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Any Dream Interpreters?


TMF Poster
Apr 23, 2002
Hey Everyone!
I have been having some really weird dreams lately and was wondering if someone can help me figure one part out. I know that I am not a "freak of nature" or anything like that, but it has gotten to the point of me really being intrigued of persuing this further, but I need help.
1. This dream was placed at night, but the time in the dream was daylight. My husband just walked out of our bedroom and I was sitting on our bed. There was no argument between us. Something grabbed my leg and pulled me off the bed and threw me up against the wall. I was paralyzed with fear and every breath I took, I tried to call my husband's name. I couldn't speak or move. I woke up finally and started crying.
2. I don't remember this dream anymore, but at the end of the dream, the same thing. Something had a hold of me and was holding me down. Not like wrestling or pinning a person down by holding the wrists and ankles, it felt more like an invisible sheet was over me. I could not move or speak.
3. I was on my back laying on a couch. February 8th had just passed (it was my Grandma's b-day, she is no longer with us present time). In this dream, my mom was dead. She came back and gave me some sort of sign (I don't remember what it was). I told my husband that my mom was here, and he said "hold on to the house boys" and disappeared out of the dream. I again was paralyzed with fear, but this time, I was actually moving my arms and my left leg in slow motion trying to fight what ever it was that had me. There was a man's voice in the background laughing. NO face, no image. I was woken up by my husband because I was yelling in my sleep, "no, no, no".
4. I was in a backyard. There were some trees that had leaves, others did not. It was a grey and cloudy day - kind of like in autumn. One particular tree that was alone and did not have leaves had about 4 -5 pictures nailed to it, one on top of the other. In these pictures was a picture of a man about 40ish, thin, medium length black hair, medium thick mustache. Good looking man. He was standing on the left side of the picture no smile, dressed in a white long sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up. Black pants and a sash tied around his waist like a belt, one end hung down farther than the other. I was in three of the pictures. I was dressed in like a performers costume. Short length black dress that tied at the waist, low cut, but had that flesh colored material to hold the top together, short sleeves. My hair was in a bun. I was facing him, but at an angle. My left side and my back faced the picture. The first picture, I remember feeling a yearning sensation that I wanted him to notice me. The second picture I felt happier because he did notice me, but not enough. The third picture things changed. I had a black and white cape on. There was some sort of design on the top outside part of the cape in blue and white, but I don't remember what it was. It wasn't something that I had seen before. I was in the same position, but my head was thrown back. I had two smaller dogs standing on top of my chest and they were looking down at me. There was another dog that was bigger that was standing on it's hind legs next to me. The man was also looking down at me, but still no smile. I remember posing for these pictures, the man or the dogs were not posing with me. I remember another picture of a blonde woman and this man in it. I remember saying that I can knock her out of these pictures and be in his life.(this wasn't like the anger you get with jealousy, it was more of a power trip) After that, I was with a group of five people looking at these pictures, there was a single man talking about these pictures and saying that they belonged to a circus. That is when I heard children laughing. Laughing like they were enjoying themselves. There were no comments about me being in the pictures from any of these people. I remember being interested about finding out what happened at this circus and why these people weren't here anymore. I turned around and there was a small shack that had old grey colored worn wood. Turning farther, there was an old rickety two story house. It was white and worn down. I walked to the back door and entered an enclosed porch, and then into a room with dirty white wall, dark colored wood and flooring and the windows were covered in white sheer curtains. The light that shone through was bright. I remember the man that was talking earlier saying something about ghosts. I then turned and saw a stairway to the second floor. I almost like floated to it and started going up, doors shut and the other people that I was with started running out of the house. I was feeling cold and that something or someone was there with me, even though I was alone on the stairs. That is when I woke up and I couldn't move or speak once again. I was freezing really bad and wanted to get to my blanket to cover up, but because of not being able to move, I couldn't.
Ok, that is it, but I have been on the internet searching for what they might mean and it is a number of things that situations are going to get better, things that have been opened for me before are not available to me anymore and all sorts of other things. I need to know what it means when I am paralyzed with fear. Why can't I move or speak? Why was I so cold after my last dream? My mom said "sleep apnea", but I have been laying on my side/stomach on one of the dreams. My husband was awake one night of the dreams when I woke up crying and we talked and he said that I was breathing fine. I have been dealing with daily asthma attacks also since these dreams have come about. Any advice as to what the fear feeling might be?
Good Lord! :shock: What a memory. I consider myself lucky if I can remember what was playing on the T.V. when I invariably pass out on the couch.
Fascinating field, dream interpretations. I mean, I can figure out my own...uncertainty, insecurity, fear...yours, though, well...
Lately, I've had some beauties. I've had dreams where I'm on Death Row waiting to be executed.
Stuff like that.
Wow, someone else who remembers their dreams, YAY!. Anyhooters, its difficult for me to interpret someone else's dreams, especially since I would have more questions. I know occasionally I will dream of a struggle of some kind, and then things do happen, its like my mind is trying to prepare my body for something. That may be what your deep down feelings may be over. It does make sense, asthma attacks definitely make you feel a bit powerless and can come out of nowhere. It could be an explaination :) good luck figuring it out

Dreams can be pretty unnerving, sometimes. I only wish I understood their purpose. Sometimes I wonder if it's sort of like a "screen-saver" for the human mind, keeping your brain active while your body rests, just pumping out completely random imagery and stringing it together to create something that sometimes seems substantial.

While I was either in Georgia in the barracks, or Florida, taking a nap at a friend's house (I don't remember which.), I had this dream where I was going to prison for some reason. In the dream, all my loved ones and people I know were telling me how bad this prison was, and how I should try and fight more because I was definitely innocent. I kept telling them it didn't matter, and that I was prepared for whatever would happen to me. When I got taken to the "prison", it was definitely odd. The whole building was a round, multi-floored structure, with the "cells" looking like offices behind walls made completely of glass. They were just like windowed offices. The whole place actually looked pretty nice. The guard, or warden, or whatever he was(dressed in orange with a nightstick or club, or something) pushed me into my "cell" and came in there with me (office carpeting, potted plant in the corner, near a toilet and a clean desk :confused: ). He kicked me so that I fell on my stomach and started to give me some spiel about where I was, I better not try and resist, and that bad behavior will result in dire consequences, etc. I just lay on my stomach listening to him, showing no resistance and wondering why he was treating me like I would try and escape. After his speech, he actually just left my "cell" (through the glass door that pushed right open and had no lock. :confused: ), and apparently left the building completely. After that, I actually began to notice other prisoners (who weren't present before.) in their cells, or leaving their cells and walking around doing whatever. Also, my family had come to visit me, commenting on how bad the living conditions were that I was living. :confused: I left my cell, walked around the building a little bit, wondering where the guards were, almost disappointed that I wasn't under surveillance. Other occupants basically told me I was on my own program, and to do what I wanted. I thought to myself, "Fuck it. I'll just leave, then!" I went around with my family, looking for the exit, and I couldn't find one, on any floor of this completely round structure. I got frustrated at not being able to leave, and then I woke up. :confused:
Breezy, I'm also an asthmatic, and have had some wild dreams over the years....not sure if they are related to my asthma medication or not.

One of the most strangest happened shortly before the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks. I dreamed my late mother was calling out to me, and when I saw her, she was an angel....white wings, and wearing all white...almost glowing in a shimmering light; and she was sitting on a white marble bench in a meadow next to a flowing stream....it was so beautiful.

In the dream, my mother kept telling me the end was near, but to hold onto my faith (in Christ); and to be sure and tell Becky (my younger sis in Oregon) the same thing. The spookiest part? I was awakened a few minutes later by a phone call from sis....she'd just had a dream almost identical to mine :eek: :eek: (and folks wonder why we both believe mom is our guardian angel).
Dreams can be wierd.

The one that got me the most was when I was about 8 years old or so.

I was out playing in the jacuzzi in the backyard, and then for a second, I guess I 'zoned out' or something.
What I saw was some kind of rocket ship, with my mother inside. She was in the window, waving to me.
Eventually the rocket ship disapeared.

Now, being 8 years old and not knowing better, I just dismissed it as wierd.

Two years later, my mother died of cancer.

I've been hitting myself over the head ever since.......
ok I'm not a dream interpreter but I am a psychology major and somewhat Freudian. This is what I come up with, breezy:

You are suppressing something. it could be something you are afraid of, it could be a deep secret that you're afraid will be found out. This is what is holding you down and taking your breath away because whatever it is, it is buried. You have to bring it to the surface or unbury it to stop this behavior. You could not move or speak because whatever you're suppressing is sucking your breath and the loss of air leaves behind paralysis-like symptoms.
The floating sensation is whatever you're suppressing is trying to rise to the surface.

As to the dream with the man and woman strangely dressed on the tree, many psychics would say this indicates past lives. I don't know about that because I don't believe they exist. I would say that the man and woman you're describing are from the Victorian era. In the Victorian era, everything was concealed and hidden, including thoughts, feelings and fears. I think this might have something to do with it.

Now you might be thinking "But I'm not hiding anything!" Here's the funny thing. Usually, dreams like this are dealing with issues in the subconscious memory, meaning below the level of consciousness.

Hope this helps. I didn't do any research or talk to anybody about this, I just wrote what came to me as I am somewhat psychic. Hope it helped and feel free to e-mail me if there's anything else you'd like to share. [email protected]

crydun said:
...dreams like this are dealing with issues in the subconscious...
When a dream is fraught with emotion, and especially when it's a recurring dream, you are smart to explore it further.

I suggest you find someone professional to help you with something that may be troubling you from the past; that you may have repressed or dismissed.

It's terrific that your writing skills are so excellent that you can record your dreams so accurately - it's an indication that your subconscious & your conscious are working well together, a sign of good mental health.

Keep us posted!

Button :bubble:
Knox The Hatter said:
Well done, Crydun. I'm constantly reminded of why I enjoy talking to you.

awww knoxie!! Can we klone you???;)

I have always been able to vividly remember my dreams up until October of last year. That is when I started working third shift...so now when I sleep during the day, I don't remember anything or they become kinky. (LOL):devil: These though have freaked me out and I even bought a book on how to interpret dreams by the images in the dreams. Basically what it has come down to is that someone that I love will become ill and die. My husband has just recently had Gastric Bypass surgery and I was very afraid that he was not coming back to me and I am still worried, but not as much anymore. Thanks to everyone who had shared their dreams and to those who have given such great advice. I love hearing about other people's dreams. I have always wondered if my dreams were trying to tell me something, but never persued them until now. I even started a dream diary to see if there are any links to certain times of the year for "weird dreams" or "good dreams".

Koocheekoo- I love dreams like that, seeing our family so beautiful and so peaceful. My grandma visited me in a dream once, thanking me for accepting my faith (in Christ). I helped take care of her when she lived with my mom when she was bed ridden and in the nursing home.

Zyclos_b - I am sorry about your mom, I can not understand how hard it is to grow up without a parent especially that young. You didn't know any better, and any one of your friends would have passed it off as a weird dream at that age. So stop kicking yourself for it.

Crydun- Great advice!!! Thank you:bowing: I will keep you on hand with my next dream. I believe that with me fighting in one of my dreams with whatever I was struggling with, I was winning. I also believe in past lives and have often wondered about trying to figure out what or who I was back then. Maybe some of my dreams will be linked to that?

Button - LOL! That is the greatest compliment someone has ever given me. Don't tell anyone, but you beat out my husband's compliments(LOL).

Thanks again everyone. Hugs to all!!!:grouphug:
I agree with crydun (well done, and waves hello to my friend I haven't talked to in a while:) :)

I am moderately interested in what meaning people give to dreams...and by what means they interpret them...I have never believed that dreams are psychic visions into the future nor do I believe in the symbolism of certain elements within a dream to represent something other than what it actually is...(except in certain cases that are personal...I mean I do not have much faith in the dream books that tell me when u dream of eating beef it means u will have riches, etc. , things like that)

I believe that our dreams are nothing more than a subconscious manifestation of our present dominant emotional state...which is why I agree with 4pawz in that it is relatively difficult to interpret someone elses dream.:)
I know that there are certain dreams I have remembered with great detail and sometimes something only you would know can alter the entire interpretation...i.e., emotional state of you or other key people in the dream. So chances are you are the best person to interpret it breezey:) Good luck in figuring it out:):)
Ticklemmmeeeeee said:
I agree with crydun (well done, and waves hello to my friend I haven't talked to in a while:) :)

I am moderately interested in what meaning people give to dreams...and by what means they interpret them...I have never believed that dreams are psychic visions into the future nor do I believe in the symbolism of certain elements within a dream to represent something other than what it actually is...(except in certain cases that are personal...I mean I do not have much faith in the dream books that tell me when u dream of eating beef it means u will have riches, etc. , things like that)

I believe that our dreams are nothing more than a subconscious manifestation of our present dominant emotional state...which is why I agree with 4pawz in that it is relatively difficult to interpret someone elses dream.:)
I know that there are certain dreams I have remembered with great detail and sometimes something only you would know can alter the entire interpretation...i.e., emotional state of you or other key people in the dream. So chances are you are the best person to interpret it breezey:) Good luck in figuring it out:):)

hello friend!!! you have been missed!!! hope all is well with you!! *hugs*
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