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...And I'm sure she thinks I'm the bad guy, here

The Last Laugh

3rd Level Green Feather
Apr 21, 2001
I tell you, sometimes I just want to give it all up and throw everything I have that's related to my business in the faces of those people who think they're better than me because of my business.

I've put a few ads up recently in hopes of finding new models for future videos. I just got a call from a girl who saw one of the ads. From the way she talked, the questions she asked and the awkward silences she constantly left in the conversatrion when it was obviously her turn to talk, I knew it would never work. She wasn't the type of person who'd be comfortable at all doing something like this. But she continued to ask for more info, so I obliged. At one point she started realizing that the videos, while basically very tame, are meant for an adult audience. Normally I would have explained it pretty much from the start, as I usually do, but she steered the conversation in a direction that prevented me from mentioning it for a while.

Anyway, after getting the general idea, she said something like "So these videos will be bought and watched by perverts who..." (frankly I don't really care what came after that). Perverts, huh? What I should have replied was that her prejudiced comment was uncalled for and that I wasn't interested in dealing with someone who insults my customers (and myself) in such a way. Instead I hesitated for a few moments and said "I beg your pardon?" She also hesitated and then said the same thing but avoided using the term "pervert". I should have ended the conversation right there, but I was taken off guard, so I explained that the videos were indeed meant to be adult entertainment, if very mild. There was a pause followed by the sound of an interrupted phone conversation. She hung up on me!

My first reaction was to laugh out loud. I mean, I knew from the start it wouldn't work, and she had just proven that my impresion of her was correct. But then I got a bit pissed. I could very well have left it go, but she had been very rude, and I decided that it wouldn't end like that, if only for the entertainment value.

My phone had kept her phone number. So I call her, and this guy answers. I tell him that someone called me about five minutes ago. He says "Oh yeah, just a minute, I'll go get her". I can hear him giggling a bit in the background, saying "It's the guy". He comes back and says "Sorry, she's in the bathroom right now. Can she call you back?" Based on what I heard when he "went to get her", I knew that was a big fat lie. He then says that the connection was lost at the end of the conversation. Another shameless lie, and I tell him so. Well, I don't actually call him as liar, but I do tell him that it sounded more like someone hanging up on me. He says that he isn't aware of something like that, but if she had my phone number she can call me back. I say that I seriously doubt she's goign call back and that I just wanted to let her know that I don't care much for her phone manners. He says, in a surprisingly friendly tone, that he will transmit the message. And that's it. It's quite possible that he was humoring me, but at least he wasn't actively being rude to me (though he did lie to me twice).

Anyway, my point is that it's incredibly frustrating to have people act like I'm the bad guy when they're the ones being total jerks. I mean, it's not like I forced her to participate. She's the one who answered my ad. All I did was politely give her some information about my project. She's the one who called my customers perverts (what does that say about me?), who rudely hung up on me, then indirectly lied to me twice through her boyfriend or whatever. And yet I'm sure she's convinced that she's in the right and that I'm just a freak who doesn't deserve to be treated with respect. I'm fine with her not being comfortable with the project, but the way she handled it is unacceptable. Ignorant self-righteous b....!!!

This is similar to something that happens all too often when I try to recruit models. I get some calls and one of the callers is initially interested enough to make an official appointment with me. I make sure I look presentable, I show up a few minutes in advance. She's 15 minutes late. I call and no one's home. I wait a few more minutes and still no one shows up. I never hear from her again. I've been stood up.

See, I'm the one who goes out of my way to be punctual, professional, respectful, accomodating, etc. I do my very best to explain the project in detail, being totally honest about everything. I couldn't possibly do more for the models. But many of them don't even respect me enough to call me when they decide not to show up after all. I guess they figure a weirdo like me isn't worth calling, that my time isn't as valuable as theirs and that my feelings don't matter. Who do they think they are? What especially infuriates me is that I'm sure many of them don't feel guilty about it at all, like it's not worth worrying about. They probably think they're in the right. That's what I get for having ethics and good values.

Frankly, I don't know how such people can live with themselves. I mean, I might decide that a project isn't for me after all, but there's no way I could possibly not call to cancel or something. That so many people can do it is totally beyond me. Is basic courtesy totally dead?

It kills me that some people think that they're better than me just because I happen to run a harmless and friendly little tickling video business, thinking that I'm a pervert, when it's actually them who are acting like total jerks. What makes it even worse is that they're so blind that they don't even realize how wrong they are for behaving in such a way. I may have this rather unusual project that's not for everyone, but I'm sorry, when it comes to being polite, courteous, respectful and responsible, I'm totally better than those jerks.

Sorry about the rant. I just need to blow some steam by putting this is writing.
I'm sure there are a lot of us who understand what you're talking about. The concepts of professionalism and good business practices are beyond a lot of people out there and it's amplified just like you said with the kind of working that you are doing. You know that you have handled things the right way and the opinions of some people who don't know how to conduct themselves don't matter. We all know from your videos that you've been able to find a lot of good models who know how to treat people a lot better than these other jerks.
Rant all you like, you're talking to people that will understand. I'm guessing that she was just too uncomfortable with the idea and wanted to avoid confrontation. They had no right to be rude though, I mean, you're just doing your job right?
Having encountered many such experiences (under different circumstances), I assure you this behavior had much less to do with your work than with the decline and fall of civility in our culture. You've seen it on those I've been stood up occasions. Courtesy is practically dead. I am no longer surprised -- ever -- at people's rudeness. But I applaud you for pursuing your dream, and doing it professionally. It doesn't matter what that dream is if no one is hurt! When I was much younger and had my dreams challenged (or worse, ignored or tossed idly into the gutter), a friend told me don't let the bastards get you down. And I'm sure you won't. It is nice, though, to have an outlet for your disappointment in peoples' behavior, isn't it? You express yourself eloquently and you are certainly supported. Keep dreaming that dream!
Well put Iwont. People just do not care how they act anymore. I have bemoaned this fact about some of the people that are here on the forum. Its just an extension to real life. Last, I dont blame you for being upset. You have every right to be. All she had to do was say thanks but I dont believe that this is for me and I decided I am not interested. Good luck in your venture and goodbye. How hard would that have been? Its too bad that she wasnt mature enough to show some common sense. Just stick to what your doing. At least you have the presence of mind to have the professionalism and manners. Thats what makes a business successful. And us "perverts" will continue to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
:dogpile: :bouncybou :couch: :woot: :veryhappy

Here's to us "perverts!!!"

There are a lot of fetishes I disagree with and downright find inappropriate. But I don't go around insulting others for what they like. Besides, she called you, wasted your time, and didn't have the stones to back it up when you called back. I define that as being a coward with way too much time on her hands. Maybe she should be asking herself why she was reading the ads in the first place! :sowrong:
My Opinion . . .

It sounded like her 'boyfriend' or whoever that moron was put her up to it.
They probably found the ad & thought it would be funny as a joke to call & ask you all kinds of questions. The 'pervert' comment was her true feelings towards ANYTHING different from conventional sexual acitivites. & I am sure that she considers THIS kind of tickling to be of a sexual nature.
She heard the word ADULT & automatically assumed it meant sex.
You know what happens when you ASSume? You make an ASS of U & ME.
Courtesy of Tony Randall as Felix Unger in the TV show, 'The Odd Couple', or as I like to call it, 'A Couple of Odd Guys'.

Again and I second eariler posts. You rant and rave all you wish. We here at the TMF support your effort and your great work. I have in fact purchased some of your dvd's and I am very pleased with the products produced.

Life is just this way with every ten that enjoy the fetish of tickling there is always the group of misled idiots who like to stereotype others when they can't even look at themselves.

We are here for ya ALL THE WAY. If the girl ever calls you back, just politely tell her "oh honny I'm sorry but we only tickle BEAUTIFUL women and you just don't qualify in that category" "You see prev's only like beautiful women, so with you it would be a waste of money because the customers would probably throw your dvd in the trash or return it for a refund" :rolleyes:

YOU GO!!!!!!!! Fight On and KEEP PRODUCING those DVD's

witchtickler :veryhappy
What blows my mind is her audacity, to call you, and then have the nerve to insult you and hang up on you. It would be different, if you had called her and tried to enlist her help, but that she called you - she initiated, therefore she put herself on the line for something she might not have liked. It's her own fault for putting herself in that situation, therefore, she has no call to insult you, or direct bad phone etiquette towards you. That would be like me calling someone, and swearing at them for answering the phone. The nerve of people. :ranty: :ranty: :ranty:
Your feelings are understood.
I wouldn't sweat it.
We here in the US name those kind of people after certain body parts.

Let them live in their little world of self absorbtion.

You don't need them nor should you care about them and or their opinions and feelings.

In life, we weed out the bad and take in the good.

All you need are the good ones'. F**K the rest of em'. :D

Just continue what you are doing. Don't let the jerkoffs get to you.
Then THEY win.
Screw that.

Don't let it get under your skin. The woman in question sounds insecure of herself as most prudes are. Their would be alot of unhappy people here if you ever stopped making your product so please keep that in mind. No matter what you do in life somone is going to hate you for it.
I know a guy that works for a modeling/actors agency in NY and he runs into a lot of "want-to-be models/actresses" and the idea of what a shoot IS in their minds are that they run the show. Not even close, you go to a shoot/interview, a photographer will tell you what's involved and HE makes the decision on whether or not you are entitled to be photographed. I've heard of women getting upset because he told them that bikinis will be involved, their response was "Well I don't do bikinis." and his response was "well then I don't photograph you." He says that even though the photographer may like what he sees...he acts as if there will be another one just like you tomorrow. During the interview never let them forget its still a business. After you get to know them abit..then you can relax.

the point is , your interviewing her for your video not the other way around. That way if she sounds like she isn't serious you can turn around and say "Well I see you aren't serious, I'm sorry but I can't use you." and if she really wants to do it she'll let you know if not, then you still walk away without feeling anything. That's just an idea.
Francois, you really need to relax at the rude comments of these people out there man! You had posted before about some bad encounters if I recall. (This is not meant to be in any way negative toward you, please don't misunderstand! -I don't want to jeopordize any chance of you making some pantyhose videos in the future!:)....please please please!)

But other people on the forum have left because some member made a rude comment to them, or some nut in the chat room bothered them. I mean, come on! You are one of the top producers -That's why I requested pantyhose shoots from you in the first place. Just ignore those people and move on.
I guess it's just easier for me - I work in a casino cleaning tables at night. I'm hardened to the assholes - and since most customers are assholes... Some drunk comes in, gives me a hassle, I ignore him and move on. If I let it get to me, I'd have a nervous breakdown. As a co-worker used to say, "I ain't even gonna let you bother me - go about your business..." I mean, you make tickling videos, of course some people are going to find it weird. Who cares, they don't have to buy them! If they want to sit there and be offended, more power to them. (This didn't seem the case though, she did sound like her man put her up to it.) You don't even need to say she's not pretty enough, it was just a stunt to get a laugh. Like a prank call. The person who gets the prank call worries about it all night, the prank caller has already moved on to new victims to harass, they've forgot about you who had to answer their call after two minutes.

I think you should take Ticklerguy4u's advice, because you are a video producer. Even though you do it for fun and little profit, this is a business. In fact, I wish ALL the producers would get more professional in terms of how they handle the models. I posted to a thread started by Obelisk with TickleTown, but may start a new thread about that subject. It is kind of getting ridiculous, or always has been with the model situations in this place. Again, this is not aimed at you, I'm sure most producers may get nervous when hiring a model to tickle, we all would be. But the whole deal with paying these girls hundreds of dollars (I surmise from all the posts from the video companies throughout the years) and having them barely tickle the other girl, or not even laugh, or they ask them to bring a nice outfit and pantyhose, and they forget, or just don't bother. Goddamn! I make $6 an hour busting my ass cleaning up cigarette butts and spilt salad dressing on tables all night long, come home stinking and tired, and after working 9, 10 hours, I made $60 -then Uncle Sam comes and takes about $10 or $20 of that to waste. I have to show up to work on time, I can't leave until my works done - if someone wants to stay a hour after close, I have to sit there and wait with them. I have to dress in the right uniform, all buttons buttoned, correct shoes, correct sock color. These girls have to work 1 hour, or a few hours, get paid what I make in an entire week, and then do a half ass job. I think you guys need to start putting your foot down and say "I'm paying you a lot of money, I expect a damn good job." I love people like Renny Harlin, the director who makes all his actors do their own stunts. His attitude is "We're paying you 10, 20 million dollars, get up there and do the stunt yourself! We don't need a stunt double, for that much money, I expect you to perform, dammit!"
We all understand your frustratrion at the way in which you were treated--
Some people are just like that............how interesting!!
Spend no more that 5 seconds reflecting on their behaviour( apart from thinking.........how intersting!) and then PLEASE------continue to do what you do so exceptionally well.....that's making top quality videos.

That way you don't lose at all-- in fact we all gain.

Thanks for the superb job you have been doing.

Regards, Chris.
In a world filled with morons, one should not bother.

(I'm a pervert and proud of it)
I’d really like to reply to all the posts here, but it would get a bit ridiculous. So I’ll limit myself to addressing a few general issues and replying to a few specific comments.

First, I’d like to thank everyone who’s posted feedback about this. It’s nice to know that I can always share my experiences here with people who understand. I really appreciate the support.

Reading some of the replies, it seems a few people have read a bit too much into my rant. While it’s true that I sometimes kind of wish I could give up everything, in reality I have no intention of closing down The Last Laugh in the near future. Don’t worry about that.


mabus said:
Francois, you really need to relax at the rude comments of these people out there man!

I realize that you don’t mean this in a negative way at all, and I do appreciate the sentiment. But you overestimate how upset I am about this. It’s not like I can’t get it off my mind and lose sleep over it. I’ve been working on this project for the last 4 years. I’ve dealt with literally hundreds of people, which in most cases involved explaining my project (and the fetish) in detail to total strangers. Not everyone among those people was open-minded about it. If a few unpleasant calls like the one I described got me overly upset, do you think I’d still be doing this? Like you did at your own job, I’ve developed a pretty thick skin over the years. Another somewhat similar project I worked on a few years ago (not of a “kinky” nature, though) helped a lot with that, as I allowed me to gain a lot of experience recruiting people and dealing with frustrating situations. Not to toot my own horn, but I think I’ve become very good as it, and I’ve handled situations that would have scared many other people shitless and made them want to die in embarrassment.

Thing is, I just thought this was an interesting anecdote for the forum, a good example of the kind of unpleasantness producers have to deal with sometimes. Oh, it did annoy me, but not overly so. Normally I wouldn’t have bothered posting about it, or calling the girl back for that matter. It’s not like it’s the first time it’s happened. But for some reason I though it would be cool to share it with the community, if only to vent a bit of frustration.

A point I’d like to make is that my rant isn’t really about people thinking I’m a freak weirdo (though I do resent it) so much as it is about how appalling I find people’s rudeness. I totally agree with you, Iwon'tgrowup, people today just don’t care. They have no sense of respect, responsibility or civility. I know it before, of course, but working on The Last Laugh has made me realize just how bad the situation is. People treat you like dirt when you go out of my way to be nice, respectful and professional. And they think it’s ok. It was the same thing with that other project I worked on, which had nothing to do with anything “adult”. I find it very sad that this is the world we live it.

Sultrybrunette said:
All she had to do was say thanks but I don’t believe that this is for me and I decided I am not interested. Good luck in your venture and goodbye. How hard would that have been?

Exactly. It’s perfectly ok not to be interested. I fully realize this project isn’t for everyone. But it seems to me it’s pretty easy to say it in a polite way, without freaking out or being rude. I know that’s how I would do it. But apparently this is beyond a large percentage of the population.

kis123 said:
There are a lot of fetishes I disagree with and downright find inappropriate. But I don't go around insulting others for what they like.

Indeed. Part of civility is to be able to disagree with people without making them feel bad about it.

Tickler Bart said:
It sounded like her 'boyfriend' or whoever that moron was put her up to it.
They probably found the ad & thought it would be funny as a joke to call & ask you all kinds of questions

That did occur to me. It wouldn’t be the first time. And the guy’s nonchalant attitude does support this (otherwise I would have expected him to sound upset). However, the way the girl talked, the questions she asked and the way she reacted in the end (including her hanging up on me) didn’t sound like she was just having fun. She sounded freaked out, which wouldn’t make sense if she was just screwing with me. It’s quite likely that the guy did indeed put her up to it, but my impression is that while he may have got a kick out of it, the girl wasn’t calling just as a joke.

witchtickler said:
If the girl ever calls you back, just politely tell her "oh honny I'm sorry but we only tickle BEAUTIFUL women and you just don't qualify in that category" "You see perv's only like beautiful women, so with you it would be a waste of money because the customers would probably throw your dvd in the trash or return it for a refund"

I assume you’re mostly joking, but in any case, that wouldn’t be a very good move. Besides the fact that I have no idea what she looks like, coming back at her by insulting her physically would be lowering myself to her level. I’d lose all credibility. It’s not like physical appearance has anything to do with the issue, after all. It’s a cheap shot.

thetickleking said:
What blows my mind is her audacity, to call you, and then have the nerve to insult you and hang up on you. It would be different, if you had called her and tried to enlist her help, but that she called you - she initiated, therefore she put herself on the line for something she might not have liked. It's her own fault for putting herself in that situation, therefore, she has no call to insult you, or direct bad phone etiquette towards you. That would be like me calling someone, and swearing at them for answering the phone. The nerve of people.

Hahaha! That’s a pretty funny comparison. You’re absolutely right, she had no business acting like that. Not only would it be uncalled for in any case, but the fact is that that she called me at home, voluntarily answering an ad that she saw. All I did was give her the information she was asking for, in a polite and professional way. It’s not like I was forcing her to participate. It’s not like I called her at home to pester her with my weird project.

It’s kind of funny that she continued asking relevant questions after the “pervert” comment. I mean, did she really think there was any way I would possibly hire her after she insulted my customers and myself like that? That’s assuming she had even the slightest intention of maybe participating, of course.

mabus said:
the point is, your interviewing her for your video not the other way around. That way if she sounds like she isn't serious you can turn around and say "Well I see you aren't serious, I'm sorry but I can't use you." and if she really wants to do it she'll let you know if not, then you still walk away without feeling anything.

I agree. If a candidate doesn’t have the right attitude, I simply tell her so (politely, of course) and that’s it. I mean, why would I waste my time and money on a model who has no respect for the project or myself? If she’s not ticklish enough, well, it’s really too bad, but I tell her I can’t use her. God knows I’ve had to do it more often than I care to remember. I don’t feel any pressure to hire anyone I don’t think has what it takes. I don’t see what the big deal is. Is it supposed to be hard to turn down candidates that obviously don’t’ have the qualifications?

What I do find tough is when a candidate is genuinely interested but doesn’t quite have the level of physical attractiveness I need. My criteria in that department aren’t very strict, but as superficial as this may sound, I still have to take appearance into consideration to some extent. But how can you tell someone you can’t hire them because they don’t look good enough, despite the fact that they’re enthusiastic and ticklish? I’d hate to hurt anyone’s feelings. There’s also the case of a model that’s somewhat ticklish, but just borderline enough for a video. It’s not always clean-cut.

You are one of the top producers

I am? I’m glad you think so. But if I am one of the top producers, I sure am not one of the top sellers.

Even though you do it for fun and little profit, this is a business. In fact, I wish ALL the producers would get more professional in terms of how they handle the models.

In a way, I agree with you, but at the same time I think we don’t see it the same way. I do wish all producers acted professionally with their models, in the sense that I think they should be punctual, honest, respectful, and considerate of their feelings and limits. But I don’t think being overly strict and acting like it’s just business is a good idea. You have to balance the professionalism with the friendliness, so that the models can feel at ease and even have fun. I’m sure a lot of the producers are just fine that way, but I can’t help but think that some see their models more like video-making tools than people. That just doesn’t work for me.

Again, this is not aimed at you, I'm sure most producers may get nervous when hiring a model to tickle, we all would be.

Yes and no. I do worry that a candidate might not be ticklish enough, or not comfortable enough with the project. But I’ve enough experience not to be intimidated by the candidates or the process in general. I’m past that. I do, however, feel a bit stressed out during the actual shoots, because there are so many issues to consider at the same time (both technical and psychological), so many thing that can go wrong.

I think you guys need to start putting your foot down and say "I'm paying you a lot of money, I expect a damn good job."

I don’t think it’s fair to assume that we’re too nonchalant with the models, letting them do the ticklish in whatever way they want without trying to show them how to do a better job. Do talk to them before and during a shoot, explaining what I need from them, giving them pointers, directing them a bit, etc. You have to be clear about what a shoot is about, make them understand that, while it is “just” tickling and an amateur project, it’s still important to do a good job. I mean, you’re right, I do pay them a fair amount of money, and I do expect them to do their best.

On the other hand, I disagree with the notion that a producer should “put his/her foot down” and almost act all bossy with the models. Yes, it is a business, yes, I am the person in charge of the project, and yes, the models should take it reasonably seriously. But let’s face it, it’s not a standard business. Nor is this a model agency or Hollywood. It’s a very small, marginal business that barely anyone has heard of before. In my particular case, the videos I produce are very amateurish in nature (though still decent products, I think). The models are ordinary people, not fetish models. Most have no experience with posing for a commercial video production, and pretty much none have experience with fetish-related stuff, let alone tickling stuff. You can’t really blame them for not dealing with this in the same way they would a more traditional job.

As for models sometimes forgetting to bring stuff or making other mistakes like that, well, they’re human. People forget and people make mistakes. I do too. I can be disappointed, but getting upset with the models and demanding that they get their act together because I’m paying them isn’t justified

Frankly, if I started being too demanding, acting like a bigshot business boss, I’d most likely start losing models. The girlsI find are being very open-minded and cooperative by agreeing to do something like this. This is all very new and weird to them, and just because they don’t get everything just right doesn’t mean they’re not doing their best. I can’t ask too much of them. It’s true that I’m the one running the business and the one paying the models. I do have a certain level of control over what goes on. But to me, a video is the result of teamwork. The models have their say in what goes on. In fact, sometimes they come up with excellent ideas that never crossed my mind, and they can also surprise me with the initiative they take as we’re filming, doing stuff that I didn’t really ask for but am very glad happened spontaneously.

My point is that it is important to have the models do their part, but it’s also important to have the models enjoy the experience as much as possible. Of course, not everyone likes to be tickled, but it’s still possible to enjoy working together and to have a good time. You know, to make sure there’s a positive, friendly working atmosphere. I don’t want the models to just do the job, take the money and not care about anything else. It’s not a mechanical process. And from my point of view, the models aren’t, like I said earlier, just video-making tools. I care about them, and I want us to part ways on good terms. My goal is for the models to feel like they lived an unusual but interesting experience and worked with a rather nice guy.

On an unrelated topic, I’d like to address your pantyhose request, Mabus. As you know, I’ve already explained my position a couple of times in the past, but I’m willing to give it another go.

I know that a fair number of tickling fans enjoy or even prefer nylon tickling. But barefoot tickling is still a more common preference. There’s definitely a market for nylon tickling, but I’m afraid I’m just too small a producer to afford to release such a specialized video. Bigger producers are in a better position to do so.

For me, finding decent models is hard. I don’t hire people very often, and it’s not because I don’t try. Also, among the good models, those that are really ticklish on their feet aren’t as common as one might think. Foot tickling can be tricky. When I’m lucky enough to find models that are especially ticklish on their feet, I’m more inclined to use them for videos that are likely to appeal to a relatively large percentage of the customer pool. And when feet are concerned, that usually means bare feet.

Now, granted, I could have a model pose for two videos, one with barefoot tickling and one with nylon tickling. But that does mean paying her for two videos, including one that’s not likely to sell as many copies as the other one (because it’s about nylons and because the model has already appeared in another video). Also, not all models are willing to do two shoots.

Then there’s the fact that as a ticklephile, my personal preference is barefoot tickling. I invest a lot of time and work hiring models and producing videos. Dealing with models isn’t always easy, and a shoot isn’t all fun and games. It’s harder for me to justify all this if I’m not especially interested in the footage I’m capturing, you know.

I’m not saying I never will produce a pantyhose video. Maybe I will someday. But I need the right set of circumstances, and they haven’t manifested themselves very often so far.

I understand that you’re mostly interested in a certain type of pantyhose. I’d have to buy the pantyhose, as the models may not have them or may damage the ones they own during a shoot, and that’s an extra expense for me. Granted, it’s not that big an expense, but for me it’s yet another disadvantage of making a nylon video. Of course, I wouldn’t be making a nylons video just for you, but going to the trouble of making one only to find out that the person who’s been by far the most active in requesting such a video from me isn’t interested in the final product after all, would, well, kinda suck.
Hey last laugh. I think you make some of the greatest videos ever. You are an inspiration to me. I recently put up adverts in my university looking for ticklish women. About 40 women and some 10 men have called me back (which is impressive since i put up about 6 posters on a campus in which alost all students (except maybe 100) are home for the summer. Most seemed really keen until they learned i wanted to make 'adult' videos. Many still are keen, but at the moment i'm not interested in pursuing the tickling video thing. What I did find is this......if I 'pretend' the tickling is for 'research' most girls and guys will take part for free. They want to help. However, I am too honest to take advantage of people like this. However, i am contemplating getting some people in to do some research. I am very interested in the science of tickling and very few (practically none.....in fact maybe 2) are looking at tickling.
Newcastle Uni said:
Hey last laugh. I think you make some of the greatest videos ever. You are an inspiration to me. I recently put up adverts in my university looking for ticklish women. About 40 women and some 10 men have called me back (which is impressive since i put up about 6 posters on a campus in which alost all students (except maybe 100) are home for the summer.

That's incredibly impressive. I live next to a 35,000 student college campus, and even when I used to post ads there (usually over 100+ all over the campus' billboards) and even put ads in the newspaper at the same time, I rarely got more than maybe 12 calls over a perdiod of 2-3 weeks. As an active a video producer, I wish I lived in a city with more potential than Quebec City.

Most seemed really keen until they learned i wanted to make 'adult' videos.

Yeah, that's the main problem with such a project. I'd get a lot more willing models if it weren't for the adult context.

Many still are keen, but at the moment i'm not interested in pursuing the tickling video thing.

I can't say I blame you. Many people seem to think such a project is a dream come true. But it's not. They just don't realize what it involves. If I had known a few years ago what I know now, I probably would never had started in the first place.

If I may add a comment about your above paragraph, even those callers that are still keen, as you say, would be more likely to drop out eventually than actually pose for a video. In my case, most of the people who call aren't interested (though many find it a cool concept). Most of those who do seem interested at first either don't call back, drop out at the last minute before the first meeting or simply don't bother to show up. This includes some of those that sound so enthusiastic that you're amost sure there's no way they could possibly let you down. A few of those that are left drop out after a first meeting, and a high percentage of those that are still interested simply aren't ticklish enough. Recruiting models involves a huge amount of wasted time and frustration.

if I 'pretend' the tickling is for 'research' most girls and guys will take part for free. They want to help. However, I am too honest to take advantage of people like this.

That's good, as it would be very dishonest indeed. Managing such a project is hard enough to begin with. I can't imagine doing it knowing one's project is basically a scam. One would make mistakes because the project wouldn't be based on reality, would quickly lose one's credibility, and quite possibly eventually get into serious trouble (and one would totally deserve it). It's simply not worth it.

However, i am contemplating getting some people in to do some research. I am very interested in the science of tickling and very few (practically none.....in fact maybe 2) are looking at tickling.

I wish you good luck with that. If you think of a valid aspect of tickling to study and can manage such a project in a genuinely scientific way, then good for you. But if the main reason for doing it remains a fetish-related one (despite the possiblity of a real curiosty about the physiology and psychology of tickling), or if the study is to be done in an amateurish way, not backed by serious science, qualified people and a practical goal (like a scientific paper or something), I wouldn't recommend it. I don't want to sound like a downer, but this is a delicate situation, not to be taken lightly.
Thanks for your comments Fracoise (it is francoise isn't it....i'll feel terribly embarrassed if i've been getting your name wrong all these years).

Let me tell you about the very first day that I put my poster up in campus. I had only about 3 posters and I got a call from one girl, then another, then another. It turned out they were all on the same course and were interested in helping. In fact all eight wanted to turn up and were disappointed that I could only accommodate four at a time. They wanted to meet me there and then and couldn't wait to get started. They were all dental nurse trainees and would turn up in their outfits.......imagine how i was feeling! They were even happy with me filming it and the video being an adult one. They were all so enthusiastic. I thought to myself.....i'm gonna make the greatest god-damned video ever! I'm going to make a 2 'last laugh' videoes each with four girls! Awesome.
However, they must have talked to boyfriends, parents etc. and decided it would be a bad idea. They only let me know on the day and i felt let down Basically thats how most people seem to be. I guess the best way to get the girls would be to let them meet me, realise I'm a normal guy and then explain the concept. If i resume the idea of making a video I will take that approach.

As for the tickling thing......i graduated with a 1st in Biology and have read the literature on tickling. Those researching it know absolutely nothing. With us, tickling is instinct. We understand the psychology of tickling immensely well and could easily publish work. But i want to explore the molecular basis of tickling. One day maybe......

Oh, whilst i'm here.......i'd just like to say that the best part of your vidoes francoise involve the girls getting tickled on their feet in stocks whilst the feet are upside down. I love that. In fact i love you full stop. When you eventually get an online clip store up and running you will feature very prominently on my credic card statement!
Newcastle Uni said:
Thanks for your comments Fracoise (it is francoise isn't it....i'll feel terribly embarrassed if i've been getting your name wrong all these years).

Actually, it's "Francois". If you spell it with an "e" at the end, it's the female version of my name, hehehe! But don't worry about it, it's not big deal. Technically speaking, there's a cedilla under the "c". You know, the little hook thingie found in some languages? But usually I don't use it when corresponding in English because not all systems and keyboards are configured/designed to support such "letter accessories".

While it is a French name, when I hang around Anglophones they tend to pronounce it like "Fran-swah", which is a reasonable compromise that I actually find rather pleasant. In fact, I like it better than when people pronounce it French-like but with an English accent.

Let me tell you about the very first day that I put my poster up in campus. I had only about 3 posters and I got a call from one girl, then another, then another. It turned out they were all on the same course and were interested in helping. In fact all eight wanted to turn up and were disappointed that I could only accommodate four at a time. They wanted to meet me there and then and couldn't wait to get started. They were all dental nurse trainees and would turn up in their outfits.......imagine how i was feeling! They were even happy with me filming it and the video being an adult one. They were all so enthusiastic. I thought to myself.....i'm gonna make the greatest god-damned video ever! I'm going to make a 2 'last laugh' videoes each with four girls! Awesome.
However, they must have talked to boyfriends, parents etc. and decided it would be a bad idea. They only let me know on the day and i felt let down Basically thats how most people seem to be.

I'm sorry it turned out to be so disappointing, but believe me, it happens all the time. They sound very nice and interested at first on the phone, then something happens that makes them change their minds. Either they think about it some more and decide it's not for them after all, or, like you suggested, they talk about it to people around them, people who've no idea what the project is really lke and who never talked to you. I can't really blame people for taking advice from their friends and family, but it's really frustrating. They don't even give you a chance. You have no idea how many times I thought "MAN! These are going to be awesome models! I'm going to make a kickass video out of this! Possibly more than one!", only to be disappointed just like you were. Or rather, that's how I used to be in the beginning. Now I never take anything for granted, no matter how much of a sure thing a team of candidates seems to be. I've been burned too many times. Nowadays I tend to assume it won't work so as not to be too disappointed those many times I turn out to be right. If it works out, then great. If not, oh well.

You know, another possible reason for their change of heart is that they're health students. Some people study or work in fields that can make posing for a fetish video kind of touchy. Like people in the fields of health, teaching, etc. While we know that chances that people who know them will notice a tickling website, recognize the models and spread the news in a way that may hurt their careers are very slim, they prefer not to take any chances, and we have to respect that.

Another thing: the more people in a group, the more likely you are to lose the whole group. The reason for this is is that the more people you have, the more likely it is that at least one will eventually decide that it's not for her after all. And when one member of the group drops out, most of the time she drags the others down with her. That's one of the reasons why I have so few trios in my videos. It's like, two out of three of the candidates are pretty much just fine with the project, and they might have done it if they hadn't been with the third one. The latter, less interested, drops out, draining some of the enthusiasm out of the other two, and then they're all lost. If this is common with groups of three, you can imagine how unlikely getting a group of eight is.

I guess the best way to get the girls would be to let them meet me, realise I'm a normal guy and then explain the concept. If i resume the idea of making a video I will take that approach.

I don't know about that. I agree that once the models get to meet and know you in person the chances of them being interested are improved. Getting that first meeting is the hardest part of the process. However, I don't see how you could convince them to meet with you without first giving them a good idea what the project is about. I mean, why would candidates take the time to meet a total stranger if they don't even know what the video is for? They're bound to ask, anyway. Also, if it turns out the adult context of the project displeases them, revealing it to them in person would be a lot more embarrassing than doing it on the phone. They might even get angry at you, or get all freaked out about being in the presence of someone they now see as, well, a freak (an unfair reaction, but that's people for you). No, I truly believe the only honest and safe way to do it is to come clean about all the important aspects of the project on the phone right from the start. It can avoid a lot of headaches. If that means a number of callers won't meet you in person due to the nature of the project, well, that's part of the game.

As for the tickling thing......i graduated with a 1st in Biology and have read the literature on tickling. Those researching it know absolutely nothing.

You mean like Christine Harris? Yeah, those few studies I've read were kinda lame. The protocols seemed flawed and kind of naive to me.

With us, tickling is instinct. We understand the psychology of tickling immensely well and could easily publish work.

It's true that we understand tickling more than the average person, and that might give us some interesting scientific insights. On the other hand, the basis for our interest is generally sexual, which isn't really what tickling is about, per se. Not from a scientific point of view, anyway. We don't know much more about the physiological aspects of tickling than serious researchers. Even from a psychological point of view, a tickling-themed study is more likely to be about the social purpose of tickling (like its use in the relationship between a mother and her baby, for instance) than sexual arousal.

This is just my opinion, but I think it's a bad idea to mix something as serious as a few years of one's career with anything that results in arousal. You don't want to get your priorities mixed up or have your special interest for tickling get in the way of your work.

But i want to explore the molecular basis of tickling. One day maybe......

I don't think there's anything special about tickling on a molecular basis. Just a system of sensors, nervous pathways and information integration zones inthe brain. I assume the transmission of the information works the same as other sensations, with the same neurotransmitters and all.

Then again, maybe there is something objective to be studied about tickling, who knows. Maybe you'll think of a valid research topic one day. Then it will a matter of finding someone who will finance such a study. That could be tough. Not to mention that you'd have to find a researcher willing to support you in your project. I can't help but think most would find it too frivolous, though.

Interesting coincidence, I happen to have a bachelor's degree in biologgy, with an emphasis on molecular biology. I also studied physical therapy for three years, and more recently I've been studying to be a medical lab technician for the last two years. You could say I have a fairly good background in biological sciences and health.

Oh, whilst i'm here.......i'd just like to say that the best part of your vidoes francoise involve the girls getting tickled on their feet in stocks whilst the feet are upside down. I love that. In fact i love you full stop. When you eventually get an online clip store up and running you will feature very prominently on my credic card statement!

I thank you very much for the compliments. I appreciate the support. I'm working hard on producing a few videos' worth of clips, and I should be able to start selling them fairly soon. This is going to be very new to me. I hope I won't run into too many problems.
Tickling is very interesting. I have a gut feeling psychologists (and some biologists) are looking at tickling too simplistically. Sure it might be good for mother and baby to laugh and smile at each other, and yeah tickle fights during childhood/adolescence might teach us to protect vulnerable parts of our bodies or react instinctively to a harmful stimulus (such as a spider crawling on foot), but I think these are consequences of tickling and not the reason for us being ticklish. Also, why are rats and the like ticklish??? Who on earth tickles a rat????? No, there is something bigger to this tickling thing.
An easy way of going about it would be to get a group of ticklish and non-ticklish mice (if the high frequency sound emitted by mice in response to 'tickling' really is ticklish laughter and if not all mice are ticklish). Then i'd create a lot of transposon knockout mutants. Then i'd look for two otherwise genetically identical mice (apart from the transposon insertion) where one of which is ticklish and the other is not. I'd then identify a critical region or regions of the genome. I'd then identify the key protein/proteins, how these interact and then work from there. I'm sure good progress could be made in as short as one decade - with the right funding.

What do you think?
Newcastle Uni said:
Tickling is very interesting. I have a gut feeling psychologists (and some biologists) are looking at tickling too simplistically. Sure it might be good for mother and baby to laugh and smile at each other, and yeah tickle fights during childhood/adolescence might teach us to protect vulnerable parts of our bodies or react instinctively to a harmful stimulus (such as a spider crawling on foot), but I think these are consequences of tickling and not the reason for us being ticklish.

That's quite possible. I don't really understand why such a function evolved. The mother-baby interaction and the harmful stimuli avoidance theories aren't bad, but are they enough to explain why the tickling phenomenon has appeared? Why would a danger avoidance mechanism cause us to laugh incontrollably, anyway? And if it's a useful trait, why isn't everyone ticklish? Is it linked to an evolutive disadvantage, limiting the presence of the ticklish trait in the population? Maybe tickling is a leftover from a system that was more useful earlier during our evolution. I've no idea. It would be quite interesting to have a definitive answer.

Also, why are rats and the like ticklish??? Who on earth tickles a rat?????

Another rat? In this case, the examples you mention above could apply, to some extent. For instance, I don't see why a mommy rat couldn't interact with her babies. Maybe it helps develop sensory pathways or something.

An easy way of going about it would be to get a group of ticklish and non-ticklish mice (if the high frequency sound emitted by mice in response to 'tickling' really is ticklish laughter and if not all mice are ticklish). Then i'd create a lot of transposon knockout mutants. Then i'd look for two otherwise genetically identical mice (apart from the transposon insertion) where one of which is ticklish and the other is not. I'd then identify a critical region or regions of the genome. I'd then identify the key protein/proteins, how these interact and then work from there. I'm sure good progress could be made in as short as one decade - with the right funding.

What do you think?

I don't know. It does sound like a proper research protocol. But what if tickling isn't linked to any specific protein(s)? You'd also need objective criteria for determining if the mice are indeed ticklish. Besides the fact that it's hard to know if their squeaking when being tickled is indeed related to human ticklish laughter, there's the problem that even among humans, tickling isn't black or white. It's not like you're just ticklish or not. Ticklishness varies from person to person and from one body part to the other. It's influenced by the technique, the subject's physiological condition, psychological factors (mood, surprise, who does the tickling, etc.), the weather (hot or cold, dry or humid, etc.) and other factors. Also, people's reactions vary a lot. For instance, some extremely ticklish people can barely move or make a sound. So it may be very difficult to observe the results in mice in an objective way. But I admit that developing a solid protocol can be an interesting challenge.

Say, this is all very interesting from a scientific point of view, but wasn't your original idea to use a scientific study to recruit people to tickle, as opposed to running a tickling video business? How did this thread end up being about the molecular basis of ticklishness in mice?
The Perverts have spoken!

Huzzah for us perverts! :jester: (and F@%& that b*#$& with the horse she rode in on!)
Hey Francois,

Just saw your post now (dont know how recent it is?), but wanted to throw my 2 cents in. It's a real shame theres so many robotic close minded droans in socciety everywhere and anywhere you go. What you delt with here was just another example. Probably wasnt even old enough to be in one of your videos by the sounds of the mature level. To each his/her own. We aint the freaks, we aint the not normal...but we are perverts. Everyone is a pervert to be honest..wether they admit it or not. Anyone that says they dont jerk off/masturbate, etc is a damn liar! I feel your pain my friend, its just the way it goes and how more than 50% of people are in this world unfortunatly.

Be proud of what you do and never be ashamed of anything and dont let anyone tell ya different. Id have just laughed it off and marked in the book that I came across yet another robotic zombie in socciety..amen! LOL

From what I seen of your videos..they make this pervert smile..so rock on bro! :bump:
dskodj said:
It's a real shame theres so many robotic close minded droans in socciety everywhere and anywhere you go. What you delt with here was just another example. Probably wasnt even old enough to be in one of your videos by the sounds of the mature level.

Well, I didn't mind her not being comfortable with the project as much as her rude reaction to it. And while her rudeness was the result of her disgust for the fetish thing, it's more her rudeness per se that bothered me, not its cause. Rudensss is rarely called for, whatever the context may be.

To each his/her own

That's something wish people understood and accepted.

We aint the freaks, we aint the not normal...but we are perverts. Everyone is a pervert to be honest..wether they admit it or not. Anyone that says they dont jerk off/masturbate, etc is a damn liar!

Speaking for myself, I don't see myself as a pervert. But I do agree that each person has his/her own kinks and that pretty much everyone masturbates, which is perfectly normal and healthy.

Be proud of what you do and never be ashamed of anything and dont let anyone tell ya different. Id have just laughed it off and marked in the book that I came across yet another robotic zombie in socciety..amen! LOL

In a way, I can't say I'm really "proud" of my project per se, but neither am I ashamed of it. And I am proud of the work I accomplish.

One thing I'd like to point out again is that it's not just people's attitude about the context of the project that bothers me. To be fair, most people who call seem ok with it, and many find it very original and fun (which does't necessarily mean they're interested in posing). Genuinely negative reactions from callers aren't that common. Same for verbal rudeness. But to me, things like showing up late, cancelling at the very last minute without a good reason or, even worse, not showing up at all, are definitely forms of rudeness. It doesn't mean such people are close-minded. It just means they lack a sense of responsibility, of civility. I can tolerate it in some cases, like a moderate level of lateness, or a good reason for cancelling. But some people are just careless. And that pisses me off. Fortunately, I've gotten used to it, so most of the time I'm more annoyed than angry.
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