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Author Spotlight: Xodlirv


Apr 16, 2001
My relationship with veteran MTJ Publishing author “Xodlirv” began back in 1999 when he submitted a story for Daumantas’s popular “Nylon Dungeon” series which appeared in “The Morandilas’s Ticklers Journal.”

Xodlirv has written over 22 stories for Tales from the Asylum alone. He has penned dozens of stories that he freely posted on the internet and is one of my most prolific contributors to and creator of various MTJ Publishing electronic publications.

On top of all this he wrote the script for two of Ozzy’s Yenny comics that appeared in TFTA and also wrote the script for the only Yenny print publication available to date….

Yenny Comic Book

Needless to say I owe a debt of gratitude to Xodlirv as he has been a powerful force behind many of our publications.

The following is a story first appeared in the September 2000 issue of TFTA {issue #12} Please enjoy!


Story By Xodlirv Artwork By Zuni

The Christian calendar called it the Sixteenth Century. What was going on in the land that would later be known as Mexico, was anything but Christian. Spanish soldiers had invaded this land and enslaved its indigenous people. The lure of gold was strong, and the greedy Spaniards overwhelmed this gold-rich land. The capitol city of Tenochtitlan had known it would soon fall to the invading Spaniards; so the wise ruler, Montezuma, ordered all the city's gold taken away and hidden where the Spaniards would never find it. Of course, when the Spaniards finally did conquer the city and discovered the gold gone, they were furious. They had called themselves Christians and told themselves they were conquering these people to bring the Gospel to them, to convert them to the one true faith; but being deprived of their golden prize had brought out there true nature. They had put the old king to the torments of the "Holy Office", what we know as the Spanish Inquisition. Montezuma had died under their ministries, but the secret of the gold had died with him.

Now, Montezuma's young daughter, Otomi, sat in the adobe hut that served as the questioning chamber of the Spaniards. She sat in a rough cane chair, with two Spaniard guards on either side of her. She was not bound in the chair, but she knew there was no escape. She had been sitting in the chair for a long time, staring ahead of her at the three wooden devices in the center of the room. She had learned of them from tales her conquered people had brought to her. They were called stocks, made to restrain the ankles while the torments of the Holy Office were inflicted. She shuddered at them. Otomi did not speak to her Spanish guards, for she did not speak their tongue, nor they hers.

After awhile, the door opened. Otomi looked to it, and her heart leapt in fear and loathing at the person who walked in. She was Marina, a pretty young maiden from one of the outlying villages of her father's kingdom. Marina, whom the Aztecs now called "Cortez' whore". This woman had gone over to the Spaniards' side, fallen in love with their brutal leader, Hernan de Cortez. She had learned their ugly language, and served as their interpreter.

"Good afternoon, my princess," Marina said sweetly. "I trust I haven't kept you waiting long."
"It is you who will wait, whore of the Spaniards," Otomi said proudly. "You will wait forever, for your tortures to pry the secret of the gold from my lips!"

"Oh, I think not, my princess," Marina said. "I think my tender ministries shall bring the secret bubbling to your lips eventually. It may take time, but I have all the time in the world." Marina turned to the door and said something in the ugly Spanish language. Otomi watched in horror as two beautiful maidens were marched into the room by more Spanish soldiers. Atla and Xili, her handmaidens! She had grown up with these girls, and though they were truly her servants she loved them as friends and sisters. Was Marina going to torture them, in front of Otomi's eyes, to drag the secret of the gold from her? Atla's eyes caught Otomi's, and though she kept silent, Otomi could read the pleading in them. She steeled herself for the ordeal to come.

At Marina's instruction, the Spaniards forced the young handmaidens into two of the stocks, leaving the middle one empty. The handmaidens wore the spotless white robes of their station, and their feet were shod in finely-woven sandals. As the Spaniards locked the stocks into place, their sandal covered feet protruded from the rough wood like ferns that had grown through a rock.

"You see, my princess," Marina said, "the Holy Office has different rules for women than it does for men.

The rough methods that your father died under are not permitted to be used on women. But that will not save you. Marina knows arts that can be used on women, arts that will make the strongest woman crack in time! I have decided to demonstrate these arts on your handmaidens, before you take your place in the stocks between them. Perhaps the very sight of the fate that awaits you will loosen your tongue. Personally, I hope it does not."

The Spanish guards brought a low stool, and Marina placed it in front of Xili's stocked feet. The traitor sat down on the stool then, and began slowly unlacing the handmaiden's sandals. As she did so, she held up her own bare foot, that Otomi might examine the sole.

"Do you see Marina's foot?" she asked. "Rough and callused, from hours toiling in the fields, without even the shabbiest of shoes to protect it. Ah, but your handmaidens have never known such toil. And they have always worn these lovely sandals, woven for them by the finest craftsmen in your splendid city." Xili's feet were now completely bare. Marina cradled her left heel in her palm and held the foot up, examining it. "Yes, the skin of her sole is as soft as that of a new-born baby. And do you know what we do with a new-born baby's feet?" Marina's grip on Xili's ankle tightened, and she gently ran her index fingernail up the sole. "That's right; we tickle them!" Xili let out a little yelp when the fingernail touched her foot, then clamped her lips tight, holding back the laughter. Marina grinned wickedly as she spider-walked her fingers up and down the maiden's quivering sole, tickling it mercilessly. Atla watched in horror, for she knew this terrible torture would soon be visited upon her!

"Laugh, little baby, Marina knows, you love to be tickled on your tiny toes," the traitor sang, taunting the handmaiden. Xili's fists clenched and her face turned bright red. Otomi fought hard to not show any emotion as she watched this display, but she knew from their childhood games what torture Xili was undergoing! Finally the giggles burst from Xili's lips, and soon turned to loud laughter.

"There, I knew I could make you laugh," Marina said triumphantly, as she gently poked her index fingernail between each of Xili's toes. "Perhaps I will show mercy, if you beg me to stop."

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Never! HEEHEEHEEHEE! I am a-HAHAHA!! handmaiden of the princess! OH! OH! I shall not be-he-heg!! HAHAHAHA!!" Xili said as proudly as she could, between guffaws.

"We shall see, proud handmaiden," Marina said ominously, then fell to tickling both of Xili's helpless feet with furious scrabbling motions of all ten fingernails. Xili threw back her head, her luxurious dark hair flying, and howled with laughter.

Xili's torture went on for long minutes. Atla watched with barely-concealed horror, while Otomi struggled to keep her emotions in check. Tears streamed down Xili's face; she grasped the bar of the stocks with her hands and shook furiously, her whole body convulsing with the tickling sensations.

Finally, Marina stopped tickling Xili's feet. The handmaiden's giggles subsided into gasps for breath. "You are strong, handmaiden," Marina admitted. "I was unable to make you beg, at least not yet." The horror on Atla's face multiplied as the traitor moved her stool from the foot of Xili's stocks to Atla's. "But perhaps this timid thing is more easily broken." Atla's lower lip trembled as Marina removed her woven sandals. Otomi swallowed, and steeled herself for the torture she would be forced to witness. If Xili was extremely ticklish, Atla was ten times more so! Many was the childhood game where Otomi and Xili had ganged up on Atla, each taking a foot and tickling it without mercy.

When Atla's feet were bare, Marina tied her big toes together with a small piece of thread. Otomi guessed that this was to prevent her feet from wiggling even the little bit permitted by the stocks. The traitor said something to the Spanish guards, and one of them handed her something. A thin wooden rod, about ten inches long; affixed to one end was a soft, fluffy white feather.

"This feather-wand is my own invention," Marina explained, holding it up for Otomi to see. "The softest, fluffiest part of the feather is attached to this thin wooden wand. The stiff wand allows me to manipulate the soft feather with more dexterity than an ordinary feather would. Very ingenious, don't you think? Let's see what your handmaiden thinks of it." With that, Otomi began to lazily draw the tip of the feather up and down Atla's right foot. Atla squealed, and bit her lower lip. She looked to her princess, her eyes full of pleading. Otomi hardened her heart. She could not even look away, not allow these devils to see the slightest sign of weakness. But this was her lifelong friend, being tortured without mercy by awful tickling!
Marina fluttered the feather over the balls of both of Atla's feet. Little squeals and high-pitched whimpers escaped her clamped lips. The traitor whisked the feathery tip back and forth across the very tips of Atla's toes. The handmaiden's fists clenched until her fingernails bit into her palms, trying to hold back the laughter. When Marina slipped the feather in between Atla's big and second toes, brushing the delicate webbing of skin there, the poor girl could hold back no longer. The laughter gushed from her like a flood from a broken dam. Marina trailed the feather slowly up Atla's right arch and down her left, all the while smiling wickedly.

"That's right, serving-girl, laugh for your princess," she taunted her victim. "Let her hear you laugh! Let her know how much this tickles!"

Atla could not speak, the laughter was flowing so freely from her lips. Marina deftly swirled the tip of the feather around the pads of each toe, one at a time. Finally, with one last flourish of the feather-wand up Atla's left sole, Marina stopped. She rose from her stool, and walked over to Otomi.

"You have seen what Marina can do, princess," Marina said, sneering the last word. "The choice is now yours. Will you spare yourself the tortures of my tickles, and spare your servants further torments? Or will you take your place between them, and subject all six of your tender feet to my ministries?"

Otomi looked at her handmaidens. Atla was in tears, her eyes pleading with her mistress. Xili tried to show strength, but Otomi could tell that she, too, was in terror of being tickled more. But she had been charged by her father with keeping the gold from the invaders' hands. She must not, could not falter!
"Do with me as you will," Otomi said, raising her chin high. "You will never learn the hiding-place of the gold from Otomi."

Marina's evil grin turned to a grimace of anger. "We shall see, princess! Oh, we shall see!" She barked instructions to the Spanish guards, who roughly lifted Otomi by the arms from her chair. In a thrice, she was locked into the set of stocks between her handmaidens, and her woven sandals stripped from her delicate feet and tossed in a corner.
"Now, you must wait," Marina said. "I go to prepare a special treat for you. Compared to this, pretty serving-girls, the tickling you have just endured will feel like nothing at all!" With that, Marina left the chamber, leaving Otomi and her handmaidens to await their fate.

"My princess, what will she do to us?" Atla asked in terror. "I-I will not be able to stand any more tickling!"
"Be strong, my friend," Otomi encouraged. "The tortures we endure are to save the treasures of our empire. We must not falter!"

"We cannot falter, my lady," Xili reminded her. "Atla and I do not know where the treasure is. That secret is yours alone!"

Soon, Marina returned, holding a wooden bucket and a brush. "I trust you ladies have had much to talk about while I was gone?" she said. She stopped at Atla's stocks. Dipping the brush in the bucket, Marina ladled out a large quantity of viscous amber liquid. She applied this liberally to Atla's soles, taking care to wedge a portion between each toe. As she repeated the process with Otomi and Xili, the women could tell what the substance was by its aroma. Honey!

"There," Marina said, stepping back to admire her work. "I dare say you now have the sweetest feet in all the empire!" Otomi and her handmaidens were confused, not understanding how this could be torture. Then Marina said something in the ugly Spanish tongue, and their eyes grew wide with understanding and fear. Three Spaniards entered the chamber, each leading a young goat on a leash. The goats wore muzzles, to keep their mouths covered. The Spaniards tethered the goats to the stocks; even through the muzzles, the hungry goats could smell the honey.

"Last chance to talk, my princess," Marina said. Otomi was resolutely silent; Marina gave the command. As one, the goat-herders removed the muzzles from the beasts. Almost instantly the goats fell to licking the honey from the captive soles. Their raspy tongues slithered all over the women's soles, in and out between their toes, and over the tops of their feet. The effect was maddening! This tickled worse than anything Xili and Atla had yet felt, and it went on and on! Loud laughter filled the tiny chamber. Tears streamed down the three maidens' faces. Marina merely stood by and watched, arms folded, grinning like a snake. When the goats had licked every last drop of honey from the women's feet, Marina took her brush and applied more honey.

"The torture of the goat's tongue will continue, until you talk, Otomi," Marina said. "Where is the gold?"
Between bursts of loud laughter, Otomi spat out: "Never!"

What was the final outcome of this torture? Did Otomi break down and reveal the hiding-place of the gold? Were Otomi and her handmaidens tickled until they lost their minds? Or did they manage to escape, perhaps even to turn the tables on Marina, their tormentor? That story is for another day.
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The following is a story first appeared in the November 2000 issue of TFTA {issue #13} Please enjoy!


Story By Xodlirv Artwork By Zuni

Where is the gold?"

The tiny chamber was filled with loud, frenzied laughter. Three women squirmed and shook in the wooden stocks as the goats' tongues slithered over the bottoms of their feet.

"Where is the gold?"

Tears streamed down their pretty faces as their wide-open mouths gushed uncontrollable laughter.

"Where is the gold?"

Otomi, proud princess of Montezuma's empire, refused to reveal the hiding-place of the gold. Atla and Xili, her handmaidens and lifelong friends, sat on either side of her, undergoing the terrible torture along with her. Marina, the traitress and consort of Cortez, had been charged by her Spanish lover with the task of extracting the secret from Otomi. The Holy Office did not allow its more persuasive methods to be used on women, but Marina was skilled at the art of tickling. Many times Otomi thought she would break, would tell this whore anything, only to stop the dreadful tingling that shot through her soles like lightning! But somehow, she found the strength to resist.

For five hours, Marina let the goats lick honey from her captives' feet. Many times she had to apply fresh honey to their soles; twice, new goats had to be brought in, for the goats would lick their fill. Still, Otomi did not talk.

Finally, Marina threw up her hands in desperation. "Take them to their cell," she told the Spanish guards in their own ugly language. "We will begin again tomorrow morning. Perhaps a night of anticipation, of her handmaiden's pleas to end their torment, will soften her heart!"

The proud Mexican women gasped for air as the guards freed them from the stocks and marched them to their cell. A small, simple room with no furnishings, no bed, merely a covering of straw on the floor, was their prison. They were exhausted from the hours of forced laughter. Their faces were flushed hotly. Their once-fresh white gowns were horribly stained with sweat and urine. The guards locked them in and left them to themselves.

"Oh, my dear friends!" Otomi cried in sorrow. "That you, my lifelong companions, should be subjected to such cruel tortures for my silence!"

"Hush, my princess!" Xili said, taking her lady in her arms and tenderly stroking her hair. "Gladly would we endure a thousand times this torture, if only we could save you from it!" Xili punctuated her statement with tiny, tender kisses along Otomi's hairline.

Atla huddled in a corner, hugging her knees. She dreaded the torture to come. She was so ticklish! She could not stand any more! If only she knew where the gold was, she would tell them! She would tell them anything, to escape having to undergo more of that horrible, horrible tickling!

Suddenly the women heard a tapping, a faint rapping at the tiny barred window of their cell. They looked, and saw a young man's face at the window. He was just barely a man, scarcely old enough to hold a spear. His face was flush with excitement, anxiety, and fear.

"My lady?" he whispered urgently.

"Chulo! You have come!" Xili said in an excited whisper.

"Xili? Who is that?" Otomi asked. The boy's face was somewhat familiar.

"Do you not recognize him, my lady?" Xili asked. "He is Chulo, a servant boy in your father's house. Because he did not fight, did not show any courage against the invaders, they kept him in his servant status, only serving them now. Last night, when Atla and I were locked in this cell alone, he came to me and confessed that he had loved me from afar, that every night he dreamt of me and awoke frustrated from his dreams." Xili lifted her proud chin. "I promised him that, if he helped us escape this confinement, I would relieve the pressures of his frustrations."

Otomi gasped soundlessly. She heard a rasping sound, and looked at the window. The boy Chulo was frantically sawing at the tough wooden bars with an obsidian knife.

"I brought the guards a jug of the drink they so love, wine they call it," Chulo said. "They will sleep while we do this. But we must hurry!"

Long minutes passed, but finally Chulo had removed three of the bars. Enough for the women to squeeze through. Silently he led them into the jungle. All night they scampered through the thick foliage, and just as dawn was breaking over the great mountains known as Smoking Man and Sleeping Woman, they came to a tiny village, hidden in the midst of the dense jungle.

"My village," Chulo said proudly. "I left it as a boy to come to the great city of Tenochtitlan. I return to it now, to save my lady and her friends from the invaders."

"My thanks, brave Chulo," Otomi said, bowing slightly before her father's servant. "The gods will smile upon you for what you have done."

Chulo stood there, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, staring at Xili, not daring to mouth the words that hammered at his heart. Xili smiled slightly. "I think our rescuer wants a different sort of reward," she told her lady. "And I did promise him. Come, Chulo."

Xili took the young man's hand, and led him away behind some bushes. Atla watched this scene in amazement. Otomi led her away, and they walked to the center of the village. Some men, in the rough clothing of these simple people, came to greet her.

"I am Tlaloc, chief of this village," the eldest of the men said. "Who are you, and what brings you to us?"

"I am Otomi, daughter of Montezuma," the princess said. "My handmaidens and I, with the help of one of your people named Chulo, have escaped from the invaders who have overrun our land. We seek shelter among you."

"You shall have it," Tlaloc said gravely. "We have no love for these invaders. The gods have been merciful, and kept us hidden from them this long. So long as this continues, you will be safe here."

"My thanks, Tlaloc," Otomi said. Just then the boy Chulo came running out of the bushes, a strange expression on his face. Shame was read there, and disappointment as well. Xili came strolling into view a moment later, wiping her hand on a broad leaf.

"Xili?" Atla asked, stammering. "Did-did you-"

"What, with that boy?" Xili wrinkled her nose. "Savior or no, my hand was good enough for him."

The village of Tlaloc proved a safe haven for Otomi and her handmaidens. It was no palace; they were expected to work for their keep, as any woman of the village. Otomi had learned few useful skills in her life as a princess, but was a competent seamstress and was kept busy at this task. Atla and Xili were employed gathering fruits and medicinal plants. It was a harder life than they had known, but a free one. And they had the joy of each other's company, of their lifelong friendship. They made new friends in the village as well, and life was good for the once and former Princess of Tenochtitlan and her friends.

Two years passed thusly. One morning, Atla and Xili were gathering herbs by the river bank. They laughed and joked as they worked, to pass the time. Suddenly, Atla grasped Xili's arm tightly.

"My friend, you are hurting me!" Xili said. "What is it? What has frightened you?"

Atla's face was frozen with fear. With a trembling finger, she pointed. "Atla...sister of my heart...look!"
Atla looked. A little farther down the river, they saw a woman in a plain white robe wading into the river. The robe was awfully stained with dirt; near the hem it was almost black.

The woman peered down into the water, standing perfectly still...then, suddenly, her hands darted into the water. They came up holding a small fish, which wriggled fiercely for its freedom.

Atla's eyes grew wide. This was Marina, the whore of the Spaniards!

"Atla, let us away from here, before she sees us!" Xili whispered. But Atla had other ideas.

"Ho, Marina!" Atla called loudly. Xili gasped in horror. The traitress looked up, fear in her eyes. The fear multiplied when she beheld Xili and Atla; but she did not move as Atla began walking toward her.

"You are far from Tenochtitlan," Atla said defiantly. "What brings Cortez's favorite so far?"

Marina lifted her chin. "Cortez's favorite no longer. I have been cast out. And you were instrumental in the casting."
Atla cocked her head to one side. "How so, Marina?"

"As if you did not know!" Marina spat. "He pledged me the task of learning the location of Montezuma's gold! When I failed to wrest it from your lips, he raged at me with shoutings and madness. And when it was discovered that you had escaped, he beat me and cast me from his camp. I have been wandering these two years, living off whatever I could scrounge."

"Indeed? We have lived well these last two years," Atla said. "We have found a village where all are welcome, and the Spaniards have not yet penetrated." She paused, then continued. "Come with us, Marina. Share the hospitality of the village."

Marina gaped. "You-would welcome me? Your torturer?"

"True, some nights I still feel the goat's tongue in my dreams," Atla said. "But what is past is past. Come, let us put that behind us."

Marina smiled. "Truly, you are a good woman, Atla. I repent what I did to you, and to your princess."

"Our princess will be especially glad to see you," Atla said, taking Marina's arm and walking with her. Xili's face wore an expression of shocked horror. Seeing this, Atla looked at her lifelong companion and flashed her a wicked grin. Realization dawned on Xili's pretty face, and a conspiratorial smile.

"Atla, I cannot see where I am going!" Otomi complained, laughing. At her handmaidens' request she had tied a cotton cloth over her eyes, and Atla and Xili were leading her somewhere. They told her they had a surprise for her.

"That is the idea, my princess," Atla laughed. "Come, it is not much farther!"
They had been walking for a quarter of an hour. Finally, Atla bid Otomi stop.

"Sit here, my princess," Atla instructed. Slowly, Otomi began to sit, feeling behind her with her hands. She felt a smooth, flat rock, and rested upon it.

"May I remove the blindfold now?" Otomi asked.

"Not quite yet," Atla said. "Xili, is everything prepared?"

"All is ready, sister of my heart," Xili said.

"Very well, my princess, my fairest one; you may uncover your eyes."

Otomi removed the cloth from her eyes, and looked straight ahead of her. She could not believe what she saw! They were in a small clearing in the jungle. A young woman sat on the floor of the clearing, her back to a tree. Her hands were held high above her head, and tied to the tree at the wrists. Her legs were stretched out before her and spread wide; each ankle was securely tied to a wooden post driven deep into the jungle floor. A rough cloth was tied around the woman's mouth, muffling her voice; her eyes burned with hatred. The woman did not have a single scrap of cloth on her body; she was as naked as the day the gods brought her forth. Otomi recognized this woman; it was Marina, her torturer of two years ago!

"Surprised, my princess?" Atla asked. "We found her by the river, yesterday. We have brought her to you, as a special surprise."

"What-what do you intend to do to her?" Otomi asked haltingly.

"Do not fear for her life, my fairest one, though it is worth little," Atla said. "We merely intend to pay her back in the same coin for the agonies she dared inflict on you."

Xili appeared from behind the rock upon which Otomi sat. She held in her hand two long, fluffy feathers. She handed one to Atla, and they approached the bound Marina. Atla reached in and plucked the cloth from Marina's mouth, and the woman immediately spat curses at her captors.
"You foul bitches!" she screamed. "You deceivers! Safe haven you promised me, and friendship! Instead you truss me up like a chicken! You shall-AHH!"

Marina's curses were cut short, as Atla and Xili began gently stroking the feathers up and down the sides of her body. One handmaiden stood on either side of the traitress and slowly dragged her feather up and down Marina's side, from her armpit to her waist. Marina struggled to hold back the laughter, but it was no use. Soon the giggles bubbled from her lips, followed by robust laughter.

"Hahahaha!! Stop! Hahahahahaha!! I cannot-oh! oh! stand it! Hahahahaha!!"

Marina squirmed and writhed as much as her bonds would allow, which was not much at all. Atla and Xili continued stroking the fluffy plumes up and down the smooth skin of her sides. Once or twice Atla fluttered her feather within the hollow of Marina's armpit, eliciting louder howls of laughter.

"Once you asked me to beg for mercy," Atla whispered in Marina's ear. "Will you beg for me, now?" She dragged her feather back and forth across Marina's flat stomach; the traitress bounced up and down upon the soft earth.

"Heeheehee!! Mercy!! Ple-hee-heese! Mercy-hee-hee!! Hahahahaha!!"

"The whore of the Spaniards asks for mercy, my lady," Atla said to Otomi. "The choice is yours; shall she have it?"

Otomi laughed at the sport. "I do not think she has learned her lesson yet, Atla."

"I agree," Atla said, stroking her feather up and down the inside of Marina's thigh.

"Oh! Oh! Not my legs! Please-OH! Hahahahahaha!!!" Marina gasped and howled with laughter. Xili joined in, tickling Marina's other thigh with her feather. The traitress' laughter turned to shrieks and screams. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Xili and Atla continued feather-tickling her legs, knees, stomach, and breasts for fully half an hour.

Finally, Atla stopped and put her feather aside. She said something to Xili, and the woman scampered off into the jungle. Marina lay against the tree, head down on her chest, sobbing and gasping for breath.

"My princess, do you remember how Marina showed you her foot two years ago?" Atla asked. "She pointed out how rough and callused it was from work. Well, Xili and I have been working, too. We worked long into the night, with the soft stone from the volcano. Marina's feet are now as soft and smooth as the day she was born. And very, very sensitive to the touch."

Xili returned, carrying a small wooden pail. Marina's head rose from her chest as Xili and Atla smeared the contents of the bucket all over her feet. Otomi recognized the stuff from the smell; it was the entrails of chickens, the bloody bits the village fishermen sometimes used to attract fish. Otomi's handmaidens smeared the entrails all over Marina's captive feet, carefully wedging great gobs of it between each of her toes. When the bucket was empty, Xili went back into the jungle.
"Alas, we could not find any goats," Atla explained to Marina, who stared up at her with a mixture of hatred and fear. "But I think we found a passable substitute."

Xili returned holding two short ropes in her hands. The ends of the ropes were tied around the necks of two small ocelots, the cats that prowled the local jungles. Xili and Atla tied the leashes to the posts holding Marina's ankles captive; the ocelots immediately began to lick the chicken guts from her now-softened feet. Marina bit her lip, trying to hold in the laughter; but it was no use. As the raspy tongues worked over her feet and slithered in between her toes, she howled and shrieked with laughter.

As the cats did their work, Atla and Xili walked over to their princess. Without a word, they sat at her feet. Each took one of Otomi's feet in her hands and removed her finely-woven sandals. They began kissing her toes, and tenderly stroking her soles with their long fingers. Marina screamed and writhed with laughter as Atla and Xili took Otomi's toes in their mouths and tenderly sucked them, swirling their tongues around them. The delightful sensations on her feet, while watching Marina suffering under the tickling tongues of the ocelots, made Otomi very, very excited indeed. Her fingers strayed to her private spot and began moving in and out.

Hearing her princess' gasps of pleasure, Atla looked up at her and smiled. "Do you enjoy your surprise, my beloved lady?" Atla asked, gently stroking Otomi's sole with her fingers.

"Oh, yes, Atla," Otomi sighed. "It is the most wonderful gift I have ever been given. Truly, you are my sisters and my dearest friends."

Marina squirmed and shrieked as the ocelots licked her soles, searching for more of the delicious chicken entrails. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she watched Otomi and her handmaidens.

After keeping her their tickled prisoner for all of a day, Otomi and her handmaidens released Marina. She was indeed welcomed into their village, after all. But never was she to share the special bond between these three.

-The End-

Fans of Xodlirvs work will want to check out the following electronic publications from MTJ Publishing...


The Adventures of Stargirl Silver - E-Comic

Fiendish Women, Helpless Men - E-Zine

Merciless Vixens #1 – E-Zine One Story

Merciless Vixens #2 – E-Zine One Story

Prisoners of Laughter -E-Zine

Tickling Fiction Illustrated #1 E-Zine One Story

Tickling Fiction Illustrated #2 E-Zine One Story

Tickling Fiction Illustrated #3 E-Zine One Story

Tickling Fiction Illustrated #4 E-Zine One Story

Tome of Madness #2 - E-Zine

True Revenge - E-Novel

Villains, Vigilantes, and Vellicators - E-Zine

We Know Your Weakness #3 -E-Zine
Xodlirv's Latest Release!



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In the Old West, a masked woman named La Lupina brings justice to the lawless frontier! When she tries to help a young rancher from being driven out by a ruthless cattle baron, she learns just how ruthless the evil landowner can be!


The time: 1939! When a popular radio singer collapses into a fit of frenzied laughter during a live radio program, the masked avenger called The Satin Ghost and her aide Janus go on the trail of a deadly foreign spy ring!


Meet Chimera, a super-spy who can look and sound like anyone you’ve ever heard of! When she infiltrates a day spa to find a top-level security leak, she learns that spying can be a ticklish business!


The space patrol heroines of the 58th Century return! When Stargirl Tungsten tries to capture a ruthless space pirate by herself, she becomes the plaything of a wicked woman whose only pleasure is tickle torture!

Thanks for posting these classic tales! Xodlirv is one of the authors I truly admire and got me into writing in the first place.
WOW! High praise indeed, Dave! Thanks! I really enjoy your stuff as well.
Awesome writing skills. I'm always amazed by what authors can do. Great job there.
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*** brad1701 ***
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