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50 Shades of Grey


4th Level Red Feather
May 4, 2001
Hoy do you think the Movie could affect the BDSM community being on the Mainstream?

Do you think it would affect us either?
I don't know anything about BDSM stuff, that's way out of my wheelhouse, but the impression I get from friends that do practice it who have brought up the books/movie to me is that if anything it'll be a very negative message. Apparently all the "Safe, Sane, Consensual" stuff is thrown out the window, and the boyfriend (Charles Grey? I think? Starts with a C) is extremely abusive, trying to forbid his girlfriend from talking to her family and friends, disrespecting safe words, that sort of thing, and the book starts to seem less like a taboo romance and more like a story where someone is struggling in an abusive relationship.

I don't think it would effect us, regardless. Tickle fetishes are still pretty damn uncommon, and while things like BDSM are commonly known and joked about even among people with no interest in them, we're still mostly under that radar, as far as I can tell.
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I read the book the whole three volumes and found it rather a let down, and i think the film may go the same way when the hype dies down.No doubt its a very big money spinner, and it will arouse interest among the vanilla brigade who will then think they know the whole BDSM picture, but in fact its quite tame and only just skirts the very edge.
I don't think it will effect the BDSM scene to any great degree, and the tickling fetish is on the fringe of this discipline anyway.
Maybe i'am prejudging the film by assuming its like the book, could be i'am in for a surprise, these comments are only my opinion others may disagree completely. A lot of work and employment on the spin off industry must surely be a good thing, in fact i can't remember the last time so many cinema tickets were purchased in advance,sale of sexy undies went up through the roof and sex toys sold like hot cakes.
There isn't anything BDSM about 50 shades of grey. It's a smutt novel written to get your common house wife/mom wet.
There isn't anything BDSM about 50 shades of grey. It's a smutt novel written to get your common house wife/mom wet.

I agree i think it sums it up well,may get some guys wet also possibly.
I don't know anything about BDSM stuff, that's way out of my wheelhouse, but the impression I get from friends that do practice it who have brought up the books/movie to me is that if anything it'll be a very negative message. Apparently all the "Safe, Sane, Consensual" stuff is thrown out the window, and the boyfriend (Charles Grey? I think? Starts with a C) is extremely abusive, trying to forbid his girlfriend from talking to her family and friends, disrespecting safe words, that sort of thing, and the book starts to seem less like a taboo romance and more like a story where someone is struggling in an abusive relationship.

I don't think it would effect us, regardless. Tickle fetishes are still pretty damn uncommon, and while things like BDSM are commonly known and joked about even among people with no interest in them, we're still mostly under that radar, as far as I can tell.

Pretty much this.
A lot of work and employment on the spin off industry must surely be a good thing, in fact i can't remember the last time so many cinema tickets were purchased in advance,sale of sexy undies went up through the roof and sex toys sold like hot cakes.

But it's Valentine's Day - so don't those sales go up naturally this time of year? The books were a pass for me as well as the cinematic incarnation. I don't think it will have much bearing on this community.
But it's Valentine's Day - so don't those sales go up naturally this time of year? The books were a pass for me as well as the cinematic incarnation. I don't think it will have much bearing on this community.

Your quite right but this boom in the uk exceeds the normal valentines day sales by a huge amount, thanks in part to all the hype about 50 shades
It won't effect the tickle people and the BDSM folk are having a laugh i guess, or though it does give vanilla folk a slight insight.
1.3 million tickets were sold for the film prior to release. comments illustrate that the film lacks bite lol
I tried to read this terrible book but was unable because it's terrible. It is, however, a great opportunity and should be gently seized. This rotten book and probably rotten movie will be a god-send to those poor unfortunates who are too shy too suggest a little bedroom bondage on their own. All one has to do is shell out a few hundred bucks to see the thing in a theater (is that enough? I haven't been to the movies in a few decades.) A discussion WILL follow. I would suggest skipping this one though, and instead watching "Secretary." But keep in mind that everyone is already talking about this movie, so the discussion will have less chance of being ruined by the question: "Why did you want to see this?" Although, that might be a good question after all. Sorry for thinking out loud.
Upside: It's apparently getting more vanillas interested in finding out about BDSM, so at least they can be educated about it and shown that the movie is shit.

Downside: The movie is portraying BDSM in a really shitty light to people who already know what it's about.

And churchy people like Kirk Cameron are using the movie to get everyone up in arms against BDSM as a whole. Cause we're such deviant sinners.
None whatsoever, especially the movie. I say this because I believe now, as I believed then that the attitude one has about bondage or soaking etc. Is a reflection of preexisting tastes
All one has to do is shell out a few hundred bucks to see the thing in a theater (is that enough? I haven't been to the movies in a few decades.)

Uh, yeah, your off by quite a bit. The average movie (with popcorn and drink included) costs around $20-$30 per person and that's not even taking into account group discounts some theaters do.

Downside: The movie is portraying BDSM in a really shitty light to people who already know what it's about.

And BINGO was his NAME O! This movie sucks even worse than the novel.
I think that most people have brought up some of the problems with the book/film. There doesn't seem to be anything about consent being given during BDSM which is an important role if you're going to partake in it. I also have a feeling the BDSM in the film has been watered down because they're obviously not going to show the content you see on WhippedAss.com in a cinema. But I have a feeling that it has been watered down so much, that the audience will think that that is actually what BDSM is, when it isn't, but I suppose it is good that the book/film has brought awareness to the BDSM lifestyle. I haven't read the book but I will be watching the film when it is available online.

If anybody wants to know what true BDSM is, I will be happy to hook you up with some of my websites? ;) hahaha

I have heard people talking about a tampon scene that is in the book? Can someone explain this to me if they have read the book? Cheers :D
Horrible writing aside, the books really are not that bad. They portray aspects that many people in BDSM can relate to when they started out. The mistakes, the fumbles. As someone who comes more from the BDSM side of the alt community than the tickle side, what is portrayed is a bit laughable, but it is a romanticized fan-fic any how and really shouldn't have been taken as more than that. However, it has become a gateway for some. I know that within my local BDSM community, we have taken the opportunity to educate those who enter our community through these gateways to hopefully show them the truth of what it can be, both the negative and the positive. When the books came out, we had a small influx of new members. Some stayed active and most moved on. But we made efforts to welcome and educate, which really is the best thing that can be done in these situations. If media insists on not provide a satisfactory light on our activities, then it is up to us to rectify that. When the movie premiered, we had members of our local community attend showings in casual attire, with some sort of means of identifying them as part of our community (such as shirts saying "Ask me if you have questions about kink). There were a few questions, but most of the people who they encountered at the showings seemed to be there for the titillation of it.

As far as the tickle community goes, I agree with others who posted before me in that I don't feel like there will be much impact. When the books came out, the new members we received in our community were interested mainly in things like spanking and bondage. Tickling tends to be a happy little corner of the alt community, tucked away at its own table and many don't realize early on that it can be a wonderful tool in their arsenal.
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There isn't anything BDSM about 50 shades of grey. It's a smutt novel written to get your common house wife/mom wet.

That was my thought as well. It was for your run-of-the-mill suburban soccer moms
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I have heard people talking about a tampon scene that is in the book? Can someone explain this to me if they have read the book? Cheers :D

Oh, this. I haven't read the book, but one of my fellow literature nerds was telling me about this weird as hell scene where he pulls her tampon out for her, and apparently they try to make it sound really sexy that he's pulling out a tampon and sexily throwing it away in the sexy toilet. It's apparently super awkward and hilarious.
No way does a movie that popular not have some impact.

At the very least, a whole lot more people are going to be getting kinkier in the bedroom or see Bdsm in a more accepting light. I say that's a good thing. There was definitely some progress here. Yeah, the movie sucked and the Bdsm was watered down but at least they hammered the consent part into our heads. To me, that's the most important part.
No way does a movie that popular not have some impact.

At the very least, a whole lot more people are going to be getting kinkier in the bedroom or see Bdsm in a more accepting light. I say that's a good thing. There was definitely some progress here. Yeah, the movie sucked and the Bdsm was watered down but at least they hammered the consent part into our heads. To me, that's the most important part.

I'm sorry but if you think there is even a touch of BDSM in that movie. ...you have no idea what it is the first place. It's a movie on an abusive unhealthy relationship and all scenes in the movie are completely unrealistic. That's the last thing any community wants to try to encourage or promote.
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I'm sorry but if you think there is even a touch of BDSM in that movie. ...you have no idea what it is the first place. It's a movie on an abusive unhealthy relationship and all scenes in the movie are completely unrealistic. That's the last thing any community wants to try to encourage or promote.

Realize that Bdsm is a broad topic that means different things to different people. If you didn't see any Bdsm in this film at all, then fair enough but I certainly did.

But you don't think it's good that so many more couples will be getting kinkier? (I seriously wonder how much bondage equipment sales have spiked :) )

And let's be honest. This story was hugely popular with women. It's not just more sequels that are coming, it's more copies of the same story but repackaged. The genie is definitely out of the bottle. I see this progress as good. I realize you might not agree but hey what a boring world it would be if we all agreed all the time.
Realize that Bdsm is a broad topic that means different things to different people. If you didn't see any Bdsm in this film at all, then fair enough but I certainly did.

But you don't think it's good that so many more couples will be getting kinkier? (I seriously wonder how much bondage equipment sales have spiked :) )

And let's be honest. This story was hugely popular with women. It's not just more sequels that are coming, it's more copies of the same story but repackaged. The genie is definitely out of the bottle. I see this progress as good. I realize you might not agree but hey what a boring world it would be if we all agreed all the time.

Wow, you either clearly don't have a clue or you're a sex store salesman. I'm sorry....so yeah go ahead and please continue to hope that this garbage of cinematic adventure brings unrealistic and unsafe scenes into people's bedrooms, possibly a lot of injuries and maybe deaths because dumbasses do what they see on TV without the common sense of research first. A lot of woman liked this movie because of as I stated before, their lives are that fucking boring. I know because more than a dozen of ladies from my personal facebook could not wait to see this movie because it was the first exciting thing to happen to them since their 5th child's birth or soccer mom meet and greet. I'm all for trying new things but this is not the best encouragement and clearly not safe for anyone. I mean sure getting swept up in the moment and accidentally stumbling into a millionaire’s "play" room is probably not going to happen to anyone ever, unrealistic; why???? because the sexual fantasy makes everything look so easy. It has to be the right place and right time and right equipment; and you have to know the person to do it with, and most importantly, you have to feel you can trust the person. Before anyone gets around to play with anyone, they need to learn how to do so safely. Even a rope or a whip can be dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing. Like the no no places to snap your whip on the skin such as the back of the neck, tailbone, or around the kidneys,etc. I mean if you wanna pee funny for the rest of your fucking life, please go ahead and knock yourself out.

I do agree with you that BDSM means several different things and can mean different to others according to preference. BDSM includes bondage and discipline (B&D), dominance and submission (D&S), and sadism & masochism (S&M).Most of the time, peoples interests fall into one or two of those categories, rather than all of them. But what I don't agree with is that you are encouraging viewers of this trash smut novel that this is the real deal and it's not; and also bringing minds to believe that this is truly real BDSM and it's not. This is people going into the community and or lifestyle in the wrong way. Because there are 100000 things about the lifestyle that this movie did not cover; all very important facts completely looked over.

But what I'm trying to get through your big thick brute skull is that BDSM is not about abusive unstable, unhealthy relationships that this movie portrayed. BDSM is not something that emerges from abuse or domestic violence, or engaging in it does not mean that you enjoy abuse or abusing. That is what this movie pretty much encouraged.

And to put the icing on the cake...this movie contained absolutely 100% NO CONSENT! Just remember that consent is a requirement in BDSM.

AND between all the stereotypes, all the porn, and Fifty Shades of Grey, there’s a lot of MISCONCEPTIONS about BDSM.

but no please, continue raising the roof over under the bed restraint kids, and fuzzy wrist cuffs. Thank you.
But what I don't agree with is that you are encouraging viewers of this trash smut novel that this is the real deal and it's not

Nah, me and my big thick brute skull said the opposite in my original reply - "Yeah, the movie sucked and the Bdsm was watered down". I look at this book/movie as a first try and so of course they're not going to get it right the first time. Rome wasn't built in a day and all that.

I'm just seeing the glass as half full here and you're seeing it as half empty. Not a big deal. To each their own.

It's funny you say the movie "contained absolutely 100% NO CONSENT!" because I thought they nailed consent. He repeatedly tells her she can stop whenever she wants, explains safe words and gives her one, and even uses a contract to help her define her hard limits. Hell, they devoted a whole scene to it. At no point does she do anything against her will and at no point does she tell him to stop and he doesn't listen. But hey, like I said, We all have our own opinions :)
My issue is that they are going to turn BDSM to the next fab. New hastags, new facebooks, social media garbage. Its going to be the next popular thing to be into, like it's a fashion. That's my problem.
I haven't seen the movie or read the books, but from conversation around social media, someone summed it up as "a movie about a dude trying to force a chick to sign a contract and some spanking."

As far as impacting the tickling community? Nah. I don't think so.

Raising curiosity towards the BDSM community? Absolutely.

Potential injuries happening in the bedrooms of partners due to how (based off reviews) poorly things were set up? Absolutely.

A friend of mine asked about BDSM and what it contains and the best response I could think to give him was that it's more about communication than it is about being strapped down and having things done to you. I've spent more time discussing it and asking questions than I have scened, personally.
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