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mouthy bartender gets tickle tortured by sadistic doctor m/f


TMF Master
Oct 21, 2002
another commission... contact me if you want to order a custom story... doing buy one get one free story for up to 3k words if ordered tomorrow!

Brooke was just doing bartending to make ends meet while she found a full time teaching job. She felt being a bartender was so beneath her and her skills were so beyond that. Also, she was a snob for wine, beer, and liquor so to have to make silly cocktails and just give out cheap beer was so demeaning to her. Guys would come in and order Miller light, and rum and cokes and she knew she could be mixing drinks that are so much more sophisticated. She had long brown hair, pale skin, gorgeous blue eyes, pouty lips, a busty frame, and would often wear a black t shirt, jeans tucked into boots..she never really had her socks visible in public.

There were several days when Brooke gets so annoyed with people not following the rules of the bar and also being creepy with her asking her creepy questions she was very much a feminist and pretty private in that way she really didn’t like to be talked to by guys, she was very private and just liked to go home with her family and hang out. She also didn’t like it when it would be closing time and no one would want to leave. She would always have to get them to leave. She was always trying to get them to understand that she closes at a certain time and they wouldn’t listen. she would be very annoyed by those and she would tell all of her friends how she hated bartending and she just wanted out of it and couldn’t wait until she got a permanent teaching job. After all, she went to college for this, her true passion was teaching and she really wanted to get a teaching job. She really wanted to work with kids and be in the classroom and only use alcohol as something that she enjoyed herself. She was very much a connoisseur of alcohol and really liked to be a bartender for her friends but not for stupid people so she just wanted out of his job. She also didn’t like the establishment she worked at and didn’t really coincide with her beliefs system. She was very outspoken on certain issues and they would not post posters or things like that or stickers in the bar and she got really annoyed with us. She was often very rude to customers and very short with them because ultimately she did not care about the job she was just doing it for the money she just wanted money. She needed the money to pay off her student loans, but she knew ultimately that if worse came to worse she could move in with her parents and she could maybe get a different Job at a different bar and it would be just fine.

Brooke was always very much a boot person. She was always pretty protective of her feet and people seeing her feet. She really liked the look of boots. Brooke had many pairs of boots, tall boots, short boots, ones that were more for winter, ones that were more casual. It was very rare that you saw her not in boots. They were her thing. Especially when she was working at the bar she always wore boots. Something about that made her feel more protected and more anonymous to our lockers. Whereas many bartenders were more in the thoughts of showing off as much skin as much whatever as you can to get more tips and flirt with the customers she was not that way at all. She really likes to keep herself covered up and let people know that she was not in the market for being touched or flirted with. Anytime someone would try to flirt with her she would get very upset and freak out at them. She almost always would ask people to leave if they did anything remotely flirty. Luckily, her manager, when he was working with her, would back her up and have someone leave if they were making her uncomfortable. The last thing he wanted on his hands would be her suing him or leaving, but unfortunately, that was sort of the environment....whoever had the job before must have really encouraged the flirting, and then that's just where guys looking for that ended up going. So in the meantime, Brooke just made sure she gave no invitations to it, she would warn them if it got to be too much and she would keep her body, mostly her lower half nicely covered either in black pants and boots or a nice pair of jeans with boots. She was never seen in shorts or a skirt....never showing any skin down there...again, so she felt protected.

Dr. Will Johnson was a neuropsychologist, and his office was nearby. If he had a particularly attractive female patient, he would schedule them for the last appointment of the day, and right before the appointment started, he would relieve his admin assistant so the two of them could be alone from there, he would drug them and take them back to his "lab" in his basement, also nearby. The office was connected to his home, so doing this didn't require him to be seen outside with his victims.

The fate of these women would be fairly dark. He created very lifelike dolls that he would sell. There was this whole underworld of weirdos that would buy these dolls. But he would use their hair, teeth, eyes, and tongue to create the dolls. As previously mentioned there was an underworld of buyers that would help him keep afloat, even more so than his actual medical practice, as the work he was doing was so intricate and unusual...the ones that wanted this bad enough would pay top dollar for his dolls, and then who knows what was done to them when they were in the customer's possession.

Before taking what he wanted from them, and saving parts for future dolls, each victim would go through intense tickle torture experiments, where they would be subjected to extreme foot tickling, being highly overly-sensitized, having sensory deprivation to enhance their ticklishness. The screams and laughs was something he was completely obsessed with...he was desperate to find his next gorgeous victim. He never knows when he will find her, but when he finds her, he'll know.

After a long day at the office, Dr. Johnson decided to hit a local bar on his way home, something he rarely did, but figured maybe being around people would be a good opportunity for him to find his next victim. He stepped into the bar where Brooke was working, there really wasn't anyone else there...it was about a half hour until closing. "Last call is in 15 minutes", Brooke says from behind the bar without really looking up, as she begins to clean up. "No worries. I doubt I will be staying that long." He bellied up to the bar, watching her ignore him, taking her time to get whatever she needed to get done, and then finally walked over to him "what'll ya have?" She asks. He thinks for a minute and says "why don't you surprise me." She looks at him with confusion "surprise you? What do you mean." He looks her in the eye, with a kind smile and asks "what is your name?" She doesn't find a reason not to answer the question "Brooke." He nods "Brooke...that's a gorgeous name. You have kind eyes Brooke. Yes, make me whatever you would suggest. I am sure you have some great ideas." This is something she has never really been asked, but being someone who was creative with drinks, she enjoyed it. She makes him a really nice old fashioned and waits for his first sip. He sips. "Delicious. Must be a long day for you, Brooke. How are you feeling?" Brooke's toes wiggle in her boots, feeling the wear and tear from a day of being on her feet. She doesn't find this question to be particularly forward, nor does she find it to be flirty or invasive. She is not use to men being kind to her. "I'm...tired. I've been on my feet for quite a few hours." The fact that she even mentioned a body part, saying it outloud felt vulnerable...something she doesn't normally share. "Oh I bet...I'm a doctor, by the way, and certainly, things start from the bottom, right? if you feet are unhappy, your whole body is, and if they are happy, the rest of your body is..." Thinking immediately this is going to lead to him offering her a foot massage or asking to see her feet, she suddenly gets out of her cloud of friendliness and gets back to closing down her register, cleaning up the bar, and doesn't respond. "Do you have someone to walk you home, Brooke? Do you live far?" Suddenly she was very on edge...very aware that she was alone, and it was late at night, and she was alone in the bar with a strange man...she couldn't decide what she felt about his questions, whether he should feel more or less safe if she disclosed anything to him. "I'm just fine. Anything else? I gotta lock up?" He stands up and puts a $20 bill down. "I don't have change. I just locked up the register." he puts his hands up "No worries." As a gentleman, he waits for her to grab her things, holds the door open for her and stands on the sidewalk as she is locked up. Then, he fairly immediately takes 2 looks around his surroundings, places a drug infused cloth over her mouth rendering her unconscious, puts her in her car and drives her into his garage a few blocks away, and into his basement.

Carrying Brooke downstairs before she wakes up, the doctor brings this bartender down to his lair to teach her a lesson that she has needed someone to teach her for some time....He carries her down the stairs over his shoulder, lays her in the middle of the floor. He does the steps of prepping her for her torture with such a routine demeanor...he knows exactly how to do this, it's like he can do it in his sleep. First, he walks to his table where his tools are, he takes a pair of earplugs, considers putting them in, but first he wants to make sure she knows what is happening to her, and why....he grabs her wrists and places them together over her head, and ties them together. On the other end of those binds is a chain that goes to a pulley system on the ceiling, able to withstand hundreds of pounds of weight...plenty of ability to hold her in the air....He walks over to her and rouses her. Confused, she flutters her eyes open, suddenly notices she doesn't know where she is or how she got there, and begins to panic...even moreso when she notices she can't pull her arms down "What the fuck??? HEY! What is happening!! HEEEELP! HEEEELP!" From a dark corner, he says quietly "you might as well save your breath. No one will hear you." She gasps hearing this voice "Brooke, for a bartender, you're not very friendly...not very jolly...has anyone ever suggested you get an attitude adjustment?" Brooke struggles in her bondage, unable to move or escape "What the hell are you talking about, and what does that have anything to do with me being HERE? LET ME GO!" He takes a few steps forward and stands near his table of tools. "I'm afraid I can't do that, Brooke. I think it's important that your attitude is adjusted...how you behave at the bar is talked about, and it's a problem. I think it's because you don't laugh enough...you seem very serious, and I'm just going to do something to allow you to explore this more ...humorous side of yourself...really let go and fully feel things that make you laugh..." She gets the feeling she isn't in real danger, he's not talking about killing her or anything, but she is still concerned and confused "Feel...things that make me laugh?" She says with confusion. "You heard me right." He says as he prepares his tools. First though, we need to take away all other forms of major senses, so we can just focus on touch.." Although what is happening is stranger than anything she can imagine, and tickling is not something that is really ever on her mind, she puts together the few bits of what he has said, and is fairly certain he is planning on tickling her. "Oh God, please not my feet", she thinks, maybe that's not his thing, if it is, she is certainly doomed. He approaches her with earplugs and a blindfold, He puts the blindfold over her eyes, as she thrashes her head around trying to avoid letting this happen, and plugs her ears with the earplugs. Her sight and sound is taken away from her, and suddenly she is intensely aware of her surroundings and things like the temperature in the room, how the floor feels, how the basement smells...everything is strongly heightened. Having no control over regulating the volume of her voice, she starts shouting, and begging to be let go...as her mouth is open screaming, he places a gag in her mouth, tying it around the back of her head. Not having the ability to communicate causes her to panic. and he places a black hood over her head, really trapping in all of the senses, making everything even darker. She is terrified as she feels her ankles pulled
suddenly and for a few feet dragging her across the floor as she panics vocally through the gag and hood over her...begging, suddenly very desperate and free from any attitude, but it's too late. She begins to get pulled up, her upper body starts to get pulled into the air, and suddenly she is hanging about 4 feet off the ground, her feet kicking in the air, but noticing by doing that, it's more painful on her wrists, so is trying to be as still as possible, but still whimpering and begging through the gag to be let go.

With her dangling in the air, the doctor stood admiring his work, getting her here, tying her, and now he gets to enjoy the powers he has over this smartass bartender....he allows her to struggle in her bondage, and scream and beg into her gag. He pulls up a chair, stands on it so he is at eye level with her shin....He gently feels the leather of her boots, walks his fingers up to the top of one of the zippers. He explores the fine black leather and traces his fingers along the sides of the boot feeling her leg muscles, her ankle on the inside, deeply curious what is underneath… She suddenly panics internally, guessing that her feet are about to be explored as he spiders his fingers up her leg, sticking his fingers into the opening, he slowly pulls on the zipper down,from the top of the boot all the way down to the base of her foot. He sticks his curious finger in for a small preview and feels a nylon material covering her foot, and is delighted for it to be revealed. He pulls the boot off and lets it drop to the floor. She was wearing dark nylon socks with a pattern on them….translucent, smooth, silky and black with a slightly darker, almost abstract flower pattern. She liked wearing nylon socks under her boots. They just made her feel sexy. They also made her feel very feminine, and it was like a little secret that she had that no one else knew about. Something about the very thin nylon socks made her feel very happy. She also knew that they felt really good when she would take off her shoes at the end of the day and walk on the carpet. Her gorgeous feet in her dark nylon socks are exposed and her toes curl defensively, feeling very vulnerable since she has all of her other senses taken away. He moves over to her other boot and does the same as her breath quickens and becomes shallow in panic, knowing she can't handle having her feet touched...she doesn't know what she wishes, but she knows this is going to be awful. In a similar fashion he takes time to admire the leather, feel her legs and even firmly massages her foot in the boot. He reaches up, slowly pulls the zipper down, letting his finger follow the zipper as the boot opens, and feels what is under the boot as it is revealed from opening the entire length of it.

He reaches his fingers up her pant leg on her left foot, feels the smoothness of the nylon sock as he reaches and graces his fingers on her ankle, calf, shin up to the top of the dark nylon sock with the pattern. He grasps the top of it and slowly rolls it down. She sort of shakes her foot to shake him off, but that only helps him remove it, exposing her gorgeous pale, smooth, rarely touched foot. She waits in dreadful anticipation for him to remove her other sock, and he doesn't....she feels him unbutton her jeans and unzip the zipper, she suddenly feels incredibly embarrassed, violated and vulnerable as he pulls down her pants, and they fall to the floor....

She gasps as she feels an intense breeze on her bare legs. Still confused as to why he hasn't removed her other sock, she tries to plead into her ball gag, terrified she is going to be raped, and has no idea what he is going to do...He inspects her legs with his fingers, feeling them gently with his fingertips. She gets goosebumps and involuntarily starts giggling as he traces her knees and backs of them as well as wiggles and snickers softly as he inspects her upper inner thighs with his fingers, she screams with a shout that sounds like delight when he squeezes her knees. She lets out infuriating screams into the gag, as her nervous system betrays her...why does tickling, which is so awful force laughter?

His fingers start to go into the top of her panties, and she panics. She wiggles, and begs him to stop. She holds her legs together as tightly as she can, but he manages to pull down her panties, throwing them on the floor, gently flicking her clit with fingers, the sensitivity being overwhelming...because this is such an uninvited feeling and something she hated, but her laughter sounds so happy, but she's far from it, so every time she is able, she also screams and begs into her gag...

He considers unbuttoning each of her buttons on her shirt one by one, but instead tears her shirt open with great flourish exposing her stomach and black bra. Her stomach moves quickly in and out as she inhales and exhales with nervousness. He begins kissing her stomach and inspecting it with his fingers, gently tickling it, kissing her hip bones along her panty line, up her sides and begins eating and licking her ribs. As she does this, angry groans and moans as well as sputtering giggles fly out of her mouth, completely unable to control it...she tolerates it, because it keeps him away from her feet...

He elevates himself to get closer to her gorgeous breasts, sticks his fingers inside the cups of the bra and rips the cups in 2, she gasps as her bare breasts fall free...He without warning starts licking her nipple and areola, flicking it maniacally with the tip of his tongue, adding to this, he takes advantage of the fact that her now bare, exposed underarms are exposed there for him, as he sucks her tit, he lets his fingertips explore her underarms, digging in them, letting them trace lightly on them as her body shifts from side to side desperately with screams into her gag.

After she screams and is properly tortured on her upper body, he announces "I think the best way to give you an attitude adjustment would be to give your feet some attention." Hearing this, she immediately starts screaming desperately into her gag. there is no way she can hide how ticklish her feet are so she might as well just scream. "You wouldn't believe this, but I have a hypothesis that your nylon sock covered foot will be HIGHLY TICKLISH! MUCH more so than the barefoot!" Although she didn't consider this, she certainly could believe it...she always noticed they felt a little silky and made her more sensitive...both of her toes curled in terror.

He moved himself to be near her bare foot, grabbed her ankle, securing it in his grasp as she screams, knowing how awful this is going to be....being completely helpless...her scribbles his fingers on her bare feet. They are slightly damp, so his fingers are not moving as swiftly on them, but her nerve endings are highly sensitive and she starts bucking, thrashing in the air, trying with whatever she can to get away from his touch, but he has her secure...he even grabs onto the cuff of her jeans to secure her and scribbles and scratches his fingers along her bare, meaty arches, under her toes, and scratches her entire foot and she giggles, shrieks and gives a haughty belly laugh...just as she would any time she was tickled on the feet in her past either barefoot or with thicker socks…

The doctor moved over to his real prize...what he wanted the entire time since he set eyes on this beauty...her feet in the nylon socks... he knew from his various experiments on others this would be absolutely excruciating for one that has highly ticklish feet, which was proven she has. He teases for a second while he admires how damn sexy her feet look in those silky nylon socks. "I'm gonna get you!" he teases...she begs through her gat and hood..the second he lays his hands gently on her foot, she is bucking as much as she can and cackling into her gag, her nylon sock covered foot is far too sensitive to be touched and the fact that is is fluttering his fingers along it is just absolutely unbearable...she is so sorry for everything she has done to deserve being in this position she is in right now, but it's too late. She tries to scream for mercy, but he certainly needs her to learn a lesson...a lesson in an attitude adjustment as he at first very gently explores her soles,heel, and toes through the silky smooth, nylon socks, her cackle is definitely a different level of desperate as he runs his hands over them, her toes, curl and flex wildly, and part of the sensitivity is the fact that he mentioned it would be more sensitive, but now she is so much more aware of it...she screams in agony, in a way she never has as he rakes her feet with his fingernails, and she bucks wildly, trying to be a hard moving target to hit. When he focuses in on her meaty soles, she goes absolutely ballistic... he finds the precise spot on her foot.... marked by a specific part of the floral arrangement on her nylon sock, and once he hones in on that, and grasps her ankle in a secure manner, she is completely out of control... completely submissive to him and will have to reconsider everything about how she behaves in her role, knowing he might turn up again.
It's a very interesting story background. I felt that as if I read a Criminal Minds episode's story. Very good job!
Damn, I enjoyed that. Not sure about the doll stuff - that was definitely into serial killer territory - but the dark, non-cons tickle torture is always a fun fantasy. Nice work!
All of my stuff are commissions, so it’s their fantasy I bring to life...
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