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Hysteria Lane #5: The Long Road Home MM/f


4th Level Red Feather
May 5, 2001
Hysteria Lane #5: The Long Road Home


By TickleMantis

It wasn’t like she couldn’t have taken the truck. Heck, she could have even taken one of the tractors for the twelve mile walk into town, but it was such a beautiful day. Besides, as a country girl through and through Holly Werner didn’t mind stretching her long legs. The friendly eighteen year old enjoyed the summer heat and being out in the open offered the chance to say howdy to the other townsfolk on the road, something you couldn’t do from the confines of a pickup truck or over the noise of a tractor.

The busty 5’6ft redhead’s pigtails bounced as she made the return trip home down the long rural road. Her rugged brown boots were fresh with dust from the path behind the Watson’s property, her denim cut-offs fit snuggly around her shapely butt. As she so often did in the summer, Holly had taken the bottom of her pink plaid button up shirt and knotted it loosely between her fleshy cleavage. With the warm sun caressing the freckles that peppered the tops of her breasts, the young woman kept her otherwise exposed midriff protected from the sun with a rather full brown paper grocery bag.

On the way to the store Holly had waved hello to both Jerry Hinkman and Lucille Doltry. After arriving in town she’d stopped to chat with a couple more people, but the outgoing rancher’s daughter loved every minute of it. Even when old Frank ‘Bud’ Budburry had chewed her ear off in aisle 3 for half an hour, she had a genuinely delighted smile on her face. Fortunately, like everyone else in her house, the sociable teen had been up since the crack of dawn. Chores and breakfast had taken up the first couple of hours and when she realized nothing needed doing until the afternoon, it was off to town. By the time she’d taken the shortcut behind the Watson’s and made her way back to the long road home, it was nearly 10am.

As she passed the corner by Mr. Morris’ cornfield, a partially shaded stretch of road about a mile off was a welcome sight. On the right it was all wheat fields and open crops, but on the left the forest peaked out from the foothills and stopped at the roadside, casting a shadowed stretch for nearly a quarter mile. After the shaded area it would be another four miles to home, but the brief reprieve from the sun would be refreshing. Through the heat waves coming off the asphalt, Holly squinted her bright green eyes and could just make out two riders further up the road.

The riders were on the other side of the shaded area and heading towards it, probably looking forward to the break as much as Holly was. It could have been anyone, there wasn’t a ranch around without horses, but the heat, distance and darkness of the trees made it difficult to see. As she drew closer it became clear the riders were men, and as the eighteen year old stepped onto the cooler stretch of road and into the shade she realized with a sudden nervousness exactly who they were.

“Holly Werner?!” Dean Magurty asked excitedly from atop his saddle. “Is that you?!”

Pursing her lips a little, Holly stopped in her tracks as the two men halted their respective mounts. Sitting high, reins in hands and various bits and bobs hanging from their saddles, was the brothers Magurty. Dean and Chester Magurty were several years Holly’s senior, both had already left high school when she was there and they lived even further out of town than she did, way up in the hills. Still, everyone knew the Magurty family by reputation, the young women in town knew about Dean and Chester particularly well. Holly didn’t know all the details exactly, mostly just rumor and speculation, but from what she understood the pair of brothers could be more than a little ‘handsy’.

“Hi Dean.” Holly smiled, her friendly nature overcoming any presumptions. “Hi Chester, how are you?”

Looking up, Chester squinted and moved his lips a little, but it wasn’t quite a smile. Dean was quite handsome, Holly thought, all rumors aside. His jet black hair was kind of messy in a stylish way, he had a strong jaw and short stubble that gave him a rugged appeal. In his jeans and tight white cotton t-shirt the older man looked quite the cowboy. Chester, on the other hand, seemed a little peculiar. Surely, it occurred to the young redhead, there was a certain cuteness about him, but the shaved head coupled with a white singlet and that odd glint in his eye didn’t make for a terribly appealing package.

“Heck, I figured that was you.” Dean said before his brother could speak, tugging on the reins slightly to keep the horse in order. “We was just hangin’ out with your brothers not two days ago. Them boys sure can drink!”

“Oh, well I’ll be sure to tell them I bumped into you.” The buxom girl said with a smile, followed by a slightly concerned glance toward Chester who hadn’t taken his eyes off of her. “…beautiful weather isn’t it?”

“…yes.” The pale skinned Chester replied softly and blinked for what seemed like the first time ever.

“Well I…guess I better carry on…” Holly said a little timidly as she bought her focus slowly back toward Dean. “You boys have a good day, it was nice to see you…”

“Hold up now…” Moving his horse into the young woman’s intended path the dark haired brother spoke with a friendly tone. “Ain’t you noticed ol’ Chester here’s a little sweet on yeh?”

“Oh uh…that’s…that very nice but…” Stammering a little, not quite sure how to respond to the rather blunt remark, the busty redhead took a step back and looked up at Dean. “I really need to get going...have to get the dinner on.”

“Dinner?” Dean replied and looked toward his brother. “It ain’t even lunch time yet. Whyn’t you just give him a little kiss? Would you like that Ches’, even just a peck on the cheek’ll do.”

“Oh um…o-okay…I guess…” Holly said as Chester nodded eagerly and climbed down from his horse.

As his heavy black boots hit the ground it became instantly clear that Chester was a great deal bigger than he appeared on the horse. At over 6ft the wiry fellow made for a slim yet muscular frame. Turning toward the petit redhead, the large man’s stride was such that it only took a couple of short steps before he was looming over her. With what seemed almost like shyness, the lanky fellow hunched forward, presenting his cheek. Daring a quick look toward Dean, who sat smiling broadly, Holly forced a nervous smile and gently pressed her full red lips onto Chester’s stubbly cheek.

“…I’ll um, tell my brothers y-“ The young woman began to speak as she leaned back when the feeling of Chester’s long muscular arm coiling around her waist made her squeak with surprise. “-Eep!”

“I told yeh he was sweet on ya…” The darker haired brother replied from up high as he watched Holly wriggle awkwardly.

“That’s-that’s very nice...but...” The buxom eighteen year old said as she tried to worm herself free, the tall man’s rough hand caressing the bare skin at the small of her back. “I really must get going…”

“Aww, but he likes yeh so much!” Dean grinned as he watched Holly begin to wriggle a little more intently.

“I promise I’m really flattered but I sh-“ Holly struggled until the sudden feeling of Chester’s fingers poking into her tender side made her squeal, almost dropping the groceries. “Eeehee!”

Suddenly, Chester let go. Seizing the opportunity, the young redhead gripped the brown paper bag firmly and took a large step backward. Oddly, Holly noticed with a stomach sinking anxiousness, both brothers exchanged a shared look, their eyebrows raised in knowing fashion. Intent on not letting the slightly creepy skinhead near her a second time, or sticking around to find out what the boy’s shared glances meant, the nubile girl began to quickly pace home. Passing Chester with plenty of room between them Holly shuffled by his horse and weaved around Dean’s. Confident she’d made it to the home stretch the naïve teen turned her head with a smile and polite wave.

“Ya’ll have a good day!” The scantily clad girl said, turning her head back to the road and focusing on home she let loose a loud scream as Dean’s lasso suddenly dropped around her. “Aiiiee!”

Snagging tight around her elbows the thin rope pulled Holly’s arms against her torso. By either incredible skill or dumb redneck luck, the lasso had fallen perfectly between the shocked redhead and her groceries. Unceremoniously, the brown bag toppled forward, it’s contents spilling out across the road as it hit the ground. It had taken the teen a moment to realize exactly what had happened, but when a jarring tug caused her to stumble clumsily backward it became all too clear. Attempting to step forward again proved fruitless, another sharp jerking tug making her step back again.

“Let me go!” Holly stomped her foot defiantly as she turned to see both brothers mounted once again, Dean winding the taut lasso slowly around his forearm. “What are you doing?!”

“Whatchoo think we’re doin’?” The handsome brother grinned and turned his trusty steed toward the roadside.

“Hey! Stop it!” The terrified girl screamed as she was forcibly pulled forward, Dean’s horse slowly plodding down toward the trees. “Dean Magurty you let me go right now!”

Apparently rendered deaf in that moment, the two brothers guided their mounts down the short slope and into the trees. Trailing unwilling several meters behind, Holly screamed and struggled, each step forward taken out of a need to not fall flat on her face. Sliding down the gravely roadside the nervous girl watched as Dean and Chester sauntered casually between the tall tree trunks. Wide eye with dismay the helpless redhead turned back and managed to catch one final glimpse of the open road before descending deeper into the forest.

“-don’t know what you think you’re doing but-“ Holly continued her loud series of objections, a fearful quiver clear in her tone. “If you don’t let me go my brothers are going to beat you senseless! Damn you Magurty’s, untie me right now!”

Drawing deeper into the woods the anticipation of some horrific unknown caused the bound young woman’s pleas to fall silent. Pulled nervously through the shaded undergrowth, Holly watched on as the two brothers rode silently, not once turning to look at her or even seeming to acknowledge one another. Every so often the rope would give a little slack, the eighteen year old would try to spread her arms but without fail or even looking, Dean would always tug the lasso tight once again. In fact, over ten minutes had gone by the time Chester finally glanced over his shoulder with an unnerving grin as the trio broke through the trees into a small clearing.

Surprisingly lush green grass coated the ground, the circular opening in the high canopy only broken by a singular large tree that sat smack in the middle. With white bark the old giant’s wide trunk was tangled in roots and shot upward, the first of it’s gargantuan branches stemming out nearly fifteen feet from the forest floor. Wordlessly, both Dean and Chester halted their horses off to one side and dismounted, Dean evidently a few inches shorter than his brother. Standing her ground, the nervous girl watched as the two brothers whispered to one another, their devious eyes darting back and forth between Holly and the tree.

“Help! Heeeeelp!” Holly yelled and tugged suddenly at the rope in an abrupt dash for freedom.

“If you was gonna try that…” Dean said calmly as he casually wandered underneath the lowest hanging branch of the giant tree, allowing the redhead a few short feet of slack to run. “…you shoulda done it back on the road.”

“Unn!” The desperate teen gasped as the rope snapped tight and she hunched forward, her pigtails springing outward. “Somebody heeeeelp!”

Matter-of-factly, as if he’d had plenty of practice, Dean took the looped end of the lasso from around his forearm and tossed it effortlessly over a low hanging branch. Picking the slack end up off the ground, the handsome older man wandered around the tree’s enormous trunk and began to pull. Terrified, Holly stretched and strained her long legs, fighting to go in the opposite direction. Slowly but surely the handsome cowboy’s superior strength won out, tugging the young redhead until she was directly below the branch. A couple more choice tugs and the buxom girl found herself elevated upward until her boots barely touched the ground.

“Put me down!” Holly demanded restlessly as she squirmed, the rope around her elbows and midriff causing her to bend forward as she dangled. “Put me down this instant!”

“Come on, we didn’t bring you all this way just to let yeh go.” The ruggedly handsome brother said as he secured the rope with a well tied knot around the tree trunk.

“W-what are you going to do to me?!” The trembling girl asked as she clawed uselessly at the rope.

“Well we ain’t gonna hurt ya.” Dean replied confidently as he walked around to stand by his brother. “In fact, you’re probably gonna like it.”

“Unless it’s letting me go, I highly doubt it!” Holly quipped sharply with a wit that surprised even her as she relented the pointless struggling and looked at the two older men, who stood several feet in front of her.

“See the thing is, ol’ Chester here…” The dark haired man said and motioned a thumb toward his starry eyed brother. “…he’s got kind of a…enthusiasm, I guess you could say, for makin’ gals giggle.”

“Aheh heh…” Chester laughed sheepishly and looked at the ground, then immediately back toward the hanging girl.

“Now mostly, I just stick around to make sure he don’t go too crazy on ‘em.” Dean continued, smiling with brotherly love. “But, you know, I do like to join in just so’s I don’t get bored.”

“I…I don’t understand…” The trapped girl’s voice cracked with concern. “What’s he…what are you going to do?”

“Oh, I’m sorry!” Dean apologized and looked Holly dead in the eye. “…We’re gonna tickle yeh!”

Her jaw dropped half open and her bottom lip began to quiver. Disbelief washed over the busty girl but as her wide eyes looked at the two men it was clear they were completely serious. Of all the awful and humiliating things Holly had imagined during their trek through the forest, tickling was so cruel it hadn’t even occurred to the flabbergasted teen. The young woman’s mind raced with a thousand thoughts a second, rational thought gave way to panic and the fruitless struggling began again in earnest. They could have forced her to kiss Chester or thrown her in a lake, made her dance or at worst felt her up a little, but not tickling. Not tied up, not like this, the naïve girl was just too excruciatingly ticklish.

“Y-You can’t!” Holly bellowed with dread as she curled her wrists and tried to pry the rope from around herself. “Please! I-I’ll kiss you again! I’ll kiss both of you!”

“Now, now…I ain’t gonna leave yeh alone with him.” The shorter of the two brothers said as if it was any kind of consolation. “Believe me, if I did that by the time I got back you’d be lucky to remember yer own name.”

“Please! Please, I’ll do whatever you say!” The panicked girl continued, looking at the men with quivering pleading eyes.

“She’s ticklish…” Chester grinned with a nervous laughter and rubbed his large hands together.

“Certainly seems that way!” Dean confirmed and slapped his brother cheerily on the back. “Whyn’t you go find out where?”

“No…no please!” Holly bucked at the ropes and tried to get her feet solid on the ground, her lower arms flapping defensively as Chester advanced toward her. “Please don’t! D-don’t let him!”

“Too late now darlin’.” Dean said and leaned casually against the tree trunk. “He heard yeh laugh before…even if I stopped him, he’d just track yeh down later on.”

“No don’t! Chester! Chester, please!” Ignoring Dean, the frantic girl turned her attention to the more immediate problem and pleaded directly with the taller man. “I’ll kiss you! E-even…even on the lips!”

Unresponsive at best, Chester’s eyes were fixed squarely on Holly’s exposed tummy. With only a short distance left between them the older man’s smile grew as he bought his hands upward, all ten fingers beginning to wiggle slowly. Covering her midriff with her hands and forearms the otherwise defenseless redhead tensed herself for the oncoming attack. Even without a rope around her the eighteen year old would have been fearful. Under normal circumstances, if someone managed to catch her, all it ever took was a few quick strokes or pokes across the busty girl’s sensitive skin to make her knees collapse. In that moment, as the tall farm boy’s fingers slid between the gaps in her forearms, the buxom girl froze in a moment of sheer terror.

“Eee! No!” Holly slapped her hand down as Chester’s index finger made it’s way through her protection and poked softly into her skin. “Eeeheehee! Stop!”

“It’s all over, rover.” The darker haired brother said as he watched the young woman kick fitfully at the air. “He’s got you now…”

“St-stop him! Eeiie!” The squirming girl squealed as the large man’s hands pushed further between her arms, slowly prying open her defenses.

“Tickle…tickle…” Chester teased, the helpless redhead fighting a losing battle as her arms were loosened from around herself.

“Eeehee! No! Ceehee! Come on! Stop!” Holly giggled, frustrated as each new finger caressing her tender skin caused a little more fight to drain out of her. “Heeheenoho! Oh please, stahapit!”

“She’s a ticklish little one!” The excited man said, managing to get all ten fingers on to the young woman’s ticklish flesh.

“She sure is buddy!” Dean replied as he slid his back down the tree trunk, sitting on the ground. “Have at her!”

“Ohnodohon’t! Dohohoeeeheehee!” Holly squealed, slapping at Chester’s hands as all ten of his deranged digits began scribbling over her exposed midriff. “Pleeheehee! Pleasenoho! Aheeheeiiiieee!”

Reeling with high pitched giggles the dangling damsel shook her hips and danced on the tips of her boots. Trying to catch the older man’s eye was hopeless, his gaze firmly secured on Holly’s voluptuous body. As if hypnotized, Chester starred as the young woman’s tummy flexed and creased, her ballooning cleavage jiggling as she bounced. Distracted by the fingers running rampant across her skin, the unwilling victim of the brothers’ fun tried slapping and grabbing at her attacker’s hands, never much causing more than a minor inconvenience. Unable to stop the steady stream of giggling the sensitive girl had an almost impossible job of making her pleas sound as serious as they were.

Each twist sideways or attempted swing backward gave no respite. Chester’s hands followed Holly’s ticklish bare tummy everywhere, running along her belt line and under her ribs. Girlish squealing turned to rapid fire laughter when the tall skinhead’s fingers wormed between her arms and sides, poking quickly. Astonished that he hadn’t stopped after several minutes, the shaking panicked girl flashed a look of desperation to Dean, who only gave a nod and smile in response. Convinced the smitten farmboy would soon drive her mad, Holly cried for help but as the wiry fellow’s fingers began pinching softly up and down her abdomen she found laughter taking the place of where her words should be.

“Heeheeheeeeiiie! He-Helahahaha!” The poor girl shook her head rapidly from side to side as the quick pinches raced around her midriff. “Steeheeheee! Steeeehee!”

“Imma tickle yeh button!” Chester teased excitedly as his fingers flew with a feather light touch across the lowest of Holly’s ribs.

“Ahaheeiiheeii! The flustered redhead squealed, her skills of comprehension far below normal.

“Got a real sweet button!” The older man said as he drew a single finger in quick circles around the outer inches of the helpless girl’s navel.

“Ohnoho!” Holly shook once she realized where Chester intended to go and immediately clamped both hands over her tummy. “Don’t you dare!”

“Hey!” Chester said with what seemed like genuine surprise as he tried to pry the fearful girl’s hands away. “Wanna tickle yer button!”

“Nnnno!” The straining girl refused and grit her teeth, holding her hands firm over her navel.

“Need a little help there, brother?” Dean asked as he climbed lazily up from the base of the tree.

“No! Please!” Holly begged as she fought to keep her hands in place, Chester’s fingers hooking and pulling at her wrists.

“Come on, all he wants to do is give yer ‘button’ a little tickle.” The dark haired man said as he positioned himself behind Holly and reached around her.

“I know! I know what he wants to do!” The struggling girl stressed as Dean took a hold of her forearms and began forcing them backward. “Please don’t let him!”

“Heck girl, if I weren’t here…” Dean replied as he held Holly’s arms down by her hips. “…you’d be lucky to still have all yer clothes on!”

“Button, button!” The taller brother grinned and began wiggling a single index finger when he saw the young woman’s completely vulnerable navel.

“My…my clothes?!” Holly exclaimed with appalled shock, the horrifying thought soon gone as she noticed Chester’s finger closing in. “Nonono! No Chester, please!”

“Ol’ Ches’ loves ticklin’ em naked!” Dean said proudly, his words unheard as his brother’s index finger wiggled deep within the redhead’s navel.

“Eeeeiiiiieee! Yeeeheeheehee!” The buxom girl bucked and screeched as Chester explored her hypersensitive belly button.

With Dean holding her wrists in a vice like grip the bound country girl lost even the illusion of protection. At least before Holly could slap and grab and maybe knock Chester’s fingers away for a second, no matter how brief. No amount of squirming, shaking or bucking seemed to do the least bit of good, any direction the helpless redhead moved was easily followed. The tall man’s index finger stayed firmly planted in her belly button, poking curiously and stroking the delicate sides. Flexing her fingers and kicking her legs, the eighteen year old’s face contorted between a miserable frown and an unwilling tickled grin.

As if the physical torment wasn’t enough, the vulnerable girl’s memory suddenly flashed back to the last time her belly button had been so cruelly toyed with. She had been at home, walking through the upstairs hallway of her family’s large ranch home when Holly’s older sister, a striking fiery haired woman in her own right, grabbed the teenager from behind and drilled a single finger into her navel. Hunching forward the eighteen year old immediately burst forth with surprised laughter, pulling desperately at her sibling’s hand. Weakened as her sister knew she would be, Holly collapsed into a giggling mess on the floor for several long minutes, until their kindly father had broken it up. Afterwards the sensitive girl thought, it was lucky her brothers were not around, as they always went straight for her feet.

“I wanna lick her!” Chester grinned with wide eyed enthusiasm and finally removed his devilish digit from the bound girl’s navel.

“Yeh hear that Holly?” The handsomer of the two brothers asked from behind her as she breathed heavily from the belly button assault. “Brother boy here says he wants to give yeh a lickin’!”

“W-what?!” Holly balked at the very idea of the large farmboy’s tongue coming anywhere near her creamy soft skin. “You can’t! I don’t want him to…to lick me!”

“I aint’ seein’ how you got much choice…” Dean replied as he watched his lanky brother drop to his knees and place his large hands on the ticklish teen’s thighs.

“Nono! Please, Chester, no!” Shaking frantically Holly starred down over her jiggling cleavage with alarm as the large man’s head sat level with her tender tummy. “J-just let me go!”

“Looks tasty!” Chester declared and slid his hands around the backs of the frightened girl’s legs. “Better than ice cream!”

“Seriously darlin’, if I weren’t here…” The shorter of the two brothers said as he struggled to keep their victim’s hands at her sides. “…he’d probably lick every inch yer body.”

“Oh my god! N-no! PLEASE!” Holly screamed as she watched Chester disappear beneath her bulging bosom and felt his hot breath across her lower tummy. “You can’t, you can’t!”

“But what am I gonna do, he’s my brother right?” Dean said as he did his best to keep the dangling girl from moving too much. “Gotta let him have some fun!”

“Num num!” The dopey eyed giant said, extending his long wet tongue and slurping a long wet lick from the helpless girl’s belt line to her belly button.

“Noooo! Eeee! Stop hiiiiiim!” The panicked teen wailed in the half second before the tip of Chester’s snaking tongue burrowed deep into her hyperticklish navel. “NOOH! Aaaahahaa! Aha! Aha! Aaiiiiieeeeheehee!”

Warm and slippery the pink tip twirled and wriggled, Chester’s taste buds rough against Holly’s fragile skin. Hungrily he licked, the uncouth man’s lips brushing softly against her navels outer rim. Tossing her head back with wide mouthed laughter the eighteen year old squealed like a wounded animal, her fiery red pigtails spinning erratically. All her focus forced to the screaming nerve endings, the agonizingly ticklish teen didn’t even notice as the older man’s large hands slid up the back of her thighs and gripped softly around her denim covered butt cheeks.

Squeezing her peach shaped behind softly, Chester pulled his involuntary tickle toy in closer. Planting his lips over Holly’s navel the shorthaired man flickered his tongue with great speed, the maniacal movement driving the country girl mad with laughter. Clenching her fists the squealing young woman tried and tried to pull her hands up but Dean’s strength coupled with her own delirious weakened state meant they barely even budged. Growing red in the cheeks the redhead’s wide open mouth betrayed her furrowed brow with forced laughter. With no clock in sight every tiny lick took an eternity, but in reality only a few short minutes had passed before tears began to well in the tied teen’s eyes.

“PLEASE STOP!” Holly managed to scream between her laughter, the stress in her tone clear and desperate as tears trickled down her blushing cheeks. “Eeeheehee! Ahaha! Nahahaha!”

Doing the exact opposite of his captive’s hopeless request, Chester’s speed increased. Like spurs to a horse the struggling girl’s pleading only seemed to encourage the older man, his long wet tongue squiggling and slithering ravenously into her navel. Tightening his grip the tall tickler clasped Holly’s shapely butt, restricting her fitful movement even more so. The young redhead’s knees kicked at the wiry man’s chest and her boots tapped lightly against his legs, all of her feeble assaults going completely unnoticed. Another few minutes of horrifically ticklish tongue torture and the screeching girl’s tears were flowing freely, dripping from her jaw and splashing against the freckled tops of her jiggling breasts.

“Delicious!” Chester said approvingly as he let go and stood up with an abrupt quickness.

“There you go Holly, he even thinks you taste good!” The dark haired man said, still with a firm grip around the redhead’s wrists.

“Please…ahuh…d-don’t do that again…” The tearful girl sobbed, her belly button glowing pink and glistening with saliva.

“Are yeh cryin’?” The tall older man asked, the expression on his face one of true perplexity. “…Why are yeh cryin’?”

“Because!” Holly snapped, her normally friendly and agreeable nature taking a back seat to panic. “Because I don’t like being tickled!”

“She’s lyin’ Ches’!” Dean interjected from behind. “She loves it!”

“No I don’t!” The trembling girl refuted and turned her head to argue the point. “I-I hate it! I can’t stand being tickled! I can’t take anymore, please!”

“She ain’t love it…” Chester observed, but began to raise his large hands up in claw like shapes regardless. “…but I do!”

“No! Oh god, please n-“ Cutting herself off with sudden and uproarious laughter, Holly screeched as the shorthaired man’s rough hands clawed viciously at her flexible rib cage. “-AAAIIEE! Aaaha! Aaahaha! Yeehahahaaa!”

Doing his best lobster impression, Chester squeezed the petit girl’s ribcage rapidly between his fingers. Digging in between each soft rib sent Holly cackling, fighting at the rope and once again trying against all odds to break her wrists free from Dean’s demonic grasp. Large as they were, the cotton covered bottoms of the redhead’s ballooning boobs bounced against the tops of the farmboy’s hands. Wordless laughter streamed from between the goosed girl’s full red lips, her vision blurred from tears and cheeks growing redder by the second. Even under the shade of the giant tree there was a comfortable warmth, and with all the additional exercise she received small droplets of sweat began to form on the buxom girl’s sensitive skin.

“EEIIEEHEE!” Holly shrieked with ticklish surprise as a cheeky index finger crept up under her blouse and poked into the cushy side of her bouncing boob.

Wedged between the tight fitted cotton and the squealing teen’s marshmallow soft breast, Chester’s right index finger wriggled like a stationary caterpillar. Pressing his fingertip repeatedly into Holly’s fleshy boob did nothing to quash the older man’s rapidly growing excitement, his nine other fingers all still digging brutally in between the eighteen year old’s tender ribs. Dean had described his brother’s fondness for making girl’s giggle as ‘enthusiasm’, which had been an intentional understatement on the rugged farmboy’s part. What the busty bound giggling girl was unaware of that both brothers knew quite well, is Chester’s interest in tickling was far more than a mere hobby. Running his fingers over helplessly ticklish women in point of fact, turned the taller of the two brothers on like nothing else.

“Wh...hhh! What are you doing?!” The eighteen year old shrieked, her ribs pink from the achingly ticklish onslaught.

“Tickle titties!” The overly boisterous man said as he unfurled Holly’s tightly tied blouse.

“Hey! Nono!” The tear faced girl bellowed as Chester began pulling carelessly at either side of her pink plaid shirt, the buttons popping off quickly from the bottom up. “Don’t you dare!”

In little more than a second, before Holly could even register another horrified protest, the wiry man had torn her shirt wide open. Spilling out into the warm summer air the redhead’s milky white boobs bobbed like giant mounds of jello, her large pink nipples dotted with tiny goose bumps. Tugging the shirt over the shocked girl’s slender shoulders, Chester slid it down the length of her biceps and upper back. Bunching the now buttonless shirt neatly around her elbows the lust driven giant took a step back to admire his new found treasure. Red faced, sweating and teary eyed she looked on at him with desperately pleading eyes, her freckled bosom bare and irresistibly inviting.

“D-Dean, you wouldn’t! Chester, please!” Holly cried as the big man’s rough hands opened toward her naked boobs. “Someone heeeeelp!”

“Kitchy titty!” The lanky skinhead grinned and began wiggling all ten of his fingers softly on the undersides of the redhead’s bobbing breasts.

“Yeeeheeehee! Nohahaha!” The helpless girl shook, fighting to free her arms as her bosom bounced against the ticklish touch.

Being the hearty country gal she was the squealing redhead wasn’t easily embarrassed, she’d done her share of skinny-dipping over the years and had even let a couple of the more handsome boys around town reach second base, but this was completely humiliating. Sadly, being forced to bare her boobs by this pair of delinquents and tickled silly on top of it was only the beginning of Holly’s mortification. Amongst her squealing and struggling the frantic eighteen year old began to feel a sudden pang of involuntary lust. It was miniscule but no less surprising for it subtlety. Barely even able to focus on it, but that tiny warm swell in her lower tummy told the 5’6ft girl that it was definitely, absolutely real.

Not that it was at all difficult given her intense sensitivity, but Chester seemed particularly skilled at keeping Holly in a constant stream of fitful giggles. The incessant fondling of her fleshy melons may have caused the young woman’s libido to spike, but it didn’t make the tickling any less torturous. Dancing his fingertips along the bottoms of her boobs the wiry man spidered them up either side and stroked over the freckled tops. Sliding back down the lanky man drew delicate circles around and around, always careful not to land a single digit anywhere near the tormented girl’s slowly hardening nipples.

“Chestahahaaa! Pleeheeheese!” Holly fought to pull her arms around, pushing her shoulders forward, which only succeeded in squashing her large breasts together.

“Maybe I give these a lickin’ too!” Chester teased as his hands hovered over the vibrating girl’s nipples, his fingertips quickly stroking the tender flesh all around each one.

“NO! Nohohoeehee! Pl-pleasestopstop!” The threat of the bashful man’s tickling tongue worming around her stiffened pink buds caused the young redhead to thrash suddenly.

“Just kiddin’ yeh!” The seemingly goofy fellow grinned and suddenly dug both index and middle fingers into the tight gap where the tied girl’s boobs met her underarms.

“Aaaaha!” Holly balked forward, mouth and eyes open with shock as the older man’s cruel digits dug deep into her soft flesh. “Hahaha! Ohnohohaahahaha!”

Exposed flesh jiggled wildly in the shade of the great tree as the eighteen year old’s increasingly erect nipples drew random lines in the air before her. Fighting helplessly for freedom with a broad grin she couldn’t avoid, the half naked girl was the only one of the trio not smiling by choice. Plastered across Chester’s face was a toothy grimace that couldn’t have been much wider, and Dean’s own amusement was easily visible across his smirking lips. Looking into the lanky tickler’s eyes it was impossible to tell exactly what was going on behind them, whether the skinhead man knew how much suffering he caused or if he was so naïve the whole thing was just a big game. Either way, it was clear he enjoyed it.

“I know, I know!” Chester literally jumped up and down like it was Christmas morning.

“What is it buddy?” Dean asked his gleeful brother and finally loosened his grip around the redhead’s forearms.

“Let’s get her feet!” The giddy lunatic clapped the heels of his hands together as he danced around. “Get her boots off and tickle some toes!”

“M…my boots…?” The teary eyed girl stammered and sheepishly bought her legs in tight against one another.

Holly was ticklish. Every inch of her nubile young body could be used to make her giggle or guffaw wildly, but some places, some areas, some spots went above and beyond. Normally well hidden and unseen, even less often touched, where the nerves were particularly raw, those were the areas of a ticklish girl’s nightmares. Those were the secrets that when bought into light would make her heart sink. Excruciating to merely even consider the possibility of being tickled. To be exposed, vulnerable, tied and outnumbered, to be completely void of any freedom, was apocalyptic.

“Here, you take the right!” The dark haired brother’s deep voice said from behind as the dangling teen felt his large hands clasp around her left calf muscle.

“Ha ha ha!” Chester chuckled and leaped to Holly’s right, she kicked but he easily snatched her other calf.

“NO! Nono! Get off! Get oooooff!” Kicking madly the frightened girl didn’t even care that her boobs were hanging out as she felt both boots began to slide from around her delicate feet.

As newly welling tears ran down her quivering cheeks Holly’s stomach twisted into knots. Despite the jerking tugging forceful kicking the boys held a leg each, raising her boots from the ground and lifting them up behind the screaming girl. Tipping forward the topless redhead dangled, tossing and clawing at the rope around her bare midsection. Wrapping their large biceps around her ankles the sobbing teen’s knees shook, both boots slowly sliding away. Dean and Chester continued to laugh amongst themselves as they callously tossed their captive’s boots aside, her cotton white socks wiggling from underneath the crooks in their arms.

“Gonna take your socks now girl!” Dean yelled eagerly over the top of Holly’s crying pleas.

“Den we’s gonna tickle yeh feet!” Chester added as he hooked his free index finger under the rim of the trapped girl’s sock.

“Nohohohooo!” Holly blubbered with disbelief, her fiery pigtails wagging as she fought and strained and kicked.

With cruel intention the brothers made long work of sliding the bound girl’s thin white socks from her small squirming feet. The outdoor air hit the eighteen year old’s heels first, soft and slightly pink, curving down to a silky smooth instep and the severely thin skin of her arches. Continuing their arduous journey along Holly’s upturned soles revealed the tender balls, curving upward and back down into the undersides of her tiny toes. Finally, when the socks dropped limply to the grass below, the poor girl found herself in nothing but the short denim cut offs.

“I think we mighta hit the jackpot here buddy!” The darker haired brother exclaimed as he tightened his arm when the bare foot girl’s struggling increased.

“Has you got ticklish feet Ms. Holly?!” The wiry giant asked but it was difficult to tell whether it was genuine or just rhetorical teasing.

“Damn girl, these babies even look ticklish!” Dean observed and stretched the fingers of his free hand in preparation.

“Pleaaaase!” The hanging girl strained her voice with a stress that could only be bought on by impending doom.

“Readyyy…” Chester began, locking his arm tight around Holly’s ankle and starring at her vulnerable right sole.

“No! NO! Ohno, pleasePLEASE!” She shook, the teen’s full red lips trembling.

“Steadyyy….” The muscular skinhead raised his free hand and began wiggling all five fingers only a few short inches from the girl’s delicate foot.

“Awha nooo! No don’t do thiiiis!” Holly cried, her entire body shaking with horrified anticipation. “I-I’ll do anything!”

“They all say that eventually.” The darker haired of the two brothers said quietly before his sibling yelled.

“GO!” Chester hollered and scribbled five fingertips lightly in the dead center of the helpless young woman’s delicate arch.

“Y-Y-YAHA! YAHA! YAAAHAHAHAAA!” The half naked girl’s back arched and after the initial shock had passed she began to howl. “EEEIIIGHAHA! EEEYYYAAAHAANOOO!!”

Joining his brother a moment later Dean too began to run five fingers up and down Holly’s other fully exposed arch, her laughter so loud and intense it almost seemed more like screaming. Thrashing against her captures the bare foot girl went berserk, the two much bigger and much stronger men having to grip a lot harder than they’d expected. A crazed expression crossed the poor girl’s face as the brother’s fingers ran rampant, her face twisting between riotous mad laughter and agonizing misery. Clenching her eyes shut and bursting them open again the hysterical teen caught tear blurred flashes of the bright green grass below and her own jiggling bouncing bare boobs.

Focused purely on their individual tasks, Chester tormenting Holly’s right foot and Dean torturing the left, the Magurty brothers various techniques were scarcely alike. Though she was in no fit state of mind to analyze, it was a point of fact that the difference between the brothers touch, speeds and locations up and down the redhead’s soles made for a far worse experience than if she’d been tickled by a single attacker. Dean’s fingers lacked any finesse at all, he raked all five over the balls and down the arches, up the heels and back again. He’d dig them under the teen’s toes as if mining for gold and scratch viciously down either side. Chester on the other hand was surprisingly gentle for one who appeared so brutish upon first glance. With a feather’s touch the skinhead’s fingertips would glide along her sole, swiftly sliding across the tips of Holly’s wiggling toes and skating majestically around the tender heels. Despite their differences both approaches were equally as maddening as the other, and together drove the deranged girl into a frenzy.

“YEEEIIGHHAA! EIIIHEEHEE!” Holly’s wailing laughter turned to shrieking giggles as the brother’s both danced their fingers around the tops of her feet, paying particular attention to each terrified toe.

Curling her toes the young woman’s arches wrinkled tight. Spreading her toes wide made her soles taut and whenever that happened Dean would drag his fingers all the way from toes to heel causing Holly to shriek with ticklish surprise. They toyed with her like that for a long time, sadistically teasing and changing patterns, never doing any one thing for too long. The sun sat high above them but even under the shade of the tree all three began to sweat, the tickled teen far more than the two brothers holding her. Beet red cheeks glistened as tears flowed down them, flying from the eighteen year old’s aching jaw.

Barely able to form full words in her state of tickled insanity, Holly had no idea as to how long Dean and Chester leisurely forced the loud bawling laughter from within her petit frame. Minutes dragged by as the inhuman torture continued, every stroke and careful pinch eliciting new hellish howls deep from within. All the while, as the brothers tickled and tickled and tickled her feet, Holly’s libido continued to heat up. Unbeknownst to the wild teen and completely beyond her control both sweat slicked nipples had swelled to their peak, the fire in her lower tummy burning ever hotter.

“Lookin’ a bit warm there girl!” Dean remarked when both brothers suddenly ceased their assault.

“Ahha!…guh!…hhh…ohgah!…” The bare foot girl gasped, both her ankles still held firm behind her.

“Better exercise than all that walkin’!” The lanky brother concurred as he turned to see beads of sweat running from Holly’s slender neck and down between her shoulders.

“Seems to me you best cool off…” The handsomer brother instructed, making sure to keep a tight grip around the girl’s lower leg. “…how about you lose them shorts?”

“N…no…hhh!” Holly panted for much needed air after whimpering an appalled protest.

“I’ll make this real easy for yeh…” Dean grinned and gave his brother a wink and a nod. “You get ridda them short shorts o’yours, or we’re gonna start ticklin’ yeh feet all over again!”

“Hh! Hhh! N-no! Please no! Not-not again!” The redhead’s toes curled involuntarily at the thought and her hands shook. “Pl-please let me…let me go!”

“Alright fine, guess we’ll tickle yeh again!” The dark haired man said and began to wiggle his fingers.

“Nono! I-I’ll do it! See?!” Holly fumbled at the button above her zipper, the sweat on her fingertips and nervous trembling making her slip. “I’m doing it! I’m taking them off!”

“Best hurry up girl, we’s gettin’ bored back here!” Chester threatened as he watched Holly’s elbows wobble while she loosened her denim cut offs.

Any pretense of dignity having flown out the window the degraded redhead reluctantly complied. Zipping down the fly, the hanging girl awkwardly took hold of her waistline and slid the shorts back over her well rounded butt. With her arms tied around the elbows and legs stretched out behind her the teen could only push them just below her ass cheeks, the thin cotton of her light red panties leaving little to the imagination. As the warm summer air brushed between her thighs Holly could suddenly feel the dampness, a dark wet patch of arousal soaking the front of her underwear. Fortunately, as a rush of further embarrassment steamed the eighteen year old’s cheek, she also realized that from their vantage point, with her shorts in the way, the brothers had yet to discover her lustful shame.

“Ain’t that feel better?” Dean asked and loosened the tension of his bicep, taking Holly’s left ankle in both hands.

“Ahuh…nnnhh…” Responding with only sobs and deep breaths the distraught girl squirmed as she felt Chester follow his brother’s lead, both men taking hold of an ankle each and swinging a leg over.

“Sure it does!” The older man answered his own question and squeezed Holly’s left ankle between his knees while his brother did the same with her right. “Don’t want you over heatin’!”

“Wh..what are you doing…?” Holly’s voice quivered as she spoke, her legs hung slightly lower now but as she jerked her knees it was obvious they were still very much trapped.

“Turnin’ up the heat of course!” Dean replied and both brothers pressed the heel of one hand against the bottom of the young woman’s toes, stretching both soles taut.

“Nonoplease!” The helpless girl begged and strained to move her feet even a little bit, but it simply wasn’t possible. “Don’t! Ohno, don’t!”

“Yeh can start laughin’ now!” The taller brother called in a gleeful tone and scribbled five fingers up and down Holly’s smooth stretched sole.

“NNNYYAAA! HAHAAGHH!” Roaring with laughter as the two men’s ten collective fingers sped up and down her bare feet the big breasted girl shook violently against her bonds.

With scarcely a single freedom allowed her, Holly’s hands slapped and clawed at her own thighs as her immoveable feet were cruelly explored. Showing the kind of restraint only a sadist could, Dean’s technique was decisively restrained. Holding back on his previous rough assault, the lantern jawed man’s fingertips danced with the weight of a paintbrush, barely caressing the sensitive skin. Chester was no more vicious than before, his same feathery touch causing a maddening tingle all over the redhead’s buttery soft sole and between each tormented toe.

“HEEEHEE! EEIIIIHEPLEEHEESE!” Holly squealed, the boy’s fingers frolicking all over her up turned soles like ten little rambunctious devils. “EEEIIY! YEEEHEENOHO!”

“We let yeh go, yeh gotta take yer panties off!” Chester offered without ceasing his ticklish attack, keeping the helpless redhead’s toes stretched back.

“AHAHA! NOHOHOOO!” Barley comprehending what he’d said, the poor girl’s shrieking giggles turned to guttural laughter as Dean’s light tickling turned to harsh raking nails.

“That’s the deal right there!” The wiry fellow continued with his demeaning offer. “We’ll let yeh go, but yeh gotta get neked!”

“OKAY! AHAHA! A-ANYTHING! HAAAHAHA!” Holly relented and used every ounce of willpower to draw enough focus for forming words articulate enough to be understood. “J-JUST PLEHEEEEHEESE! PLEASE STAHAHAHAAAAP!”

“A’right then!” Chester replied and gently lowered the near nude girl’s right leg back toward the grass. “Start strippin’!”

“Yeh heard the man!” Dean said as he followed suit, lowering Holly’s left leg which caused her shorts to drop around her ankles.

“Puhuh…please…d-don’t make me…” The sobbing girl begged as she knew the moment either of the men standing behind her saw the panties they’d notice the damp patch adorning the front.

“Either you strip, or Chester here’s gonna strip yeh.” The dark haired man’s deep voice said calmly from behind the topless girl. “An’ believe me, you do not want Chester strippin’ yeh.”

“Slide ‘em panties down!” The lanky brother encouraged as he pivoted around the front of Holly and, just as she’d feared, his devious eyes locked square onto that humiliating wet patch. “Ohhh-hoo! She wetter than a otter’s pocket!”

“The hell you say?!” Dean asked and practically leaped around from the other side to take in the full frontal view of Holly’s pert pink nipples and wet hot groin. “Hooo, damn girl! I done told you she’d like it!”

“I-I don’t like it!” Holly protested, her words strained but genuine. “I…I don’t know why that happened! Please, please just let me go now!”

“We did let yeh go, we put yeh legs down!” Chester grinned, his eyes not leaving the red damp panties. “Now you strip, like yeh said!”

“N-no! You have to let me go!” The terrified teen pleaded and cupped her hands between her legs. “You said you would! And…and then I’ll strip!”

“Nuh-uh girly!” The lanky fellow retorted and began wiggling all ten of his fingers in the air before her. “We let yeh go, we never said nothin’ about untyin’ yeh rope! Now get t’taken them wet ol’ panties off or we’re gonna start ticklin’ yeh all over again!”

“No! No please I…I…” Looking back and forth between the two expectant brothers and down to Chester’s threatening fingers it was clear her options were hell, or worse hell and with trembling hands the sweat soaked redhead hooked her thumbs over the rim of her light red panties.

Averting her eyes from the men Holly took her time, procrastinating as much as possible. Shuffling her legs the short shorts dropped over her feet and landed on the grass, the teary eyed redhead’s toes barely reaching the ground. Crossing her legs in an attempt to cover herself the disrobing teen slid the thin cotton underwear over her hips and down her thighs, her elbows tied and hands only reaching so far, she squirmed and the moist panties dropped faster than she’d intended, scooting over her feet and landing atop the denim shorts below. Rendered completely naked, save for the blouse bunched up around her elbows, the fiery red bush between her legs was exposed for the world, the red hair dark with liquid lust.

Tapping his brother on the shoulder with the back of his hand, Dean cocked his head sideways and motioned a few feet away. Following suit, Chester followed, both men turning their backs on the nude girl and walking several steps away from her, out from under the shade of the giant tree. As the brothers whispered to each other the already nervous girl grew even more anxious. Her bottom lip quivered and wide eyes shook, the eighteen year old placed one hand over her pussy and awkwardly bought her other up to cover her ballooning breasts as best she could. The clumsy covering bought little comfort, especially when the demonic pair finished whispering and looked over the shoulders toward the helpless girl, large toothy grins sadistic across their lips.

“W…what…what are you gonna do?!” Holly cried with fear as the two brothers turned back to face her, their demonic smiles permanently stamped on their faces.

“We’s gonna give yeh what yeh want!” Chester replied as he walked toward the dangling nude girl while his brother wandered toward one of the horses.

“I just want to go home!” The busty eighteen year old countered, swinging her legs slightly as she tried to find some footing with the ground.

“You will…” The dark haired brother said as he unhooked a neatly wound rope from the horse’s saddle. “…when we’re done our fun.”

“I’m not having fun!” The red faced girl said defiantly as Dean strolled toward her unfurling the thin rope.

“Heh! All evidence to the contrary, huh?” Dean quipped back as he arrived next to Holly, tossing one end of the rope over the branch above.

“I told you! I told you, I don’t know why that happened!” Holly stressed the truth once more as Chester leaned forward and snagged her right ankle in his hands. “Hey! G-get off me! Stop it, no!”

Valiant though her struggling was, even if she hadn’t already been severely weakened from the Magurty’s brutal ticklish assault, the nude girl had no hope of winning the fight. Kicking and pleading, wailing and thrashing, they tied one end of the rope around her ankle and raised it upward. In what became a naked half-split, Holly’s right leg was pulled higher and higher until her bare foot was almost at the same level as her pigtails. Like the lasso bound around her waist, the other end of the rope was wound and tied to the tree trunk, her left leg the only free limb left as it hung down barely touching the grass.

“Yer drippin’.” The shorter brother observed which put a sudden stop to Holly’s frantic and fruitless struggling.

“Huhhh…ahuh…let…me go…” The defeated girl whimpered as she cupped her hands over her exposed pussy, the thick clear lust running down her thigh along with droplets that plummeted directly down to the grass.

“Don’t worry none!” Dean raised his hand toward Holly as if offering his brother a newly cooked ham. “Chester’ll clean you right up!”

“Aheh heh heh!” Chester chuckled as he dropped to his knees before the dangling girl and began waddling toward her. “Gonna lick you clean!”

“W-wha…no! Nonono!” Holly screamed with horrified shock as the wiry man’s long wet tongue licked his upper lip and he moved in closer toward her completely vulnerable pussy. “You don’t know what you’re doing to me, PLEASE!”

“Oh, I think he knows exactly what he’s doin’ to yeh.” The dark haired brother said as he wandered around the back of the panicking girl.

“Ohgodohgod! Ch-chester dohon’t!” The tied redhead shook and tried to push him away but he grabbed her wrists and easily pulled them to her sides, his breath hot against her tender lips. “Chestah! Ch-ch-Chestaahooawww!”

Throwing her head back Holly couldn’t help herself, letting out an involuntary moan of passion as the wiry man’s long wet tongue snaked between her pussy lips. The eighteen year old’s hands clenched into fists and her free leg tried weakly to kick him away but Chester was a rock. Holding her wrists tight the older man had free reign to every sensitive spot, the tip of his tongue quickly finding the redhead’s clit. Hoarse cries erupted from deep within and she didn’t even try to fight them, there was simply no point. Lapping at her clit the skinhead swirled and twisted, the randy redhead didn’t know which way was up, so easily did his tongue take command of the girl’s perverse reaction.

While his brother kept their captive lost in a world of clitoral stimuli, Dean Magurty unsheathed a rather large knife from his boot. Spinning the sharp weapon skillfully in his hand the handsome cowboy took hold of Holly’s left bicep as he stood behind her and went completely noticed. Carefully to avoid cutting the writhing girl by mistake, the muscular country boy sliced away the rumpled blouse that had been bunched around the redhead’s elbows. Within seconds Dean had rendered the once complimentary shirt into a torn rag, tossing it to the ground and rendering the poor horny girl absolutely and truly naked.

“AH! AH! AWH! I’m gonna c- AW!” Holly moaned as she lewdly grind herself against Chester’s ravenous tongue, growing ever closer toward much needed release. “I’m gonna caWH! I’m! I’m! I’m gonna…!”

“Get tickled!” Dean yelled suddenly from behind and began rapidly squeezing the hotly aroused teen’s sides.

“Nahahaha! Ohaha! AH! AH! AHahahahano!” The surprised redhead shrieked when the cruel man’s fingers prodded and poked her sensitive skin, Chester’s oral expertise not pausing for a second, forcing the young woman to moan amongst her unstoppable laughter. “OhnohOHH! AHA! YeeheeheAH! D-deheeenstopit! AH! AH!”

Licking furiously between her legs the kneeling brother ramped up his tongue attack. A rush of searing pleasure ripped through Holly’s abdomen but as it tore through her throat and formed another welcome moan, a torrent of tingles played wickedly along the sides of her large squishy breasts. Reaching from behind, Dean’s devious fingers danced across the buxom girl’s freckled boobs and clawed down to her soft rib cage. An unprecedented battle raged within the poor horny girl, pleasure increasing with the end just in reach, but torturous tickling keeping her from any relief.

Which was faster, Chester’s tongue or Dean’s fingers, was impossible to determine. The thinner man’s lips and licking sucked and slid, whirling a hurricane of ecstasy around Holly’s dominated clit. Meanwhile the handsomer brother’s fingers sped along her tummy, wiggling into her navel and spidering back up along the howling girl’s ribcage. As luck would have it, the tickle ravaged girl’s first piece of good fortune since the Magurty’s had caught her out on the road, it was unrelenting tickling that had turned her on so much in the first place. Despite the torture of it all, the dark haired man’s tickling only delayed the sweet release, escalating the nude girl’s pleasure.

“Yeh want me to stop?!” The hunky cowboy asked as he pinched softly along the undersides of Holly’s jiggling boobs.

“Eeheeheeyes! AH! AH! Yeseeheeeha!” The giggling girl nodded and wept a few more tickled tears.

“Or you want Chester to stop?” Dean teased and sped his fingertips around the outside of Holly’s belly button.

“Nohohoho! Pl-pleaheeAHA! AH! D-deheeheenstop! AH!” Bewildered by the two pronged attack the poor girl was rapidly losing her mind.

“Alright, alright! Don’t ever say Dean Magurty don’t show mercy when it’s due!” The dark haired man said and danced his fingers up along the vulnerable girl’s tummy, across her ribs, up along the bottoms of her fleshy breasts and directly onto her rock hard nipples.

“NAAAHAHA! AHH! AHH! AAAHA!” Holly screamed, thrashing as a mixed chorus of riotous laughter and violent lustful cries rampaged through her voluptuous nude body.

Between the storm of licks annihilating her soaking pussy and the ticklish fray of fingertips dancing softly across her nipples, Holly couldn’t have held back if she’d wanted to. Tingling burst out across her skin from each areole as blazing nirvana thundered from between her thighs, the young woman’s back arched and a silent whimper broke into a shriek of throat stretching pleasure. Grinding against Chester’s face, tears of overwhelming pleasure ran down the redhead’s bright scarlet cheeks. Dean’s fingers kept up their speedy assault and as the orgasm racked the eighteen year old’s body every stroke and delicate touch sent another wave of crackling arousal across every inch of her skin. As the tingling waves crashed up against the raging fire between her thighs more howls of primal lust blasted loudly into the summer air.

Laying back into the grass, his hands behind his head and a content smile cheekily across his face, Chester licked thick froth from his lips as he looked up at the devastated girl dangling above him. Wheezing, sobbing and gasping the exhausted girl hung drenched in sweat, tears, saliva and the flood of clear arousal that dripped from her fiery bush. Behind the exhausted girl, Dean stood with a single raised eyebrow as he admired her well rounded glistening behind. The lasso around her midsection forced Holly to lean forward slightly, forcing her milky white ass to protrude back further than usual. With her right leg tied high to one side the redhead’s dripping pussy steamed with invitation. Taking a hold of his groin the handsome cowboy confirmed the large erection that pressed painfully against his boxers. Without taking an eye of the young woman’s luscious butt, the randy redneck began to unbuckle his belt.

Kicking his boots off, tossing his socks, Dean dropped his jeans and tore the tight white cotton t-shirt over his head. Standing in only his dark blue boxers the muscular man’s tanned figure made for an impressive sight, hard pecks and ripped six pack abs already beading with sweat. Slipping out of his underwear the fully naked cowboy’s well toned butt nearly completed a Herculean figure. Rounding out the complete package was the dark haired man’s achingly hard erection, a large shaft that curved upward and glistening purple cockhead quite drenched from his own arousal.

“Yeh hear me girl?” Dean asked softly as he stepped forward, sliding his large hands around Holly’s hips. “Yeh awake?”

“Uh…?” The dazed girl murmured as she blinked tears from her eyes, the older man’s warm touch tender around her waist.

“Yer gonna wanna be awake fer this…” The handsome man said as he slowly leaned his lower stomach against the bound girl’s plum shaped butt. “Go on an take a look down…”

“Whu…what…” With her vision cleared Holly looked down, only for her jaw to drop at the sight of Dean’s huge cock hovering between her thighs. “Oh! Ohgod…d-don’t!”

“Don’t you worry none Miss Holly…” Dean continued to speak in a soft, almost caring tone, as he drew the slippery tip of his cock slowly from the top of the eighteen year old’s vulnerable pussy on down, barely applying any pressure between her lips. “…I’ll take real good care of yeh.”

“Nuh…no…unnnhh…it’s…I can’t, I can’t take it!” The tied young woman began to squirm as the muscular man began to press upward, his raging boner sliding slowly inside her. “It’s too…ohno pl-please…it’s too b…it’s too big!”

“Yeh want it though, don’t yeh?” The deviously domineering man asked and leaned forward, pressing his steely pecks against Holly’s shoulder blades as he whispered softly in her ear. “Go on…say it…say you want it…”

“I ca…uh! Uhplease! I can’t!...It’s too mu…too much!” The redhead pleaded, her eyes rolling backward as Dean’s enormous cockhead was almost completely inside of her.

“Yeh can to do it…just admit it…ain’t no one gonna hear…” Dean slid his rough hands around onto the writhing teen’s breasts and began softly fondling her still very hard nipples as he whispered hot seduction into her ear. “Tell the truth now…or I’m gonna have to tickle it out of yeh…”

“O-okay!” Holly relented and lewdly grind herself forward in an attempt to engulf the cowboy’s giant cock further, any pride that remained easily gone with a single threat. “I…I want it…I want you…do it...do it!”

“You asked fer it!” The Adonis figured man leaned back, slid his hands back around the nubile teen’s hips and grinned broadly.

“UH-HUHHHNNFFUUUAA!” The nude girl’s mouth dropped into a wide open O shape and her eyes disappeared back into her head as the cowboy’s pulsating shaft slid inside her. “OH GAH! OH MY GAAAAAHUHN! UHUHN!”

Clawing his large hands into Holly’s flesh, Dean pulled himself forward, lifting her much smaller frame upward. Sliding backward dropped the howling young woman down again and thrusting forward up, each powerful lift causing the hunk’s curved cock to slam against her g-spot. Screaming with unbridled passion the stupefied redhead’s large naked boobs bounced freely, her mouth open wide and fingernails digging hard into her own thighs. Increasing his speed the dark haired man grit his teeth, faster and faster with each successive push.

As his brother rammed the bellowing girl from behind, causing her young body to quake, Chester continued to lay back in the grass and watch the show. Looking over Holly’s twisting, contorting expression the wiry man let a content smile creep across his face, the girl’s cheeks bright red and stained with trails of a thousand tickled tears. Dropping his gaze slowly the taller brother saw the straining muscles in their captive’s neck, it too scarlet red and beading with sweat. Further down still the eighteen year old’s large fleshy breasts jiggled and bobbed, nipples swollen to the point of bursting.

Her ribs and tummy were lined with trails of pink where the brother’s fingers had been, random lines in all directions. Between the girl’s legs, of course, her fiery orange pussy flooded with liquid lust as Dean’s throbbing cock pounded up inside her. Holly’s left leg dangled below, curling upward and kicking, stretching out uncontrollably and long forgotten by it’s owner. Starring upward and along, the screaming teen’s long smooth right leg hung tight from the tree, above the rope bound around her ankle wriggled the girl’s small foot, it’s toes spreading and clenching, the sole facing outward, soft, vulnerable and as Chester knew very well indeed, agonizingly ticklish.

Standing upright, his actions completely unnoticed by the two loud naked bodies slapping against each other, Chester stepped casually off to one side. Leaning forward, his face level with Holly’s bound bare foot, the wiry man slowly wrapped his fingers around her ankle and stepped in closer. Pursing his lips the enchanted fellow planted a small kiss in the center of the impassioned girl’s creamy soft heel. Clenching his grip tight the tall man kissed softly again, and again. Opening his lips a little wider the older man’s kisses grew wetter, sliding up the young woman’s silky smooth arch. As his mouth reached the balls of the redhead’s wiggling foot the skinhead man slipped his long tongue out, using just the tip to taste her sole. It wasn’t until he licked beneath her toes that Chester finally caught Holly’s attention.

“AH! AHA! NUH! NO! AHAHA!” The surprised girl screamed and flashed a glance toward her right foot before Dean’s cock drove up into her again and the blissful moan nearly tore her in two. “CHEII! CHESTAH! AH! AH! ST-STOOOHHA!”

Tightening her muscles involuntarily caused Holly’s pussy to squeeze. Arching his back suddenly Dean’s cock throbbed, the redhead’s sudden spasmodic tension sending jolts of pleasure rushing through the muscular man’s loins. As Chester’s tongue wormed between her squirming toes the nude girl went berserk, ravaged by overwhelming pleasure and tortured by excruciating ticklishness. In a vicious chain of warring sensitivities the foot tickling caused the eighteen year old to struggle, the struggling caused the cowboy’s sliding cock to throb harder and the throbbing cause the bound girl even more ecstasy. On top of all that, the poor girl still suffered the indignity of being further turned on by the hellish tickle attack.

Hornier than she’d ever imagined her young body was capable of, the petit sweating mess of a girl had passed the point of no return. Should the brother’s have ended their assault at that moment it wouldn’t have mattered, the fire had lit the fuse and it was too short to put out. The same however, was just as true for Dean. Digging his fingers in hard to Holly’s hot flesh the older man’s boner ached with increasingly rapid throbs. Clenching their eyes shut simultaneously both nude parties mouths tore open with loud, primal screams.

Their bodies shook violently against one another, steaming sweat dripped to the grass below. Toes curled and fingers spread, Dean’s huge cock pulsated so hard it made Holly’s eyes bug out. A hoarse cry ripped from the redhead’s lungs as the handsome man bit her shoulder, his steely pecks pressed hard against her slender back. Thick lust poured from the young woman’s fiery red bush, all the while she continued to fight against the terrible tickling snaking over her right foot. The dark haired man’s large hands caressed upward, his breath hot against the back of her neck as he stroked over the teen’s stiffened nipples and hooked his arms around her shoulders. Holding the pigtail wearing girl tight the well toned redneck’s thrusting gradually slowed, no less forceful in their strength and speed.

“Ahaha! Ahahast-stop!” Holly shook her head wildly from side to side as Dean slid out of her, the pleasure of her orgasm slowly subsiding and being replaced by the feeling of Chester’s cruel tongue. “D-DEAN! AHAHA! STOP HIM! NAHA! NAHAHA!”

Sadly, in an appallingly cruel twist that the bound redhead hadn’t considered until that point, having just gone through at least two mind numbing orgasms meant her normally hypersensitive young body was even more ridiculously ticklish than usual. With no time at all to recover from the monumental sex she’d just had, the poor girl’s entire nervous system was going off like the fourth of July. Crackling, tingling, even the blades of grass that swept across the tips of her left toes were tickling her. Looking wide eyed toward Chester in hopeless desperation Holly cried tortured tears as the lanky man showed no sign of stopping.

“Yeh okay there Ches’?” Dean asked his brother as his own actitivies went unseen and were of little concern to the howling eighteen year old.

“Umh humh!” The wiry man replied without retracting his tongue, licking furiously with snake like speed in the arch of Holly’s bare foot.

“EEEIIIYYAAHAHA! PL-PLEEHEEAHA! ST-STAHAHA!” The exhausted girl screamed, where the energy to thrash came from was a mystery as she couldn’t even form full words anymore.

“Well, you two sure seem to be gettin’ along well enough…” The handsome cowboy said as he walked, now fully clothed, into view of the nude girl. “Figure I might just give ya’ll some alone time…”

“N-NO! NOHOHOOOO!” Holly shrieked, the thought of being left alone with Chester now worse than ever. “Y-YOU CAHAHAN’T! EEEIIYYAAHAHA! DOHON’TAHAHA!”

To her absolute nightmarish horror, Dean turned and began walking toward his horse. Stretching her neck out, eyes open wide, the poor girl begged through her maddening forced laughter for him to stay. He was cruel and sadistic and would no doubt tickle her too, but as the lesser of two evils the handsome cowboy could at least keep his brother under some level of control. Without the hunky man around there was no telling how far the wiry one would go, how much licking and for how long Holly would have to endure. Horror turned to dismay as through her teary eyes the eighteen year old watched Dean mount his horse. Without looking back, the cowboy slowly rode toward the tree line, before disappearing completely into the forest.

Ignoring his surroundings entirely, Chester kept on licking.

The End.​
I finally got the chance to read it, and first I have to say, it's as erotic and exciting as always. Unlike the majority of your stories, I absolutely hated the two men. That's not a bad thing, however. It's similar to how horror fans feel when watching movies. We may hate the villain, but it's still exciting to watch him in action, even though we do cheer when he's stopped. My hope for the two villains in this story is that Holly's rather large father finds out what they did to his daughter. lol I know Mr. Werner has done similar things to women himself, but somehow I can't hate him. But Dean and Ches...yep, despise them in that "love to hate them" way. (Sort of like the Arrancar in Bleach, if you know anything about anime, lol)

I'm not asking that you write about them getting a payback. As a writer myself, I understand sometimes it just doesn't happen. Stories, the good ones anyway, seem to write themselves, and what the writer intended in the beginning may not work out that way by the time he or she is finished.

The story did really disturb me. The only other one that got to me as much was Snowed In, and I seemed to be in the minority when I was thrilled that the attackers paid for what they did, albeit indirectly. I enjoyed that one start to finish, and I don't agree with the other reviewers that the epilogue was too grim. It wasn't grim enough when you consider that the heroine was tortured, raped, and sexually assaulted by these men. One of which was her boyfriend, a man she should have been able to trust to protect her. I'm not going to act holier than thou or anything, I ENJOY reading these types of "tickle rape" stories. But the fact that out of all the stories I've read, only Snowed In included the attackers getting what they deserved was wonderful!

Your writing just keeps improving with every story, and I check back here at least once a week to see if you have anything new up. :)
Wow firewolf, thanks for the thoughtful analysis! :D

I'm thrilled you liked the story overall and very pleased (and interested) that it evoked such a strong emotional response. It's interesting that you mention what a writer does and doesn't intend, because it honestly never occurred to me that Dean and Chester would cause such disdain from a reader. Obviously stories of any kind are trying to make the readers feel, and the stronger those feelings are the better, but you can never plan what exactly those reactions will be (which I'm sure you know from your own work).

Snowed In was very much an experiment in the way the evil 'lers got their comeuppance. In real life, in my personal opinion, the 'lers from Snowed In and almost every other tickling-story I've written deserve terrible punishments. The fact is even if intercourse doesn't take place, there's still a large amount of highly traumatic sexual assault going on. The 'lers are truly horrible people, even Holly's giant dad who is a loveable guy otherwise. Fortunately with fantasy we can gloss over any of that, the 'lees shaking it off, taking a shower and going on as if nothing happened.

Thanks again for taking the time to read, reply and offer your thoughts, I really appreciate it. Your kind words are enormously encouraging! :D
I don't know that other readers will feel the same about Dean and Chester as I did. This is coming from a woman's viewpoint, and I've been the victim of sexual assault, both attempted and successful. (which I've dealt with and made my peace with) So while I did enjoy the story, I was imagining giving them a tazor blast in the nuts, too. lol
Fair enough! They certainly deserve that, and worse.

It's an interesting point too, that every reader has had different life experiences and that will undoubtedly influence how each individual feels. I fear there are those out there who fantasize about actually doing the sorts of things depicted in these stories, and regardless of the fact that it would never play out as illustrated, it's never something I would condone by any stretch of the imagination. "Purely For Entertainment Purposes Only" or some such similar disclaimer.

Personally I find reading your perspective on the subject and our current discussion enormously interesting as well as enlightening. The morality and stark contrast between tickling-fact and tickling-fiction isn't something I find bought up very often, much less talked about at any length. In fact, I can scarcely remember any conversation like this one taking place within the last 12 years of writing tickle-fiction. You are a revelation, firewolf!
Fantasies are not the same as a willingness to actually go out and do something like this. It's similar to a woman having a rape fantasy. A lot of women will hate me for saying that, but a rape fantasy isn't the same as wanting to be raped. Rape is about control, anger, and hatred more than sex. A rape FANTASY is more about the woman having control. She is creating the scene, and she can stop it whenever she wishes. Nothing happens that she doesn't want. A tickling fantasy is basically the same thing.

Reading tickling (or erotic rape) fiction is basically about the same thing. Even though the author has already set the scene and detailed what happened, the reader has control. If it's too violent and disturbing, they can stop reading and find something else. Of course, judging by some reviews on one of my stories, the author will probably get insulted, and I didn't even go into gory detail. ("how could you let your heroine be raped? She's supposed to be a strong woman!" But when that same heroine tortured and killed a man who kidnapped her fiance, there were no complaints. So there's a huge double standard among female readers. lol)

My fascination with tickling started in childhood, though I was never forcibly tickled, and I don't really enjoy it happening to me. Yet there it is, and I have no idea where my enjoyment of tickling stories, videos, and fantasies came from. I'm rather jealous of you and a few other authors for being able to write tickling fiction. Despite my love for reading it, I can't write it myself. I've tried, and every attempt just fizzles out. It pops up in my sex scenes sometimes, but not long and detailed. ( just as an example, an outtake from my fanfiction http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?90114-Reno-s-Fetish )

And I've gotten very long winded, I do apologize. lol
No need at all to apologize, this is truly fascinating stuff!

I couldn't agree more about the line between fantasy and a willingness to act on those fantasies in real life. The majority of people would never go out and actually attack someone, the line is pretty clear. I love watching gun fights and car chases, doesn't mean I want to be in one!

For those rare few who do actually dream of performing the vile acts depicted in these stories, I can't help but think that with tickling in particular, it's simply not going to go the way these straw-people imagine. Realistically, a person is not going to be so easy to trick or bind-up. With strangers especially, a person being tickled is very unlikely to laugh, more so they'll just get extremely angry and end up being traumatized rather than aroused.

Regarding complaints, I've been lucky enough to only have one that really stood out beyond grammar, spelling, etc. A story I wrote some years ago caused some controversy (Stuck #1) due to what some perceived as implied rape. Ironically when I wrote the scene I'd not actually considered outright rape as a possibility, merely keeping it ambiguous so each reader could be left to imagine whatever happened afterward. While I steered clear of the ensuing debate, it did occur to me that given all the other overt sexual-assault occurring throughout other stories and previous scenes in that very tale, the complaint was rather bizarre.

Ultimately there's plenty of fiction to go around with less-than-moral characters being cheered on by the audience, even in the mainstream. As long as we all continue to recognize it is fiction and purely for entertainment, we can all have a lot of fun at the expense of no one -the only kind of fun really worth having.
The story that started it all. I hate these guys. I’m not even sure why I megaloathe them more than any other character in the series so far. I just do. I started my whole over commenting on stories thing because of this story and the two villains in it. I’m not even sure their actions are more out of line than anything else we’ve seen so far. And yet I hate these two so much. There’s just something about them. That’s out of the way. Here we go.
Hysteria Lane #5: The Long Road Home


By TickleMantis

It wasn’t like she couldn’t have taken the truck. Heck, she could have even taken one of the tractors for the twelve mile walk into town, but it was such a beautiful day. Besides, as a country girl through and through Holly Werner didn’t mind stretching her long legs. The friendly eighteen year old enjoyed the summer heat and being out in the open offered the chance to say howdy to the other townsfolk on the road, something you couldn’t do from the confines of a pickup truck or over the noise of a tractor.
Awwwww, that’s sweet; apparently naïve and dangerous because she lives in Hysteria Lane world but sweet.
The busty 5’6ft redhead’s pigtails bounced as she made the return trip home down the long rural road. Her rugged brown boots were fresh with dust from the path behind the Watson’s property, her denim cut-offs fit snuggly around her shapely butt. As she so often did in the summer, Holly had taken the bottom of her pink plaid button up shirt and knotted it loosely between her fleshy cleavage. With the warm sun caressing the freckles that peppered the tops of her breasts, the young woman kept her otherwise exposed midriff protected from the sun with a rather full brown paper grocery bag.

On the way to the store Holly had waved hello to both Jerry Hinkman and Lucille Doltry. After arriving in town she’d stopped to chat with a couple more people, but the outgoing rancher’s daughter loved every minute of it. Even when old Frank ‘Bud’ Budburry had chewed her ear off in aisle 3 for half an hour, she had a genuinely delighted smile on her face. Fortunately, like everyone else in her house, the sociable teen had been up since the crack of dawn. Chores and breakfast had taken up the first couple of hours and when she realized nothing needed doing until the afternoon, it was off to town. By the time she’d taken the shortcut behind the Watson’s and made her way back to the long road home, it was nearly 10am.

As she passed the corner by Mr. Morris’ cornfield, a partially shaded stretch of road about a mile off was a welcome sight. On the right it was all wheat fields and open crops, but on the left the forest peaked out from the foothills and stopped at the roadside, casting a shadowed stretch for nearly a quarter mile. After the shaded area it would be another four miles to home, but the brief reprieve from the sun would be refreshing. Through the heat waves coming off the asphalt, Holly squinted her bright green eyes and could just make out two riders further up the road.
Nice world building
The riders were on the other side of the shaded area and heading towards it, probably looking forward to the break as much as Holly was. It could have been anyone, there wasn’t a ranch around without horses, but the heat, distance and darkness of the trees made it difficult to see. As she drew closer it became clear the riders were men, and as the eighteen year old stepped onto the cooler stretch of road and into the shade she realized with a sudden nervousness exactly who they were.

“Holly Werner?!” Dean Magurty asked excitedly from atop his saddle. “Is that you?!”

Pursing her lips a little, Holly stopped in her tracks as the two men halted their respective mounts. Sitting high, reins in hands and various bits and bobs hanging from their saddles, was the brothers Magurty. Dean and Chester Magurty were several years Holly’s senior, both had already left high school when she was there and they lived even further out of town than she did, way up in the hills. Still, everyone knew the Magurty family by reputation, the young women in town knew about Dean and Chester particularly well. Holly didn’t know all the details exactly, mostly just rumor and speculation, but from what she understood the pair of brothers could be more than a little ‘handsy’.

“Hi Dean.” Holly smiled, her friendly nature overcoming any presumptions. “Hi Chester, how are you?”

Looking up, Chester squinted and moved his lips a little, but it wasn’t quite a smile. Dean was quite handsome, Holly thought, all rumors aside. His jet black hair was kind of messy in a stylish way, he had a strong jaw and short stubble that gave him a rugged appeal. In his jeans and tight white cotton t-shirt the older man looked quite the cowboy. Chester, on the other hand, seemed a little peculiar. Surely, it occurred to the young redhead, there was a certain cuteness about him, but the shaved head coupled with a white singlet and that odd glint in his eye didn’t make for a terribly appealing package.

“Heck, I figured that was you.” Dean said before his brother could speak, tugging on the reins slightly to keep the horse in order. “We was just hangin’ out with your brothers not two days ago. Them boys sure can drink!”

“Oh, well I’ll be sure to tell them I bumped into you.” The buxom girl said with a smile, followed by a slightly concerned glance toward Chester who hadn’t taken his eyes off of her. “…beautiful weather isn’t it?”

“…yes.” The pale skinned Chester replied softly and blinked for what seemed like the first time ever.
There’s just such a well-built eerie feel here.
“Well I…guess I better carry on…” Holly said a little timidly as she bought her focus slowly back toward Dean. “You boys have a good day, it was nice to see you…”

“Hold up now…” Moving his horse into the young woman’s intended path the dark haired brother spoke with a friendly tone. “Ain’t you noticed ol’ Chester here’s a little sweet on yeh?”

“Oh uh…that’s…that very nice but…” Stammering a little, not quite sure how to respond to the rather blunt remark, the busty redhead took a step back and looked up at Dean. “I really need to get going...have to get the dinner on.”

“Dinner?” Dean replied and looked toward his brother. “It ain’t even lunch time yet. Whyn’t you just give him a little kiss? Would you like that Ches’, even just a peck on the cheek’ll do.”

“Oh um…o-okay…I guess…” Holly said as Chester nodded eagerly and climbed down from his horse.

As his heavy black boots hit the ground it became instantly clear that Chester was a great deal bigger than he appeared on the horse. At over 6ft the wiry fellow made for a slim yet muscular frame. Turning toward the petit redhead, the large man’s stride was such that it only took a couple of short steps before he was looming over her. With what seemed almost like shyness, the lanky fellow hunched forward, presenting his cheek. Daring a quick look toward Dean, who sat smiling broadly, Holly forced a nervous smile and gently pressed her full red lips onto Chester’s stubbly cheek.
This is just creepy. The unnerving air is given off well-before the tickling starts. Maybe the slight change in story structure makes the brother come off worse than our previous torturers.
“…I’ll um, tell my brothers y-“ The young woman began to speak as she leaned back when the feeling of Chester’s long muscular arm coiling around her waist made her squeak with surprise. “-Eep!”

“I told yeh he was sweet on ya…” The darker haired brother replied from up high as he watched Holly wriggle awkwardly.

“That’s-that’s very nice...but...” The buxom eighteen year old said as she tried to worm herself free, the tall man’s rough hand caressing the bare skin at the small of her back. “I really must get going…”

“Aww, but he likes yeh so much!” Dean grinned as he watched Holly begin to wriggle a little more intently.

“I promise I’m really flattered but I sh-“ Holly struggled until the sudden feeling of Chester’s fingers poking into her tender side made her squeal, almost dropping the groceries. “Eeehee!”

Suddenly, Chester let go. Seizing the opportunity, the young redhead gripped the brown paper bag firmly and took a large step backward. Oddly, Holly noticed with a stomach sinking anxiousness, both brothers exchanged a shared look, their eyebrows raised in knowing fashion. Intent on not letting the slightly creepy skinhead near her a second time, or sticking around to find out what the boy’s shared glances meant, the nubile girl began to quickly pace home. Passing Chester with plenty of room between them Holly shuffled by his horse and weaved around Dean’s. Confident she’d made it to the home stretch the naïve teen turned her head with a smile and polite wave.

“Ya’ll have a good day!” The scantily clad girl said, turning her head back to the road and focusing on home she let loose a loud scream as Dean’s lasso suddenly dropped around her. “Aiiiee!”

Snagging tight around her elbows the thin rope pulled Holly’s arms against her torso. By either incredible skill or dumb redneck luck, the lasso had fallen perfectly between the shocked redhead and her groceries. Unceremoniously, the brown bag toppled forward, it’s contents spilling out across the road as it hit the ground. It had taken the teen a moment to realize exactly what had happened, but when a jarring tug caused her to stumble clumsily backward it became all too clear. Attempting to step forward again proved fruitless, another sharp jerking tug making her step back again.

“Let me go!” Holly stomped her foot defiantly as she turned to see both brothers mounted once again, Dean winding the taut lasso slowly around his forearm. “What are you doing?!”
Holly, the game is over. You’ve lost.
“Whatchoo think we’re doin’?” The handsome brother grinned and turned his trusty steed toward the roadside.

“Hey! Stop it!” The terrified girl screamed as she was forcibly pulled forward, Dean’s horse slowly plodding down toward the trees. “Dean Magurty you let me go right now!”

Apparently rendered deaf in that moment, the two brothers guided their mounts down the short slope and into the trees. Trailing unwilling several meters behind, Holly screamed and struggled, each step forward taken out of a need to not fall flat on her face. Sliding down the gravely roadside the nervous girl watched as Dean and Chester sauntered casually between the tall tree trunks. Wide eye with dismay the helpless redhead turned back and managed to catch one final glimpse of the open road before descending deeper into the forest.

“-don’t know what you think you’re doing but-“ Holly continued her loud series of objections, a fearful quiver clear in her tone. “If you don’t let me go my brothers are going to beat you senseless! Damn you Magurty’s, untie me right now!”
It’s so planned, so premeditated, so organized and despicable. It seems like they could have done this exact same thing loads of times.
Drawing deeper into the woods the anticipation of some horrific unknown caused the bound young woman’s pleas to fall silent. Pulled nervously through the shaded undergrowth, Holly watched on as the two brothers rode silently, not once turning to look at her or even seeming to acknowledge one another. Every so often the rope would give a little slack, the eighteen year old would try to spread her arms but without fail or even looking, Dean would always tug the lasso tight once again. In fact, over ten minutes had gone by the time Chester finally glanced over his shoulder with an unnerving grin as the trio broke through the trees into a small clearing.

Surprisingly lush green grass coated the ground, the circular opening in the high canopy only broken by a singular large tree that sat smack in the middle. With white bark the old giant’s wide trunk was tangled in roots and shot upward, the first of it’s gargantuan branches stemming out nearly fifteen feet from the forest floor. Wordlessly, both Dean and Chester halted their horses off to one side and dismounted, Dean evidently a few inches shorter than his brother. Standing her ground, the nervous girl watched as the two brothers whispered to one another, their devious eyes darting back and forth between Holly and the tree.

“Help! Heeeeelp!” Holly yelled and tugged suddenly at the rope in an abrupt dash for freedom.

“If you was gonna try that…” Dean said calmly as he casually wandered underneath the lowest hanging branch of the giant tree, allowing the redhead a few short feet of slack to run. “…you shoulda done it back on the road.”

“Unn!” The desperate teen gasped as the rope snapped tight and she hunched forward, her pigtails springing outward. “Somebody heeeeelp!”

Matter-of-factly, as if he’d had plenty of practice, Dean took the looped end of the lasso from around his forearm and tossed it effortlessly over a low hanging branch. Picking the slack end up off the ground, the handsome older man wandered around the tree’s enormous trunk and began to pull. Terrified, Holly stretched and strained her long legs, fighting to go in the opposite direction. Slowly but surely the handsome cowboy’s superior strength won out, tugging the young redhead until she was directly below the branch. A couple more choice tugs and the buxom girl found herself elevated upward until her boots barely touched the ground.

“Put me down!” Holly demanded restlessly as she squirmed, the rope around her elbows and midriff causing her to bend forward as she dangled. “Put me down this instant!”

“Come on, we didn’t bring you all this way just to let yeh go.” The ruggedly handsome brother said as he secured the rope with a well tied knot around the tree trunk.
Dean’s got a point. It’s way too late for resistance and there is no way they are going to let her go.
“W-what are you going to do to me?!” The trembling girl asked as she clawed uselessly at the rope.

“Well we ain’t gonna hurt ya.” Dean replied confidently as he walked around to stand by his brother. “In fact, you’re probably gonna like it.”

“Unless it’s letting me go, I highly doubt it!” Holly quipped sharply with a wit that surprised even her as she relented the pointless struggling and looked at the two older men, who stood several feet in front of her.

“See the thing is, ol’ Chester here…” The dark haired man said and motioned a thumb toward his starry eyed brother. “…he’s got kind of a…enthusiasm, I guess you could say, for makin’ gals giggle.”

“Aheh heh…” Chester laughed sheepishly and looked at the ground, then immediately back toward the hanging girl.

“Now mostly, I just stick around to make sure he don’t go too crazy on ‘em.” Dean continued, smiling with brotherly love. “But, you know, I do like to join in just so’s I don’t get bored.”

“I…I don’t understand…” The trapped girl’s voice cracked with concern. “What’s he…what are you going to do?”

“Oh, I’m sorry!” Dean apologized and looked Holly dead in the eye. “…We’re gonna tickle yeh!”

Her jaw dropped half open and her bottom lip began to quiver. Disbelief washed over the busty girl but as her wide eyes looked at the two men it was clear they were completely serious. Of all the awful and humiliating things Holly had imagined during their trek through the forest, tickling was so cruel it hadn’t even occurred to the flabbergasted teen. The young woman’s mind raced with a thousand thoughts a second, rational thought gave way to panic and the fruitless struggling began again in earnest. They could have forced her to kiss Chester or thrown her in a lake, made her dance or at worst felt her up a little, but not tickling. Not tied up, not like this, the naïve girl was just too excruciatingly ticklish.

“Y-You can’t!” Holly bellowed with dread as she curled her wrists and tried to pry the rope from around herself. “Please! I-I’ll kiss you again! I’ll kiss both of you!”

“Now, now…I ain’t gonna leave yeh alone with him.” The shorter of the two brothers said as if it was any kind of consolation. “Believe me, if I did that by the time I got back you’d be lucky to remember yer own name.”

“Please! Please, I’ll do whatever you say!” The panicked girl continued, looking at the men with quivering pleading eyes.

“She’s ticklish…” Chester grinned with a nervous laughter and rubbed his large hands together.

“Certainly seems that way!” Dean confirmed and slapped his brother cheerily on the back. “Whyn’t you go find out where?”

“No…no please!” Holly bucked at the ropes and tried to get her feet solid on the ground, her lower arms flapping defensively as Chester advanced toward her. “Please don’t! D-don’t let him!”

“Too late now darlin’.” Dean said and leaned casually against the tree trunk. “He heard yeh laugh before…even if I stopped him, he’d just track yeh down later on.”

“No don’t! Chester! Chester, please!” Ignoring Dean, the frantic girl turned her attention to the more immediate problem and pleaded directly with the taller man. “I’ll kiss you! E-even…even on the lips!”
I don’t how we’re supposed to feel about Chester. He’s a tickle fetishist sure but he’s obviously has got an unhealthy attitude towards tickling and his lees. Adding to that he seems to have some sort of Lenny from Of Mice And Men going on.
Unresponsive at best, Chester’s eyes were fixed squarely on Holly’s exposed tummy. With only a short distance left between them the older man’s smile grew as he bought his hands upward, all ten fingers beginning to wiggle slowly. Covering her midriff with her hands and forearms the otherwise defenseless redhead tensed herself for the oncoming attack. Even without a rope around her the eighteen year old would have been fearful. Under normal circumstances, if someone managed to catch her, all it ever took was a few quick strokes or pokes across the busty girl’s sensitive skin to make her knees collapse. In that moment, as the tall farm boy’s fingers slid between the gaps in her forearms, the buxom girl froze in a moment of sheer terror.

“Eee! No!” Holly slapped her hand down as Chester’s index finger made it’s way through her protection and poked softly into her skin. “Eeeheehee! Stop!”

“It’s all over, rover.” The darker haired brother said as he watched the young woman kick fitfully at the air. “He’s got you now…”

“St-stop him! Eeiie!” The squirming girl squealed as the large man’s hands pushed further between her arms, slowly prying open her defenses.

“Tickle…tickle…” Chester teased, the helpless redhead fighting a losing battle as her arms were loosened from around herself.

“Eeehee! No! Ceehee! Come on! Stop!” Holly giggled, frustrated as each new finger caressing her tender skin caused a little more fight to drain out of her. “Heeheenoho! Oh please, stahapit!”

“She’s a ticklish little one!” The excited man said, managing to get all ten fingers on to the young woman’s ticklish flesh.

“She sure is buddy!” Dean replied as he slid his back down the tree trunk, sitting on the ground. “Have at her!”
Dean seems to be in charge. He’s enabling his brother instead of mitigating the situation. I wonder what the brothers are like when they aren’t trapping and tickling young women.
“Ohnodohon’t! Dohohoeeeheehee!” Holly squealed, slapping at Chester’s hands as all ten of his deranged digits began scribbling over her exposed midriff. “Pleeheehee! Pleasenoho! Aheeheeiiiieee!”

Reeling with high pitched giggles the dangling damsel shook her hips and danced on the tips of her boots. Trying to catch the older man’s eye was hopeless, his gaze firmly secured on Holly’s voluptuous body. As if hypnotized, Chester starred as the young woman’s tummy flexed and creased, her ballooning cleavage jiggling as she bounced. Distracted by the fingers running rampant across her skin, the unwilling victim of the brothers’ fun tried slapping and grabbing at her attacker’s hands, never much causing more than a minor inconvenience. Unable to stop the steady stream of giggling the sensitive girl had an almost impossible job of making her pleas sound as serious as they were.

Each twist sideways or attempted swing backward gave no respite. Chester’s hands followed Holly’s ticklish bare tummy everywhere, running along her belt line and under her ribs. Girlish squealing turned to rapid fire laughter when the tall skinhead’s fingers wormed between her arms and sides, poking quickly. Astonished that he hadn’t stopped after several minutes, the shaking panicked girl flashed a look of desperation to Dean, who only gave a nod and smile in response. Convinced the smitten farmboy would soon drive her mad, Holly cried for help but as the wiry fellow’s fingers began pinching softly up and down her abdomen she found laughter taking the place of where her words should be.

“Heeheeheeeeiiie! He-Helahahaha!” The poor girl shook her head rapidly from side to side as the quick pinches raced around her midriff. “Steeheeheee! Steeeehee!”

“Imma tickle yeh button!” Chester teased excitedly as his fingers flew with a feather light touch across the lowest of Holly’s ribs.

“Ahaheeiiheeii! The flustered redhead squealed, her skills of comprehension far below normal.

“Got a real sweet button!” The older man said as he drew a single finger in quick circles around the outer inches of the helpless girl’s navel.

“Ohnoho!” Holly shook once she realized where Chester intended to go and immediately clamped both hands over her tummy. “Don’t you dare!”

“Hey!” Chester said with what seemed like genuine surprise as he tried to pry the fearful girl’s hands away. “Wanna tickle yer button!”

“Nnnno!” The straining girl refused and grit her teeth, holding her hands firm over her navel.

“Need a little help there, brother?” Dean asked as he climbed lazily up from the base of the tree.

“No! Please!” Holly begged as she fought to keep her hands in place, Chester’s fingers hooking and pulling at her wrists.

“Come on, all he wants to do is give yer ‘button’ a little tickle.” The dark haired man said as he positioned himself behind Holly and reached around her.

“I know! I know what he wants to do!” The struggling girl stressed as Dean took a hold of her forearms and began forcing them backward. “Please don’t let him!”

“Heck girl, if I weren’t here…” Dean replied as he held Holly’s arms down by her hips. “…you’d be lucky to still have all yer clothes on!”
We do not know whether Dean is being honest when he says he is holding Chester back. He could be lying or Holly could have it much worse. It seems like Dean is lying but Chester IS tickle-crazed so there’s some ambiguity there.
“Button, button!” The taller brother grinned and began wiggling a single index finger when he saw the young woman’s completely vulnerable navel.

“My…my clothes?!” Holly exclaimed with appalled shock, the horrifying thought soon gone as she noticed Chester’s finger closing in. “Nonono! No Chester, please!”

“Ol’ Ches’ loves ticklin’ em naked!” Dean said proudly, his words unheard as his brother’s index finger wiggled deep within the redhead’s navel.

“Eeeeiiiiieee! Yeeeheeheehee!” The buxom girl bucked and screeched as Chester explored her hypersensitive belly button.

With Dean holding her wrists in a vice like grip the bound country girl lost even the illusion of protection. At least before Holly could slap and grab and maybe knock Chester’s fingers away for a second, no matter how brief. No amount of squirming, shaking or bucking seemed to do the least bit of good, any direction the helpless redhead moved was easily followed. The tall man’s index finger stayed firmly planted in her belly button, poking curiously and stroking the delicate sides. Flexing her fingers and kicking her legs, the eighteen year old’s face contorted between a miserable frown and an unwilling tickled grin.

As if the physical torment wasn’t enough, the vulnerable girl’s memory suddenly flashed back to the last time her belly button had been so cruelly toyed with. She had been at home, walking through the upstairs hallway of her family’s large ranch home when Holly’s older sister, a striking fiery haired woman in her own right, grabbed the teenager from behind and drilled a single finger into her navel. Hunching forward the eighteen year old immediately burst forth with surprised laughter, pulling desperately at her sibling’s hand. Weakened as her sister knew she would be, Holly collapsed into a giggling mess on the floor for several long minutes, until their kindly father had broken it up. Afterwards the sensitive girl thought, it was lucky her brothers were not around, as they always went straight for her feet.
Holly’s other various tickle adventures could be fun…
“I wanna lick her!” Chester grinned with wide eyed enthusiasm and finally removed his devilish digit from the bound girl’s navel.

“Yeh hear that Holly?” The handsomer of the two brothers asked from behind her as she breathed heavily from the belly button assault. “Brother boy here says he wants to give yeh a lickin’!”

“W-what?!” Holly balked at the very idea of the large farmboy’s tongue coming anywhere near her creamy soft skin. “You can’t! I don’t want him to…to lick me!”

“I aint’ seein’ how you got much choice…” Dean replied as he watched his lanky brother drop to his knees and place his large hands on the ticklish teen’s thighs.

“Nono! Please, Chester, no!” Shaking frantically Holly starred down over her jiggling cleavage with alarm as the large man’s head sat level with her tender tummy. “J-just let me go!”

“Looks tasty!” Chester declared and slid his hands around the backs of the frightened girl’s legs. “Better than ice cream!”

“Seriously darlin’, if I weren’t here…” The shorter of the two brothers said as he struggled to keep their victim’s hands at her sides. “…he’d probably lick every inch yer body.”
There was no justification for this. The brothers show up. Dean incites/forces this situation. Chester decides he wants this to happen and then it happens. All the while Dean is claiming that this is a mercy and that he’s on Holly’s side which is increasing seemingly like, for lack of a better word, horseshit.
“Oh my god! N-no! PLEASE!” Holly screamed as she watched Chester disappear beneath her bulging bosom and felt his hot breath across her lower tummy. “You can’t, you can’t!”

“But what am I gonna do, he’s my brother right?” Dean said as he did his best to keep the dangling girl from moving too much. “Gotta let him have some fun!”

“Num num!” The dopey eyed giant said, extending his long wet tongue and slurping a long wet lick from the helpless girl’s belt line to her belly button.

“Noooo! Eeee! Stop hiiiiiim!” The panicked teen wailed in the half second before the tip of Chester’s snaking tongue burrowed deep into her hyperticklish navel. “NOOH! Aaaahahaa! Aha! Aha! Aaiiiiieeeeheehee!”

Warm and slippery the pink tip twirled and wriggled, Chester’s taste buds rough against Holly’s fragile skin. Hungrily he licked, the uncouth man’s lips brushing softly against her navels outer rim. Tossing her head back with wide mouthed laughter the eighteen year old squealed like a wounded animal, her fiery red pigtails spinning erratically. All her focus forced to the screaming nerve endings, the agonizingly ticklish teen didn’t even notice as the older man’s large hands slid up the back of her thighs and gripped softly around her denim covered butt cheeks.
See? Dean further restrains Holly while allowing his ‘dopey eyed’ brother to go to town on her. It’s almost not enjoyable.
Squeezing her peach shaped behind softly, Chester pulled his involuntary tickle toy in closer. Planting his lips over Holly’s navel the shorthaired man flickered his tongue with great speed, the maniacal movement driving the country girl mad with laughter. Clenching her fists the squealing young woman tried and tried to pull her hands up but Dean’s strength coupled with her own delirious weakened state meant they barely even budged. Growing red in the cheeks the redhead’s wide open mouth betrayed her furrowed brow with forced laughter. With no clock in sight every tiny lick took an eternity, but in reality only a few short minutes had passed before tears began to well in the tied teen’s eyes.

“PLEASE STOP!” Holly managed to scream between her laughter, the stress in her tone clear and desperate as tears trickled down her blushing cheeks. “Eeeheehee! Ahaha! Nahahaha!”

Doing the exact opposite of his captive’s hopeless request, Chester’s speed increased. Like spurs to a horse the struggling girl’s pleading only seemed to encourage the older man, his long wet tongue squiggling and slithering ravenously into her navel. Tightening his grip the tall tickler clasped Holly’s shapely butt, restricting her fitful movement even more so. The young redhead’s knees kicked at the wiry man’s chest and her boots tapped lightly against his legs, all of her feeble assaults going completely unnoticed. Another few minutes of horrifically ticklish tongue torture and the screeching girl’s tears were flowing freely, dripping from her jaw and splashing against the freckled tops of her jiggling breasts.

“Delicious!” Chester said approvingly as he let go and stood up with an abrupt quickness.

“There you go Holly, he even thinks you taste good!” The dark haired man said, still with a firm grip around the redhead’s wrists.

“Please…ahuh…d-don’t do that again…” The tearful girl sobbed, her belly button glowing pink and glistening with saliva.

“Are yeh cryin’?” The tall older man asked, the expression on his face one of true perplexity. “…Why are yeh cryin’?”

“Because!” Holly snapped, her normally friendly and agreeable nature taking a back seat to panic. “Because I don’t like being tickled!”

“She’s lyin’ Ches’!” Dean interjected from behind. “She loves it!”

“No I don’t!” The trembling girl refuted and turned her head to argue the point. “I-I hate it! I can’t stand being tickled! I can’t take anymore, please!”

“She ain’t love it…” Chester observed, but began to raise his large hands up in claw like shapes regardless. “…but I do!”

“No! Oh god, please n-“ Cutting herself off with sudden and uproarious laughter, Holly screeched as the shorthaired man’s rough hands clawed viciously at her flexible rib cage. “-AAAIIEE! Aaaha! Aaahaha! Yeehahahaaa!”
And there you go. The brother’s are villains in truly despicable fashion. Dean pushes Chester when he has doubts. And Chester realizes he’s being hurtful and selfish and continues on anyway with full knowledge his victim doesn’t like what’s going on.
Doing his best lobster impression, Chester squeezed the petit girl’s ribcage rapidly between his fingers. Digging in between each soft rib sent Holly cackling, fighting at the rope and once again trying against all odds to break her wrists free from Dean’s demonic grasp. Large as they were, the cotton covered bottoms of the redhead’s ballooning boobs bounced against the tops of the farmboy’s hands. Wordless laughter streamed from between the goosed girl’s full red lips, her vision blurred from tears and cheeks growing redder by the second. Even under the shade of the giant tree there was a comfortable warmth, and with all the additional exercise she received small droplets of sweat began to form on the buxom girl’s sensitive skin.

“EEIIEEHEE!” Holly shrieked with ticklish surprise as a cheeky index finger crept up under her blouse and poked into the cushy side of her bouncing boob.

Wedged between the tight fitted cotton and the squealing teen’s marshmallow soft breast, Chester’s right index finger wriggled like a stationary caterpillar. Pressing his fingertip repeatedly into Holly’s fleshy boob did nothing to quash the older man’s rapidly growing excitement, his nine other fingers all still digging brutally in between the eighteen year old’s tender ribs. Dean had described his brother’s fondness for making girl’s giggle as ‘enthusiasm’, which had been an intentional understatement on the rugged farmboy’s part. What the busty bound giggling girl was unaware of that both brothers knew quite well, is Chester’s interest in tickling was far more than a mere hobby. Running his fingers over helplessly ticklish women in point of fact, turned the taller of the two brothers on like nothing else.
These dudes are terrible. I think Dean is slightly worse. The text seems to condemn him more. He’s describe as demonic. In addition he has this “Aw shucks. Nothing I can do. I have no control” attitude which is clearly false. He constantly lies and understates and enables.
“Wh...hhh! What are you doing?!” The eighteen year old shrieked, her ribs pink from the achingly ticklish onslaught.

“Tickle titties!” The overly boisterous man said as he unfurled Holly’s tightly tied blouse.

“Hey! Nono!” The tear faced girl bellowed as Chester began pulling carelessly at either side of her pink plaid shirt, the buttons popping off quickly from the bottom up. “Don’t you dare!”

In little more than a second, before Holly could even register another horrified protest, the wiry man had torn her shirt wide open. Spilling out into the warm summer air the redhead’s milky white boobs bobbed like giant mounds of jello, her large pink nipples dotted with tiny goose bumps. Tugging the shirt over the shocked girl’s slender shoulders, Chester slid it down the length of her biceps and upper back. Bunching the now buttonless shirt neatly around her elbows the lust driven giant took a step back to admire his new found treasure. Red faced, sweating and teary eyed she looked on at him with desperately pleading eyes, her freckled bosom bare and irresistibly inviting.

“D-Dean, you wouldn’t! Chester, please!” Holly cried as the big man’s rough hands opened toward her naked boobs. “Someone heeeeelp!”

“Kitchy titty!” The lanky skinhead grinned and began wiggling all ten of his fingers softly on the undersides of the redhead’s bobbing breasts.

“Yeeeheeehee! Nohahaha!” The helpless girl shook, fighting to free her arms as her bosom bounced against the ticklish touch.

Being the hearty country gal she was the squealing redhead wasn’t easily embarrassed, she’d done her share of skinny-dipping over the years and had even let a couple of the more handsome boys around town reach second base, but this was completely humiliating. Sadly, being forced to bare her boobs by this pair of delinquents and tickled silly on top of it was only the beginning of Holly’s mortification. Amongst her squealing and struggling the frantic eighteen year old began to feel a sudden pang of involuntary lust. It was miniscule but no less surprising for it subtlety. Barely even able to focus on it, but that tiny warm swell in her lower tummy told the 5’6ft girl that it was definitely, absolutely real.

Not that it was at all difficult given her intense sensitivity, but Chester seemed particularly skilled at keeping Holly in a constant stream of fitful giggles. The incessant fondling of her fleshy melons may have caused the young woman’s libido to spike, but it didn’t make the tickling any less torturous. Dancing his fingertips along the bottoms of her boobs the wiry man spidered them up either side and stroked over the freckled tops. Sliding back down the lanky man drew delicate circles around and around, always careful not to land a single digit anywhere near the tormented girl’s slowly hardening nipples.

“Chestahahaaa! Pleeheeheese!” Holly fought to pull her arms around, pushing her shoulders forward, which only succeeded in squashing her large breasts together.
But the ‘involuntary lust’ has arrived to complicate the situation even if only a little bit.
“Maybe I give these a lickin’ too!” Chester teased as his hands hovered over the vibrating girl’s nipples, his fingertips quickly stroking the tender flesh all around each one.

“NO! Nohohoeehee! Pl-pleasestopstop!” The threat of the bashful man’s tickling tongue worming around her stiffened pink buds caused the young redhead to thrash suddenly.

“Just kiddin’ yeh!” The seemingly goofy fellow grinned and suddenly dug both index and middle fingers into the tight gap where the tied girl’s boobs met her underarms.

“Aaaaha!” Holly balked forward, mouth and eyes open with shock as the older man’s cruel digits dug deep into her soft flesh. “Hahaha! Ohnohohaahahaha!”

Exposed flesh jiggled wildly in the shade of the great tree as the eighteen year old’s increasingly erect nipples drew random lines in the air before her. Fighting helplessly for freedom with a broad grin she couldn’t avoid, the half naked girl was the only one of the trio not smiling by choice. Plastered across Chester’s face was a toothy grimace that couldn’t have been much wider, and Dean’s own amusement was easily visible across his smirking lips. Looking into the lanky tickler’s eyes it was impossible to tell exactly what was going on behind them, whether the skinhead man knew how much suffering he caused or if he was so naïve the whole thing was just a big game. Either way, it was clear he enjoyed it.

“I know, I know!” Chester literally jumped up and down like it was Christmas morning.

“What is it buddy?” Dean asked his gleeful brother and finally loosened his grip around the redhead’s forearms.

“Let’s get her feet!” The giddy lunatic clapped the heels of his hands together as he danced around. “Get her boots off and tickle some toes!”

“M…my boots…?” The teary eyed girl stammered and sheepishly bought her legs in tight against one another.

Holly was ticklish. Every inch of her nubile young body could be used to make her giggle or guffaw wildly, but some places, some areas, some spots went above and beyond. Normally well hidden and unseen, even less often touched, where the nerves were particularly raw, those were the areas of a ticklish girl’s nightmares. Those were the secrets that when bought into light would make her heart sink. Excruciating to merely even consider the possibility of being tickled. To be exposed, vulnerable, tied and outnumbered, to be completely void of any freedom, was apocalyptic.

“Here, you take the right!” The dark haired brother’s deep voice said from behind as the dangling teen felt his large hands clasp around her left calf muscle.

“Ha ha ha!” Chester chuckled and leaped to Holly’s right, she kicked but he easily snatched her other calf.

“NO! Nono! Get off! Get oooooff!” Kicking madly the frightened girl didn’t even care that her boobs were hanging out as she felt both boots began to slide from around her delicate feet.

As newly welling tears ran down her quivering cheeks Holly’s stomach twisted into knots. Despite the jerking tugging forceful kicking the boys held a leg each, raising her boots from the ground and lifting them up behind the screaming girl. Tipping forward the topless redhead dangled, tossing and clawing at the rope around her bare midsection. Wrapping their large biceps around her ankles the sobbing teen’s knees shook, both boots slowly sliding away. Dean and Chester continued to laugh amongst themselves as they callously tossed their captive’s boots aside, her cotton white socks wiggling from underneath the crooks in their arms.

“Gonna take your socks now girl!” Dean yelled eagerly over the top of Holly’s crying pleas.

“Den we’s gonna tickle yeh feet!” Chester added as he hooked his free index finger under the rim of the trapped girl’s sock.

“Nohohohooo!” Holly blubbered with disbelief, her fiery pigtails wagging as she fought and strained and kicked.

With cruel intention the brothers made long work of sliding the bound girl’s thin white socks from her small squirming feet. The outdoor air hit the eighteen year old’s heels first, soft and slightly pink, curving down to a silky smooth instep and the severely thin skin of her arches. Continuing their arduous journey along Holly’s upturned soles revealed the tender balls, curving upward and back down into the undersides of her tiny toes. Finally, when the socks dropped limply to the grass below, the poor girl found herself in nothing but the short denim cut offs.
The slow sock removal is a pro, and often ignored, move. …props.
“I think we mighta hit the jackpot here buddy!” The darker haired brother exclaimed as he tightened his arm when the bare foot girl’s struggling increased.

“Has you got ticklish feet Ms. Holly?!” The wiry giant asked but it was difficult to tell whether it was genuine or just rhetorical teasing.

“Damn girl, these babies even look ticklish!” Dean observed and stretched the fingers of his free hand in preparation.

“Pleaaaase!” The hanging girl strained her voice with a stress that could only be bought on by impending doom.

“Readyyy…” Chester began, locking his arm tight around Holly’s ankle and starring at her vulnerable right sole.

“No! NO! Ohno, pleasePLEASE!” She shook, the teen’s full red lips trembling.

“Steadyyy….” The muscular skinhead raised his free hand and began wiggling all five fingers only a few short inches from the girl’s delicate foot.

“Awha nooo! No don’t do thiiiis!” Holly cried, her entire body shaking with horrified anticipation. “I-I’ll do anything!”

“They all say that eventually.” The darker haired of the two brothers said quietly before his sibling yelled.

“GO!” Chester hollered and scribbled five fingertips lightly in the dead center of the helpless young woman’s delicate arch.

“Y-Y-YAHA! YAHA! YAAAHAHAHAAA!” The half naked girl’s back arched and after the initial shock had passed she began to howl. “EEEIIIGHAHA! EEEYYYAAAHAANOOO!!”

Joining his brother a moment later Dean too began to run five fingers up and down Holly’s other fully exposed arch, her laughter so loud and intense it almost seemed more like screaming. Thrashing against her captures the bare foot girl went berserk, the two much bigger and much stronger men having to grip a lot harder than they’d expected. A crazed expression crossed the poor girl’s face as the brother’s fingers ran rampant, her face twisting between riotous mad laughter and agonizing misery. Clenching her eyes shut and bursting them open again the hysterical teen caught tear blurred flashes of the bright green grass below and her own jiggling bouncing bare boobs.

Focused purely on their individual tasks, Chester tormenting Holly’s right foot and Dean torturing the left, the Magurty brothers various techniques were scarcely alike. Though she was in no fit state of mind to analyze, it was a point of fact that the difference between the brothers touch, speeds and locations up and down the redhead’s soles made for a far worse experience than if she’d been tickled by a single attacker. Dean’s fingers lacked any finesse at all, he raked all five over the balls and down the arches, up the heels and back again. He’d dig them under the teen’s toes as if mining for gold and scratch viciously down either side. Chester on the other hand was surprisingly gentle for one who appeared so brutish upon first glance. With a feather’s touch the skinhead’s fingertips would glide along her sole, swiftly sliding across the tips of Holly’s wiggling toes and skating majestically around the tender heels. Despite their differences both approaches were equally as maddening as the other, and together drove the deranged girl into a frenzy.
Well, Dean finally joined the fray. Well I don’t know if it would make Holly feel better but apparently many others have fallen prey to the brothers.
“YEEEIIGHHAA! EIIIHEEHEE!” Holly’s wailing laughter turned to shrieking giggles as the brother’s both danced their fingers around the tops of her feet, paying particular attention to each terrified toe.

Curling her toes the young woman’s arches wrinkled tight. Spreading her toes wide made her soles taut and whenever that happened Dean would drag his fingers all the way from toes to heel causing Holly to shriek with ticklish surprise. They toyed with her like that for a long time, sadistically teasing and changing patterns, never doing any one thing for too long. The sun sat high above them but even under the shade of the tree all three began to sweat, the tickled teen far more than the two brothers holding her. Beet red cheeks glistened as tears flowed down them, flying from the eighteen year old’s aching jaw.

Barely able to form full words in her state of tickled insanity, Holly had no idea as to how long Dean and Chester leisurely forced the loud bawling laughter from within her petit frame. Minutes dragged by as the inhuman torture continued, every stroke and careful pinch eliciting new hellish howls deep from within. All the while, as the brothers tickled and tickled and tickled her feet, Holly’s libido continued to heat up. Unbeknownst to the wild teen and completely beyond her control both sweat slicked nipples had swelled to their peak, the fire in her lower tummy burning ever hotter.
I said “ALMOST not enjoyable”
“Lookin’ a bit warm there girl!” Dean remarked when both brothers suddenly ceased their assault.

“Ahha!…guh!…hhh…ohgah!…” The bare foot girl gasped, both her ankles still held firm behind her.

“Better exercise than all that walkin’!” The lanky brother concurred as he turned to see beads of sweat running from Holly’s slender neck and down between her shoulders.

“Seems to me you best cool off…” The handsomer brother instructed, making sure to keep a tight grip around the girl’s lower leg. “…how about you lose them shorts?”

“N…no…hhh!” Holly panted for much needed air after whimpering an appalled protest.

“I’ll make this real easy for yeh…” Dean grinned and gave his brother a wink and a nod. “You get ridda them short shorts o’yours, or we’re gonna start ticklin’ yeh feet all over again!”

“Hh! Hhh! N-no! Please no! Not-not again!” The redhead’s toes curled involuntarily at the thought and her hands shook. “Pl-please let me…let me go!”

“Alright fine, guess we’ll tickle yeh again!” The dark haired man said and began to wiggle his fingers.

“Nono! I-I’ll do it! See?!” Holly fumbled at the button above her zipper, the sweat on her fingertips and nervous trembling making her slip. “I’m doing it! I’m taking them off!”

“Best hurry up girl, we’s gettin’ bored back here!” Chester threatened as he watched Holly’s elbows wobble while she loosened her denim cut offs.

Any pretense of dignity having flown out the window the degraded redhead reluctantly complied. Zipping down the fly, the hanging girl awkwardly took hold of her waistline and slid the shorts back over her well rounded butt. With her arms tied around the elbows and legs stretched out behind her the teen could only push them just below her ass cheeks, the thin cotton of her light red panties leaving little to the imagination. As the warm summer air brushed between her thighs Holly could suddenly feel the dampness, a dark wet patch of arousal soaking the front of her underwear. Fortunately, as a rush of further embarrassment steamed the eighteen year old’s cheek, she also realized that from their vantage point, with her shorts in the way, the brothers had yet to discover her lustful shame.

“Ain’t that feel better?” Dean asked and loosened the tension of his bicep, taking Holly’s left ankle in both hands.

“Ahuh…nnnhh…” Responding with only sobs and deep breaths the distraught girl squirmed as she felt Chester follow his brother’s lead, both men taking hold of an ankle each and swinging a leg over.

“Sure it does!” The older man answered his own question and squeezed Holly’s left ankle between his knees while his brother did the same with her right. “Don’t want you over heatin’!”

“Wh..what are you doing…?” Holly’s voice quivered as she spoke, her legs hung slightly lower now but as she jerked her knees it was obvious they were still very much trapped.

“Turnin’ up the heat of course!” Dean replied and both brothers pressed the heel of one hand against the bottom of the young woman’s toes, stretching both soles taut.

“Nonoplease!” The helpless girl begged and strained to move her feet even a little bit, but it simply wasn’t possible. “Don’t! Ohno, don’t!”

“Yeh can start laughin’ now!” The taller brother called in a gleeful tone and scribbled five fingers up and down Holly’s smooth stretched sole.

“NNNYYAAA! HAHAAGHH!” Roaring with laughter as the two men’s ten collective fingers sped up and down her bare feet the big breasted girl shook violently against her bonds.

With scarcely a single freedom allowed her, Holly’s hands slapped and clawed at her own thighs as her immoveable feet were cruelly explored. Showing the kind of restraint only a sadist could, Dean’s technique was decisively restrained. Holding back on his previous rough assault, the lantern jawed man’s fingertips danced with the weight of a paintbrush, barely caressing the sensitive skin. Chester was no more vicious than before, his same feathery touch causing a maddening tingle all over the redhead’s buttery soft sole and between each tormented toe.

“HEEEHEE! EEIIIIHEPLEEHEESE!” Holly squealed, the boy’s fingers frolicking all over her up turned soles like ten little rambunctious devils. “EEEIIY! YEEEHEENOHO!”

“We let yeh go, yeh gotta take yer panties off!” Chester offered without ceasing his ticklish attack, keeping the helpless redhead’s toes stretched back.

“AHAHA! NOHOHOOO!” Barley comprehending what he’d said, the poor girl’s shrieking giggles turned to guttural laughter as Dean’s light tickling turned to harsh raking nails.

“That’s the deal right there!” The wiry fellow continued with his demeaning offer. “We’ll let yeh go, but yeh gotta get neked!”

“OKAY! AHAHA! A-ANYTHING! HAAAHAHA!” Holly relented and used every ounce of willpower to draw enough focus for forming words articulate enough to be understood. “J-JUST PLEHEEEEHEESE! PLEASE STAHAHAHAAAAP!”

“A’right then!” Chester replied and gently lowered the near nude girl’s right leg back toward the grass. “Start strippin’!”

“Yeh heard the man!” Dean said as he followed suit, lowering Holly’s left leg which caused her shorts to drop around her ankles.

“Puhuh…please…d-don’t make me…” The sobbing girl begged as she knew the moment either of the men standing behind her saw the panties they’d notice the damp patch adorning the front.

“Either you strip, or Chester here’s gonna strip yeh.” The dark haired man’s deep voice said calmly from behind the topless girl. “An’ believe me, you do not want Chester strippin’ yeh.”

“Slide ‘em panties down!” The lanky brother encouraged as he pivoted around the front of Holly and, just as she’d feared, his devious eyes locked square onto that humiliating wet patch. “Ohhh-hoo! She wetter than a otter’s pocket!”
Dean is a bad guy but he’s understandable evil and poor Holly’s doomed.
“The hell you say?!” Dean asked and practically leaped around from the other side to take in the full frontal view of Holly’s pert pink nipples and wet hot groin. “Hooo, damn girl! I done told you she’d like it!”

“I-I don’t like it!” Holly protested, her words strained but genuine. “I…I don’t know why that happened! Please, please just let me go now!”

“We did let yeh go, we put yeh legs down!” Chester grinned, his eyes not leaving the red damp panties. “Now you strip, like yeh said!”

“N-no! You have to let me go!” The terrified teen pleaded and cupped her hands between her legs. “You said you would! And…and then I’ll strip!”

“Nuh-uh girly!” The lanky fellow retorted and began wiggling all ten of his fingers in the air before her. “We let yeh go, we never said nothin’ about untyin’ yeh rope! Now get t’taken them wet ol’ panties off or we’re gonna start ticklin’ yeh all over again!”

“No! No please I…I…” Looking back and forth between the two expectant brothers and down to Chester’s threatening fingers it was clear her options were hell, or worse hell and with trembling hands the sweat soaked redhead hooked her thumbs over the rim of her light red panties.

Averting her eyes from the men Holly took her time, procrastinating as much as possible. Shuffling her legs the short shorts dropped over her feet and landed on the grass, the teary eyed redhead’s toes barely reaching the ground. Crossing her legs in an attempt to cover herself the disrobing teen slid the thin cotton underwear over her hips and down her thighs, her elbows tied and hands only reaching so far, she squirmed and the moist panties dropped faster than she’d intended, scooting over her feet and landing atop the denim shorts below. Rendered completely naked, save for the blouse bunched up around her elbows, the fiery red bush between her legs was exposed for the world, the red hair dark with liquid lust.
Holly’s naïveté would be enjoyable if it wasn’t so sad. Did she actually think they were going to untie her? Or was she trying to get one over on them?
Tapping his brother on the shoulder with the back of his hand, Dean cocked his head sideways and motioned a few feet away. Following suit, Chester followed, both men turning their backs on the nude girl and walking several steps away from her, out from under the shade of the giant tree. As the brothers whispered to each other the already nervous girl grew even more anxious. Her bottom lip quivered and wide eyes shook, the eighteen year old placed one hand over her pussy and awkwardly bought her other up to cover her ballooning breasts as best she could. The clumsy covering bought little comfort, especially when the demonic pair finished whispering and looked over the shoulders toward the helpless girl, large toothy grins sadistic across their lips.

“W…what…what are you gonna do?!” Holly cried with fear as the two brothers turned back to face her, their demonic smiles permanently stamped on their faces.

“We’s gonna give yeh what yeh want!” Chester replied as he walked toward the dangling nude girl while his brother wandered toward one of the horses.

“I just want to go home!” The busty eighteen year old countered, swinging her legs slightly as she tried to find some footing with the ground.

“You will…” The dark haired brother said as he unhooked a neatly wound rope from the horse’s saddle. “…when we’re done our fun.”
Demonic smiles is an apt description here. These boys are making Holly’s life Hell.

“I’m not having fun!” The red faced girl said defiantly as Dean strolled toward her unfurling the thin rope.

“Heh! All evidence to the contrary, huh?” Dean quipped back as he arrived next to Holly, tossing one end of the rope over the branch above.

“I told you! I told you, I don’t know why that happened!” Holly stressed the truth once more as Chester leaned forward and snagged her right ankle in his hands. “Hey! G-get off me! Stop it, no!”

Valiant though her struggling was, even if she hadn’t already been severely weakened from the Magurty’s brutal ticklish assault, the nude girl had no hope of winning the fight. Kicking and pleading, wailing and thrashing, they tied one end of the rope around her ankle and raised it upward. In what became a naked half-split, Holly’s right leg was pulled higher and higher until her bare foot was almost at the same level as her pigtails. Like the lasso bound around her waist, the other end of the rope was wound and tied to the tree trunk, her left leg the only free limb left as it hung down barely touching the grass.

“Yer drippin’.” The shorter brother observed which put a sudden stop to Holly’s frantic and fruitless struggling.

“Huhhh…ahuh…let…me go…” The defeated girl whimpered as she cupped her hands over her exposed pussy, the thick clear lust running down her thigh along with droplets that plummeted directly down to the grass.

“Don’t worry none!” Dean raised his hand toward Holly as if offering his brother a newly cooked ham. “Chester’ll clean you right up!”

“Aheh heh heh!” Chester chuckled as he dropped to his knees before the dangling girl and began waddling toward her. “Gonna lick you clean!”

“W-wha…no! Nonono!” Holly screamed with horrified shock as the wiry man’s long wet tongue licked his upper lip and he moved in closer toward her completely vulnerable pussy. “You don’t know what you’re doing to me, PLEASE!”

“Oh, I think he knows exactly what he’s doin’ to yeh.” The dark haired brother said as he wandered around the back of the panicking girl.

“Ohgodohgod! Ch-chester dohon’t!” The tied redhead shook and tried to push him away but he grabbed her wrists and easily pulled them to her sides, his breath hot against her tender lips. “Chestah! Ch-ch-Chestaahooawww!”

Throwing her head back Holly couldn’t help herself, letting out an involuntary moan of passion as the wiry man’s long wet tongue snaked between her pussy lips. The eighteen year old’s hands clenched into fists and her free leg tried weakly to kick him away but Chester was a rock. Holding her wrists tight the older man had free reign to every sensitive spot, the tip of his tongue quickly finding the redhead’s clit. Hoarse cries erupted from deep within and she didn’t even try to fight them, there was simply no point. Lapping at her clit the skinhead swirled and twisted, the randy redhead didn’t know which way was up, so easily did his tongue take command of the girl’s perverse reaction.
Well, that’s new and pretty pleasant.
While his brother kept their captive lost in a world of clitoral stimuli, Dean Magurty unsheathed a rather large knife from his boot. Spinning the sharp weapon skillfully in his hand the handsome cowboy took hold of Holly’s left bicep as he stood behind her and went completely noticed. Carefully to avoid cutting the writhing girl by mistake, the muscular country boy sliced away the rumpled blouse that had been bunched around the redhead’s elbows. Within seconds Dean had rendered the once complimentary shirt into a torn rag, tossing it to the ground and rendering the poor horny girl absolutely and truly naked.

“AH! AH! AWH! I’m gonna c- AW!” Holly moaned as she lewdly grind herself against Chester’s ravenous tongue, growing ever closer toward much needed release. “I’m gonna caWH! I’m! I’m! I’m gonna…!”

“Get tickled!” Dean yelled suddenly from behind and began rapidly squeezing the hotly aroused teen’s sides.

“Nahahaha! Ohaha! AH! AH! AHahahahano!” The surprised redhead shrieked when the cruel man’s fingers prodded and poked her sensitive skin, Chester’s oral expertise not pausing for a second, forcing the young woman to moan amongst her unstoppable laughter. “OhnohOHH! AHA! YeeheeheAH! D-deheeenstopit! AH! AH!”

Licking furiously between her legs the kneeling brother ramped up his tongue attack. A rush of searing pleasure ripped through Holly’s abdomen but as it tore through her throat and formed another welcome moan, a torrent of tingles played wickedly along the sides of her large squishy breasts. Reaching from behind, Dean’s devious fingers danced across the buxom girl’s freckled boobs and clawed down to her soft rib cage. An unprecedented battle raged within the poor horny girl, pleasure increasing with the end just in reach, but torturous tickling keeping her from any relief.

Which was faster, Chester’s tongue or Dean’s fingers, was impossible to determine. The thinner man’s lips and licking sucked and slid, whirling a hurricane of ecstasy around Holly’s dominated clit. Meanwhile the handsomer brother’s fingers sped along her tummy, wiggling into her navel and spidering back up along the howling girl’s ribcage. As luck would have it, the tickle ravaged girl’s first piece of good fortune since the Magurty’s had caught her out on the road, it was unrelenting tickling that had turned her on so much in the first place. Despite the torture of it all, the dark haired man’s tickling only delayed the sweet release, escalating the nude girl’s pleasure.

“Yeh want me to stop?!” The hunky cowboy asked as he pinched softly along the undersides of Holly’s jiggling boobs.

“Eeheeheeyes! AH! AH! Yeseeheeeha!” The giggling girl nodded and wept a few more tickled tears.

“Or you want Chester to stop?” Dean teased and sped his fingertips around the outside of Holly’s belly button.

“Nohohoho! Pl-pleaheeAHA! AH! D-deheeheenstop! AH!” Bewildered by the two pronged attack the poor girl was rapidly losing her mind.

“Alright, alright! Don’t ever say Dean Magurty don’t show mercy when it’s due!” The dark haired man said and danced his fingers up along the vulnerable girl’s tummy, across her ribs, up along the bottoms of her fleshy breasts and directly onto her rock hard nipples.

“NAAAHAHA! AHH! AHH! AAAHA!” Holly screamed, thrashing as a mixed chorus of riotous laughter and violent lustful cries rampaged through her voluptuous nude body.

Between the storm of licks annihilating her soaking pussy and the ticklish fray of fingertips dancing softly across her nipples, Holly couldn’t have held back if she’d wanted to. Tingling burst out across her skin from each areole as blazing nirvana thundered from between her thighs, the young woman’s back arched and a silent whimper broke into a shriek of throat stretching pleasure. Grinding against Chester’s face, tears of overwhelming pleasure ran down the redhead’s bright scarlet cheeks. Dean’s fingers kept up their speedy assault and as the orgasm racked the eighteen year old’s body every stroke and delicate touch sent another wave of crackling arousal across every inch of her skin. As the tingling waves crashed up against the raging fire between her thighs more howls of primal lust blasted loudly into the summer air.
Well, the boys experience sort of played out in Holly’s favor for once.
Laying back into the grass, his hands behind his head and a content smile cheekily across his face, Chester licked thick froth from his lips as he looked up at the devastated girl dangling above him. Wheezing, sobbing and gasping the exhausted girl hung drenched in sweat, tears, saliva and the flood of clear arousal that dripped from her fiery bush. Behind the exhausted girl, Dean stood with a single raised eyebrow as he admired her well rounded glistening behind. The lasso around her midsection forced Holly to lean forward slightly, forcing her milky white ass to protrude back further than usual. With her right leg tied high to one side the redhead’s dripping pussy steamed with invitation. Taking a hold of his groin the handsome cowboy confirmed the large erection that pressed painfully against his boxers. Without taking an eye of the young woman’s luscious butt, the randy redneck began to unbuckle his belt.

Kicking his boots off, tossing his socks, Dean dropped his jeans and tore the tight white cotton t-shirt over his head. Standing in only his dark blue boxers the muscular man’s tanned figure made for an impressive sight, hard pecks and ripped six pack abs already beading with sweat. Slipping out of his underwear the fully naked cowboy’s well toned butt nearly completed a Herculean figure. Rounding out the complete package was the dark haired man’s achingly hard erection, a large shaft that curved upward and glistening purple cockhead quite drenched from his own arousal.

“Yeh hear me girl?” Dean asked softly as he stepped forward, sliding his large hands around Holly’s hips. “Yeh awake?”

“Uh…?” The dazed girl murmured as she blinked tears from her eyes, the older man’s warm touch tender around her waist.

“Yer gonna wanna be awake fer this…” The handsome man said as he slowly leaned his lower stomach against the bound girl’s plum shaped butt. “Go on an take a look down…”

“Whu…what…” With her vision cleared Holly looked down, only for her jaw to drop at the sight of Dean’s huge cock hovering between her thighs. “Oh! Ohgod…d-don’t!”

“Don’t you worry none Miss Holly…” Dean continued to speak in a soft, almost caring tone, as he drew the slippery tip of his cock slowly from the top of the eighteen year old’s vulnerable pussy on down, barely applying any pressure between her lips. “…I’ll take real good care of yeh.”

“Nuh…no…unnnhh…it’s…I can’t, I can’t take it!” The tied young woman began to squirm as the muscular man began to press upward, his raging boner sliding slowly inside her. “It’s too…ohno pl-please…it’s too b…it’s too big!”

“Yeh want it though, don’t yeh?” The deviously domineering man asked and leaned forward, pressing his steely pecks against Holly’s shoulder blades as he whispered softly in her ear. “Go on…say it…say you want it…”

“I ca…uh! Uhplease! I can’t!...It’s too mu…too much!” The redhead pleaded, her eyes rolling backward as Dean’s enormous cockhead was almost completely inside of her.

“Yeh can to do it…just admit it…ain’t no one gonna hear…” Dean slid his rough hands around onto the writhing teen’s breasts and began softly fondling her still very hard nipples as he whispered hot seduction into her ear. “Tell the truth now…or I’m gonna have to tickle it out of yeh…”

“O-okay!” Holly relented and lewdly grind herself forward in an attempt to engulf the cowboy’s giant cock further, any pride that remained easily gone with a single threat. “I…I want it…I want you…do it...do it!”

“You asked fer it!” The Adonis figured man leaned back, slid his hands back around the nubile teen’s hips and grinned broadly.

“UH-HUHHHNNFFUUUAA!” The nude girl’s mouth dropped into a wide open O shape and her eyes disappeared back into her head as the cowboy’s pulsating shaft slid inside her. “OH GAH! OH MY GAAAAAHUHN! UHUHN!”

Clawing his large hands into Holly’s flesh, Dean pulled himself forward, lifting her much smaller frame upward. Sliding backward dropped the howling young woman down again and thrusting forward up, each powerful lift causing the hunk’s curved cock to slam against her g-spot. Screaming with unbridled passion the stupefied redhead’s large naked boobs bounced freely, her mouth open wide and fingernails digging hard into her own thighs. Increasing his speed the dark haired man grit his teeth, faster and faster with each successive push.

As his brother rammed the bellowing girl from behind, causing her young body to quake, Chester continued to lay back in the grass and watch the show. Looking over Holly’s twisting, contorting expression the wiry man let a content smile creep across his face, the girl’s cheeks bright red and stained with trails of a thousand tickled tears. Dropping his gaze slowly the taller brother saw the straining muscles in their captive’s neck, it too scarlet red and beading with sweat. Further down still the eighteen year old’s large fleshy breasts jiggled and bobbed, nipples swollen to the point of bursting.

Her ribs and tummy were lined with trails of pink where the brother’s fingers had been, random lines in all directions. Between the girl’s legs, of course, her fiery orange pussy flooded with liquid lust as Dean’s throbbing cock pounded up inside her. Holly’s left leg dangled below, curling upward and kicking, stretching out uncontrollably and long forgotten by it’s owner. Starring upward and along, the screaming teen’s long smooth right leg hung tight from the tree, above the rope bound around her ankle wriggled the girl’s small foot, it’s toes spreading and clenching, the sole facing outward, soft, vulnerable and as Chester knew very well indeed, agonizingly ticklish.

Standing upright, his actions completely unnoticed by the two loud naked bodies slapping against each other, Chester stepped casually off to one side. Leaning forward, his face level with Holly’s bound bare foot, the wiry man slowly wrapped his fingers around her ankle and stepped in closer. Pursing his lips the enchanted fellow planted a small kiss in the center of the impassioned girl’s creamy soft heel. Clenching his grip tight the tall man kissed softly again, and again. Opening his lips a little wider the older man’s kisses grew wetter, sliding up the young woman’s silky smooth arch. As his mouth reached the balls of the redhead’s wiggling foot the skinhead man slipped his long tongue out, using just the tip to taste her sole. It wasn’t until he licked beneath her toes that Chester finally caught Holly’s attention.

“AH! AHA! NUH! NO! AHAHA!” The surprised girl screamed and flashed a glance toward her right foot before Dean’s cock drove up into her again and the blissful moan nearly tore her in two. “CHEII! CHESTAH! AH! AH! ST-STOOOHHA!”

Tightening her muscles involuntarily caused Holly’s pussy to squeeze. Arching his back suddenly Dean’s cock throbbed, the redhead’s sudden spasmodic tension sending jolts of pleasure rushing through the muscular man’s loins. As Chester’s tongue wormed between her squirming toes the nude girl went berserk, ravaged by overwhelming pleasure and tortured by excruciating ticklishness. In a vicious chain of warring sensitivities the foot tickling caused the eighteen year old to struggle, the struggling caused the cowboy’s sliding cock to throb harder and the throbbing cause the bound girl even more ecstasy. On top of all that, the poor girl still suffered the indignity of being further turned on by the hellish tickle attack.

Hornier than she’d ever imagined her young body was capable of, the petit sweating mess of a girl had passed the point of no return. Should the brother’s have ended their assault at that moment it wouldn’t have mattered, the fire had lit the fuse and it was too short to put out. The same however, was just as true for Dean. Digging his fingers in hard to Holly’s hot flesh the older man’s boner ached with increasingly rapid throbs. Clenching their eyes shut simultaneously both nude parties mouths tore open with loud, primal screams.

Their bodies shook violently against one another, steaming sweat dripped to the grass below. Toes curled and fingers spread, Dean’s huge cock pulsated so hard it made Holly’s eyes bug out. A hoarse cry ripped from the redhead’s lungs as the handsome man bit her shoulder, his steely pecks pressed hard against her slender back. Thick lust poured from the young woman’s fiery red bush, all the while she continued to fight against the terrible tickling snaking over her right foot. The dark haired man’s large hands caressed upward, his breath hot against the back of her neck as he stroked over the teen’s stiffened nipples and hooked his arms around her shoulders. Holding the pigtail wearing girl tight the well toned redneck’s thrusting gradually slowed, no less forceful in their strength and speed.

“Ahaha! Ahahast-stop!” Holly shook her head wildly from side to side as Dean slid out of her, the pleasure of her orgasm slowly subsiding and being replaced by the feeling of Chester’s cruel tongue. “D-DEAN! AHAHA! STOP HIM! NAHA! NAHAHA!”

Sadly, in an appallingly cruel twist that the bound redhead hadn’t considered until that point, having just gone through at least two mind numbing orgasms meant her normally hypersensitive young body was even more ridiculously ticklish than usual. With no time at all to recover from the monumental sex she’d just had, the poor girl’s entire nervous system was going off like the fourth of July. Crackling, tingling, even the blades of grass that swept across the tips of her left toes were tickling her. Looking wide eyed toward Chester in hopeless desperation Holly cried tortured tears as the lanky man showed no sign of stopping.

“Yeh okay there Ches’?” Dean asked his brother as his own actitivies went unseen and were of little concern to the howling eighteen year old.

“Umh humh!” The wiry man replied without retracting his tongue, licking furiously with snake like speed in the arch of Holly’s bare foot.

“EEEIIIYYAAHAHA! PL-PLEEHEEAHA! ST-STAHAHA!” The exhausted girl screamed, where the energy to thrash came from was a mystery as she couldn’t even form full words anymore.

“Well, you two sure seem to be gettin’ along well enough…” The handsome cowboy said as he walked, now fully clothed, into view of the nude girl. “Figure I might just give ya’ll some alone time…”

“N-NO! NOHOHOOOO!” Holly shrieked, the thought of being left alone with Chester now worse than ever. “Y-YOU CAHAHAN’T! EEEIIYYAAHAHA! DOHON’TAHAHA!”

To her absolute nightmarish horror, Dean turned and began walking toward his horse. Stretching her neck out, eyes open wide, the poor girl begged through her maddening forced laughter for him to stay. He was cruel and sadistic and would no doubt tickle her too, but as the lesser of two evils the handsome cowboy could at least keep his brother under some level of control. Without the hunky man around there was no telling how far the wiry one would go, how much licking and for how long Holly would have to endure. Horror turned to dismay as through her teary eyes the eighteen year old watched Dean mount his horse. Without looking back, the cowboy slowly rode toward the tree line, before disappearing completely into the forest.

Ignoring his surroundings entirely, Chester kept on licking.

The End.​

Wow. After all that turns out Dean was sort of telling the truth and then left anyway. I wonder what happened to poor Holly. Even in the end though, Dean really only made it worse for Holly. He likely knew she would be more sensitive and now Chester will presumably do all the things that Dean was supposedly preventing, now with extra sensitivity. I almost admire it. Well, it seems that all of Dean and Chester victims survived which is how they got their, arguably vague, reputations.

Well after this. I’m going in mostly blind. It should be fun. I’m looking forward to it.
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