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Announcing.... a UK Tickle Gathering!


Registered User
May 7, 2001
Okay UK peeps (and those from the US and other places who may wish to join us! ;)

Having read all the mutterings on here about the UK gathering situation, I'm gonna do it. Take the bull by the horns and organise something!

I'm currently thinking a few ideas through.... and talking to someone I've been chatting with about helping me.... and more info will be on it's way.

IN THE MEANTIME.... what I need is for all those who would be interested - SERIOUSLY interested in a UK gathering, to email me and tell me. I'll take it from there once I have an idea of who would be up for it. But I need you to all step forward and be counted here!

So come on.... email me and tell me of your interest at:

[email protected]

I'll be in touch with you all individually as you contact me.... and further news will be posted here.

So! There you go! I'm gonna do it.... no more complaints now about no UK gathering - this is your chance to create a decent tickle scene in this country. Make the most of it - please!


sounds good but will you answer the e mails?


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UK Gathering

Yes, the emails will be answered... but primarily I need some way of finding out who is interested, and email is the best way for me to keep a track of who is genuinely up for this.

I need people to contact me as I've requested so I know who is seriously interested, to see if it's going to be worth doing, and to find out about the people who would be up for it.

Once I know who is up for it then I can contact all those interested and set things in motion.... but until then, I can't do a thing.

So! As I say everyone, let me know - if you don't contact me then I cannot arrange anything - so it's up to you!:)


Where abouts will this gathering be held? Will there be any age limitations? What will it consist of? Tell me! Tell me!

I've already Emailed you and haven't had a reply as yet. I for one am interested as long as it isn't too far away and it's organised by seious adults. You seem serious enough. :cool:
UK gathering

Okay peeps, listen up....

There will be no details of where, when, how etc.... until I know who would potentially be interested in meeting up - if I don't get that, then there's no point in my even starting to do anything.

All I want at this stage is for people to register their initial interest - I'll take it from there once I see if it's worth doing.

If you want to query anything - email me directly and ask me.

Come on folks - you've been ranting on about no one doing anything, I'm offering to do it - show me you're serious and interested.

I note that "lynchy" has had the same problems as myself in trying to contact you, so its a relief to know I have not been singled out.This stony silence seems to stand out against your plea for people to be "serious and interested" and your some what scathing remarks elswhere on this webb site about what a bunch of wimps we are in the uk.This contradictory approach hardly helps build confidence in us lilly livered limeys does it?
now you know...

ticklechiq, now you know what I went through to get the first event out there last year. The starting period for gatherings seem to be the same. Folks curious, skeptical, and extremely interested. It's a patience deal. You need patience for dealing with the impatience, and even the hostility (yes, I *do* still get the "More! More! Again! Again!" demands, and I've got 5 years under my belt for these events).

People, you ALSO need patience. When asking someone about THEIR efforts, keep in mind how YOU would feel if approached similarly. Were you, as one person, with a life, and work, and such, given static on a public board by two individuals for your lack of catering to their needs, would you feel compelled to host an event?

Most wouldn't.

A bit of kindness goes a long way.

By the same token, if 'chiq slacks for a month, THEN commenting is reasonable. Since she's posted that announcement for this event within the last 24 hours, it's considered reasonable to take a moment or two to respond.

I don't respond to every one of the hundred and twenty active list members on my list. I don't have the luxury of that sort of time. They, happily, understand this and give me the time to reply as I'm able.

Kindness works.

Just consider your potential host as someone who's doing for you as a friend would do. We hosts and organizers get no more from gatherings than you attendees do, and we do a LOT more work to make it happen. Doesn't mean you need to worship us. Does mean that we're doing more than anyone attending, and often at our own cost. It means that we're going out of our way to open this for a group.


It's a good way to keep these going.


that West Coast Gathering guy
UK Gathering etc....

Hi peeps

Okay... firstly, I've responded to Lynchy, and I'm really not prepared to enter into conversations on here about who I have and haven't written to about what. All I'll say is this.... I'm generally pretty good at responding to emails, and will do so as I am able when I can. However, I'm only human and given that I run a website (generating lots of emails), I post on here, and have lots of other things going on, I get a very full in-box every day... so some things WILL sometimes get through the net or I won't be able to respond straight away to every email. I also recently had to wipe my entire hard drive and re-start my aol account - losing ALL my addresses and backed up emails to respond to - it happens to the best of us at times. As I say, I'm only human.

My comments on UK ticklephiles were not a scathing attack on anyone - just concerns expressed as a result of observations and experience..... after all, everyone seemed to be wondering why there were no gatherings here apart from the one that DVNC so very kindly arranged (thanks luv!).

So..... all I'll say is this. I'd be happy to arrange a munch for those who wish to attend and get together for an initial face to face meeting and chat. No pressure, no obligation to play, no one forced into anything.. just a friendly get-together. If people want to get together, then let me know, and I'll try and sort something out that is in a fairly central location for everyone on a date suitable for most people. I'm happy to do this..... but if no one wants it then I'm easy either way. It's up to you.

Those of you who wish to do something, let me know.... if not, no problem:) The offer is there.

Whatever you all decide.... have fun with your tickle play, whoever it may be with! Be safe!

DVNC - thanks luv! You star!


Thanks for your input dvnc.Further to your comments I would point out that TC sent me a very full and absorbing reply to my first inquiry some months ago which was very encouraging and I thank her for that, ( I have made this point else where on this site some time ago) so I am happy to give full credit to her efforts,but all subsequent efforts at contact have fallen short of success.The last thing I wish to do is to be a nuisance to any one, so I just put it down to experience and I would have left it there, but TC,s essay (which you can read on this site)on the feeble nature of the uk male was a little hard to take.I would ask how this view fits in to your "peace and kindness" vision of utopia?
Usual stuff.....

Red Indian....

My "essay" was nothing to do with the feeble nature of the UK male luv. There are some very fine males in the UK and even a couple of fine ticklers included.

However.... my comments were merely general concerns about the reluctance in UK Ticklephiles (male, female, undecided!)... to indulge their fetish to the full and how it may affect a potential gathering. That was the sentiment behind it and that's what it was about..... you are free to make up your own mind... but that's all I was saying.

See my comments in my last posting about emails and other things.


At long last 'tickling in the UK'!!!!

My dear TC I command your initiative and offer my full undivided support in your endeavours to bring a great big uncontrollable smile to British ticklers and ticklees. Sad to say, even though I actually have a lot of 'hands on' experience in organising events (something I could tell you more about off the forum as it's hardly 'on' the topic), I won't be hanging around London for too much longer...

Yes but if you're looking at doing something around September I might definitely be up for it, ready to contribute, participate, pass on contacts of other highly interested parties, suggestions for possible venues and what have you... I too have been down this route before you see, and as you're no doubt aware, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it tickle.

You're right to scrutinize 'exactly' who's into it and what they 'genuinely' have to contribute before commiting a great deal of your time and resources to putting on such an event. The UK tickling community should thus stand up, be counted and give you all the support that you possibly need... and more besides!

Well done Madam! Your supporter in the Mediterranean.... (and a pretty darn fine tickler at that), Solletik
ll that is pertinent for me to say, beyond a thanks to solletick for his support, bears mention to "red indian", where he states this:
>but TC,s essay (which you can read on this site)on
>the feeble nature of the uk male was a little hard
>to take.I would ask how this view fits in to your
>"peace and kindness" vision of utopia?

"red", sarcasm of this sort is going to carry very little towards getting anything at all accomplished in the way of organizing a gathering in the UK, and shows as mean-spirited. Whether or not it's meant as such is left as an excercise to the reader. Regardless, I would agree with the sentiment you carried, regardless of my feelings for how you carried it, in that her display of frustration for the lack of cooperation with the men in the UK likely didn't help anyone.

Ticklechiq, quit biting the men in your country, darlin'.

Okay, "red", Happy now? I've spanked her in public. I'm certain she's terribly sorry. I'm also guessing she wants to host, and deal with the possibility of such hostilites, even less than before.

This goes nowhere towards a solution to the goal, which was to get gatherings going in the UK.

I've no doubt they'll happen again, as I will again visit, and will thus again host. I simply won't be inviting anyone whose disposition isn't pleasing. Who wishes to exhert such efforts and be disrespected so blatantly? None. I'm certain she'll host an event, too. Know the lady. She's made the effort to show to the one there, and to show to one here in the US. She's clearly made efforts of her own.

Support is met with more support. Negatively is met with either more negativity or an absence of response. My response, though lacking hostility, cannot be construed as positive. For this, "red", I heartily apologize. I would support hearing how I could have better resolved this, as it's a lesson to learn.
UK Gatherings... and my public spanking!

Ooh DVNC luv... if you're gonna spank me, at least make sure it's a nice quality leather paddle.... you know how I like to be nice and red after my spanking! ;)

Next time bring the cane too - been a while since I had some nice stripes!

I must say TC i am impressed with fact that you have "champions" prepared to support your case for you,alas I have no such luxury and must fend for myself.I have just re read your "analysis" of the flaccid aneamic uk male and I defy you to find anything complementary in it,I fail to see how this will attract and develop any interest.Regarding the e mail question ,I have sent you many e mails both before,during and after the metamorphosis of your webb site, to no avail.The promblem here is I started to feel both a fool and more importantly a pest ,and in the absence of any response, that is the conclusion I arrived at.So you can imagine how I felt on seeing your critique, after all I am only human like you,the same goes for remarks about being too busy,so am I.I thank dvnc for acknowledging my remarks, dispite his incoherence in places!.I of course realise we all have a common interest, thats why we are all on this webb site,and I am aware of the irreparable rift developing between me and TC but I do not feel I am the originator of this "hostillity" as dvnc puts it.

Read the thread through again, then, "red". Note that you're the only one to post with such negativity. I leave it only because it shows worse for you than any critique I could give.

I agree to disagree with you, sir. That is all.

Gatherings etc....

Red luv....

I didn't receive all those emails you talk about... so cannot comment. There were a lot of problems with my email for a while I was losing all kinds and not getting everything, so I can only guess it got lost in all that stuff.

I haven't started any "hostility"..... I think you're making a bit much of an "observation" I made as a concern about whether a UK gathering would indeed, be worth doing. But if it makes you feel any better Red... taking a leaf out of DVNC's book, I'll publicly spank MYSELF over my previous remarks okay? "WHACK"! There you go!

I think we all need to relax a little... chill out... and focus on trying to get the tickle clan over here organised and a nice gathering sorted... it would at least be more constructive perhaps.... and certainly more fun than focussing on past negativity. At the end of the day Red, regardless of what I have said before, I'm at least taking positive action to make the tickle scene in this country more fun and involved.... no harm in that.

But well.... if, as it seems, people are more interested in making mountains out of molehills and creating problems rather than focussing on the objective in hand and doing something positive... I'll leave it to all of you to organise something when you're finished in the playground. I'll be elsewhere.... with a bottle of lotion..... being tickled! (Yum!) Hee hee!

Again - it's up to you.

I am intrested, but i doubt i could get away from my parents, and i doubt that u would want any minors :(

I just want to ask...how are things like this set up, and what actually happens. If anyone has been to one of these things, could u please tell me what actually happens (tickling obviously, but in what way?)

Sorry if the force of my arguments are starting to render you speechless dvnc!, I am not sure why this should make me look bad though.I would point out that this site is called the tickling media FORUM is it not? look the word up in "websters" it may be of assistance to you.
To tickle chiq

Happy to give you full credit TC(as i have done several times)for your efforts, and I support you fully in what you are trying to do,but your piece was was very critical of us poor uk chumps and it has been broadcast throughout cyber space so it seems unfair then to say I am being childish if I dissagree with you,as I have said to dvnc this is a forum is it not?I wish you all the best in your endevours.
Yes, red indian, this is indeed a forum. This section of the Tickling Media Forum, the Gatherings section, is moderated by me. I created and run this forum. I allow such belittling commentary as yours, such as "Sorry if the force of my arguments are starting to render you speechless dvnc!" and "look the word up in "websters" it may be of assistance to you" because it makes you look far worse than anything I could possible say against such. Leaving out the grammatical trivia, the obvious negative hostility, passive though it may be, is unfortunate. It doesn't help the cause of getting gatherings started in the UK.

It doesn't really help anything at all.

That you insist on further negativity is your choice. It's my hope that the rest of the UK kids retain their interest in meeting one another, and do so. I'm truly sorry to see you continue in the manner in which you approach this. I also continue to disagree, politely.

I do, however, appreciate that your stance isn't purely negative, and that you've given credit and compliment to TickleChiq.

Be clear, though, that it's not your disagreement I contest. Simply and honest disagreeing, without self-deprications to our gender in the UK, nor self-pitying commentary towards our gender, nor with passive deprications to those whose views contest yours, are always encouraged. Clearly, I'm not without fault, nor have I the only method in which to have such events. There HAS to be another perspective that's effective. I'd be quite disappointed if there wasn't.

That you have issue with TickleChiq has been made clear. That you have issue with me is clear. Thankfully, there are people already talking about collaborative work towards an event in the UK. THAT is the purpose of this group, after all.
To dvnc

Go to a syntax doctor as soon as you can, take the prescribed medicine and come back to me as soon as you are fully recovered.
absolutely none

take a pissed off indian, a slightly bemused chiq, and an impeccably polite moderator with a penchant for prolix dissertation, and what do you get?

endless entertainment !!!
Re: absolutely none

jonathan said:
take a pissed off indian, a slightly bemused chiq, and an impeccably polite moderator with a penchant for prolix dissertation, and what do you get?

endless entertainment !!!

It always helps if you throw a few doughnuts into the equation too! :blaugh:
Last edited:
Good grief, BigJim! Dreggin' up the oldies, eh? You English have always been fun, online, even if us yanks don't always get ya at first. We're separated by a common language.

Now that I'm in Canada, I can further see where English as a common language doesn't always help communication, either! ;)

Too bad this event never got going. The lady that queued it left the UK for the US. Still there, far as I know.
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