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A Long Trip - A Sci Fi story, PART FOUR F/f, erotic


TMF Regular
Apr 21, 2001
part three...http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?282620-A-Long-Trip-A-Sci-Fi-story-PART-THREE!!!-F-f
Part two...http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthr...y-PART-TWO-F-f
Part one... http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthr...y-PART-ONE-F-f
Prologue... http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthr...ue-No-Tickling

As she slept, conscious mind drugged by the tranquilizer, Gretchen Weiss dreamed. She was back in University, on the athletics field. She had always played at the top level, meaning there were more males than females on both teams. That hadn’t mattered to Gretchen Weiss. In her dream, she relived a game from her senior year, running down the field, trying to get into position. She had straight armed a boy several inches taller than her on 6’2”, knocking him to the ground, hip checking a second barely seeing him crumble to the ground, before almost running over a third to get to the spot to catch the ball and score the winning goal.

She was in boot camp again, running the obstacle course, climbing over the wall, biceps bulging, running through the tires, thighs pounding up and down like pistons. Hand over hand, she went across the monkey bars, feeling the burn in her shoulders as she pulled herself over the pit filled with mud. She printed across the open field, rejoicing in the feel of her strength, her powerful muscles flexing, as she set a new record time.

She was in combat, the skirmish against the revolting miners on the Martian moon of Phobos. She had felt fear then, any second could have brought a laser blast from the darkness, ending her life. But the fear didn’t hinder her, didn’t slow her down. It made her feel alive, her blue eyes scanning the rocky terrain, looking for the first sign of danger. When the attack came, she had grappled with a miner, blocking a clumsy swing of his tool with her rifle, then plunging the stock into his abdomen, knocking him out of the fight. Her heart had pounded with exhilaration and terror, making her want to howl like a wolf making its first kill.

Then everything blurred. She wasn’t a wolf, but a dog, chained up in a yard. All around her were people, pointing and laughing at her, filling her with anger. They were small people, men and women barely 5 feet tall, and Gretchen knew if she could get free, get her hands on them, she could end their laughing, make them sorry they had chained her. But the leash wouldn’t break, no matter how she pulled, her great muscles useless against its strength.

Wait, no a voice inside her said the other things were true, but this never happened! This is a lie! Gretchen tried to yell and scream, to let the crowd know that they shouldn’t be, to frighten them with her wrath, but all that came from her mouth was laughter, hysterical cries that she couldn’t stop! Instead of being scared, the crowd laughed louder, threw things at her and taunted her for being helpless. A tear ran down her snout and…

* * * * *
When Gretchen woke, she was shocked to see where she was, totally nude and sitting right in the middle of the galley. Her legs were trapped in something that resembled a medieval stock, but made of poly-steel. Frightened, she kicked her legs in frustration, trying to break them free, pulling with all her might. When that didn’t worked, tried kicking while pushing on the wall with her hands, later pounding on the device with balled up fists. It was hopeless. The stocks were made of the same material Asimov was constructed from. Muscle wouldn’t solve this problem.

Her dream suddenly rushed back to her. It was true! She was the dog, chained in the yard, waiting to be punished! Her fear turned to ice in her stomach. Carla will come soon! She’d punish her, torment her some more! No! Just like the dog in her dreams, she felt like howling.

“Pull your self together Weiss! Think, don’t panic!” Gretchen scolded herself and forcing her self-control to reassert itself. “That solves nothing. Think!” If there was a way out, she’d find it with her brain, not her thigh muscles. The real danger wasn’t the stocks or even the fact that she naked. It was the Tech Sergeant. Why had she done this? What else was she planning on doing? If she could figure that out, maybe she could outfox Alvardo, get herself and the Asimov out of this situation.

Breathing deeply, Weiss forced herself to remember every detail of the other night, no matter how embarrassing. After thinking about it was several minutes, the blonde realized that nothing about it had made sense! What could the Tech Sergeant even hope to achieve from a mutiny! Surely their was nothing to gain from taking over the ship. Eventually they’d get back to Earth, and Carla would have hell to pay with the authorities. She’d end up in the brig for sure!

Even more bizarre was the way she had done it. Alvardo had used tickling as a weapon, tormenting her with it when other, more proven methods of...persuasion were available. And the Tech Sergeant hadn’t just tickled her, either. There had been kissing and fondling and other things that could only be classified as foreplay! Surely that had nothing to do with getting her to relinquish command. Infact, she could think of nothing Carla could have hoped to gain, no practical reason at all for such actions!

It was possible Carla was just some perverted deviant, except...Gretchen had known her for years. She was a grade A pain in the ass, but definitely a straight arrow. She even had a fiance! So, maybe, she had had some ind of nervous breakdown, perhaps from being trapped on the Asimov for months. She had been pretty pissed off when she found out Earth Command wasn’t coming to rescue them.

But...That still didn’t account for everything! if Gretchen was being honest with herself, she hadn’t resisted Carla’s advances like she should have. She had been excited by what Carla was doing (not the tickling, the other stuff) in a way a woman had never excited her before. Forced to remember, Gretchen realized she had been as turned on as any time she could remember, maybe even more. Had the tech Sergeant just stopped tormenting her, she quite possibly would have loved every second of it and responded in kind! That didn’t make any sense either. She certainly wouldn’t have responded like that to someone trying to steal her ship!

So something had been affecting her as well. Unless she and Carla had had matching mental breakdowns, that meant an outside force, a drug or a virus maybe. Were they under attack? How? Why?

Whatever or whoever it was, the truly scary thing was that it might have control of the AI. Something had badly damaged the computer’s logic circuits. There could be no other reason for the system to not only not have refused to Carla into custody when ordered...or have seen how much duress she was under from the tickling and that her admission of being unfit from duty was clearly forced.

And the AI controlled the ship. If the AI, the Captain and the Tech Sergeant were all compromised, what hope was there? Whoever it was could take the Asimov easily. Only Dr. Blake, a scientist more at home with a test tube than a rifle would stand in there way. How formidable could she possibly be?

It was at that moment Alana did walk into the galley, doors sliding open noiselessly. Hope rose in Gretchen’s chest only to be dashed in seconds. Despite working with her for the last year, the last couple in daily close proximity on the Asimov Gretchen almost didn’t recognize the woman. Instead of the Earth Command overalls, she wore a loose-fitting bathrobe. Her hair, normally in a ponytail or hurriedly slapped in a clip to keep it out of her face, had been set loose and allowed to cascade down her neck and shoulders in coppery curls.

But it was Alana’s expression that made her so alien. The only emotion Gretchen had ever seen on her pale face was anxiety when she had to deal with other people. Normally she looked cold, distant, her brain working on some scientific problem, immersed in numbers and pure logic. It was rare to see her smile, almost impossible to get a response from her that wasn’t distant and vague.

That had frustrated the guys at Earth Command to no end. Alana was cute enough that many of the single guys had tried to chat her up. She had seemed oblivious to their attempts. They had nicknamed her the ‘ice princess’, said she had as much emotion as a robot. Maybe, given her vast intelligence, was a robot.

Today, however, she looked completely different. Her thin red lips were in a crooked grin and her green eyes sparkled like emeralds. They stared directly at Gretchen, sweeping over the blonde’s nude body, hovering over her breasts and legs. A look of sheer wantonness was plastered on her face. More feeling than Gretchen had ever seen on her before.
She was definitely affected as well. There was no hope.
The look was so intense, in fact, that it took Gretchen by surprise despite what had happened. She felt a wave of shame at being seen in her current predicament, a need to cover herself stronger than she had ever felt in her life. It was so strong, that for a second, her normal attitude of confidence and command slipped away, leaving her self-conscious and ashamed.

“It…it’s not what it looks like,” she stuttered, not able to look Alana in the eye.

The redhead didn’t react to her situation with shock, righteous indignation or even laughter. Instead, she licked her lips, staring at the bound woman in front of her like a starving person stares at a feast.

“Oh...oh yes...you look good...so good...,” Alana said softly, her voice quivering with need. If she had heard Gretchen, the redhead gave no sign of it. Instead, her hands undid the strap on her robe, letting it slip off of her shoulders. Underneath, she wore nothing at all.

Alana’s body was petite, almost elfin, but was definitely that of a woman in full maturity. Her breasts, though small were well formed, the curve to her hips pronounced as was the field of red between her legs. Gretchen gasped. The clothes the scientist normally wore were so shapeless, lab coats and jump suits, they made her figure appear as that of a boy. Now she could see that certainly wasn’t so.

Alana sashayed forward, her normal timid walk replaced by one that a would have done a prostitute proud. She rolled her hips, showing off her body to its best advantage. Her eyes never left Gretchen’s body, never stopped running up and down her nude length.

Shock bulldozed in Gretchen. In a million years she never would have guessed Alana would have exposed her body and flaunt her sexuality. Surprisingly, that shock was quickly followed by a pang of desire, one that started building in Gretchen’s stomach. Despite herself, she imagined running her hands over that slender frame, kissing those small lips.

“No, that's not right!” she snarled, shaking her head violently, trying to get rid of the image, “That’s not me! That’s not me!” Gretchen knew that her reaction wasn’t real, wasn’t genuine. The female body had never had any kind of effect on her before. As an athlete in school and then a soldier, she had seen it enough in locker rooms, barracks and a hundred communal showers. None of them had ever triggered a single improper thought. But now...

“Alana,” Gretchen said softly, trying to regain her composure, “I don’t know what you think you’re doing, but we don’t have time for this. I need your help! Put your robe back on and listen to me. Something...something is wrong...we may be under attack from something...You have to help me get out of this thing. I can pick the lock if you get me a stiff wire or something. Just check any toolbox.”

“Release you? Oh yes,” Alana practically purred, “We both need release! I’ll help you and you’ll help me! Oh, it will feel so good, touching and feeling and licking! Our bodies will be all sweaty and intertwined! Just like I saw you and the Tech Sergeant do!”

What? Gretchen could only stare. How had she seen that? It didn’t matter. She needed to get free, needed Alana to free her! She had to talk Alana into doing it.

“How long have you two been lovers?” Alana asked before Gretchen could try, voice filled with sheer excitement like a kid at Christmas, “Since the trip started? Before, back on Earth? Have you always been this kinky? I’ll bet the sex between you is fantastic. Tell me you’ve had threesomes, oh god, please tell me!” She had reached the stocks now, her gaze riveted on Gretchen’s breasts.

“N…no! No,” Gretchen stuttered, shocked the very idea, “I..you don’t understand. Carla…Tech Sergeant Alvardo forced me…touched me against my will! I would have never…”

“Oh, come now captain, don’t be shy,” Alana Blake grinned, her emerald eyes flashing, “I’m not a spy for the Moral Authority here to condemn you for living an immoral life! Don’t shut me out! I want...need it so badly...please help me!” She reached over the two foot high stocks and placed her hand on Gretchen’s knee, running her fingers up the length of her leg.

It was electric. The small fingers felt so warm, so soft and so good. It made Gretchen’s heart beat faster, her sex drive shifting into a higher gear. It made her desires harder to fight, harder to control. She put her hand on Alana’s, but whether to pull Alana’s away or to keep it there, she wasn’t sure.

“Please...please don’t touch me,” Gretchen whispered, forcing the words through unwilling lips. Along with the desire was fear. What was Alana going to do to her? As a soldier, Gretchen wasn’t used to fear, not around people like Alana anyways. Even unarmed and naked, she could have beaten the redhead to a pulp. Now...feet captured...there was little she could do.

“I’ll make you like it,” Alana whispered back, “I’ll make you want it. I’ll be so good.”

“Alana...Alana, listen to me! You’ve got to fight it! We...We’ve got to fight it! Please let me go...please...I...we need...” Gretchen’s voice broke.

And Alana did pull back, but not because she was trying to what Gretchen said or out of a need for self-control. Her eyes sparkled dangerously as she did, licking her lips yet again, as if she had just taking the first bite of a delicious meal and was making herself wait before satisfying her hunger.

“You...you say that but...but I think you’re just tense...nervous about being with another woman. Captain, you just need to relax. I know what will help. A nice, soothing foot massage. What do you say?” She placed her hand on Gretchen’s right foot and started caressing to top and toes.

Her foot. The one part of Gretchen’s body she couldn’t protect or defend. She leaned forward as far as she could,but of course couldn’t reach Alana’s hands on the other side of the barrier. She grabbing the top of the stocks in frustration, her fear and sense of helplessness increasing, her foot feeling more vulnerable than she’d ever been in her life.

“Alana! Alana no!” Gretchen cried, her body shuddering and a small moan escaped from her lips. She had never had her feet touched in an erotic fashion before. The guys she had been with wouldn’t have put them in the top ten places on her body to explore. But when they were touched, it felt good, better than Gretchen would have dreamed. A small moan slipped from her lips.

“No...no no no,” Gretchen managed, “You don’t...don’t...mmmm...under...understand Alana...we could be in trrrrrrr....nn...trouble. Let me go, please let me go...nnnnnnAAAHHHH”

Alana wasn’t listening. The act of touching Gretchen’s foot had her entranced. She was moaning too, almost in sync with the captain. Her green eyes were smoldering, any reason or logic lost to the hormones running through her.

“Ohhh,” Alana moaned softly, “Your foot...so warm...so soft...so big...” She ran her fingers from Gretchen’s toes to her ankle, right where it emerged from the steel holding it. Every few seconds, she’d touch a bit to hard or use her fingernail instead of the tips and it would tickle, sending a jolt through the blonde’s body. Mostly, though, it just felt good.

Gretchen knew she couldn’t handle much of this. She was melting at every touch. She was going to lose control, let Alana touch her everywhere...no, not let, beg! She would beg Alana to take her, to be touched and to touch the slim redhead in return. It was building insde of her with every brush of the redhead’s fingers...and then...and then...

And then whatever was affecting them would gain control of her. Just as it already controlled Carla. Just as it already controlled Alana. It would have them all. It would have the Asimov. Who knew what its goals were or what it would do with her ship. Gretchen couldn’t allow that. She had to stop it, no matter what it was. That meant she had to get through to Alana, no matter what.

“Alana! Dr. Blake!” Gretchen pushed the need out of her voice, doing her best to sound like one of her drill sergeants from boot camp, “You will cease and desist at once! I am ordering you cadet, ordering you as your captain to take your hands off of my foot and release me from this damn contraption at once! This ship is in great peril and this is the only way to save all our lives! Do you understand!”

And the outburst worked...to a point. Alana puled back for the second time, the dazed, blissful look gone from her eyes. For a second, she seeemd hurt, as if someone had betrayed her. Then her green eyes narrowed, her red lips curling up into a wicked grin, as if she had just gotten the punchline of a particular wicked joke.

“Wow! This is worse than I thought! You’re just a big ‘ol grump...captain! Just a big old wet blanket. You’ve got to learn to cheer up and let go. Luckily I knew just the thing to make you smile,” She showed off her fingernails, painted a light pink, like a lion in a cartoon, “It worked on Alvardo and she was an even bigger sourpuss than you.”

As Gretchen stared in horror as Alana’s fingers reached again for her bare, defenseless feet, this time with less pleasant intentions. She tried again to rip her legs free from the stocks, tried to stretch far enough to reach over the top and cover her soles, tried to wiggle her feet far enough to have one cover the other.

As soon as Alana’s fingertips hit Gretchen’s sole, those same feelings Carla had forced on her appeared again, blossoming everywhere a nail grazed across smooth skin. It was just as awful as before, just as unbearable. The blonde knew she had to do something, fast!

“No...no, not that...please Alana...not tickles...I...I...I’m not grumpy! I can...no...grrrrnrnnnnn nnnn nnnoooo i grrrnnnnn nnnnOnnnonnonono!!” Gretchen wanted to stay gruff, keep her voice filled with anger, but the tickling, the stroking of nails on her soles, wouldn’t let her, forced her voice high and squeeky. It took away the last of her power.

Alana, feeling her own power blossom and grow, started scribbling her fingers over the bottoms of Gretchen’s feet, her tiny nails racing up and down her arches, tracing the creases left and right, scratching down near her heels. She could make this large woman laugh and beg. What a rush!

The sensation shot up Gretchen’s legs, forced her face into a large grin before she could even think about preventing it. She wanted to fight, to hold back her reaction, like she had managed to do with Carla, but she couldn’t. Either her feet were more ticklish or Alana’s small fingers were more nimble and skilled. Either way, they were able to coax a stream of giggles in seconds.

“Hehe eheh eheheh nawoooo eheh nnnrrrr ehehehehehehe Allahahahahnnaaaaaa ah ahahahaha grrrnn a ahahah ahah doonnntt ahahahhah stawwpppp I I ahahahahhhh nrrrgggg ahahah nawwttt ahahah my ahahah feeheheheht!!!!”

“Oh yes, be happy, so happy!” Alana said joyfully, her fingers moving faster and faster. Gretchen’s feet were much larger than Carla’s and not as pudgy. She could let her nails roam, plucking here, scraping there, digging into the captain’s arches in key places. She could feel the feet quivering beneath her touch, see the wild look in Weiss’s blue eyes. It was so good!

Gretchen kept trying to stifle her laughter, kept trying to regain control, but just couldn’t do it. The tickling was maddening, impossible for her to repress or even ignore. Fighting through pain and exhaustion was nothing new to her, but what Alana was doing to her feet weakened her worse than either of those. The simple touch drained her strength and shattered her will. It was awful!

Her legs started quivering at the first touch, her abdomen soon heaving with laughter. Each touch, each hard nail slicing across her skin, every fingertip wiggling into a new crack or crevice on her large feet added to her torment, made her cry out louder and louder, increased the electric feelings shooting through her body, making it shake.

And...as much as Gretchen hated the sensation spreading through her body, hated the loss of control, hated not being able to stop laughing, hated being so weak, she felt a fire start growing in her belly, her lust starting to grow again, turning into a raw heat, one she could not extinguish. She recognized her arousal and despised it but could do nothing to stifle or even limit it

Alana’s body shook too, echoing that heat. Each stroke of her fingers brought forth a new peal of laughter from Gretchen, which each brought Alana an erotic pleasure, as if her womanhood was being touched by the joyful noise. The sensation was delicious, traveling up and down her body. Between that and the feel of Gretchen’s flesh beneath her fingertips, the scientist was in a state of bliss.

In ticklish agony, Gretchen felt herself losing control. She grabbed the two foot high wall her from her own feet, pushing and pulling it while she laughed, desperate to break it or move it, anything to get to those fingers tormenting her sensitive skin.

“ah ahaha ahahah ii aha ahah i dohohohoonnttt ahahaha lihihhiiikkeeee ahahah itt!!! I dohohohonnntttttttt nawwooooooo aha ahahaha I ahahahah I ahahahhatteeeee ahahahh beeheheiingng aha ahh aha tihihihiickklleedd ahaha ahaha a ahahahaha PLEEHEHEHSSEEEE ahahahah StaahahahWPPP!!! NAWOOOOOO MORRREEE AHAHAHA!!!”

“Oh yesssss, yes you do,” Alana hissed, “I can feel it. You want this captain, you want this as much as I do! You just have to let it out.” She felt alive for the first time, energized by her laughing, bound prey. It felt better than tickling Carla had. Then she had touched herself to build excitement, but now it wasn’t necessary! It was as if she was being made love to by a spirit of mirth.

Alana’s fingers moved faster without conscious thought, working higher and higher up Gretchen’s soles, the blonde’s laughter increasing with every inch they traveled. And as the blonde’s laughter grew, so did Alana’s ecstasy, the pressure on her privates growing, becoming more intense. It was like a fabulous dream!

For Gretchen, it was a nightmare. Her world shrank down t the soles of her feet, the only inputs the hard scamper of Alana’s nails. As she laughed, even as her body thrashed and her tears started, Gretchen knew Alana was right. Part of her was enjoying it, desired being touched, being wanted. Even as she tried to resist the hysteria sweeping over her, Gretchen also had to resist the part inside her that wanted more and more. She found herself failing on both fronts.

“Oh yes, more, more,” Alana grunted, “I need more! Give me more!” Just as with the captain, her lust was growing faster and faster, spurred on by her lover/victim’s mirthful cries. Unlike Gretchen, that lust wasn’t warring with the tormenting tickles. There was no fighting, no resisting. All of her thoughts, dreams and desires were united. And it was Gretchen’s laughter that fueled all those things, and all those things that pushed Alana to increase that laughter.

When Alana brushed Gretchen’s long toes, the blonde’s laughter spiked, thrilling her tormentor. Alana’s fingers were drawn there immediately, like bees to sugar, sliding between the wiggling digits, index fingers scratching at the pads of the blonde’s big toes, thumbs digging into the balls of her feet.


Gretchen was slammed by the tickling sensation. It devoured her, swallowing her whole. She laughed as hard as she could, heart pounding, lungs racing to keep up with the demand for air. Not her toes! Not her toes! Sweat poured down her face and tears welled up in her eyes. Gretchen pounded her fists into the top of the stocks, desperate for relief, for mercy, for...for...

“Yes, more, oh more, more!” Alana groaned, “You love it, don’t you baby, don’t you my pet! You want me to give you more and more until you explode!” She was addicted to Gretchen’s toes, to the way they wiggled as she stroked them, the way they clenched when she slipped a finger in-between them. She found she could make them open and close, spread and squeeze depending on how and where she tickled them. And each type of touch changed the pitch and frequency of the big blonde’s laughter, like a musical instrument and she was the one playing it.

Even as she said the words, Gretchen knew it was true. The flame in her loins threatened to consume her as it burned hotter and hotter. She hated the tickling, hated it for what it did to her, but she did want more, the desire forcing all other thoughts from her mind.

“I was so afraid of you, captain, when we first met” Alana said as she kept assaulting her toes, “You’re so big, so strong, so in charge. I felt like if I disobeyed you or even just displeased you, you’d break me in half. I avoided you whenever possible. Now I see that your just a big, cuddly, hysterical teddy bear...my cuddly teddy bear, aren’t you, aren’t you?”


Every muscle in Gretchen’s body was quivering, every part she could move was flailing in some way. Blinding white lights were exploding in front of her eyes. It was especially bad when Alana got her pinkie toe. Luckily, she was laughing so hard, that the redhead hadn’t realized that spot was particularly bad, but whenever a nail scratched the tip or dug into the base or grazed the underside, Gretchen felt like she was being electrocuted.
She had to stop. She had to stop! Gretchen just kept repeating that to herself over and over again, trying to keep her mind free and independent. Alana had to stop at some point and them she could try and get through to her, then maybe OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH GOODDDDDDDD!!!!!!

Alana had moved her mouth to Gretchen’s toes, popped the big one into her small mouth and sucked...hard. Gretchen’s world exploded into intense pleasure. Her libido already raging, every lick on the toe might as well have been on her clitoris. Everything was hot wetness, mouth so tight, making Gretchen pulsate with ecstasy. She cried out in pure euphoria, eyes rolling back in her head.

“Delicious, so good,” Alana said between sucks, “I’m going to eat your entire foot! i’m going to nibble and suck every inch of it!” She sucked again, harder, forcing more and more animal noises from Gretchen’s throat. Then she licked, swirling her long tongue around and around Gretchen’s big toe, sliding it beneath all five, tantalizing their undersides, making her scream.

Then Alana started nibbling, pinching the flesh of the balls of Gretchen’s feet between her sharp, white incisors. They scraped up and down, driving the blonde captain mad with every bite. She cackled and cackled, losing her ability to reason.


The tickling and pleasure merged until Gretchen couldn’t tell one from the other. They were engulfing her, encasing her in a world of pure touch and feeling. She felt her body shake and quiver, her lungs trying to explode.
Driven by her own needs, Alana tickled faster and more frantically. The laughter drove her, the flavor of Gretchen’s foot compelled her. She wanted more, more and even more. After nibbling for a while, she’d go back to using her tongue, tasting the bottom’s of Gretchen’s feet with long licks that ran from her heel, sliding up her soles. Then she’d use short, quick flicks up and down the captain’s arches before returning to her toes and sucking again, this time hitting each of the five digits in turn.

Gretchen went from hysterical shrieks and howls to long, high pitched moans and groans and back again as Alana kept finding new ways to use her mouth on the blonde’s foot. Forced between hysteria and ecstasy so fast it could have given her whiplash, her mind was cracking. She didn’t know whether she hated what Alana was doing or if she loved it, didn’t know if she was begging the redhead to stop or to keep going.

At that moment, she felt weak, so weak and controlled. She wasn’t a soldier or a captain, she had no power, no say in what happened to her. She was Alana’s, belonged to the tiny redheaded waif. Whatever she wanted to inflict upon her, Gretchen would take. Pleasure or torment, it wasn’t her place to have a preference.
Poor Gretchen; it looks like she will be broken yet again, only this time permanently. Oh well!

This may be my favorite chapter yet, which is saying something because Chapter 3 was going to be hard to beat. Maybe it's the tragic heroine syndrome; Gretchen trying desperately to resist, and bit-by-bit failing. That struggle is as hot as the tickles and foot worship. Well done!
One of the best stories I have read lately. The orgasm denial is off the charts

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