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An Inspirational True Tickling Story or The Universe is Good and Weird


TMF Expert
Apr 3, 2010
I've been lucky enough to tickle a lot of beautiful women over the years. Starting with girlfriends in my early 20s and then making videos with friends and friends of friends, and then with pretty much anyone willing to let me tickle them for whatever reason, I have had a lot of experience tickling. The reason I've been able to have all these incredible experiences has everything to do with the fact that I accepted my sexual proclivities and discussed them openly and honestly whenever the subject was broached among people with whom I felt comfortable. It wasn't easy at first. I was embarrassed the same way I know a lot of ticklers are embarrassed by what turns them on. But it didn't take long before my honesty was rewarded and things I had only fantasized about started happening on a regular basis. Except for one - the chance to tickle another tickle-phile, more importantly, an actual 'lee.

What I've gathered through the years is that tickling is not that strange and really not that hard to reveal to a significant other or incorporate into your sex-life. A little, "bedroom bondage" is something that most people experiment with at some point; tickling is just one of those things you have to discuss ahead of time because it can be torture for a lot of people. If real-deal tickle-torture is your thing, rather than playful tickling, that would definitely be something you'd have to discuss. I like both but only as far as my partner is willing to go. I don't enjoy causing anyone real physical distress. I have found that this approach has always been pleasurable for both my partner and myself and as long as I have respected her limits, I have never had any complaints.

Another thing I've found, and this relates more to making tickling videos, is that with only one small exception all the women who appeared in my videos enjoyed the experience! (I say "small" exception because the only part one model didn't enjoy was having her feet tickled. "Too intense," she said, otherwise, "fun.") This was a realization I wasn't expecting. The willingness and even affection my girlfriends had always shown I thought had more to do with their affection for me, personally, in either an effort to please me or so as not to embarrass me. My naivete combined with more than a bit of a self-esteem issue never let me imagine that the special attention I was paying to these women might actually feel good! To some, many even, I'm sure it doesn't, but the vast majority of my experiences lead me to believe that to a lot of women, a lot of people, it does.

(A little side note here: When I would talk about tickling with women a lot of their experiences amounted to little more than tickle-fights with siblings and later on a lot of annoying poking and pinching from guys whose interests had less to do with tickling and more to do with putting their hands on them. Even while in relationships tickling was a minor player, never anything more than playful. I was often amazed when it was revealed that the woman I had tied-up had been tied-up before, sure, but never tickled. "Did he know you were so ticklish?" I asked. She said, "I'm not sure.")

Up until about six years ago I was scratching the tickling itch pretty frequently and having a lot of fun but still had not found a woman who enjoyed it the way I did. A woman who felt all tingly by the mere mention of the word and blushed if the topic was discussed. A woman who might burst into giggles if ever asked, "Are you ticklish?" I hadn't found her and it wasn't for lack of trying. I posted on the TMF, on FetLife, and I even went to NEST one year. At NEST I am sure I met such a woman or ten, but I didn't "play" with anyone because I wasn't sure how to approach. That's my fault entirely, probably a result of being shy combined with my resting bastard face which is often confused with anger or irritation. So, for the last few years anyway, I haven't really tried to find anyone willing to engage in some tickle-play, and with the world being the way it is and with getting older the way it is, I haven't really been bothered by the lack of tickling fun.

But it is in those moments that extraordinary things can happen. My moment came, at first, in the form of a private message in the inbox of my TMF account. It is an inbox normally filled with electronic dust, if there were such a thing, rarely notifying me of any new activity. When I saw the message I was curious but not really thinking it would be anything all that exciting. I've never been so happy to be wrong. Finally, someone had read my post, my desire to find some "fun" in my new home state, and it was a woman! And she'd been a "lurker" and had read stories, and she even had pictures! She was obviously a tickling enthusiast, like me, and had contacted me to see about having some mutual good times! This is exactly what I'd been looking for my whole life so I responded. Twice, actually, fearing the first didn't go through, I re-typed my interest in her proposal.

TMF messaging has its limitations so we switched to regular email. I sent what I thought would be a nice resume, if you will, including videos and stories, and addressed any questions she might have while trying to answer hers as honestly and (*ahem*) attractively as I was able. I didn't want to blow it. My face, apparently, does have that resting bastard quality, and it seems that if there hadn't been at least one of me smiling, not that it's much of a smile, she might not have responded at all! Note to self: upload smiling picture.

Plans were made, logistics and safety measures were considered. I tried to make this a comfortable and safe experience, maybe I tried too much but better safe than sorry. The woman I was about to meet was several years younger than I am and hadn't had as much experience. My natural reaction when meeting any woman is to be respectful and polite but in this situation, which, being an intimate one, to begin with, I felt I had to make sure she didn't regret her decision to contact me. All the usual safety procedures people use in these situations were employed and doubled, just in case - for both of us.

She sent pictures of herself and she had pictures of me, and we both decided we liked the pictures. That and the conversations we were having were leading up to an encounter. However, pictures aside, I found, and still find, one of her most attractive qualities is her willingness to embrace her interest in tickling and actively seek out other people who were into tickling. That takes bravery and self-confidence, and a determination to enjoy an important part of being a person that a lot of people take for granted. She knew what she wanted and she knew how to get it, and that's pretty fuckin' hot.

Honestly, I wasn't all that nervous. I expected to be more nervous but I wasn't, not until the last five minutes that is. Sitting in the coffee shop, very caffeinated and very, um, excited, I checked the time and realized that any minute a young woman who wanted me to tickle her - Tickle Her! - would be walking through the door. I couldn't help myself so I got up and walked outside to have a smoke - something I said I wouldn't do right before we met. But I was now nervous so I did it anyway. What bothered me in those last few minutes, were a few things. 1. I didn't have my restraints, I'd left them at a friends house two years earlier when we were making a few vids. And 2. We were going to a hotel room and hotel rooms are notoriously difficult for bondage play. The beds don't usually have bedposts or even legs to attach ropes to. I had a length of the softest rope I could find at the hardware store and some really, crummy, thin latex tape that I'd gotten at an adult "book" store up the street but that was it. She was bringing some things as well and I was hoping I'd be able to figure something out. The two adult "book" stores in my town have little in the way of actual equipment. They're both filled up with DVDs and unseemly viewing booths. Neither had a decent set of restraints that didn't include a bunch of other stuff neither of us would have much interest in and only one had a roll of latex tape that I would later find out wasn't even worth picking up. Number 3 - I was out of practice.

When she finally pulled up and stepped out of the car I immediately realized she was much prettier than the picture I'd seen. It was obvious that early on she had emphasized her imagined flaws and was already way out of my league. Never one to shrink from a challenge though, I invited her in for some coffee, which she refused, and we chatted a bit while the coffee shop was closing up around us. When it was time to leave I think we were both nervous and excited. The hotel was nearby and in the privacy of the car, our conversation focused more on the deeds about to be done.

I'd already gotten the room and the keys were in my pocket when we arrived. The room turned out to be much bigger than either of us thought, more like a small apartment with a living room separate from the bedroom. We inspected the place together before deciding it was very cold and we should probably let the heat run a while. Meanwhile, we sat down on the couch to continue to talk; I was trying to make her feel comfortable and more importantly safe, but at the same time I was nervous because although I have tickled quite a few women I have never tickled a woman who asked me specifically to tickle them in this way. The first hurdle, I realized, was how to initiate the tickling in a natural way when the situation felt like anything but natural. We were, after all, strangers.

She had taken off her boots as soon as we walked into the room and was now sitting on the couch across from me just wearing her socks. I took this opportunity to do one of my favorite of all things, which is to have her put her feet in my lap so I can gently begin to "play" on the sensitive soles. She did, and I did, and she giggled and squirmed a bit as I asked her questions and have her respond without losing her train of thought. It's a fun game I recommend playing. Through emails, she'd told me that she wasn't sure how ticklish her feet were but that her belly and sides and thighs were definite tickle-spots. I took a chance with her cute little feet and was rewarded. Even covered they were ticklish.

This bit of foreplay was enough to heat up both the room and us, so we headed for the bedroom. We'd discovered upon first entering the bedroom that the bed had huge bedposts attached to the headboard. A stroke of luck or maybe a sign that this was meant to be, either way, it worked and I soon had her wrists tied-down and was figuring ways to attach her ankles firmly but not having much luck with the latex tape. The rope was fine, I looped it beneath the mattress creating something I could use to attach her ankles, but the tape was weak and hard to work with, and in the end, when I wanted to tickle her feet I did it using my own weight to hold them down.

The tickling was crazy and wonderful. She was more ticklish than she thought she was and went thrashing and pulling on the ropes the minute I started stroking around her waist and belly. Like all truly ticklish people it's the gentle stroking and probing that elicits the best reactions and hers were the best by far. I tickled her with scrambling fingers all around her belly and sides, up her ribcage, across her chest and breasts, down to her hips and thighs, and she loved it, all of it and couldn't get enough. And when I got to her feet she tried to curl her toes and resist but that only got me hanging on tighter, pulling back her toes and ravaging her soles. She fell silent with laughter and every time she fell silent it made me laugh out loud, loving her reactions. I tickled and taunted, threatened her with more and with where and for how long, combining merciless with playful. I said things I have never said while tickling someone but probably will now that I have seen the results. When she caught her breath she would say I was being mean, but mean in the kind of way that meant she wanted more, so I gave her more until I was tired and savagely aroused and had to take a break.

When I went outside for a cigarette I looked up watching for lightning bolts I was sure would be aimed at me and would be hitting me any minute. I couldn't be this lucky. I paced a while in the parking lot muttering to myself before finally going back in for round two. Round two was better than Round 1 because I had more information, and out in the parking lot had gone over the notes I'd taken in my head, hoping I might make her explode. This time things got more intimate and there was more exposed skin to explore, more ticklish places to find and exploit and together, through laughs and giggles, figured the best ways to exploit them. I was wishing I had some feathers but was well happy with my practiced fingers and the beautiful and helplessly ticklish young woman I was tickling. She hit all the marks, satisfied all the evil, tickling urges and then some. Her stamina was remarkable and mine was too until it wasn't and I couldn't stand it anymore and had to release. A long-held dream had come true and the next morning, after we play again, I was hoping it might come true again. But more than that I was hoping that she had the kind of experience she'd been hoping for, that I had satisfied at least some part of that fantasy which I knew realistically, I probably hadn't. Not all of it. The next few days, still ducking lightning bolts, I got word it would happen again, and it did. Not too long ago. We started on the couch again, tickling her pretty, bare toes, and this time we used a blindfold.

That was a few weeks ago. For reasons that occur while in the process of living and with the difficulties life throws at people, it might not happen again. One person's success very often comes with another person's loss, but that's just how things are and there is never any reason to take offense. To do so would be to curse the same energies that brought you together, and that wouldn't be right. Those same energies made a dream come true and then some. I've got this experience and her reactions and her laugh locked up in my head which, if you have ever seen me in person, you would see is a pretty big place indeed. Big enough to bounce around in for the rest of my days and more importantly, nights, when I reflect on those moments which make for the southern plasma flows.

The moral of this little story is this: Be yourself, be who you are and like what you like and don't apologize if it's something innocent and playful and happens between consenting adults. No one is alone in this and there is no reason you shouldn't place an ad or start a post, or try to find someone who gets the same kind of pleasure from the same thing you do. It's a big fucking world and there are a lot - A LOT - of ticklers out there who ought to find each other and talk to each other and most importantly - tickle each other - In. Real. Life. The internet is great but no match for real human contact; and there's no excuse when that human contact is a car ride, a bus ride, even a train ride away. Be safe, be smart, and be yourself, because you're not weird and you're not broken. Seriously, it's just tickling.

PostScript -

That being said, if anyone would like to get together I am easy to find and easy to talk to, and on further advice from my recent play partner, I will post a picuture of me smiling.
Thanks! And hey, Cardman, thank you, we had a lot of fun making those videos and I'm really glad the fun we were having came across. That was a whole, "special time/special place" sort of thing that I don't think I'd be able to capture again, but if I could, I sure as hell would!
Very pleased for you IrvingKrebb I am sure you have had the boldness and good fortune to indulge your tickling wishes
in every way, I do not think I would ever have been so bold, maybe my loss, but I am pleased with what I have encountered
over the years, a lovely presentation of the events
I love this. I am lucky now, but I went years with no in-person tickling (or contact at all really), just because I was too afraid to risk meeting the wrong type. There are safe ways to do so though, I wish I had explored more when I was single, I could have had a lot of fun during that time instead of sitting behind a computer and longing for it.
A very inspiring account. I have personally never felt a strong urge to inflict tickling on a fetichist lee as long as the victim is willing, curious to have a try and
wouldn't fake interest in tickling to indulge me (a strong turn-off for me). However, I feel generally more fulfilled as a lee since I have found that dominant women
incorporating tickling into their weaponry are easier to come by than feminine lees agreeing to be tied up and tickled. I am guessing it must also be true across the pond.

The internet should be a tool for faciliating real life encounters and stimulating the imagination; I feel it becomes a negative influence once it becomes a substitute for those things.
I really appreciate the positive feedback. I wanted to post something positive and real and, encouraging maybe? Above all, I'm grateful for the good times because they have more than made up for the bad times - as far as tickling goes. For some crazy reason, crazier than having a tickling fetish in the first place, we tend to be embarrassed by our fetish. But fuck it, because life's too short.
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