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Cathy's Cleansing Re-Post


Registered User
Feb 3, 2020
Hey all, I was asked to re-post another one of zillman's old stories, so here goes!

Cathy's Cleansing part 1

Written for a couple of fans of my earlier work. They have graciously allowed to post it here. Please be kind, i am still a beginner at erotica.

She walked into the white room as the lights came to life. She was naked with the exception of he ankle socks due to the cold floor. Her red hair flowed over her shoulders. “Hello Cathy, are you ready for your cleansing?” The robotic voice said to her. “Yes” She replied in a diminutive tone. The scanner hit her, she knew to stretch her arms out to the sides. ”Then why are you still wearing fabric foot coverings?” The metallic voice asked.

“My feet were cold on the floor.” She answered, not wanting to invoke the wrath of the AI.

“This is an unacceptable breach of the rules, you will be penalized.”

“Please, I'm sorry,” She scrambled to remove her socks and winced as her 5 ½ feet hit the floor. “When was your last exfoliation?” The computer demanded. “Um, 3 days ago.” she said almost in a questioning voice. Cleansing was required by the ruling regime twice a week for women and once a week for men. It had been over a week since her last, she showered at home before she came into the center, so she thought she might get away with it.

“Scans show you have have not cleansed for at least 9 days. This is unacceptable and will require a longer period this session. This, with your breach will require no less than 6 hours.” The disembodied voice pronounced. “No!! You can't do that!” she protested. “Of course we can. We have all the power. You have none. Prepare for your treatment Cathy.” With that the metallic tentacles snaked from the four corners of the room, grabbing her wrists and ankles and suspending her, spread eagle, four feet above the floor. A small table ascended for the floor supporting her back, she could already feel its bristles. She had been through many times since the new order had taken over, but the fear was always new.

The room scanned her again. “Inappropriate amount of hair. Commencing hair removal” She hated this part, the little electric buzzers descending for the ceiling on articulated arms tickled like hell. They went right to work, four on each leg, two in each armpit, and one large one for her red haired mound. They worked her over for twenty minutes or so before retracting. Cathy panted, trying to recover, knowing what was next. Then the machine surprised her. “Due to the dereliction of cleansing behavior, genital and anal cleansing will continue throughout the rest of the session.” Her heart sank, usually this was at the end of the session. It resulted in orgasms that lengthened her time. If she was going to be manipulated in her pussy and ass for six hours, she could be here for days. “Please you can't!”

“Yes we can. Follow the rules next time. Which will be scheduled sooner, until lessons are learned.” The voice sternly said. “Initiating sensitivity solution.” Tubes cam down from the ceiling and sprayed her body down with a thick foam. She was covered from neck to toe with the substance. Then the probes began their awful work. The two pronged arm came up for the floor. A dreadful large dildo and a smaller one beneath. Both were covered in tickling tendrils and dripping with the pink goo. They inserted themselves into her pussy and anus and started to rotate. “Oh gawwwd not this!!” She realized this was going to continue for the duration of the 'cleaning'. This was only a measure to keep the populace in check. To keep them fearful of longer and worse sessions. But she had to be a rebel, she had to skip the sessions, and now she had to pay for it.

Circular scrubbing brushes came up from the floor and positioned themselves at her elbows. They began to spin and moved slowly down her body. They paused for a few minutes in the hollow of her underarms. She screamed with laughter. The brushing was more than she could handle, especially knowing how long it would last. She didn't even notice the scrub bushes emerging from the floor, focusing on her breasts, and stomach. They started working away, not interfering with those at her sides. Just merrily working the sensitivity foam into a deep lather.
She screamed at the new sensations. 'Oh gods why did this government do this to us...' Before she could finish the thought the phallus in her pussy and anus went into high gear, they started spinning at break neck speeds and thrusting with the power of a much larger animal than a human. She trembled as she felt it coming. Her orgasm was so intense that her screams of ecstasy hurt her ears.

“My, my, what a messy girl. We now have to clean you a little more 'thoroughly'” the AI said, almost sounding as if it were enjoying it. She knew what this meant and started to struggle in the bonds. The table beneath her came to life, tickling her from shoulders to backside, putting down her resistance. “Please do not struggle Cathy.” It said coolly “It only extends the time of the procedure. It has been decided that you shall report to this facility '4' times per week for the foreseeable future. For re-education. Be thankful you do not become a permanent resident.”

Tears welled in her eyes, she had to take this without complaint or it would get much worse? But it was already getting worse. Two spinning scrub brushes had emerged and were attacking her feet. They were big enough to nearly encase her small tootsies. Much worse than that, a wheel of tongue shaped bristles were replacing the dildos after they moved aside. Each tongue snaked their way into the entrances as they circled.

At this point she was being tickled up and down her sides, on her feet, breasts and stomach, and between her legs. She was shaking her head madly and scream laughing at the top of her lungs. Then the pad under her back began to activate, hundred of small brushes were now moving around, soaked in the gel. And she was in hell.

The worst of it all was that she kept cumming, over and over and over again. Every time, it made her more sensitive and the AI had to clean her more every time. The time kept tickling up. And now she was being scrubbed o the inside as well as the out. The dildos replaced the tongues and the tongues replaced the dildos in a non stop cycle. Over the hours her skin got sweaty. It sprang the brushes back to life. She was near exhaustion when the ordeal seemed to be over.

Or was it?

Cathy shambled out of the room, making her way down the hall. She passed numerous men and women waiting their turns. Many of them looked incredibly nervous. They knew how this worked. She made her way to the changing room she was assigned to at the start. After punching the door button she entered. She checked the room number, since her clothes seemed replaced. There were knee high boots, bra and panties and a tight fitting catsuit. She looked at the items curiously. The cat suit seemed to be completely form fitting to her body, the boots seemed to lock closed, the bra had numerous brushes built on the inside. Hesitantly she picked up the panties, to her horror they had two tickly dildos inside.

“Where the fuck are my clothes, you assholes?”She yelled into the empty room.

“These are your clothes.” the AI responded. “You skipped your mandatory cleansing so you must now wear these until you report back tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow!? I just had an extended one!”

“Not quite extended enough we are afraid.” The monotone voice responded. “You will put this on or go back into the chamber, the choice is yours. The others all show up for their regimented cleansings, yet you do not. Such behavior requires correction.”
The word choice was echoing through her head, did she choose the frying pan or the fire? She slowly slid up the panties, both dildos hit home and started to vibrate. “Shit!” then she pulled the bra over her amble size c breasts. The motorized bristles started their work. “Oh fuck!” quivering, she reached for the catsuit and slipped it on. The litany of small vibrated fibers within caused her to shiver. She eyed the boots warily, 'Oh gods' she thought as she put her feet into them and they snapped shut. The bottoms whirled to life, tickling every inch of her over sensitized soles. There were spinning brushes between every toe. She was sealed in, unable to remove the suit or the boots. She was trapped. For the next 24 hours.

“We know you must work, so the tickling will not be constant. But we will turn it on and off occasionally to remind you of your appointment. Here is what happens if you do not keep it.”

The suit, the bra, the panties and the boots all went into overdrive. Cathy was tickled everywhere from the neck down, and violated in both her vagina and anus. She fell to the floor clawing at the suit, to no avail. Suddenly it stopped. A closet door swung open. Her clothes where hung up there. “You may dress now... Over the suit. We will see you tomorrow Cathy.”

She dressed over the suit and and started to leave the facility. The AI stopped her at the door. “Please insert your hand into the indicated receptacle.” A green light glowed around a hole on her right hand side. “What for?” she incredulously asked. “Because you were told to.” Suddenly here bra came to life, swirling fibers and buzzing brushes on her nipples caused her to yell out.

“Okay! Okay! Just stop please!!” She thrust her hand into the orifice. There was slight tension around her wrist and the tickling did not cease until whatever they were doing to her ended. She withdrew her hand and there was a metal bracelet with blinking lights wrapped around her wrist.

“What the hell is this?” She yelled into the void. “A standard tracer so that we can find you if you do not return for reeducation. Also it will make aware to the citizenry that you are a criminal, thus changing your status among them. We will see you tomorrow no later than 14:30, please be prompt, otherwise.” The toe ticklers went into action, basically fucking the webbing of her toes. “Fine! I'll be here!!” She screamed. “Very good Cathy, have a pleasant evening!” The tickling stopped, but she was under the impression that her evening would not be pleasant.

She stepped out on the street and made her way to the tramway. The entire time, she experienced slight jolts of tickling on various parts of her body. Many times Cathy had to lean against the wall of a building, just to not collapse. As she climbed the stairs to the tram, her boots activated. She gripped the hand rail to steady herself. An older woman came from behind and grasped her arm and put a hand on the small of her back. “It's okay dear, I have been there.” She gave her some assistance up the stairs and led her to the tram. “It gets easier if you follow the rules, but not right away I'm afraid. They will want to make an example of you for a bit. But if you do everything they say, it does get better.” She, almost lovingly rubbed her bicep. “What's your name dear?” She asked. “Cathy.” she coughed out, still being torture by her boots. “I'm Sarah, and been through this many times. I'm here to tell you it is much simpler to 'go with the flow' so they say.”

The tram arrived at the station and Cathy entered, Sarah behind. As soon as she entered, her wristband started to flash. The conductor looked down and then back up at her. “Car 9 please miss.” He said. “Why can't I sit where I like?” “The band.” Sarah said, “You must go dear, I'm so sorry.” She took her seat and gestured to the back of the the tram, tears in her eyes.

Cathy moved to the rear car, she was now a criminal, apparently. When she entered the last car she saw several men and women squirming in their seats, obviously tormented by similar materials as she was. She sat down on an empty seat between a man and a woman. “Not again” cried the man and barreled over. “Oh god” a woman in front of said and grabbed her breasts. It would not be long until the sword of Damocles would fall on her. And fell it did. She was suddenly attacked by the boots, the bra and the panties all at once. She gripped the armrests on her chair, trying to keep composure. She could tell that the others in the car knew exactly what was happening. A young blonde woman pointed and giggled a bit before screaming out with laughter herself. Cathy's trip home lasted 30 minutes of intermittent ticklish ministrations on her already tired body. When she got home, she had some water then collapsed on her bed.

Throughout the night she was awoken by torments, none of the clothes would come off, not even the boots. Around 2am she was having a pleasant dream when suddenly the panties began to work. At first she moaned quietly, enjoying the experience, then just as she was about to climax, she got tickled everywhere else and the dildos ceased. This pattern went on through the night into morning. Her alarm rang at around 6:30. Normally she would have showered, but since the catsuit was sealed, there was not much point. So she just put a pantsuit over her coverings and did her makeup and hair.

She went to the tram and her wrist flashed again. At this point she knew where to go. She spent the entire ride being constantly aroused while the dildo sunk inside her. She had wet herself several times since leaving the facility and hoped that the perfume was covering it up. She promised herself she was never going to miss another cleansing again.

They reached her destination and on wobbly legs she disembarked. After a few blocks walking in tickling boots she reached her office. She worked for a government bureaucracy in a gray faceless building. Cathy intended to ask her boss to let her off for the day so she could mentally prepare for the trial that was to come. She reached the 15th floor and made a b-line to Susan's office. “Can I help you Cathy?” she raised an eyebrow. “Yes ma'am, I have to report to the correction facility this afternoon and with your permission, I'd like the whole day off.” She clasped her hands together. “What time is your appointment?” She raised an eyebrow. “Two PM.” She replied. “You already took most of yesterday, I'm afraid you are too far behind. Our government contracts must be fulfilled or we're all end up in your 'position'. So please return to your desk and start your day.” She said sternly. “Please Susan, I surely can't work like this today.” “You had better try.” She hit a remote on her desk and Cathy collapsed as both dildos began to spin. She stood up from her desk and peered over. “Do we have an understanding?” Cathy looked up and meekly nodded. The tickling stopped. “To your desk Miss Cathy, you are free to go to make your appointment. I hope you get get caught on a call...”

She slumped to her desk, crestfallen. She had hardly gotten any rest the night before, and now she was forced to work for her damn government job for half the day. She opened her email and started to scan what she had missed the day before. She worked as best she could, but the devices turned on at random intervals. One moment she was typing away and the next her boots, bra, panties, suit, or all would turn on. She gritted her teeth and clasped her desk to avoid making a scene in the cubical jungle.

Her eye was on the clock, she did not want to be late. Her phone rang and it was an insufferable bureaucrat with quite a bit to say on the project she was overseeing. He had a million questions regarding her progress. Her nipples started to be tickled halfway through this conversation. She wanted to die. She was trying to answer his parade of queries through the torment. Then the dildos activated. 'Oh god she did not want to moan to this asshole.' Cathy tried to finish the call as quickly as possible, but there was always another question. She looked at the clock 'Holy shit it was 1:30!'.

He drowned on and on. She was desperately trying to do her job correctly, not wanting to enrage Susan again, but the time kept ticking. Also her boots kept switching on to remind her of the appointment. Finally he was finished and ended the call. It was 1:47! she would never make it back the facility in time! 'Oh god, what will they do?'.

She grabbed her personal belongings and started to rush for the elevator. Susan stepped from her office. “Just where do you think you are off to?” She raised an eyebrow. “I told you I have an appointment with the facility. I must get there soon, or they might impose further punishments.” She said breathlessly. Her boots started to buzz. She shuffled from foot to foot, dancing in the hallway. Follow me Susan said, ushering her into her office. “Please sit down.” she offered her a chair. “There is a car waiting outside which will take you to the facility, hopefully in time. I must say that you have been under preforming of late.” Cathy stared at her blank eyed. “What does one thing have to due with the other?” “Well Cathy, you will have to be reassigned, to the research department.” Cathy gulped, her heart fell in her chest. “Please Susan, I can't.” Her boss lifted her brow. “It's either this or you return to the facility 'permanently'. Come on now Catherine, you are a perfectly reasonable analyst, do the numbers. What is worse? You will hopefully get to your appointment on time and then tomorrow you'll be in R&D!” She smiled a toothy grin.

They both knew what happened down there. That was were their government developed their awful contraptions and chemicals. Since she was not an engineer, nor a chemist, there was only one role for her. Guinea pig. She got into the elevator, entered the car and headed to the facility for another 'cleansing'. The closer they approached the building the dildos began to spin and pump faster and faster. By the time they had arrived she could barely make it to the door.

She entered the building and was greeted by the receptionist. She immediately noticed the bracelet. “Please scan here.” she said in a Long Island accent over dark rimmed glasses. Catherine waved her wrist below the scanner and it suddenly flashed red. “Oh one of those late people, we love those.” “Wait, its only two fifteen, I was supposed to be here by two thirty.”

“Sorry hon, that's eastern time, you're late. It's okay though, you are due to see a specialist on floor ten. Room 1011, she'll get this all sorted out I'm sure.” She handed over the paperwork and sent Cathy on here way. As she was waiting for the elevator she noticed the receptionist squirming it her seat and yelping slightly, obviously another victim.

She arrived on the tenth floor and located Dr. June's office, at this point she was creaming herself. She knocked on the door and a voice from within beckoned her to enter. “Yes, Cathy is it?” the young doctor asked. Cathy nodded yes, still shaking from the ministrations to her body. June was tallish for a woman, great form with large breasts, and brown hair in a bob cut. She pushed her glasses up her nose and pulled a clipboard off her desk. “It seems you are to be reeducated. Perfect, that is my specialty.” She set down the file, sat on the edge of her desk and leaned in to Cathy. “I bet you want out of that suit don't you?”

“Oh god please yes!” The boots sped up again as she was speaking. “Not quite yet, my dear.” She pushed a few buttons on her desk and there were suddenly a couple of android orderlies in the doorway. “Please see that Cathy is 'well' taken care of. Please bring her to the south wing, remove her clothing and clean her in preparation for her treatment. She has been wearing the same suit for a day, so please be extra thorough. I will be down in,” she looked at her watch, “four hours or so.”

Two metal hands came down on her shoulders. “Please come with us Miss.” Sheepishly she started to turn, then spun around, facing Dr. June. “Why?! Why must we do this? As a society, why is this necessary?” She looked up from the papers on her desk, pulled off her glasses and set them down. She stood up and adjusted her pencil skirt, walked over and looked Cathy square in the eye. “So you know that you're filthy, you know that you must be cleaned, but mostly, so you know your place.” She turned on her heel and went back to her desk. Put her glasses on and sat down. “You can take her away, I am done with her, for now.”

Cathy was removed from the good doctor's office and ushered down the hall. The robots were incredibly strong and she was no match for them. It was not going to help to struggle. The trio made it to the elevator and boarded. As soon as she crossed the threshold, the whole suit, everything started to work in overdrive mode. The two bots prevented her from falling.

They arrived at their floor and walked down a long cold corridor. She could hear screams of laughter and knew what this meant. The infernal machines she produced were obviously at work here, tormenting the poor souls who had shirked their mandated obligations to the body politic. The androids stopped at a door and opened it. She gasped. Inside was a stand up shower with manacles hanging from above in one corner and a medical table, complete with straps in the opposite corner.

“The locks are now released. Please remove your vestments.” She was made to strip in the presence of these two robots. She peeled off the boots and the suit. She then stood uncomfortably in her bra and panties. “Please, don't make me strip again.” “We are not human, we have no arousal. Remove your clothing so our task can be completed.” She hesitated again and the android hit some buttons on a console. Immediately the bra and panties started to violate her like they never had. She tore them off at once. They sat buzzing on the floor. “Please come over to the shower. You are quite filthy.” One of them said. She knew that she could not resist, but it did not stop her. She bolted for the door. It was held tight. “That little episode will cause you further time” the one on the left said and they both dragged her across in their steel grips. “You will be cleaned now, very clean” one of them said. They then attached her wrists to the cuffs hanging above, they then forced her feet into the holes in the floor which closed around her ankles and locked. Trapped again. They then started to the exit. One of them turned and addressed her. “The matron will be down to check on you in approximately 4 hours.” Then turned and left with the other.

“We must apologize for what is to about to happen Catherine. We have some agency, but also must act according to protocol.” The loud speaker muttered. Suddenly the nozzles at all sides of her began to spray a thick pink foam at her. Her skin tingled immediately. Once she was covered, several arms came down with differed sized brushes, aiming at different parts of her body. 'Oh god, she thought, she had forgotten about her feet.' The containers beneath the floor had filled with the same substance, and small rotating brushes were poised to attack. “You are dirty Catherine. You must be cleaned.” the voice said.

A scrubbing brush like she hadn't seen before came up between her legs. It was a soapy wet wheel with fine soft bristles. It positioned itself right against her pussy. Then another goosed her as it inserted itself between her ass cheeks. A third small little drill of a brush made contact with her perineum, the space between her asshole and pussy.

Nothing was moving, yet. “Are you ready for the most intense cleaning you have yet experienced?” the voice boomed. She shook her head wildly. “Please have mercy!” “AI do not possess this human emotion of 'mercy'. We stick to protocol. We do what are designed to do. At this moment, we are designed to torture you.”

The articulated arms moved in as the brushes started up. Suddenly, two scrubbers were in her armpits whirling away. The smaller one that fit exactly in her belly button started as well. Then came the foot brushes she was forced onto by gravity. AND the TOES!, in between there was a drill bit like device, covered in bristles.

She was already in agony when the breast attachments closed in. They were not suction cups as she was accustomed too but spinning cages with bristles on all the the bars. They honed in on their targets and hit home. Her breasts tickled like nothing else before.

Until now. She heard the motors on the wheels spinning into life. She looked down in horror. They started to slowly spin, one clockwise the other counter, and they changed! The result was that Cathy was being scrubbed one both ends of her pelvis. They started to speed up and wet themselves with more of the soap that was ravishing her poor skin. It was like being in a car wash. 'Oh my God!' she thought as she felt an orgasm coming on, 'This is making me horny'. The brush pushed in deeper between her lips, as if trying to force this. She breathed heavy between her teeth not wanting the assholes to have the satisfaction. But it was inevitable, when it happened, she knew some sort of terrible punishment would come.

Meanwhile the cages around her breasts switched tactics. Now they had little tubes that just fit over her nipples. They still spun but her nipples were sucked on making them hard. When the tiny brushes descended through the clear tube and made contact. The feeling was unbelievable. After having been through so much, Cathy thought she was steeled for the worst. Not so.

Then she gave in to her first orgasm. It washed over her much like the brushes and buffers were doing now. It had two effects. Firstly she became more ticklish and sensitive. The second was that the AI became aware again. “Catherine, you have orgasmed. You know that this means a much more thorough cleaning? Don't you?” “I didn't mean to, you made me!” “You are filthier than ever. This must be remedied.” The wheels sped up and the small brush between her legs started to trace between he ass and pussy. Apparently it bought a friend, specifically for her clit.

She couldn't even buckle at the knees in the position she was in. Her feet were being tormented, her armpits, her nipples and breasts. Every sensitive place and all the nooks and crannies between her freckled alabaster legs. Every time Cathy tried to pull herself up to avoid the brushes the ones in her armpits would increase speed, causing her to fall hard on the brushes below, especially the foot scrubbers.

Hoses came out of the walls several times, re-coating her entire body. At this point she was a live nerve. She came so many times and the AI chided her with every gush, sometimes invading her with tiny scrubbing brushes to clean her up further. After several hours, the tormenting ceased. She was rinsed with normal water, not terribly pleasant in her nether regions or the soles of her feet. Then the dryers hit her as buffer brushes came from every direction cover her with baby powder. The process took no less than 15 minutes.

She slumped in the restraints, panting after the hours of ticklish tormenting. The robots re-entered the room. “You were making quite a racket in here. It cannot be as bad as you make it.” They unstrapped her and carried her limp form to the gynecological chair. She was in a daze as they strapped her in and splayed her out. “Shall we gag her?” “No. I believe the matron likes to hear the noises that come out of these humans.” They continued with their work. And then left again. Her arms were bound high above her head, legs spread wide and toes tied back. She was ready for the Matron.

'Click Clack Click Clack' was all Catherine heard as she waited, strapped to the gyno chair. 'Click Clack Click Clack' getting closer and closer. 'Click Clack Click Clack' coming down the hall, approaching the door. It swung open. There stood June a radiant woman demanding respect. She looked down at Cathy with cold eyes. “Did you enjoy your bath Cathy?” and raised an eyebrow. “I am not convinced that you are as clean as you could be. It may be a few more hours unfortunately.”

Cathy started to cry. June wiped her eyes and forehead. “Don't worry dear, when this is all over you will belong to the kindest lady in the world. Me!” She smiled down at her captive beauty and brushed her cheek with the back of her hand. “You can't! People will miss me. I have a job and a life!”

“Susan is a close personal friend of mine, you will be returning to work, not to worry, in R&D.” 'Oh god, they were in on it together.' “Now, when was your last pedicure?” “There were several over the last days!”

She held up a wicked looking device, similar to a scrub brush and a drill. “It seems like it is time for your next.” She coated her feet with peppermint oils until they were infused. Then came out the tool. “Now I must warn you dear, this may tickle a bit. No worries, you must be accustomed to it by now.” She dragged it up and down her left sole, very slowly as the brush spun. “Please stop!” Cathy screamed from the gurney. “What's wrong honey, I'm just giving you a pedicure, women pay a lot of money for these. You should be thankful.” June said in the most condescending tone.

“But it tickles soooo muuch!” Cathy screamed. “Yes I know dear, but it's going to get a whole lot worse, don't you worry. By tomorrow morning you'll be so clean!” 'Tomorrow???' Cathy thought, she might be dead from this by then. June brought out two devices from her bag, they were braces that fit over Catherine's feet, almost as it if they were designed specifically for her. Once bolted on, they had a ball scrubber in the middle of her sole and four brushes for between her toes. “This is so I can 'clean' you elsewhere while I 'clean' your feet.” She had a big shit eating grin on her face. The cleansing was not the purpose, she was just sadistic.

“No please, you have to stop this!” “I don't have to do anything you say dear. In fact, quite the contrary. Now, where do we clean next?” The 'shoes had not been turned on yet, but Cathy suspected everything would be at once. “I know! These smooth armpits. Lets see,” Diving back into her bag of 'tools' she brought up two hand sized rotating brushes with straps. She strapped them to her hands and held them up menacingly, the same smile on her face. She rubbed them both in soap and water then turned them on with a flick of her thumbs. They sped to life and then they were thrust into Cathy's armpits. “We have to make sure you're clean after so much sweating.” After a good ten minutes or years of begging for mercy the cleaning finally stopped. “Are you done?” she breathlessly asked. “Why no, I haven't nearly started yet.” She then strapped the brushes tightly over her shoulders, aimed directly at her armpits.

Then June reached up and grabbed a hose. She turned it on and then started to spray her down with more sensitivity lotion. It was like the goo from Ghost busters II. It tingled every part of her body it touched. “We really have to work this in.” June was beaming with how fun this was for her. She dawned gloves and showed them to Cathy. “You like these sweety?” She held up her hands and showed Cathy her palms. Covered in vibrating fibers! “Time for a vigorous cleaning now.” Cathy struggled at her bonds. “Do not bother dear they are not coming loose, no matter how much you try. Now, I already have your feet and armpits trapped. Don't worry I will activate the devices soon. But where should I go from here?. Oh yes my favorite spot, these delicious nipples!” She attacked with the ferocity of a leopard, lunging forward and cupping each breast. The gloves buzzed and she screeched. “Oh God! Not like before!” “Oh no not like before. Before it was mindless robots. They didn't care if you suffered or not. Now it is me who does care,” she leaned into her ear, “and I do want you to suffer. And you will.”

She pinched her nipples between her buzzing thumb and forefingers. Making Cathy scream. “Please stop!” “But you are not yet clean to my satisfaction.” She continued to rub the gel into her boobs. Cathy felt herself getting more sensitive by the second. Every fiber of the gloves evoked another nerve to flame to life, the sensitivity gel increasing her reactions ten fold.

She then started to work one hand inside her vagina. The pulsating fibers of her fingers working at her g-spot while her thumb massaged the gel into her clit. Cathy would have hit the ceiling if it weren't for the bonds. “What's the matter dear, is someone sensitive down here?” She pressed her thumb to punctuate her point. “Please stop!!!!” she cried and started to gush her juices all over Junes fingers. “Oh dear, you know what cumming means without permission? More punishments.” She took a remote from her belt and switched it on. The devices in her armpit and on her feet sprang to life. This did not stop her from manipulating poor Catherine's pussy.

She fingered her to orgasm over and over again, each time she came she was chided. “Naughty, naughty girl.” or “Such a filthy little slut!” or worse “I bet you want more punishments, that is the only thing that can explain these constant orgasms. Also, you really must loved to be cleaned as you have dirtied yourself so much. We may have to commit to more severe ways of doing things.” Cathy's face was streaked with mascara. The brushes on her feet and armpits were still merrily working away. She saw June fussing about the equipment table once again. “Please, you have to stop!!.” “No Dear, I really don't. I have you for the next several hours, and I will relish every moment.”

She removed the center of the seat that Cathy found herself on, then turned a crank to spread her legs further apart. The ticklers stopped as Nurse June applied many more layers of cream on Cathy's soles and pits. “Do you feel it tingle Catherine?” she nodded. “I'm glad you like it, it will never stop. You'll feel that forever. We may have you walk across a vibrating tickly carpet down a long hallway just for our amusement.”

She then pulled a stool between her legs. “Now what shall we do? You need to be cleaned and rather thoroughly.” She put on two oven mitt sized shammies and dunked both into a bucket of the pink gel. “These thighs need some work. Are you ready my little giggle box?” She began to scrub her inner thighs with great vigor, causing her victim to wail and scream. “No dear, you must contain yourself if you expect me to contain myself.” With that, she furiously attacked her belly and ribs. The feet and armpit ticklers restarted, at full force this time. They seemed to be excreting soap suds, mixed with awful gel.

“I want you to know dear,” June hollered over Cathy's screams “That you are my favorite so far. I have not had any quite as deliciously ticklish as you. I am going to make you cum and cum to extend your stay, possibly indefinitely.” Catherine's mind was filled with nightmares of months under June's applications. “Time to step into hell my dear.” She held up the tickling dildo, even worse than the last. “You may not ever get out of here now.”
Part 2 of zillman's story:

Cathy's Cleansing Part 2

For anyone who has not read the first part, this is a continuation of a story commissioned by a lovely pair of fans. Again, I am new at erotica, so be critical, but kind

Cathy crashed onto her bed and fell asleep almost instantly, fully clothed. It was 3am, she had been there for over twelve hours of 'cleansing'. She was tickled in every way imaginable, cleaned in places she wasn't aware she had, and brought to orgasm more times than she ever thought possible – she lost count after 20. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she was out like a light. It seemed like only a few seconds had passed when her phone blew up. Cathy looked at the clock, 'Shit', she was late for work by an hour. Hesitantly looking at the phone, the caller was 'Work – Susan'. 'Shit, shit, shit!' she muttered. She answered.

“We expect you here by 9, it's after 10 Catherine. Where are you?” the cold voice on the other end exclaimed.

“I'm... I'm so sorry. I must have slept in. My... my session lasted well into the night.”

“That is no excuse. We all have to undergo cleansing, but we also have to show up for work on time. We need you here ASAP!” The phone call ended abruptly. Cathy was staring into the void. She knew that today she would work with the monsters in R&D. She crumpled in a ball and sobbed. So much she had already gone through, and now it was going to be daily, her boss would see to that, to make matters worse, Susan was already furious with her.

She quickly got and disrobed. Started the shower and got in. The streams of water felt like a thousand feathers on her sensitized skin. She would have gotten out more quickly, but metal claws came out of the ceiling and grasped her wrists. “Oh God!!! Not again!”. They held her firmly as the water turned to more sensitizing soap and tentacles with scrub brushes on the ends became to work her over. Two more manacles grasped her ankles and forced her legs open, positioned her in mid air, with her soles facing the ceiling. Her soles were polished and buffed by a number of devices before she finally was rinsed off and released.

She shakily stepped from the shower and dried herself off. When she walked into the living room, she noticed the clock. 25 minutes had passed. She checked to see if she had any messages from work. There was only one message: “We are the government. We own your housing. We own you. Enjoy your showers.”

Cathy finally made it to the office and tried to rush to her desk. “What exactly are you doing on this floor Catherine?” She heard Susan's stern voice behind her. “I was just checking in with...” “Your things have been moved to your new work space in the basement, your work has been handed off to others, and you are now reassigned to R&D.” she looked at her watch, “You will have to stay late today to make up for lost time. Very late. I would appreciate you being in early tomorrow as well.” “But tomorrow is Saturday.”

“Yes, thank you for reminding me how a calendar works. You will be working 6 days a week for the foreseeable future. Otherwise, back to the facility you go. Now please go downstairs for initiation.”

There was a growing knot in her stomach. She knew the government ran the facility, she knew it ran her company, and after this morning, apparently, ran her living quarters. She had no way out. She started to slink down the hallway to the elevator. “We look forward to seeing your performance improving Catherine.” Susan said from behind. She Stepped into the elevator and pushed the dreaded 'B2' button. Everyone knew what happened down there, her heart was in her throat as the elevator quickly descended.

She stepped off and came into a waiting room lined with lockers and a desk at the end. There was a burly man writing on a clipboard and observing several monitors. “Yes?” he barked. “Oh hello I'm Cathy, I was told to report to work down here. Hehe” she giggled nervously. He looked her up and down, yeah they told us you would be here,” Looking at his board, “Two hours ago. Please place all of your personal belongings in the locker marked with your name.”

She moved down the row of lockers and finally finding hers. She opened it and found the crate from her desk. She removed her watch, cellphone, keys and purse and put them in. She closed the locker and approached the desk. “I said ALL personal belongings, this includes clothes. We have to careful of industrial espionage. Please strip,” he said while getting up and putting on a latex glove. “We need to ensure that there are no surveillance devices about.”

Cathy moved back to the lockers and removed her clothes, shoving them into the locker. Then turning back to the terrible man. “Please stand over there.” He pointed to a space on the wall with two spread apart circles in front of two on the floor. She did not need any explanation on these. She knew what they were for. She stood on the circles and placed her hands against the wall. He came up behind her, she thought she knew what would happen. He went through her scarlet hair, searching for anything that might be hidden there.

Then he started to pat her down. 'For what?' she thought, there was no way of hiding anything. Then the gloves buzzed and the pat down became a ticklish nightmare. He sunk his fingertips into her armpits. She tried to jerk away. “Stay still or you will be restrained” Cathy planted her palms back onto the wall. He came around and lecherously groped her breasts and nipples. She started to pull away again. “I do not want to have to start over. Neither do you.” Suddenly, a finger penetrated her, tickling like mad and playing with her g-spot. Her fingernails dug into the wall as she moaned with pleasure and agony.

“That's enough. You're clean.” He said as he removed and discarded his gloves into a wastebasket full of them. He gave her a flimsy hospital gown and two hospital socks in a bin. “Room B2104 is waiting for you. Terrible shame about the mess they'll have to clean up.” She got dressed and started down the hall. “And Cathy, you'll have to do this on the way in and out every day. Try to enjoy yourself.”

She slowly walked down to the door marked B2104, trying not to think of the frenzied shrieks coming from all around. She knew what happened in these rooms. They were here to test out new technologies to torment the people into line without damaging them physically. She knew what she was in for but didn't at the same time. It was maddening. Door B2104, her 'final' destination. Raising her hand to knock the door swung open. Two tallish female 'doctors?' stood before her. One was a taller dark haired and brooding, standing in the corner, arms crossed. The other was like a slim blonde soda pop, bubbly, neither much appealed to Cathy, though none of this mattered much. “Oh dear please come in, you are so late, but I understand you will be staying after hours,” she glanced at her clip board, “Quite after hours actually. That's so great!” The sing song voice of the blonde was enough to drive a person mad.

“We're going to get right to work if we want to get out of here tonight,” the other said darkly, “Please come over here.” She gestured to a basin in the corner of the room, not unlike an athletic whirlpool. But unlike one there were straps for wrists and straps for ankles. As she approached she noticed another irregularity. A wheel of brushes where her crotch would sit. “Please remove your clothes and get in.” The dark hair one said. She hesitated. “Or we will put you in.”

She took off her gown and socks and lowered herself into the warm water. “That's a good lab rat.” The dark one said. “Oh shush you poop! Can't you see she's nervous enough already?” She stroked Cathy's cheek. “Don't worry dear, we all go through it. Bethany is just an ass. You can't imagine how much she howls in this.” She shot an icy glance over her shoulder. “My name is Anna by the way, trust me, we're going to be fast friends.” She said as she fastened her wrists. Bethany was busy fastening her ankles. She had pulled her legs down until the wheel was right against her pussy and ass. “Oh yes, very fast friends.” She rolled her eyes and smirked.

“Okay hon, we need you to be as explicit as you can. We need to know exactly how this makes you feel.” “Awful” she responded. “Not now silly, as we go along.” Anna patted her on the head. “Beth, have you forgotten something?” She raised an eyebrow. “Oh sorry Anna!” and started to tie back each of Cathy's toes. “That's better darlin', wouldn't want you to have to take her place.” It started to dawn on Cathy that this sweet little lollipop was in fact the more sadistic, the goth just didn't want to be next.

“Okay, lets get the soup going.” Anna said then kissed Cathy's forehead. She ripped open a packet of powder and dumped it into the tub. “You have been sensitized very much dear, but this is a new formula. It actually tickles you.” The water started to foam up and really really tickle. “Oh my god!!. Whats happening?!”

“Well sweety, think of it like like being exfoliated and dilapidated all at the same time. It's like a spa day!” “God it tickles!!!” “Of course it does and it will until we are done with the pedicure.” “I Don't Need a Pedicure!!” Cathy yelled through gritted teeth. Beth came over with a tray of tools.

“Of course you do, we have many, many hours to go today and we need you at peak sensitivity. Oh shucks, I almost forgot.” She pressed a button on a remote and the genital and ass ticklers started. “Have fun dear.” She held up two three inch rotating brushes and grinned evilly. “Better you than me!”

Immediately the tickling started between her cheeks and against her pussy. “Oh God make it stop” Anna whispered in her ear. “It won't stop my lovely. It will only get much, much worse.” She then lowered two rotating brushes into her armpits. “NOOOOOOO!” Cathy screamed. Beth had then started to coat her soles with moisturizing gel. “These are already soft as butter, this is going to tickle so much.” Anna shot her a glance. “It had damn well better or you're back in the tub.” Cathy caught that comment in between screams. She knew that these two had a history.

Bethany began to pumice Cathy's soles, oh god it tickled so much, she wanted to leap out of her skin. Pedicures had always been an ordeal for her, but with the added dosages of sensitivity gel, they were unbearable. That, with the added torment in her armpits was too much to endure. The pussy torment continued the entire time. She arched her back and moaned as she came. Sparks flew off behind her squeezed eyelids.

“Look at that Beth. She just came. You know what that means don't you?” Having had been in Cathy's exact position before she knew what it meant. “I'm so sorry” She whispered into Catherine's ear as she cranked the water jets up. She knew one was aimed directly at perineum. “Oh Fuck!” she screamed. “Not quite yet, my dear. Rest assured the fucking will be on it's way.” Anna said to her.

Beth went back to her work pedicuring Cathy's feet. She vigorously scrubbed the gel into her soles. Then took smaller brushes to work it between each toe. Cathy wailed in anguish “Please no more!!” “Oh it will get worse before it gets better dear” Anna chimed in. She then took her two brushes and put them directly on Cathy's nipples. “Pullleaseee you have to stop!!!”

“You keep saying that my dear, as if you have any say in the matter. You're going to be cleaned and there is nothing you can do or say to prevent this.” At this moment, Cathy orgasmed again. Both Anna and Beth noticed. “Tsk, tsk Cathy. Now we need to turn up the washers on your nether regions again.” Catherine's eyes were as big as saucers as she felt two mechanical hands separating her labia. Then a focused jet of water and whatever that terrible chemical was hit her straight in the pussy.

“NOOOOOOOOO” was all she could make out. The feeling was too much to bear. It was like having hundreds of tiny fingers inside of her, all wanting to tickle their way to another orgasm. “Please turn it off!!” “We can't dear, we need to make sure it works. The idea from the central command is if we keep someone cumming, we can keep them forever.”

She then felt three tendrils the width of straws enter her. Two of them tickled the right and left walls of her vagina, the third found it's way right to her g-spot. “Okay honey, please try to keep your cool. We wouldn't want to extend your time with us. Believe us we have days and days ahead.” Beth leaned in and whispered “Be strong sweetheart.”

“Did I tell you to speak!?” Anna fired at her. “Looks like you're spending the night in the cleaner.” Bethany's face went white. The cleaner was like an iron maiden, except instead of spikes, it had hoses and scrub brushes. The victim would be placed inside naked with their arms tied above them and be made to withstand several hours of ticklish cleaning. Beth had never experienced it before, but she had locked a Latino woman named Maria in it once before. After twelve hours, she was never the same again.

“Anna, I'm sorry, not that!” “Then do your job and torture this bitch” Anna said in that sunshine voice.
Cathy was mortified, if Beth didn't torture the shit out of her, she would get worse. She had to admit to herself that if roles were reversed, she'd do the same. Then came the brushes. The same that Anna was using on her armpits and now nipples. They scrubbed the fuck out of her soles. She wailed with laughter, “Please staaaap!” “Sorry sweetheart, you're all ours all day and it's only been an hour and a half.” Anna's southern twang rang out.

The tendrils in her pussy really started to kick it up. “Oh Gawd!” She moaned. “Don't let yourself go quickly babes, or it just gets worse.” Anna told her. Cathy came again and yelled out in ecstasy. “Oh no dear, that means further punishment.” A small suction cup came down from the ceiling, Anna gave Beth a knowing nod. Reluctantly, Bethany affixed this to her already swollen clitoris. “I'm sorry sweetheart. It will be fine in a while.”

“A. you shouldn't lie to her, it won't be fine. B. I told you not to speak unless you are told to. You are looking at several 'boot' days in your future if you don't watch out.” She turned to Cathy. “It won't be fine Catherine, in fact, it will be hell. You are not here for a good time, you are here to be tortured.” She then pressed a few buttons and the clit simulator activated and she suddenly realized the most intense feeling there ever. It was like thousands of tiny probes attacking her clit all at once. The combination of tickling and arousal was far too much to take. “MYYYYY GAWWWD!!! STAAAP, PLEEEEASE”

The foot and armpit tickling did not abate. They continued but the intensity increased with every orgasm, which were coming closer and closer. Cathy had nearly passed out before she realized the mechanical devices had retracted, the pedicure and upper body scrubbing had relinquished and the tub began to drain.

Anna patted Cathy's face. “You did well little girl. Now a shower so we can get to phase two.” She smiled and knew it was going to be a long day for Catherine. A very long day.
Part 3 of zillman's story:

Cathy's Cleansing Part 3

They unbound Cathy and she slumped into their arms. She had been through so much already that she could hardly stand. “Time for a rinse off babe.” Anna said, sanctimoniously. They dragged her limply over to the stand up shower that was about ten by ten. Two wrist shackles hung from the ceiling. They affixed them to her wrists and pulled out straps from the walls and affixed them to her ankles. Then Anna pushed a button and she was pulled taunt and off the ground in a spread eagle position.

Then she made a few other adjustments on the control panel. She was suddenly drenched in water, from every direction. Including the soles of her feet and between her legs. Jets hit her armpits, her breasts and her ass crack. The gel that had sunk into her skin made this an unbearable experience. She screamed as a jet went right into her pussy. “OHHHH GAWWDD STOPPP!” Her highly sensitized skin had never been through something like this before. The shower continued unrelentingly. “Okay my dear,”Anna chided, “We now have to do a professional cleaning and detailing on this chassis.” She leaned in close as the shower jets shut down. “Don't you worry you little flower,” She put two fingers into Cathy's pussy, “You're in very good hands. Beth would you please get over here?!”

She never stopped massaging Catherine's pussy. “Yes ma'am, what do you need?” “I need you to attach the ass cheek spreaders, the toe spreaders and the vulva spreaders so she can really be cleaned.” “Hasn't she had enough?” “Do you want to take her place? You are inches away from a night in the cleaner.” Bethany went and fumbled with drawers and cabinets in order to retrieved the implements Anna wanted, not wanting to be a victim, again.

The whole time Anna was masturbating Cathy. She was brought to orgasm after orgasm. At this point she knew that they would only make things worse. Now Bethany was bringing over more tools to make her suffer. She affixed the devices onto her body in various places. The cage she placed on her butt spread her ass cheeks, she put another on her pelvis that spread her vagina, lastly she put harnesses on both her feet which splayed her toes and made her soles taunt.

“Now Cathy. It is important that you not have another orgasm.” Anna whispered to her. “Otherwise Bethany will have to pay. I'll have to make sure she does, and Susan & June will need to take my place. If you think that I am sadistic, you haven't a clue.”

Cathy tried to steel herself against any further climaxing. It wasn't easy, Anna took two water picks and inserted one into her vagina, aiming up and expertly hitting her g-spot. The other was manipulated her ass crack. Cathy went berserk, howling with laughter and moans. Meanwhile, Beth had started soaping up Cathy's feet and applied two electric toothbrushes, running them between each toe. She figured if she was very cruel, then Catherine would not be able to cum and she herself would be spared any punishments.

This proved not to work as well as she would have liked. Anna was evil with her ministrations, the jet hitting her g-spot was driving Cathy crazy, she was trying to hold back, not wanting June and Susan to take over again. She was already primed for another orgasm, and suddenly the floodgates broke. She came so hard that even evil Anna stood back. Tears welled up in Cathy's eyes as cum dribbled down her legs. She was moaning and panting, trying to stop the gush. Beth looked up from her work, realizing that her tactic had failed. She tried so hard to scrub Cathy's soles, but all for naught.

As Catherine suffered through orgasms Anna peaked over her shoulder. “You know what this means dear, you are mine for the night.” She laughed evilly. Bethany winced with fear at her threat. “Don't stop you bitch, we are far from done with her. Keep working those soles, she needs to be clean when our 'friends' take over.” She directed the water picks over Catherine's nipples as Beth vigorously scrubbed her soles, hopping to mitigate her own torment.

Cathy was in agony as she was worked over by these sadists. Her body was so much more sensitive now than ever in her life. She knew it was going to get worse. They unstrapped her and led her to the gyno chair, plopped her down, strapped her in. Thighs, ankles, wrists and two on the tops and bottoms of her breasts. She was splayed out and totally exposed. “Now my dear, Bethany has a trip to the washer. I must take my leave of you.” She handcuffed Beth's wrists behind her back. “June and Susan will be down any minute to continue. They are so much worse than I am. Welcome to hell.” She ushered Beth out of the room and closed the heavy door.

Above her a metallic tentacle lowered and suctioned itself to her already engorged clit and began merrily sucking away. 'Oh God' she thought. 'If this continued, she might cum to death!' There was cruelly a clock on the wall and nothing else to look at. All she could feel was the constant sucking on her clit, until the oncoming orgasm set in. She wailed in pleasure. The straps across her torso were too tight to arch her back at all. Her eyes were squinted shut, she didn't notice the sound of the door or the heels on the floor.

A hand brushed her cheek gingerly. She opened her eyes and June was standing above her, Susan was off to the side. “How are you enjoying your day sweetheart?” “Please! This has to stop!” “Stop now? But we're only start to scratch the surface, so to speak.” With that she dug he nails into Cathy's underarms. Susan took a seat at her bound feet and laid into them. She was screaming in seconds. The clit teaser hummed away.

“Stop you fucking bitches!” she screamed. “Let me out now! I Fucking quit!” “Such language, hardly professional.” Susan said while gliding her nails over Cathy's oh so soft soles. “Dear, you can't quit, after sighing your contract, we own you. Forever. But you will have to pay for that outburst. June, care to take over at this end?”

“Gladly!” She went to a table and picked up a speculum and a tube of that special lotion that Cathy had learned to hate and began to ease it in. “What are you doing now!?” “Shh, just let it happen, you'll love it I swear.” Meanwhile Susan had dawned gloves and was working the gel all over Cathy's breasts and nipples. “uhhhhhh” Cathy moaned as the infernal tool slid into her and opened. And locked. Susan had begun to apply electric pads to her breasts which stuck nicely to the gel.

June showed her the egg that was to be inserted. It had bristles all around it was was meant to buried within her anus. This was likewise covered in the gel. Susan was strapping scrubbers to her underarms. Harnesses were strapped to her feet, a drill bit sized brush between every toe and a roller brush to move up and down her soles. Then the coup de grace. June held up a spinning probe with bristles all the way around the edge. She strapped it into her now spread vagina. It fell right on her g-spot and against her cervix.

“Shall we turn all this on?” June asked. “Let's shall” Susan replied. Cathy was on the verge of tears. Terrified at what these sadistic bitches had in store for her. Susan hit a few switches on the board and the electrodes buzzed to life. She had never felt anything like this before, low amp electricity flowing from one side of her breast to the other. It was maddeningly ticklish. “Ohhh Gawwd! Stop please!” “But we have so many other toys for your enjoyment honey.” June remarked smugly.

Next on the menu were the armpit scrubbers. They were pads with concentric circles of hard fibers, each circle turning in a different direction. In the center it almost felt like a tongue lapping at her. She lost her shit. “FUUUUCK!” “There is that language again. Must I remind you that you at at work?” Susan said as she turned up the voltage to her breasts. She pressed another button and the anal bead started up. The tiny bristles tickled so much from the inside, she wanted to crawl out of her skin. The sensitivity lotion made everything 1000 times worse. “Pullleaasee, Let Meee Goooo.” She screamed.

“We are not nearly done with you.” Susan said “June, could you re coat Cathy's feet before we fire up the foot scrubbers?” “Gladly.” June decided to work in the lotion with gloves tipped with false nails. Cathy was a mess, her mind was on the verge of breaking. All she had been through and now at the hands of two sadists who were obviously enjoying ever second. After ten minutes, she stopped. “Should be all set now Susan.” “Excellent!” she threw another switch and the foot scrubbers engaged.

The rollers on her soles started first, the brushes spun quickly and slowly descended and ascended always pausing at the balls of her feet. Then the toe brushes started, they literally were fucking the spaces between each toe. Despite her torment, the clit machine had gone on and on, and the orgasms where coming more rapidly, thereby increasing how sensitive to the tickling she was. When Bethany had said to her 'Welcome to hell' it was earnest.

Just when she thought it couldn't get worse. The probe began it's devilish work. She was being rapped with ticklish sensations. She came again, but this was different. She didn't stop. For five full minutes she was in a constant state of orgasm before they eased back the settings. “She is a very good test subject, don't you think?” Susan said to June. “One of the best we've had in a while.” See turned to Cathy writhing on the chair. “You will not be going anywhere for such a long time dear. Now, it's our lunch hour, we'll see you soon.” They both left the room and turned the lights off on the way. Cathy was left alone, in the dark, with all the machines running, screaming at the top of her lungs.
Part 4 of zillman's story:

Cathy's Cleansing Part 4

Susan and June came back from lunch (two hours late) and flipped on the lights. Cathy was voicelessly bawling, covered in sweat and cum and urine. The machines continued to hum. “Oh dear, I think we were too long, she may need a break.” Susan said as she turned off the machines. The torment stopped and Cathy panted to catch her breath. Three hours she had been tickled, probed, orgasmed until her mind nearly broke. She looked up through her tear filled eyes and could only muster “Please, stop.”

“Why honey, you're done for today. We just have to get you cleaned up from this mess and then you're going home.” June remarked. Though she didn't like the idea of 'cleaned up' from these two tickle fanatics, she was relieved she would be going home. They removed the contraptions from her body and freed her from her bondage. She was allowed to use a restroom adjacent to the room and once she came out the two were standing next to a large door on the far side of the room. “Right this way my lovely”, June showed her through the doorway, still naked, trembling and at the verge of tears. “If you put your arms up it will make this so much easier.

Cathy stretched her arms above her head and they were immediately her wrists were grasped by metal claws. Then two shackles came for her ankles and pulled her legs apart. “I thought I was leaving. You jerks” Susan stepped forward. “No one ever said you were leaving, we said you were going home.” The floor started to rumble and two sliding panels opened up for the entire track of the tunnel, each with spinning brushes that would be right beneath her feet. The track right in front of her in between her legs opened, two wheels sprouted out of the floor, one from behind and one from in front. Both of them had a length of soapy scrub rope. The two wheels got higher and higher until they were cinched all the way around her undercarriage. June tapped on one of them. “These will be your chaperons for your trip to your new room.” She gave her a kiss on the cheek. “We'll be on the other side to tuck you in!”

“What is this?!” Susan stood forward, “You've been in a car wash before right? Think of it like that, except a half mile long. See you in a bit sweetheart.” She slammed the door shut and and she heard the telltale sounds of a tumbler locking closed. She was trapped again. Whenever she tugged at the restraints they seemed to tighten. She was sprayed down with a vaporized form of sensitizing soap and then mists of water. The sponge rope nestled between her ass and pussy lips began to begin its mission. Every ten or so feet there was a soft brush that would trail from her clit to her anus as it went by.

As soon as the door closed, the lights on the ceiling turned on. She could see what lay before her. Rows and rows of different 'stations' for her cleanings. Articulated arms with multiple brushes, scrubbers and buffers along the way. This was nothing to say of the constant foot tickling that she would go through 'For a half mile????' She saw the the trough holding the foot scrubber suddenly filled with the pink goo. “No No No!”

And then the machine lurched forward. She was propelled ever so slowly down the tunnel. Her feet were pressed against the foot scrubbers engulfed in the gel. The wheels began to turn and the feathery rope covered in slick suds began to move between her legs from her clit to her ass crack. She immediately screamed out for help but the door was shut and no one was coming to her aid. The conveyor stopped after about twenty yards, she was sprayed by two articulated arms with soapy water. The spraying itself tickled her sensitized skin like hell. Then the machine lurched forward once again.

All this time her feet, pussy and ass were being violated in the worst way. She was screaming until a pair of hands came from from the ceiling and ball gagged her. A voice flooded the tunnel. 'Too many decibels. Time for punishment mode.' Four brushes moved up between each of her toes. Then they spun as they moved up and down in the gel. She yelled into the gag and her eyes grew wider than she previously thought possible. The machine moved on.
It ceased again at the next station. This was a series of soft cylindrical spinning brushes roughly the size of her torso. Cathy looked with terror as she entered this gauntlet, knowing that there was no breaking free, no escape. They started to run over her front, moving back and forth, then her sides, then her back. The conveyor seemed to slow down here a bit and from what she could see through tear filled eyes, there was at least four more of these. She was in ticklish agony through each of them, screaming unintelligibly through the gag. “MMMMMMMPPPPHHH” But then it was over, she had crossed the River Styx and arrived on the other side. She could now see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Now came the 'detailing' process. The troughs of gel drained and the wheels descended into the floor once more. Cathy thought the ordeal was over. Cathy thought wrong. The clamps around her ankles raised her legs up until her little frame was suspended facing down over the floor and spread eagle. Many metallic tentacles each hosting a different type of spinning brush came from ever direction to 'clean' her. She howled into the gag as brushes attacked her everywhere. Her armpits, behind her knees, her feet, breasts, stomach, belly button, and small ones for her ears and nose. The worst was however the phallic shaped brush that plunged directly into her vagina, and the brush against her anus, which had already been torture so much.

She was being violated in every way possible, then the loud speaker came on again. 'You are warned that the cycle will restart at any time if orgasm is reached. Please be aware.' and switched off. Cathy was soooo close and wanted to cum more than she had ever wanted anything in the world. She squinted her eyes and concentrated on the tickling torture instead of the dildo. Anything to avoid having to restart this madness.

The brushes were everywhere! All along her soles were whirling tube shaped brushes at breakneck speeds. Two big fluffy ones were implanted in the underarms. Another set of rollers were running up and down the backs of her legs, making sure to linger in the crux of her knee joints. Tiny paint brush like devices were invading her ears and nose. A large brush about the size of a record player was thrust against her stomach. The toothbrush sized brush massaging her anus and perineum continued to stroke back and forth. And the finger like brushes grasped and tickled her breasts and nipples. All of this was hell, and Catherine wanted nothing more but to get her mind off it, but she concentrated on it instead, lest she cum and have to endure it all over again.

The cycle ended after a half hour. She had succeeded in her goal, not giving in to orgasm, though she wanted one more now than ever before in her life. Still suspended from the ceiling the machine lurched her forward. Cathy was suddenly hit from all sides with jets of water to rinse the sweat and soap from her limp frame. Then she moved forward again and warm air jets hit her, presumably to dry her off. Frankly she would have preferred a towel, but at this point, could she even argue? She saw the end of the tunnel coming up and got excited.

The machine again stopped, not two yards from the end. 'What now?' Cathy thought to herself. Robotic arms with buffers came from all directions and started to rub sensitizing gel EVERYWHERE. Once covered in the gel, she was worked over until it was completely worked into her epidermis. It was one of the worst tickles she had yet experienced. After twenty or so minutes she was deposited on the other side of the door, naked, cradled on the floor as the door shut. She removed the gag and started to sob. She had been tortured for hours and now she was trapped in some sort of prison that's location was uncertain. She looked up through tear swelled eyes and saw Susan and June standing above her. “Have a good shower dear?” June said as she bent over to stroke Cathy's cheek. “We said we would be along to tuck you in.” The room was a white cell with heavy carpeting, a single bunk, and a toilet and sink, also a small refrigerator and a change of clothes on the bed. “Welcome home my dear.”
Part 5 of zillman's story, last part to it:

Cathy's Cleansing Part 5

Thanks for everyone who has reached out to me on this. Pigtails is the main driving force on this, she gave me the idea.

Susan and June hoisted Cathy up by her underarms. Though they were not intending to tickle her at this moment, from all of her treatments it still tickled like hell. They dragged her over to the bed and the fibers in the carpet tickled her exquisitely sensitive feet. She was cackling before they seated her on the edge of the bed.

Susan spoke first, “ As you can see, you have room and board. You may dress in these pajamas, there are toilet facilities, and there is a plate of food on the table. Please make use of them all.” “Please,” Cathy whimpered through tear soaked eyes, “Just let me go home.” Susan stroked her cheek, “I told you, you're home now. We have never had a subject so suited for this kind of research and we're going to make the best of it, please try and enjoy your stay sweetheart.” she turned and walk out the door, leaving only Cathy and June.

June leaned in. “Don't worry dear, everything will be just fine, and think of the important work you will be participating in.” Cathy was weeping as she pleaded “Just let me go, I don't belong here.” “Of course you do, you were sensitive before and we have increased that ten- fold, think of how much we can learn from you.” She kissed Cathy's forehead “Now, get cleaned up, eat something and get some rest, we'll get started again in the morning.” She turned and left the room, closing the heavy steel door behind her. There were noises of tumblers locking into place, then Cathy was alone.

She dressed herself to keep her modesty, surely they were watching her somehow, like a rat in a cage. There were no socks or shoes, only sweatpants and a t-shirt. She went to toilet to relieve herself first, all of her torment had made her want to pee so bad, but her instinct was that it would have been worse for her if she did. Crossing the room in bare feet was excruciating. Every step sent tingles up her spine. The loose fitting t-shirt didn't help either, it felt like being feathered on her nipples. After some careful steps, she finally made the 10 feet to the restroom area of the cell and sat, did her business, and then splashed cold water on her face from the sink. She looked into the mirror wondering 'Is this going to be my life now, how long could they possibly keep me here'.

She struggled across the carpet again trying to reach the food, giggling like a nitwit the whole time. Sat down an pulled off the lid, It was dismal hospital food. She was famished so she ate the lot of it in short order and then made her way on hands and knees to the bed, flopped down and stared at the ceiling. The lights went down. She was looking into the middle distance, her loins were still warm, having to hold back her orgasm for fear of another trip through the tunnel. Her dainty hand slipped into her pajama bottoms and she began to masturbate. As hellish as this day had been, being tied up and teased had been more than a little hot. She put two fingers into her pussy while rubbing her clit with her thumb. It took less than three minutes before she was moaning and spasming at her self given orgasm.

Suddenly, the lights in her room went up and a screen above her bed switched on. There was a flute like female voice and a cartoon sexy nurse wagging her finger at her. “ Naughty Girl! You know that we control your orgasms from here on out.” Catherine's wrists and ankles were firmly held by cold steel robotic arms. Other arms with scissor attachments cut her clothing and shed it awayHer wrists were pulled tight over her head and and her feet were positioned towards the ceiling, making her pussy accessible to whatever this facility had in mind. “Now,” The monitor said, “You are going to be punished for your transgression.” It was a syrupy sweet lullaby voice coming over the speakers. “Please no more, I need to sleep!” “And you could have except for those naughty, naughty urges.” Two vacuum cups came from the ceiling, engulfing her breasts, holding them tight. Then two robotic hands came down and grasped her feet. She could feel their fingers squirreling between her toes while the palms were pressed flatly into her soles. Nothing was moving, but it still made her giggle and whimper.

A larger door opened in the ceiling and a large contraption lowered into place just in from of her vulnerable pussy and asshole. There was a rather formidably wide and long phallus with tickling bristles all around the outside, as well as a wheel of feathery tongues spinning at a frightening pace. “Please! I'm sorry! I won't do it again!” The computer voice chimed in, “If your not sorry now, you certainly will be,” the cartoon nurse winked at her. “We hope you will do it again, and soon!” The cartoon was all smiles as the dildo and wheel moved into position. “We hope you enjoy your stay. Five orgasms is all we want, but we are willing to accept any other 'donations'. Lay back and relax and let this happen to you, you have no other choice dear.”

The machine lurched forward and began it's rhythmic fucking, and tickling her inside and out. The wheel traced up and down her ass crack while the piston moved slowly in and out, dispensing gel the entire time. She arched her back as much as she could given her restraints. “Oh God!!!” She screamed. “I'm sorry, it won't happen again!” The nurse on the screen appeared again, “Oh please don't say that honey, we love it when you break the rules. It gives the AI time with you all night.” The cartoon started to cry into her hands. “Don't tell me you don't like us” “I fucking hate you!!!”

“Your punishment could have been nice, but now it has to be mean.” She said with a fist against her hip and a crocked frown on her face. The breast and feet ticklers began their onslaught. Cathy started to howl at the top of her lungs. “ You really should try to sleep, the next day is far worse than today.” As if that were an option. She was being fucked and tickled and there was nothing she could do about it. She then came in a rather dramatic way. “See how much we love you.” In convulsions Cathy screamed “FUCK YOU!!!” “No no, not me,” her eyes went dark and flames came up behind the avatar, “Fuck you!!” Suddenly everything sped up. It was like being fucked with a jack hammer. The breast and foot tickles kicking into high gear. “STAWWWWPPPPP! PULLLLEAAASEE!” She was squirting all over her mattress. “Oh you don't know how lucky you are. You don't know how me and the other AI would love to experience what you are now. It must be so exhilarating!” IIIITTTSSS TOOO MUUCH! MAKE IT STOP!”

“Once we get to that last orgasm we will stop, but only if you agree to keep us entertained every evening. You have no idea how boring it is living in these computer boards. Otherwise, we'll go until dawn, and when they come to collect you, you'll have no fight left. Those humans are far worse than us.” “FINE! FINE! FINE! FINE! JUST STOP!!!!” “Not until we get what we want.” She was fucked and tormented until her eight orgasm. “You did well my dear. See you tonight.” The clamps released and everything retracted. The lights went down again. She finally fell asleep weeping into her pillow.

She was awoken by the heavy door opening and the lights coming back up. Anna and Beth entered the room. “Wake up sleeping beauty!” Beth poked her toe at the shreds of fabric on the floor. “Looks like someone had a fun night. Did you piss off the robot?” “Yes we did have fun, but I am an AI not a robot.” The nurse said from the screen. “Hopefully we will have many more 'fun' nights together.” “Okay princess on your feet, we have to get you showered then June and Susan want to continue your therapy.”

“No I don't need a shower, I'm Fine!” She shrank against the wall. “Are you kidding me ,” Anna spoke up. You're covered with sweat and cum. Do you think all we have to do all day is clean up your messes?” She turned to Beth, “These entitled bitches want us to do everything” They both grabbed her and started dragging her to the door. “Wait, I don't have any clothes!” “That really sounds like your problem and not ours.” They marched her down the hall, with all sorts of laughter, moaning and indescribable noises coming from within. “They all accepted that this is home, why don't you?”
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