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Invisible Ink's RED SOLE Diary: " Troubled Waters! The tickling of a Pop Princess "

Invisible Ink

TMF Expert
May 9, 2005
Invisible Ink's RED SOLE Diary: " Troubled Waters! The tickling of a Pop Princess "

Troubled Waters-
The Tickling of a Pop Princess!
Part One of Two

Story Code: F/f f
WARNING!! This story contains the following dangerous chemicals; Heavy Bondage, forced nudity, intense tickling, sexual themes, violence, and a Spoiled little Pop Princess!

-Los Angeles International Airport-

" I'm sorry girls, you just missed her... "

An airport attendant worker explained to the group of giggly young teens that quickly gathered around the terminal's entrance.

Her finger traced the invisible lines the private jet was making as it tore through the sky on its way the fuck out of there. To the dismay of nearly three dozen fans, super popular pop princess Jilly had come and gone all too quickly. Ten states, fifteen shows, two talk shows, and a few dozen commercial endorsement ad commercials later, she could honestly say that this tour was over, and the pressure was off.

Now, that same pressure was planted squarely in the lap of her anxiety riddled agent who sat nerviously on the private luxury aircraft. Somehow, he had to find a reasonable way to explain to the spoiled brat of a pop star that she had one more unannounced show to do before she could start relaxing. As his boss drained on and on on the other side of the line, he just sat there with a stomach full of knots, and a mangled pen between his grinding teeth.

He was looking right at her. She was exhausted, and already preparing herself for a little catnap before their arrival into the beautiful island of Hawaii. Not only had she earned her right to sleep, but she had earned enough money off that tour to easily rid herself of pesky agents that wanted to bother her with foolishness. Normally, this part of the job was taken very seriously by miss pop sensation, and under any normal circumstances, she would happily accept an extra gig. However, this tour had been anything but normal. Her 22 year old body had been had endured many nights of sixteen costume changes, sixteen songs, and endless fanfare bullshit. Even with her massage therapist there to comfort her at the end of each evening, it was an overwhelming serving of stress.

This cute little queen started life off with a silver spoon stuffed in her mouth, and dollar bills in her diaper. Her father worked as an agent for some high profile alternative groups, and her mother was a lawyer. If this wasn't enough, they had received an HUGE inheritance at an early stage in their marriage. ( Enough to never fucking work again type sum )
The spoiling of their single child never actually had an ending, and her sweet tooth was riddled with cavities by now. She had everything she wanted, but was never really happy. Standing at nearly 6 feet tall, this stunning brunette was trained for a singer career after working onstage as a leading actress for several years. She was a ballerina for a short while, but always wanted to sing. Luckily, she was blessed with an incredible voice. It was so powerful, yet soft and endearing all at once.
As she grew older, her popularity increased with the masses. She put out several main stream records, and was instantly accepted and adored by young female fans all around the world. Without her father's help though, I'm afraid she might have ben overlooked. She did have one defect... she was such a little bitch.

Ohhhhh god was she a spoiled brat! Her parents were to blame, but it was too late for pointing fingers now. What she needed was a night in the company of several hundred leather straps, a thick and over the top ball gag for that pretty mouth, and a lunatic with a lot of free time. Maybe its time she learns a lesson about life, and how important it is to really listen to someone. Well, it just so happens that my calender is free, and I have a special place in my twisted imagination for spoiled little brats like Jilly. Follow me, if you will.....

That private jet cleared through the puffy white clouds hovering over the beautiful island of Hawaii as they made their final descent into paradise. The water's beauty was amazing, and can only be truly appreciated by seeing it with your own eyes. No words can describe it. The lush green contrast on that pale blue outline.. the soft waves crashing onto the peachy, yellow coast that surrounded the island.. the lovely topless sunbathers...

Jilly stirred a little in her seat as the plane landed safety, and without one mistake. She was wrapped in her favorite velvet sheet from home, and wore nothing but her favorite sweat pants and a sports bra. Mr. Holmes, or Mr. Anxiety as Jilly refered to him, was sitting with his stomach in his throat as she softly started to get up. Raising her arms in a V, she strechted herself out, and yawned. Sleepy time was written all over her pretty face, but she was getting that sense of fun and relaxtion. She turned to her agent, and smiled at him.

" Good morning.." She said.

" G..good morning.. err.. afternoon. " Chuckling nervously as he replied.

She rolled her eyes at him. This was typical of lame ol' Mr. Anxiety,and she wasn't about to let his sillyness get in the way of her vacation. As she grabbed her bags, and slipped her bare feet back into her pink jewel riddled sandals, she got a funny feeling that her agent had something to tell her.

" You've got that strange look on your face again. What is it?" She asked. This time, there was no smile.

" I just got a call from Unicorn records..." he said, gulpling.

" And?" She asked as she grabbed more of her things.

" They forgot to inform us about one last tour date.." He said, jumping right to the point.

She didn't even have to answer him with words because her face did all the talking. She tossed her stuff on the floor of the plane, and immediately crossed her arms.

" Harold!! What the fuck are you doing to me here?" She shouted.

" Me?? Jilly, they sprang this up on me last minute too! I'm just as surprised!" He said, grabbing her things off the ground.

" I'm done. Sixteen shows was the deal, and that is what I've done. End of story, good night!" She said, glaring at him.

" This is show business. You know as well as I do that no deal is ever done! Come on, give me a break here!" He said, pratically begging her to try and be reasonable.

" A break? How about I break your neck and find another agent huh?" She said smiling as she grabbed her purse from his hands.

" Maybe one with balls..."

That was her parting shot as she walked off the plane. He was left kneeling in the center isle of her private jet with absolutely no pride, no self worth, and no good come back....

SeaHorse Luxury Suites-

Being who she was, it was almost too easy to access the best fruits in life. She had the very best in automobiles, the very latest in technology, and more importantly, access to the very best suites in that hotel. In this case, in was the presidental suite that made up the center jewel in the giant golden crown that capped the massive building. Out on the balcony, your view would be the entire island. Nothing but the best for this little drama queen. As night fell on paradise, Jilly decided to enjoy what the city of Honululu had to offer in terms of dance clubs. She normally didn't get recognized by fans all that often. most of the places she went were definately adult only. Of course, being as famous as she was, there was always someone that immediately knew it was her.

As she jiggled her massive 34c's and wiggled her toned and damn near perfect asscheeks, Mr. Anxiety was in the middle of trying to get himself out of the headlock that the president of Unicorn Records currently had him in. He hadn't taken his little " oh, she deserves a break " speech very well, and was getting his point across the hard way.

" When will she be there? " He asked, tightening his grip.

" I don't even know where she went man!! Come on!! " he said, with heavy strain in his voice.

" Well, if I were you, I'd find her, and tell her to get that sweet ass of hers onstage, Understand?!?" He asked sternly.

The bully released the wimp, and excused himself from the room. Shaking his head, Mr. Anxiety pulled himself together, and walked over to his cell phone. He flicked her on speed dial, and nervously uncapped a nearby bottle of alcohal. It was the cheap, smelly stuff, but it was all he could possibly find in this dumpy little hotel room. Unfortunately, he was staying near her... in a motel right across the street from the elegant SeaHorse Suites. This was more like the UNelegant Sea snail suites....

On stage at the nightclub, an amazing techno performers dazzled all the stoners and druggies in the room. They gazed at the pretty laser lights flashing around, and slowly navigated through a dance floor floaded with dry ice, and all sorts of other types of smoke. As for Jilly, she was much more interested in the band's lead singer and keyboard player. Not only was he an amazing talent, but she was sizzling hot. I'm talking Molten Lava hot here. She had long, wavy black hair, dazzling green eyes, and was prefectly porportioned for her hefty chest and sexy rear end. With those long hawaiian legs and deliously sexy soles, she was nothing short of a ten. Of course, Jilly wasn't a lesbian. She considered herself... well, not picky. She'd go a little of this sometimes, and a little of that sometimes. As the powerful music floaded the dancefloor, she found herself memerized by the moment. This hadn't happened to her in some time now, but she suddenly feeling free. It was a great feeling. It didn't last though. Somebody recognized her..

"Hey! Aren't you like.. that one girl on MTV???" she said, slurring the words.

" Nope, not me. I just look like her." She said, trying to defuse the situation calmly.

This drunken Wench wasn't buying it, and continued to pester Jilly until her patience had reached it's boiling point. Only then did prince charming swoop in and save her day, but in this case the prince was a princess!

" You're needed in the backroom." said the mysterious woman.

" I'm needed in the backroom? What do you mean?" Jilly asked, wondering if this was yet another FAN!!

Turning away for a sec, she realized that this drunk bitch was causing quite a little scene in the club. Soon, bystanders started taking in interest into what was going on. She knew that her secret wouldn't stay buried long if too many more of these people recognized her. Then, she turned back to Princess Charming.

" What are we waiting for? I'm needed in the backroom." She said, taking her hand.

-Midnight.. (Just off the coast of the island)-

There was something in the air tonight that shouldn't have been. Something didn't feel right in paradise. There was a disturbance in the waters surrounding the island that was heavy enough to be felt by all the locals. Even the birds, and other local wildlife felt that something was wrong in these waters tonight. Normally, I'd tell you that it was simply their imaginations running wild on them. There was nothing to be afraid of. If only that were true tonight...

Instead, an ancient sea vessel drifted a few miles off the island. From the distance, you'd see the dark outline of what appeared to be Galliot, only ravished by time and raped by many brutal sea battles. The deck was candy apple red, and matched the massive sales flapping in the breeze. Several chunks of the main deck were missing, and left huge coal crusted black holes in their place. The main mast was slightly bent, and riddled with bullet holes and knives. A graphic image of a nude female fashioned in cruel bondage had been stamped into the mail sail. You couldn't see all these details from the shoreline, but you'd be better off that way.

The only tour you get of this boat is the one you see as your on your way to the torture chamber built into the ship's hold. Below the soles of their feet was a dungeon that would make the devil wet his pants. Huge wooden devices designed for torment were everywhere! Sawhorses that looked as old as the ship, and giant black crosses riddled with red leather straps for tightening. This horrid place is where many women spent the last few days of their lives before laughing to death....

For the final touch, a ball gagged women carved of ivory had been bolted into this crude ship's hull, and her naked breasts pointed towards the sea in front of them. Oddly, two giant feathers had been carved into this piece aswell, and each of their tips were resting in the hollows of her armpits.

Tonight, the crew of this ship grew bored of their current found treasures, and were dying to get their fingers around some new ones. As for their the current treasures, they were nowhere near bored! They were scared out of their minds. Two best friends on a once in a lifetime trip to Hawaii were just off the coast of the island when the Galliot sailed their way. They were having a blast scuba diving, and enjoying the warm waters. It was great to see all those fish! Such lively colors, and so many of them! What they didn't see were the wooden claws plunging into the waters from the ship above them. Like crab cages, these two poor women were grabbed against their will, and taken into the belly of this beast. Only time would tell as to what happened to them. Whatever it was, they couldn't seem to stop laughing about it...

-Meanwhile, back at the Seahorse Suites-

" You were amazing up there tonight." Jilly said, snuggling up on the couch next to her guest.

She blushed, but thanked her silently. She felt weird being in such a top dollar place, and sort of felt as if she was out of place. Normally, her salary barely got her through and she couldn't have stayed in a place like this to save her soul. But Jilly acted as if it didn't matter at all. She was so used to this lifestyle, and having things thrown at her pretty feet.

After the club disaster, Jilly felt grateful to the performer for her quick thinking and decided to bring her back to the room to hang out in private. She failed to mention that this wasn't just any room, this was THE room in THE best hotel in Hawaii! This was the top of the line, in over your head, and way too rich hotel! Now, here she was, and it just didn't feel right.

" So, are you here for business or pleasure?" She asked.

" Well, actually a bit of both. But I prefer the latter. This tour-" She stopped herself.

" Uhh.. what did you say your name was again?" Jilly asked her newfound pal.

" It's Maylea. " She said.

" Wow. That's a beautiful name." She said in return.

" Thanks Jilly. I think my grandmother picked it out for me. It means Wildflower." She said.

Jilly turned a little red herself. For some stupid reason, she actually thought that Maylea didn't recognize her. For once, she thought that maybe somebody would just know her as a regular ( and overly wealthy ) girl.

" I'm just a little burnt out. This tour was really hard on me." She said as her cell phone started buzzing in her front jean pocket.

She scooped it up, and read the front screen. Oh great, Mr. Anxiety again. Angrily, she tossed the phone across the room.

" Well, at least tommorrow is your last show. My little sister will actually be in the audience. She's a huge fan!" Maylea said smiling.

She went from five foot nine to about 3 inches tall. Her guilt erupted inside her, and she felt rotten to the core for trying to weasel her way out of it. But, like usual, she could bounce back and land on her feet like a pussy cat. She could fix this.
Excusing herself, she quickly searched for her phone so she could call that spineless twit of a agent to let him know she changed her mind.

Mr. Anxiety was a little busy at the moment. He was rolling down the concrete stairs of the shit pit motel after the manager from Unicorn Records had thrown him down. He was there to let him know the bad news about Jilly's performance. There wasn't going to be one. As you can tell, this didn't go over too well with Unicorn records. Two stairs from the ground, Mr. Anxiety's cellphone started ringing. As he rolled down the stairs, his back slammed against the floor, and his head smacked against the final step!! The cellphone continued to ring as his body lay still. He was moaning in agony, but his shaking hands reached for that phone anyway.

" h...helllo.." He said, spitting out a few of his teeth.

" I've decided I'm doing the last show." Jilly said.

" but... but I..." His voice sounded angered, and he was ready to explode.

" But I want you to know that this has nothing to do with you or Unicorn. I'm doing this for a new friend. K? Bye!" She said, flicking the phone off.

Mr. Anxiety tossed his phone into the parking lot, and rested his brusied skull against the hard floor. After all, it was actually nicer our here then it was in that dumpy room of his.

-The final show-

Needless to say, the last show was her best performance of the tour. She really shined up there! She did all her popular pop hits, and threw in a few new ones. She did several costume changes, and had a few other popular artists come up there with her and help her a little. Most of all, she actually dedicated the last song of the evening to Maylea's little sister. It was a moment in her life that she'd never forget. It was a beautiful thing to do. Backstage, Mr. Anxiety waited for his snotty starlette to finish the last number. The guy looked like a mummy. Casts and bandages covered every visible part of his battered body. He was a mess.

Maylea and her sister were invited to join her backstage, and when the show was over, she promised they would all hang out. It was a night they'd never forget. The next day, Jilly was a free woman, and desperately wanted to see al lthat the island had to offer. She wanted to see things that normally wouldn't be a part of the typical tours. She wanted to see some of the island's hidden secrets. For this, there was no better guide then her new found friend Maylea.

" I know of a place so secret on this island, that you'd be the third person who has ever seen it. " Maylea explained to her wide eyed listener.

" Who's the other two? " She asked.

" My father, and Me. We haven't even told my sister about this place." She whispered.

" What is it?" Jilly asked nervously.

For the next few minutes, Maylea described the secret place to Jilly in full detail. It was enough to get them both in bathing suits, and ready to depart within that same hour. The excitement for experiencing the secret was alive and burning in the room. She promised Maylea with all her heart that she would never talk about it. For some reason, Maylea actually believed what she said. She trusted her. and quite frankly, why wouldn't she? After all, Jilly had been overly generous thus far with her and her family. Besides, famous people never lie... right?

The LAUGHING lagoon-

A helicopter ride as what it took for the two of them to reach the halfway mark on their mysterious trip. From here, they'd have to do a little water travel via Maylea's Dad's fishing vessel. Well, vessel might be a bit of an overstatement. This was more like a raft with an anchor and a few fishing poles attached to the sides. Given the name " Crusty " due to it's outer appearence, this little bitch had pulled their family through some darker times. But now, it was off to the happiest place in Hawaii, whether you liked it or not.

" My dad and I call it the laughing lagoon." Maylea said as she directed the craft towards a secluded section of this beautiful island.

"Laughing lagoon? I don't get it." Jilly said, adjusting her diamond studded bikini bottoms.

" You'll see." She said, giving her a silly grin.

Whatever this place was, it was breathtakingly amazing to stare at. Huge palm trees scratched the heavens, and dug into the soft and nearly blemish free sand dunes all around the lagoon. The water was bath water clear, and looked good enough to drink. Below the surface of the water, you'd see thousands of tiny fish flashing every color you could think of! The lagoon was about the size of two hotel pools, and had a cavern like rock formation in the rear. So far, this seemed pretty normal to Jilly. She and Maylea softly walked barefoot through the sand towards the water's edge.

" Notice the fish swimming?" Maylea asked her popular pal.

" Oh yeah. They're really pretty!" She said half hearted. She was still waiting for the mysterious to unravel.

Then, Maylea took her by the hand and walked her a few steps away from the massive school of fish to a portion of the lagoon in which absolutely nothing was swimming in. Here in this spot, and this spot alone was completely bare and motionless. This was a little circle no more then four feet across, and was resting as close to the water's edge as you could get. Jilly glanced at the empty spot, and then back at Maylea, who was pacing back and forth at this point.

" I don't know if I can even do this again!!" She said, biting her fingernails.

Jilly glanced at her, and then back at that spot. Something in the back of her mind began poking fear into her thoughts. Fears like why she agreed to come out to this lonely section of the island alone. Even worse, why wouldn't she bring her cellphone. Maylea had been super sweet this whole time, but suddenly she was acting super weird.

" Are you feeling okay Maylea?" She asked her nervous pal.

" I'm fine. I'm sorry! I'm just really, really ticklish!!" She said, quickly covering her mouth. It was too late though.

" Ticklish? Why is that a problem?" Jilly asked, taking a few steps back from his rapidly unfolding lunatic.

" Let me explain with a demonstration. " She said, taking a deep breath.

Maylea rested her pretty hawaiian rump on the sand at the water's edge and at a snails pace, she began directly the sole of her right foot towards that strange spot in the water. Jilly stepped back and watched in sheer curosity as Maylea dragged the heel of her foot through the sand as if it was being dragged towards the electric chair.
Then, the tip of her big toe dunked itself into the warm water...

....and all hell broke loose!!!

" Ahhaahahahehaehehae!!!!!!" She screamed as she pulled her foot away from the water. Jilly's eyes widened to the size of softballs as she watched Maylea hoping up and down on the sand.

"Ha ah. Ha...Toss... toss me that towel!!!" She demanded. Jilly quickly aided her friend in the effort of drying off her toe.

" Ahhhhhh....." She said, laying on her back in the sand under the sun's heated rays. She had finally found relief from the Laughing Lagoon.

" You know, for a second there you had me convinced." Jilly said, crossing her arms.

She smiled, and rolled her eyes. She knew that seeing wasn't always believing.

" So, dip your foot in and prove me wrong." She said without as much as a grin.

Jilly was no stranger to a challenge, and she had absolutely no faith in Maylea's over the top performance. She was convinced that it had all been an act, and was ready to prove her wrong. Slipping the pink backpack off, Jilly lowered to the sand and softly shuffled her way towards the water's edge. Her freshly pedicured soles, beautiful painted toes, and shimmering foot jewerly shoved their way towards the water now. An underwater view showed her bare soles hovering over the water now, but before the plunge, she smiled and turned to her friend.

" When I prove you wrong, I'm really going to give you something to laugh about!" She said, wiggling her fingertips at Maylea.

With that, she plunged BOTH feet into the water!! !!Splash!!

Jilly's confident smile almost immediately began to twitch. She had a look of bewildered discomfort across her face after mere seconds of being in that strange water.

" Oh shit!!! hahaehaehah ahehae ahehea wait!!!" She squealed as she yanked her soaking wet soles from the lagoon and began rolling back and forth on the shore.
She was going frantic, losing her mind, and laughing hysterically all at once. She was desperately trying her best to brush the water off her feet with her bare hands, but that only ended up spreading the tickling devastation. Desperately, she reached her hand out for the towel and pleaded miserably into the Maylea's beautiful eyes. She didn't like the look of that smile on her face however...

" You seemed convinced.." She said, waving the towel back and forth.

"HahA AHAHE AHE I'M CONVINCED!!! AHHEA EHAEA AHEAE A I'M CONVINCED!!!!" Jill screamed, pounding her fists into the sand.

Since she wasn't much of a heartless bitch, she immediately grabbed Jilly's feet by the ankles and dragged them into her lap. Jilly's body wriggled back and forth as ripples of laughter continued body shocking her nervous system. Slowly and lovingly, Maylea casually dried off Jilly's prized peds and brought her to relief once again.
Jilly laid against the sand in a snow angel like position. Her tounge hung lazily from the side of her mouth, and she had a sort of drunkened daze in her eyes.

" That was amazing..." She said.

" I can't believe you dunked both feet in! " Maylea said, giggling to herself. " I should have said something."

" Nah. I wouldn't have believed you anyway." She replied with a shy smile. " Thanks for drying me off though."

For the next few hours, Maylea and Jilly tested each other's levels of self control with help from that bizarre water. Somehow, their tops found their way off their chests...
Now, the bare breasted Pop singer was right in the middle of having several droplets drizzled directly over her very erect nipples. Jilly immediately closed her eyes, and turned her face away.

" You're not giggling, are you Jill? " Maylea asked, following her face from her kneeling position. She was making sure that not a single smirk had started yet.

" No.." She said, immediately biting her lips.

Unfortunately, Maylea felt that her other nipple was feeling a bit jealous...

" Ahaahaha!!! Ah ehae aehaea eahea aha haeae ahade AHAHE AEHA AEHAEA HAEA OKAY!!! I GIVE!! AHEHAE AHEAEA" Jilly screamed.

" A mere fifteen seconds! What a wuss!!" She shouted, grabbing two little towels and softly pinching each of her nipples.

" Oohh!! haeha eaheha eahaehah aheae aeha" Jilly shouted.

After a full day of water experiments and tickling madness, the girls decided that it was time to throw in the towel and call it a memory. Maylea put her bikini back on, and made her way towards their little boat. As Jilly pulled her bikini bottoms back up and into her crotch, she unzipped her backpack and threw a few things into the opening. She yanked an expensive bottle of purified H20, and gulped down the entire thing. Jilly glanced at the now empty bottle of water, and then back at the laughing lagoon.

She winched as she slowly twisted the cap off once again. She had made a promise to Maylea. She was trustworthy...right?

Maylea saw Jilly running towards the boat, and was smiling from ear to ear. The sun was starting to set, and had caused a splash of pink and orange across the sky that faded into the sky blue waters of the ocean. Their little boat backed away from the shores of this private little treasure, and they slowly inched their way back towards the Heliport.

" Mind if I catch a catnap? " Jilly asked the captain.

" You don't even have to ask. " Maylea replied.

The sleepyhead spell seemed to spread across the entire boat, and soon Maylea was feeling a bit snoozy. She knew that the Helicopter would be there for the rest of the evening, and there was no safer place to catch a catnap then in the safety of their little boat in the middle of the waters. Maylea yanked the anchor up and tossed it over the side. She lowered to where Jilly was sleeping on her side, and softly nuzzled up next to her friend. As they dreamed together under the moon, the boat that was once softly rocking back and forth was now raising up and down with the rapidly increasing waves in the waters. The anchor at the bottom of the ocean slowly started dragging into the sands below as the boat drifted forward. That chilling feeling of uneasyness was once again in the air around them. The fish swam frantically under their little boat, and headed towards the shore. They were freaked out as if a predator was creepy in the water nearby. A shark perhaps?

Something worse was drifting towards their little boat now like a predator, only this one was above water and full to the gills with perversion. From behind the boat, you'd barely make out the cherry red outline of the huge ship slowly approaching. The night's air had turned from worse to downright scary with the level of wind and the force behind it's powerful blows.

" We're going to have to take off!!! " The Helicopter pilot shouted.

The security clerk nodded, and shouted back that he'd go out looking for the girls and bring them into the shelter. With that, the copter was up and out of their. There goes the last hope of escape. As the Security clerk jumped into his wave jumper ( jetski ), he fired up the motors and sped off like a missile into the night. He was to be their knight in shinning swimsuit... He was also too late...

The jet ski circled around what was left of their little boat as he frantically searched the waters for a sign of a living person. Shreds of wood chunks, a few bottles of tanning lotion, and pieces of the bikini's the girls once used to keep their bodies covered were floating in the water now. The security clerk quickly burst into action, and pulled his binoculars from the survival kit hanfing from his right shoulder. A few minutes of scanning leaves him just as clueless as he was when he got there. Noting.. not a trace of anything other then what jhe already found. This was a qweirde one. It had shark attack written all over it, save for the blood in the water. But that dsidn't make sense.. not this close to the shore anyway. This was something else...

Something else was one way of putting it. I'd say being completely naked, and forced to sit in a hanging steel cage from the ceiling of a pirate's master bedroom is definately something else alright. This is where both Maylea and Jilly were now findking themselves. Jilly was in a small steel cage barely built for one. Her bare breasts were forced to press down against the tops of her thighs, and her neck protruded from the cage itself. Her legs from the knees down hung out from the cage, and the small of her back was pushed against the back wall of the cage. With her rear end slightly off the steel floor, a careful eye could just make out her anus and that little pathway towards the promise land. As for her ankles, they were locked together with some sort of rope and tethered to the right bed post at the foot of the captain's bed.

Maylea was in the exact same position to the immediaite left. Luckily, their wrists weren't shackled in any way, but this didn't make them any more useful. Due to the size of the cages, their arms were forced to stick out of the cage. There was no way out. Jilly glanced over at Maylea, but she wasn't picking up on any signals. Instead, she had her eyes glued to the performance going on just beneath them.

" Oohhh.. oohhhh yes!! ooohhhh!!!" A Raven haired woman screamed as she rode atop of a disturbing looking pirate.

Her back was to the caged girls, and was riding her husband like a bucking bronco. Her back was riddled with really awful tattoos and deep tissue scars from god only knows what. Her butt looked strong, and her legs were pumping with muscles. She was definately no twig. As for the Captain, all they could see from their miserable position were his legs. Well, his one leg anyway. The other was nothing but a wooden peg from the knee down, and appeared to have been connected by a amatuer from the lack of stitching.

As the bed rocked back and forth, the cages slowly teetered back and forth. There was an eerie squeeking noise from the heavy chains holding the cages to the ceiling that seemed to work in unison with the woman's pleasure moaning. Finally, there was an earth shattering climax grunt from the both of them, and the horror show came to its end. At this point, Jilly and Maylea's horror show was ready to begin...

" aaaaaahhh.... My lady..." An old, raspy sounding voice said.

" Shhhhhhh...." She said, slowly climbing off his body and rolling onto her back.

Now was the first time Jilly was able to see his face. Needless to say, he wasn't Brad Pitt. This creep was more like Brad Shit. He had an old, wrinkled face that looked as if it were handcrafted from leather. Both his eyes were intact, but the redness around the rims and the puffy flesh made it hard to even see them. He had a medium sized nose that had been pierced with an ring made of solid gold. His teeth were stained brown and yellow, but lucky for him they could hardly been seen in that grey sea of hair coming from his chin. His beard spread out and flowed down his face to his man boobs. A detail catching eye might see the chunks of fish tangled within the beard from dinners months ago. He, and all his ugliness made the one and only Captain Cruel.

His wife appeared to be more of the dangerous one. She looked russian, and had these amazing green eyes that would just stare right through you. She was an amazon like woman, and had an incredible figure. It was actually quite intimating just to be in her presense. Both nipples were bright red, and pierced with the same golden rings that hung from the Captain's nostril.
The tattoos on her back were pretty horrible, but the crossed guns just above her shaven vagina took first prize in the looney fair. This bitch was whacked out to say the least. Right now, she was admiring her freshly caught birds, and going over how she planned to enjoy them this evening in her mind.

Suddenly, she turned onto her stomach and faced her husband. With a smile on her face, she bent her knees and lifted her feet into the air. Jilly turned to Maylea at that point, and desperately tried to silently signal her. She wanted to find out if she was alright, and if she had any idea what the fuck was going on here. But she wouldn't come out of that blank stare. She was scared stiff.

" Have you chosen which you'd like to watch first?" The woman asked Captain Cruel.

He pulled a bottle of booze away from his chapped lips and nodded his head.

" The islander first my love..." He said, flashing those nasty teeth of his.

Maylea looked as if she was having some sort of panic attack. She closed her eyes tightly, and turned away from the woman rapidly approaching the front of her cage. She tugged mockingly on the rope holding her bare feet, and smiled up at the trembling beauty.

" Wise choice..." She purred.


All Jilly could do was watch from her tiny hanging cell as the amazon like woman prepared Maylea for whatever was to come next. Based on the look ( and smell ) of these hideous people, it didn't take a brain surgeon to figure that it wouldn't be anything nice. As she unlatched the little locks holding the cell doors in place, Maylea screamed and struggled about as best she could.

" Quit moving!!" She shouted, shaking her fist before the horrified face of the lovely Maylea.

But she didn't listen.. She couldn't mute the instinct to run for her life and try to escape at all costs. She kicked her legs out and about as the Captain's wife released her ankles from their simple bondage. Unfortunately, this only irritated her, and made Maylea's outcome even more grim. Before all this fuss, she was merely going to tie her to that bed of theirs and tickle her silly right in front of her husband. This cruel act of childish torture seemed to please him to no end, and always made him hard as a rock. But, thanks to her bad attitude, Maylea would now be forced to wear the pleasure mask...

" Hey!! Stop it!! Get off of me!!" Maylea shouted as she was lifted into the air and thrown on the bed. She landed right against Captain Kruel's belly. As she struggled to get some leverage, his wife was right there to grab her wrists and shoved them against the bed once again. Shackles were quickly placed around her wrists, and then tethered to the bedposts behind her. Half of the humilating spread eagle position was complete..

" Uhh.. my sweet venom.. You know how to please yer man..." Captain Kruel said, grinning from ear to ear.

She nodded at her loving husband, and blew him a kiss. Jilly's bare soles were now pointed directly at Maylea's face, and she was forced to look straight at them. Her ankles were still bound together and tied to the same bedpost that Maylea's left wrist had been. Sweet Venom grabbed a hold of Maylea's wiggling feet and smiled back at her.

" I'm going to torture you beyond belief you little bitch.." Sweet Venom purred as she spread Maylea's legs apart.

Without warning, she slowly dragged her downwards on the bed so that her pretty butt was forced over the hump of the Captain's belly. Now, her entire crotch area was pinned, and available for a FULL inspection directly over his belly button.
Her ankles were shackled to the bedposts, and that was that. She was in full custody of the lovely couple.. Mr. and Mrs. sickening.. Next, came the pleasure mask...

Jilly watched Sweet Venom head over to her dresser drawers. She glanced up at her and smiled, as if to say " You're next sweetheart.."

She yanked a solid black face mask out of the drawer by it's seven inch nose, and gracefully walked back to the bed where Maylea was yanking at her bindings, and unknowingly turning the Captain on more and more as she wiggled her rear end into his stomach. He was in heaven... She was just beneath Hell...

" Your face is too hideous for words. This mask will help me concretrate on your tortures." She said smiling.

Maylea turned away, and glanced up at Jilly's soles.

" HELP ME!! PLEASE!!!" She cried out to her captured buddy.

" Don't worry sweety! Someone will save us! I promise you!" Jilly shouted back.

Sweet Venom just laughed off the foolish conversation, and lifted Maylea's head off the bed by her hair.

" AaaaaHHH!!!! Let go of my hair you freak!!!!" She shouted.

Quickly making Maylea's beautiful black hair into a thick ponytail, she used one hand to place the mask around her eyes and nose, and the other to hold her head up by that ponytail. The mask had been covered in some sort of clear glue like stuff that made the mask absolutely impossible to get off her face now. It was stuck to her skin.

" There! Now you are very pretty. Ha ha ha!! Don't you agree my love?" She turned to her husband.

" She's a looker now! HA he Har! Ha Ho ha!!!" He shouted, sending droplets of sweat and saliva against the insides of Maylea's thighs.

Maylea didn't know what she looked like from her position, but whatever this mask was, it seemed to have a very stiff and long black nose protruding from it. It had some gerth to it too. To Jilly, it looked a little like a penis. She cringed at the many thoughts of why that would be, and how they'd use it. She failed to notice the little red button just above the fake nostrils of the mask's overly exagerated nose. It was called the pleasure mask for a reason you know...

The amazon-like Sweet Venom climbed onto the bed, and crawled over to Maylea's left side on all fours. She smiled at her husband as she dived in for a deep, passion filled slurp kiss. She got off the bed one more time. Her tickling gloves had been left in the bathroom of the Captain's quarters. Appearing as a typical pair of leather, elbow lengthed gloves from a distant view, these demons had modified fingertips designed for the simple act of nearly tickling someone to death. Each finger had been capped with a vibrating nub that buzzed at intense speeds. It was actually sort of difficult for her to use these because the tips tickled her fingers so bad. Image those on the soles of your feet... How about up and down the sides of your ribcage? Would you stand a chance against the tickling gloves working on your tummy? She grabbed a pair of goggles from the top of ther dresser and returned to the bed.

" Here you are my Captain..." She said, handing him the goggles.

" Just in case she's not potty trained..." She added.

With that humilating statement, Sweet Venom grabbed that mask by it's long nose and tilted it backwards.

" Please!! Please don't do this to me!! I'm begging you!! " Maylea cried out on the verge of tears.

Ignoring her completely, the evil woman smiled and pressed that little red button...

" Ooohhh!! Turn it off!! Stop it!! Please!!" Maylea shouted in discomfort as her entire face buzzed and vibrated. The loud humming sound of the little motor pumping filled the room. There was a reason why that mask's nose looked like a penis..

...Minutes later...

This isn't exactly how Jilly was hoping to spend her vacation away from the busy touring life she'd been enduring for the last few months. Instead of sunbathing by the pool of THE best hotel in Hawaii, she was teetering back and forth in a cage built for small animals and watching a new friend of hers being tortured to no end. It was awful what they did to her. Jilly couldn't watch...

" Ooahhaehahe ahehaea eah AHAE AHEA HAHEA EAHEA ::Gurgling:: ahehae h AHEHAE AH WAI... WAIT!! haheha "

Maylea could hardly get a word of english through her baffled, laughter filled screams as the torture continued. Plus, there was another force that made what Maylea had to say even harder to hear...

" Oohhh... ohhh yesss... keep laughing.." Sweet Venom howled.

" Hah aehaea NOOOOOO!!! HAHEA EAH aheae aeha ::Snort:: HE AEHAEA NO!!!!!"

Jilly listened to her pleading becoming more and more desperate. She could hear clear signs of fatigue in her voice with all her half hearted grunts and moans. It was the laughter that was nearly always constant.

The Captain just smiled, and poured more liquir down his throat as the show carried on. This was much better then just watching porno in bed. Sweet Venom arched her back, and faced the ceiling as another orgasm rocked her body.

" Ooohhhh.. ohhhhhh god yes." She said, breathing heavy.

" Let me GO!! LET ME GO!!" A muffled shout came from beneath her ass. It was hard to hear what Maylea had to say, considering the fact that she had her eyes pressed against Sweet Venom's asscheeks, and her mouth against her hairy, pierced pussy lips. The buzzing nose of the pleasure mask had been shoved entirely into her rectum...

" tICKLE the Islander till she pees.." Captain Kruel said, getting all hot and bothered aswell.

" Oohhh god no!! no more!! NO MORE!!!" Maylea shouted until Sweet Venom pushed down on her mouth.

" Silence! Ohhh... ooohhh.." She shouted, continuing to enjoy that anal attention.

She lifted herself up and off the soaking wet pleasure mask, only to re-adjust her crotch so that the nose sunk into her pussy.

" Where shall I tickle her for you?" She whispered.

" Her soft spots.." He said, tossing the empty Vodka bottle against the backwall. The smashing of glass gave Jilly a shocking jolt in her cage from the shock of hearing things break.

Her soft spots could only mean one thing..

Starting with Maylea's sweat covered neck, she spider walked all ten buzzing tips down her body. As her hands walked over her chest, a few fingertips stopped to explore her swollen nipples...

" Oohh aheae aheaehahea!!! hhha aehea ::Giggling nervously:: " Maylea cringed at the thought of never being set free.

As her hands traveled further down, they dipped into her sexy stomach and tickled her into a laughing fit.


Following a quick trip into her thighs, those fingers began to form a small group around her bucking, and lightly shaven vagina. She felt herself clam up, and she tried finding a happy place. With one buzzing fingertip, Sweet Venom yanked upwards and slightly pulled the hood of Maylea's beautiful pussy back to expose her sensative little clit. With TWO fingers, she now buzzed the clit on either side as she held it chop stick style. The tickling sensations outweighed any sexual pleasure. but the feeling that she was losing control of her body was getting harder and harder to ignore.

" Ooahae aheae oohaheha ::Coughing, choking:: HA EAHE AHEAHEAHEHAE AHEA!!!!"

Her face was still buried beneath Sweet Venom's rear end, but the volume of her shrieks and giggles was loud enough for the entire crew to hear.

" ahea eaheaeaa.. hahea eae I'm GOING TO PEE!! HAE haehae aeha PLEASE STOP!!!!!!"

Those were the words the Captain was dying to hear As he adjusted the goggles on his freaky face, he opened his mouth wide...

---Back on the Beach--

Needless to say, people were starting to wonder if the popstar princess had been kidnapped for ransom. The media was having a field day with this one. They were fighting among each other, stepping on toes, and pushing people around as they tried everything in their power to be the first network with the story. B.B.W. Networks had already claimed that trophy an hour ago. It seemed they had an insider working for the F.B.I. That guard on the jetski had immediately called the local police, but once they found out that a celebrity was involved, they called the feds. Of course, trying to keep a situation like this away from the press is the ideal concept, but with their information moles deeply hidden and normally a phone call away, it was damn near impossible.

Word got back to Unicorn Records, which got back to Mr. Anxiety. He was the last to know anything.

" YOU were supposed to be keeping your eyes on her!! " He shouted into the phone.

" I can hardly keep my eyes open after your beatings yesterday Sir.." he said quietly.

" You miserable waste of space!! If one thing happened to our cash cow, I will personally rip your head off your neck and shove your face in your ass!! " He shouted.

" That wouldn't be good for me." He said.

" FIND HER!!! "


The show was over.. for now, and old Captain Kruel seemed to be satisfied. He staggered up from the bed, allowing Maylea's rear end to lower and now rest against the mattress itself. This wasn't exactly a blessing given the condition of that mattress, and those unholy sheets covering them. It seemed that this hideous couple had no business being aboard such an incredibly wealthy looking vessel, let alone this planet! It just didn't add up. Despite the Captain himself, the Captain's quarters appeared to have had some sort of potential once before. Beneath dark stains and bullet holes, you'd see decor that had been color matched with the flooring of the room. It was almost elegant looking...

Then came the bombshell for our Pop Princess Jilly...

As Sweet Venom slowly untied Maylea's wrists from the same post holding Jilly's ankles captive, her eyes caught the glimmer of Jilly's very expensive foot jewerly.

" How did I miss these? " She said, grabbing one of Jilly's feet by the heel. She immediately squealed from within her cage and tried pulling her feet away.

This of course only made matters worse, and Jilly knew that. UNFORTUNATELY, she was just too God damned TICKLISH to try and stop her body from reacting that way. It was out of her hands...

Sweet Venom slowly flexed the toes bearing those priceless rings as she examined them very closely. In fact, the tip of her nose kept brushing up against Jilly's arch, and with every touch, her entire foot flinched and tried pulling back.

Damn! She did it again!

Control.. control yourself..

don't show your weakness..

" These... these stones are so rare.." She said, nearly out of breath from excitement.

" Where did you get these? " She said with her eyes still fixed on the diamonds themselves.

But, Jilly was a little too busy biting her lip in an effort not to burst into some sort of pampered, baby-like begging session for this " interesting " stranger NOT to touch her feet anymore.

After a few more times of not getting a response, she finally looked up and addressed her little captive.

" Where? huh? Where?! " She said, looking right into her eyes. She had these piercing purple shaded eyes ( probably those colored contacts ) that seemed to stare right through you.

" I... I saved my money.." Jilly answered nervously. Her feet were shaking now.

" Don't like me bothering with your feet hmm? " She asked nicely.

Jilly frowned, and nodded her head yes.

Great!! I just blew it!!

I'm in for it now..

" Tell me where these came from." She said, twisting her hands so that the tips of her fingers rested on the heels of each of her bare feet.

" Now..." She demanded,

" I saved my money for like, ten years! I'm telling you.." Jilly said, remember her acting lessons from several Teeny bopper sitcom special appearances she'd done before.

" I see. Well, tell me if you will, what you did to earn over six million dollars during that TEN year period..."

As those words slipped from her mouth, her fingertips slipped upwards and into the arches of her oversensative soles.

" I... Six Million? ::Giggling nervously:: Are you kidding me? These were a little over three thousand dollars." Jilly said, acting confident.

" I washed cars, cleaned pools, moved lawns, babysat... All the usual crap you know?" she added.

" Don't play games with me.. I can be dangerous.." She said, taking one of those hands away from the left foot, and slowly pulling one of the biggest knives Jilly had ever seen from behind the mattress box.

" Very dangerous.."

She started lighting tickling the ball of Jilly's right bare foot.

" I'm telling you.. ::giggling nervously:: please, don't.. DON'T.. do this to me.." She said, feeling tears welling up in her eyes.

" She's a liar. I can SMELL it from here." Captain Kruel added as he finished dressing himself in his finest, and headed up to the deck.

Sweet V dropped the knife, and was now tickling the balls of both her feet at once. The left hand trailed a little downwards though, and moved into her arch once again. The look on Jilly's face was one of somebody being shocked by electricity.

" I'm hahe..ahehaeahea I'm not lying!! haehae aeha I swear!!!" Jilly shouted, wiggling back and forth in that tiny cage.

" Are you the daughter of a wealthy man? " She asked.

" Haheae hae aehea NO!! It was my mo... moNey!! haeha eahe aehaea pLEase!! AHEHA HA..HA.EHAE "

" Why do you think aheae ahea ahea these are worth that much!! hae aehhaea heaea" Jilly screamed.

" Well, when I'm not torturing young women for my husband, I work at a jewerly store. " She said smiling.

" You see, I am a appraiser of diamonds my dear, and these on your toes are some of the rarest stones I've ever seen in my life. These wouldn't be here without millions of dollars being spent. Now, if you don't start talking about where these really came from, I'm going to yank you out of that little box, and TICKLE your entire body for the rest of the night. No breaks.. Fully restrained and naked, and absolutely no mercy from me.."

" Are we clear?" She said, speeding the foot tickling up a few notches.

" YES!!! ahea eahea HHEA EAHE aehae sSTOP!! STOP, I'LL TALK!! I'LL TALK!! aha eaheha eahea"

Her busy fingers stopped, but the tips remained on the heels of her feet as a constant reminder.

" Is your Mommy and Daddy very rich? Did they buy you these rings?" She asked.

Jilly didn't like where this was going. She had already been caught, and the thought of getting her family involved made her feel very vulnerable and extremely nervous. She didn't want them to think her parents were rich. The only way out was to tell the truth, no matter what the outcome...

" The truth is, I stole them." She said, lowering her head.

" I see."

" Okay, I'll be right back. I have to get the torturing devices ready for you. I'll see you shortly." She said, climbing off the bed.

" WAIT!!! OKAY!! OKAY.. YOU WIN.." She said nervously.

She crossed her arms and waited for the truth.

" I... I'm. a..." Jilly said, studdering with the words.

" Spit it out princess..."

" I'm a performer.. and these were given to me to wear when I was onstage. " She said, lowering her face.

" A performer? What medium? " She asked, not totally convinced yet.

" Radio and television. " Jilly said, beating around the bush a little.

" What do you DO..." She asked, walking up to the cage from behind.

" I.. I'm a singer. "

Sweet Venom was a little thrown by what she was hearing. Jilly's face looked to be someone speaking the truth, and she had built-in lie detecters in her brain from years of dealing with liars. But then again, what were the odds of a famous singer hanging out somewhere on this island alone. She was way too easy to capture, and who was this islander with her? It didn't make any sense to her.

"Prove it. Sing me something." She said, glancing at those stones once again.

" She's telling the truth you know.." Maylea added.

" Excuse me, nobody asked you. " Sweet Venom said, quickly placing her ass over Maylea's sweet face once again.

" mmmppphhh!! mmmpphh!!"

" Sing me something now.." She wasn't kidding.

As much as she didn't want to, Jilly was forced to face the music. She really had no choice. So, in order to save her soles she instantly broke character and started singing on of her most popular hits from her first album. Her strong, yet seductive sounding voice echoed through the Captain's chambers and around the ship itself. She sounded as good as she ever did on stage, in fact, she sounded better! She was quite the performer under pressure. Sweet Venom was impressed, but not completely convinced just yet however.

" Bravo.. " She said, clapping her hands.

" I'll admit, you have a wonderful voice. I can hear the heart and soul you put in your singing."

" Yes, well thanks.. I guess." Jilly said.

" Of course, anyone with a voice like yours can proclaim themselves to be a popular singer. You may just be a talented wanna-be for all I know." She added, raising her ass off of Maylea so she could breathe a little.

" Oohhh... ohhhh... please... no more!! No more!" Maylea shouted.

" Then keep your mouth closed." She said, staring her right in the eyes.

" If you're used to the public eye, then you'll have no problem performing for a crowd. Am I right? " She asked Jilly.

" Not a problem, why?" She said, almost hating to ask.

" Let's see how you handle a little extra pressure. Of course, a performer of your STATUS won't be bothered by a little extra pressure, right? " She asked, climbing off the bed once more.

As she left the room, she flicked the lights off in the Captain's quarters to leave the two in total darkness. From there, it was a trip to her husband. She had a message for him about a special performance this evening for him and his entire crew...


After a few hours of heavy boozing, and one of the biggest brawls in the perverted ship's history, Captain Kruel and his crew of twenty disturbing men and women all gathered around a section of the dock that had been done up to resemble some sort of stage. There wasn't enough chairs for everyone, so the lucky few quickly grabbed a seat while the others were forced to stand. Of course, Captain Kruel and his lovely wife were right in the front row with the best looking chairs onboard. A few more fights broke out in the background as the crew fought over the chairs. One arguement resulted with a gunshot to the head! This was some show!! The gunner shoved the dead and bleeding body of the pirate out of the way so that his chair was in the perfect angle to the stage. It was merciless...

The oceans were feeling frisky that evening, and the waves kept smashing themselves against the ship from all sides and angles. Chilly salt water splashed over the banisters and flushed up and down the deck. Night had fallen on them now, and amist the waves of whatever portion of the ocean they happened to be in, they were in complete darkness. Sweet Venom understood that patience wasn't one of the few pirate virtues, so she addressed the crowd and introduced tonight's performer.

" You pervs are in for something special tonight.." She said, grinning.

The backlash of BOOs and angrily tossed tomatos that followed her statement seemed a little out of place. They shouted from their seats at the Captain's wife, and each one was more obnoxious then the next. Out of all the shouters, no one was louder, or more rude then the Captain himself!! He was the one egging the others on by passing out tomatos! Love seems to work in strange ways doesn't it?

" Come on, you flea bitten scally wag!!" Someone shouted.

" Shut the fuck up you worthless pigs!" She shouted back, spitting into the crowd.

" Save your aggression for tonight's guest! She's a singer from Hollywood..." She said, rolling her eyes.

The crowd responded with even more acts of violence. At one point, someone tossed their entire chair at the stage!! It smashed into several pieces, and litered the stage itself with splinters. Sweet Venom quickly took cover near the Captain's quarters, and glanced into the door's small window. She saw Jilly waiting, wearing tonight's special outfit...

" I give you.. our little singing canary.." Sweet Venom said, unlocking the door and shoving it open.

The cold air quickly filled that little space in which Jilly was waiting nervously. Her skin was overcome with goosebumps, and all of the little hairs running down the back of her tanned neck were at full attention. She took several deep breaths, and quickly decompressed those feelings of terrible stage fright. She was remembering back to how auditions were before getting really, really famous. Those little butterflies were back, but under these conditions, they were pushing dragon wings!

She couldn't do it.. Not like this..

As Sweet Venom went to sit back down next to her husband, she noticed that he was now sitting indian style on the floor next to her chair. She crossed her arms, and took a seat.

" What happened to your chair ' sweetheart' ? " She asked, frowning.

" It wasn't worthy of my ass, so I threw it.. somewhere.. " ::chuckling::

As time rolled by, the crowd continued to get louder and louder. Jilly still hadn't made her appearance yet. She was just too nervous.

" If she isn't out here in ten seconds, I'll slice her throat and eat her alive!!" -One of the angered guests shouted.

Jilly's ears were still working, despite the fear and the tremendous crashing of the waves on each side of the vessel. Back and forth it rocked it in the dark and troubled waters around it, and the crew didn't seem to care at all! They kept their interests on the stage, and Jilly was finally walking out...

" Ohhhh yeah!!! " A few of the disgusting pirates yelled.

Out walked the pop princess that was currently leading the record in album sales in attire that wasn't exactly normal for her.
Her strong, tanned arms were behind her back and wrapped in a restricting leather armbinder. This single sleeved leather contraption did a fine job of rendering her arms and hands useless. From there, it only got worse. A thin metal 0-ring at the point in the sleeve where her fingers were smashed together had a long and thin rope made of shiny latex traveled between her completely naked buttcheeks, up through the lips of her totally exposed vagina, across her tummy, between her bouncy bared breasts, and then reconnected to the O-ring in Jilly's new slave collar.

A pair of Sweet Venom's thigh high leather boots finished off the humilating costume. Staggering to the left and right and completely pink in the face, Jilly nervously headed towards center stage. She knew performing like the soles of her feet, and even in a place like this, and under such miserable circumstances, she was still a professional.

For the first few seconds, Jilly just stood there mumbling. Her teeth were chattering, and goosepimples covered her nearly naked flesh. She had no band to back her up this time...

" I look into your eyes and see, a love that is so blind..."

She filled the stage with the same one she had done on the stage for last year's MTV music award ceremony, only without any music to back her up. Jilly tried to act out the moves onstage that matched the ones from her video, but the heels and the armbinder foiled her plans. She almost fell on her face more then once!

Of course, as she hit the chorus for the second time, a pair of ripe tomatoes started on their long approach from the crowd. One splattered against her left thigh, but the other was much more vicious.


Tomato juice dribbled down her forehead, and then off her lips. She had never been so insulted, but at the same time, what the fuck did she expect from this crowd?

They were looking more and more angry by the second. She needed a plan, and quick! She needed a life saver! Suddenly, a memory from her childhood swooped in and saved the day!

" Ohh.. A pirate's life is a wonderful life! "

Thank god for Disneyland! She sang the entire tune, word for word. The pirates hadn't heard this one, and seemed to be enjoying it a little. The tomatos stopped flying...

Hell, even old Captain Kruel himself was humming along to the catchy tune as Jilly worked over the crowd. Sweet Venom didn't seem to be enjoying herself however. In fact, if you looked close enough, you could actually see steam coming from her ears. The little green monster finally took over the mind of an envious Sweet Venom as she stormed the stage, and grabbed Jilly by the collar.

" Thank you all for coming!" She shouted, throwing the struggling and now screaming Jilly over her shoulder.

She may have won the battle, but she was far from winning this war...

-The Palms-

After a long, uncomfortable night of bondage sleep, both Maylea and Jilly were rudely awoken with a splash of cold water into each of their hanging suspension cages.

" Aaaaeeeeeaaahhh!!!" The Girls screamed in unison.

After the horrid shock of being splashed with freezing cold water wore off, the anger set in and both girls were shouting at Sweet Venom.

" I want you both to shut the fuck up and listen to me!" She shouted.

" Today, you're going on a field trip." -She said with a happy smile on her face.

" Are you letting us go??" Maylea asked nervously.

" What do you think? " She said, chuckling under her breath as she jiggled the keys for the cage locks in her hand.

Unfortunately, letting these two go home was the last thing on her twisted mind. Instead, it was time for another session of relentless torments, only this time, a few more hands would be involved. Jilly and Maylea were instructed to stand side by side and wait for further instructions by Sweet Venom. Dressed in a full catsuit made of leather and a face done up in scary looking dark make-up, Sweet Venom lovingly tied the girl's wrists together in front of them as opposed to behind their backs. From there, she attached to fairly short chain leashes to each of their collars. Now, with her ass facing them she began to march and expected them to follow. It was onto the deck again, only this time, in broad daylight.

Maylea was having the hardest time with this part. She wasn't used to being naked in front of anyone, let alone a pirate ship filled with lunatics. Sweet Venom could feel resistance as she tugged on Maylea's leash when compared to Jillys. Captain Kruel and a few of his best mates were waiting near a trap door painted black. It stood out like a sore toe when compared to the solid firetruck red color of the deck itself. Maylea sort of glanced over at Jilly as they were instructed to come to a complete stop at the edge of this dark and scary looking trap door. What in the name of hell could they have been keeping under there? Or, was it just a little storage compartment used for transporting fish? The unknown was flirting with their curosity.

" Lower the hook says I..." Captain shouted to one of his deck hands.

He then turned his attention to the lovely ladies before him and smiled. A few chunks of lunch slipped from his mouth and got lost within the hair of his beard. He'd stare at Maylea for a little bit. Looking at her as if she was a piece of shark steak. He then would turn his attention to Jilly. The Captain licked his chapped and dirty lips, and seemed to be focused on her vagina. He appeared to be making some sort of decision...

" I have made Me choice.." he said, losing that charming smile of his.

He staggered backwards a little, and then caught his balance once again before giving his answer.

" I'm given the choice to you. You decide which will face The Palms! " He shouted, chuckling like the mad man he was.

Without knowing what the hell the " Palms" even was, Maylea immediately rose her bound hands and volunteered herself.

" Maylea! Don't do that! You don't even know what it is they're asking you to do! " Jilly shouted.

" This whole was my fault Jilly. It was my idea to bring you out here. Without that, we never would have been caught. Please, please accept my apology by allowing me to make this sacrafice for you." She said, never stopping to lower her head or show any fear.

" But this wasn't your fault May! It just wasn't! We could have been anywhere, and they might have grabbed us! " She shouted.

" So, the islander will go under then? " He asked them.

Before Jilly could say a word, Maylea immediately shouted yes and offered her bound wrists out to him. This was something she had to do, or the guilt inside would have eaten her forever.

The hideous members of the crew licked their lips as the rotting hook attached to a pitch black and heavy looking chain slowly descended towards where Maylea was standing naked. The tips of her painted toes were at the edge of the trap door, and at the moment it remained closed. However, as they dragged Jilly away, she listened closely to the pounding sounds coming from beneath that dark trap door. The sounds of fingers or something like that scratching against the wooden planks. She trembled at the thought of what was causing these scary sounds. She didn't have to worry about for much longer though. Being a gentlemen, I know not to keep a lady waiting...

To be continued...

IF you LOVE it or HATE it, let me know about it! :wavingguy
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lOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NICE WORK BROHAM!!!!!!! :cat:
Can you dig it?

CaptainSocks said:
NICE WORK BROHAM!!!!!!! :cat:

Thanks as usual Capt.! Thanks for always having my corner and all, but I must say that I do disagree with your statements regarding voting for yourself as being something bad. Like Mel, I feel that voting for yourself does mean you believe in your stuff. That's really all there is to it. In fact, I'm probably going to vote for myself. How about them apples?
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i love it also!!!! wow as i said before you never fail to amaze me with something utterly new and original. that captain, with old lunch in his beard, ewwwwwww and sweet venom lol what a name for her. its terrific. and what is the palms?? i am all agog to find out now. and that poor agent. lol taking a trip down the stairs. too hilarious. and mr anxiety instead of his real name. your humour is always so great. details, descriptions. the tickling all were fantastic as usual. would i expect anything less from you? never...

isabeau :yowzer: :triangle:
The Dreaded Palms...

isabeau said:
i love it also!!!! wow as i said before you never fail to amaze me with something utterly new and original. that captain, with old lunch in his beard, ewwwwwww and sweet venom lol what a name for her. its terrific. and what is the palms?? i am all agog to find out now. and that poor agent. lol taking a trip down the stairs. too hilarious. and mr anxiety instead of his real name. your humour is always so great. details, descriptions. the tickling all were fantastic as usual. would i expect anything less from you? never...

isabeau :yowzer: :triangle:

You liked it?!! Thanks so much Mel! I really worked hard on the first half of this one. I was trying to go with something new ( setting wise ) and I've never done a tropical theme before. I'm so glad you loved it! Thanks again for reading it!

Oh, and as for the palms... my lips are sealed till part two.. :devil:
Invisible Ink said:
You liked it?!! Thanks so much Mel! I really worked hard on the first half of this one. I was trying to go with something new ( setting wise ) and I've never done a tropical theme before. I'm so glad you loved it! Thanks again for reading it!

Oh, and as for the palms... my lips are sealed till part two.. :devil:

well of course i loved it Inky you are of my favs you should know that by now lol. and the laughing lagoon what on earth was in that water????

isabeau :couch: :couch: :couch: :couch: :couch: :couch: :couch:
There's something in the water...

isabeau said:
well of course i loved it Inky you are of my favs you should know that by now lol. and the laughing lagoon what on earth was in that water????

isabeau :couch: :couch: :couch: :couch: :couch: :couch: :couch:

You know I can't tell you that. But I did find it odd that the strange area of that lagoon was a little "warmer" then the other spots.. :shock:

lol J/K!
Grrrrrrrrrrr omg! That pirate and his "lady" (I use that loosely) are more disgusting than any alien you could come up with. That was just plan gross. lmao I love it. The idea of the lagoon with the water was very unusual and threw me off big time. Here I am thinking...oh how sweet... ya right! I sat here cringing reading the ship part of the story. I thought for sure though you would have had a fish smell as a description for the pirate's wife :D. Your description of the pirate and wife was so well done I gagged with the picture it created. Once again you have surprised and delighted me. This time of year is always good for a tropic setting since most of us are shivering in the cold. Very offbeat and strange. Just the way I like it. Thank you for another wonderful journey into fantasy.

Sultrybrunette said:
Grrrrrrrrrrr omg! That pirate and his "lady" (I use that loosely) are more disgusting than any alien you could come up with. That was just plan gross. lmao I love it. The idea of the lagoon with the water was very unusual and threw me off big time. Here I am thinking...oh how sweet... ya right! I sat here cringing reading the ship part of the story. I thought for sure though you would have had a fish smell as a description for the pirate's wife :D. Your description of the pirate and wife was so well done I gagged with the picture it created. Once again you have surprised and delighted me. This time of year is always good for a tropic setting since most of us are shivering in the cold. Very offbeat and strange. Just the way I like it. Thank you for another wonderful journey into fantasy.

Thank you so much for reading and writing a review for me Sultry. It's not often when a pair of human beings can be more disgusting then an alien!!

Did you like the idea of someone of such high and rich social status being treated like this? LOL on the those hilarious Sweet Venom jabs! You're tickling me here with all your zingers! Please stop!! hahae aehae aehae STOP!!!

As usual, I'll always try and give you the best vacation into Fantasyland.. Stay tuned for part two...
Invisible Ink said:
Thank you so much for reading and writing a review for me Sultry. It's not often when a pair of human beings can be more disgusting then an alien!!

Did you like the idea of someone of such high and rich social status being treated like this? LOL on the those hilarious Sweet Venom jabs! You're tickling me here with all your zingers! Please stop!! hahae aehae aehae STOP!!!

As usual, I'll always try and give you the best vacation into Fantasyland.. Stay tuned for part two...

Hmmm lol I guess my response was a bit lengthy. LOL glad I could tickle your funny bone for a change! Of course I loved the idea of the young and beautiful little miss rich bitch get brought down a peg or three. Actually I am hoping that on the second part she gets alot more humiliation. To all the Brittany Spears, Jessica Simpsons and Paris Hiltons out there...this one is for you.
The Longer the better!

You hit the nail right on the head with this one!
That's exactly what feeling I was going for!

Yes, part two will mostly be surrounded around our little rich bitch...

She's in for it BIG time now....

Never say your responses are too long though, because I love reading them!
Thanks again.
Speaking of Sweating soles!

For all those people you enjoyed The Smell of DeFeet-

Did you know that the talented author TickleMantis did an excellent story entitled " Giggle Box V.02 " using that bizarre machine from The Smell of DeFeet 2! It was a great twist, and an excellent story! Check it out! :wavingguy
Amazing yet again! But honestly, the pop star certainly didn't sound like a spoiled little brat.
And pirate, omg, he reminds of the cursed pirate captain in the 'Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl". Disgusting and perverted!
I look forward to the continuation!
Not so Spoiled brat!

ticklingnemesis said:
Amazing yet again! But honestly, the pop star certainly didn't sound like a spoiled little brat.
And pirate, omg, he reminds of the cursed pirate captain in the 'Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl". Disgusting and perverted!
I look forward to the continuation!

Hi again! I see you have been catching up on some reviews! Thanks so much for this one! You're right, she could have been much more spoiled, but I sort of felt that it really wasn't her to act that way. Jilly has more of an attitude like I deserve this, and there's nothing else to it. She's not the type to start whinning and crying to get what she wants.

But when she starts getting those feet tickled.. so might see a new side of our little Pop Star...

As for Captain Kruel, I think he may be related to every nasty and meany pirate you've ever read about. For his character, I looked up and read about several different Pirates, combined those elements, and then added my own perverted and disgusting twists.

Thanks for the review, and I WILL continue this one soon!
I take it there never was a part 2?

I cannot for the heck of it find it. If somebody knows otherwise please give me an heads up!
I don't know if it can be called a part 2, but he does have another post of this story with a little more to the end of it than this one does.


I thank you very much for your quick response! At least that is something I can be thankful for.

Since this post was done roughly 2 months later than this original one and he no longer advertised it as 'part 1 of 2' I think I have my answer. I guess he prolonged the ending a bit because he didn't plan on doing a second part any longer at this point.

I must say that this recurring pattern from this author does a bit annoy me. He certainly had great talent and often promised several parts which he never delivered before jumping to his next story, he also didn't finish. Invisible Ink was such a tease.

Unfortunately, he seemed to have disappeared even before I registered on TMF so hope of that changing also is snuffed out. But thanks again.
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