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Felicia the Cheerleader: Part 13--THE GRAND FINALE!


2nd Level Red Feather
Aug 28, 2004
A/N Weren't expecting this, were you? If you were, then I must ask: How in the fuck......?

The previous part of this story was over 11 years ago. Sorry to have left everyone hanging since then, but life happened and I'd moved away from writing adult stories since then. Got a job, got a career, moved out, all that fun stuff. I do non-adult writing now, and my passion for this series waned and waned and never returned.

So what's brought “Felicia the Cheerleader” back for its grand finale? A burning desire to see a story to its eventual conclusion? My love for tickle fetish stories making a return? My pride as a writer to never quit?

Nah, it's money. I'm being commissioned to finish this series.

Still, I've gotta say that it's nice to finally bring this tale to its conclusion. While I forgot most of the details of the story over the decade that I dropped the series, I still remember the major story beats for how I wanted the series to end. I had another, what, 5 or 6 parts left? A lot of it was filler, and it will be all condensed into this final chapter. Probably for the best, quality speaking. I mean, how many more chapters COULD I have dragged this out, realistically speaking?

Also, man, I was such a bitch back then. “Waah, my life is a mess.” No it wasn't. Looking back at things as a semi-mature adult today, no, things were not a mess back then. I was a mess, but life wasn't.

So in case you forgot what happened in the previous part (like I did), here's Part 12: http://www.ticklingforum.com/showth...rleader-Part-12&highlight=felicia+cheerleader

Did I used to insert disclaimers? Lemme check........and yes I did. So for the sake of keeping up centuries old traditions and pissing off Fox News, here's your trigger warning: dead babies, child porn, full-throated support of Donald Trump's immigration policies, and a reminder that hashtags did not exist when you read the previous chapter of “Felicia the Cheerleader”. #YouAreGettingOld

Well, no use wasting any more time. Let's end this series once and for all. It's time for “Felicia the Cheerleader” Part 13! THE GRAND FINALE:

Part 13 (M/F, F/F, MF/FF)

Felicia had no idea how many days had passed. Or weeks? Or months? Or years? She lost count of all the “sessions” she's had. They weren't at regular scheduled times, so she never had any clue when she was going to be dragged out of her cell and tickle tortured to the brink.

Sometimes she would endure being tickled by the staff. Sometimes, select customers from the club that Robert and Claudia knew would tickle her. Sometimes a bunch of these strangers would gang tickle her. And she had no idea which was worse. The staff were way more skilled, but at least she “knew” them and knew what to expect. The random disgusting men that would torment her? Always a terrifying unknown factor when dealing with them. There was little in the world more terrifying than being strapped down naked as the hungry lions drew near, their eyes wide and their tongues licking their lips in anticipation of abusing Felicia's soft body.

But there was one staff member that she hadn't seen since Part 8, which was when she met the staff. The one that she had been dreading this entire time.


She had never seen him. He had never tickled her. She wondered every now and then if he left or got arrested or went back to Hell or wherever he was from. And she prayed that she would never see him. Because of all the staff members, of all the horrible things Helga and the rest have done to her, of all the possibilities that could come from the customers, nothing scared her more than the idea of waking up and finding him in her room, ready to drag her to his hellish chamber.

Which is what happened today. Yes, of course I'm going to end this series with Felicia being tickled by Satan himself.

“Hello, my sweet, sweet victim,” said Kenneth, standing over Felicia who was just waking up in her cell.

Felicia screamed and backed away into the corner. Kenneth grabbed her ankles and pulled so that she was laying on her back, and crawled on top of her, his giant penis resting on her stomach.

“Oh, don't be afraid. I've got a.......BIG surprise for you today,” he said, grinning. With the words “big surprise”, he shifted his shaft over Felicia's body to signify exactly what he was talking about. Roll your eyes, but Felicia was a naïve enough girl that she probably would not have gotten it otherwise.

He then tickled her for a million years until she died of laughter. The end. Where's my check?

*5 minutes later*

Okay, so it appears that a bit more is expected of this story. So let's continue.

So he did NOT tickle her.......yet. Instead, he reached out with his forked tongue and slowly licked her cheek. She squeezed her eyes shut as his gross tongue glided slowly up and down her face. He then grabbed her chin, pulled her face towards his, and shoved his tongue down her throat as he forced an aggressive and sadistic kiss on her.

Her screams were muffled as she struggled against him, but her tiny body was no match for his massive frame. After about a minute, he removed his mouth from hers. He smiled sadistically as he watched her cough and gag.

He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to her feet. “Walk!” he commanded as they left the cell.

They briskly walked down the hallway over the sharp rocks. Felicia winced with each step as the rocks jabbed her sensitive size 5 feet. She never got used to it, and walking so fast meant that she couldn't ease herself into each step.

Moments later, they arrived at a room that she had never been in. Felicia's eyes went wide with fear as she scanned the room. And she screamed in terror from what she saw.

The room was Hell. It was literal Hell. Okay, not literal literal Hell, but it may was well have been. The floor, walls, and ceiling were all harsh red stone. Demonic visages lined the walls. Large torches decorated the perimeter of the room, bathing the hellish chamber in a fiery light. Throughout the room were restraining devices made of rock and metal. At the far end of the room was a throne made of decorative bone with a demon's head above it and two torches on either side.

Felicia, a good God-fearing Christian girl, felt the room start to spin. Her limbs became heavy with figurative lead, and her breathing started to become more rapid. She barely noticed Kenneth drag her into the room until she was shoved hard against an X-frame made of rock. Their pointy tips jabbed her bare back painfully, snapping her back to reality. She began to frantically beg for her life as stone restraints (connected to the X-frame by metal door hinges) immobilized her at the wrists, elbows, above the knees, and ankles. The X was slightly and intentionally lopsided; Her arms were closer together and her legs were spread farther apart. The frame was at a 45 degree angle, so that she was leaning back but still facing Kenneth.

Tears streamed down Felicia's cheeks as the devil man sneered, his eyes going wide with sinister intent. “We have some time to kill, little girl,” he whispered menacingly. “Let's have some fun.”

He snapped his fingers, and Felicia couldn't believe what she saw!

From their hiding places among the room's questionable décor emerged what could only be described as “Mini-Kenneths”. There were four, and each of them had the same body modifications as Kenneth himself. They were all midgets (or “little people” or whatever is the politically correct term now), standing about four and a half feet tall each. Their eyes were wide with madness, their fanged teeth showing through their sadistic grins.

Don't look at me for an explanation on these guys. Even I have no idea how Kenneth got four midgets to run around and pretend that they're his demonic Hell minions, and I'm the author.

Felicia's eyes darted back and forth between the five monsters. “No, please, get away from me! GET AWAY FROM ME!” she screamed in horror as they advanced slowly upon her.

But it was no use. Two of the minis stood on either side behind her and two took up positions next to her bare feet. Kenneth stood directly over her. And at once, they all attacked. Felicia howled in hysterical laughter as the minis behind tickled her breasts and triceps with their tiny hands, their tongues crawling into the hollows of her sensitive armpits. The minis at her feet held back her toes and tickled the base of her toes with their forked tongues while their sharp nails raked up and down her soles. Kenneth ravaged her ribs and sides while his tongue invaded her belly button, maneuvering around the rim before diving right in.

Her hair whipped back and forth as she shook her head wildly, squeezing her eyes shut and trying to block out the hellish sensations the hellish tormenters burdened her with. Kenneth's hands hurt a bit as they dug into her body, but it was like they were made of plutonium. The ticklish sensations irradiated all over her body. The hands of the minis dug into small places and tickled fiercely, and the breast tickling was a particular violation as Felicia still wasn't ready for others to touch her sensitive and private parts (despite that happening almost everyday, it's still something her mind wouldn't let her get used to). But those tongues. Tongue tickling to her was always disgusting and their forked tongues felt particularly unnatural to her. Their tongues glided up and down the two most ticklish spots of her body, her feet and her stomach. Their very touch hyper ticklish body parts drove her out of her mind.

And the jagged rocks that formed the “bed” of the X-frame made being ticklish a painful endeavor. Only her back was touching them and they weren't exactly a bed of nails, but they were uncomfortable and dug into her backside. She needed to concentrate and not allow the tickling to make her body thrash around, but that was impossible. The tickling was just way too intense, and so her back jumped painfully against the jagged frame.

After a few minutes, Felicia was at her limit. Her chest was starting to hurt from the laughing and being unable to take in a good breath. Unfortunately, Kenneth and the minis had decked themselves out to look like Lucifer and his minions for a reason. They were not big on mercy. And so for over an hour, she struggled to breathe as her ticklish body was ravaged by the demons. Her laughter filled the room and her lungs and back cried out in pain.

Eventually, there was a loud knock on the door and the tickle torture stopped. Felicia hung limp in the X-frame, her body and hair covered with a layer of sweat. She said nothing. Only her ragged breathing filled the room.

“Oh no, you're not done yet, little bitch!” yelled a female voice.

Felicia looked up to see that the monstrous Helga had entered the room. The giantess stood over the naked teen with a dominant look on her face.

“No. Please no,” pleaded the exhausted Felicia. “No more, please.”

“What's wrong?” asked Helga mockingly. “Not happy to see us? You were just laughing up a storm. Anyway, we have a guest for you.” Felicia looked up as Helga waved someone over. “Bitch, come say hi to your friend!”

Felicia looked over as Kenneth dragged over-- “Oh no,” murmured Felicia quietly.

Her eyes filled with tears. Memories of happier times flooded her vision. Various emotions fought for control over her mind as she saw who was being dragged in.


Michelle was about two inches taller than Felicia. She was a beautiful girl with curly brown hair a little bit longer than Felicia's. Right now, she wore a dark brown tank top that showed off her cleavage but otherwise held her C cup breasts beautifully. The top also showed an inch of belly. Her long skirt came down to the mid-calf level, the green fabric with floral designs a sharp contrast to literally everything else in the room. Her feet were clad in dark brown flip flops that matched the color of her tank top.

She had a look in her eyes like a fire had just gone out in her heart. No, not an actual fire, but a figurative one. She looked like she was staying strong through a horrible ordeal but her facade was about to break. She looked nervously around the room as her chest started heaving with fear. Her hands fidgeted slightly in the coarse rope that bound them behind her back. And then suddenly she locked eyes with Felicia, and her eyes went as wide as saucers.


The girls were best friends. They had been best friends since they were 10 years old. They went everywhere together and did everything together. Michelle was the tough one of the two, but it's not like they were getting into situations where Michelle needed to protect Felicia or anything like that. They were just two platonic soulmates that were always together.

Until the day that Felicia disappeared.

“Michelle, what are you--?”

“I've been--” was all Michelle could answer before Kenneth clasped a huge hand over her mouth.

“Sorry, it seems like your admirer here has been asking too many questions,” he said, cupping his other hand over Michelle's breast. The girl gave a muffled scream as he gave it a slight squeeze.

“Too many questions about someone who's disappeared can get you into a lot of trouble. Don't you know that curiosity is what killed the cat?” said Helga before turning to Felicia. “Your BFF was doing her own little digging. And of course you know how the grapevine works. First Esther or Bobby heard about it, then their mother, and then me. And now Nancy Drew here is in the embrace of the Devil himself. Kenneth, would you like to get this started?”

“Oh yes!” exclaimed Kenneth, snapping his fingers on his breast-fondling hand. One of the minis turned some giant wooden crank thing and a hook lowered from the ceiling. Kenneth untied her and then raised her arms, locking them into a pair of cuffs attached to the hook. He then took a pair of rocks that were on the ground that were apparently also stylized shackles attached to the ground and restrained Michelle's ankles with them. With another snap of the fingers, Michelle found herself being lifted about a foot off the ground. Her body was being stretched as her shirt revealed the bottom rim of her belly button. She winced in pain as she was stretched as far as she could.

Kenneth stood in front of her. Both their faces were at the same height now that Michelle was stretched off the floor. He opened his mouth to speak, but she spit in his face before he could say anything. He wiped the spit off his face and stared are her angrily, his teeth bared in a wild rage. “A little attitude on you, huh? You'll pay for that, you little whore!”

With that, the devil man launched his hands into Michelle's sides, furiously tickle torturing the helpless young girl. Her eyes squeezed shut and she gritted her teeth in a desperate attempt to block out the tickling sensations, but that only lasted a moment. Kenneth broke her resistance and Michelle began to laugh hysterically.

He focused first on her sides and ribs, then his hands drifted down to her waist and hips. Michelle screamed as he lifted her shirt and glided his tongue into her navel. He tickled her legs, still covered by her skirt, and paid special attention to her calves. He pulled off her flip flops and tickled her bare feet before pulling up her skirt and tickling her bare legs.

The whole time, Felicia was squeezing her eyes shut in order to pretend this wasn't happening. How could her best friend in the world get kidnapped too!? How could she possibly live in a world where this crazy Devil worshipper who modified his body so that he could be the personification of evil itself be torturing her best friend!?

“Go for the armpits!” cheered Helga.

Felicia's eyes shot wide open. The two knew each other very well, including each others' tickle spots (because when I was in school many years ago, I assumed that hot teenage girls sat around all day tickling each other sensually. That's how things worked in the world of Felicia the Cheerleader back then and that's how they work now), and she knew that Michelle's armpits might have been even more ticklish than her (Felicia's) feet!

“NO!” cried both Felicia and Michelle simultaneously. Felicia began to beg and plead for them not to touch her friend, but surprise surprise, the bad guys didn't listen. Kenneth dug his long rotten nails into Michelle's armpits.

Michelle howled in hysterical laughter as the ticklish sensations traveled up and down her body like an electrical current through a pool of water. Tears streamed down her face as her laughter went silent.

Kenneth slid his tongue down her cleavage. As if someone had hit a switch, Michelle's laughter went from silent to bloodcurdling. One of the minis ran over to her. He crawled underneath her skirt and stood up. All Felicia could see was his little red feet and knees as Michelle screamed, “NOT THERE! STAY AWAY FROM MY PANTIES!!!!”


The tickling stopped suddenly, and everyone turned slowly towards the source of the outburst in shock.

Felicia didn't even realize she had shouted at them until everyone was staring at her. But she didn't care. Michelle was her best friend, and there was no way that she could stand for them to hurt her like this. It was bad enough that they were torturing her, but someone she cared so deeply about?

“Get. Away. From. My. FRIEND!” screamed Felicia.

Kenneth and Helga looked at each other, then back at Felicia. The young cheerleader's stomach tightened as the giant woman walked menacingly over to her.........and slapped her hard in the face.

“Not a good time to finally develop a backbone, little thing,” she said threateningly. “But it seems that you two care that much for each other. Well, let's put that to the test.”

From her back pocket came a switchblade. She handed the blade to Kenneth, who slowly stalked Michelle with it. Michelle shut her eyes in fear as the blade was held against the side of her neck. Kenneth slowly moved the blade down her neck and over her shoulder until the cold metal touched her tank top's shoulder strap. A quick cut of fabric signaled the end of that strap's existence. He repeated the process on the other side. He then pressed the cold blade in between her breasts. Smiling, he sliced her shirt and bra open as if performing an autopsy. Michelle's beautiful C-cup breasts were exposed for all to see.

The metal gleamed with the light from the torches as it caressed Michelle's belly, starting with her navel and moving toward the top of her skirt. Kenneth sliced through the thin fabric, revealing a pair of white panties which were now the only thing providing any sort of cover for Michelle's body (or protection from the sadistic demon I front of her). He grabbed the bottom of her panties with his fist and then pulled down an inch or two. Michelle gasped in pain, and Felicia in horror, has the edge of the knife poked at Michelle's vagina, but Kenneth instead sliced open her panties rather than her reproductive organs.

Kenneth put the knife on top of Michelle's shredded clothing and admired his prey. He drank her in with his eyes, mentally raping her as his gaze traveled from her beautiful but angry face, down to her soft breasts, to her deep navel, then to her hairless and sensitive privates. He admired her long legs and her beautiful size 7 feet. He felt himself shaking in anticipating for what was about to happen next.

Helga, meanwhile, gazed upon Felicia's naked and vulnerable body. Felicia could never handle the torment that Helga inflicted upon her, and today would be no different. Helga habitually turned large powerful men into weak blubbering messes with her tickling techniques, so how would a naked teenage girl be able to resist and stand strong against such a powerful woman?

“Shall you explain what's going to happen to them, or should I?” asked Kenneth to Helga.

“Oh no, allow me,” replied Helga with a sinister grin on her face. She looked back and forth between Felicia and Michelle, and then she spoke, “We actually had a little endurance contest for you. We would both tickle you two until one of you submits, at which time the loser would face some....HORRIFIC consequences. But Michelle was so dedicated to Felicia that she's risked her life and freedom to find her, and Felicia cares so much about Michelle that seeing her suffer caused her to grow a spine when her own torment would just reduce her to a pathetic quivering mess, so I decided to change the rules a bit. You see, I and two of Kenneth's followers will tickle torture Felicia, while Kenneth and two of his minions will tickle torture Michelle. You girl will be tickled without mercy for as long as it takes for one of you to submit. There's no time limit for this little game. There's no holding out and beating the clock. We will keep tickling and tickling and tickling until one of you submits by saying 'I surrender”. Kenneth, I'll let YOU tell our two little angels here what happens should one of them submit.”

“Oh yes,” said the demon, sounding like he was in the throes of a monstrous orgasm. “If you submit, we'll stop the tickling and you'll get to watch a little show. A show involving me and whoever DIDN'T submit to the torture. It will involve an experience that neither of you two ever had before. You see, we're fully aware that the two of you are virgins. Shy little Felicia, playful flirt Michelle, neither of you have ever been with a man before. Well, if you are strong enough to resist submitting to the torture, then you will be losing your virginity today. TO ME!!!!”

Felicia felt the world stop, yet she simultaneously felt it start spinning. This monster was going to rape either her or her best friend!? They were both tied up and naked and would not be able to do anything to protect themselves against the demon's advances. They couldn't! She never forgave herself for being the reason that the concubine was raped by Kenneth (yes, I know I said before that Kenneth hasn't been seen since Part 8, but he was actually in Part 12 and I totally forgot because it's been more than 11 years, so sue me). This couldn't happen to Michelle, and it couldn't happen to her either! She had to do something!

But her naked body was fully restrained. The only thing she could do was to endure the extreme torture her body was about to have inflicted on it, and she would protect her friend by not allowing her body to overtake her mind and submit. If this meant that her body and her innocence would be destroyed by the demon, then it was a sacrifice she had to make. All she had to do was think about Kenneth raping Michelle and forget about the idea of Kenneth raping her herself and it would surely give her the strength to endure the horrific torture.

“Felicia! Just say 'I surrender' as soon as they start!” instructed Michelle.

“No! Michelle, I can't let them this to you! I don't want him to hurt you!” cried Felicia. “I already saw him rape one woman, and it was horrible! I can't let it happen to you!”

“I can't let it happen to you either!” Michelle replied desperately. “I've been searching for you ever since you disappeared! I didn't do all of that just for this monster to rape you! You've been through so much! I can handle this!”

No, neither of them would be able to handle getting raped by a demon. Their slim, soft, beautiful bodies weren't built to handle such abuse. But unless they developed the power to burst through their restraints or phase through solid matter, they would have no choice but to endure. They wouldn't be able to, but they couldn't escape it either.

“How sweet. The little lovebirds just want to protect each other. So easy to say when you're not under duress,” commented Kenneth, stepping over to Michelle. “Shall we begin, Helga?”

“Yes,” answered Helga, looming over the helpless Felicia. “Let's begin.”

Fear overwhelmed both girls as the six sadists attacked. Helga furiously tickled Felicia's ribs, stomach, and armpits, paying special attention to her belly button which was a severe tickle spot for her. The minis tickled up and down her legs.

Tears streamed down her face as she tried to hold on and not submit. She was terrified of the idea of being raped by Kenneth. She was still a virgin and he was a freaking Devil man! And the tickle torture was just something she couldn't endure. But she couldn't let them touch Michelle either. And if Michelle had really been looking for her all this time, then she owed it to her friend to hang in there.

Her tormentors were making that very difficult, though. Helga's mammoth paws were cupped over Felicia's small breasts. Her thumb dug into her armpits while her fingers tickled Felicia's cleavage.

She opened her eyes just for a second to see how Michelle was doing. She could barely process the “action”, but she could see the agony on Michelle's face. Her eyes were squeezed shut, her head tilted back, her mouth wide open as a stream of uncontrollable laughter poured out of it like a broken faucet. Kenneth was tickling her hips, digging in very roughly. The minis were licking Michelle's feet, with one forked tongue gliding up and down her sole while the other one prodding the underside of her toes.

Both girls could feel their strength leaving their bodies. They held on as best they could as their lungs tried to take on air that their bodies would allow to enter. Their chests and faces began to hurt from laughing. Michelle's arms was becoming sore from hanging from the ceiling while Felicia's back continued to hurt from moving all over the jagged rocks.

Suddenly, both girls received a figurative punch in the gut as their ticklers suddenly went for the throat. By “throat”, I mean their most ticklish spots. Kenneth's long nails raked up and down Michelle's sensitive armpits while the minis torturing Felicia lapped their tongues across her excruciatingly ticklish feet.

Both girls were in the same predicament. Their feet were being “lickled” by the minis while Helga and Kenneth tickled Felicia and Michelle's armpits, respectively. Their screams filled the hellish torture chamber. Their howls of laughter and pleas for mercy became as integral a part of the room as the red stone itself.

The pained laughter of the two girls lasted for a long, long time. The torches never seemed to dim, but it was clear that well over an hour went by without even a second of respite for either of them. Sweat covered their bodies and matted their hair. Michelle's laughter went silent. Felicia was babbling incoherently.

And then Felicia let it slip.

“I SURRENDER! I SURRENDER!” she screamed.

The tickling stopped. As Felicia caught her breath, she suddenly remembered the consequences of this moment of relief. “NO!”

Michelle looked up at Kenneth as he ran a disgusting hand through her beautiful but sweaty dark brown hair. Her eyes were glazed over from exhaustion and lack of oxygen. “Poor girl. It looks like your friend wasn't much of a friend after all.”

Michelle's eyes slowly went wide from realization as she remembered what was about to happen.

Kenneth turned to Felicia. “Little angel. Your friend went to great trouble to find you. The least you could have done for her was endure an hour or two's tickling and a hell of a ride afterwards. Well, I guess 'Hell' is quite the appropriate word now.” The grasped his penis and turned towards Michelle. “Your innocence, your body, and your soul is mine now. Little girl, you're about to experience pain that only the Devil can provide.”

With that, he placed the head of his cock up against her vaginal lips, ready to begin the process of robbing Michelle of her virginity.

“NO, PLEASE, DON'T RAPE HER! MICHELLE, I'M SORRY! PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!!” cried Felicia desperately, her focus darting between everyone in the room as she didn't know who to address. She tried to break free of her restraints, but couldn't do anything but watch the demon as it prepared to savagely enter her friend.

“Don't worry, Flea,” Michelle assured her, using the shorthand nickname that she always called her. A wave of emotion washed over Felicia, one that matched Michelle's quivering voice. It felt like so long since she was called by that name. “I'll get through this.”

Kenneth and Michelle both bared their teeth. Kenneth with an evil sneer, and Michelle gritted her teeth to steel herself for what was about to happen. And with a mighty roar--


--Kenneth did, in fact, not rape Michelle. OK, so we're going this route then. The happy ending.

Police officers swarmed into the room with guns drawn. The lead officer had a taser trained on Kenneth.


If Felicia had a hand free, she would have pinched herself to see if this was a dream. Of course, she did NOT have a hand free so she did NOT do that.

But she did get to watch a great show. Kenneth roared in anger, grabbing Helga's knife that was dropped on the remains of Michelle's tattered clothing and lunging at the officer. A loud zapping noise echoed through the room as Kenneth was tazed, the giant demonic figure dropping to the ground unconscious. All those modifications to make him look like Satan, and he was just as human as everyone else in the end.

Helga dropped to the ground and two officers cuffed her.

As the officers released Felicia and Michelle from their restraints, one officer turned to the one holding the taser and asked, “Did you just kill Satan?”

Within hours, the entire club had been cleared out. Robert, Claudia, and the rest of the senior staff were led out in handcuffs. The customers and non-senior/BDSM staff were questioned and statements were taken. Felicia and Michelle also gave statements and their parents were called. The girls were given blankets to cover themselves and sat in an empty employee lounge for the bartenders and other such employees.

Felicia wasn't ready to tell Michelle about everything that happened to her, but Michelle already knew everything. And so she explained to Felicia......

Remember way back in, like, Part 6 when Robert and Claudia got some seemingly random idea that I never went anywhere with? No you don't, but I never forgot. I'll even copy/paste the line for you:

“ “You sure you don’t want to tickle her more tonight? All 6 of us?” asked Helga as she and her son prepared to leave. “We could really give that skinny little bitch Hell. You could even bring that clown back, or maybe some of the other patrons from the club and we could all have a ball.”

“No thanks, Sis, not tonight. Me and Robert had a long day at the club, and we’re really tired right now, Ester and Bobby have homework that they should have been doing, and plus I’d like to see my kids go to bed on time for once. But*Felicia*will be here next time you come back, I’m sure,” answered Claudia, embracing her older sister. “See you at the club tomorrow. Take care, Cletus. Bye.” She closed the door behind her sister and nephew, walking back into the living room and setting herself down next to her husband on the couch as he flipped through the TV. Then suddenly, like a slap in the face with a pair of brass knuckles, she got the idea of a lifetime. She told Robert about it later that night in bed, and he loved it. But they would need time, time to figure out who they could trust and to prepare the places they needed to work, as well as to give*Felicia*time to adjust to her new life so that the shock would be unspeakable when they changed everything for the worse. They thought the plans they originally had for the girl were cruel, but this brought things to new levels. “

OK, it was in Part 5. My bad. Regardless though, I did have a plan with that to end the series and I never really forgot about it.

Felicia had been gone for about six months. A couple weeks after first mentally and emotionally processing the disappearance of her best friend, Michelle got a bad vibe from Bobby. He had the biggest crush on Felicia, but didn't seem to be broken up about her disappearance. Esther seemed to be happy, but in a more sly way than anything else. So Michelle got a feeling that something was very wrong.

She started doing Internet searches in regards to Felicia, as well as the bondage club that Esther and Bobby's parents owned. She found old records that showed that the place was positively ginormous, way bigger than a bondage club should need. How could they afford that? She started wondering if they were doing illegal things to add an extra stream of income and if Felicia's disappearance had anything to do with it. Searching some seedy message forums, she became aware of underground videos that the company had just started publishing involving girls that may not have been willing participants, including a particularly good series starring this young blonde girl. Downloading the Tor browser and diving into the Deep Web, Michelle discovered that the club had just started mass producing a franchise of various fetish videos starring teens as young as TWELVE, all of whom quietly disappeared.

And the first series that the company released, a long runner that was still going strong and was the most popular video line to date, was a tickle fetish series simply titled “Felicia the Cheerleader”.

But of course, her online activities had been noticed. For Esther, the lonely and mopey goth girl, had also been a member of certain online sites and forums. And when she found someone searching for a missing friend that just so happened to resemble Felicia, she put two and two together. She alerted her parents to Michelle's activities, and soon Michelle was being tickled naked by the Devil.

Fortunately, Michelle had gotten to know the detective handling Felicia's case. She passed on all evidence she had found to him. It was just a coincidence that the date of her (Michelle's) kidnapping was the same date as the police raid of the facility.

Other girls were in the facility, and they were also freed. None of them thought they had “company” in each other. The club was shut down. Robert, Claudia, and all the masterminds of the kidnapping and torture were put in jail for a long length of time that might have been best classified as “forever”. The millions of dollars made by the club would be distributed to the various victims, as well as used to reinforce law enforcement capabilities, since it was kind of an embarrassment that a teenager took down this illegal sex video ring when the police couldn't.

Bobby got beaten up a lot in the detention center he was in. Actually, so did really everyone who wasn't Helga. That's because Helga got to spend all her time in solitary. Kenneth was put into a maximum security mental asylum (think Arkham Asylum from Batman comics) where underwent treatment for his, um, Devil-ness. A lot of electroshock therapy there. The concubines were sent to a normal mental institute. The mini-Kenneths went back to whatever factory disposable bad guy minions come from. The evil Russian dominatrix from Part 8 (I think) got shipped back to Russia and is in Siberian prison. Cletus (Helga's nephew) was another mental asylum patient. There was a clown in one of the early chapters. Prison and multiple ass kickings. Really, all the bad guys got bad fates.

Felicia went on to have an exciting career as a sports physical therapist, meeting lots of college and professional athletes along the way. Michelle became a journalist, uncovering government scandals and bringing down corrupt officials. The two would be roommates in college and afterwards for a long time and would be best friends forever.

Michelle would later send Felicia some of the files that she downloaded. While Felicia could never bear to actually watch them, she ultimately held onto the “Felicia the Cheerleader” series forever.

End of Part 13 and of series

A/N Well, that's all, folks! The series FINALLY comes to a close. And I must say, it does feel nice to have a definitive ending to “Felicia the Cheerleader”, even if it's a hastily slapped together ending that someone had to pay me to write.

Looking back, I got a LOT of positive comments all throughout the entire series. Though some fatigue eventually set in on the part of the readers too (later installments would get 4-6 comments instead of 15-20). I hope I can replicate that here. And while I'm sure this slapdash effort did not satisfy everyone's desires, I can at least hope that all of you who were longtime fans of this series can finally get a small piece of closure from seeing the series finally wrapped up 11+ years after the previous chapter was published.

Amazing how much changed since Part 12, right? No smartphones, Facebook still relatively small, no hashtags and social media wasn't the huge thing it was, no tablets, the Iraq War was still waging, George W. Bush was still president, Nostalgia Critic hadn't gone into production yet, we thought that we would only have 6 Star Wars films and Star Trek films would never star actors outside the TV series, and Halo 3 hadn't been released. I wonder what things will look like 11 years from now when someone commissions a Part 14.

Anyway, a sincere thank you to all who followed the series all the way through and an apology to everyone left hanging. Life gets in the way of things and interests wane and change over time, and writing tickle porn quickly became pretty low on my list of priorities. But again, thank you to EVERYONE for their support.
Nice resurrection, I always liked this series. The coffin was my favorite, I can’t remember what episode that was
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Hey man, I just want to start out by saying that the only reason I created a TMF account was so I could comment on this.

I stumbled across this story at the end of May 2015 (it was somewhere else though), towards the end of my junior year of high school. In September of that year, I discovered that there were more parts to it and I ultimately read all of them. I had been obsessed with this story for pretty much my entire senior year of high school, until May 2016. I had my own version of how this story would end (it was very non-canon, however, and looking back on it now, kind of silly too).

Fast forward 2 years later, I am just about to complete my sophomore year of college, and when I discovered this post, I nearly shit my pants. I had always wanted to see Felicia go home, and once I read this part, I was glad to have finally gotten my wish. I read this part in May 2018, but I feel like you deserve to know that there was a fan, who just turned 21 a few days ago, that had always hoped for the day this story would be completed.

I've read a few other tickling stories on the Internet during my teen years, but none were as deep as this one. Yeah the story did get a bit repetitive in the later parts, but there were a lot of characters in the story, which is something that a lot of tickling stories (that I have read) lack. I did enjoy seeing Felicia's experience, but there was a bigger part of me that just wanted her to come home.

Anyway, thanks for providing this great series!
Thanks for the compliment. Glad to see you enjoyed it. I had a great time writing it way back when during my school days. I think the previous part was created before I even turned 21, if I remember right.

I think you probably saw this on BDSM Library. It's the only other place I ever submitted the story (just Part 1-4, if I recall). That is, unless it's been posted elsewhere without my permission, which is fine with me.

I think everybody had their own idea on how the series would end. I don't think anyone thought it ever would end. *I* didn't think it would end, as I had no intention on ever coming back to it. Funny how things work.

Again, thank you for the compliment. To everybody who commented. I'm happy to have been able to give back to this community.

And Happy Belated Birthday!
Unfortunately I can't recall the website I originally read the first part on (it appears to have been taken down, though), but I believe I saw the next few parts on BDSM Library. I discovered the rest on TMF.

Thanks for the birthday wishes!
I loved this series! I'm a little disappointed we didn't get to see Felicia reunited with her family, but it's amazing all the same
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