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Battle in the bathroom f/m; m/f


TMF Regular
Apr 21, 2001
Josh couldn’t believe he would be spending his Saturday helping Sarah fix a pipe in her bathroom. He had plenty of work to do in his own house, plus he hated Sarah with a passion. He had always found her arrogant and completely self-centered. Yet his wife had practically begged him to do this favor for her best friend. With all the friction in their marriage lately, Josh decided to do what she wanted. Anything to help him hold onto the woman he loved.

Josh rang the bell and called for Sarah, but got no answer. Hope sprang in his heart, and he thought he might get to go home without aggravating his wife. Unfortunately, the front door was opened. Damn the luck!

“Hello!” Josh called out again, stepping into the foyer. He had never been in Sarah’s house before, and wasn’t surprised to see that the decor perfectly matched her personality, cold and impersonal. The living room reminded him of a museum, with white walls and hard marble tables. Even the artwork on the walls looked pretentious and uninteresting.

“In the bathroom upstairs,” a voice rang out, “And take your shoes off please! I just had the floors cleaned.” Not even using the word ‘please’ could make Sarah sound like anything else than a queen issuing a formal proclamation. Grumbling, Josh did as she asked, untying his boots and leaving them in a pile near the door. Obeying Sarah was always easier than fighting her.

Josh sprinted up the stairs, the tile feeling cold beneath his thin socks. He entered the bathroom, expecting to see a foot of water on the ground and a fountain coming from the sink. Instead, the room was just as sterile and bare as the rest of the house.

“Thank god you arrived, Josh heard a sultry voice from behind him say, “My pipes are just about to burst.”

Normally Josh’s intense dislike and Sarah’s conservative dress blinded him to her beauty, but not today. The 22-year-old blonde was standing there in a red teddy that emphasized her long legs, flat stomach and ample bosom. Her long hair fell around her shoulders with just a hint of being out of control, and her lips were puckered in a very sensuous way. For a minute, all Josh could do was stare with his mouth open wide.

“Where’s the problem, Sarah?” he finally asked foolishly.

“Right here,” she said coming forward. She pressed her body up against his and ran her palms down his chest, “I’m burning up inside, and need you to put the fire out.”

Beneath his growing lust, Josh felt startled. Sarah had never paid him any attention before. When she would come over to pick up his wife Marsha for a girl’s night out, she usually ignored him or stared at him like he was an insect. Now she wanted him? It didn’t make a lot of sense.

Whether it made sense or not, for a few minutes Josh was truly tempted. After all, he was only a year older than Sarah and the very sight of her looking like this was making his blood boil. The perfume Sarah was wearing made it difficult for Josh to think. Also, the problems between him and Marsha meant it had been a while since anything had happened in their bedroom.

For a moment, Josh could feel Sarah’s soft curves sliding into his arms, he could feel her warm lips pressed against his. It would be heavenly. It would be…wrong. In the end, his love for his wife made him do the right thing.

“No Sarah,” Josh said sternly, gently pushing her away, “You know that if we do this, Marsha will leave me for sure. Our marriage is on rocky ground as it is! I think I’d better go.” He took a step toward the door.

“Wait a minute!” a snap came back to Sarah’s voice as she took a step to the side to block Josh’s path, “You two argue all the time, she hasn’t put out in nearly a month and your rejecting all this! Are you serious? Are you stupid?”

All the reasons Josh despised her came flooding back to him, and all the temptation of the last few minutes was suddenly gone. “I love her Sarah. I know you’re just too shallow and heartless to understand that, but I love Marsha. Now get out of my way, or I’ll move you myself.”

Sarah folded her arms across her large chest, and a wicked smile appeared on her face. “Just try it tough guy,” she said, practically glowing with confidence. A mocking smile fell across her face.

Like many boys from his generation, Josh had been brought up to never hit a woman. It was an eleventh commandment, practically etched into his soul. Still, he reached out for Sarah now, intending to grab her and toss her into the bathtub. Maybe he’d even turn the cold water on, to ‘cool her off’ before fleeing to safety. He never got the chance.

While his arms were still reaching out towards her, Sarah’s hands darted out and squeezed Josh’s sides. A high-pitched giggle escaped his lips, and Josh automatically drew his arms back to cover his body.

“Uh oh,” Sarah said in a sing song voice, “Is the little boy ticklish?” Her hands struck again, this time poking him in the stomach. When Josh tittered again and lowered his arms to defend against the new attack, Sarah hands moved up to his ribs, playing them like piano keys and drawing out more belts of laughter.

“He ehe ehe stoooppp hehe ehe it hee he Saaaaarraahahhaa,” Josh giggled, backing up away from his tormentor. For as long as he could remember, being tickled made Josh crumble. A good dose of it could make his muscles turn to jelly. He and Marsha had fooled around with it early in their marriage until the troubles had begun.

“Why would I stop, when Marsha told me exactly what this does to you?” She stepped forward and redoubled her attack. Her left hand pressed into Josh’s hipbone just below his waist, while the right pinched his kneecap. Josh doubled over with laughter, and frantically reached out to grab those tormenting digits.

Sarah remained to fast for Josh’s awkward attempts to defend himself. Next, all ten of her fingers were wiggling like mad over Josh’s stomach, with only his thin cotton shirt between them and his sensitive skin. When Josh tried to knock her hands away again, Sarah just went even higher. She started crawling her hands up his ribcage, like spiders climbing up a wall.

Josh’s laughter grew even stronger, and he felt his knees turn to butter. Before h knew it, he was sitting on the ground, with the hard tile beneath his back. Looking up, he could see Sarah looming over him, like a lioness hunting its prey. Her face was one, huge grin.

Then she was on top of him, straddling him. Her wicked hands were nipping at his sides like hungry fish, forcing him to howl like a wounded animal with tear stained cheeks. Josh wanted to buck her off of him, but his body had little strength left. Sarah squeezed tightly with her thighs and became immovable.

“You should have know, Josh, I always get what I want,” Her hands were back on his ribs now, her fingers drilling between them, clawing at them. Nothing her did seemed to make them stop. “Soon I’ll be tickling your underarms. Marsha said that’s just about your worst spot, isn’t Josh? You’ll laugh so loud, the neighbors would think you were being murdered if the entire house wasn’t soundproof.”

“HHA AHA AHAHAHAH GAWWWWDD HAHA AA AHAHAHAH NAWWOOOOOOO AH AHAH AH AHAHAH PLEAAAASSSAAAA AHA AH AHAHHAHH AHAHHHA AHAHAHHAH NAWWWOOO PITTTTTSSSS AHA AHAHAH!!!!!!” HA could feel her hands start to move up his ribcage again. Josh’s shirt seamed to offer no protection. when he closed his arms tightly to his side, all Josh did was press Sarah’s hands against his ribs even tighter.

“Oh yes, your delightful pities, Josh. I’ll tickle them until you have no choice but to give up. Then you know what I’ll make you do,” Sarah’s fingers were poking into Josh’s highest rib now. “You’ll give me what I want. You’ll surrender to me even though it’s the last thing you want to do, because your just a weak little boy, aren’t you Josh?”

Josh felt hysteria and panic grip him together. He had to do something while he still had the strength of body and mind to resist her. Looking down, he saw his salvation. Not wanting to wear high heels into the bathroom and scuff up the tile, Sarah was barefoot, and instead of keeping those feet out of reach, one was close by.

Acting more on instinct than conscious thought, Josh grabbed that bare foot, held in the crook of one arm and raked five fingers down the sole. Josh had short, sharp fingernails (Marsha often complained that he never kept them neat and trimmed) and they sent shock waves slamming through Sarah’s soft, silky sole, up her leg and into her brain.

Sarah shrieked like a woman in a bad slasher movie, and desperately tried to keep tickling Josh’s sides. His armpits were now wide open, and if she could felt if she could just slip her fingers into his hollows, Josh wouldn’t be able to concentrate on her foot in his own tickle-induced madness.

For a minute it was a standoff, both Josh and Sarah tickling, both laughing hysterically. Sarah’s hands started sliding back down Josh’s ribs while he kept running his rough fingers over her smooth arch. Neither could break free, they could just tickle and laugh.

Finally, it was Sarah who couldn’t keep her tickling grip. Josh’s body started thrashing about as her fingers hit a particularly sensitive spot between two ribs, and Sarah found out the hard way that the foot tickling had deprived her thighs of the power to hang on tight Enough. In a second, she was on her back, her hands no longer in contact with Josh’s flesh.

The end of Josh’s torment gave him the chance to think clearly. He quickly grabbed Sarah’s free foot, holding it next to his mate, and lifted them both in the air. Sarah’s feet were so small; Josh could tickle both with one hand. HA wiggled his fingers over the balls of her feet and underneath her long toes. Soon Josh had her laughing even louder than he had been minutes before.

“Tell me again how you’re going to tickle my underarms,” Josh taunted, “Tell me how you’re going to ruin my marriage.”

“HE EHEEHE EHEH SOORRRYYY EHEHEHH STTAAWWWPPP TICKLLIINNGGG EHEHEHEH VEEEHEHEHRRRRRYYYY EHEH EHE EHEHEH SORRREHEHEHYYYY EHEHE EHEHEH EEHHEH!!!!!!!!” Sarah shrieked as Josh started playing more and more with her toes. Lying on her back, all Sarah could do was pound her fists against the tile.

Josh was loving it. In all the tickle games he’d played with Marsha, his wife had always won. She was too crafty and he too ticklish for Josh ever to get the upper hand. It had always been him laughing and screaming. Now things were different.

“Oh, you’re sorry,” Josh said as he kept playing with Sarah’s toes, making her shriek louder and louder, “Well, since all you were trying to do was ruin my life, I should forgive you, right?” He ran a finger along her big toe, which drove Sarah absolutely wild, her eyes flying open wider than saucers.


Looking down at those tender feet, Josh had the sudden urge to lick and nibble them. After that, he could use the hairbrush and baby oil that were sitting so conveniently on the kitchen sink. He moved his mouth closer to the two trembling soles, impatient for that first taste.

And then quickly pulled his head back. What was he doing?! He could feel himself becoming even more aroused. If he kept this up, he was going to take Sarah right here on the bathroom floor, doing voluntarily what he’d been trying so hard to stop. Looking down at his victim, Josh could see Sarah’s face was bright red, and her sweat and tears had caused to blond hair to become plastered to her cheeks. Her body was trembling with each flick of his fingers. Sarah’s eyes showed only torment, not lust, anger or revenge.

Clearly she’d had enough, and if Josh didn’t want to surrender to his building lust, he had to stop.

He released Sarah’s heavenly feet and tried to reorientate himself as he listened to her ragged gasps for air. The best thing he could do now was just leave, before Sarah regained enough sanity to try something else. He quickly went left the bathroom and went out into the hall.

Except Josh didn’t find himself in the white, placid hallway. He was in a round room with red walls and bright yellow carpet. There was easily more color in this one room than in the rest of the house combined. In the center, surrounded by dressers and a full-length mirror, was a heart-shaped bed. Somehow, he’d ended up in Sarah’s bedroom.

There must have been more than one way out of the bathroom, and with all the wrestling and tickling, Josh had picked the wrong one. Somehow he must have gotten turned around. Not wanting to go back the way he came, Josh tried a new door only to find it locked. When he tried to move on to a second, Josh felt something slam into him and knock him onto the bed. It was Sarah.

Her hands started tickling him immediately, using the element of surprise to slip under his shirt and dance over his bare skin. Josh started laughing furiously and tried to roll away from this new attack. Sarah was relentless, however, and tickled even harder than before. One finger found its way into his bellybutton, while the others just dug in to the soft flesh.

Panicked by the suddenness of the new assault, and blinded by tears, Josh’s arms flailed wildly. One grabbed a metal post that had been attached to the bed for no apparent reason. Josh squeezed tight, hoping he could use it for leverage to escape the ten teasing digits. It was his last mistake.

Sarah pounced quickly. She put her knee firmly on Josh’s forearm, pinning it to the mattress. Next, taking her hands out from under Josh’s shirt, she pulled a metal cuff out from under the bedspread, right next to the post. In a second, that cuff was clicked around Josh’s wrist. Only a short length of chain connected the cuff and the post.

The click as the cuff closed sounded louder than a sonic boom to Josh. There was an icy feeling in his stomach, and a mind numbing fear threatened to swallow him when Josh felt the cold metal on his skin. He grabbed onto those few links of chain with both hands and pulled with all his might. Neither the chain nor post moved an inch. Josh could see they were welded together.

“Now,” Sarah said sitting at the foot of the bed, “What were you saying about me not tickling your underarm?”

“Please, Sarah,” Josh said, starting to panic, “This has been a good gag, but you’re taking it to far! You’ve got to let me go!” Oh my god, he was helpless! Helpless at the hands of a madwoman. This couldn’t be happening!

“And why would I do that, Joshie poo?” Sarah gloated, “I told you, I always get what I want. So, how are you going to stop me now? I hope you’re ready to laugh.” She slowly crawled up his legs, perching herself on his waist again, wrapping her thighs around him.

“This time I think I’ll keep my little feet away from you, you big tickle monster,” Sarah taunted, tucking her feet under her legs, hidden from Josh’s view, “Now I think its time to have some real fun.”

What Sarah did next took Josh completely by surprise. She grabbed the bottom of his shirt and quickly jerked it upwards. It slid over Josh’s head and both his arms, leaving his upper body bare. Panicked, Josh made a futile grab for it with his free hand, but touched nothing but air.

“Feeling a little…exposed?” Sarah asked as she tied his shirt to the chain holding Josh’s trapped arm, “I am going to get you naked, Josh. Now your halfway there.” Her eyes lingered over his chest, and clearly liked what they saw.

Josh did feel even more vulnerable without his shirt. Sarah had seen his chest before, at the beach or relaxing in the backyard, but this time felt very different. He tried to use his right hand to cover up his exposed skin, like a girl losing her top at the beach.

“Aw, isn’t that cute,” Sarah said as she began to crawl her fingers up his vulnerable ribcage. With no clothing in the way, with Josh unable to pull his arm down, Sarah had unlimited access to his bare skin. She vibrated her digits over and between the bones, tracing Josh’s ribs from his sternum to the mattress. Like a spider, Sarah walked her fingers higher and higher, moving for his open underarm. The closer she got, the louder he laughed.

Josh tried to reach across his body with his free hand to stop the torment, but all Sarah had to do was lightly flick her fingers of her other hand over his stomach. Instinctively, Josh would move his free arm to shield himself from this new attack, leaving Sarah’s other hand free to continue its march towards his underarm.

“HA aha haha a aha aha asttaaaawwwwpppp doinghaha ahahah dooiinnnggg thathaahahah ahahaha ahah…” Josh complained after the third time Sarah made him pull his arm back.

“Poor poor Josh,” Sarah taunted, her right hand tickling halfway up his ribcage, “You have to protect your belly! It’s a reflex, like kicking your leg when the doctor bands your knee with the hammer. It doesn’t matter that tickling your armpit will be ten times worse. You just can’t help yourself!”

Of course it was the hand of Josh’s other side that was doing all the damage. Josh had never been so vulnerable in his life, with his left arm stuck way up in the air. It was maddening not being able to shield his flesh in any way. All he could be was grit his teeth and laugh.

“Gaaawwwd ahah ahahah ah ahah ha ha ha ha SARRAHAHHAAAAAA hah ahah noooo ha ahah hah aaannnyythhiiiinnngg but hah hahahh haa mmmyyyyy pittttssssssss!!!!!” Josh could feel Sarah’s hand climbed up, now squeezing one rib at a time. It tickled so bad and it was going to get much worse in a second.

Josh’s dread of that moment when Sarah pinned his free arm under her leg. She was able to press her knee across his forearm and put enough of her weight behind it to trap Josh’s formerly free arm without hurting it. He tried a few, wild jerks, but found that right arm as unmovable as his cuffed, left one.

“Ready?” Sarah asked in a voice that was pure evil. Then she slipped her fingers into Josh’s hollow.

HE EHEHEHE EHEHEHEHEEH NOOOOOOO!!!! EHE EHE EHEHEH EHEH EHEHE EHEH PLEEEAASSEEHEHE EHEHEHE EHEHE EHEHE EHEH NO NO NO NOHHE EH EHEHH EHEHE HEHEHHE HHEHHHEHHEHH!!!!!!!!! Josh’s taughter, which had been a medium tenor suddenly spiked to glass-shattering soprano, and his body started jerking and bucking like an out of control horse. He was in hell.

For Sarah, however, it was heaven. Never had she known such complete control of somebody in her life! The smallest movement of her fingers, whether it was to flick her nails over the center of Josh’s underarm, or circle them around the outside edge, got the most tremendous reaction. She could feel Josh’s entire frame quiver and spasm to each touch. It was better than those mechanical horses outside K-mart!

By drilling just one finger into the middle of his armpit, Sarah could make his laughter tremble, going up and down quickly. Rake four nails lower, and he screamed like nothing she had ever heard before. Tears flowed down Josh’s cheeks, and his pathetic pleas became more and more gibberish. And Sarah could do all this to a large man just by moving her fingers an inch.

Sarah was soon lost in the rapture of playing with her new toy. She wanted to find out the limits of her power over Josh, and see everything she could make him do. She would tickle with light touches for a while, barely skimming the surface of Josh’s pits with her fingernails, then press down deeply into the flesh beneath her fingertips. She compared tickling the outer edge with the center, the top near his biceps and the bottom near his ribcage. She heard how his laughter changed to each one, how the quivering of his body between her thighs changed. It was almost like science.

Finally, realizing she would lose her experimental subject if she went to far, Sarah stopped. She listened to his wild gasps for air for a while, felt his body trying to stop shaking. Feeling how hard it was for Josh to get control of himself again only reminded Sarah how crazed his reaction to her tickling had been. It made her smile, and grow a little careless.

“So,” she said, leaning over him to look him in the eye, “Do you want to give in to me now? Can your pride handle losing to a mere girl? What would Marsha say?”

It was probably the mention of his wife’s name that pushed Josh to action. When Sarah had leaned forward, she had taken most of her weight off of Josh’s right arm. He yanked it out from under her knee and wrapped it around Sarah’s waist, pulling her down on top of him. Josh then began strumming his hand over Sarah’s belly, just like playing the banjo.

Now it was Sarah’s turn to scream. The silk teddy was very thin and smooth. It did nothing to block out the feel of Josh’s fingers. In fact, it magnified the tickling, like stockings on feet. Sarah tried to rip his arm away, but it was like a steel bar.

“Oh noo hoh hhooh hoho hah hahahhah heh ehe ehehehe ehe eheh Joohsshshshsh ehe ehehe ehehehe eh stawwwwp heh ehehehehe tickklllleeess tickkllleesss heheh eheh eheheheh!!!!” She had both hands on his forearm, trying to push it even an inch, but it was impossible.

“Why should I?” Josh replied, in control again, “You’re the one who likes to tickle people! Maybe I’ll just tickle you like this until you agree to call Marsha and tell her about your evil scheme to steal her husband!”

Josh would never know how close his plan came to working. Having pressed Sarah’s body against his, Josh couldn’t see what his hand was doing. He had no idea that his fingertips kept missing Sarah’s bellybutton by less than an inch. Had he managed to slip a finger into that pudgy hole, he would have made Sarah go out of her mind with hysteria. She would have quickly agreed to anything that he asked, desperate to stop his prodding finger.

As it was, even though Sarah was laughing like a fiend, and her perfect legs were kicking frantically in the air. She could feel how close Josh’s fingers were coming to one of here worst spots! Sarah knew how close she was to giving in. Her back to the wall, she managed a few coherent thoughts. If she couldn’t stop Josh from tickling her, she’d just have to go back on the offensive!

Giving up her hold on Josh’s arm, Sarah slipped her fingers back into his vulnerable left underarm. This time, all she could do was scribble her fingers chaotically inside the deep hollow, her own tickling preventing her from concentrating on specific techniques or areas. It was enough, however, to make Josh toss back his head and howl.

For the second time, the tickling turned into a battle of wills, as both Josh and Sarah shrieked and bellowing. Their laughter formed a weird harmony, blending together to form a sound almost musical. It was a shame neither had the awareness to appreciate it.

This struggle lasted longer than the first one did, with both contestants desperate not to give up. Their worlds became reduced to the agony of being tickled and the blind need to keep tickling. Both knew everything depended on winning.

In the end, it was Sarah that had the advantage. She didn’t need to hold on to Josh, or hold him down. The chain that held his left arm high in the air did all that for her. Being pressed against Josh’s body meant she was in the perfect position to attack his armpit. All she had to do was keep her fingers moving.

Josh, however, had to keep Sarah pinned, and with her twisting and squirming like a wild animal, that took all the strength he had. Eventually, his muscles grew tired and he couldn’t keep enough tension in his arm. Sensing his grip weakening, Sarah wiggled free. She immediately backed out of his reach.

“Oh, you’ve…you’ve done it now Josh,” Sarah said, still catching her breath. “I’m going to devastate you now.

Josh just lay there, wondering what Sarah was planning to do to him next. He was pretty sure he had lost his last chance at escape, and despair started joining the fear already built up inside him.

To Josh’s horror, when Sarah returned, she was carrying the bottle of baby oil and the hairbrush from the bathroom.

“Thank you, Josh,” she said, edging closer to the bed, “All your struggles, all your resistance will just make my conquest of you even sweeter. I’m going to master you Josh. You will be my trophy. But first, lets take care of that troublesome right hand.”

With that, Sarah put down the brush and baby oil and literally pounced on his right arm. Both her hands clamped down on his wrist, while her bottom plopped down on his elbow. This time, however, Sarah didn’t stop at just having his right arm pinned underneath her body. She reached down behind the mattress and came up with yet another metal cuff. This one too clicked shut, locking itself around Josh’s wrist.

Sarah straddled Josh’s chest again. “I guess I Josh’t have to hide my feet from you anymore,” she grinned. She pressed her sole against Josh’s bare cheek, than ran her toes down his neck, causing him to giggle lightly.

Almost absentmindedly, Sarah kept her toes gliding over Josh’s neck and face while she reached for the bottle of baby oil. She began rubbing it on her hands as if it were skin lotion. Sarah didn’t stop until her fingers were good and slippery.

Josh barely noticed. He was completely distracted by Sarah’s feet. Her soles were so soft and tempting. He couldn’t help but remember tickling them in the bathroom, when he had been in control, not hopelessly trapped. He remembered how those soles had felt under his fingertips, how Sarah had laughed when he had wiggled his nails under her toes. Sarah’s big toe dragged across his lips, forcing Josh to taste its sweetness, and Josh was again flooded with the urge to lick and nibble them. He wished desperately that he had the power to make that wish a reality, like had could have Joshe in the bathroom.

It was when those feet suddenly disappeared that Josh realized he was in trouble. In the next instant, Sarah struck. Oily fingers struck both of his underarms, and Josh felt like he was struck with twin lightning bolts. Tickling sensations began ravaging his body, and once again he was forced to scream with laughter.


Sarah felt like laughing herself. Josh’s cries were like a wild animal, crazed and uncontrolled. There was no begging, no pleas for help or mercy. Just ear shattering laughter. He couldn’t even say her name. And she loved it! Sarah could have listened to his hysterical cries all night!

For Josh, those oily fingers were absolutely devastating. The way they slipped and slid in his hollows was indescribable. It was like they were tickling the nerve endings directly, bypassing his very skin! He didn’t know how long he could take it!

Sarah’s reaction, of course, was quite the opposite. The feel of such delicate skin under her fingertips was exhilarating! It was like the baby oil was allowing her to really feel Josh’s underarms for the first time! His skin was like satin, with only a few stray hairs to get in her way. And with her fingers all slippery, she could dig into that satiny skin as hard or lightly as she wanted to!

And that wasn’t even the best part! Josh’s body had quivered and shook when Sarah had tickled him before, but this time, as Josh started losing control, he began thrusting his hips wildly. Straddling those very hips, Sarah started to grind her crotch against his, sending waves of pleasure and delight shooting threw her body. And the harder she tickled , the faster Josh’s hips moved! He was the perfect toy!

The faster Sarah’s slippery fingers moved, the harder they dug into his pits, the farther from reality Josh’s brain retreated. Soon he wasn’t aware of what his body was doing, didn’t know Sarah was sitting on top of him, and in fact, could barely remember his own name. All that was real in the world was the tickling. The only things that existed were those slippery fingers wiggling under his arms. They had to stop. They had to STOP TICKLING! But they didn’t, and all Josh could do was lie there and suffer.

Sarah knew her tickle toy was running out of gas. Josh’s hips weren’t pumping up and down like they had been, and his laughter was growing horse. His face, which had turned a delightful pink when tickled earlier, was now closer to the shade of a tomato. It was time to give him a break.

Sarah slowed her tickles greatly, keeping only one finger lightly brushing each armpit. That was enough to keep Josh giggling while letting him regain his breath and his sanity. She didn’t want this to end, but it was time…for now.

“Josh,” Sarah said in her most seductive voice, “Do you want more tickling, or are your ready to give me what I want? Because, trust me, I could do this to you all night. Its up to you. Do you…surrender?”

Josh’s vision was slowly returning, and he could see the blonde goddess sitting on top of him. She was the one in charge, the giver of ticklish agony. He could not remember why he had fought her, but he knew he had failed. To resist her would only lead to more, merciless tickling under his arms.

“You…you win,” Josh gasped, “Do what…what you want. Can’t…can’t stop you…”

“No, you really can’t. That’s because Sarah is your mistress, now and forever.” She climbed off of Josh and unbuttoned his jeans. Moving down to his feet. Grabbing the legs of his pants, Sarah pulled them off his legs, leaving Josh in his underwear.

“Now…now Sarah,” Josh said timidly as more memories flooded back to him, “You win…you Josh’t…Josh’t have to do this…” Fear filled Josh now that he remembered everything he had to lose.

“Oh, yes I do,” Sarah said, grinning evilly, “Unless you’d like be to go back to working on your pitties,” She wiggled her fingers in the air, threateningly.

Josh clamped his mouth shut. No way was he risking that again!

Sarah climbed back on top of Josh. This time she was facing his feet, with the waistband of his underpants directly in front of her. Slowly, teaseling, she reached in and pulled out Josh’s manhood. It was completely erect, as it had been through most of Josh’s ordeal.

“Aw, isn’t it cute!” She exclaimed, then caressed it once or twice like she was petting a puppy.

Josh was glad Sarah couldn’t see his face, because he was blushing pure crimson. This was the most humiliating experience of his life! He had no choice but to lie there and let her play his unit! Josh would rather have run naked threw the supermarket!

Sarah caressed it, letting her fingertips memorize the hard flesh. Then she bent down and licked the shaft from top to bottom. She could feel Josh’s body quiver, but he made no sound. She licked a second, then third time before a slight moan escaped her prisoners lips.

“Trying to hold back on me,” Sarah said accusingly, “Well I think I know a way to open up those lips of your.”

Unseen, Josh shook his head. She might be able to play with his manhood, but Josh wouldn’t respond. No amount of pleasure would…

Oh god! Sarah’s feet were starting to scoot backwards! They were sliding on the sheet, hugging the side of Josh’s body. They came closer and closer as Sarah straightened her legs. Soon, the toes found there way into Josh’s underarms.

“HE EHE ehe Ehe HEHEH nAWOOWOWWOoWO youuouououo HE EHEHEH EE EHEH prommi heheh ehEHEHEHE EHE ehehehehEHE prommisseedddd hehehEHEH eheheEHEHEHEH NAWOOOOO MORRREEE EHEHEHE EE E E EHEHE!!!!!”

Sarah was wiggling her toes in Josh’s underarms. Her piggies didn’t have the dexterity or control her fingers had, but it didn’t seem to matter much. Josh’s armpits were still oily from the last tickling. All Sarah had to do was wiggle her toes, especially the big ones, and it tickled unbearably.

“I promised no such thing,” Sarah said, pausing every now and then to lick Josh’s shaft like a Popsicle, “Boys chained to beds don‘t get to argue.” Now she could hear moans and groans mixed in with Josh’s laughter. It was an even sweeter noise than his insane cackling. Josh was losing more now than his self-control. He was losing himself.

Josh could feel the tickling caused by Sarah’s toes warring inside him with the pleasure caused by her lips and tongue. He felt like his nervous system was being ripped apart. He pulled madly at his chains, trying desperately to escape the sensations ravaging his body.


Sarah was now licking Josh more and wiggling her toes less. She could tell by the way his manhood was throbbing that Josh was very close. She could push him over the edge so easily.

The pleasure was sweeping over Josh, making his heart pound and his brain stop working. He was trying so hard to hold back, to not give the response his body was dying to give. Part of him had already forgotten why he was fighting.
“Remember you’re married!” A voice screamed in Josh’s head. “Remember how much you hate Sarah! How humiliating it would be to give in to her!”

But it felt so good, so soft…And he really didn’t want to be tickled anymore!

And just then, Sarah’s toes started wiggling full speed in Josh’s underarms again. He burst out howling again. Too much! It was…

“Do you want me to make you cum, Joshie boy? Yes or No? tell your mistress, boy, or she’ll tickle you all night!


Josh felt everything in his body rushing forward, slamming into a dam. It had to break! He’d do anything…anything to break it!


With that word, Sarah knew she’d dominated Josh as much as she could for now. She squeezed his manhood with one of her oily hand, forcing him to spurt his goo almost immediately. It was the ultimate surrender, and Sarah almost orgasmed just watching it.

After everything he’d gone threw, it wasn’t a surprise that Josh fell immediately asleep.

“Yes, yes, you rest now,” Sarah said caressing his cheek, “I’m going to clean you off, and in an hour or so, it’ll be your turn to satisfy me. Then you’ll truly understand what it means to be your mistress’s servant.”

“Oh really,” said a new voice from the doorway, “You Josh’t think his wife should have something to say about that?”

Sarah spun quickly to see Marsha at the door leading to the bathroom. And she looked pissed.

“Oh crap,” Sarah whispered.

End Part one

Multiple Choice: What should happen next?

A: Marsha frees Josh and they make Sarah their private tickle pet.
B: Marsha tickles Sarah, but also punishes her husband for giving in to easily.
C: Sarah tickles Marsha senseless, and now has a married couple to abuse.
D: Josh somehow frees himself and helps his new mistress tickle his wife.
E: After tickling each other for a while, Marsha and Sarah decide it would be more fun to team up on Josh.
Nice story! How about the wife frees Josh and they both torture Sarah?
I like this story...good job!
My choice is: A
Not bad, but you should have kept the name Don instead of changing it to Josh...

Anyway, I vote that Marsha and Sarah tickle it out for a while before Sarah wins and forces a tied up Marsha to watch her husband get tickled and raped by Sarah.
A truly erotic story! Very well written. I'm in need of a cold shower.

I think I prefer choice B to start - Marsha overcomes Sarah and tickles her senseless, and then punishes Josh for enjoying himself.

After that, I'd really love to read how Josh gets loose, overcomes Marsha, then tickles the stuffing out of both Marsha and Sarah.

Terrific post!
I too think this is a very well written story, erotic, entertaining, interesting, etc. I think you can see from many of the comments that one sequel is not going to satisify us. I think you can do this in whatever order you wish, but you should plan on working at least two or three of the ideas (if not more) into this.

However you choose to go, I will look forward to reading it-- just don't keep us waiting too long.
I am all about revenge baby.....great story, really great story. Love the little battles.

Choice is A ! but then again the wife has to get her turn too!
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