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Confessions of a NEST Newbie

Ivory Tickler

May 8, 2007
CAUTION: This post is long! (but awesome, if I do say so myself ;) )<hr>
<b>Confessions of a NEST Newbie
By Ivory Tickler</b>

I find myself having to exercise a great deal of restraint in writing this post. Not the good kind of restraint that was taught to us in the Bondage 101 workshop on Saturday, but the kind that will hopefully not allow this to become an unbearably long novel! I realize I may… nay, I will most definitely fail in this attempt at restraint. But maybe my inability to edit the overwhelming torrent of thoughts and emotions that flooded my mind during this whirlwind weekend may benefit those who have lurked and longed to attend a gathering!

Or, not! But alas, I digress…

As NEST will very easily inspire a cornucopia of topics (e.g. The Sandwich Thread, a personal favorite of mine), mine is more of a personal journal or diary if you will; a first-hand account of what I experienced in my 3 days. It will be a bit meandering. It will bounce back and forth between frantic inner monologues, bland metaphors, and obvious failed attempts at humor. It will unintentionally leave names out. It may omit some of the larger key moments that occurred during the weekend – in fact, it will even take a small event or incident and make it out to seem bigger than it actually was! I can’t say everyone will understand and identify with it. However, I can say it will be honest and from the heart.

And as the Kenny G instrumental music bed fades out…

I am currently on my return flight home to southern California after attending my first gathering ever: NEST. I’m sitting here reflecting on the weekend and I’m finding it difficult to express how I feel. Like many people with our unique predilection, tickling is a part of me that has always been kept hidden, or buried to be more accurate. The first milestone in my life of discovering others who shared this fetish took many years to sink in. The thought of attending a gathering was… well, it was never even a consideration. It was too personal, too intimate, and maybe just too late.

What made me finally decide to go? I wish I had some kind of grand epiphany that was lobbed at me like Excalibur by the lady of the lake that caused me to take this plunge. No, instead I realized that right now I’m working successfully, I’m single, I’m young, and if I don’t do this now I will keep making excuses not to go and I’ll regret it for life. Heavy? You bet! But to understand what a big deal this was to go… well, I’m confident that nearly all of you know what I mean.

So to cut to the chase: The weekend was amazing. Simply amazing! Get used to me using that word because I’ve decided that’s the adjective I’m going to use to express every joyful and positive feeling I experienced during NEST. Looking back on the night I arrived, I never would have guessed I’d be using that or even any of its synonyms.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

<b>I. First Contact</b>

Checking in at midnight on Friday (6 hours late due to a myriad of flight delays and re-routing), I arrived at the hotel and noticed a group in the lobby conversing quietly. I had my suspicions that they may be part of the NEST. I headed up to my room trying to convince myself I was too tired to approach them to find out.

An hour or so after unpacking, I became quite ravenous. Instead of settling for the box of raisins and the world’s smallest Milky Way bar from my connecting flight, I went back down to the lobby. The same group of people were still there and now with food. Very slowly, I inched my way toward them -- I simply wanted to know where they ordered it so I could get my own. Yeah right! Even I wasn’t falling for that. I really wanted to ask them if they were here for the NEST. Damn! How do I even ask? What if they’re not part of NEST and ask me what it is? What if I’m at the wrong hotel?

Standing with what I suspect was the textbook definition of a “deer-in-the-headlights” look on my face, I asked about the food. They at first warned me that it was easily some of the worst pizza and chicken wings ever made. I mentioned I was pretty hungry and probably wouldn’t mind and then they very generously offered me some of theirs.

Okay, I’m eating now. I felt the lump in my throat grow (either from nervousness or the pizza cheese, I’m not quite sure) as I asked if they were here for the “convention”, trying desperately to avoid even saying an acronym that had the word “tickle” in it! That’s when they asked me “What convention?” Now, with the benefit of hindsight, I can see that they just wanted to make sure I wasn’t with another group. But at the time, I was thinking, “Why are you doing this to me? You’re making me have to say it?” At that point, someone asked, “You mean NEST?”

“Yes,” I said with a sigh of relief, and what were once a group of strangers at a table were Chaneda, Scared, Snailshell, and Tklmaestro. I recognize those names! So I guess they’re not strangers, yet I never met them before. But I feel comfortable talking with them as if they were familiar in some way. Sitting nearby was Jamie, Ticklee1973, and someone else I can’t remember now (if you know, tell me – thanks!)

In time, others arrived in the lobby: James_Bond, Pacer, Avenger, Bordman, and Amnesiac. Tickleshotel also showed up; her and I have chatted very sporadically for a couple years and this was our first time meeting. Classy (whom I only chatted with in the chatroom days before NEST) and her husband arrived as well. It was the beginning of what would be an amazing weekend and a personal journey to come out of my “tickling” shell.

Oh… and I said the word “tickle” out loud for the first time.

It wasn’t too bad! ;)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

<b>II. To Boldly Go…</b>

Saturday: First day of NEST

8:45a My cell-phone alarm goes off – snooze.
8:50a Hotel alarm goes off – snooze.
9:00a Hotel wake-up call rings – hang up.
9:01a Holy crap… I’m at NEST!
9:02a In the shower.

10:00a Check-In

There are more people than I expected. Are they all here for NEST? Hmm… I’m getting nervous again. At the check-in is Lee Allure, the first NEST veteran I met. I play it pretty cool and don’t come off like a star-struck fan-boy. At least that’s the way I’ve decided to recall that memory!

My foresight into changing my screen name to Ivory Tickler was confirmed when my name-tag not only had my old TMF name (Fingerfeathers), but the name that it was being confused with (Featherfingers). I approach the front, feeling as if I The tag is quickly corrected and I am quite impressed by the level of organization at this gathering.

11:15a Newbies Special Welcome

Bella got the ball rolling and the rules are read by various members of the group. Although the rules are pretty much common sense guidelines, it’s a necessity that further proves how well put together this gathering is. Hearing them read aloud helped soften the edges that the rules stipulate, especially Amnesiac’s spot-on British accent reading that I would thing even Jonmath would have to admire.

12:00p Social and Flea Market

Okay, this was a slow process for me to work into. To help loosen me up, I helped myself to some of the chocolate James_Bond made. As the social went on, I ate more. And then, a little more. Then, I helped myself to some chips. Then there were pretzels. That’s when I discovered JB had chocolate covered pretzels. Washed down with half a liter of diet pepsi, I was ready to mingle. And paint a house.

Some of the people I met were Alchemy (a fellow musician and does an uncanny Jack Sparrow), Footlover, veterans Venray and Venraya, MaxSpeer, Jonmath and Kittentoes. Melinda (wife of Spencer) brought some of her handmade jewelry to sell and support NEST. I accessorized my nametag with a feathered dreamcatcher pin. I suppose you could say it was a little nametag ‘bling’! Heheh… yeah, but no, don’t say it, please.

2:30p Bondage 101 by Jonmath & Kittentoes

The first workshop led by Jonmath and Kittentoes demonstrated how effective bondage equiment can easily be purchased and created by items found at a Home Depot. It was actually very cool. They taught 3 different rope ties, how leather straps work better than cuffs, and how there’s now another store aside from Joann’s Fabrics I can be secretly embarrassed to purchase items that I’d want to use for tickling. Thanks!

Oh, and another new person I met, Jane, demonstrated her ability to escape from Jonmath’s toe ties… twice. Or was it 3 times?

4:00p Bondage Equipment Workshop

This hands-on workshop where you can build your own stocks intrigued me. I peeked in -- Mmm… it smelled very sawdusty! I would’ve attended the workshop but I didn’t feel confident that I could convince the people at the airline that it’s some kind of homemade 2-way vegetable slicer,

At this time, I’m beginning to feel a little more comfortable. While hanging out in the lobby, I joined James Bond, Avenger, and another newbie NG02 for some tournament poker in the lobby.

5:30 Dinner Break

Another interesting thing about being at NEST is that I didn’t want to miss anything. I wanted to experience as much as possible. This is when I realized all I’ve had to eat today was chocolate and two platefuls of chips and pretzels. Thanks to NG02 who shared his long awaited Chinese take-out order, I was still in the game.

Speaking of which - I won! That’s right, 20 bucks! Whoo-hoo! (By the way, this will be the LAST time I win at poker the rest of the trip!)

As I walk around, I encounter Amnesiac and Avenger in a sort-of joke-off. They perform to a captive audience (whether they like it or not!). Even though I’ve heard most of their jokes before, I laugh politely… and also because they are still funny.

It hasn’t even been a full day yet I’m already feeling as close to everyone as if they were old college friends. This phenomenon is shared by many of us who can’t believe how much fun we’re having. I guess in a way, it’s just like how it was when I found out I wasn’t the only person in the world who thought of tickling the way I do.


7:30p Massage and Tickling Workshop

Tickleshotel was the first to be “volunteered” for a foot reflexology demonstration. At some point, an ad hoc game of Tic-Tac-Toe with ball-point pens on Hotel’s feet is played. I worried that little Tic-Tac-Toe boards might transfer to the floor as she walked around! As the AC in the conference room was on the verge of producing flurries at any given moment, the focus turned to Alchemy who talked about some physical complications he had developed over time. NESTees were quick to interact and give their support and advice from their own experiences.

I couldn’t help but think to myself, “I’m so glad I came to this.”

9:00pm Pool Party

Beach ball + Pool + NEST = crazy fun!

Many of us indulged our “inner childs” and participated in what I can only refer to as “Keep the Ball in the Air”. Object: Keep the ball in the air! How something as simple as that could be so fun… again, it was the people involved that made it that way. But seriously, whenever I thought I’d get bored of playing, I’d just keep at it. The game was like a drug and I couldn’t get my fix!

11:00pm Close of Day

- Poker night in 225: Chaneda’s Room

By my memory (and please let me know if I left someone out), there was: Chaneda, Tickleshotel, James_Bond, Apacer3, ASU, Alyson, Barefeetarebest & his girlfriend, Amnesiac, Avenger, Italian Touch, NG02, Questions, Jane, Bordman, Ticklejen, Joel, and myself all in one room!

Most of us were playing poker.

Others were just poking! (ha-ha)

I headed back to my room at the moderate hour of 2am. I thought about how much my nerves calmed and how relaxed I felt. Even if I didn’t get involved in any actual tickling tomorrow, this trip was totally worth it. Then I thought, “Oh God, that’s right, tomorrow is the play party”.

Hello again, nerves!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

<b>III. Getting Your Money’s Worth</b>

“The Warm-Up”

It’s Sunday, the big day… the day of the party! I must admit that I didn’t sufficiently prepare myself for what was to come. All day Saturday I kept hearing, “Just wait until tomorrow.” Although there was tickling happening here and there during the workshops, the club was where all the playing will really happen.

Upon reaching the club, I felt oddly serene. It was strange… and I suddenly figured it out. I was excited about being there, not because I thought I’d be participating in the tickling play. I was excited because, after a lifetime of keeping something so unique and personal bottled up for so long, I’m finally in a place where I can be myself completely.

“The Party”

The club was the perfect venue for the NEST play party. There were many “options” available from bondage frames to stocks to private rooms to chaste lounge chairs and more. In no time, tickling started to commence. I browsed, chatted with some of the others, and just took in the ambiance. I met a few more new people; I even networked with a fellow writer. The event was just starting and I was already having a blast.

Was I still a little scared, though? Oh yeah. Not scared as in I was uncomfortable. While talking to Questions, he brought up a really good observation: Most of us into tickling have been trained to keep this from being exposed to the public for so long that it’s hard to let it go, even here. That’s exactly how I felt.

Normally, I’m very outgoing in social situations. I needed to loosen up and just be more like I am without the tickling on the brain. Early in the event, Barefeetarebest’s girlfriend climbed up to the top of the lounge stripper pole. Then she did a little sexy dance and for fun we gave her dollar bills! Later, as I loosened up quite a bit, I too climbed to the top of the lounge stripper pole. My sexy dance is basically a combination of “kid’n’play” and “the sprinkler”. Viper & Irishgirl who observed this moment tossed me a quarter… score!

One very cool guy I met was RChello. I remember him saying at one point, “This is what you’re here for.” That old axiom of “getting your money’s worth” works well in this instance. Obviously, it's not referring specifically about money, but you get the idea. This is the time to let down your guard… you’re among friends who all support you and each other… and also know your “secret” and you know theirs.

Jane was an inspiration for me in her ability to just throw herself into it, whether trying out the cage or testing the Tickle Chair (a chair with signs that clearly state that, when sitting in it, you are openly inviting others to tickle you). As the party was in full swing, she decided to see how long it would take for someone to notice she was sitting in it. Mind you, there were plenty of other activities and distractions around which is why only a couple minutes went by before someone came by. Before long, a few people were tickling her as well as me. This, by the way was my first time tickling someone at NEST!

After her time was up (there’s a 15 minute limit in the chair which we respectfully honored), I proposed that it’s because she’s a female that it didn’t take long for people to notice her. Now I’m both a ‘ler and a ‘lee. So I sat in the chair to prove that 5 minutes would go by and I wouldn’t get tickled. On the outside, I was quite confident. Inside, I was, “what the hell am I doing!” Well, 5 minutes and no one. Being cocky, I said I could do it another 10 minutes. Well, Jane (who’s not a ler but tried to attract attention) began to tickle my foot. This attracted Ticklejen and little did I know that RChello was telling as many women he could find about someone in the chair and within a minute I was being tickled by 3 people. This was my first time being tickled out in the open like this ever.

It was fine. More than fine, it was great because… well, that’s what everyone’s here for. And everyone here is all on your side!

Later, was the Distraction Game (being tickled while trying to answer questions) and by this point I’m so much more relaxed! Not long after, Tickleshotel delivered my favorite personal quote of the evening: “That swing is calling my name.” Yes, one of the play-toys they had was a special “swing” made up of two harnesses and stirrups which none of us knew how to work. It took several of us some maneuvering to figure it out, but I think we got it… and then Tickleshotel got it!

Soon we were in the latter half of the 8-hour party. In the beginning, the time seemed to go so slowly. Once I got a little involved, however, that changed!

The evening rolled on and soon the raffle contest was held. This part was a personal favorite of mine because I ended up winning 3 raffle prizes! 1) A feather tickler toy. 2) A “Tickle Party” DVD. 3) and an original piece of artwork by Snailshell. But I must admit that Milagros’s grand prize win was the best of all! Lucky guy!

The party was everything people had built it up to be, but it was also so much more. It wasn’t a bunch of strangers tickling each other… these were people I easily considered my friends even though we just met a day or two earlier. Speaking as someone who’s lurked here for a long time: That’s the unique asset this community has that you may not realize until you are actually involved in it directly… such as it was at NEST.

So I overcame a lot of my nervousness and broke new ground in my gradual “coming out” process! As a ‘ler, I had a couple moments of tickling and it was fun. As a lee, there was the tickle chair… and then, toward the end of the night, I had the most amazing ‘lee experience ever. ?

“The Cool Down”

After dinner at Ruby Tuesdays (which unfortunately still holds up its tradition of disrupting all my gastro-intestinal systems), the night flew by as I watched some clips with Bordman, Minerva and Tickleshotel, hung out for Mimi’s trivia in the lobby, and made it back to 225 for another night of poker… and to be inadvertently inducted as a member of the The Order of the Sandwich. Again, there’s an entire posting about the OSW so I will reserve my own details for that thread.

I wandered back down to the lobby around 3am hoping to find something to settle the RT bison burger still kicking in my belly. While there, I ran into NG02 and ASUtickler who were online. I had my laptop so I joined in and we made some posts. I pulled up the old NEST INTRODUCTIONS thread and I skimmed through it. I couldn’t help but smile and shout out, “Hey, that’s you,” or “I know him now” and so forth.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

<b>IV. Philadelphia Freedom</b>

In a post by Lee Allure, she mentions how hard it is on the last day to say goodbye to all the old friends and new. Back before NEST, I read it and I understood what she meant to a point, but I didn’t really get it until this afternoon as we left brunch at Denny’s. It’s hard to describe and I hate using the cliché of “you had to be there” ‘cause it’s dumb and doesn’t adequately express how this group of people are as unique and tightly knit as your immediately family or best friend. But since it’s really late and the plane is about to land…

… you just had to be there!

A few of us had later flights so we went into the city to do some quick sightseeing. I served as an unofficial tour guide for Jane, Italian Touch, and ASUtickler as we strolled down South Street, saw the Liberty Bell, and Penns Landing. Tickler Bart and Bordman were still at the hotel when ASU and I returned and we headed back to the airport together.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


It’s a little after midnight PST time (3am in the land of the east). I better wrap this up soon before they make me put my laptop away. I’m typing this on Word and once I’m home I’m going to post this. I don’t suspect anyone will read this whole thing… or even half of it. But between my old screen name and this new one, I’ve averaged 5 posts a year since 2002 and never been involved in anything more than chatting with a few people through pm or the chatroom. I think this one counts for at least a hundred posts!

Although my life is still crazy-busy and I still have more shyness with this part of my self to get over, I suspect I will be more involved here than in the past. For those of you who have contemplated going to NEST or any other gathering, my advice is to definitely do it. If you’re friendly, enjoy being in the company of good people, and want to feel completely open with yourself and others, then there’s nothing to hold you back. Had I known it was going to be this positive of an experience, I wouldn’t have waited this long to go.

So, next NEST in 2008! That’s okay. After this weekend, a year doesn’t seem as long… and 3000 miles just doesn’t seem as far as it used to be.

I’m jet-lagged, my ribs are sore, and I can still feel the wristband on my arm… I never felt better in my life! Until next time,

-- Ivory Tickler :)
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Great post Ivory, Nest sounded like you said " Amazing ". I wish I could have been there. I'm hoping to make it next year.
I can't believe I read the whooooole thing!

Really! I did! And may I just say... WOW!

If this had been the only thread and only post about NEST, I would still have to say that it proved that all of our hard work was worth it. Thanks so much for sharing yourself this way! I'm sure it will be encouraging to many.

For those who didn't read the whole thing... Do yourself a favor and find time to do so at some point. It's worthy of the time.

The Order of the Sandwich will never forget you ^_^
Twas nice meeting you! Don't worry about being shy, just dive in!
I read it, and was very impressed. It was well worded, eloquent, and made me kind of envious. I'm glad everyone had fun! :grouphug:
thank you Ivory, and thank you to the NEST organizers....

Bravo, Ivory!

You painted a beautiful "word picture"....this was the post I was looking for that described the NEST experience for those unable to attend.....thank you for taking the time to detail your experiences for us...... :)

And thanks to the NEST organizers, who made such a wonderful event possible.... you had a part in making so many people very happy....and that is a good thing.... :bowing:
Freakin' awesome man. Once I started reading I had to read the entire thing.

You guys are a lucky bunch, here's a toast that there is a NEST for the rest of this century. Seriously, it should be a requirement of all here to attend...

...seriously, from the sound of half of you who went for the first time it sounded like you just got purified somehow. Like, some kind of transformation. LoL

Thanks for sharing. :) :devil2:
I read every single word of it. This is an eloquent and happy description of NEST, and it's good to know you had as much fun as I did. I'll be posting my own experiences thread at some point. It will likely overlap somewhat with yours (And not be as well written), but I want to continue this tradition.

Ivory, it was so great to meet you. I'm glad you were there. :)
That was so beautiful. Dead on and beautiful. And… I am sure you will agree… every year will be like that. Not just the first. It really is amazing.
I was going to post a NEST diary since it was my first time also,but i doubt it could compare to this one.Bravo Ivory,sorry we did not really get to know each other.Next year perhaps.:D
Wow. What a post. It was nice to meet/play poker/have dinner with you man. Hope to see you next year
Good post. When you discribed how you mensioned a convention to others without knowing if they were part of nest or not, I was getting nervous just reading it. Your brave to attend such a thing I certinly couldn't.
It was a honour meeting you as well

Great Post Ivory. I posted a long description last year but this year you have it covered. My experience was a little different being a second timer but I had a great time as well. You do feel like you are being pulled in different directions and you can't be everywhere (like a kid in a candy store). It's that sense of belonging and the instant bond that you have with everyone that makes it so special. I look forward to seeing you again very soon. Maybe at Passive Arts we'll see. Your friend, :wavingguy
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Along with being a fabulous and entertaining writer, your story itself kept me captivated! Sounds like you had a blast (to say the least) and I actually found myself smiling and getting excited through your experiences! You're an inspiration to those debating whether or not to someday attend, and I hope you had half as much fun as you made it sound :-D

Awesome post ;)
Just to remind you because it seems that you forgot Ivory, that eventually I believe that I came to the room that night with Joel when you were playing poker that Saturday night for a little while.

Corrected and Many Thanks!

ticklejen said:
Just to remind you because it seems that you forgot Ivory, that eventually I believe that I came to the room that night with Joel when you were playing poker that Saturday night for a little while.

Thanks for reminding me, Jen. It was quite a full-house in the poker room that night (no pun intended... well, of course it was intended -- I couldn't help it!).

I made the correction. I'm sure there will be more!


As for everyone who has commented on my post thus far... thank you so very much! By the time I made it home, I was too tired to have second thoughts about posting it. When I woke up and realized what I had done, I nearly didn't get out of bed. It means more than you can imagine to know hear your responses which has been perpetuating the inner glow I've been radiating since the weekend.

Thank you! :)

Speaking of which, I will at some point write my own "Thank You" post to those of you I met at NEST. Not sure which thread I'll do it in; there are so many choose from!
Ivory Tickler, What a eloquent and gives details to let the reader imagine in their mind what you went through from the first time you arrived to the time it is to say goodbye which is the hardest part of the weekend!

It was such a Pleasure meeting you in person after corresponding with you for quite awhile and not meeting till now.. You are warm,loving and Great Company just hanging out chatting,lunch, and I am happy that you enjoyed yourself at the massage and tickling workshop, I still can;t believe I was volunteered :shake:
Great description, Ivory. There were a lot of us who felt like we were going out on a limb, but needed to try this out. And man, was it worth it. It felt like being around a bunch of friends I've known for a while. It even got me to finally make another post on this board. Now how do you like that?
Ivory Tickler said:
I’m jet-lagged, my ribs are sore, and I can still feel the wristband on my arm…

absolutely terrific post, Ivory!!
.... and I can so very well relate to your quote :D
minerva said:
absolutely terrific post, Ivory!!
.... and I can so very well relate to your quote :D

You already had somewhat sore ribs,or i would not have been so nice. :evilha:
bugman said:
You already had somewhat sore ribs,or i would not have been so nice. :evilha:

LOL - you shut up :D
and btw, you know well enough how nice you are :twohugs:
minerva said:
absolutely terrific post, Ivory!!
.... and I can so very well relate to your quote :D
I still have to laugh to myself when Minerva came outside for a break. She was grinning, tired, and sweaty but all she seemed concerned about was if her hair was out of place.

It's barely been a week but I miss her already.
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