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College experience that caused embarassment m/m


TMF Expert
Dec 11, 2002
I posted this in the discussions section but was advised to post it here.

I was debating whether or not to post this but since the topic was already brought up I decided to write this and ask for the forum members' opinion. I bumped into an old college friend, Joaquin, I hadn't seen in years. We reminisced for a while and talked about our other friends we lost contact with and what we heard they were doing now. During our conversation Joaquin brought up the time I made a mutual friend, Danny, submit by tickling him to tears. Joaquin, to this day, thinks it was hilarious. Danny was an Asian guy about 6'2 and a pudgy 230 lbs last time I saw him. Danny and I weren't really tight. We just had the same circle of friends. My girlfriend at the time, Emily, was suite mates with his girlfriend Nicole. I had met Nicole before I met Emily and contemplated asking her out but then found out she was already going out with Danny. It worked out because Emily became one of the great loves of my life.

Danny was an ok guy but some of the things he did really irked me. Every time our gang was having a conversation he would find a way to make himself the focal point without fail. He would either say it happened to me, to a friend of his or a friend of a friend or family member, etc. He also thought he was a tough ass gangsta since he grew up in the ghetto, South Central Chicago if I remember correctly, and was one of the only handful of Asians in that neighborhood full of African Americans at the time. A lot of his conversation input was of him knocking some one out or punking someone or intimidating someone. But then he would backtrack when some one remotely close to his size or larger or he knew had experienced fight training challenged him. He would make up some excuse or just bluntly say it's not fair because he wasn't as trained as the other guy.

He also kept up a "friendly" rivalry with a girl named Jenna, the girlfriend of Barry, another in our mutual circle of friends. He was always insulting her or blaming her when our plans went awry or something bad happened. For example we once caught a flat tire and almost immediately he blurted out it was karma because Jenna was such a bitch. I talked to Barry about it one time when we were alone and he said that he knows it's just friendly banter. I left it alone after that but it really started to piss me off after a while because he did it EVERY SINGLE time he and Jenna were in each others vicinity. He also prided himself as a stand up comedian but every time he made a joke, usually at someone's expense (mostly Jenna), he would be the only one laughing at it.

It started one evening when Nicole and I stayed late at the computer lab working on our term papers. Nicole was a tiny sandy brown-haired girl about 5 ft - 5'1 and not even 100 lbs. She kept her hair short like Julia Roberts in Hook. She was a little on the skinny side but very pretty. We took a break and started talking about this and that. She was wearing a white t-shirt, and tan shorts that reached to the middle of her thighs and black flip flops. She kicked off her flip flops and propped her feet up on the chair between us crossing them at the ankles (a position that I really love). I couldn't stop staring at her feet. They seemed about size 6 1/2 - 7 with semi high arches and medium length toes with the middle toes being a little longer than the big toes. her toenails were painted a shade of burgundy. I wanted to tickle her so badly but didn't want to just do it out of the blue.

Then it hit me. Nicole knew that I was taking nursing (I am not a nurse though. I made it all the way to working on the floor for my clinicals but changed my mind. I found that working with sick people day after day really depressed me. It started to have a negative affect on my home life. It took my niece, who was almost 5 at the time and lived with me since she was born, to point out that I pretty much stopped smiling after I started working on the floor for me to realize that it was not a healthy occupation for me.) I asked her if I could test a couple of reflexes we learned earlier in my anatomy class since she was already in position. Nicole and I had already known each other for a few months so she said sure without hesitation. My heart was beating like a drum.

I knelt down facing her soles and uncrossed her ankles. They looked so smooth and soft. I told her that the reflexes were called the Babinski reflex and the plantar reflex. I know they are the same thing but she didn't know that and it gave me a chance to do it more than once on both soles. I took the stylus from my organizer and dragged the tip from heel to pinky toe on her left foot then her right. She jumped slightly and her toes curled. Then I dragged it from heel up to the toe next to the pinky on both feet. At this point she had her head down and her right hand over her eyes and I could see her shoulders shaking up and down as if she was trying to hold in her laughter. When I dragged the stylus from heel to middle toe on both feet her feet shook slightly and she gritted her teeth.

"I'm almost done." I told her. "Almost?!" she said exclaimed. I said "yea just 2 more times on each foot." She rolled her eyes. "OK. Get on with it then." 'Gladly." I said to myself. I placed the stylus on the heel of her left foot again. I looked up to see she was still covering her eyes with her right hand but her left hand was gripping the armrest and she was biting her lower lip. I very slowly dragged it up her sole to the second toe and her toes curled hard as she let out a laugh. I went to her right foot and repeated the process just as slowly if not slower and again she let out a laugh as her toes curled again and she exclaimed "Is it supposed to tickle?!" I told her it depended on if the person was ticklish or not. I placed the tip once more on the heel of her left foot and dragged it slowly up through the arch to her big toe. Her toe twitched as she tried to hold still but she laughed out loud. I repeated the process on her right foot and she laughed even louder then put her feet on the carpet and rubbed her feet against it to get rid of the tickling sensation s on her soles. "God, I am so ticklish on my feet, especially the arches and toes." "So I see." I replied as I sat back in my chair, satisfied I got to tickle this pretty girl's cute feet.

I thanked her for suffering through it just to help me and she replied no prob. Then she said I should have done it on Danny (UGH!! No thanks. Not my cup of tea.) since he was was just as ticklish all over his body as she was just on her feet. She was only a little bit ticklish everywhere else. She said it would probably knock him down a peg if he were tickled into submission. I asked why she didn't do it but then I retracted my question after I thought about it. She was just about 5 ft and 100 lbs while he was 6'2 and 230 lbs of chubby. No way she could hold him down and tickle him. She said he would instigate tickle fights constantly when they were alone but would thrash and usually hurt her with elbows when she tickled back. He would apologize but tell her he couldn't help it since he was so ticklish. I asked then why would he instigate it if he couldn't take it. Nicole just shrugged her shoulders.

Later that week a group of us were just hanging out playing poker. Danny, Nicole, Barry, Jenna, Joaquin, and his girlfriend (her name escapes me) were there as well as a couple of Danny's friends that had visited him at the dorms. The guys played poker while the girls watched the WB channel line up that night and gossiped. Danny's friends went out to smoke and Danny began touting his own horn again. He started talking about how he was going to win the entire pot. I just rolled my eyes and went back to looking at my hand. "If you did that to me 3 years ago in my neighborhood and we didn't know each other I'd have knocked you the fuck out." he said with a laugh. I continued to ignore him. Nicole came to my defense. " Leave him alone. Besides you never know what's going to happen. One of the other guys might have a better hand than you." Danny just waved her off. "It's in the bag babe. That's why Freeman hasn't said anything. He knows it's true." The Barry and Joaquin just ignored him as I did.

Danny wasn't really a bully per se. This was the only instance where he picked on me. He was actually a pretty nice guy to everyone. He accepted me into the fold fairly quickly. He was just really full of himself, bragging A LOT. He was certainly not lacking in the confidence dept. He didn't antagonize Barry or Joaquin much in the times we hung out aside from the playful insults. They were really close, like brothers, but I had the feeling it was also because he knew he couldn't take them. Barry was about 5'9 but was into bodybuilding and had a pretty good physique and was a black belt in tae kwon do. Joaquin was about 6'3 and 220 lbs of pure muscle from playing baseball. I, on the other hand, am about 5'6 and back then weight maybe 165 lbs.

At this point I'd only known Danny about 4 months and only hung out with him sparsely since Danny was going to another college and visited Nicole every so often. We hadn't really gotten a chance to know each other that well. I didn't look it with my Clark Kent type hairstyle and glasses but I was pretty athletic as well. I lifted weights and was nowhere as big as Barry but did have a semi well defined physique and was deceptively strong but you couldn't tell that since I always used to wear baggy clothes as was the style back then.. I was on the baseball team in junior high making it to state finals where we lost by 2 runs. I was also on the wrestling team 2 years in a row in high school going all state. Being an avid lover of martial arts I was a black belt in tae kwon do; and also studied a little bit of kenpo, aikido, judo, jujitsu, whatever moves anyone would teach me. And I was skillful with nunchucks, katanas, butterfly knives and shurikens. My older brother taught me almost all of them.

Danny knew none of that. He just thought I was the typical nerdy Asian kid and ragged on me a little about it every once in a while but wasn't spiteful or vindictive, just playful banter like Barry said with Jenna. But with Jenna Danny was constant with it. NO matter here or when it never failed. Once they were around each other, he would go at her. She would never instigate only respond. Like I stated earlier it was really getting on my nerves. There were times I would make an excuse not to go out with the group if I knew they would both be there just so I could avoid there constant squabbling for a while.

As the game progressed Danny's friends were still outside and Danny won as he said and stood up, arms raised and shouted "Ha! I told you so!" Nicole looked back at him and said " OK, you won. Congrats. But remember, no matter how good you are there's always some one better." Danny quickly scanned he room and looked directly at me. "Like who? Freeman? Please." Nicole already knew of me many accomplishments stated earlier above and I saw a sly smile come across her face. "You never know. He might just surprise you." I knew where she was going with it and I really wanted no part in it but then Danny kept running his mouth. "C'mon. I could twirl him like a baton." That got my attention real quick.

I was bullied in grade school and in my freshman year of high school because I was Asian and small. That was why I excelled in sports just to shut them up. I hated being underestimated and Danny just pushed that button. I stood up and declared that he prove it. He laughed. "Seriously?" We were in the student lounge and it was pretty wide open. I pushed the table and chairs against the wall and took my place in the center of then now empty floor and looked directly at him and motioned with my hand for him to come get some. He slowly walked towards me and then made a lunge at me. I ducked it and went around behind him and put him in what's called waist lock where my arms were wrapped around his waist. He grabbed at my wrists to try to get me to let him go but then I let go of the waist lock and slipped my arms under his and put him in a full nelson with my cinching his arms above his head and locking my fingers just above the back of his neck.

I asked him if he gave up but he refused so, still holding him in the full nelson I took him to the floor and then wrapped my legs around his waist so he had my full body weight holding him down on with our right side on the ground. He still wouldn't submit. I didn't want to apply more pressure because I didn't really want to hurt him. I glanced over at Nicole and she gave me wink and a thumbs up. I hinting at. I really didn't want to tickle him. I'm only into tickling females but I was running out of options and I didn't want to stuck holding him all night. I unlocked my fingers and with my right hand reach across the back of his neck and grabbed the sleeve of my left arm. The freed up my left hand. I asked him once again if he gave up and he again said no.

I sighed and said "OK. You leave me no other choice." Before he could ask what I meant by that I dug my left hand into his right armpit. Ticklish wasn't the word. He screamed like a banshee then almost instantly began cackling. He yelled "Oh my God!!", profanities, and " you're killing me!" in quick succession. Then he started begging. "Please, Freeman, please!" All the while I was tickling from armpit to ribs to stomach with my left hand. Then he started bargaining. "I'm sorry! I'll give you all my money! I'll go to the gym!" All in all the tickling lasted about 2 minutes. Nicole even got in a couple of tickles while he yelled at her to stop and me to let him up. After I let go and stood up I realized he was crying and said a couple of times "He's so strong", now knowing that I was stronger than I looked. His friends walked and and saw him crying on the floor. They asked what happened and Jenna said he got tickle raped. That bothered me immensely, being an actual date rape victim myself. Jenna didn't know that though. I went from being proud and satisfied to being disgusted with myself. One of his friends called him a little bitch. I started to feel like a bully.

I stuck my hand out to Danny to help him up but he swatted it away and said "Fuck you, you bastard!" I felt terrible. Things weren't the same after that. We all still hung out until the semester was over but Danny didn't say much to me. The incident also opened up the floodgates. Everyone from Nicole to Barry & Jenna and Danny's 2 friends who were there that night kept tormenting Danny with quick tickles when he would start mouthing off. He would yell "stop!" or "don't do that!" then look at me as if to say "You see what you started?" I really started feeling like a bully. I tried to make amends. He said it's cool but he still didn't say much to me and never looked at me the same way again. After freshman year was over I never saw any of them again as I had transferred schools to be closer to home and help my mom out emotionally and with chores because my younger brother got locked up in jail.

I told my best friends DJ and Eric about it and they had polarizing responses. DJ laughed his ass off and said it served him right and that he needed to get knocked off his high horse while Eric, on the other hand, said that it was a pretty rotten thing to do as it humiliated Danny and destroyed his rep. DJ says what rep since it was all Danny crowing and walking around like he was king of the roost. Eric said that now he will be forever known as tickle bitch to his friends and they would never let him live it down. Eric said that night was just as bad as the bullies that tormented DJ and me. I'm sorry it was so lengthy. I got carried away in typing this. My question is did Danny really get what he deserved or did I go too far and I am as bad as the bullies like Eric said? Thanks reading all of this and in advance for all your input on the subject.

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Freeman, I love your writing style . . . and (probably because I have a vindictive streak myself) I'm glad you tickled Danny. A lot of us need to be humbled from time to time. I hope you won't carry around a lot of guilt about it.
Thanks. I wrote for my high school paper and the editor really helped me hone my skills. I had actually forgotten all about the incident with Danny until Joaquin brought it up. Last I heard he and Nicole broke up a year or so after I left. Emily and I broke up a couple months after I left since she went back home as well and we lived on opposite sides of the country. Don't know about the others. I will leave you with an Emily tickle story I posted in another thread although I wasn't the ler.

She was a light-skinned latina with blonde hair, about 4'11 - 5 ft tall with a medium build. She looked like Neve Campbell especially when she smiled and was deathly ticklish all over - especially her size 6 feet. This happened in the spring of freshman year. There was a diner near our college dorm that we ate at frequently. That day she was wearing a knee length white skirt, black T-shirt and black sandals that just had straps over the tops of her feet and on her heels and ankles. We sat at our regular booth and started reading our menus.A few minutes later she started giggling. I ignored her but she kept laughing. I put my menu down and asked her what was so funny. She told me I already knew. Puzzled I asked again and she told me to stop playing innocent. I shook my head and went back to my menu as she giggled away. A couple of minutes later she told me to cut it out, still giggling. "Cut what out?" I asked, now really confused. "You're playing footsie under the table tickles a lot. You know how really ticklish I am.

I did play footsie with her a lot but it didn't even cross my mind that day. I told her I wasn't touching her but she, half-giggling said she could feel me caressing her exposed arches with my toe. I put both my feet up in her view and said "See? My shoes are still on." Now she was the one with the confused look. "I still feel something touching my foot!" she said in an alarmed tone. We both peeked under the table and saw a tiny mouse moving around her foot. She screamed and jumped from the table. Needless to say we left immediately. We drove by the diner a few days later and found it had been closed until it passed the next inspection. We never ate there again. I have many fond memories of tickling my ex if you'd like to hear about them.
Thanks. I wrote for my high school paper and the editor really helped me hone my skills. I had actually forgotten all about the incident with Danny until Joaquin brought it up. Last I heard he and Nicole broke up a year or so after I left. Emily and I broke up a couple months after I left since she went back home as well and we lived on opposite sides of the country. Don't know about the others. I will leave you with an Emily tickle story I posted in another thread although I wasn't the ler.

She was a light-skinned latina with blonde hair, about 4'11 - 5 ft tall with a medium build. She looked like Neve Campbell especially when she smiled and was deathly ticklish all over - especially her size 6 feet. This happened in the spring of freshman year. There was a diner near our college dorm that we ate at frequently. That day she was wearing a knee length white skirt, black T-shirt and black sandals that just had straps over the tops of her feet and on her heels and ankles. We sat at our regular booth and started reading our menus.A few minutes later she started giggling. I ignored her but she kept laughing. I put my menu down and asked her what was so funny. She told me I already knew. Puzzled I asked again and she told me to stop playing innocent. I shook my head and went back to my menu as she giggled away. A couple of minutes later she told me to cut it out, still giggling. "Cut what out?" I asked, now really confused. "You're playing footsie under the table tickles a lot. You know how really ticklish I am.

I did play footsie with her a lot but it didn't even cross my mind that day. I told her I wasn't touching her but she, half-giggling said she could feel me caressing her exposed arches with my toe. I put both my feet up in her view and said "See? My shoes are still on." Now she was the one with the confused look. "I still feel something touching my foot!" she said in an alarmed tone. We both peeked under the table and saw a tiny mouse moving around her foot. She screamed and jumped from the table. Needless to say we left immediately. We drove by the diner a few days later and found it had been closed until it passed the next inspection. We never ate there again. I have many fond memories of tickling my ex if you'd like to hear about them.

Nice Bro
I'd certainly like to hear more. The mouse story is uncomfortable, but very cool.
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