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Monster Hunter Tickling (F/F sexual, intense)


TMF Regular
Jan 25, 2015
Other Monster Hunter Tickling Stories:
Newbie's First Hunt
Bad Boss
Frightful Reflections
Smell the Flowers
Prison Break


"Remember, wolfgirls are most ticklish on their toes and armpits..." Sophia muttered to herself. The young huntress stood in her dorm room giving the entry in her handbook one last look over while checking that all of her gear was in place. She'd already triple checked that she had all of her traps and potions. Both of her feather dusters were nice and fluffy, and she had plenty of rope, bottles of baby oil, brushes, feathers, and a few choice other tools for when the hunt was over and the fun part began arranged neatly in her pack.

The umpteenth glance in the mirror held the exact same reflection of the 18-year-old, 5'7", Caucasian huntress with dark auburn hair that reached down to her shoulder blades and blue eyes as last time. She was in fact still wearing her huntress's uniform of pink leather bra that revealed plenty of her C-cup breasts and tight tummy, white microskirt that did nothing to conceal her pink bikini bottoms, and sturdy hiking shoes that hadn't magically disappeared since the last time she'd checked to leave her unwittingly wandering off into the jungle in the nude. Sophia knew that she shouldn't be this nervous. Wolfgirls were popular as a newbie hunt target for caving easily under even the slightest prolonged tickling and she'd gotten to spend a couple hours every day for the last week practicing on the one they'd had tied up in the research racks, but with departure time being in an hour she couldn't stop herself from fretting anyways.

"Ah, look at you! They grow up so fast." Sophia's morning preparations were interrupted feeling a pair of arms wrap around her chest to grope her from behind behind, a pair of soft breasts press into her back, and a face come in to nuzzle against her cheek. "It feels like you've only joined up a couple of weeks ago and you're already going on your first solo hunt. I couldn't be more proud."

"That's probably because I only joined up a couple of weeks ago," Sophia replied with a small smile. She lightly squirmed out of the sudden breast massage to turn and look at Catherine, her friend since childhood and mentor after she'd joined the hunter corps. The sight that greeted her made her blink in surprise.

Catherine was the camp's premier masochist. She wasn't just the most ticklish girl in the jungle, she had an unparalleled love of being tied up and tickle tortured. The girl primarily helped on hunts by acting as bait. Her 5'9" figure worthy of being a model, complete with perky E-cup breasts, well-toned body, and skin enhanced with every possible treatment the masochist could think up to make herself even more ticklish, was irresistible to monster girl and huntress alike. She'd go and fall into traps setup across the jungle on purpose to lure the hunt's target into an ambush with the temptation of getting to tickle her. Sophia knew first hand that she loved her role so much that she'd go out and do it even if she didn't have any backup to complete the ambush. Sophia's three missions over the last week had all consisted of going out to retrieve the woman after she'd wandered out to be tickle tortured by monsters for fun.

"Got something special lined up?" Sophia asked. Catherine absolutely refused to ever wear more than the bare minimum of bra and panties needed to maintain her figure and leather cuffs constantly strapped around her wrists and ankles, claiming she wanted as few steps between being stripped, tied up, and tickled at any given moment as possible. But even with her happy-go-lucky view on being tickled it was rare to see her walking around in nothing other than a set of red lace stockings and garterbelt that left her shapely breasts and tight pussy bare for all to see.

"Yep! Hannah from the research team wanted to do a seminar on how to research a monster girl for the new recruits. We're going to be doing a practical lesson on how to keep a captive properly tied up for extended periods of time, fed, and bathed, all while taking every available opportunity to experiment with her sensitive body to find the best ways to toy with her." Catherine gave Sophia a happy smile. "And all it took was being responsible for getting Hannah locked in the canteen racks for a few days as a camp tickling slave to get her to assign me as one of the captives in the seminar for revenge. She swears that the tickles won't stop until we need every last rack for holding more monster girls. You're free to join in, I think she'd appreciate all the help she can get in torturing me as hard as possible."

"Sounds tempting, but I'll have to pass." It truly was tempting for the young huntress. Finally getting a chance to tie up and have her way with her life-long friend's naked body now that they were both adults was at the top of Sophia's bucket list. But she didn't want to garner a reputation as a flake by skipping out on her very first solo mission in favor of tickling a masochist who'd still be around for a session after she got back. Catherine nodded in understanding.

"Got everything then? Good. Be careful out there. Going solo means you won't have anyone to bail you out if you lose. Instead of being carried back to camp on a cart you'll be taken to their nest for more tickle torture. If you're unfortunate it can be up to a week of dawn-til-dusk torture before someone can come pick you up," Catherine warned.

"And you're the one to who set the record at 10 days. Yes yes, you've told me a million times," Sophia cut her off with a sigh, prompting a smirk out of her friend. She'd heard a rumor before that Catherine's masochism was a result of going crazy after spending the aforementioned 10 days at the mercy of a pair of particularly sadistic dragons. It wouldn't surprise her. The Catherine she knew from her childhood had always enjoyed being tickled, but not to the extent of the woman who often volunteered as a communal tickling slave at the canteen standing in front of her.

"Right, I'll be off then," said Sophia. It was still a little early before she was supposed to set off, but the more time she spent enjoying the sight of Catherine in the nude with cuffs around her limbs the more she risked losing to the temptation to take her up on that offer. Catherine cheerfully called out to her as she left.

"And remember, catch and release! Don't kidnap the poor girl and bring her back to camp for research. I don't want anyone distracting the others from using me to hone their skills with until the entire camp's had a couple turns with me!"


It never failed to amaze Sophia how human the monster girls looked. The wolfgirl sniffing the ground on all fours in the jungle clearing looked like an especially pretty girl with an angular face, beautiful tanned skin, alluringly shapely legs, waist long black hair, and a slim frame topped with generous endowments that her fur bikini was struggling to keep in check. The only things that made her stand out from a human were the the pair of black wolf ears sticking out of the top of her head and tail sprouting out just above her bikini bottoms. The huntress knew that the monster girl had other features that distinguished her as non-human, but from a quick once over she just looked like a pretty girl cosplaying with animal ears.

Not that that meant she was going to show her any mercy. Sophia gripped her dual feather dusters and waited for her target to have her back turned. Once the moment was right she lunged out from behind the tree she was using as cover and dashed forward to begin her attack.

"Eek! What thehe heheck? Stop that! Thahahat tihihihickleheheshhehehehe!" The wolfgirl shouted with surprise before breaking down giggling at the sensation of the soft down of the feather dusters swiping across her exposed sides. The monster girl clamped her arms down across her sides to protect them from the fluttering feathers, but Sophia had spent plenty of hours over the past week practicing using her weapons of choice. She pressed the attack by bringing both feather dusters down to shake against the back of her target's knees, hoping that the sudden tickling there would cause the monster girl to lose the strength in her legs. Successfully bringing the giggling wolfgirl to the ground would be one step closer to pinning her down and getting a chance to bring the ropes into play.

But she had no such luck. The wolfgirl managed to maintain her footing and whirl around to face her, and she wasn't about to take getting sucker-punched lying down if the way her hands were darting forward to apply long nails to Sophia's exposed tummy were any indication. Sophia did her best to ward away her opponent with her feather dusters, swiping the fluffy plumes across the wolfgirl's sides, fluttering against her stomach, teasing the exposed skin of her breasts, and shaking them inside of her armpits. But it wasn't enough to ward the monster away. No matter how much she tickled she couldn't prevent the wolfgirl from pushing in to retaliate by dancing her nails across those same areas. The jungle clearing was filled by the two women's gasps, giggling, and shrieks as their tickle fight continued over the next several minutes.

The monster girl was the one to give up first in the end. Sophia shied away as the wolf feinted like she was going to start scrabbling her nails inside of her armpits again only to use the opening to turn around and flee. Sophia cursed herself. It was a newbie mistake to let her fear of being tickled prevent her from taking advantage of her prey turning its back on her. But the hunt wasn't over yet. Part of her training had been on how to track down monster girls that flee. It was imperative that she resume her assault before the wolfgirl could recover. She kept a watchful eye for the telltale signs of trampled moss, broken twigs, and recently disrupted foliage that informed her where her target had fled to.

It wasn't until it was too late that Sophia realized that she had made yet another newbie mistake. She'd become so tunnel-visioned on finding her quarry's tracks that she'd stopped paying attention to her surroundings. It wasn't until she felt something slam into her back that she remembered the camp instructor's warning, or more specifically the half hour of toe tickling her tutor had used to accentuate the reprimand, about how monster girls often set up ambushes after fleeing. The huntress fell heavily on the ground from the unexpected tackle from behind. She barely had time to orient herself when she felt a pair of soft yet strong hands seize her wrists to be tied together above her head with what felt like smooth vines. A quick attempt to kick her feet to prevent her legs from suffering the same fate was rendered moot feeling her attacker sit on the flailing limbs to pin them down.

The moment both of her limbs were tied, Sophia felt her bondage tug from both directions to pull her taut. Sophia panickedly looked up and realized to her horror that the restricter vines, a type of plant native to the jungle famous for instinctively twining around any girl unfortunate to touch them to serve as natural bondage, were attached to a nearby tree. Her heart sank taking a look around. She'd paid so little attention to where she was going that she'd let the wolfgirl lead her straight to a restricter vine grove. And where restricter vines were plentiful meant a whole array of other horrors were waiting for her here.

Her fears were confirmed when the wolfgirl flipped her over to leer down at her. Sophia's eyes darted around the clearing, feeling herself fill with dread the more she saw. Restricter vine groves were nature's torture dungeons. The sight of the phallic-shaped mushrooms growing in the shade of the trees alone were enough to make her want to cry. She could also already see rough, bumpy tickling vines beginning to inch their way down from the trees they hung from overhead. Even if she didn't have a monster girl ready and waiting to tickle her senseless, those vines would've been more than happy to tear off the clothes of anyone trapped by the restricter vines and tickle them with their rough surfaces until they fainted.

"I don't think I've ever met such a dumb huntress," the wolfgirl taunted. "Or anybody, really. Most everyone is smart enough to steer clear of a grove like this." Sophia glared up at the monster girl. She wanted to retort, but couldn't think up anything that didn't sound stupid given how she'd blindly stumbled into such an obvious trap. The last thing she wanted was giving her torturer another thing to throw in her face later.

She was immediately glad that she'd decided to keep her mouth shut. The wolfgirl hadn't bothered waiting for a response in favor of immediately sitting on her knees to begin tracing a single nail in random patterns around her stomach. It took all of Sophia's willpower to remember her training and not tense up at the touch. She emptied her mind to block out the sensations, thinking up math formulas like she'd been trained to distract herself, while doing her best to remain relaxed. The best case scenario was that she could keep it up long enough to convince her tormentor that she wasn't worth tickling.

"Tehehehehe! Stohohop! No faihihihihir! Stop stop STOhohohohOHOHOHOP!" Sophia squealed. It hadn't worked. Instead of choosing to go for the inevitable win by attrition, the wolfgirl had instead opted to catch her off guard by suddenly increasing the intensity of her attack. What had been the tip of one fingernail lazily teasing her taut, ticklish tummy suddenly transformed into all ten fingers wildly pianoing up and down her rib cage. The sudden attack was quickly followed up by the hands jumping down to goose her hips, making poor Sophia instinctively buck to try and dislodge them, and then returning to scratch all across her stomach again. The captive huntress couldn't help but yelp in surprise. And once the floodgates of her laughter were broken there was nothing she could do to stop it. She was instantly reduced to high pitched laughter and pleading for mercy.

"That's more like it," the wolfgirl purred. She switched to laying both palms on either side of Sophia's bellybutton and beginning to knead as much skin as she could with both hands. Sophia threw her head back and cackled with tortured laughter. She once again tried bucking her hips, but all that succeeded in doing was making her feel even more helpless by prompting her tickler to sit on her thighs. Pinned down as she was there was nothing she could do but laugh as her torturer commanded and futilely beg through the ensuing 5 minutes of having her stomach kneaded, her bellybutton explored with wiggling fingers, her sides teased, and her ribs treated like a musical instrument.

She had no delusions that the torture was over when the wolfgirl mercifully stopped the upper body assault, but she was grateful for a chance to catch her breath all the same. Sophia glanced up to see why the monster girl had gotten off of her and immediately regretted it. All of the various toys she'd brought for the express purpose of torturing the wolfgirl now tickling her had been knocked out of her pack to be strewn across the clearing. Her heart sank seeing her tormentor bend down to gather up a makeup brush, a bottle of baby oil, and a hairbrush.

"Please, no more," Sophia begged. The wolfgirl had bent down to start untying her shoes. It was like a bucket of ice water had been poured over her. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry I attacked you. So please, no more tickles. I can't take it. You're going to drive me crazy."

"Nuh uh. Two girls meet out here and at least one of them has to gets tickled senseless. Them's the rules of the forest. Even if you hadn't attacked me I'd still take you captive purely because you're a girl and might be ticklish." A light tug was all it took to get rid of Sophia's protective footwear. Her socks soon followed. "And I can't help but notice that you started begging real good once I got near your feet. No, no. Don't tell me. I wanna figure out which spot is best for myself. It's more fun that way."

Sophia clamped her mouth shut in fear. This time she didn't bother trying to pretend like the wolfgirl's nails making contact with her baby soft soles didn't tickle. Her entire body went so stiff feeling the tips of 10 nails make contact to lightly tease up and down the lengths of her feet that she was a little afraid that she'd start to cramp up. Part of her wanted it to happen. If she was lucky her legs would cramp like never before and provide her a distraction from the horrible foot tickling.

Try as she might, the young redheaded huntress couldn't keep from reacting to the touch. The teasing exploration of her sensitive soles was punctuated by randomly stopping to lightly scratch at the balls of her feet or dig in a little to prod her heels. Her torturer paid careful attention to her every flinch to see what would ultimately betray her worst spot. Not that she needed to. It was basically impossible to miss how the bound young woman nearly jumped out of her skin with a strangled giggle the moment the nails made contact with her toes.

"Oh gohohohoHOHOHD! NOHOHOHOT THERE! AHAHAHANYWHEHEHEHERE BUT THEHEHEHERE!" Sophia howled in ticklish agony. The wolfgirl instantly jumped on her reaction to seize the toes on her left foot and peel them backwards. The other hand came to bear holding the fluffy make up brush. Sophia went absolutely ballistic feeling the soft bristles being to briskly brush horizontally across all of her toes. She thrashed and screamed in her bondage and broke down begging more desperately than before. The wolfgirl let a sadistic grin spread across her face. She happily continued to brush her victim's toes, making certain to alternate which set of digits she focused on at random intervals to catch her toy off-guard. It was only eventually noticing the growing wet spot on Sophia's bikini bottoms that made her stop.

"Oh you naughty little thing," the sadistic monster girl giggled. She stopped tickling to grab a pair of clothing sheers she'd seen lying nearby earlier. While Sophia lay gasping for breath she used the sheers to cut off the microskirt and bikini. A quick tug at the destroyed fabric was then all it took to leave the young huntress naked. The wolfgirl broke out giggling again at the sight of her toy's sopping wet pussy and nipples that were hard enough to cut through rocks. "You're getting turned on by this, aren't you? And not just the normal turn on that happens to everyone who gets tickled: you're completely getting off on this!"

Sophia blushed at the accusation. She couldn't deny it no matter how ashamed she felt of it. While she wasn't as much of a masochist as Catherine, the very thought of becoming another woman's ticklish plaything was enough to get her wet. She'd masturbated more than a few times to the fantasy of another girl cruelly torturing her no matter how she begged them to stop. Actually being tickle tortured, especially on her toes, got her painfully aroused if it was obvious to her that her tormentor was getting off on her suffering.

She was actually somewhat famous in camp for it. Part of initiation for newbie huntresses was to spend time as a community tickling slave, though everyone would admit that it was more a hazing ritual than anything else. Most girls had to spend an entire day tied up in the nude so the more experienced huntresses could have some fun with learning all of her ticklish spots, but especially tasty toys were kept as slaves for longer. Sophia was the only girl in camp to match Catherine's record of spending an entire week as a tickling slave. The rest of the camp had quickly figured out how turned on she got by having her feet worshiped, and she'd had to endure a pair of women constantly licking, kissing, nibbling, and sucking on her toes to drive her out of her mind with pleasure while her upper body was ravaged by experienced ticklers putting every trick they knew to use making certain she was suffering all day long.

The young huntress gasped and bucked feeling the wolfgirl's slim fingers reach down to stroke her taint. The monster girl skillfully put her fingers to use. One hand lightly teased around her moistened flaps that sent sensual electricity pounding up to her brain. The other hand was put to use manipulating one of her rock hard nipples between thumb and forefinger. Sophia was almost instantly reduced to a moaning, horny mess under the wolfgirl's touch.

"Do you want that? Tell me you want me inside of you," the monster girl huskily whispered in her ear. Her command was accentuated by applying just a little more force on Sophia's engorged pink folds to make it obvious what she was offering. That was the final straw. Sophia couldn't take it anymore. Her dignity as a huntress went fully out the window in the name of desire.

"Yes... Yes. Please... Oh god, what are you doing? Stop! NO! NOOOOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHA! NOT THAHAHAT! ANYHEHEHETHING BUHUHAHAHAT THAHAHAHAT!" Sophia went from heaven back down to an even worse hell in an instant. The moment she voiced her consent the wolfgirl stopped pleasuring her and grabbed the bottle of baby oil. The sadist poured a large helping into her waiting hands and massaged them into Sophia's smooth, taut pits. Once both hollows were well-oiled she grabbed the hairbrush by the head in one hand and began madly scrubbing it inside the depths the bound huntress's waiting pits as fast as she could. Once again the other hand wasn't staying idle, she was raking her nails in the opposite pit at varying speeds to contrast the more intense tickling on the other side.

Sophia was in hysterics, her laughter more pained and frenzied than ever before. She soon dissolved into maddened screams. It wasn't just that the baby oil made the hairbrush and nails easily glide inside the second worst spot on her body, though the newbie huntress was being driven out of her mind by how bad it tickled alone, being tickle tortured while on the verge of orgasm added a whole new layer of agony to the experience. Sophia absolutely hated it. She hated it more than any other form of tickling she'd ever experienced. It was a technique that always pushed the tickling from fun to torturous for her.

"Thanks for giving away the best way to get under your skin," the black-haired wolfgirl gleefully teased. The monster girl continued to milk Sophia's armpits for screams for a few more minutes before making her way back to her feet. The cruel wolfgirl briefly considered applying the baby oil for a moment, but decided against it. Instead she leaned in to pop the big toe of Sophia's left foot into her mouth. She sucked on the digit, rolled it around in her mouth, snaked her rough tongue around it, and nibbled on the base. She could've sworn that Sophia had already been laughing as hard as she could make her, but was gratified to learn that the skillful use of her mouth managed to make the sensitive girl's laughter rise another octave. The screams of agonized laughter were music to her ears. She savored the tides of verbal suffering pouring out of Sophia's mouth as she made her way to suckle every toe and thoroughly lick the hyper-sensitive webbing in between.

"This is why I love humans so much. It's always so fun to explore you girls," the wolfgirl said when she stopped over 20 minutes later. She walked over to the shadow of the tree and started picking the phallic-shaped mushrooms. "Us monster girls are always ticklish in the same spots. If you get a lizardgirl tied up then you always know that you can have some fun with her bellybutton, and dragons always have pussies so ticklish you can maximize both the tickling and sexual torture with the same touch. Even if you share the same ticklish spots as my sisters, I have to say it was a lot more fun discovering it for myself. Though you probably don't appreciate me showing you just how much experience I've had with ticklish toes."

Sophia couldn't care less about her torturer's soliloquy. Her eyes were as round as saucers seeing the armful of mushrooms the wolfgirl carried back to deposit at her side. That specific fungus was widely considered by the more experienced huntresses in the camp to be the worst torture implement available for good reason. The tough, bumpy shrooms often enticed girls who didn't know any better into picking them for use as masturbation tools only for the poor victims to find out too late that they came with a nasty side effect. The mushrooms secreted a strange poison that temporarily rendered the victim incapable of orgasm if it touched their privates. Sophia had watched even prideful unicorns and vampires break under the mere threat of having one of those naturally formed dildos used on them. She didn't know a single girl, monster girl or huntress, who didn't shudder in horror at the new depths of sexual torture they enabled.

So she felt she was justified in being so terrified at the thought of the wolfgirl putting them to use in torturing her that she couldn't even articulate her pleas to not do it. She shook her head as much as her bondage would allow while silently mouthing "No". Her heart hit rock bottom when her reaction only served to cause a wide, twisted smile to spread across the wolfgirl's face. The monster girl grabbed another pair of the restricter vines lying near Sophia's head and stretched them over her. She quickly cut the vines currently around the bound huntress's ankles with the clothing sheers before rebinding them with the new vines. The moment she let go Sophia's legs were pulled upwards into a V formation by the vines tightening back towards their host trees. Another vine was brought in to anchor her waist to the ground so the others wouldn't go slack dragging her in. The young huntress was left tied to the ground with her upper body stretched taut, her waist tied down so she couldn't even squirm her hips, her feet in the air, and her pussy spread wide open for her torturer to do as she pleased with her.

The helpless young girl squeezed her eyes shut. She couldn't bear to watch the wolfgirl pick up one of the mushrooms and start to put it to use. Feeling the rough, bumpy tool slide into her sopping wet, achingly yearning pussy was one of the best things that she'd ever felt. Her hips instinctively tried to push into it only to be held in place by her bondage. After the wolfgirl started stirring it around inside of her Sophia couldn't help but cry out.

But it wasn't a cry of pleasure. She was shouting in frustration. It was the best thing she'd ever felt in her life, but no matter what happened she couldn't cum. It was like the finish line of a race was moving away from her with every step she took towards it. No matter how many mind-numbing waves of pleasure came to batter her brain into submission she wasn't orgasming. She was only growing more and more painfully aroused.

Her cries of frustration soon transformed into screams. Sophia's eyes sprung open suddenly feeling her feet come under attack again. All of the torture she'd been forced to endure at the hands of the wolfgirl had made her completely forget about the tickling vines that had been slowly making their way towards her this entire time. They'd briefly stopped since the wolfgirl was having fun with her, but they had resumed their descent after her laughter had stopped. Her change in bondage had left her ultra-sensitive feet perfectly in range for the rough vines to begin to caress her soles.

The worst, most tortured laughter any monster girl had heard in a long time filled the forest. Sophia was in tickle hell. The vines were perfect for tickling her feet. They snaked in between her toes to saw their bumpy skin back and forth against her worst spot. More still danced across every other available inch of her soles. Everywhere from the base of her toes to her arches to the bottom of her heels had vines moving in a different way to treat her feet to worse tickling than she'd ever experienced before. And unlike before, the other vines didn't stop approaching the rest of her body. 10 hellish minutes of the worst foot tickling of her life eventually transformed into a full body assault. Vines were working over everywhere from her armpits to the entire length of her legs. The only place they didn't touch was her groin. The vines were capable of judging that the wolfgirl and her mushrooms were bringing Sophia far more suffering by keeping her trapped on the edge of orgasm than they could by tickling there themselves.

If there was any mercy for the suffering Sophia, it's that the sexual tickle torture was so intense that she passed out after half an hour of non-stop torture.


When Sophia next woke up it was to find herself bound spread-eagle to an x-frame. It was a sturdy wooden frame padded with a thick coating of moss. She had 4 bands of restricter vines around each arm, 2 around each bicep and forearm, no less than 6 bands around her legs, one across her hips, and one both above and below her breasts to leave her immobilized. She was grateful that it was so warm in the jungle, because her captors hadn't seen fit to give her any clothes while she was out. Her heart sank taking a look around.

'They're wolves. Of course she had a pack,' she glumly thought to herself. Standing all around her in the cave she found herself in was over a dozen wolfgirls. All of them were hungrily looking her over. The wolfgirl she'd been hunting stood by her head to leer down at her.

"Good morning, human!" the wolf happily greeted her. Sophia didn't like the toothy grin plastered across her face. "I contacted the human camp to let them know that we had you. Ms. Hannah from research was kind enough to inform you that she'll send Ms. Catherine to come retrieve you once she's done with assisting her with lessons." Sophia whimpered in fear as the wolfgirl made a show of pouring a large helping of baby oil into her hands, rubbing them together to warm the oil up, then begin thoroughly massaging her pits until they were nice and slippery. The wolfgirl's smile grew even nastier. "Don't worry, I'll make certain you have something to keep you occupied with until they come to pick you up."

There was no teasing. No buildup. Sophia burst out screaming when the wolfgirl immediately brought in both hairbrushes to energetically scrub inside of her armpits. It tickled so bad that the bound huntress was immediately reduced to thrashing her entire body against her bondage and laughing as hard as her lungs would let her. But there was no escape. The bands of ivy holding her to the x-frame were so strict that she couldn't squirm away. She could only helplessly scream and beg as the wolfgirl continued to mercilessly abuse one of her worst spots with a look of sheer sadistic enjoyment.

Sophia knew she should've realized that that was only the start. The rest of the pack converged on her the moment she started laughing. She could feel a pair of mouths wrap around her ticklish toes so that rough tongues could get a taste of the delicate inner webbing in between. A paintbrush was swirling around inside of her bellybutton while handheld scalp massagers were being scrubbed from her panty line up her sides to her ribs and then back down her tummy to her panty line in large circles. The quills of feathers were being traced up and down in between each rib on trips from the bottom of her rib cage up to the top and back down again. And to top it off, make up brushes were being dusted across her nipples and exposed clit while a phallic mushroom was stirred inside of her for that torturous sexual kick to multiplied everything else to become exponentially worse.

It was pure hell. It went past the furthest limits that she could possibly enjoy it into unequivocal torture. She was stuck in a cycle of screaming herself hoarse and going stiff as a board with silent laughter. She hadn't been able to conceive that what the wolfgirls were doing to her could grow any worse, but after she ended up wetting herself from how badly it tickled her tormentors kicked it up a notch to leave her in even worse suffering for the next couple hours. The wolfgirls seemed to be making a point of easing off a little purely so they could dig in to punish her for every little thing. Every tear she shed, every time she clamped her toes down too tightly for the toe licking to continue, every time her toes went too long without curling so they could enjoy teasing them open again, the list of things that resulted in the tickling temporarily going up a few notches to let her know that she'd done something to displease her tormentors was longer than she could keep track. They didn't care if she was capable of laughing or screaming anymore, all that mattered was that she was suffering. The wolf pack was perfectly content with a lack of reaction as long as they knew that they were still subjecting her to ticklish agony far removed from what she could possibly stand.

Sophia no longer had any concept of time. She couldn't tell if she'd been tortured for 5 minutes, 5 hours, or 5 days. The gloom of the cave didn't give her a glimpse of the sun to track time with. She was tickle tortured until she fainted from exhaustion only to be woken up by more full-body tickling. The wolfgirls weren't so much working in shifts so much as eagerly taking turns to maintain torturing her around the clock, but she had trouble telling them apart under normal conditions to tell when they changed out much less while undergoing the worst gang tickling of her life. Everything outside of that had been overwritten by the tickling. She was too preoccupied by the horrible ticklish sensations assaulting her from everywhere at once to possibly tell how long they'd been playing with her. Every second might as well be an eternity as far as she was concerned. It was all endless suffering all the same.

The last thing that went through Sophia's mind before her world became nothing but the hellish tickling was what she'd heard about Catherine. She desperately prayed with whatever parts of her mind were still capable of thinking that the rumor that her friend had been driven insane and come to love being tickled no matter how bad it got after 10 days of torture was not only true, but would happen to her as well. And soon. She had the sinking feeling that she was about to break Catherine's record for the longest time spent as a tickling slave to a monster girl and it was going to go by very, very slowly.
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Excellent story! Sexy and appropriately sinister with well set atmosphere and great ticklish distress.
Really well done story with a very fun concept and great potential for further tales within it. Very well done on the tickling aspect, well laid out and clear. Good job.
Awesome! I love the Universe they are in: Monster vs Monster vs Hunters. I’d love to read more of that. :)
Excellent story! Sexy and appropriately sinister with well set atmosphere and great ticklish distress.
Very good

Thank you! This one has been sitting on the backburner for a while, so I'm glad it's being so well-received so far.

Really well done story with a very fun concept and great potential for further tales within it. Very well done on the tickling aspect, well laid out and clear. Good job.
Awesome! I love the Universe they are in: Monster vs Monster vs Hunters. I’d love to read more of that. :)
Maybe a sequel?

I certainly wouldn't be averse to writing more stories using the same setting, but I'll admit that I don't have any real strong basis for one yet. All I can really say for now is that the idea of a world where everything exists for the express purpose of tickle torturing its inhabitants holds a special place in my heart so I'll prioritize it if a good idea for a story in this world strikes.
So nice of the wolf girl to inform her camp! I would have kept it secret!
So nice of the wolf girl to inform her camp! I would have kept it secret!

It's more or less a tradition between the humans and monster girls to let the other side know when they've captured someone. They all have a lot of fun hunting each other down and more people are willing to risk going outside when a single mistake doesn't result in an entire lifetime of tickle slavery. They make up for it by making certain that anyone who does get captured doesn't get the slightest hint of mercy until someone swings by to pick them up.

So don't worry. Just because the tickles will eventually stop for Sophia doesn't mean she won't find herself in a similar situation later.
Funny. If I were the sadistic type I'd wonder why some Empress or other hasn't tried to take the world and all its Lee's for her own. She could bread whatever species (humans included) she was in the mood for and amuse herself with setting up and then crushing rebellions she herself set up.
Funny. If I were the sadistic type I'd wonder why some Empress or other hasn't tried to take the world and all its Lee's for her own. She could bread whatever species (humans included) she was in the mood for and amuse herself with setting up and then crushing rebellions she herself set up.

That sort of thing does happen from time to time. It's just difficult to remain in power for extended periods of time when everybody is a tickle-happy sadist who tortures others for fun. Sadists who don't show mercy tend not to receive any if they slip up to give others an opening.
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Here's a question, one that could probably be answered in a story somewhere down the line. If everyone on this world is female, including the humans, how does procreation work?
Here's a question, one that could probably be answered in a story somewhere down the line. If everyone on this world is female, including the humans, how does procreation work?

I probably won't touch on that in a story, so I'll just answer it here. In the same manner that there are plants like the restricter vines and phallic shrooms, there's one that gets women pregnant if they masturbate with it. It roughly resembles a typha/bulrush/cattail/whatever-your-area-calls-it reed. Typically it's avoided even more than the phallic shrooms since, to put it frankly, pregnancy freakin' sucks and nobody wants to go through it if they can reasonably avoid doing so.
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Loved this, please consider doing a sequela in this world, maybe with the same characters or expand the universe to create more characters :) Well done!
Loved this, please consider doing a sequela in this world, maybe with the same characters or expand the universe to create more characters :) Well done!

Thank you! There are several stories linked at the top of the story set in the same universe. No sequels to Sophia's story so far, but all based in the same setting of a world filled with humanoid monster women who are all obsessed with tickling in some manner.

There's also this story, Dangerous Cargo (*/F upper body, tentacles), which I'd actually meant to loop into this setting but never got around to.
Thank you! There are several stories linked at the top of the story set in the same universe. No sequels to Sophia's story so far, but all based in the same setting of a world filled with humanoid monster women who are all obsessed with tickling in some manner.

There's also this story, Dangerous Cargo (*/F upper body, tentacles), which I'd actually meant to loop into this setting but never got around to.

PLEASE Consider doing a sequel that connects these 2 stories together, easily 2 of my favorite that I read last year :)
Do a Catherine story. Shes the ultimate lee!

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Her type is ALWAYS the ultimate lee

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