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I got caught....


TMF Poster
Dec 6, 2003
I was downloading one of these Charlee clips and i left the computer to go get ready to go out, my mom comes in from work she usually check her voice messages when she comes in the house first...but this time she didnt she had to check her faxes so as im upstairs getting ready she went down where my computer was saw my big screen media player with Charlee tickling some nude girl, usually when clips are done it cuts off and its just a black screen, this clip so happen to have the screen freeze when it was finish so all you see is basically a pic of charlee tickling the girl, so i was upstairs and i realize she was going to wear my comp was im like "shit" by the time i got down there it was too late, she saw it and was like "what is that?" you know since i was in panic mode and kinda embarass i said "i dunno" she was like its pornography, like im like dam and as she walked away you can tell she was like disgusted and hurt and i feel so bad, im pissed at my media player for not going to a black screen when it was finished i mean it did it any other time.....but now i dont know what to do...i mean i cant tell her "look mom i have a tickle fetish" by the way im 28 but i still aint want her to see that....i dont know what she thinks of me you can tell shes upset, this happen to anyone of you.....any advice? i messed up pretty badly....i dont want her to think i have a problem....
This is indeed an awkward situation. But first off you said yourself, you are 28. If your mother is holding on to some strange notion that you are still 8 and her little boy, then hoenstly no disrespect meant, but she is the one with a problem, not you.

First thing you should have not been embarassed by it. If you would have been non-chalant and been like, "Oh its something a friend sent me as a joke and I was checking it out" or even "I was curious about something I saw and wanted to check it out", the worse you may have recieved was a look or maybe a "that is just wrong". Acting ashamed that she saw is something that is picked up on. If you are ashamed or embarassed others will pick up on that you know its wrong and your doing something you know is wrong.

My advice (take it for what its worth) on how to handle it is just to simply say "Mom, Im 28. I have a lot of interests and curiousity in my head. It bothers me that something in my personal life may hurt you or make you think you did something wrong with me, or that I am some kind of deviant. But I assure you it is not true. You surely have to know as an adult I am going to be interested in things that may not interest you or others whether they are porn or not. Know this Mom, I love you and never want you to look at me in a bad way, but I am 28 and I make my own choices. Is this seriously that big of a deal, something that is personal to me that I would never embarass you with intentionally, though I do not see anything wrong with it."

If you are that concerned about how your Mom sees you, talk with her. Ignoring it for too long will only let wild things run through her head and once those get seeded it will take longer to get them out.

Again just some advice. And my PM box is always open.

You're 28. A man. You can look at whatever you want. If you were 12 it would be differnent....

Forget about it. It will pass.
I think you need to get out of your mom's house. Honestly, you live under her roof, and her rules, and she can do what she pleases, including forcing you to delete anything on your computer...or do it for you when you're not there. ....and look at everything you've done, downloaded, when you're there, or not..... or....you get the picture.

Tell her you got a tickle fetish, and depending on how prudish she is, that's how you got to play it. You can be absurd, and tell her you're an abomination to God's Holy will and she should disown you and never speak to you again, until one day she sees your death notice in the paper and wonders if she knew that guy, or she can throw you out of the house in disgust, or she can accept you, or...there's all kinds of ways these things can go.

Hopefully it's just a minor thing and is blown away quickly......
There are obviousy much worse things out there, but sadly to some folks, sex is the worst of the worst, and sexual fetishes are unimaginable.
I'd be more concerned if my kid was abusing drugs, dealing drugs, beating his girlfriend or wife, molesting kids, was a gang member, treating the waitresses or waiters like shit in the local restaurant, or just a criminal, .....but that's me.
Yeah dude I know how u feel I'm 22 & I have to hide it, my dad & sister think it was porn, they saw me looking at a site once. This is what happens when u still live at home over the age of 20 u get no f'in privacy.
I wouldn't worry about it too much
You're still her son and she's gonna love you no matter what right?
I wouldn't just come out with "hey mom, I have a tickle fetish... woop!"
I'd be more gentle with her to be honest, be a bit more diplomatic, something like "Mom, I know you saw something I enjoy, but it's nothing for you to worry about, it's just a part of my personality."
Just say something to maybe put her mind at rest, there's no need to go all out and reveal everrrrrything!

Hope that helps :)
I think you need to get out of your mom's house. Honestly, you live under her roof, and her rules, and she can do what she pleases, including forcing you to delete anything on your computer...or do it for you when you're not there. ....and look at everything you've done, downloaded, when you're there, or not..... or....you get the picture.

Tell her you got a tickle fetish, and depending on how prudish she is, that's how you got to play it. You can be absurd, and tell her you're an abomination to God's Holy will and she should disown you and never speak to you again, until one day she sees your death notice in the paper and wonders if she knew that guy, or she can throw you out of the house in disgust, or she can accept you, or...there's all kinds of ways these things can go.

Hopefully it's just a minor thing and is blown away quickly......
There are obviousy much worse things out there, but sadly to some folks, sex is the worst of the worst, and sexual fetishes are unimaginable.
I'd be more concerned if my kid was abusing drugs, dealing drugs, beating his girlfriend or wife, molesting kids, was a gang member, treating the waitresses or waiters like shit in the local restaurant, or just a criminal, .....but that's me.

^ i think this is very unfair. I've never liked the whole 'live under my roof live by my rules philosophy'. yes, there are certain things a parent can expect if their son is an adult and lives with them. but telling them what they can/can't look at on the computer (was it actually established that it's hers?? too lazy to go back and look) is unfair.

we don't know the reason he is living there. moving out might not be an option for him at the moment. that doesn't entitle his mother to completely fail to acknowledge that he enjoys certain privileges as a 28-year old. if anything, he owes me compensation for free shelter. He doesn't owe her what she considers an appropriate sexual curiosity.

aaanyway. when i was in high school my mom knew i was up to no good because i would use their credit cards to buy clips. she never saw them, but she would see the statements and the vague description and yell at me for ordering "pornography". It was mortifying and I felt awful. and what could i say? but these things just blow over naturally. just grin and bear it for now is my advice
Sounds like the easiest thing would be to keep your private computer in your room. That is what I do.

I also have my computer password protected so no one can access it but me.

There are ways to live at home and engage in whatever life you wish to lead.
I don't think there needs to be an explanation. You're 28 and we're all going to ignore the fact that you are still living with your mom at all. But if you feel inclined to talk to her about it, say someone sent you a prank email with an attachment disguised as something else and you had no idea it was that. Or that you clicked on a popup by accident or some shit.
First of all, you shouldn't be made to feel like some kind of deviant because you look at porn. It's normal.

Second of all, you basically have three options - Ignore it and pretend it never happened and wait for it to blow over -- Talk to your mom about it and tell her the truth - you were watching porn (you don't have to mention the tickling fetish) -- or go with Annie and tell your mom that it was a pop-up/joke email.

Either way, what you're doing isn't wrong - it's just a question of how open you can be about it to your family.
some good advice here, but I certainly wouldn't go into the whole "hey Mom, I have a tickle fetish" discussion... lol. No, you are a grown man... regardless if you still live at home with your parents, you still are your own man and have a right to your own privacy. I think Annie's idea is best... play it off as a prank or pop up.

And if it's possible.... find a way to get out on your own... you AND your parents will be thankful for it :)
getting caught

First of all, my sympathies. That blows. Secondly, I don't believe your question had anything to do with living with your mom at 28.

And now, to address the hippies (thats a joke...JOKE!!!) you live under your mother's roof, and your mother has the right to permit, or not permit, anything going on in the home. That is her right. I came home from Iraq - IRAQ - and had to move out of the house because I was having sex outside of marriage and my parents found out (Mom "whats a condom wrapper doing next to your bed? Me "Well, Mom... I used the condom") and I wasn't pissed about it. That's their right.

You also have the right to feel the way you do and be comfortable in your own skin. I got away with it as long as I could, as did you. I doubt your mom is going to boot you out, and even if she DID feel that strongly about it, it's not like she is going to make you live in your car because you like naked women. Your family structure is still intact.

Your mother is hurt but it will blow over. I don't see any need for full disclosure: she's seen all she needs to know and doesn't need or want details. There's no sense trying to convince her that what she saw isn't porn. Lying to people that want the lie to be true doesn't make it better. If for some reason this has damaged your relationship with your mother, whether it was a violation of space or trust, that has to be reconciled. You have to remember: in her generation, pornography was linked with pedophilia, rape, and mass murder. The old school stigma was that porno led to other things (kinda like killing animals turning into killing people), so this could part of her thought pattern.

The truth is much simpler. What seems earth-shattering in the moment is probably not so big. Some boundaries were crossed - your privacy was violated, and something your mom didn't want to happen in her house, did. Her boundaries need to be respected, but what happened was an accident. Treat your mother to a nice dinner. Let her know that you're still the son she knew and trusted, and keep making high-trust deposits to make up for the accidental withdrawel.
On topic: Been caught on a forum, it sucks. Once, and I have no idea how, a tickling clip popped up on my screen and it could be heard in the kitchen where my mom and I were. I never found out if she heard the laughter coming out of my computer.

Off topic: Ru your sig pic is fucking creepy.
I am very fortunate that we have a very open and honest relationship in our house. We have no need to lie about anything, yet that doesn't mean my dad, brother or me tell each other what we get off to (even though I have a suspicion my brother has the same kink as me LOL)

Anyway, sex is a natural part of life and wanting to have it is a VERY natural part of life. So you got caught looking at "porn", its not her business unless it directly affects her. I pay for my own internet, I have my own computer, if i want to put it in the family room so everyone can watch nobody can do anything about it (although for respect reasons I wouldn't)

The worse thing you can do is to tell me what I can and cannot do, everyone has the right to decide what they like and as long as it doesn't interfere with another persons right. Live and let live.

Maybe a solution would be to buy a cheap laptop and get a cheap internet plan (if such a thing exists over there :p ) that way it is your stuff, your life.

On a funny note: You wouldn't think your mother would be too upset considering the woman on the clip was probably laughing :D (The fact she was naked could have been played that it was for art LOL )

DJ Tickler
I think you need to get out of your mom's house. Honestly, you live under her roof, and her rules, and she can do what she pleases, including forcing you to delete anything on your computer...or do it for you when you're not there. ....and look at everything you've done, downloaded, when you're there, or not..... or....you get the picture.

Tell her you got a tickle fetish, and depending on how prudish she is, that's how you got to play it. You can be absurd, and tell her you're an abomination to God's Holy will and she should disown you and never speak to you again, until one day she sees your death notice in the paper and wonders if she knew that guy, or she can throw you out of the house in disgust, or she can accept you, or...there's all kinds of ways these things can go.

Hopefully it's just a minor thing and is blown away quickly......
There are obviousy much worse things out there, but sadly to some folks, sex is the worst of the worst, and sexual fetishes are unimaginable.
I'd be more concerned if my kid was abusing drugs, dealing drugs, beating his girlfriend or wife, molesting kids, was a gang member, treating the waitresses or waiters like shit in the local restaurant, or just a criminal, .....but that's me.

This has nothing to do with my me living in her house, i just wanted to know if this happened to anyone else....i think its just that she wouldnt expect to see this from me cause of how i am i guess.....i laughed about it later....lol it was just an awrard situation thats all, i said i was 28 so yall wouldnt think i was a minor...
You're 28 and we're all going to ignore the fact that you are still living with your mom at all.

What is the problem with living with your mom at 28? Not all children live with their parents into adulthood with the sole intentions of mooching off of them. What if his mom needs help - financial or physical? The economy sucks. Many people went into foreclosure and moved back in with his or her parents. Some people, in the process of selling their home, reside with their parents until a house on the market becomes available.

Anyway, back on topic.

Does anyone else find this story kind of hot?
What is the problem with living with your mom at 28? Not all children live with their parents into adulthood with the sole intentions of mooching off of them. What if his mom needs help - financial or physical? The economy sucks. Many people went into foreclosure and moved back in with his or her parents. Some people, in the process of selling their home, reside with their parents until a house on the market becomes available.

Anyway, back on topic.

Does anyone else find this story kind of hot?

Well not living with your mom at 28 would eliminate the problem of her walking in on him downloading tickling porn.
I think you need to get out of your mom's house. Honestly, you live under her roof, and her rules, and she can do what she pleases, including forcing you to delete anything on your computer...or do it for you when you're not there. ....and look at everything you've done, downloaded, when you're there, or not..... or....you get the picture.

:objection: I think most people understand that they're entitled to a lot more basic respect than this.

As for the OP, never been in a situation like this myself...but if I had been caught, and my mom started giving me a line about how I had no right to privacy because it was her house, I would've kicked down her bedroom door and said "Fair's fair."

Yeah, I was an angry kid. :p

Well not living with your mom at 28 would eliminate the problem of her walking in on him downloading tickling porn.

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