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Detectives Tickle Tortured (m/mf) (non concentual, sexually explicit)


TMF Novice
Feb 27, 2006
L.A.P.D. narcotic detectives Cynthia Waters and Nathan Ross have been partners for five years now and they've been great about getting results. Sometimes using less than legal techniques but they crack cases and bring down drug rings through out the county.

Cynthia is a 38 year old red head. She's absolutely beautiful and the hardest part of her job has been concealing that beauty to the best of her abilities while she's working. Mostly keeping her hair in a bun and hiding in pantsuits and keeping her voluptuous size C breasts under wraps with the help of a sports bra. Unfortunately she learned early that if she wanted to be taken seriously in law enforcement she was going to have to keep her natural beauty in check the best she could but looks like her’s can’t be completely hidden.

Her partner Nathan on the other hand seems to go by the opposite philosophy. At forty years old he's aging like Keanu Reeves and doesn't look a day over 28. He stays in shape working out every day and whenever he's in the precinct he doesn't shy away from showing off his body walking around in a pair of shorts and shirtless until the chief spots him and demands he put some damn clothes on.

You'd think these 2 might not make for good partners but since they were placed together they've worked together better than ice and whiskey. They both care about catching the bad guy. Whatever the cost.

Years ago they were stumped on who was running a big crystal meth operation out of Chinatown. Unable to catch a break they finally created one by grabbing a suspect in the middle of the night and taking him to an old secluded park and handcuffing him to a picnic table and with the help of a little abuse they got him singing like Beyoncé at the Super Bowl halftime show.

And since then they've resorted to taking a few hesitant men and women there to spill the beans when they needed them spilled. Not legal but more than effective and they've made sure to keep it low pro and stayed off internal affairs radar.

Right now they're parked at a fast food joint eyeing they're potential next pigeon. A young Hispanic man named Ruben who's dealing some high grade ecstasy that's finding it's way to every high school in L.A. County. He's just a low level dealer but he can definitely lead Cynthia and Nathan to the supplier.

They watch him as he thinks he's being inconspicuous outside at a table where every now and then another teen approaches with an empty burger wrapper with 20 bucks stashed in it and he gives them a crumpled up napkin in return.

"This guy is an idiot." Cynthia exclaims. "Lucky for us." Nathan replies. "Maybe we should take him in for this and get him to talk at the station." Cynthia suggests, trying to adjust her bra in the passenger seat. "Nah, if we bust him someone will let the supplier know and he'll start taking measures knowing that this piece of shit will drop a dime on him."

Nathan turns to see Cynthia struggling to make her bra more comfortable.

"You want some help with that?"

Cynthia grins and gives him the finger.

"You gotta let those puppies breathe every once in a while."

"Thanks for your concern but they breathe plenty." Cynthia responds.

"If you say so just trying to be a good partner."

Nathan and Cynthia continue to watch Ruben through the afternoon. He's about six feet tall, with a wife beater showing off several tattoos. He looks menacing but they've seen punks like him start crying for their mommies the second they're facing 5 to 10 so they're not worried.

As the sun sets and night comes Ruben heads to his bike and starts pedaling off and behind him in their unmarked vehicle Nathan and Cynthia follow for a few blocks until he turns on a small street and that's when they make their presence known coming to a screeching halt right beside him. Ruben can't even react before Nathan and Cynthia run out with guns drawn screaming "Freeze police!" They shove him off his bike and before Ruben can say anything they have him handcuffed up against they're vehicle searching him for weapons.

"Hey! Fucking relax this is police brutality." Ruben whines as they press his head against the car door.

"You haven't seen how brutal we can be yet Paco!" Cynthia yells at him. Nathan pulls out his stash. "What the fuck is this?!" Nathan shows him the baggies full of pills. "That's not mine!"

Cynthia and Nathan laugh. "Sure it's not fuck nut. Who'd you get this from?" Cynthia asks. Ruben bites his tongue and shakes his head. "I want a lawyer." Once again Cynthia and Nathan share a laugh. "Of course. We'll make sure to do that for you sometime next week."

Cynthia opens the trunk and Nathan yanks the handcuffed Ruben to the back and throws him in the trunk. "What the fuck are you doing?!" Ruben asks. "Taking you to our special place. Enjoy the ride asshole." Cynthia barks at him before shutting the trunk.

The detectives get back in the car and drive off.

It's like 10 p.m. now as Cynthia and Nathan make their way away from the city to the secluded park off away from everywhere. Besides a few lights the whole place is pretty dark. Nathan drives the vehicle up through the parking lot, up the field, to some distant benches completely out of sight and far away from anyone hearing anything. Nathan parks and shuts off the engine. The detectives grin at each other as they start removing they're jackets.

"I love this part" Nathan exclaims as he rolls up his dress shirt's sleeves. "Me too just try not to get any blood on me please." Cynthia warns him as she untucks her shirt. They grab some night sticks from the back seat. Cynthia opens the glove compartment and looks around, "where's the pepper spray?" Nathan flashes his light. "It's not in there? I must've forgot it at home. Oh well"

They get out of the car. Cynthia pauses. "He's not making any noise?" Nathan seems to notice that for the first time as well and he chuckles, "maybe he shit himself and past out."

They approach the trunk, "okay Ruben. It's time for you to start talking buddy." Cynthia opens the trunk and she's immediately sprayed in the eyes with pepper spray and then so is Nathan. The two of them scream in agony as they stumble backward and Ruben calmly gets out with his hands free, the handcuffs dangling from a single wrist.

"Fuck! Fuck!" Nathan keeps yelling as he falls to his knees trying to reach for his gun. Ruben grabs one of the night sticks off the floor and strikes Nathan in the back of the head knocking him unconscious. Cynthia keeps stumbling around in the dark, "Nathan! Nathan! Where are you?" Ruben walks up to her, "right here" he tazes her and she falls over unconscious as well.

Nathan and Cynthia are laying side by side on top of a metal picnic bench they're hands above their heads still knocked out until water starts getting poured over their faces and they come to like they're waking up from a nightmare but unfortunately for them they're waking up right into one.

It doesn't take them long to realize that they're both handcuffed to the side of the picnic bench stretching them out. They look down to see that they're both completely naked and both their ankles are wrapped repeatedly with yellow police tape tethered to the other side of the bench and all they can do is squirm a little and wiggle they're toes and slightly swivel their feet.

That yellow police tape can be easy to rip but when you wrap it around as many times as Ruben did around their legs it’s absolutely unbreakable.

They see Ruben standing there over them admiring his handy work and focusing on Cynthia's big tits and trimmed bush before looking over at Nathan's pretty big cock.

"Dang the two of you should've been porn stars instead of detectives." Ruben chuckles to himself.

Nathan lifts his head off the table, "you are in big fucking trouble asshole. Do you realize how much fucking time you'll get for this once--" Ruben puts his hand over Nathan's mouth silencing him into muffles. "The only one in trouble right now is you two. Try to focus on that."

Cynthia clanks the cuffs trying to pull herself free. Ruben gives her nipple a little pinch making her stop. "Save your energy red. You're going to need it."

Cynthia looks terrified, "look we can forget this happened. You haven't done anything yet. You- you let us go and we'll let you be."

Ruben seems to think it over as he grabs the night stick and caresses it in his hands. "No I don't like that plan."

"Assaulting an officer is a federal crime punishable by--" Nathan explains before Ruben grabs him gently by the balls and holds them. Not being rough but definitely letting Nathan know how vulnerable he is, "Oh please I didn't mean to interrupt. You were saying?"

Nathan continues, "you'll be in big trouble if you hurt us. Huge trouble."

Ruben moves his hand from Nathan's balls up his shaft and wraps his fingers around his soft eleven inch dick. "Oh I'm not going to hurt you two. That's not my style. That's what you two do but it's not what I do."

Ruben moves his hand off Nathan's cock and drops the night stick and with both hands he moves up Nathan's impressive hard abs and goes to the side of them and wiggles his fingers confusing Nathan before making him involuntary squirm a bit. Ruben keeps kneading his fingers over his abdomen and soon Nathan starts giggling, "what the fuck--" Ruben goes up to his exposed underarms and makes Nathan explode into laughter much to Cynthia's shock.

Ruben runs his fingers over the hair in his armpits back down Nathan's sides to the area between his legs and Nathan is laughing uncontrollably and squirming to the best of his ability but he can't move much as Ruben goes down his legs squeezing his knees and ending down at his size 11 feet and running his fingers over the soles of his feet to the heels and back up the toes.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA FUCKI- HAHAHA STOOOOP!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA" Nathan screams as Ruben wiggles his fingers in between his toes and it makes Nathan flop his dick up and down like a fish out of water. Finally Ruben stops. Cynthia stares at him in disgust as Nathan still giggles like a school girl. One of the toughest guys she's ever met reduced to a laughing bitch right before her eyes.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Cynthia asks Ruben genuinely confused by his actions. "Having fun."

Ruben runs his fingers down Cynthia's size 8 soles. She immediately feels a shock that she probably hadn't felt since she was 8 years old when her brother would tickle her occasionally to get her to leave the TV room so he could watch his stupid cartoons. But as Ruben runs his nail around her scrunched up soles to her painted red toe nails she hasn't really had to address her ticklishness besides asking the lady doing her pedicure to be careful but now Ruben explores a weakness she never realized she had to worry about.

Ruben follows Cynthia's feet as she tries wiggling away while holding back the giggle building in her stomach but she can't do it for long as he runs his finger over her arch and she lets out a high pitch scream that then dissolves into a helpless giggle "HEHEHEHEHEHE" and she rocks from side to side like a boat in a storm and her big tits flail in unison as Ruben attacks the sides of her soft feet unable to pull them out of his grasp. The yellow caution tape not budging in the slightest as she tries to kick her legs apart.

"HAHAHAHAHA PLEASE PLEASE HAHAHAHAHAHA" her mind races as he feels his digits attack every area of her feet. Ruben walks along side of the table moving up her body and stopping right at her midsection. She stops laughing long enough to worry that he might touch her exposed private region but he dashes that thought as Ruben brings his face down right over her belly button and starts giving her a raspberry.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Cynthia becomes unhinged as he motorboats her tummy like she was an infant and she's reduced to squealing like a helpless piggie. After a few seconds of this embarrassing punishment Ruben brings his head up with a stupid grin on his face and Cynthia struggles to regain oxygen "please please don't. Don't do that" Cynthia begs.

"Or what?" Ruben counters. Cynthia can't bring herself to even provide some empty threat. "Please don't. Just please." Ruben sticks his finger right in her belly button making her giggle again.

Nathan now having regained his composure watches his partner suffer the same humiliating attack he just went through but watching her experience it his dick becomes rigid never having seen Cynthia in this kind of light. Naked, helpless, laughing her head off. Her tits heaving as Ruben rotates his finger in her navel. He’s angry about his partner being man handled by this drug dealing piece of shit but his cock has a mind of its own and it grows hard and fully erect.

Ruben notices and laughs finally giving Cynthia a break. “Looks like someone is enjoying the show.” Ruben comments and Cynthia still trying to catch her breath follows Ruben’s gaze to Nathan’s rock hard penis. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Cynthia snaps demonstrating that rage that’s always inside her.

“I’m sorry I can’t control that!” Nathan defends himself. Ruben keeps laughing enjoying their predicament. He walks over to Nathan’s side of the table and takes a closer look at the detective’s impressive erection. “That looks uncomfortable” Ruben tells him. “You want me to take care of that for you?” Ruben moves his hand toward Nathan’s cock and he shifts away to the best of his ability which isn’t much. “Don’t touch me you sick fuck. I’m not gay!” Nathan yells.

“Neither am I.” Ruben assures him, “ but I have been in prison and I know sometimes you gotta take care of things however you can.”

Ruben grabs hold of Nathan’s erection firmly. Despite Nathan squirming he can’t do anything about it as Ruben starts stroking him with his right hand and in the meantime his left hand creeps back to his exposed underarms and begins dancing his fingers in his armpit and that causes Nathan to burst into laughter while Ruben keeps jacking him off nice and slow.

Cynthia watches in disbelief as Nathan giggles incoherently, “please, please, heheheheheheh, stop, hehehhehhehbehbehehehe, please” but Ruben doesn’t. He plays him like a violin and keeps him laughing as he simultaneously strokes his big dick rhythmically up and down and not missing a beat despite Nathan’s struggling.

And even in the night Cynthia can see the precum building on the tip of Nathan’s cock. The street light illuminating the natural lube protruding from his dick as Ruben works him over like a pro working at one of those massage parlors against Nathan’s will who is now reduced to giggling in between moans as Ruben knows exactly what he’s doing and just when you think Ruben is about to finish him off he lets go of his dick and runs his fingers below his balls to his butt crack and tickles that private spot and sends Nathan into a screaming laughter, “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAH STTOOOOP! STOOOOP!!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA”

But Ruben doesn’t relent for another thirty seconds and once he does stop Nathan is a giggling mess with his dick still rigid and hurting for release.

“No please, please” Nathan whimpers between giggles.

“Sorry piggie you said not to touch you so I’ll respect your wishes.” Ruben replies with a smile as he wipes the precum off his hand with the detective’s clothes on the ground.

Ruben goes over to Cynthia, her eyes grow large afraid of his presence as he leans over her. “What about you detective? What gets you excited?” Ruben asks. Cynthia snarls, “putting pieces of shit like you behind bars”

Ruben smiles, he picks up the night stick from the floor and Cynthia’s snarl immediately fades.

Ruben leans in closer, night stick in one hand but with his other he starts drawing little circles over Cynthia’s left tit and despite her trying to shake him away she’s not able to do much but feel the tip of his finger circle around her bare skin that has hardly been touched in the past few years. Staying career oriented hasn’t provided much opportunity for love interests or pleasures of the flesh but here is this scum bag touching her in a spot few have had the privilege to touch.

Cynthia tried to remain stone faced as he does this but his circles start getting bigger and the little circles he was drawing around her nipple now expand to go around her entire left breast and as he keeps doing this methodically the anger she’s feeling subsides to the laughter that bursts out of her as he finds another ticklish spot beneath her tit that she was hardly aware of and it’s maddening the way he doesn’t relent despite her twisting and shifting on the table. She presses her bare butt on the cold metal bench and lunges her body up but he still keeps at it and she loses control

“Hahahhahahahahbahbahahahahahhahabha... you motherfu- - hahahahhbahahahahahahahahahahah” Cynthia goes nuts with laughter and as his circles get bigger he starts using the hand holding the night stick to gently rub it again her clit and that brings on other feelings that’s she unable to fully comprehend in the midst of laughing her head off.

Nathan watches helplessly. His dick still rock hard and the sight of his voluptuous partner being controlled doesn’t help the force building in his balls begging to be released. All he could do is watch like a pervert as Cynthia’s attitude starts crumbling into a puddle of desire and giggles as Ruben gently kneads her private area with the smooth night stick barely applying pressure but pressing just enough for her juices to start making the black tip of the stick glisten in the moonlight.

Ruben goes from tickling her upper body to squeezing her knees and making her erupt even louder and then going back down to her porcelain white feet which barely see daylight and as Ruben’s brown hands travels to her toes tickling the tops as she squirms and giggles and now appearing to want to hump the night stick but Ruben pulls it away from her private region but continues tickling her soles almost driving her insane with laughter while pleading for release just as bad as Nathan is now.

Ruben pauses the tickling and pulls a knife from his back pocket and easily cuts off the layers yellow police tape binding Cynthia’s legs together and does the same to Nathan and that gives the both of them more movement despite their wrists still being handcuffed to the other side of the picnic table and the two detectives immediately take advantage by turning to face each other and start kissing one another passionately.

After a moment and a little struggling Cynthia rolls over and climbs on top of Nathan and she noticeably grimaces as his dick goes inside her and the pleasure she was craving instantaneously brings her to the brink of orgasm as she starts riding him to the best of her ability with her arms still bound but as the two become one with his pulsating cock deep inside her warm wet pussy the two of them explode in unified release while Ruben watches recording the whole thing on his phone.

The two detectives lay there. Cynthia on top of Nathan. Both their arms tied above their heads and unable to do anything but try to catch their breath.

Ruben starts wrapping police tape around their ankles this time tying them together so both their feet are wrapped in unison and keeping Cynthia on top of Nathan but their too exhausted to protest.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Nathan finally asks.

Ruben comes up to their feet holding a discarded feather and licking his lips at the four soles trapped in place right in front of his face.

“Now it’s time for the torture to start.”
I love cops getting tickled. Don't forget the ecstasy he has on him. I can imagine a little bump to get things going even farther.

GREAT! Loved the characters and the set up, Can't wait for more!
Great story, as always! Welcome back!
Any chance of continuing some of your old stories that went unfinished?
Yeah I agree. The lack of /mf content always irritates me as well. I wish there was more videos featuring /mf situations. I think the only company that would do it was FM Concepts back in the day.
/mf is rare as is mf/m, thanks for thinking outside the box so to speak
Yeah it’s probably that lack of it that makes me focus on writing these sort of stories. Maybe wish fulfillment of my girlfriend and I landing in that sort of predicament. And if anyone knows of any video content or images featuring this genre please send it my way.
Hope you continue this one. My favorite is still Be Careful Where your Dog Poops because of the real characters, focused domination and the exquisite hints of past prison torture. I would love to see another chapter of that story. Your writing is top notch.
There are so may good stories on here that I don't always add a comment. HOWEVER... This was absolutely fabulous! Please write part 2 as soon as you can and make it as sadistic and cruel as you can. I cannot say enough good things about your story.
Oh man I’m sorry I just got so busy I didn’t get a chance to get back to it but hopefully soon I appreciate you reading it.
You are missed! I do hope you find time to continue this one and write more. Your writing is so potent that I can't get enough of it. I would love to read more about Bounty Hunter and the characters from Be Careful where your Dog Poops.
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