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Fantasies--watching/allowing others to tickle your SO?


TMF Poster
Jan 2, 2003
Just curious if it's just me or not, and gauge members' opinions.

In the recent past, I've found myself increasingly enamored--fascinated, actually--with the concept of seeing my girlfriend getting tickled by other people...sometimes in my presence, sometimes not.
The fantasies vary from the innocent, to the not so innocent, to...well, to the REALLY not so innocent.

It never used to be that way--I was always the insanely jealous type, and would never have considered it before, but it's been an increasingly powerful fantasy of mine. I remember watching a girlfriend in high school get gangtickled at a party once, and not speaking with her for three days, I was so incensed. Now, it's at the point that if a GF even gets an innocent tickle by someone at work, I'm ready to blow a gasket.;)

I've always been turned on by getting (close) girlfriends to relay tickling experiences, and most even enjoyed knowing they turned me on...but the concept of my GF getting tickled by another within a relationship we're already in has now become a tremendous turn-on. And I'm not talking about the stock F/F stuff of fantasy, but fantasies ranging from other couples and other guys, going from the innocent to the extreme.

Just wanted to air this out, and see how others felt.

P.S. I'm composing my first story to contribute to the Forum along this vein...based loosely on a true story, but with literary license taken. Should be ready soon.
I also think seeing or hearing about my GF getting tickled is a turn on as long as it is tickling and not sex. I guess the reason it is such a turn on is that anything that opens the door for more tickling is a good thing.
Well, while I've happily seen my wife tickled by others, it's less a turn-on for me than the fact that I simply enjoy seeing her have a good time.
Shem the Penman said:
Well, while I've happily seen my wife tickled by others, it's less a turn-on for me than the fact that I simply enjoy seeing her have a good time.

Ditto - except in my case, lite is my wife "to be." (I used to think that I would be VERY jealous, until it actually HAPPENED).



Still as evil as ever........
I can't believe how exactly alike our feelings are on this issue Cyclic. From the early jealousy to the (of late) fantasy of sharing. Wow. Even with the exposure I've had to others opinions over the year since I've found this site, I'm surprised to find several guys who feel the same as I on this issue.
Your not alone!!

Years ago I too probably a little jealous, but as my relationship with my GF has matured to a state of being totally secure I have VERY strong fantasy's of seeing her tickled with out mercy by others. I've been schemming for awhile here on different ways I can make this happen.:devil:
I am OK with Hiro getting tickled by other women, but I would prefer to participate if possible :) It would excite me greatly to be part of a multi-girl hold-down-and-tickle, and it would even better if my own hubby was the guest of honour!

Love and laughter,
I guess it really depends on how open a relationship you have. I see no problem with this as long as it's something both partners are into, or can deal with. Fantasies in general (not just this one) only really work if both involved are enjoying themselves.

By thier very nature, any couple who are gratified by tickling one another are bound to be pretty open to at least talking about fantasies. That's where it has to start. You talk about it. See if it fits into whatever lifestyle you've chosen to follow.

Now, as far as the "more extreme" scenes you were talking about...I'd work into that. First off, unless you have an extremely open relationship, I'd lean more toward role-play...with people that you know very well. Having friends tickle a girlfriend is one thing...if that works for all involved, no sweat; it's your life. But when you introduce sex, you've crossed into another level. Many times, misplaced emotions can rear thier heads. With a fetish like tickling, eroticism plays a pretty decent part for most. We've all talked about "play" tickling vs. "sexual" tickling. When it becomes sexual tickling, you have to watch out that no one is getting hurt, even inadvertantly.

As with all BDSM activities, MAKE SURE YOU KNOW THE PERSONS YOU ARE PLAYING WITH!!!! Don't do group scenes after meeting for the first time. I wouldn't mind watching my girlfriend get tickled by others ( hell, I recently have ;) ), but in a personal setting, there's only a handful of people I know that I would do it with, people I would trust with this kind of sharing.

Good question, and a nice topic for debate. I'm sure there's a lot of different views out there.

Drew and I will often sit back for a moment while playing with others in order to watch the other getting it. For us, it's more knowing that the other is enjoying themselves that brings us pleasure. It's not really a turn-on.


I don't know, the ownly friend I would trust to toch ny girlfriend in an erotic way isn't into tickling. I guess I'd say yes to thinking about it, no to going threw with it. I don't actually have a girl friend but that's how I'd feel if I did.
Interesting responses, and I'm glad to see people took time to add their input.

Also glad to see that I'm not the only one whose fantasies and experiences have changed over time.

Good points on the issue of "more extreme" scenarios, Dave2112...needless to say, adding that extra dimension shifts the whole paradigm of the situation. Not something taken lightly.
it wouldn't bother me

i even went so far as to invite my wife to the chest gathering last week, here in chicago. she declined. she was worried on a few levels.
also, i have a friend, my best friend, who tickles her, or tries to, every time he comes over. he gets a little "fresh" at times, but she handles it herself, and he always takes no for an answer, lol.
i would be creeped out by other women tickling her though, and she says she would be totally repulsed by it too.
Watching others tickle and have sex with my bound girlfriend is a very very hot fantasy of mine, although I agree with many that it's a boundary with which one must be exceedingly careful.

I probably wouldn't consent to a group sex scene, and neither would she. But we've both thrown about the possibility of having her group tickled (by either or both genders). She's opening up to the idea.

Likewise, I'm opening up to the idea of being gang tickled as well. She prefers male ticklers to torment me, to assuade her jealousy, and that's fine.

I suppose it would be necessary to have some very firm, pre-determined limits as to what was and wasn't acceptable. In addition, it would be necessary to ordain a tickle moderator that would constantly assess her breathing and comfort. And finally, the screening process would have to be rigorous, as a sexually charged group situation could lead to deindividuation and to consequent violation of limits.

But... the thought of a group of guys or gals huddled around the frantically laughing, restrained body of my girlfriend is a tantalizing one indeed...

I'm happy to see that others share in this interest of mine.

So Cyclic, as well as others that are into this... feel free to send me an email ([email protected]) to discuss this common interest. I'm a 23 year old guy in Atlanta.

take care, and play safe.

Cyclic, sole seeker, 2001 - I'm with you guys COMPLETELY! It's amazing to me that you should write about this...

It's always driven me CRAZY to hear stories from my girlfriend about being tickled by another girl, or by a doctor.....I used to be INCREDIBLY jealous about tickling by another guy....but just two days ago I gave me gf the "ok" to now include in the repertoire of stories anything in the past that has happened where a guy or guys tickled her - because it has just become incredibly increasingly arousing for me to think about!


I just couldn't sit there and watch another man tickle my wife...no way.
It is one of my greatest thrills to see a girlfriend of mine tickled by other rabid tickle fantatics. It only works when the situation is right, that is, that I am in control. At NESTs and NEST-like parties, I have had the supreme pleasure in seeing a girlfriend of mine tickled into submission while bound or held down. I can't tell you how much of a turn-on that is and the two of us get to relive that memory while we are alone.

However, I would NOT want to set the same situation up if I was not there. I would also be TOTALLY opposed to a girlfriend of mine meeting others for tickling. To me, tickling is like sex when it comes to a relationship. A girlfriend meeting someone for tickling is equal to her meeting them for sex. However, if I was there and the party(s) involved knew that we were in a relationship and that the two of us were having a (not so very) cheap thrill by living out a fantasy in a controled situation, then it is highly erotic.

Re: agreed!

YouNeverKnow175 said:
It's always driven me CRAZY to hear stories from my girlfriend about being tickled by another girl, or by a doctor.....I used to be INCREDIBLY jealous about tickling by another guy....but just two days ago I gave me gf the "ok" to now include in the repertoire of stories anything in the past that has happened where a guy or guys tickled her - because it has just become incredibly increasingly arousing for me to think about!

I've always felt the same way...I've spent many a long evening drawing out all sorts of tickling experiences from girlfriends over the phone, or in more intimate settings--so needless to say I've managed to cultivate many ticklish tales from the girls and women in my life.

Hearing about previous tickling experiences with a girlfriend's ex never bothered me--it's not like I was in the picture at the time, you know?--but I have to agree, the arousal definitely gets ratcheted up when sharing:)

Besides, more than one girlfriend used it against me, knowing how much of a turn-on it is for me--one ex-girlfriend in particular knew how to bring me "to the edge" when she wanted; nothing worked faster in pushing me over the cliff than whispering a tickling experience or fantasy in my ear during phone sex or when we were together, knowing full well that it pushed my buttons. Most of them, at least.:D
Wholeheartedly agree

I'm on Cyclic's side on this one...my wife has been a tickle target all her life (face it, it's an easy way to cop a feel, even if you're not a tickler) and I love hearing about her experiences. No, if only there were some folks in Colorado to help me give her some new experiences....ah, well. :rolleyes:
Works for me and my husband

I would have to agree with Cylic also,My husband and I have experienced having another guy tickler come to our house and tickle me while my husband watched part of the time,then at one point he would join in on his own.We have discussed also inviting another lady tickler,ticklee to our home that would tickle me ,then I would tickle the lady but we haven't experienced that YET.My husband is supportive,and understanding of how much tickling,being tickled means to me though he himself isn;t into tickling me for hours .
An ex gf of mine was a cocktail waitress in an exclusive hotel bar while we were dating. One late Saturday night after she got home, she proceeded to tell me how one of her customers gave her a quick tickle under her arm while she was carrying a tray of drinks and that she almost spilled them. I was jealous and upset at first, but after a while I calmed down and turned this negative into a positive by giving her one of the best tickle tortures of our relationship!
I, too, have changed as I have gotten older. I think I relayed this story on here once before. When I was in high school in the mid 80's, my girlfriend and I went to a New Years Eve party at a classmate’s house. We got into a fight about something, and she had a few beers (yeah, I know underage drinking stinks, but I was young then). At any rate, I was downstairs playing pool, and then came upstairs. What I saw almost dropped me to my knees. One friend of mine was sitting on the back of her calves on the couch, while another had taken her shoes and was tickling her feet with a plastic back scratcher. She was laughing like a lunatic. To this day, I don't think I've ever known anyone more ticklish. When they saw me, they laughed and said, "she asked for it". You have to remember, tickling is harmless to most people, and I _know_ these guys didn't mean anything by it. I remember feeling like I was going to yak, though. Now that I look back on it, it's kind of arousing.

Another incident happened the following fall when I was a freshman at college and she was a senior in high school. She and a friend came up one weekend to see me. We were in a friend’s room, playing quarters (yeah, I know, the underage thing again :)). She was wearing flats and nylons, and leaned back against me, kicked off her shoes, and put her feet up on the chair where another friend was sitting. She crossed her ankles, so her soles were directly staring this at this guy. I knew it was coming, and I think it took less than 30 seconds. He reached his hand over and started brushing her soles with his fingers. She immediately yelled "He's tickling my feet! Don't tickle my feet they're ticklish!!!" Once again, I almost threw up. I never told her it bugged me, because I thought it would look silly. As I look back on it, it is one my all time favorite memories.

My wife relays stories to me, while she puts her nylon feet in my face, of other people tickling her feet...a co-worker, an international spy, a little kid under the table at a wedding...it's all more appealing to me now.

I still don't know that I could actually watch it, but I agree, it is a nice fantasy!


Tickleking - Love your posts. Can you relate some of those fantasy stories that your wife dreams up for you, ones with the co-workers tickling her feet, etc? thanks
I, too, have changed as I have gotten older. . I remember feeling like I was going to yak, though. Now that I look back on it, it's kind of arousing.

Once again, I almost threw up. I never told her it bugged me, because I thought it would look silly. As I look back on it, it is one my all time favorite memories.


This is very similar to what happened with my girlfriend/wife, and also in the 80's. I've told the brief story here many times about how my girlfriend was hazed with tickling and other foot stuff when she was training to be a dorm assistant. I didn't see any of it but I heard the stories and they really bothered me at first, but now I enjoy thinking about them and getting her to tell them to me.
Cyclic, I don't know whether I relate to this personally, but from the number of times I've seen this theme in stories and discussions, I have the impression that the feeling this evokes in people is deep, and I don't think it's just because tickling is involved (that is, I imagine that other people could have the same feeling that incorporated their own sexual interest, or even no sexual interest). I think writing a story is both a good outlet and a good way to describe the feeling in detail, so I might read it just out of curiosity.
Wow, a 10 year thread bump. Somebody was digging deep in the archives!
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