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Kathy in the stocks at the Christmas faire FFMFF/F


Apr 30, 2008
It was a crisp winter’s day, sunny but with just enough of a chill in the air to make the hot chocolate and mulled wine extra nice for the many patrons of the Christmas Fete. It was a strange amusement park that held events like this every year! Eccentric and charming, it was as far away from those dreary Christmas villages’ that overcharged people with more money than sense. There were stalls that sold trinkets and nick-nacks from every country’s unique and charming winter celebrations along with all sorts of fun games and activities.

There was one stall that held Ellie’s rapt attention. There were people in cheerful elf costumes who seemed to be locking people in a set of stocks and tickling them! She had watched them get a woman up on stage and was certain this would be like that re-enactment faire she went to. They seemed to imply the stocks gave electric shocks and had the woman sign some sort of waiver but Ellie was certain there was trickery afoot

Silently the tall brunette flexed her toes in her Birkenstock sandals and watched with eye’s wide open, she deeply hoped there would be tickling involved! Ellie always wore sandals, even in the winter, her feet were immune to cold but extremely ticklish. She had a rolled up pair of thick black sock in a pocket in case her feet got too cold but for now she enjoyed the breeze around her toes. Ellie secretly dreamed of being softly tickled or having her feet worshipped by her subjects; commanding them to lick every bit of honey from her slender delicate toes, and liked to walk barefoot at the beach or through long tickly grass to satisfy her cravings. Ellie had a macabre fascination with tickling and medieval stocks that she kept to herself; her deepest fantasies being tickled on a rack in a medieval dungeon or punishing pretty woman who frustrated with all of the other dungeon maidens, these were her deep dark fantasies that frightened even her slightly.

At 5’9” in her long dresses Ellie received less attention than other women; despite being pretty with her pale skin and dark brown straight hair, during the summer that was! In the winter her bare sandaled feet and painted toes gave her curious looks interspersed with the occasional hungry stare. Ellie sort-of liked the attention, despite being terribly shy she would often use her feet to play with her sandals when she noticed someone paying rapt-attention to her pale, perfect feet. Normally people just paid no attention to her, especially at work where she wasn’t allowed to wear sandals and had to wear shoes, or foot-prisons! As she thought of them. Ellie smiled as the elves began tickling the woman in the stocks, she secretly hoped that woman would get tickled for a long time and that she would get to see lots of other women get tickled.

The woman in the stocks was a redhead in her early 40’s who wore a red dress with black nylons and boots, made perfect with a Santa’s hat and festive snowflake earrings. The poor woman had thought the elves’ chair was something that would deliver electric shocks. The look on her face when the elves had started tickling her sides had been a picture. Better yet was when they told her she had to hold onto the bar above her head for five minutes, or else not only would she not win a prize; they would keep her and tickle her for even longer. So far the woman was taking it in good fun but it was apparent that she was very ticklish and wanted to escape but was too nervous to try.

The women performing as elves wore sexy green costumes with red and white stripy tights, alluring enough to get attention but not too much to offend those who wanted a ‘family’ friendly experience. The redhead tried desperately to hold onto the bar she had grasped through two large holes in a set of wooden stocks above her seat, she was obviously extremely ticklish all along her sides and screamed with laughter and squirmed. Six of the elves worked to remove her boots as four others tickled her sides, the six had fun sneakily tickling her knees and thighs whenever they could whilst the four teased her neck with feathers and began to explore her tummy and hips.
Ellie watched the redhead curl her toes in her freshly exposed nylons that almost seemed to steam slightly as her red socks were stripped away. With her high arches and cute toes revealed the woman began to beg;

“No! please not my feet too!” From her tone it was obviously she was extremely ticklish but was trying to be a good sport, her family and friends were watching in the crowd and laughing occasionally shouting taunts.

“Got to win us that blender Kathy!” Her husband shouted as a joke.

The elves began gently exploring Kathy’s nylon-clad soles. The poor redhead hit the roof shaking the stocks as two elves held back her toes so that another four could run their fingertips gently up and down her high arches, fluttering their nails over the usual sweet-spots. Another six remained to torment poor Kathy’s sides; two more had joined in the fun had previously been juggling and joking with the crowd. Kathy was reaching desperation point. The tickling was bad enough but the crowd was getting bigger, any moment now she was sure a teenager would start filming this on their phone! In the audience Ellie was tempted to take her phone out and take some video but was trapped like a rabbit in headlights: ‘was this really happening’ she thought to herself.

Kathy started to laugh and scream more frantically, abandoning any resolve not to let the elves know how ticklish she was. The tickling of her feet was too much, her upper body had been bad but now there were twelve elves surrounding her all tickling and teasing and cooing over her. Kathy was at her breaking point and had turned red in the face. Just as one elf found the sweet spot just above her hips she was pushed over the edge, the cruel performer used two fingers to jiggle wiggle, and dig in to ‘the torture spot’. This sent a direct message of panic to the redhead’s hot central nervous system and she let out a humiliated yet submissive chuckle of laughter as she let go of the bar and tried to curl up in a ball.

Kathy screamed again as she felt the stocks above her trap her arms. She knew she wasn’t supposed to let go of the bar, but previously had no idea how the stocks were supposed to trap her. When bravely climbing in to the chair she had reached through the large holes that were lined with burgundy leather, presumably to stop players hurting themselves. It came as a shock when she felt the leather rapidly expand to grip her wrists. Whether there was some clever device or expanding air cushions behind the leather Kathy didn’t know. All she knew was that she was trapped and ticklish. Her patience was at an end as she flew into a confused cackling rage;


The crowd roared in laughter loving the way she was clearly having fun! She was smiling and laughing so she must be enjoying herself. A few joked that she was asking to be tickled by the way she said ‘don’t and ‘stop’ together and the way her laughter stole the word “don’t” so that she actually said ‘tickle me’.

“Wait is she trapped in that thing now?!” Kathy’s husband asked, a little concerned but still with a big smile on his red faced cheeks.

“For now! She can have another go at winning the blender if you want! Although she could choose the TV, laptop….” A blonde elf replied.

“I think I will have to get her one of those things for Christmas! She is having more fun than she has had in years!” Kathy’s husband replied, he loved his wife but they had hit a rut some years ago and had kept up appearances despite them both knowing things weren’t right.

Both suffered from a low level depression and it was like something was missing, seeing her get tickled like this made him feel alive and vibrant and not at all possessive, which was odd because he usually hated spotting other men steal glances at his wife’s leg and chest. It was as if there was some kind of magic in the air….

The elves slowed their torment and whispered to Kathy;

“We are going to tickle your feet now! If you can keep them still we will let you go and you get a prize. If you move your heels off the bar we will collect you as our prize, and we will tickle you for ever and ever and ever!”

“No please!” Kathy whispered submissively, a woman in the crowd wearing sandals had caught her eye and this tiny detail reminded her of the many eyes watching her. Ellie’s eyes took every detail in from the deep burgundy of the leather around the foot holes of the stocks to the slight variations in the elves’ costumes.

“If you don’t want to play nod your head and if you want another chance to win a prize give your head a shake”. A blonde elf whispered to Kathy.

Kathy had just enough focus to spot the blonde’s trap and nodded her head.

“Good news everyone! Kathy here has just agreed to play another little game. She just nodded and you all saw it!” The blonde elf declared to the crowd’s approval and Kathy’s horror, explaining the rules of the new game to the crowd as her fellow performer’s prepared their contestant.

A metal bar was inserted into two sockets in the ankle stocks, the flat metal attachments going ‘click’ as the workings came together. The elves grinned as they held Kathy’s legs and feet such that the bar rested gently under Kathy’s heels such that the gentle pressure from the presence kept it in place. Kathy could feel that the bar under her heels wanted to move up and towards the stocks just slightly from the ominous sensations coming from her sensitive heels.

“If you so much as flinch, your ankles will be trapped just like your wrists!” a brunette elf whispered cruelly in Kathy’s ear with a cheerful smile. This elf seemed to be the second in command after the blonde elf who spoke to the crowd using a headset to explain the rules and her the ‘trigger bar’ worked; “All the proud work of our resident Scottish elf!” she added gesturing to a ginger-haired elf with glasses and a tartan elf costume who raised a hand in acknowledgement whilst fine- tuning some dials attached to the gears within the stocks.

Kathy wanted to beg the elves that she didn’t want to play their silly game but the words just wouldn’t come to her for some strange reason, instead she just sat in the stocks and flexed and curled her toes. Ellie watched the older woman’s feet in awe, she looked after her own feet with pride and secretly liked stealing lances of pretty female feet. Ellie didn’t think the woman’s toenails were painted but Ellie could tell even from a distance that the older woman; ‘Kathy’ as the red faced man had called her, maintained her toenails. Ellie could also see that there was not a callous on her heels or the balls of her feet, ‘maybe she is in on it’ Ellie thought, admiring how well she looked after her feet. Best of all the woman’s arches were deep and curvy, the winter sun shimmering on the sheer nylon that clung to her sensitive soles.

A part of Ellie wanted to be on stage to tickle the poor woman and another part of her secretly wondered what it was like to get tickled in the stocks. She had been tickled in a set of stocks at a renfaire by man wearing costume once, but it had only lasted a few seconds. As much as his rough calloused fingertips had tickled terribly, and the people watching made her want the ground to open up swallow her; Ellie had been kind of disappointment when it stopped and she was set free. Watching the luscious scenes of torment in front of her Ellie was sure being tickled by these sexy women in elf costumes would be worse. All of the elves were skilled ticklers and the way they moved around their prize like smoke made Ellie’s entire body tingle.

Kathy bit her lip as the first gentle touches began. To begin with only two of the elves tickled her soles with gentle fingertip touches as the others laughed and joked with the crowd. A giant festive hourglass was produced for Kathy and the crowd to see, the first one from her upper body ordeal still contained sand trickling through and the elves joked that she should be made to wait until it finished before her five minutes began and the crowd roared in approval. Kathy was conscious of her ample breasts heaving with each breath as she tried to regain her composure. She could see her husband laughing and smiling and felt a strange warm tingle that she had not felt for years, her mind flooded with the memories of their early courtship before years of aggravation at the minor stresses and strains the outside world put on them both, the time that he tickled her by the fireplace one Christmas floated into her mind from the depths of her memory. She felt both warm and flushed as more elves began tickling her all over;

“No don’t!” Kathy protested submissively as tickling fingers explored her knees, lower legs and thighs.

Three elves cruelly giggled, wiggling their finger close to Kathy’s most ticklish spots that had been identified earlier. They didn’t actually touch her yet but the prospect of further torment was more than she could bear. Kathy’s heels slipped off the bar seconds before the hourglass ran out. Frantically Kathy struggled as she felt her ankles grasped by the same burgundy leather. The crowd applauded all except for Ellie who had abandoned her shame and started trying to sneakily snap a few pictures at least, her phone didn’t seem to want to take videos for some strange reason. Ellie desperately wanted a record that this had really happened and wasn’t a dream, she didn’t want to miss or forget a single detail; from the subtle details on the sexy elves’ costume to the rich deep burgundy that lined the holes of the stocks, it was like a handbag she owned and not the old worn-out burgundy of hot-water bottles. As Ellie abandoned her efforts and slipped her phone away the blonde elf addresses the crowd;

“Do you think she deserves another try?!”

The crowd roared a thunderous: YES!!!

Kathy blushed at the sight of the crowd which was growing ever larger, she thought she saw some people trying to take pictures on their phones; as deep as her humiliation was her desire to free herself was greater. They never seemed to hold up their phones for long though, they would try for a while, frown and then put their phones away. Kathy tried to scream, tried to struggle but her body was growing weary as her mind was being tickled into submission. She could hear individual voices from the crowd;

“Oh my God! I would just die!” One woman said.

“I can’t believe she volunteered for this!” A young man smirked.

“Silly woman! What was she trying to prove!” A grey haired woman cackled

“No, she must be an actress” One voice added.

Kathy’s heart stopped as her mind raced, how long could they keep her here?! The crowd wouldn’t try and save her and her husband was laughing with a big silly smile on his face, he wasn’t usually as gregarious as this! He made jokes but was rarely this merry and jovial. Still he was her only hope!

“Brian!” Kathy cried out in desperation, half hoping that her husband would leap on the stage heroically to save her despite spending more than a decade persuading him he didn’t need to do things like that.

“It’s okay, Dear! I will get you some stocks for Christmas!” Brian cheerfully replied, raising his mug of mulled wine.

The crowd laughed, Brian laughed, Kathy laughed as the elves resumed tickling her. The elves held her struggling legs and feet as the Scottish elf worked the mechanism to released Kathy’s ankles, the air cushions were emptied and the trigger for the bar was re-primed by a Scottish elf with small glasses.

“You see, I told you they must use air cushions dear!” A male voice from the audience opined.

As the elves positioned themselves by their favourite spots, a brunette elf began whispering in Kathy’s ear;

“You can cry out to your husband as much as you like but we are not going to stop torturing you! We might even get him up here to help!”

“He wouldn’t do that!” Kathy protested weakly.

“But you want him to do that!” The brunette elf replied, stopping Kathy’s mind its tracks:
‘It was true! She wanted her husband to give her a good dose of tickle-torture’… In private though! Not on the stage like this! As her eyes grew wide in realisation another elf whispered in Kathy’s ear;
“We spend all day torturing and teasing pretty little temptress and sultry vixens and today should be a good one! We might just keep you on display for as long as possible!....”

“….Because we know you like it!” A third elf with pigtails concluded, giving Kathy’s rock-hard nipples a cunning tweak with her fingertips for a quick second as her own body temporarily blocked the audiences’ view.

“No please!” Kathy begged, as her tormentors teased her, the blonde elf had been addressing the crowd which had grown even larger. Kathy had been dimly aware of her arousal and excitement for a while, due to both her hardening nipples and her ever moistening panties: ‘could she orgasm just from being tickled?’ She thought to herself. Kathy couldn’t remember the last time she had climaxed and found the prospect of being taken to ecstasy here in front of all these people both terrifying and humiliating. She wiggled her toes in their nylons to Ellie’s utter delight who watched from the audience transfixed.

With some ceremony the giant hourglass was turned over and Kathy’s torment commenced. The elves tickled her one at a time randomly so that she glanced around frantically never knowing which one of her tormentors would deliver the next few seconds of tickling. Desperately Kathy tried to focus on using her heels to keep the bar in place whilst being teased this way, it was impossible for her not to glance from grinning elf face to grinning elf face as the leered and loomed each loving the way this cruel game made their victim panic.

Then two or three elves at her feet decided to start gently teasing her sexy nylon clad soles with their fingertips non-stop, these sexy soles deserved torment! It was apparent that even these gentle touches were almost more than the poor redhead could bear and her legs trembled as she fought the urge to just see if she could cheat the cruel tickle trap and just yank her feet backwards to freedom.

As two elves started teasing the backs of her outstretched knees Kathy could take no more and instinctively pulled away to try and ease her torment. Between her sheer nylons and her extreme sensitive having something or someone gently tease the back of her outstretched knees was unbearable. Kathy’s heart sank as she felt the terrible leather grip her ankles once more. Worst of all the Scottish elf adjusted the stocks so that they stretched her knees out taut once more, the stocks were only moved around a half inch away from her but the resulting pull on her legs made it plain how vulnerable she was and that two of the elves had a new favourite spot. Gently the two grinning elves continued to run their fingertips gently under her outstretched knees.

“Oh wow! Failure at four minutes plus! I wouldn’t like to be in your shoes now sweetie!... Or out of them!” The blonde elf declared to the crowd’s approval.

Kathy had only half heard that she would be punished for the remaining time on the hourglass, the other elves teasing her verbally had distracted her from what the blonde elf was saying to the crowd. Before she could protest, all of the elves just dug in to torment her ticklish body. There was no build up, no command each one just hungrily began tormenting their prize with experienced hands that had quickly found her worst spots. The only reprieve was when one of the performers would step back to wave a giant feather around to entertain the crowd with exaggerated movements that kept the thin veneer of comedy over what was actually unbearable torture. Since the crowd was enjoying the show the elves wanted their audience to be able to see so they had to limit their number to only ten or twelve at once, rather than the twenty or so who seemed to circulate between tormenting Kathy and keeping the crowd jovial and merry.

Carefully judging the way the crowd relished their victim’s torment the kinky elves applied two small leather buckles to both of Kathy’s big toes pulling her feet back towards the stocks, stretching her arches taut and preventing her from struggling. Within seconds they had pushed two small pieces of elastic into the warm moist folds of their victim's nylons around her pinky-toes and truly trapped her feet, all of her toes were splayed out as a result. Kathy wiggled her middle three toes in their nylons desperate for the freedom of any movement at all as her torture continued unabated. Ellie couldn’t believe her eyes, she had never dreamed of something as kinky as tying back toes: being too shy to investigate her fetish online. She tried again to get some video on her phone but it just wouldn’t work!

Brian meanwhile was less pleased, he had spotted some people trying to use their phones to take pictures and videos of his wife in her kinky torment and his old jealousy had flared up. He tried to explain through his returning stutter that they probably shouldn’t or couldn’t and started to become annoyed with the young oik who just said; “yeah my phone’s not working anyway mate!...”

Sensing trouble, the blonde elf caught his eye and beckoned towards him. It was strange, all the anger just melted away and before he knew it, he was stood on the stage being interviewed by the blonde elf who was obviously in charge of this thing;

“So this is your wife!” The blonde elf asked, holding up a microphone that had been clipped to her belt.

“Yes indeedy!” Brian answered, not at all aware he had just been hypnotised. The crowd just found his reactions funny as the interview continued;

“And she is very ticklish!”


“You like that!”


…..“He has got to be in on it!” Another voice from the crowd opined.

“…And you would like to tickle her?” The blonde elf asked sweetly.

“You betcha!...” Brian replied cheerfully.

…..“You see! Him too!” The voice from the crowd added.

Before he knew it Brian had settled in at his beautiful wife’s soles and was being instructed on how to best tickle her helpless nylon-clad arches with just the right amount of pressure to drive her crazy. The two elves giving him a tutorial used their sharp nails too and suggested he grew his out. The elves were young and sexy but Brian only had eyes for his wife, it was like he was seeing her for the first time in years. The elves gave him a set of fake nails that could be attached to his fingertips or over a set of textured rubber finger-tippers, the kind secretaries used to use. Brian dreamed of using these on his wife’s bare soles after dressing her up as a sexy secretary. These were to be the first of many gifts from the elves.

The other elves had their fun with Kathy’s legs and upper body and continued to keep the crowd entertained and in the mood to see their victim get tortured. It was the camp-comedy element that kept the crowd laughing merrily and watching the show, increasingly certain the husband and wife on stage were actors too. The elves used giant feathers and candy canes that seemed to tickle poor Kathy, the crowd couldn’t quite see the vibrating hairbrushes and flosser type devices concealed within these but enjoyed watching her squeal. Several times one of the elves would sneak over to the hourglass and jokingly turn it over when it was about three quarters empty, their cosmetically exaggerated gestures and movements kept the audience certain this was all part of the pantomime.

Only Ellie and a few others watched the entire show, being utterly transfixed and astounded at the delicious torture the poor woman suffered. Ellie had noticed a couple of guys as well as a woman wearing a black bourka but her attention was focused on the stage. Ellie scrunched her toes in her worn, comfortable Birkenstocks as she imagined her toes being tied back in the same manner as the woman on stage. Ellie also noticed how people came and went, one couple who returned after getting drinks even said;

“Oh they have put her back in the stocks again! They must have actors who get tickled on rotation!”

Ellie’s eyes widened as she heard this, she had glanced at the smiles on the two men’s faces and understood the true horror being in the stocks herself could be. No-one from the crowd would stop it because they either wanted to see more or would just leave after a short while. A part of her was horrified but another part was excited both by the delicious scenes of torment and the prospect that there were other people like her!

Brian and Kathy’s friends had slunk away to get more drinks, some secretly not wanting to be ‘volunteered’ to go next. People lose track of time when they are having fun and Kathy’s torment went on for longer than any of them realised as they merrily chatted and sipped hot chocolate and mulled wine. Brian meanwhile was entranced tickling his wife, receiving a full tutorial in every ticklish spot and technique from the little divot in her slender elbows all the way down to the tips of her ever-so-ticklish toes. At the end of her time on stage the elves played their last trick as the hourglass was finally allowed to run out. Brian moved away with the many elves who he chatted with like old friends.

“Do you want us to let you down?” The blonde elf asked.

“Yes get me down!” Kathy begged her head swimming.

“Very well!” The blonde elf answered, pulling on a comically large handle to one side of the stage, it was the kind that changed train tracks in old movies but decorated festively to look like the North-pole in a children’s cartoon.

Suddenly the stocks began to slowly lower with Kathy in them, they descended down into the stage. Some members of the crowd laughed at this, others were surprised. Kathy struggled with a panicked look on her face. From the terror in her eyes Ellie knew the redhead had not been expecting this.

“Okay so what exactly have you just done with my wife?” Brian asked, blinking as if the sun had just hit his eyes.

“We will have her back to you in a moment poppet!” The petite elf with pigtails chirped.

“Okay, but…. What?” Brian stumbled, the fog clearing from his mind as he began to wonder what he was doing on stage and whether he had really just been publicly tickling his wife.

“It’s all part of the show sweetie, don’t you worry….” A sexy elf with ebony skin and corn-rows under her Santa hat replied.

Suddenly the crowd burst into thunderous applause causing Brian to spin around and look behind him. There his beloved Kathy was being unpacked from a large gift-box by two of the sexy elves who held an enormous pair of scissors and a giant fabric bow from the box’s lid. Kathy was smiling in her red dress and black boots. Brian couldn’t understand what had happened, she had been in the stocks only seconds earlier and now her boots and socks were back on and she was smiling and waving to the crowd.

“It’s all part of the show sweetie!” The Ebony skinned elf chimed in teasingly.

Kathy and Brian hugged on stage and the crowd applauded.

“The happy couple everyone! Weren’t they amazing?!” The blonde elf announced into her microphone.

With the exception of Ellie the entire crowd applauded and agreed.

“Is this what you want dear?” Brian asked.

“No my love! This is what I need!” Kathy replied before kissing him deeply.

The blender was forgotten about, as were many of the aspects that didn’t quite make sense. Others were just never examined by the happy couple, especially the car-boot full of bondage gear they took home with them. They politely suggested their friends all share the other car as they wanted to see a relative who lived nearby; the truth being that they needed the back seats down to get the stocks, rack and X-frame home to the love-den they had forgotten was theirs. Their friends laughed and joked about Kathy’s experience at first but then, strangely enough they all seemed to forget about it.

The crowd dispersed happily with the exception of the entranced Ellie who snuck around to try and see how they performed the last trick. The two guys who watched the whole show pretended to leave lurked nearby hoping it would start up again. The elves had gone on a break all except for a few including the Scottish one who tinkered with the stocks, as well as the two lead elves; the blonde and brunette who seemed to be chatting over hot drinks brought to them by the little one with pigtails.

Ellie noticed as the petite elf walked away that her stockings were a mixture of red, white and green rather than just red and white. Something about the petite elf’s legs as she walked made Ellie wish that she would stumble and drop one of her festive black flats. To Ellie’s amazement exactly this happened and she was treated to the sight of the petite elf’s stockinged soles search for her shoe, fumble it and nudge it a few feet away from her. Despite having just watched the red haired vixen get tickle tortured mercilessly Ellie still watched as the petite performer sighed, bent over to pick up her shoe waving her stockinged sole in the air and then proceeded to cross her leg against her other leg as she returned her sole to her foot. It was graceful like a ballet move that gave Ellie a wonderful view of the petite performer’s sole from a number of angles. As the little treat came to an end the elf with pigtails turned to look over her should at Ellie, for a split second Ellie thought she might even wave.

The sudden unexpected eye-contact after the little show made Ellie nervous enough that she thought of going away and coming back. Ellie was shy and timid but she just had to know how they did that last trick and she didn’t think she would be able to figure this out when they started up again which she hoped they would. ‘Was the redhead planted in the audience?’ Ellie wondered; ‘Did she have a twin?’ She tried to be cautious as she got ever closer and closer but suddenly made eye contact with the brunette elf who was pointing at her….

The blonde elf turn gracefully winked at over her shoulder Ellie and whispered;

“Hang around sweetie! You’re up next!” with a wink.

Ellie’s heart skipped a beat, she wasn’t sure if she had heard or lip-read the blonde elf but she felt the urge to turn and run but her legs wouldn’t move. The show started up again and people moved around Ellie who stood almost in a daze. She somehow didn’t even seem to remember watching Kathy get tickled as she put her hand up to volunteer once the elves all danced and juggled for the small crowd began to form, their merry pipe organ music indicating that the fun was about to resume. As Ellie’s sandals were removed and placed in her lap she slowly began to regain her clarity. Her sandals were the kind that could just be slipped off and now the cool breeze tugged at her soft pale arches that had been exposed for the first onlookers to admire.

“No please! Not tickling!” Ellie begged as the first feathers were drawn over her soft bare feet.

To be continued!....
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Ellie's turn in the stocks

…..Right away!

Ellie shyly squeaked as a black and white feather was run between her long slender toes. The growing crowd chuckled and chortled as her pale elegant toes danced and wiggled. The elves had her! She could see the lady in the bourka and the two guys she had clocked watching the other women get tickled earlier, there were other familiar faces also but thankfully nobody Ellie knew; that was possibly the only thing that could make her humiliation worse! Having someone she knew from work or the gym see her like this.

Ellie grasped the bar above her head with all her might and desperately tried to keep her heels on the smooth metal bar. ‘Why did she get up on stage and get in the stocks?!’ It was inexplicable to her. She had little time for contemplation as four elves began teasing her sensitive upper body through her long black dress and jumper. The elves were masters of torment and kept Ellie at just the stage where she could just about keep sufficient control to hold the bar tight and keep her heels pushed down on the bar, she dreaded whatever had trapped the redhead in this thing and was terrified of the toe-ties more. The elves enjoyed teasing Ellie and whispered in her ears as they tickled;

“Oh you are so ticklish! Just an utter delight!”

“We know you want this! We are going to keep you here all day until the faire closes, you are our tickle-toy now!”

“No!” Ellie weakly protested as her entire body was explored with soft fingertip touches to her pale sensitive skin that had never been teased all over like this before, or even for this long.

A voice from the crowd made it to Ellie’s ears: “Oh I saw her watching earlier, she must be the next actress!”

“Do you reckon?” Another voice replied.

“Yeah! Why else would she wear sandals in the winter!” The first voice added.

Ellie tried to protest, tried to plead with the crowd but she knew how this went. The elves kept her giggling and struggling so that in her shy submission she could barely speak; just blush, tremble and squirm at their delicate, expert touches to her soft pale skin. She had taken to grasping the feathers with her long toes, but the elves seemed to have an inexhaustible supply and would punish her soft creamy arches with the sharp pointy ends of their quills as punishment. Furthermore even having the feathers between her toes tickled Ellie! Especially when they got knocked or nudged or fell down. The blonde elf worked the crowd that was growing ever larger as the brunette elf and the petite elf with pigtails focused on Ellie’s verbal teasing;

“Oh yes you like this! You like that everyone is watching your sexy feet get tickled!” The elf with pigtails whispered.

“I don’t!” Ellie weakly protested in a barely audible voice.

“You don’t?... so you want a private session that is even worse?” The brunette elf asked teasingly, feigning misunderstanding.

Ellie descended into silent laughter, her cute face scrunched up in absolute picture. The elves at her feet were taking it in turns to hold her toes so that her arches were taut and the sensitive spots underneath vulnerable to feathers. As a result there was no way for the Ellie to trigger the bar but the crowd loved watching Ellie’s reactions as soft feathers explored her long ticklish toes and sharp fingernails traced devilish designs all over her outstretched arches.

“Just a taste of the toe-ties sweetie, just so you know how bad it will be!” The elf with pigtails whispered.

“You know we when we send you down below we might just keep you!” The brunette elf chipped in, adding; “We know you are here alone! And we have lots more toys down there! In fact we may never let you out! We could just tickle you for ever and ever and ever!”

“No don’t send me down below!” Ellie begged.

“We are going to send you down! We are going to send you all the way down!” One elf whispered cruelly in her ear.

The sing song-voice combined with the unimaginable torment of her soft sensitive soles pushed Ellie to the limit of her endurance. It was finally too much for her as two tantalisingly soft feathers were used to tease her delicate neck and chin. Unable to take a second more Ellie let go of the bar and instinctively tried to pull her arms down to defend herself from the devilish elves. Amazingly her slender wrists were able to slip through the enclosing leather that expanded to trap her. Reacting fast, the elves caught her flailing wrist as she struggled; the one with the pigtails took a little knock on the chin but laughed it off. The Scottish elf seemed angriest but not at Ellie! Frustrated the tartan-clad elf she adjusted her precious contraption, complaining about it but clearly proud of her work.

“Looks like we are having technically difficulties folks! Also I forgot to turn this over!” The blonde elf announced, holding up the giant hourglass for the crowd to see.

The crowd enjoyed the show, but there was now some discussion as to whether the girl on stage was really and actress as a result of this last little display. Cruelly the elves kept tickling her as they secured her in tight, restrictive bondage for all to see. Ellie’s colourful Christmas jumper was confiscated and pulled up over her head as she squirmed, unable to resist. The thick woollen jumper was rolled up and slipped under her lower back, lining the seat of the stocks along with her big coat that she herself had neatly folded up to cushion the wooden bench that was covered in the same leather that lined the holes in the stocks.

The Scottish elf came over to adjust the stocks, lowering the wrist restraints down by an inch and asking an elf she called ‘Gothie’ for some of her bracelets. The solution was cruel but effective; two of Gothie’s spiky bracelet were attached to Ellie’s slender wrists, above and below the stocks that the long metal spikes prevented any movement up or down. The air cushions inside the leather were manually adjusted with extra air being added so that they completed Ellie’s bondage, gripping her wrists tight. Ellie could not move and inch and now her underarms were vulnerable in her thin black dress, she shivered from the fear as two large overhead heat lamps were positioned to ensure the cold winter air did not vie with the elves’ cruel administrations. Some of the crowd were enjoying the show whereas as few were murmuring and a little unsure.

The brunette elf whispered in Ellie’s ear; “We are going to need you to beg for your feet to be tickled as penance for that little outburst! You like being tickled, we know you like being tickled! And we are going to give it you good!”

“Trust me it will be so much worse if you resist us!” Gothie added; a frightening figure at roughly Ellie’s height possibly taller with long, straight jet-black hair and light brown skin contrasted by deep blue lipstick and terrifying yet festive make up. Unlike the majority of the performers this elf wore black and white stripy stockings

“You want your feet to be tickled don’t you!” The brunette elf whispered her eyes mesmerising Ellie.

As Ellie’s bondage had been completed the blonde elf had been working the crowd with her cheeky enthusiasm that seemed to turn even the most po-faced puritan into a laughing wassailing caroller. As the brunette elf finished ‘working the victim’ she sauntered over to point her microphone to Ellie who looked up stunned;

“Anything you want to tell the crowd poppet?” The blonde elf asked like a roving reporter.

“Oh tickle my feet! Please tickle my feet!” Ellie begged, wiggling her toes.

“Well as you can see folks we have a little fish that wanted to get caught! Let’s not disappoint her! The blonde elf announced to the crowd over her headset as she reattached the microphone to her belt.

Ellie couldn’t believe what had just happened; ‘had she really just begged to get tickled?’ She had little time to contemplate mind-games and hypnosis as the elves began a ‘bonus torment’ of her soles, again taking it in turns to hold her feet in place, keeping the bar down as they tickled. So far the feather and fingernails had been just enough for Ellie to keep control but now the elves decided to give her a little taste of true torture. Two scrubbed her arches with ‘reindeer brushes’ that were the kind of brushes used for horses with a strap that goes over the back of the hand only with lovely pictures of reindeer on the straps and handles. This alone was more torture than Ellie could fathom but was made worse by the candy canes which had flossers that extended from the tips and devices like electric toothbrushes and vibrating hairbrushes built into the hook-like handles. Ellie had been confused when the elves seemed to tickle the older woman with these, but now she understood their cruel purpose.

Since the crowd couldn’t really see what was going on, the blonde elf decided to explain, unwrapping several festive gift-boxes to reveal an array of oral hygiene products as she spoke;

“So as we all know, too much sugar is bad for our teeth! What you may not know is that when these products you use to look after your teeth are old and need to be replaced they can be ve…eeeerrr…rry dangerous for ticklish feet!” The blonde elf cheerfully informed the crowd, lengthening the word ‘very for comedic effect.

Ellie couldn’t believe her ears, ‘were they seriously going to use old electric toothbrushes and flossers to tickle her feet!...’ ‘Was that what was in the candy canes?...’ She didn’t have long to ponder all of this as the elves lowered their new tickle tools just inches away from her terribly ticklish toes. As terrible as the anticipation was the tickling was worse!

Ellie’s resulting screams delighted the crowd, it was like nothing she had ever felt before. Ellie had used special brushes alongside pumice stone and special tools to keep her feet immaculate but she was always in control of them and liked the way they tickled. Even one of the horrible toothbrushes under her toes was enough to drive her insane; the plethora that were being used now were an inhumane form of torture, made worse by the flossers that explored all the ticklish spots between her terribly ticklish toes. Sensing the crowd were not ready to be lulled into watching such torture for too long the blonde elf decided to signal to her companions to sow and stop as she addressed the crowd;

“So ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! You have seen the forfeit our lovely contestant will enjoy should she fail our little game, of course her prize should she succeed is also rather scintillating. So without further ado I think it is time to turn this hourglass, remember folks if she pulls her feet away her ankles will get trapped”.

Ellie was in a daze, the toothbrushes and flossers had tickled so badly she knew she wouldn’t be able to stand them for a second and couldn’t stand the thought of them being used if her toes were tied back like the redhead’s had been. Worse still the elves had left them scattered all over the top of the stocks for her to see along with discarded feathers and brushes. Ellie would never know when an elf would pick up a discarded feather and decide to put it to use make her glance around frantically. The elves also had feathers and brushes that were also cunningly concealed on their belts. They tickled and teased her gently as their leader addressed the crowd, whispering in their victim’s ear;

“We are going to tickle you all day long! You are just the best tickle-slave!” The ivory-skinned elf with corn-rows whispered.

“You aren’t going to be able to take this! You will flinch away in seconds and then we will tickle you until you burst!” The petite elf with pigtails added, teasing Ellie’s nipples with her back to the crowd.

Ellie hadn’t realised how turned on she was but as the petite sadist tweaked her already pert nipples she realised just how arousing the scintillating torture had been. Still flushed from the experience she tried to control her breathing, the elves at her feet readied feathers as the audience were encouraged to count down the start of her ordeal.

“Three!… two!... one!.... TICKLE!!!” They cried.

The light feather touches were almost too much for the anxious Ellie, desperately she locked the muscles and nerves in her legs and feet, strangely fanning out her toes so that the feathers could be run between them to find every ticklish spot. It was an odd strategy to avoid moving her feet but it worked. As the elves started using their fingertips to gently tease Ellie’s arches she began to curl her toes, hating the way their soft fingertips felt against the sensitive skin of her precious feet but at the same time loving every second. It was exhilarating! Some of the elves wore woollen gloves that seemed to be more textured than any wool Ellie had felt against her soft skin, little did she know that they had added micro-fibre threads into the fingertips to make their scratchy-tickly touches unbearable to barefoot victims.

What Ellie did know was that the gloved elves had made special holes in the tips of their gloves for their sharp nails. Ellie knew this from her previous punishment when the elves had taken it in turns to hold her toes back so that each could use their terrible red and green festive nails to scribble and dance their awful nails all over her taut arches. She also knew that if any of them did that now she would lose this gruelling game and be their tickle slave for a long time…

After thirty seconds the elves decided to claim their prize, some cruelly wiggled their fingers just above the stocks for Ellie to see other claimed electric toothbrushes and began to pretend to use them to clean their teeth with exaggerated movements. This pleased the crowd but terrified poor Ellie, who wailed;

“Please no don’t! Stop!” The crowd roared as she ran her plea for the torture to stop too close to the word ‘don’t’.

“Oh we won’t stop sweetie!” The brunette elf purred.

Ellie was sure she wouldn’t be able to stand what she knew was coming for even a second. The second the toothbrushes hit her toes Ellie screamed and began to struggle and thrash, she channelled all of her desperate need to escape into her upper body in a futile attempt to prevent her heels from slipping off the bar, making the stocks shake just slightly due to her tight bondage. Some of the elves decided her upper body had been neglected and resumed tickling her underarms, ribs, tummy, sides and hips. Finally two decided to tease the backs of their victim’s outstretched knees and the surprise of this unexpected soft sensation drove Ellie over the brink.

Ellie didn’t notice the bar slip from her heels, she didn’t even notice the leather trap her ankles as her torture continued unabated. Suddenly she was just being tickled with ankles grasped firmly by tight leather. The blonde elf addressed the crowd but her words were a blur through the haze of torment. Ellie lost track of time as each spot was checked and re-checked with every tickle-technique known to elf, none seemed to fail. The only thing that brought Ellie out of her hazy tormented mental state was the application of toe-ties.

“No please not that!” Ellie begged weakly as the elves gave her a short rest to focus on the horror of each toe being tied back, the crowd couldn’t hear her pleas though. Ellie had no idea how much time had passed since she earned her forfeit but guessed that the elves had done their trick of turning the hourglass lots of times to keep her suffering for far longer than five minutes.

Ellie tried to struggle but the elves’ many strong wiry fingers were more than a match for her tired toes. They were crueller than they had been with the redhead and secured not only her big toes in clamps instead of the leather cuffs but also used smaller clamps for all but her pinky-toes that were trapped by the elastic. Ellie felt vulnerable knowing that even the pads of her big toes were terribly ticklish, she could feel something strange alongside the cold metal of the clamps, the Scottish elf sauntered over to gloat;

“You admiring ma handi-work L’il miss tender-foot!” She boasted.

“Oh yes the toe-clamps are terrible, if you so much as move a muscle, lots of tiny brushes and feathers will buzz and swipe and swish!” The brunette elf interjected, adding; “They will be far worse when we send you down below but for now we will stick to the small brushes the public can’t really see…”

The elf with pigtails also wanted to tease Ellie and all but straddled her whilst playing with the shy woman’s long dark hair;
“They all think you are an actress so we are going to see how far we can push you on stage, if it was up to me you would have your panties removed and a discrete feather device would be hidden in your dress to tickle you to orgasm in front of everyone!” The petite elf gave Ellie a wink as she finished describing her cruel fantasy.

“Perhaps later Kinky! But down below, I don’t think we could get away with that!” The brunette elf added.

Ellie’s eyes widened as she fathomed the depths of depravity these elves would go to, both astounded and excited by the erotic ideas the elves whispered to her; ‘was her pussy really ticklish?’ Ellie had never thought about it, but the prospect of feathers touching her ‘down there’ was both titillating and terrifying. Ellie didn’t have time to think as the elves were readying a new round of tickle-torture. Cruelly they positioned themselves with the many tickle toys from before; each staking out their favourite spots and giving the others elves a sneaky-tickle to help claim them. A grand total of eight making a viewing arc around her sexy pale soles so that their adoring audience could see their administrations. Three stood to each side in height order and two curled up in a relaxed pose like something from an advert in a magazine.

Ellie began to whimper knowing she was too sensitive to take what was coming but was also tingling with anticipation as she desperately glanced around at the elves who were jostling for position to tickle every inch of her upper body and also her legs. There were at least another four to each side of her as well ‘Kinky’ who had taken up proud position on top of her, kicking off her black festive flats to reveal her cute petite feet in their colourful stripy stockings.

“I saw you looking at my feet earlier! Yes they are very ticklish! But did you know that they can also be used to tickle?!” the petite elf whispered with a wink.

Kinky began using her clever toes to tickle Ellie as she adjusted herself, wanting to tickle her victim using all four of her limbs for maximum punishment. The other elves had finished positioning themselves and were loving their victim’s fearful glances from face to face. Ellie was sure there were more now than there were when the red haired woman got tickled. There were yet more elves entertaining the crowd with the blonde one, but Ellie had no time to count them as her torture began. The elves from each side went straight for her under arms and sides with no mercy at all, they knew it took a gentle touch: a gentle touch was more than enough to drive their victim insane. Their gentle touches were merciless, especially to the backs of her outstretched knees that had been identified as a prime tickle-spot.

‘Kinky’ monopolised Ellie’s tummy and the sweet spot just above her hips: ‘oh you’re mine now’ she would whisper whenever she found a particularly good spot. Kinky would laugh as she tickled, posing for her victim and wrinkling her nose, Ellie found herself wanting revenge on Kinky most of all but also took delight in their shared laughter and exchanged glances. The way ‘Kinky’ used her clever toes to tickle her thighs delighted Ellie, it was torture but she found herself getting more and more excited. Most of the crowd didn’t notice how she used her clever toes, apart from when the petite elf leaned back in an elegant repose to tickle Ellie’s hips and tummy with her stockinged feet whilst simultaneously using her hands to give the dark haired girl’s knees a squeeze.

At Ellie’s feet the eight elves performed a masterclass of torment using the electric toothbrushes and flossers to deadly effect upon her struggling toes, every flinch and squirm was punished by the horrible hidden brushes that got the spots between her sensitive toes. Ellie tried scrunching her toes down hard to break the evil toe-clamps but that only made them buzz and whir all the harder. Worse still four rotary washing up brushes had been unboxed and whirred with hot soapy water ready to scrub her arches and heels that had previously been punished with sharp fingernails and vibrating hairbrushes.

“We don’t recommend buying your loved ones washing up equipment for Christmas! If you do you might end up suffering like our volunteer here folks!” The blonde elf quipped to the crowd.
The stocks shook as Ellie struggled to escape the evil bristles, the soaps felt warm and nice but these brushes tickled worse than anything so far. Ellie’s screams were inaudible now; Kinky had found Ellie’s black socks and stuffed them in her victim’s mouth securing them with a big red bow. The petite elf with pigtails had then returned to using her cunning toes to tease Ellie’s inner thighs working ever upwards;

“What if I were to work my way all the up?” Kinky asked with a knowing smile.

Ellie shot her a terrified yet intrigued look between the many priceless faces she pulled as a result of each new unexpected sensation. At her soles the scrubbing had finally finished and her soles were receiving a temporary reprieve as the elves ran hot black stones over her now bright red arches.

“A fun fact about our lovely contestant ladies and gentlemen, she buys herself pedicure products each year as a little Christmas present to herself!” The blonde elf announced to the crowd, adding; we have some lovely pedicure products that we would like to demonstrate.

Ellie was too ecstatic and delirious to wonder how the blonde elf knew about her ‘Christmas tradition’ and just sighed as she enjoyed the heat from the stones and what felt like hairdryers. Ellie’s soles dried quickly only to be oiled and massaged as the heat was carefully applied, the elves were skilled and took the heat to the point right up to the point poor Ellie thought it was about to be too much then stopped, skilfully roasted her soles to new levels of hyper-sensitivity. Between the sexy foot massage and Kinky’s toes Ellie began to feel a delicious orgasm approach, Ellie rarely masturbated but had a sexy dream roughly once a month that she never really remembered. She always felt ashamed when washing her pyjamas and bedsheets but the relief of the release was something she deeply needed. It felt good to be both aroused and conscious for once!

Suddenly all the torment and titillation stopped as the blonde elf began to brandish what looked like a massage gun. Ellie couldn’t quite hear what the sexy elf was saying to the crowd over the thunderous pulse of her blood in her ears, but she caught the words; ‘latest thing’… ‘Revitalises nerve endings’ and worst of all; “Will even make feet as ticklish as these, even more ticklish!”

Ellie’s squirmed and struggled, frantic that she was to be made even more ticklish. The blonde elf was insistent she took a turn at tickling ‘their lovely volunteer’ for once. And positioned herself like a saleswoman at the foot of the stocks. The device in her hand buzzed and glowed, Ellie’s eyes grew wide; ‘was it going to shock her?!’ ‘Would it tickle?!’
The sensations were new and terrible, it was halfway between getting an electric shock and getting tickled. Her arousal took a back seat to allow the new torment to dominate her frazzled mind. Ellie struggled and giggled sweetly feeling strangely calmed by the new tickly sensations. Slowly and methodically the blonde elf ran the device up and down her left arch, smiling and joking with the crowd;

“You see folks! If you want to give someone a nice surprise this year get them one of these! Lovely soft skin, better circulation and they don’t usually tickle if you use them on your OWN feet!”

Another device was used by the Scottish elf on Ellie’s right foot and one by one more were unboxed and shown to the crowd, before long the elves used four of the devices at once. Ellie was laughing and smiling sweetly but suffering terribly inside, the new devices seemed to tickle nerves deeper in her feet than those on the surface that had already received a thorough tickling making her scream silently into her sock gag.

“We have shoes and boots with this technology built into the soles you know?!” The brunette elf purred, adding; “Best of all we put locks on the outside of the boots so you CAN’T take them off!”

“I am wearing a pair right now!” The gothic elf chimed in.

“Thanks for reminding me Gothie!” The brunette elf quipped, producing a remote control from her belt and turning a dial.

The gothic elf began to laugh and squirm and hop from one foot to the other doing a merry jig for the crowd. It was the only way to ease her torment, both to try and mask the terrible sensations and take back control nut also because the boots would ease up just slightly if the sensed her soles hitting the sensors and transmitters inside. Ellie laughed at this display along with the crowd, only she knew why the gothic elf was dancing this was as it wasn’t unusual for the elves to start doing a merry jig like this. ‘Gothie’ cursed herself for reminding them about the boots which she secretly loved being tickled by but hated being under anyone else’s control.

Eventually the boots were turned back down to the gentler setting that ‘Gothie’ could handle. The brunette elf turned the dial with some regret but she wanted her best ticklers on the job and ‘Gothie’ was good! Cruelly though she pushed the RANDOM button so that the boots would unexpectedly take the tickling up to a higher level for a few seconds whenever their wearer least expected it. Ellie was smiling and laughing, her sock gag having slipped away at some point. It was strange, she could actually feel herself getting both more ticklish and relaxed as the massager thingies worked their magic.

“As you can see our lovely vict’... erm…-volunteer! Is enjoying her Christmas presents! Remember though the best gift of all is to give, not receive!” The Blonde elf announced with a chuckle, her companions taking over Ellie’s humiliation and torment as the crowd laughed.

“No seriously with have collection buckets for charity and a lady coming in a second with dogs dressed up as reindeer….” The blonde elf added.

“How does it feel to know you are the most ticklish girl we have ever had in these stocks and you are going to be more ticklish?” Kinky asked, replacing the sock gag that had fallen out of her victim’s mouth.

“I would not like to be in your place when the dogs arrive!” The brunette elf added.

The ‘nerve revitalisers’ were put away and the elves resumed tickling and teasing their victim. Ellie was even more ticklish now than before, each nerve being fine-tuned for torment. Ellie could no longer protest, just softly giggle in the most delightfully submissive manner. Ellie was delirious, it came as a shock when the first fingernail touches proved the strange shocking devices HAD made her feet more ticklish! She was sure she had reached the full point of her sensitivity after the scrubbing and roasting plus she had been unbearably sensitive to begin with. A new game had been invented by the blonde that the crowd now CHOSE when Ellie would be released, the catch being one of them had to take her place in the stocks.

Ellie had sort-of absorbed this information but sort of wanted to stay in the stocks. At first she had felt humiliated but now she almost liked being the centre of attention despite her shyness. Ellie was starting to like the tickle-torture too in a strange way, it was like she was in a dream or surrounded by a fog but now she didn’t mind being lost in the haze of tickle-torment. A few things made it through the fog of torment that engulfed Ellie’s senses, at one point ‘Kinky’ purred;

“You know some women can climax just from getting tickled, others just get hornier and hornier until the denial becomes worse than the tickling! I think I might do that to you actually! I like you sitting there; suffering as you want me and wanting me as we make you suffer!”

‘Kinky’ was teasingly reprimanded by the brunette elf and reminded what would happen if she made another woman publically orgasm. The rest of the torment became an ever-changing delirious fever dream of ecstasy and torment for Ellie, at some point her sock gag was removed again but she was unable to remember or order events properly. It was a blur until the dogs arrived and she was allowed a short reprieve to catch her breath.

The dogs all had fake reindeer antlers and were fussed over by the crowd. Ellie didn’t know if they were guide dogs or rescue dogs only having enough composure to absorb the message that: “a dog is for life not just for Christmas” which she of course already knew. During this brief interlude 'Kinky’ looked around for her moment and kissed Ellie deeply when she knew no-one was looking, not even the other Elves. The kiss was brief but tender. A teenage girl was throwing a temper tantrum and between that and the dogs everyone was just distracted enough to miss the long desired kiss ‘Kinky’ stole from her prize. Just as Ellie realised she was kissing her elven captor back the kiss ended and the devious petite performer whispered in her ear;

“I am going to make you climax publicly whether they punish me or not, I just want you so badly!”

Ellie had scarcely enough time to process this information as something new was being prepared. Two of the larger, plumper elves were stirring something a jug and two golden retrievers were being brought up to the stocks. The two plump blonde elves chattered in German saying something Ellie couldn’t understand followed by the word “Ja!”
Ellie vaguely remembered something said by the brunette elf about dogs and now the blonde elf seemed to be enchanting the crowd with her magical voice;

“Yes that is right! Ladies and gentlemen! We have a treat for you now, a form of torture straight from the pages of history. From the Roman amphitheatres to Medieval Europe this form of torture was feared, it was also used in Ancient China and Japan. But don’t be frightened folks, there will be no blood! There will be no pain! Only ticklish laughter and a sight rarely seen!”

Ellie wondered what was going to happen next, she vaguely remembered a book she read in childhood about goats licking brine and salt from people’s stocked feet but those were goats and not dogs…. ‘Oh no!’ she thought; ... ‘Dogs can lick too!’

“Yes that is right folks! Our lovely volunteer has long wanted to experience this exotic form of torture! But do not try this at home, these are very well trained dogs and this can go very wrong if not done by professional torturers like ourselves!”

Ellie tried to protest as the two German elves applied some kind of sticky goo to her soles with wide brushes for her arches and narrower tickly brushes for her delicate toes. At some point the toe-clamps had been replaced with the simple leather cuffs that had been used on the stocks previous occupant. Ellie only realised this as she curled and flexed her toes in response to the warm goo trickling between them, even this tickled her unbearably. The dogs wet noses and whiskers tickled her feet too but this was nothing compared their tongues!

The sensation of the dogs’ rough lapping enthusiastic tongues was like nothing Ellie had ever felt, they were less skilled than the elves but they were relentless. The elves would reapply the goo from time to time, making sure to get between her toes. The dogs calmly licked and licked, their faces zen-like without an inkling of the torment they inflicted upon poor Ellie. Ellie didn’t know it but all her years of wearing sandals in winter had toughened her feet up enough that she could be subjected to this cruel form of torture for hours without it turning into pain. She didn’t know how long she suffered as even a few seconds were unbearable, her face turned into what looked like a joyous rictus punctuated by ecstatic interludes where she laughed and shook her head in a shy way that seemed to scream: ‘It’s torture but I don’t want it to stop!’

“Tell them you confess to being a witch!” Kinky suggested, wanting less attention and more distraction to envelop her secret scheme.

“I CONFESS! I’M A WITCH PLEASE STOP IT!!! I CONFESS!!!!” Ellie cried at the top of her lungs.

“Well it seems we have a confession folks! We have a witch! A very pretty witch! And what do we do with witches!” The blonde elf addressed the crowd.

“BURN THEM!” A voice in the crowd yelled out in the split-second everyone else took to think.

“Would you like to try again?!” The blonde elf asked incredulously, her face saying: ‘What are we doing here?!’

“TICKLE THEM!!!” The rest of the crowd roared.

‘Seriously! Is this ever going to actually end! Ellie thought to herself as the dogs were guided away.

“Excellent! But of course since we now know she is a witch for sure we probably ought to stop her from casting a spell with her voice!”

Ellie struggled as the brunette elf and a few others inserted a giant gobstopper into her wide open mouth, it was just the right size to fill her mouth without any risk of choking and just soft enough not to hurt her perfect teeth. The elves tickled Ellie to make her ‘open wide’. ‘Kinky’ had resumed tickling her inner thighs using her clever toes whilst also squeezing just above her knees, many of the elves had given her upper body and legs a good tickle throughout the ordeal of the dogs’ rough tongues, they had also tickled ‘kinky’ from time to time too but the devious little minx seemed to enjoy it!

The Gobstopper was secured in place with a woven strap made of long pink liquorice stands; ‘strawberry boot-laces’ Ellie thought, scarcely able to believe what was happening. Meanwhile the blonde elf addressed the crowd again;

“And of course we can’t leave these ticklish feet like this so we will have to give them another scrub, but don’t worry as I said earlier; our vict-volunteer loves to get pedicures!”

It was true, although being terribly shy Ellie would get pedicures when she could find the right parlour. For a few years she found a little place with a booth tucked out of the way where she would allow two petite Asian women to caress and pamper her already immaculate feet. They would always make sure she had her private booth and give her what she wanted, whether it was painted nails or a foot massage. One little minx with a heart-shaped face would even tickle her on purpose, never taking it too far;

“Oooh! What the matter?...You ticklish!” The petite masseuse would purr teasingly as she gently used the corner of her pumice stone a way that tickled, even daring to ‘accidentally’ use her short but sharp nails a few times.

Ellie would giggle shyly and turn red in the face but eventually learnt her tickler’s name and would ask for her specifically when booking. Sadly that little parlour closed down for reasons Ellie didn’t want to investigate and she lost her little tickle friend!

Right now she was due for a much more intense pedicure judging by the rough brushes and bowls of hot soapy water the elves had seemingly prestidigitated. The terrible whirring brushes where held up for the crowd to see again but the manual ones used first, these tickled Ellie badly enough and screamed into her gobstopper-gag that had just started to trickle salvia and colourful sugar down her delicate cheeks; she just knew ‘Kinky’ was going to lick it off! Ellie hated that she knew that, semi-hated the idea of it happening but was resigned to her fate. Every time she thought she had taken as much torture as she could possibly take her captors found a new way to make her panic and scream. The surprise of the rough sponges gave Ellie a shock. She had expected soft, wet slippery sensations but instead the sponges were rough and textured;

“Oh yes! We use real sponges Poppet!” The brunette elf whispered in her ear before adding; “Tickle! Don’t they!?!”

Ellie couldn’t answer due to the dribbley gooey gobstopper but her facial expression spoke volumes about her surprise and torment.

“Och Ai! None of Ya modern synthetic rubbish! If ya wanna tickle a lassie, ya get the kind a’ sponge them old Greek divers went-a diving f’r!” The Scottish elf added.

The elves scrubbed Ellie’s soles until they were a deep crimson, using the terrible motorised washing-up brushes on her arches and heels and the electric toothbrushes on her elegant restrained toes. There was no pain only the intense sensory overload of every nerve being taken to the maximum point of sensitivity once more, every blood vessel being primed and pumped for action and escape; their efforts exploited to make Ellie the most ticklish woman in the world. The deep pink canvas of her soles was the canvas for an un-dreamable torment, even one finger touch would have impacted like a supernova but instead the elves used the pointy end of the quills to draw devilish designs all over the taut skin of her arches.

Slowly but surely other tools were tested, each timed for the maximum impact as part of their cruel scheme of humiliation. The elves were merciless, slapping Ellie’s soles as they shone in the winter sun. Next came the hairdryer’s and oil again. The blonde elf joked about warming her feet up as she wore sandals in the winter to the crowd’s approval, there were a few newcomers who looked more shocked than enthralled though so she added;

“Again we do not recommend doing this at home folks! As many of you have correctly guessed our model here is a professional! Years of wearing sandals in the winter have toughened her feet up so she can take this and our other performers know what they are doing!”

This open claim that she was ‘a professional’ caused Ellie to scream into her gobstopper gag and shake her head from side to side. Little did she know it was a half-truth; Ellie had a good job, advanced degrees and always insisted both she and her co-workers ‘act like professionals’ in her meek little voice. Her voice now was far from meek but stifled by the sweet syrupy candy and her own saliva. After trying and testing every technique again to the crowd’s delight the Elves finally started to consider that it was time to move on, there was a stroppy teenager who kept coming and going like a storm and they were all certain she SHOULD be their next victim.

Ellie meanwhile had finally endured more scintillating torment than her slender body could bare. She felt the orgasm approach and knew it would take her soon, whether she was touched down there or not. ‘Kinky’ had taken to wiggling her toes just out of reach of her victim’s red hot throbbing pussy; knowing that Ellie was past the point where shame would prevent her from rubbing herself to ecstasy and left longing for the touch of the warm toes millimetres away, yet out of reach.

As the stroppy teenager somehow knocked down the winter back drop behind the stocks in her futile tantrum of rage, Ellie was granted her wish. Kinky slipped one foot close enough to her pulsating womanhood for Ellie to accept the sweet release she craved. The warm wiggling toes did not need to do much to push Ellie over the edge as every nerve was already on fire with ecstasy but the enhanced the release the shy brunette desperately needed.

Ellie’s mind blowing orgasm wasn’t noticed by the crowd due to the chaos on stage as all the elves save four scrabbled around to prevent the many Christmas trees and lights from being damaged or hurting anyone. The elves moved with impossible grace to the delight of the crowd; it was amazing how nothing was damaged and no-one was hurt, and uncanny the exact way they responded so quickly, it was as if they flew. Ellie meanwhile was enraptured; ‘Kinky’ had started to flex her toes just enough to open the floodgates wider and allow heaven to descend. Meanwhile ‘Gothie’ had slunk around to tease and twist Ellie’s alert nipples to add to her ecstasy whispering;

“Oh you like that! I know you like that just like I do!”

Ellie had never thought about having her nipples tormented like this but found the sharp scintillating sensations added to her arousal in just the right way to cut through any mind-fog and bring every aspect of her delicious torment into perfect clarity. At her soles the two plump, blonde elves with German accents had begun licking white frosting from between Ellies toes. This act of foot-worship enhanced every aspect of Ellie’s cathartic release. The elves just kept piping the frosting between her toes with one hand, licking away and tickling her arches with their gloved hands. They both wore the red scratchy gloves that allowed their nails to poke through and had long painted nails that sported Christmas trees and snowflakes in colourful nail varnish; Ellie remembered this detail from watching Kathy suffer, the memory of it enhancing her erotic torment.

Ellie didn’t notice as the other Elves returned to tease and torment her, she vaguely noticed that the stroppy teenager had been secured somehow to a big festive ‘X’ from the ‘X-mas’ sign that had been behind the stocks with the fake reindeer and Christmas trees. Her parents were on stage and being interview by the blonde elf who worked the crowd. Ellie meanwhile sank back to suffer the after effects of the most mind-blowing orgasm ever to rock her body. She still giggled and laughed as the elves softly tickled her, feeling the trembles and tingles of her libido that still shook like the tremors after an earthquake. As she had predicted earlier ‘Kinky’ licked her face and neck clean of the Gobstopper’s dribbling’s, what Ellie didn’t predict was that ‘Gothie’ would join in. Both Elves teased Ellie;

“That was so worth it! We will suffer for it but it was worth it even though no-one noticed!” Kinky asked.

“But they could have noticed! How does that make you feel?!” Gothie asked.

Ellie just panted and moaned as ‘Kinky’ rambled on;

“Oh we are going to have so much fun with you! In the spring I am going to strip you naked out in the woods somewhere, tie you a tree and just tickle you all over with feathers. I will tease your clit with a feather until you beg me to let you climax!...”

“In the summer we are going to bury you in the sand at a beach somewhere with only your head and feet sticking out!” ‘Gothie’ added: A love-egg will tease your pussy as passers-by will tickle your feet; we will gag you, blindfold you and put a plastic bucket with two eyeholes over your head. There will be a sign encouraging them to tickle you and we will watch and whenever you get too long a break we will tickle you ourselves and pretend we don’t know you!...” The gothic elf was as keen as her petite friend.

Ellie didn’t know what a ‘love-egg’ was but guessed it vibrated or something, she didn’t have time to think about it as the petite elf interrupted;

“And it the autumn I will stake you out, amongst all the fallen leaves and bracken and…” ‘Kinky’ began.

“…And right now the two of you will suffer for breaking the rules!” The Brunette elf interjected.

Ellie deliriously dreamed of the exquisite torment described to her, actually feeling the hot sand pressed around her as she dreamt of the beach burial scenario in her semi-lucid state. She was aware of her surroundings but at the same time she wanted the fantasies that had been whispered in her ears to come to life so badly that her feverish imagination gave her what she wanted. Ellie heard the blonde elf announce to the crowd;

“As you may have noticed we have some very naughty elves!”

‘Kinky’ and ‘Gothie’ were seized by the other elves and secured to Ellie such that they hugged her and nuzzled her. Before this the gothic elf’s big black boots were pulled off to reveal her slender soles in their black and white stockings to the delight of the crowd. The crowd loved the way the goth-girl’s rights were worn at the heel and balls of the feet with holes revealing her soft, cappuccino skin of her long arches here and there. Ellie guessed correctly that this was to allow the boots to tickle her better, she was right! The other elves often made ‘Gothie’ and others wear the boots barefoot but knew the thin fabric of worn stockings offered little protection and that the holes would shift as the wearer wiggled their toes to try and escape, making their torment all the worse.

‘Kinky’ had already abandoned her flats so it was easy for the other elves to strip her of one colourful stocking. Both elves’ legs were bent at the knee as they lay close to Ellie on their tummies, their ankles were secured to the opposite side of the stocks to the crowd so that their feet lay flat on top of the stocks facing the sky, then it was just a matter of tying their toes which was done quickly by well-practised hands. The crowd relished the prospect of seeing two more of the women in sexy elf costumes get tickled. This was a treat they had already been given one serving of…

At some point Ellie’s toes had been cleaned of the sweet white frosting and subjected to toothbrushes once more. As this happened the two German elves who had indulged their sweet tooth’s and foot fetishes simultaneously had been locked in a small set of long, low stocks that trapped their hands and feet at the edge of the stage. Four of the dogs dressed as reindeer were carefully encouraged to lick their soles making them scream, laugh and beg. The crowd loved this and eagerly took tickets from an elf who stepped and strutted crying;

“Step right up, step right up! One ticket a pound! One ticket a pound, tickle some elves! Twenty seconds per ticket!”

The crowd eagerly took tickets and formed a queue, they watched as the elves’ soles were brutally scrubbed with hot soapy water, softly slapped and then heated with hot stones and hairdryers; just as Ellie’s had been. Despite being no higher than six inches the long stocks were sturdy and feature cruel toe-ties that extended from ornate brass fittings above each elves’ ankles. Both of the blonde elves were already begging; “Nein!.. Nein!” In their native German.

The crowd was spoilt for choice, the grumpy teenager was being softly tickled on the improvised X-frame! Ellie was still getting a soft-slow aftercare of tickle torture and her two favourite tormenters were getting tickled everywhere from the soles of their upturned feet, all over their legs and hips as well their upper bodies which varied between getting gently poked and prodded to brutally tickled and squeezed. It was their soles that got it worst of all being subjected to hairbrushes on the bare foot and sharp fingernails on each stockinged sole. Electric toothbrushes were also poked between the holes in ‘Gothie’s black and white stockings.

In an act of ironic sadism both ‘Gothie’ and ‘Kinky’ had been tied straddling each of Ellie’s outstretched legs so that they rubbed themselves to orgasm as they desperately struggled. Neither girl could resist for long being incredibly aroused before getting seized and each having the same love-hate relationship with tickle-torture as their new friend. Their brunette boss had a plan for them; upon their eventual release each giggling girl was poured like writhing treacle into two of large gift-boxes that had been scattered by the teenager’s temper tantrum earlier.

The crowd had been encouraged to stand back from tickling the two German elves; they obliged, wondering what feat of showmanship was coming next. The blonde elf had them eating out of the palm of her hand and with a flourish shouted;


A cloud of smoke and glitter engulfed the long stocks as the audience was silent in anticipation, despite having seen magic shows before they all exhaled a gasp of amazement as the two naughty elves they had just seen ‘boxed up’ sat in the stocks where the German elves had been a split second before. Each elf was now barefoot with their toes tightly tied back, The Goth elf’s cappuccino soles glistened with oil whereas her petite friend’s smaller soles seemed to shine a bright pink as if they had been scrubbed.

“Twins!” A voice from crowd opined loudly enough to receive annoyed glances.

“Never underestimate the capacity for humanity to delude itself!” A voice whispered in Ellie’s ear.

Ellie started to awake from her exhausted semi-slumber as ‘Gothie’ and ‘Kinky were mercilessly tickled in the stocks by the crowd who eagerly bought tickets. Ellie guessed she had been in the stocks for several hours since it had been morning when she was beckoned on stage and now people were eating sandwiches plus the sun was high in the sky. Blissfully she wondered how much longer they would keep her here like this and what would happen to her next. It felt weird that other people were getting tickled now, she had desperately needed a break but strangely missed being the centre of attention despite her natural shyness. She became the centre of attention once more as the blonde elf began to address her and the crowd;

“So they have finally decided they want to see someone else in the stocks poppet! Will you miss us?!”

“Yes!” Ellie meekly piped up, sort of wishing Kinky didn’t have her back to her so she could say goodbye.

“Ah…. Isn’t that sweet well have a safe trip to the South-pole!”

Before Ellie could react the brunette elf pulled the candy-cane like lever and the stage opened up, the stocks descended slowly at first and Ellie began to feel fear once more, the serene zen-like state of tickle-calm quite forgotten. She watched the crowd slowly disappear as her eye-line slowly approached the level of the stage, the world went dark as she heard the clatter of the trap door clatter closed above her head.
Then suddenly the stocks dropped rapidly, falling ever faster on whatever contraption allowed them to be lowered. It was like a free-fall and Ellie just kept falling, the air rushing past her outstretched legs and tugged at her skirt and soles. She had assumed the device just went down a few feet into a dug-out basement below the stage but she just kept falling and screaming. A faint memory came to her of something an elf had said to her;

“We are going to send you down! All the way down!”

To be continued
(There will also be side-stories)
Fantastic, best new series in a while I’d say this has potential to top the castle ones! Can’t wait for the next installment
Perhaps in the spirit of Christmas, some sheer extra ticklish magical Christmas stockings :)
These are all good suggestions! I especially like the weird sheer coal stockings!... I could do something with that!

I have started the side story for Kathy 'down below'. It needs reworking in places and I may work some of these suggestions in.
Amazing as usual! I love when a character develops a desire for the torment to continue as they are tickled.
Another wonderful entry! Love the mischievous elves and I hope we get to see more of them!
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