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Catherine the Great & Tickling

Lady Feathers

TMF Poster
Dec 8, 2006
Are there any references to Catherine the Great having a tickling fetish?


Lady Feathes
Interesting question. Where have you heard that she did? One way to check that out would be to E-mail one or two of the current historians who have been through the papers of Catherine and her circle, not that I'd put odds on hearing back.
I remember a story about Catherine the Great that was posted a LONG time ago. I forget who posted it, unfortunately, and I can't vouch for its authenticity, but here it is:


An account of lady's foot tickling as punishment in the Russian Court. As reported by Sir Robert Ownsley, Special Emissary to the Russian Court, 1786.

"The Czarina Catherine had apparently grown irritable at the conduct of one of her ladies-in-waiting. The young girl had presumably engaged in carnal conduct with the wrong courtier. The Czarina ordered the exceptionally pretty young maid bound, in full court attire, to a curved couch.

"For fear of her life the woman did not protest, nor did she offer any resistance, yet the look of stark fear in her face was quite noticeable to all present. Upon orders, her shoes and stockings were removed, revealing to the crowdher very white and quite comely feet. The feet are considered to be sexually arousing to the Russians, and several ladies blushed while the men became noticeably aroused by their mere exposure. The young lady herself seemed to be as embarrassed as if she were suddenly naked.

"Two other young ladies, who were employed as professional foot-ticklers, took their place at the foot of the couch, as the victimised young woman began to squirm. At this point the Czarina gave a command that was interpreted to me as meaning: Let the teasing begin, and do not let it cease until I give the command.

"Now one of the ticklers produced a small brush, and the other used the tips of her fingers as they began to torment the hapless young maiden. The girl's reaction to her tickling was so immediate and violent that it was apparent she would not long endure this cruel treatment. She struggled with such vigour as to shake the couch that held her securely. After several minutes her laughter and screaming seemed to be that of one demon possessed. Her wailing pleas of mercy seemed to incite pleasure in the audience, but in none so much as Catherine, herself, who seemed to grow quite excited at the poor girl's suffering. The absolute despair in her tortured and almost unintelligible utterings caused great pity in me.

"It is delicate torture, one that most Englishmen apply with great delight to the feet and sides of their daughters and youthful wives. I thought of my own little daughter and the wonderful laughter I had forced from her by gentle teasing of her tiny feet and toes. How unlike that loving parental teasing this was!

"I must admit to being impressed by the skill of the professional ticklers. The woman with the brush seemed to know each and every possible nuance of the sole of her victim’s foot. Her stroking was very deliberate and planned, taking care to the brushing of the sides and tips of each toe, following the lines of the arch with artistic accuracy, even though the foot was squirming and jerking about in desperation. She seemed able to anticipate the movement of each jerk. The girl who was using her fingers seemed equally adept in stroking, nay, caressing the sole in wave after wave of maddening ten-finger coordination.

"After about an hour or longer, the girl was so hoarse from shrieking, screaming, and laughing that only guttural sounds emerged from a face that seemed more a mask of over-indulged panic and certain death. Several courtiers began pleading with the Czarina that the girl would soon indeed be dead, and she reluctantly ordered cessation. Still the girl took some time to recover, as did the spectators. I never heard the frightened girl utter another word.”

The End
That's cute. I don't believe for one minute that it's authentic, but it's good for a chuckle.
That's cute. I don't believe for one minute that it's authentic, but it's good for a chuckle.

Edited to add: If it is true, it should be verifiable in the records of British-Russian diplomacy for that year. When I'm in a good research library I can do a little looking.
This is a copy and past job from a document I have on my hard drive. No idea who the source is though:

If only Catherine the Great had gotten together with Lucrezia and Cesare Borgia; now that would have been a party! You see, these are probably the most famous names linked to tickling in history. First, Catherine. In the 1700's foot tickling in Russia became the rage as an erotic turn on for the women of the highest classes (Just as oral sex was THE thing in the 1970s and bondage/fetishism became popular in the A.I.D.S.- riddled 1980s).

Apparently, the Russians picked it up from the Tartar tribes of the now and former Soviet Union, who originally may have gotten it from the Chinese or Mongols. Catherine the Great (a German by birth - and the Germans have their own tickling history, don't they?) was married to Peter the Great, although it was a loveless marriage. According to William Rossi's The Sex Life Of The Foot And Shoe, foot tickling was performed on Catherine by either female servants or eunuchs. They would stroke her soles with long feathers or bushy brushes as they sang dirty songs, the entire scene reeking of decadence to get The empress into a sexual mood for when her husband returned to the bedroom. It wasn't just Catherine who underwent this treatment; many women of her court were 'into' the foot tickling, as were notable female Russian leaders After the death of Catherine. Rossi writes that Anna Leopoldova had six women 'on call' specifically as court ticklers. While Rossi specifically mentions that this tickling went on in the bedrooms of only the rich and famous Russian women (an activity that he suggests created many an orgasm for the women), he implies that Russians of every social level got involved. Further, he teasingly hints that when his book was written (in the early 1960's), Soviet women in high positions were even then getting their feet tickled as a sexual turn on, although presumably not by eunuchs or other hired hands.
I don't believe any of this stuff. If it were true, I'm sure we all would have heard about this kind of stuff as a part of some "weird trivia from history" or something. As it is, only this single (and very detailed) supposed report makes any mention of it.
I thought the entire association between Catherine the Great and tickling torture is just fanciful story-telling. Mind you, it's a great source for some fantastic stories. Like they say, "don't let the facts get in the way of a good yarn" :)
...If only Catherine the Great had gotten together with Lucrezia and Cesare Borgia; now that would have been a party! You see, these are probably the most famous names linked to tickling in history. First, Catherine. In the 1700's foot tickling in Russia became the rage as an erotic turn on for the women of the highest classes (Just as oral sex was THE thing in the 1970s and bondage/fetishism became popular in the A.I.D.S.- riddled 1980s).

Apparently, the Russians picked it up from the Tartar tribes of the now and former Soviet Union, who originally may have gotten it from the Chinese or Mongols. Catherine the Great (a German by birth - and the Germans have their own tickling history, don't they?) was married to Peter the Great, although it was a loveless marriage. According to William Rossi's The Sex Life Of The Foot And Shoe, foot tickling was performed on Catherine by either female servants or eunuchs. They would stroke her soles with long feathers or bushy brushes as they sang dirty songs, the entire scene reeking of decadence to get The empress into a sexual mood for when her husband returned to the bedroom. It wasn't just Catherine who underwent this treatment; many women of her court were 'into' the foot tickling, as were notable female Russian leaders After the death of Catherine. Rossi writes that Anna Leopoldova had six women 'on call' specifically as court ticklers. While Rossi specifically mentions that this tickling went on in the bedrooms of only the rich and famous Russian women (an activity that he suggests created many an orgasm for the women), he implies that Russians of every social level got involved. Further, he teasingly hints that when his book was written (in the early 1960's), Soviet women in high positions were even then getting their feet tickled as a sexual turn on, although presumably not by eunuchs or other hired hands.

That excerpt was from A Treatise on Tickling by "M"
Back in the 1970's i remember reading a letter in Penthouse.The writer said his grandfather had been a Cossack officer and had told him stories of standing guard outside the bedrooms of high ladies of the court while they had their feet tickled in order to arouse them for sexual encounters with husbands they were not necessarily in love with.

True or not,who knows?I have also read the account mentioned by another poster about the incident with Cathrine the Great but i don't recall where.I am fairly certain it was not posted here.
Back in the 1970's i remember reading a letter in Penthouse.The writer said his grandfather had been a Cossack officer and had told him stories of standing guard outside the bedrooms of high ladies of the court while they had their feet tickled in order to arouse them for sexual encounters with husbands they were not necessarily in love with.

Penthouse letters are writen by Penthouse writers.
Last edited:
I posted this a long time ago and thought I'd re-post it for you all.
I underlined the section that mentions Catherine the Great for your convenience.

"The Sex Life of the Foot & Shoe"
by William A. Rossi. Copyright 1976.

Foot-Tickled To Passion.
Page 29

Another graphic example of the foot’s ‘sexual nerves’is found in the foot’s sensory-rich sole & its response, often erotic & sensual, to tickling. The noted psychologist Albert Moll states that the sole of the foot has a sensory quility “whose stimulation gives rise, directly or indirectly, to voluptuous sensations.”
As everyone knows, foot-tickling can drive some into flights of ecstasy & others to madness.
Essentially, however, the response to foot-tickling is sexual. Says Aigremont, “The tickling of the soles of the feet has been used by many preparatory to coitus. It serves as a foreplay center so it might prolong the sexual enjoyment as much as possible.”
Foot-tickling as an erotic stimulus is age-old & universal. “The sophisticated lover”, says Renbourn, “knows that many women get intense erotic pleasure when the feet are gently stroked - like having the ear lobes nibbled.” Paintings of foot-tickling can be seen in the Louvre as well as in the Museum of Pius Clementia in Rome. They’re also commonly found in China, Japan, India, & Southeast Asia. Egyptian Queen Hatshepsut (1600 b.c.) used to prepare for her lovers with exquisite podocosmetic care. First the skin of her feet were rubbed & scented with oil of ani until it glowed as though coated with gold. Then as she reclined on a luxurious lounge, palace eunuchs tickled the bottoms of her feet with peacock feathers “to bring her to a pitch of sexual readiness.’
A short while ago a wealthy New York socialite visited her psychiatrist & asked whether she should “Break the habit”. “What habit?” he asked.
She explained the 2 or 3 times a week she thoroughly rubbed the soles & toes of her feet with dog food. Then she summoned her 2 Pomeranians & they eagerly licked the scent of the food from her feet.
“It drives me to a sexual frenzy - the tickling sensation on my feet,” she confessed. “It brings me to orgasm almost every time. Or sometimes I masterbate while the dogs are licking my feet. Doctor, is there,
well, something wrong with that? With me?”
“Why not go the straight route with a man?” he asked.
“Oh, I enjoy sex with men, all right. But this foot-tickling & foot-licking thing is something special, something extra. If I asked a man to do that - well, wouldn’t he think me mad or something?”
The doctor pondered the matter a moment, then said, “Why not ask the man? It might work, especially if you make it mutual.”
She called a month later. “Doctor,” she said excitedly, “please excuse the pun, but we’re tickled to death. My lover & I , we’re doing it to each other, & following it with real sex. It’s given sex a whole new feeling for me.”
The Russians, especially among the nobility & aristicracy, were devotees of sexual foot-tickling. They had learned it from the Tartar tribes. Foot-tickling for sexual arousal was used in the Muscovite palaces & courts for centuries.
Many of the Czarinas (Catherine the Great, Anna Ivanovna, Elizabeth, Anna Leopoldovna, & others) were ardent participants.
In fact, the practice was so popular that eunuchs & women were
employed as full time foot-ticklers. They developed this unique skill so well that their occupations brought prestige & good pay. Anna Leopoldovna had no fewer than 6 ticklers at her feet, though more were employed to serve the other ladies of the court.

The foot-tickling was usually done on the private boudoirs. While the ticklers performed their task they also told baudy stories & sang obcene ballads, thus creating a sort of orgiastic atmosphere. All this, of course, was to work the ladies up to an erotic pitch so that they could meet their husbands or lovers in a sex-impassioned mood. It wasn't uncommon for these women to experience orgasms while being foot-tickled.
A few years ago, while I was visiting Russia & studying their foot wear industry there, the director of a large shoe plant employing some 7000 showed me a private collection of historical shoes from different parts of the world. In a corner was a vase containing several long, brilliantly covered feathers, & also slender artist's brushes with exquisitely soft bristles. As I touched them I recognized that they were ladies' foot ticklers.
The director smiled & said, "Ah, you seem to know what they are. Well, as old as they are, they are not out of date. They are prized by some of our Russian women today. Perhaps you would be surprised to know that the wife of one of our highest party officials & some of her friends of equal standing, are known to . . ." His voice faded & the subject was abruptly changed. Later, in Hungary, & Czechoslovakia, I saw similar foot ticklers.'
Yes, the foot is rich with its own”sexual nerves”. It is no mere coincidence, as cited earlier, that the foot possesses such an abundance of sensory spots. This clearly evident by the common erotic responses to such acts as foot-tickling, foot-massaging, foot-biting, toe-sucking, foot-kissing, etc. Sensual response to such actions is inevitable because first, we are dealing with a naturally erogenous part, & second, because all such actions involve touch, the most sexual of all the senses.
One can simply do the research to prove it true. This info has been distributed online since back in USENET days. Looked it up and found references in the library. Have since seen it in several libraries.

Goes along with the references for it being used as torture. One need only do the research.
excellent post. Again, I'm not sure exactly how much of it can be proven as reliable sources - but certainly interesting.
I think the moral of the story is that a plane ticket to Russia may be a good investment ;)
Can't find that there even was a Sir Robert Ownsley in 1786 - at least not one who served as an emissary to Russia.
In the movie "Great Catherine" Ursula Andress tickled Peter O'Toole midsection with her feet. Crazy movie in the late 1960's/early70's
I remember a story about Catherine the Great that was posted a LONG time ago. I forget who posted it, unfortunately, and I can't vouch for its authenticity, but here it is:


An account of lady's foot tickling as punishment in the Russian Court. As reported by Sir Robert Ownsley, Special Emissary to the Russian Court, 1786.

"The Czarina Catherine had apparently grown irritable at the conduct of one of her ladies-in-waiting. The young girl had presumably engaged in carnal conduct with the wrong courtier. The Czarina ordered the exceptionally pretty young maid bound, in full court attire, to a curved couch.

"For fear of her life the woman did not protest, nor did she offer any resistance, yet the look of stark fear in her face was quite noticeable to all present. Upon orders, her shoes and stockings were removed, revealing to the crowdher very white and quite comely feet. The feet are considered to be sexually arousing to the Russians, and several ladies blushed while the men became noticeably aroused by their mere exposure. The young lady herself seemed to be as embarrassed as if she were suddenly naked.

"Two other young ladies, who were employed as professional foot-ticklers, took their place at the foot of the couch, as the victimised young woman began to squirm. At this point the Czarina gave a command that was interpreted to me as meaning: Let the teasing begin, and do not let it cease until I give the command.

"Now one of the ticklers produced a small brush, and the other used the tips of her fingers as they began to torment the hapless young maiden. The girl's reaction to her tickling was so immediate and violent that it was apparent she would not long endure this cruel treatment. She struggled with such vigour as to shake the couch that held her securely. After several minutes her laughter and screaming seemed to be that of one demon possessed. Her wailing pleas of mercy seemed to incite pleasure in the audience, but in none so much as Catherine, herself, who seemed to grow quite excited at the poor girl's suffering. The absolute despair in her tortured and almost unintelligible utterings caused great pity in me.

"It is delicate torture, one that most Englishmen apply with great delight to the feet and sides of their daughters and youthful wives. I thought of my own little daughter and the wonderful laughter I had forced from her by gentle teasing of her tiny feet and toes. How unlike that loving parental teasing this was!

"I must admit to being impressed by the skill of the professional ticklers. The woman with the brush seemed to know each and every possible nuance of the sole of her victim’s foot. Her stroking was very deliberate and planned, taking care to the brushing of the sides and tips of each toe, following the lines of the arch with artistic accuracy, even though the foot was squirming and jerking about in desperation. She seemed able to anticipate the movement of each jerk. The girl who was using her fingers seemed equally adept in stroking, nay, caressing the sole in wave after wave of maddening ten-finger coordination.

"After about an hour or longer, the girl was so hoarse from shrieking, screaming, and laughing that only guttural sounds emerged from a face that seemed more a mask of over-indulged panic and certain death. Several courtiers began pleading with the Czarina that the girl would soon indeed be dead, and she reluctantly ordered cessation. Still the girl took some time to recover, as did the spectators. I never heard the frightened girl utter another word.”

The End

I also doubt its authenticity. But nevertheless, it is quite an awesome story! I love the "retro" style.

Actually it was Jan Morrow

The correct spelling is Jeanne Moreau :rules:

Although I must admit that the name Jan Morrow sounds pretty cool, like that of a privateer of the 17th century or something :D
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