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A Problem For The Bounty Hunter (*/F, Non-Consensual)


3rd Level Red Feather
May 27, 2004
Did a poll on DA to decide what story to do away from commissions and the winner turned out to be Samus Aran from the Metroid series getting tickled while wearing her armour. Someone requested that I post this due to not having a DA account, so here's the tale. Hope everyone likes.


There came a time when a person realised that they had made a mistake. Not just any mistake, however. But a complete and utter catastrophe that threatened to bring doom down upon a person and everything in the general vicinity.

For Alyssa, thief and deserter from the Galactic Federation Military, that time was fast approaching.

It had all seemed like a good idea at the time. The Federation was transporting experimental equipment to one of the core worlds for safeguarding. Alyssa, a lowly trooper assigned to security during the transport, had been approached by a shadowy figure offering her a large sum of money to steal the equipment and bring it to a rendezvous point.

The job had gone off without a hitch. A series of bombs had disabled the ship and security, giving Alyssa just enough time to swipe the equipment and reach an escape pod, arriving at the rendezvous point soon after. All she had to do was sit back and wait for her contact and become richer than she’d ever dreamed of being.

Then, everything started to go wrong. Badly wrong. Extremely terribly wrong. Alyssa had expected a pursuit. She’d expected the Galactic Federation to send forces to recapture the technology. She’d expected something that she could handle.

She hadn’t expected Samus Aran.

Samus ‘The Hunter’ Aran. Samus ‘Protector of the Galaxy’ Aran. Samus ‘Whoops, I Blew up Another Planet’ Aran.

Having heard the news after intercepting a communication between Federation outposts, Alyssa had spent an unhealthy amount of time curled up under the table, inwardly and outwardly screaming in blind terror.

When she finally managed to regain her senses enough to focus, Alyssa wondered just why they’d send Samus after her. Just what exactly had she stolen? Shakily getting to her feet, Alyssa crossed over to the case holding the items in question and opened them. Inside were a collection of small, metallic objects that were the length of a finger tip and much thinner. There was also what looked to be a controller inside, as well as a file that Alyssa grabbed and scanned through.

“Phasing surveillance and subjugation equipment?” She muttered, reading the title out loud as she quickly read through the file, more just trying to find phrases and words she could recognise to help more than anything else.

“... Designed to serve two functions of information gathering and weakening… non-lethal in intent… uses electrical surges to incapacitate… can phase through solid matter… short battery life... best used against armoured opponents…”

The rest of the file followed a similar theme, emphasising that these weapons served to incapacitate enemies in a non-lethal manner and pushed the idea that they could be used for police work. Alternatively, the option for lethal force was also highlighted as a strong possibility for later models, especially against the Space Pirates. With its ability to phase through solid matter, it was no wonder why it was being heavily sought after.

Although it was still experimental and non-lethal, the weapon represented Alyssa’s only hope right now. She had to prepare quickly. The planet she was on was something of a backwater, only home to a few ports with little in the way of resources, being mostly arid desert. There were still some rudimentary defences about the place, such as the bunker that Alyssa was currently hiding in.

The earlier communication Alyssa had overheard had mentioned that Samus happened to be in the same region of space, so was less than an hour away. Having already wasted enough time in a blind panic, Alyssa knew that she’d have to stand and fight, there was no way to escape.

Cameras had been set up outside the bunker that were still active, giving Alyssa a clear view of the outside as she waited. A bead of sweat ran down her face and she brushed it away. Alyssa was typical of a lot of the people in the Galactic Federation’s Military, tall and muscular with high quality training. She had kept her brown hair long, even styled it in curls when she felt she could get away with it. She rather prided herself on her appearance, knowing that she caught the eye of numerous admirers.

Such vanity had been a reason why Alyssa had been so keen to take part in the theft. A lifetime of getting herself pampered was much better than serving at some random end at the Universe getting paid the lowly salary of a soldier. That’s how she felt at the time, at least.

As she grabbed onto the controller, Alyssa glanced towards the screens showing the area outside the bunker and felt her heart plunge as she saw an armoured figure make her way towards the bunker. Her steps were steady, not rushing, but far from leisurely. She would be here within minutes and Alyssa had to use the time to figure out how to use the device before her.

Grabbing onto the remote, Alyssa switched it one, being rewarded by the screen on it lighting up. It was separated into much smaller screens with one on the side that was larger. From what she had read of the file, the metal objects could create a map of the area they were in and put it onto the larger screen. The rest were what was shown through the cameras built into the machines themselves.

It took a few minutes, but Alyssa managed to finally get her head around the controls, bringing up all eight of the machines into the air and able to go where she wanted them to go. By that time, she heard the entrance to the bunker being broken down by Samus. It was one short walk down to the room Alyssa was in from there. She would have to face the bounty hunter, there was no way out.

Mere seconds later, the door to the room Alyssa was in crumbled as an armoured fist punched through it. It was then torn like paper as the hand gripped the six-inch thick metal and effortlessly pulled it to pieces. Then she stepped inside.

Clad in her Power Suit, standing at nearly 6’7 in it, Samus Aran looked down at Alyssa, the visor on her armour showing her stern expression clearly.

“Alyssa Standhart, you are ordered to surrender yourself and the weapons you stole.” Samus ordered, the suit only amplifying the natural power in her voice “Come along peacefully.”

Not bothering to respond, Alyssa simply sent the machines forward, having positioned them around the doorway to ambush the bounty hunter. Showing her honed instincts, Samus jumped backwards, but it wasn’t enough to dodge all of them and two used their phasing abilities to slip under her armour.

The large screen on the controller lit up and showed a vague outline of Samus’ body with the two machines pressing into her stomach and ribs. Relieved that she got that many, Alyssa pressed the button and unleashed the attack of the machines, sending the energy straight into the bounty hunter.

The reaction was not what was expected.

As the energy struck her body, Samus jumped a foot into the air and let out an amazingly girlish squeal and fell back against the wall. For a moment, Alyssa could only look at Samus, utterly stunned by the reaction before she realised what had happened. That energy burst hadn’t hurt it… it had tickled her.

Barely able to bring herself to believe that was true, Alyssa made the machines attack once again, the energy surging as it struck Samus right into her ribs and stomach. The reaction was much the same as the bounty hunter squealed and laughed, actually laughed, as her knees buckled underneath her.

Realising and believing what she was seeing, Alyssa broke out into a laugh born of relief and sheer sadism “I don’t believe it!” She cried out “Samus Aran, the scourge of the Space Pirates, is nothing but a ticklish girl!”

Panting for breath, Samus looked up at Alyssa, her visor not hiding her glare at the former soldier “You will surrender peacefully now.” She ordered, doing her best to maintain her dignity.

Previously, Alyssa would have obeyed those words within an instant. Now though, realising that she had found a weakness in the bounty hunter, she wasn’t about to stop anytime soon. This was a feeling of pure power that was impossible to ignore and Alyssa revelled in it “Oh no, not when I have this to play with. You’re just a ticklish girl right now. And you’re going to laugh for me.”

Pressing the button to send another jolt into Samus, Alyssa’s smile got even wider as the bounty hunter threw back her head and let out a burst of laughter. The distraction was enough for Alyssa to command the machines to dart forward, the eight now moving under her armour to begin their own attack.

With the machines spreading over Samus’ torso and legs, Alyssa was more than happy to ramp up the tickling as all ten machines attacked the bounty hunter. The ribs, sides, belly, underarms and even thighs got a blast of the ticklish energy as they sent their intense tingling across the body. The thin zero suit failed to offer any kind of protection from the tickling and Samus was soon rolling about on the floor, cackling uncontrollably.

Thoroughly enjoying the sight before her, Alyssa was pulled away from it by something on the screen. She saw that the large section was showing a mapped out version of Samus’ body in 3D. She could now control exactly where the machines would go and what spots they would tease. Seeing the Amazonian woman so laid out before her, Alyssa wondered if she dared to completely humiliate her in the worst way possible.

… Yes. Yes she did.

Sensing one of the machines down the armour, Alyssa made it run across Samus’ ass as it unleashed its ticklish attack. The blast of ticklish energy on her rear made the bounty hunter positively scream and she lurched violently, unable to escape from the tickling at all.

“Aw, does the big, bad bounty hunter have a tickly butt?” Alyssa teased as she brought another one of the machines down to Samus’ buttocks, making sure to zap her on each cheek.

The onslaught of tickling on such an area made Samus smash her hands down to the floor as she howled in ticklish agony. She had no chance of stopping the teasing as it stood and would have to endure it. Being tickled along her butt was an indignity that Alyssa couldn’t imagine her going through before and she was relishing being able to work over the bounty hunter.

Another of the machines was made to dart across Samus’ belly, wiggling right into the area of the Zero Suit over her navel. Burrowing in as far as the material allowed it, the machine then let loose with a powerful set of vibrations that left Samus laughing even harder than before. She rolled about on the floor, putting her hands uselessly over her ticklish spots in a vain bid to defend herself.

Not that she was given any sort of chance, Alyssa kept the machines moving around constantly, sliding up and down Samus’ body. Two of them dove right into the bounty hunter’s underarms and struck her there. That forced Samus to curl up into a ball as she laughed, or, tried to anyway. Her Power Suit prevented her from getting the protection she desired. The armour was turning into her biggest weakness at this point as she simply couldn’t fight back or defend herself with it on.

With the Power Suit preventing Samus from doing even the most basic things to help herself, Alyssa took full advantage of the situation as two of the machines plunged down along Samus’ legs. The tickling along her thighs was bad, but when the machines arrived at her feet, Samus’ laughter took on an even more desperate turn.

“Who has ticklish little footsies?” Alyssa called out, still taunting the bounty hunter in the most patronising way she could manage “Does Samus have tickly feetsies? Yes she does!”

Punctuating her words with a press of a button on the controller, Alyssa sent another wave of ticklish energy through Samus, the armoured woman kicking her feet up into the air as she squealed louder than ever before. It was actually rather fun to listen to. Samus’ reactions were extreme, yet still cute. It was rather apparent that the bounty hunter had little experience with being tickled in the slightest. She simply couldn’t handle it.

“That’s two for your feet. One in your belly button. Two for your underarms and two along your cute butt.” Alyssa counted off “And I know where two others can go…”

Feeling especially daring and sadistic, Alyssa sent two of the machines up to Samus’ large chest. With how she’d been mapped out by the other machines, she had a clear view of things and could easily send them to the undersides of her breasts. Feeling them press against such a personal space, Samus looked up at Alyssa with a look that would have made her flee for her life in other circumstances.

“DOOHOON’TTTYOUOOUOODDAAIIIIIIIIIIII!!!” Samus screamed as she didn’t even get a chance to finish her order as the buzzing on her breasts between. Practically convulsing on the floor from the ticklish sensations, Samus writhed about almost violently on the floor. She was too lost in the laughter to speak clearly now.

Grinning at Samus’ reaction, Alyssa felt a sort of power she’d never done before. Samus Aran, hero to countless billions, saviour of the Galaxy and now her own tickle toy. It was hard for this sort of feeling to be anything but intoxicating. She could do this all day and still not have enough of it.

She caused the machines around Samus’ breasts to move around, the buzzing and energy based tickles coursing through her tits to great effect. Samus even went into silent laughter at one point when the machines slipped over her nipples.

“You are just unbearably ticklish, aren’t you?” Alyssa asked as Samus twitched out helplessly at her feet “Just sensitive all over. Makes you so weak. You can’t stop me no matter what, can you?”

Through the visor of Samus’ helmet, Alyssa saw the bounty hunter open and close her mouth as she tried to speak, but the tickling was simply too much for her to get a word out. She suffered in humiliated silence as her body became Alyssa’s plaything.

“There’s still one left.” Alyssa said, feeling herself grow very excited over what she was about to do “Want to see where that’ll go?”

A part of Alyssa was screaming at her to stop. What was she thinking?! But that power she held was too much to ignore. On top of that was the fact that Samus’ nipples seemed to have gotten quite hard from the tickling they’d received. She wanted to see this to its most extreme conclusion. What fun that would be.

With a mere press of a button, Alyssa sent the last remaining machine down in between Samus’ legs. She sincerely doubted that the reactions from the bounty hunter could get any worse, but then the machine activated and Samus practically bounced a full two feet into the air at the jolt of ticklish sensations right on her most intimate of areas.

Moans broke through the silence quickly followed by babbling hysteria. The ticklish sensations were being intermingled with pure pleasure at this point and Samus sounded like she was going insane from the contradictory feelings. Her hips rose and then crashed down onto the floor as the electric-laced vibrations coursed against her womanhood. Even through the visor, Alyssa believed that she could see a tinge of red on the bounty hunter’s face.

Lowering the power and the output of the tickling machines, Alyssa had one final thing to do before she could really claim to have beaten Samus Aran “Now then.” She said as Samus’ frantic reactions faded somewhat “If you don’t want me to put these up to full power, you’re going to beg me for mercy. Go on, bounty hunter. Beg.”

Looking up at Alyssa, the former soldier could see the answer in Samus’ eyes. As humiliated and weakened as she was, her inner resolve remained completely unbroken “Y-Yoouhuhu will surreheheendddeerr…”

Such defiance was to be expected, really. Besides, it would make breaking Samus all the more fun “Suit yourself. You’ll do it sooner or later anyway.”

Tapping the controller, Alyssa brought the machines right back up to full power, showing no mercy in the slightest. The ramping up of the tickling all over her body made Samus scream and arch her back as much as she could in the Power Suit before flopping down onto the ground. Her limbs flailed about madly as the machines did their work. Nothing she could do could defend her from the assault.

Seeing Samus’ body mapped out on the screen, Alyssa was able to check out all the places being tickled. Her underarms were getting a dual attack from the machines digging right into the centres of them and unleashing their energy. It was a technique matched by the machines at Samus’ feet as her arches proved to be a spot easy to exploit. There was nowhere for the feet to go to escape the tickling, even as she kicked hard against the air.

The machine that had latched onto Samus’ belly button remained, going all out as it unleashed waves of ticklish energy right against the navel. Alyssa could see the bounty hunter’s belly convulse from laughter. Even with the Zero Suit, the intensity of the tickling meant that she may as well have been naked.

Moving to another dual assault, Alyssa had the machines on Samus’ ass dragging themselves up and down the cheeks. Starting from the bottom, they crawled up her rear and then back down as the ticklish assault continued to be relentless. Thanks to the mapping software, Alyssa had a fairly good view of the bounty hunter’s trim butt, something that she enjoyed.

Such sensations were matched by the tickling on Samus’ breasts. Alyssa had been happy to send the machines directly to the bounty hunter’s nipples as a way to just ramp up her suffering. The buzzing and pulsing energy on such tender areas were excruciating in how much they tickled Samus, as well as titillated her.

Speaking of which, the machine between Samus’ legs was going all out as it focused on her lower lips. There was no pause in the tickling or pleasuring as the sensations dragged out, tormenting the bounty hunter with forced ecstasy relentlessly. With each new burst of energy, a strangled moaning sound was heard amidst the tickling.

All this was watched and controlled by Alyssa, who smiled as she saw the powerful and feared Samus Aran crying with laughter and moaning at her feet. She was truly reveling in this and was determined to break the bounty hunter, doing what no one else had ever done and force her to beg for mercy. It would be the perfect way for Alyssa to enjoy her power. Maybe even hand over Samus to her contact once she was broken in completely.

Such triumphant thoughts came to an end when Alyssa heard a beeping sound. Looking down at her controller, her heart plummeted as she saw the machines switch themselves off, their cameras going dark as the same four words filled every screen.


With that happening, the machines turned off, their low battery storage coming back to haunt Alyssa in a big way. The former soldier felt herself stuck to the floor, paralysed with dread as the thing keeping Samus at her feet suddenly ended, as did the bounty hunter’s laughter.

Unable to move, Alyssa watched as Samus slowly got to her feet, the only sound she made was her heavy breathing. Then, she looked up and the look she gave Alyssa sent the former soldier into a full blown panic.

“W-Wait! I surrender! I surrender! Please!”

Taking a step forward, Samus balled her hand into a fist, the other bringing her beam cannon up. She didn’t say anything, her expression under the visor telling Alyssa everything she needed to know.

With no other option, she began to scream.


Having recovered the stolen machines and apprehended the person who’d stolen them proved to be another feather in Samus’ cap, albeit a smaller one compared to her many other accolades. Alyssa would be tried and sentenced according to Federation law, having written a full confession to her deeds. No one knew what Samus had done to extract the confession and they would never know. The hours of screaming and begging for mercy, promising to tell no one of what happened before the laughter had taken control over Alyssa would be something best left unknown.

On her ship, Samus had taken off her Power Suit as well as her Zero Suit as she rested in her chair in a black tank top and panties. She let out a sigh as she let herself relax. She’d just completed a mission where she had chased after a gang across six planets, each taking time to track down and capture. After a mission like that, Samus was in need of some way to unwind and she knew exactly what to do.

The machines Alyssa had stolen were quite promising in their application for non-lethal takedowns, but they had other applications as well, as Samus had learned for herself. With her skills in engineering, it hadn’t taken her long to find a way to reverse-engineer the technology before building some of her own versions.

Tapping a few buttons on her chair, Samus spread out her limbs as a panel on the wall opened and ten of those little machines flew out towards her. The normally stoic Samus smiled before the tickling had even begun, the laughter soon following.
This was a short, to the point, fun read. I grew up with Metroid and was surprised that Samus was a woman.
This was a short, to the point, fun read. I grew up with Metroid and was surprised that Samus was a woman.

Great Story, keep it up.

Thanks! I have a few more stories on here and DA to read as well. I don't think I've ever really played a Metroid game aside from the fan made one from a few years back, so I kinda went with the villain of the piece, since it was easier to get into her head than Samus herself.
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