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Control (F*/F)


TMF Expert
May 20, 2010
I wrote this a few weeks ago. I've been craving something of a more intense variety, so I understand if this is not every bodies flavor of tickling. <3

Based off a role play with a new friend, I decided to take a concept of extreme unwillingness, coupled with a new awakening.

The concepts of virtual worlds excited me ever since we dared dream of them in the 90's.

Though nobody seems to care about virtual reality anymore, we still crave to further tap into the world inside our mind. Whether it be dreams, a computer simulation or the warm dark places we keep our most hidden secrets.

Enjoy. <3



by ~Inverse

Lyra was not exactly a bad kid, nor a bad student. She was just a bad influence on everyone else in school. Her ideas didn't exactly cater to the faculties interests, multiple times having caused a shift in student behavior due to her belief that students should have more of a voice in the school. Before Lyra, the teachers and principal at the all-girl Academy for Young Learners had no problems keeping order within the halls, but all that changed when Lyra arrived.

The school had a harsh disciplinarian system. Being effective at grooming some of the highest minds at all age levels, it had authority to use techniques most would balk at in other schools. Corporal punishment was not frowned upon here, due to the type of punishment applied being strictly relegated to the use of tickling. Misbehaving students quickly found themselves subdued and sent through a correctional system that would not only ensure they didn't do it again, but were not physically harmed in the process.

Tickling on the school grounds wasn't always effective on all girls due to the proximity to other students being a factor in their resistance, and thus a facility where a more personalized approach to its use was designed to structure behavior in the students. This of course being where Lyra was assigned to go. Having had her very own parents sign off after hearing their daughter was not only the leader of a school rebellion, but a negative influence on her classmates and peers.

She wasn't happy about this. None of it was right~ none of it was fair. They didn't like the fact that she had helped students think for themselves. She wasn't questioning authority, she was inspiring individuality. To her it was barely a school, it was just a place for thought control. A place where their parents could keep them locked up until adulthood~ spending just a few months out of the year with them. She was angry at her family, but angrier at herself, for not having the power to stop this...

They took her clothes, leaving her in white panties and a bra, with a white shirt and shorts. She remembered being escorted to the facility. It wasn't far off the school campus, bordered by a large fence. No real way out. There were trees all around, and on its edge a large stream, so that it barely looked like the prison it truly was. The school was all about appearances of course, what went on inside the facility she had no idea.

She remembered being brought in. A faculty member escorting her reluctantly, she didn't bother struggling here. She had been tickled before and it barely phased her. Even though she was extremely ticklish, the faculty members were horrible ticklers, and got easily frustrated at her ability to shrug them off. She didn't fear their methods here. She feared more the small excuse for rooms she was offered, and the fact she couldn't interact with any of the other girls there for fear they might plot together. She couldn't quite remember who some of them were, or why they were here. The only thing she would be concerned about was the head mistress of the facility herself.

Miss Felin. The head of the program that brought results to a school which prided itself in perfection. She was tall, dark skin, imposing in her stature. Her long white hair and her elegant looks were framed by the round glasses upon the bridge of her nose. Her black dress was sharp enough to cut through steel, she appeared to be quite powerful even in silence. It didn't last long, as she began to chuckle at the young girl standing before her.

"Well, Lyra, I've heard so much about you. You've already been through the basic program, what, say five times now? Such a ticklish girl, and yet no regrets for your actions?" she said with a humored tone in her voice. Her hands reached up to fix her glasses as the young girl barely looked her way. "You have nothing to say to me young lady?"

"Nothing at all. Do whatever, you're not really giving me much of a choice."

"Oh dear, that word. You had the choice to not be such a petulant child when so much has been offered to you, but you did, indeed have a choice young Lyra. After all, five times being tickled by the disciplinarians at the academy is no small number. Some would say you're quite masochistic, and for all intents determined to come here under her own volition. Did you honestly think you would just, skitter on by with us allowing you to misbehave as you do?"

"Don't bore me to death. We both know I didn't do anything wrong," Lyra said as she looked toward the floor. She bit her lip in frustration. She didn't even want to talk to this woman. She didn't even want to be here right now. By the way Felin was smiling she knew they had something quite devilish in store for her, but she wasn't sure what.

"Well then, it was never my intent to bore you child. Let's spice things up a little bit then, shall we?" She smiled then, her hands reaching up toward her hair, removing her glasses momentarily as suddenly Lyra watched with great interest as Felin literally began to change before her eyes. Her skin becoming purple. Fur growing lightly into a shimmering violet coat, hands and fingers growing, light claws and tips, which her face contorting, tightening~ shaping into a feline appearance. Felin purred before the young girl who could barely believe what she was seeing!

"What is this!? Wha.."

"You're not dreaming girl, you're in a virtual reality. A computer program, a simulation. You don't remember being introduced to the system? Think hard, you're a thinker aren't you? That's what got you into this mess in the first place. Give it a shot." Felin grinned, a purr escaping her lips, tail curling behind her as her dress fit to accept her new feline shape. "You were quite relaxed when you were put in, perhaps your sedation was too effective to recall."

Lyra staggered backward a bit, looking around. Everything seemed real enough. Doors were there, the couch in her office. She had just left her room, the faculty brought her in. She went down the hall and... she couldn't remember. She couldn't remember how she got here! "What is this? This is impossible...there is no such thing."

"Rare, sure, but not impossible. Obviously I'm not a cat young lady~ please, try to make sense. I assure you though what you're about to go through is going to feel quite real. Exquisitely so, and you will be sorry by the end of it. Though don't think of it as mere punishment, we're here to help you help yourself after all."

Lyra's eyes were like fire. Her line of sight might as well have been drawn with daggers in Felin's direction. "Get me out of here! I didn't ask for any of this!"

"I didn't plan my holidays on you arriving either child, but such is both our luck. You're here to stay until I see it fit you leave. You're free to go if you wish, but you won't be making it too far." Felin smiled, looking behind the girl, Lyra's own gaze turning to face the double doors to the head mistress' office. "Go... I know you think yourself strong young lady."

Lyra clenched her fists. She might as well try if such an invitation was being given. Though she hardly believed a thing that was being told to her. It wouldn't be the first time the school has lied to her to get a reaction. Taking a few steps back, she bolted. Ridiculous she thought~ a virtual reality. Completely impossible, how unlikely would it be that such a thing could-

"What is..." Lyra gasped, opening the door widely and looking out toward what seemed to be a labyrinth of halls. Reflections on the walls twisted in every which way as she could see spiraling up into the sky stairways and floating prisms of pure thought. Paths leading to nowhere, endlessly encircling as if she were grounded upon the inside of a ring. Vertigo struck her as she stared, grasping the door frame in frustration. She turned quickly, looking toward the feline mistress who appeared quite amused with Lyra's shock. "What is this? Where am I?"

"A labyrinth. A puzzle box, and nothing more. A prison, for your mind. A challenge to be conquered before it conquers you. Think of it as a gift. We give you a way to use the choice you want so much, in order to escape this little predicament. I do doubt you'll find your way out however without running into something of a, test for you... but at least you have the opportunity... and my sympathies."

Lyra balked at this~ this entire labyrinth would take days to travel, it was larger than anything she had ever seen! She turned to stare out into the long hall in front of her, corners and other halls leading to nowhere. Grey, dull~ texture-less, it went on deeper and deeper, but somewhere out there, was her way out of here. "If I make it to the end, I'll go free right? I win this game. You promise?!"

"Sure, fair game. If you make it dear~" she said softly, the office around Lyra slowly began to fade. She stared in wonder as she was left in the hallway she faced, looking back to catch a glimpse of Felin but found it was too late to do so. Left only with the ghostly whispers reverberating down the hall. "If you make it..."

"Wonderful..." Lyra wasn't about to give up on this. If this was a game, with rules she could understand, she could beat it. She trembled in the cold, this virtual cold. Finding it humorous~ her bare feet stepping down the hall, choosing to go as far as she could until she either hit a dead-end or whatever lay in store for her. To her surprise, the labyrinth was dull and lifeless when it came to detail~ though it had no roof, the only thing she could see in the sky being more labyrinth coiling above her and back in the eternal ring of corridors.

The rules in this place seemed normal as in the real world. Her eyes were open, and yet it felt like she was dreaming despite it. A soft haze over everything, not quite being able to focus, though at times she had to constantly remind herself that it wasn't real. It was easy to fall under the spells as she walked, and walked for what seemed like hours. Frustrated at this puzzle and the constant dead-ends that this labyrinth seemed satisfied with composing.

Looking up gave her vertigo, the literal chills, so for now she kept on walking. Getting deeper into the labyrinth, twice reaching dead-ends with nowhere to go. She was about to start getting frustrated when she saw a glowing spot on the floor in front of her. A hazy colored disc that hummed and floated merely inches off the ground. Lyra's skin crawled at the thought of it being a trap, and yet it called out to her... it was the only thing different from this entire labyrinth.

She stepped closer, hoping to get near it and maybe seeing if it activated something, perhaps a door or a panel of some sort. However she didn't even make it close enough to give it a good look, as a panel beneath her feet literally opened up and dropped her into a slick chute sliding down into a lower level of the maze. "Gaaah~!" she screamed, falling down the slide that twisted in a coil all the way to the bottom, dropping her into a darkly lit chamber~ the bottom which cushioned her with a slick collision into something wet and sticky.

"Ugh~ wha...what is this? Gross!" she shouted, standing up and slipping on her behind. "Augh~ jees...what the heck is happening here?!"

The room was a perfect cube. Large, but not too much so~ there didn't seem to be any real doorways, except for the chute she slid in from, but there was a thin layer of whatever it was that coated the floor. Making it impossible to climb back up from...

"Not cool..." she said as she gave up trying to get back from where she came, instead looking through the dim light for something, anything to get out from. The walls were colored differently here, with splotches of the wet, sticky slime that covered her body on the wall. A particularly dark spot seemed to hover in the corner. Thick, tall~ growing darker as she stared. That's when she realized she was staring at no shadow, there was an object in the room there. Like a statue, or a person...

Her skin crawled with goosebumps a the realization that she was not alone. "Stay back!" she shouted, slipping back on the slime again, trying her best to stay standing. "Who are you!?! Don't come anywhere near me!"

The shadowy object seemed to grow taller, wider. Massing up with the sound of slick slime slowly building up at its base. It's shape at the top was human, and as it slowly began to form in more detail, also feminine. It slowly inched toward her, making the gurgling sound of wet solids blending together as a gasp began to escape the creatures lips~ the clearly detailed visage of a human looking girl within the pink colored slime, forming a wide grin.

"YoU cAllEd me GrossssssS..." it hissed at her~ towering over the young girl and giggling with its liquid-like voice. Lyra shouted~ seeing this monster she wouldn't have dreamed up in a thousand years of rest. "DOn't bE afrAId littLe giRl~ I juST wAnT to TicKle YoU...Heeeheee~" the creature hissed, laughing at the young girl's fearful reaction. It extended what appeared to be long, gooey arms at the girl~ fingers stretching wide as it shot out to reach for Lyra.

She screamed, falling back and scrambling on her rear, trying her best to gain some kind of leverage, but there was no real escape. The hands wrapping around her ankles and pulling her across the floor. Her little fingers clawing at the ground, trying to get some kind of grip in the sticky, slippery substance~ but she just got closer to the base of this blob like form, the only human element the human body at its head, looking down at the blond girl as if it were something to devour~ to savor.

"LET ME GO! Stop! Someone heeelp!" she struggled, pulling with her arms and limbs as she was literally lifted up from the ground, dangling upside-down in front of the slime girl. She twisted her body every which way, wincing tightly as her arms were suddenly taken hold of, and her body was pulled out into an upside-down spread eagle in midair by thick, almost solid gooey tentacles. The body of the slime creature was constantly in flux, the sounds of gooey shifting filling the room which felt smaller every passing second. "Please~! Let me go please!"

The slime-girl's body stretched forward, her feminine face complete with the shape of long, gooey human hair upon its head. Eyes empty, getting closer to the girls face as it looked upon her. Tilting its head to the side inquisitively. It smiled a bit at her, a tongue licking at its own lips seductively~ "ArE yoU AfRaiD BecAuse yoU'Re TicKLish!?" it said softly, its arms slowly coming up, inching closer toward Lyra's bare underarms. The girl flinched, twitching, closing her eyes and shaking her head.

"No~! No I'm not!" Lyra willed herself still. Closing her eyes and trying to push the fear away, but her rapidly beating heart betrayed her, as well as the sensation of wet yet strangely solid fingers trailing across the soft skin of underarm. She smiled, forcing it down with trembling lips into as serious expression as she could. The fingers moved slowly, lifting and dragging from the outside of her hollows to the center within. Lyra trembled, and a bit of laughter escaped her lips despite her best efforts.

"YoU'Re LyiNg TickliSh liTTle giRL!" It giggled at her, staring at the human girl's expression as it continued to stroke her underarms with its fingers. Watching Lyra smile and giggle a bit from the tickling~ losing her resistance. The sensation was unbearable~ and being so close to this creature was making her scared beyond belief. These sensations were not virtual~ they were real. Her underarms were being tickled so lightly and yet already she was gurgling up laughter as if it were nothing...

"Heeeheeeheee~ stoooop iiitt~! Pshaaheeehee~!" Lyra twisted in her wet bondage, the tentacles wrapping around her arms and legs further. Dipping her into the substance itself until her limbs were almost encased in them, and while she wrestled in their grasp they slowly began to harden~ tightening her until wriggling became difficult. The bondage at Lyra's arms and legs tugged a bit more, stretching her and making her struggles seem absolutely pathetic, and that's when the creature began to laugh along with her, mockingly~ increasing the speed of its fingertrails against the young girl's underarms, taunting her~

"TiiCkle TiiiCkLe~! HeEeE~ HEeeeEE~!!" it giggled along with the girl, who by now had lost the ability to even think about holding in her laughter. The gates breaking, causing the young girl to thrash her head in hysterical laughter that resonated over every wall in the room.

"Haaahaaahaaaa~!!! Staaaahahahaqp!!!" Lyra howled~ helpless, perfectly helpless despite her best attempts to thrash, twist and scream her way out of the grasp of this slime-girl. Juice literally dripped from the girls fingers, coating her underarms with some kind of substance that just made her skin soft and that much easier to tickle~ dripping off her skin and down her shoulders, shaking off in droplets as she twisted and fought as much as she could to avoid the tickle-torture on her but she couldn't let go!

"WHy do You LiE to mE? LiTtle huumAn GirLs alWays So TicklIissSsh~! SO MucH FuN to MaKe LaUgh~!" The slime-girl reared its body back, retreating into the mass of its entire form and bringing the girl in closer, tentacles pulling the girl in closer to the blob like form that spread across the entire room. A literal pool of pink mass that seemed to have tentacles and hands stretching in and out of its body at any given moment. Lyra was brought in a foot away from the surface of the base~ about where the slime-girls human hips ended and blended with the mass.

From there, two large claws seemed to sprout from the shape~ they were almost half as large as the girls torso, and from within it seemed tiny little tentacles spread in every which way, dripping and oozing the pink substance back into itself as it reached toward Lyra's ribs~ gripping onto her ribcage while she still hung upside down, and immediately beginning to knead and tickle with closing motions~ the young girl shrieking at the top of her lungs as the tickling overhwhelmed her instantly. Her eyes opened wide at the contact as the smile on her face grew wide with panic~ laughter was wrenched out of her then as the claws kneaded and gnawed at her ribs...

"HAAAAHAAHAHAHAA~!!!" Lyra shouted, it was too much! She had never felt anything as intense as this in her entire life. No amount of discipline at the academy would match this. No casual tickling amongst friends. None of it! This was pure torture~! Her laughter reached higher levels than she had ever given anyone for their efforts and for the first time in her life she was truly being pushed toward an edge tickling had never seemed to reach for her. "NAAAHAhaAHAH!!! NoooOHOHOHO! PLEeAHaHAHAHA!!! PLeeAASEE STOOOP! HahahaHA!!"

"YesssSS~ BEg! PLeaD! LAaaUgh! It's So muCH FUnnnN!!" It taunted at her, relishing in the girls torment, further enhanced by the laughter that seemed to continue unabated, endlessly~ soaking the girls anguish as it was programmed to. As it was meant to, as it NEEDED to~ as per its strict instructions. Ignoring the pathetic pleas of those sent to be punished here. All it needed was to know was that tickling was its purpose... and to do it well. So it did~ enjoying every single shiver of the girl's trembling limbs. Ensuring not a bit of leeway would be spared to her.

When Lyra was sent to the Academy, she was informed of the schools disciplinary procedures. Her parents were all for it. Mockingly saying it'd be better than a spanking, right kid? Sure Dad, sure Mom. Of course, she thought so too. Though the idea of any kind of corporal punishment sent her little heart for a tiny free-fall. Someone other than her parents able to lay hands on her? It didn't please her to think about, but then again she didn't go into school expecting to start trouble. She didn't expect to actually be an influence to the school there.

It was obvious none of the teachers liked her. The very first week she was there she was sent to the disciplinary room. Her clothes taken down to her underwear. Feet in makeshift stocks, her feet tickled by two teachers for a period of two hours. At the time it was torture. She had never been tickled for longer than two minutes, never the less two hours. After the first, she was already ready to do whatever it is they wanted. The second, she was absolutely exhausted, partially even broken.

It wasn't until the second time they sent her that she realized how much she could take the tickling, partially even like it. It wasn't that she enjoyed being punished by these people, but the tickling itself just didn't really bother her. The newness of the ritual wore off, and even when they extended her tickling time to hours and hours at a time, it wasn't enough for her to forsake her own sense of ethics. Her own need to tell the school that students did not deserve to think like zombies.

Many students were sent to the stocks the months she attended the Academy. Some only once, others~ more. None as many as Lyra herself. Yet there were few that caused trouble of their own, usually violent, unproductive, chaotic. Sent to this facility, usually never to return. At least not while Lyra was around. Rumor had it those who came back, were the spitting image of order. Able and ready to learn as the school designed them to. She thought she would refuse it, that if tickling was all this place could muster, then she would fight it~ but now with her ribs being gnawed on by the wet sticky claws of a creature that both terrified her and forced her to laugh~ she didn't know if she had that strength.

"NNnGGGAHahahAHAHA~!! NOOOO MOOORRREE!!!" she screamed, pleaded... could barely think to reason with the feminine creature which lusted after her ticklishness. The room filled with both their laughter~ blending together both mocking and hysterical. The slime-girl which only responded with the sudden lick at Lyra's quivering belly. A long tongue leaving a wet, pink trail of its own form over her skin, dipping lightly into her navel, causing Lyra to shriek at the top of her lungs.

As the minutes flew by, ticking away~ chipping at the girl's sanity. Her face frozen in tickle-induced laughter, her ribs viciously tickled until tears were liberally spilling from her eyes. Underarms teased and prodded, forcing her to scream with laughter~ her head thrown back, staring at the slime covered floor of her cubed prison, trapped within the bondage of this creature that responded to her tortured laughter with merely more tickling, as if the last torrent of laughter was not enough. Needing to take her to new heights of ticklish sensation with every lick across her shivering tummy. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, shutting them tightly as she broke into silent laughter, her chest shaking as her breath caught up with the tickling itself~

"Quite the situation you're in young Lyra..." a voice had echoed into the room. Resonating with the walls, coming from nowhere and everywhere at once. The slime-girl stopped then, the claws melting over Lyra's ribs as she was left dangling in a dripping, sticky mess. Her panting filled the room along with the slick sound of the slime-girl receding into her shape, only to appear in another position far higher upon its center. The tentacles bringing her in and turning her so that she was right side up, dangling rear first toward the 'lap' of the slimegirls form, having her sit and melt into the body itself.

Lyra sat at the base of the slimegirls human torso, her head literally sitting at the creatures 'belly', arms slowly coming down to caress and brush the hair away from Lyra's tired eyes, still holding her legs and arms away from her, letting the girl catch her breath. "Nnnng~..."

"Relax Lyra...it must be so exhausting being tickled by Alyx, she is quite the seductive creature as you've just learned." The voice resonated in the room again as Lyra lingered, taking in heavy gulps of breath. She didn't even want to respond, she didn't want to think~ but she was angry at the teasing attitude of the one who sent her here. There was no doubt in her mind that it was Felin who was speaking to her now.


"Why are you acting so tired? You do know, there's no way for you to actually be exhausted here. It's strange that you mock up these sensations yourself. You can't possibly be broken here."

Lyra blinked, looking upward, to the side~ anywhere for the source of that voice if only to maybe get a visual confirmation that she was indeed not losing her mind. That the sudden loss of her panting breath was not some kind of illusion. Upon hearing those words, she literally was not tired anymore. Her body still tingled from the tickling~ but she was no longer out of breath.

"No... wait! This can't be happening... why would I not be tired?!"

"Little, little Lyra... this IS a virtual world. You're currently laying down, tied to the system like so many girls before you. There is no exhaustion here. You're completely at rest, able to take as much or as little tickling as we deem necessary for you. It IS going to be quite a lot I'm afraid. It's only been a few minutes, I believe a case such as yours warrants us to monitor your progress for far longer than what we see here as normal for a young girl."

Lyra's heart raced as the reality of the situation began to sink in. If she could be tickled endlessly without exhaustion, she could theoretically be tickled for a nearly endless amount of time. Yet it also confused her as to the amount of time spent! For Lyra it had to have easily been about a few hours she had been walking this maze just to fall into this trap, and yet it was only a few minutes in the real world!?

"No! It's not true! You have to let me go! Please! Listen you've made your point, you have to-...pffft..." Lyra tried to plead, giggling suddenly as she felt the bottoms of her feet suddenly have an assortment of exploratory tendrils stretching out from the mass beneath her, her leg stuck inside the mass except for the feet sticking out, making her attempts to pull free from the tickling sensation fruitless. It was slow, more annoying than anything, but she was afraid if she spoke she'd break into laughter.

"Having difficulty speaking?" Felin's voice echoed again, just in time for another assortment of tendrils to peek out from beneath Lyra's outstretched arms. Tendrils wrapped around her biceps, holding her against the surface of the slime-girl known as Alyx's body so that the tiny, slimy fingers could begin lightly caressing Lyra's underarms. "That's fine, I'll speak instead. You're going to be tickled for a very long time little Lyra. Alyx is quite hungry to get started with you, so I will leave you with this. You can fight all you want here, but none of this will end until I say it ends.

None of it..."

Lyra was in no real position to retort. Already tears were falling down her eyes as she smiled widely, the silliest grin on her face as the tickling began. Slithering tendrils snaking their way between her toes, reaching for her heels, her insep~ coating her feet with the tickly touch at every side. She grit her teeth as laughter tried to force its way from her curled lips~ pulling hard at her legs, turning and squirming as best she could into the slimy mass~ fighting with all her heart. The creature known as Alyx coiled her humanoid shape down toward Lyra's ears, giggling softly into a whisper...

"All alOonE wItH mE agAIiin..." she rasped. Her tongue slithering toward Lyra's ear, tracing around its outer edge. The young girl straining to turn her head the opposite direction, repressed giggling escaping her involuntary smiles... "I LoooVe it whEn you fiiIgHT~"

"Gssshh...leave meee~ alooone!" she said through clenched teeth. Yet the slime-girl only laughed, allowing the gel of her body to expand in a slick band around Lyra's forehead then, turning and holding it in place as if held by a large hand. Lyra gasped, sitting comfortably on her throne of pink gel~ with only her feet and hands left capable to wriggle. She couldn't even twist her hips, the only sign of ticklish resistance the tightening of her abs, the clenching of muscles in her arms and legs. Lyra looked hard toward her right side while Alyx stared, longingly~ her tongue suddenly snaking into the girl's ear making her shriek with ticklish giggling~ only increasing as a hand grew out of Alyx to tease at the other ear~ slowly encircling the edges...

She giggled freely then, unable to resist the combination of tickling at her feet and body~ her mind wandering deep into the concept that she was being fed to to this virtual prison so effectively, that she might as well had never had a concept of 'control' in the first place. This world was making a mockery of her capacity to see herself as having power. It took her all this time to grasp why they used tickling. Why they didn't resort to paddling to quell the fire in their hearts. They needed to see, for themselves, the absolute pathetic nature of what they called power. They had to discover true submission. Not simply having their control taken from them, but relinquished...

"Pleeeeaheeese~ stop! Heeheee~!" she gasped, the slime-girl having no intention to do any such thing. "I, hahaaha~!! I... I can't...hahahaaaaha~! Heeheee~ it ticklesss..." She shouted out~ panicking from the sensation of immobility. The cool sensation of the slime-girl Alyx's body oozing over her skin, coating over her body, too ticklish to realize with a panic that her clothes were dissolving.

"WhY FeAr... wHat you caN't conTroooOool...?" Alyx whispered into Lyra's ear. Hands forming within the gel in every direction, stroking and teasing and bringing the girl to immediate hysterics. Trapped and immobile all Lyra could do was laugh and laugh~ her mind and resistance being stretched to their limits. She couldn't think, she couldn't fight, and yet with all that a piece of her had realized she had not given up. She had not been broken, and though she laughed with ticklish agony, there was fight in her...

But how, how could she sustain herself here? In this virtual prison~ so far from home, the people that believed in her. The collective disdain at her being sent to the center. She remembered telling them to not worry. Her friends at school and others who were slowly starting to believe that maybe all of this mistreatment would be put at an end. Yet being sent here, to this horrid place, all hope was lost in them. She could see it in their eyes. The spark of determination was gone. None believed she could resist whatever it is that they did to students here. None could resist the torment they inflicted on themselves...in this place.

And yet here she was, still fighting...

"Gssh~heeeheeeee~~!! This....thiisssh! Hahahaha! Is....iss~ nnghahaha!!" she tried to speak. She wanted to hear it, she wanted them all to hear. To listen to her say the words. The slime-girl turned her head slowly, smiling widely at the young girl who struggled so effectively despite the ticklish applications across her whole body. Puzzled it inched toward her face, staring at Lyra's tear-stricken eyes with amusement. The smile on Alyx's humanoid form seemed to melt as it widened, her human hands brushing back the wet, matted hair from the girl's face. The tickling slowed, but just barely~ enough to let the giggle-struck girl to take in a deeper breath, still smiling, eyes burying into Alyx.

"WhAt iisss it deAr...? What iisssS...."

"Ha...haha...control..." she panted. Smiling wider as she giggled then, looking up at Alyx with a strange expression, bemused with a grin of her own. Alyx's eyes squinted then, almost vanishing as it struggled to understand. "That's... that's all this is. Is control...I do it to myself...it's my power..." she panted deeply, looking up into the creature who for the first time since Lyra had seen her, had finally stopped smiling. Its eyes looked deeply into Lyra, peering into her very thoughts, sensing the inner fear that held her in balance. There was a strange calmness to the slime-girl then, silent and brooding~ the only sound in the room the soft panting from Lyra's lips...

"You seek something you never had," her voice has said then. Clear, resonating deeply in Lyra's chest. "You seek hope."

"No..." Lyra coughed then, Alyx's head turning inquisitively. "...eh, heh...there's already plenty of that to go around." she smirked a bit, her lips trembling. Eyes half-open... "I'm going to get out of here. I'm their hope."

"Then all is lost. Let me correct that for them." Alyx said and within that instant she literally burst. Her humanoid shape becoming liquid, vanishing into her body as the mass that held Lyra began to swell. Before she could realize what was happening, the pink gel had expanded, enveloping her head and body, trapping her within the warm center of its shape. Lyra tried to breath but couldn't, and with shock she realized she was able to move within the substance if only barely~ but she couldn't escape, gaining no traction regardless of how she kicked or struggled to reach the surface.

With fear, the anxiety of drowning was high, and her heart thundered until she reached the point she had to breath, there was no difficulty~! Her lungs taking in the Alyx's body as if it were fresh breath, filling her from within. Her eyes opened wide, as she Alyx spread throughout her body, holding her in place~ controlling her will. Her will to fight, to move to struggle. Within moments her body felt alive with sensitivity, feeling the room, the world itself as if she were the liquid that spread in every inch of this room and possibly beyond. She was liquid and solid at once, and she trapped at the core of that which wanted to break her...

Then it started, like the seeds of nightmare it did. The slow trickling sensation that began at her feet, sliding up her legs like a slow dragging feather over her skin. She laughed immediately, there was no fighting the sensation, her ticklishness increased tenfold, overwhelming her and causing her to muffled cries to resonate across the pink bubble she was encased in. She turned and swam and twisted in the gel, spinning around as the feathery sensations began to tease her from head to toe. Tickling her back, her neck~ between every toe. Her smiling face howling without sound, grasping at nothing, her clothes melted now into tatters~ left for her entire body to touch.

She swirled in ticklish torment, swimming and spinning, the entire world around her meaningless. A girl trapped in liquid crystal, fighting against a reality both foreign yet far more real than anything she had experienced in her life. Her body was on fire, as if she was tickled from within~ grasping at her body, nails drawing upon her skin as she wished to be set free. She stretched and gasped, the sensation of hands holding her hips then, burying vibrating fingers upon her and keeping her in place, her legs and arms flailing as she threw her back and laughed, and laughed...

You remember don't you? The first time they did this? Yeah you do... you wanted nothing more but to be set free...

She did, she remembered. She remembered wanting the release. Wanting her control back. Wanting her life back.

Yet they still kept going. They wanted to break you. Give up.

They almost did. They were close. Very close.

Yet you didn't. You learned something, didn't you?

Lyra shivered, she couldn't stop this sensation. She couldn't prevent them from taking her where they wanted to go. She could be moved, tied~ held down and her senses so acutely removed from her all she could do was feel the tickling sensations they inflicted. She had no choice in that matter, and neither did anyone else. This was true, all of it. Yet, there was one thing she realized they couldn't take from her, ever, the smallest bit of a gem of hope inside her that had swelled since the first day her skin was used to make her smile...

She had enjoyed it.

Within the core of the pink mass, Lyra laughed, her tears mixing and becoming part of the slime-girl that contained her. Despite the tickling that surrounded her, the flinching of her body~ the twisting sensation that every inch of her was feeling... there was a part of her that not only enjoyed it, but craved it. Craved the loss of control so acutely that it had begun to change her. To make her stronger, to feel free from her need to actually resist. Her body had been slowly being denied movement. Stretching inside the gel mass as it solidified itself, the feather touches becoming more like the teasing of fingers upon every inch of her body, until she was nothing but screaming hysteria~!

...and yet, you love it.

She did, she craved it, yet not everyone did. Not everyone deserved to be taken to this small level of being against their will~ there was hope, in all of them in her. The small thing, so frail in the eyes of those who would force her to submit, and yet she was a giant in the eyes of those that needed her. This was her choice. She had wanted to come here, to learn this~ to be tickled, and punished beyond her limits...

...not yet. Not even close.

Lyra shouted, her laughter breaking the walls of Alyx's body, resonating with the virtual world around her so that all could hear. Her arms came free, and the bondage that held her had melted like liquid. There was a screaming in her mind, a will to stop her~ to tell her she can't. That she was nothing but a ticklish little girl. That her fight was futile and useless, her will taken from her. For the first time in many weeks, she felt like laughing, not because she was being forced to, but because it was her choice...

".......nngaaaahh~!" Her shout echoed in the walls as the slime prison around her body exploded, liquefied into a pool of pink fluid. A gurgling scream bubbling as the virtual creature was destroyed, leaving Lyra naked in mid air~ spinning still, dizzy and disoriented. The walls of the virtual room shattering and leaving her in nothingness. There was cold space around her, the labyrinth she came from in pieces, a puzzle broken, unsolved...

You cheated.

"I won..." she whispered to herself with a small laugh, falling softly into the darkness...


Time was different here. Felin was right. Here, time didn't matter. Somewhere, out there~ Lyra lay still in her slumber. Trapped in the machine. A machine designed to control thought, to control the spirit within. A machine designed to implant fear, for something that within her, she knew to be beautiful. Tickling was not a tool for torture, it was not a tool for people like them.

It had felt like months now. Here in the crystalline world. Others were trapped within the prisons of their minds. Networked in this facility in the hundreds. She had to save them, one by one. The virtual world a playground for her intent. Her virtual body older, her mind wiser~ crafted from her need to be strong. She could feel Felin. Somewhere, as seconds ticked by in the world above, Felin had thought herself victorious over her. Yet here, she would dismantle the system from within.

Lyra did not truly know how many there were, and the ordeals she had undergone as she freed them had told her there was still much for her to learn about herself. She was nowhere near close to being brought to her limits, and yet the system had come close many times to bringing her there. Still, she was subjected to tickling in her battle, and somehow she had won each time. Destroying the cold logic of the system: that just because something could be seen as painful, that it had to be.

It did not.

She floated in the virtual space, her hair long, skin humming with light~ ears piercing into the darkness where her friends tortured laughter called out. She opened her eyes, so she could see~ so she could find them.

Lyra's eyes opened, glowing white...and she whispered...

"This is my control. Our hope." Her lips curled into a smile. "I'm coming. Wait for me."


The End...?
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Hee~ not sure if I'd call it the greatest~, but it isn't me to turn away such a compliment. I'm a compliment slut. <3 Thank you so much~! My stories being read as far as Indonesia, excuse me while I flutter~ ^_^
Hee~ not sure if I'd call it the greatest~, but it isn't me to turn away such a compliment. I'm a compliment slut. <3 Thank you so much~! My stories being read as far as Indonesia, excuse me while I flutter~ ^_^

well i like a well written story and full description like yours. i'm doing my tickling story too ... well it's almost finish now (it's a big tickling story with more than 50 pages). i hope you want to read mine as the first reader and check a thing or two :)

love your story ...
^_^ Post it up when you're ready~! 50 pages, wowow! Dedication!
Especially endearing. I loved the Alyx personality.

It took me a while to understand how to read your tildes. Now I think you essentially use them like dashes, but maybe not precisely.
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