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Batgirl’s Greatest Foe, Part 1 + 2 +3


TMF Expert
Sep 16, 2008
Batgirl’s Greatest Foe, Part 1:

Barbara Gordon gave a cheery wave to her father, though Commissioner Jim Gordon stood stern and redoubtable as she slowly walked towards him. Given the circumstances, she could hardly fault him. With his arms crossed and his mouth in a grim, thin line, Dad was in policeman mode, the same way Barbara had slipped into her other persona. While she strode towards the commissioner, she yanked a lanky struggling man behind her. The thug was wearing a white wife-beater and had a body full of tattoos, arms that showed evidence of needles, and broken, yellow teeth. If not for the Bat-Cuffs around his wrists, he would have made a run for things, but the light-weight diamond-impregnated nylon cuffs combined with a steel core ensured he would be going nowhere.

“Caught this drug dealer a few streets away,” she said to her dad, glad that the voice modifier built into the suit ensured that she would not be recognised. “He was being pretty pushy with a prospective customer—wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

“Well, he’ll have a long time to reflect upon the error of his ways,” Commissioner Gordon said, plucking at his grey moustache as she dropped the criminal on the steps of the police station. Two other officers came to pick up the man for processing. “Many thanks for making the streets a little safer, Batgirl. And give my regards to our Dark Knight.”

Batgirl’s icy blue eyes were brimming with pride at the reverence in her father’s words, but she tried not to show how much his admiration had touched her heart. “Will do. Have a good night, Commissioner,” she said and nodded, sweeping her auburn hair across her shoulders before she grappled away with a giddy grin on her face. This was why she had wanted to become a superhero—to do her part in keeping Gotham as civilised and peaceful a place as possible, to help people, and to do something meaningful with her life, just like her dead.

Using her grapple, she flew up to the roof of the adjacent shopping complex like a black and yellow blur, landing with a lithe two-footed hop that would have put any gymnast to shame. As she looked over the colour and glitz of Gotham’s glamorous shopping district and watched how it intermingled with the darkness of the nearby red-light districts, she called up Alfred on her communicator.

“Hey, I sorted out that small-time drug dealer. Anything else I should know about?”

“Well,” the old British butler’s voice was as worried as any old maid’s, “a curious note was addressed to you.”

“Addressed to me? Not Batman?”

“Yes, you.”

“Erm, which me?”

“The one resembling a bat.”

“Ah.” Well, that was a relief, at least. Nothing was important that secret identities in such turbulent times.

“Though the note did make reference to knowing that you did things your father wouldn’t approve of, but that could have been a throwaway comment. Few fathers would approve of their daughters taking up a life of vigilantism.”

All the joy drooped out of Batgirl like a balloon that had been jabbed by a needle. “I hope you’re right, Alfred, but I don’t have a great feeling about this. Anything else I should know?”

“The Riddler seemed to be involved in this somehow.”

“Him?” Batgirl groaned. “I’ll get back right away.”

After she had retuned, she saw that Alfred’s suspicions had been correct, loathe as she was to admit it. The green paper the note had been typed on was a giveaway as to who had been behind it, but the note’s contents were a different matter.

The note read:

Dear Batgirl,

I write this message on behalf of a lost acquaintance of yours.

She asks if you remember her, for she most certainly recalls you, with your gymnast ways. Does your father know what you’re doing? She doubts daddy dearest would approve, considering his position. If you’d like to meet her again, riddle me this: where is success the number of people laughing at you?

“Any thoughts on the answers to the puzzle?” balding Alfred asked as Batgirl bent over the paper, stroking her chin. “My first instinct was something about Arkham Asylum or Joker Gas, but that didn’t seem quite right.”

“It’s a stand-up comedy show,” Batgirl said. “I bet it’s that big one downtown. What’s it called? Dionysus’s? Say, where are the others? It wouldn’t hurt to get some backup on this.”

“Master Wayne and Master Grayson are away in Metropolis helping Superman with something—the usual world-saving business, I fear. Should I ask them to return?”

Batgirl chewed her lower lip. “No. Let me see what I’m dealing with, first. If this is just The Riddler, I think I can probably take him. He doesn’t have any powers, after all.”

“The most dangerous ones often don’t,” a frowning Alfred said, his pale, aristocratic features crinkling with concern.


Like most nights, the opulent Dionysus’s was rollicking. With its wide stage, over six hundred snug, plush seats, live band on hand, and impressive selection of refreshments available at the bar, it was the place to be for any respectable young urban professional. Batgirl crept among the rafters above the stage, dodging the backstage staff as comedians took their turns prancing and performing on stage to guffaws of laughter. She watched the audience as they clapped, roared, and gasped at the humour. A grizzled comedian took the mic, and Batgirl listened for a few moments.

Alright, folks, so picture this—it’s the last election. The Democrats still have not picked their candidate yet, and Benny Sandler is causing some tension among the right. At Badger News, the people there are trying to come up with a way to attack Benny Sandler. They figured that calling him a Socialist would be key here.

So, the project manager called in his assistant. “We need to give this one more oomph than usual. We can’t just call him a Socialist. We’ll need a guest speaker to explain to everyone why Socialism is bad for the country. Get on it.”

Later that evening, the assistant returns. “I sent out a few surveys and made a few calls, and managed to find someone. Everyone who knows him claims that he’s fiercely anti-socialist.”

“Good, good,” the manager says. “But does he actually know anything about Socialism?”

The assistant shrugs. “I could check him for credentials.”

“No, no, that’s ok. We’ll just have the anchor introduce him as an expert. That should be enough for our viewers.”

The following day, the cameras are up, the staff are in place and the newscast has begun. “Berny is a serious threat to the welfare of our country. In fact, he’s bound to put our country on welfare if we let him get away with it,” the anchorman says from his chair. “Still, no one can say it better than our new guest, an expert on Socialism.”

Motioning to the side, the anchorman smiles as a scruffy man walks in, wearing a loose tee shirt and jeans. All the staff members exchange glances as this sloppily dressed man comes on, but no one says anything. The anchorman and the guest shake hands.

“Tell me, sir. How do you feel about socialism? What harm could it do to our beautiful country?”

The guest clears his throat and begins. “Well, whatever it’ll do, it’s a lot better than what you’re doing to the country right now.” He then proceeds to lay into them, complaining about the cluttered state of the room, ranting angrily about everything the anchorman has said beforehand, and even insulting the anchorman personally. People try to talk over him, but he just raises his voice and continues to verbally tear everyone apart until two men from security grab him by the arms and drag him off-camera.

Once he is safely away from the cameras, the project manager proceeds to lay into him. “What the hell was that all about? Was this a trick? Were your friends all just lying about you to get you on our show?”

The guest stares back at him, bewildered. “What do you mean? What were they saying about me?”

“That you’re fiercely anti-socialist. That little stunt you just pulled didn’t sound anti-socialist to me.”

The guest laughs. “Oh, God! That’s what you thought? No, I’m not fiercely anti-socialist. I’m just fiercely anti-social.”

Batgirl turned away and set her mind to more serious matters. This had to be the place the Riddler had referenced. Just about any comedy club would have fit the criteria of being a place where success was the number of people laughing, but Dionysus’s had a particular quirk that made them noteworthy—according to their website, every weekend, they had a special offer. Customers could pay for a bundle of six comics, who would have fifteen minutes each to present their best material. Afterwards, the audience would vote for who were the best, with the top three receiving a cash prize. It was a system that rewarded everyone, the consumer, the performers, and the establishment itself. The spectacle drew more customers, the consumer got to see various different comedians at their best, and the comics had the potential to earn more than their usual rates if they were one of the winners.

But who was Batgirl looking for? It would have been easy had her foe been wearing some flashy, ostentatious costume, but there were hundreds of people here, and none of them really caught the eye. The clientele of this theatre were mostly in their twenties or thirties, and she saw plenty of jeans and t-shirts as well as people who had come in off work in their suit and ties. She turned her attention to the comedians on stage—of the six who had joined the contest today, three were men and three were women. She leaned in and tried to focus on listening to them. Perhaps, one of them was this erstwhile friend that had sent the note. The Riddler had stated that a female was behind this, so it could be one of the three female comedians. The acoustics weren’t great in her current position, but she could just about make out the words of the current speaker, a young woman with a head of dark curls. If one of the comics was behind this, then Batgirl knew that chances were, one of the topics discussed would be superheroes. But this woman was nattering on about relationships instead! Batgirl took a deep breath tried to shift into a more comfortable position and waited, listening for anything incriminating, but the reverberations of the echoes of laughter drowned out almost all other noise.

Unbeknownst to the caped heroine, beneath the stage in the basement of the comedy club, a scene of great mirth was taking place, though this one was very different indeed. One of the principal participants was strapped down to a round, wooden table, her colourful makeup running down her cheeks from stained tears as she writhed and squealed. The other participants loomed over her like an embodiment of the reaper, clad in a black trenchcoat, cowl, and a white death’s head mask.

“Has anyone told you that you have a beautiful laugh? I guess you knew that already.” Despite the shark-like, toothy grin on the speaker’s mask, her voice was low and grouchy.

“Ohohohof cohohohourse!” Harley Quinn was not one for false modesty, even despite the trying circumstances she had found her in. She had not thought that there could be anything quite as intense as the electroshock treatments she had experienced in Arkham Asylum, but this was close, despite the fact that little pain was involved. Oh, if Mr. J could see her now, he’d laugh that she wouldn’t be able to handle something as giggly as this!

“You like to laugh, don’t you?” the masked woman said in a voice that was almost a whisper as she pressed her fingers deeper into Harley’s bare, sensitive flesh. “Let’s see how long you can keep it up. Even the strongest thread in the world will snap eventually.”

“Gihihihimmee your behehest shot!” Harley said with a whooping shout.

“Oh, I will, don’t you worry about that.”

Yet Harley was the first to confess that despite her bravado, she was closer to her limit than she would have ever admitted. Her blonde pigtails with the blue dip dye on the left side and pink dip dye on the right were getting dishevelled and tangled from the way her head thrashed to and fro. Her lace-up high-top sneakers and red and blue satin jacket had long been stripped away and thrown aside, so she was left only in her tight blue and red shorts, white crop top, and fishnet stockings. She had always known that such attire would leave her body to exposed to gunfire and the like, but she had believed that she could use Bats’s uncomfortable attitude towards female sexuality and his unwillingness to do lasting harm to her advantage—she had never imagined that her outfit could leave her milky, tattooed body exposed in other ways.

The other woman spoke again. “You've got a very becoming laugh. It’s almost like chocolate to the ears.” She drew her fingers down Harley’s long, slender stocking-clad feet to coax more laughter out of her. “It’s high-pitched but not screechy, melodious and rhythmic like music, and also as effervescent and bubbly as a fine champagne. It even has that hint of mad frenzy that I’m so partial to. I'm very envious.”

Harley had been lured to this club by offer of an alliance from The Riddler, and she had been ambushed. Her immunity to Joker Gas and similar chemical components had been unhelpful when she knocked to the ground on according of a hard hit to the head after a brief and frantic skirmish with this cloaked and mysterious woman who had called herself Gargalisa. Gargalisa wore gauntlets of dark lobstered metal and velvet soft gloves with rough iron tips, and it was the tips of these fingers that were driving the strapped down and bound Harley around the bend. Gargalisa must have had some kind of attachments on them, for at times they were sharp talons perfect for raking delicate skin, other times they were rough and scratchy like sanding paper, and there were moments when they hummed and vibrated to titillate flesh in the most ungodly of manners.

And Gargalisa had demonstrated the proficiency of those claws of hers, treating Harley’s body like a buffet of soft, vulnerable spots. She would linger at one hotspot for a while till she had finished sampling all the scrumptious flavours of ticklish agony to be had there, before moving to another fresh locale while the former was still tingling.

Harley’s white t-shirt left several inches of white skin exposed on her abdomen, and Gargalisa was not one to neglect such an opportunity. The masked woman hmmmed and aahed as she probed around that toned tummy and tried different attachments on those terrible hands of hers. Each tool spent a healthy amount of time at each spot, till the most efficient methods were determined. Once that was done, the humming, buzzing fingertips poked around Harley’s bejewelled belly button, the talons slid around the sides, and the rough fingers wreaked havoc when used to grab and count each rib, while Harley burbled with frantic laughter. After mapping out the spots, Gargalisa rolled up Harley’s top till every rib and the bottom of her bra was visible, and then went all out on that alabaster stomach till it was red with scratch marks.

“You were inviting this, weren’t you? Showing off your tummy like that. Well, I’ll oblige you.”

“Sohohohohoho whahahat! I cahahahahan take it! Mr J tihihickles me wohohorst for foreheheplay!” But that was different, so different. Her beau laughed when he did so, an infectious chortle that made her laugh almost in mimicking reciprocity, which made the whole affair even more giggly and fun. If the tickling then had the easy air of passionate lovers, this was as frigid as an arctic chill. Gargalisa was silent aside from her coarse, cutting comments, and under the mask, Harley had the impression she was smouldering with icy hatred.

After finishing off the heaving stomach with a flurry of rapid strokes, Gargalisa gravitated upwards, for the short sleeves of that white tee also provided little protection for her armpits, especially as they were stretched out eagle-spread on account of the bondage. Harley kept trying to twist her wrists and ankles free, but despite her nimble gymnast’s body, the binds were unyielding—they weren’t common ropes or handcuffs, but some kind of special device that Gargalisa had launched into the thick wood of the table. They were part cord, part hook, and part adhesive, and they kept Harley glued in place despite her best efforts to wiggle and writhe. As a result, she couldn’t pull her arms down to get away Gargalisa’s fiendish metal fingernails. Sometimes, the masked woman would keep up a steady drumming with her nails, other times, she would use the index finger to trace shapes and letters in the quivering, milky flesh of those armpits, and every now and then, when she wanted to channel some screaming machine-gun splutters of laughter out of the Clown Princess of Crime, she charged in with all ten fingernails scribbling hard into the hollows of those pits.

“Ever since people said I had an ugly laugh, I've held it in. I squawk and shriek and yowl like some cat in pain. You don't seem to have that problem.”

“Thahahahanks!” Mr. J had always liked her laugh, but Harley wasn’t sure if he would have liked it now. It was weaker and hoarser than it had been at the start of this bout of horrendous tickling, and there were coughs and chokes peppered within the high, familiar hysteria. Unlike the laughter that usually filled her up and energised her, now, she felt as if she could have comfortably slept for ten hours had those accursed fingers left her alone for a few minutes.

Harley’s long, shapely legs and feet received more than they fair share of savage attention, which had quite the lachrymose effect on the poor blonde. Mr. J liked her legs, liked her feet, so Harley had taken pains to keep them looking immaculate. The supple, sinuous white flesh was soft and well-tended to, and the toenails were painted red and black on alternating toes. And with only a thin pair of fishnet stockings to protect them, they stood no match against the three settings of Gargalisa’s terrible fingernails. The gaps within the velvety fishnets were small, so the thin, smooth fabric of the silk stockings almost did more harm than good even with fingers getting caught in some of the holes, when it came to the sheer receptivity of all the battering sensations, something Harley realised with squealing horror. Sure, they were like socks in that they diluted a certain amount of the tickling, but they also accentuated things on account of the velvety material smoothing out all the ridges, wrinkles, and crinkles of Harley’s soles, so Gargalisa’s claws were able to scythe and glide along them with ease. It almost felt as if the entire sole were being tickled at the same time, and each touch sent electric surges shooting up her legs to her overworked and exhausted brain. These long, sliding, stroking motions were particularly lethal along Harley’s high, creamy arches, where firm contact turned all her muscles to jelly and mirth to erupt out of her.

When Gargalisa’s thrumming, buzzing fingers starting playing with Harley’s long, shapely toes, wiggling, rolling, and rubbing them through the stockings, Harley’s vision grew blurred and hazy from so much laughter. The clown wiggled her slender digits in a desperate attempt to escape, but doing so only led to them getting tickled worse by those vibrating fingers. And Gargalisa did not stop until she had finishing toying with every one of Harley’s painted toes, taking care to ensure each one got equal treatment—each toes had its stem stroked, its tip teased, its pad scratched, its underside probed, and the webbing rummaged through.

“Is this too much for you? Come on, don’t disappoint me. I need you to keep singing this song till our special guest arrives.”

“Whohohohoho? Whihihihihy?”

“You’ll know soon, don’t worry,” Gargalisa said and began using the sharp, tapered fingernails to really slash from heel to the base of Harley’s toes, pressing in deep and not caring if she ripped the fishnets open.

And within a minute of this fierce raking, the stockings were in tatters and Harley’s alabaster flesh was turning pinker by the second. After granting Harley all of ten seconds to catch her breath, Gargalisa cracked her knuckles, cricked her neck, and made her way back to the blonde criminal’s midsection for another wave. Harley was guffawing before the tall, lean woman even got there, and with her feet still throbbing and tingly from residual tickles, she was in no fit state to withstand another assault.

But before Harley the brunt of another savage session of tickling, the sound of an aerodynamic yellow projectile slicing through the air caught their attention. Gargalisa looked up and raised hand just in time to for the Batarang to carom off her steel gauntlet.

“Ah, Batgirl, I was wondering when you might join us.” For the first time this evening, Gargalisa’s voice had an undertone of elation and excitement, when before she had been all cold professionalism.

“Well, I’m sorry I kept you waiting,” Batgirl’s voice was light but with an edge of snark to it. “Let’s make up for lost time. Who are you, and what are you doing to her?”

The two masked women glared at each other, Batgirl’s open-mouthed purple mask facing off against the white maw of Gargalisa’s mask. There was still the faint rumble of laughter from the above comedy show, but the room was silent aside from the hiss of the air ventilation system and Harley’s pants.

“Tell me how you found me, first.”

Batgirl nodded to Harley. “I recognised her laughter. It’s pretty distinct.”

The masked woman clapped her hands in sarcastic applause. “Very good. Well, here’s your answer—Gargalisa is the name and tickle torture is my aim.” She turned to Harley. “Be right back. Here’s something to keep you occupied.” Gargalisa fidgeted with something on her wrists, patted Harley's right foot and stomach, and stood up. Harley soon realised with howling distress that the masked woman had stuck something on those locations, something that hummed with powerful frequency to force pig-like snorts and ragged giggles from her dry mouth once more. One of these vibrators were situated at the arch of her right foot, while the other was located on the left flank of her stomach, and both of them buzzed with frenetic, mind-warping energy.

“You’re another freak borne out of the pit of Gotham,” Batgirl said, narrowing her eyes as she reached into her utility built. A silver baton rapidly retracted till it was the size of a quarterstaff, and the fiery redhead spun it in her hands. “Harley’s no friend of mine, but I’m not going to let you do whatever you’re doing to her.”

“A freak?” Gargalisa laughed without any warmth whatsoever. “There’s no need to throw barbs at each other, now is there? I can see you wish to be civil about this, as you’re such a noble, upstanding, sanctimonious citizen. Will you let me walk out of here? Or have you set up a cordon to trap me in here?”

Batgirl’s breath caught in her chest. That could have been a coincidence, the girl under the cowl who was Barbara Gordon thought, but somehow, she doubted it. The voice was too smug, and the choice of words too intentional. “No. You’re coming with me.”

“We’ll see.” Gargalisa dashed forward, her black cloak flapping behind her as she sprinted forward and closed the distance between them.

Hand-to-hand combat? Batgirl thought with wary surprise, having expected the other woman to use weaponry on account of her lithe, slender frame. But it seemed Gargalisa had a bit of muscle tucked under that toned, trim body. She came at Batgirl with a Kickboxer’s stance, only she mixed up punches with slashes—as she should, the first cut with those long silver claws of hers tore shreds away from Batgirl’s cloak and looked very capable of cutting her neck open.

Batgirl parried the blows with her staff and used a series of quick jabs to knock Gargalisa back, using the superior reach of her weapon to keep those talons away. But when she tried to launch a counter attack, her strikes were repulsed by those steel gauntlets which caught each hit and drove them slanting away. Occasionally, they shoved at each other, quarterstaff pushing against claws, and Batgirl caught a whiff of the other woman's musky perfume intermingled with the sharp smell of perspiration.

For a while, they continued this back and forth dance to the backdrop of clashing metal and Harley’s hysteria. And for all Gargalisa’s quickness, it was apparent that she was not a natural athlete, for the sounds of heavy breathing could be heard from within the mask.

“You can’t beat me,” Batgirl said. “Just come quietly.”

“You said something similar to me once,” Gargalisa said in a quiet voice. “I listened to you, and I regretted it.” She pointed an accusing finger at Batgirl, touched something on her wrist, and something blasted out of the hand towards the young caped crusader. The caped heroine tried to hop away, but the small projectile was too quick. It hit her hard in the left thigh as if she had been kneed there. Batgirl grunted and half-crumpled to the floor, grunting in pain and confusion. It was as if she had been dead-legged, and the small, bullet-sized missile had embedded into her outer thigh, where it buzzed and thrummed, sending shivers of niggling pain shooting up the leg.

“Oh, flip, I missed. I need to work on my aim.” Gargalisa sighed. “Till next time, ‘Batgirl’.”

“Wait, stop!” Batgirl took a shaky step towards the fleeing villain, but with that thing humming away in her leg, it hurt too much to run or jump. Groaning with pain, Batgirl ripped the vibrating device away, a move that took part of the spandex of her costume with it, as it seemed the projectile had erupted with some kind of glue on impact to keep it locked in place. But by then, it was too late. Gargalisa had flown up a ladder that led to the fire escape and fled.

“Bahahahahatgihihirlie! A little heehehelp please!” Harley wailed in between cackles from the wooden table she was bound to.

Batgirl sighed and retracted her staff. She wiped a bead of sweat that was trickling down her cheek and took a deep breath. She took a few ginger steps forward towards the suffering blonde criminal. With any luck, she would get some intel from Harley and by taking apart the strange devices this ‘Gargalisa’ had used. But just who was she? How did she know whom Barbara was? And what was this strange talk about knowing her in the past?

It was typical of The Riddler to present her with questions and quandaries that made her head ache, but this seemed like something different, something darker, and something far more intimate and very personal.


Batgirl sat in front of the large wall of computer screens in front of the Batcave and nibbled on her lower lip. After she had fought off the charley horse muscle bruise caused by the strange thing that Gargalisa had blasted at her, she hadn’t found a trail of where the masked woman had escaped to. And an analysis of the crime scene had been unprofitable. The crimefighter had had got lucky and obtained an untainted DNA sample in the form of a long brown hair found at the crime scene that couldn't have belonged to herself or Harley—Batgirl had even ruled out though the possibility that it belonged to a staff member at the comedy club, as the only brunette there was a man with short hair. However, the hair didn't even lead to any matches in the database, so it seemed likely that whomever Gargalisa was, it seemed she didn't have a criminal record. If so, what had led her to pursue a life of costumed villainy?

Harley had also been similarly unhelpful, as it seemed she had been lured her by The Riddler by some phony offer of an alliance. The blonde hadn’t even been able to get a good look at Gargalisa before incapacitated. The only clue left was the mysterious metal mechanism the masked fiend had used. It was high-tech for a certainty, with craftsmanship that rivalled the tools that Batgirl herself used. But the Bat-gadgets had been funded by billionaire Bruce Wayne and his company—who or what was funding Gargalisa? Batgirl picked up the silver vibration device and rolled it around the palm of her pale dexterous hand. The craftsmanship was sound if a little shoddy, which seemed to suggest something homemade, albeit made with solid materials and a high level of expertise.

“Miss Gordon?”

Barbara turned to Alfred’s lined, concerned face. “Any news, Alfred?”

“I’ve sent some of this ‘Gargalisa’ woman’s gear down to the lab to be analysed. With any luck, we’ll be able to trace some of the materials. And for your information, I believe her pseudonym is a reference to the scientific term gargalesis, which is means harder, laughter-inducing tickling involving the repeated application of high pressure to sensitive areas.”

“That sound about right. I must say, we have the weirdest rogues' gallery, don’t we? The Joker, Clayface, Killer Croc, and now some kind of crazed tickler.”

“Gotham does indeed have a habit of breeding such people,” Alfred said, scratching under his ear. “I’ve sent a message to Master Bruce informing him of the developments, and he asks if you need his help. He is willing to return, but things seemed a little dicey over where he was.”

Batgirl bit her thumb. “I can beat her, Alfred. I almost had her.”

“Almost victory is another word for defeat.”

“I know, but come on!” She shook her head. “Besides, this is personal. She, she knows who I am.”

“Are you certain?”

“Pretty much. She hinted at it pretty heavily. I’m afraid I get other people involved, she’ll take that as her cue to blab to the world that Commissioner Gordon’s daughter is some reckless vigilante. And my family have enough people targeting them as it is.”

“Have you given any thought to how she might know you? How she recognised the young lady under the mask?”

“That’s the thing I haven’t put together yet.” Batgirl stroked her chin. “She seemed to be someone from my past.”

“Well, then it seems to me that you have everything you need to figure out her identity, the way she figured out yours—a brown-haired woman from your past, highly intelligent, and tickling.”

Batgirl put her head in her hands. “Argh! I can’t think of anything. It was too long ago!”

Alfred gave her a fatherly pat on the shoulder and a warm smile. “I’m sure it’ll come back to you eventually, Miss Gordon. Until then, I fear we must wait for a breakthrough of a different sort. Perhaps, The Riddler’s will send another message?”


Wayne Towers was among the highest skyscrapers and one of the most luxurious hotels in Gotham City, a 100-storey building. From a window on one of the highest floor, Lisa looked out and saw the people walking around like ants. The image of these tiny insect-like figures milling about below made her smile, considering the guest she had in the other room of the private suite. With a few careful bribes, she had ensured that no one was watching, no one was listening, and no one was coming. Well, that last part might not have been strictly true, in more than one sense of the word.

“Sorry to keep you waiting,” Gargalisa said to the naked woman in the next room. For almost two hours, the gagged, snarling woman had groaned and writhed on the king-sized bed. “Have you realised that your powers won’t work yet? We’re too high up and away from nature, and the ventilators in here means your toxins and pheromones can’t get me, even if in the event they were able to permeate the filter in my mask. Oh, and the sedatives I injected into your system should help neutralise your powers too.”

Her green eyes brimming with animosity, Poison Ivy’s only response was to fix Gargalisa with a venomous stare.

“Oh, don’t give me that look,” Gargalisa said. “I’ll make it up to you, come on. If nothing more, I promise you it’ll be a memorable evening.” She pulled the supervillain to her feet and frogmarched her to the bit of furniture that had been Gargalisa’s own addition to the room.

It was a large bondage device that resembled a frame of sorts, where the ‘guest’ sat with limbs splayed apart. The seat was angled upwards for easy access to the victim’s delicate spots, like stomach, feet, and womanhood, which would be very exposed on accounting of the way the frame spread the legs. A multitude of belts, straps, and metal cuffs ensured that even had Poison Ivy possessed super strength or flexibility, she probably wouldn’t have been able to escape.

At the sight of this monstrous, imposing contraption, the green-skinned woman’s eyes grew very wide and she tried to pull away.

“Looks good, doesn’t it?” Gargalisa said, yanking her back. “I won’t lie and say I made it just for you, but it’s one of my proudest creations. Worth the wait, wouldn’t you say?” Gargalisa had smuggled the stockade in several large pieces of baggage, and their installation had taken the better part of an hour.

Grunting in the rag stuffed into her mouth in a vain attempt to plead for leniency or some kind of decency, Poison Ivy whimpered as she was shoved and strapped down into the device, with her shaven private spots so embarrassingly visible.

“If I’m being a bit rough for you, please accept my apologies. I guess that’s my innate dislike for redheads showing through.” Gargalisa toyed with Poison Ivy’s bushy, flaming-red hair that was similar to Barbara Gordon’s. She cleared her throat. “Understand that I bear you no ill will. But since I got Miss Harley Quinn, and your number was in her phone, you seemed to be the natural next target—forgive my bit of wordplay there.”

The green-skinned woman continued to yelp and moan into the gag as Gargalisa went into the travel bag she had brought out several tubes of baby oil and began to apply them. From Poison Ivy’s high-pitched indignant tone, she was probably asking questions about her situation.

“You probably think is unfair, don't you? Why are you in this dreadful position?” Gargalisa squirted a large quantity of oil into her palms and began rubbing them into the other woman’s feet. She observed the vine anklet around one foot, the thin, narrow size of the appendage, and how the toenails had the stark hue of fresh green apples. Before long, her pale, grey green feet were glistening with the sheen of a fresh layer of baby oil, and the masked woman had not neglected the toes nor the tops either.

Next was Poison Ivy’s slender thighs, with liberal qualities of oil being slapped around the inner flesh and close to her naked womanhood. At the touches near her most intimate of parts, Poison Ivy began to gasp and her breathing grew heavy.

“The thing is, Miss Ivy, I really need the practice, sorry. I mean, I guess I could hire call girls or something, but that wouldn't quite be the same. I need some bona fide defiance and resistance to make this realistic.”

Gargalisa finished with the thighs and applied a generous dab of oil to Ivy’s toned stomach next, followed by a judicious amount smeared into the armpits. She would really rub it in deep to ensure it was absorbed into the rapidly softening skin. And coos and light pants would slip out of the naturalistic woman every now and then, especially when the breasts received their treatment—her pear-sized breasts were perky with dark nipples erect from the blasting air conditioning, and once those brown buds had been slathered in oil, they were stiff and to attention.

“If it's any consolation, I don't plan on murdering or mutilating you or anything like that. Just sit back and take it on the proverbial chin, and it'll be over before you know it.” Having finished most of the key spots, Gargalisa returned to between Poison Ivy’s legs.

She spent the longest time there, to Poison Ivy’s squirming, groaning consternation. There, the oil would slowly be dripped down into that most delicate and intimate of spots, and Gargalisa took off her metallic gloves so that her pale, spidery hands could massage the oil in. The nether lips, the insides, and everything else around there got its share of lubricant, and Gargalisa was not content with only one layer, adding subsequent coats every time the oil dried. The masked woman gave an approving nod after she had finished her handiwork, observing how it was difficult to tell how Poison Ivy was aroused or not on account of how much wetness was there, though from the flush on the green-skinned woman’s face, she was betting the other woman was mildly to moderately turned on right now, though that was liable to change once they started in seriousness.

“I think I’ve kept you enough suspense, haven’t I?” Gargalisa took a step back and rummaging into her bag. “So, please allow me to explain your situation fully.”

Poison Ivy groaned, wishing this crazy masked woman would just get with things. Her voice had the grave, sonorous tone of the earnest, solemn worker, which Poison Ivy couldn't help but think didn't align with the heavy eroticism of the situation. After all, Poison Ivy could feel her womanhood throbbing just a bit from all the application of so much sensitising baby oil there. Combined with how her skin was cold from the air conditioning, tingly, and dotted with goosebumps, she felt as if every nerve in her body was charged, electrified, and any touch could set off an explosion.

“As a constant gardener, I'm sure you understand that droughts are what make you really appreciate the downpours. Let's see how you handle one minute of dry weather compared to two of damp for now, shall we?”

Blinking in confusion, Poison Ivy didn’t make the connection till Gargalisa pulled out the tool she had got from her bag and showed it to her. It was a big black vibrator with a ridged head, and to the supervillain's dismay, there was a niche built into the chair for the tool to slot into, right in front of her tingly sex. And if this device weren’t jarring enough, Gargalisa pressed a button on her watch and various attachments came sprouted from the metal frame with a chilling clank. The cup-sized rotatory brushes poised over her stretched-out armpits looked terrible enough, as did the pair of big electric massager on each side of her torso for her ribs. There were smaller, electrical toothbrushes perched by her stomach and inner thighs too, and even Wartenberg wheels by her soles to complete the horrific picture of tickle torture.

But it was the tools that she didn’t recognise that filled her with the most dread trepidation and sent frosty shivers down her neck. The small, coin-sized brushes set to patrol around her breasts looked awful, but it was the odd, transparent tubes near her swollen nipples that filled her with fear.

Some of those devices were imperfectly aligned with her body, so Gargalisa had to go up and tinker around for a minute or so to ensure all the devices would do their jobs, but Poison Ivy didn’t enjoy the delay—if anything the anticipation just let the fear build in her belly even more. She tried to shift away, but the cinches and straps around her waist, knees, and neck kept her from going anywhere. Even her green toes were tied back and helpless.

“It would probably be more tactically sound to remove that gag of yours so I can hear the noises you make, but I’m not sure I want to risk you spraying me with your toxins. Also, you strike me as a bit of a pompous, bitchy type, so I think I’d rather not hear you talk. Sorry if that makes it is a bit harder for you to breathe though. Let’s begin.”

While the anger from the masked woman’s cold, callous words sizzled in Poison Ivy’s chest, everything whirled to life, and the redheaded supervillain screamed at the sudden bombardment of sensations. What was it that other woman had said? A minute? She could take a minute of this, surely! She wasn’t that weak!

But the brushes, so many brushes! Poison Ivy was torn between looking down at them and looking away from their cruel ministrations. Picking which of them was worst was like choosing which limb you wanted cut off, but she could think of nothing else as the seconds crawled by. Her underarms had been very ticklish in her youth and that awful quality had been retained over the years it seemed. The brushes there operated in predictable clockwise rotations, but that knowledge didn’t make them any less effective.

The pinwheels at her feet were also a special, prickly sort of agony as they trailed up and down her arches, rolling and dimpling up the dainty skin there. Each trip made her feet quiver and fight against the steel clamps around her big toes and little toes, but her grey-green soles had to sit and take it.

The brushes around her breasts probably won the dubious prize of worst torment of all. They followed the same clockwise rotations as the ones at her armpits, but they would spiral in and then back out around her bosom, which resulted in her tender nipples getting a savage scrubbing every few seconds or so, which always made her cry out in wild laughter.

She could feel that the vibrator was on, but it was a small, timid thing, and she could barely feel it over the jackhammer of sensations from the rest of her oiled up body. Damnit, why was it such a weedy, wimpy thing!

Gargalisa sat back and watched, leaning forward with a hand on her chin. After around twenty seconds, she stood up skittered her nails along Poison Ivy’s neck and collarbones. “I forgot to put something around here. I’ll have to remember that for the next update.”

And then, there was the most magical sound in the world—the shrill beep of Gargalisa’s watch, and everything changed.

The transparent tubes above her breasts soon revealed their insidious purpose. They were like suction cups, and they felt like having her oh-so receptive nipples kissed and suckled by the most diligent of lovers. And to her infinite relief, most of the brushes switched off and even the Wartenberg wheels pillaging her taut soles. The only brushes that remained was the two that voyaged around her breasts, and with the suction cups working their wondrous sorcery, they almost felt good. And the vibrator was humming and thrumming away in her oiled-up and hypersensitive loins, her womanhood dripping with gratitude.

As beads of moisture dripped to the plush, crimson carpet of the suite, Gargalisa nodded. “When I write about this in my diary, I think I’ll use the title ‘Watering a Plant’. I hope you’ll forgive me for the pun.”

Poison Ivy could have forgiven just about anything as Gargalisa reached out and began to rub bare, warm hands across her green soles. There was no tickling here, just pleasant soothing, coo-inducing touches and caresses. Toes were squeezed, arches were stroked with tender, compassionate thumbs, and fingers worked out all the tension around the heels and balls of the foot. The raw, unbridled delight that surged from her breasts, feet, and loins was aweing, and Poison Ivy would have curled her toes if she could have. The moans that slipped out of her now were unstoppable, like one woman trying to hold back a rising tsunami.

Most of the time, Gargalisa continuing rubbing her thumbs into Poison Ivy’s pale green soles, though there were times when she just sat back and watched. “Not too bad, eh? A shame your time is nearly up. Don’t worry, the happy times will be back soon.”

The green-skinned woman’s eyes grew wide with horror. Her watch beeped, and Gargalisa pressed a button for the tools to change their functionality. As the nefarious tools returned to probe and abuse her terribly ticklish body, Poison Ivy soon found herself longing for the beautiful noise of that high-pitched beep, her heart leaping with every noise in anticipation of those blessed feelings returning. Most annoying of all was how the suctions had switched off, leaving her erect nipples to throb and ache as the brushes swept slow circles around her heaving breasts. And the lewd longing that had coursed through her body seemed to make every flick, every stroke, and every tease all the more maddening.

But as promised, the beep came after one minute, and the two minutes of unadulterated joy began again. Poison Ivy’s first orgasm came in no time at all—two tickle sessions and the two sensual sessions had taken her to the high, fertile lands of pure, drooling ecstasy.

However, after each climax, Gargalisa would punish her for such wanton pleasures by going straight into the minute of abusive tickling, regardless of how much time was left on the clock. Her hyped-up body was also a mess of sensations during this, And Gargalisa took full advantage of this heightened sensitivity with a severe walloping of torturous sensations. Yet when the watch beeped, and the touching became gentle and sweet once more, the orgasm that bubbled away in her loins was hungry, hasty, and haphazard. With each earth-shattering climax, the next one grew even more powerful and even more frazzling, till Poison Ivy was struggling to remember what day it was.

It was then that Poison Ivy began to understand why this was torture. Despite the deep, filling thrum of the vibrator pressed across her most delicate of spots, you could have too much of a good thing, and her body was being drained and milked, one orgasmic culmination at a time. With each inner explosion, her body turned against her and became more tingly and sore. The throb between her legs grew so much that she so badly wanted to edge away from those tools that kept her nipples and womanhood in such a state of libidinous frenzy. She lost count of her orgasms, only aware of the fierce embers in her loins that Gargalisa’s cruel toys refused to let peter out. Yet her sensitivity grew till everything in the world was blocked out but her breasts, her groin, and her feet. The tickling had never been a respite, and the one minute of tantalisations were almost as bad as the full two minutes of erotic battering that followed. She lost the strength to vocalise her treacherous pleasures, lost the power to grind her hips, lost the will to think of anything beyond this hellish room, this oiled-up, overheating body, and this evil woman who wouldn’t let it stop.

“Is this too much for you already?” Gargalisa stood up and reached for her phone. “Aw, don’t worry. Batgirl will be here to save you soon. Let’s keep going till she gets there. Don’t worry about making a mess on the floor with your bodily fluids. That’s what housekeeping is for.”
Batgirl’s Greatest Foe, Part 2:

“My God, what are you doing to her?”

The words of The Riddler’s latest message faded from Batgirl’s mind as she stumbled into the penthouse suite of Wayne Towers: I wait for you in the loftiest place in Gotham, with a woman close to nature.

It only took a glance to see that Poison Ivy was a mess. Harlie Quinn’s partner in crime had sweat dropping down her chin, and her face was a mask of anguished fatigue. She was locked in some strange, inhuman contraptions, where there were odd devices protruding and probing the green-skinned woman’s body in ways that made Batgirl blush and look away. The woman was also completely naked, and with the small puddle of fluid near her loins, Batgirl shuddered to imagine what was going on.

Without even thinking, the young superheroine followed her first instinct of altruism, which was to spare the saturnine woman from such dire straits. She whipped out a trio of yellow Batarangs that whooshed through the air to crash into the machine. Her aim was true, and she managed to sever several of the straps and cinches that help Poison Ivy trapped to the infernal contraption. Squirming back to life, Poison Ivy quickly got an arm free, and her first action was to punch away the thrumming, buzzing black device in between her legs, and Batgirl shuddered to think what such an item had been doing to her nether regions if that was her first priority.

But before Batgirl could dwell much more on the other woman’s fate, a fist flew out of nowhere to crack her across the jaw.

“So glad you could join us, ‘Batgirl’,” said the low, furious voice of Gargalisa. The white shark’s grin mask was as ominous as ever, as was her black cowl and long coat. Her steel glove flew out again to smash Batgirl in the stomach and send her staggering to the ground. Thankfully, the soft plush carpet of the suite cushioned the blow somewhat, and Batgirl pushed herself back to her feet.

However, Gargalisa had all the attacking initiative, and Batgirl had barely recovered before she was hit with a barrage of fierce blows. Martial reflexes took over, and she blocked, parried, and dodged what she could, but the metal of those gauntlets hurt even off of blocks, and Batgirl couldn’t stop every blow. A backhand swing to the side of the head sent Batgirl crashing into a table, with the lamp falling down on her as well. For a moment, Batgirl regretted her benevolent heart in that she had chosen to save Poison Ivy from her gruesome torture as opposed to securing the situation first—if Batman were here, he’d surely chastise her for being rash.

And to reinforce the mistake she’d made, Gargalisa swooped over while Batgirl was pushing herself off the ground and jumped on her back. The pounce knocked the air out of the heroine and illicit a sharp groan of pain.

“Does that hurt? You hurt me harder before.” Gargalisa shifted her seat till the lanky woman was placing her entire body weight down by Batgirl’s calves to pin her down in place. With an iron grasp, she grabbed at one of Batgirl’s feet and ripped the boot off. “You’re in real trouble now.”

A hundred thousand wild thoughts flooded through Batgirl’s mind as questions darted to and fro. Could she reach her utility belt? Would smoke bombs work here? What was the best tool to get out of this situation? What was going to happen? What was Gargalisa going to do to her feet? What the hell? Was she dreaming? She was seriously going to be tickled instead of punched or pummelled into submission? God, this was so embarrassing. She could feel a husky purr from behind her. Why did this have to be Gargalisa’s thing? Gargalesis! Was Barbara Gordon even ticklish? Vague memories from slumber parties and beach flitted through her mind, and Gargalisa was pulling off the thick cotton sock that was the only thing that separated savage metallic fingernails from pale, bare flesh. Batgirl tried to reach back to her utility belt, but Gargalisa slapped her hands away every time she reached over.

“You've had this coming for the longest time,” Gargalisa murmured. She would have said more, but a dewy figure stirred in Batgirl's peripheral, and a mossy fist the size of a fire hydrant came and sucker-punched Gargalisa in the side of the head and sent her sprawling.

Screaming in wordless rage, Gargalisa scrambled to her feet, where a Batarang thrown by a quick-to-recover Batgirl caromed off the metal playing off her white mask. For a fleeting moment, Batgirl caught a glimpse of angry, hazel eyes, a fringe of curly brown hair, a sharp small nose, and thin, pouty lips. Then, the mask was roughly shoved back in place, and Gargalisa said with a snarl, “Guess those sedatives wore off, didn't they? I'm surprised you didn't just slink away like a wilted bush.”

Poison Ivy stood tall and with crossed, defiant arms. “Seems unkind to abandon my saviour, especially when I knew exactly what you planned to do to her.”

“You know nothing,” Gargalisa spat.

“I know you're outnumbered now,” Batgirl added, drawing her quarterstaff from her belt.

“And know this as well. I'll get you, Batgirl, and it won't be as mild and pleasant as Poison Ivy had it.” Gargalisa turned and blasted those humming rounds from her steel fingertips like last time, but Batgirl dove behind the king-sized bed for cover and she avoided being hit.

When she stood up, she caught Gargalisa halfway to the door. Poison Ivy sent a fan of thorny darts at her and cursed when they did little more than poke holes in Gargalisa's trenchcoat. Pushing out into the halfway, Batgirl and Poison Ivy were just in time to see the elevator door close.

“No!” Batgirl said, her gloved fist pounding into the door so hard that hotel staff went scurrying away. She would have kicked at the door as well and almost did, stopping when she realised her foot was bare and breaking the bones there probably wasn’t a great idea.

“She’ll be back,” Poison Ivy said from behind the heroine in a low, weak voice. She slid to her knees, as if the effort of standing had become far too much for her. “I know her type. They take and take, and they don’t stop till they can’t get away with it anymore.”

“I hope that person who can put an end to her can be me.”

“That feels about right,” Poison Ivy said, her green eyes flicking and faint with fatigue. “She spoke about you a lot. Not just stuff to me, but just murmuring or muttering things under her breath. Says you did something awful to her back when you guys were in school. Do you remember anyone like that? Considering her obsession with tickle torture, I’d bet that was a big part of it.”

Batgirl frowned, trying to picture her mind as to why this nemesis could be, and a faint memory began to coalesce in her mind.


Back when Gargalisa had been a thin, lanky teenager known simply as Lisa, her relationship with tickling had been very different. Young Lisa Geiss, only daughter to a German mother and an absentee father, had known little of affection and mirth. But she had understood hard work, she had understood pain, and she had understood that life was very often far from fair. Her mother was a cleaner, and young Lisa had seen her mother’s callused hands, heard the groans about a sore back, and knew what it was like to have to make do with meagre, repetitive meals because nice things were beyond their budget.

And Frau Geiss had imparted the lesson that education would be their salvation—an admirable lesson if not for the way it had been administered, with vituperative words, a firm hand, and an iron discipline that would not have been out of place during the Third Reich. Average grades or worse resulted in being all but chained to her desk, and precocious, impressionable Lisa soon learned that doing well in class was the only way to escape both her mother’s tyranny and a life of abject poverty.

When gawky, gangly Lisa hit her teens, a plain-faced brunette with unflattering glasses, frizzy hair, unfortunate acne, and a prodigious head for numbers and calculations, she thought that a good future, university, scholarships, internships, and eventually, a steady, reliable income was within her grasp. All she had to was keep a low profile and don’t get caught up in the quotidian problems of every student. But such philosophies were always easier said than done.

To secure her future and avoid her mother’s wrath, Lisa had to maintain her elite grades, yet it did not take long for the nerdy girl’s prowess to receive attention of the positive and negative variety. Awards and prizes were nice, but the animosity she garnered from jealous, bitter classmates lead to some dangerous repercussion. The school graded on a curve, and Lisa’s ingenuity was bringing up the averages of the class to skew every student’s grade down.

It didn’t take more than a few months for several students to band together to humble the student whom they all believed was showing off with each top of the class report she received.

Like all good traps, it started with bait. One of the class monitors ‘accidentally’ took in Lisa’s textbook a few days before the test, and when Lisa went hunting after it, she was sent to one of the lockers in the far side of school where the monitor had apparently stored all the textbooks. There, she was ambushed by half a dozen of her classmates. A perfumed and pampered cheerleader had come up with the bright idea of tickle torture, and it was the first time Lisa had experienced it in any sustained and non-incidental way. And it was the worst possible first-hand encounter. The bratty blonde captain of the cheer team had brought her two best friends with her, and their long, varnished nails had been ruthless on Lisa’s soft, delicate flesh—feet, armpits, stomach, thighs, and everywhere in between. Nerdy Lisa had no time for sports and her resistance for non-existent as those raking, ruthless fingers scrapped her pale skin red. She tried to wriggle free, but two of the big, muscle-bound jocks kept her pinned with their coarse, strong arms, and Lisa could only scream, beg, and wail with helpless laughter. They tickled her till she was red in the face, they tormented her till her throat was raw and sore, and they were relentless till her ability to control her bladder failed her. She told them again and again that she couldn't take it, that it was too much, and repeatedly, they proved her wrong.

Tickling had proved itself to as no laughing matter, and Lisa was so confused that the sensation of hands pawing and stabbing at her resulted in as unnatural and bizarre a reaction as laughter. And Lisa had rarely done so much as smiled, and the sounds of her own chuckles and giggles sounded so unnatural and stilted. It didn’t help how the bullies mocked her over and over again for her wheezy, ugly laugh, comparing her chuckle to the cackle of some butch lesbian chain smoker.

Apologies were the way to escape punishment, Lisa knew from experience, but even as the words flew from her, they tickled harder, even gagging her at one point. It was easy to hate the five that were abusing her, but Lisa could not pretend any great revelation about their character—they were bullies and braggarts, and this was what they did to those better than themselves. They were the ones whose villainy would cause their own downfall, sure as sundown. She would report them later, no matter what threats or promises they might make, and the school would punish them severely on account of their already suspect reputations within school. But the great disappointment had been the monitor who had lead Lisa to this, knowing full well what fate awaited her. How could she have not known, after all? And that monitor was good girl Barbara Gordon, whom Lisa had once thought might make a good friend in a fit of mad whimsy. She was the one who deserved a true comeuppance, especially since it was one that society and the powers that be were unlikely to bestow upon her. But Gargalisa, née Lisa Geiss, would be sure to give it to her. And once Gargalisa had finished perfecting her craft, she would seek the snooty gymnast who had turned herself into the vigilante Batgirl, and return the favour of a humbling, humiliating ordeal.

As to how Lisa worked out that it was Barbara Gordon under the mask of Batgirl, well, some people’s mannerisms was impossible to forget, and after that day in the school storehouse, every detail of Barbara and those five bullies had been burned into her mind. Those five had little hope of matriculation, and revenge all but took care of itself. The statuesque blonde cheerleader had become a single mother with three children from three fathers, so life was almost a worse penance than anything Lisa might have been able to inflict. The blonde’s two female friends were in prison for counts of fraud and a few petty misdemeanours, as well. Of the two burly jocks, one was buried six feet under on account of resisting arrest and trying to stab a cop, and the other had drunk too much at a frat party and killed himself by causing a five car pileup.

The only one left whom fate had forgotten to slap down was Barbara Gordon, but Gargalisa would soon rectify that.


This felt had to be the worst kind of betrayal for Selina Kyle. Well, maybe not the absolute worst, but it was pretty close—to be betrayed by the creatures that were her kith and kin! Catwoman had come to this pet shop thinking that she would meet a fence here, and she could sell off some of the jewels and secrets she had taken off idiot socialites with too much money and far too little sense. The Riddler had vouched for the seller, and she would have thought that for all his eccentricities, he still knew a bit about making a tidy profit, for all his elaborate riddle props were hardly cheap.

So, she had sauntered into this dinky little pet shop in downtown Gotham thinking that she’d close a quick deal, coo at some cute pets, maybe pick up a bit of cat food, and that would that. Instead, the wily cat burglar found herself greeted with a cattleprod to the side, and now she was in a situation where all her charms and her burgundy lips did her not the least bit of good, and that her tormentors were primarily the cats that she so adored. Oh, it was outrageous, Catwoman might have laughed, though that she was doing already on account of the bombarding of ticklish sensations wriggling up her body.

“Whahahahat do you wahahahant! Stahahahap thihihihis! Lehehehet me goho!”

Catwoman was flat on her back and tied on top of a large, empty silver cage. Around the small metal bars of the cage, belts, cords, string, and duct tape were used to strap her in place. The agile criminal might have been able to pull the cage off the ground and run away with it on her back had the cage not been lashed to the floor. Her wrists were roped together and tied above her head, so her arms were stretched, and tears had been made in her black cat burglar outfit around the armpits and stomach as well. Her legs were spread and bound to the cage as well, with her bladed high-heel boots discarded and tossed to the side. In addition, her elegant black nylons were ripped open and her big toes pulled back and tied to the railing of the cage also, so her black-varnished digits could scarcely wiggle. And it was these exposed spots that drew the pet store cats’ torturous attentions.

Dripping and drowned in icy cold, white liquid, her small feet and bare stomach were the prime targets for the cats’ tongues as they lapped at every drop of milk. Catwoman had been born with small, slender, ballerina's feet, and those tiny toes didn't handle the half a dozen felines besieging them at all. With her pedicured big toes pulled back, she wasn’t able to flick her feet and nudge those cats at all, and they had free rein to rampage across her alabaster soles till every last morsel of provender was devoured by those hungry, hungry mouths. Her arches, which grew ever more wrinkly with every fresh wave of milk, were always where a majority of the cats feasted, their bristle-laden tongues and whiskers scrapping all over the delicate and highly sensitive flesh there.

With all the ropes that tied her down, she couldn’t even shake off the two tabby cats that hopped onto her stomach to lick away at the puddle of milky catnip concoction that had formed there. Why did she have to have such a trim tummy! If she’d had a bit more baby fat, the puddle there wouldn’t have been nearly as large! There was always a fair amount of the milk that pooled in her innie belly button, so there were always cold noses and probing tongues trying to explore the deepest recesses of that very ticklish navel.

And all Catwoman could do was shake her head and make her long brown hair fly around as the tongues licked and licked till her identity-concealing black masquerade mask almost became dislodged from her face. Dialogue with her captor soon became far too much of a challenge with these things whipping about, but the masked woman who had put her in this situation seemed happy to fill the conversational void.

“Thohohohose tohohohongues! So crahahahazy!”

“Yes, I hear what you’re saying,” said the tall woman in the black cloak and white skull’s grin mask. “I’m also dubious on the efficacy of this method. Well, at least for humans. I bet you’d feel a universe of difference between my pathetic tongue and those felines at your feet, right? Alas, cats’ tongues have a far greater functionality than human ones. One, all those bristles are used to rasp and scrape flesh from the bones of their prey—you know, mice and birds and the like. Also, those hooks are backward-facing, so the papillae can grip wriggling prey to prevent escape. And most amusingly of all, you know how cats always lick themselves? That’s because those spines can also serve as a built-in comb to groom the cat's fur. Oh, but I’m sorry, you’re not very interested in all that, are you? I’m sorry if I’m nattering, I have a habit of thinking aloud.”

The woman strode to the fridge, poured some more milk into a bowl, and mixed in a generous helping of catnip to it, which prompted loud, hungry mewls from the cats there. Catwoman knew that cats were not malevolent by nature—they could be greedy, could be selfish, and could be lazy, just like everyone else, but they possessed no less hatred for animosity than dogs, which seemed to have a far better reputation for some reason. It was only that infernal concoction that made them capable of such relentless cruelty to her ticklish body with those agonising licks.

“Give meeheee a break!” Damnit, Catwoman had really hoped that her captor might not notice that the milk around stomach and feet had almost been licked dry. But no, the woman used a dropper and began soaking Catwoman’s poor, petite feet once again, before pouring a large quantity of the substance onto her bare stomach also. The cats promptly tore into her with a burst of gluttonous energy, their pink tongues flying and setting the thief to fresh peals of squealing giggles.

“Maybe later.”

And after the masked woman had finished adding the new coating of milky madness, she leaned forward towards Catwoman’s taut armpits, where holes had been made to allow intimate access to the white flesh within. “I’m not sure this is for me, to be honest,” she said, “but it would be neglecting my due diligence to not try it.” She began to lick the smooth, hairless hollow of Catwoman’s armpit with slow, soft strokes of her tongue. Her tongue was far less coarse than the cats’, and the slithery, slick sensations made Catwoman jump, though it wasn’t nearly as bad as the suffering inflicted on her stomach and feet on account of the tongues there. “I think I can taste your deodorant, ew,” the masked woman said after a while, pulling her mouth back and using sharp fingernails to dig into those armpits instead.

Catwoman was no real stranger to tickling—she had been tickled on many a date with bold blueblood boys, and she had always been willing to ham up her reactions. The combination of a bright smile, a coquettish giggle, a wriggle of her body closer into his, and a squeal of “Oh, no!” was sometimes more provocative and effective than a suggestive hand, a low-cut dress, or expensive floral perfume. But those light flirtations had been ethereal, ephemeral things, and she had been locked up and lickled for a good part of an hour. She could feel sweat beading in the small of her back, her body chaffing against the ropes, and her long brown becoming tangled and dishevelled from all the thrashing. Worst of all, the rough texture of those tongues were trying the soft, pampered flesh of her stomach and soles crazy. Because of the angle of her bondage and the way her big toes were tied, she couldn’t really see the bottoms of her small, pale soles, but she saw that her white tummy was starting to grow a steady pink as the minutes trickled by. She would not have been surprised if both feet and torso were a strong red when it was all said and done.

“Plehehehease stahahap! Lehehet’s mahahake a deheheal!”

As the last dregs from this latest onslaught of dairy pandemonium drained away under the cats’ tireless tongues, the masked woman seemed to mull over this offer, scratching the side of her head and hmmming.

“Send a message to Batgirl for me, would you? She should be here before long.”

“Sure, anything.”

And this masked woman, who turned out to be named Gargalisa, told her some long-winded tale of how she apparently met Batgirl back when they were in school. Catwoman listened with only half an ear, plotting how she would escape as soon as this liar turned her back—after all, she had been lured her under full pretences! She had been tortured for such an ungodly amount of time! To expect honest dealing at this moment, especially from a renowned cat burglar was just naiveté.

“Okay, I’ll tell Batgirl. Now untie me.”

“I don’t think so.”

“What?” Catwoman gnashed her teeth and supressed a shriek as one of the meowing cats on her feet suddenly began snaking its tongue between the toes of her left foot as if convinced there were some hidden store of delicious milk secreted within.

“Well, I imagine you’re in a fairly vengeful mood right now, and I’d rather not deal with the headache. I’ve still got bruises from your galpals, Harlie Quinn and Poison Ivy.” Gargalisa reached back for her dropper and began filling it up with the milky catnip concoction. After she was done, she hovered it over Catwoman’s navel, shooing away the cats that tried to lap directly from the dropper. “Wouldn’t want you to get bored, so here’s a little something to keep you entertained while I’m gone. Purr for me a bit more, little kitty.”


“I think I remember you,” Batgirl called after she pushed her way inside the pet store in Downtown Gotham, having been sent there by another one of The Riddler’s messages. “Lisa, right? Lisa Weiss? Brilliant Gotham Engineer, quit your job a month ago, went to the same school as me. And, I, I wronged you before. I didn’t know what they would do you back then. I’m sorry. It’s never too late for apologies, right?”

“Is that you, Batgirl?” called the breathy, husky voice of Catwoman from deeper inside the shop. The room was silent aside from the faint murmur of mewls and sound of multiple light footsteps that were probably cats.

“Yeah,” the heroine said and reached inside her utility belt to pull out a Batarang in case this was some kind of trick. “Where’s Gargalisa?”

“She’s not here.”

“Is that right? She’s not standing next to you or hovering in the shadows or something?” Batgirl craned her neck and focused her hearing on Catwoman’s voice. The slightest tremor, the slightest reluctance, or the slightest strange inflection in her voice that indicated the catsuit-wearing thief was being held hostage would change Batgirl’s approach entirely.

But Catwoman sounded as blasé and nonchalant as ever. “Nah, she’s been gone at least an hour.”

“Alright, I’m coming in,” Batgirl said and slipped in the door to the back of the pet shop. When she pushed it open, there was a light tinkle of a bell that sent her heart to racing. She still kept the Batarang in her hand in case Gargalisa was hidden away somewhere, though things were probably safe if Catwoman’s keen instincts indicated the tickle-obsessed fiend was gone—though then again, Catwoman’s reflexes can’t have been that good if she had allowed herself to be captured.

She took in the scene of Catwoman tied up with a variety of cords and string. Her face was blanched, her makeup was stained, and there were rips in her black suit and on top of the cage, though otherwise she didn’t seem too worse for wear, and there were a gaggle of felines loafing around, meowing, scratching themselves, and doing other miscellaneous cat things. A quick poke around the place showed that there was no one around but small animals like hamsters, dogs, and rabbits shuffling about in cages. “I’m susprised you didn’t get out of here yourself. You always were the slippery sort.” Batgirl reached down to undo the knots by Catwoman’s arms.

“If I had longer, I probably could have,” Catwoman said with a hint of defensiveness in her voice. “But I’ve been preoccupied since that Gargalisa maniac left.”

Batgirl saw the way the other woman’s tiny, black-painted toes were tied back and nodded. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to tease you or anything. It must have been rough.”

Catwoman rolled her shoulders back, rubbed her wrists, and shrugged. “I’ll live to fight another day, and I guess that’s what matters. You’re gonna get that crazy woman, right? You know who she is?”

“I think so.”

“Good. From what she said, she could tell the net was starting to tighten.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Well, she told me to leave you with a message.”

“And that message was? Come on, spit it out. You always were dramatic.”

“Cats are prideful. They like being the centre of attention.” Catwoman smirked and gave a loud that made her sound like her old self. Selina Kyle had worked with Batgirl and even Batman on several occasions, and their relationship had always been that of playful antagonism. “She said stuff about how she knew you would trace her tech before long, or she’d leave clues like DNA and stuff. Or maybe The Riddler would just rat her out.”

“Would The Riddler do that? I thought they were allies in this!”

“It sounds like she’s just funding The Riddler in exchange for his assistance. Or she’s sleeping with him, I guess. That’s a second purse that’s near inexhaustible.”

“I don’t even want to think about it. What else did she say?”

“That she was going on a hunt another one of your friends next. That’s why she couldn’t stay to ‘greet’ you.”

“A hunt, you say?” Batgirl repeated, a pit of dread gnawing from her belly. “I think I know her next target—Huntress.”

“That should be quite the catfight,” Catwoman said and laughed, though Batgirl felt far from jovial about the situation that awaited one of her closest friends and comrades.

When Batgirl finished ripping the ropes and cords away, Catwoman stood up and leapt away from the cage she had been bound to, but the release of weight must have triggered some kind of booby trap, because in an instant, pellets were launched from behind boxes, the vents, and other hidden spots to blast down on the two women. Catwoman shrieked like, well, a yowling cat as almost a dozen of the vibrating tips blasted into back, arm, and leg. However, a wincing Batgirl reached quick enough to only get hit three times—all on the left arm near the wrist, where the humming tips sent an itch so fierce that Batgirl ripped holes in her gloves trying to get them off. Batgirl recognised them as having the same bit as the things that Gargalisa had used on her during their battle at the comedy club.

As Catwoman writhed in agony, Batgirl helped pluck those terribly stinging bullets out. “She’ll never make it easy, will she?” Batgirl muttered about Gargalisa.

“You have to give her a good scratch across the face for me,” Catwoman said, in between breathy groans. “Or at the very least a solid kick between the legs.”


Between Helena Bertinelli’s legs was a special kind of tantalising agony. Prowling the streets at night with crossbow in hand, the superheroine known as Huntress was a fearsome warrior to behold, but her calamitous current predicament robbed her of all the intimidation she had possessed. It was impossible to strike fear in the hearts of man as beads of lust dripped out of her womanhood and down her toned, pale inner thighs.

Huntress shivered and all but cried out as she felt the cruel swabbing of that small, thin, soft-tipped paintbrush on her most intimate of spots once more. It traced briefly around the hypersensitive triangle of flesh around the opening of her throbbing womanhood, before probing into the damp, pink folds with slow, long strokes that would have made her moan had she not chomped down on every interjection with a fierceness that made her teeth tingle. She tried to conjure up the energy for dine righteous fury, but it was just so hard to do when you were so damn horny.

Every now and then, the artist would stop to dab her brush on an easel—this artist’s paint was a bottle of baby oil, which was continuously applied to all manner of delicate spots that most certainly could do without them, though their application was always interspersed with torment of that most wet, throbbing, needy spot. Huntress’s keen mind had quickly worked out the sequence, though it brought her little pleasure. No, there would only be enough pleasure to excite, to tease, to get one’s hopes up, that had become painfully clear.
After a few minutes of the bristles of that fine-tipped brush stoking that spot till it was convulsing and crying out for more, just a bit more, the masked painter would stand up and go to another spot. Sometimes, it would be the creamy, hairless hollows under Huntress’s strong, sinewy biceps. Other times, it would be the prominent abs and strong stomach, paying particular attention to her belly button. The feet were also bad, as the paintbrush took care to slide between each of her long, purple-painted digits to coat that hidden cove in the slick oil as well. The oil made it so bad, and Huntress rapidly learned that fingers or that paintbrush between her pedicured toes was something she absolutely could not stand and tore that a potential orgasm unlike anything else. The inner thighs were also perilously close to the inferno coming from between her legs, so the paintbrush sweeping along the soft flesh there would send electric tendrils shooting up her legs to coarse throughout her body. Worst of all would be when her breasts were the focus. The brush would swirl and flick across her nipples till they were stiff and erect, and then those sharp fingernails would descend upon her to whip her further into an erotic mania.

And while the spot was being attacked without mercy or relent with soft brush and fierce fingers, Huntress’s womanhood would continue to contract and twitch, like a desperate hand trying to wave for attention. Alas, it would get none, not until she had been torn down with the all-consuming tickle sensations till she was far away from climax. Then and only then, when Huntress didn’t even want it back there, would the paintbrush return between her legs to dab away merrily with the sensitising baby oil once more, pushing and shoving her back up to the highest echelons of pleasure once more, only to stop when she was a step away from the heavenly door of pure ecstasy to push her back down the stairs with the help of more hellish tickling.

Yet there was nowhere for all the excessive energy to go but to be fuel for the roaring furnace in her loins. As much as the developed muscles of her arms, legs, and torso strained against her bonds, they refused to slack, and as strong as she was, she could not bend solid steel. Huntress was in a plastic office chair, with her legs propped up on a nearby desk and bolted in place with the kind of grips used to keep wood in place for sawing. Her wrists were handcuffed, and the steel, police-issue handcuff itself was attached to a hook in the ceiling to keep her wiry, toned body tight and taut. The remnants of her purple and black costume were strewn across the floor of the office where she had been lured by the prospect of intelligence on some of her supervillain foes.

Her slender fingers and toes curled and uncurled as the pendulum motions of the paintbrush sweeping along her nether regions brought forth another heatwave that threatened to charbroil her brain. Oh, Huntress would never had believed it could be this bad to be brought to the edge of orgasm and then led away. She couldn’t help but look back in longing at the ecstasy that had been so close, so within her grasp. If she had been asked about this a few hours ago, she would never have believed it could have been this bad. After all, she’d had her share of disappointing dates with guys that let her down and only thought of their own enjoyment. But Huntress had always believed that in the unlikely event her lustful urges became so powerful, she could always send those energies through another outlet, like exercise, and exercise was something Huntress always got plenty of. But now? There was nothing to do but take it, try to wiggle her chafed wrists outs of her handcuffs, and hope for a rescue. Even if she got an arm free, she wasn’t sure her first priority would be escape and not to sate this pressing need between her legs.

But waiting had never been her strong suit, and this was no exception. Right now, she could feel the paintbrush tracing each ab of her six pack, the way it had done several times before. No, they weren’t done. Far from it. This masked woman would never let it end so quickly. What had she said before? “Let’s see how long I can keep you on the precipice. When Batgirl gets her turn, I’d happily deny her for weeks if possible. We’ll need to keep you going a few hours at the minimum.”

Why this woman in the silver death-head mask had such a grudge against Batgirl was a quandary Huntress was beyond pondering right now as more grunting gasps escaped her pale lips and her sweaty long black hair stuck to her face. There was just too much pent-up sexual frustration to think straight.

The paintbrush went away for a second, came back with a wet, gloopy, and glistening tip to start dipping into Huntress’s navel, and she screamed, the ticklish sensations sending her crashing back down. Those soft bristles swirled and swirled into that ticklish little hovel as tears of cruel mirth streamed down Huntress’s face.

And when the brush pulled away to begin applying more oil to the slick, delicate her womanhood, Huntress was close to whimpering. Swab, swab, swab. Twitch, twitch, twitch. Huntress tried to thrust her hips forward as a way of snatching back autonomy, but it took a lot of exertion to go forward even a little bit, and this cruel, cruel woman moved the paintbrush away from her nethers every time she did it to attack another spot instead, though only after at least a minute of teasing lest her loins go unprovoked for too long.

“You know what happens when you do that,” the masked woman said in her cold voice, and the paintbrush veered to the left and began drawing figure eights on the left inner thigh. Huntress cursed herself for that pitiful display of physical begging that she hadn’t been able to stop. But it was a reflex, a desperate instinct borne of a body that had succumbed to vexing pleasure.

The paintbrush traced lower, gliding across the scarred knee, along the shins, and flicking across the pale instep before arriving at the left sole. Huntress found the breath for a groan as she braced herself for the foot tickling that was doubtless to follow. Some more application of oil later, she had that accursed paintbrush tracing the wrinkles in her arches as she curled her deep purple-painted toes. Whenever the toes grew tired of curling from Huntress’s tired muscles screaming at her, the paintbrushes would dive into the gaps of those splaying digits to sweep those devilish bristles all over the creamy skin within. Huntress soon began painfully aware of how bad the webbing under her agile, monkeyish toes, her undersides, and the stems handled the bristles, and nothing tore away the lingering joys of her womanhood faster.

Having brought her back to dreary earth, it seemed it was now time to bring her back up again. The masked woman hummed to herself as she stirred the paintbrush into the vat of baby oil once again despite Huntress’s shouted protests. Once the paintbrush was slathered in the clear, transparent liquid, the slow, arduous process began anew with steady strokes along the glistening, hungry lips of Huntress’s tingly womanhood. After the outer battlements had been coated in both the oil and fluid of a more lascivious nature, that cold, ruthless brush slipped inside to do its diabolical work on the soft inner flesh that could never handle stimulation of any kind without forcing a strong physiological reaction.

And it only took a few strokes to turn the tap on, and the building crescendo began its call. Huntress couldn’t stop the groans from slipping out of her dry lips and her hips from attempting to grind towards that amorous touch. Oh, when would this end?

“What's wrong?” the masked woman asked, leaning forward and speeding up the speed of her brushing. “I thought you were loving this. Sick of the paintbrush already?”

“Sick, sick of you, you crazy freak. The carefree condescension in the other woman's fave gave angry power to her arms and she surged forward, though she only managed to move her arms an inch towards her foe before the bonds snapped her back in place. Huntress wailed with a scream that Black Canary might have been proud of with her supersonic call.

And to the vigilante's surprise, the masked woman actually seemed a little taken aback by the outburst. She shuffled a few steps away, her black boots scuffing the carpeted floor in her apparent haste.

“Wow, was it, was it really that bad?” Her voice suddenly had none of the smugness from before, but was instead filled with quiet surprise and shock, like a toddler awed by her own strength. But then someone changed in this lean, mysterious woman. Her posture straightened and she chuckled. “I have to see how you handle the big guns then. If you were going that crazy because of that little old paintbrush, it's imperative we try out every tool in my arsenal on you.”

The paintbrush that had caused such suffering was tossed aside, and a new tool took its place. If the painter’s tool had been one firm point of attack, like a dragon’s fearsome maw, this was more the multiple heads of a hydra. It was a bundle of feathers not unlike that of a small feather duster, and their soft, swirly touch on her raw and throbbing womanhood was slithery and overwhelming. The soft plumage danced all that shivering, shaking mound, sweeping those downy feathers here, there, and everywhere as if they were being caressed by a hundred lovers’ touches at once. Yet for all that feathery fondling, the feathers were somehow lacking, despite the stiff sensitivity they inflicted by sweeping over her thighs, the nook between hip and groin, and, of course, the nether lips themselves.

When Huntress felt a cool hand poised over her womanhood to open up her slit so the feathers could better slip inside, she felt certain there was nothing that could stop the train from leaving the station. She would finally get there. But no, she was wrong. The room was silent from the sound of giggly grunts and the soft scrape of feathers of flesh. All that oiled-up flesh was just too sensitive from the oil, too deprived from sustained teasing, and too tender to such ticklish touches.

“I really don’t understand you, Gargalisa,” said a voice from the rafters. It sounded familiar, a voice that Huntress thought she recognised, but with her lust-addled mind, she couldn’t be sure. It was difficult to be sure of anything but the mind-numbing longing between her slick legs. “Why would you do this?”

Huntress managed to crane her neck towards the ventilation system where a yellow, black, and purple figure leapt down and landed on the ground with a lithe, lupine grace. She smiled at the sight of Batgirl, who could only be her saviour, but she was surprised the redheaded hero did not have a Batarang in hand.

“Why would I do what?” There was no fear in the masked woman’s face, this ‘Gargalisa’. In fact, if anything, Huntress thought she sensed an undercurrent of nervous energy in her voice, like a fangirl meeting her idol but trying to keep cool about it.

“Why would you use tickling? I remember who you are now, Lisa.”

“Do you?” Gargalisa crossed her arms and tossed her head back. “It took you long enough.”

“Thought those guys did to you was awful, and I’m sorry. But I don’t get you.”

“What’s so hard to understand?” Gargalisa’s voice was cold and high, and her arms were crossed.

“It’s like being bitten by a snake and then devoting your life to throwing snakes at other people so they could feel the same pain you did.”

Gargalisa’s laugh was wild. “Have you been to Gotham? You’ve just described the origin story of at least a dozen of the denizens here. But you’ve asked a question I haven’t really considered. I guess the answer that it gives me a perverse thrill isn’t a very good answer.”

“If that were the case, shouldn’t you be thanking me instead of hunting me down?” Batgirl said, her red lips twisted into a cheeky smirk. “Surely, I did you a favour with the whole sexual awakening thing.”

“I don’t think so. It’s more like I found a way to make the most of the terrible, horrible, no-good experience. A Nietzschean what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger sort of thing. Besides, I’ve burnt so much money and time setting this up that it seems a little foolhardy to go back on it now—sunken costs be damned.”

Batgirl gave a big sigh, and Huntress could see the way her blue eyes rolled in annoyance. “It would have been nice to settle this amicably.”

“Things will go amicably—for me, anyway, once I’ve got your strapped down so I can return the ticklish favour from all those years ago. En garde!”

There was the clangour of metal and projectiles whizzing through the air to ricochet off plastic desks and office computers. Batgirl was hurling Batarangs that cracked off computer screens or embedded into the walls, while Gargalisa was firing some kind of blaster from her gauntlet that sent humming silver pellets that cracked into the desk to send chunks of plastic flying. Both women took cover—Batgirl behind a water cooler and Gargalisa by the partition of the cubicle as they took turns returning fire.

With all that was going on and the fresh rush of adrenaline coursing through her body, Huntress found she was able to put aside the residual lust from her mind, and she redoubled her focus on working her arms free. Her wrists were slick with sweat, and the lubrication would help her maybe wiggle out of these cuffs if she worked for it long enough, though the process hurt like hell from those steel things biting into her arms—Gargalisa had not cuffed her tight enough, which was a typical amateur’s mistake. For all the woman’s evident intelligence and cruelty, she wasn’t as battletested as herself or Batgirl. They could beat her, apprehend her, and send her to Arkham where she belonged.

She had to get out quickly. But Huntress knew that the battle could be over quickly—hers had been. Those pellets of Gargalisa’s hurt like hell, and they could finish a fight in a hurry. Huntress had come to this block of offices expecting to meet with an informant who had information on The Riddler, but instead she’d come face to face with that trenchcoat-clad masked woman with those savage steel claws of hers. Shortly after the ambush, Huntress had sparred briefly with the other woman, and although Huntress had given as good as she got, the advantages her opponent had were too overwhelming—her foe had got off a strong pre-emptive strike thanks to her stealthy, sneaky approach, and a paralyzing jab to the midsection and sent tendrils of paralysing pain crawling through Huntress’s body, which had left her winded and unable to keep up with her opponent’s all-out attack. Those claws of Gargalisa’s looked a little like silver fingerpicks sometimes favoured by guitarists, but they hurt like hell and let you numb with every chop, jab, or scratch.

And it seemed the duel between the pair had reached the stage of close quarters combat, as Huntress saw Gargalisa vault over the plastic cubicle and charge towards Batgirl, firing another volley of pellets as she went. The silver projectiles crashed into the water cooler beside the young heroine to spray the redheaded girl with a torrent of clear liquid. As Batgirl yelped and wiped the water from her face, Gargalisa closed in and hit her with a flurry of quick blows to stomach, shoulder, and head.

“Leave her alone!” Huntress shouted as she finally got an arm free. The cords around her legs would take a bit of fiddling to wiggle out off, and she wasn’t sure how much time her friend had. She reached for the nearest object—a stapler—and threw it hard at Gargalisa. It thunked off her mask with a long clang.

The howl of pain from the masked woman bought Batgirl enough time to kick Gargalisa away with a strong blow to the chest that sent her crashing into a desk. Stationery fell on top of her, and Gargalisa pushed herself back to her feet with a grunt.

“Alright, enough screwing around,” Gargalisa said, panting hard. She fiddled with her gauntlet, and suddenly a long needle snapped out the wrist of the gadget armband she wore. “Good night, Huntress.” Gargalisa aimed and fired the needle at her, and the young vigilante knew she wouldn’t able to wiggle away with it aimed at the centre of her body.

Huntress closed her eyes and braced for impact, wondering if she was about to die, but a sharp cry made her dark eyes fly open.

“No!” Batgirl sprinted forward, tackling Huntress with full momentum and knocking her down.

“Wow,” Huntress said, smiling. “I forgot how quick you were.” The smile died when she saw the needle embedded in Batgirl’s thigh. “Hey, hey! You okay!?” She shook Batgirl’s shoulder, but the redheaded hero was lifeless, though Huntress could hear her breathing faintly.

“Wow,” Gargalisa said, sidling towards them. “That could hardly have worked out better. Knockout serum.” She fiddled with her other wrist, and another needle soon snapped into place. “Now, it’s your turn to take your medicine.” She chuckled, stepped closer and took aim at Huntress’s chest. “Oh, what fun we’re going to have later.”
Batgirl’s Greatest Foe, Part 3:

Perhaps it was a sign of how accustomed and acclimatised Batgirl’s mind had become from her repeated bouts with Gargalisa that her first thought was not despair at how tight, exposing, and restraining her bondage was, but confusion at how it was not nearly as bad as it could have been.

Sure, her position could hardly have been considered comfortable. Batgirl was tied to a thick wooden pillar in some kind of underground storehouse, with her back arched and her head staring up into the rusted air ventilators that lined the ceiling. Her arms were pulled straight and yanked behind her back so that they pointed down towards the dusty ground but were unable to reach it. Steel cuffs kept her wrists pinned together, and a chain attached to the ground kept them from going anywhere useful. Putting Barbara Gordon’s renowned gymnastic flexibility to diabolical use, her long, slender legs had been spread wide till she was doing the splits, with thick bundles of rope under the knee, along the ankle, and around the upper thigh to keep her secured in place.

At least, she was still in the spandex of her Batgirl costume, though holes had been ripped in the armpits and stomach, and the rubber soles of her boots had been ripped off as well. Her current position meant she was elevated off the ground, the and hanging there filled her with a strange sense of dizzying disorientation, though that was the least of her worries.

But having studied the crime scenes of each of Gargalisa’s previous victims, Batgirl knew that things could and doubtless would get far worse. Although the splits meant that her womanhood would be laughably easy to access, her lower body was still clothed. Although the soles of her shoes had been torn off, her socked feet were still free to wiggle and absent of toe-ties or anything similar. Although she saw little hope of squirming free with all the knots and ropes applied to her body, though was no blindfold across her face, no gag in her mouth, and no nudity. Gargalisa had taken only Batgirl’s mask off. The situation was dire, but it seemed Gargalisa did not intend to rush things—Batgirl could take advantage of that. Time was her ally. On a long enough timeline, she didn’t see a situation where salvation did not arrive. A moment would come, an opportunity would ring the doorbell, a mistake would be made, and things would go back to the way they were supposed to. The heroine would defeat the criminal, and the mentally insane would be sent to Arkham where they hopefully would receive the appropriate medical treatment.

The only thing she had to do was survive and not lower her guard, despite all the attempts Gargalisa would throw at her in an attempt to cloud and dilute her shrewd mind with silly thoughts. Batgirl had learned that there were few limits to the depravity this Gargalisa, the former classmate who had once been shy, geeky Lisa Geiss, was capable of, so she had to remember that.

Batgirl remembered the all-out tickle torture that had been inflicted on Harlie Quinn with those sharp claws of hers, the ruthless sexual overload done to Poison Ivy with vibrator and brushes, the cruel, ceaseless licking done to Catwoman, and the methodical, tantalising teasing of the most secretive of intimate spots Huntress had endured. Wait, where was Helena? Huntress had been with Batgirl when she had been knocked out—had she escaped? She could only hope that there might be somehow out there who could contact Batman, Robin, and Alfred to come spring her free. Until then, she would just have to take it without losing her mind.

Gargalisa would probably slowly build up to something similar to what she had done to those four other women, so the trick to riding this out was to stay calm, keep cool, and don’t overreact to her little tricks. Batgirl took a deep breath. She knew it would be much easier said than done.

The door opened, and Batgirl tried to crane her neck to look at the source of the encroaching footsteps but found she could not. With the way she was tied, she could see her chest and the tips of her feet splayed to the side, but that was about all of her body that was visible.

She wanted to believe it was Batman, Robin, or Huntress, but she knew that none of them would have such loud, clomping footsteps. This could only be Gargalisa.

“Hello, Barbara,” came Lisa Geiss’s voice, as stiff and faux-polite as if forced to greet her in class. “I hope that dart of mine didn’t leave you with too much of a headache. Dosage is always a tricky thing, and I was hoping to not need to use those unless it was a last resort.” The voice came closer till Gargalisa was right in front of Batgirl’s face. She looked a bit funny upside down, so it took a moment to recognise the girl without her mask. It had been so many years since Batgirl had seen that thin, haggard face of Lisa’s with the long nose, curly brown hair, and narrow, empty eyes.

“I don’t get you,” Batgirl said, sighing and staring up at the tall, gangly woman who had once been her schoolmate. “If you were angry or bitter about this whole thing, it would make more sense, but your own attitude about this had just been so confusing.”

“Considering how often your ‘work’ brings you in contact with the Joker and other maniacs, I’m surprised you can say something like that. But for curiosity’s sake, what is it about my demeanour that you find so perplexing?”

“Your whole attitude about this,” Batgirl said, speaking before her mind knew in what direction her words were going. It didn’t matter what she really said, she knew, only that her train of thought keep on chugging along. Every second they wasted bandying words for a second before the brutal tickling began, and another minute that rescue came closer. “I mean, you’re not foaming at the mouth, you’re not laughing like an insane person, and you’re not speaking in rhymes or forcing yourself into this puzzles, you’re just, just—”

And thankfully, Gargalisa played along. She quirked an eyebrow and completed Batgirl’s sentence. “Obsessed with tickling?”

“But you don’t seem obsessed. It’s more like a curiosity for you, or some kind of experiment.”

“Like a phase? A sudden predilection for sexual deviancy? I never dated much in high school, as you know, so I wonder if this is sort of my bad girl moment.” Gargalisa shrugged. “Be that as it may, there’s no sense in stopping now. I can’t stop now. Have to see things through.” She coughed and cleared her throat, and in a loud, pompous voice, said, “I am in blood stepped in so far, that should I wade no more, returning were as tedious as go o'er.”

Batgirl rolled her eyes at Gargalisa’s vainglorious drama of the moment, but she supposed it could hardly be considered melodrama when one was in more or less in a life or death situation, for both of them. If Lisa succeeded, who knew what kind of state Barbara Gordon would be at the end of it. If Gargalisa was overpowered and Batgirl escaped, at the very minimum she would be looking at a long and painful tour of Arkham Asylum.

“But I think that’s enough dilly-dallying from me, don’t you think?” Gargalisa made a beeline to Batgirl’s right foot and rubbed her gloved hands together in diabolical glee, chuckling in anticipation.

Batgirl craned her neck to the right to glance where Gargalisa loomed over her right foot. She tried not to wince as a knife was procured to cut around the boot and thin cotton sock till the sole was bare. The same was done on the left foot before Gargalisa returned to the left once more. From Batgirl’s low vantage spot on account of the bondage, it was hard to see more than the cheerful yellow of her toenails and a bit of her insteps beside the heavy wooden beam her foot was tied to, but she knew what Gargalisa was looking at.

The young redheaded vigilante had always been partial to a nice pedicure, though she had held off on this predilection once it had become clear her next foe was obsessed with tickling—knowingly amplifying her own sensitivity would be like handing her foe a gun and turning around. But the days spent chasing Gargalisa probably hadn’t been enough to toughen up her feet all that much, especially when Barbara’s last visit to a spa had been a mere fortnight ago. Her slender feet were a yellowish, peachy colour, with heavy splotches of cream around the arches. They were neither especially long nor short and stubby, though they did have the high, well-structured and wrinkly arches of a lifetime gymnast who spent a lot of time hopping and prancing about. Those agile, painted toes were the colour of sunflowers, though the paint was a little chipped from Batgirl’s very active lifestyle.

“I haven’t seen these in years,” Gargalisa said, sounding almost wistful. “I remember how you used to wear flip flops and sandals a lot to school back then. And you always did your nails in the most flamboyant of colours as if to taunt me. I knew what it meant—it was a mockery, a remainder that you were untouchable there by someone like me, much as I might want revenge. You could tease me all you liked with absolute impunity, drawing so much attention with all those bright colours. It’ll be fun to humble you.”

Mouth half-open in preparation for a retort, Batgirl was about to speak when a lazy finger swept down her sole. At once, the cold metal of those rough talons sent a shiver shooting up Batgirl’s legs and up her spine. Gargalisa still wore her gloves, and the rough, coarse steel tip of those nails of her itched the tender skin of Batgirl’s sole like nothing she had ever experienced. Part of it was sharp and firm like the point of a pen, part of it was bristly like a toothbrush, and part of it was pronged and clawed like a fork. All in all, it was almost difficult for her brain to compute all these competing sensations as that lone finger dawdled on Batgirl’s right foot, grazing slowly from heel to toes and then back again while the heroine gritted her teeth and tried not to react.

Already, she could feel her feet flinching, trying to avoid the touch of that hellish index finger as it explored the contours of her foot. She didn’t want to give Gargalisa the satisfaction of knowing exactly how much it was bugging the heck out of her. She tried to calm her flexing toes, but it was just so hard to keep them still and play it cool when the nail went poking around there. It was like trying to stave off the impulse to blink.

And laughter was out of the question as well. Batgirl refused that outright. Laughing would be defeat. Laughing would open the door to madness, as more than one encounter with the Joker had taught her. Sure, it might be easy to embrace the insanity—Harley Quinn had almost seemed to enjoy the tickling—but dipping her toe into the abyss was something Batgirl had no intention of doing willingly.

Speaking of toes, Gargalisa was picking on them one at a time now, which prompted more huffs and grimaces from Batgirl as the teasing started to speed up in pace and intensity. Instead of just one index finger sweeping along the sole in a lazy, meandering manner, there were two fingers now—forefinger and thumb. The thought of being so irked and annoyed by two mere fingers sounded absurd, but like anyone who had ever been in a fight, two fingers could be all too dangerous depending on exactly where they were. Those two fingers would grab, pinch, and gently wiggle each thin, slender toe. It was akin to the games of ‘This Little Piggy’ that Barbara had played with her father when she were but a child, but Jim Gordon had never had rough fingers like these.

The combination of those devilish metal nails and Batgirl’s tender feet meant that Gargalisa’s ponderous, meticulous examination of each digit tickled more than it had any right to. Those two fingers would slide and rub over each toe to make slow, sustained contact with the tip, the rosy pad, the webbing between, and especially the stem. When Gargalisa would roll her fingers around the stem of the trapped toe, Batgirl almost felt as if that part of her poor foot were aflame, and she tried in vain to shake or flap away the source of such fiery irritation.

“You’re quite the wiggler, aren’t you?” Gargalisa said in a cool, amused voice as she finished toying with the little toe on Barbara’s right foot, which prompted a quick angry scrunching of said appendage. Alas, it was little use, as Gargalisa’s strong fingers were able to pry open the toes no matter how hard Batgirl tried to keep them shut.

“I’m, I’m not going to make this easy for you!” Batgirl said, trying to keep her voice as steely as possible, though even she couldn’t stop her voice from quavering when that mechanical finger touched upon a sensitive spot, of which there seemed to be a worrying plethora of.

“You know you’re just wasting your energy, right?” Gargalisa slowed her movements till her finger and thumb were an agonising, swirling crawl across the pad of Batgirl’s big toe. “Resisting is just denying your instincts and denying human nature. Just laugh. You should know I’m nothing if not methodical, and my research has led me to believe that all this fighting will just sap your strength and wear yourself out. But by all means, do whatever you like. I understand that you may not consider me a reputable source.”

Batgirl gnashed her teeth and stared upwards as the toe teasing continued. Then, suddenly the fingers there disappeared. She kept her toes curled a while longer in case it was some trick, but after about ten seconds, her tired toes opened with a fatigued, weary reluctance. She started to let out the breath she had been holding in ever since the tickling had begun.

It was then that the silver fingers struck again, latching onto the middle toe of the right foot. Batgirl had hated it most when that toe had been played with, and it seemed she had been unable to keep that a secret from Gargalisa after all. Batgirl threw her head back, closed her eyes, and hissed through clenched teeth. Spittle threw from her lips as the fingers rolled along the stem of that terribly ticklish middle toe.

Gargalisa kept on pushing, sweeping her fingers all over the toe till the entire digit felt tingly and hot from all the stimulation. They spun and brushed, going everywhere as if they were trying to scrub clean the traumatised toe. In desperation, Batgirl kept trying to scrunch her toes or push the encroaching hand away, though it often achieved little but more incidental tickling by brushing against those bristly, scratchy fingers. A grunting whimper passed her dry lips.

“It’s bad, isn’t it?” Gargalisa said, her fingers not slowing down at all. “And just think, I haven’t even turned my nails on yet. You know they’re supposed to vibrate, right? Right now, I’m the equivalent of a swordsman using her offhand. I hope you know exactly what kind of trouble you’re in for, Barbara.”

She drew her hand back again to leave Batgirl to linger in the aftermath of all those ticklish sensations. Batgirl was panting hard and her defiant feet felt so tired, but she dared not unscrunch her toes lest she leave herself open to another sneaky attack.

“Still holding on, huh? Let’s move on to something else.” Gargalisa stood up from her perch at Batgirl’s right foot and began walking down to where her left foot was.

Expecting a certain tactical symmetry to this attack, Batgirl was just starting to steel herself for a coming onslaught on her left foot when Gargalisa suddenly stopped halfway through. A second passed, and then without so much as a word, Gargalisa suddenly used all ten fingers on a ferocious strike on Batgirl’s tummy.

She yelped at once, grunting and trying to twist away, but the wooden beam she was bound to was as implacable as ever, and despite the size of her abdominal muscles, she could felt all ten of those sharp, merciless fingers as they skittered all over her stomach. The thin fabric of Batgirl’s spandex costume provided a little protection, but it was dismaying to learn that flexing the muscles of her abs did little good against the scurrying fingers, not that Batgirl was able to keep up the tension for more than a few seconds on account of the tickling despite being able to easily do a plank for almost half an hour.

Squawks and gasps slipped past her lips, but it was a testament to Batgirl’s willpower that after half a minute of marauding nails, she still managed to contain her laughter, though a few groans, half-snickers, and brief forced smiles had made appearances.

After this, Gargalisa chuckled and gave Batgirl’s navel a pat. “So tough! So hard to break. It’s admirable, Barbara, really. You might think you’re frustrating me with your resistance, but nothing could be further than the truth. I’m no dilettante regarding the fine art of tickle torture to be disappointed that you aren’t laughing yet. I know that shield of yours is growing heavy and is starting to splinter. Another blow or two will turn it into kindling.”

“You’re wrong.”

“Prove it then.” Gargalisa stalked over towards Batgirl’s left foot, and suddenly yanked back the toes in an iron grip. The strength of those steel-tipped fingers overwhelmed the tired toes at once, for they weren’t nearly as strong as they had been during the beginning of the bout. Once the yellow-painted toes were pushed back, the entire foot was pulled taut and the high arch was extended.

And without the ripples and wrinkles across the skin of her arches to nullify the sensations, the sharp scratchy firmness of those nails went shooting straight through Batgirl’s body, and she could feel each finger more keenly than ever. Barbara’s lower lip trembled as Gargalisa raked up the smooth, soft soles from heel to the top of the ball of the foot and down again. Little splutters of mirth crept out the corner of the lips. Her fists strained at the cuffs, heft left foot tried to twist out of Gargalisa’s grasp, and even her right foot tried to twist over in sympathetic protection, though it was too far away to be of any assistance.

It only took four swooping laps of this for the laughter to start in earnest. It was just too much to keep in, too much to keep under wraps, and most of it all, it was just too ticklish. A little whimper, a half-contained guffaw, and then a flurry of wild giggles. And Gargalisa didn’t stop nor say anything. She just smirked and dug her crazy nails even harder and deeper into the soft flesh till Batgirl was shouting with laughter.

Then, she pulled back and crossed her arms as Barbara panted and hung there in anguished defeat. Barbara chewed on her lower lip in annoyed anger at the vulnerability she had just shown as a sheen of sweat broke out on her cheeks, forehead, and neck.

“You seem to be perspiring. Why don’t I help you out with that?” Gargalisa reached into belt and pulled out a pocket knife.

The assistance offered helped with the hot air trapped in Batgirl’s costume, but Barbara knew she would rather be woozy from dehydration than have so much of her pale flesh exposed in front of a maniac like Gargalisa. Gargalisa made careful incisions into the spandex of Batgirl’s costumes at armpits, thighs, and stomach with all the precision of the stitching of an expert seamstress.

Her cuts did not nick Barbara thankfully, though they did reveal half-inch long lines of alabaster skin in all those various spots, which was worse, for as bad as the feet and brief stomach tickling had been, having so much more sensitive area made vulnerable to all the ticklish elements would lead to the worn cord that was Batgirl’s composure fraying even more. A few cuts and bruises would have been much more preferable to whatever vile trap Gargalisa had composed in her mind.

And true to her instincts, Batgirl soon found out exactly what that diabolical scheme was.

“Well, Barbara, I’m afraid I’m going to need a little break,” Lisa Weiss said, sounding apologetic, though the smirk on her face showed the truth behind the façade. “I’m a little peckish, and I’d like to use the washroom.”

“Well, don’t let me keep you,” Batgirl muttered.

“But don’t worry, I wouldn’t want you feeling lonely, so I set up a little thing to keep you entertained.” Gargalisa pressed a button on her metal gauntlet and suddenly all the silver nails on her gloves gave a high-pitched whirl as they hummed to life. “I know you remember these from our spars earlier.” She brought the buzzing fingers close to Batgirl’s right foot, which scrunched up in a frantic defence. Batgirl closed her eyes, held her breath, and braced herself for the impact of those horrifying nails, but nothing came.

Batgirl peeked out of one eye, half-expecting another damnable sudden attack, and saw that Gargalisa was tugging at her nails till those small, bullet-sized vibrators came off in the palm of her head.

“You thought I was going to tickle you, huh?” Gargalisa said as she put the humming devices on a nearby table where they made a series of whirling sounds on the wood. “I’d love to, but I have other priorities, I’m afraid. For one, our dear friend Huntress has been alone for the past hour or so, and I need to check on here.”

“She’s here!?” Batgirl exclaimed.

“Of course. It would have been irresponsible of me to just leave her there after you had fought so valiantly to save her.” Gargalisa tittered. “I set up with these tickly little devils too. I hope you won’t be jealous that I gave her more than I’m going to give you. But, oh, you should have heard the screams she made when I poured half a dozen of these naughty things into her socks. It was so adorable. But I digress. I’m rambling on again, aren’t I? I should just let you experience it for yourself.”

Gargalisa took one of the vibrators from table, went over to Batgirl’s left leg, and tucked the little buzzing, vibrating device into the nook made by the knife and let it nestle there. The leg shook as best as it could but because of all the ropes and the elastic quality of her spandex costume, Barbara couldn’t shake the annoying device from its nook along her inner thigh as it scurried and buzzed about like some kind of hyperactive fuzzy caterpillar. It was already agony, and it became double agony when another was added to nestle into the crease where thigh met hip.

Two more were inserted into the opposite leg, one for each armpit, and no less than three to her stomach. Barbara’s entire body shook along with the vibrations. She almost felt like a Christmas tree, lit up in a hundred places, and helpless to do anything but lie there. The quantity of these cruel tools Barbara shudder to think how her friend Huntress might be handling things if she had more. The only consolation was that her feet were spared, though that was likely less out of mercy and more because Lisa wanted to tickle that spot with her own two hands.

Gargalisa gave a cheery wave as she left. “See you in half an hour. Have fun. I know I will, thinking about how you’re losing your mind.” Batgirl scarcely heard her over the sound of her rumbling hysterics.

Those tiny machines felt like the most persistence of pests, the most evil of vermin, and the most resistant of scarabs were all rampaging across her body. Although the devices themselves hardly moved, it still felt as if they were crawling and wriggling all over the place. Batgirl remembered how it had felt when one of those things had been blasted in the muscle of her leg, and she soon found that they did just as much ticklish damage when they were let to just buzz about like a busy little bee. Mustering up the body momentum to shake them out was just such a gargantuan task on account of the way her body was tied down at almost every joint. It took five solid minutes of writhing before Batgirl was even able to get rid of one of the wiggling bug—the one assigned to torment her belly button. But there were still two more on her stomach, not to mention all the other still having a merry time itching and whizzing away elsewhere.

Somehow, with Gargalisa gone, it felt better to scream and shout. If no one was watching, why not vent your anger and frustration? Barbara try to channel her fury into more energy, but there was no denying that he muscles were sore. Her tummy hurt from all the forced laughter, her throat felt raw, her arms and legs were chaffed from rubbing against the ropes, she was sweating ever more rapidly from the twitch and flinch inducing touches, and her spine and hips were uncomfortable from being forced into such an elongation position for so long. It really wasn’t that fun to do the splits for so long!

In the empty basement of whatever lair Gargalisa had spirited Batgirl off to, Barbara couldn’t help but let her mind wander. Where was Batman and Robin? Her utility belt was missing, but would Gargalisa know to remove the tracker in it? How was Huntress faring? Was she okay? How long would Gargalisa be gone? Would Huntress be able to escape if Batgirl distracted her for long enough?

And after a few minutes, thinking grew easier as her mind grew sharper. For the first time in eons, things were changing for the better for the heroine. As mind-warping at the buzzing vibrators had been initially, they more or less had the one function of buzzing stationary in place, and it was a testament to the human body’s adaptive capabilities that Batgirl managed to become accustomed to its electric movements. Unlike Gargalisa’s nails, there was no variation here, no reading of reactions, no building of suspense, no playing with anticipation, and no cutting comments. For lack of a better term, the tickling was mechanical. Under such a predictable attack, Barbara’s body soon managed to fend off most of the sensations and her chuckles dwindled to mere titters. And to make things even easier, the devices themselves seemed to run out of energy, which made sense—they were such small things, so the batteries within must be small as well.

However, it was right when Batgirl was starting to feel downright complacent about her situation that she realised she’d been suckered. As she was taking deep breaths and trying to steady her heartrate and see about working an arm free, the devices all over her body suddenly hummed with fresh life. The weedy, half-hearted buzzing was replaced with a fresh surge of shocking, zapping, and scrabbling sensations from every one of those devices at once. There must have been some kind of timed response to prevent her from getting too used it, Batgirl thought, her harrowing revelation coming too late to prepare as paroxysms of spasming laughter pulled her into a headlock again.

And this gristly cycle soon found itself repeating once more, though at least this time Batgirl managed to catch on somewhat to allow herself a modicum of preparation and resistance. The buzzing would be fierce for a short while before tapering off till the buzzers were almost off, but right when you suspected it might be over, they would launch back into full ferocity once again and slowly, ever so slowly, start simmering back down to zero before it all started again. There was a mad rhythm to the proceedings, much in the same way there was to dancing, hand-to-hand combat, or so many other things in life.

“Sorry I was away so long,” Gargalisa said, making her return when the cycle was just ending. She pressed a button on her gauntlet and the vibrators all turned off. “Huntress was a little petulant with being alone for so long, so I had to sort her out a bit. Did you miss me?”

“Missed you like a hole in the head,” Batgirl replied.

Gargalisa shrugged. “Still got energy for banter, huh? I guess it’s time we stop playing around so much and do things properly.” Her words sent a shiver down Batgirl’s spine. All of what she had just endured had merely been playing around? That had been torturous enough, but there was more? What higher echelons of suffering could be reached?

Whatever the answer was, it appeared evident that Gargalisa needed some preparation. After fishing out all the vibrators from the books in Batgirl’s purple spandex costume, the knife made its appearance once more. Instead of only making precise cuts this time however, the objective was something clearly more lewd as it sliced the straight line from throat to navel to expose all the skin on Batgirl’s torso except that which was covered by her black sports bra. Further snips and rips were made around Batgirl’s groin, till only her black panties remained, which elicited a scandalised yelp from Batgirl and a torrent of vituperative words about privacy, decency, and humanity, though the words were ignored, for Gargalisa’s was in a stupor on account of setting up whatever malevolent plan she had in mind.

Afterwards, Gargalisa stepped back to admire her handiwork, gave an approving nod, and went scurrying around in the nearby boxes. Sometimes, it seemed she couldn’t find what she needed and had to go rushing upstairs for whatever elusive torture implement she was lacking.

It took so much effort that Lisa tugged off her heavy gloves, shrugged off her jacket, and cramped up the air conditioning, which considering sent further chills up Batgirl spine, especially considering her newfound destruction of her clothing.

As the seconds passed, Barbara’s concern and trepidation only grew at the veritable arsenal tools that surrounded her. Batgirl saw rope, saw large vibrators made for pure sexual satisfaction, and several tubs of lotion and baby oil. But it was the queer devices that she didn’t recognise that put the most worry in her.

There was a large device the size a car’s wheel that resembled a watermill or maybe a windmill, only instead of groves to catch water or wind, each of its twenty or so ‘arms’ had what look liked some kind of bristly brush on them. Those rotating ends looked like evil business, and Batgirl did not doubt they would not be fun on her feet.

Speaking of her feet, toe-ties were being added to the big and littlest toe to keep them stretched and immobile. Barbara knew she had been fortunate for them to be allowed such leeway for so long, but she knew that this binding addition meant that things were about to get very bad. The final ingredient to this stew of suffering was the application of liberal qualities of baby oil smeared all over Batgirl’s feet.

“Are you done yet? I’m getting bored here.” It was the gambler in Batgirl that made her try to tweak Gargalisa’s nose. The smarmy insolence in her vice didn’t entirely hide the fear bubbling away in her underbelly, however.

“Someone’s impatient, huh?” Gargalisa said as she went to a box and pulled out what looked like a metal bra, though the conical tool filled Barbara with dread as she imagined that such a tool would be very cruel on her breasts. “Don’t worry, it’ll be worth it. I’ve got quite a few devious little surprises for you.” She went rustling through some more of the cardboard boxes, before taking out what looked like about a dozen silver rings of varying lengths and depositing them on the table.

Once all this was set up, the dark-haired girl giggled and clapped her hands together. She was squirming and hopping up and down, bouncing on the balls of her feet. She caught Batgirl’s perplexed stare and straightened, clearing her throat.

“Forgive my childishness, but I do rather feel like a little girl at a toy store. I want to play with everything, all of them at once. But that would mean I couldn’t savour all this. I need to restrain myself. I need to take my time and enjoy all of it, because who knows how long we have together, Barbara? I hope for a long time, as I know you are hoping the duration is very short indeed. Who can say what the future holds?”

“You in Arkham, if there’s any justice,” Batgirl muttered.

“But how often do we see justice in the world? Just ask Harvey Two-Face, eh? But let’s not get distracted. I believe I’ll start with your feet. They’ve been a little neglected so far, wouldn’t you say?”

“Um, no? Not at all? They’ve been, like, the opposite of neglected!”

“Agree to disagree, then.”

Gargalisa scooped up the rings and began affixing them around the stems of each toe. The toe rings were a little thicker and wider than normal ones. They were about length of Batgirl’s thumb, she guessed. Some of them didn’t fit right away, but there were so many of them and they were of so many different sizes that it didn’t take long to find one that was snug and tight around every toe. Batgirl could only wiggle her three middle toes on account of the toeties, and they weren’t all that dexterous, so she wasn’t able to delay Gargalisa much. Once they were all on, the heavy, silver rings made it look like Barbara were wearing gaudy foot jewellery the way some extravagant beachgoers might don. They felt kinda funny though—instead of cool metal, the insides of each ring were soft and spindly, like a toothbrush.

“Rather fetching, don’t you think?” Gargalisa said. “For some reason, such foot jewellery tends to be a feature found primarily in Indian culture. I wonder why? Are they the only nation honest about their foot fetishes?”

“Why are you asking me? You think I’ll know?”

“No, but you have any revelations in the next few minutes, do let me know,” Gargalisa said, pulling on her gloves. She pressed a button on her metal gauntlet, and Batgirl shrieked as if she had been electrocuted.

There might not have been any voltage coursing through her body, but there was definitely energy coursing through each of those tiny metal rings. At the flick of that switch, each of the rings had started to rotate, and the fuzzy, furry lining spun to buff the stems of every single toe at once. Within each ring, the scratchy lining that encircled the dainty flesh was sending shockwaves of ticklish sensations spreading throughout her body, and in an instant, Batgirl was squalling and squeaking as all ten toes were attacked at once. The bottom of one tender digit by itself had been bad enough, but to attack every last one of them all in unison! And it was entire toe, too, from the sides to the pads to the tops. Her yellow-painted toes made weak attempts to wiggle, but it was impossible to create any momentum with the way they were tied down, and the rings were too tight to just slip off. The metal clinked together as she wriggled, adding a dinking, tinkling noise to the symphony of mad mirth roaring from Batgirl’s pale lips.

The terror inflicted upon her toes soon spread to the rest of Batgirl’s oiled-up soles. Gargalisa was not nice enough to let them be, and she went hard at them with all ten of her sharp, buzzing fingers. She had turned on her long, silver nails, so each finger was like a mini-chainsaw scything and slashing through the pale flesh of her feet. As the pedicured toes were assaulted by the rings, those metal nails raked their way through the arch and heel.

The only slightest of consolations was because of how Batgirl had been tied doing the splits, it was difficult to tickle both feet at once, though Gargalisa more than made up for this by switching which foot to abuse every minute or so. There was no slow teasing this time, and Gargalisa seemed to be trying to overwhelm Barbara utterly and entirely with strong, speedy scribbles that left the soft skin there tingling and hot. Even the cool oil didn’t seem to take the edge off. And using ten fingers to scratch everywhere she could on that lone targeted foot, she was succeeding, especially with the way the slick lubricant made her nails glide over everywhere with ease. And with ten fingers covering just one foot, it was easy to hit everywhere from the bottom of the heel to the base of the toes, so no ticklish rock went unturned, as the toes were already being taken care of by the rings. Barbara kept trying to scrunch her toes and crinkle up her sole, but she couldn’t get more than a few wrinkles of tension around her arches, which weren’t enough to nullify the rampant sensations surging throughout her body.

After Gargalisa had given both feet a good working over, she stepped up Batgirl’s face to give her a pat on the head that made her feel like a dog. The rings on her toes were still buzzing happily away. “How’s that stiff upper lip holding up?” Lisa asked in a voice of mock concern.

Batgirl tried to spit at her, but the constant rocketing laughter threw off her aim.

“That was rather uncouth,” Gargalisa said, stepping back. She pulled out her knife once again. “Let’s hope this calms you down.”

Barbara tried to shrink away, but there was nowhere to go. Instead of stabbing her, the knife sniped away one of the last vestiges of her privacy—her bra. “Come on!” she tried to speak quickly lest the laughter distort her words. “Don’t be such a creeheep!”

The metal bar strap Batgirl had seen before was picked up and strapped around her, with a snug, bristly fit around the nipples. “Oh, hush. You know this was where things were going. You ready?” Gargalisa’s voice was giddy with anticipation. “I'll edge you for hours then milk you silly. Well, that’s the tentative plan, anyway. I'm curious. Are you going to fight that feeling? Or go along with the ride? You struck me as more prude than lewd, but perhaps I was mistaken.”

Batgirl soon received a crushing revelation as to what Gargalisa meant when the brushes found the areoles of her breasts. There was a suction there too, and the suckling combined with the swishing of the soft, furry lining of the metal bra-like contraption took her to a new high of suffering. Those bristles there were unlike anything she had ever experienced. They were soft and silky as sin, and they-half tickled, half-tantalised her to a new level of agony within seconds. When combined with the scalding swirls of torture that was being down to her poor toes, Batgirl’s vision started to blur as tears of laughter made their appearance. Her fingers clenched and grabbed but neither provided any release as her nipples quickly grew hard and firm from such relentless stimulation.

Sweat was starting to pour harder down her body to leave her entirety hot and moist, especially the toes with those cruel rings and the breasts being brutalised by such soft brushing. With all this going on, Barbara scarcely noticed that Gargalisa had stopped scribbling her nails across the arches and was wandering close to one’s most intimate of locations.

Batgirl found energy to scream and shout when she felt her dark underwear being cut away and peeled off. She could feel the first drops of moisture that was sweat and maybe something she didn’t want to think about.

“Is this really so bad for you?” Gargalisa asked, speaking louder than before she could be overheard of the din of Batgirl’s mad laughter. “I’ve set everything to low, just so I could ease you into things. Don't want you to lose your mind too quickly.”

If this were low, Batgirl didn’t want to think what high would mean. It would be insanity or death, whichever came first.

Gargalisa stood up and rolled the windmill-like device forward, positioning it right in front of Barbara’s naked womanhood. “This invention might be my pièce de résistance. Let me know how it is, won’t you?”

“Nohohohoho! Don’t dohohoho thihihis!”

“But I have to, Barbara. I have to see if it works.” Gargalisa flipped the switch on, and Batgirl howled, cringed, and screeched as it started up.

There were about a dozen arms to this windmill, and Batgirl felt every one of them—one after another, after another. The bristles of the fist-sized brush were as soft as the lining tormenting her nipples, and these ones were much larger. Each swipe of the windmill’s brushes would first hit the flesh before her shaven slit near the buttcrack, before slowly sliding its way across her tingly nether lips, before licking its way through to give the flesh above it a last teasing lap before flitting away.

The swipes were steady and relentless, and they came on one after the another to stoke her into a rage of ticklish ecstasy. Before one arm had finishing dipping its way through her tender, tingly womanhood, the next one was already making its way across the skin directly below it.

Had it just been this on its own, it might have been alright. But combined with the pandemonium going on by her toes and breasts, it felt as if her entire body were ambivalent and being torn in two different directions at once. The tickling was tearing her down while the pleasure at her most intimate locations was building her up—only the tickling felt good, and the pleasure was making everything worse. Wires were starting to cross and Batgirl was starting to find it difficult to tell where one ended and the other began, and her mind only grew hazier as the minutes ticked by.

And when Gargalisa tired of just watching Batgirl’s agony and joined in herself, Barbara lost herself in a maelstrom of agony. The brushing at her nethers was constant. The swirling around her toes was constant. The teasing of her stiff nipples was constant. But Gargalisa was anything but.

“Wouldn’t want you getting bored if things just stayed the same,” she said, smirking.

She would spend a few minutes scrapping her nails in Barbara’s arches. She would experiment with the backs of the knees or along the inner thighs. She would scribble across the stomach and plunge a buzzing, soul-warping finger into the belly button. Her underarms had barely been attacked during this session, so that naturally had to be remedied as well. The fabric around there had been cut away, so it was easy to really dig hard in them till they raw and red. Those scratchy fingers even circled around the rim of Batgirl’s breasts in skittering, spidery motions, as if the nipples being tormented by those soft furry lining wasn’t awful enough.

“What’s wrong? Too much for you? Come on, Barbara. You can take it.”

Batgirl kept tugging at the handcuffs that were tied to the ground that kept her arms pulled down, but even as the metal bit into her wrists, she made little progress aside from the pain adding another flavour to the buffet of suffering her shocked nerve system was receiving.

“Enough already? I thought you were more hardy and durable than this. Here, I’ll turn my toys on to medium. See? You were having it so easy before, weren’t you? Makes you realise how soft and weak you really are, huh? I guess you’re understanding how I felt now. Only I didn’t have the highlight of an orgasm to keep things interesting.”

Before long, the noises Batgirl was making was less laughter and more animalistic grunts at this point, at the ceaseless brushing of her womanhood combined with the wretched tickle torture ripped cognisant thought from her mind. And there was no doubt that a storm was building between her legs as she was edged towards a devastating ticklish climax. The brushes kept spinning, the devices kept whirling, those mechanical nails kept on stroking, and Gargalisa’s biting remarks kept on coming.

“What’s wrong? You hate it? Look at you leak your sexual juices onto my nice clean floor. I never knew good girl Barbara Gordon had it in her. Such a lascivious, lewd girl. I bet you’re loving this. You almost don’t want it to end, do you? I guess I have to do better and make sure it’s bad for you. If not, you won’t learn your lesson, right?”

When the shuddering, spinning orgasm finally hit, the pleasure that shot through Batgirl was timid and reluctant in the way only a forced one could be. She would have thought that things would be better after an orgasm, but she was mistaken. The relief that was there was minimal and miniscule with a heavy undertone of dread of what was to come, like the joy one got on the last day of holiday before gruelling work began once more.

Even as the white-hot warmth of the climax reached every corner of her sweaty, sore, stretched-out body, Batgirl could still feel the lingering tickling. The brief euphoria soon came crashing down with the realisation that her overheated, goosepimply flesh seemed to have tripled in sensitivity. Every bristle, every finger, and every touch was more keen than ever.

“Nohohoho! Not anotheheher! Plehehehease!” In this room, things like dignity and pride fell away. Batgirl whimpered and begged as her stomach churned with the growing throb of another orgasm. Damn those machine! Damn Lisa! Damn Batman and Robin for taking so long to find her! Damn Huntress for not escaping yet! Damn it all!

“Barbara, we’re just getting started.”

“Stahahahap!” Barbara screamed as loud as she could for as long as she could before her wailing was eclipsed by the laughter that came spurting up for throat once more.

After the second orgasm, Batgirl’s throat had gone hoarse. By the third, control had been fully wrested from her as moans and giggles came out in equal measure. By the fourth, Batgirl lacked the energy to even struggle, and she lay there with her eyes closed, barely feeling anything aside from her breasts, her womanhood, and her sensitive toes. The fifth came with a blessed break as Gargalisa pressed something on her gauntlet and all her tools slowed to a grinding halt. Her sweaty auburn hair clung to her cheek and forehead but Barbara didn’t open her eyes or try to blow it away. She just sucked in breath and wished she could sleep and escape this hellhole. Gargalisa was clomping around moving something or another, but Batgirl was too exhausted to care.

Besides, whatever Lisa was doing, it was probably either benign (like going to the toilet) in which case it wasn’t worth the effort of looking, or it was related to the tickle torture, in which case Batgirl probably really should see what was happening, but it probably wouldn’t do her much good anyway. It wasn’t like it would be any less effective for it.

But when the break came to an abrupt end with the whirling hum of devilish electrical devices roaring back to life, Batgirl regretted her slothful indifference. Far from being idle, it seemed Gargalisa had decided that the rotating windmill was far too gentle for what she had in mind. As a result, she had delegated that cruel contraption to the arch of Batgirl’s left foot where it was spinning and brushing away with the same relentless velocity as before.

For Batgirl’s nethers, Gargalisa had evidently decided that the devices weren’t doing a good enough job, so she would do it herself—by hand. When she curved her humming fingers into a beak and pressed it against Batgirl’s swollen, sopping, sorrowfully wet womanhood, Barbara screamed at the strength of those vibrations that seemed to reach the very core of her being.

Here, Lisa was the maestro and Batgirl was the hapless, helpless instrument of unmelodious mirth. As the brushes and rings around breasts and toes created a steady symphony of croaky laughter, Lisa’s masterful fingers plied their torturous craft to toy with the tempo and rhythm of Batgirl’s weak chortles. When the buzzing fingers probed deep into that sore and tender nook between her legs, the laughter turned husky and low, peppered with bestial moans and grunts. When the fingers danced and spidered around that dripping slit, the laughter reached a higher octave, with a repeating chorus of silent laughter. When the fingers flittered away from Batgirl’s privates to instead wander and torment the inner thighs, the waist, or the stomach, the laughter swelled into a crescendo, increasing in volume till the belly laughter echoed across the room.

The orgasms ceased at this stage, but Barbara was no less sane nor comfortable for it. Had it been nothing but tickling, that might actually have been preferable than this mixed bag of tickling and sensual teasing that Batgirl was receiving. At least her body knew how to respond to tickling—hysteria and attempts at flight. Her body’s responses to the constant tantalisations of her nethers were far more ambivalent, and Barbara’s entirety felt jumpy, nervous, and maddeningly sensitive from the constant brushing at her nipples and the cruel attention paid to her overtaxed womanhood. The aftermath of the orgasms had been devastating, but at least the actual process of receiving them hadn’t been too bad, Batgirl thought in depressed reflection. As bad as it had been, her current stage of perpetual teasing and edging was even worse. Gargalisa’s fingers would be at Batgirl’s needy, hungry womanhood just enough to get it convulsing and twitching so it was one step away from release, only to then dart somewhere else to keep the trapped heroine denied and frustrated.

When Gargalisa brought Batgirl to the brink of ultimate pleasure for the umpteenth time only to scurry away and hit the left foot with a savage ten-fingered attack while the other foot was still being brushed into oblivious by the windmill, Batgirl’s bladder failed her. Defeat came in the form of a thin stream dripping down to the floor followed by Gargalisa’s haughty laughter.

“Please, no more,” Batgirl whimpered, whispering those words again and again.

“But you have to have more, Barbara,” Gargalisa said, her fingers working even faster. “You have to have all that I can give you and then some. We have to keep going till my arms drop off, till the batteries go dead, and till you’ve been milked of every drop of laughter. Then and only then will you understand how I felt back then all those years ago. Only then will you truly have a fresh perspective on what it’s like to ignore evil. It’s funny. I think my torture of you today will make you a better person in the long run. A funny thought to have, wouldn’t you say? Makes me almost a hero. A hero in the shadows. Not that different from your Dark Knight, eh?”

Batgirl disagreed as the devices kept on humming and thrumming against her worst spots. But her vehement disagreements were silenced amidst a swarming torrential tide of battering sensations. And things soon found a way to get even worse.

“You know, I always heard rumours you were quite the socialite back in those days? Was it true? I’ve heard the phrase a wife in every port, but I found it funny picturing you as the one to have a boyfriend in every class. We were all jealous of you.”

Jealousy was exactly the root of such foul talk The rumours that had dogged her about hooking up with members of the various sports team or culture clubs had always hurt a lot. And those mutterings had been so scurrilous! Once, her dad had even asked her about it, which was beyond embarrassing to think your own family might even consider that you might be that kind of girl.

Batgirl tried to make out an impassioned denial, well, as impassioned as she could be in her weary, drained state, but it probably came out as more lethargic and resigned than anything else.

“What’s that? I’m right? Ah, I thought so.” Gargalisa tickled her harder, scribbling under her knees, to prevent any words of Barbara’s from being discerned. “Let’s see how you handle this new little toy. It’s quite a kinky little thing, so I think you’ll like it. In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me if you had one at home. I imagine my one has a bite more juice, however.”

Batgirl found the breath for a big groan to show her displeasure as she felt Gargalisa stopped the teasing around the kneecap to hover in front of Batgirl’s sore, reddened womanhood. The redheaded hero cringed as she felt the other woman’s warm breath on that oh so delicate and libidinous of areas.

She gasped and shuddered at the insertion of something buzzing and phallic going right in there. It wasn’t as scratchy as Gargalisa’s fingers, for which Barbara was really rather grateful—her silver fingers were hellish on the soft flesh along the soles of the feet or under the arms, but in the privates proper those coarse surfaces would have hurt like few things could and left her bloody. Gargalisa might have an atypical mental complex or three, Batgirl knew, but even she probably wasn’t that twisted that she would want to rip and tear up Barbara’s insides and kill her—she just wanted to torture her a little, although that was no great consolation.

As the slender, buzzing probe was inserted deeper into her womanhood to send shockwaves that vibrated throughout her entire body, it became even less of a consolation—doubly so when a second similar device when up the back door through her bottom for some doubly devilish double penetration.

Contrary to the colourful rumours, Batgirl had never engaged in anything like this or even anything close, and she yelped and grunted as the second, thinner device thrummed in her behind. There was slight discomfort and pain, but also a level of sensuality only amplified by all the fuzzy, brushy attention still paid to her breasts and womanhood.

Her whole body was still twisting and convulsing in the bonds in an autonomous reaction to the persistent, consistent stimulation that drove the breath from her body and coherent thoughts from her mind. The bonds were a little looser as a result of all the thrashing, so her legs weren’t doing the full splits they had been before, but they were still fairly straight despite the slack from the ropes, and Batgirl was no closer to escape than she had ever been. As sweat dripped down her face to her neck and then to patter on the dusty floor, her brain wandered to frenzied attempts at escape once more. But her muscles were so sore from all the clenching and spasming that came from having your nervous system under such continuous assault. Her wrists, ankles, and everywhere the ropes had bitten into her had left some serious chaffing that sent a strike of pain with every movement. There was nowhere to squirm away to, nowhere to hide, and nothing to dwell on but her own misery.

And the reality was that even had she been able to overcome all that, Gargalisa was not about to let her. Not a second went by without the sudden influx of sensations from about half a dozen places at once. There was still the soft lining that still circled her nipples, the fuzz spinning around her stiff, swollen areolas and the soft pale flesh of her ample bosom. There were still the circuitous movements of the bristly toerings that terrorised the undersides and stems of every single last one of her poor, yellow-painted digits despite their best efforts to wriggle in their confines. And of course, there was still the new double-pronged attack at her womanhood and anus. The thrumming at her behind was steady, but the exploding pulses at her womanhood changed with each change in Lisa’s cruel techniques. At times, it was a steady prod that thrummed deep and firm. Other times, it was circular motions that went light and hard in equal measure, exploring over the entire sex as opposed to just focusing on where poor Barbara was most sensitive.

The one constant was that it was still too much, far too much, and Batgirl’s head spun like she was on a merry-go-round that never stopped and just seemed to grow even faster and faster with each lap.

Either an hour or twenty later, the sound of hard clacking footsteps was heard. There was the sound of a machine splintering as the windmill was kicked away from her feet. All the rope and binds were ripped and torn away, and Barbara fell to the ground and hugged herself, but not before pulling away those dreaded vibrators. It took almost half a minute before the sensations were rubbed away and she could think straight. When she looked up, Huntress was standing over her and ready to help pull her back upright.

“Wh-where is she? Gargalisa?” Batgirl managed to say.

“She’s not here. The place was abandoned when I finally managed to get free. I think she’s been gone for hours.”


“At least two. Regrettably, that’s how long it took me to figure out how to get past her security system. This place is like a doomsday bunker, seriously.”

Batgirl took a few ginger steps forward, holding her side. Was that the last she would see of Gargalisa? Was she the type to quit after one victory and zero losses? Quit while she was ahead? Batgirl wished she knew.
One word: Fantastic!

I read it all in one sitting and could not stop. Thank you so much!
Fantastic! Just finished it this morning. Hope there is a revenge part. ;P
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