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How much is TOO MUCH? - Risks during tickling sessions


TMF Expert
Jun 4, 2009
**I posted this on Fetlife as well, but since more there are more tickle buddies here, I am re-posting it. If you'd like to address to me after reading this, you can send me a message either here or FL, or just leave a comment :). **

Hello there!

I would like to share a (very) recent experience I had (yesterday)...

I met this guy for our second tickle session. The first session went pretty awesome and we got along quite well so we decided to see each other again. He is a very shy and nice guy, one year younger than me and he had never experienced tickling with someone who also loves it, so he was very enthusiast about it. We met at a hotel around 4:10 pm.

Anyway, the tickling started and, I must say, for a guy who has never had a session, he is quite skilled; maybe because he keeps his fingernails very, very long, or I really don’t know... there’s something about his touch that gets me to react in very different ways! He doesn’t dig or scratch, the pressure and speed is just perfect to get me from silly giggles to belly laughs... and since I loved it SO much, I forgot a very basic rule: set your limits.

I told him about my limits the first time we sessioned: no nudity (yet), no sexual stuff (yet), and to stop when I said the safeword. All that worked wonders our first time, but I decided to let my masochist role come out to play and I completely forgot to establish rules during our second tickle date.

To be completely honest, I didn’t want limits. I wanted to be pushed far from my limits for once, since I’ve been craving to feel that way since I first started playing. I kinda thought: "His touch is perfect to drive me to insanity if I stand it a bit longer". Huge mistake.

He doesn’t know much about bondage so we didn’t use rope, we just used my pair of velcro handcuffs. I didn’t have those on the whole time, since it seems he was not really that interested in getting me all tied up and restrained, he is perfectly fine with holding me down and tickling me and well, that’s pretty much enough since I become completely helpless once he gets me laughing!

Tickle play started around 4:45, 5 PM, loose or handcuffed, for about 25-30 non-stop. It was crazy. I had such a rush and I really didn’t want it to stop. He didn’t seem to want to stop it either. Even though we are friendly with each other, we don’t really talk much between “breaks”, so these were pretty short. He constantly teased me and tickled me softly during breaks. I totally loved it and I never, ever asked for more time out.

By 8 PM I was fucking exhausted. I had a bathroom break for about 4 minutes or so and we went back right at it. This time, since we wanted to wrap it up before 9 PM, he asked if it was OK to finish by 8:30. I was OK with it and to be honest, I didn’t think there was much laughter left in me (Gosh, I get a bit anxious just writing about it), but he kept looking for spots until he found one on my bare shoulders and back, and he built it up from there.

I was wearing panties and I was topless, he turned me on my back and stretched my arms above my head. Then, he placed himself on the top of the bed, kneeling down to tickle my underarms. I don’t know where was all this laughter coming from, but I just couldn’t stop laughing! Which encouraged him to continue. He tickled my underarms and breasts until I was almost in tears and then he went down to the sides. I was out of my mind, wheezy-laughing and then he attacked my sides, my belly and my navel that is crazy, CRAZY ticklish.

I lost it. I laughed even harder and he went pretty sadistic all of the suden. He was like: “We have 10 more minutes more, just 10 more minutes”. I was feeling dizzy, and my laughter -even though it was laughter- didn’t feel like laughter anymore. He stood up and leaned over to blow raspberries on my belly. I felt how I was feeling weaker and weaker and I started to doze off... he kept for about 3 more minutes before, with all the strength left that I had, I rolled on the side and pushed his hands away, with handcuffs and all. He finished and asked if I liked it. Of course I did, I said, but I was feeling funny and decided to stay laying on my side for a moment.

When I sat down (quickly), I felt like I had something in my throat that was cutting off my breathing. I started to get really anxious and even though I could breath through my nose, I felt a strange mass in my throat and started to panic.

I jumped off the bed and opened the door of the room, but there was not enough air for me to feel comfortable. I felt shaky, uneasy, very weak, and extremely anxious. I was able to breath through my nose and take deep breaths, but I was too afraid to talk. My tickle date realized something was wrong and tired to calm me down, but I wouldn’t. He rubbed my back and took deep breaths with me but I wasn’t feeling better at all, I suddenly felt how the blood was running rather slowly through my veins, but my heartbeat was high.

I felt like, if I closed my eyes, I’d fucking pass out and never wake up. I thought I had thrombosis, a heart attack or something cardiovascular happening to me and I couldn’t do anything to help it. I thought I was going to leave that motel in an ambulance and none will ever know what happened to me, I was thinking of possible ways to explain what happened to me to the doctor, in case I needed to go to the emergency room. I grabbed my phone and called a friend, he wasn’t able to help me, so I called another friend, who first thought I was kidding, but agreed to come to my rescue.

Once I was able to stand up, I tried baby steps, but I was feeling too weak. I asked my tickle date to help me with the stairs and I also asked him to call himself an Uber, my treat, because I needed him out of there before my friend arrived so I didn’t have to give a lot of explanations. I have such bad luck that my friend arrived before my date’s Uber and there was this awkward silence where my friend was trying not to laugh his ass off, since I looked fine to him. Messy and exhausted perhaps, but not dying, get what I’m saying?

My date’s Uber arrived and he literally got out of my car and ran to his Uber so fast that my friend and I couldn’t do anything else but laugh at the fact that he was fucking running away from us. FROM THE WHOLE SITUATION. Poor guy, I guess I scared him off. Once my friend started talking to me and asking questions, I felt slightly better, but I didn’t want to go back home, so I asked if I could sleep over. I did.

I got better in a couple of hours and slept like a rock. Right now, my limbs feel very heavy and tired, and my throat is a bit sore. I’m not sure if this is the tickling’s aftermath since I’ve never, NEVER, felt this exhausted before.

I’m not sure how bad was what happened to me at the hotel. If you’ve reading this and you’ve played with me before, you know I get a bit carried away with my laughs, but I never nearly pass out, right? It was horrible and I’m not sure this would happen again in another session, but I am giving tickling a rest for now since it was a huge scare for me.

I’m also not sure if it had something to do with my circulation, with the position (that I do not consider that hardcore), with the intensity, or the fact that I was tickled since 4:45 to 8:30 with a total of 10 minutes of break or less (global). I’ve been tickled for very long periods before and this never happened.

I don’t know if it had something to do with he fact that I am a chain-smoker, over weight currently under a 1000 cal diet, or if it was a panic attack or what. Not sure, don’t know, but I REALLY want to know.

Maybe it happened because I set no limits? I really wanted to be broken and damn I was... I liked it when it was happening, but the aftermath was not pretty at all.

Has this ever happened to you? Or something that might seem similar to what happened to me? It would help me a lot to read some of your personal experiences so I don’t feel like a total weirdo for almost dying from tickling.

Thanks for reading me!


It seems to me you simply exceeded your body's capacity for stimulation. You ventured past a boundary that you've seldom ever traversed. The physical factors you mentioned could be reason enough for you to want to reconsider the, "no limits" policy, as someone with your physical handicaps might not be able to endure as much as the next person.

Next time, just be reasonable with yourself. For as much as you enjoy tickling, I don't feel it's something to die for.
Well, you aren't a total weirdo for having an event like that. It sounds like fun and that, otherwise you had fun, so I'm glad for that.

I am not a physician or nurse or anything medical related. My recommendation is always "go to a doctor." It could be serious, or it could be a one time event associated with the extended session. I think it's more likely the latter, but again, not a doctor, I don't know.

As a professional-not-doctor, though, your symptoms seemed to align with a few things. I've experienced panic or anxiety attacks where I've had, hm, similar physical feelings, but those are usually brought on by my self-diagnosed depression. You brought up a rapid heart beat, and that had me thinking about the conditions of a tickle session, especially a long one. People sometimes run out of breath, and I'm wondering if being in such a state -- possibly oxygen deprived -- lead to something? Like low blood oxygen. Man I am flaunting my not-a-doctor today.

In that case I would recommend having your 'lers slow down at times so you can catch your breath, or providing more, fixed breaks. I might recommend contacting porcelaindoll as she has spoken about passing out from tickling and may be able to offer you more insight.
It’s only too much if you’re not okay with being tickled to that point. It’s important to know your limits and also have a ler’ who knows them too. This is especially important if you really want to be “broken”. Maybe next time instead of “no limits” go for “when I’m broken”.

I too enjoy having my limits pushed and although I have never felt like I was going to pass out I have definitely been broken a couple of times. This has included going into silent laughter, my tummy hurting from laughing so much and also peeing myself. I was restrained very tight and my ler is pretty merciless so I expected this to happen (well besides peeing myself the first time lol). Anyway the tickling continued for long after I had wet myself with no breaks to clean up. It’s was horrible but I appreciated it in the end as I love being tickled to submission and I sure was made to submit the times it happened.

Most people here won’t think you are weird but there will always be people who do. You just have to ignore them as you like what you like. I don’t like being made to wet myself but I’m okay with it as I enjoy being helpless during a session and made to feel like I’m not in control. There are people who would find this weird too but who cares right? :)
If I were the 'ler, I would feel horrible all this happened to you! Tickling is supposed to be fun, not a traumatic experience! I sincerely hope you recover from this and go on to enjoy more tickling sessions.
If I were the 'ler, I would feel horrible all this happened to you! Tickling is supposed to be fun, not a traumatic experience! I sincerely hope you recover from this and go on to enjoy more tickling sessions.

Hello! Thank you very much for your concern! I wouldn't consider it "traumatic", it was more of a big scare. I feel way better now, but I am giving it a rest for a couple of months maybe ^^.

Most people here won’t think you are weird but there will always be people who do. You just have to ignore them as you like what you like. I don’t like being made to wet myself but I’m okay with it as I enjoy being helpless during a session and made to feel like I’m not in control. There are people who would find this weird too but who cares right? :)

Preach, sistaaaaaa :yayzorz:
It seems to me you simply exceeded your body's capacity for stimulation. You ventured past a boundary that you've seldom ever traversed. The physical factors you mentioned could be reason enough for you to want to reconsider the, "no limits" policy, as someone with your physical handicaps might not be able to endure as much as the next person.

Next time, just be reasonable with yourself. For as much as you enjoy tickling, I don't feel it's something to die for.

Thank you for your comment! :)
If you've been tickled for extensive periods multiple times, it's probably just your body not being able to handle long sessions as much as it used to you. I think you should take a break from long tickling sessions until you know everything that's causing your after effects.

For me, tickling becomes too much if i feel like i'm having trouble breathing or the tickling begins to feel sore. I always set limits for enduring my most sensitive areas, like the armpits, because if i'm tickled there for too long i'll reach the point where i can't take it.
I want to be sadistic sometimes too, but like you said, you gotta respect people's limits. I'd feel awful if i hurt someone from tickling and i never want to put someone's health over the line.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me! :)
I don’t know if it had something to do with he fact that I am a chain-smoker, over weight currently under a 1000 cal diet, or if it was a panic attack or what. Not sure, don’t know, but I REALLY want to know.

Or how about taking up jogging. Day 1 run round the block. Day 2 enter the Boston Marathon.

You know what happened. You got carried away with the whole thing before you were physically ready for it.
Or how about taking up jogging. Day 1 run round the block. Day 2 enter the Boston Marathon.

You know what happened. You got carried away with the whole thing before you were physically ready for it.

I’m sorry, am I being scolded for not knowing something that had never happened to me before? I’ve been sessioning for years and this is the first time that something negative happened to me. Sorry for not “training” enough to enjoy my kink.
I’m sorry, am I being scolded for not knowing something that had never happened to me before? I’ve been sessioning for years and this is the first time that something negative happened to me. Sorry for not “training” enough to enjoy my kink.

Well it wasn't exactly apparent from your "I'm so confused and worried" essay that you have been sessioning for years. However having gone through it again with a fine tooth comb, I think you did mention it (my bad).

However a session that goes on for nearly four hours certainly puts you and your partner in the super athlete category. So yes if that is the norm for you, of course you don't need to do any training. I would suggest however (for that at least) you might want to exceed a 1000 calories.
I think honestly the feeling of something in your throat was swelling and irritation from laughing so hard and long while also being a smoker. When I smoked a pack of cigs a day, any type of using my voice loudly for a long period of time... Singing a lot, going to concerts and doing a lot of screaming and yelling... That night or the next day, I would have a sore throat, lump/mass type feeling in the throat, and trouble swallowing for a day or two. Smoking is really hard on your throat and vocal chords, so any using your voice a lot and loudly will be an even bigger strain. I think the weakness you felt might have been from hyperventilating or from lack of oxygen. Be careful and just go easy with it.
Sorry to hear that happened to you, but if you need some medical advice, I can be to your service.

Fortunately, I’ve never seen such tickling aftermath, but the way you describe it can be sudden change in your blood pressure, or glucose level, or even hypocapnia – a condition that results from deep or rapid breathing. If you felt it the moment you sat up quickly, it can be something like orthostatic hypotension, and if you are on a strict diet right now, such a long nonstop exertion could quite plausibly lead you to some hypoglycemia, and it can look exactly like your description.

Just in case, some basic medical tests could clear things up: electrocardiography, preferable ECG monitoring, to make sure there is no form of cardiac dysrhythmias; glucose, coagulation, and blood pressure control, chest X-ray, and so on. You shouldn’t explain everything, but it never hurts to see your doctor and say that some breathing problems happened to you in a gym, or that you nearly fainted during regular sex. In any way, if you are O’K now, it doesn’t seem like it was some serious health issue.

But if you describe the feeling of some mass in your throat, it looks a way much more like a panic attack. It is absolutely typical for an anxiety attack to develop a lump in the throat, without any real obstacle for breathing. Laughing to exhaustion could cause some hypoxia or hypoglycemia and triggered this way stress hormones rush.

Your smoking habit can be an issue as well. I have a cousin, she smokes a lot and in her mid-twenties could not already walk upstairs without panting hard – the exercise that didn’t change my breathing at all, although I’m older.

Well, as it turns out it’s so tough to be a ‘lee – one should have really good lungs, so take care.
Sorry to hear that happened to you, but if you need some medical advice, I can be to your service.

Fortunately, I’ve never seen such tickling aftermath, but the way you describe it can be sudden change in your blood pressure, or glucose level, or even hypocapnia – a condition that results from deep or rapid breathing. If you felt it the moment you sat up quickly, it can be something like orthostatic hypotension, and if you are on a strict diet right now, such a long nonstop exertion could quite plausibly lead you to some hypoglycemia, and it can look exactly like your description.

Just in case, some basic medical tests could clear things up: electrocardiography, preferable ECG monitoring, to make sure there is no form of cardiac dysrhythmias; glucose, coagulation, and blood pressure control, chest X-ray, and so on. You shouldn’t explain everything, but it never hurts to see your doctor and say that some breathing problems happened to you in a gym, or that you nearly fainted during regular sex. In any way, if you are O’K now, it doesn’t seem like it was some serious health issue.

But if you describe the feeling of some mass in your throat, it looks a way much more like a panic attack. It is absolutely typical for an anxiety attack to develop a lump in the throat, without any real obstacle for breathing. Laughing to exhaustion could cause some hypoxia or hypoglycemia and triggered this way stress hormones rush.

Your smoking habit can be an issue as well. I have a cousin, she smokes a lot and in her mid-twenties could not already walk upstairs without panting hard – the exercise that didn’t change my breathing at all, although I’m older.

Well, as it turns out it’s so tough to be a ‘lee – one should have really good lungs, so take care.

I am a doctor of physical therapy. I agree with this. Sounds like either hypocapnia or hypoglycemia which helped set up a panic attack from prolonged exertion and feeling pressured in a way
I spent 6 years at what might as well have been a holiday inn express to get that doctor in front of my name
Idk what is worse. The work I put in or the fact that the school felt like a holiday Express inn
I spent 6 years at what might as well have been a holiday inn express to get that doctor in front of my name
Idk what is worse. The work I put in or the fact that the school felt like a holiday Express inn

That's sad. I see where the Drs. do residency and put in lots of hours and think to myself, no way! I couldn't do it. Give you guys credit for going through all that shit.
Literally always follow these rules:
1- Safe, sane, and consensual
2- 1 hour of tickling at a time at most. During breaks get up have water and move around.
3- depending on bondage, stretch. its imperative and works wonders
4- safeword safeword SAFEWORD. It prevents you from falling to a bad situation due to RP

Now many feel I'm just a producer but this is my fetish and I've actively been involved in play since 14. BUT as I got older and produced I was lucky to be shooting almost every day at one point. Well, that got excessive when after over 10 hours of tickling shoots and 2 sessions(and physical therapists/doctors reading this may help me understand exactly why) my wrists and forearms physically gave out. Mid shoot I stopped. I couldn't hold my phone or even move my fingers much. Now I'm an AVID gamer who plays lacrosse and basketball so this scared the shit out of me. After that I never shoot more than 8 hours with mass breaks in between.
on the Lee side, I push fetish models and sometimes I really give people everything I've got. After 2 hours I've had models the next day telling me they slept like they were dead. Which made me realize how much physical activity you are actually doing. I think its awesome you had great play and really pushed yourself. But ultimately I think you should space it out more and give your body a chance to catch up to the sensation it's going through ^_^
Literally always follow these rules:
1- Safe, sane, and consensual
2- 1 hour of tickling at a time at most. During breaks get up have water and move around.
3- depending on bondage, stretch. its imperative and works wonders
4- safeword safeword SAFEWORD. It prevents you from falling to a bad situation due to RP

Now many feel I'm just a producer but this is my fetish and I've actively been involved in play since 14. BUT as I got older and produced I was lucky to be shooting almost every day at one point. Well, that got excessive when after over 10 hours of tickling shoots and 2 sessions(and physical therapists/doctors reading this may help me understand exactly why) my wrists and forearms physically gave out. Mid shoot I stopped. I couldn't hold my phone or even move my fingers much. Now I'm an AVID gamer who plays lacrosse and basketball so this scared the shit out of me. After that I never shoot more than 8 hours with mass breaks in between.
on the Lee side, I push fetish models and sometimes I really give people everything I've got. After 2 hours I've had models the next day telling me they slept like they were dead. Which made me realize how much physical activity you are actually doing. I think its awesome you had great play and really pushed yourself. But ultimately I think you should space it out more and give your body a chance to catch up to the sensation it's going through ^_^

Thank you!
Literally always follow these rules:
1- Safe, sane, and consensual
2- 1 hour of tickling at a time at most. During breaks get up have water and move around.
3- depending on bondage, stretch. its imperative and works wonders
4- safeword safeword SAFEWORD. It prevents you from falling to a bad situation due to RP
. ^_^

This is good advice. Stretching beforehand was one I had not considered, but a few times my arms/shoulders have ached the morning after having a session as a lee... nothing serious, but stretching probably would have helped prevent that.
Sounds to me like dehydration, and over exertion. More water, and longer breaks, and you should be fine. Also, speak up when you get tired.
Too much is when the lee says it's too much. That's why I consider safewords extremely important and don't get why some people believe they can do away without them.
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