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Fear - remake part 1 with Hayden


Registered User
Nov 30, 2007
This is a work of fiction. I don’t own anything and if youre not 18 you should move on. thanx

‘FEAR’ THE REMAKE – part 1

Hayden Panitterre was driving to her managers office at 830 on a Friday morning. She was just slightly hung over and really would have rather been in bed. But he had texted her yesterday that an amazing oppt was sitting on his desk that was perfect for her. She didn’t have a call time til the afternoon for her TV show, Nashville, so off she went.

When she got there, she grabbed her 3rd cup of coffee for the morning and was ushered into his office. “Hey, Hayden, how are you? You look great.” he enthused. “ I look like ass and feel about the same. You know it, but nice of you to say something nice, anyway” she stated honestly. “You still look beautiful, and Nashville is doing very well. Congrats” he said.

“Thanks, lets get to it. What’s this great oppt you’re so excited about?” she cut to the chase. “It’s a pretty cool remake movie with some big names attached. Did you ever see the movie Fear? It was early in Reese Witherspoon and Mark Wahlberg’s career and really jumped them up a notch or two. There is a new screen adaptation and Justin Timberlake is attached to it. They are very interested in you for the Reese part. It’s currently set to shoot during your hiatus from Nashville. I think it would be great for you and get you involved with some heavy hitters. Does it sound interesting?” he asked.

“I don’t know, maybe. I’m not a big fan of remakes.” she offered. “ I understand that. Here is a treatment of the script and a DVD of the original. Take a look over the weekend and lets talk on Monday. Sound good?” he wondered.

“Sure, I’ll take a look. I can call you Monday afternoon.” She said. “Sounds good. Let me know what you think” he felt pretty good about this whole oppt. He was curious what she would think.

Hayden had some public appearances to do over the weekend, so Sunday evening she put the DVD in and started to look at the script. The movie was almost 20 years old but still held up. She kept trying to read the script but kept being drawn to the film. It would probably classify as a guilty pleasure. She was really drawn to the sexual tension and dynamic between Wahlberg and Witherspoon. She could see Justin in that mode after watching him in “Alpha Dogs”. She knew he was trying to expand his theatrical street cred.

When it was done, she was more interested in the script and read it carefully. This new remake had a more overtly sexual tone. One major change was the Reese character, Nicole, was involved with the Alyssa Milano character, Margo, both emotionally and sexually. Where in the original the rebellion was with her dad, here it is with Margo. As she read it, she kept getting a Black Swan type of vibe. It both excited and scarred her. It also concerned her that the Margo character had not been cast. The script was not finished, but what she read had her interest. She wanted to take a mtg and see where this would go.

Monday afternoon when she got a break, she called her manager and said she was interested at this point and he should pursue it. She wanted to know who the director was that was tied to this and who they were considering for the Margo character. She told him to get her a meeting. Later that day she got a text saying, meet him and some folks from the movie at Severino at 8 pm on Wed. She was excited.

Wed came around and she still wasn’t sure who she was meeting with but was interested to see what they were thinking. And the prospect of doing a movie over her break was getting her excited. She wanted to look casual, but sexy and business like. Since she didn’t know who she was meeting she tried to dress in between. She chose a sleeveless teal top and black skirt that came right above the knee. She grabbed some glittery flat sandals and felt like she had accomplished her goal. When she walked in she saw her manager wave from a booth in the corner. She was disappointed he was alone. When she slipped in she was slightly pissed. “So what gives, I thought we were mtg people.” “You are” he smiled “I’m just making intros then I’m out of here to let you guys get to know each other”. “You bastard are you trying to set me up with some SKEEZ again!” she was genuinely angry.

“He’s not trying to set you up, but I am kinda a SKEEZ” Justin Timberlake said as he slipped into the booth. Hayden was stunned. “ I’m sorry………I didn’t know……He’s done this before……..I just thought……….You’re great………..I’m sorry……….I’ll shut up and die now” she stammered. There was a pause. “Forget it. It was cute” and Justin leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.

“Justin,……Hayden…….Hayden………Justin. So you’re off to a great start. Call me tomorrow. You guys have fun” and with that he left, Hayden blushed almost to purple, and Justin just laughed. “ come on, no blood no foul. Lets talk about the movie and get to know each other” As the evening progressed they had some drinks, and they found they had a lot in common in terms of being child actors, transistioning into adult roles, dealing with the music business and trying to have a life in the fishbowl that was Hollywood. They genuinely connected and it was fun for both.

“So what do you think of the original and the script treatment you saw” he asked. “ I liked the original a lot. I had never seen it. Reese looked SO young. And Wahlberg was amazing. He owned the screen. I can see why you would be interested in putting your spin on that role. Theres a lot there. In terms of the new script, it seems pretty aggressively sexual. I’m concerned about that, I’m sure they’ll want nudity and I’m not sure about that. I think the director will make a big difference to me. As well as whoever they cast as Margo. That will be key since that seems to be the key relationship in the film” she explained.

“That all makes sense and we don’t have Margo or the director attached, yet. If you sign on, I can promise you that you’ll have input on those decisions.” Justin explained. “Really, how can u guarantee that and why would you do that?” Hayden really wondered. “Well I’m attached as a producer. Its one of the first things my company is pursuing. And, cuz I truly believe you are a very modern version of Reese, I want you in this. You can do comedy, drama, you are inherently sexy. You can be down and dirty or the girl next door sexy. Before she got huge Reese did a lot of that. Look at some of early work. She was topless in Twilight, was a stipper in Overnite Delivery, Slutty in Freeway, used the ‘C’ word in Election, gotten done and beaten in Best Laid Plans. There’s a lot there. I think you can bring layers to this role. And that’s key to remaking the Nicole role. She can’t just be naïve. And in this new one there has to be some obvious sexuality and you bring that to the table” he explained. “I think a big challenge will be creating the sexual and relational dynamic between the 2 women and then making the attraction to the David character real. Does that excited or challenge you or turn you away?” he wondered.

“I honestly think it does all of those things as an actress. As a woman, I’m straight but look at Mila and Natalie in Black Swan. Love it or hate it, that relationship jumped off the screen.” Hayden explained. “I’m glad you referenced that movie, I really felt that vibe as I read the script” as he said this Hayden felt his hand settle upon her left leg just above her knee. She could feel the heat of his hand on her skin. She wasn’t sure what to think. With a simple nod, he ordered 2 more drinks and they appeared as if by magic. “So how do you see the Nicole character, in terms of being pulled between Margo and David?” he asked as he took his new drink.

“In general, I think it’s the conflict for her between where she is today, vs where she wants to go. I kinda read her as Margo was her first REAL sexual experience. But her desire is to have a more mainstream direction and she feels a strong desire for the David character. He’s got to be dangerous but he’s got to offer her some kind of taboo the Margo doesn’t” she was drinking quickly as she was excitedly sharing her thoughts on the role. He was rubbing her leg gently and got some more drinks……… “ That’s exactly it. He’s got to present some type of danger that draws her to him.. She’s already broken the same sex barrier. Maybe theres a ’50 shades of grey’ thing in here to be explored.”

As the drinks came, Hayden responded “ We’ll aren’t we the little kink” and they both laughed. “Tell me you didn’t find it titillating and exciting?” he teased. “Sure, but I don’t like being that out of control, or should I say under someone else’s control. I didn’t even finish the book” she explained. “Really, so you don’t like it when someone makes you do something you don’t want to” he continued to tease. “ Of course not, who does?” “OK, I’ll buy that, lets try a little improv here. Access your inner Nicole and I’ll access my inner David. Kinda like research for our film. You’re character wants to be in control and my character wants to control you. So over the next few minutes you just need to simply act ‘normal’ and I will try to make you not act normal. You game” he smiled. Hayden never could resist a challenge. “Sure, since it’s for the film” she smiled.

“Good” he smiled back. And suddenly he gripped her right leg above her knee. Hayden was very ticklish and screamed and then clamped her mouth shut. Justin continued to squeeze very methodically. It tickled like shit. Hayden squirmed and kept trying to maintain composure while not laughing. “you motherfucker” she said as quietly as she could. Justin leaned in and whispered “Hayden, I had no idea you were THIS ticklish. I wonder where else you’re ticklish. I think we should find out.” He was sitting on her left side. “Put your right foot in my lap, please” Her eyes got wide and she shook her head. Justin increased the rate of the squeeze and she started to wiggle more. “Bastard” she hissed. “Right foot and I’ll stop” he whispered. Quickly she crossed her leg and her right foot was in his lap. The tickling stopped.

As he was slipping off her sandal they were both startled by a voice at their table. “TIMBERLAKE, you dick, where have you been. I haven’t seen you since the golf tourney” The guy had had a couple 2 many but was not obnoxious. “Jimbo, how are you. Hayden, Jimbo, Jimbo, Hayden” he smiled at her and started to tickle her sole. Hayden was trying not to squirm, or laugh, or kick him in the balls, for that matter. But he had a vice grip on her ankle and the tickling was intensifying. “Honey, don’t be rude, say hello and shake the mans hand” and he started to tickle faster. “HI” Hayden squeaked and held out her hand. “Nice to meet you. Dick boy here always gets the best looking babes. Hey call me. Lets play golf. I wanna win that money back” Jimbo shook Haydens hand and left the table. “Talk to you soon, Jimbo. Having fun darling?” With Jimbo gone, Hayden started to squirm more. “Justin, please, please stop. You now know I’m ticklish. This is killin me” she pleaded. “Okay well try something else” he smiled. And placed her small foot directly on his very hard erection. He reached under the table and undid his fly and slid her bare foot inside his pants. Her eyes grew about 3 sizes. And he just smiled at her. He started to tickle the top of her foot and it started to wiggle involuntarily. She got the idea.

She sent him a dirty look but was now committed to the game. If he wanted to play, she would play. She shifted in the booth to face him, but it was basically to have better access and not cramp up. She started to rub her foot up and down and occasionally grip him with her little toes. He smiled sweetly and she did too. All the while, she was trying to work her foot inside his shorts. He montioned her closer. As she leaned in, they kissed. She wasn’t going to bale. She tasted his tongue then broke the kiss and leaned back. He had placed his right hand on her left thigh and started to work it up north. It had found its way under her skirt. He was lightly tickling her inner thigh, in a way that was causing more sexual excitement than tickling. About this time the waiter came up and placed menus in front of both of them. “Are we hungry tonite?” he asked. “I believe I am” Justin took this occasion to goose Haydens thigh and she yelped and jumped. “ I guess she is too” he responded. He gently removed her foot and said “Honey do you want to split anything, I think I do” and moved his right hand under her skirt, between her legs on top of her thong and started to rub. “What the………………sure honey what ever you want?” she said liking and not liking what was happening.

Justin continued to rub her sex, drive her crazy while having a completely normal conversation with the waiter. “We’ve got some great crab tonite” the waiter offered. Justine moved his thumb over her panties. “I’m not sure we’re into crabs tonite. Honey?” he looked at Hayden. Her squinty eyes and head shake said no. He went back to his palm and slow massage as she continued to shift in the booth. He could feel her starting to get wet. “ Well there are some nice pot stickers that are on special tonite. Those sound good?” the waiter asked. Justin slipped his fingers inside the thong and onto Hayden’s labia. She slammed her thighs shut but too late. She was wet. He gently moved his fingers up and down. “I don’t know honey. How do feel about stickers?” he teased. “I definitely don’t fell like that tonite” she could barely get out. He teased her opening and gently inserted the tip of his finger into her and started to wiggle it. Her breath caught. She grabbed the edge of the booth. She did not know what to do.“Do you have any sticky buns?” he asked. “ Don’t even think about it” Hayden spit out at him. He smiled, removed his fingers, leaned in and kissed her. He placed his left hand on her cheek and held her face to him. In spite of herself, she kissed him back. She had to admit she was wildly turned on.

When he broke the kiss, he looked at the waiter and said “I think we’ll have a banana split, with cherries, hot caramel and nuts. Whipped cream and sprinkles on the side. And 2 shots of Baileys as well” “Very good sir. Not on the menu but we can do that.” And off he went. “That’s my favorite dessert, how did you know?” Hayden sat stunned by the events of the past few minutes and now this. Everything about her wanted to be PISSED, but she just couldn’t be. “You are a dick, aren’t you?” she smiled.

“I do own one, but that was the David character” he smiled. “Yeah, I noticed. I’ve got an early call tomorrow. Nice mtg. Call me if you want to discuss…………THE MOVIE” Hayden said as she slipped out of the booth. “Hey Nicole” Justin said using the characters name, “ I’ll just keep this til our next ‘meeting’” and he held up her sandal and smiled. “DICK” Hayden said but couldn’t help but smile. And secretly look forward to the next mtg.
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