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M/F with Pic-Sacred Laughter


Level of Lemon Feather
Apr 4, 2005
This is the first totally tickle-related piece in the Prophecy series I’ve been writing for a while, as some of you may know. Ada and her friends are on a mission to stop the Aspects, evil mind-altering demons, who have taken over the world in my alternate future-ish series. Ada is the ‘Chosen One’, part demon, part human, and her companions are all some form of angel or elf, etc. This story leads on from a few I’ve already written, (‘Sacred’ and ‘Rusty’s Retrieval’) both up on tklvr18.deviantart.com.
Senshi, AKA Wife-Napper on dA, created a wonderful little pic that goes along with this story as well ^_^ Thanks a million to you, Mr. Sneshi-it’s beautiful! I already have a biopic for Ada up from him on dA, and hopefully I’ll have more stuff to illustrate my stories soon! Gonna have a colored version up on my dA probably within a few days.
If you wanna know more, check me out on dA! And of course, I wanna know what you think of this one too! Thanks guys!


(Or, all crucifixions should go like this!)

“Miss Ada…may I have a word?”

Ada turned to see Genna, the barmaid and closest thing the town of Graveton had to a Mayor approach her and her friends. They were standing behind the Tavern discussing their plan of attack on the Aspect Sloth, which they were planning to implement the following morning.

The sleepy little village of Graveton looked menacing to any outsiders. Small grave markers littered the town from church to the town market to the yards of all the houses. Most outsiders thought it was haunted and cursed.

But once a person started looking around, they might realize there was no way it could be so. In fact, the houses were in pristine condition. The church, market stalls, and massive tavern were all in perfect condition. The cobbled roads were clean and bright, and the torches that lit them at night were switched out daily. Every other town that the Company had been to was filthy and unkempt-- a demon had reined over each.

Graveton’s grave markers made it sacred ground-no evil could set foot inside it. Ada and her friends had arrived there last night and stopped the demon Anachial from killing himself trying to besiege the town, bringing him back into the Light in the process. This had garnered much appreciation and love from the townsfolk and had stayed the night free, including Anachial, who was hailed as he should have been--a man of the Light.

Ada now nodded at Genna. “Of course-we were discussing Sloth and our plans to leave in a few days. Is something wrong?”

Plump and matronly, Genna reminded Ada of her idea of the Ghost of Christmas Present in a story from the Ancient Days that Gabriel used to tell her. From what Ada had seen in the half-day she had been there, Genna was always in a good mood. Her brown mousy hair and missing teeth belied her beautiful, perky spirit.

“Oh no, nothin’ like that.” Genna smiled reassuringly. “It’s just that…well, I was hopin’ you could do me…and Graveton in general…a little favor.”

Ada smiled. “You have been so kind to us-I’d be honored to do you any favor in my power. What is it?”

“Well,” Genna began thoughtfully, “you know the story of how the Angels blessed this land before the demons came back, giving us the Blessing of Sacred Ground.” The others nodded enthusiastically. “Well, the stories say that before the last Angel left, he told us that an Emissary of the Light would come in our greatest need and lift our spirits.”

Gabriel nodded. “By forcing the demons to stop their attacks once and for all.”

Genna winced apologetically. “An’ it’s obvious that’s what the Angel was referring to. But over th’ years…well, people get their own ideas in their heads about what t’expect.”

Rusty frowned. “And what exactly does this town expect Ada to do for them?”

Genna shook her head. “Oh, nothing untoward, you big lug-I’d never ask anything of that nature of her, you oughta know.” Rusty nearly gagged on his own lungs at her forwardness while the others let out a quick guffaw. “Beggin’ your pardon, sir.” She finished, winking. “No offense meant, of course.”

He smirked. “None taken, then. It’s just been…well never since a human felt okay about picking on me. You don’t count.” He said to Ada before she had the chance to say whatever it was she had opened her mouth to say.

“As I was sayin’,” Genna continued, “there’s a ceremony in town once a year to honor the Angel’s promise. A girl volunteers to be the ‘Emissary’ for the parade. She wears a ceremonial gown, rides the ceremonial cart and after the parade…well, every year’s different. Sometimes they sing, sometimes they tell stories, sometimes they dance…y’know. Just a little somethin’ to lift our spirits; remind us that happy times never really fade.” She turned to Ada hopefully.

Ada nodded. “And if I were to be the ‘Emissary…because I guess I really am…in the parade, it would really lift the town’s spirits. But we need to go soon…”
Genna nodded, speaking hastily lest her request be denied. “We could do the ceremony in three days easily! We do it every year, everyone knows their parts! Oh, Ada we would be so happy…”

Ada grinned. “I’d be honored! It will feel good to do something non-violent to help, thank you so much for asking me.” She bowed her head slightly.
Genna beamed. “Thank you, oh thank you! I’ll go make arrangements…someone’ll be along shortly to show you where to get ready for it, and to tell you about what exactly we do. Oh happy day!” She ran off, whistling.

“I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into.” Rusty, ever the cautious one, said gruffly. “She wasn’t very specific…”

“Oh come off it, buddy.” Anachial laughed. “These people wouldn’t hurt her-I don’t think they could be here if they were those kinds of people.”

“You will get to dress up.” Gabriel put in, smirking. “You haven’t gotten to wear a dress since the Temple-I bet you’re looking forward to that!”

Ada blushed a little. “I feel comfortable in this leather armor! But…it will be nice not to need it for a while. Oh hey…what am I going to do at the end of the ceremony?”

“You certainly know enough of the Ancient stories.” Gabriel replied. “I’m sure you know some they’ve never heard.”

She shook her head. “I don’t know…Genna said the girls do that sometimes. I want to do something new…something that’ll be a real morale booster! Any ideas?”

Rusty smirked. “You could always laugh for them.” He reached over and goosed her sides a few times, making her shriek and giggle, jumping away.

“Oh, don’t tell me she’s ticklish.” Anachial teased. He reached over and goosed her other side, making her shriek louder.

“Very funny, you assholes!” Ada exclaimed, jerking her arms to her sides.
“You’d do anything to see me blush, wouldn’t you, Big Lug?!” Ada shot back at Rusty.

“Don’t MAKE me come get you, Ada…”

“Well, why not?” Jett asked quietly. Everyone stopped and turned to him.

Jett continued. “If I understand some of Gabriel’s jokes right, Ada, it’s not like you haven’t had your whole life to get used to it.” She blushed and started to speak, but he continued, “And let’s not forget these people…seeing something so…comical would probably bring these people much joy.”

“Oh let me, let me! I’ve been itching for a way to pay her back for humiliating me last night!” Anachial exclaimed, grabbing her sides a few more times. Ada squeaked and jerked her arms to her sides, blushing brightly.

Again, she tried to speak but was stopped, this time by Gabriel’s hand on her shoulder. “I’d be with you the whole time, Adie…”

Ada glared up at him. “Ooh no, let me stop you right there. There is NO WAY in HELL I am going to go through with that plan…”

‘How in the hell did they talk me into going through with this plan?!’ Ada thought wearily as the float approached the end of the parade. She was standing on the large cart pulled by two white horses, approaching the stage that had been constructed for her less than an hour ago. She was wearing the ceremonial robes which were nothing more than a short, loose toga that was so thin it was nearly see-through. She was also wearing a crown of holly leaves, signifying peace and hope, her white cotton underwear, and calf-high sandals. She had a beautiful bouquet of red roses and baby’s breath tucked under one arm, and had spent the last hour using the other arm to wave to the crowd as a band of wind and percussion instruments went before her on the parade.

She stepped off the edge of the cart and onto the stage, turning around. The entire town was there, from the elderly that had to be brought in modified wheelbarrows to the very young slung over their mothers’ backs. The music slowly slowed to a silence and the crowd hushed. ’They’re expecting me to speak!’ She suddenly realized.

“Uh…hi. I’m Ada…well, you know who I am, don’t you?” She laughed nervously-the loud, friendly laughter she got in response encouraged her, taking some of her initial stage fright. “Well, I wanted to do something fun before I left…I’m honored that you guys wanted me to be here with you for this.” This got a loud cheer from everyone.

“So…I wanted to do something nobody’s ever done before. I…oh, hi Anachial.” Anachial had walked up behind her and put his arm around her, hugging her to him roughly.

“So she’s agreed to let me take my revenge on her for last night for all of you to see!” Anachial announced brightly. When the crowd stayed confusedly hushed, he laughed. “Oh I’m not going to hurt her…she’s ticklish!”

Ada thought her face was going to burn off her skull from the blush. She winced and brought her shoulders up to her neck theatrically as the crowd burst out in understanding laughter. “YES, yes I am. So…go ahead Anachial…lead the way.”

Anachial led her to a large wooden cross at the front center of the stage. Feeling a little like a lamb being led to public slaughter, she leaned back against it and put her arms against its arms. Two women who Anachial had apparently chosen to be his ‘assistants’ fastened her wrists and elbows in, as well as her hips and ankles.

“There we go!” Anachial exclaimed, his face a huge, open grin. “Can you get out, dear Second Savior?”

Ada glared and shook her head. “No, I’m stuck fast…and you don’t have to be so snarky about this!” The crowd giggled, making her blush again. ‘If I have to do this, at least I can make this a good show…’ “For a guy I just beat without drawing my sword, you’re pretty cocky.”

The Ooooh from the crowd was exactly what she’d been hoping for. Anachial’s jaw dropped theatrically.

“Oh, you people heard that, didn’t you?” Anachial asked, arms in a ‘what did I do to deserve that’ pose. The crowd cheered. “And here I was, making sure she was comfortable…and that’s how she repays me? Well, what do you think…shall we make her laugh?”

The roar of applause was deafening. As Anachial stepped behind her, she whispered, “anyone ever tell you you’re an excellent showman?”

“What, this? This just comes naturally. You’re not doin’ bad yourself.” He replied quietly. “Now!” He went on, addressing the crowd again. “Where shall I get her first, eh?” He paused as the crowd answered every body part possible.

“Oh…did I hear her…pits?” He asked, wriggling five fingertips in each of her armpits. She jumped and shrieked.


“Oho, she’s cursing now? I thought you were a child of the Light, Ada! Well, we can’t have that; especially not in such a public forum…I’m going to have to punish you, bad girl!” He laughed, scratching down her pits and ribs.

Ada went scarlet red, shaking her head. “BAHAHAH SH-SHUT UP! NOTSOFAST DAHAHMMIT! AAHAHNACHIAHIAL!” The crowd found that hysterical. ‘At least they’re having fun…’

“Aaaw, you didn’t think I was gonna go easy on you just ‘cuz this is a show, did you?” Anachial teased, dragging his fingertips across her stomach. “What, did you think I was gonna fake tickle you for these people? That’s so cheap-you really do deserve this!” He stood behind her, placing his fingers on her stomach from both sides. But he didn’t move his fingers. Yet.

Ada gulped. “I th-thought no such th-thing! I wo-wouldn’t wimp out like that…besides, I may have just met you, but I know you better than tha-AEEHEEHEE! NOFAIR I WAHAAS TALKING! BA-HAHAHAA!” Ada arched her back and let out a long peal of hysterical laughter as Anachial caught her by surprise, sliding his nails across her stomach quickly.

“D’aww…does it tickle, Ad-aaa?” Anachial taunted, making Ada go red all over again. “Y’know, that outfit is pretty flimsy, you guys sure you didn’t design it just for her? Y’know, for this? It makes sense to me…you think they did this just for you, Ada? Kootchy koo…oh look at her shriek when I tickle her bellybutton! Is that a sensitive spot, hm?”

She shrieked as he pulled her dress up to her ribs. “ANACHIAL! Are you TRYING to expose me to the whole town? Because you ARE!”

“Oh stop panicking, I’m only exposing your adorable tummy!” He smirked, crouching next to her. “I just wanted to get a better look at this!” With that, he wriggled his pinky finger slowly around her deep innie bellybutton.

The fact that her panties were on display quickly left her mind as Anachial attacked the quivering skin around her navel. The slow, gentle teasing around such a sensitive area made it impossible for her to keep her mind on anything else no matter how hard she tried; she tried to focus on a particular person in the crowd, but they were all giggling and jeering so much that it didn’t help.
She tried focusing on Anachial, but he was so vocal that she immediately regretted it. She even tried to focus on Gabriel, but as soon as she caught his eye he winked and ruffled his wings at her, making her shudder visibly.

“I think her giggles are getting quieter…think it’s time to stop teasing?” Anachial suddenly asked, winking up at her. She realized that he was right, the minute or so he’d spent teasing around her bellybutton had made it slightly less sensitive-she shook her head wildly. “Nohoh nono! Don’t!”

“What do YOU think guys?” Anachial asked, addressing the crowd again. The resultant cheers were of course deafening. “As you wish! Here we go-oo!”
Anachial grinned like a madman as he wriggled his little finger into her bellybutton. Ada arched and curled her back, tugging violently at the straps holding her wrists and ankles


“Aaaw, she’s begging! Adorable!” Anachial teased with absolutely no regard for her words. He bent forwards, blowing a raspberry right into her bare stomach, making her tight stomach jiggle with tiny ripples. When Ada let out a begging shriek, he just laughed and did it again, this time a slow, long blast that had her giggling silently.

Anachial finally stopped and stood. Gasping, Ada realized she was grinning uncontrollably. ‘Damn, that’s embarrassing…but I can’t stop!’ she thought, her face going red just from the thought.

“A…are you gonna l-let me go now?”

“HAH! Oh Ada honey, you didn’t realize how much fun I would be having when you signed up for this, did you? Nono, you aren’t going anywhere for a long time.” He replied. This got laughs and whoops from the crowd, much to Ada’s embarrassment.

“Now, I think a little change of pace is in order.” Anachial continued as he walked around behind her. He reached down and unstrapped her ankles, grabbing one at a time and pulling them backwards and up. Before she had time to protest, Anachial had quickly removed her sandals, tossing them into a very excited crowd.

There was a second set of straps on the arms of the cross that Ada hadn’t noticed, hanging a few inches off of them with small loops on the end. These Anachial placed around her ankles, hanging her feet just below the cross arms, forcing her thighs apart. “URK! Dammit now I’m REALLY on display!” she exclaimed, looking down at her spread legs and going crimson.

“Oh calm down, I’m only going for these.” Anachial said, brushing his nails down her arches.

“YEEEEE! NONO DON’T! EHEHEEHHEEHE!” Ada burst into quiet, helpless giggles as Anachial slowly played his nails across her feet like a piano. “SHIHHIIHIT!”

“Oooh, there’s that bad language again! What am I going to do with you, Ada? Maybe I ought to just let you stay here for a few days, hm? Let them all tickle you?” He giggled, and for a moment it seemed to Ada his maniacal self was back, only this time it wasn’t malicious…just slightly unhinged.

The idea of having someone who was slightly unhinged dragging his fingertips now across her toes drove Ada crazy, giving her butterflies in her stomach even worse. Safe yet helpless…it was a familiar feeling, but one she hadn’t felt since she and Gabriel began their journey.

These ponderings were cut short as she felt Anachial attack her hyper-sensitive soles. “WA-AHAHAHAAH NO! NONO DON’T! NOT THERE BWAHEEHEHEHEE! HEHEEELP! SOHOMEBODY GET THIS NUT OHOFF MEHEHE!”

“A nut?! I’m a NUT? You think I’m crazy, girl? You wanna see a nut, I’ll SHOW you a nut!” He leaned forward, blowing a raspberry on her neck as he scraped his nails against her arches and soles faster, making sure to tickle between each wrinkle. “Kootchy kootchy-*raspberry raspberry*- koo!”

After a good minute of this, he finally paused. “You holding out okay there, hon?” He asked, pecking her cheek affectionately.

She gasped, nodding. “Yeah…f-fine…” She gratefully took a long gulp of the water that Anachial held up for her.

“I think we’re almost done here…but there is ooooneeee more little surprise I have up my sleeve. And this one’s all for you, Ada.”

Naturally, Ada didn’t trust this for a moment. “What…unless you’re gonna let me go and buy me some grog, I doubt it you lying jerk!” She stuck her tongue out at him, grinning.

This got a roar of laughter from her audience; she had almost forgotten it was there. She smirked, playing up to it again. “Or you could put my DRESS back down over my UNDERWEAR so I didn’t keep FLASHING all the poor people.”
Anachial, still behind her, smirked. “No, I’m afraid it’s none of the above. Lookie here…or don’t look, as it were.” Ada squeaked in surprise as Anachial slide a small piece of black fabric around her eyes and tied it, blindfolding her quite effectively.

“HEY! Oh come on, you’re already behind me, no fair!” the sudden loss of her sense of sight made her tense up. ‘I know I’m safe, there’s nothing to be anxious about’ she tried to tell herself-but her muscles wouldn’t unwind just the same.

“Oh, it’s not for me…see, I figured I just met you—and it’s not like I’ve done this kind of thing before. So…here’s an expert!”

Suddenly the crowd let out a thunderous cheer. Ada couldn’t see who it was that walked onto the stage, but without her sight, her hearing amplified dramatically.

She was amazed at how much her other senses stood out. If she focused, she could hear the dripping of the roof drains in the tavern behind her, the shuffling of the horses, even sound Anachial’s wings made as he excitedly ruffled them. That could come in handy in a fight…

The crowd suddenly hushed, except for a few excited giggles. Maybe someone from the town who’s an expert in tickling? Ada thought wildly as she felt as much as heard someone new approach her from behind. She didn’t know how she felt about a stranger having her in this position.

‘I’ll be with you the whole time, Adie…’ Gabriel would never let anyone take advantage of her in any bad way. She tried to take a deep breath.

As she inhaled, she heard the ‘mysterious’ tickler whisper in her ear. “Hi, Adie.” It was Gabriel! She didn’t need to see him to know he was grinning like a madman-it was obvious in his voice. Before she had the chance to exclaim his name, she felt his fingers play into her ribs.

Just like that, her shoulders unhinged, her stomach relaxed, and she let out a peal of hysterical giggles. “EEE HEEHEEHEHEE! G-GABE! NONO EEHHE NOT YOU! GYEHEEHE STAHAHAAP!” Something about Gabriel, who had been tickle-attacking her since she was little, being here and doing the torture drove a new level of playful humiliation home, stripping her of any ability to snark off.

“Oooh, I don’t think so, Little Adie.” At the nickname he always used when she was young, Ada went into silent giggles, tugging at the straps in a futile attempt to cover her burning face. “When I got up here you looked pretty tense, I think maybe you need to relax a little! Now…what is it I always do to help you relax, hmm?” He withdrew, letting her breathe.

She gasped, biting her bottom lip as her giggles subsided. “G-Gabe…d-don’t m-make me say!” She felt her whole face and neck get hot as she heard the crowd laugh in reaction. 'Dammit, not the wings! I’ll go crazy if he uses those!'

“Aww, too embarrassed? That’s okay, I’ll show them!”

“NO!” Her protest was too late-she heard Gabriel open his wings with one quick FWOOSH!

“That’s right, A-diiee…are you ready for the wiiings?”

His teasing drove her crazier than even Anachial had! She squeaked, shaking her head furiously. This, of course, had as much effectiveness as it ever did, meaning absolutely none, and she quickly felt Gabriel’s wingtips dancing in her armpits.

“EEEEEEEEEEEE! STAAAAAAHAHAAAP! EHHEHEEH ENONONO NOT THERE! AYEEHEHHE YOU MEEHEHEANIE!” The soft, stiff feather tips dancing in her sensitive armpits always drove her craziest! He alternated between short, quick strokes and long, lightly dragging at random intervals, making her even crazier. She tried to beg, but at this point it came out more of “PLEEHEE” than please, and she couldn’t get anything else out period. She thrashed hard now, making the cross shift and shake.

Gabriel laughed and shes felt it stabilize. “I’ll have to hold this thing or you’re gonna wriggle onto your side!” Gabriel teased. “You know…I still have a hand free…” When she let out a startled beg, he just laughed and wrapped his hand around to her stomach, tickling her lower tummy through the ticklish silk. “All three at once…can you stand it?! Poor thing, so exposed, helpless, in front of all these people, you must be going crazy!”

It was having the ‘desired’ results-Ada’s thrashing started to weaken, her laughter dying down to quiet giggles as she shook on the cross, too tired and relaxed to fight back.

When Gabriel withdrew for a quick moment, she gulped in a breath. “I GIVE! Oho damn, I give…” She yelled loudly, still stupidly grinning.

Ada felt Gabriel gently release her legs, then her arms, as she had known he would. She stumbled forwards before righting herself, yanking the blindfold down. She grinned as the entire town let out a long, loud cheer. Anachial and Gabriel stepped forward, taking long, dramatic bows. Then they both held out their hands to Ada, who took a similar bow.

‘Wow…this feels good…I really enjoy helping these people’. Ada realized. ‘Maybe I’m not just doing this because I have to.’

She was still musing when Gabriel swooped her up in his arms, hugging her close. She squeaked, startled, before wrapping her arms around him in a huge hug.

Gabriel leaned in to whisper into her ear. “Let’s go someplace none of the townsfolk can get to us.” With that, he leapt into the air, spread his wings, and took off into the clear sky, the cheers of the people fading below them as he soared higher and higher.

This wasn’t the first time Ada had gone on a similar flight, and she relaxed into his arms immediately. ‘This feels right.’ Ada thought as she rested her head on his shoulders, looking into his eyes as he watched the ground below them. His eyes…a single color, light, beautiful brown without a fleck of anything else. It reminded her how steady he was, how no matter what else was going on, how else he or anybody else was feeling or acting around her, she could always count on him to care most about her than anything else.

She put her head on his chest, breathing deeply. She fell asleep feeling safer than she’d felt in a long, long time.



So there ya go, the first totally tickle-related story of my series. Let me know what you think, and if you’re interested in the people, places, and storyline of my world and characters, check out tklvr18.deviantart.com ! There’s other tickle stuff in some of the other stories, but it’s less centric to the other stories (so far—I intend to put Ada in plenty of ticklish situations!). The big showdown with Sloth is pending! Also, if you need some basics of the world, the ‘older’ stories and the bio stuff is at the bottom of my gallery, so check that out too. I may even get some drawn renditions of some of the scenes, and there’s already one bio pic for Ada up there. So comment here, and if you want more, go see more, subscribe, and comment there, da woiks! Thanks!!
Thanks nticklish! I'm glad you liked it! :D

Loved it. I am always a fan of your work. Great job Karen. :cool
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