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Hester Stone (Home Alone 2): O Tickling Night (M/F)


3rd Level Red Feather
Aug 31, 2004
Hester Stone (Home Alone 2): O Tickling Night
by MrObscura101

The Plaza Hotel, New York, the late 90s…

Hester Stone sighed in relief as her shift ended at long last, walking away from the front desk where she worked she made her way towards the main office, looking to get home and finally start her Christmas break as she walked past a crowd of very loud revelers from an office Christmas party taking place, much to her annoyance

Due to the various parties being held throughout the numerous rooms at the hotel Hester and the other staff had been instructed to walk through a corridor past some of the guest rooms to reach their office and the locker room
“I can’t wait to get home…” she sighed, it had been a busy Christmas period and she was looking forward to a weeks’ vacation of solitude
“Oh… excuse me?” a voice then called from behind her

Hester turned and saw a man in his 20s leaning out of his room
“Yes?” she asked, maintaining an air of professionalism but really wanting to just get away
“Uh sorry to ask… but the TVs on the fritz could you please have a look?”
“I’m sorry but I’m in a hurry, please call the front desk” she replied
“I tried but there’s no answer I think they’re dealing with all the parties, please Ms.…Stone?” he then asked as he read her name badge

Hester suppressed a sigh and walked to the room, cursing herself for not removing her name badge, all she needed was this fool to complain to management to get her in trouble
“Ok where’s the tv?” she asked and he pointed to it, finding him to be in the room alone, she went over to it, not noticing him slowly closing the door
“Ok, well see its clearly unplugged…” she sighed at the stupidity of some guests… then a thick rag was clamped over her mouth
“GGHFMFM???” she gasped in shock
“Thanks for telling me” he whispered

Hester immediately fought to cry for help, but the man used his other arm to wrap around both her arms and pin them down to her sides
“Just breathe…” he said calmly as he held her tightly, Hester still struggling about
“MMHHFFHFH!!!!” she wailed as her eyes began to grow heavy… quickly she passed out before going limp in his arms. The man then carefully moved her to the bed and lowered her down before unzipping his suitcase..

Hester slowly awoke and tried to work out what was wrong but found she couldn’t see… she quickly realized to her horror that she was lying on a bed blindfolded and bound in a hogtie! Feeling around she could tell she was still in her hotel uniform of a black jacket, white blouse and black skirt with black nylons and high heels… but now with soft cotton ropes were secured around her wrists and ankles
“What on earth…” she gasped as she tried to move
“Glad to see you’re awake!” the man then called over

Hester looked in his direction and scowled at him under through the blindfold
“You have ten seconds to untie me before I scream for the police!” she growled
“Doubtful,” he said calmly, “Hear that? We’re right by one of the Christmas parties, no-ones gonna hear a thing.” Hester then noticed the pounding music from only a few feet away as well as the lateness of the hour which meant that he was right
“What the hell do you want?”

She tried not to react as she felt him sit down beside her
“Oh Ms. Stone… you probably don’t remember me, but I stayed her a few years back…”
“DON’T TOUCH ME!!!!” she the screamed as she felt his hand slowly touch her leg
“You were so prim and proper…” he continued, ignoring her “But man… these legs…” he said in delight as he continued moving his hands against the sheer high denier nylon “And then I saw that kid being chased by the staff and how he managed to escape by sliding right in between them… how lucky he was!”

Hester was now fidgeting and trying to knock his hands away
“GET AWAY FROM ME YOUR FREAK!!!!” she snapped but he kept on going, moving up her calves to her ankles
“That’s why I knew I had to come back again and see you… it took a few years to save up enough for a private room, under a fake name of course, so we could finally have some laughs”
“Oh, we’ll see…”

His hands had now grabbed her ankles, before his right hand began trailing against the cuff of her left heel
“I have to confess…” he said calmly, “As sexy as these legs of yours are… I’ve always wanted to know…” he then in one swift movement grabbed the heels of both shoes and pulled them off “What these feet of yours look like!”

“HEY PUT THOSE BACK!!!!” Hester shouted indignantly as her now exposed feet kicked about but he simply stared at them, size 7’s encased in black nylons with reinforced heels and toes
“Merry Christmas Joe!” he said aloud as Hester got worried, however the next moment she burst out laughing
“YOU ARE GOING TO BE IN SO MUCH TRHAHHAHAHAHHAAABBBLLLEE!!!!!” She began to threaten before his fingers descended upon her arches

“HHAHAHAHAA NOOHHOOO!!!! DOOHHNNTT YOOUUHUU DAHAHHARRREE!!!!!” Hester screamed as her body immediately kicked but the short length of rope between her wrists and ankles barely allowed for any movement
“Oh, I dare… in fact you could say this is a taster for what I have planned!” he chuckled as his finger skittered randomly against her arches

Joe grinned as Hester tried to keep from laughing but failing miserably
“Aw poor Ms. Stone, does it tickle?”
“I’m so glad, this would have been terribly disappointing if I went through all this only for you to not be ticklish!” he joked

Hester was now trying angrily to wriggle away but he placed his left arm around her calves to hold her still before there was a strange noise, then she howled as something touched her left foot
“HHHAAAA WWWHHHAAATTT???!!!!” she cried in shock
“An electric toothbrush, consider it a Christmas gift!” he replied as he moved it against her arch
“Too bad”

Hester’s feet were now flailing about trying to evade the brush head as it randomly jumped between her left and right foot, Joe randomly switching up his targets from her arches, heels and insteps with each touch causing her to jolt around and laugh hysterically while finding that her sheer nylons only made the tickling sensations even worse
“Having fun?” he asked when he paused briefly
“Hhehhahahaa… nnohohoo…” Hester growled back angrily before tensing as the brush started up again
“Aw, well let’s see what we can do about that!” he chuckled

Hester braced herself but nothing she could do was able to prepare her for the brush then being pressed against the big toe of her left foot
“HHHAAHHHAAA GGEEEEEHHTTT IIHHHTT AWAAAHHYY!!!!!” she pleaded while struggling to blindly kick it away without success as Joe began moving to each successive toe, placing it against each one for a few seconds which caused them to keep opening and closing wildly
“HHHEEEEELLLLLPPP!!!!!!!” Hester screamed but the loud music continued to drown her out cries

As the brush head continued onto the toes of her other foot Hester tried even more desperately to break free of the ropes and Joe’s grip but simply couldn’t, then her entire body thrashed as without warning the brush head was worked directly in between her big and second toes
“HHHAAAHHHAAA NOOHHOOO NOOHHHTT TTHHEEEEERREEE GGEEHHTT AWAAHAHYYY!!!!” she pleaded, trying to clamp her toes shut but he kept on going

For a moment she thought it was finally over as the brush was pulled away and he released her ankles
“Hahhahaa thhaannkk gahahdd…” she gasped, only to feel seconds later two electric toothbrushes targeting both her feet at once
“Like it? Two for one sale” he explained.
“HAHHAHAHAHAAA YOOHOHOOOUU FREAHAHAHAHAKKK!!!!!!!” Hester wailed as the two brushes moved randomly against her, sometimes each moving against one foot and at other times both targeted one foot together!

Hester kicked and screamed for mercy as the two brushes continued tormenting her ticklish feet, the rotating bristles kept on exploring her worst spots before he began alternating with his fingers and the brushes as she kept trying to blindly get away but anytime she got a few inches he would simply grab her legs and pull her back towards him
“Careful don’t want you falling off the bed!” he said, as though he wasn’t torturing her!

Eventually Joe noted something
“Uh oh… look at that hole…” he grinned at a tear that had occurred on her left upper arch
“NHHOHOOOO!! STTTHHAAAPP!!!!!” Hester screamed as he worked his index fingers into it to rip the hole a bit bigger, then placed one of the toothbrushes through the gap so that the bristles made contact with her bare skin
“HHAAHHAHAHA OOOHHH LOOOHHRRDDD GEEHHTT IIITTTHH AAWAAHAHYY!!!!” Hester pleaded, her foot thrashing about wildly, necessitating Joe to hold it still with his other hand

Eventually the constant jostling only served to make the hole bigger until Joe simply ripped the nylon fully open and exposing her bare foot. As Hester tried to process this, he quickly tickled her now bared skin making her buck around for a few minutes
“Hhahahaaa yyoohhrreee iihnn soohh mahacvhh trroouubleee… Hester gasped as she lay there, her blindfold now half coming off her face due to her constant thrashing about before Joe began again

Joe delighted in testing out Hester’s reactions between bare and nyloned feet, ticking one area on her nyloned foot, then tickling the same spot the bare one and noted her reactions as Hester shrieked, squealed and threatened him in equal measure
“Such exquisite reactions, which one do you think is more ticklish?” he asked
“Stop? But we have much more to do!” Joe chuckled

Hester gasped for air as the tickling stopped, however she saw Joe walking around to face her while grinning deviously as he held up the chloroform rag again
“Let’s get ready for the next part”
“NO! DON’T YOU DARE! HHEEEEEMMMHHHFF!!!!!!” Hester screamed as the rag was forced over her face and she passed out again as Joe began undoing the ropes

Hester blinked and let out a dejected moan, she was now lying flat on the bed, ropes securing her wrists and ankles to the bed frame and forcing her into a Y position, only now her jacket and skirt were gone, leaving her with only her blouse, waist high nylons with her one exposed bare foot and panties
“Comfortable?” he asked
“YOU…” she seethed “YOU ARE GOING TO ROT IN JAIL FOR THIS!!!!” Joe however simply traced his finger down her bare sole making it flinch
“We’ll see” he said calmly as Hester started giggling already
“Oohhh nooo… noohoott aggaaiihhn!!!!” she cried

Despite her pleas Joe sat down on a chair opposite her feet and unleashed his fingers upon both soles at once as her legs kicked wildly but the ropes prevented much movement
“HAHHAHAHAA GEHEHHTT AAWAAHHYY!!!! STTAHAHAHAPPP!!!!” she wailed but the damned music was still too loud for her to be heard!
“Maybe if you say please?”
“PHHELELEAASSEEE!!!!” Hester cried
“Hmmm… nah!”

“DAHHAAMMNNHH IIHHTT STTAHAHAHPP!!!!!” Hester growled more angrily now
“So much tension… you really need this tickle therapy to lighten up”
“NNOHOOHOO IHHH DOOHHNNTT!!!!” Hester snapped back but Joe then held up two hairbrushes
“N…n… DON’T YOU DAHAHHAHRRREEE!!!!”! Hester screamed as the brushes started mercilessly dragging up and down her soles

Joe however had no inclination to stop as he began switching back and forth between her feet, changing his targets at random as Hester kicked about trying to escape
“Man, you sure are wiggling a lot!” he noted after a while, “And look at your other nylon!” he added with a joking tut. Hester panicked as he ripped away her remaining nylon then used some string to bind her big toes together

“LISTEN TO ME! I SWEAR YOU WILL DO TIME FOR THHIIISISISISSS….” she began to shout, then let out a gasp as he started applying babyoil to her feet. Being caught completely off guard by this she actually let out a moan as his hands worked over her soles, however her enjoyment was short lived when the brushes soon returned

“HAHHAHAHHAHAAA OOOHHH MAAHHYY GAHHAHAAHDD!!!!!!” Hester screamed and bucked as the stiff bristles attacked, the oil tripling or even quadrupling the sensations as Hester went into ticklish overload
“HHAHAHAHHAHAAA MEERCCHHHYY!!!! PHHLELEAASEE IIIHH CAHAHHNNTTT BREATATHHEEE!!!!” she wailed but he kept going, soon switching the hairbrushes for the electric toothbrushes once more, their rotating bristles set to top speed and sending her to hysteria as they worked in between her oiled toes until finally it was all too much

“HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAA….” Hester cried before passing out, Joe grinned as he kept tickling for a few minutes more as he feet involuntary twitched before he got ready for the finale

Hester groaned when smelling salts were placed under her nose, she was still bed bound but was now gagged with a muzzle gag while she realized that her nylons had been removed and switched for a brand-new pair of ultra-sheer waist high nylons
“Hi there!” Joe said as he walked out the bathroom fully dressed and holding a suitcase
“UUHHNNFFGEEEE MMHHFF!!!!!” Hester screamed
“I’m glad you had fun, but I have a plane to catch! So, I have to leave sadly”

Hester pulled furiously at the ropes
“I know I had fun to but next time I’m in New York I’ll come back ok?”
“GHGMFMMFFHHH!!!!!!!!!!” Hester screamed and shook her head furiously
“Oh but don’t worry, I won’t leave you here all alone…”

Hester watched worriedly as he took four items from his pocket and dropped them on the bed… four bullet vibrators
“These will take over for me”
MNHHFFNNBM!!!! Hester screamed and frantically shook her head as he held up one and switched it on before placing it into her nylons, moving is down her left leg until it was pressed against the sole of her foot
“GGHFMFMFHH!!!!” she pleaded as it started tickling away while he moved another one into her nylons, leaving it against the back of her left knee with the nylon keeping it in place

Hester kicked and screamed as he then did the same with the other two vibrators, sliding them down her right leg until her other arch and back of her knee also had the vibrators moving against her
“FFHHKK FHHMM HHFFFF!!!!!!!” she wailed, her legs kicking and trying to dislodge the vibrators
“Well I have to head off, Merry Christmas Hester! And thanks for all the laughs!”
“NNHFF!!!! NNHHF!!! DOOHHNNNFF FFOOO!!!!!” Hester wailed as he picked up his case
“Oh I almost forgot!”

Hester’s hopes that he would just let her go sank as instead he took a sheet of paper and wrote something on it before placing it between her legs, she saw it had a message


“I have to go now, but don’t worry the maid will be here to reset the room in a few hours! Bye!!!!”
“BBHHFFFFRRRDD!!!!!!!!” Hester screamed at him but then he was then gone, as she struggled about in the dark room she tried to work out how she could escape before someone found her in this compromising position as the vibrators continued incessantly tickling away… or worse… someone found her and decided to tickle her even more!

The end!
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