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Creepers in the Chat Room


Registered User
Jul 31, 2002
Hello Loves! First post here! This needs to be said. I love our chat room. I love the good friends I've made there and the fun we've had. HOWEVER! Recently, it seems The Creepers have emerged from the woodwork! Not just the run of the mill rude morons who jump you the second you come in. These are the certified creepophiles!!! Yes, yes, I know about the ignore button which works well for some. But keep in mind, they simply log off, come back, and the process begins again. Each day this week, has involved many in the room coming to the defense of another being harassed or in some cases verbally attacked with no provocation.
The Mods are fantastic! Absolutely incredible. They can't be there all the time. Screen shots/captures of the offensive conversations are also affective but we should all be able to go in and socialize appropriately without having to deal with these losers.
Again, I realize it is the way of the world, my loves, so I'm starting this thread to expose (WITHOUT NAMING NAMES) those who have CREEPED into our lives! This is not meant as a dig against any styles of pleasure that are different from ours. It is, rather, a means to let you know, we don't want your style forced on us. No means No!!!! Just Say No To Creepophiles!!!!!

The first to have tried to Creep into my life is one who not only seems to be unable to take "no" for an answer to pm/pc requests, but becomes highly aggressive in the main room. I'm not interested in your role play of being an older woman tickled by kids/teens. To each his own! Go find someone like minded! It's all I ask.

I open the floor to others who would like to ask, respectfully, not to be crept upon!!!! Post it here! Now is the time!
It's not just now that the creepers are emerging from the woodwork. They have always been there and always will be. Just ignore them and move on. This thread isn't going to change anything.
Tropic is right. Unfortunately, the net is filled with them. Once you add in any kind of "fetish" or sensual overtone, the number of creeps substantially rises.
That doesn't sound like a good thing.

Not that I've been able to get in. Can't figure it oot...

But yeah, the thread will change little. But good on ya for wanting to try and change it.

Their only redeeming feature is that they never appear from under their rocks IRL, being too cowardly to actually speak to a Real Live Girl. You certainly don't see that type at NEST, where the merest suspicion of this sort of thing leads to a compulsory Quiet Chat with the Dungeon Monitors who enforce the behaviour codes.

I'm not interested in your role play of being an older woman tickled by kids/teens. To each his own! Go find someone like minded!

There should also be a separate chat room for all the hot teenage/milf/gorgeous older women lesbians so that these gentlemen can happily have wild lesbian tickling cybersex among themselves without being bothered by the rest of us.
Thank you for responding, my loves. My intention is not change. That would be an effort in futility. My intention, is rather, to give those of us who have experienced the unwanted attention of the creeps, an opportunity to simply sound off. Share our experiences. Creeps will Creep. Nothing will change that! BTW, gonna derail my own thread here a sec, love your work Sergio!!! YUM!! Just YUM! OK, back to our regularly scheduled Jerk Alert creeper thread!
Thank you Libertine. Your insight is well said and appreciated.
It's not just in the chatroom, but people PMing others with really weird requests and stuff. I'm all about meeting people when I have a chance, i've done it before, I just don't like when people keep pushing it and pushing it to the point where it's just creepy and annoying. I don't really think theres much you can do about it. It's a pretty big site and i'm sure there are tons of people creating accounts on here everyday all over the world. Just best to keep an eye out and to be safe with this if you are to meet someone on here. Don't give too much info out.
I dont go into the chatroom much anymore. More of a message board person now then I used to be in my earlier TMF days. What you mentioned is why the ignore button is such a wonderful thing. I've been using it for years.

You know all those "hot chicks" that join TMF all the time and all have "soo hot" pictures that look a lot like they were just jacked from somebody's Facebook page?

All the work of a single Filipino man.

I'm not kidding, I actually did a step-by-step analysis on TT about it.
ive had some experinces with creepers in the chat, and had to defend my friends there from them as well. my worst expierence was with two in particular, i cant say names of course, but the first was male, extremly pushy, obbsessive, and couldnt take a hint im not into m/m and cybering or that i diddnt want to talk to him at all, the second was a female or at least claimed to be one and was also very obbsessive bordering on stalkerish, kept asking for a video of me and my gf, which is just wrong and claimed being in love with me, which is just friggin weird. in both cases they couldnt take no for an answer and sent me pms for a while after i told them to stop, trying to guilt me into talking to them, like that would really work, but it was a great deal of frustration nonetheless that i shouldnt have had to put up with and noone else should either. so theres my two cents for this, glad this thread was started so we can get this problem out there.
Good advice TickleToy4You. We all need to be cautious and careful.

You're right about the ignore button Mitchell. It is our best friend!

JesseinSD, to which cool guys are you referring? *giggling* Jist messin' wit ya!

ticklegothgirls, now that is just the epitome of freakin' creepy!

featheronfeet, this is exactly what this thread is for. Describe your experiences! Thanks, love!

All your thoughts and suggestions are appreciated. And as Daveyboy pointed out:
Creepers need love too. Good, Daveyboy, you go love on 'em!!! LOL
Screen shots of bad behavior in chat sent to me will lead to account kills.

The web is an open platform where Identity is fluid and consequences are easily avoided. That means some people will do things they would never consider in real life. It means some people will not be as advertised. It means some people will not even be real.

There is no effective way to weed out such people from the real ones on a fair and easy basis. Kill a name another appears.

Your 'pushy' creeper who PM's women for cyber, then gets angry and insults them in main chat when they refuse to take up his gracious offer of getting him off has run through almost a 100 names in his 7 years here. We kill one, he makes another. Such is the web.

On the other side:

I've seen the gender police hound real females off the site by demanding they prove their XX genetic make up. Yes, they do point out a lot of fake females, in their quests to protect everyone from talking to a fake, but they also stomp the occasional real woman also, and scare her away from the forum and community.

You Can't Know. You can suspect, you can be almost sure, but you can't know for the most part.

SO screen cap bad behavior and I'll end the accounts if it's called for. Then we'll repeat a week or so later with the new name. It's a never ending fight.

Just remember one thing. You are talking to a stranger, via a medium that is very low bandwidth in information capacity. Meaning, all you have is words on a screen. Base your trust on that fact. Build relationships, and as they progress you'll get clear signs of reality or non-reality. Fakes will hedge on providing any proof of themselves, avoid phone or skype interactions. Never send images outside of a one or two off. Real people slowly expand bandwidth of communication. You get pics, you may Cam, you then talk on the phone. Etc.

Some will say "But all that time wasted on a fake!" Well yah. But then you can date a person for a long time before you find out they are a bag of fake under a smooth set of lies. Same here. Interactions are risk. To get the rewards you spend your coin of time for, and take a risk.

It sucks to be trolled. But it's part of the web. We continue on. We don't like it, but we move on.

Thank you for this post oh wise one Myr and I agree wholeheartedly.
Thank you Myriads. The intention with this post is not to weed out or police the TMF but rather to discuss what is being said that borders on or surpasses the absurd. The majority of us realize, hopefully, the type of communication being used here as well as its limitations.
I intended this thread to be used by those of us who want to contrast and compare our experiences in the chat room. Most of them are humorous, some are creepy and a few are a little frightening. This thread will never change inappropriate behavior anymore than screen shots/captures or account kills will. We know that.
We have also moved on and moved passed the ridiculous behavior of these trolls. The joke is on them. Now, we get to laugh.
I have no time or patience for the chat room nowadays...

Morons like those described have nothing to offer other than their own mental illness. I've seen them in there. The very concept of them I find quite repulsive.

Just ignore them. Completely. It gets boring trying to communicate with someone who's treating you like vapor.
Wait what , so you are NOT supposed to randomly PM females and bombard with questions about their feet ? ! .

Seriously tho most you can do is just ignore them and hope they get the point and if not report em .
welcome! yeah, the chatrooms can be quite overwhelming, but don't let those creeps ruin your good time :)
Some Friendly Chat Mod tips:

Trolls and creeps generally want attention. Anything you do to avoid giving them that attention will cause them to move on.

1) Use the ignore button. Frequently and often whenever someone hassles you. The ignore button is a powerful weapon.

2) The create a room feature now works and you can make a password so if you and a few friends want an assured hassle free fun chat. Make a room create a password that only you guys know and voila no trolls.

3) Avoid arguing with trolls and creeps and take screen shots of their nasty messages and give it to one of us adorable chat mods ( :p )

To take a screen shot: (with Windows)

1) Make the window you want to capture the main window, by clicking in it. (Bar usually goes from light to dark blue with standard window colors)

2) Hit Alt and Prtscn buttons at same time. (sometimes PrtScn is called PrtSc)

3) Open a paint program. All computers have MSPaint so if you dont have anything esle use MS Paint.

4) Hit Ctrl and V buttons at same time in the paint program and the screen shot should get pasted there.

5) Save the screen shot as a JPG file.

6) Email the file/s to a chat mod

4) Tell chat mods about any troublemakers. We really are very nice and adorable or did I mention that already :p

Remember trolls and creeps live off attention. Dont give them any and most times they will move on.
Knox, thank you. The ignore feature is very effective. I can understand losing patience. I was a pretty close myself today! Thanks for your thoughts!

badreligion, we make exceptions for you and Maiden fans! PM away my love! LOL!

No_Style, thanks for your input! You're right! Let the fun begin, sweetie!!!

Kurch, you, my sweet, are a Mod among Mods!!!! Thank you!!! Excellent advice!!! So, can I keep stalking you then? *giggling*
That all does make alot of sense. I guess it can only bother you if you really let it get to you. One interesting thing I did notice today was someone wanting to PC with another person and their profile went from empty to magically complying with the other persons profile almost to the T after they got denied of the PC. To me that is pretty sketchy and those are just some of the people we need to avoid. Like everyones already said, its gonna happen you just have to make the best of it and ignore them.
alien_hunter122, very curious about the magic profile! I think Kurch hit the nail on the head. These creepers want attention. Take it away from them, they leave. Many of us, are conditioned to be polite, giving them the benefit of the doubt. Not gonna play that game anymore! BTW, alien, I needs me some Bear Cavalry!!! How hawt is that pic!! Message me and tell me about it if you would? Thanks for taking the time to reply!
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