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“Game of Thrones: The Five Queens” Part 1 (no tickling)


TMF Regular
Oct 24, 2018
“Game of Thrones: The Five Queens” Part 1 (no tickling)

*Note to my readers: This story is loosely based off of the show series. This is fan fiction so I’ve altered the timeline and taken it in a direction which accommodates a story such as this. There are some parts that contain spoilers for anyone who hasn’t watched the show or isn’t up to date on episodes so fair warning. Enjoy!

Dawn had broken over the vast battlefield. This was the chosen ground for which five major houses of Westeros would settle for good and all the dispute about who truly deserves to sit atop the Iron Throne. The lush, thriving plain was located within the boundaries of The Reach but had been selected for its utterly vast and level terrain. Each of the major houses had agreed to the battleground since it was centrally located and appeared to offer minimal advantages to any one army as far as the layout of the land. No giant mountains or treacherous valleys that could greatly influence tactics and tilt the outcome of the battle. The surrounding countryside around the plain had some large rolling hills to the north and east and a large river that ran along the southern rim. It was as good a spot as any that could be found in Westeros which would accommodate five full armies. Conditions were as fair as could be should it come to a brutal clash of forces.

The war for the Iron Throne had been raging for years. Several members from each of the five major houses had perished as a result of assassinations, betrayals, and open combat. As it turned out, each major house was now being led by a powerful matriarch, the first time in the history of the Seven Kingdoms.

According to whatever sense of order still remained in these times of chaos, Cersei Lannister was the rightful ruler since she currently controlled King’s Landing and sat on the Iron Throne. But her status as the Queen of Westeros was largely refuted by the majority of the kingdom. Rumors of her children being illegitimate were now widely known and her claim to the Iron Throne was thought to be weak. She had come to power simply because the Lannisters happened to control King’s Landing when the rightful king had died. Now Cersei had marched the whole might of her large Lannister force west to meet the four other “queens” who sought to overthrow her.

Margaery Tyrell had taken over as the head of her family. Ambitious and power-hungry, the Queen of Flowers sought to claim the Iron Throne now while it was vulnerable and would take on any forces that stood to jeopardize that. She vowed to be THE Queen of Westeros someday but always thought she would be sitting at some powerful king’s side in order to achieve that. But now, with no high-born males leading the major houses, why not Margaery herself? Why be a queen to the King of Westeros when she could be the ultimate power? It was, after all, what she desired most.

Sansa Stark now led The North and had called all her northern banners to assemble her army. Sansa brought her forces down south into The Reach, determined to take action and ensure the protection of her people for generations to come. Sansa meant to take the Iron Throne not out of greed or lust for power, but to guarantee no other enemies sat on it. She was not as naive as she had once been, believing in others to be good and do the right thing always. Sansa knew that even if one of these other “queens” offered her favorable terms, nothing would keep them from breaking terms and threatening The North in the future years. Hundreds of banners bearing the Stark direwolf sigil flapped in the breeze as her army readied itself for the coming clash.

There was also a large camp sporting banners featuring a red sun being pierced by a spear. Dorne was no longer playing an inactive role in the turmoil plaguing the Seven Kingdoms. Ellaria Sand had assumed the role of leader and rallied her fighting men into a frenzy. She was driven by a white-hot hatred for her enemies, especially the Lannisters. Now Ellaria marched her Dornish spearman north into The Reach to take on the might of the other four queens. She was determined to take the Iron Throne and take revenge on all of her enemies. But the route to the Iron Throne meant cutting through loads of enemy soldiers, something Ellaria was prepared to do.

Daenerys Targaryen had spent years outside of Westeros piecing together an army capable of taking back her rightful claim to the Iron Throne. But even with her powerful force, taking on four armies left the odds stacked against her. Daenerys had been told all her life that she was the one true ruler of Westeros and now she intended to fulfill that destiny. She had grown quite accustomed to queenship while overseas and rather enjoyed the power and privileges it brought with it if truth be told. And now that she was finally back in Westeros, she had no intention of giving that up. The Iron Throne was hers by right and now the time had come to take it by force.

These five self-proclaimed queens of Westeros had each laid a claim to the Iron Throne. Their armies were spaced out facing toward each other, almost like the points of a star. The tension on the battlefield was palpable. There was no question that the greatest civil war the Seven Kingdoms had ever seen was about to take place. But before their armies could clash, the five queens were summoned into the middle of the battlefield for one last face-to-face meeting to see if any terms could be reached.

The five queens rode toward the middle of the field, each bearing banners with their sigil and holding themselves in the most regal manner possible. This would be a showdown; any possible indication of weakness could be detrimental.

Cersei made a point to look bored as she looked around the battlefield, conveying that this would be just another Lannister victory in the history books. She was dressed in all black. An impressive but small crown sat atop her short, golden Lannister hair. Surrounding her were members of her royal Queensguard, dressed in their white armor and white cloaks. They held banners that proudly displayed the golden Lion of House Lannister.

Maergary rode in with a confident smirk upon her face. Her teal outfit revealed her impressive cleavage and brought out the color in her big, bright eyes. Her cape flowed behind her with a large golden rose embroidered on it. She proudly wore an elegant golden crown which had golden rose designs covering it in true Highgarden fashion. Behind her in a double line formation came a dozen pristine knights in dazzling armor. Roses had been engraved on their breastplates and painted on their shields.

Sansa strode in an on impressive stead wearing mostly greys and blacks. A grey wolf pelt lined her shoulders and collar, contrasting with her radiant red hair that was braided tightly in the back. She had a thin, modest crown atop her hair. It was grey metal with very little design. Sansa kept a neutral expression as she joined the meeting. Following her were the large, brutish rulers of the other large houses in The North. Each one carried a large broadsword and was clad in furs. Arya and Brienne of Tarth were among her escorts, standing at the ready in case the meeting turned disastrous.

Ellaria trotted over to the other commanders on a black stallion. She was dressed in a burnt yellow outfit with tan and golden lace interwoven into the fabric. The exotic beauty from the south had crowned herself with a bronze crown. The fiery hatred in her eyes shone bright as she stared through the other women, especially Cersei. She rode toward the meeting ground with several Dornish spearmen and Tyene, one of the Sand Snakes.

Daenerys rode forth toward the center of the battlefield wearing a light blue outfit. Her silvery-white hair was braided and pinned up intricately and was topped with a grand, silver crown. Daenerys halted and looked around at the other women as if she already ruled them. Flanking either side of her were Ser Jorah and Missandei. A dozen Dothraki warriors were gathered on their mounts behind her.

The five queens began offering their own terms and conditions for surrender to each of the other women. Nobody seemed to be taking it seriously except when it was their turn to offer terms. The ladies would look elsewhere, smirk in disrespect, or chuckle in an amused manner as they shook their heads in disagreement.

After all were finished, it was clear that the meeting hadn’t gotten them anywhere. Sansa spoke up and said matter of factly, “Well it appears we do not have terms.”

Cersei: “It appears so. It looks as though we shall have our little war.”

Ellaria: “We shall. And I’ll look for you after my men have taken the field, Cersei. I have a special place in a Dornish dungeon waiting for you when this is all over. For all of you as a matter of fact.”

Daenerys: “That’s enough threats, Queen of Sand. Or I’ll not be so forgiving when my armies win the day.”

Margaery: “You’re a foreign invader and nothing more. I was married to King Tommen and am the rightful ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. If you four will not give me what is mine, then Highgarden will take it by force.”

Cersei: “You’ll take nothing by force, my sweet little flower. And if these threats continue, I’ll have you all brought in before me in the Throne Room when this is over and force you to apologize...right before I have all your tongues cut out.”

Sansa: “Oh I plan to cut off much more than your tongue, Cersei. I owe my father that much. And the rest of you will turn and leave this battlefield after swearing loyalty to me or feel the cold fury of The North.”

Ellaria: “Bold words, little wolf. But I don’t believe your north men have ever tasted poison-tipped spears in their guts before. We’ll make short work of you and then I’ll see to it that you suffer some of the unique torments the Dornish have to offer their enemies. Your beautiful face and that lovely red hair will be all that sticks up from my sand pit when I take you south and bury you under the hot sun.”

Margaery: “And as for you, Cersei, I think I’ll strip you down and do much worse to you than march you through the streets.”

Daenerys: “You all forget who is truly the rightful ruler of Westeros. When my Dothraki have swept the field, you all will be bound, gagged, and forced to kneel at my feet.”

Cersei: “Enough bold talk, ladies. There is much killing to be done today. Let us go back to our camps and begin this battle. The sooner it is over, the sooner I can go back to ruling you bitches,” she said in a snarky tone.

The women turned their horses and returned to their respective camps. Each queen was secretly boiling with rage at the audacity of the other challengers. They gave the orders to their generals to prepare for the greatest battle Westeros had ever seen. Thousands upon thousands of soldiers formed up into ranks as trumpets blared and drums boomed to life. The ground vibrated with the stomps of foot soldiers marching into position.

The five armies faced off against each other from across the battlefield. The land grew eerily still as soldiers came to a halt and waited for orders to be given. Only the whining of horses and the flapping of flags in the breeze could be heard in the calm before the armies were unleashed.

It was impossible to tell which side gave the first command to charge. It was if a dam had burst. Thousands of soldiers and cavalry charged forward. The twang and whistling of arrows sang out and did not stop until the armies finally reached each other. The thunderous crash sounded terrible as shield and armor and blade and bone crashed together in the middle.

Winterfell and Lannister cavalry clashed together; lances snapped and banged off of armor and horses. Riders were spilled from their saddles and some of those that tumbled to the ground were trampled in the ensuing chaos.

Highgarden cavalry charged out against the Dothraki riders as they screamed into battle. The knights lowered their lances and drove them into the relatively unarmored Dothraki. The wall of lances smashed into the front two ranks of Dothraki riders and had a brutal effect. Riders were knocked back off their mounts, dead before they hit the ground. The knights of Highgarden drove deep into the Dothraki horde before finally coming to a halt and going to their swords.

Dornish riders drove their spears into any foot soldier they rode past. Some Dothraki were able to run and jump onto the Dornish horses, quickly slitting the riders’ throats or wrestling the Dornish riders to the ground.

Winterfell soldiers cut and stabbed and bashed their way through a formation of Highgarden troops. One immense brute of a man wielded a battle axe and broke the wooden shield and arm of the Highgarden soldier in front of him with one swing.

Dothraki warriors overwhelmed the Lannister shield wall opposing them and began slicing through the ranks with ferocious efficiency. Screams rang out as the Dothraki’s curved blades found their marks in close quarters.

Dornish spearmen charged against Winterfell foot soldiers. Many of the spears found their marks but many were also knocked away or broken off by broadswords as the two sides clashed horribly. One Dornish warrior hurled his spear at a mounted Winterfell knight. It went clean through a weak point in the knight’s armor where it joined his breast plate and shoulder piece. The bloody shaft stuck out the back of the knight as he slumped off his horse and fell limp to the ground.

The five armies entangled and surged against each other in a bloody and horrifying swirl of metal and screams. Men were falling everywhere and those that weren’t fatally wounded were being crushed to death anyway by waves of soldiers or horses anyway.

As the day began to come to a close, all sides withdrew their forces. Hundreds of wounded soldiers cried out from the battlefield. There were immense casualties on all sides as each army took note of their losses. But there would be little rest for each queen’s forces. Tomorrow they would send their men forward again. And again and again if necessary until there was a clear ruler of the Seven Kingdoms.

Dawn broke and drums pounded, springing troops to life from their camps. Weary soldiers formed up into lines. Many were wounded and limping. Once again commands were given to charge forward. Men bellowed war cries as they rushed toward the center of the battlefield.

Another thunderous wave of soldiers crashing into each other. Hundreds of Unsullied spearmen held a line and planted their spears at the ready as Highgarden knights rode forth to break their ranks. The rush of cavalry broke and twisted and fell helplessly to the ground as they met the unwavering spear tips of the Unsullied. The knights that fell were swiftly slaughtered by the Unsullied’s blades as they screamed for mercy.

Lannister forces pushed forward and broke the ranks of Winterfell soldiers only to find their flank being attacked by Dornish forces. Soon the chaos of war spread throughout the field and all five armies were once again entangled in a brutal, merciless slaughter.

Lannister knights engaged Highgarden soldiers. Northmen cut down Dothraki. Dornish forces collided with Lannister infantry. Men from all sides fell everywhere. The field was madness. But somehow the sun managed to move across the sky once again and the second day came to an end with no clear winner.

The armies returned to their camps to rest and tend to their wounded. After two days of fighting, the armies were severely weakened. Hardly anyone remained uninjured. Losses on all sides were well into the thousands. But none of the queens was willing to back down.

Dawn broke on the third day and again the queens summoned their soldiers. The men formed up and prepared to once again charge into battle for their respective queen’s claim to the Iron Throne.

The five armies were lined up against each other for the third time. Soldiers were barely standing they were so exhausted. There were far fewer soldiers present than two days ago. Messengers made their way to each side and another meeting among the queens was called. The five women rode forth to the middle of the battlefield with their bodyguards.

Cersei Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, Daenerys Targaryen, Sansa Stark, and Ellaria Sand all stared coldly at each other, each visibly upset that the battle had not come to a favorable conclusion by now.

Cersei: “I’m sure you’ve all suffered enough losses to understand your efforts here are futile. The Lannister army is the largest force that The Crown has ever had. I’m feeling rather...merciful this morning. I’ll accept oaths of loyalty and assurances never to raise a hand against The Crown again. But that offer will be lost forever once I leave this meeting.”

Sansa: “You may indeed have the largest army, Cersei, but you forget that a northern soldier counts for three Lannister men. The heart of the north is fierce and we’ll not be scared off this battlefield as if we were children. You all may command your forces to disarm and then seek terms with me. I promise you all that The North will be fair to you but not if you do not accept my offer this morning.”

Daenerys: “You forget yourself, Sansa. I am Daenerys Targaryen, Mother Dragons, the Unburnt, Breaker of Chains. If you do not get off your horse and kneel before me here on this battlefield, I promise you a very unpleasant existence from this day until your last day.”

Ellaria: “You’re still boasting that you’re the Mother of Dragons when all of your dragons have now been killed? Perhaps you should consider a new title for yourself? Daenerys the Captive or Mother of Flogging? Something more suiting for after this battle.”

Margaery: “Enough of these silly threats, ladies. My knights are clearly the most valiant soldiers on this battlefield. Highgarden will prevail today. This is your last offer of conditional surrender to THE Queen of Westeros.”

The five queens began arguing and shouting more threats at each other and then were silenced abruptly as trumpet blasts were heard to the east. The five women all turned and looked in the direction of the trumpets. Their bodyguards all drew their weapons in reaction and stood at the ready.

On the horizon, thousands of cavalry armored infantry appeared. The riders carried lances, angled up at the sky as they trotted. The foot soldiers were all clad in shining armor. They carried spears and swords and shields. Alongside them were thousands of mercenary soldiers. They were fierce looking savages dressed in furs and black and red war paint. Their banners bore the newly-designed sigil of Littlefinger, a white feather on a blue background.

At the center through the ranks, rode Littlefinger. By his side was Lady Lysa Arryn and Melisandre, the fire goddess. Melisandre was wrapped in a blood-red cloak and looked out over the battlefield with a confident smirk. Melisandre has been banished from The North and certainly from The Reach but had found herself welcome in Littlefinger’s employ. Lysa gave a crazy smile and laugh as she exclaimed, “This is it, Petyr! Today you will finally be Ruler of Westeros!” Littlefinger just surveyed the scene before him with an icy, calculating stare. He had chosen his time to attack perfectly. All of the armies of Westeros were gathered before him and completely devastated from fighting each other. Littlefinger’s newly acquired army halted and waited for him to give the command to charge and take the field.

Cersei, Margaery, Ellaria, Sansa, and Daenerys all looked around at each other frantically and began shouting in a panic.

Sansa finally yelled so loud that she was able to get a moment’s attention. “Ladies, we MUST unite and face this new army together! It’s our only chance!” The queens looked around at each other suspiciously but knew there was no other choice.

Cersei cursed and gave the order for every last Lannister soldier to concentrate their efforts on Littlefinger’s army. “I don’t care if most of my men die. Do NOT let that fucking SNAKE take me prisoner!! I’ll deal with the rest of you after I have Littlefinger’s head on a spike!”

A wave of fear rushed over Margaery’s face. She no longer seemed confident in her victory. She frantically shouted, “We must come together to defeat this common enemy! If he defeats our armies and takes us prisoner, there’s no telling what he’ll do to us!”

Ellaria shouted in frustration. Her eyes conveyed both a fiery hatred toward this new foe and an uncertain fear of what might happen if she was captured. Ellaria didn’t say another word to the other queens. She quickly turned her steed and rode off toward her camp in retreat with Tyene riding right behind her. Ellaria knew that the chances of her escaping the field before Littlefinger’s forces surrounded her army were small but she had to try.

Daenerys shouted at Ellaria for her cowardice and then turned her attention back toward Littlefinger’s army. The forces of The Vale and the mercenary soldiers charged forth with a deafening battle cry. Daenerys’ eyes went wide with the realization that her ambitions to become the Ruler of Westeros might finally have come to an end. The Liberator of Slaves might soon find herself a slave momentarily.

Sansa turned toward Arya and had one last heart to heart with her. “Arya, you have to flee! Get away from the battlefield while you can!” Arya argued with her and vowed that she wouldn’t abandon her right before her army was defeated. Arya held her sword high and rode off away from Sansa, heading toward the common enemy with the rest of the queens’ forces.

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Pretty cool concept. I'm excited to see where it goes. I'm actually writing something similar, though I'm following the show a bit more faithfully. You write quite well, and I'm excited to see the next part.
Pretty cool concept. I'm excited to see where it goes. I'm actually writing something similar, though I'm following the show a bit more faithfully. You write quite well, and I'm excited to see the next part.

Thank you, oneortheother. I’m a fan of your work as well.
Well you can try a little harder and stop posting comments like I owe you a story by a deadline. Last I checked, I do this for free when and how I want so get over yourself.

Damn, he just sounds excited to read the next installment and is eagerly anticipating it. I’m sure a lot of us are Primal RR Martin.
That wasn’t disrespectful at all. I enjoyed the piece and didn’t mention anything about you owing anything or a deadline. Not sure why you are so angry about someone who is eager for your work.
Southernwellnes, I apologize for my harshness. I read your first comment as being disgruntled about not having part 2 available to you yet. Like in an entitled and annoyed sense. Without any other context to your statement, I think you could see how it could come off that way? But clearly that was not the intent behind your comment so no worries. I appreciate you being a fan. Not sure if you’ve written anything but some members message me and are flat out rude about demands for a story. So sorry again. That’s where my mind went initially.
Thanks primal
I really enjoyed how you started this and I hope it continues. I also really enjoyed your Brooklyn 99 story as well as that is one of my favorites. Any chance that continues?
I love the way you wrote the characters, they’re so distinct and spot on to the show! You have really unique writing, and if the Brooklyn Brooklyn 99 stories were any indication, this second part is going to be really good. Very excited for the next part!
I consider "The Road Rage Incident" the best story I personally have read in the last year. So I'm sure I will love the plot in store for the Five Queens!
I’m still working on part 2 for this. I just haven’t had much time lately to make much progress. But it is still coming. As far as Brooklyn 99, it seems like a lot of people enjoyed that one so I may have to come up with something else for it as well. I appreciate everyone’s comments and patience.
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