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A Matter of Rent, Part 1 of 3


Registered User
Aug 6, 2015
This is a long story broken into 3 parts that I will post a few days apart. I've posted here long, long ago but forgot my logins and created a new ID. So I am back and hoping you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Anna and Michael were a young couple, a young gorgeous couple. They met in college where Michael was a scholarship swimmer and Anna was a fitness major. They were the beautiful couple. Michael made a few dollars modeling and Anna worked as a server at Hooters where she was very popular with the customers.

Michael enjoyed working out and treating his body as a temple as they say. He ate well and maintained a fabulous physique. He was a hard working guy and was working construction during this first summer after graduating from school. Tan and muscular he drew glances from women wherever he went.

Anna on the other hand was absolutely tantalizing with her natural blonde hair, doe eyes, and beautiful skin. A fitness major, she also maintained an incredibly fit body. What made her a star at Hooters, though, were her beautiful large breasts. They were unusual for a girl with such a thin waist and one couldn’t keep your eyes off of her as she worked the tables with her tight ass in her orange shorts and snug Hooters top. A star at Hooters meant being in billboards and touring with a group of Hooters girls promoting the new Hooters Visa card. While Anna liked the money she was having a hard time overcoming her discomfort being ‘eye candy’.

While beautiful people, Michael and Anna were not particularly liberal about showing their bodies. Once away from her job and promotions with Hooters Anna liked to wear loose fitting clothing so as not to draw attention to herself. She was never comfortable with the attention her looks brought her, she knew she was sexy but that wasn’t her outward style. She was smart and wanted that to be her calling card. She was loyal to Michael and she had never been with anyone else, only he had seen the gorgeous body she and nature had created.

While a bit shy in public, both Michael and Anna were very sexual with each other. They loved each other’s bodies and many times their lovemaking was playful and boisterous. And many times they turned to tickling each other as they played. Michael loved it, being tickled and of course torturing poor Anna who would become almost breathless fighting him off, her gorgeous body twisting and turning away. She couldn’t tolerate her feet being tickled so Michael stayed away from them, she would even become angry with him if he went there. But he loved to strike at her thighs, knees, inside hips, arm pits and his favorite, her small, dark nipples. To pin her momentarily and flick them with his tongue set her to squealing and begging him to stop, which he always did. Even scratching lightly along the bottom of her gorgeous tits made her turn quickly away. It was devilish fun…

Michael, though it was nearly unbearable, loved to be tickled all over his body. It was thrilling, sexual, and challenging….and who wouldn’t want that gorgeous girl’s hands all over him? There was one spot though that he just couldn’t endure tickling voluntarily: The head of his erect penis. Once aroused it became horribly sensitive to the point of torturous. Anna loved to mount him facing away from him while pinning his large penis back a bit and palming the head as long as she could until only moments later when Michael would pull her away in near terror as he screamed. He’d pin her gorgeous body to the bed and bury a finger into her sides or sensitive armpits and they would laugh and roll about the bed. They loved this play.

On occasion Michael would tease Anna that he would tie her down and torture her mercilessly and Anna would loudly say, “No Way! You know I couldn’t take it!” But beneath her protests she wondered. She wondered what it would be like to be tickled against her will. While it sounded terrifying, it sounded so sexual, so exciting! She wished she could say yes, but she just couldn’t. It was the feet, she couldn’t stand the thought of them even being brushed, let alone mercilessly stroked. She curled her toes just thinking about it!

When Anna would briefly torture the head of Michael’s cock she would wonder what would happen to him if he couldn’t stop her, if he just had to take it, to scream. She had a streak of deviancy in her but she couldn’t bring herself to even suggest it be done. She didn’t think she could put him through it, but she admitted to herself that she was fascinated. Michael secretly wondered the same thing, could he take it? Could he live through his fantasy of being tortured in this way. This is where Michael and Anna’s natural shyness came through…both wanting to experiment, yet neither able to bring it about.

Michael and Anna lived in a converted farmhouse in which they rented a small apartment. The owner and his wife lived in the rest of the home. John and Kacy had owned the farmhouse for about 7 years and only recently remodeled the home to allow for a renter. Anna and Michael were the ideal couple, they had no children and in the few months they had been there they were neat, friendly and didn’t make a lot of noise. Except at bedtime.

John, a good-looking 36 year old and Kacy, an attractive 34 year old were fascinated with their new renters. They were very attractive, liked to briefly chat in the yard and, the landlords were aware, seemed to have a pretty active and interesting sex life. Anna and Michael didn’t know that a hall closet on the owner’s side was directly adjacent to their bedroom and was not insulated for sound at all. John, and then Kacy, had learned they could eaves drop on the hot young couple as they played only feet away.

John had recognized Anna from a Hooters billboard and couldn’t help but sneak glances of her as she moved from her car to the front door of her home. She never revealed much but a “chance” visit to Hooters gave him the eyeful he needed to realize that a very sexy young girl was living on the other side of his wall. The cleavage was mesmerizing, her toned legs long and gorgeous. He loved to think about her and shared this with his wife, Kacy, who completely understood.

Kacy understood because she was just as turned on by Michael. On occasion she would see him outside washing his truck in a form fitting t-shirt and jeans. He would smile and make a comment, sometimes making Kacy laugh. She, like John, fantasized about her neighbor. They both understood.

While John and Kacy were not the types to normally eavesdrop on another couple’s lovemaking, they had both become so attracted to them they made it to the closet regularly. What began to fascinate them the most was the teasing and tickling they heard. John and Kacy liked to tickle each other, even going as far as restraining each other on a couple of occasions as many couples have. Hearing Michael briefly torture the incredibly sexy Anna and sometimes threaten to tie her up was almost more than John’s imagination could take! Kacy also loved when she heard Anna turn the tables on her man and would so thoroughly torture him that he would yelp and throw her aside. She just couldn’t make out what Anna was doing. She wanted to know so she could close her eyes and fantasize about torturing this incredibly sexy man. John and Kacy would retire to their room and have ravenous sex; each knowing the other was fantasizing about their neighbor. They completely understood.

Michael and Anna liked their landlords, even finding them attractive. They spoke easily with one another and on occasion would have a beer or glass of wine together. Over a period of months they became friendly, the tenants having no idea about the eavesdropping their landlords were doing. For their part John and Kacy were a little ashamed during these visits, and avoided looking at one another.

An unusually warm summer night found the couples on the front porch having a drink and chatting though Michael and Anna seemed a little down. They drank a little more than usual and John was only too happy to provide yet another drink as Anna wore a v-neck shirt that was unusually revealing of her gorgeous cleavage. Anna caught John gazing breastward and felt a slight thrill. She never felt this way at Hooters, it was just business. This was different, she didn’t turn away, she liked John. She let John catch her noticing his gaze. 3 glasses of wine in she simply offered a slight smile and a quick up and down of the eye brows before looking away.

As the drinks continued Michael let his lips flap a little more than usual and confessed that he and Anna had some serious financial problems. Anna had left her job because it was making her uncomfortable. Too many unwanted comments, too many times swatting a wandering hand to her backside. She had taken a part time serving job but it didn’t pay near the money. Michael’s job working construction was week to week and some of those weeks there was no work. Michael let on that they doubted they could make rent this coming month and he feared they might have to leave and move back with one of their parents several hundred miles away. Another round of drinks and some more chatter about desperate times lead John to quietly make a suggestion to Kacy while she ran in the house for another bottle, “Maybe we can help them with their rent and maybe they can help us deal with our…frustration.”

Kacy, now drunk, laughed and said, “Put it out there, you dirty old man, what is she? 22? And what are you going to say?” John, “I don’t know, I have an idea maybe.” Kacy, “You’re all talk even though you’re fucked up now.”

Anna and Michael were equally drunk and Michael was in a better mood now, laughing and even talking about his sexy girlfriend’s body and how she rocked the Hooters outfit. “Nothing is hotter than taking a hot Hooters chick to bed!” Michael bragged. Anna would normally smack Michael for this, but wine lowers the inhibitions and she stood and pushed her tits up creating to die-for cleavage. Michael was laughing out of control because this was way outside Anna’s nature. She even walked them over to John and held them only about 12” from his face. John, sensing opportunity, said, “Boy I would love to see those.” It was not to be as Anna laughed and stumbled back to her seat. After a moment of silence John sensed opportunity. “Look I have an idea that might help you with your rent issue.” Tipsy Michael with closed eyes said, “I’m all ears.”

John was in that point of drunkenness where he knew he was drunk, knew what he was about to say was incredible, but he felt perfectly brave enough to run it out there. “So Kacy and I overheard you two a few nights ago and it seems both of you love to have a good time in the bedroom, just like we do. And well, we don’t ever suggest stuff like this but maybe…” Kacy was all ears, she loved where this was going. Meanwhile, Michael and Anna were freaking a little but were drunk enough to just let him carry on. “Maybe we could arrange a situation where you do a little something for us and we do a whole lot for you regarding rent.” Anna, the one with a little devious vein in her said, “Well maybe I’d like to hear your ideas.” Michael, drunk, nearly fell out of his chair upon hearing her words.

John continued, “Well Kacy and I couldn’t help but notice that both of you are a little sensitive to, well, tickling.” Michael and Anna’s blood ran cold. Michael’s from uncontrollable anticipation and Anna’s from excitement and fear. “Michael we heard you suggest to your Hooters girl here that you would like to tie her up and tickle torture her. She said no, but we kinda think she wanted to say yes. Michael, you on the other hand seem to like it but there is somewhere on you that causes you to freak out when touched there. Kacy here would love to know where that is.” Kacy chipped in, “Yep, its true.” She rose and walked toward Michael, “Tell me Mike, where’s the spot?”

Michael couldn’t tell Kacy. He couldn’t sit there on this porch and talk about his sensitive dick. Even drunk this was a little too embarrassing. Michael, “Hey, hey, no way I’m giving out that information. But for a month’s rent maybe I will.” “Ha!” said Kacy, “It’s going to take a lot more than that for a month’s rent!” Anna, finding her stride, “OK, what’s it going to take for a month’s rent?”

The drunk couples were all speaking openly about fantasy now, but they were on the slippery slope to making fantasy reality and maybe didn’t even know it. John said, “Well I want to tickle Anna and I know Kacy wants to find your spot, Mike.” Michael, “So tickling for rent, huh? Wild idea you have there, John. Whadya think of our creative landlord here, Honey?” Anna, “I think it’s going to take more than a month’s rent to touch this over here, Mr. Landlord.” She was flirting now and John felt the turn toward reality. “OK, my needy tenant over there with the big tits, I would agree to something more than a month but there has to be some restraint involved so, you know, no one breaks the contract.” Anna, still in fantasy stage replied, “No problem, but we are talking YEARS of rent if you think you are touching any more than you see here.”

So the negotiation, flirting and drinking went on and on. Eventually, the tired and drunk couples began to fade and their memory of how things ended that night was lost to history. But the next morning Anna and Michael woke and found that they had a piece of paper with some scrawled wording that left them speechless. On the paper it was written:

Landlords John and Kacy agree to forgive all rent to the end of the year. In return tenants Michael and Anna agree to be bound side-by-side on the bed of the landlord in a spread eagle fashion and tickled mercilessly for a period of 45 minutes. Any agreement to end before 45 minutes cancels the rent agreement. Tenants will be allowed to wear underwear and Anna agrees to wear the smallest bra she owns because she knows John wants to see her tits. Landlords agree they can’t touch or tickle anything that is clothed, John says ‘reluctantly’. Anything exposed, however, will be in play.”

Anna and Michael looked at each other and the madness of the night before slowly came back to them. Anna laughing, “We didn’t actually go ahead and do this did we? Oh my God, I’m so embarrassed!” Michael, “Well if we did we are good to the end of the year!” They laughed a little then both wondered how they got to this place with their landlord neighbors.

Michael teased, “You could never take it. Your feet.” Anna, “Yeah, what about you and your little helmet there?” “Hey, its covered by underwear in this contract, baby, I’m all good!” They laughed knowing it was beyond crazy to consider. As they ate breakfast they returned to reality and the thoughts of their desperate financial situation. Doesn’t matter how gorgeous you are, broke sucks. They realized their fate was moving home with parents.

John and Kacy, still groggy from the boozy night before managed to make love that next morning. What little they could recall from the night before had them plenty turned on. Kacy even suggested she tie John’s arms and tickle him. He laughed and said, “Why don’t we save that for the neighbors! Haha!” Kacy, “Wow, how am I going to face Michael? I asked him where he was ticklish for God’s sake! And Anna?! My God, John, I’m not leaving the house for a month!” “Yeah and we told them we heard them! We probably will never see them again; they probably already packed and left!” John added. Just then there was a tap on the back door. John grabbed a pair of pants and went to see who was there. He opened the door but no one was around. He looked down and saw a rumpled piece of paper under a rock. He read the words of a contract written by the power of fantasy and alcohol. Below the ‘contract language’ he found a reply undersigned by the gorgeous Michael and the impossibly sexy Anna:


John went to Kacy, handed the ‘contract’ to her and after allowing her to read it said, “We must have negotiated well, I would have given twice the rent for 45 minutes tickling that body.” Kacy, “Oh agreed, totally agreed!”

About two hours later, just past noon, there was a knock at the door again. This time Michael stood there with a note. “Hi John, look, Anna is getting cold feet so she wants you to agree she can wear shoes. Here is an addendum for you to sign.” John thought about those long golden legs tied helplessly apart and those gorgeous boobs fighting against her bra as she twisted while he tortured her armpits and said, “Let me give this a little thought.” It was Kacy who came up with a deal closing idea that absolutely lit them both up. “Fine she can wear shoes, but they are small and don’t cover the ankle. Oh, and we get to pick their outfits.”

Michael, reading the counter offer to Anna, said, “Well, hell, if your feet and those hyper nipples of yours are covered and my dick is out of play I think we can get through it. I mean we’ll probably go a little nuts, but its 5 month’s rent!” Anna, “Ok, but I want them to totally agree that these ‘outfits’ will cover up what needs to be covered up and they aren’t going to go ‘exploring’ under whatever they have us wearing while we can’t do a thing about it. I mean if they were to touch my feet I think, well, I don’t know, I mean, Michael, I just couldn’t take it. I couldn’t!” Michael, “I think they’ll agree to that. Kacy want’s to find my spot, which she won’t and obviously John just wants to be over that body of yours and live out his fantasy of torturing you.” Anna, “My God, it will be a long 45 minutes, are we doing the right thing?” Mike, “Its up to you, babe. I mean he won’t see anything you don’t want him to and to be honest I kinda agree that you have always wanted to be put through it.” Anna grinned, looked at him sideways and said, “Ok, maybe you’re right.” Michael, “After this is done I am so tying you up. For hours. And no shoes.” “Michael!!!”

Two nights later Anna and Michael showed up at John and Kacy’s front door as agreed feeling some excitement, a good amount of tension and a hearty buzz as they felt it was best to have a couple drinks prior to their ordeal. This was way out of their comfort zone a little booze couldn’t hurt. In fact it was necessary as Anna, excited as she was for fulfilling the fantasy, was having doubts. How could she be nearly nude for these people and have this person she barely knew touch her? And torture her? Could she take it? 45 minutes is forever! Michael was having reservations too. He was ok with being tied up for Kacy, he felt he could take the torture. But he wasn’t sure he wanted Michael all over his gorgeous girlfriend! For some reason he trusted him, his wife was right there after all. But still, his hands would be all over 90% of his lady’s hot, bound body….They both decided to set aside their fears and anxieties and just let things happen as agreed. Financial desperation and a dose of fantasy can do amazing things.

Ever the good hosts Kacy and John asked Michael and Anna sit down on the front porch and offered them drinks. John suggested they start the night properly with a tasty, and strong, martini and all agreed. All being a little nervous and aware that alcohol brought this whole event around to begin with they followed that with a shot of tequila. Kacy and John had been drinking a bit prior to their guest’s arrival just as their guests had and it seemed it might be getting time to engage in the main event. Anna was starting to feel excited about the challenge and Michael as he became tipsy found himself ready. Kacy and John, of course, were ready for days. It was time to begin.

Kacy led them to one of the bedrooms where each of them found a box that contained their only line of defense in the torture for rent they were about to endure. Kacy said, “I think you will notice we put some thought into them and felt they were both…you.”

Anna opened hers and laughed a bit at the predictability of it. On top was a Hooters T like she wore at work. Their creative landlord had done some crude alterations however. He had cut the shirt off deeply at the sleeves; have to be able to access those torturous armpits. And the bottom of the size XS top had lost some length, as Anna wriggled it on over her unbelievable assets it hung just below her ribs exposing her taught but soft and sensitive tummy. There was also about a 3 inch cut in the front collar for a better view. For the bottoms it was a matching orange string thong that was basically a stretchy string with a small triangle patch. With a mixture of terror and unbelievable excitement the Hooters model pulled the slight material over her toned, round ass and snugged it between her legs. She stood a moment with her legs apart and arms outstretched. “It’s a good thing I keep this shaved naked, Michael! You ready for another man to have access to this?” Michael just said, “Don’t forget the shoes.”

Next Michael opened his box, expecting some silly boxers or maybe some more revealing briefs. But what he saw had him immediately concerned. Being a swimmer, the funny landlords provided him with a Speedo swimsuit. Michael was blessed with many great physical traits, none greater than his large dick. It was large when flaccid and past his belly button when at a fully erect 8”. He put on the Speedo and as he stood there looking at his barely contained unit considered how it inevitably could spring to life. In fact it already had begun to as Michael observed Anna in her gear. It might be at full attention immediately should Kacy happen to lightly stroke his bound inner thighs, a killer spot for him. And watching Anna writhe helplessly next to him might not help his cause. He tucked his dick downward and hoped, if necessary, the stretchy material would ‘grow with him”. If not and he popped free he would have to possibly deal with the now terrifying line in the agreement, “Anything exposed, however, will be in play.” He shared his fears, “Anna, I wouldn’t be able to deal with that, I mean maybe she wouldn’t go as far as to touch my dick, but what if she does? 45 minutes? Oh fuuuck.”

Anna, seeing Michael’s concern looked at her own outfit and immediately became concerned that her boobs could come out under the duress of the torture, or worse John could just lose control and pull the top up exposing them. She became alarmed about this; she wouldn’t show them to anyone but Michael. These Double E’s were hers and Michael’s only. After all this time covering them, camouflaging them, and now they could just be right out there while she was tied up! He could see her ass, torture her nearly to death but she couldn’t accept baring her feet or her boobs! Doubt was creeping in real fast despite the alcohol and the thrill of fantasy.

Anna started, “Michael, maybe you better tell-“ Just then John knocked on the door. “Ready? Like what we picked for you?” Michael, “Yeah, uh, John-“ John again, “Its time to execute the agreement, no comments on the outfits, no ifs or buts…either you are in or you are out right now. Anna? Mike?” Michael looked at Anna and said, “Your top looks tight, you’re good, time to go.” Michael opened the door and out they strode.

Michael grabbed Anna’s hand and they walked down the hall following Kacy. As John followed he commented, “Wow, Anna, I may just prefer to secure you face down, wouldn’t mind having that “in play”, referring to her divine ass and the agreement. Michael was not sure how he would feel about this aspect of it, John leering at and then torturing his long time girlfriend. But in that moment he was excited. He could relate to John’s excitement over Anna’s beautiful body and Michael decided he would look at this event through John’s eyes as well as accept that seeing Anna bound, near naked and tickle tortured would be wildly exciting!

“OK, guys, we have everything set up here,” Kacy said “John has comfortable cuffs here for ankles and wrists and he also set it up so he can slide this other set of cuffs up over your feet and strap you at the knees if you get too….out of hand.” Anna replied, “Good cover my knees with straps, then you can’t tickle them!” “Oh so you’re knees are ticklish? Nice to know.” Chimed in John who was still positioned so that he could take in Anna’s bare ass.

“OK, look, what we are going to do so its maybe not so weird at first is leave the room and you guys can lie down on the bed where you will be. Face up, right John?” Kacy said turning to her clearly enamored husband. “And then cover yourselves up with this sheet just leaving your arms and feet out. This way it won’t be too awkward right away while we are tying you up. I think I can safely say none of us has ever done anything like this, right?” Everyone nodded in agreement. “Then once you are tied down we will dim the lights a little bit and slowly remove the sheet. And then, you know, the fun begins!” We’ll give you a minute. This was John’s idea. He feared Anna may balk at the last critical moment and thought the false security of the sheet may help get past those final moments of freedom.
It was surreal for Michael and Anna as they first covered themselves in the sheet and then stretched their hot and soon to be tested bodies over the sheets of the bed of their torturers. The normally shy Anna said, “I like the sheet idea, it makes it kinda exciting, you know, to be ‘unveiled’ all tied up and defenseless!” Anna was buzzed and feeling a little sassy now. Michael, at first concerned Anna would be terrified was now concerned that maybe she was a little too enthusiastic! But his biggest concern was keeping his composure. He was very concerned about his dick springing out into the “in play” zone. Though he told himself he’s always kinda wanted it, he was feeling nervous about it. The door opened and the lights went down. In walked John looking very nice in jeans and a well fitting shirt. Anna had a touch of a crush on him and convinced herself of it so she could accept the physical line she was allowing him to cross tonite. Kacy wore nice fitting jeans as well, she had a nice, athletic body. She also brought to the party a deep v t-shirt that would nearly spill her nicely shaped size C boobs when she bent over to tickle Michael. Michael didn’t need additional challenges like this…

John and Kacy set about securing their nervous but excited tenants, first at the wrists and then at the ankles. Completely tied to the bed now, John and Kacy realized this was really happening. They were about to pull the sheet and set about finding the most torturous ticklish spots on their victim’s oh so hot bodies. Kacy had the goal of finding the spot that made Michael insane and John had another goal as he imagined the bound Hooters girl’s naked tits falling free about his bed .

To be continued....
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Great start! Looking forward to part two. :D
PS: Anna wearing shoes would be a deal-breaker for me.
PS: A typo, you once wrote "Michael" when you meant "John." It was the first mention of the landlord. It says, "Michael, a good-looking 36 year old," when it should say, "John, a good-looking 36 year old."
Encore! Encore!
Seriously one of the best stories i've read in a while, and this is just the start ;)
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