell him. This was mark. She could tell him anything and he always understood her. “marky… she made a comment earlier that pissed me off! Now I wanna tickle the shit out of her…”

“haha, what could she have said? You were just feeling bad for her…”

“she… she said she would tickle the shit out of you!” rosemary blurted out while digging into lilly’s inner thighs. lilly went into silent laughter before she had the chance to rebuttal.

“oh she did?” mark looked down at the squirming little girl, now hyperventilating and struggling to keep a decent breathing pattern. “…stop…please…stop…please…” she gasped for air.

“funny how now we’re tickling the shit out of her!” he said as he grabbed her by the armpits and claw-tickled. Lilly was losing her mind. “say the safe-word, lilly!” mark taunted. Rosemary kept pinching her inner-thighs, “no don’t, I wanna tickle you all night!” she mocked. Lilly just shook uncontrollably and pulled at her restraints to no avail. She was tied tight, and every inch of her sensitive skin was exposed to the intrusive and electric tickling fingers of her captors. All she could do now was laugh. Laugh or… say the safe-word. She actually started to consider it.

becoming too much? It was too much from the beginning. She felt like she’d had all she could handle. She thought about what rosemary had said, that even if it only lasted two minutes, they’d all still get paid. She lasted her two minutes. That was about all she could take. It was time.

“pineapple! Pineapple!!” she shouted at the top of her lungs and lunged forward, hoping they would stop tickling when they heard the word. Rosemary and mark, who had played around with bondage before, were used to safe-words by now. they stopped tickling her, high-fiving, laughing and complimenting each other on a job well done. “no, you got her to say it!” … “no, you got her to say it!”

meanwhile the cooky little receptionist typed away at her keyboard. She looked up from her screen, “cutest douchbags I’ve ever seen, I swear to god… you two make me sick,” she looked back at her screen for a moment... “pledges are pouring in… they want to see more tickling.”

“wait, no… I thought the game was over? She said the safe-word...” rosemary started, before getting cut off by the bitchy receptionist, “we’re still live and the money’s still coming in! you wanna quit now?”

“I mean, we all get ten grand. No matter what, right?” rosemary looked confused.

“shit…” the girl looked off into the distance for a second before saying, “I’ll give you each 20 grand. That’s 40 total for you two love birds, and 20 for Barbie over there.”

mark interrupted, “to what? Non-consensually tickle that girl?”

the receptionist let that statement hang in the air for a second before she answered, “yes.”

mark stepped back. He looked over at rosemary who was staring off into space. He glanced over at lilly, still secured tightly to the bed, chest heaving up and down slowly as she tried to steady her breathing. He looked back at the girl with a raised eyebrow, “thirty,” he said. She let out a laugh as if his response was totally unexpected.

“well, well. 25, final offer.”

rosemary suddenly snapped out of it and looked at her boyfriend, “what are you doing?” it was a statement more than it was a question. Mark felt her staring at him. he knew what he was doing was unethical. He was ashamed, but he wanted that money. “i…” but before he could say anything, rosemary spoke up.

“he doesn’t speak for me! 10 was bullshit. 20’s bullshit and you know it. I want 50.” Rosemary shot back. The receptionist raised her eyebrows and grinned from ear to ear.

“50 grand and you stay? And what?”

“50 grand and I stay and non-consensually tickle the living shit out of this poor idiot until you tell me to stop. and then I don’t go to the cops and have you all arrested for kidnapping.” she let herself crack a bit of a grin. She deserved it.

the receptionist just stared in disbelief, mouth slightly ajar, “I’m really impressed with you, rosey. You talk a mean game. I fuckin like, you, you little shit! apparently so do our viewers!” she looked over at the computer screen, “the chat is blowing up! Hah, seems they love you…” she said. She looked over at mark, “well, douchebag, you’re gonna want to suck your wifey’s dick tonight, because that woman just got you, her, aaaand that sorry ticklish sack of shit over there a very big raise. You guys ready to keep this going?”

lilly erupted in protests as mark and rosemary looked at each other. They both knew this was a good deal. They both knew not to fuck with it any more. Just do the thing, get the money, and go home. And you never have to think about this ever again. They both turned to the smiling receptionist and held out their hands. Lilly went wild, tugging at her restraints and squirming, trying to loosen the straps. The receptionist shook hands, first with mark, then with rosemary as they all three turned to face the poor, naked, stretched out, vulnerable woman. She started to beg mark and rosey. “rosey? Come on, rosey? mark! Mark? You said to just relax! You said I’d be okay!” they ignored her pleas as they slowly walked towards her with terrible intentions.

the receptionist headed back to her computer to retrieve the viewer data, and then looked again at the helpless little blonde strapped firmly to the bed. A smirk formed at the bottom of her face as she addressed her two new contracted ticklers. “they’re asking about her feet..” she said, unable to contain her evil smile any longer. She was now grinning from ear to ear. She knew what she was doing.

upon hearing the word “feet” lilly let loose a howl so high pitch it could have been heard in the vacuum of space. “nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.

“nooooooo no no no no no fucking feet!! That’s off fucking limits!!! Help!! Mark tell them its off limits!!”

“why are you asking mark for help?” rosemary intruded, as if protecting her boyfriend. Mark thought this was hot as shit. omg is she jealous? Of this little blonde thing? That’s actually so cute! It was going to end very poorly for the blonde but it was still cute.

“i…” lilly tensed up, her legs started shaking and she began to tear up, “I don’t know what to say! Help me! Rosemary please! Not my feet! pleeeeeheheheeeease!” she started squirming around uncontrollably and kicking and twitching, she was a goddamned mess. “stop stop stop stop stop stooooooop!!!” she started yelling. Rosemary let out a laugh, “hah, nobody’s even touching you and you’re screaming like a banshee.” Mark, rosemary, and the receptionist all had a bit of a laugh at this spectacle, while lilly began to cry.

the evil receptionist looked up from her cruel command center with another smirk, “hahaha, omg, okay so I just have to read a few of these out loud…” she began, “you’ll love them! Okay this is from the chat… I’ll read down the list. And I quote,

~“omg she’s so cute! But she doth protest too much, get her feet!”

~“that girl’s gonna have a stroke, look at her freaking out! But I’d pay just to watch those feet get tickled…”

~“I’d pay too! I’d actually do it, though…”

~“fuck you guys. Extra 50 g. actually tickle her feet. Make it bad”

“…and the rest go accordingly…” laughed the receptionist. Lilly just whimpered softly in the background.

“you heard em!” piped rosemary, “we’ll end up with 100 grand just for tickling this dumb bitches feet! This is actually perfect! I’m really glad we ended up doing this!” she seemed to be glowing she was so happy. She wasn’t even paying attention to poor lilly any more, she was more interested in her bare feet that were fastened tightly to each bed-post. “Maybe I’ll use my nails,” she thought outloud. “Maybe I’ll scratch her insteps for a while, that usually drives me crazy. I’m going to tickle her until she fucking…”

“hmm, all that sounds lovely, dear. But it looks like the internet has uh… different plans…” the receptionist, always smiling, always with a twist of some kind. And here it comes.

“what do you mean, different plans? We have a deal!” shot rosemary, cold as ice.

“and that deal still stands. Everyone here still goes home with their hundred grand. Barbie’s feet still get tickled mercilessly unless she’s absolutely wasted. It’s just that… the viewers are saying they want mark to be the tickler!”

“so where does that leave me?” asked the tall, redhead.

“we have another room we want you to see, why don’t you come with me,” said the weird receptionist with an obvious look of mischief.

“no you can answer my question! What is the internet saying? Huh? What is it?” rosemary demanded to know.

“okay soooooo….” she dipped and bobbed another strand of hair over to her mouth to chew, “we have another room like this one. We call it room 2. We have a group of 4 girls in there right now who are uh… kind of an experiment. We’ve been trying to breed the perfect ticklers. Anyway, the viewers uh… well they say the money is off the table unless you go to room 2…” she said in a matter of fact tone.

“what? No, wait… I can’t, though. Because… mark, tell them I can’t! no, we had a deal!”

“and now we have another deal. Unless you want to drag your boyfriend away from a hundred grand…”

“what? No! this is crazy, mark! Tell her! This is crazy…”



“rosey… you did say…”

“you know what they’re gonna do! Mark please!”

“…you said… tickle you till you cried, remember? You told me to tickle you till you peed, even…”

“but not… not my… you know… I can’t… I can’t even say it, fuck… I’m gonna die, mark please!”

“babe,” he wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her in close. she was comforted by this. She thought maybe he was going to hug and tell her they should just go home and forget the money. In reality, he was just distracting her from the three giant security guards that slipped in through another doorway. The snuck up behind her and were easily able to take her by surprise. She struggled and kicked and screamed and yelled and cursed.

“fuck you mark what the fuck! What the fuuuck! Okay fuck, im sorry! Im sorry mark! Please… just… you know what they’re gonna do! You know! Pleeeease don’t let them do it!! Pleeeeaaasse!!”

the receptionist, in all her smirking glory, looked from her computer screen again with yet another evil expression of mischief. “aw okay, I’ll give you one last option, fuckboy. Just because I like you. you can take your girly and turn around and walk out that door right now. you get no money. But you save your fuck-girl. Or, you can let this happen. Your girlfriend gets taken to room two where four of the best and most highly trained ticklers in the world will absolutely abuse the living shit out of her armpits. and you take your revenge on that bitch’s feet over there… that way everyone gets paid. Your choice.”

mark looked at rosemary. Their eyes met. She knew right away what he decided. She began to kick and scream and fight with all her might. “noooooooo mark!! Heeelllpp!!! Help me!!”

the receptionist gave a satisfied look as poor rosemary was dragged out the door and into room two. “you’ve made the right decision, I assure you.”

he walked slowly and off-balance, with a aura of defeat back over to the bed where lilly was still strapped down tightly. She began to struggle, “mark! Mark, you don’t have to do this! Mark, please…”

“lilly… shut the fuck up…” he said as he picked up a very pointy hairbrush. He put the brush to her bare bright red foot. She felt the tiny sharp little bristles touch her skin and it made her jump, which set in motion the twitching and suddenly she was back to freaking out. full on panic as she pulled at her restraints, tears filled her eyes, “holy shit!! holy shit!! holy shit!!”

“lilly… I’m gonna make this fucking hurt…”
Really great story! Not sure how to work in a part 2 but that would be great.
Love it! Hope we learn what color and kind of underwear each of them is wearing.
please we absolutely need a part 2.. then a part 3 then 4.... 56 parts maybe?
Love the set-up, negotiations and the heightened anticipation, Chris31! How about the viewers demand that Mark tickle Lilly to orgasm without touching her clit, then when she’s more sensitive, they demand he tickle her even worse?
thank you guys! you were all so nice to me that i decided to write a part 2!
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