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Love, Loss and Some Reflections On My Past. . .


TMF Regular
Dec 7, 2004
Today marks one year since my Mom passed away. I find myself wondering if and when there will come a time when I think about her without crying, without the feelings of sadness and loss literally choking me. Even as I type I’m unable to swallow, to take a deep breath, there’s just this overwhelming swamping of emotion that threatens to consume me.

Mom was an amazing woman who truly knew how to enjoy life. She embraced the good things that came her way with enthusiasm and dealt with the bumps in the road (and there were many) with grace, dignity and humor. She instilled in me a strong work ethic and followed that up with an equally strong sense of play. She taught me the true meaning of that which doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. She stayed strong, almost to the bitter end.

Today, one year ago, her battle with cancer ended. She was diagnosed with breast cancer. In spite of a mastectomy and the treatments that followed, her cancer metastasized and moved to her liver. It turns out that she knew that she was sick again, that something was wrong, but she kept it to herself and worked hard to hide it from the family. By the time I learned she was sick and went to be with her, she was beyond any kind of help. I had a month with her before she died.

It was because of Mom that I became an avid reader. It didn’t matter where we were going or what were doing she always said ‘bring a book.’ If we went anywhere at all that we had to wait, out came the books and the waiting no longer mattered. It was also through Mom that I learned about and developed my own passion for erotic literature. Mom kept her collection of erotic literature on her bookshelf, not in a box hidden away under the bed or in the dark recesses of a closet. I discovered them in my late teens. My love of the written word remains a constant. There were times spent in the hospital where she would drift in and out of a semi-conscience state. She knew that as she drifted I was writing and encouraged me to finish, no matter what. I wish I had finished “Games” before she passed. I would have loved her thoughts on it.

Mom and I used to enjoy sitting along St Charles Ave, back home in New Orleans. There was nothing better then those afternoons with her, just talking and watching the joggers go by. I developed a great, uhm, admiration for men with a nice bum and a great pair of legs. We used to say things like; on your left or second one down on your right as we pointed out our favorites to each other. Sometimes the joggers even caught us looking and that was funny also. God, I miss all the fun, crazy and even the mundane things that we used to do together.

Mom taught me that housework had its place but that place was usually in someone else’s home. Our home was clean but it wasn’t company perfect. I learned that it wasn’t the smudge on the glass, the dust on the side of the TV or the dust bunnies that live under the sofa that your friends will remember. It’s the warmth of your home, the good times, and the conversation and shared meals that they remember. It’s all about the laughter and the love that is given and received by one and all. These days, the dust bunnies have found their home under my sofa but refuse to pay rent. In spite of those free loaders, my home is always filled with family and good friends, laughter, loud conversation and something is always cooking in the kitchen. And yes, if you look hard enough, you’ll find the smudges and the dust.

There are so many memories filling my head, wanting to be spoken and shared. I think that this weekend, I will gather friends and family; cook some of Mom’s favorite foods, sip on her favorite cocktails and share with them more about Mom, her unconditional love and her crazy antics throughout her life. I’ve been told that it helps to look back, reflect on the good and remember and celebrate those memories. I look forward to thinking about her with more smiles and fewer tears. In loving memory Mom. . . I miss you more than words can ever express.
I'll be thinking about ya and your family, m'dear. So sorry for your loss, but so happy she got to be such a source of strength and good memories for you. ;)
Embraceabl, very, very nice. It is those memories that will always remain at the forefront of your heart and mind and keep you balanced, I think. If I may, let me add another thought for you; When my Dad died, several years ago, my daughter who was all of 4 years old desplayed what I think is as good a statement of understanding love as I have heard. The two of them used to spend a lot of time together, so, when I carried her to say good-bye to her Grandpa, I told her that she could see him, talk to him and I believe he could hear her, but that he couldn't talk to her and that he was in heaven. When we got up to Dad, she just looked at him, then turned and looked at me and said, very sincerely, "Grandpa is really going to miss me, isn't he!" I was amazed at how a child could grasp the love Dad had for her. I know that your Mom had that same feeling about you when it was time for her to move on. You obviously spent some close times with her and you couldn't have given her any greater gift than your time or obvious love for her, and you know she knew. I agree, celebrate Her and your relationship with her and be proud you were able to have something very special. Jim
Yes, Embraceabl, there will come a day when tears don't well up in your eyes and fall. Then, more days will come, and more. Sometimes, the tears will well up and fall again unexpectedly no matter how much time has passed. It can't be helped. The tears and the joy of remembering are tied together.

I'm sorry for your loss. I know it from the loss of my Dad. Your family and story seems so much like mine, although the disease that caused his death was different. I can especially relate to the lived-in home versus spotlessly clean house! The latter is not the same, as you so accurately stated.

What I personally miss the most owing to Dad's death are his early-morning phone calls when we were both in our respective offices. They always began the same way. I'd answer with my name and he would say, "Whatcha doing?" I would say, "I'm talking to you. What are you doing?." He rarely answered immediately, asking instead, "Did you take your vitamins today?" And I would inevitably respond, "No, I forgot!" Then, we'd talk about our respective work schedules and maybe decide on a day to go to lunch or agree that I'd come home (go "home" to my parents' house) for at least part of the weekend.

One Friday about a month after my Dad died I was walking from the elevator to my office and I thought, "Maybe Dad will call today. He hasn't done that in a while." I was almost at my office when I stopped cold, chastising myself with, "Dad won't call, stupid. He can't. He's dead." For one brief moment I was so light-hearted and happy. The next I was in tears because I'd never get such a phone call from my Dad again and up until then I hadn't realized how much I would miss our routine.

My Dad died 12 years ago and still events, big and small, can bring on unexpected tears because he's not there to share in them. I recently got a shock that was both pleasant and, well, scary. My Mother and I watched a video my parents made of their 1992 trip to Yellowstone National Park and I heard my Dad's voice for the first time since he died. It was so strange because it didn't sound "right" at first. The speech pattern did, but not the voice. It scared me to think that without this and other tapes they made, I wouldn't remember his voice at all, despite "hearing" him in my head at various times. It was a sick feeling.

If you have such videotapes, copy them and keep at least one safe; they are precious. Watch and enjoy such videos too and share them with family members who may not remember her or who never knew her so that they too can see your Mother as a living, smiling, talking being. Pictures and stories told to the next generation are invaluable as well, but videos convey what photographs and stories can't: the sound of her voice and laughter. I am ashamed to say that it hadn't occurred to Mother, me, or my three siblings to share such videotapes with my nieces and nephews until this past Easter weekend. Learn from our negligence if you have such videos.

Your Mom sounds like a great lady who shared wonderful gifts with you that you have the opportunity to share as well. That's your greatest gift to her.
This brings tears to my eyes. That a daughter has such love, admiration, and respect for her mother is just priceless beyond words.
Embracabl, you will always carry warm memories of your mom with you forever. While I am fortunate to still have my mom with me, Thank God, I was extremely close to my maternal grandparents, who have passed away. I still think about them all the time, and I have their picture sitting right on my desk. I am convinced that if one has a good and loving relationship with a relative who has passed on, that they will carry that person in their heart forever, even if the person is no longer physically with them.

Embraceabl my wonderful dear friend who i love so much...i didn't know it was yesterday when your mother died..i mean the anniversary..wow darlin, that was exactly the same day my mother died, only two years earlier..god hon...we are so alike it's scary...i'm so sorry about your loss...you know how to find me...i adore you love...:twohugs:
My deepest sympathy

Having known your mother for so many years, your post brought back many fond memories of her.
It is heartbreaking to know what you and your family has been through these past few years, but also comforting to know that you have your Dad and brother close to you again.
I know how close you are to your family, but I'm sure I still can't totally comprehend your lost. You mother was always such an open and caring woman and I'm glad I got to know her for at least a short time. I always felt so welcome in your parents home. I look back at those days as very happy times.

You are always in my thoughts, especially at times like these.

Three years since you wrote that. I read it again this morning--I'm awake, suffering the worst insomnia I've had in quite a while! Not much point going to bed now! Nobody else is up to share, but I found you, not technically awake, but talking with me, whispering to me beautiful things, sweet intimacies. You've shared something very precious with me and I won't forget it.

And, in case I haven't said it in a while, you are precious beyond words.
Embraceabl, I know we don't know each other but I have to say that this is a beautiful tribute to your mother. I lost my mom about a year and a half ago to cancer as well and today would have been her birthday so I'm not having a very happy day. Reading this helped put some of the sadness on the back burner and helped me focus on everything wonderful about my mom and that list is endless. Thank you. :twohugs:
I never saw this before. I owe you two hugs if we ever meet in person, Nicole.
I never saw this before.

Same here. And while I'm generally not a fan of very old threads being bumped, this is one of the moving posts I have ever read on this old forum.
Trust me: Our embraceabl is an endless source for wonder, joy, beauty and poetry. You should read everything she's ever posted!
Trust me: Our embraceabl is an endless source for wonder, joy, beauty and poetry. You should read everything she's ever posted!

You don't have to sell her to me, my friend. I've had the good fortune to talk with her almost daily. I am fortunate that she is my friend.
I'd help with that but she gets embarassed about us making a fuss then I get yelled at.

She is special though.
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