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Journey of the Laughing Mistress Part 1


Registered User
Aug 3, 2021
Hello all and thanks for clicking on my story! This is part one of what I hope to make my "signature" series. I've put a lot of thought and time into this series and where I want to take it so I hope you enjoy! The series will follow a young woman named Samantha and her journey into the tickling fetish world. I'd like to give a BIG thank you to DEV who helped me get my thoughts and ideas down, as well as did a good bit of writing this first part. Finally this series is going to be written in the first person and present tense which is new for me so if you catch any mistakes in my wording PLEASE let me know! Once again thank you for clicking and I hope you enjoy!

Another busy week. I arrive at my one bedroom apartment and all but fall through the door way. I may be twenty five years old but I feel at least fifty. Learning about my interest in teaching after three long years of community college and three years after that of just working has me cursing my younger self for not getting my life together sooner. Of course there’s nothing wrong with waiting until you find what you’re passionate about but, why does it have to be so hard! I drop my book bag on the floor and just melt into my couch, taking off my glasses and rubbing the bridge of my nose. That’s when I hear my cell phone begin to ring.

Bring bring! Pick up the phone! Bring bring! Pick it up!

“Stupid couch, always eating my phone as soon as I sit down.” I curse as I lean over and dig through the cushions. After another ring I manage to fish it out and stand up straight. “Sorry blue, don’t hold it against me.” I apologize to my couch as I see its Kelsey calling.

“About time bitch! That was five rings, I thought it was going to voicemail!” Her chipper teasing voice answers as I pick up.

“I just got home woman, give me a break.” I tease back and once again flop back down. “So what’s up?”

“It’s Friday night girl! We single pringles need to go find us some mans!”

I sigh and just roll my eyes. “As much as I want to, I JUST got back from class Kels. I just want to veg and watch some Supernatural.” I can almost hear the eye roll I’m getting in response. “Tomorrow ok? I promise.” After a few seconds of silence I glance down at my cell and she's hung up. About five seconds later there’s a knock at my door. “Ugh. Who is it?” I call out while keeping my butt planted firmly on my couch.

“It’s Britney bitch, open up!” Kelsey yells through the door. After giving another sigh I get up and unlock the deadbolt.

“You know you could have just saved a phone call and started with a knock right? Hell I JUST got home, you probably saw me in the parking lot!”

Kelsey gives me a wry smile, the same one she always gives whenever she works me up for no reason other than it’s just fun. “I know, I was waiting on the parking lot for like fifteen minutes for you. Now come on! Fix that frumpy hair, put on your sexiest munchkin dress and let’s GO!”

“Kelsey I’m five foot, I’m only 4 inches shorter than you! And my hair is NOT frumpy.” I exclaim and check my shoulder length hair in my front camera. “But seriously Kels, I’m way too tired tonight.”

“First off, fringe bangs in this day in age? Totes a frumpster. Secondly, if we’re having a girls night in missy then you. Are buying the pizza. I want thick crust and extra cheese.” Kelsey said as she sat down next to me and released that unfairly silky soft black mane from its bun. I just give a giggle and start bringing up the local pizza shop’s website.

“Why is it that I’m always paying for your take out too? I’m supposed to be the broke college student here.” I asked while clicking on extra cheese and thick crust. Kelsey just gives me a wrinkle nosed smile and steals my remote.

“You’re studying to be a teacher. You’re going to be broke anyway so why not get used to it now. Speaking of which, what is my bestie getting me for my birthday?” She asked with a genuine eager grin. I glance up and just give her a weak smile in return, having completely lost track of the date.

‘Well, um. It’s a secret.” I lie, but of course miss nosey won’t take that for an answer.

“Poo. Nope! Tell me Sam. Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me. Tell. Me. Now.” She teases while assaulting my hoodie covered stomach and sides with random pokes.

I give a squeak of surprise and instantly curl up into a ball. “Kelsey! Kehehelsey stohop! STOP!” I chuckle helplessly while pawing at her hands until I’m finally able to grab her wrists and push her away.

“Fine! Don’t tell me you poke-ish prude. Guess you aren’t my friend after all.” She teases and pretends to humph away while picking the third season of Tiger King and pressing play. I don’t even bother to acknowledge her with a response as I’m forced to sit through her favorite terrible show yet again. The pizza comes and goes and three episodes later I can tell that something’s bothering her. She has a guilty look on her face and her cheeks are beginning to blush.

“Alright Kels. Spill it. What’s wrong?” I ask after pausing the show. She gives me a quick glance but shakes her head.

“I’m fine.” She says, her face broadcasting to the world that she’s anything but.

“Kelsey, we're best friends and have known each other since middle school. I can tell when there’s something wrong, and believe me there is most definitely something on your mind so spill the tea.” I press. She still looks unsure as her cheeks grow even pinker.

“Sure you’ll still love me if I tell you?” She asks softly.

I grab her hands and squeeze them in mine while giving her a grin. “Maybe not as well as your boyfriend Mike but if you give me some time and a few shots I can give it a try. You want it on the couch or on the table?” I tease playfully. That’s enough to at least coax a gasp and a quick chuckle from her as she hits my shoulder.

“Don’t tempt me Samantha. I may take you up on that. But seriously, promise you won’t laugh or like go sprinting out the door while screaming like a maniac?” She asks with a genuine look of fear and worry in her eyes.

“Of course not Kelsey. We’re best friends so just tell me. I promise I’m here if you need me.” Kelsey gives one last nervous look before giving a sigh and covering her face with her hands.

“I’m giving myself a birthday present in a week and I need your help.” She says in a muffled voice. I raise an eyebrow and start to wonder if maybe my teasing offer wasn’t just a joke to her after all.

“Kelsey, if this is about my offer before, it was just a joke. You know I don’t really swing that way.” I say as my cheeks start to blush now.

“Sam, I'm serious! It’s not that!” She exclaims again. So I nod my head and grab her hands again.

“Tell me.”

“Well the truth is, I kinda sort of have a slight little fetish for being tickled. Also I may or may not have booked a tickling session for myself next week and need a second person there to make sure everything goes fine.” She admits which completely throws me for a loop.

“I’m sorry. Did you say you have a fetish for being TICKLED and you need me to come to some like kink dungeon and WATCH?” I ask in shock. My normally peppy, no shame friend just squeaks and gives me a slow nod as she peeks out from behind her fingers. “Like coochie coo, HA-HA tickled?”

“OMG Samantha! YES! Ok? Coochie coo, HA-HA tickled! I knew I should never had said anything. Please Sam, you have to promise to keep this a secret.” She pleads while grabbing my shoulders and gripping them like a hawk.

“Ow. OW! Kels let go!” I wince and manage to pry her talons out of my flesh. “I mean I won’t say anything but why can’t you just ask your boyfriend to go with you?” I ask, making sure to emphasize the word boyfriend.

“Because he doesn’t know! Look we’ve been dating for like three years yeah but I just can’t bring myself to tell him! I mean come on Sam, you and I have known each other since sixth grade! I don’t know who else to ask, and I like REALLY want to do this, and the paper work alone was a nightmare, and I already paid but there’s no refunds inside of two weeks before, and-“ She starts blabbing rapidly. I grab her by the arms and bring her attention back to me, her voice slowly trailing off until she’s silent again.

“Kelsey, does this really mean that much to you that you go to this, tickle appointment, thing?” I ask while looking her in the eye and letting her know it’s a serious question. Kelsey blushes again and slowly nods her head.

“Yes it does. Think of coming along as your present to me if you haven’t gotten me one yet. Please Sam, I really want to do this. I mean you don’t even have to watch if you don’t want to.”

“Yeah I don’t know if I really want to watch that. I mean tickling is cute and funny and all but you said it’s a fetish. I mean I love you but if I’m going with then I need to know when it’s safe to look.” I ask as my blush returns.

“I mean I booked the session to last for about-wait! So you’ll go with me? Like really really?” Kelsey askes as her face lights up brighter than I’ve ever seen it. I give a sigh and nod my head.

“Yes you goofy goober. I’ll go to your weird sexy tickle time thing.”

Kelsey gives a squeal of joy and wraps me in a hug so tight that my glasses fall off and slip between the couch cushions. “Thank you! Thank you so much Sam! I’ll text you the details tomorrow and we can hang out before and after and make a day out of it.” She says ecstatically and finally lets me go. I just give her a smile while I fish my glasses back out and return to my tiger torment.

About twenty minutes later I can’t help but look over at my friend. We had gotten into tickle fights before and she did like to poke and grab at our other friends whenever she could, so thinking about it, it did make sense that she has a tickling fetish. Not being able to help myself I slowly lift up my right hand and wiggle a finger in her underarm as she goes for a stretch.

“EEK! SAM!” She yelps and quickly brings her arms back down. “Really?”

“Sorry. Couldn’t help it. So that didn’t like give you any tingles did it?” I ask curiously. She gives me one of her famous eye rolls and shakes her head a few times.

“Despite the visit for my birthday I prefer to be tickled by guys so no Sam, no tingles.” I shrug my shoulders and turn my attention back to the tv, glad that tickling was her only confession and not her undying love for me as well. “No tingles, but it did give my fingers a case of the tiggles! Kitchy-kitchy-kitchey Sam! Ah tickle-tickle-tickle-tickle!” She teases while shooting her hands up the bottom of my sweatshirt and latching onto my bare sides, squeezing them like there’s no tomorrow.

“EeeK! Kelsey! KEHEHELSEY HAHAHAHA!” I laugh hysterically as I fall sideways on the couch and grab her hands.

“You should have known that was coming sooner or later, miss frumpy.” Kelsey teased after putting me through ten seconds of tickle hell.

“For the last time, my hair is not frumpy. Now watch your stupid show before I change my mind and leave you there in that dungeon.” I say half teasingly. Kelsey just smiles and gives me a normal hug, resting her head on my shoulder and giggling at Carol Baskins.

Two weeks came and went, me trying not to think about it too much until that morning when Kesley showed up at my door looking as chipper as ever. “Wait, hold on. Go back and explain it again.” I say as Kesley finishes giving me the cliff notes of the fetish known as tickling.

“Ugh, how you plan on teaching kids is beyond me. Ok one last time. I’m what we call a lee leaning switch. That means while I don’t mind tickling other people, I prefer to be the one getting tickled. Believe it or not this isn’t just going to be some tickle fight like we have with Autumn and them. The tickling community is also really big into bondage. There’s so many different positions like spread eagle, T-pose, hog tied, stocked.” She explains again while getting a faraway look in her eye like she’s imagining herself in all of those positions.

“Alright already. Just tell me what’s going to happen today.” I interrupt her after the eighth bondage position.

“Oh ok. The session is supposed to go for a full hour assuming I can last that long. Um, I opted to be stripped down, so whenever my ler feels the need he’s going to do that. I have a safe word of course. I know when I told you about this a few weeks ago that you didn’t have to watch but you do kind of need to be in the room.” She explains with a wince. I do a double take and shoot her a dirty look.

“So I have to be in the room while you’re all bdsm’d out and getting tickled? In fact, remind me why you even need me in the first place besides for moral support?”

Kelsey gives a sigh and scratches the back of her head while starting to explain. “Well first off two pairs of eyes is better than one to make sure nothing goes wrong, or maybe three pairs of eyes in your case.” She teases and gives the earpiece of my glasses a flick. “Secondly, according to the info packet tickling sessions take a toll on the ticklee’s body and mind so I may be too tired or woozy to drive myself home or even call a ride. So I need you there to help me out after it’s all over.”

I give a sigh and rub my cheeks with both hands, regretting my decision to say yes but also reminding myself that Kelsey is my best friend and a promise is a promise. “Fine! Ok, too late now anyway. Let’s grab something to eat and go get this tickle thing done.” I say while giving her a small smile.

After grabbing a late brunch we decide to grab an uber to save wear and tear on our cars and head to the address Kelsey texted me. The closer we get to the place the more I notice Kelsey start to shake, little beads of sweat even starting to form on her forehead.

“You think I’ll be ok right Sam? Like I’m not going to die?” She asks nervously as we pull off the highway and head into town. I glance up from my phone and can see her shaking so hard you’d think she just skinny dipped in the arctic.

I want to be reassuring but truthful at the same time. Truthful it is. “Honestly, Kels, I have no idea. You know way more about all of this than I do. But I mean it’s only tickling right? You’ve survived being tickled before.”

“Yeah but never like this. You haven’t seen the videos Sam. Some of those models are laughing so hard they’re practically screaming by the end of them. What if I can’t handle it? What if I’m not ready?” She stammers while grabbing my hands.

I stave off the feeling to tell her tmi and just gently squeeze her hands. “Kelsey, they know what they’re doing. I’m sure you’ll be just fine, besides I’m like ninety nine percent sure it’s medically impossible to literally laugh up a lung. Look if you’re that nervous and really don’t want to do it let’s just go back to my house and pig out on chocolate and junk food. If you do decide to go and they look like they’re going to kill you then I’ll just stab the guy with something pointy and we can worry about the body later.” I assure her while giving a teasing smile. My friend takes a few deep breaths and squeezes my hands back, returning the smile and nodding her head.

“Thanks, you dork. I am like totes nervous but you’re right, they know what they’re doing. Plus this cost me like eight hundred dollars so.”

“Eight hundred dollars? Bitch if you have that much money to drop on a present for yourself I may let you die and just steal your credit card!” I exclaim and earn another eye roll and amused chuckle.

For a sex club I was expecting it to be in a shoddy part of the city, an old run down building with graffiti. Instead we stop in a busy part of town and head into a shopping center. There right in plain site is a large building with a neon sign that reads Knismolagnia Kerfuffle. To the unsuspecting person it looked just like an oddly named day spa with a front desk and bright blue walls. We get out of the car and, holding each other’s hand, venture in.

“Hello and welcome to The Knismolagnia Kerfuffle. Do you have an appointment?” The man at the desk asks after he sees us come in. Kelsey nods her head and fumbles on her phone, bringing up an email with a barcode that the secretary scans. “Alright Ms. Kelsey Wattkins welcome. Also for security purposes I’m going to need your name too mam and I need to scan both of your ID’s.” He asks while turning his attention to me.

“Oh my name’s Samantha Ringwald.” I answer quickly while Kelsey and I slip our licenses out of our bags and hand it to him. Two quick scans and a few keystrokes later and we’re directed to go through the double doors and into a waiting room. Surprisingly it only takes a few minutes for someone to come get us.

“Kelsey, Samantha please follow me.” A tall slender woman says and leads us further back and down a hallway where we each get a locker to store our bags. After putting everything away including our phones we’re led down a flight of steps and into another hallway with numbered doors. “In here please.” The woman directs us as we walk through an open door and into a smaller room with a desk and a camera. Right as the door closes I catch a glimpse of a middle aged woman practically being carried down the hall by who I assume is her husband. Her face is very flush and her hair looks like she went through a wind tunnel.

“Sam.” Kelsey whimpers as she sees the woman too, the door closing with a click.

“Alright I assume you read the overview and rules, Kesley, but for Sam’s sake I’ll repeat them one last time. Kelsey here has signed herself up for one hour of bondage tickling. You’ve chosen to be secured to an X frame and have consented to be stripped down to just your underwear. Also you have declined to receive a copy of the session after it’s over. Am I correct so far?” The woman asks, both Kelsey and my cheeks warming with blush as her intimate surprise is read aloud and explained.

“Y-yes mam.” Kelsey nods with a squeak.

“Very good. Now you have chosen red as your safe word. Should the tickling become too much simply say your word and the tickler will stop and ask if you wish to continue. If you say yes then the tickling will instantly resume. If you say no then your session will come to an end no matter how much of your hour is left. For your convenience the door on the left is a bathroom should you need it beforehand. Now you chose no in your details but just to be sure, you are not interested in wetting am I correct?” The woman asked, making Kelsey blush even more and sending a shiver down my own spine.

“N-no I’m not interested in that.”

“Very well. Now we do understand that accidents do happen and should it occur we will just end the session right there. Now are you and Samantha familiar with the aftercare that comes with a tickle session?”

“Not really sorry. I’m um new to this so could you explain it please?” I ask nervously, worried that I’m about to be ironically shamed for NOT knowing a kink. The tall woman must be able to see my nervousness because her next words come out soft and gentle.

“Not at all dear. Now, prolonged tickle sessions are, as you can guess, a great strain on the body. Kelsey might feel tired for a short time after and may even be a little confused. Don’t worry though because that is totally normal. Your job, Samantha, is to spend the rest of the day with her and just watch over her, make sure she eats and drinks plenty of liquid as well. Now as for you Kelsey a few more things. After you leave and recover you’ll feel sore and tired. Tomorrow however will be the worst of it mentally. Your body will feel great, improved breathing, faster blood flow. However mentally you may feel very drained and anti-social, and again that’s totally normal so don’t worry. Now I think that is all, so if you want to take any clothes off now and hand them to Samantha go ahead and when you’re ready, take the door to the right. Your tickler’s name today is Mirth-y. I hope you enjoy.”

Kelsey and I watch the woman leave and turn to each other, letting a few awkward moments of silence pass.

“Ok so here we go I guess.” Kels says with a smile and pulls off her jacket and sweatpants to reveal a cute tank top underneath as well as a pair of short shorts. She hands me the clothes and surprisingly no longer looks as nervous. Instead she has an almost excited smile on her face and apparently already caught a case of the giggles. “Oh Sam thanks so much for coming with me. Oh my God, oh my gahawd! I’m really going to do this! Ok, be right back.” She says and almost floats into the bathroom.

I can’t help but smile a bit. Happy to see Kelsey so excited for something I had no idea she enjoyed. A minute later she comes out of the bathroom and after a few more deep breaths, grabs my hand and practically drags me into the room.

“Well hello there!” A skinny middle aged red headed woman exclaims as I see four guys in black t-shirts set a giant X frame down and leave through a different door. “My name’s Mirthy but don’t think that means you’ll be getting any.” She says with a light giggle. Again I’m taken by surprise. Instead of some hulking Russian dominatrix in leather, Mirthy looks like any normal woman out on the street, dressed in a white t-shirt and jeans. The room also is not what I expected, in fact it’s not a dungeon at all like I had been saying. It just looks like a large doctor’s examination room with cabinets and wheeled metal carts. “So which one of you is the birthday girl Kelsey?”

“Me! I am.” Kelsey says with a grin and takes a little jump forward.

“So energetic, good! But let’s see how chipper you are after I’m done with you missy. Samantha you can grab that chair over there and have a seat anywhere you want. Now Kelsey let’s get you all strapped in.” Mirthy says happily and helps my still giggling friend over to the bondage device.

Meanwhile I walk over and grab the chair, sitting at an angle where I can see but also quickly look away if I have to. A sudden wave of panic washes over me as questions and thoughts start racing through my mind. What is this going to be like? Does Kels really enjoy this? Are we actually going to be here for a whole hour? Can my friend really survive this? And finally, God I’m so glad it’s not me up there! It’s not that I hate being tickled mind you despite being overly ticklish myself. It’s more I never imagined anything like this actually existed and to this degree as well.

“Alright, all comfy?” Mirthy’s voice asks and brings me back to the real world. My eyes clear and I see Kelsey strapped tightly to the frame by her wrists, forearms, thighs, calves, and ankles, her feet standing tip toed on little platforms. Her body back to shaking slightly with nerves.

“Yup yup. As comfy as I’m going to get. Give me your worst Mirthy! Wreck me like the ticklish lee I am.” Kelsey announces, all the inhibition in her voice gone and replaced with a sort of hunger.

“Oh a masochist I like it.” The red headed woman squeals with delight as she starts to walk circles around my friend. “But is this masochist really sure she can take what I have to give?”

“You got that right!” Kelsey calls out, although I can detect a slight quaver in her voice. Mirthy smiles and runs a single nail down both of Kelsey’s wrists towards her elbows, making her squirm and clamp her mouth shut tight.

“Oh, don’t tell me you’re cracking up already?” Mirthy teases as she flashes Kelsey a smug smile “Just from a few strokes on your arms?”

Kelsey grits her teeth as she can’t truly answer, not without risking breaking out into a giggle. Mirthy’s fingers continue to stroke along the insides of her arms and I can’t help but wonder if it’s the tickling that’s making Kelsey smile like this, or her nerves.

“Oh!” Kelsey gasps quickly as the fingers reach the crooks of her elbows, pausing there for a few seconds. I look on with a bit of interest, having no idea someone could be ticklish there.

“A sensitive spot?” Mirthy asks, her fingers wiggling right into the soft centers of the elbows “Is someone a little tickly here?”

“Nnn-hooho!” Kelsey blurts out as she tries to pull down on her bonds and protect the crooks of her elbows, fooling no one. I have to admit that I’m surprised by this. Just what other spots would Mirthy find?

The answer comes as she pulls her hands down a little, resting her fingers on a spot halfway between the armpits and the elbows. She gently skitters her fingers over the skin there, ever so softly scratching the surprising sensitive spot as Kelsey starts to splutter with repressed mirth. “If your arms are this sensitive honey, I can’t wait to see the rest of you.” Mirthy smirks. “So have you had enough play time or do you want the big. Girl. Tickles. Now?” She asks while randomly poking Kelsey all over with each word.

Kelsey flinches and gives random squeaks and jumps as the fingers surprise her each time. She looks conflicted as I watch what Mirthy is doing to her, my friend’s expression balancing between enjoyment and shock.

“Big girl tickles it is!” Mirthy calls out after long enough of poking Kelsey without a straight answer. She holds up her hands and brings them close to Kelsey’s armpits, her fingers wiggling in anticipation “Here it comes! The big girl tickles on your cute pitties! You ready? Let’s count down! Five! Four! Three! Two!”

Each shouted number makes Kelsey twitch and giggle even more intensely than when Mirthy had been poking her. By the count of two, she’s in a state of uncontrollable giggles, her eyes closed while she quickly shakes her head from side to side. I can see her arms strain with the effort of trying to pull down and protect her armpits, but it’s utterly fruitless.

“One.” Mirthy announces, but doesn’t make a move to tickle. Instead, her hands hover over the armpits for a moment, not making any movement. Kelsey soon realizes this and peeks out towards Mirthy, the experienced tickler choosing that exact moment to strike.

“Giddy, giddy on de hips!” Mirthy cries out as she shoots her hands down and starts squeezing Kelsey’s waist. The sudden swerve and change of targets catches Kelsey completely off guard and I start in shock as her screams of laughter break from her lips, louder than I’d ever heard her laugh before.


I watch in amazement as Kelsey twists as little as she’s able. Of course I’d seen her get tickled plenty before but for some reason with Mirthy it’s like night and day. Was this the difference between normal people and someone who knows tickling as intimately as Mirthy seems to?

The red headed tickler slips her index finger and thumb underneath Kelsey’s waistband and starts to pinch at her hips, making Kels give a squeal and start bouncing up and down randomly.

“Such language.” Mirthy taunts in a mocking tone of chastisement. “I guess I’ll have to teach you some manners while you’re here. By the time I’m through with you, you’ll be saying ‘please Miss Mirthy’ and ‘thank you Miss Mirthy’.”

“SCREHEHEEW YOHOHOOUUU!!” Is the only answer Kelsey can give as she continues to laugh and bounce around on the frame.

Mirthy merely smirks at the outburst “That’s not allowed at this establishment, dear. This, on the other hand, is!”

Changing tactics and targets once again, Mirthy suddenly begins to scratch away at Kelsey’s sides and ribs, running her fingers up and down the flanks. I watch on, shocked as Kelsey’s laughter only grows in intensity from the sudden attack. The fingers practically dance with how fast they’re moving, seeking out new spots to make my friend squeal.

With her fingers stroking and flicking along the sides, Mirthy’s face looks oddly serene. As a contrast to Kelsey completely losing her mind, the redhead looks focused and happy. It kinda reminds me of watching someone painting a picture and the satisfaction that comes from seeing a masterpiece come to life.

A particularly ticklish spot is soon uncovered right underneath Kelsey’s ribs. Changing her tickling technique, Mirthy starts to drill and twist her fingers right into two spots on either side of Kelsey’s body. I’ve never heard Kelsey make sounds like this before, even on the few rare occasions when I got an upper hand in a tickle fight.


“Not where? Oh, you mean here!” Mirthy says, with a little too much glee as she redoubles her efforts to tickle those hyper-sensitive spots. She even bends her fingers and digs her knuckles in for good measure. My eyebrows shoot up as I see the effect this has on Kelsey. Rather than hurting her, as I thought it would, it seems to tickle even more!

Hearing Kelsey go wild like this, I take a moment to grasp what’s happening. Kelsey is screaming, howling, and screeching from the tickles, but she hasn’t cried out the safeword. As much as her body is twisting and thrashing to escape from Mirthy’s attentions, the quickest way to end the tickling hasn’t been taken. I wonder if this is a sign of her actually enjoying it. It looks like torture, but…

“Wait! No! Not yet!”

I come back to my senses to see Mirthy slowly lifting the bottom of Kelsey’s shirt up to just above her bellybutton.

“Now let’s play a little game shall we? If you can stay quiet for ten minutes, you get to keep your shirt. But if you make any noise at all you get a strike, three strikes and the shirty-poo comes off. How does that sound?”

“Y-You wouldn’t!”

“That’s sound number one. Dear, oh dear. Good thing you’re wearing a bra underneath that.” Mirthy titters playfully.

Despite everything, I can’t help but grin a little as Kelsey practically pouts at being on the backfoot of their game already. Her expression changes when Mirthy starts to stroke a finger around her belly. The soft skin quivers from repressed mirth with only a few light strokes. I watch as Kelsey’s face twists and scrunches. She grits her teeth and bites her lip, doing anything she can to hold her reactions back but the corners of her mouth keep jumping higher and higher.

Mirthy circles her finger around and around the outside of Kelsey’s stomach, keeping a slow and constant pace that never lets up “Tickle, tickle, tickle. My, you’re doing so well. I’d have thought me tickling your belly-welly would have made you laugh by now. But here you are, taking the ticky tickies on your tum-tum. Can you handle the kootchies? Can you take the tickle, tickle, ti-”

“DAHAHAHAMMNNN IIHHIITT!! STTHAHHAAAPPP! STAHAHAP TEHEHEHASING!” Kesley exclaims as the cork pops and loud laughter bubbles out.

Smiling as she hears Kelsey’s outburst, Mirthy withdraws her finger “That’s two.”

I can’t help but give a shiver and unconsciously rub my own stomach. So far from what I’ve seen this looks more like torture than anything I would consider fun. Even watching this is making my own tummy to get some butterflies.

Kesley pants and gives a few coughs as Mirthy slowly begins to circle around her, eyeing her up for what I'm assuming is her next plan of attack. “So, Sam, are you enjoying this little show your bestie is giving us?” The woman asks as she pauses behind Kels.

“Oh um, well this isn’t anything like I expected really. Not that I knew what to expect anyway. Honestly, to me though-” I begin before Mirthy does something unexpected.

“PFFFFT!” Out of nowhere, Mirthy quickly leans forward and blows the loudest raspberry right in Kelsey’s left underarm. Apparently this took her by surprise even more than me as her eyes bug out and she explodes into another fit of loud laughter.


Pulling her mouth away from Kelsey’s underarm, Mirthy shoots me a smug look and a wink before she looks up to Kelsey “Strike three, the shirt’s out.”

“Crahahahaappp…” Kelsey splutters as Mirthy pulls up her top and undergoes the process of undoing one of the straps on her wrists. To my amazement, Kelsey doesn’t take the opportunity to unstrap the other hand and make a break for it, but simply lets Mirthy do whatever she wants.

First, the hand is unstrapped and then the shirt is pulled up over the hand. Then Mirthy straps the hand back to the frame and repeats the process for Kelsey’s other hand. By the end of it, Kelsey is left with only her bra above her waist. For some reason I can’t seem to turn away from what I’m watching. My eyes transfixed on the two women in front of me. Mirthy places the shirt down nearby and glances over at me, noticing my expression and gives a giggle.

“My my Sam, you look like a deer in headlights over there. Have you really never seen anything like this before?” She asks and once again brings me out of my stupor.

“Um no. I never knew anything like THIS even existed before a few weeks ago to be honest. Kelsey asked me to come with her and explained a bit about this tickle world earlier but it’s nothing like how I imagined it really. It looks like you’re torturing her but she hasn’t stopped it yet, she even let you take off her shirt without a fight.” I explain quickly. My heart starts beating faster while I break out into a light sweat, just having Mirthy look at me the way she is, like a predator stalking its prey is making me nervous.

Mirthy sputters and gives a loud burst of laughter. “Oh my sweet summer child, if you think I’ve come anywhere close to starting her torture you are very sadly mistaken. This has just been a warm up so far, a friendly introduction between tickler and ticklee. The real tickle torment will be starting soon so just relax a bit and enjoy the show.”

“A warm up?” I ask, barely able to believe what Mirthy is saying. The redhead merely chuckles at my reaction and turns back to Kelsey, who had recovered a little in the pause in the tickling. Our eyes meet and I still can’t tell if Kels is enjoying this or not.

“Now then, are you ready for the next round?” Mirthy grins while giving her fingers a crack.

“I-I guess…” Kelsey answers nervously, but still keeps on smiling as she wiggles about in anticipation for what’s to come.

Placing a finger on Kelsey’s belly, Mirthy begins to circle it around her navel, tickling slowly and softly “You guess? You’re not sure?” The redhead asks as the tickles drag on and make Kelsey twitch and writhe about in her bondage.

This action alone sends a shiver up my spine, making me unconsciously rub a hand over my stomach. From my own experiences being Kelsey’s favored target for tickles, I knew any tickling on my belly would drive me up the wall. Just watching that finger slowly stroke over Kelsey’s tummy is enough to make me squirm.

My eyes dart to and from the scene unfolding in front of me. I think this may be just as much torture for me as for Kelsey! Mirthy’s finger begins a light scratching motion as she circles around the belly. Kelsey reacts to it in kind as her giggles turn into louder chuckles and she tries sucking in her stomach to escape from the dreaded digit.

“Oh now, you’re not getting away from me that easily!” Mirthy announced as she slid a finger into Kelsey’s bellybutton “Especially when I can see your giggle button right there!”

The shriek that comes from Kelsey as the finger slides into her navel and begins wiggling about makes me jump. Not just from the sheer level of noise, but also the reaction to being tickled in there. I didn’t realize that bellybuttons could be ticklish, of all places. Going by Kelsey’s reaction, it was a deathly sensitive area indeed.

I watch this in absolute shock as the sheer scale of Kelsey’s sensitivity hits me. Being tickled in her navel caused her to scream that much? She’s thrashing about like a madwoman, yanking at her bonds and laughing so hard I think her lungs may actually jump right out of her body. How could such a small area get such a reaction from someone? I shiver as I continue to watch and I press my hand against my own stomach defensively. Is my bellybutton that ticklish? I pray to God in heaven that I never find out.

Kelsey though doesn’t have that luxury. Tied up as she is, she’s forced take whatever Mirthy gives her, which is constant tickle torture. I watch as the red headed tickler smiles widely while scratching the walls of Kelsey’s bellybutton in a way that makes me squirm in my seat. I find myself hoping that she just screams out the safeword already so it’ll stop!

“Is this your giggle button?” Mirthy calls out, just loud enough for me to hear “Do you have a wiggly, giggly, button with my finger in it, hm?”

“YEHEHEHEESSS!! OHHOHHH GAAAHAHAHAAADDDD!!!” Kelsey cries out as the tickling continues and I see her literally start to cry with laughter. How has she not gone crazy already?! After a few more minutes of what appears to be hellish bellybutton tickling I can breathe a sigh of relief as Mirthy finally removes her finger and brushes some of Kelsy’s hair out of her face.

“I like that spot, we’ll have to come back for it later.” Mirthy says in a totally calm tone as if she hadn’t just tickled my friend within an inch of her life. “By the way girl, I love these shorts!” She exclaims while slipping an index finger from each hand in the waistband.

“T-T-Thank you. Got them at Target on sale.” Kels replies breathlessly. Mirthy gives a nod and starts gently wiggling the shorts further down until both of Kesley’s hips are exposed and bare.

“Oh fun! Do you know my favorite thing about them? It’s. Got. Pockets. Ah tickle-tickle-tickle-tickle-tickle!” Mirthy says slowly before rapid fire teasing the word, tickling and digging eight long nails into where my friend’s legs meet her hips.

Kelsey explodes into loud laughter again, throwing her head back and twisting her body as much as possible. “EEEK! Stop-stop-STOOOHOHOHOP! FUUHUHUHCK! HAHAHHAHAHAHAA!”

“Say please.” Mirthy responds as her fingers dig into the sensitive areas rapidly, showing no mercy.


Mirthy simply smirks at this as she brings her thumbs to bear as she squeezes the hips hard “Say pretty please.”


The sheer level of desperation in Kelsey’s voice makes me think that Mirthy has to stop sooner or later. She couldn’t be so cruel as to keep it going, could she? Well, she proves me wrong instantly as the fingers continue to squeeze hard into the hips, the redhead even speeding up her ticklish attack.

“Very good. Now say ‘Momma Mithry makes munchy meat most Monday mornings’.”

The order is quickly followed by Mirthy leaning in and blowing gently across Kelsey’s belly. I wonder what this is supposed to do before realizing it’s a threat. The bare belly is really vulnerable to any tickle attacks and I clench my body, knowing there was no way Kelsey could do what she had been told to do.

Sure enough, the attempt to say the tongue twister falters and collapses almost instantly “MOHOOHOMAHAHA MIHIHIR-HAHAHAHAHHAA! MIHIHIR-GAH! HAHAHAHA! FFUUUCCKK!!”

“Aw, too bad.” Mirthy says with as much sarcasm as possible. “Guess I’ll just have to keep on at these hips and other spots.”

My eyes go wide when Mirthy pauses and takes a long deep breath. Even I know exactly what coming next as scenes of my mother and father doing the same thing to me flash across my memories. Mirthy’s hands never leave Kelsey’s hips as the redhead brings her lips to my friend’s belly before she unleashes a blast on it with her lips.


The sound of the vibrations against Kelsey’s belly almost drown out her laughter. Almost. The shriek that follows the raspberry is beyond anything I’ve ever heard her make. It’s like a banshee from those old stories, although I doubt even a monster like that could make a sound like Kelsey is.

I fight the urge to curl up into a ball as this goes on, watching every second as the tickling keeps on going. Mirthy moves her mouth about, pressing her lips against different spots on Kelsey’s bare belly while she blows long and hard at each point. I can only imagine how that must feel like and I almost let out a giggle as I can’t help but feel some ticklish sensations on my own stomach just watching it.

“I HAHAHAHAHHA! I CAHAHAHAAHNT! REHEHEHEHE! REEHEHEHE-NO! NOHOHO! I HAHAHHAHA! FUCK! I WOHOHN’T!” Kelsey manages to growl between fits of loud laughter.

Once again I'm left stunned. This has been nothing but pure torture for Keley obviously, so why not give in yet? Is it some sense of pride? Because with the way she’s been begging and thrashing around there’s no way in hell she can actually enjoying this!

“No hmm? Not ready to beg for Mirthy?” The woman taunts playfully after she pulls her head back from Kelsey’s still flexing midriff. Kelsey shakes her head and gives a few coughs, a defiant but nervous look in her eye. “Well why don’t I get a bit more serious? We still have the fun part to get to!” Mirthy says with the most evil of grins and goes back to the drawer and reaches down inside before pulling out a stiff, bright red feather. I watch as Mirthy saunters back towards Kelsey, my friend’s eyes locking onto the plume with a look of near dread.

“W-What’re you going to do with that?”

“Well, I have a very ticklish and half-naked young lady in front of me, so I’m going to play it like a harmonica.” Mirthy replies, not bothering to hide the sarcasm “What do you think I’m going to do with it?”

Even I have to agree with that. As weird and new as all this is to me, I know that a feather can be used for tickling. At least, going by cartoons. I have no idea how effective it’ll actually be. Now, curiosity rises up within me as I watch, although shock soon replaces that as Mirthy reaches around Kelsey’s body and starts to unstrap her bra.

“W-Wait!” I cry out, unable to believe what I’m seeing “What’re you doing?!”

“I’m getting asked some very silly questions today.” Mirthy mutters mostly to herself “I’m going to see how ticklish she is on her chest. Sometimes, something softer helps rather than using fingers. Some ladies are a bit too sensitive for the hard stuff, you know?”

I watch, my mouth open, as Mirthy unstraps the bra and pulls it away, leaving Kelsey’s larger size C breasts to go loose. She doesn’t protest, but instead blushes and gives me a sheepish look. I honestly don’t know what to say, so I keep quiet. If Kelsey wanted this to end, she obviously could, so why doesn’t she? Letting another woman tickle her boobs? My arms cross over my chest as I blush deeply just from the thought of it!

“Now, I bet you’re the kind who goes crazy from the feathers on your chest.” Mirthy says as she twirls the feather in her fingers “Absolutely ballistic. Just can’t handle the kootchy koos there. You’re just thinking about it right now, aren’t you? How the feather’s going to feel on your boobs? What about those nipples?”

Even I can see what Mirthy is doing right now. Everything she says creates all these vivid images in my mind of what will happen to Kelsey once the feather touches her. They were going through my mind as well, but having myself in Kelsey’s place. I gulp and shiver at the unblockable thoughts going through my mind while my cheeks feel as if they’re on fire.

Kelsey is no better as she is already breaking down into giggles as Mirthy speaks. Her reactions get more vivid and wild as the feather gets closer and closer to her chest until she’s laughing hard and it hasn’t even started yet.

Mirthy shoots me a look “I said so. Goes crazy.”

Then, she struck. The feather flicking across the undersides of Kelsey’s breasts with a wide sweep and she screeches in response. It looks as if what Mirthy said is absolutely true. I had no idea that someone could be ticklish there of all places and I watch silently as the feather continues to move back and forth across Kelsey’s bouncing breasts.

The reaction becomes almost violent. Kelsey thrashes from side to side as much as her bondage will let her and sounds like she’s going completely insane. Every time the feather touches one of her breasts, she lets out an even louder scream than before. I feel as if I should cover my ears to protect myself from the sounds coming out of her mouth, but still can’t bring myself to do it.

“Tickle, tickle boobies. Bouncy, bouncy boobies. Feather likes teasing them here and here and here! Can Kelsey hang on? I don’t think so!”

The taunting words from Mirthy get into my brain as well as Kelsey’s as my friend sounds as if she’s truly lost her mind at this point. The feather strokes along the sides of her breasts with deliberate slowness. I wonder for a moment if this is actual torture and how long I could take of it before breaking down and begging for it to stop. Not very long, I bet.

Kelsey seems to be on the verge of breaking as well. She’s crying with laughter at this point, tears falling down her cheeks as her face is red from hysteria. I hope that she says the safeword, yet kinda want to see more of what’s going to happen, as bad as that makes me feel.

My hopes in that direction are finally dashed when Mirthy uses the tip of the feather to flick over Kelsey’s nipple, another spot I never considered to be ticklish, but that proves to be the breaking point for her.

“REHEHEHEEEDDD!!! OHOHOHOO FUHUHUCCKKK!!! REHEHEEEDDD!!” Kesley roars as she finally screams out the safeword, ending both her torment and mine.

“There we go! I knew we could get you there eventually. Good job, you lasted a whole fifty minutes!” Mirthy says enthusiastically and sticks the red death feather in her own waist band. “Now let’s get you all untied and I’ll grab you a bottle of water and a nice cold compress to help you cool down.”

I watch, still in shock while Mirthy unstraps Kelsey’s arms and legs. The red headed woman helps her get down and escorts her gingerly over to a small bench on the side of the room. Kelsey collapses onto the bench and lays facing the ceiling, her chest heaving heavily as she tries to catch her breath. I eye Mirthy still with some trepidation as she leaves to grab the water and towel.

“Kels are you ok?” I ask while quickly making my way over to the bench, kneeling down beside it. Kelsey has her hands covering her entire face so I can’t see her expression but I can imagine she’s on the verge of tears after the horrible ordeal she’s just gone through.

“T-That. That was.” She sputters from behind her hand as her whole body begins to shake.

“Horrible I know! I don’t know why you didn’t just end it after the first ten minutes Kels I mean-“ I begin while placing a hand comfortingly on her thigh.

“NO!” Kelsey exclaims, pulling her hands away to show the happiest grin I’ve ever seen her give. “That was amazing! I’ve never been tickled like that before! Oh my sides are so sore and my cheeks feel like they’re about to fall off!” I watch as she gives an excited squeal and wiggles her arms and legs like a kid who just got a real pony for Christmas.

“Y-You actually ENJOYED that?” I exclaim in surprise. “But she tortured you! That spot on your ribs, and your bellybutton! Shit, she tickled your boobs Kelsey! Wasn’t that horrible and humiliating?” I demand, still having shivers from the near hour of torture I just witnessed.

“It was but it was so much fun! I’m so sore but I can feel my adrenaline pumping! I feel, just so free! I need to figure out a way for Mike to tickle that spot right under my ribs! Maybe I could buy a vase and add some feathers too and place them on the nightstand by the bed. You think he’d notice and use them if I stuck my tits out more while we fool around?” Kelsey asks, her mind now switching from this tickling to the possible next.

“KELSEY! I can’t believe you enjoyed that. I think I feel more tired and on edge than you do right now! If that was me I think I would have died!” I admit a little louder than I meant to.

“Oh, thinking about booking a session for yourself?” Mirthy giggles as she comes back into the room with the water and an ice pack. “Here hold this on the back of your neck for a few minutes.”

“I wouldn’t dare! Kelsey said it was going to be intense but I think I’m going to have nightmares about this.” I confess while my cheeks warm up with blush again. Mirthy just gives a chuckle and hands me the water bottle.

“Well I will commend you for coming with your friend when you’re totally oblivious to this world. That takes courage and real understanding, not everyone would have done that for their friend. Well that does officially end the session, take as much time as you need to rest and once you get dressed again the exit is down the hall and just follow the signs from here. Hope you enjoyed our playtime together Kelsey and a very happy birthday to you.” Mirthy says with a genuinely warm smile, turning back around before closing the door and adding, “Oh and if you are interested in another session or any of our other services, there’s a free brochure by the secretary desk, just go ahead and ask for one.” And with that she closes the door and leaves us alone.

“Thanks again Sam for doing this for me. I know it wasn’t easy for you and you obviously didn’t enjoy it as much as I did. You really are my bestie.” Kelsey says after another ten minutes of resting. I nod my head but give a shiver as the workers from before come into the room and carry out the bondage device.

“While I still don’t get how any of that could be fun, you’re my best friend Kesley and a strange addiction to tickle torture isn’t going to change that. Just don’t expect me to join you in this obsession.” I say as we make our way back towards the lockers.

“Aw come on Sam. It’s really not that bad. Learn to laugh a little huh?” Kelsey teases and wraps me in as tight of a hug as her sore muscles will allow while making me squeak with a surprise goose to my side.

“I think you did enough laughing for the both of us Kels. You’ll never catch me coming back here again.” I say with the utmost confidence while ordering us an Uber and seeing what’s around for lunch.
I have to say, this is some great fiction here. I like a lot of what I see. The interactions between the characters and the dialogue are great, as are the thoughts and observations by Samantha. The level of detail is a treat for the eyes and mind. I see you've only posted two pieces on the forum, but I can't believe these are the only things you've written.

I look forward to reading the next part.
Much good to say about this work.

First, I felt a very good sense of the appearance of your characters. Sam, a petite five-foot-nothin' with neck-length blonde hair; Kelsie, five-four, black hair, thick and waist length, medium figure. Check me on this if I'm wrong.

Second, I found it easy to visualize the placement and movement of your characters. You achieved this easily and unobtrusively.

Third, each of your characters, including Mirth-y, was distinct and behaved consistently and sensibly. No "oh-spare-me" moments.

As to feet, they're a lot more fun in person than to watch or read. Just me, I'm an upper-body kind of guy.

I wonder that you have not caught any flack about an apparent rules/contract violation. Kelsie contracts to be tickled in her underwear. That Mirth-y takes her shirt is fair and square and intriguing.

I love that Mirth-y tickled Kelsie's breasts. But there are people on this forum who take permissions with an utterly serious precision, even in fiction. Oddly enough, though, non-con (non-consensual, ie forced) tickling is an accepted genre. It seems to depend on your declarations at the start.

I think I can see where you are headed with Samantha, but I won't spoil it for myself. You are a fine guide, and I look forward to a great tour following you.

Thank you, TicklyMom80.
...and her feet were never touched... :facepalm: :rolleyes:

Don't worry there will be foot tickling in future parts haha. Besides that though, I hope you enjoyed the rest of the story!

I have to say, this is some great fiction here. I like a lot of what I see. The interactions between the characters and the dialogue are great, as are the thoughts and observations by Samantha. The level of detail is a treat for the eyes and mind. I see you've only posted two pieces on the forum, but I can't believe these are the only things you've written.

I look forward to reading the next part.

Thank you very much! I've always been a big bookworm so i love when you can get inside the heads of the characters, plus being very descriptive is a huge help in the reader imagining the scene. I can't take all the credit as a lot of the ideas for plots and scenes come from suggestions from other people, and just random chats i have with people on here too. I'm glad you liked my stories and hope my next ones you find just as good! :)

Much good to say about this work.

First, I felt a very good sense of the appearance of your characters. Sam, a petite five-foot-nothin' with neck-length blonde hair; Kelsie, five-four, black hair, thick and waist length, medium figure. Check me on this if I'm wrong.

Second, I found it easy to visualize the placement and movement of your characters. You achieved this easily and unobtrusively.

Third, each of your characters, including Mirth-y, was distinct and behaved consistently and sensibly. No "oh-spare-me" moments.

As to feet, they're a lot more fun in person than to watch or read. Just me, I'm an upper-body kind of guy.

I wonder that you have not caught any flack about an apparent rules/contract violation. Kelsie contracts to be tickled in her underwear. That Mirth-y takes her shirt is fair and square and intriguing.

I love that Mirth-y tickled Kelsie's breasts. But there are people on this forum who take permissions with an utterly serious precision, even in fiction. Oddly enough, though, non-con (non-consensual, ie forced) tickling is an accepted genre. It seems to depend on your declarations at the start.

I think I can see where you are headed with Samantha, but I won't spoil it for myself. You are a fine guide, and I look forward to a great tour following you.

Thank you, TicklyMom80.

Thank you very much for the very detailed comment! I'm glad you enjoyed all the little details i tried to put in. Since i love reading in general i try to make my stories as descriptive as i can so the reader has an easy time visualizing exactly whats going on. As for the permission thing, i can see where people would have a problem with that. In this story i had originally wrote it as Kelsey signed up for a topless session but after getting like 90% of the way through the story and only having that one small topless scene i figured just change it to "strip session." As for the lack of feet tickling, i'm an upper body lee too so while my stories will have foot tickling in them, they'll mostly be upper body focused.

(For those of you feet people reading THIS comment however, don't worry i'm going to make sure to include plenty of foot tickling too through out the series haha)

Again i'm glad you enjoyed the story and i hope the others i write will continue to entertain like this one! :)
This was a FANTASTIC read! I'm so glad you finally put quill to paper... so to speak... I liked everything about it and am looking forward to reading future parts of this series!
WOW!! What an amazing read! Well done, I find myself not wanting to wait for part two, but wanting you to take your time and make it as perfect as part 1...

Thank You!
Absolutely loved this. Great writing. Can't wait for the next installment.
This was fantastic, one of the best I've ever read. I hope to see more in this series, with more duos coming to this facility. You're a great writer!
This was a FANTASTIC read! I'm so glad you finally put quill to paper... so to speak... I liked everything about it and am looking forward to reading future parts of this series!

Thank you very much!

Bravo! Loved it!

Glad you loved it! :)

WOW!! What an amazing read! Well done, I find myself not wanting to wait for part two, but wanting you to take your time and make it as perfect as part 1...

Thank You!

Thanks for the kind words! I actually just posted part 2! :)

Wonderful story! Well paced and well written! Awesome job!

Why thank you! I wasnt sure how well it would go over but glad you liked it!

Absolutely loved this. Great writing. Can't wait for the next installment.

Appreciate it! Next part is actually up right now!

This was fantastic, one of the best I've ever read. I hope to see more in this series, with more duos coming to this facility. You're a great writer!

Wow! I don't know about the best series but thank you very much for saying so! There will be plenty more in the series coming for sure!
Sometimes you read a story and you know this is a writer you're gonna want to follow. That is one of those cases. That was truly an amazing story. I enjoyed so many aspects of it. The detailed description of the tickling and of Sam's reactions and what was going on her mind. Also, everything about mirthy's character. The way she seems to be a real expert tickler, and her delightful verbal taunting. Oh my god, that was great. I'd actually love to read a separate story about her. Who she is, what drives her. Kinda like a spin-off. :)
Unlike others I actually enjoyed this story not having anything to do with feet at all. There are so many stories here that are entirely about feet, nothing wrong with a whole upper body story once in a while.
I'm not sure exactly how was the creation of the story divided between you and DEV, but i thank both of you for this immensely enjoyable story.
Sorry my comment turned out to be that long. I hope you take it as evidence of how much I enjoyed it. :)
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