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Final Fantasy (barefoot) Yuffie/ Tifa/ Aeries

Should I draw more FF7 pictures or move on to the rest of the series?

  • Keep drawing the characters from FF7, its the most popular afterall!

    Votes: 67 53.6%
  • Keep with FF7, but include some of the male cast!

    Votes: 8 6.4%
  • Draw from one of the other FF games!

    Votes: 46 36.8%
  • Don't draw FF pictures anymore!

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • Don't draw at all!

    Votes: 1 0.8%

  • Total voters


3rd Level White Feather
Nov 20, 2002
Well, I was bored today and was just started sketching and I ended up drawing one more picture for the ongoing Final Fantasy parody.

Up till now its been Tifa tickles Aeries for getting too close to Cloud. Yuffie was watching and wondering.

Then it was Aeries tickling Tifa back, letting her know she won't back down. Yuffie was watching and planning.

And now, Yuffie has struck. :cool:

Anyways, this was drawn rather quickly, so if theres a lack of quality you're not used to seeing in my pictures, thats why. There were a few smudges I couldn't get rid of and Tifa's right eye, though closed is too high up now that I look at it more, but other than that I'm satisfied with it, given the time frame I drew it in. I hope the mistakes don't distract you. :)

I threw in a little toe sucking/teasing as well just to add a dash of naughty cuteness. I like Aeries's reaction to it. I imagine that might be what her expression would be if this actually happened to her. And Tifa, well, shes a toughy, so she needed to be tied in two places. :)

Enjoy. Feedback appriciated. I've also created a poll you can participate in as well. :)

Very nice. I like the direction your style is taking. Anyway, as far as what you should do next, I say let Yuffie get it and then move on to another FF.
Thanks alot. What do you mean by "direction"? Just curious.

Also, its now no longer a secret how this particular parody will end. The final picture will of course be of Yuffie getting it not only for tickling them both, but interfering with their business in the first place.

I created the poll to get a consensus for what I should do after this parody is over. I'd imagine alot of people favor Final Fantasy 7 still, if simply because of these three characters. But then there are new characters like Rikku to consider as well. I'm sure whatever lies ahead it will be fun. :)
holy cow, u are incredibly good. i'd like to see those 3 chicks from FF12 i think it is having their soles feathered.

a question for all u FF fans out there: i've never played FF before, is it really that good and which game should i play first?
Thanks alot for the compliments. :)

I haven't played any of the games indepth myself. I once rented FF7, but didn't get too far. No point in trying to get anything done since RPGs take up alot of your time, and the fact that I had to return it.

I sure like the character designs though. Very detailed, and that makes it more fun for me to draw. ^__^
Very good picture. I like, I like.

Personally, I think you might wish to move on to other series, unless you wish to do some of the side Final Fantasy 7 females like Elena or Scarlet.

"a question for all u FF fans out there: i've never played FF before, is it really that good and which game should i play first?"

I'd suggest playing one. It's just a famous RPG series that has very good characterization and story. Personally it doesn't matter where you start, I'd just suggest FF7 or FF8 for more modern, dark moody ones, FF9 for the older stuff, and FFX for a mix of the two.
You're quite good.... Draw whatever you like, but the FF X and X-2 girls need some tickling too. You should do one of Rikku tickling Yuna and Lulu.
@ Squall- Thank you for the feedback. :)

@ FF7Tickler- Thank you too for the feedback. :)

@ MrMacphisto- Thank you also, for the feedback. :)

As the poll stands, there are 7 votes for moving on to another Final Fantasy, there are 3 votes for continuing with FF7, and there are 2 votes for including males in the pictures.

Now, since I have no way of knowing who voted for what except if posted, the 2 votes for male pictures confuses me. I could take it as meaning those 2 people want me to draw males period, or they want me to draw them as ticklers or ticklees.

In order to clarify this (which I should have made more clear to begin with) would those two people that voted for the male option please post and give your reasonings or elaborate on it please?

If you are too shy or embarassed, or don't want the others to know who you are and what you voted for you can PM me. I wouldn't want to shortchange these two people, which most likely represent a whole lot of people. If I'm to assume these votes were by two of our female patrons (or possibly gay patrons), then I wouldn't want to be accused of being gender bias with my art, and including men may turn out to be a welcome change for me. It might also just be that its sometimes more appealing or general to have a male there to whatever end he serves. But if those two represent more people, I need more votes for that option. 2 votes are hardly enough to persuade me.

Anyways, thanks for taking the time to vote people, those that have thus far. :)
your welcome Celtic maybe u do all the girls in all the FF series
Over time, perhaps. It really depends on if I take a shine to the characters. Most of the characters are well designed, so that shouldn't pose a problem.
I do enjoy your art very much and first of all I'd like to thank you for contributing consistently with such quality drawings.

Now on to the poll.

I would very much like to see more Final Fantasy females in similar situations. One thing I particularly like is the way you affix stories and scenarios to your art and I would love to see some more scenario work with the FF series. Though I also wish to see more Yuffie and Aeris as they are two of my favorite characters from the Final Fantasy series, and you happen to draw them very well.

As a footnote, if you ever need any help with the scenario work or character descriptions for any of the women or men form the Final Fantasy series, PM me and I'll help you out anyway you need.
Thank you very much quesecotil. Although this one was less than up to par for me. While I'm generally pleased with it, I created it in a moment of boredom and laziness. While I did try, I didn't try nearly as hard as I could have. And it is perhaps that reason why I don't feel as highly about this one as I could have. Then again, it could have just been one of those days. Every artist has them, and sometimes it shows in their work. The same is true for authors, poets, and the like I'm sure.

Thank you also for appriciating the thoughts and time I put into making a scenario thats believable and has something to do with the series it pertains to. I definitely try every time with parodies to not only make them realistic, but to allow them to better express different aspects of the characters in them. I think it does wonders sometimes for a picture, albeit subtly. I do however appriciate the simple random wackyness of a picture, even if it doesn't make sense or isn't very realistic to the series or the characters.

As for your footnote, I will definitely take it into consideration. Anything more I can know about the characters I draw that I don't already know will only better help in bringing them more to life in my artwork.

I'll most definitely call on you in the future when I get into drawing the Final Fantasy characters I have yet to draw. For it is these characters I know little about. I can only associate them by their appearance and the mannerisms which they've adopted or created. Being that I haven't played any of the games (with the exception of 7, albeit brief). I'm left to assume what they POSSIBLY might act like. Rikku for example strikes me as a mischievious character who uses her wits, cunning, and foxy good looks to her advantage. This being the case, I already know a great deal about what she would act like. Though theres no way for me to know if shes really like that on the inside, as a person. Alot of characters, especially in anime, have a side of them they don't often show.

And while these moments may not seem important, they are to me, especially as an artist. I'd like to believe that a character can be better portrayed and made real when you are true to their personality.

Thanks for posting. :)
Good picture. The expressions are good, plus the time it takes to draw three characters proves your ability to have come out with this in a short time. My only real critique on this is... where is Yuffies body? It seems that she should be on the bed (or whatever it is the other two are laying on) but I only see her head, arms, and a little of her chest. Is she sitting and you cant see her legs do to the other ladies? Are her legs and lowerbody hanging off the bed (doesn't look like it, but maybe)? Just curious.
As a personal oppinion, I would say do Rikku and Yuna in their FFX-2 costumes, but no other FF chars. This however, is do primarily to the fact I prefer seeing pictures of girls I am familiar with, and I have only played FFX, FFX-2, and FFVII.
Merely curious, are you continuing on the Darkstalkers pics? maybe I'm wrong, but I thought you were doing a series of them.
Also, not trying to make a request, but the other night when I was looking through my pics and saw your Kitsune pic, I couldn't help but see Lum from Urusei Yatsura in that pic (my imagination at work, they look nothing like each other). Simply an idea, maybe you could someday do one of her if you like her character.
Their feet are blocking the way. As I said though, this was done quickly and with not as much interest as usual. So its pretty much a cop-out that I wanted to avoid spending more time on the picture than I felt like. Anything that would have made the picture easier to draw I did. While the picture is good, it didn't have the flair I'm used to attributing to my pictures.

The Darkstalkers pictures are just one more of those things that are on the backburners for now. I've simply got TOO MUCH on my plate right now, its overwhelming at times, and if I'm stressing for whatever reason, thinking about it doesn't help.

As far as your request, it consider it added to the list. I was considering doing commissions, if you would rather do that then its a whole other ball game and will be dealt with differently.

Thank you for the comments and post.
For some reason, I don't go with the crowds. Final Fantasy 7 was good n all, but my favorite is Final Fantasy X. The characters, the story, the music...it's all great, in my opinion! ...And the ending still makes me cry everytime I see it. Heck, fate seems to have made my playlist pick the end theme now... *Sniffs.*

Uh, anyway... ... ...I say draw whatever you're comfortable with. ^^x Maybe some from things other than Final Fantasy now and then...
I wouldn't know about any of that, but variety in my FF pictures would be key. I'd imagine that after a while drawing the same characters just wouldn't cut it. I also don't have a particular sense of loyalty or favorites when it comes to these characters, or any FF characters for that matter. I simply don't know enough about the series to warrant getting too attached to it. Its no Evangelion, and its no Lodoss War, and it sure as heck isn't Love Hina. Only a truely loyal fan of FF could truely appriciate the characters, much the way I do for my fav anime series.

The problem for me in relating to it is this series isn't an anime series, its video game series. I realize there is a FF series, but to my understanding its not based around any of these characters or ones from games past.

I'll still try and draw FF pictures though, if people really want them that bad. It was pretty fun, and its a welcome change. I just didn't 'feel like it' with this one.
Great pic Celtic. I have to admit, I've only played FF7 then lost track of all the storylines and characters after that so I don't know one name from the other.

What are some of your fav anime series?
great pic celtic emperor!!!!!

I liked ff7 but some of the storyline was left out because of money restraints. The true verson is the version that the Japanese got to play. The American version left out the storyline that you can take where you can revive Aeris!

My favorite ff is ff10. Super storyline and voice acting. A first in the series. But i still would like ff to get away from the random battles. Its getting boring, bashing the x button. Ffx2 is ok, but its abit too girlish. The random battles are just shorter, but the monsters come at you every three seconds. i like the fact that you can switch job classes.
@ Tomato_Dragon- Thanks. Although it isn't that great. This is probably one of my worst pictures. Its a little embarassing that this thread keeps getting revived. :D

To answer your question-

Neon Genesis Evangelion (T.V series & movies Death and Rebirth, & End of Evangelion,

Record of Lodoss War (OVA & T.V series),

Cowboy Bebop (T.V series and Cowboy Bebop The Movie),

The Irresponsible Captain Tylor (T.V & OVA series),

Love Hina (T.V series, Christmas Movie, Spring Movie, & Love Hina Again),

Golden Boy (T.V series),

3X3 Eyes (T.V series),

Plastic Little (Movie)

These the animes I own on dvd in collector's box sets in most cases. The ones I own are my favorites thus far.

The other animes I have seen but do not own include Oh My Goddess! (I'm considering buying this), Venus Wars, Wicked City, They Were 11, Battle Angel Alita, Doomed Metropolis, Heroic Legend of Arislan (I'm considering buying this one too, it was pretty good and is a classic), Darkstalkers, Street Fighter, and several other movies or short series I can't remember right now.

My collection may be small, but its good quality anime that I own. I'd rather have quality than quantity. I apply the same ideal to my artwork. If you have noticed I don't have as much artwork available as other artists who draw quick sketches or the like do. While generally I have less artwork I try to make each picture count, and individually they are better than say a few simple sketches from me.

This picture is not one of those quality ones. :p

@ AphxA- Thanks. I don't mind that its too girly, FF10 that is. From what I've seen it more than makes up for that in several ways. But yes, RPGs still have that 'random' battle factor. This can become predictable and is already redundant. Perhaps this is a reason why there is a slight decrease in RPG gamers. People want fast action and immediate results rather than having to build up on them. Thats why race car games, wrestling games, above all (because of the times possibly) military games.

The fact is RPGs require a great deal of one's personal time, and unless you have nothing to do in your life theres hardly time to devote to an RPG. Most people I'd imagine play in spurts, progressing little by little. I don't imagine there would be enough time to sit down and devote several hours at a time to progressing in an RPG. This has somewhat of a negative impact on the genre. People want immediate results, not the same battles over and over again until you gain one level, and have to fight that much more to gain the next.

I'm not bashing RPGs, I actually value their plots, graphics, music and various whatnots. A great deal of effort and detail is put into them. However RPGs are not practical video game choices. They sure are good time passers, provided you have that time to pass.






Ahem....anyways. Sorry, but this thread is over TWO YEARS OLD feiyanliu, and so is that picture! (it's a sure mockery of what I'm capable of now! LOL) The thread hasn't even been posted in since April 4th, 2004!

Sorry guy, but you're two years too late! Please pay attention next time to the last posted date before you consider bumping something. :)
The best Final Fantasy's were FF4 and FF6...unfortunately they weren't on on PSX or PS2 so not enough people have played them to give them the credit they deserve.
Hiei said:
The best Final Fantasy's were FF4 and FF6...unfortunately they weren't on on PSX or PS2 so not enough people have played them to give them the credit they deserve.

Also, the people that would have enjoyed them these days were either not born yet or the games and their systems were out of circulation and were discontinued by the time they even learned of the past installments in the series.

Anyone born in the early 90's will have missed out on alot of the vintage games, or they simply will have been too young to appriciate them.
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