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How old is too old???


2nd Level Red Feather
Apr 1, 2002
I’ve been a member on this forum for over a decade. Last October I turned 60 years old. I still enjoy this fetish immensely and I also Still enjoy an active (drug free) sex life. I consider myself in pretty decent shape and I’ve been told I’m not too hard on the eyes by several women.
So...I joined this tickling group on Kik last week and was in the middle of a nice conversation with a couple of members and I was just removed from the group. I thought I may have offended someone so I messaged one of the members I was chatting with and he told me that the group moderator tossed me out because I was too old to be in the group and it was freaking him out that I was in there because I’m 60. 60?!?!
I was kinda hurt by this. Getting older isn’t easy and you really start to think about it more once the Big 6-0 hits. So when someone boots you out of a chat room because you’re OLD it’s a shitty feeling.
And if you’re on this site and reading this post: FUCK YOU 🖕🏻
And just so ya know I could outrun you, outfight you, outeat you, and beat you at anything you’d want to challenge me at. Punk MFer!
I agree with most of your thoughts man! I'm 63 and have been here almost since the beginning. It seems that most of the members here are much younger and seem to forget that they will be our age someday! But, they're missing out on the experience we have. If they were blindfolded and tickled by us, they would probably have the greatest experience they ever had! All without seeing we were "older"! Their loss!
It is all a matter pf perspective. When I was 18, one popular slogan among college students was "Don't trust anybody over 30." The intellectual arrogance of youth knows no bounds.

Don't let it get you down. It's their loss to have kicked you out.

Full disclosure: I am now 68.
I'm 32 and feel like I'm too old. Maybe the amount of failures I've had with this tickling thing makes me feel like my time has passed.
Ageism sucks. And it occurs in every single age group. From 18-100. “Too young”. “Too old”.

Creating boundaries is something that occurs naturally in all of us. We’re all “guilty” of this.

Lately as a barrier, and to be funny, I’ve been using the phrase “Get off my lawn”. Some people SHOULD get the hell off my lawn. But that’s any age group. I will mentally escort anyone off my lawn if they treat me badly. The phrase “an eye for an eye…” … maybe should be altered to… “an eyebrow for an eye.” An eyebrow being higher. Not to say someone is better than. Just classier. Refined. The higher ground.

Someone said to me the other day “Hey CD you’re getting old!”. I said.. “What a Gentlemanly thing to say __. *rolls eyes*.

Seriously? This came from a man MY AGE.

I’m turning 40 this year and it's an age I’ve always looked forward to. What I don’t like is the negative attachment growing older has. It’s an honor and a gift to be given more years... for those of us still here. Not everyone gets that gift…

The fact you were kicked out of this group based on ONE person’s judgement of what HIS age limits are… are just that: ONE PERSON’S JUDGEMENT. I cannot sit here and say he’s wrong for what he wants for his group. It does suck being left out of certain age groups for certain activities. But... If I were single I would make a conscious decision to date people around my age and older. I would want to be dating someone who I have more things in common with. Music, movies, generational life stuff. That doesn’t mean I couldn't fall for someone younger. (I wouldn't be happy about that AT ALL.) But.. love doesn’t work by the rules.

Friendship doesn’t have rules really either. What draws us to friendship is based on a lot of factors. But... when starting out as strangers... there’s a lot more mental distance between us. Or rather, no preliminary emotional investment. I myself don’t write 99% of the people here or ANYWHERE online. It’s not because I don’t want to. It’s because I can’t! Too many people, too little time. In life we can only handle so much. There are limits. There has to be.

He is wrong for how he went about dealing with you. THAT was wrong. But as you yourself know… it takes times for people to learn how to treat people. There are SO MANY lessons to be learned in this life. We can’t learn them all in one day. And for those just entering adulthood. They aren’t perfect. Wisdom is learned as we go along. And we, as we grow closer to leaving this life…. aren’t leaving it as perfect beings either. He’s got a lot to learn… and I don’t envy him. I didn’t even value my own youth. I couldn't wait to be the age I’m about to become. I knew I would have the life lessons I sought after by this age. I don’t have all of them certainly. But I have enough now that my 20’s look ridiculous to me. I could do without some of the pains and such I experience now. But… I like my mind far better now. :) I wonder what I’ll be like by the time I’m 60. I hope it's an even better version of me.

He doesn’t know you. But, you don’t know him either. It’s wrong in turn to say you are X things better than him. That’s your anger talking. Of which I can understand. I’ve had similar anger. But as someone who understands that anger… I think I can point out to you that basically you just went beyond his age judgement to possibly an even worse place. “I’m better than you in X and X and X”. You can’t realistically say that either. The only thing that IS fair to say is… you are more open minded than he is, on the issue of age range with the people you talk with. And that, you wouldn't just ban someone based on age. Without a word to the person as to why beforehand. (Unless they are underage or talking about illegal or sick activities.) See.. there are STILL limits on how open minded we all can be.

Sometimes for me… all it takes is one sentence to be done with someone if I feel they are creepy, or shady, or jerks or whatever. I can’t help that. I am one person navigating a sea of strangers. That I may or may not engage with in real time. I try not to snap to judgement. But it happens. And it happens with everyone. And using age is one of the most common. It’s easy. It’s uncomplicated. It’s straight to the point. That point being… “I don’t know you well enough to kick you out of here for any other reason BUT age.” I myself don't do it. But I did it when I was a teenager. (In thoughts- from a distance. Never in person or to the person) And not for very long thankfully.

So, don’t take offense to it. He has nothing else to go on. I know this hurt you… but think of the alternative: If he knew you better... and threw you out for a reason that means something of value to you- that’s close to your heart. THAT I would think would hurt much more. This is an extremely trite reason. It’s so weird for me to see it still being used. THAT is OLD. So be it. I’m sure there is at least one person in that group that is now judging HIM in how he treated you. The cycle continues… and it probably always will. So just mentally tell him: ”Get off my lawn”. lololol :) ;)

Now... it is up to you, to turn this into a positive. Maybe consider making your own kik group. :) And avoid the very thing you were just judged on. Continue to use your wisdom and be the example you want to see in others. Be the eyebrow. :)
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Think CD has this one locked down lol I can only #second that motion. For what its worth, older age is not an instant barrier for me with women. All depends on who and how they are, more than just age. Sorry some snowflake acted a jerk :s1
All of us older folks, like to think we are 'down with the kids', but the reality is we are not.

It is a bit unfair however to have an open chatroom (and to be honest I have never used them) without saying what the age parameters are. If I was using them, then I would want to be chatting to women of 35 and upwards. The idea that I could be talking to an 18 year old (or maybe even younger) would creep me out.
I know what you mean. I recently turned fifty. For the most part members here are fairly excepting but some think it's creepy to have someone my age here.
People don't realize that they too will become our age. It is always hilarious when a person from a group that is considered weird and would be rejected in society, will reject others in their group. Hilarious, yet another demonstration of the ignorance of the human being in general. They are children and should be looked upon as such.

By the way. I'm turning 75 in mental years.
Sorry that happened to you. For personals, yea, I can see someone not wanting to session with someone much older or much younger than then but just for the general community, there shouldn't be any age-ism. We should be thanking the "old-timers" for starting the community.
No matter how old you are, it always beats the alternative. But, that was a pretty rude thing of that group to do. A lot of valuable insight and experience is lost when excluding people arbitrarily on age. Plus, you're never too old, or young, to make new friends.

If groups or forums are going to have age limits, they should be posted upfront.
I'm 32 and feel like I'm too old. Maybe the amount of failures I've had with this tickling thing makes me feel like my time has passed.

Absolutely not. A little personal introspection and different approaches will eventually lead to something. I’m a little older than you and I can’t complain at all in regards to the fetish and being able to partake. Keep the faith.
If it helps I’m in my mid thirties and have been removed from a group in less than 24 hours without even typing a single word &#55357;&#56834; It probably has more to do with the other person than yourself and there are always other opportunities that may present themselves to share your experiences and teach something.
Wow that’s not cool. Sorry that happened to you. :(

My take on it...if someone wants to organize a group with members based on sex, gender, race, age cohort, religion, sex orientation, political affiliation, nationality, etc...that should be their right. Networks like OurTime (50+), ChristianMingle, and Grindr come to mind. They are transparent with what they’re about. When it comes to Kik, if a group is going to make it their business to have age parameters, they should have been prepared to broach that subject respectfully. Realistically, given that the vast majority of Kik users are young adults, I highly doubt this was anything other than one guy (possibly with a couple others) making a post hoc judgment. And I don’t think it really has anything to do with how much you can lift, how fast you can run, how good looking of a guy you might be. For myself, I’m 29, and there’s no such thing as “too old” in the context of just discussing the common interest of tickling. It never would even occur to me. If we’re talking about a potential long-lasting romantic connection...I prefer she is at least 21 and within 10 years my senior. Every year after that, it’s not like I would say “no way”...but I would just naturally take it into consideration. It’s not because I assume she would be “lesser than” at all. Just a matter of likelihood that we’ll relate to each other generationally, that we’ll be in similar stages of life, etc.
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Standing in solidarity with you b0xr, 57 years young here.
I too feel sometimes I don't fit in with some chat rooms as the members seem younger.
I tend to agree getting older, definately bites :(
Standing in solidarity with you b0xr, 57 years young here.
I too feel sometimes I don't fit in with some chat rooms as the members seem younger.
I tend to agree getting older, definately bites :(

Idk what kind of new chat room we're getting here someday... but... maybe it will have different rooms thats can be created. (Or already created.) That would be nice. Even aside from age -but also F/f M/f , F/m/ M/m roleplay, Feet, Underarms, etc etc etc. That way we're not all stuck together in Main. I hear you T.O.M. The Ageisim I have seen ....has gotten on my last nerves this week. I sit back at some of the various things said and discussions I see and just... *sigh*
I'm 63 and I've always loved tickling and being tickled. It's a real turn on for me. I'd love to either meet like minded individuals for tickling sessions and age, race, gender all need to apply. If anybody is concerned about meeting someone they barely know they can always friend me on Facebook and chat about tickling, have virtual tickling sessions and when both parties feel comfortable with one another I'd love to have real life tickling sessions.
Sadly shit like that just comes with the territory of aging. Sorry that you had to endure that.
Im 43, and got dropkicked to the curb one time. And yes....let me tell you....it felt fabulous...lol blah
It's them young whippersnappers I tell ya!!! It's all their fault!!! :sarcasm: :grandpa:
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Ageism sucks. And it occurs in every single age group. From 18-100. “Too young”. “Too old”.

Creating boundaries is something that occurs naturally in all of us. We’re all “guilty” of this.

Lately as a barrier, and to be funny, I’ve been using the phrase “Get off my lawn”. Some people SHOULD get the hell off my lawn. But that’s any age group. I will mentally escort anyone off my lawn if they treat me badly. The phrase “an eye for an eye…” … maybe should be altered to… “an eyebrow for an eye.” An eyebrow being higher. Not to say someone is better than. Just classier. Refined. The higher ground.

Someone said to me the other day “Hey CD you’re getting old!”. I said.. “What a Gentlemanly thing to say __. *rolls eyes*.

Seriously? This came from a man MY AGE.

I’m turning 40 this year and it's an age I’ve always looked forward to. What I don’t like is the negative attachment growing older has. It’s an honor and a gift to be given more years... for those of us still here. Not everyone gets that gift…

The fact you were kicked out of this group based on ONE person’s judgement of what HIS age limits are… are just that: ONE PERSON’S JUDGEMENT. I cannot sit here and say he’s wrong for what he wants for his group. It does suck being left out of certain age groups for certain activities. But... If I were single I would make a conscious decision to date people around my age and older. I would want to be dating someone who I have more things in common with. Music, movies, generational life stuff. That doesn’t mean I couldn't fall for someone younger. (I wouldn't be happy about that AT ALL.) But.. love doesn’t work by the rules.

Friendship doesn’t have rules really either. What draws us to friendship is based on a lot of factors. But... when starting out as strangers... there’s a lot more mental distance between us. Or rather, no preliminary emotional investment. I myself don’t write 99% of the people here or ANYWHERE online. It’s not because I don’t want to. It’s because I can’t! Too many people, too little time. In life we can only handle so much. There are limits. There has to be.

He is wrong for how he went about dealing with you. THAT was wrong. But as you yourself know… it takes times for people to learn how to treat people. There are SO MANY lessons to be learned in this life. We can’t learn them all in one day. And for those just entering adulthood. They aren’t perfect. Wisdom is learned as we go along. And we, as we grow closer to leaving this life…. aren’t leaving it as perfect beings either. He’s got a lot to learn… and I don’t envy him. I didn’t even value my own youth. I couldn't wait to be the age I’m about to become. I knew I would have the life lessons I sought after by this age. I don’t have all of them certainly. But I have enough now that my 20’s look ridiculous to me. I could do without some of the pains and such I experience now. But… I like my mind far better now. :) I wonder what I’ll be like by the time I’m 60. I hope it's an even better version of me.

He doesn’t know you. But, you don’t know him either. It’s wrong in turn to say you are X things better than him. That’s your anger talking. Of which I can understand. I’ve had similar anger. But as someone who understands that anger… I think I can point out to you that basically you just went beyond his age judgement to possibly an even worse place. “I’m better than you in X and X and X”. You can’t realistically say that either. The only thing that IS fair to say is… you are more open minded than he is, on the issue of age range with the people you talk with. And that, you wouldn't just ban someone based on age. Without a word to the person as to why beforehand. (Unless they are underage or talking about illegal or sick activities.) See.. there are STILL limits on how open minded we all can be.

Sometimes for me… all it takes is one sentence to be done with someone if I feel they are creepy, or shady, or jerks or whatever. I can’t help that. I am one person navigating a sea of strangers. That I may or may not engage with in real time. I try not to snap to judgement. But it happens. And it happens with everyone. And using age is one of the most common. It’s easy. It’s uncomplicated. It’s straight to the point. That point being… “I don’t know you well enough to kick you out of here for any other reason BUT age.” I myself don't do it. But I did it when I was a teenager. (In thoughts- from a distance. Never in person or to the person) And not for very long thankfully.

So, don’t take offense to it. He has nothing else to go on. I know this hurt you… but think of the alternative: If he knew you better... and threw you out for a reason that means something of value to you- that’s close to your heart. THAT I would think would hurt much more. This is an extremely trite reason. It’s so weird for me to see it still being used. THAT is OLD. So be it. I’m sure there is at least one person in that group that is now judging HIM in how he treated you. The cycle continues… and it probably always will. So just mentally tell him: ”Get off my lawn”. lololol :) ;)

Now... it is up to you, to turn this into a positive. Maybe consider making your own kik group. :) And avoid the very thing you were just judged on. Continue to use your wisdom and be the example you want to see in others. Be the eyebrow. :)

What really pissed me off was the fact that I was in the middle of a conversation with a couple of nice people I had just met and was abruptly kicked out. One of those people msged me and told me why I was tossed. It is his option to allow anyone in his chat room but a heads up would have been a better way of handling it. And about me outXing him, I say that to everyone that calls me old. Just something I say. Probably because I’m in good shape and I don’t feel old yet.
I think age is something that is different for everyone. It all depends on how you view it. I remember being younger and saying I would never really invest in anyone older than 50 with my fetishes and such. That perspective has changed a bit since then but it all depends on the person I interact with and how well I know them. Age is nothing but a number but again everything is about the person's perspective on what they see and view and probably experienced as well.
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