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A Supermodel's Ordeal (MMMM/F)


Registered User
Mar 21, 2019
*This is my first attempt at posting a story. The characters & situations mentioned in this story are completely fictional. The anonymous ticklers are referred by their numbers, since keeping track of multiple names can be a bit confusing.

“Alright. See you next week.” Ivana ends the phone call with her assistant, and puts the phone down on the small table nearby. Letting out a gentle sigh, she leans back against the lounge chair & admires the pleasant view of the night sky. The 5"10' raven-haired supermodel is enjoying the last week of her 2-month solo vacation. The first month was spent on attending the games of the football world cup. The second month is being spent on visiting tropical locations, and enjoying the local scenery.

On this night, she's chilling out by the pool lounge at the terrace of her luxury hotel. Clad in a green bikini, she has been enjoying the looks she has been getting from the other guests. Although, there is no one in the terrace right now. All of the guests must have gone to sleep. In the quietness of the night, she's thinking about her plans for tomorrow. There are still a few places in the locality which she'd like to visit.

Talking with her assistant over the phone reminded her of the hecticness of her work.. Being in her mid 20s, she's in the prime of her modelling career. She intends to increase her fame as much as possible, so that she can secure her financials & retire comfortably whenever she wants to.

Although her modelling gigs are sporadic, she runs a popular Youtube channel as a fitness influencer. The job is highly demanding since she is expected to post videos on a regular basis. The monotonic schedule can lead to burn out, and that's why she is on a long vacation. She had to break away from the rut, so that the quality of her work doesn't suffer. The vacation has rejuvenated her soul, and she is eager to go back to work soon.

Despite the burnout, she has a sense of addiction to her job. Nothing compares to the delight of positing a new video, and seeing hundreds (if not thousands) of comments from enthusiastic viewers. The adulation she gets from her viewers & fans motivate her.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the hotel bartender coming over. “Your drink, ma’am.” He says politely, and places the cocktail drink on the nearby table. “Thanks” Ivana says, and the bartender walks away. Grabbing the drink & taking a sip, Ivana lets out a gentle sigh as she can feel the alcohol enter her body. It’s just what she needed for the night. She went on a rafting adventure in the morning, so she figured it's better to simply chill out for the night. Otherwise, she might be too tired tomorrow.

As the minutes pass by, Ivana finishes her drink and checks her phone to see the time Noticing that it’s ten minutes after midnight, she thinks ’Perhaps, it’s time to go to the room & sleep off for the night.’. But, the pleasant breeze urges her to stay here a bit longer. Although she's eager to have another swim in the pool, her eyelids start to feel heavier with each passing moment. Before she knows it, she sleeps off on the lounge chair.


"Mmmmh" A soft mumble escapes Ivana's lips as her sleep seems to be disturbed by a bright light. She tries to bring her hand up, to block the light from disturbing her sleep. But, she realises that she can't move her hand!

"What the heck ?" Surprised, Ivana opens her eyes to look around. Her body is stretched out in the shape of an X, and she's laid out on a chaise lounge chair. Soft velvet cuffs are wrapped around her wrists & ankles, and tied to the corners of the chair. Essentially, she can't move her limbs. In a sense of panic, Ivana tries to break away from the restraints, but it's no use. The restraints are slightly loose so that she can wiggle & squirm a little bit, but she can't break out of it.

It looks like she is in the centre of a big room. The ceiling light is the only illumination in the room, but the light illuminates only a small portion of the room around her. All the other areas around her are in darkness, making it difficult for her to know where the exit is. There is also a metal table in the room, along with some metal chairs.

"Help! Someone.. help me." She shouts, not even knowing where she is. Now that she thinks about it, the last memory she has is laying on the lounge chair by the hotel pool. Several thoughts flooded her mind, as she wondered about how she even got to this place.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of an opening door. She also hears the sound of footsteps walking into the room, and the sound of the door closing.

"Ah, you're awake." A male voice can be heard from her left side, as she waits for the person to come into her field of view. A couple of moments later, five masked men emerge from the darkness of the room. They're all wearing black clothes, and their face is covered by black masks. The face mask has openings for eyes, nose and mouth. Their outfit makes it seem as thought they're bank robbers.

"What is going on?! Who are you ?" Ivana anxiously asks the men, as they walk over to the table & put down a big leather bag on the table. For a few moments, those men merely observe her. It amplifies her angst.

"Answer me!" She shouts, feeling confused & frustrated.

"Relax. Relax." One of the man says. Ivana notices that the man has "1" imprinted on the front of his tshirt. The other men have numbers imprinted on their tshirts as well, from number 2 to number 5. This raises more questions for Ivana, as she's completely puzzled by who these men are.

"Get the setup ready, guys" #1 says, as the other men start to dig into the leather bag. Meanwhile, #1 walks closer to Ivana.

"You must be confused. And, you ought to be." He slowly walks around her. "You looked so peaceful as you slept on the lounge chair by the pool."

Ivana's eyes open wide upon hearing this. "Did you kidnap me?!" She asks, feeling a bit scared as to what these men's intentions are.

"Kidnapping has a negative connotation to it. I'd like to think that we invited you here. Regardless, we brought you here to discuss an important matter." #1 says, as if he's going to say something serious.

Ivana was eager to hear what he has to say, wondering if she got herself into trouble.

"There has been international allegations against you. When you were in the crowd at the football world cup, we know that you purposefully sat in strategic portions in the crowd to distract your country team's opponents." #1 says "Because of these allegations, we're here to punish you."

Ivana can't help but look puzzled. "What are you talking about ? That's outrageous!" She can't believe that this guy is saying random nonsense to her. "I didn't distract anyone. I'm a fan of football, so I attended every game of the world cup." She says sternly.

"Haha. Alright, you got me. You're not here because of any allegations." #1 says with a casual laugh, which annoys Ivana even more.

"But, you are here because of your popularity." #1 says, slowly walking around her. "We have been following your career for a while. Being a supermodel must be incredibly lucrative. You must make more money in a day than most people make in a year." He says, with a subtle tinge of envy.

"So what ?" She says pridefully. It's true that she makes a lot of money merely through photoshoots & social media activities. She gets paid merely for showing up & looking pretty. "Don't tell me you think that I don't deserve it." She says with a dismissive tone.

"Oh no. I'm not saying that." #1 remarks defensively. "However, your popularity has caught the attention of several influential people." He pauses for a moment.

"And, one of those people hired us to... teach you a lesson." He says. The sinister undertone of that statement scares Ivana. "That person's influence is how we were able to spike your drink at the hotel, and bring you here." He adds, to let her know that her 'falling asleep' after finishing the drink was not a coincidence.

She's completely helpless, and these men may have cruel intentions to hurt her. "Y-you'll get into trouble if you hurt me! All of my friends knew that I stayed at the resort. The police will find you." Ivana replies, trying to show that the men can't get away with their evil plan.

#1 chuckles. "Heh. Hurt you ? We won't do anything like that. In fact, when you ultimately leave this room, you won't even have a scratch on you." #1 says confidently. "You won't have any evidence that you were in this room with us."

His response puzzles Ivana. She wonders what the men intend to do with her, if they're not gonna hurt her. As popular as she is, she doesn't understand why any influential person would want to get her kidnapped.

"Tell me, Ivana. Are you ticklish ?" #1 asks, as the question catches her off-guard.

"W-what ?" She replies, not sure if she even heard it correctly. "Ticklish ?" She reaffirms.

"Yes. I asked if you are ticklish. It's a simple question." #1 responds.

Ivana doesn't know how to respond to the question. She considered tickling as something kid do, for fun. She remembers engaging in playful tickle fights when she was younger. As she grew up, she forgot about it. She can't even remember the last time she talked about tickling, let alone being tickled.

"I'm not ticklish." Ivana says confidently.

"Oh. Is it ?" #1 says, in an amused tone. "I think, you're lying. I think, you are ticklish." He continues.

"I think, you'll laugh if I tickle you right now." #1 says confidently, eagerly looking at her stretched body.

"This is ridiculous. I said that I'm not ticklish." Ivana says in a dismissive tone, getting tired of this chatter. She can't believe that this guy kidnapped her so that he can talk random nonsense with her. She starts to feel frustrated, since she doesn't know why she was brought here or who wanted to bring her here.

"Tell you what.. Why don't we try it out, to find out the truth ?" #1 says, much to Ivana's annoyance.

"Me and my friends will tickle you for 10 minutes. If you can avoid laughing for the 10 minutes, we'll let you go right away. No harm, no foul." #1 says sincerely.

"However" He says with a pause, and a smile forms on his lips. "If you do laugh within the 10 minutes, we'll keep tickling you. And, we won't stop even if you beg us to."

Ivana felt a bit nervous upon hearing such a weird proposition. "So, let me get this straight. You kidnapped me & brought me here in order to... tickle me ?" She asks, with a puzzled look on her face. "If you had tickled me at the hotel, you'd have known that I'm not ticklish. You wasted my time & yours, buddy" She says, dismissively. She's confident that she can survive 10 minutes of tickling without laughing, but she wonders if the men would really let her go.

"Be that as it may.. do you accept my challenge ? 10 minutes of tickling, you can't laugh. If you can do it, you get your freedom. If you couldn't do it, you know what will happen." He pauses, making her think about the consequences of her decision.

"Fine. I accept your challenge. This is gonna be the 10 most uneventful minutes of your life." She says nonchalantly.

"We'll see." He says with a smirk, as he turns around to see if his men have finished the setup.

While Ivana was busy talking with #1, she didn't notice that a tripod camera has been setup in the room. The camera is being pointed at her by #5, who is trying to get the best vantage point for recording this incident..

Meanwhile, a timer clock is set on the table. #3 and #4 walks over to stand near Ivana's feet, while #2 walks over to stand near #1. The men operate as if everything has been rehearsed. At quick glance, one would think that #1 is the leader of the gang while the other men follow his orders.

"Just to remind you.." #1 says, as he leans closer. "You can't laugh for 10 minutes. No matter how much it tickles. Even if you let out one giggle, you lose the challenge. And, you'll remain tied up." He says while having an elated expression in his eyes.

"Fine.. I'm ready to start." Ivana says, as #1 walks over to the table. He sets the timer to 10 minutes, and puts it on the table so that it's visible to everyone.

"Your time starts... NOW" #1 says, and presses the button on the timer. The timer begins, as Ivana nervously anticipate what is gonna happen.

The first 'attack' happens at her feet, as #3 and #4 stand close to each of her feet. They reach out and slowly drag one of their index finger along the length of her her feet - All the way from the toes to the heel. Their fingers examine the softness of her feet, as they keenly observe her reactions. The restraints make it impossible for her to pull her feet away from them, although there is some leeway for the feet to thrash around.

To her credit, Ivana looked stoic. Sure, she felt their fingers explore her feet. But, it didn't affect her enough to incite a reaction from her.

Slowly, those two men added more fingers. Soon, each of her feet were explored by four fingers. Ivana is starting to feel a sense of jittery. Although it's tolerable, those fingers are exploring every inch of her smooth feet. It's not often that her feet are touched like this, so she wasn't aware how sensitive she is.

The pace of her breathing increases a little, as she keeps herself calm. She noticed that #1 is keenly eyeing her. He hasn't tickled her yet, so he must be analysing her reactions to the foot tickling. In that case, it's in her best interest to convince him that she's not affected in the slightest.

"7 minutes to go" #1 says, and the men stop stroking her feet with their fingers. Ivana felt relived for a moment, wondering what they're gonna do next. To her surprise, both of them use one of their hands to stretch her toes. They intend to prevent her from crunching her toes.

And then, they use the fingers of their other hand to slowly tickle the delicate skin that resides in the underside of her toes. Her eyes open wide at the sudden sensations that is flooding her nerves. With each passing moment, the sensations became more & more troublesome.

It tickles!!

Ivana gently bites her lips, making sure to keep her composure. She regulates her breathing, as she can feel the ticklish sensations travel up her legs. Her stretched tummy subtly heaves up and down, as she hopes that #1 hasn't noticed the increased pace of her breathing.

'I got this. I'm in control! I'm in control!' She says to herself, reassuring her that she can make it. The sensations are making it *difficult* for her, but it's not in-tolerate. Atleast, not yet.

She glances at the timer quickly. 5 minutes and 40 seconds to go!

'Gosh! Time is so slow' She thinks to herself, as it feels like each second is dragging on for a longer time She notices that time runs fast whenever she is having fun. When she wants to enjoy the moment, the moment often fades away. But, she wants time to move faster, but it's moving slowly.

Her left leg begins to subtly twitch, as she's unable to control the sensations that are surging through her body. She never realised that the underside of her toes are so delicate! The men's fingers explore every nook & corner of her skin.

"5 minutes to go! Switch it up, guys." #1 instructs. #3 and #4 pause the tickling, and walk over to the leather bag.

Ivana lets out a subtle sigh, as she appreciates the opportunity to compose herself. She takes a couple of deep breathes, taking the time to regulate her breathing. She understanding that controlling the pace of breathing is essential to surviving such an ordeal.

"Half of your time is over, and nothing happened. Are you convinced already that I'm not ticklish ?" Ivana asks, directing her question at #1.

#1 was amused to hear this. "Well, it's true that you barely reacted to the tickling. Your body barely moved. But, I know that you tried so hard to keep your composure." He says with a smirk.

Ivana feels like she's at a disadvantage, as #1 can simply observe her reactions while the other guys do the tickling. Maybe, he's looking at how she reacts, so that she can find her weak spots.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not trying hard." Ivana says, although she doesn't sound as confident as she'd have liked.

#3 and #4 returned to their positions, and each of them have a white fluffy feather in their hands. The sight of those feathers cause Ivana to gulp.

"The next 5 minutes won't be so easy." #1 says, as #3 and #4 kneel down and start to drag the feathers across the arches of her feet.

Reflexively, her feet flinched. "Heh." #1 chuckles, while glancing at her.

'Damn it!' Ivana says to herself, geting frustrated for letting her guard down. She should have anticipated the delicate touch of the feathers.

Biting her lips, she keeps her feet from reacting to the feathers. While #3 drags the feather underneath the toes of her right foot, #4 uses the feather to explore her lovely arch.

The difference in their approaches is making it difficult for Ivana to block out the ticklish sensations. Earlier, both #4 and #3 tickled in the same manner. It was predictable. Now, it's more challenging.

She glances at the stop watch. 3 minutes and 40 seconds to go.

Just then, she heard #1 say "Your turn." to #2.

#2 swiftly walks over to the leather bag, and grabs another fluffy white feather. Walking back, he kneels down towards her right side. As Ivana nervously anticipate his actions, #2 gently drags the feather along her stretched tummy.

Unable to handle the new onslaught, her body squirmed. #2 lets the feather explore her toned tummy & her sides, dragging the feather in a zig zag pattern so that she can't predict where it'll go next.

The pace of her breathing increases, as Ivana struggles to cope with the ticklish sensations from three sources.

'Focus! Focus.. Just block out the sensations' She says to herself, as she tried to suppress the giggles that are building up in her abdomen. She looked at #1, who is smiling pleasantly. He's joyous that she's visibly struggling, and he knows that it won't take long before she starts laughing.

Looking at #1 makes Ivana angry. She wants so badly to prove him wrong! It was arrogant of him to claim that she's ticklish, without knowing anything about her. His attitude puts her off, and she channels her frustration to help her overcome this ordeal. She desperately stops her body from shaking, just as an act of defiance. So much of her mental energy is being spent to resist the tickling, and she hopes that she has enough to survive till the end.

"Wow. Just two more minutes to go. Looks like you might make it." #1 says in a snide tone, as he walks over to the leather bag. Soon enough, he walks back with a white feather in his hand.

'Oh no!' Ivana thought. It's bad enough that she's holding off three tickle attacks. If there's a fourth, it's gonna be soo difficult.

#1 stands on her left side, observing patiently. "Looks like you're concentrating so hard, to prevent yourself from laughing. " He says cheekily. "I hope that I don't make it harder for you to concentrate."

With that, he starts to slooowly drag the tip of his feather along her left underarm.

Ivana bites her lips. She can't afford this right now! #1's feather ever-so-gently travels to her smooth armpit, making her squirm. She starts to panic, as she feels her concentration starting to waver. She thrashes against the restraints, as she tries to pull her arm down.

As the tip of his feather digs into the delicate nook of her defenceless armpit, a smile forcibly forms on her lips. "My my. You have a beautiful smile, Ivana." #1 says cheekily, knowing that he is getting to her.

Ivana feels frustrated that he is giving him the satisfaction that she is being affected by what he's doing. However, she can't think about that right now! It doesn't matter if she is smiling or not. As long as she doesn't laugh, she wins. She decides that using her mental resolve to suppress her smile is not worth the effort. She needs all of her resolve to prevent herself from laughing.

"Remember. All it takes is one moment." #1 says, with a sinister tone. "If I can make you lose your focus for one moment, I win." He swiftly checks out the timer. 50 seconds more!

"Among those 50 seconds that are remaining, all it takes is one moment of weakness. And, I'll win." #1's feather moves along the side of her neck, making her squirm even more. "I hope that I'm not distracting you." He asks sarcastically, as he wonders if she's reaching her breaking point.

#1's actions aren't tickling her as much as the actions of the other three men. But, his actions are diluting her focus. He is preventing her from fully focusing on resisting the other men's tickling. He's draining away a little bit of her mental resolve with each passing moment, which makes her more vulnerable to the tickling done by the other men.

Ivana looks at the stop watch. 30 seconds more!

'Just a little longer!' She says to herself, as #1 crouches closer to her. "Just one moment." He whispers into her ear, as she feels his warm breath along her neck.

Ivana closes her eyes tightly, hoping that it'll help her in maintaining her concentration. #1's verbal taunting has been so distracting! It's also making her more anxious, since he is reaffirming that she can't afford to make even a single mistake.

"15 more seconds to go." Ivana hears #1's whisper, as she bites her lips hard.

'Almost there!' She says to herself, hoping that she won't mess up. Her tummy is aching, from suppressing a lot of giggles. If only #1 wasn't whispering in her ear like this, it'd be easier.

"Koochie koochie koo" #1 whispers, and gives a gentle lick to her earlobe.

"HAHAHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHIAIHAHIAIHAIHAIHAIAIHAIHAIHA" Laughter erupted from her, as she was completely caught off-guard by his lick. All of her focus was directed at resisting the ticklish sensations. When she suddenly felt the unexpected sensation of his tongue on her earlobe, it disrupted her concentration for just a moment. Before she could regain her focus, it became impossible for her to ignore the ticklish sensations that were surging through her body.

"There we go." #1 says proudly, as he stands up & watches her with a wide smile on his face.

"Hahahahahhhahhahahahaahhahahahahahahhahahahaihiahauhahahiaihi iahiahiahia" Ivana's body thrashes against the bonds, as uncontrollable laughter erupts from her. She has lost! If only she had lasted a few more seconds, she would have been free.

"Take it up a notch, guys." #1 says to the guys. All of them understood that it means. They start to drag their feathers at a faster pace. #2's feather start to swirl inside her belly button, while #3 and #4 continue their assault at a faster pace. Her eyes open wide, as she feels an increased surge of ticklish sensations.

"Hahahahahahahahahahaihaihaihahoahoahiahiahiaihahaha nnoooooooooo aiiahauhuahieiheihaihauhauhieihiahaohaohahaihaiheoheoheihahoahoahoahiaiha" Ivana squirms harder, as she can no longer pretend that she's not ticklish.

"Looks like you're ticklish after all, Ivana. It's no surprise, really. You have such flawless skin." #1 says, and comes closer to her. He starts to dig his fingers into her milky armpits.

"Hahahahiahiaihahahahahahiahaihahahaha stttooooppaohoahieihoahoaphaphoeohoahoahoapooppp" She thrashes violently, as her laughter reaches a higher pitch. She had known that her armpits are sensitive, but she hadn't anticipated that they'd be so ticklish. #1's fingers wiggles against the pristine skin of her armpits, as he's enjoying the way her skin feels against his fingers.

"Pppllalaliahahauhaihieihaihahs sstoooppppp aohoahiahieihauhauheuhehiaihaheuhuauuwauhiahiahueuhehiahiahiahuauhauheihiehiaiha" Ivana tries to beg for them to stop, as she's coming to terms with how ticklish she is. Once she started laughing, it was all over for her. Even if she was holding back laughter before, she won't be able to do it anymore. Once the floodgates are open, there's no going back. Her body has been aching from resisting the sensations, in the hope that she can convince the men that she's not ticklish. Now that the hope is dashed away, she doesn't have to resist anymore. Moreover, she can't resist since the tickling is overwhelming her.

"We're just getting started." #1 proclaims, continuing to drag his fingers all over her smooth armpits. He's pleasantly surprised by how smooth her skin is. He has seen several photos of her, and he imagined how soft her armpits would be. But, the imagination doesn't do justice to the real thing. His fingers slide along her armpits, with minimal friction. Based on how much she's laughing, he can imagine how agonising it is for her.

The four men continue to tickle her for almost 20 minutes, while #5 simply films the entire thing. Ivana continues to thrash hard, as she continues to plead with them amidst her uncontrollable bursts of laughter. The men didn't care about her pleas, as they're more keen on enjoying her melodious laughter.

"Pause." #1 says, and the three men stop the tickling. The three men stand up, and move away from Ivana. #1 stands closer to her, and observes her.

She has a look of relief in her eyes, albeit temporarily. She's glad that the tickling has stopped for now. Her breathing is till erratic and hard, as her tummy heaves up and down. Her hair is messy & disheveled, since she shook from head from side to side in the midst of the tickling. Beads of perspiration formed all over her body, as the tickling has takes its toll on her.

"Please... let me go.." Ivana pleads, realising how helpless she is.

"I want to let you go." #1 says. "But, I'm not fond of liars, Ivana. You said that you aren't ticklish. But, you are laughing so much when we tickle you." #1 says.

"I think, liars deserves to be punished. Since you lied that you weren't ticklish, we have to keep tickling you.." #1 says with a smirk. "Guys, get ready for the next round." #1 orders, as the three men get into position. #3 and #4 goes towards her upper body, while #2 goes to her left foot.

"Wait! You can't do this.. Please. I can't take it anymore." Ivana pleads.

"Just another 30 minutes, my dear." #1 says with a smirk, as he walks to her right foot.

"Begin!" He commands, as all four of the men attack their target.

"Hold on. I ju-Nnnnoooooooooooooahoaohaohoahoaohaohahoahiiahiahoaohaohaohaohiiaihaohao iaihahoahoahahiahiahiahiaho ahahiahiahoahahiahi ahaohaohaha Nnooooaohiaihaihaohoeohehaihaihaihaohoeoheohe appleallsseeeeieihauhauhiaihehoehiaihaihaiha" Ivana started laughing immediately. Her body haven't even recovered from the previous 20 minutes, and yet she's already being tickled again.

The men aren't using their feathers anymore. #4 is dragging his fingers along her milky smooth armpits, and #3 is digging his fingers into her sides. #1 and #2 are letting their fingers drag up & down her feet. Her body thrashes hard against the restraints, unable to withstand the abundance of ticklish sensations that overwhelm her nerves.

The four-fold tickling continued for 30 minutes, as the sound of Ivana's unbridled laughter filled the room. The men didn't give her any chance to relax, as they skillfully bombarded her body with ticklish sensations. Each of them were enjoying the way she thrashes & writes in response to the tickling. They have been aching to explore her body for such a long time. She's a popular supermodel, and there are a legion of men who'd love to feel the softness of her body. But, these 4 men have the opportunity to feel her softness, and they're going to enjoy every moment of it..

Although they feel empathetic for her plight, they internally rationalise their actions by thinking that she has been asking for this. Her modelling career requires her to post scantily-clad photos of herself on social media, so that millions of men all over the world can admire her flawless body. So, she shouldn't be surprised that men would do such a thing if they get a hold of her.

Ivana's throat starts to feel uncomfortable, from laughing too much. The uncontrollable laughter is making it tough for her to breathe, and her body starts to feel the fatigue of thrashing around. On some occasions, there's barely any sound coming out of her since her throat feels dry.

"Pause." #1 says, and the three men stop tickling. As usual, the three men get up and move away from her. Even though the tickling has stopped, Ivana's body still felt tingly & agitated. Their fingers have left a lasting impression, and it took a few moments for her laughter to subside.

#1 looks into Ivana's eyes. She looks defeated. She didn't expect to undergo almost an entire hour of tickling. The torment she went through was beyond her wildest dreams. It's a surprise that she didn't pass out. She can hardly move, as her muscles ache from struggling against the restraints.

The men simply observe Ivana for a few minutes, as she gradually recovered from the fatigue of the hour-long tickling. For a moment, she wondered if they have finished tickling her. But, from the look in their eyes, she's not hopeful about it.

"Looks like you're incredibly ticklish, after all." #1 says playfully, breaking the silence. "We could tickle you for several more hours, but it's not so fun if you can't put up a fight. So, I suggest making things a bit spicier." He says with a smile.

Ivana looks at him with a confused expression. She doesn't know what other tricks he have up his sleeve. He & his men have already overwhelmed her tickling. They know her weak spots & vulnerabilities. It's not like they could do anything worse to her.

"I'll give you a chance to earn your freedom." #1 says calmly, and Ivana's curiosity is slightly piqued. "As you can see, this is a closed sound-proof room. Only I have the key to open it. So, only I decide if you get out of this room. And, I'm willing to give you a change to convince me that you should get out." With that, he gestures his three men towards her. They move over to her, and start to untie the restrains.

"I'm releasing you from the restraints, since you're gonna be doing something else." #1 says with a smirk. "Oh, do keep in mind that we will restrain you again if you try to do something unexpected."

In a few moments, her hands and legs are free. She gets off of the lounge chair and stands on her feet, while casually rubbing her wrists. Although the cuffs didn't leave any marks, it felt a bit uncomfortable to have her arms stretched out for an entire hour.

"W-what do I have to do now ?" Ivana asks meekly, knowing that she can't simply run away. Although she is 'free', she is still trapped in this closed room. Several thoughts run through her mind about what type of twisted activity #1 is gonna suggest.

"I am an ardent viewer of your workout videos. You're strong enough to hold an elbow plank position for several minutes. You'll prove your endurance to me, if you want to leave this room." #1 says with a smile.

"You'll be engaging in three plank challenges, with these three men." #1 gestures to the #2, #3 & #4. "Basically, you & #2 will get into an elbow plank pose simultaneously. Both of you will try to hold the pose as long as possible. If you let go of the pose first, you lose your chance to be free. If you hold the pose longer than #2, you'll repeat the same challenge with #3. If you win that one as well, you'll repeat the challenge with #4. If you win that one, your last step will be an arm wrestling challenge with #5. If you manage to win it, you're free to go." #1 explains the hurdles she has to go through, to walk out of the room.

It might seem like it's unfair for Ivana to compete in plank challenges against three men consecutively. But, none of them are 'fit'. The men doesn't look like they go to the gym frequently, if ever. It provides Ivana with some confidence.

Ivana thinks it over, wondering if #1 has any hidden agenda. Regardless of what he is planning, it's not like she has a choice. She either has to do this, or he'll likely tie her up & tickle her again. This might be a way for her to earn her freedom.

"Okay.. I accept." She says.

For #1, this is merely a way to have some fun. He's under no obligation to give her a 'chance to earn her freedom'. If he wanted to, he could have simply kept tickling her for another hour. But, the 1-hour tickling session has already wrecked her will power. Tickling her even more would not be as exciting, since she would have accepted the fact that there's no way out of her predicament. She would have lost hope.

By giving her a chance to become free, he instills a little bit of hope in her. He wants to get her hopes up, so that he can crush her hope once again.

"Perfect. #2, get ready." #1 says.

#2 comes forward, and stands at a comfortable distance from Ivana. He kneels down on the floor, and she does the same. "On my mark, both of you should get into the pose." #1 says, as they prepare themselves.

"Now!" #1 says, and both of them simultaneously do an elbow plank.

Everyone watches on, to see who will be the first to let go of the pose. Ivana's elbow plank is perfect. Her frame is aligned horizontally with the floor. Her body stays completely still, since she is accustomed to doing this. It looks like her body isn't feeling any strain, at all.

#2, on the other hand, starts to tremble. It's obvious that this isn't something he usually does. "Uah!" He gasps, as his body hits the floor. He couldn't hold the plank anymore.

"That didn't last long." #1 says in a disappointed tone. Ivana lets go of the plank & stands up for now, waiting for the next challenge. #2 gets up and walks away, and #3 stands next to Ivana. "On your mark.." #1 says, as Ivana and #3 get ready. "Go!" #1 says, as both of them get into the elbow plank pose.

Ivana breathes calmly, feeling a little confident about this. Fitness has been one of her strong suits, and these guys are no match for her in such challenges. She can defeat them ten times over.

#3's arms start to shake, as he tries his hardest to hold onto the pose. Ivana still remains steady, but she can feel her abdomen starting to feel the tension. She has been tickled for an hour after all. Her body haven't fully recovered from the tickling.

Despite her fatigued body, she is doing better than the men since the men are not fit. They probably have a sedentary lifestyle, based on how they look. It makes her wonder why #1 choose a plank challenge in the first place.

"Guah" #3's body hits the floor, as Ivana wins again. She lets go of the pose, taking a deep breath. #3 walks off, and #4 gets ready.

"Go." #1 says, as Ivana and #4 enter the elbow plank. She can feel the crunch in her abdomen, as her legs shake a little bit. It's nothing to worry about, but she has to be careful.

However, #4 is already struggling. His body is shaking, as he tries hard to hold onto the pose. Ivana feels more confident upon seeing his struggles, while #1 feels disappointed.

"Look at him. He's getting close to letting go." #1 says, as he quietly walks over to the table. Grabbing a feather, he walks back & stands next to Ivana. "Time to make things more interesting." With a smirk, he drags the feather's tip along the delicate backside of Ivana's left knee.

"OOoahhoahhaohaohoh whhhattoaohahoahahahaa" Giggles started erupting from her immediately, as her leg squirms in an attempt to escape the feather.

"Careful, Ivana. You lose if your knee touches the floor. Make sure to hold onto the plank pose." #1 says joyously, as the feather's tip continues to brush against her delicate skin.

"Hhahhieihahah stoooppoaaopphpp haiihahaua unnnifaaiiirrrrrr" Ivana tries so hard to keep her pose, as she giggles uncontrollably. Holding the legs straight is crucial for holding the plank pose. When her leg is being tickled like this, it's only a matter of time before she lets go of the pose.

She looks over at #4, who seems like he's on the verge of giving up. She just has to outlast him!

#1 slowly drags the feather upwards along her leg, as it reaches her thigh. The feather slides between her delicate thighs, as Ivana's legs start to tremble uncontrollably.

"Nnaohoaohahuaho aohahoahoahooahahhhaohohahhoaho ahhaihiehehe stotoooppooahiahiaheohehiiaha." She knows that she can't hold on much longer. It's so unfair! She already had to do planks against three guys consecutively, after being mercilessly tickled for an hour. Now, she's getting tickled while she's trying to hold the plank pose. Her entire body shakes, unable to cope with the ticklish sensations that are disrupting her pose.

Just when she felt like she's gonna give up, she heard the sound of #4's body hitting the floor. He let go of the pose.

"Uuuauahhhhhh." Ivana lets go of the pose as well, as her body falls on the floor with a sigh of relief. A lot of stamina was sapped out of her, as she was forced to stay in the plank pose while being tickled. She breathes hard, looking angrily at #1 who seems to be pleased with himself.

"Well done, Ivana. I knew you could do it." He says sarcastically.

"Now, onto the final hurdle." #1 says, gesturing #5 to come to the table. Till now, #5's sole responsibility has been to handle the camera. He's an expert in video recording, and this is the first time he's actively involved in the ordeal. #5 takes the leather bag off the table and puts it on the floor. He sits down on a chair, as he eagerly awaits Ivana to come over.

Ivana gets up from the floor, and walks over to the table herself with a sense of determination. She just has to win the arm wrestling, to walk out of here. She sits down on a chair opposite to #5, as she looks at him angrily.

"Looks like you're ready for the challenge." #1 says, standing by the side of the table. Ivana gives him a look of frustration.

"I didn't want you to go through a 4th plank challenge, since it'd have been too easy for you." #1 says with a chuckle. "#5 is not as strong as the other three. He may not hold a plank pose for 5 seconds. But, he has decent arm strength. So, this should be a fair challenge. Get ready.."

Ivana and #5 places their right elbows on the table, as they grab each other's wrists to get into position. "Get set." #1 says, placing his palm on their wrists that they're starting at the proper position.

"Go!" #1 says, and takes his hand away. The arm wrestling challenge starts.

Ivana starts to apply pressure immediately, wanting to end this quickly. She knows that she'll be at a disadvantage if this drags on. Although #5's arm looks like he has never lifted weights in his life, he's doing well against her.

"Mmmh!" She grunts, as she slowly gains an advantage. #5 is unable to focus his strength, since he's smitten by her. He's the type of guy who never had any luck with women. Seeing a supermodel up close, it makes him nervous & excited. He can't keep his eyes off of her lovely body. Particularly, he can't stop watching as two droplets of perspiration slooowly rolls down from neck into her cleavage.

Ivana keeps pushing, and it seems like she's getting close to winning. #5 tries hard to push back, but he can't do it successfully. Ivana smiles, seeing that #5 is not strong enough to push back. She decides to end it with one final push.

Just then, she felt a single finger poke her waist.

"Haohauhahaohoa" A giggle escapes from her, as she squirms because of the unexpected sensation. It was #1, who intentionally poked her waist. The momentary distraction allowed #5 to push back, as Ivana loses the advantage she had.

"Y-you're cheating! You shouldn't touch me while I'm doing the challenge." Ivana says to #1, who looks pleased that a single poke prevented Ivana from winning, for now.

"Okay, fine. I won't poke you anymore." #1 says with a smirk. "Looks like #5 is gonna defeat you, if you keep talking." He says, as #5 gains an advantage while Ivana was angrily talking to #1. #5 keeps pushing, trying to finish this.

Ivana resists desperately, as she was unfairly forced into a disadvantage. Because of her effort to push back, more beads of perspiration formed along her cleavage and neck. It lured the attention of #5, while he was moments away from winning, and he couldn't help but admire her. Thus, he felt himself losing focus on the arm wrestling.

Realising that #5's strength is waning, she pushes back hard by putting all of her strength into it. She plans to defeat him in one swoop, as she slowly regains her advantage. #5 tries to push back, but was unsuccessful. He panics, as his hand is merely a couple of inches from the table. Ivana can sense her victory, when she suddenly sensed something else!

While she was so focused on winning, #1 quietly grabbed a feather and reached under the table. Just as Ivana was about to win, he twirled the feather's tip into her belly button.

"AHAHAHHAHAHAHOOAAHAHAHHAHAHA" Ivana nearly jumped out of the chair. Her entire body thrashed at the sudden sensation, and she got distracted. Realising the situation, #5 immediately pushed back and slams Ivana's hand on the table. The sudden tickle disturbed her strength, and she lost!

Outraged by what just happened, Ivana gets up from her chair and lunges at #1.. "You dishonest bastard!" She shouts, tacking him to the ground. She was about to punch him, when the other three men swiftly grabbed her from behind & pulled her away.

"You're a lying piece of filth. You never intended for me to walk out." She shouts, while kicking & thrashing as the three men struggle to hold her. Getting up, #1 looks at her. "I didn't lie. I said that I won't touch you. I never said that the feather won't touch you." He says with a wicked smile.

"Ahhhh! You bastard." She reacts with more rage, trying to get out of the mens' grasp. Meanwhile, #1 walks over to the bag & grabs a piece of white cloth.

"This ought to calm you down." He says, walking towards her. "Hold her in place, guys." He instructs the three men, as they methodically pin her down to the floor.

#1 presses the cloth onto her face. As she inhales the pleasant aroma of the cloth, her strength starts to diminish. She realises that he made her inhale chloroform!

"Had you won, I'd have let you go." #1 says, keeping the cloth pressed tightly against her nose.

"But, you didn't win. So, it looks like you won't be leaving anytime soon." He says with a devious smile. Ivana gradually slips into unconsciousness, as she fears for the ticklish peril that awaits her.
Marvelous story! I trust you are inspired to keep on writing! A part 2 would be nice!
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