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Dear Diary - Entry #4: When The Roommate Knows... (f/f, underarms, barefeet, nylons)


TMF Regular
Apr 21, 2001
Hey everyone,

This took a bit longer than I had hoped to get out, but it's finally complete. With the entire family home during this COVID stuff, it's difficult to find time to myself to write, but I was finally able to piece some time together.

This one is through the eyes of Aimee, Nikki's roommate. Jamie actually does not appear at all in this piece.

It's not my favorite piece in terms of writing quality, but I actually feel the writing quality makes it seem more like an actual diary entry than some of my other writings. I was trying to capture the spirit of a vanilla who has an interest in her roommate's ticklishness.

It also provided me a vehicle for the next Nikki adventure, which might not be until Entry #6. I have some things planned for Jamie in Entry #5

I hope you all like. As always, comments and criticism welcome.

Happy reading,

Dear Diary - Entry #1: Snapping the Losing Streak (f/f, nylons)
Dear Diary - Entry #2: So Much for that Winning Streak... (f/f, nylons)
Dear Diary - Entry #3: Facetime Fun (f/f, ff,f, fff,f, nylons, tickle talk)

Dear Diary - Entry #4: When The Roommate Knows... (f/f, underarms, barefeet, nylons)

Dear Diary,

Every now and then we’re fortunate enough to stumble upon information that forever changes the direction of our lives. Years later, we may pause to look back at the state of our lives before we came across this information and wonder how we were able to get by in life without this knowledge. Such a revelation doesn’t come often, of course, and there are those cursed to not see the significance of the information when it is discovered. I am one of those fortunate to not look past the importance of what was presented to me, and I can honestly say that that has made all the difference. What is this super important information I have discovered, you ask? A cure for all the world’s ills? A way to feed the hungry? Nope.

I found my roommate is ticklish.

Oh, and not just the usual sort of ticklish, either. That wouldn’t be terribly exciting, would it? I mean, everyone is ticklish, right? It’s just a matter of finding the right spot. No, this level of ticklish is way beyond just the usual sort of ticklish. This is more like an all-consuming level of ticklish. The kind of ticklish where you can literally do nothing except laugh and laugh and laugh. The kind of ticklish where you’re completely at the mercy of your friend. The kind of ticklish where being barefoot among friends is an extremely risky proposition. That’s my roommate.

Now I know what you’re thinking… Aimee.. Pot. Kettle. Black. You, of all people, commenting on how ticklish someone is? Yes, I know I have been the victim of more than my fair share of tickle attacks over the years. And I don’t exactly have all that encouraging a record in tickle fights through the years, regardless of who against. Many a boyfriend has delighted in discovering that a simple squeeze of my side will make me jump out of my skin. And I can’t even pass by the nail salon in the mall without getting goosebumps. Still, my roommate Nikki might just be a new level of ticklish previously not known to man or woman.

And fortunately for me, my roommate is incredibly easy to tickle. Oh, I don’t mean easy to tickle as in just that it’s easy to make her laugh. Which it is. But I mean easy to tickle in that she’s constantly leaving herself totally vulnerable to a sneak tickle attack. Like, everything about her just plays to that. For one, she’s let it be well known that she has a thing against wearing socks. Sure, she wears them since they’re a necessary component of one’s daily wardrobe. But it’s almost a guarantee that as soon as she’s back in the dorm room and done with classes for the day, she’ll first kick her shoes off at the door, and then those socks aren’t long for her feet after that. It usually happens something like this… She’ll hop on her bed to either go through her phone or maybe start some of her homework or sometimes even just to relax, depending on the kind of day it was. Inevitably, you’ll see one leg sort of bend up a little and she’ll use her toes on one foot to tug at the sock on the other foot, letting the sock fall to the floor once it is removed. Then, wash, rinse, repeat, and soon enough, she’s barefoot.

Did I also mention that her feet are her most ticklish spot? I know, right!!?? So look, I know we all have our little quirks that make us who we are, so we all have little things that we like or we think are cute or whatever, right? So I know this is super weird, but one of the cutest things in the world to me is when someone who has super ticklish feet is barefoot. Let me try to explain… So I view being ticklish almost as a weakness. Not, like, in a bad way or anything, but there are very few people in this world who can survive a well-orchestrated tickle attack without giving up. So, it’s a weakness. A cute weakness. But a weakness nonetheless. And it’s been my history that once someone finds out that you’re ticklish, it’s Game Over for you. You instantly become the solution to cure boredom or to amuse people, and there’s nothing you can do about it. So the very idea that someone who has super ticklish feet would just walk around barefoot is just super cute to me. It’s like they are just putting their weakness on display for anyone.

Now, I hear you… ‘But Aimee, don’t tell me you’ve never been barefoot.’ I have. I admit it. I’m barefoot plenty of times. My sock drawer may as well be locked shut during the summer months between late May and early September because I hardly ever wear socks then. And I totally get that I am a walking tickle target for those close to me. My sister loves nothing more than to send me into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. So yes, there is some necessary evil in being barefoot, even with ticklish feet. But, I don’t know… It seems like Nikki is barefoot way more often than most. Or maybe I’m just analyzing it more since I’ve found out she’s so ticklish? I’m usually in socks all day here at school. It’s cold. These dorms are freezing. And, yeah, the fewer people who know how ticklish I am here, the better. And I guess I just view being barefoot as an invitation for someone to tickle your foot.

And even when she IS wearing something on her feet, it’s something that would be incredibly easy to get off in a tickle fight. She almost always wears no-show socks when she does wear socks. Sometimes she even wears those ped socks. Half the time her sock is already coming off of her foot before she even has her shoe completely off. And that’s when she does even wear socks. Other times she’ll have on furry slippers that just slide right off. My personal favorite, though, is when she has to maybe head over to someone else’s dorm room for something, so she throws on a pair of white Keds - ALWAYS without socks. For one, I just think it’s a super cute look. But it’s also amusing to think that in her mind, she might be thinking that she is keeping her feet out of harm’s way, but it almost draws the eye to her feet even more; and we all know she isn’t wearing socks with those Keds, so her line of defense isn’t as strong as she might think.

Another element of Nikki that makes her the best kind of person to tickle is her super-competitive personality. And I don’t mean that in a bad way, either. She’s not someone who has to win at all costs and gets super upset if she loses or something like that. She’s just someone who won’t go down without a fight. And when it comes to tickling, even though she knows she’s not going to be able to beat it, she still feels like she has to at least try. Oh, she still protests, for sure. She says “stop” and “don’t” and reminds you why you’re a bad friend for tickling her… But she won’t actually give up or say uncle or tap out or whatever you want until she’s truly been defeated. Personally, when I feel my sister grab a hold of my ankle or something, I’m giving up before she even starts tickling. Why postpone the inevitable, right? Not Nikki. Nikki’s going to try with all her might to get the better of it. She never does, but she’s going to try. And it’s ADORABLE.

And I guess the last piece that makes Nikki just such an easy target is how willing she is to put herself in helpless positions. I probably didn’t explain that the best. Not willing in the sense of her telling someone to tickle her or anything… And not a helpless situation where she’s, like, in danger or anything. But the poor girl literally can not say no to a foot massage. I mean, she will say no at first, more out of being polite, I think, but all you have to do is tell her it’s no bother, and she caves. In no time, she’s plopping her feet right up in your lap and you’re off to the races.

So, needless to say, ever since I found out about this weakness of hers, I’ve been using it to my advantage whenever I can. Fortunately, she doesn’t seem to mind all that much. Oh sure, she’s threatening my life and all I hold dear while I am in the actual act of tickling her… But that’s understandable.

One of the things I do to her most often is just poke her sides as I walk by. Gosh, I don’t even know how often I do this; it’s definitely more than a couple of times a day, I’d say. Oh, it’s nothing extreme. Usually. Just a little poke as I walk by her. Just to remind her I know. Sometimes, though, for whatever reason, what starts as a little poke to the sides turns into an all-out tickle attack.

I remember this one time specifically.. It started out as nothing, really, but Nikki’s competitiveness turned it into something more. Kind of. So we were hanging out in our dorm room getting ready to head to the cafeteria for dinner. I remember I had had a brutal day of classes, so I was pooped. Nikki, as usual, was her effervescent self, all bubbly and giddy. I was laying on my bed and she was standing behind the door, in front of the full-length mirror, fixing her hair. We were making small talk - nothing in particular - when she joked around that I shouldn’t be as gloomy as I was.

“Are you ever going to get up?” she asked, lifting her arms behind her head as she brushed away.

“Ugh,” I groaned, just exhausted. “It was just such a sucky day.”

“Well,” she said. “I don’t want your gloom and doom raining down on my sunshiny day,” she laughed.

And that’s when the idea struck… She was right. I shouldn’t be all gloom and doom. I should bring some excitement to the atmosphere.

“You’re right, Nikki,” I said, jumping up off the bed and walking behind her. “And I think I know exactly how I can do that.”

OK, so picture it. Nikki is standing in front of the mirror right now and I am right behind her. She has her arms up behind her head as she’s brushing it and trying to get it into a ponytail. Her entire midsection is exposed. Well, she has a shirt on, but you know what I mean. Sides. Stomach. Ribs. Under arms. All a blank canvas waiting for my fingers to land. And she’s oblivious.

I strike quickly, using my pointer fingers on each hand to stealthily land a poke on each side. Nikki jumps, not expecting the attack, and brings her arms down to cover her sides, ruining all of the progress she had made on her ponytail.

“Aimee!” she chastised. “Don’t!”

“OK, I won’t,” I lied, and as soon as her arms were up again, my fingers found the same spot and were met with the same result.

“Aimee!” she said, this time a few giggles escaping her mouth. “Cut it out! I’m trying to do my hair.”

Arms back up. Sides once again exposed. My fingers once again landing on their target.

“Aimee,” she squealed, this time the giggles spilling out before she could get my name out. “What are you doing?” she asked, though my intentions were clear.

“Just trying to get the gloom and doom out,” I said, reminding her that it WAS her idea, after all...

Nikki turned around one more time to work on her ponytail, and that’s when I REALLY noticed it. Nikki was wearing a tight-fitting t-shirt, the kind that hugs your body. She had been wearing a hoodie over it, of course, but had taken it off when she came in the room. This t-shirt, though, had very short sleeves. Not necessarily a tank top, but not far off. And with Nikki’s arms extended above her head, I spotted the bare flesh of Nikki’s underarm peeking out from under her shirt.

There was no way I could pass that up. I mean, I had to take advantage, right? And if it wasn’t tempting enough, Nikki soon turned to face me, arms still up in the air, bare flesh still poking out.

As quickly as I could, I darted both hands into the exposed hollows of Nikki’s underarms. And as quickly as she could, Nikki shot her arms down to her sides to try to protect her open ticklish spot. It was too late, though. All she had managed to do was trap my hands under her arms. She squeezed with all her might, as if trying to force my hands out from under her arms, but the more she squeezed, the more my hands were trapped. Her body had doubled over at this point, an endless stream of laughter spewing from her lips as her body took notice of my wandering fingers.

Nikki did everything she could to try to free herself from her predicament. When she realized bending over wasn’t working, she tried jumping up and down and swaying back and forth. Nothing worked, of course. As long as she was determined to keep those arms clamped down tightly by her side, my hands weren’t going anywhere. And as luck would have it - for me, of course - my hands were positioned perfectly for maximum tickle damage. I had JUST enough wiggle room in my fingers to dance the tips of my fingernails along the exposed hollow of Nikki’s underarm.

Nikki was going berserk with laughter and realized she was losing any chance of freeing herself. I could feel her knees giving out on her as the laughter consumed her body, so I gently guided her down to the floor, my hands still trapped under her arms. I now lay on top of her, one leg on either of her sides, with an up-close-and-personal view of my roommate laughing hysterically.

It was adorable.

Now, I feel comfortable admitting this: Nikki is gorgeous. She’s absolutely beautiful. I don’t necessarily consider myself as someone who swings that way, but I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to finding myself staring at her a couple of times. I’m sure all of the guys on campus would love to hear that. But no, it’s not like that at all. I just… appreciate beauty. And yes, I freely admit Nikki is incredibly beautiful.

What Nikki is not, though, is very strong. So it was relatively easy for me to use my strength advantage to start to force Nikki’s arms away from her sides, exposing more ticklish spots in the process and, more importantly, freeing my fingers to allow them more room to explore. Nikki tried fighting it, realizing what was coming next, no doubt, but in a power content, I would win any day of the week and twice on Sunday, even when not accounting for Nikki being spent from laughing.

Eventually, I had both of Nikki’s arms away from her sides, her body now laying on the floor with her arms out in a “T” position. I scooted myself up a little and dropped my knees down on her arms, pinning them in place. Making sure to apply just enough pressure so she wouldn’t be able to move her arms but not too much to hurt her. In this position, Nikki’s sides, ribs, and under arms were all completely exposed, and there was nothing she could do about it.

Well, actually.. She could beg. And that’s what she did. She tried to convince me every way she could to let her up. She tried sweet-talking. She tried threatening. She tried her sad, puppy dog eyes. I just sat there smiling at her, my silence making her more and more nervous with each passing second. She knew what was coming. And who was I to disappoint?

I didn’t bother building up or anything. I just dove right in, both hands landing directly in the hollows of Nikki’s exposed armpits.

Nikki jumped so much she almost threw me off of her. She clenched her eyes shut and started laughing hysterically.

“Ahahahaha Aim-me-ahhahaha!!” She could hardly even get my name out. She began kicking her legs on the floor behind me, perhaps trying to block out some of the tickling sensations? Maybe trying to call for help? Her head darted back and forth, possibly hoping that she might be able to block an armpit with her head?

Tickling her was easy. I mean, she was totally exposed, after all, and she was defenseless. I wiggled one finger from each hand under the opening of her shirt, to really get to her bare flesh, and I thought the poor girl was going to jump out of her skin. Hey eyes shot open as if they were going to pop out before they clenched shut again as she rolled into hopeless silent laughter.

It was at this point where my internal struggle began. On the one hand, I could surely tickle this girl forever. I don’t care who you are - when you have a beautiful girl at your mercy laughing her head off because you’re tickling her, you don’t want to stop. On the other hand, she was also my friend, and I didn’t want to push her past her limits. I was pretty sure she would be OK with a poke here and there all day long if I did that, but it is when she starts losing control that one should stop.

So, I did. I stopped tickling and sat watching her catch her breath. It was at that time that I realized how lucky I was to have been gifted such a ticklish roommate. Or perhaps more important, such a ticklish roommate who didn’t get mad at you when you tickled her. It was at that time that I also began to wonder how many similar scenes were playing out across the dorm right now. How many other people had had their ticklish secret revealed to their roommate? Surely it had to have happened behind other doors, as well, right?

It was also at that time that there was a knock at the door, followed by Brittany walking in. Apparently, the combination of sounds from Nikki kicking the floor and laughing so much had alerted Brittany that something was going on.

“Good grief,” Brittany said, stopping in her tracks as she saw what was going on. “Are you tickling that poor girl again?”

“Brittany, help!” Nikki shouted while still catching her breath, though the tickling had already ended at that point.

“Yeah, help,” I said. “You can get her feet if you want.”

A worried look came over Nikki’s face as soon as her mind registered my words. As ticklish as her underarms were, Nikki’s feet were far and away her most ticklish spot, and with my body still essentially straddling Nikki down, she knew there was little place for her barefeet to go.

“I think she’s had enough,” laughed Brittany, a look of relief coming over Nikki’s face. “Well,” Brittany continued, apparently giving it some more thought. “Maybe just a little,” she said with a laugh,m bending down at Nikki’s feet and quickly running one finger up and down the bottom of each foot.

“Brittany, no!!” yelled Nikki, her body jumping with each brush on her foot.

“Sorry, Nikk,” said Brittany, standing up again. “It’s just too tempting to pass it up sometimes,” she said with a laugh. “You guys coming to dinner?” she asked, finally getting back to the reason she came in the room.

“We’ll be right there,” I said, getting up and finally freeing Nikki from her captivity.

“Oh my God, you’re the WORST!” Nikki said, punching my arm as she quickly jumped up.

But that wasn’t even what I would consider the most memorable time I ever tickled her. I remember this one time…

You have to realize that Nikki was a creature of habit. And that meant that any time she would sit at her desk to do homework, she’d always curl her feet around the bar under her chair. That meant that anyone sitting behind her could see the bottom of her feet sticking out. It’s just a minor idiosyncrasy of hers, and honestly, I never even realized it until I found out she was ticklish. After that, it was like I had a radar on her feet or something.

Anyways, this one time, she’s on a ZOOM call with someone that she is working on a project with for one of her classes. She was very anxious about the meeting only because she felt that this partner - Sarah - was smarter than she was. Or at least in the subject area. Nikki had said a couple of times that she felt like Sarah thought Nikki was bringing the group down a bit. I can’t imagine that to be the case because as far as I know, Nikki always gets A’s on her work. But what do I know?

Anyways, to set the scene, Nikki’s sitting at her desk on the ZOOM call with Sarah. The two exchange the usual pleasantries, and you can tell it’s awkward for Nikki. Well, I could tell, anyways. I had never really seen her feel inferior to someone. Maybe inferior isn’t the right word. I had never seen her lack confidence in any situation.

But despite that, sure enough, within a few seconds, I notice Nikki’s feet start to curl around the bar under her chair. And there, sticking out almost as if they had giant bullseyes on them, were Nikki’s barefeet.

I couldn’t. Could I? Oh, I could…

I crouched down on the floor out of the camera’s view so Sarah wouldn’t see me and I crawled military-style until I was just behind Nikki’s chair, mere inches from Nikki’s feet. Nikki and Sarah continued chatting, Nikki clearly too engrossed in whatever they were discussing to even notice where I was. But she would notice soon enough, that’s for sure…

I took my left arm and gently placed it in front of the bar under the chair, far enough in front of Nikki’s shins that she wouldn’t know my hand was there but close enough to ensure that I’d be able to block her legs from pulling away once she figured out what was happening. It was the perfect trap, and she had no idea she was about to fall into it.

I played it super cool at first, plucking out a loose strand of the carpet and using that to gently brush against Nikki’s toes. They curled in response as they felt its touch, but it wasn’t a strong enough sensation for Nikki to consider it a tickle. Still, it was cute enough that Nikki’s feet were so sensitive that they registered the touch of such a small strand of carpet.

Time to up the game a bit.

Using the tip of my pointer finger, I gently brushed against Nikki’s heel, this time making sure it was enough of a ticklish feeling for her to register it but not enough for her to laugh out loud. Yet.

And boy was I right. As soon as I had brushed against Nikki’s feet with my fingertip, her legs jumped as if she had been electrocuted, and she simultaneously looked down to see what happened while also trying to pull her legs out. It was then that she realized what was going on. I had her legs trapped so she couldn’t pull them out. She pleaded with her eyes, shaking her head slightly.

“Is everything OK?” I heard Sarah ask, obviously unaware of what was happening under Nikki’s chair.

“Oh, oh,” said Nikki, turning her attention back to Sarah. “Yeah, I just… No, it’s OK,” she said, not wanting to admit to Sarah what was happening.

This was going to be good.

I continued lightly tracing different areas of Nikki’s foot, making sure to avoid her arch area. I knew the arches were the weak spot and Nikki wouldn’t be able to keep it together if I touched there, and I wanted to have a little fun first. So, I dragged my fingertip across every other inch of Nikki’s foot, tracing it along her ankle, over the tops of her feet, across the heel again, all the while holding her shins in place with my left arm.

Nikki was fiddling in her seat, trying to free one of her legs so she might use it to push me away She tried shooing me away with her hands out of sight of the camera, but her arms weren’t long enough. She was stuck.

“Are you sure you’re OK?” Sarah asked, now seeming almost a little annoyed, as if she felt Nikki wasn’t paying attention to what she was saying.

“Yes,” Nikki said quickly, trying to keep her responses to fast, one word answers so she could get the words out without any giggles escaping.

“You look like you have ants in your pants,” said Sarah with an inquisitive eye.

“No, no,” said Nikki. “Just… just trying to get comfortable,” she said.

“OK, well why don’t you tell me what ideas you’ve had for this so far,” Sarah said.

“What?” asked Nikki, almost unable to hide the panic in her voice. It was one thing to sit there and take the tickling while you could keep your mouth closed. To try to talk through it, though?

“You did prepare something, right?” Sarah asked, growing more annoyed with her partner.

I was grinning from ear to ear as I sat under the chair. I often wondered as I tickled Nikki if she ever regretted any of the actions that had led her to the predicament in which she found herself. Had she not curled her feet around the bar, for example, she wouldn’t be trapped as she is now… Had she not taken her socks off as soon as she got back to the dorm, maybe I wouldn’t even have had the idea to do this? It was something I was always curious about, always wanted to ask her. That would be for another time, of course, for right now, the focus was on tormenting these poor barefeet in front of me.

“Yes, yes!” Nikki said, her last yes sounding a little higher than she wanted as she felt a giggle escaping. “I just,” she began pausing to push down the giggles. “Let me see,” she said, pretending to organize papers on her desk as she bit down on her sweatshirt sleeve. “So I was think-ha-ha,” she said, laughter finally spilling out.

“Is something funny, Nikki?” Sarah asked, both annoyed and confused. “You know this is a significant portion of our grade, right?”

“Yes,” said Nikki. “I’m sorry. My roommate is tickling me, and I can’t…”, she said, evidently unable to even complete the sentence.

“What?” asked Sarah, clearly not expecting to hear such a thing was going on. “I don’t see anyone there with you.”

“She’s on the floor,” said Nikki, trying to swat me away still. “She’s tickling my feet,” she said, the laughter again pouring out as soon as the words were gone.

“Oh, I see,” said Sarah, her tone easing up a bit, no longer seeming annoyed. “Your feet are ticklish?” she asked, her tone now more inquisitive than annoyed.

Nikki just nodded her head as she bit her lips to hold the laughter in.

“I hope you’re not barefoot,” Sarah said, now clearly finding the humor in the situation she was witnessing.

“I am-ha ha ha ha ha!” Nikki said, erupting in laughter as I had finally moved over to her arch area, drawing circles along the delicate skin. See? This was why I waited to go for the arches. I knew she wouldn’t be able to hold it together.

“Oh my gosh,” laughed Sarah as she watched Nikki laughing uncontrollably. “Nikki, I had no idea you were so ticklish,” she said.

Nikki couldn’t respond as she was overcome with laughter. What would she say, anyways? I mean, if anything, her uncontrollable laughter was answer enough, right?

I continued my assault on her arches, dragging the very tip of my fingernail in circle after circle after circle right in the middle of her feet. If I had learned anything about Nikki in these past few weeks since finding out she was ticklish, it was that fingernails on her arches were tickle death to her, and I was not at all above exploiting that.

Nikki finally fell into silent laughter, her head slouching down onto the desk as she began tapping against the desk to signify defeat. Again, I could have tickled her forever, but I knew when it was time to stop.

“Nikki,” Sarah said while Nikki caught her breath. “Oh my gosh,” she said with a laugh. “How are you so ticklish?” she asked.

Knowing Nikki wouldn’t answer, I figured it was time to make my presence known, and I climbed up from the floor and presented myself in front of the camera. “She’s SO ticklish!” I said with an evil laugh, as Nikki elbowed me away for revealing her secret.

“It shows!” laughed Sarah. “And her feet are her worst spot?”

“Yeah!” I answered shouting as Nikki was doing her best to push me out of the camera view, afraid of what else I might reveal.

“I’m sorry about my roommate,” Nikki finally said as she put her attention back on the call.

“No, no,” said Sarah. “Quite all right,” she said. “In fact, I’ll have to thank her. Now I know the PERFECT way to get you to do all of the work for this project,” she said with her own evil laugh.

“Yeah,” laughed Nikki, clearly nervous and not sure how else to respond.

“If you’re as ticklish as you seem, it’ll be foolproof,” Sarah said. “And what could you do about it? Tell the professor that I tickled you into doing all of the work? That’d be admitting you’re ticklish! Boy Sarah, I have to hand it to you. You really came up with a great plan here.”

“Uh,” Nikki said, now completely uncertain how to respond.

“RELAX!” laughed Sarah. “I’m only kidding. I’m not actually going to do that!”

And that was - fortunately for Nikki, anyways - the last mention of being ticklish on their ZOOM call that night.

So you know how earlier I mentioned that I knew all of Nikki’s tickle death spots? Well, at the time, I thought I did. But I wouldn’t find out the BEST tickle secret about Nikki until a couple of days later…

Nikki had just come back to the dorm room after a job interview. It was for answering phones or doing some desk work for a small company here in town. As her roommate, I should probably know where, right? Haha Oh well.. If she gets the job, then I’ll make sure I know where she works.

Anyways, in she walks through the dorm door, and it had been a long day for her because the company wanted to interview her on the day when she had the most classes. She had dressed for the part, bypassing the usual college wardrobe of leggings and a hoodie and instead wearing a very professional outfit. She paired black dress pants with a gray sweater, and she had straightened her hair for the interview, as well. She looked like she could pass for a business woman in her mid-20s, to be honest. She had worn a pair of black ballet flats - I had advised heels to look more professional - to complete the outfit.

“How’d it go?” I asked when she walked in.

“Hopefully it went good,” she said, setting down her bag by her desk.

“Did you get the job?”

“They said they’ll let me know,” she said. “I missed lunch, though, so I am famished.”

“Want to head to dinner?” I asked, a little hungry myself.

“Yeah, in a minute,” she said, crashing down on her bed. She lay on her back with her left leg hanging over the edge of the bed and her right leg hanging off the end, so as not to get her shoes on her comforter. She was always so neat. “I just need to sit down for a bit,” she said. “I’m beat.”

“Want a foot massage?” I asked, half-kidding but half-thinking she could really use one.

She turned to me with a suspicious look. “Yeah, right,” she said with a laugh, clearly thinking I had devious intentions.

“What?” I asked with mock surprise. “I won’t tickle. I promise.”

“You’re not going near my feet when I have nylons on,” she said.

“I didn’t even know you had nylons on,” I said, truthfully. “Besides, what does that have to do with anything?” I asked.

As soon as I asked, you could tell that she regretted saying anything in the first place.

“Nothing,” she said quickly, clearly hoping for a change of subject.

“No, what is it about nylons?” I asked again, not giving up.

Nikki realized that the only way to get me to stop asking the question was simply to answer it, as much as she seemed to dread saying it.

“It tickles more in nylons,” she said super quickly, as if wanting me to miss what she said.

“You’re more ticklish in nylons?” I asked, genuinely not entirely sure what she had just said.

“Yes,” she said plainly, not wanting to volunteer any more information.

But that was enough information already! It all made sense. I hadn’t tickled Nikki in nylons since that first day when I found out she was ticklish. Heck, I hadn’t even SEEN Nikki in nylons since that first day. In a college dorm room, nylons aren’t exactly an everyday item for your attire. But thinking back now, though Nikki’s feet had often been the target of my tickle attacks, nothing had seemed to compare to that very first day. Sure, Nikki was ticklish - still, off the charts ticklish - but she just seemed a lot more ticklish that first night. I hadn’t really put it together - again, probably because Nikki hadn’t worn nylons since then - but it all made sense.

My mom was the same way. Heck my mom IS the same way. Growing up, of course, she had taken great joy in tickling me, as any mother would. And I had tried to tickle her back. Sure, she was ticklish, but I never stood a chance. Again, not that any one is successful in tickling their mother back as they’re growing up. But as I got older and could launch more sophisticated tickle attacks, it grew clear that my mom was always most ticklish when she was just getting out of work, usually. And that made sense; she usually wore nylons or pantyhose to work and oftentimes wouldn’t change - or would just toss some jeans over them - when she got home. And my mom, someone who would completely own me in tickle wars and to this day can still get me to clear the table when I’m at home through the threat of tickling, would become completely helpless if someone tickled her feet when she had nylons on. I can’t tell you how often I used that to my advantage! Borrowing the car, adding on an extra half hour to curfew… My mom would agree to practically anything to get people to stop tickling her when she had nylons on.

And now Nikki was telling me she was the exact same way… I looked over to her laying on the bed, both her hands up covering her eyes and she lay there resting. I saw her left leg, still dangling off the side of her bed. Yup, I could definitely tell she was wearing nylons now. They were suntan. Nikki was usually tan herself, so it would have been easy for me to miss it. But she definitely had nylons on.

It was also evident that Nikki’s little black flats could be easily removed.. You know, should one have any reason to do something like that…. Her left heel had popped out of her flat just ever so lightly, gravity obviously doing its part, so that little black flat now hung on to Nikki’s foot solely through Nikki’s toes. Her flat wasn’t completely dangling off of her toes or anything - trust me, I’m the QUEEN when it comes to that - but it definitely was not holding onto any of Nikki’s heel.

Gee, it would be a shame if someone were to knock that shoe off, huh?

I got up off of my chair and matter-of-factly walked over to Nikki’s bed, stopping at the side right by her dangling leg. She didn’t even open her eyes to see what I was up to. In one motion, I reached down, grabbed Nikki’s left leg, and put her ankle in a headlock under my arm, securing it in place. In the commotion, Nikki’s little black flat that had been hanging on so precariously slipped off entirely.

Nikki’s eyes shot open as she felt herself becoming targeted again. “Aimee, no!” she begged, twisting and turning and trying to free her leg. “I told you! I’m wearing nylons!! Not now!!!”

I could tell Nikki knew she was in a bad spot. Sure, Nikki never came out and said, “Hey, please tickle me” or anything like that, but she was never begged THIS much.

Nikki tried pushing me away with her right foot, but in the chaos that ensued, the black flat on her right foot slipped off, as well, and I was able to pull her right leg in next to its sister under my arm. I now had both of Nikki’s feet trapped under my arm. The panic in Nikki’s voice reached a new height.

“Aimee, no!” she begged. “I give up. I give up!” she pleaded.

“Giving up before I even tickle you?” I asked. “Where’s the fun in that?” I teased.

“Aimee, please, please,” she urged. “Listen. Just listen.”

“I’m listening,” I said, though clearly she wasn’t expecting that as a response because she didn’t seem to have anything prepared to say.

“Just… Please not when I have nylons on,” she begged, breaking out her puppy dog eyes again. I just… I can’t.”

“Does it really tickle that much more?” I asked, faking concern and making it seem like her puppy dog eyes were getting at me.

“Mmm hmmm,” she said behind those puppy dog eyes. “A lot more.”

“Good,” I said, and without hesitation, I launched a full-out tickle attack on Nikki’s trapped, vulnerable feet.

“OH MY GAWD!!!” Nikki screamed before her body was overcome with laughter.

Nikki wasn’t lying. Though she wasn’t usually one who could handle tickling of any kind, I hadn’t seen Nikki this out of control with laughter since that very first night. She twisted and turned. She squirmed. She tried to pull free. She tried covering up one foot with the other, only to expose that other foot. My fingers were happy to dance from foot to foot, their fingertips focused solely on the arches of whichever of Nikki’s feet was exposed at the moment. Nothing was working for Nikki, who soon fell into deep, silent laughter as she pounded away on the bed.

I couldn’t help but laugh along with her. I mean, there was ticklish, but this was a whole new level of ticklish. How could this poor girl handle anything even touching her feet when she had nylons on if her feet were that sensitive?

The nylons, of course, made the tickling simple. My fingers glided effortlessly across the smooth surface of the nylon material, the fingertips brushing against the sensitive skin underneath the nylons with ease. I won’t lie. At that moment, I wished Nikki would wear nylons more often.

“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” Nikki laughed, catching her breath and coming out of silent laughter. “I HA-HA-HA-HATE YOU-OU-OU-OU” she shouted amidst the torrents of laughter. She was clutching at her leg, literally trying to pull it free with her hands, but her energy was sapped from the nonstop laughter.

Nikki twisted and turned so much, she ended up falling off of her bed. Gently, of course. It was more a roll-off-the-bed than anything. I think she hoped I would lose my grip when she tumbled to the floor, but she clearly underestimated my athletic background. Still, it did buy her a moment of relief from the tickling assault.

“Aimee, please!” Nikki gasped, trying to crawl away from me on the floor.

“Aww, poor Nikki,” I teased. “Does this tickle?” I asked, re-positioning myself so I now have her legs in a grapevine position.

“This isn’t fair!” Nikki protested. “I’m wearing nylons!!”

“Hmm, why yes, you are,” I said, pretending to notice for the first time. “Now tell me Ms. Nikki, exactly how much more it tickles when you have them on,” I asked, as if conducting a scientific experiment.

“Way worse!” she shouted. “It tickles way worse. Just please stop!”

“Why should I stop?” I asked, using my best Freudian accent. “When I hardly ever see you in nylons…”

And with that, my fingers started dancing across Nikki’s sensitive soles once again. This position afforded an easier opportunity to tickle her feet, as I was now able to use my own legs to hold Nikki’s ankles in place, allowing me the luxury of using both hands for their ticklish torments.

Nikki fell back into silent laughter almost immediately, the combination of the three most ticklish things imaginable to her - fingernails on her arches in nylons - obviously far too much than she could handle. She pounded away at the floor, desperately hoping that her sign of tapping out would result in a break. Oh, Nikki… If only this were professional wrestling.

Finally, after what seemed like forever - though in reality was likely only a minute or two - I ended my tickling assault on her feet, letting her catch her breath.

“Oh… My… God…” Nikki panted. “I hate you so much right now.”

“No, you don’t,” I said, all chummy, helping her to her feet.

“You have no idea how ticklish my feet are in nylons,” she said.

“Actually, I kinda do,” I said with a laugh, pointing out the obvious.

“I’ll have to remember that,” I said with evil delight.

“It’s 100% why I don’t wear nylons that often,” Nikki said, hoping to crush my future plans of targeting her feet when she wore them.

“We’ll see about that,” I said with a wink.

“What does that mean?” she asked.

“I… honestly don’t know,” I said, laughing myself. I didn’t. It just seemed like the thing to say at the time. “Should we get dinner?” I asked, remembering how hungry we both were.

“Yeah,” she said, slipping her flats back on her feet. “Hey,” she said, grabbing my arm. “About the whole ‘more-ticklish-in-nylons’ thing,” she said, fidgeting with her fingers a bit. “Brittany and Alyssa don’t need to know that, OK?”

“Yeah, OK,” I agreed, again not wanting to push my luck too far. “But if they find out on their own…” I began.

“Well, yeah,” Nikki said. “Just… just don’t tell them.”

And off we went for tacos!

So there you have it! I am now the roommate of seemingly the most ticklish girl on the campus! Now I just need to come up with a way to get her in nylons more often!

Until next time,
Wonderful story, and well written! Can’t wait for the next installment. Revenge, anyone? &#55357;&#56833;
Such a great surprise to see a new story post from one of my absolute favourite writers. As always, wonderfully written, with characters that are coming more and more to life with every tale. Katie and Amber will be getting jealous!

Great writing and as a nylon fan, a final scene well worth waiting for. (Not that I didn't love the rest of it)

Bravo sir, thanks for taking the time to write in these difficult circumstances. Glad to see you already have ideas for the next few chapters :)
Wonderful story, and well written! Can’t wait for the next installment. Revenge, anyone? ��

Thanks so much for the feedback. Yes, revenge is definitely coming at some point. I just need to figure out when. And how.

Such a great surprise to see a new story post from one of my absolute favourite writers. As always, wonderfully written, with characters that are coming more and more to life with every tale. Katie and Amber will be getting jealous!

Great writing and as a nylon fan, a final scene well worth waiting for. (Not that I didn't love the rest of it)

Bravo sir, thanks for taking the time to write in these difficult circumstances. Glad to see you already have ideas for the next few chapters :)

Thank you, as always, for your kind words. As long as I am writing, there will be always be nylons involved in some way, but I was trying to add that sense of realism to this. As much as I wish it were the case, I don't imagine many college girls are sitting in their dorms in nylons 24/7. I think that ended up being an obstacle that I have yet been unable to overcome with Katy & Amber --- I lost the realism.

Much more coming in this series, though. And certainly more focus on the nylons.
I enjoyed that. It was nice having bare and nylon for a change.
The master has returned!

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For me, you could post stories every day, and I would be just as delighted every day!
You're the best!

One small request. Don't forget about Katy and Amber :(
That is an excellent story! Love the descriptions, the chemistry, the nylons! Perfect:) More please!!
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