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Adventures of Kaydee Part 8: Teaching Them a Lesson


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Aug 22, 2017
Kaydee sat at her desk, pulled off her shoes, and swivelled around to talk to Lauren.

“Sooooo,” said Kaydee, poking Lauren.

“What?” Lauren giggled.

“Soooo, are you gonna text that shoe girl? Kaitlin, I think it was. Hmmmm?”

“I don’t know,” Lauren laughed. “Maybe.”

“Ooo maybe!” Kaydee said excitedly. “Lauren’s gonna get her toes sucked!” Kaydee teased, in a sing-song voice.

“She was really pretty. I really had no idea she was flirting with me at first. I wasn’t positive until I saw the note.”

“Of course she was flirting. You’re you!” said Kaydee, nudging her friend.

“So, if, and it’s still an ‘if,’” said Lauren, squeezing Kaydee’s knee. Kaydee kicked her leg out, let out a squeak, and laughed at herself. “If I text her and we meet, how does someone prepare for a date like that? For a date where foot fun happens?”

“Well,” said Kaydee, “some people like clean feet, some people like them to be a little smelly.”

“Really?” asked Lauren. “I have always kept mine really clean. I never imagined people would like smelly.”

“You could ask her before the date. Oh, I’ve been meaning to mention it.. I was really surprised when you agreed to letting Claire tickle you.”

Lauren leaned in to whisper. “I actually find it really fun. I kinda wanted to see how fun it would be to push my limit further than the time you sat on my legs and tickled my feet.”

“Really? That’s really cool! Hey, just know I’m game to get you giggling whenever you want, cute stuff! Oh, on a related note: So, I talked to the Captain. She wants to up the time schedule on getting people trained in the new interrogation style. I don’t have any interrogees today, so I was gonna do some training with the newbies. I need to talk to the people on your list, too. Gonna introduce the idea of becoming interrogators. I thought, since you chose them, you’d wanna be there too. Plus you’re one of them. Anyhow, we don’t have anyone to tickle. I was kinda hoping you’d want to volunteer to be on the interrogation table for a demo. It might be easier to introduce the idea to the newbies if they get to see someone tickled, and even try it.”

“Umm… Yeah, actually. I think I do.”

“No pressure, you definitely don’t have to. It is a little scary to have a bunch of people there when you’re tied up. I was thinking, either at first, or the whole time, you won’t be tied, or loosely tied, so you would be able to get out if you wanted. We would be sure to go really easy on you.”

“No, no, I wanna do it. I’ll do it.” said Lauren, with a smile. “But don’t tell people I like it. I don’t want them to think I’m weird.”

“Well, you’re not weird. It’s actually kinda common. It means you’re awesome. But yeah, I won’t say anything.”

“Thanks. Oh, um, what about that Alice girl? Something about her makes me think maybe she’d be a good interrogator. Maybe we should at least invite her to the introduction. Just to see if she is a good fit.”

“Good idea! I trust your judgement. You’re the one who can read people.”


“Hello everyone,” said Kaydee in a loud voice. They were assembled in the combat training room. “I know some of you are wondering why Captain Banks and I called you here. Some of you I’ve worked with already. It is no secret that I have an alternative interrogation style. It has proven effective enough that the Captain has asked me expand the program. According to your profiles, you folks are very well suited to my interrogation style.”

The people in the group turned to one another looking concerned, and started to talk.

“Hold on, hold on!” said the Captain to the group. “This is different from what you may think. This is a non-violent interrogation.”

The group quieted down.

“What kind of interrogation are we talking about here? That waterboarding stuff isn’t something I could do to someone,” said Harriet, adjusting her glasses.

“No, it’s nothing like that, Harriet,” said Captain Banks. “What it is, is, well… Kaydee perhaps we should just show them.”

“Sure thing, Captain. Ok, most of you know that I’ve developed a friendship with one of you, Lauren Smalls. To show you that I won’t let that affect my leadership, I’d like to have Lauren be our first volunteer to be on the interrogation table.”

Lauren stood up and walked to the front.

“Lauren,” Kaydee said, please have a seat on the table.

“What is that crazy looking thing?” asked Alice.

“You’ll see in a sec,” responded Kaydee.

Lauren laid down on the interrogation table.

Kaydee whispered, “Are you sure you want to be strapped down?”

“Yeah, it’s cool,” Lauren whispered back.

Kaydee strapped her down with her arms up and her feet together.

“Behold!” said Kaydee. “A stomach.” Kaydee pulled up Lauren’s shirt. She started to tickle Lauren’s sides.


Lauren tried to squirm to get away from Kaydee’s hands as she laughed. The crowd of women began to laugh and a few blushed.

“You tickle them?” asked Savannah. “Do criminals really give you the info you need? They confess and everything?”

“They sure do! They confess everything we want to know and more!” said Kaydee with a smile. “Not buying it, Savanna?”

“With respect, I just hesitate to believe that these hardened, intense criminals crack with something like that.”

“Savanna, please come up here,” said Captain.

Savannah approached. Captain Banks pulled out a 100 dollar bill. She looked at Kaydee. “How long do you think?”

“I’m thinking a minute thirty,” responded Kaydee.

“Please, Savannah, remove your shoe and sock, and lay on the mat,” instructed the Captain. “Kaydee will tickle for one minute and thirty seconds. All you have to do is last. If you refrain from tapping out, or saying the safety word, ‘Red,’ during the time period, you can keep this cash. I am going to un-strap Lauren so she can get up and watch too.”

“Seriously? Just one minute and thirty seconds? Ok, let’s do this,” said the raven haired beauty. She pulled off her shoe and sock to reveal a creamy white pedicured foot with dark gray toenail polish.

“Ok, I hope you’re ready Savanna. Start the timer please, Captain.”

Savannah laid down on the mat, putting her leg and bare foot into the air. Kaydee started to tickle. She lightly tickled, drawing lazy circles and lines along her sole. Savannah began to giggle, and move her foot around, trying to avoid Kaydee’s fingers.

“He heheheeee!! It tickles really bad! Heheheahahaaaa, but, hahahaha, not, hehehe enough to give up 100 dollars.”

“We are at 45 seconds.”

“Hahahaha hahah I got this! Hahaha!”

Captain Banks walked slowly over to Savannah, looked down at her, and said, “Oh, Savanna, Kaydee is playing with you.”

Kaydee took a step forward wrapping her leg around Savannah’s, immobilizing it.

“We’re at the one minute mark,” said Captain Banks, looking at her watch, smiling.

Kaydee slowly wiggled all of her fingers along Savannah’s soft sole, putting a bit more pressure on her sensitive pale skin.

“AAAAAAAHAHAHAA NONONONO AAAAAAHAHAHAA!!!” Savanna was using all her strength to yank and pull her leg to try and get away. “AAAHAHAHAHHA!!! OH MY AAAAAAAHAHAHAA!!!”

The women looking on blushed a little, and began to laugh a bit as they watched.

“Here we go!” said Kaydee with a smile. Kaydee began to use one hand to tickle only Savannah’s toes.

Savannah exploded with laughter!


“Twenty seconds left before Savannah wins the money!” Captain shouted, struggling to be heard over screaming Savannah.

Savannah’s toes scrunched and spread apart and she laughed like a madwoman. Kaydee giggled and said, “And she’s gonna tap in five, four,” Kaydee held up her free hand and showed the number with her fingers as she counted. “Three, two,

“AHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaa…” Savanna took a big lungful of air and yelled “Red!!!!!!”

“Ta daaa!!!” said Kaydee, smiling and bowing, still standing over Savannah, with her leg still wrapped around the immobilized woman’s leg, on the floor. The women in the room laughed and clapped.

“Sorry Savannah, I still have a point to prove. And you’re still stuck.” Kaydee looked down at Savannah and wiggled her fingers.

“Nonononno this isn’t fair. Please, please, okay okay okay, no please, I’ll do whatever you need, please AHAHAHAHA!!!” Kaydee lightly tickled her foot for just a second and then stopped.

“Just kidding,” said Kaydee, letting the woman free.

Savannah rubbed the tickly sensation off the bottom of her foot. She scrambled to pull her sock on, and then put her shoe back on.

“Ok, what did you all notice?” asked Kaydee.

“That Savannah is super ticklish!” said Harriet, giggling.

“Yes she is! But remember, everyone is super ticklish, once you have learned what I have to teach you,” said Kaydee. “Ok, what did you all learn, aside from the obvious?”

Alice said, “She was willing to do even more than you asked by the end. At first, she wanted to get the money, but by the end, I bet she would have given you money to stop. And all within the minute and thirty seconds.”

“Yes, that’s a good observation. I frequently use the fear of me continuing past the point of the interrogee giving up the info to, either, make sure they haven’t given me false info, or to get even more info from them.”

“Anyone else have doubts?”

Harriet raised her hand. “I hope it’s not rude to say. I, just wonder, you know. Some people aren’t that ticklish. Or have strong willpower. Or both. People could lie in an interrogation. As a result our officers could walk into a trap. I mean, I think I could definitely get the hundred dollars.”

“Harriet, I understand your trepidation,” said Captain Banks. “I was concerned at first too. But every bit of info extracted by Kaydee has been accurate. She has even run some criminals out of town. Remember Aubrey, the arms dealer? Gone.”

“That was Kaydee? Wow. I stand corrected,” said Harriet.

“Do you still think you could get the hundred dollars?” asked Alice nudging Harriet.

Harriet pushed Alice away, making an annoyed face at her.

“Um, well, yeah.” Harriet folded her arms confidently.

“Step up if you dare, Harriet,” said Kaydee. “Sounds like you aren't fully buying it. Well don’t worry. I’ll make a believer out of you yet. Lay down on your stomach.”

Harriet put her light brown hair into a loose bun. She wore a long skirt and a blouse. She laid down and waited. Kaydee laid down on top of Harriet, putting her stomach on Harriet’s rear end. She leaned her weight on Harriet. Kaydee made claws with her hands and spread her fingers out widely. She began claw tickling Harriet’s sides with her fingernails, letting her thumbs reach into her armpits, then crawling her hands down lower, so her pinky fingers could tickle Harriet’s sides and waist.


“That was easy,” Kaydee chuckled. “You lasted 10 seconds.”

“Yeah.” Harriet said, breathing heavily.

“Do you need a little more persuasion? It’s very tempting…” Kaydee wiggled her fingers.

“Nope, no I’m good! So good!”

“Ok, I won’t tickle. But I’d love to demonstrate one more thing before I let you up off the mat.”

“Yeah, that’s ok.”

“Look, everyone, as I place my hands in position.” Kaydee put her hands in a claw and let her nails rest on the area she tickled previously.

“AAAHhaha Please, wait eeeheheh no don’t, please hehehe.”

“Notice her reaction. I’m not tickling at all. The anticipation of tickling can be a very effective tool.” Kaydee let Harriet up.

“Ok, now who here wants a chance at doing the tickling?”

Everyone but Harriet’s hand shot up immediately.

Kaydee laughed. “Wow, looks like almost everyone wants to try. Alice, you’ve been quiet. Do you want to give it a shot?”

“Yes I do, and I want to tickle Harriet!” said Alice, grinning and wiggling her claws at Harriet.

Harriet glared back unflinchingly. “I am not ticklish! Kaydee is an expert. It wasn’t fair. It took me by surprise, is all.”

“Well, Alice,” said Captain Banks, “why don’t you try working with Lauren first.”

“That works! Ok, tickle Guru, guide me!” Alice whipped her long black hair, whipping Harriet in the face as she stood up.

“You’re going down, Alice!” said Harriet.

“Ok, settle down ladies.” said the Captain.

“Ready Alice? Lauren?” asked Kaydee.

The girls nodded.

“Alice, where have you always wanted to tickle someone?” asked Kaydee.

“Well, I kind of already tend to tickle people whenever I can. Grab their waists and ribs and stuff. But I don’t get to tickle people’s feet. It’s rare you ever get a chance, you know? Let alone with them strapped down.”

“Lauren, are you ok with that?” asked Kaydee.

“Yeah, that’s ok,” she responded.

Kaydee strapped Lauren’s legs down, leaving her upper body free.

“Can I take off your shoes, Lauren?”

“Yeah,” she responded.

“Ok, Alice, now lightly stroke Lauren’s feet with your fingertips, from heel to toes.”

“Heheheeee! Oh crap, you’re really good at thiiiahahahahaaaaa!!!”

“She’s right, Alice, you’re a natural.” said Kaydee. “Everyone come closer!” Kaydee called out to the others. “See how she has both her finger pads and her nails stroking Lauren’s feet? That is why she is getting such a good reaction with such a light technique.”

“Ahahahaaa!! Oh my gosh it tickles bad!!! Ahahahaaa!”

“Ok, Alice, now step around and put your back to Lauren, so she can’t see your hands, and face the tops of her feet.”

Alice followed Kaydee’s instructions.

“Now wrap your fingers around her feet so you can use your nails on both her soles at once. Don’t tickle yet. Only start when you feel like it. This causes anticipation and fear that makes the tickles more tickly, and makes the interrogation move forward.”

“Oh poor Lauren, can’t tell when I’m gonna getcha!” teased Alice.

Alice put one nail on Lauren’s sole.


Alice stopped. “Uh oh! Lauren freaked out with just one nail! I wonder what’s gonna happen when I use them all? Can she handle it or will she just explode?”

Kaydee mimed a spider motioned with her fingers, smiled and mouthed, “Medium pressure.”

Alice tickled the way Kaydee instructed.

“Bahahahaahahah!!! Wait! Wait NOOO AAAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!”

Lauren threw her head back and burst into ticklish laughter.

Alice began to laugh as well, seeing Lauren’s reaction. She continued tickling with glee in her eye for another 30 seconds. Lauren’s laughter only got more intense.

“I’d better give her a break,” said Alice, stopping the tickling.

“Wow! Wow! That was crazy!” said Lauren breathing hard. “You are really tickly!”

“Well done, Alice! Good job on increasing the anticipation with the tickle banter. It can actually increase the ticklishness of your interrogee. Lauren, do you want to get up and walk around a bit?”

“Yeah, yeah that was a good one.”

Kaydee unstrapped Lauren and she stood up and began to walk around.

“How is everyone feeling about this?” Kaydee asked the group. “I saw several of you laughing along with Lauren while her feet were being tickled. Is it safe to assume you were having fun?”

Several heads nodded.

Captain Banks spoke up. “We are trying to determine if you are well suited for this type of interrogation. If it comes naturally to you. If you enjoy it. Please remember that you won’t be forced to be a part of this team.”

“I had a blast!” said Alice, smiling widely. “I’m in!”

Savannah stood up and said, “I think I want to do it too. But will I need to give up my current job?”

“No you won’t, Savannah,” replied the Captain. “This would only require a portion of your time. You will, however, have a chance to be a part of a team that is targeting the new drug, Sense. It can certainly boost your career.”

Harriet spoke up. “To be honest, Captain, this stuff seems dumb. I just don’t see myself tickling people. We never tickled anyone in my family, and I have never really had the desire to do it. It just seems silly. However, my work has been targeting Sense from the moment it was discovered here in our city. If I have a chance to be on a team targeting it, I want that. I want it bad.”

“You’ve never tickled anyone before?” asked the Captain. She shot a sly smile at Kaydee.

“Not that I remember. Like I said, it wasn’t a thing for my family, as a kid.”

“Ok,” said Kaydee. “Are you willing to try it?”

“Yeah, if it helps me take those Sense peddling tools, then yeah.”

“Alice, are you willing to get on the interrogation table?” asked Kaydee, shooting a glance at Captain Banks. The Captain nodded and smiled.

“Um, well, um, can I get out if I ask?” asked Alice.

“Absolutely,” responded Kaydee. “You can use the safeword, ‘red,’ or you can tap out.”

Alice walked up to the interrogation table.

“Do I really have to work with her?” asked Harriet, glaring at Alice.

“Trust us,” said the Captain.

Kaydee strapped Alice in place, with her arms up, wrists together, and feet strapped together. Kaydee motioned to Harriet to begin.

“Um, I really don’t know where to start,” confessed Harriet.

“Ok Harriet, pull up Alice’s shirt so you can access her ribs,” Kaydee instructed.

Harriet pulled her shirt up.

“Put your hands flat on Alice’s stomach, with your fingers on her ribcage.”

Harriet hesitantly placed her hands on Alice’s snow white stomach and ribs.

“Curve the tips of your fingers just a touch.”

Alice flinched and choked back a giggle.

“Good. Now, with your fingertips still gently dig into her ribcage, quickly move your hands up and down, like you’re scratching a dog’s belly,” explained Kaydee.

Harriet hesitated, shrugged her shoulders, took a breath, and began to tickle as instructed.

Alice exploded into a melodious laughter that was as beautiful as her.

“AAAAAHAHAHAHAAA!!!! Oh shhhhaaaahahahaaAHAHAHAHA!! Not the ribs ahahHAHAHAA!!!”

Alice pulled at the straps, trying to protect her ribs.

Harriet began to smile. “Hahah, can’t get away, can you Alice?” Harriet dug in a little harder.


“It’s fun, isn’t it?” asked Kaydee.

“Yeah,” responded Harriet, smiling, totally focused on trying to elicit more laughter from Alice. “Say ‘red,’ Alice!”

“AAAHAHAHAAAA!!!” Alice shook her head. “AHAHAH!!!” Alice took a breath. “NO WAY AHAAAA!!!”

Kaydee leaned close to Harriet and whispered “Squeeze her sides, right above her hip bones.”

Harriet obeyed, and Alice’s laughter hit new heights.

“I’m gonna make you tap out, Alice! It’s coming!” taunted Harriet, smiling widely and laughing herself.

Kaydee mimed the correct hand movements to Harriet and pointed to the exact area near Alice’s hips.

Harriet made the adjustment.


Alice bucked wildly as her laughter exploded.

“OK OKOK OK!!! REEEDDDD!!!” Alice yelled, tapping her hand against her wrist, trying to make as loud a slapping noise as she could.

Harriet threw her arms into the air victoriously, and then pointed at Alice. “Yes!!! That’s right! I totally got you!”

Kaydee laughed and said, “Well, look at that! Looks like you’ve got it in you after all! How did it feel, Harriet?”

“It was awesome! Oh my gosh, it was so awesome! I am totally in!”

Kaydee and Captain Banks smiled at each other and nodded.

Kaydee leaned over to a panting Alice and whispered to her. “You’ll get your turn. Get the underside of Harriet’s toes. Seriously. I’m betting they are off the charts ticklish.”


“I’m gonna do it,” said Lauren.

“What’s that?” asked Kaydee, cleaning her feet with her moist wipes.

“I’m gonna text Kaitlin.”

“Ooo, someone’s curious!” Kaydee teased. “So, hey, thanks for being such a good sport today, with the demo.”

“It was no trouble at all. It was weirdly really fun. And it looks like all the officers, and even Harriet are in!”

“Yeah, it couldn’t have gone better.”

“Actually being the tickle guinea pig helped me feel good about texting Kaitlin,” said Lauren.


“Yeah. I figure if it was fun having my feet tickled in front of a group of strangers, friends and my boss, foot fun with Kaitlin is bound to be fun too.”

“I like it!” said Kaydee with a smile.

“Um, Kaydee, can you do my toenails before the date?”

“I thought you’d never ask!”


“Hey Kaitlin!”

“Hi there Lauren. You look beautiful!”

“So do you! I’m surprised that you had me come to your place after we just met.”

“Well my place is the best place to do what I’m hoping we’ll do,” smiled Kaitlin.

“About that,” said Lauren, pausing. “I, uh, am really excited about it,” she said smiling.

Kaitlin breathed a sigh of relief. “You had me worried! I’ve been looking forward to this since I met you at the shoe store!”

Lauren laughed, “I can’t believe you’re so excited! No one has ever been so excited about a date with me before. The thing is, though, I’m really nervous.”

“So you’re new to this foot stuff then?” asked Kaitlin.

“Sort of. I’ve had a thing for feet since I was young, but I pushed it down. So I just sort of ‘came out,’ if you will, both to the world, and to myself.”

“I see,” said Kaitlin, touching Lauren’s arm momentarily. “So you have absolutely no idea what your feet do to people.”

“I guess not,” admitted Lauren.

“Ok, hot stuff. Well, umm… How do I put this? You have, hands down, the hottest feet I have ever seen. The employees at the shoe store have been talking about your feet since you came in, and that was a week and a half ago.”

“Seriously?” asked Lauren, blushing.

“My manager was practically drooling. I wouldn’t be surprised if she gave you her manager’s discount if you go when she’s there. That’s like half off.”

“Oh jeez, I’m even more nervous now!”

“Why?” Kaitlin laughed, playing with her blonde hair.

“Now the expectations are so high! I mean, what if they don’t look as good in real life?”

“Well there’s one way to find out. Let’s sit on the couch!”

The two went to the couch. Kaitlin leaned over, pulled Lauren’s shoed feet into her lap, pulled off her shoes, then slowly removed one sock. Kaitlin stopped and stared.

“Woah. Now I’m the nervous one,” said Kaitlin. “They are even hotter then I remember.”

Lauren laughed. “What happens now? Remember, I’m the newbie.”

“Well, what I like to do is sort of a kissing, licking, sucking, massaging with my hands simultaneously sort of thing…” said Kaitlin hopefully. “Maybe nibbling?”

“Um, yeah. I mean, uh, yeah,” smiled Lauren.

Kaitlin began to kiss Lauren’s foot at the base of her long toes. She began to squeeze and massage her heel and the base of Lauren’s arch, while letting the kiss turn into more of a french kiss. Lauren giggled a little.

“It tickles a little, doesn’t it hot stuff?” said Kaitlin, pausing only for a moment to talk, and then getting right back to business.

“Yeah, a little,” responded Lauren.

Kaitlin opened her mouth and put Lauren’s second and third toes in her mouth, gently nibbling and licking the underside of her toes. She then started at the tips of Lauren’s toes, sucking her toes into her mouth, letting her teeth gently drag down the length of Lauren’s toes.

Lauren’s eyes went big. “Wow. Wow wow oh my gosh,” Lauren moaned.

Kaitlin giggled, “I’m glad you’re liking it.”

“It is the most amazing thing I’ve ever felt. Um, Kaitlin? I uh...”

“Oh sorry, I got a little carried away. Do I need to stop?” asked Kaitlin.

“No, it’s just that, uh, could I, maybe, uh, do this to you too? I mean, uh, to your feet?” asked Lauren, blushing.

“Hell yes you can!” replied Kaitlin, yanking off her shoes and socks.

The women laid down on the couch, with their feet near each others faces. Lauren began to kiss and massage Kailin’s small soft feet, mimicking what Kaitlin did. Lauren began to moan, as did Kaitlin. Lauren used her tongue to make circles on Kaitlin’s foot. Kaitlin giggled and did the same to Lauren.

“This is awesome,” moaned Lauren.

“Yeah,” mumbled Kaitlin, entranced by Lauren’s feet.

WOW I got aroused from the story. Thanks for sharing. There is something about these stories that excites me. I am not into feet that much, but this story had me flinching all over. HAHA
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