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Katy & Amber - Episode 20: A Tale of Two Tickles (f/f, f/f, f/f nylons)


TMF Regular
Apr 21, 2001
Hey all,

Again, it took a little longer than I hoped, but we've finally reached Episode 20.

I experimented with a new style for this series with Episode 20, having two tickle stories going on at the same time. I rather like what came of this. There had been some discussion regarding the merits of playful tickling and more hardcore tickling; I think this was a good blend of both, if I do say so myself.

It may also be my longest piece, as well? I know it's been a while since I last posted anything, but I have spent a lot of the time writing this.

I also like the character development with Amber. I have an idea of where it will end up; hopefully you guys are enjoying it, as well.

It's late, so I won't write much more. As always, feedback and suggestions are very much appreciated.

Happy reading,

Katy & Amber - Episode 1: The Discovery (f/f, nylons)
Katy & Amber - Episode 2: Later That Evening (f/f, nylons)
Katy & Amber featuring Nicki - Episode 3: The After Party (ff/f, nylons)
Katy & Amber featuring Nicki - Episode 4: Tickle-Text Messaging (f/f tickle talk)
Katy & Amber featuring Nicki - Episode 5: Netflix & Pizza (f/f, nylons)
Katy & Amber - Episode 6: The Blanket Burrito (f/f, nylons)
Katy & Amber featuring Nicki - Episode 7: Two for the Price of One (f/ff, nylons)
Katy & Amber featuring Nicki - Episode 8: Origins & Destinies (f/f, nylons)
Katy & Amber featuring Nicki - Episode 9: The Show at the Movies: The First Challenge (f/f, nylons)
Katy & Amber featuring Nicki - Episode 10: Do Not Do Unto Others (f/f, ff/f, nylons)
Katy & Amber - Episode 11: A Different Kind of Tickle Fight (f/f, nylons)
Katy & Amber - Episode 12: The Lecture That Went Unheard (f/f, nylons)
Katy & Amber - Episode 13: More to Melissa than Meets the Eye (ff/ff, nylons)
Katy & Amber - Episode 14: Melissa's Roommate (f/f, f/ff, ff/ff nylons)
Katy & Amber - Episode 15: The Next-Door-Neighbor (f/f, ff/f nylons)
Katy & Amber - Episode 16: Good Fences Make Good Neighbors (f/f, ff/f nylons)
Katy & Amber - Episode 17: Brought to the Brink (f/f, ff/f, f/ff, ff/ff nylons, bare feet)
Katy & Amber - Episode 18: Deconstructing Maddy (all variations of f/f, nylons)
Katy & Amber - Episode 19: When Plans Change (f/f, ff/f, nylons)

Katy & Amber - Episode 20: A Tale of Two Tickles (f/f, f/f, f/f nylons)

Much had happened the night before. It had indeed been quite the evening, one that was sure to either define or alter the girls’ friendship moving forward. The instigator of the evening’s activities was perhaps the one you would least expect - Maddy. Having recently discovered the toys that were secretly being housed in the basement of the apartment complex, Maddy had successfully lured Amber, Katy, and Nicki into a trap, of sorts. Hours later, their entire world was turned upside down.

The girls had quietly disbanded following the activity in the basement room; indeed, neither of the girls fully knew what to say and certainly did not have the energy with which to say it. A simple hug had been the sole means of communication between the three girls, though that silent action spoke so many words. That everything was going to be OK…. That this wouldn’t have to make things weird…

Indeed, the events of last night had served almost like a train station, a gathering of all of the different tracks of life that had been taking place amongst the girls. Where everything became one… After many unsuccessful attempts, Amber had finally achieved what she had been silently hoping to achieve for some time --- pushing Katy’s body past the point of pleasure. That act, combined with Katy’s leg simultaneously squirming against the sensitive area between Amber’s own legs, had pushed Amber beyond her brink, as well.

But it was without question that it was Nicki who had been the main target of the evening. It was Nicki who had been pushed beyond her limit not once, not twice, but three times… It was Nicki who had struggled against the effect of fingers strategically caressing the many sensitive areas of her body, losing each time… It was Nicki who, was found out, was ticklish.

Quite ticklish, in fact. True, the title of “Most Ticklish in the Room” still likely fell to Katy - there was no matching the ticklish level of her feet in nylons - but Nicki had proved to be quite ticklish herself, much more so than any of the other girls had previously imagined. Deep down, they all had assumed Nicki was ticklish to some degree - everybody is - but they would never have guessed that Nicki would have cracked so easily. Of course, being tied up and stretched out in a way so that just about every possible ticklish spot would be exposed - your sides, under your arms, your stomach, your legs, your knees, your feet - would put anybody at a disadvantage against someone with tickling on their mind. But Amber and Katy had been surprised to see just how easy it was to get a ticklish reaction out of Nicki. Maybe it was because Nicki had been such a merciless tickler when it came to her taking advantage of Katy and Amber’s weakness. Surely someone who herself was so vulnerable to an accidental swipe across the bottom of her foot might take mercy on a friend who is knowingly ticklish on her feet. Or perhaps that’s WHY Nicki had been so merciless… Knowing her own weakness and her own vulnerability to a tickle attack, maybe Nicki’s strategy all along had been to strike first - the best defense is a good offense, after all - and to make certain it was known that her friend’s ticklishness was always on her mind.

These and so many other questions were bouncing inside of Katy’s mind as she sat on the couch the next day. Amber had ventured to the university library for some quiet study time, leaving Katy alone with her thoughts. And she had many thoughts. It was as if all of the dots were starting to come together in Katy’s mind now, painting the picture of Nicki’s ticklishness. Had Nicki ever been barefoot around her? Sure, it was winter time, and the unusually cold season had almost all but eliminated most temptation to wander barefoot, but surely there would have had to have been one time, no? Katy couldn’t think of any… And the few times Katy could recall Nicki wearing pantyhose… Nicki always seemed to have socks on over her pantyhose. Had that been by design? Katy had subconsciously chalked it up to the fact that Nicki had generally worn boots with pantyhose prior to last night… But again, had that been by design, as well? Had Nicki been going out of her way to avoid being in a situation where she had nothing but nylons covering her feet? It made sense; Katy had done the very same countless times. And then there was Maddy’s insistence that Nicki had been wearing pantyhose under her clothing all along. Katy and Amber had never noticed because Nicki had always worn socks over her feet. Was there something to Maddy’s discovery? Had Nicki been wearing pantyhose this whole time and going out of her way to make it so no one would see?

Katy sat back in the couch and crossed her legs, taking a sip of team from her mug and smiling as she envisioned her friend Nicki quickly putting on a pair of socks over her pantyhose for protection. Katy couldn’t help but be taken in by how cute that must have been - her once-dominant friend - at least when it came to tickling - taking every step she could to hide her own vulnerability. Katy looked down at her own legs right now - saw the jeans with the suntan pantyhose sticking out near the ankle, her oversized pink fluffy slippers covering most of the pantyhose.

The fact that Nicki was ticklish changed so many things. Of course, it opened the door for further revenge. Indeed, the girls had brought Nicki past her breaking point last night, but that was only the very beginning of the receipt for which Nicki had to pay; there had been many instances of Nicki tickling both Katy and Amber until they felt they would explode that Nicki would have to answer for.

But surely, knowledge of Nicki being ticklish being out there was sure to impact so many others. ‘Maddy will probably want to know,’ Katy thought to herself, unaware that Maddy had watched some of the final events of the evening from the hallway. Then there was Nicki’s roommate, Cassie… She’d surely want to know about this, having been the victim of Nicki’s tickling fingers on multiple occasions. Nicki’s sister should know, Katy believed, though where she had never met her before, introducing yourself and then stating you knew her sister to be ticklish would surely be awkward. Then again… Had Nicki’s sister known all along? Hadn’t Nicki said that she had been looking for a way to even the tables when she had discovered her sister’s weakness? Had it been a one-sided affair up until that point? Had Nicki’s sister actually been able to get the upper hand on Nicki through tickling until her own vulnerability was discovered?

Above all else, Katy hoped that now that the cat was out of the bag, so to speak, and Nicki’s ticklishness was well-known, opportunities to tickle Nicki would come about more frequently than before. Katy figured it could go one of two ways - either Nicki would abandon the idea of constantly having socks covering her feet to hide her ticklishness now that there was no point in hiding it, or now that it was indeed known that her feet were ticklish, Nicki might double-down on her efforts to gather whatever protection from wiggling fingers that she could. Either way, Nicki smiled contentedly as she snuggled into the couch knowing that the balance of power in their friendship had taken a dramatic shift last night.

Katy placed her mug on the table and allowed herself to be taken in by the cushy couch, closing her eyes as she continued to drift in thought…


Amber, too, was having a hard time concentrating on her text book as she sat in the library. She generally preferred heading to the library on weekend mornings and afternoons because of the peace and quiet it afforded at those hours; hardly anyone was ever present. Thus, it wasn’t that out of place that Amber had found her favorite spot unoccupied - a school-issue couch located behind the shelves of books up on the third floor. It was a quiet spot, regardless; the computer terminals were mostly all located on the first floor, leaving little reason for someone to venture to the third floor unless the person either was searching for a specific book or was searching for some quiet. Amber was searching for the latter and she was thankful to have found it.

But being in a quiet spot didn’t mean that Amber was able to focus any of her attention to reading her textbook. No, Amber had other things on her mind - namely, the events of the last evening. With a yawn, Amber turned her body and lounged on the couch, her legs stretched out and her head resting on the arm of the couch, her book propped up on her stomach. As she crossed her right leg over her left, the heel of her right foot popped ever so slightly out of the flat that Amber had been wearing, the pantyhose that Amber had been wearing providing absolutely no friction whatsoever.

Amber had gotten little sleep the night before, her mind still racing from the events of the evening. Her head hadn’t cleared by morning, either, as flashbacks played in her mind repeatedly. So much had happened. Nicki was ticklish. Finally. What a relief it was to finally find out that the friend who had been tormenting you with tickling for so long now was also incredibly ticklish herself. Sure, the method of extracting that information may have been a bit bizarre - it wasn’t like she’d be able to tell people that she found her friend sitting in stocks and decided to tickle her - but the information was out there, regardless. So, who knew what endless possibilities lay ahead for the girls now that that tidbit of information had been discovered…

And then there was Katy. Amber could still see vividly Katy’s exposed foot, popped out of the heel that lay on the floor below it, dangling in the air. Like the Sirens in Greek Mythology, Katy’s foot had lured Amber in with its vulnerability, though in this case, it was Katy and not the foot that had been the predator. And once Amber had that precious foot, that delicate foot in her clutches, she knew she was not going to let it go. With the spot-on Katy’s foot completely exposed and helpless, Amber had quickly gone to work, the tips of her fingernails knowing their duty, and before long, Amber had finally pushed Katy over the edge, had finally brought Katy to a pleasure point she had been aiming for all along. Of course, that Amber reached the same pleasure point wasn’t all that bad, either, in her eyes… Yes, it had been a night for the ages, one that Amber would surely never forget…

Soon, the lull of the library lights combined with the lack of sleep from the night before had gotten the better of Amber, and she slowly drifted into sleep on the library couch…


Katy’s eyes shot open at the sound of the knocking on the door. Not sure if someone was actually there or whether it had been a dream, Katy sat motionless, waiting for a second knock or some other indication that someone was actually at the door; she was much too comfortable to get up for no reason.

“Anyone home?” said the voice from behind the door. Katy immediately recognized the voice as that of Maddy, their next-door-neighbor, and she pounced up off the couch - perhaps a little too eagerly - to invite her unexpected guest inside.

“Hey, girl,” said Katy as she opened the door, stepping off to the side to allow Maddy to walk in. Maddy had come with treats, a platter full of sugar cookies, to be exact. “What are those for?” asked Katy.

“Oh, just a neighborly thing,” laughed Maddy, placing the cookies down on the table in the kitchen as she continued to walk into the apartment. “Besides,” she said, turning to face Katy. “I figured we’d need some sort of snack as you tell me all the details about last night,” she said with a smile.

Katy laughed, not having expected Maddy to be so forward in her desire of details from the previous evening. “What do you want to know?” asked Katy, herself unsure of what level detail she wanted to provide.

“Everything,” said Maddy, taking a seat on the couch and crossing one leg over the other behind her. “Is she ticklish?” asked Maddy. Though she already knew the answer, she figured that was the best place to start.

“Oh, she’s ticklish,” laughed Katy, emphasizing the word ‘ticklish’ to demonstrate the severity to which Nicki was ticklish. Maddy fell back on the couch with a mock cheer, clapping at the discovery.

“Go on,” said Maddy, letting Katy know right away that that alone would not be sufficient enough an explanation of the night before.

Katy continued to regale Maddy with the previous evening’s action, being careful to leave out any mention of how far the girls had gone with each other. Katy had wanted to mention it to Maddy. To anyone, really. She had so many unanswered internal questions about what it all meant, and she figured that being able to put her thoughts into actual words would help gain her some clarity. But she couldn't tell Maddy. For one, Maddy was her next-door-neighbor, and details of that nature weren’t exactly freely shared. For another, there was the privacy of Nicki and Amber; though Katy longed to tell someone of what had happened, she wasn’t sure how Nicki and Amber felt, and violating their privacy was not something that she was inclined to do.

Maddy sat back and soaked it all in, every detail that Katy would offer. She’d stop Katy for a moment here and there to ask a question - “Were the palms of her hands really that ticklish?” and “Did the nylons make it more ticklish for her?”, among others - but otherwise allowed Katy free reign to share any detail she wanted about the evening. Sensing that Katy was not mentioning a part of the story, Maddy opted not to pry, both out of respect for Katy’s privacy and to not reveal that she had seen some of what had transpired.

“Wow,” said Maddy, clapping her hands together as Katy finished her tale. “That is… amazing,” she said. “So, the little brat has been ticklish this entire time and she’s been torturing us with it,” she said with a laugh.

“It definitely changes some things,” said Katy with a laugh. “Just try to get her in nylons again,” she added.

“I’m telling you,” Maddy said, sitting up. “She wears nylons way more often than you think. Trust me,” she said.

Katy laughed, still not sure whether Maddy was right in her thinking. At the mention of the word nylons, Katy instinctively glanced down to Maddy’s feet for the first time and noticed something that instantly caught her eye.

“Are you…” she began, pausing for a moment. “Are you wearing nylons right now?” she asked Maddy, plainly.

Maddy turned a light shade of red as Katy had called this out, and she stretched her legs out in front of Katy to answer her question. Sure enough, layered in between the heather gray leggings and the white Keds that Katy had initially noticed when Maddy entered the apartment was a small suntan strip around Maddy’s ankle: nylons.

“What happened to ‘I never wear nylons outside of work’?” laughed Katy, surprised to see Maddy in nylons.

“Well,” said Maddy, twirling her foot in the air in front of her. “It seemed like all the younger kids were doing it,” she said with a laugh. “So I figured, ‘Why not?’, right?”

“You’re not afraid someone is going to tickle you in them?” teased Katy.

Maddy laughed, instinctively placing her feet back on the ground as she did. “Well, unlike you,” began Maddy. “I love alone, so it’s not like I’m around anyone who would just start tickling my feet,” she explained.

“Ahm,” muttered Katy, furrowing her eyebrows in thought and she raised her hand in the air. “Are you completely forgetting that I am sitting right here, no more than three feet from you?”

Maddy laughed out loud. “Touché,” she said, “but I just sort of assumed you would be wearing nylons, too, so you wouldn’t be a threat to tickle,” explained Maddy, thinking back to the countless number of times she herself had been tempted to tickle a friend only to have second thoughts as she realized her own vulnerability in nylons herself.

“I would totally tickle your feet even if I had nylons on,” Katy corrected.

“No, you wouldn’t,” laughed Maddy, her laugh pausing quickly as she gave it some more thought. “You… would, wouldn’t you?” said Maddy, as if realizing for the first time the possible predicament she had placed herself in.

Katy smiled an evil smile, the likes of which was the only answer Maddy needed.

“Well,” said Maddy, now looking to rebuild a logical case in her favor. “Those slippers aren’t going to save you if you try anything,” Maddy laughed, pointing to the admittedly super cute - though incredibly non-protective - slippers that Katy had covering her own feet.

“You think those Keds will do you any better?” asked Katy, teasing.

The two girls continued trading playful barbs back and forth, each highlighting the others vulnerability with each pass.

“Tell you what,” suggested Katy, eventually. “I’ll take these slippers off if you take those Keds off…” she started, raising an eyebrow as if starring in an old Western movie. “Then we’ll really see which of us is more vulnerable.”

Maddy leaned forward, interested in the offer, of course, but doing some quick calculations in her mind to determine the risk involved. She had gone for a pedicure earlier that morning, and though her toenails now sparkled a glamorous shade of glittery pink, the accompanying pedicure treatments had - as usual - left Maddy’s feet even more sensitive than usual. Ordinarily, Maddy would go out of her way to protect her feet on days she received a pedicure. This was no “ordinarily”, though… The fact that Maddy was in nylons was, without a doubt, another factor weighing in Maddy’s decision, though it did not contain as much weight as it usually would considering Katy was also in nylons.

Maddy began sliding her right foot out of her Ked, pausing for a moment to continue thinking. As crazy as it seemed, the more thought Maddy put into it, the more and more she liked her chances. Katy’s feet had been in slippers this entire time. Maddy had a similar pair of fluffy slippers, and she knew all too well how sensitive her feet were as the plush of the slipper continuously grazed against her foot; it would often take some time for that feeling to leave even after removing the slipper. So it was possible that Katy was entering already at a disadvantage. It was also true that even if her retelling of the previous night’s festivities did not include it, there was no denying that Katy had to still be exhausted from what had transpired. Another possible advantage for Maddy? Finally, Katy was wearing what seemed like skin-tight skinny jeans, whereas Maddy was wearing a pair of leggings. Though the leggings didn’t offer as much protection from a pair of wandering fingers as a thicker pair of jeans might, Maddy felt she was sure to have more dexterity should the need to pounce arise. Having convinced herself, Maddy smiled and looked to Katy.

“You’re on,” she said, slowly slipping both of her feet out of her Keds.

Maddy couldn’t believe she was actually going along with this, as it represented a risk she would ordinarily shy away from at all costs. But she liked her chances. ‘And really,’ she thought to herself. ‘If the worst case is Katy tickling me, maybe it won’t be that bad after all…’


Amber fidgeted in her sleep, suddenly not as restful as she had been just a few moments ago. She felt her legs jolt slightly as a response to what felt like something brushing up against them. Though she was still fast asleep, she was still cognizant of the sensations that would register on her body, and she shivered in chills as she felt something lightly brushing against the top of her left foot.

A smile slowly spread across Amber’s sleeping face, her body doing its best it could to ward off whatever was causing these light sensations across her body. It danced from spot to spot, never staying in one section for longer than two seconds, landing with the gentle delicateness of a fly and vanishing before Amber’s sleeping body could trap it. From the top of her foot to the bridge of her nose, down to the ever so slender portion of skin exposed from her sides in between her jeans and her top, this annoying sensation darted at will across Amber’s sleeping body.

Amber’s dreams responded to the touch, and now, Amber was being tormented on dual fronts: the slumber of her dreams and the physical entity of her body. Then, just as quickly as it had come, whatever had been causing those sensations had seemingly vanished, and Amber’s sleeping body fell back into a restful sleep.

That respite did not last long, though, as soon enough, that light touch found its way down to Amber’s ankles once again. A smile quickly re-spread across Amber’s face as this - whatever it was - made its way across the admittedly much more sensitive area of Amber’s ankles.

A slight giggle escaped Amber’s mouth as she slept, and there was no doubt now that her mind was registering whatever this was as a tickling sensation. This time, though, there was no randomizing where Amber felt the sensation; now, for some reason, it seemed concentrated around her ankles. It was also apparent that while whatever this was was clearly having a ticklish effect on Amber, it was not enough to wake her up from her sleep.

Still asleep, Amber’s body continued reacting with small jolts to each touch, the occasional giggle escaping through her lips as she slept away.

“Cut it out, Katy, I’m sleeping,” Amber mumbled in her sleep, her brain coming to the conclusion that it must have been her roommate torturing her as she slept. Whatever it was continued to target Amber’s right foot, the one whose heel had slightly popped out of the flat that it had been in before Amber had fallen asleep. Though it was only a matter of inches, really, that the heel had popped out, it had proven to be a very critical few inches. The bottom of Amber’s heel was now exposed, its cocoon of protection evaporated once the heel had popped out. So, too, was there now available access to the tender underside of Amber’s foot, her high arch creating a tunnel of sorts for whatever this was to access.

This was not lost on the wandering object, which now seemed to weave itself across that exposed heel, gliding across the nylon material. Giggles continued to pour of Amber’s mouth, as her sleeping body was aware enough of the sensations to register their ticklish touch but not to move itself away from what was causing the tickle.

“Kat-he he he,” giggled Amber in her sleep, still thinking that she was under attack from her roommate. “Tickles,” she said lightly. The invading object made its way a little up Amber’s foot, now targeting the high instep of her arch. Amber’s body jolted, so much so that her flat fell completely off of her right foot, and now the foot sat prone, defenseless, entirely accessible.

It was something that tickled even more that made contact with the bottom of Amber’s foot next. There was no mistaking it this time; a fingernail had descended onto the bottom of Amber’s foot and was making its way slowly from the heel to the ball of her foot as Amber laughed and finally awoke from her slumber.

“You?!” asked Amber groggily, realizing who had been the perpetrator of the attack.


It had been some time since Maddy and Katy had each bared their souls, as it were, in removing their Keds and slippers, respectively. Though each was eager to get her hands on the other’s feet, they were both all too cognizant of their own vulnerability. What had resulted was a stand-off, of sorts, both girls tucked deeply into their respective corners of the couch, their legs wrapped up so that their feet were safely tucked away and out of the reach of each other. Though the television was on in the background, both girls could do nothing but give each other nervous glances at any sign of movement.

“You know,” said Maddy, looking to bring some strategy into play. “I loved those heels you had on last night, but I know for sure that I would totally need a foot massage after wearing those for any length of time” she said, a sly smile across her face as she knew she had hit a weak spot for Katy.

Katy cast an evil look over to Maddy, fully aware of Maddy’s machination. “And I don’t envy you,” replied Katy, fighting fire with fire. “Having to wear heels all day, every day… Around the office, on the way home… I know I’d just about do anything to have someone give my feet some love after a long week like that,” she said, blowing a kiss Maddy’s way with her response.

Now it was Maddy’s turn to cast an evil look Katy’s way, as Katy had returned fire with an equally effective jab of her own. Both girls started laughing, though, as they realized the ridiculousness of their attempts.

“Here, take this,” Maddy said, passing over a blanket that she had pulled out from behind her to Katy.

“What’s wrong with it?” Katy asked.

“It just keeps brushing against my feet back there and…” Maddy said, catching herself before making her full confession.

“It tickles?” laughed Katy, taking the blanket from Maddy and draping it over the unoccupied center cushions of the couch.

“Nooooooo,” said Maddy, crossing her arms and looking the other way before mumbling under her breath, “Well, maybe a little.” Katy laughed, and Maddy soon followed.

“You know,” said Katy. “I’ve never actually even tickled you yet,” she said. “Nicki and Amber have, but I haven’t yet.”

“Yeah, well,” began Maddy. “Don’t expect that to change tonight,” she said, sticking her tongue out at Katy.


Things went from bad to worse for Amber before she could even register what was happening. Standing over her was none other than Danielle, and the red feather in hand plainly suggested what she had been up to as Amber was sleeping. As Amber was still brushing the cobwebs from her mind, though, Danielle jumped onto the couch, her weight pinning Amber’s legs beneath her, leaving Amber trapped.

“Her, Amby,” said Danielle with fake enthusiasm. “How nice to see you again,” she said, tapping Amber condescendingly on the arm.

“Danielle?” asked Amber. “What? Why?”

“I’m not very happy right now,” began Danielle, any sign of even fake cordiality gone now. “You had given me your word that you were going to serve Katy up for me, and yet here we are… Still nothing.”

“It was supposed to be yesterday,” explained Amber. “I didn’t know the party was going to be cancelled. I had everything all lined up as you asked.”

“Well, see, I’d like to believe you,” said Danielle. “Really, I would. But I figure you have every reason to lie to me, and no reason to tell me the truth.”

“Danielle, no, I’m not ly…” began Amber, though Danielle cut her off.

“So, I figured I’d give you a reason to tell me the truth,” Danielle said, a smug smile on her face. “I know how badly you and Katy want to end up in that sorority, right? So, I went and had a little talk with them,” she said.

“And…?” asked Amber, uncertain where this was going.

“Well, you see, there’s an initiation, of course, right?” Danielle asked. “And they try to come up with fun themes every year. So, I came up with a fun new theme for this year.”

Amber didn’t even respond, instead trying to free her legs from under Danielle, to no avail.

“So, as I was saying,” Danielle said as she readjusted herself, adding more pressure onto Amber’s legs and now rendering her essentially immobile. “I came up with a fun new theme this year. I suggested that they find each recruit’s biggest weakness and see how long they can stand having it used against them until they crack,” Danielle said with a smile.

“There’s no way…” Amber began, though Danielle cut her off again.

“And they were very open to the idea, but they were wondering what types of weaknesses a person might have,” continued Danielle. “So, I told them it could be anything from being afraid of heights to speaking in front of large groups to… oh, I don’t know… being ticklish,” she said, staring deeply into Amber’s eyes as the words escaped her mouth.

“No, come on, please,” begged Amber. “They don’t need to know that.”

“No, you’re right,” said Danielle, surprising Amber with her agreement. “They don’t need to know that. Instead, they could know that it’s Katy’s weakness… But I suppose that all depends on how much you cooperate with me…”

“Danielle, this is wrong,” urged Amber. “Let me go.”

“You silly girls,” laughed Danielle to herself, turning her head away from Amber’s direction and now facing the end of the couch, where Amber’s feet stuck out from underneath Danielle. “Still wearing the nylons, huh?”

“Danielle, no…” pleaded Amber. “I’ll… I’ll scream,” she threatened.

“For who?” asked Danielle. “It’s just me and you up here on this floor. And did you forget that I have work study here? So, I took it upon myself to lock the door once I saw you up here, so no one is coming.”

“Come on!” pleaded Amber, fear setting in. “I’ll get you Katy. I promise.”

“I know you will, dear,” said Danielle. “But I know it’s going to take some… encouragement?”

Danielle then began slowly dragging one fingernail along the bottom of Amber’s exposed right foot, causing Amber to jolt in a ticklish paroxysm and fall into a steady stream of giggles.

“Danielle, no,” pleaded Amber through her giggles. “I’ll get Katy, I swear.”

“My, my,” said Danielle, ignoring Amber’s pleas and focusing solely instead of her task at hand. “Did you get more ticklish since the last time I saw you?” Danielle asked, looking back to Amber to see her reaction. “Because I remember you being quite ticklish before,” Danielle said, bringing her finger to the center of Amber’s foot and beginning to draw lazy circles along the arch. “But this seems even worse,” she said, laughing along with Amber’s laugh, though the latter was more uncontrollable.

Indeed, whatever the reason, Amber did feel more ticklish today. Maybe it was having the events of last night still fresh in her mind… Maybe it was the added helplessness she felt at this moment… Whatever it was, Amber was already losing herself to the laughter, and Danielle had only been tickling one foot for fewer than ten seconds.

“Such a ticklish little girl,” teased Danielle as her one fingernail continued to twirl about Amber’s foot. “When will you ever learn your lesson that nylons and these ticklish feet of yours do not make a good pair?” Danielle laughed, though Amber was far too lost to the laughter to even feign a response. “Tell me, is Katy wearing nylons today, too?” Danielle asked. “Well?” she repeated herself when Amber would not answer. As Amber nodded her head in the affirmative, Danielle chuckled. “Could have been her right now…”

Amber was laughing uncontrollably, squirming and pulling and trying whatever she could to free herself from this plight. She couldn’t believe that Danielle had once again gotten her in such a vulnerable situation. She was embarrassed by how easily she was betraying her friend, but Danielle had found her weak spot and Amber had no defense against it. As the laughter continued to pour out of her mouth and her body continued to jolt in every direction, Amber fought to keep her left shoe on. She knew it was a useless endeavor; Danielle could just as easily pluck it off her foot whenever she pleased. But the longer Amber could keep that shoe on, the better; she shuddered to think what might happen if Danielle had access to both feet.


“You’re going to have to get up sooner or later, ya know,” teased Maddy, the two girls still deadlocked in a hopeless battle of who will show her feet first…

“You’re right,” said Katy, to Maddy’s surprise. “I think I need to go to the bathroom,” she said, sticking her tongue out at Maddy as she got off the couch so swiftly that Maddy hardly had a chance to see Katy’s feet, let alone grab them. She walked by Maddy on her way to the bathroom, again sticking her tongue out cheekily as a sign of how she had outsmarted Maddy.

Maddy laughed and then sighed as Katy left the room. She was stuck in a game of cat and mouse with Katy, and while she had felt confident in herself just a short while ago, she realized that as each minute passed, it became less and less likely that she would emerge the victor, after all. She had surprised herself already; simply wearing nylons on a non-work day was adventurous enough. Even living alone, this was a risk she would usually take, ever cognizant of the outside possibility someone might stop over her house unannounced. No, it wasn’t worth the risk of leaving yourself vulnerable like that, Maddy had always told herself… Yet here she was, nylons on and shoes off, in the middle of what could only be described as a good old-fashioned tickle war with her neighbor. Sure, there still butterflies in her stomach, yes, but they seemed like different kind of butterflies this time.

Katy walked back into the living room, her hands clasped as if holding something inside.

“You like bugs?” she asked Maddy plainly.

“Ewww, no,” Maddy said with a look of disgust. “I can’t stand them.” It was true. Having no one to deal with bugs was easily one of the top three things Maddy hated about living alone. Just the thought of them made her come unglued.

“Oh,” said Katy with a dejected look on her face. “In that case, you’re probably going to hate this,” she said, tossing what she had had in her hands in Maddy’s direction.

“KATY, NO!” Maddy shot up as quickly as she could, any thought of grace or dignity not even considered. She hadn’t caught a glimpse of what it was Katy had in her hands, but the mere thought of it being a bug was enough to make Maddy’s skin crawl. She pushed herself up to a standing position on the couch and lunged backwards to avoid any area where she felt the probable bug may have landed. In doing so, Maddy landed with her back against the arm rest where Katy had been sitting, her legs retracted so her knees were pulled up to her chest and her arms covering her face in fear of the bug.

Katy, meanwhile, was laughing at Maddy’s response, not expecting to see such a dramatic reaction from her friend, especially over something so trivial as a plastic bug. Yes, it had been a set-up all along, and Maddy had fallen for it hook, line, and sinker.

Katy quickly regained composure, jumping into the couch after Maddy, taking advantage of both Maddy’s new positioning and the fact that Maddy was covering her head in fear to grab onto Maddy’s ankles and stretch her legs out.

“Katy, no!” begged Maddy. “Don’t!” she urged, believing Katy to be pulling Maddy closer to the bug.

“Relax,” said Katy, securing a strong grip on Maddy’s ankles by pulling them between her own thighs. “It was fake,” she said, picking up the bug and showing it to Maddy for proof.

After initially flinching, Maddy realized she had been duped, the pained expression on her face instantly turning to one of mock-disdain.

“Why you little…” began Maddy, tossing a pillow at Katy’s direction for pulling a fast one at her expense. Following the path of the pillow led Maddy’s eyes to the seat of the couch, where now, no longer worried about the threat of any bug touching her, she realized for the first time that her ankles lay trapped between Katy’s thighs. “Oh my god!” Maddy yelled. “No, that’s not fair!” she protested; so deep was her fear of bugs that she hadn’t even considered anything else going on around her at the time.

“Oh, it’s fair,” teased Katy, relishing the power that she felt from having won the little stand-off. “Now,” she began, tapping her chin with her finger. “What to do, what to do…”

“Let me go,” begged Maddy, tugging at her legs to no avail. “You win,” Maddy admitted. “Under dubious circumstances, but you win…”

“And to the winner go the spoils,” Katy said triumphantly. “Now then… where should I begin?”

“Please?” asked Maddy with puppy-dog eyes for effect.

“I’ll be nice, don’t worry,” reassured Katy. “Weren’t we talking about foot massages earlier?” she asked.

Maddy was trapped in internal strife. On one hand, how could she say no to a foot massage? On the other, well, Maddy was all too aware of what would come next… “EEP!” squealed Maddy, a jolt running through her body, not expecting Katy to begin the massage just yet.

Katy smiled at her friend’s response. “I hardly even touched you,” she said. Maddy squeezed her eyes shut as Katy went to begin again, only for the same result to be repeated. “I’m literally barely touching you,” Katy teased.

“It tickles,” explained Maddy with a laugh.

“So, if I…” Katy began, pausing as she once again touched Maddy’s foot, producing yet another jolt. “Or if I…” she said again, meeting the same result once again. Katy laughed at her friend’s failed attempts to hold herself together.

“I’m sorry,” explained Maddy. “I love foot massages. I really do,” she continued. “They’re just too…” she began to say before being interrupted by Katy once again beginning to massage her foot.

“Too ticklish?” said Katy, finishing Maddy’s sentence for her. Maddy laughed and nodded her in agreement. “No, I hear ya,” said Katy. “I’m usually flopping around like a fish whenever someone tries to give me a foot massage.”

“Same!” said Maddy in agreement.

“And guys at parties are always like, ‘Here, let me slip those heels off of you and give you a nice foot massage,’ and I can only think, ‘Unless you’re looking to get a broken nose from me kicking you in the face, I’d stay away from my feet’.”

“Oh man, it was the same for me growing up,” agreed Maddy. “And it was a double-no if I had nylons on,” she continued.

“Oh yeah, forget about that,” said Katy. “Do you think whoever invented nylons realized how ticklish he would be making women for years and years after the fact?” Katy asked rhetorically.

“Like some mad scientist?” asked Maddy. “Women were gaining too much control so he thought something must be done to stop it and he invented nylons?” Maddy said with a laugh.

“Yeah, exactly,” laughed Katy. “And those poor women who had to test them out first,” she went on. “Imagine going from, like, a 6 or 7 in terms of ticklishness to a 25 or something just by putting nylons on, but having no idea,” she said.

“We should make men wear them,” said Maddy matter-of-factly, surprisingly so deep into the conversation that she had stopped trying to pull her feet from Katy’s grasp.

“Oh, I wish,” said Katy. “They wouldn’t be able to handle it.”

“I’ve dated a few guys who were ticklish in the past,” said Maddy, reminiscing. “No way they could have handled someone tickling their feet with these on,” she said, pointing down to the nylons covering her feet.

“You’re not doing so great yourself,” said Katy, slowly dragging a finger down the bottom of Maddy’s foot.

Maddy jumped, shocked out of her safety zone by the intrusion of the finger. “HEY!” she shouted, turning more onto her side to try to free her ankles.

“Just testing,” said Katy with a sly smile. She returned to rubbing Maddy’s feet, this time not stopping when Maddy’s body jolted or when giggles started pouring out of Maddy’s mouth.

Maddy was twisting and turning, squirming trying to get her feet free from Katy’s grasp. In their current state, they could do nothing but sit there and absorb every tickly touch Katy shared, the seemingly good deed of a foot massage sending Maddy into fits.

“Ah!” Maddy screamed, breaking the barrier at her lips and freeing even more giggles. “This tickles so much!!” she said through the giggles.

“I bet it does,” said Katy, not stopping a beat in her rubbing. For someone not as ticklish as Maddy, this may have actually been a relaxing experience. “Now all you have to do is admit that I was right, and you are more vulnerable than I am, and we can be done.”

“Yeah right,” scoffed Maddy defiantly. “I’m down, but I’m not out.”

“I was hoping you’d say that,” said Katy with a smile, switching from the foot massage to again dragging one finger up and down the bottom of Maddy’s foot. Katy grabbed a hold of Maddy’s leg to get a better grip, pulling Maddy closer to her in the process. “Now,” Katy said out loud holding her fingers up in the air. “Shall we?”


Amber was going down, and quickly. Danielle’s finger had yet to lose contact with the bottom of Amber’s foot at any point as it traced one continuous line over every available inch.

“This one looks so left out,” Danielle said, plucking the flat off of Amber’s other foot easily. Danielle paused her tickling efforts momentarily to reach into her bag.

“Wh… What are you doing?” Amber asked with trepidation, having difficulty getting the words out as she caught her breath.

“Just a little insurance,” she said, propping her cell phone down on the table in front of them, leaning it against one of the textbooks so that the camera was facing the couch. “Hey girls,” Danielle said while looking into the phone, evidently now recording the goings-on. “It’s Danielle and with me here is my good friend Amber,” she said with a slight sense of sarcasm. “I know you girls are looking to exploit new recruits’ weaknesses this year, so I wanted to give you girls a head start with Amber here,” Danielle said with a smile.

“What? No,” pleaded Amber, realizing what was about to happen. “Come on, get off of me… Let me out!” she urged.

“You see,” Danielle continued, pushing more weight down onto Amber to keep her from bucking off the couch. “My friend Amber here is a little ticklish,” she said, looking down to Amber. “Isn’t that right Amby?”

“No!” shouted Amber, still trying unsuccessfully to free herself. “I’m not ticklish! Let me out of this!”

“Oh, listen to how brave she is,” Danielle said into the camera. “Unfortunately for her, as you are about to see, she is indeed very much ticklish,” Danielle said, patting Amber on the leg.

“No!” shouted Amber, still tugging. “Help me!” she yelled in the direction of the camera. “Someone come get her off of me,” she begged.

“Relax,” said Danielle. “It’s not live. This is just a recording. In case…”

“Please don’t do this,” begged Amber one final time, hoping she’d reach some level of empathy from Danielle.

“Don’t do… this?” asked Danielle, eight fingers now dancing across the bottom of both of Amber’s feet.

Amber went berserk. There was no slow, gradual build to it. Danielle had gone from zero to sixty and Amber’s body had no time to prepare. Amber was instantly overwhelmed with hysterical laughter as she fought frantically to pull her leg free.

“Ooooo,” said Danielle in baby-tone. “Looks like she was a little ticklish,” Danielle said laughing.

Amber tried to beg for mercy. She tried to pull herself free. She tried anything that might help even a little. But there was no relief. No words came when she tried to beg for mercy. She was quickly losing strength to the hysterical laughter, so there was no chance of pulling herself free. She had fallen into silent laughter, her face now beet red from laughing as uncontrollably as she was.

Danielle slowed her tickling to a pause, leaving one finger on Amber’s right foot, almost as a reminder of what was still to come. “Are you ready to admit you’re ticklish?” Danielle asked Amber as she was catching her breath.

“Go… to… hell,” Amber said as she tried to catch her breath completely.

“Oh, I was hoping you’d say that,” Danielle said with a smile as she began dancing four fingers all over the bottom of Amber’s right foot.

“Nooo!” yelled Amber amidst this latest round of laughter. “Fine! Fine!” she screamed before her ability to form words was lost entirely.

“Fine… what?” asked Danielle, pausing her tickling again to let Amber talk.

“I’m ticklish,” Amber said in a defeated tone.

“What was that?” asked Danielle. “I don’t think the camera caught it,” she said, pointing to the phone on the table.

Amber sighed and turned to look into the camera. “I’m…,” she began, pausing for a brief moment. “I’m ticklish.”

“And how ticklish are you?” asked Danielle with an eyebrow raised. Amber sighed an exhausted sigh. “OK, if you won’t tell us, we’ll have to show them,” Danielle said, once again tickling all over the bottom of Amber’s foot.

“No!” shrieked Amber. “Very ticklish!” she yelled. “I’m very ticklish!” she said before collapsing once again into a fit of laughter.

“That’s more like it,” said Danielle, pleased to have had Amber make the admission on camera, though that alone was not enough to get Danielle to cease her tickling operation on Amber’s poor soles. Nope. Danielle wanted more. “Would you say I’ve uncovered your greatest weakness?’ asked Danielle, though as she did not slow her tickling at all, Amber was not able to respond. “Well, we’re waiting…” asked Danielle again.

Amber could only nod her head in agreement. It pained her to admit it, but there was no use denying it at this point. It was indeed her greatest weakness - always was and probably always would be. Countless time friends had used it against her, but never to this degree.

“I want to hear you say it,” said Danielle, slowing her tickling a pause once again.

“Being…” Amber began, still trying to catch her breath as the last few giggles were still escaping from her mouth. “Being ticklish is…” she continued. “Being ticklish is my greatest weakness,” she said, finally admitting it to the camera.

“And your feet,” Danielle continued. “Are your feet your most ticklish spot?”

“Come on,” pleaded Amber. “Hasn’t it been enough yet?”

“I could just tickle you all over to get the answer if you want,” Danielle said, dancing her fingers over Amber’s shins.

“No, don’t!” begged Amber, worried that if Danielle went much higher than her shins, she might discover Amber’s thighs, and Amber already had enough to contend with at the moment. “Yes, my feet are my most ticklish spot,” she said, clearing her throat as she spoke into the camera.

“Interesting,” said Danielle as she began absent-mindedly running one solitary finger up and down the bottom of Amber’s sole. “I don’t know if you can see this in the video,” continued Danielle. “But Amber here isn’t wearing any socks right now,” she went on. “But that doesn’t mean she’s barefoot…”

“Don’t…” begged Amber, having a good idea of where Danielle was going with this.

“Amby’s wearing nylons today,” Danielle said with a smile. “Now, I think it’s a totally adorable look,” Danielle continued. “And I think Amber really pulls it off,” Danielle said, playing with Amber’s feet in such a way to ensure it tickles. “I’m sure that’ll be helpful for her because I know you girls require members to wear pantyhose to all events, so Amber would fit right in,” Danielle said.

Amber could nothing but squirm around on the couch. Though Danielle wasn’t necessarily even tickling her at this point, the touch of Danielle’s fingers on Amber’s feet still tickled like mad. Amber cursed her ticklishness. Sure, it was something cute and fun when playing around with Katy or Nikki or even Maddy, but Danielle had been right earlier - it was indeed Amber’s biggest weakness, and when left in the hands of someone with nefarious intentions, it was a weapon that could render Amber completely helpless.

“You OK over there, Amby?” Danielle said with a slight chuckle. It was clear to Danielle that even her hands-on Amber’s feet still produced a ticklish sensation to Amber. “I’m not even tickling you and you’re cracking up…”

“Leave my feet alone,” Amber said through gritted teeth, fearful that any larger a gap and the giggles would begin flowing uncontrollably again.

“I’m hardly even touching them,” Danielle said, playing dumb while not acquiescing to Amber’s request at all. “Wait…” Danielle said, as if suddenly struck by an epiphany of sorts. “You’re not... “she continued, still pretending to only be thinking of this for the first time. “Don’t tell me the nylons make you more ticklish, do they?” asked Danielle with a triumphant smile.

“Come on,” pleaded Amber. “You know…” she said, leaving it at that, not wanting to reveal any further details to the camera and whoever might be watching it later.

“I mean,” continued Danielle, ignoring Amber’s protests. “I know I’ve definitely heard of people being more ticklish with nylons on, but I didn’t realize it would be this bad,” she said, feigning sympathy as she continued to play with Amber’s feet. “Are the nylons making you more ticklish?”

“YES!” shouted Amber, the frustration of her situation growing with each ticklish touch on her feet. “Nylons make me more ticklish!” she went on, wanting to end the humiliation and the torture once and for all. “Are you happy?”

“Very much so,” smiled Danielle. “We should all have a good chuckle over it,” and with that, she began tickling the bottom of Amber’s feet in earnest.

Amber exploded into more laughter as Danielle’s fingernails danced across the nylons covering the bottom of her feet. Amber felt helpless; she had never felt this helpless before. She was giving Danielle everything she wanted, saying exactly what she wanted to hear - or at least, what she thought she wanted to hear. And yet there was seemingly no end in sight. Danielle had been right; no one was coming up to this floor to save her. All Amber could do was sit there and laugh hysterically, the bottom of her feet completely vulnerable to Danielle’s evil intentions.

Amber tried to think of any way she could get out of this - anything at all. She knew Danielle wanted Katy; she was the real target. Amber was just collateral damage. And yes, she had agreed to work with Danielle in the past, but could she really go through with it? Could she really betray her best friend?

On the other hand, catching a glimpse of Danielle’s cell phone recording this entire incident reminded Amber what was at stake for her. She really wanted to get into that sorority; her mother and her aunts had been in the sorority when they were in college and it was very important for Amber to maintain the family legacy. But she knew if the sorority girls got wind of this - had some inclination of Amber’s weakness - that there would be no way she would survive initiation. Danielle was right; pantyhose were a requirement for most sorority functions, and the thought of being in a room with an entire sorority of girls who know not only that you are incredibly ticklish but also that nylons make you even more ridiculously ticklish was a peril that was not lost on Amber. Even if somehow Amber was able to survive the initiation, word would get around and soon she’d be considered the most ticklish person on campus.

Which wasn’t fair. Katy was more ticklish than Amber. Katy should be the one to wear that crown. Why should Amber die on the cross for her friend and commit herself to years of tickle abuse when it was Katy that Danielle wanted? All Amber had to do was help Danielle tickle Katy, and then it would Katy that would be known as the ticklish one… Katy who would have to survive initiation week in pantyhose with an entire sorority knowing how ticklish she was. If it meant Katy had to be the one to suffer the tickle torture for Amber to save herself, then that would just have to be. Right?


Katy pulled Maddy’s feet up as close as she could, squeezing her thighs around Maddy’s knees and pushing down on her shins with her body weight to hold her in place. What this produced was a pair of soles practically eye-level with Katy, the nylon material covering them practically BEGGING for someone to tickle them.

“No, we don’t!” shouted Maddy, protesting. “You saw I’m ticklish. Isn’t that enough?”

“Not at all,” said Katy and she began tracing one finger from each hand down the bottom of Maddy’s upturned soles.

“Katy, please!” shouted Maddy as the tickling began. It started slowly, one finger lightly tracing lines all over the bottom of each of Maddy’s feet, but it was nevertheless most effective, as Maddy began squirming around in the couch trying to get free as she became lost in a sea of giggles.

“Oh my gosh,” Katy said, pretending to try to carry on a normal conversation with Maddy while she tickled her. “I love your toes. Did you just get a pedicure?”

“Y-yes,” stammered Maddy around the giggles.

“Bet you’re regretting that right now,” Katy said with a laugh, sending a second and third finger onto each foot as Maddy went from giggles to guffaws of laughter. Katy knew all too well the effects of a recent pedicure on feet, as she had long found that being tickled silly during the pedicure must not have been torture enough, for her friends would always jump at any chance to tickle her feet later.

Maddy could only laugh, furious with herself for her earlier arrogance in even entering this situation. She should have known better; no matter what the situation was, Maddy was and would always be at a disadvantage whenever tickling was involved. To enter into a tickle war while wearing nylons on a day she received a pedicure was just downright stupidity on her part.

“Awww,” said Katy, providing commentary on her tickling exploits. “You’re so ticklish,” she said, stating the obvious. “You’re so cute when you’re getting tickled,” Katy said, laughing. “Young professional visits her neighbor,” Katy said, as if reading from a breaking news marquee. “Completely annihilated with tickling,” she said with a laugh.

The entire situation was torture to Maddy. Of course, being tickled was torture enough. And being tickled in nylons was even worse… But the sum of the entirety of the situation drove Maddy crazy. It was one thing to be tickled; it was something else entirely to be tickled by someone likely just as ticklish as you, if not more, and just as vulnerable as you, as well. Had Katy not tossed that fake bug in Maddy’s direction, this could be Katy laughing right now, Maddy triumphantly tickling away.

“I could just keep tickling you forever,” said Katy with glee, taking great joy in the laughter that her fingers were drawing from Maddy as they danced across her feet. “You always wear nylons to work, right?” she asked, not expecting an answer. “I’ll have to find you when you come home before you get changed,” Katy said jokingly. “I bet the first thing you do when you get home from work is kick off those heels, isn’t it?”

Maddy nodded her head in agreement. There was no use denying it; survey one hundred working women who wear heels to their job and ninety-nine of them are likely to say that they kick off their heels as soon as they got home. Maddy was no different.

“So cute,” Katy said, as if speaking to a small child. “I can picture you now,” Katy said, laying out the imaginary scene for Maddy as her fingers continued to dance across her soles. “You come home. Kick those heels off at the door. Probably don’t get changed right away, either. Got to check the mail. See if anyone called. Start dinner before it’s too late, right?” Katy said with glee. “The whole time you’re just walking around that apartment of yours, nothing covering your nylons but not a care in the world because no one is around to tickle you, right?” Katy continued. “Until you hear a knock at the door and see me through the peephole,” Katy said with a laugh.

The verbal teasing was driving Maddy crazy. How was Katy so familiar with Maddy’s routines? That was basically exactly how every work night went for Maddy. For as much of a rush as Maddy was in to take the nylons off if she knew someone would be near her, she was just as leisurely about it if she didn’t feel any imminent danger of a tickle attack, sometimes even keeping them on under the sweatpants or leggings she would eventually change into.

For someone as calculated as Maddy was in regard to avoiding being tickled, there was certainly risk involved in keeping her nylons on when she got home from work. But Maddy sort of liked that risk, in a way. It was almost a rush for her. She knew that there was very little chance someone would come over to her apartment, let alone someone who would be comfortable enough to tickle her. So, while it was indeed a risk, it was a calculated risk.

Just as today had been. Maddy knew that she was taking a risk in coming over to Katy’s apartment wearing nylons. This apartment was probably the only apartment within the city limits where it was all but guaranteed that not only would someone notice you wearing nylons, but you were very likely to get tickled, as well. And yet Maddy took that risk, the rush being far too enticing to pass up. And now she was paying for it.

“You’re so squirmy,” said Katy, tightening her legs so her grip would hold. “Can I just say how much I absolutely love that you’re this ticklish?” she asked with a laugh. Though this was the first time Katy had actually tickled Maddy, Katy was hooked. Like a drug, Maddy’s laughter and her reactions had already brought Katy to the levels of addiction. There was just something about tickling her. It was almost as if she were tickling an older version of herself. The two were so similar in looks, appearance, and - well - ticklishness that it was only natural for Katy to look at Maddy as a futuristic Katy. And then there was the fact that Maddy was still this ticklish, hadn’t become any less ticklish as she aged… Sure, she was only in her twenties, so it’s not as if there was a generational gap between the two girls, but that super professional, super serious Maddy could become so completely unglued by someone tickling her was… well, it was just beyond cute. Katy pictured Maddy sitting at her desk at work, maybe popping her heel in and out of her high heels under the desk, her other coworkers having no idea of Maddy’s weakness.

Maddy wasn’t sure how much longer she could hold out… Sure, she was well past the point of sanity; she’d have given Katy the pin number to her debit cards minutes ago if it would have stopped the tickling. But Maddy had since fallen into and out of and back into silent laughter multiple times since then, and if there wasn’t a respite any time soon, her body was sure to give out on her. She had to think of a way out of th --- oof! What had just kicked her in the stomach? Maddy’s eyes had long been squeezed shut to try to block out the tickling, so she wasn’t entirely familiar with her surroundings. Maddy fought to open one eye to get a glimpse and - yes, could it really be?

Maddy’s constant squirming had required Katy to tighten her grip so many times, Katy’s legs were now squeezed around Maddy’s knees. Her grip was strong enough to contain Maddy and all of her squirming, but what also came along with this grip was the fact that now Katy’s own feet were dangerously close to Maddy. Indeed, since they had just bumped into Maddy’s stomach, they were certainly within tickling distance. And Katy seemed to be enthralled in her tickling exploits that she hadn’t even noticed her new vulnerability. Maddy just had to reposition herself a little, just get in a spot where she could use her hands. Easier said than done when someone is tickling your feet, of course…

“Look at you flopping around up there,” teased Katy, still oblivious to her own plight. “I just can’t get over how ti - HA!” Maddy had struck. Completely unbeknownst to her, Katy had left her feet far too close to Maddy’s hands, and Maddy had been able to secure a hold of Katy’s feet with one hand and begin wildly tickling with the other.

The effect was instantaneous. Caught completely off-guard, Katy was not ready for such an attack, and her body went into total defensive mode, freeing Maddy’s legs from her clutches in an effort to free her own self from this new tickling threat. Maddy was too quick, though, turning Maddy over onto her stomach and jumping onto the bag of her legs to hold Katy down, still using one hand to tickle Katy’s feet.

“No! No!!” Katy begged, laughter pouring out of her mouth. “I’m sorry! Please don’t!”

But Maddy was out for revenge. She continued to tickle Maddy with her one free hand as she regained her own composure after having been tickled for so long, the tickling also serving to weaken Katy at the same time that Maddy was catching her own breath.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” continued Katy, pleading to deaf ears. Maddy repositioned herself, pushing down on the back of Katy’s legs to effectively trap her.

“My, how the tide has turned,” said Maddy, pleased with herself to have taken the upper hand. “Now what do I have here? It looks like I have a helpless pair of feet looking right up at me. Whatever should I do?” Maddy asked facetiously.

“You should be the bigger person and let me go,” Katy said, unconvincingly

“Oh, there’s no fun in that,” said Maddy, and with that, went to work, depositing all ten fingers across Katy’s upturned soles.

Katy exploded in laughter, her feet no match for the work being done by Maddy’s fingernails. As much as Katy had been taking advantage of the pedicure that Maddy had received just a few moments ago, she was now suffering under the manicure that Maddy had also received; her acrylic nails were weapons of mass destruction dancing across Katy’s nylons. There was nowhere for Katy to go, so trapped was she. Maddy had pressed her weight onto the back of Katy’s legs, making any movement near her legs impossible. In addition, as Katy lay on her stomach, her feet were face up, which rendered any movement of her feet practically impossible.

“Now look at who is so ticklish,” Maddy taunted Katy. Though Maddy had already tickled Katy prior to this evening, the experience was like going out for ice cream on a hot, summer evening; it was something you had to do over and over and over again. Maddy saw so much of herself in Katy and found it beyond cute that someone as ticklish as Katy was would willingly wear nylons literally every day she could; her feet had bullseye targets on them to her friends, but you could still rely on Katy to be in nylons.

“I told you I wasn’t out yet,” Maddy reminded Katy, dancing her fingers over every possible square inch of Katy’s feet. “Have I ever told you how adorable it is that you wear nylons so much?” Maddy teased. “Gosh, if we were friends growing up, I wouldn’t give you a moment’s peace as long as you were wearing these near me,” Maddy laughed.

Katy wanted to respond, wanted to say so much. To beg for mercy… To apologize for being so torturous herself… But her open mouth let only hysterical laughter out, when it could even let noise out at all; silent laughter had engulfed Katy almost immediately on account of Maddy’s acrylics.

Maddy began to think of what she had seen the night before, the technique Amber had seemingly used when tickling Katy. What had she been doing? Just one finger somewhere on Katy’s foot? It was worth a shot, right?

“OK, OK,” said Maddy, slowing her tickling down. “I’ll go easy on you, ya big ticklish baby,” she said with a laugh. With that, Maddy began slowly tracing one finger along the bottom of each of Katy’s upturned soles.

Katy’s eyes shot open. ‘Oh shit!’ she thought to herself, her mind instantly jumping to the scenario in which Maddy might find Katy’s “secret”. “No, no,” begged Katy amidst the giggles. “Not this!”

“This is easy,” laughed Maddy. “Think of it as a foot rub,” she added.

“Please, not this!” begged Katy, not wanting to reveal why. ‘Christ, if she hits that spot, I’m going to die,’ Maddy thought to herself, her mind playing out the scene she imagined was occurring down at the other end of the couch - namely, Maddy’s wandering finger gliding effortlessly across the bottom of Katy’s foot, that sensitive spot coming closer and closer to being found. How could she hide it if Maddy found it? Would she be able to?

“This is almost the worst kind of tickle,” Maddy said, having no idea how true her words were. “You’re just, like, right on the edge of going crazy laughing, right?”

Katy couldn’t reply. She tried to block Maddy’s commentary out of her mind, as surely the combination of Maddy discussing Katy’s ticklishness with Maddy possibly finding Katy’s spot would be much too much for Katy to handle.

“My friends used to do this to me all the time,” reminisced Maddy. “I’d be laying on the couch watching TV or something and someone would come sit on my legs like this,” she continued. “And without fail, sooner or later, they’d just start dragging one finger up and down my foot like this,” Maddy said with a tease.

“Please…” Katy begged, sensing Maddy was close to uncovering the spot.

“Of course, it didn’t help that I was almost always barefoot,” Maddy added, laughing at herself. “I guess it would be kind of impossible to resist sneaking in a tickle, wouldn’t it?” Maddy asked, though Katy gave no response. “I’d go from being all comfortable on the couch to sitting there absolutely losing my mind. It was the worst tickle torture,” Maddy concluded, shivering at the mere thought of it.

‘Why won’t she stop talking about?’ Katy thought to herself. Indeed, it was almost a toss-up as to which was driving Katy more crazy at the time, the tickling or listening to Maddy discuss how ticklish she was. Katy knew she was in deep trouble, though, as it was only a matter of time bef…

“SHIT NO!” screamed Katy as both of Maddy’s fingers grazed across the super sensitive spot on the bottom of her foot.

Maddy laughed at Katy’s response. “Whoa, what was that?” she asked, bringing her fingers back to the spot that had elicited such a response. “Did I just find a super ticklish spot?”

“Maddy, no!” begged Katy. “Anywhere but there! Please not there!”

“Oh, it actually looks like this is quite the ticklish spot,” said Maddy. “I might stick around for a while.”

Katy was frantic. That was the trouble with this particular situation. It presented itself as a super ticklish spot -- until it didn’t anymore. To the untrained eye, Maddy may have just happened upon an unbearably ticklish spot on Katy’s body, perhaps the most ticklish spot of all most ticklish spots. But to know Katy and to know her secrets was to know it was much more than that. Yes, it tickled. It tickled like mad. It perhaps was the most ticklish spots of all most ticklish spots. But it was also the most intense thing a person could do to get an arousal of Katy. True, it had to be a certain type of person - a relative doing this wouldn’t have the same reaction, of course - but if it was someone friendly enough to be tickling Katy, it was likely someone Katy felt comfortable enough with that her body would have such a reaction.

And, gosh, was Katy’s body reacting right now. She had long eyed Maddy, catching herself almost staring at her neighbor as they passed in the hallway. She had found it incredibly cute to find Maddy to be so ticklish herself. But now that Maddy was on that spot, her acrylic nails just drawing miniature circles over and over on that vulnerable spot, Katy’s body was losing the battle and losing it quickly.

“I’ve literally never seen someone this ticklish before,” Maddy said as she continued her circles. “I could just stay on this spot all night long,” she said as a tease.

‘All night long???’ Katy thought to herself worriedly. ‘I don’t think I can even take ten more seconds!’ Katy was frantic in trying to find any way out of this. If she couldn’t, and couldn’t do it quickly, she’d have some explaining to do, for sure.


Danielle stopped the tickling suddenly, letting Amber catch her breath for the first time in a while. Amber swallowed up every bit of oxygen her body would allow while Danielle dug through the bag at her feet.

“Wh… What are you doing?” asked Amber nervously.

“Well,” said Danielle. “If we’re going to show the girls in the sorority all about this little weakness of yours, there’s one thing we can’t leave out,” Danielle said, still searching in her bag.

“What is it?” asked Amber, unsure what Danielle had in mind.

“THIS,” said Danielle, holding up a hair brush as if it were the sword pulled from the stone.

“SHIT!” yelled Amber as she began frantically trying to free herself to no avail. She had forgotten about the hair brush until now, and she wished Danielle had, as well.

“What’s the matter?” asked Danielle, playing innocent for the camera. “Not excited to see this?”

“Keep that thing away from me!” commanded Amber, though she was in no position to make any commands.

“So, you girls haven’t seen anything yet,” Danielle said with a wink to the camera. “You think she was ticklish before?” Danielle said with a smile.

“Danielle, please don’t,” begged Amber. “It’s too… I can’t…” But she could get no more words out. The brush had made contact with the bottom of her feet, and Amber had gone absolutely berserk on contact. Her body spasmed uncontrollably, the ticklish sensations taking complete control of her body. She got only a few laughs out before falling into silent laughter, her body barely able to take in enough oxygen to compensate for the oxygen departing.

“Told you,” said Danielle to the camera, steadying herself to remain on top of Amber’s legs as they bucked wildly in response to the brush. “I don’t think she’d make it through initiation week with this, do you? Danielle laughed.

The words barely registered to Amber, whose focus was solely on the overwhelming ticklish sensation experienced on the bottom of her feet. Indeed, she almost looked like a woman possessed so violent were her reactions to this ticklish assault. If a passerby could not see the brush being so skillfully utilized against her sole, they might stop and think Amber were having a seizure of some kind. Amber gasped, trying to pull in whatever air she could, fearful that she might pass out from this merciless tickle attack.

Sensing that Amber may be close to passing out, Danielle paused her tickling, giving her captive a brief respite to recover.

“Please…” Amber begged, unable to form sentences still. “It’s too… I can’t… My God…”

“Would you be absolutely screwed if the sorority girls found out about this?” Danielle asked, feigning concern.

“Yes,” admitted Amber, still struggling to catch her breath. “Please, do. Don’t tell them,” she begged, not wanting anyone to know about this, let alone the sorority girls.

“I guess it all depends on what you’re willing to offer,” Danielle said, unexpectedly resuming the ticklish assault on the bottom of Amber’s feet once again. She lightly dragged the brush up and down and back and forth, allowing the teeth of the brush to delicately brush against the super sensitive soles of her captive.

Amber immediately went into orbit once again, unable to even process what had occurred. She had never felt anything as ticklish as what she was experiencing now, and she had been tickled quite a bit. This far and away was the most ticklish thing she had ever experienced, and panic was setting in. Amber wasn’t sure if someone could literally be tickled into hysteria, but she feared that’s where she was headed.

Danielle once again slowed the tickling to allow Amber to catch her breath. “I bet you want this to stop, don’t you?” she asked Amber, as if Amber might say “no”.

“God, yes!” Amber shouted back, NEEDING it to end.

“What are you willing to do to get it to end?” Danielle asked, beginning the negotiation as the camera rolled.

“Anything!” Amber begged. “My God, please, just no more tickling.”

“Anything?” Danielle asked, an eyebrow raised.

“Anything you want,” Amber reiterated. “Just please make the tickling stop.”

“Would you…” Danielle began, pausing for a moment. “Betray a friend?”

Amber paused, not wanting to admit it, especially so while being recorded.

“Oh, you took too long,” said Danielle before Amber had a chance to answer, and Danielle resumed the tickle attack on Amber’s feet once more, sending Amber flailing around.

“YES! YES!!” Amber shouted between laughter.

“Yes what?” Danielle asked, stopping the tickle attack.

“I’ll… I’ll betray a friend,” Amber said dejectedly. “Anything. Please just make the tickling stop.”

“And that, my friends,” Danielle said into the camera. “Is just how ticklish Miss Amber here is. She’d even betray a friend to put an end to being tickled. I trust you girls will find this video most informative,” she said, reaching forward and ending the recording finally.

Amber lay on the couch exhausted, broken, defeated… She had been tickled to her limits and beyond. She could do nothing but lay there, even as Danielle continued to sit on her legs, and do nothing but try to recover, try to catch her breath, regain her composure, as giggles escaped through her lips even still.

“So,” said Danielle, turning to Amber. “Shall we discuss the new plan?”


“Maddy, you have to get off that spot!” pleaded Katy, sensing the wave of emotions building up within her. It wouldn’t be long until she couldn’t hide it any longer, until she gave in to her body’s desires…

“Hell no,” laughed Maddy. “This spot is the jackpot,” she said, once again adjusting herself so she had a firmer grip on Katy’s squirming body.

Katy was desperate. She needed a miracle to occur or else there would be no coming back. Fortunately for Katy, a minor miracle had occurred when Maddy altered her positioning. Just as Katy had unknowingly left her feet within tickle distance of Maddy earlier, so, too, had Maddy now done with Katy. Maddy’s sitting style, sitting on her knees with her legs spread out behind her, had meant that her feet were always facing Katy to begin with, but it wasn’t until this most recent adjustment that her feet were actually within striking distance. For Katy, it couldn’t have come a moment later, for she could already feel the moans combining with the laughter, feel her body pressing up against Maddy’s… Katy needed an out and, fortunately for her, she had been granted one.

Katy reached back with her hands on both sides of her body, quickly grabbing onto Maddy’s ankles and pulling with all her might. The move caught Maddy by surprise, and she tumbled forward on her own stomach now. Katy frantically grabbed at Maddy’s legs, placing them in between her own legs before Maddy could escape. This time, though, Katy put her legs in an Indian style sitting position so her feet were nowhere near Maddy. And just like that, it was now Maddy’s feet that were staring straight up at Katy, and the tide had once again turned.

“No, not again,” laughed Maddy in disbelief that Katy had once again gotten the upper hand.

“Let’s give you a taste of your own medicine now,” said Katy with an evil laugh, and with that, she began using the same technique Maddy had just been using on her on Maddy. A single fingernail from each hand landed square on the arch of each of Maddy’s feet and with delicate precision, they began drawing tiny circles across the nylon material.

“Oh shit, no!” screamed Maddy as the tickling began. She desperately tried to reach back to perhaps catch a hold of Katy’s feet once again, but Katy’s feet were tucked safely from her reach. Getting out of this one would take some creativity…

But something else was beginning to happen to Maddy as the giggles poured out of her mouth. Yes, it tickled, but… Was there something more? Those butterflies in her stomach… Where did the come from? Was Katy causing them?? Maddy fought frantically to try to escape, fearful of what might come to be if her situation did not improve, but she found no way out.

“Thank you for telling me about this,” Katy said, happy to use the information Maddy had shared earlier against her. “Just like when your friends used to do it, huh? Except worse with nylons on, I bet,” Katy laughed.

It was like Maddy’s friends had done to her when she was younger, but at the same time, it wasn’t at all like that. Maddy couldn’t even begin to count the number of times a friend had found Maddy in the same predicament growing up - being known for having super ticklish feet and constantly being barefoot sort of lended itself to such situation - but never before had it had this sort of effect on Maddy. The butterflies in her stomach had ventured south, and now Maddy was contending not only with the ticklish feeling she felt on the bottom of her feet but also on the growing sensation she was feeling between her legs.

Maddy panicked. How could this be happening? She couldn’t let Katy know what this was doing to her.

“Katy, no. You have to stop,” she pleaded, her own wave of emotion growing within her. She could feel herself growing slightly moist.

“No way,” said Katy. “Let’s see how you like it.”

Maddy pressed her eyes shut, hoping that might help combat this growing feeling; it didn’t. She forced her mind to think the unsexiest thoughts it could, but no matter what Maddy thought of, her mind focused right back on the sensation on the bottom of her feet and the sensation between her legs.

“Katy, please,” Maddy begged, squeezing her mouth shut mid-sentence to block the moan that was coming from within her. Maddy arched her back as high as her position would allow, tucking her head onto the couch and pulling lightly at her hair --- anything to get her mind to focus on something else, anything else. Anything but Katy’s dastardly fingernails. ‘Those dastardly fingernails,’ Maddy thought to herself. ‘Being controlled by such delicate hands… belonging to such a sweet, bubbly…’ “ARGH!” Maddy screamed, breaking her own train of thought before she did herself any mischief.

“Having trouble back there?” Katy said with a laugh. Her sitting position offered her only a view of Maddy’s soles, and that was the only thing she needed to see right now.

Maddy was indeed in trouble. BIG trouble. She could feel what was about to happen. She couldn’t believe it, but she could feel it. The pulsating feeling between her legs spoke only of that growing wave of emotion that was ready to burst. Maddy had to do something, anything.

“Katy, I give!” Maddy begged, frantically tapping out on the side of the couch as a sign of her forfeiture. “I give! I give! I can’t take anymore,” she pleaded. It was true. One more circle drawn on her arch and Maddy may have been sent over the edge.

Katy stopped her tickling and turned to look at Maddy, shocked to hear such an admission. “You’re giving up?” she asked.

“Yes,” admitted Maddy, as much as she hated to. “I can’t take anymore. You win. Please no more tickling.”

“I win?” asked Katy one more time.

“You win,” repeated Maddy. “I can’t take anymore tickling. Please stop.”

“Hmmm,” said Katy, giving it some thought. “I’ll stop on two conditions,” she said.

“Ugh, what?” said Maddy with a groan, just needing reassurance that there would be no more tickling.

“One,” began Katy. “You need to declare me as the tickle queen and you as my loyal, humble, ticklish servant.”

“What?” laughed Maddy. “You’re joking.”

“I still have your feet trapped,” Katy reminded.

“OK, OK…” said Maddy quickly before Katy could do anything to her feet. “You are the tickle queen and I am but your loyal, humble… ticklish… servant,” she said.

“Thank you, my servant,” laughed Katy, and she got off of Maddy’s legs, freeing her from her captivity. Maddy quickly pulled her legs to safety, retreating to the other side of the couch once again. “I told you I’d win,” she said, sticking her tongue out at Maddy.

“What was the other condition?” Maddy asked out of curiosity.

Katy inched closer to Maddy on the couch, causing Maddy to instinctively tuck her feet behind her in defense mode. “Relax,” laughed Katy. “I already won,” she said, sitting on the middle cushion of the sofa so she and Maddy were now side-by-side. “The second condition is,” she began, pausing a moment as she built up the courage to say it to her neighbor. “The second condition is that you have to promise to do this again,” Katy said softly.

“What?” asked Maddy, not sure she had heard Katy correctly.

“You have to promise to do this again,” repeated Katy. “Wear nylons and come over. No shoes or socks allowed. Just… see what happens,” she said.

“You’re kidding, right?” asked Maddy, not sure how to react to such a request.

“This was… fun,” admitted Katy shyly. “Maybe it’s something where we’re both on opposite ends of the couch so our feet are in each other’s lap and we throw a blanket over our legs and we see what happens… Who tickles the other first… Who can keep their foot still…. See if we can watch any part of whatever is on TV…”

Maddy’s jaw was agape. She was stunned to hear this from her neighbor. Sure, as a one-time thing, something impromptu. But to actually schedule something like this?

“Never mind,” said Katy, somewhat embarrassed. Maddy’s pause had caused Katy to have second thoughts. “Forget I said anything. It was just a dumb…”

“No,” said Maddy, interrupting Katy. “It’s not dumb. I’d love to do that sometime,” she said with a reassuring smile.

Katy laughed, the nervous laugh one does when they realize their fears were for naught. “Now that I know all your secrets…” she said playfully.

“Now that I’ve found the spot…” said Maddy in a mock-threatening tone.

“We’ll see about that,” said Katy.

Indeed, they would see about that. That and so much more…
That was awesome. Wonder how many more chapters you can do before this ends. This is one series that i hope will keep going for awhile.
20 part! But it quickly flew ...

I hope that there will be an infinite number!

As usual, an amazing story! You are master!

One small request. More torture, in the sense, more tickling WITHOUT MERCY.
Hey everyone,

Thanks for the kind words, as always.

I definitely have ideas to get this up to Episode 25, at least, if people are still interested in the exploits of these two.

I am for sure interested. Maybe not looking foward to Danielle tickling Katy but if it keeps the story going I'll keep reading lol. I think mellisa needs a good tickling by Amber amd Katy for telling Danielle Katy is ticklish.
Do you think, you will write once more? I ask, because I am really fascinated about the stories... Story 19 was the best I have ever read...
Another amazing chapter :)

I love the contrast of the playful versus torturous tickling in the two strands of the story, both equally entertaining. Really, really can't wait for the next chapter, please keep up the fantastic work!
Absolutely love this series Oldenglish #genuineinspiration
Hey everyone,

Thanks so much for the kind words and for resurrecting this story from the dead. So just a quick update...

Katy & Amber will absolutely live on. I have no intention of ending this series any time soon. I (still) have the next chapter halfway written, and I have also been discussing some story ideas with other TMFers about possible expansion in the future. Long story short, I have no intention of ending this series.

However, without disclosing too much of the person behind OldEnglish, I am a dad of two elementary-school-aged children, and the last couple of months have been jam-packed with end of the year school activities, birthday parties, dance recitals, Cub Scout activities, and baseball games (and more baseball and more baseball and more baseball). I'm sure those with children of their own will know what I mean. Plus, living in New England, it's been too tempting to take advantage of the few months of nice weather that we have to be outside instead of sitting in front of a computer screen. And since this is very much a closeted interest of mine, asking the wife to watch the kids for a bit so I can write a few pages of Katy & Amber isn't really an option.

So long story short, I've just been busy, busy, busy...

But again, Katy & Amber WILL live on and I am hoping to wrap up this partially completed story sometime soon!

Thank you for the update, it is appreciated and I’m very happy to hear it’s not dead
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