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My Nylon Tickling Fetish, where it all began M/F

Smash...I was even younger when I first thought about nylon feet and tickling and have had a huge fetish for it since.....and seeing a woman subjected to nylon foot tickling against her will is as much of a turn on for me now as it was when I was 5 or 6!!!

Happy new year Smash...look forward to your contributions here in 2011!!
Smash...I was even younger when I first thought about nylon feet and tickling and have had a huge fetish for it since.....and seeing a woman subjected to nylon foot tickling against her will is as much of a turn on for me now as it was when I was 5 or 6!!!

Happy new year Smash...look forward to your contributions here in 2011!!

Right back at ya, RD, all the best for the forthcoming year. : D

With regard to the nylon foot fetish, mine existed before the Copperfield clip, but this was when it all came together. I didn't know what it was about nylon feet, but I just knew that I got a nice, warm feeling inside when I'd see them in real life or on TV. Like you, I still get that same nice, warm feeling now... ; )

While I'm here, I'd like to recount my first ever nylon foot experience. It does contain tickling, but not necessarily as we like and appreciate it. However, it shows the 'power' that tickling can have. Happy new year, one and all, I hope you enjoy. Again, this is taken from the Mousepad foot fetish site, so is told primarily from that perspective.

From the age of about five, I knew that I liked female stocking feet. I didn’t know why but whenever I saw them, whether in real life, on TV or in magazines, I’d always get a funny but delightful feeling in my 'tummy’. As a child, looking at stocking feet and savouring that inevitable tingle afterward was all I knew, but that all changed in the summer of 1986 when I was 11 years old. My family and I were visiting my aunt in Scotland, and to be honest I wasn't bothered about going. All it meant to me was just a long drive and time away from my friends and computer. However, shortly before the holiday my grandmother - visiting from Scotland - mentioned to my mother that my aunt loved having her feet tickled and massaged.

To this day I don’t how the subject came up in their conversation. I’d been paying no attention to their discussion prior to this but those words hit me like a lightning bolt! Nothing else was said about it and the conversation soon drifted to another topic, but all I could think of was what my grandmother had just said. Feet could be tickled, feet could be touched. Some women liked having their feet tickled and touched. My aunt liked having her feet tickled and touched. The holiday suddenly sounded a lot more interesting, and as it grew closer I frequently imagined my aunt’s positive reactions as I tickled her stocking feet, the colour of her tights changing with each daydream!

The holiday eventually arrived, and I could only hope that the reality would meet the expectation. Now, at the time my aunt was a bit of a stranger to me, as I'd not seen her in several years. However, it turned out that she was an absolute joy to be around. A blonde, slim, attractive woman in her late 30s/early 40s at the time, she looked a bit like the English actress Hermione Norris and was blessed with a kind and endearing personality. She’d wear dresses or skirts with greyish white or tan tights, accompanied by flat open toe slippers. My aunt would unwittingly fuel my desires by dangling her slippers from her stocking feet before often discarding them altogether. I noticed her doing this quite early on in the holiday, and quickly grew used to it. Whenever she began to dangle her slippers I’d discreetly sneak glances, knowing that it was only a matter of time before they’d fall to the floor!

Enjoyable as this was, eventually I had the chance to see my aunt’s stocking soles. We’d headed out for the day, but returned to the house after forgetting something. We walked in to find my aunt knelt on the floor to retrieve something from a cupboard. I immediately noticed her white stocking feet tucked beneath her, and as my parents explained why we’d returned I casually walked behind my aunt, pretending to look at something on the table while actually taking in the view of her white stocking soles. They looked every bit as soft and appealing as I imagined, but - despite the tingle now reaching epic proportions - I tried not to stare too much in case I was found out. Much to my pleasure, however, my aunt remained on the floor while talking to my parents, prolonging my enjoyment of her stocking feet.

This was all too good to be true for an 11 year old with a stocking foot fetish, but the tantalising prospect of playing with my aunt’s stocking feet - and how to go about it - constantly occupied my thoughts. My chances were limited as the house would be full or we’d be out during the day, so stealing glances and using my imagination was as good as it got. However, one day my luck changed, and in doing so created a pivotal moment in my life! My sister and I were sat on the floor watching TV while the adults all sat talking on the sofas. My aunt was behind me, shoeless and in greyish white tights, but I focused on the TV and not her stocking feet for fear of being found out. Suddenly, from the corner of my eye I saw my sister reach behind her slightly. Distracted by this I looked to see what she was doing - and my heart nearly stopped!

To my utter disbelief she was tickling the top and instep of my aunt's right stocking foot! My aunt offered no resistance and so my sister continued. Did she know of my aunt's love of foot tickling or was it just coincidence? I didn't know but knew that this was the opportunity I’d been waiting for! I immediately joined my sister and slowly began to tickle my aunt's stocking feet. I was absolutely elated, and couldn’t quite believe what was happening; I was touching stocking feet, and it felt INCREDIBLE! My thoughts were totally absorbed on tickling my aunt’s stocking feet as I sat there transfixed. I loved the softness of her tights as my fingers glided over her stocking soles. The adults thought nothing of it and carried on talking, but I was overjoyed! Despite the intense excitement I felt, I acted as natural and calm as I could in order to appear ‘normal’. My aunt isn't ticklish as such, but enjoys having her feet tickled as it relaxes her. I wanted this to continue for as long as possible, and switched to massaging her feet instead. My fingers explored all areas from her toes to her heels, until my aunt thanked us both for tickling her feet and said how nice it felt. I carried on tickling her feet for a couple of minutes more, all the time with my heart racing like crazy. I couldn't quite believe I was tickling stocking feet, let alone that my aunt was enjoying it! It was every good a bit as I'd imagined, but it would get even better.

Towards the end of the holiday, my parents would go out for some time alone. My uncle would be working late and my cousin was in his bedroom with teenage angst; as such, it was just my aunt, my sister and myself. We both had lots of energy as you do when you're a kid, and so my aunt would often let us run around to wear ourselves out. She had a long bannister that sloped around the staircase, which was also perfect for sliding down. I'd done this a few times when nobody was looking, but asked my aunt if it was okay to do so under the pretence of not having done so before. She was fine with this, but said we could only do it if she went first as she'd never done it herself! She went up a few stairs and swung her right leg over the bannister. Her slippers dangled from her stocking feet as she slid down, but sadly didn’t fall off as she gathered speed! I caught my aunt as she reached the end, my hands on her waist which made me feel a bit tingly in itself! After my sister and I had each slid down the bannister my aunt ushered us back into the front room. However, when she followed us in I noticed that her slippers were missing!

For whatever reason she’d kicked them off and, very conscious that my aunt’s stocking feet were now exposed, I was hit with the sudden realisation that this could be my best chance to tickle them! It was just the three of us (my elder cousin had no interest in playing with two kids), my aunt was happy to keep us entertained and, best of all, there were no other adults present to stop our fun! As I wondered how I'd instigate such tickles, however, in an interesting twist my aunt suddenly began tickling my sister's side! My sister giggled and squirmed as my aunt continued tickling, kneeling over her as she did so. She kept saying that she'd 'found a tickle spot', and so under the circumstances it suddenly seemed natural - and appropriate - to tickle my aunt's feet. I scurried around behind her and rapidly tickled her white stocking soles, saying I'd found my aunt's tickle spot. Like I said, she's not ticklish but I think she was shocked at the sudden tickling sensation! I tickled just under her toes and along her soles, her white tights crinkling, creasing and wrinkling under my fingers. I didn't tickle my aunt for long as I didn't want to get into trouble, but thankfully she took it in good fun, laughing and smiling as she tried to escape.

I remember feeling quite 'drunk' with excitement at all of this, and it seemed to be contagious. My sister told my aunt, who was now standing, that she'd seen her knickers whilst she’d been on the floor. Instead of feeling embarrassed or scolding my sister, my aunt hoisted her skirt and quickly flashed us! Although it was only a brief glimpse I noticed she was wearing red underwear beneath her white tights! I was taken aback at seeing a woman's waist and thighs encased in tights for the first time - not to mention slightly aroused! Despite it being over in seconds I was still able to register what I’d seen, and was fascinated with how her tights seemed to practically wrap around her waist and legs.

My aunt then said she needed to sit down as we'd worn her out, and settled back into the sofa. Not wanting the fun to end I said that, although she was sat down we could still play a game. I quickly lifted her legs out in front of her and said 'Once upon a time there was an aunty who liked having her feet tickled!’. I tickled and massaged her outstretched white stockinged soles as my aunt laughed and smiled, when suddenly she told me to turn around. I did as instructed and suddenly felt the weight of my aunt’s stocking feet on my shoulders, her insteps directly next to my face! My aunt had no idea of the impact this was having on me, but I couldn't believe what was happening! I could just make out the blur of her insteps in my peripheral vision but detected no smell or odour, despite her feet being warm from the tickles they'd had! I realised that I could reach behind me and tickle my aunt’s stocking soles again, and felt her relax and smile as I did so. I tickled her for a few minutes more, but then suddenly had an even better idea....

I asked my aunt to lift her feet off and she initially refused, joking that I was her foot stool and she was comfy. I said I had an idea that she’d like and eventually she relented, lifting her feet from my shoulders. I said that my sister and I were opening a beauty parlour, and that she could be our first customer. My aunt agreed, and I said that my sister would brush her hair (something she'd taken to doing during the holiday), and I would tickle her feet. Happy to entertain us my aunt went along with this, but before we began I said she should put her slippers back on, as if she was coming in from the street. She did just this, and also took her handbag with her too for good measure. While my aunt waited outside I told my sister to get lots of cushions so my aunt was comfy. Once they were all piled up on the floor, we announced to my aunt that we were ready. She knocked on the door and greeted us, saying that she was here for her appointment. We welcomed her and ushered her in, sitting her down against the cushions. I had got into the role of the spokesman, and referred to her as 'madam' and myself as 'sir' throughout the whole event.

‘Good evening, Madam! Which appointments have you come in for today?’ I asked my aunt in a sing-song voice.

‘I’ve come to have my hair brushed and my feet massaged!’ my aunt replied.

‘Very good! My assistant will brush Madam’s hair, while sir will tend to Madam’s feet! Will Madam be having her feet massaged, stroked, rubbed or tickled?'

‘Oooh, tickling! It’s MUCH more relaxing!’

‘Then tickling it is, Madam! Now, if Madam is comfortable then sir will remove her slippers and start tickling Madam’s feet!’

To be honest, my aunt could have chosen any option and I’d have been happy! However, hearing her say that tickling was more relaxing showed me just how much she enjoyed it. I slid my aunt’s slippers from her feet and began tickling her soft stocking soles. Because tickling was my aunt’s preferred option I paid extra attention to my technique, exploring different parts of her feet instead of remaining in one spot. This new dedication and attention to detail obviously made a difference as my aunt commented on my handiwork, saying my touch was 'just right'. Buoyed by this, I had an idea that would potentially take things to another level for me. During the holiday my aunt had worn either tan or greyish white tights, and my preference - then as now - is for black tights. Feeling bold for an 11 year old, but maintaining the 'Sir' character as a defence mechanism to mask my desire, I decided to chance my luck!

'Sir has noticed that Madam has been wearing same coloured tights every day, and thinks that Madam should wear black tights instead!'

I was a bit worried I’d said too much, but my aunt thankfully saw the funny side of this and laughed. However, she sadly - though understandably! - didn't follow up on my suggestion! Relieved, I continued to slowly stroke and tickle her stocking feet for about ten minutes more, savouring each touch before my aunt suggested that my sister and I swap places. I went along with this and brushed her hair so as to not look suspicious, but needless to say I didn't enjoy this as much! As a sidenote, my aunt mentioned the 'black tights instead' comment to my mother a few days later. Although she recalled it with a smile and a laugh, I certainly felt awkward when she said it!

It was soon time for bed, and I lay awake for ages thinking about everything that had just happened. I knew it was something hugely significant, even if my 11 year old mind couldn’t truly appreciate the scale of it. However, despite my youth I instinctively knew that it would be better staying my little secret, as I didn’t want everybody knowing how excited I got over stocking feet. These thoughts were broken when my aunt gently opened the door to check if my sister and were asleep. I noticed that she was still in her stocking feet, and wondered if she'd not bothered putting her slippers back on from before. After my aunt said goodnight, I suddenly thought about things from her perspective; did she know exactly how much I’d enjoyed tickling her stocking feet? My gut instinct was that she'd seen it as nothing more than youthful exuberance, but if she did know....would she have been so happy to let me continue tickling her feet? Furthermore, if she did know my secret, would she let me tickle her again or would this be a one off? I reassured myself that she'd just seen it as harmless childhood fun and nothing out of the ordinary, and eventually drifted off to sleep. However, it turned out that she may have had an inkling....

The following night we were looking at holiday slides on a projector (no Internet in the mid 80s!). My aunt and I sat together on the sofa where it was just the two of us. I'd noticed that she'd kicked off her slippers, and would sneak discreet glances at her stocking feet under the cover of darkness. I then realised that the darkness could help me; I slowly slid my right socked foot over to her left until they were faintly touching. I reckoned that if my aunt said something then I could say that I'd not seen her foot in the dark. My foot remained next to hers for a few minutes, until my aunt stood up and put her slippers back on to get a drink. I was slightly disappointed her slippers had gone back on, and worried that she'd done so after feeling my foot against hers. However, when she returned her slippers were instantly kicked off again, pleasing me immensely. As the lights were still turned off I felt confident enough to slide my foot back over. To my total delight and surprise, my aunt reciprocated and grazed my right foot with her left. I froze with excitement but slowly moved my foot back over, and in response my aunt shuffled slightly in her seat and pressed her left stocking foot against my right! Our feet remained in contact for the rest of the night, sometimes pressing against each other but mainly just faintly touching. Again, I'm sure that my aunt put this down to horseplay and childishness on my part. Regardless, she'll always remain my first indulgence in stocking feet and, as a result, this remains one of my favourite experiences.

Cheers, everybody,
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Hey Smash, great story about your first experience. In regards to the Copperfield clip, those aren't TV screens just robotics. In terms of experiences handling women's nylon feet with the magic consultation, you are right, they are numerous. Maybe when I get a moment, I will try to identify my favorite one and recount it for you.
Thanks again Smash.....I enjoyed reading that as much as you did experiencing it I think!!

My aunts would walk around in their stocking feet to..but had ticklish feet...so I would sit and get excited watching people chase them round trying to get them and tickle their stocking feet...which gladly happened a lot!!! Will tell you about it soon!!

Thanks a gain M8!
Glad you liked it guys, and I'd love to hear your stories RD, I'm waiting patiently! Same with your accounts, boyne...what an interest to have!

I hope we get to hear more from lovenylonfeet about Jo and Lorraine as well, those stories are hot! I've got more aunt stories, but they're more foot-based than tickling so may not fit in here.

Cheers, everybody,
@ Smash TV - what a completely awesome Aunt, sounds like my "Aunt" Lorraine and like her I definitely reckon she knew what she was doing......

Gonna post another Jo & Lorraine experience soon but I've got on that I want to get up here about my wife's Aunt which is happening as we speak...........LOL

Catch you guys soon and cheers for the tonnes of posts out there, awesomely awesome haha

These are great great stories by all...thanks for sharing. The one about getting Jo's Mom for the first time is as good as it gets.

Keep up the great work.
Defo more coming MasterTickle, been real tricky getting the private time to get my memories down, but wait til you hear what happened with Jo's Mom when I came back from uni LOL!!! The tickle torture with "Aunty Lorraine" took the best twist it could ever have, and I took full advantage of it haha!!

Amazing tales out there guys and gals, keep em coming as I know I'm not the only one that gets off on tickling an older woman's nylon feet hahaha, hopefully we'll see some experiences from the female point of view here soon eh, haha!!

Have a good one all & make the whole world laugh!!
Jo's Mom!!!

Saw this pic and thought it might be appropriate. A nice thick woman
showing off her nylon sole wearing slippers

OMG hahaha, that IS Jo's Mom!!!! The glorious "Aunty Lorraine" who used to let me tickle her nyloned feet throughout my teenage years and once past them LOL!!

tyf69.....I owe you a beer man that pic is the spitting image of what her stunning lower half looked like haha - awesome find man!!
Bump again!

Looking forward to more stories when you have time, LNF. I'm also interested in hearing more about Jo!

Cheers, everybody,
are you still coming to this site? i love a lady in RHT stockings - would like to hear more about the other mature women you tickled
One (or three!) of my favourite stories of the last few years; sadly, lovenylonfeet hasn't been around here for a while. A shame, as I enjoyed his tales... (*sigh*) At least the re-bump allowed me to remember my own memories!

Cheers, everybody,
SmashTV well what do you know mate it looks like you're still on here....

Lovenylonfeet account just expired or something as couldn't log back in after all this time - took the plunge and registered a new one under a different name - now just need to find the time to get another, very recent, Aunty Lorraine experience down for you guys - it was Jo's wedding two months ago and what were they both wearing!! SHEER RHT's!!!

Just looking back over this old thread and wanted to say thanks and cheers to you all and the tidy comments you've left here - looking forward to getting stuck back in again after all this time off, birth of a son can do that to you hahaha!!
I thought it would be only fair after a lot of time away from here to return in true style..... I present to you Aunty Lorraine's GORGEOUSLY TICKLISH sheer nylon feet!!!! Enjoy!!

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