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Eyewitness accounts of tickling!


Apr 16, 2001
Here is a short but sweet true tale of tickling from the pages of "Morandilas's TICKLERS JOURNAL". However what this thread really needs is a few NEW tales from the many members of this forum.

The best tickling I ever witnessed was when I was at a party a few years ago. It was a wild punk rock bash and there were all sorts of freaks around. I'm trying to find the bathroom before I piss all over myself, opening doors at random. One door I opened contained quite a site. This cute little gothic chick was being sat on by this drunken punker. Her arms were pinned by his legs and she was on her stomach. (This whole thing, by the by, was happening on this HUGE bed.) The guy had wrapped his left arm around her ankles and was tickling her feet with his right hand, saying "Are you gonna be a gloomy gal? You guys are so crabby. Do you PROMISE??? HUH?" And this woman was beside herself. She was begging as if her life was being threatened. Mind you, this was when he stopped to give her a breather. She had the sexist feet I've ever seen. Nice high arch, with the most agile toes I have ever seen since. They would curl and splay and writhe about as she tried in vain to get away. All she did in her struggles was to make the guy bounce up and down slightly.

All in all it was quite an erotic scene. Did I jump in? Of course not. Its always the perfect situations that catch us so off guard that we never capitalize on them...(sigh)

Authors Note: I posted this true tale in order to encourage the members of this forum to share their own memories/experiences with tickling. Have you ever witnessed a tickling that will stick in your mind forever? share it with the forum!
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That's a fine story, sir. If the Funny Bone Storybox was still being updated, I'd add it there. For those that don't know, this is a site created back when it was very difficult to search back-postings from a.m.t, a.s.f.t and a.s.f.f (the old USENET haunt of we t-philes). I put all the true tales I could find on that site for everything up to somewhere in '97. Hasn't been edited much since, though. Just hasn't been enough time! Still, though, it's somethin' t'plug here, 'cause it's a fine reference.

Where? Oh, sorry.


As for a recent story, the last ren. faire I worked had a guild that now includes tickling in their "jail/court area" as part of their punishment. Though not precisely period (Kujman could clue you to what was accurate for then) it was nonetheless amusing. They had a pillory, some stocks and a stretching rack "displayed" and one could arrange for an "arrest" either as a visitor looking for a cheap (read free) thrill, or if from one of the performance guilds in need of an easy gig.

Added bonuses for faire folk included the fact that one could arrange to be drubbed (doused with water - thought to be HORRIBLE back in the renaissence age) before or after being tickled. Why a bonus? 'Cause it's HOT at faire! HOT! Given that tickling tends to raise the body temperature, a good drubbing is JUST what the doctor ordered.

Last faire, a few people were hauled in and tickled. It seemed to be considered the cruelest punishment. Given the rookies doing the tickling, they have no idea. These folks were being tickled in a rack at a 45% angle, thus standing on their feet, so just their sides got the tickling. Mind you, their arms WERE stretched well above their heads, so resistance was futile. Was interesting to notice two different people, at separate times, volunteering themselves to be tickled. One of each gender was seen to volunteer such. A number of folks fought such suggestions, though. More of them than us, I guess!

Still tryin' t'figure out just WHO should go in next time. Haven't found anyone there since who seemed prime for such a thing. Sure I will, though. Just waitin' patiently.
Morandilas...always trying to stir up trouble. :)

Most of my best stories are stocking-foot tickles (which, I'm sure, comes as a HUGE surprise to anyone who's a fan of the Nylon Dungeon). And one of my favorites, from high school, involves a pretty blonde rifle twirler, who I'll call Janet.

I was in the band in high school (roughly around the same time period as the MTJ man above), which had its assorted minuses and pluses. One of my favorite things about the band was being around all those majorettes, rifle twirlers, flag twirlers, etc. (what we called the "band front"). That's because the band-front-uniform style at the time called for little short skirts, shorts, or bathing-suit-style outfits, with high boots...and tan or flesh-colored stockings. At least once a week during football season I got to have the majority of the school's prettiest girls around me in stockings.

Janet and I were pretty good friends, although we never dated -- pity, at least for me, because she was a major looker. I should also mention that Janet had what, for those of you old enough to remember, we used to call a "Valley Girl voice." (If you're not old enough to remember, think of the two girls in that Sprint commercial: "I am not wasting my daytime minutes on Little Miss Octopus!"

Anyway, one warm day the band was gathering at the high school for a parade. I was minding my own business when I noted that Janet had arrived wearing her uniform, tan stockings, and little black slip-on shoes. Usually, the girls wore white socks over the stockings, because their boots were uncomfortable; but Janet that day happened not to be wearing socks since it was a warm day.

The following train of logic passed through my mind:
1. Janet will have to put on her boots before the parade.
2. To do that, she will have to take off her shoes.
3. She's wearing tan stockings, and no socks.
4. So...if I happen to be in the right place at the right time... (I had given Janet a few rib tickles before, but for me of course a stocking-foot tickle was the ne plus ultra.)

So I waited patiently, trying not to be conspicuous about it, until finally Janet sat down to remove her shoes and put her boots on. I sidled over to her and struck up a brief chat. when the right shoe came off, exposing her tan-stockinged foot, I quickly gave her the long-awaited tickle, accompanied with the question "Are you ticklish?"

Janet's response? A giggle, and -- in the sweetest of Valley Girl voices -- a wail of "YEEEESSSS!"


Janet now has a place of honor in the Nylon Dungeon...no, just kidding. She's now happily married, as am I. Wherever she is, I wish her the best, and I thank her for giving an awkward 16-year-old a fond memory.
Daumantas to the rescue!

I began to think I was in some weird twilight zone episode and was the only one that could read my post:)

Thanks for the great story bud! Perhaps you will start a trend:)
Okay, I'll share already !

Well, we can't have this threat run by just three people, now can we ? ;) Thus, I'll dig through the dusty abodes of my memories to find something juicy... *rummages, tosses, pulls* yes, here is something you all might enjoy ! :D

I met the woman in question in my final years at high school. It was my 13th year (normal in germany), and me and her shared a few classes, which was good. In fact, we also mostly sat together. Now mind you, I didn't have a crush on this girl, and neither did she fancy me, which made the whole thing so interesting... She had shoulder-length brown, curly hair, and she looked not beautiful or even pretty, but interesting, in a girl-next-door way. Not meant as a detrimentary term. It's just that her face didn't fall into any conventional sense of beauty, but she was still far from ugly. Enough about her face, though. Her body was great, as I noticed the few times she didn't hide it under way too big sweaters and wide pants (mostly colored clashingly). And I had already had a number of opportunities to see her bare feet... And boy, was I hot for a chance to tickle them ! Narrow, low arches, almost callous-free, long, nimble toes... Surprisingly, it was really easy to bring up the issue of foot-tickling with her. So easy, in fact, that I simply don't recall when it was introduced into our conversations first. It all led to tickling becoming a standart topic, ironically with me being the one who kept pointing out that there was no way for tickling being a real torture, and her trying to prove me wrong - she even provided me with paper clippings and a book where the torture of the goat was mentioned... Needless to say, while I did feel a little bit guilty about being such a manipulative bastard, I calmed my conscience with the thought that there was no harm done, and besides, the opportunity was way too good to let go. Of course, the question of her own sensitivity was easy to bring up. "Do you really think tickling might be torture ? You gotta be pretty damn ticklish..." And yes, she said, she was. She told me a few stories about being foot tickled earlier in her life(I'll report those if you are interested), and one day I felt myself compelled to tell her that I didn't believe her, and that I was sure that ticklishness would decrease if prolonged tickling was applied to the soles of her feet, so that it was not possible to torture someone with foot tickling - The feeling would too soon subside to be effective. She argued against that... And Somehow, I talked her into trying it out. Well, I can be pretty damn convincing if I put my mind to it, hehe. We met in her parent's house, and we were alone, which was good. She chickened out at first when I suggested we might want to test our theories... Darn, I thought, no way am I missing this. So I suggested a bet. I have to clarify this - We always used friendly bets and such in our friendship to clarify points. It led to us playing a few games - we agreed to play a game of chess (Where I excelled), a game of "four in a row wins" (her specialty), and if a tiebreaker was needed, a little silly children's board game that was pretty much based on random chance. If I won, I'd be allowed to tickle her bare feet so we'd see if prolonged tickling really did lead to desensitizing, if she won, I'd let the subject go for good. So we played - I won my game of chess, she won her game... And the tie-breaker was amongst the most nerve-wracking experiences for me. But I won. We were sitting side by side on a huge couch. I asked her to remove her shoes and socks, and she did, leading to me having to concentrate heavily on remaining cool. Then she rested her feet in my lap, grinning nervously. I suspect that I had a broad grin on my face as well. I took hold of her ankles with my left hand (she was sitting to my left), and then I brought my right hand close to her soles. "Ready ?" I asked her. She whinced and closed her eyes... "...no..." she muttered, giving little giggles already. So what ? I started by gently stroking her soles up and down, wriggling my fingers, and she gave a short yelp, followed by hardly suppressed giggles. I tickled and tickled, always slowly, as every harder tickle caused her to tug on her feet so hard I could barely hold them. I couldn't believe her sensitivity to this ! She looked at me with wide eyes from time to time, disbelieving herself. Sometimes I'd ask her if the tickling was already more bearable, and where it tickled most, and through these cute little giggling fits, she answered me, leading to her own torture becoming more and more effective... Of course, she did get used to the feeling over time. Whenever that happened, I switched techniwues, or tickled harder, or took to tickling the other foot, leading to renewed yelps, giggling and wriggling from her. All in all, I must have been busy with stroking, scratching and titillating her soles for almost twenty minutes, constantly changing pressure, pace and areas of attack, but then I had to stop for a couple of reasons - First, I didn't want to soil myself, and it was becoming really hard to concentrate, and secondly, she looked like she'd had enough, and I didn't want her to have to ask me to stop - after all, she could have just thrown me out of her house (and her life) had I crossed a line. So, I stopped. We spent a nice, relaxing evening, joking about tickling research... It stayed hard to concentrate... And we remained friends afterwards.

I hope you enjoyed this account. I have a few more tales to tell with this girl in them, and some others, of course. If there's interest, I'll take the time to write them down... Well, I'll jot them down anyway, because I want this topic to continue just as much as Morandilas does. I would like to thank him for bringing this up and supplying the community with high-quality tales of tickle torture and real life tickling for all those years ! Take care, buddy !
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I knew when you were back from your trip that you would be one of the contributors to help keep this thread alive. I must say that I can think of nothing better than to have you relate this girls past encounters with tickling. After all these formed the foundation for her being convinced that tickling could indeed be used as a real torture.

Thanks bud!
Well, in the spirit of eyewitness accounts, I could report several. My senior year of high school my best friends were two couples, and the girls liked to tickle the guys plenty (and me as well, now and then). One time in particular, we were riding in the car, me in the backseat with one couple. She found a spot on his knee that made him begin screaming with laughter -- this was the loudest, most intense reaction to tickling I think I've ever heard out of anyone, and she kept it up for a good 10 minutes or so. I was quite envious.

Thanks for the post. My persistence is beginning to pay off it seems:)
Just gotta say that first of all, this makes for a great topic. Eyewitness accounts of tickling can be a mood-altering affect. A few that I remember from school, where I was bummed because I had to be in school, made me not only really look forward to the next period, but also the next day. I remember a few girls from each class who would always look gorgeous and when the weather was hot, always wore some type of reveling footwear. So when I saw some of them get tickled, it brightened my day.
Anyway, Junior year, a lot of tickling went down in my 5th period. This Senior who sat behind me tickled and was tickled by this girl. I remember one day in particular when they tickled each other off and on for the whole period. This girl was pretty, but out of my league. Nonetheless it was great to see, but also hard to sit side-ways and focus both up-front and on them. In them same class this other guy (one of the jock-type) tickled just about every good-looking girl in the class, of whom he knew. There were about five girls that he tickled, all on the sides, and got good reactions out of them. All but one, the best-looking girl in the class, she was not at all ticklish on her sides. And I never saw her feet, because she always wore boots, until the last month of school. Her feet her damn sexy and came to the conclusion that since her sides were not at all ticklish, her feet must be very. Perhaps that's why she always wore boots, never got to see them tickled though. In my fourth period this one guy (another jock-type),'John', tickled a few girls on their sides. Both were good-looking girls, and at the time I thought nothing of this guy, just a few tickles. That is until next year.
Senior year was another great year for tickling. That same guy ,'John', was in my second period. I only got into this period because I changed my schedule around and from the first day I was glad I did. So many gorgeous girls in that class that always wore some type of sandals, it was the best class, foot-wise as well as tickle-wise. The first girl that was tickled, was this Blonde a Junior and a friend of 'John'. He poked her in the sides a few times during the flag salute. Then this red-head Senior was the next. This girl was a sexy-bitch and always seemed to tease me with her feet. We sat at desks, that were put into groups of four. There were about six groups around the room and they were within an arms length from each other. 'John' sat at the closes desk the group that I shared with this redhead. Playful comments were exchanged and I thought "Please tickle her.", and as if on que he poked her side. Not an extreme reaction and at first she didn't do anything, but he kept at it. She laughed and turned to me, noticing that I witnessed the tickle. Then she said "Did you she that, he tickled me." And then she asked me question about the math problem we were on. I think that later her got another one in, but can't remember now. Later in the year he got another girl, but I can't remember who she was. This guy was defiantly a tickler, but also a jock, which I didn't get along with, however maybe I should have been friends. It appeared that we had a few things in common, after all, he did listen to Black Sabbath. Speaking of fellow ticklers, my friend David on the last day of school tickled this blonde girls foot. This girl used to live in my apartments and I've had the pleasure of tickling her sides but never her cute sexy feet. You would not believe this girl if you saw her, she is that beautiful. Seeing someone else tickle her while I was signing her yearbook was almost as good as the real thing. More stories have I, maybe I post more if you guys would like. Anyways hope someone enjoys my rambling , 5000 g.
Sad to say, I didn't witness any ticklings, neither in Junior nor Senior High. :(
I guess I lived a rather deprived adolescence.
You know MTJ this person Arianna wrote a few stories I seem to remember. Do you know who this is? That stocks story is one of the best. If that person is out there please come forward and be recognized. Thank you.

I have had some great eyewitness experiences!!! First off, check out my post under the title pedicures. But off the top of my head, here are some rememberances.

1) When I was in high school, there was a super pretty brunette girl named Jen. I had a big crush on her. Anyhow she was taken by this really good looking jock named David. We were at a party and Dave and Jen were curled up on a couch, spooning, whilst I and a couple of others sat around them, talking and making jokes but the center of attention was definitley them. Dave then started tickling Jen and she would burst out laughing and say "Stop!" Quick little bursts around her waist. Then they'd talk a bit, and then he'd suddenly start tickling her when she was speaking, causing her to start flinching and fighting. I was dying. I couldn't believe my good fortune. I had been roaming around the party, working the room, but I settled down for this incident and sat there for about an hour!!!! He just would keep on tickling and I kept waiting for him to do it again!!! At one point, he got up to get a drink, but as he did, he picked up her foot (she was wearing thin PINK socks!) and started tickling her foot, it was incredibly hot, I could not believe my eyes. Then he came back, and started again and again and again, little quick attacks. After one such attack, she said "You keep tickling me!!! Stop!!!". Wanting to fan the flames, I said "You're ticklish, huh?". She whined "YES! And he's always tickling me (and at that, her words melted into tittering giggles as he started tickling again)! STOP IT!!!". Dave was feeling particularly frisky now and postitioned himself over her, pinning her down with his legs and dug into her stomach, causing her to scream out hysterically!! "NO! NO! NO! OH STOP!!". He relented for a second, gave her a second to catch her breath (this had been like a 5-10 second attack) and while she did, he held his hands way up above her and flickered his fingers tauntingly at her, teasing her in a sing songy voice, and then she started to beg and plead!!! It was fantastic!! This went on for at least 30 seconds....she was begging. "No, David, please. PLEASE! Pleasedon'tpleasedon't PLEASE DON'T NOOOOOO!!!!" and then BAM! All that anticipation! She kept trying to reach up and grab his wrists but then he'd raise them a bit higher and even her eyes were begging him!! I think she might have even asked me for help!!!! But to no avail because when he finally saw an opening he attacked and she went ballistic, worming her way from under him as she screamed and giggled and tried to fend him off. I may have even shouted out "Go Dave Go!!!" Her adorable face (she had a resemblence to Phoebe Cates) was locked into a portrait of ticklishness! Her eyes were squeezed shut, her mouth helplessly smiling and giggling. I remember she had the softest, milkiest skin. Anyhow, she managed to squirm away and he tickled her onto the floor, where she just giggled and giggled and giggled (I actually think this was the point she asked for my help). After a second, he stopped and she lay there panting. It was fantastic!!!! But it didn't end there! We all slept over this house and the next day, he was doing it again, albeit milder, and once again, she said "He's always tickling me! WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS TICKLING ME?!!!". I wonder if he's here on this board now!!! (footnote:when they broke up, every time I would see her and she'd be dissing him, I'd be sure to say "All I remember is him tickling you over and over!", to which she would say (thinking she had sympathy from me), "Yeah! You're right! He was ALWAYS tickling me!! What's with that?".

2.)I've had some great eyewitness to tickling on the train a few times!!! Once I remember two guys ganging up on this one pretty girl. It was in the next car, but when I saw this starting, I (like a brainwashed zombie!) immediatley got up from my seat and started walking toward them, up to them and past them, as if I was going to the rest room!! She even looked up at me as I passed! One guy had her from behind, the other was in front of her and she was curled up in a ball.
At least 3 times, I've been in the same car as a young couple and there has been some tickling going on. I start to sweat, my heart races, I try to negoitiate a better look but as you might now from being on a train, it's hard to look behind you or ahead of you without looking suspicous!!!

3.) One time, backstage at a play in college, I told a bunch of people that this pretty girl Angela was ticklish, and they all attacked her!! She was standing up, and there was a guy holding her arms and at least two to three people (guys and girls) tickling her. She was laughing really deeply and helplessly and she managed to sputter out "Michael, I hate you!!" (for telling them that she was ticklish!!!)

4.) I worked the lights for TWO plays where there was tickling. One was a guy picked up this girls foot, removed her sock and gave her a quick tickle. The girl was GORGEOUS. She had a face like an old Rennasaince painting, like Uma Thurman, like a cherub. She always giggled, flinched and was definitley ticklish. The other was Psycho Beach Party with MY GIRLFRIEND playing the lead Chicklet. At a point in the play, two guys hold her down while the other tickles her belly (they say "Let's give her the chinese tickle torture"). My girlfriend used to say it tickled like crazy and I could tell. I noticed each night he would tickle her differently, sometimes lightly dancing his fingers across her stomach, sometimes savagely grabbing her sides (one time causing her go limp and almost fall down!), one time I remember him grabbing her waist and then suddenly going under her arms!!! On the last night of the play, they posed certain scenes (including this one) for still photos, and as they were posing this scene, I heard my girlfriend Lisa say "Oh, you always get me in this scene" to which I heard the actor say "Oh, you're really ticklish, huh?" and then lightly graze her belly to which she gasped, giggled quickly and pleaded in a little girl voice "Oh, please, no". It was hot! By the way, incidentally, this girl (Lisa) looked ALOT like the girl Jen from the first story. Same hair, same pretty face.

5.) A couple of years ago, at my apartment (I was sharing with a couple of people). This DROP DEAD gorgeous middle eastern girl......all of the above girls are pretty but this girl is model material, except she's a tad tiny (about 5'3"). GORGEOUS! On this night, I myself had gotten to tickle her. We were at a club and I was giving her a back scratch (she was a major flirt) and I intentionally started scratching right behind her arm pits (where her armpits would be if she had her arms above her head) to which she flinched and giggled. I said "You're ticklish?" and she giggled sexily, "yeah, I am so ticklish" and so at this, I said "Oh yeah?" and moved my hands around her waist, just letting my hands rest around her and moving my fingers ever so slightly and she just buckled forward and laughed the most delicious high pitched girlish giggle. I kept this up for about 10 seconds. Later on in the night, a bunch of us went back to our apartment, where she was holding court on the bed with two guys plus a couple of other girls were hanging around as well. She had her shoes off and all I can tell you is that her soles were so tantalizingly perfect and soft.....words cannot do them justice. As I passed the bed, as she was talking to one of the two guys, I reached down with one finger and dragged it slowly and deliberatley along the sole from the top to bottom to which she cooed "oooooh" while she flinched and quivered. It was so quick, but it was the softest, most goregous foot I've ever touched!! I can remember it to this day.
ANYHOW, my eyewitness to tickling is still yet later in the night!! My roomate (who was one of the two guys she was really lolling around with) mentioned how his fetish is he loves girl's scent and he wanted to sniff her underarm!!! She said, flirtingly and sexily (like Pam on Howard-always game for something new!!) "Ok". He lifted up her arm but as soon as he brought her face near her armpit, she snapped her arm back and collapsed giggling. "You're ticklish", he asked, completely serious and not interested in the tickling. "I am so ticklish" she said to him, like she'd said to me. He said, "Don't worry, I'll be gentle" and again picked her arm up. But once again, she squealed out and collapsed! Once again, determined to reward HIS fetish, he instisted she try again!!! This time he said he was going to be forced to really hold her arm up strong. This he did, and he got his face right in there, taking a long fragrant inhalation and then gently pressing his lips there, lingering for a second and then draw back! All this took considerably longer than the earlier tries and she was frantically giggling and squirming, it was super hot!!! They later got together that night (much to my jealousy! though, i did get to make out with her later that year at a New Year's party, but never another tickling incident).

Well, I hope you like these!!! They are all 1000% true!!

WOW! Nice collection of eyewitness accounts my friend. This thread is really picking up thanks to the wonderful members of this forum.

Keep up the good work people!
MTJ, thank you for the story. Ah yes, Cousin Nina. It's always sad when a member of the tickling community "moves on" Sigh. Arianna? Where fore art thou?



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Here is another story takne form the electronic pages of the old MTJ... Keep the true experiences coming my friends!

It was the last week of school and everyone was ready for summer vacation. Several of the girls were up in arms about something. Curious to know what was going on I asked Susan a casual friend who seemed to know everyone and everything going on. She told me that Dona one of the most popular girls in the class was totally pissed off because her boyfriend had gone out with that new girl Carla. No one really new her vary well because she had started school late in the year. She stayed pretty much to her self . She did however close in on Paul, Donnas guy.

A few days later I was taking a shortcut behind some houses when I heard a lot of screaming coming from a particular back yard. Turns out the noise was coming from Donnas yard. I peeked over the fence and couldn't believe my eyes. There was Dona and five of her friends including my friend Susan. They had Carla stretched out across the picnic table, she appeared to be tied with some sort of rope. She had on nothing but a pair of cut offs and a T-shirt that was pulled way up. I looked like one of her socks stuffed in her mouth and her sneaker laces were tied around her big toes stretching them back so her feet were arched. Dona and her crew were standing around the table tickle torturing Carla with every thing you can think of. Fingers feathers, paint brushes, a nail file sticks twigs you name it!! Carla was laughing and squealing like a person about to loose their mind. The crew of six continued their torturous attack on he sides, under her arms , up and down her thighs and all over her feet!! I don't know how long this had been going on but she was really falling apart. At one point I saw Dona lean over the tortured girl ,poke her in the ribs and say "this is for fucking what's not yours" Or something to the effect.

I stayed and watched for about fifteen minuets then I left. I was afraid of what might happen if they discovered there was a witness to their little adventure. Several weeks late I got up the nerve to mention something to Susan. She seemed a little surprised that I said anything but didn't try to deny what happened. She did tell me that Carla was tickle tortured for over three hours and promised fatefully to stop seeing Donnas guy. She also told me to keep my mouth shut. Know what? I did until now.
I almost hope she reads this looks me and and takes revenge!!
Hey folks. Couldn't stay away from this thread. Ecspecially wuth such a good story to share thats still fresh in my mind. Was at a local college pub this past thusday eve. The place has a bar area and right next to that is booths for people to sit & eat. Not much eating goes on after 10pm, as you can imagine. Well as I have learned in the past these booths are a nice breeding ground for tickling activity! I was in the bar area with several friends, when I noticed some tickle interaction going on in the booth directly in front of me. As usual I was in mid conversation and I heard the playful shrieks and yelps associated w/tickling that set off like the alarm in my head. I instinctivly snapped my head in the direction of the noise and saw a young couple exchanging rapid- fire rib- tummy tickles. Never even breaking my conversation,(I'm so smooth lol) I positioned myself with a good view for any further action, and the exchanges continued. I supppose at this point I should tell you this girl was cute. She had long Auburn hair and a cute enough face, but she was very strikingly thin. I mean, Ally Mcbeal style. Well eventually the girl kept getting the guy good while he was trying to drink his beer and he let her have it,first holding her arm with one hand & furiously clutching her side w/ the other. Then as she spun away siezed both sides and tickled away for a good 15-20 seconds. She SPAZZED! Yelping franticly. He gave her exposed belly a NICE prolonged tickle(she had on one of those plainjersey half shirts -Sexy!) Finally she collapsed onto his lap and he relented.

But wait... there's more! The exchanges still continued going back and forth after this. I was completely ignoring my friends at this point.(lol) My eyes were glued to this table. Across from this couple in the same booth was another couple. The girl kept tickling the guy. He was a bald muscular type guy and apparently real ticklish too. Well the other girl started reaching under the table and helping her friend tickle this guy. on it went and by this point another guy sat next to the thin girl. I couldn't compl;etley hear what they were saying but it looked like she asked if he was ticklish and he said no. then her boyfriend started tickling her sides again and this time HIS friend helped him and she really flipped, jerking violently and screaming loudly. Again I couldn't hear what was being said but it looked like they were discussing tickling. Then the bald guy started reaching under and tickling her again. At this point he apparently instructed the two guys she was sandwiched between to hold her which they did and then they counted "1,2,3!" or something, and they ALL tickled her mecilessly INCLUDING the girl! JACKPOT! Her legs were under the table so I couldn't see if they were tickling her feet or knees but she was also being tickled hard by the guys next to her! All she could do was laugh and tiwst her little body slightly and laugh and laugh.... until they finally stopped.
Hope you enjoyed that one. I've got lots more to share, it's just all about finding the time to do it. I really enjoyed this thread. Next time I will tell you about my sightings at this years Preakness infield, which were numerous! Take care all.

My ticklish sister

Unfortunately I’m not one who has been gifted with tons of advantages to tickle people. It just never seems to happen to me. Maybe I’m cursed, maybe I just need to start hanging with the right crowed, or maybe it’s just fate. I don’t know. But I was blessed with a little sister who is ticklish beyond belief.
Now, I’ve tickled her before, but one time in particular comes to mind when I think of the words tickle torture. One day I was playing on the computer, which was in my younger brother’s room at the time. Now, this was when I just found out about tickling and I was currently surfing the tickling sites. Now, as it happened, my sister came in and wouldn’t leave, this making it impossible for me to look at more tickling info on the computer. I was patient with her, ok I only waited five min, and when she wouldn’t leave I decided to tickle her.
There are three types of ticklish. The first type is were the ticklee is a giggler. The second type is where the person begins thrashing around wildly. The third is where the person just collapses into a ball.
My sister is the second one. I quickly pinned her down stomach down on the bed, her legs hanging off the bed. Then I begin tickling her. I was ruthless. My fingers dived into her defenseless ribs and I tickled them all over. My sister was screaming and thrashing and laughing her head off. She was kicking her legs so hard I was afraid she would hurt herself. I’d never seen her thrash so much in her life. I’m more then 60 lbs. heavier then her, but from the way she was bucking I was worried she’d throw me off.
I tickled her for about fifteen minutes. I’ll the time I asked her if she was going to leave, but even though she was screaming a very vocal ‘YES’ I was still tickling her with all my might. I was out for blood. I was probably inspired by all the tickling fiction and pics I had saw that night.
Halfway through she started to scream she was going to wet herself, but being the sadistic tickler I am, I just tickled more. By the time I stopped she was a quivering heap. She had tears running down her eyes, and was exhausted. As she laid there, she just kept muttering “oh my god, oh my god.’ It took several minutes before she was able to talk and stand up. The then said that I almost made her wet herself and quickly left. I’ve never gotten the chance to tickle anybody else like that yet, but I’m young still and I’m sure other chances will arise.
As far as my sister goes though, I still tickle her. Now it’s usually only quick tickles although I’ve been known to tickle her for a few minutes at a time. I’ll always remember that one time I tickled her so badly.
Cosmo & Put

Great stories & thanks for doing your part to keep this thread going. These true tickling incidents are always great to read.
One story is never enough!

ANother reader's tale from the MTJ..

This story took place when I was 19 yrs old.

One night we were partying at my apartment just a few of us Me, Blaine Danny and his girl friend Tonya and her friend Maria. We were all drunk, some of us were more than drunk...

Anyway Maria a short cute brunette was lying on my bed and had been flirting with me and her friend who was Danny's girlfriend Tonya started flirting with Blaine who was sitting next to me passing a cigarette back and forth at the foot of the bed. Danny got jealous when he saw what was going on and sat down next to Maria at the side of the bed. Danny was (and still is) a belligerent asshole when he's drunk. He said something funny but rude to Maria who then said something back and I heard her scream and turned around and there was Danny tickling the hell out of Maria's ribs. Maria was so small she was totally helpless. She was VERY ticklish! She screamed and twisted and jerked spastically as Danny tickled her with ruthless, drunken abandon. While he was tickling her he looked up at Tonya and said "She's even more ticklish than you!" He stopped suddenly after about a full minute. She just laid there curled up in a fetal position still laughing silently while Danny made fun of her ticklishness.

She then said "I bet Eds ticklish!" and poked her toe in my rib. I casually but firmly locked her ankle under my arm Turned around and gave her a smile. She got a half playful half scared look on her face and yelled "Don't you dare!" but effort she could get out the words I started lightly brushing my fingers against her foot and she laughed and kicked me with her free foot. Then I went to town and she screamed so loud I stopped because I lived in an apartment. I really should have gotten her good.

Anyway, she eventually fell asleep on my bed and she looked sooo cute in her T-shirt jeans and bare feet, but being the gentleman I am I ordered the party back into the living room and slept myself that night on the couch. Unfortunately I never saw Maria again after that night.
I have been enjoying this thread very much and figured if I want to keep reading it, then I had better do my part to keep it going, insteading of just hoping everyone else will :)


I first met Ruby during those chaotic, emotional roller-coaster years, we call our teens.

Ruby and I could not have been more different... she has blonde hair, blue eyes and a very wholesome pretty look about her. I on the other hand have very long dark hair, green eyes and was doing my best to pull off the "hot little number" look... but somehow we became the best of friends (still are).

since my single mother worked the 3-11 shift, my house became the place to be. we loved to goof around wrestling and seeing who would come out on top. it turns out we were pretty evenly matched, and this would frustrate the hell out of me...every time I thought I had her she would manage to either throw me off or squirm out from under me.

well imagine my feeling of triumph when one day after maybe an hour of this rough-housing I finally had her!! and good!! she was trapped, exhausted and out of breath. I was sitting on her hips and my feet were doing their best to pin her knees down. with my hands holding her arms over her head, grinning ear to ear, I looked down at her and asked, "who's the best?...come on now...tell me...who's the best?".

she was not about to admit defeat that easily, and looked me right in the eyes and screamed, "I AM!". uuugghhh... after all of that I HAD to have her admit defeat!! so moving quickly I removed one of my hands from her wrists (doing my best to still hold them securely with one hand)...and went right for her sides!! her reaction was immediate and intense...her entire body began bucking under me.

"STOP....AAHHHH...NO... NO FAIR TICKLING!!!". ah ha!!! now I would get her to admit defeat! my fingers crawled up her sides to under her arms. this was better than I had even hoped for... she completely lost it. with tears in her eyes and gasping for air... I asked her once again, "who is the best?...I want to hear you say it...'Ayla is the best!'". at this point I knew she was not able to speak...all that would come out was, "y.... y......you..... AAAHHHHAHAHA.....OHHHH GOD..... PLEEEAAASE!" and then nothing but a jagged gasp for air. after continuing like this for longer than I thought she would be able to stand... I let up just for a second and looking down at her hysterical face asked, "well?". the second she had managed to inhale enough air to speak she shrieked, "YOU ARE THE BEST...YOU ARE...YOU ARE THE BEST".

it really is amazing that she ever spoke to me again. lol

I am having alot of trouble posting to this thread. when my post finally 'took' the thread never moved up or showed that there was a new post... but my post is here. I think... lol


ps it's doing it again!
Hey, gang. I've been enjoying this thread all week, and tonight I had a tickling encouter -- a tickle-related encounter, anyway, and though I just posted it in the stories section I wanted to leave something here too. Here goes:

Just got home...I'm giddy and elated...this just happened:

One of my clients is a wormy little guy named Bart. In his mid-fifties, a self-made man (fur trader; minks and foxes), less than five-and-a-half feet tall, with a fancy-schmancy apartment on a high floor in Manhattan. Original artwork on the walls, two live-in servants (a cook and a maid)...you get the idea. I'm not exaggerating. He's got half a million dollars worth of wine stored in a spare room. And he's got a gorgeous wife, a good fifteen years younger, imported from France. This story is about her.

I've had dinner at his house every other week since last fall, when his wife gave birth to a baby girl. I met this woman eight months pregnant and fell for her immediately...dark hair, dark eyes...seductive manner. She says "hello" and you feel seduced. Still gorgeous and confident at forty...I always sit next to her, and not because I try to -- she makes me. The first time I was over there, Bart sat at one head of the table and he told me to sit at the other. But Viviana pouted and said "no, Glenny's gonna sit next to me so I can have someone to play with." For the next two hours (soup, salad, appetizers, pasta, meat, dessert, coffee) every time she said something, she put her hand on my shoulder. Or my elbow. Or my knee. Okay, okay, you get the idea. This gorgeous French woman is getting touchy-feely with me, right in front of her husband and their older son.

So in all this time, I've never had a chance to look at her feet. I'm not strictly a foot-tickler; I love any ticklish body part, but of course I love feet too. But it was autumn when I met the family, and then it was winter...but now spring is here, and thank God for strappy sandals! When I walked in, just a few hours ago, Viviana was sitting there, one leg crossed over the other, one foot dangling. One foot dangling. One foot dangling. One foot -- oh! Excuse me! Got a little lost there. This little dangling foot, tanned brown, was clad in an open-toe flat shoe, and this shoe was trying to jump to its freedom. It was half off, revealing the arch of Viv's foot -- of course it was one of those perfect arches, high and smooth, with a graceful curve. I bet the Roman aqueducts were inspired by arches like that. Architects with foot-fetishes, recreating the object of their desire on a grand scale. And there was Viv's little brown foot, with it's perfect arch, light cream color...and I could not stop looking at it! But God smiled on me tonight.

"Glenny, come have a look!" she cooed. I noticed she held her baby daughter in her lap; adorable little girl, gurgling away happily. "Come look how cute!" So I walked right up to look how cute. Bending over to smile at the baby, I could look straight down at Viv's foot, and no one could see where I was looking. Bart was sitting right there, with no clue. "How adorable!" I said, enthusiastically, staring at Viv's instep. "Hello, you little cutie!" I looked back up at Viv, and said "she's so pretty." Viv glowed and said "of course -- she's a part of me!" As if she knew! I was loving this...I looked back down and started talking to her foot again. "You are just the prettiest little thing I ever saw!" Bart was sitting right there, agreeing with me, voicing his approval. It was surreal, getting to do this...I got more daring. "I could just kiss you, you little cutie!" I leaned forward, kissed the baby's cheek, and then tickled her under her chin -- still fixed on Viv's foot, which wagged at the ankle, flexing its toes to keep the shoe on. "Oh, are you ticklish?" I said, as the baby kept gurgling and laughing. "So you ARE ticklish, hm?" Absolutely surreal. Talking to a foot. "Such a ticklish little one you are!"

At this point Viviana let out a sudden laugh, as though I'd actually tickled HER. I wonder whether psychic messages get sent...I don't go in for much mysticism, but it seems possible to me that if all my concentration is focussed on tickling a foot, and that foot is right in front of me, and I'm actually talking to it, maybe all that energy gets transferred into some extra-sensory communication. Viv said "yes, she's just like me." --WHAT?! Did Viviana just tell me, RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER HUSBAND, that she's ticklish? Did she just volunteer to tell me, without my even trying to find out? I looked down at her, my face three feet from hers, looked her right in the eyes and did not blink, trying to see some answer. Deep, dark eyes, smouldering, taking me in, smiling at me, mischievous, holding a secret -- daring me to try to find out? Or is this all in my head, my tickle-fetish head, my head that imagines this gorgeous woman with her infant daughter in her lap is seducing me while her husband looks on?

Don't ask me what happened after that. My head was spinning. So that's all for now -- sorry to disappoint; this story has no actual tickling in it...not yet, anyway, but maybe maybe maybe... ;)

ok folks time to get back to business!

Another tale from the readers of MTJ......

Stocks and pillories were an interesting form of punishment used a lot of places, including the early colonial days in the US. The punishment included (as a civic duty) the town folks to tease and torment the person sentenced to the stocks. It was apparently not uncommon to remove the shoes of the victim for tickling... or tickle the ribs depending on the type of device. This was probably the torment just above verbal abuse but below throwing rocks :).

The amount of females in these stocks has been debated and may be colored with a lot of wishful thinking but I'm sure there were some >:). For example, I don't think it was considered acceptable for a female to expose her bare foot, or much skin at all, in many of these cultures.

But the legacy lives on. Here's a true story I wrote up years ago...

Fort Michillimackinac is an historical colonial fort located at the Straights of Mackinaw, the area where Michigan's upper and lower peninsulas meet. Lots of displays and crafts of the early pioneer days. This includes 'the stocks', used for punishment in those days. There were the head-high types <neck-wrist> and the sitting-down type <wrists-ankles>. I couldn't help but visualize a vulnerable gal in one of these things. I was sitting down, anticipating the possibilities as people came and went by to take pictures of family members in the stocks. Then, at a lull of activity, it happened.

Two guys and a gal, college aged, saw the stocks and started joking loudly about the gal trying them...my mouth went dry, this girl was gorgeous. She finally agreed and sat down on the bench an placed her ankles and wrists in position as one of the guys closed the top. As usual, a picture was taken as the girl smiled wickedly at the camera. One of the guys then went to her feet and started untying her shoe laces..."No, you wouldn't.." as she complained loudly but in fun.

Now these stocks don't have latches and she was able to get her now-bared foot out of the grasp of it so he grabbed her other ankle while the other guy sat on the top-cover. She didn't escape this time and I don't think he unlaced her shoe, just pulled it off and...OH BOY what a scream, still in a good fun way, as he stroked her foot from heel to toe.

I was probably fifty feet away, and have NO idea if anyone else was watching <I wondered later what my expression was as I was so engrossed in this proceeding>. I remember getting up and moving to a better view and hearing something like..."that's enough! ..OUCH..OKAYYYYYY!" I remember thinking that the way she thrashed, she could get some splinters but the guy's hand had a hold of the ankle firmly...probably to avoid this <these things weren't padded>. She slapped him on the back with her hand, trying to get him to stop. She evidently freed both wrists sometime during this.

This guy was getting hit badly, but seemed to be engrossed, like I was, in her wiggling foot. He finally gave in. She was let go and chased the one guy, still barefoot, trying to hit him with something (I don't remember what it was, but I think it was the camera and remember thinking that It could do a lot of damage).

The whole thing probably didn’t last 60 seconds, but my memories will last forever.


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I can see that this thread is going to need a jump start.

Here is another tale from the MTJ......Enjoy!

One day, during a very hot summer day, I went to the beach. Right next to me there was this young couple. She was a ravishing 20 years old fully breasted tanned girl. Her friend was helping her rubbing sun lotion all over her back, while she lye on her abdomen. When he got to the lace tying her bikini top (which interrupted the application of the lotion) he unknotted it, leaving the thin laces fall upon her sides. After finishing her back he slid his oily hands to her sides which made her make a little jump, holding her breath, trying not to show the ticklishness she felt, hoping he would leave her alone. But he just kept going, pinching lightly & squeezing her smooth sides, & than it happened: she started screaming with wild laughter: Ooooohhh, pls, stoooooop it, while her buddy started to rock to the sides. She could not afford to herself to lift her body from the ground because than her bra would fall off & everybody around would see her bear breasts rocking from side to side in her hysterics.

This guy just kept on going, now making his way up to her underarms. He probably knew where her weakest point was, because when he got there her laughing became a silent one with all her body trembling, not being able to breath, with her lips moving: pleeeeeeaaaaaase.... stooooooooo.... With his hands so slippery the tickling was so intense that it was just too much for her. His hand was making circles in her underarm while his other hand was holding her hand stretched firmly, so she could not hide her armpit. Her body was glistening by the sun shining on her oily body, & she was just trembling under his professional fingers. He also fondled her breasts, & sliding his hands around them made her scream & beg: thaaaaat's tooooooo ... muuuuch, pls enouuuuuugh of thaaaat... but he went on for a few more minutes until his swimsuit became like a tent, & could hardly hold his erection.
High school tickling

Okay, I'm through being shy. This is a great thread that deserves to stay alive. :)
I was fortunate enough to be an eyewitness to the occasional tickle in high school. A lot of times this ocurred when the teacher got lazy and decided to show the class a movie. The tape would go into the VCR, and some of the students would move to sit on the floor. Of course, some girls would kick off their shoes. This would open the door for some guy or girl to get in a quick stroke on a bare or socked sole. The ticklee would usually whisper an accusation down to the group sitting at her feet while the tickler would pass the blame around to those sitting around them. This would be repeated until about everyone in the group had tickled the poor girl at least once. I was always on the lookout for this game when the lights went down.
This was a similar setting to one of my favorite tickling moments from high school. Because I was both shy and devious, I would usually stay at my desk when movies were shown to get a better view of any shenanigans. This time, however, I was on the floor, sitting next to a friend of mine named Monica. We knew each other a little bit, and I was pretty sure she liked me. I certainly liked her! Monica was a slim african-american girl with big brown eyes and a beautiful smile. She was one of the "smart kids", which was definitely a plus for me!
Anyway we were sitting on the floor in front of a another girl at a desk. This girl had (you guessed it) kicked her tennis shoes off. She was wearing white socks. I tried not to pay attention, but I couldn't help but stare stupidly as Monica covertly slipped her hand over to the girl's foot and wiggled her finger over her arch a few times! The girl's foot twitched and of course she leaned forward to see who was responsible. As I looked back over to Monica I saw her finger pointing towards me. I was petrified because I didn't know this girl at all. I must've looked like an idiot, shaking my head violently and showing my palms like a bad little boy. I hadn't even done anything wrong! The girl at the desk just blew it off, much to my relief. Monica was just smiling at me. She had no idea I was into tickling, so she didn't understand how embarassed I really was. I wasn't mad at her, but I did plan a little impromptu revenge!
When I was in high school I wore a long coat everyday, regardless of the weather (yep, I was a moron!). At this moment it was draped across my lap while I sat indian-style. Monica was sitting the same way right next to me. She was wearing black slip-ons with no socks. A few minutes into the movie I scooted a little closer to her and pulled my my coat over to cover about a third of her lap. She just turned and looked at me strangely until she felt my hand wrap around her ankle. Her eyes got wide and she emphatically mouthed the word "no", but I continued, gently pulling her foot a few inches over until it was resting on my leg under my coat. With my other hand I pulled the size 7 (I'm guessing)shoe from her foot, placing it on the floor beside me-still under my coat and well beyond Monica's reach. This was unusually brazen for me, but the earlier embarassment had sort of numbed my usual inhibitions. I began to lightly tickle the center of her soft sole. Her foot immediately started squirming. I whispered "You deserve this" and kept firm hold of her ankle while I kept tickling. Monica closed her eyes, her lips twisting as she exhaled sharply. For the most part, though, she was trying to contain herself. I couldn't believe my good fortune! I let up after about ten more seconds for fear of unwanted attention but made a point of keeping her bare foot on my leg. Throughout the rest of the period I would sporadically tickle her foot for a few seconds, exploring and exploiting every ticklish spot I could find. It turned out her big toe was VERY ticklish! The best part of the whole experience was that after the initial tickling Monica seemed resigned to her fate, turning back to try and watch the movie as I tested every inch of her soft little foot. By the end of the period I was starting to worry about what Monica would say or think, but she didn't seem to be wierded out by my behavior. I remember her saying "That's the last time I frame you!" as we were leaving the classroom. We did end up dating, but only briefly. I did get one more chance to really let her have it, though.......
Well there. That wasn't so hard! This is the first time I've ever written about a tickling experience. It's kinda fun, actually. :cool: Anyway, just wanted to share, hope you enjoy!

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