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Adventures of Kaydee 10: The Reaper


TMF Poster
Aug 22, 2017
This chapter is a little different than the others. Wanted to write something for a couple of the other characters. I hope you like it.

Here are links to the first 9 installments.










Here goes part 10!

Harriet entered the strange large home. Her eyes studied the room, as she tried to keep her cool and analyze the situation.

People of all walks of life hung around. It seemed like a casual party. Many people seemed to know each other but not all. It was fairly dark, but not so dark you couldn’t see clearly. Music played, but it didn’t cover up the sound of laughter. But not just any laughter. Ticklish laughter. And not just one person. Several people. From several different rooms of the house.

This wasn’t just any party. This was a tickle party.

“Hi, you must be new,” a small sweet voice came from behind her.

“Yeah, I am,” answered Harriet.

“I’m Lilac. Well, I’m a little shy about people knowing my name here, so I call myself Lilac at parties like these. Most of us use nicknames.”

“Lilac. I like that. It suits you. Umm, call me Bookworm.”

Lilac giggled. “Hi Bookworm. So you came on a special day.”

“Really? How so?” inquired Harriet.

“Well, they call her The Reaper.”

“The Reaper?”

“Yep. So just before you came in, a girl in a cape and hood came in. So, when she shows up to these, everyone freaks out. She’s kind of famous. Well, I guess more like a legend. She’s kind of elusive. No one knows when or if she’ll show up. When it started out, apparently, she would announce herself, and promise that whoever invites her to tickle them will have a special experience. That they will have the most ticklish experience they have ever ever had. Now whenever she shows up, everyone just knows. People call all their friends and then the house gets packed.”

“Really? Have you ever done it?”

“No, I’ve only ever heard stories. And if they are to be believed, it is the most ticklish thing ever! Apparently, people... flip... out! I want to try, but she’s always swamped with attention. And I’m a little too shy to do it, because everyone would be watching.”


“I kinda want to go watch her. I wanna see if the stories are true. Maybe we’ll get to see her in action. Would you like to join me?”

“Umm, sure! Thanks Lilac.”

On the other side of the house, a young woman and her boyfriend approached The Reaper. The young woman was beautiful. She had a small frame, and dark hair in a pixie cut. She was very nervous and couldn’t stop giggling.

“Um, miss Reaper?” said the boyfriend nervously.

She turned to face him. She wore a mask that hid her face.

“My girlfriend has wanted to meet you for a long time. She is too nervous to ask, but she wants to know if you’ll tickle her.”

“Is this true?” the Reaper asked, turning to face the girl.

Giggling and covering her blushing face, she nodded her head shyly.

“Tell me your safe word.”

“Red. Umm… but, umm… I want you to keep going past it. Just a little,” she said smiling nervously.

“Ok, how about you have to say it three times. That way you get pushed a little past it, but not a lot.”

“Ok, but… five times.”

“Where are you ticklish, girl?”

“Everywhere,” she responded, stifling giggles.

“Do you want to be restrained?”

“No, please.”

“Ok.” She paused. “Come closer.”

The girl began to giggle and back away.

“Do you dare make me come for you?” said the Reaper in a stern voice.

Giggling harder, the nervous young woman tentatively approached the dark hooded figure.

As soon as the young woman got within arms reach, the Reaper pulled her in and began to tickle her ribs.


The loud explosive laughter drowned out everything else in the house. It was so abrupt, that the crowd grew larger, watching as the young woman laughed and screamed, her face tearing up as she laughed. She fought to get away, but the Reaper kept the woman in her clutches skillfully, quickly tickling the poor woman into hysterics.

“Wow, the Reaper is real!”
“Listen to that! I couldn’t handle that!”

The people in the crowd were watching excitedly.

The woman tried to get away again and slipped, and ended up on the floor. Skillfully, the Reaper untied one of her white sneakers and pulled off a sock to reveal a cute pedicured foot.


The girl’s laughter went up several notches as the Reaper’s beautifully manicured hands evoked ticklish sensations never before felt by the small woman.

“And now!” the Reaper said loudly, showing off for the crowd, “You will use your safeword!”

With that, she threw her cape over the girl, concealing what went on underneath.

The small woman exploded in wild laughter!


The people in the crowd looked at each other excitedly.

“RED! RED!! [size=+2]RED! RED![/size] [size=+3]RED!!!!”[/size]

Immediately the tickling stopped. The Reaper whipped her cape off of the woman, as if she were revealing a magic trick.

The woman lay in the fetal position giggling, with a huge smile on her face.

It took her a few minutes to compose herself. She got up and thanked the Reaper for the experience.

“Wow, I’ve never seen her in action!” said Lilac. “That was amazing! I can’t imagine what it would feel like getting tickled by her,” she said with an excited shudder.

“I, umm, well, I am pretty good,” said Harriet confidently, but trying not to overstep. She didn’t really know the rules and customs of a tickle party.

“Oh really? Well, it so happens, Bookworm, that I have yet to be tickled tonight,” said Lilac, coyly. “And there still are a couple of empty rooms.”

“I’ve never done anything like this. Do we just go right in?”

“Yep. Follow me!”

Lilac walked toward an empty room, taking Harriet by the hand.

“Ok, so it looks like they have bed restraints in this one,” Lilac said.

“Do you want that?”

“Yes I do,” said Lilac, winking. She sat on the bed and began to untie her sneakers.

“Ok, you’ll have to walk me through all of this, I’m super new to it all. I heard the other girl talk about a safe word?”

“Yes. Wow, you really are new to this, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, I guess so,” Harriet chuckled.

“So I get to choose a safeword. If I say it, you stop tickling immediately. It keeps things safe and fun. I will say though, that I have only ever used a safeword twice. And that was with four people tickling me at once!”

“Oh I see. So I am trying to get you to say it?” inquired Harriet.

“Sometimes. Some people want to get tickled for fun, and just giggle the whole time. Some want to laugh really hard. Some people want you to ramp it up, starting slow and then really go for it. It’s whatever the ‘Lee decides.”


“Short for ticklee. And in this case you’re the ‘Ler.”

“Ha ha, ok I see.”

“They can also be terms for personality traits. If someone says that they are a ‘strict ‘lee,’ they are saying that they enjoy being tickled, but not doing the tickling. And a strict ‘ler, well, you get it. Some people like being in both positions.”

“And you?”

“I like both, but mostly a ‘lee,” she said giggling. “And you?”

“Well my friends and family didn’t really do any tickling when I was young, so I’ve only recently been doing any tickly… stuff.”

“I see. A newbie.”

“Hey but I’m good!”

“I’m not saying you aren’t!” said Lilac giggling.

“I see you matched your toenail polish to your nickname!” said Harriet.

“Sure did,” said Lilac, sticking her foot in the air, and spreading her toes. “Ok, strap me in!”

“Ok, so do you want me to make you say the safeword right away, or go slow?” asked Harriet.

“Ha ha, oh, a confident newbie!” Lilac teased. ”Remember, it takes a whole lot for me to say my safeword, Which is ‘potato,’ by the way. Anyhow, it’s the most fun for me when you do careful, fun giggly tickling at first, then a little more, and a little more. Then, when I tell you that I’m ready, you can really go for it, and try your best to make me safeword.”

“Ok, I understand. Do the straps feel good?”

“Feels great.”

“How about I start with your, umm, legs?”

Harriet began stroking her fingers along Lilac’s legs.

“Ok, that’s an odd choi… OHHHhahahehhe wow!” Lilac began to chuckle. “That’s pretty good! Hahahhheeee you’re ahahada haha a natural!”

Harriet smiled as she lightly traced Lilac’s body, figuring out her ticklish spots.

“Oh, you’re ahhahahaaa finding some hahaaaha some good ones! HAhaahhaahha!!”

Harriet found herself smiling and giggling along with Lilac! She had never tickled anyone for fun before. It was always done as a tool for her job.

“Ooo, I bet your ribs are gonna be bad!” teased Harriet, smiling broadly. “Are you sure you are going want to let me tickle them?”

Lilac’s giggling had started to become laughter.

Harriet began to tickle her ribs in earnest, rather than lightly stroke them.

“Bahhahahah!!!! HAHAHAHAHhhhahahahahahahAHAHAH!!!!” Lilac’s laughter went up a notch.


Harriet stopped, and Lilac’s laughter began to fade, albeit slowly. “Sorry, your face was turning red. Are you sure you are still having fun?”

“Yes, hahah yeah I’m having fun, hhahaaa! You are pretty good!”

“Ok good, I was worried you were trying to say your safeword but couldn’t.”

“Come on! I’m a lot tougher than that! Ok Bookworm, do your worst!”

“Really? Are you sure?”

“Yes definitely! I’m in the mood to laugh! Once you’ve got me laughing as hard as you can for a while, we can text a couple of my friends that are here and bring them in, and see if the three of you can make me say my safeword!”

“Wow, ok! Let’s do it! Here goes, Lilac!”

Harriet raised her fingers above Lilac’s midsection.


Lilac began to giggle with anticipation.


She shut her eyes tight, giggling harder.


[size=+2]“AAAAAAAHAAHHAHAAA!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHDHdahahaa…..” [/size]

She took a deep breath.

[size=+2]“OH MY GAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!”[/size]

Lilac’s eyes were big as she laughed and screamed as loudly as anyone had ever laughed.


Lilac began to thrash and tug at her restraints.

Harriet was now laughing right along with Lilac, a gleeful look in her eyes as she tickled wildly.

“Oooo, I’m gonna get your feet!!!” Harriet said, pouncing on her legs, using her body weight to hold Lilac’s knees down. She put her hands in position and began to rapidly claw tickle the soft feet and lilac colored toes.


The woman exploded into loud screaming laughter!

[size=+2]"AHJAHAHHHAHAAAHAHAH!!!! HAHAHAAAHAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa……...”[/size]

Lilac was laughing so hard that it became silent! Her mouth laughed wildly, but her lungs couldn’t keep up with the laughter. Harriet, with wild eyes, watched the feet before her try their hardest to escape her clutches. She was having so much fun that she didn’t notice that the laughter had faded to silent.

Lilac took a huge breath.

[size=+3]“POTATO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” she screamed![/size]

Immediately, Harriet snapped out of it, and pulled her hands away from the poor defenseless feet.

Lilac’s laughter continued for several minutes.

“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry, Lilac! I didn’t realize you couldn’t breathe!! Here let me undo the ankle straps!!”

Lilac continued laughing, unable to respond, furiously rubbing the soles of her feet against the bedsheets, trying to relieve the after-tickles.

“You were gonna say the safeword earlier than you did, weren’t you?”

Lilac shook her head “yes” as she kept laughing and rubbing her feet, still unable to respond.

“Oh no! I went overboard! I am so sorry!! Here, let me fix your feet! I’ll rub them!” said Harriet, reaching toward Lilac.

“NOOO!!! HAAHHAA! NO no no, it’s ok don’t touch them! HAhAahhaaa…”

Harriet quickly pulled her hands back to herself, wringing them nervously.


“Hahaha it’s ok, it’s ok, ha hahah!! That was amazing! Hahaa!”

A relieved look came over Harriet.

“Oh you liked it? Oh thank goodness!”

“Oh my gosh, you are a machine! How did you do that?! Come untie my arms now.”

Lilac sat up.

“That was the most ticklish I’ve ever felt in my life! And my feet don’t even rank on my most-ticklish-spots list!”

“I was so worried! I thought I ruined it.”

“No, no, on the contrary! I’ve been wanting to be tickled like that all of my life!”


A few minutes later, the two women opened the bedroom door to find that a crowd had gathered. Likely from the explosive laughter she had evoked from Lilac.

“See I told you it wasn’t the Reaper, it’s someone else!” said somebody.
“Oh my gosh, who is that? I’ve never seen her before,” said another.

Harriet shyly walked through the crowd, while people carefully made sure to get a good look at her.

Suddenly, she caught sight of the Reaper. Of Alice. Their eyes met. Harriet knew that they needed to have a conversation.


“So you caught me, huh?” said Alice. They were sitting in Harriet’s small office at work.

“Ha ha, that’s exactly what I was going to say to you!” I felt bad for following you.

“We’ll, I probably shouldn’t have been going to those house parties,” admitted Alice.

“Are we not supposed to do that? I thought you were just trying to get more practice in.”

“Well I was, in the beginning. I didn’t really ask for permission though, so I wasn’t totally sure if it was ok.”

“In the beginning?” Harriet inquired.

“Yeah, at first I just wanted some extra training time,” said Alice. “There are only so many interogees we get. And only so much tickling we can inflict on each other.”

“And now?” asked Harriet.

“Well, now,” Alice said hesitantly. “Ugh, I suppose I owe you an explanation. Um, I really like it. It is super fun. I don’t know how to explain it.”

“Ugh I’m so glad you said that!” said Harriet, relieved. “It is SOOO fun! There is something about tickling someone who is having fun and wants to be tickled for fun.”

“YESS! That is totally it!”

Both women laughed.

“It sounded like you got that girl pretty good. I bet they could hear her from several houses down!” said Alice, nudging Harriet.

“Yeah, I got her feet with my nails.”

“You’ll have to show me how you get feet.”

“Ok, but only if you show me how you get the upper ribs! It always makes everybody go into thrashing mode immediately!”


They shook hands and then laughed.

“So what is with the costume?”

“Oh jeez, ha ha, I don’t know. I guess I was shy at first and didn’t want anyone to recognize me. Then, I started getting recognized as the good tickler because of the costume, and it kind of snowballed from there.”

“Yeah, people really love you! ‘The Reaper’ this, ‘The Reaper’ that! There are, like, tales about you! One guy excitedly recounted a time that you supposedly tickled a husband and wife at the same time and made them both beg.”

“That one is true, actually. I strapped them together so that their tummies were, sort of, facing together.” Alice tried to mime it with her hands. “Then I could tickle both tummies and once more easily.”

“That’s clever.”

“The trick is to put a pillow between their heads so they don’t knock heads when they flail, ha ha!” said Alice, gleefully.

Alice got serious. “So does this mean I need to tell Kaydee and the Captain?”

“I don’t know,” responded Harriet. “I think you’re overthinking it. I don’t think they would care. That said, I don’t want to stop going. That was awesome. And I want the extra practice.”

Alice raised an eyebrow.

“Ok, and the extra fun. Don’t worry, I’ll keep your secret. I won’t say anything. And when and if you do, I’ll have your back. You can tell them I do it too.”

“Thanks Harriet.”

“I want to ask, though…” Harriet got quiet. “Have you ever gone as a... what do they call it… Oh as a ‘lee?”

“Yeah, I have. A couple of times. I didn't wear the whole ‘Reaper’ get-up though. I didn’t want my throngs of fans to know that the ‘Reaper’ is ticklish. I felt like it would take something away from it. Then I got nervous that I’d be recognised as Alice and I stopped.”

“So… how was it?”

“Honestly, I was nervous at first, but it was actually awesome! Especially once you realize that you as the ticklee are actually in charge of the experience! Are you thinking of doing it?”

“Umm, yeah. Yeah I am.” Harriet said, hesitantly. “I mean, I never thought I’d be considering something like that. But, here I am, actually thinking about it.”

“Well let me know when. I’ll go with you.”
Thank you for asking. I've been thinking about it, actually. Trying to find some ideas for good chapters, and then finish the whole story in a satisfying way. I'll start working on it.
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